Imagine DI Greg Lestrade
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Side blog dedicated to DI Greg Lestrade and the man who plays him- Rupert Graves
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
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Tumblr! Sherlock’s very own Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat will be doing an Answer Time right here at 11am EST on Monday, July 9th. We’re launching the #SummerofSherlock before the opening of The Game Is Now later this year. 
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
Just a little update!
Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been active on the blog for a little while.
My nan has been in hospital so I've been visiting her a lot and taking care of her house and things while she's in. She is getting better and hopefully should be out soon! She's been in longer than any of us had anticipated due to unforeseen circumstances but she is slowly recovering 😊
That's the reason why I haven't posted updates as of late. I've been so busy with her and everything else that I've barely had the time to write and edit what I've got written down.
When she gets out everything should be back to normal again! Again, I'm so sorry and I feel so awful not updating! You are all amazing and I just want to share all my ideas with you!
Thank you for understanding and all the support! ❤️
Em x
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
If anyone missed the first episode of 'Patrick Melrose' here's a link to the first episode! 😁
The Radio Times have put the first episode on their Facebook page and I must say Benedict is absolutely astounding in it!
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
Will there be an update for one of the boys tonight or should I go back to sleep???
I'm going to post an update sometime this week! I'm sorry about the lack of posts recently, I've just been very busy! Thank you in advance for understanding 😁❤️
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
What an amazing opportunity! 😱
CALLING ALL BENEDICT FANS: Benedict Cumberbatch and the Sherlock cast want YOU to join in London for the most epic breakfast ever. GO:
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
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Happy Sherlock-Holmes-threw-himself-over-a-waterfall-and-pretended-to-be-dead-for-some-years-Day!
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
One of the boys.
Summary: You live in the middle of London with four boys; Greg, Sherlock, John and Mycroft. It was never going to be easy, especially after falling for the silver haired DI...
Warnings: lil angst, y'all are gonna hate me for the ending 😭
A/N: I'm so sorry it's late 😓😩 I've been a bit busier than usual! Next week should be back to normal though! Also this is the second last part!! Next week will be the last! I hope you all enjoy and have a good week! 😁❤️
Missed the last part? Catch up here
Chapter 14
"I thought you'd be over the moon about this, Y/N!" The foreign secretary chuckled.
"Oh," you forced a small smile "I...I am." You looked down at the piece of paper confirming your job in the States "I am..." your mind drifted back to the boys, mainly Greg who would probably be exchanging saliva somewhere with Dolores. You smiled again, this time a genuine one "I think I need this. I need to go and develop as a person. My roommates can't depend on me for the rest of their lives."
"Exactly!" He tapped your shoulder.
"I'd appreciate it if you kept this on the low for now. Don't tell Mycroft!" You quickly snapped and the foreign secretary's eyes widened slightly at your sudden outburst. You lightly laughed "I want to tell him myself, that's why..." you made up a believable excuse. The secretary nodded and left you to get on with your work- although, you couldn't focus on it.
You arrived home and placed down your things with a sigh, tiredly rubbing your face and smudging half of your makeup. You pulled back your hand and let out a groan under your breath seeing black streaks over them. "Hello?" You heard Greg call out.
"Only me," you replied "Dinner smells good..." you walked towards the kitchen- freezing when you saw him doing the dishes with a nervous look on his face "What?"
Greg slowly placed down the plate he was holding and grimaced "We didn't think you'd be back for dinner..." your brows furrowed "Sherlock assumed since you never phoned or texted you'd be working late and would bring something in..."
"He assumed?" You mocked his words "So I'm suck without any dinner?" He nodded and you let out a dry laugh "Well thanks for that! Thanks for saying something to him too. Where is he?"
"You've just missed him, he's away to the cinema with Molly, Mary and John. Sorry."
You held your hand up "I really didn't need this today Greg. I'm starving. I've been busy all bloody day so I never had the chance to text!" You snapped "You know, I've only just realised how much I do for all of you. I cook, clean, get the shopping, have to deal with your irritating girlfriend-"
"-What?!" He let out a laugh "Girlfriend? You mean Dolores?"
Even the mention of her name annoyed you. You were becoming increasingly more irritated the longer you lingered in the flat. Perhaps signing that contract was a good move. You looked up to Greg and saw a flash of something in his eyes- you didn't know what it was. A mixture of confusion, annoyance, even a glimmer of amusement. You shook your head "You know what, I don't have time for this." You turned on your heel and grabbed your coat and bag.
Greg sighed "Where are you going?"
"I'm going out for dinner since my asshole roommates didn't save me any!" You hissed and slammed the door shut, instantly regretting it when it shook the wall you had shut it with so much force. You shut your eyes and let out a huff of air, turning around and stretching your hand out to open the door. You stopped just before your fingertips touched the cool metal. Stepping back slightly you made the decision not to open the door.
But it opened anyway.
Greg was on the other side. He hadn't taken off the bright yellow rubber gloves he had on while he washed the dishes. "I'm sorry..."
"Me too," you quietly admitted.
Greg took off the glove and reached for your wrist, your whole arm being set alight by his touch to the point that it almost burned you. "I can make you something," he offered and you smiled. It soon fell when you heard Greg's name being shrieked at the end of the corridor.
"I've got to go," you tightly smiled and pulled your wrist out of his grip.
"Y/N, wait!" He called out but you kept walking as you brushed passed Dolores, not even acknowledging her. Greg let out a sigh but greeted Dolores with a half smile, he felt awful that you had gone.
An hour later- after spending most of it walking about London- you had picked up dinner and returned to the flat, quietly picking up cutlery and a plate to eat dinner in your room. While you sat at your desk, which was acting as a dining table you had so much Chinese takeaway on it, you went on your laptop and went through a few emails.
From FM: re Washington.
You opened the email with a heavy heart and kept re-reading it wondering if it was some twisted dream.
Dear Y/N, Find attached your boarding pass and details of your contract. You've made the right choice.
"Have I?" You whispered to your computer. There wasn't really any going back now. Sure, you always had the option to leave the job if you didn't like it. But the opportunity was like gold dust. After finishing replying to your emails, you grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, tapping the writing utensil multiple times against the desk and your bottom lip as you thought about what you were going to write.
A letter would be the easiest way to say goodbye. Less painful for both parties and the boys wouldn't have the chance to plead with you which would certainly make you change your mind. Greg would be the one that would make you change your mind. Perhaps that's one of the few reasons why you had to get away, Greg was with Dolores who was the complete opposite of you. He probably wouldn't even picture having a romantic relationship with you.
When you finished writing you folded the piece of paper and put it in an envelope and let out a huff, letting out an even bigger one when you heard Dolores loudly laugh.
"This is for the best."
The following days dragged in and despite almost being caught multiple times, you had managed to pack up most of your things.
The letter you had wrote hadn't moved from your desk.
"Mycroft is back today," John spoke up as he read the morning paper.
You snapped out of your daydream "Oh?" You took a sip of coffee acting as if you weren't about to travel thousands of miles away later in the day. "Who's picking him up?"
"Think he said a car was going to get alright?" You felt your fingers tremble with nerves seeing him raise a concerned brow at you.
"Yeah!" You faked a smile "Perfectly fine!" You stood up "I've got to go to work."
"See you later!"
You hesitated placing your cup in the sink. He wouldn't. Neither would Sherlock or Mycroft or Greg. You turned to him with a thin grin "Yeah, I'll see you later." You squeezed his shoulders and pressed a quick peck to his temple. A simple way of saying goodbye without him getting suspicious.
"Off already?" Greg was passing the door just as you were approaching it.
"Y-yeah! Busy day!" The longer you were spending in the flat the more nervous you were getting. "Sherlock?" You called out and he popped his head out from around the corner "I'll see you later..." your words struggled to leave you mouth but somehow managed to without causing suspicion. You gathered your things and hurried out the door. It only felt like you were clawing your fingers into the floorboards to stay and now you couldn't wait to get out.
Eventually arriving at work you were met with cheers, balloons and streams of ribbon that was holding up 'Good Luck' signs.
It hit you like a ton of bricks. You were really leaving.
"It won't be goodbye for long," the foreign minister pat your shoulder "I'll be in D.C next month and I'm almost certain we'll bump into each other!" He laughed "Congratulations Y/N."
"Thank you," you shook his hand "I think I'm think I'm doing the right thing..."
"You'll never know unless you try. You better get ready! You have a plane to catch!"
You gulped and rubbed your sweaty palms on your trouser legs "Right, I can't believe this is really happening..." you admitted- mainly to yourself. A car took you back to the flat where you picked up your suitcases and phoned a taxi.
The whole house was silent. A rare thing.
You picked up the letter and placed it where one of them would see it as soon as they walked into the house. When the taxi pulled up outside you rushed downstairs and got in it "Where are you off to?" He cabbie asked.
You took one final look at you flat and absently smiled "London Heathrow, please."
"What's all this then?" Mycroft narrowed his eyes at all the mess inside the communal area at Downing Street "Looks like you've been having a party instead of running the country..." he scoffed.
"Oh but we have!" Someone piped up "Sorry you missed it! I'm sure Y/N would have loved to have had you here."
A look of confusion flickered over Mycroft's distinctively hard demeanour "Y/N? Why Y/N?"
"It was her party!" The same person chuckled "She's leaving for Washington! The job in the embassy! She got it..." Mycroft was taken aback, he knew the job had been advertised and then he found out that someone got it. He didn't know that someone was you. Mycroft stormed out the building and into a car, practically ordering the poor driver to speed back to the flat as quickly as he could. He tried phoning you but your phone was on silent in your pocket.
Greg was the first to arrive home and as soon as he did, he found the envelope staring at him as soon as he went in. He picked it up and read what was inside.
'My boys,
I'm sorry leaving you out of the blue like this but saying goodbye to you all face to face would have broken my heart.
I was offered a press secretary job in the British embassy in Washington. I accepted the job. I accepted it without telling you all.
By the time any one of you read this I'll probably be on my flight, I'm sorry. The past five years living with all of you have probably been the funniest, most irritable, stressful and best years of my life.
I've left three months rent in my room on my desk, it should be enough time to get a new roommate by then. I've hired a removal company that will take the boxes in my room in about two weeks time and take them to my parents house.
I'm so sorry I didn't have the balls to say goodbye to you all in person.
I love you all so much.
Y/N x'
Greg dropped the letter, his heart shattering to the point where it was too painful to breathe. He fumbled around to get his phone and as he rang your number Sherlock and John appeared. "It's Y/N," Greg's voice cracked "She's gone."
Grey skies lingered over the city long enough for it to rain "Hope you're going to somewhere sunnier than this!" The cabbie joked and you managed to crack a smile.
"Afraid not, pretty much the same climate..." you replied and glanced down at your watch. You knew one of them would be home by now and would have already read the letter. When you took your phone out your pocket and saw the endless amounts of missed calls and messages, you knew for sure. He pulled up to the drop off point across the road from the terminal building "Thank you," you handed him over what you owed plus a tip. He helped you with your bags and you thanked him again before he left. You stood under the roof until the rain died down a little and crossed over to the island between the roads.
You were halfway through crossing the other road when you heard your mane being screamed from behind. You froze and glanced over your shoulder, turning back around and coming face to face with the bright headlights of a car.
Tags: (Let me know if you'd like to be tagged/untagged)
@daynaan-black-dawn @the-baby-bookworm @imnottalkingtoyou @theyre-my-divsion @girl-next-door-writes @annkli @wcsteland @heyyou-guys @redgreyandpurple @babynovak05 @princesspeach212 @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis @holmes-maev @disneymarina @let-me-try-mom @jaylarkson @backfromtheedge @randomtwistedlife @usetheforce3434 @omalleysgirl22 @buttercup337 @the-89percentgay-bi @mischeif-managed1987 @independentgirl @justagirlwhoknew @ehvarr (link not working)
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
when will part 14 of one of the boys be released?? I’m in loveeee with the story and need me some Greg!! ❤️❤️
Ahh thank you so much! 😁❤️ I’ll be posting it tomorrow, I’ve been super busy and haven’t had the time to double check it and edit it!
I’m sorry it’s a bit later than usual but part fourteen packs a punch 😭
Thank you in advance for understand 😊❤️
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
@marcceh also requested Greg/Jim and 13. Roommates
For crying out loud, Greg, can you not_” Jim said as he walked into the kitchen with Greg’s dirty rugby jersey and right into the sight of Jim’s housemate, Greg, making out with one of the guys from his rugby team. Before he could leave the room again Greg looked up “J-Jim..” he stuttered as he turned bright red. “I-I thought you-you were- well not home.”
It wasn’t that Jim minded Greg being with a boy, he liked boys himself after all, but he hadn’t expected Greg to- Greg had only brought girls home before and had not even seemed to notice Jim’s casual flirting.
“You left your jersey in the bathroom.” Jim said. In those few seconds Jim deduced much more than he wanted to know. He saw that Greg had topped, that it had been rough, how Greg had- Jim stopped his brain from recalling these deductions, tossed the jersey to Greg and left the kitchen.
If it was up to Jim he would hide in his bedroom all day, but he had an important test to go to. He stopped on his way to uni for coffee because he’d avoided the kitchen before leaving.
The test didn’t go all too well. It was still easy enough so he knew he passed it even with being distracted, but he couldn’t get the image of Greg kissing out of his head. When he got home he headed to his room at once. He didn’t quite feel like talking to greg yet.
“Hey Jim?” Came Greg’s voice through his door in the early evening. Jim had been trying to work on an essay (and failing to focus on it).
“What?” He replied a little grumpily.
Greg slowly opened the door. He’d just finished his post-training shower and clearly had spent his whole shower (it had been 50% longer than the usual) thinking about how to talk to Jim.
“Not spending any more time with what’s-his-name?”
“Victor? No! I mean- he’s nice and all that but-but that was just an one night stand. And look I’m sorry, I really thought you were out.”
Jim pointedly kept looking at the screen of his computer. Greg took a hesitant step forward. When Jim didn’t tell him to leave he crossed the room and put his hand on Jim’s shoulder “Jim…”
Jim didn’t say anything. Greg squinted “are you jealous?” He asked surprised “because I kissed Victor and not you?”
Jim looked up at Greg, his cheeks burning. Had he really been that obvious? Greg leaned in and kissed Jim. It wasn’t rough but it wasn’t exactly soft either. Greg gave him a good moment to pull back and only when Jim replied the kiss did Greg kiss more roughly. It felt like forever and less than a moment at the same time to Jim until Greg pulled away to catch his breath.
“Why did you not do that before?” Jim asked in an attempt to sound a little smug.
“I thought you didn’t like me like me like that.” Greg admitted. “And you’re kind of out of my league?”
“I’m out of your league???” Jim asked surprised. “You’re the rugby jock and I’m the math nerd.”
“Uhm what you could practically be a model Jim. And I should know, I’ve seen you shirtless.”
Jim blushed even more at this “says you! Those goddamn muscles should be illegal.”
“Pro’s of a rugby player.” Greg winked. “Now that’s out of the air, I would very much like to have a long and lazy snog on the couch.”
“Mmh. Yes please.” Jim replied and abandoned the essay he wasn’t able to focus on anyway.
Moriarty drabble list/drabble request
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
Hey, I was just wondering if I missed the last chapters of soul before s? Because I totally love that story but I feel like I missed updates the last updates?
Hey nonnie! I haven’t posted it the last two weeks because I’ve been super busy 😓 sorry about that! But I’ll be posting an update this Friday 😁
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
One of the boys.
Summary: You live in the middle of London with four boys; Greg, Sherlock, John and Mycroft. It was never going to be easy, especially after falling for the silver haired DI...
Warnings: swearing
A/N: I hope you all enjoy and have a good week! 😁❤️
Missed the last part? Catch up here
Chapter 13
"She loves me the most..."
"No she doesn't! She loves me the most! Look she's wagging her tail while looking at me."
"She does that to everyone! You aren't special. Sherlock admit it, Lulu loves me more than you."
You had been debating with Sherlock about who the puppy loved most ever since she came into the flat. The two of you where on the couch with her, she was bouncing between the pair of you.
"What did you make of last night?" Sherlock quietly asked as he scratched the back of the dogs ear.
"What do you mean?" You asked before cooing to the dog when she came back to you.
Sherlock rolled his eyes but before he could say anything, John walked in. "What is that mutt doing on the couch."
You gasped and turned your head around to him "That's not a nice thing to say about Sherlock!" You couldn't help but smirk at the two men who sent you a deadpanned glare. "Molly asked me to dog-sit while she's at a friends wedding."
John walked over and turned on the tv, the news was on and you all settled down to watch it "Think you'll ever get married Y/N," you snorted in amusement at the out of the blue comment.
"Well Prince Harry is cute..." you thought aloud, seeing him on the screen.
Sherlock scoffed "Oh as if you're going to marry a prince!"
You turned your head and glared at him "Thanks Sherlock."
The three of you watched the news until your stomachs grumbled "I'm starving!" Sherlock whined and you moved to check the fridge, it was almost bare.
"Looks like I'm going to have to go to the shops," you sighed as you leaned over the fridge door. You shut it over at the same time someone had opened the front door. Lulu barked and scampered to greet Greg and by greet she nibbled at the bottom of his trouser legs.
You peered your head around the doorframe and smiled at the sight of Greg holding Lulu in both hands trying his best to pry his fingers from her teeth "She's adorable! When is Molly coming to pick her up?"
"Tomorrow morning, just before I go to work,"' you walked over to him "Anything you fancy for dinner? There's nothing in and I was going to head out just now to get it."
"I'll come with you then," he put down the dog "I'm sure Sherlock could babysit for an hour." You heard a faint cheer coming from the sofa behind you which made you roll your eyes.
"Fine...let me grab my coat and-"
"Already got it!" Greg smiled and held it out for you, allowing you to skip your arms into the sleeves. It was a small gesture but it made your heart skip a beat.
Arriving at the supermarket, Greg grabbed a trolley and pushed it around. You climbed on the end of it and held onto it right as he zoomed you around "I love doing this!" You laughed before climbing in the thing completely, your legs dangling over the end "Onwards!" You pointed and Greg sped though the aisle, both of you laughing your heads off.
"As fun as this is, we need to get some shopping..."
"Such a buzzkill," you groaned and got out of the trolley. You began tossing things in when Greg asked you something you were hoping he wouldn't.
"Was Dolores staying over last night okay?"
You froze midway though putting in a packet of pasta in the trolley. How the hell were you supposed to respond to that? 'No Greg, it pissed me off. Do you know why it pissed me off? Because I've liked you for god knows how long so you letting her stay AGAIN wasn't okay! It wasn't fucking okay! Not only that, she snores louder than an a bloody airplane taking off. So, to answer your question- NO. NO. NO. NO-'
"Yeah!" You squeaked out "Totally fine!" You forced a smile and continued walking.
"Are you sure?" He hurried to catch up with you.
"I have never been more sure of anything in my life..." you tried to not sound too sarcastic. Greg didn't say anything else, he didn't say anything else for the rest of the trip and on the way home.
"You're quiet..." you finally broke the silence just as you approached the flat.
"And you're lying..." he uttered.
Your brows knitted together "What?" You shook your head "What are you on about?"
"Dolores staying," he elaborated "You've never really liked her and I can tell."
You let out a dry laugh "Are you kidding me? I told you back at the shop that I was fine with it!" You noticed out of the corner of your eye people watching your little spat in the middle of the street. "Greg, I'm going to tell you this once- I do not give a shit who you date. If you want to date a woman who snores louder than a jet engine then that's up to-"
"There! See!" He cut you off "You don't like her or else why would you say something like that?!" You looked up to the sky and shook your head, bitterly laughing.
You didn't stay to argue, instead you walked straight passed him and went up the stairs, leaving him with half the bags. "Make dinner for yourselves," you dumped the bags on the countertop with a thud. Before heading to your room you grabbed Lulu "I'm not hungry." Sherlock and John exchanged wary glances. They had never seen you so infuriated before, even when Sherlock accidentally threw out your favourite jumper claiming that it 'looked like a burnt dishtowel'.
Moments later Greg arrived in the flat with a miserable look on his face "I'll be in my room, shout me when it's ready."
The doctor and consulting detective made dinner for themselves and Greg. Mycroft was at a dinner party all evening.
You lay on your bed pulling Lulus rope for her until she curled up and fell asleep and you were left doing nothing but staring up at the ceiling in a mood. Someone knocked on the door and you let out a huff "Go away..." you grumbled and covered your face with your pillow.
"It's only me," Sherlock came in, uninvited. "Brought you some dinner just incase you were hungry." You removed the pillow and sat up, as soon as you smelled the pasta, you realised how hungry you were. Careful not to disturb the dog, you crossed your legs and sat at the very top of your bed and took the bowl from Sherlock with a smile. "you want to talk about it?"
"No..." you replied, playing with your food a little before eating a mouthful.
"I'm relieved about know I hate discussing...feelings." He shivered ever so slightly.
You burned your eyes into the duvet in front of you "Actully," you handed him back the bowl "I'm not hungry."
Sherlock sighed "What's the matter? That time of the month?"
"Sherlock would you stop blaming everything on my periods and stop keeping track of them!" You snapped and Sherlock's eyes grew a little wider at the outburst "Just-" you sighed and rubbed your face "Just leave me be." He opened his mouth again but you were quick to interject "The dog is staying in my room."
When you woke up the next morning you felt just as awful as you did last night however you smiled when you saw Lulu still sleeping at the end of your bed. You shuffled down to the bottom and gave her stomach a scratch, she sprung to life after that.
It was just as well she did because Molly knocked on the door a few minutes later "How was she?" She asked with a grin.
"Perfect! Lulu is welcome to stay anytime!" You smiled and handed her over her dog.
Molly looked at you with a worried frown "Are you alright, Y/N?"
"What? Yeah! Just haven't had much sleep, once I pop in for a shower and grab some breakfast I'll be right as rain!" You assured her with a toothy smile.
"Okay, I hope you're feeling a little more awake before you leave for work!" She chirped "Thanks again! You were a lifesaver!"
You walked her out "Anytime, she was a joy to have! See you later!" You pecked each other on the cheek before she left with Lulu in her arms. You shut the door over and let out a sigh "I'm going for a shower," you announced to the whole flat before cracking a joke "So go now or forever hold your pee-ce..."
You checked the time, it was almost ten, everyone would be out already and you had work in an hour. Speedily washing and changing, you grabbed an apple and ate it on on the way to work. It was beautiful out and the London sunshine out a spring in your step and compared to last night, your mood was ten times better. That was until you remembered why you were so upset, unintentionally dragging yourself into the pit of gloom you had spent all night trying to get out of.
Arriving at Downing Street just in time, you made your way to your usual spot in the foreign secretary's office.
"Confratulations!" He bellowed as soon as you walked into his office, giving you such a fright you almost flew to the roof.
"For what?" You asked clutching onto your chest and letting out a breathy laugh "Making it in to work on time and in one piece?"
He let it a loud laugh before holding up a piece of paper in front of your face. All the colour drained from you and you suddenly felt very lightheaded. Maybe you should have eaten something more substantial than an apple. You took the paper from him and saw your name scribbled at the bottom of the contract he had given you. "You have the green light Y/N! You've been accepted!"
"Wh-what? I-I didn't-" you stammered, resting your hand against your forehead.
"Oh don't act so shocked! You're wonderful at what you do! I'm nog surprised you got it!" He tapped your shoulder, brining you back into the room and out of the dazed trance you were in. "Just think...your whole life will be completely transformed in two weeks!"
You shifted your eyes from the paper to look at him "Two weeks?!"
Tags: (Let me know if you'd like to be tagged/untagged)
@daynaan-black-dawn @the-baby-bookworm @imnottalkingtoyou @theyre-my-divsion @girl-next-door-writes @annkli @wcsteland @heyyou-guys @redgreyandpurple @babynovak05 @princesspeach212 @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis @holmes-maev @disneymarina @let-me-try-mom @jaylarkson @backfromtheedge @randomtwistedlife @usetheforce3434 @omalleysgirl22 @buttercup337 @the-89percentgay-bi @mischeif-managed1987 @independentgirl @justagirlwhoknew
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
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35? - Greg, Sherlock &John Artwork - My Scan/Edit of a poster bought at Sherlocked 2016, I sadly do not know who made this artwork as it’s not mentioned on it -  This took over 3 hours to do so as it’s an A2 poster. Please do not repost Anywhere.
More Sherlocked Promos here: (Sherlock & Irene 1), (Sherlock & John Black bg1), (Moriarty cream bg), (S & J under the arches), (S & J at Battersea), (Sherlock in court), (Martin & Beryl BTS), (Amanda, Benedict, Sue & Beryl BTS), (Amanda & Mark in TAB costume), (Group shot orange bg), (The Abominable Bride), (Kitty Riley), (Sherlock & Kitty), (Sherlock TAB), (Sherlock at microscope), (Benedict, Steven & Mark S1), (Sherlock Great Game), (Sherlock Reichenbach Fall), (Moriarty TAB), (Irene Adler grey bg), (Sherlock & Irene S2), (Steven, Sue & Mark BTS), (Sherlock & Moriarty having tea), (Sherlock in an alleyway), (Young Sherlock), (Lara as Irene Adler), (Irene w/gun), (Una & Sue BTS), (Smiley 221b wall), (Arwel in 221b), (Sherlock Poster), (Watson TAB Poster), (Sherlock TAB Poster), (Sherlock Orange Poster), (Greg, Sherlock & John)
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
Hiya! Could I ask for a request please! It’s my birthday today so I was wondering if I could request a really fluffy Greg fic where it’s Y/N’s birthday and he’s the sweetest boyfriend ever 😃 haha
A/N: Happy birthday Bec! 😁💖 I hope you’ve had a lovely day and I hope this fic is fluffy enough for you!
You lightly groaned and rubbed your eyes hearing ‘happy birthday to you’ being lightly played throughout the bedroom. When you blinked your eyes open, a small smile formed on your face seeing Greg in front of you holding a plate with a cupcake on it with a lit candle sunk into the frosting.
“Happy birthday,” he smiled and held the plate a little closer to you so you could stretch up and blew out the candle. “I hope you made a wish…” Greg teased and placed the plate down on the bedside cabinet.
“I made one alright…” you smirk and sank your head back into the pillows. You noticed Greg was wearing his suit and that the sun was shining. He’d be on his way to work shortly. You grabbed his arm and tried to tug his closer to you “Stay,” you softly pleaded “Stay for five minutes longer.”
Greg sighed “I’ll miss the tube-”
“-Get a taxi.” You smirked “I’ll even pay.” You batted your eyelashes “My wish was for you to stay with me…”
Greg rolled his eyes and sighed, you couldn’t miss the large smirk on his face “Five minutes.”
Letting out a squeak of victory and joy you moved over a little to let him back into the bed, tossing the covers over him and pulling him closer to you by his suit jacket. Your noses gently bumped together just before he kissed you. You wrapped your arms behind his legs and twisted your legs between like you were an octopus “Do you have to go in today?” You whispered in his ear, you could feel his hand press into the small of your back.
“I do. The day will go so fast that you won’t even realise I’m gone!” You groaned and Greg let out a loud laugh “Alright, now I really have to go.” He untangled himself from you whist peppering kisses all over your face and neck. You watched him hurry out of the bedroom with a lazy smile on your face, eventually dozing off for another hour.
After breakfast- which Greg had prepared for you and left in the fridge compete with a little flower on the tray- the doorbell rang. Molly and Mary were on the other side.
“Happy birthday!” They both hugged you at the same time and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“We can’t dilly dally, our session is almost starting!” Mary grabbed your coat and put it on you.
You stood frozen with confusion “Session?” You repeated as she pushed you out your own front door.
“Yes! Greg booked you a spa pampering session for you birthday. He knew her was going to be working and didn’t want you to go alone so got passes for us too.” Molly explained and you felt your lips twitch upward as your heart swelled.
Greg was so unbelievably thoughtful.
But what you didn’t know is that Greg had devised a plan that Molly and Mary were in on. They were distracting you from what was happening back at the house.
“How was the spa?” Greg asked before pecking your lips when you returned home.
“Amazing, thank you so much. It was an amazing present!” You hugged him.
Greg pulled away with a sneaky smile on his face “You’ve still got more…” your brow arched a little “…to find.”
Your whole eyebrow almost flew off your face as he handed you a school of paper with clues on it. The words 'Present treasure hunt’ written at the top. There was a set of four riddles and clues on the sheet of paper “Number one-” you spoke aloud “The place where we’re were almost caught having fun before being caught by your mum…” you thought for a second before gasping “The kitchen table!”
You ran to the kitchen and found a box on it. When you opened it, inside was the bag you had wanted for ages…along with another clue. That clue led you back to the living room to behind the couch where there was a pair of shoes in a box as well as another clue. That riddle lead you to the storage cupboard where you found a dress and the final clue. He ad bought you an entire outfit as well as treat you to a spa day.
“Number four-” you paced a little on the spot “In this place we rest our heads. It is also where those three little words where first said.” You softly smiled remembering where the first time you and Greg had both said 'I love you’ to each other. The bedroom.
With a wide grin on your face you rushed to the bedroom where you were in awe at the effort Greg had made to decorate the place in candles, balloons and flowers. “Greg, this is-”
You turned around to face him but cut yourself off when you realised he wasn’t in front of you. He was on his knee with his hands held out, gripping into a little velvet box with white knuckles and trembling hands. Paranoid that he’d drop the thing and lose it. “I wanted to give you a birthday you’d remember. I also want to spend all your birthdays with you and make you smile every day of my life. So, will you marry me?”
You got down on your knees and rubbed the tips of your fingers over the back of his hands, soothing his nerves.
“Of course I’ll marry you.”
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
One of the boys.
Summary: You live in the middle of London with four boys; Greg, Sherlock, John and Mycroft. It was never going to be easy, especially after falling for the silver haired DI...
Warnings: swearing
A/N: Please don't kill me when you read the end 😂😭 I hope you all enjoy and have a good week! 😁❤️
Missed the last part? Catch up here
Chapter 12
"Mary, I'm on my lunch break-which I'm taking at my desk because I have a statement to I don't really have the time to talk to you about me going on date..."
You spoke to her through speaker phone as you frantically typed. You were sitting at a desk in the foreign ministers office, he was popping in and out at sporadic times.
"But Y/N!" She whined and you rolled your eyes "You know what they say!"
"No, I don't know what they say...enlighten me..." You sarcastically added just as the minister came back in and you waved him over to the computer to double check a statistic. He was always very lenient on allowing you to take personal phone calls in the office, especially when it was your own time.
"The way to get over a man is to get under another one!"
You glanced up to the foreign minister who raised his brows "Got to go, bye!" You quickly hung up before she could say anything else "Sorry about that!"
"Ah don't be, I've heard worse things!" He chuckled and you let out a huff of relaxed air "Bad date I assume?"
You shook your head "Awful! Thankfully my roommates came to the rescue." You typed away again before hearing the minister hum. You knew he was pondering over the right words to say. You usually did that job for him.
"How are things going with your roommates?"
You shrugged a shoulder "Alright, I guess. I mean I've lived with them for long enough. I think they depend on me a little bit, advice mainly. John is always coming to me and asking me questions on how to cope with Mary." You stopped typing and let out a sigh "Maybe that's why I'm a bit...reserved about the job you put me forward for. I'd have to leave. I want to stay to be there for them."
A moment of silence passed before the minister said something that would change your perspective of everything. "Just because you want to stay doesn't mean you should. You never know, you might appreciate them more from further away-that the times you will spend together in the future after not seeing each other for a while will be so much more worth while."
He left you alone with your thoughts when he went to go to a meeting. An hour of constant typing and deliberation later, you left to go to the culture ministers office. She was quite ruthless, never liking what you wrote and making you rewrite it dozens of times. Today was no different, after spending hours with her you felt like a zombie when you were finished. You had to drag yourself onto the tube to go home. Your feet were aching and your head was pounding. You wanted nothing more than to lounge on the couch all night and catch up with the tv series you and the boys had started. A nice, quiet night in.
Walking to the flat you heard Sherlock playing his violin rather loudly. You guessed he was trying to drown out the constant ramblings of John or Greg or Mycroft. Sherlock had done that to you plenty of times, if you were giving him a lecture he'd grab onto his violin and start playing in attempts to make you leave him alone. The others did, you never.
Approaching the front door you pushed it open only to find Sherlock in your face. "What are you doing here?" He sounded nervous.
You raised a brow at him "Uh I live here..."
"Right..." Sherlock uttered as you stripped off your jacket and placed your bag by your feet. You picked your bag back up and attempted to move passed Sherlock but he swerved in the same direction, blocking you from getting into the flat. He sent you a toothy grin. You glared at him.
"Stop it," you went to the left and he did the same "Sherlock stop acting like a child and let me through!" You went to the right and so did he "Sherlock!" You snapped "I've had a fucking shitty day. The culture secretary has been bursting my balls all afternoon not to mention I'm starving! Let. Me. Through. I will punch your dick if you don't." Sherlock quickly covered his groin with both hands, allowing you to pass him.
But there was a reason why he was blocking you.
Sherlock was trying to protect you.
Stepping forward you heard her obnoxious laugh, you eyes squeezed shut "You've got to be shitting me..." you spoke to yourself before glancing to Sherlock behind your shoulder. He sent you a sympathetic smile. You turned around again and puffed out your chest slightly, soaking up as much confidence and ignorance as you could. You didn't want to even acknowledge her, especially after such a rubbish day.
"Hi everyone!" You chirped on your way to your bedroom, tossing your bag on your bed and undoing the top two buttons of your shirt. You slid off your shoes and put on your cozy slippers instead, grabbing your silky dressing gown on the way out and securing it where your skirt met your shirt. You wandered into the kitchen, unintentionally burning your eyes into the back of Dolores' head in attempts to make it explode somehow as she laughed again and twisted her fingers between locks of Greg's hair.
It made your blood boil.
You were hit with the smell of roast chicken when you entered the kitchen "Smells good John!" He smiled at you as he played up "You want a glass of wine?"
"Love one!" He sighed out. You knew he had a fun evening dealing with both Sherlock and Dolores. You grabbed the glasses and got the wine from the fridge, you poured a glass and he took a large gulp "Are you having one?" You were about to pour out your own, Dolores' laugh put you off. Letting out a long huff you scrapped the glass and drank from the bottle. John raised both brows and released the air he was holding in his mouth "So its been that kind of day..."
You swallowed the wine in your mouth "You have no idea." You grabbed your plate and kept the wine under your arm "I'm having dinner in my room..." you grumbled and stormed off, slamming your door shut behind you.
In order to drown out Dolores' voice you got on with some work. That, along with the wine seemed to have helped. She eventually shut up, you were hoping she had left.
Leaving your room to go to the bathroom, you didn't realise how late it was until you saw it was pitch black outside. Quietly walking to the bathroom, you avoided the creaky parts of the floorboard. You stepped on one when you heard a snore shake through the flat. There was no denying who that snore belonged to. And it was coming from Greg's room.
It felt like a corkscrew had been plunged into your heart and Dolores was the one menacingly twisting it. You had to support one hand on the wall as you hunched over with pain.
"Yeah?" You croaked out.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Mycroft." You didn't turn around to look at him and quickly placed a hand on your stomach. "Cramp..." you made up an excuse.
"Oh alright, I think there's some painkillers in the cabinet. Goodnight." He disappeared back into his room and you felt your body start to fall to the floor in the middle of the hallway.
You managed to drag yourself to the living room and open up the window. You perched yourself on the ledge and inhaled the biggest gulp of air you could muster. Your head was a little fuzzy from having almost a whole bottle of wine. Your head fell back against the window frame and you stared at the moon.
"What are you doing?" You turned your head and saw Sherlock before looking back outside again.
"I'm looking at the moon..." you replied.
Sherlock walked over and joined you, mirroring your sitting position "Why? Are you a werewolf?" He snorted.
"I wish I could turn into one so I could bite your arm off," you playfully threatened and shared a small laugh with him before the smile on your face vanished.
Sherlock noticed the look on your face. He didn't feel things but he knew when you were feeling. He knew when you were hurting. "How long have we known each other?" He asked.
"Too long..." you joked.
Sherlock rolled his eyes "Y/N..." he sounded deadly serious "What I'm trying to say you want...a hug?"
Your eyes met his, you knew that was difficult for him to say. You didn't say anything instead you slowly stood and held your arms out. Sherlock stood up too and wrapped his arms around you "You can cry if you want to..." he mumbled into your shoulder.
You pulled back and sent him a brief smile "I'm fine. I noticed there was a lovely bottle of 1994 Sauvignon in the fridge that will go bad very quickly because there's only half a bottle left!" You winked and hurried to grab the bottle.
"All right," Sherlock breathed out "I'm going back to bed. Night Y/N."
"Night cheekbones..." you smirked and entered your room, softly shutting the door behind you. Having the last of the bottle probably wasn't the best idea, you were tipsy enough as it is and mixed with the lack of sleep was making your head spin. Before you went to bed you checked your emails, one asking if you had signed off on some legislation statements. You didn't have anything better to do so grabbed the papers from your bag and signed your name at the bottom of all of them.
However, you didn't check what ones you were signing off.
You groaned the next morning feeling a constant tapping on your face. Your eyes squinted open and you found Sherlock hovering over you "Fuck off! Why are you so eager to wake me?" You placed a pillow over your head "Another game of monopoly perhaps...?" You sleepily uttered with a smirk.
"No!" Sherlock muttered "John hid the box and I can't find it..." he grumbled.
"Ahh wise John."
"That's a statement I'd never thought I'd hear." Sherlock blinked "Anyway, you have to get up."
"What's the matter?" You groaned and tried to keep your eyes shut for as long as as possible.
"Everyone is away to work and someone's at the door."
Your eyes shot open "Are you for real?" Your voice was a little clearer as you sat up. The door buzzed again and you got up from your bed with a huff. Was Sherlock really that incompetent?
Your mind drifted back to what the minister said to you before the thought passed when you opened the front door and saw Molly holding her puppy Lulu. Now those where faces you couldn't be mad at.
"Sorry I'm early, I have the hairdressers in half an hour and then I have to rush to the venue!" She handed over the dog into your arms and handed you a bag of Lulu's things. "Are you still okay to keep her the night?"
"Yes! Anytime!" You smiled and looked down at the puppy with a wide smile "I didn't realise you had your friends wedding today that's all. I'm off work anyway so I'll be more than happy to spend the day with this cutie!" You cooed.
"Thank you so much Y/N! You're a lifesaver! I'll see you tomorrow," she kissed your cheek "Thanks again!"
You shut over the door and found Sherlock behind you with his mouth gaping open "Can I hold her?!"
"No! That's what you get for not opening the door!" You stuck your tongue out and carried the dog to the sofa with a smug smirk. Sherlock quickly followed you while lightly tutting.
"And after what I did for you last night..." you rolled your eyes "My efforts at a friendship have been truly-"
"-You can take her while I make breakfast so long as you shut up." Sherlock almost burst with delight as you handed him the puppy, he was having a full blown conversation with it as you walked off to the kitchen. The door knocked again and you knew Sherlock was too infatuated with the dog to move so you answered it.
"Sir?!" You gasped seeing the foreign secretary on the other side of your door and covered yourself up as best you could in your dressing gown, trying your best to hide your unicorn pyjamas that you had changed into.
"Sorry to disturb you on your day off Y/N," you glanced at his attire and how he was a little jumpy. He was in a hurry. "I need those legislation papers, I'm on my way to a meeting."
"Oh! Course! Two minutes!" You dashed to your room and took your bag with you "They're in-damn it!" You dropped the bag and papers went flying everywhere. The secretary helped you pick them all up, you shoved the papers you had into his arms "Sorry, they are all there."
"It's alright I'll sort them out on the way! Thanks Y/N!" He left as soon as he arrived and jumped into the car. He began sorting out the papers and found one different from the rest. He smiled to himself and took out his phone, calling one of his contacts in Washington.
"Hello, it's me," he began and read over the paper you had sighed "Y/N's accepted the job."
Tags: (Let me know if you'd like to be tagged/untagged)
@daynaan-black-dawn @the-baby-bookworm @imnottalkingtoyou @theyre-my-divsion @girl-next-door-writes @annkli @wcsteland @heyyou-guys @redgreyandpurple @babynovak05 @princesspeach212 @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis @holmes-maev @disneymarina @let-me-try-mom @jaylarkson @backfromtheedge @randomtwistedlife @usetheforce3434 @omalleysgirl22 @buttercup337 @the-89percentgay-bi @mischeif-managed1987 @independentgirl @justagirlwhoknew
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
The Lestrade family.
A/N: A little Addams family for you all to end the week! I loved this movie growing up! I still watch it every Halloween 😁 Y/N/N means your nickname 😊
Warnings: None!
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Greg sauntered into the bedroom in his dressing gown and dreamily sighed seeing you lying on the bed with your eyes shut. Your blood red lips and crimson nails standing out against the black sheets. You were a dream.
"Look at her," he admired from above, talking to Thing beside him "I would die for her. I would kill for her." He softly smiled, utterly enamoured by your ethereal beauty "Either way, what a bliss." Your lips curved into a small smile as you woke up hearing his words. "Unhappy darling?" Greg asked.
You smiled "Oh yes..." you stretched ever so slightly allowing your joints and bones to crack "Yes, completely." Greg sat down on the side of the bed next to you, you placed your hand on his cheek and carefully stroked his skin with your thumb "Greg," you raised your other hand and shielded your eyes "The sun..." you groaned feeling the rays that were seeping though the blinds on your face "Il me perce comme un poignard..." you lightly moaned knowing fully what sort of reaction you'd get from Greg.
"Y/N..." you smirked, knowing that tone all too well. "That's French." And he enjoyed listening to every single word you spoke of it.
Greg practically pounced on you to take your arm with his hands and place kisses all over it before standing up and dramatically fighting the light. It made you smile as he lunged towards the blinds to close them. He looked down at you again with a proud smile on his face.
"Greg...?" You hummed his name, the tone made his knees weak. He turned around to look at you "Last night," he smirked at the thought "You were...unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon." You playfully pouted at him "You frightened me." Propping yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at Greg, you smirked "Do it again." A breathy growl escaped Greg's throat before he pounced on you and attacked your neck with kisses. He slowed his motions, dragging a rugged groan from your throat before it turned into a whimper when he pulled away.
"Tea is ready, darling."
You were in the conservatory with Greg, snipping the bright red rose blossoms from the waxy, sharp green stalks and letting them fall to the ground. Greg was playing chess with Thing.
"It's a milestone, Y/N/N. This very evening...our twenty fifth seance." He sighed before moving another piece and taking a drag from his cigar, the smoke mixed with the sweet roses and your tea which was beside the vase you were placing the flowerless stems in. You snipped another flower as he continued "All those years, gnawed by guilt, undone by woe, burning with uncertainty!"
"Oh Greg," the way you cooed his name sent a chill down his spine, he turned to look at you. Greg bit down on his lip seeing you in that long black dress you were wearing that nipped in at the waist and hugged all the right parts. His eyes roamed up from your feet to your face, a wicked smile playing on your red lips "Don't torture yourself. That's my job..." you snipped another stem and noticed Greg stiffening at the sound.
His shoulders eased "Y/N..." he purred warningly.
"Imagine, my darling, if Fester did come back. Half-alive, barely human, a rotting shell..."
You heard Greg shudder "Don't tease," he was on the verge of begging. You proudly smiled and got on with what you were doing. Thing snapped and pointed over to the window, when you and Greg looked out, Thing moved a piece.
"Tully is here, Greg."
While Greg spoke with Tully, you spent the time with Margaret, his wife. "I think I might have something for the charity auction," you hummed as Lurch and your mother helped you find what you were looking for. You opened the closet and pulled out a bag "Uncle Nicknack's winter wardrobe." You pulled out another bag "Uncle Nicknack's summer wardrobe." You pulled out another bag "Uncle Nicknack..." You purses your lips and looked around "Ah! There it is!" You walked over to the cupboard and picked up a golden finger trap. You sat down next to Margret and told her what it was "It's a finger trap from the court of Emperor Wu."
You smiled as Margaret hushed over it "Ohhh Y/N! This is too extravagant!" She snapped it from you and admired it "Perhaps a little too extravagant for the auction."
"Let's keep it!" Your mother spoke up.
"Mama, it is for charity. Widows and orphans." You and Margaret shared a smile before you added "We need more of them." Margaret's smile faltered slightly. She went back to looking at the finger trap feeling it tighten around two of her fingers. "Margaret," you said her name with a sigh "About the seance tonight, I wish you'd come. I'm terribly worried about Greg. He's not sleeping, he's not eating, he's coughing up blood-"
"-he coughs up blood?!" Margaret cut you off.
You longingly sighed "Not like he used too..."
You watched the rain as it poured, the cool breeze sending a chill down your arms before feeling your husband wrap his arm around your waist to pull you close. It sent an even bigger chill down your spine.
"It's a miserable night." Greg's husked voice lingered around your ear, pressing a small kiss just under your lobe.
"I know, darling. Perfect seance weather." You stopped Pugsley and Wednesday out in the rain and called them in "Put down the antenna." You could hear the faint laughter from your children and turned to Greg, softly smiling to himself. A few moments later Margaret and Tully arrived "Welcome. You're just in time."
You all sat around the large table, Pugsley slowly brought out a butchers cleaver. You looked at Greg, the corner of your lip tugging upwards "Pugsley..." he warned and stretched his hand out to take the knife from his son, he eventually handed it over.
You all began to call for Fester. Thunder and lightening cackled out side, between the bursts, there was a knock on the door.
It made you jump and you were never one to flinch with fright. You looked over to Greg who abruptly stood and rushed to the door, everyone was hot on his heels. When he opened it he gasped "Fester?!" There was a wide smile on his face as he lunged towards his brother and hugged him. Fester looked at you, there about him. You decided to keep your concerns to yourself for now. A psychiatrist, doctor Greta Pinder-Schloss, explained that he had been lost in the Bermuda Triangle for the last 25 years. You weren't convinced. You sat on the edge of the sofa, gently rubbing Greg's shoulder. He was ecstatic. You wanted him to be happy.
Later that evening you were laying on Greg's chest in bed as you heard faint screams from below. "My own brother, back. I have goosebumps, Y/N/N."
"I know..." you softly hummed as you traced your fingers over this chest, he brought your fingers to his lips and gently kissed them.
"Those screams can only one mean thing," Greg smiled.
You were burning your gaze into the ceiling, trying not to let your concern seep through "Yes." You whispered "He's home."
Over the following days you kept a closer eye on Fester, Greg was still ecstatic. That was until you were returning from the charity auction. Fester was sat in between both you and Greg, Greg had Wednesday sitting on his lap with her head against his shoulder as she began to drift in and out of sleep.
Fester was messing around with the finger trap you had originally donated and then bought. "How do you get it off?" He asked.
You looked over to Greg and shared a concerned look, it was at that moment you realised your husband had felt the same way you did. Even Wednesday expressed concern.
"There's a trick to it," you clicked it and pulled it off him, tightly clutching it on your hand afterwards. When you arrived home, Greg wandered off while you took your children upstairs and read to them.
"Oh no..." you could hear him ranting between train noises.
"He's playing with his trains again..."
Pugsley groaned.
You could hear Greg rambling on, a little mumbled, probably die to the cigar he'd have in his mouth "How can he not remember to take it off?! It was a party favour at his tenth birthday! He wore it for two years!"
You let out a sigh when you felt the house start to shake. You put both the children to bed and grabbed your cloak, plaguing it around you and pulling up the hood before going for a a stroll outside. It was quiet, well quiet until Fester came out and began huffing around "Hello," you politely smiled "Care to walk with me?" He nervously agreed. You took him through the cemetery, explaining the tombs to him before coming to a halt "You know, The Lestrade's value family more than anything. We will not hesitate to retaliate anyone who crosses us..." Fester picked up on your light threat "Do you understand?" He gulped and frantically nodded his head. You gave him one last look before disappearing inside.
Over the next few days Greg was becoming more and more isolated from you and from everyone else. He spent best part of the day with his trains, the noise drove you up the wall. You asked your mother for advice before it hit you. Greg loved parties.
You organised a party to cheer him up and to celebrate Fester returning. You had invited everyone that you knew, even cousin It was planning to come. "Oh Y/N," you felt a gentle pressure on your hips and Greg's hot breath linger around your ear. He spun you around, your heart swelled seeing his smile "This is perfect, not as perfect as you," he pressed a kiss to your lips "But very close."
"I'm glad you like it darling..." he took your hand and spun you on the dance floor, expertly twirling you through the spaces between guests.
"I don't just like it," he peppered your hand with kisses "I love it. Almost as much as I love you." He spun you again and then passionately kissed you. Between the twirl and the kiss, your head was spinning. You noticed him looking around over your shoulder "Where's the children? I haven't seen Wednesday all night..."
You too then realised you hadn't seen Wednesday in a while and asked around with Greg. Most of your guests didn't know. Your mother did and she and Lurch took you outside to the graveyard. You found Wednesday sleeping on top of a coffin in the family mausoleum. Greg scooped her up and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"What would she be doing out here?" You stroked her cool cheek with the back of your finger. You all returned back to the house only to find the gate firmly shut over with Tully on the other side refusing to let you back into your house, you demanded an explanation.
"Well," Tully began with a smug smirk "Since Fester is the oldest living Lestrade, he automatically gets the house!"
You shared a confused look with Greg "W-what?!" He laughed at how absurd the whole situation was.
"There isn't a court in this land that will let you live in that house!" Tully barked.
He was right.
A few days later at court, Fester was granted the house and you and Greg as well as the rest of the family were living in a cramped little motel room. You had never seen Greg disintegrate as a person before. He was so unbelievably upset, especially learning about The plan 'Fester' had conjured up with Abigail who had been posing as his psychiatrist, doctor Greta Pinder-Schloss.
You and the children tried to do your part, Wednesday and Pugsley sold lemonade (even if it was unsafe for human consumption) and you got a job at a nearby nursery. That didn't work out too well however, the children burst into tears the second you stepped into the room.
You sat upright in bed with Greg blissfully sleeping in the pillow that was your arm and the side of your hip and thigh. You looked down at him, your heart was now breaking at how broken he was. You stoked his cheek as he slept "I'm going to fix this..." you whispered and pressed a kiss to his head before getting up and leaving the motel room. Little did you know, Thing was following you.
When you knocked on the door of the Lestrade mansion, Tully opened the door. "I wish to speak to Fester," you didn't even wait for him to invite you in, you barged right in but as soon as you did, you were ambushed and tied to Greg's torture device. Tully slowly pulled it tighter, stretching your limbs.
"You've done this before.." you painfully groaned with a smirk on turn face before he did it again, making you wince.
Thing had seen everything who had rushed back to tell Greg. He was as a fast as a bolt of lightening when he learned you were in danger. He sped to the mansion and burst through the window "Mon Cher!" He went wide eyed seeing you in such a state.
"Darling! Be careful!" You cried as Tully lunged at him with a sword. Thing tossed Greg one and the two battled it out before Greg advanced on him and managed to grab hold of Tully's sword.
Greg crossed both blades at his throat with a proud smirk on his face, it fell when he heard a gun cock. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder, the gun was pointed right at you. "Put them down," Abigail warned Greg. He slowly placed him on the floor in front of him "Now open the vault."
He walked over to the bookcase but stopped to talked to you. Your wrists were burning with the friction of the rope against your skin. "Y/N..." he drawled out your name and swallowed hard "Seeing you like blood boils." His voice was laced with anger and lust.
"As does mine..." you whispered and moved your face closer to his.
"This wheel of pain," he began "To live without you, that would be torture!"
Your eyes softened, you wanted nothing more than to hold his cheeks in your hands and kiss those soft lips "A day alone," you softly spoke "Only that would be death." You both leaned in and-
"Knock it off!" Abigail snapped. You both stopped just as your lips ghosted over one another's and turned to send the woman a deadly glare, one wasn't phased by Abigail was too engrossed with opening the vault. "Open the vault Lestrade! No tricks!"
"But could we just-" Fester spoke up but Abigail quickly cut him off.
"No! Go with him! Make sure he opens that vault!"
Greg and Fester went to the bookcase, Greg's finger lingering over the book that opened it. Fester had another idea. He pointed to the book next to it: 'Hurricane Irene'. Greg sent Fester a curt nod and the two grabbed the book opening it in the direction of Abigail and Tully. The two were whirled around the room and thrown outside into pits dug by Pugsley and Wednesday. Greg rushed over to you and freed you from the wheel, you fell into his arms and your lips landed on his.
"Perhaps, in a different situation, that wheel will come in handy...?" He wickedly smirked.
"Perhaps..." you hummed and kissed him again before you were disturbed by a groan coming from the corner. Fester.
Only this time it was Fester. The real Fester. When he fell to the floor something inside him lit up again and he remembered who he was. He really did suffer from amnesia after his trip to the Bermuda Triangle. You watched Greg and his brother embrace in a hug and smiled to yourself. Your husband was happy again.
You sat on the couch knitting away as the fire roared and crackled. Wednesday was carving a pumpkin, Pugsley was showing his uncle Fester his homage to him-dressing up as him for Halloween. Margaret was dressed as a fairy princess, accompanied by cousin It who was dressed as a cowboy and your husband was smoking a cigar with a smile on his face.
"Lets play a game!" Greg announced "What shall it be? 'Wake The Dead'?"
The children and Fester cheered, it was their favourite. "Are you coming?" Fester asked as they began to go outside.
"We'll catch up," you smiled and locked your arms with Greg, walking a little slower than everyone else with what you had knitted in your free hand.
The two of you stood by the door, watching everyone having a joyous time in the graveyard. "Oh, Y/N," Greg pulled you close to him, most of your weight was pressed against him as he held you tight and spoke into your hair "What a night. Everyone together at last. What more could we ask?"
You looked up to him and stood up slightly, he raised a brow when he felt your warmth and weight disappear from him "Greg...?" You held up what you had been knitting. It was too small for him, too small for you, too small for Wednesday, too small for Pugsley. He gasped every so slightly, finally making the correlation.
His eyes wandered down to your stomach and then back to you meet your gaze "Cara Mia..." he blinked "Is it true?"'
You nodded "Oui, mon Cher."
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you with as much passion as he could muster, you could feel him smile into the kiss uttering 'I love you' in every language he knew into your skin until it was burned into it.
You both pulled back to catch your breaths, Greg placed his hand over your stomach as gentle as he could. He could hear his other children laugh in the distance. There was a smile on everyone's face.
The Lestrade's were happy.
Tags: (let me know if you'd like to be tagged/untagged!)
@daynaan-black-dawn @the-baby-bookworm @imnottalkingtoyou @theyre-my-divsion @girl-next-door-writes @annkli @wcsteland @princesspeach212 @babynovak05 @heyyou-guys @disneymarina @-waythe- @sherlockedtash88 @imayjustbejamesmoriarty @redgreyandpurple @damnitman-jamlocked-inthetardis @fantasticwizardnerd
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
Got the last of the '90's marathon' fics coming up tonight! 😁
Today's the day so I can confirm 😂😭⬇️
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years ago
Double standards.
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Am I the only one that question that
Sherlock is more interested to know John’s middle name than Lestrade’s first name
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