#because that whole album is a delight and carry on was a bit of an anthem for me for a bit
lanne13 · 2 years
Today on tiktok I watched someone learn that Halsey’s Colors is about Matty Healy and that Jack Antonoff was in fun. and I have never in my life felt so old
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it was hard to choose just a couple but for the ask game orchid, camellia and palm tree?
also i miss you loads my beloved 🫶🫶
My beloved Maurine, thank you so much for sending these my way! I love you so, so much and hope you are doing well, my angel! I miss you terribly! ❤️️❤️️❤️️
From #random get-to-know-me ask game:
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
I love this question so much because even though I have many favourite songs that frequently change depending on various factors, there is one song that I will consider perfect my entire life, and it's Echoes by Pink Floyd (from their album Meddle, 1971):
My mum is a huge Pink Floyd fan, so I grew up on their music but always registered it more as background ambience when I was very young. When I grew up and watched Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii (1972), my entire perception of their work changed and Echoes in particular greatly influenced my opinions on what music can achieve. It is a very long song (twenty-three minutes) that explores a great variety of musical styles and themes and shifts through different moods and atmospheres (from serene and contemplative to intense and psychedelic), so exposing yourself to it feels like undertaking a journey rather than just listening to a song. I have always loved how the song carries you along like sea waves, starting with simple piano, then becoming a bit more experimental and eerie, later tossing you into the intensity of rock music as you go. When you add the philosophical undertones of the lyrics, then the whole song as a compact piece evokes a kind of interconnectedness of life.
This is also my go-to song when I want to unwind a little in the evening by candlelight, or when I am working on homework/projects that are more time-consuming.
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
I have changed so much, I think my younger self would be petrified to find out what has happened to me with time. 😂 I used to be very sociable and talkative as a child, my mouth would literally never shut itself. I would also bombard people with thousands of questions about everything. That curiosity is very much still there, but I am now much more introverted and introspective. I have also grown to appreciate silence and people I can be comfortable with in such an environment.
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
I actually love many fictional villains, especially when they are written or portrayed well. Morally grey and antagonistic characters are my kryptonite skdsdjdksks they always show such a delightful spectrum of emotions and reveal so much about human nature! There is one fictional villain that I loved for superficial reasons though — Owen Shaw from the Fast and the Furious franchise. There was nothing interesting about him character-wise, he was in fact a complete asshole, but I had a massive crush on Luke Evans at that time, so I was drooling over any character he played.
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sneakysmediacorner · 4 months
Just saw Hamilton in Bristol and woah..... So good...
My biggest complaint is the guy playing hamilton, he was weirdly emotionally constrained, he delivered his lines in a flat way, like the punchline to a dry joke. This randomly got a lot better starting from "one last time", so it kind of feels like he treated everything before that point as a comedy?? Really weird vibe - Hamilton's defining trait is his unrestrained passion and drive, his too-strong ideals - it's what separates him from burr! He also kept doing weird things with his hands - sort of a constrained, awkward gesture that mayyyybe could have made sense for early hamilton but certainly not later on. Luckily, burr was DIVINE. Definitely a close interpretation to the Broadway original, but it didn't feel like a total copy, his delivery was just unique enough to set him apart. "The room where it happens" was amazing, and his rapid descent after losing the election even more so.
Eliza was also INCREDIBLE. seeing this live definitely made me pay wayyyy more attention to eliza and her and Alexander's drama than ever before when just listening to the album, and part of that was definitely her performance. She did that sliding up-and-down thing with her voice that i would in isolation find kind of grating, but in her early songs it really emphasised her youth and cheerful naivete - but then, starting with "I'm not sorry", the gradual transition into a more serious and thoughtful - and assertive! - character was executed beautifully. "Burn" was incredible, the way she begins by reminiscing on her lovesick youth - you've just seen hamilton descend from that giddy state all the way into his lowest moment, but here is a sharp contrast of eliza keeping his letters all these years, identifying with and maintaining that first moment of adoration this whole time. It makes her burning the letters hit all the harder. And when she goes "you, you, you" - it drives home Alexander's egocentrism and cruelty all the more.
Angelica had a very different voice from Broadway, and i felt like she struggled a little during the faster moments, but her singing parts were lovely. Her voice and the way she often stood still while singing gave her a very imposing, serious air.
Maria Reynolds had the voice of an ANGEL. HOLY SHIT
Lawrence and Lafayette didn't make that much of an impression on me, but philip was delightful and Jefferson was fantastic as well. Jefferson has always been my favourite performance and daveed d diggs is a hard act to follow - and this guy did do a slightly different take on Jefferson i think! Diggs' Jefferson has a sort of... Predatory note to him, like under the joviality there's someone formidable and aggressive, ready to spring into action. This Jefferson felt more... Laid back, but still threatening in his own way. This might just be from the addition of visual performance but i thought he was a bit more foppish and dandyish, bordering on camp at times, and this combined with his delivery of some lines - "and I'm already senate approved!", for example - gave me the impression of someone defined by his privilege, who embodies this threat that hamilton will NEVER be accepted by the members of this upper class no matter how hard he works, precisely because this caste is defined by their not having to work hard for anything. A lot of the time he seemed so laid back that it worked to strengthen the impression of his danger.
Mulligan was an incredible presence - totally delivered on his character archetype of loud, brash and in your face. I loved his showing off his leg after Hamilton's "i think your pants look hot". I did think he maybe carried a bit too much of this presence into madison, who didn't come across as quite so diminutive as he should have.
Washington was wonderful as well, very close to his Broadway version except maybe a touch more down to earth and pragmatic. I thought it was really impressive how much was conveyed about his and Hamilton's relationship in "one more time" just by tone of voice, body language and general rapport.
I've always found it a bit distasteful how king george gets a disproportionate amount of attention compared to all the other roles - I don't dislike his songs but they don't do THAT much for me. I will say tho, he had some impressive lungs on him.
Lee was kind of a snack ngl
Most of what i have to say about the story is not really based on the specifics of this particular production but just the experience of watching Hamilton on stage after years of memorising every lyric from the album... Like i said, the drama of eliza and Alexander hit so much harder for me - only now do i kind of get the impression that it IS the core of the story. It feels like the Reynolds pamphlet is where Hamilton breaks and irreversibly fucks up his life, and everything from there is a slow, inevitable descent into his unavoidable death... And the sheer cruelty of his actions towards eliza hit way harder. Seeing him standing there during the end of the Reynolds pamphlet, feebly and pathetically insisting "at least i was honest with my money" after it has been specifically said that he received maria in his own house - somehow that brought home just how humiliating and horrible this moment would have been for eliza. And then Philip's duel, with the emphasis on how he did exactly as Alexander had told him... And then the torturous process of reconciliation between Alexander and eliza, the way they end up clinging to each other again in their grief - and best of wives and best of women, where you can see so clearly the cruelty of this action. You can see that Alexander knows he won't be coming back, and how much it pains him to be setting Eliza up for this new heartbreak, how he can't let go of her hand and yet he still goes through with it... The actions of a man so resigned to his fate he doesn't seriously consider trying to change it. Heartbreaking. I cried like crazy
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itsayaze · 5 months
Day Two - "Wait, what did we come in here for again?"
I woke up early that day. 6AM. When I wake up before I actually want to I lay there for a few minutes to see if I'm AWAKE awake. And I was. That morning, I hopped into a Discord call with my friends and just hung around with them whilst I wrote the previous day's journal.
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After that, I went outside for a quick nibble. There's a Famima directly across from the hotel, so I dropped in for a drink and my trusty favourite: tuna mayo onigiri. I returned to the hotel and got ready for the day.
Later on, we made our way towards the day's destination: Akihabara.
However, there's a little detour we need to take first. So from Shinjuku, we made our way over to Ochanomizu's Hijiribashi Bridge, because we had a mission: can we get the fated triple?
We patiently waited as many trains came and went, chatting all the while about a theoretical Pokemon Snap-like for transporting, since its a fairly universal hobby. After a while, we'd assumed that it wasn't gonna happen, and just as we were getting ready to walk to Akihabara, the 3 trains (and a bonus fourth) all rocked up at the same time!
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With that achievement bagged, we headed off towards Akihabara to continue the Chigyu Championship.
Now, I stayed in AKB with my partner in 2018 when we visited it last, so I'd like to say I know it pretty well. And whilst it is mostly the same, the lack of Club SEGA breaks my heart a bit. I don't WANT to get into the gaming oasis. I want to join club SEGA!
Round 2 of the CC found us at Sukiya. We ordered up, and the fabulous cheese gyudon arrived. At Sukiya, they also give you tabasco sauce, so I slathered it over and stirred. The cheese is better than that at Matsuya, and the addition of tabasco elevates the dish higher. Sukiya currently sits at top of the ranking. Next up, Yoshinoya.
Beefed up, we went to Excelsior Coffee, where I got a iced latte. It was there that my buddy showed me a sticker he'd stumbled upon in a prior visit to the city. It was a lenticular sticker of a guy driving a car, but pulling over to stop and look at you at the right angle. There was a website on it, and it's a Web 1.0 delight.
We went to go and see if the sticker was still there out of curiosity.
Curiosity satiated, and we went to start the day's mission proper.
My goal for the day was to try and find a neGcon, the weird PS1 controller made by Namco. Apparently, it's a really good way of playing Ridge Racer, so it makes sense to have one.
We went to a few places. Let's do a quick rundown:
Super Potato: Cool retro shop, but now has become so well known its basically a tourist trap.
Beep: "Super Potato but gooder" - they also carry a lot of PC-98 stuff. Recently, they published Radirgy 2?! I must remember to grab a copy... As soon as I spotted the Game CD section my quest for the neGcon went straight out the fuckin' window. I grabbed a whole bunch of Ridge Racer OSTs and a Phantasy Star Online Ep I&II arrange album.
Surugaya: I've known about Surugaya when importing stuff using OneMap. I bought quite a lot of stuff in here, mostly some nice gifts for my girlfriend.
Trader: Usually good, but way too busy today. Maybe I'll take a nose another day.
Mandarake: Was comically busy. We were both kind of hurting at that point so we turned around immediately. We're heading to Nakano Broadway soon anyway.
The hell began when we went across Akiba to Yodobashi Camera. Initially, we were going there because Dave wanted to find a fancy-ass cable for his fancy-ass phone with a weird charging standard.
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Just over an hour and a half later, I've got a whole bunch of shit in my basket. As we're standing at the register to deal with the tax-free shopping process, I turn to Dave and say "Wait, what did we come in here for again?"
We headed back to the Chuo Rapid to get home to Shinjuku, completely forgetting that another one of the things we were going there for was to play the big sitdown Densha de GO!! cabinet at Taito Station.
But, not to worry, there's a Taito Station at the East Exit of Shinjuku Station! The DDG website said that on its location list, they had one, so we figured we'd drop in on the way home to right that wrong.
Whilst yes, they technically have a DDG cab, it is not the full-size model. Which makes sense, considering the real estate. Dave asked me "do you really want your first experience of the DDG cabinet to be on the small one next to a Taiko?" and on that note, we'd left.
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Thanks a lot, Big Crappy!
After a soak with a strong zero to calm my leg muscles down, and a quick nap to put some more gas in the tank, we went to a Bankara Ramen for an outrageously great bowl of tonkatsu. After this, a little stop into the Game Panic. This is pretty much our home arcade since it's right next door to our hotel.
That day, we focused mostly on racing games. I'd set up my profiles for Initial D THE ARCADE and Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR. (MaxiTune 6 is hilarious, we've gone from 6, to 6R, to 6RR. Sadly, 6RR+ comes out a few days after I leave Japan, and it adds the new Nissan Fairlady Z... I love that car, man.)
So many intense races, close calls and outrageous drifts. I love these games so much. After that, I played Chunithm until a staff member came over to inform us it was closing time. I grabbed some snacks and something to drink from the nearby 7-Eleven, including Coca-Cola K-Wave, which is a limited-time K-Pop flavour, and a pouch of Coolish, of which I am now a massive fan.
Time to rest up. Tomorrow is the RGG pop-up shop and potentially Nakano Broadway.
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greatunironic · 2 years
So you've said you're open to prompts, and now I can't stop wanting more 'The Most Remarkable Thing' content... I am DESPERATE for late 80s/early 90s Eddie starting to make it as a respected local musician in the Seattle Grunge scene and how he navigated it all (And Steve and the crew's reaction when he started to make it big) But like.. Eddie meeting his band, Eddie meeting other Seattle musicians we know and love (Dave Grohl's party, wassup).. Even darker stuff? Like Eddie and the Seattle scene navigating something like Mia Zapata's murder (Eddie's PTSD would say hello here again I bet)... But yeah, the whole scene is so fascinating, and I'd just really love to know more about Eddie (or Ed) finding his feet there and then finding himself amongst it all, a bit <3
in remarkable, mike and el get married in the summer of ‘93, early july. it’s obviously a whole thing — i think it’s the first big family get together since the kids all graduated high school in ‘89 and steve was the last one to move out of hawkins. there have been get togethers and family dinners and they throw eddie an album release party, the party plus robin and steve crashing at eddie’s tiny seattle one bedroom. but eddie’s been touring almost nonstop since Girl dropped + the shotguns actually just did their first european tour in ‘92 after METALHEAD is released, and hopper’s been cancer free for a year now — so this wedding is a big fucking deal. eddie wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
(more under a cut because this for out of hand)
so everyone is in indiana, at hopper and joyce’s, and eddie was almost the last to get there but he got there, uncle wayne picking him up at the airport and giving him shit about not bringing a suit and making him stop somewhere before they can get to the farm. it’s a beautiful ceremony, officiated by a local priest whose name no one can remember after, and they throw a dope ass party for the pair of them. jonathan and nancy had eloped, and hopper and joyce had a tiny church wedding back in ‘87; but it feels like this is the first big wedding for the group, the first big life event for all of them, and as it happens: everyone gets crunk.
(max’s chair lift gets a lot of action this weekend, let’s just say.)
they get married in the evening, on a friday, the 9th. the party goes strong well into the early hours of the next morning, and at around three am — while mile and el are slow dancing to the radio in the kitchen, and the rest of the party are smoking eddie’s weed in the yet unremodeled dairy parlor with jonathan and argyle, and joyce, robin, and nancy are wine drunk on the porch and talking shit about robin’s neighbors in boston — eddie’s hanging out with hopper, enzo, murray, and uncle wayne in hopper’s study — the four older men are getting blasted, playing some allegedly russian drinking game that involves taking a shot, crawling under a table, and then taking another shot and repeating the whole thing. hopper’s like “oh yeah i played this back before i adopted el, only it was called depressive alcoholism back then.”
so they’re fucking wall-eyed and steve’s there too, only he can’t drink on account of him nearly cutting off his own thumb four days prior when he, hopper, and jonathan were building the pergola for the wedding. it doesn’t seem to bother steve, who’s been moving between groups to make sure people drink water and eat slices of plain bread. 
hopper, to eddie’s absolute delight, gets increasingly handsy whilst in his cups and he keeps grabbing steve and hugging him, ruffling his hair, sitting him on his lap and being like “my boy’s thinking about getting his masters next year” and otherwise just being like a total drunken mess of a proud father in between crying about el leaving him. steve rolls his eyes but blushes, and eddie —
listen. it’s been something like seven years since steve carried eddie out of the upside down; it’s been seven years since eddie got wrapped up in that shit, and it’s been seven years since it was over; it’s been seven years since eddie lost his kidney and his heart in practically one evening. and it’s fine! it’s great! eddie’s written two albums (and one got him to the fucking grammy’s, thanks), and he’s working on a third and it’s been seven years and he’s made his peace with the fact that steve harrington is probably the one great love of his life. 
nights like these are just — hard.
eddie knew that, going in. he steeled himself in on the plane ride in, then the drive, and every single morning in the bathroom mirror since, and he’s doing a great job, he’s holding it together and fuck it he’ll probably get some good lyrics out of this at least. it’s only when the light catches steve’s blush so, when he rolls his eyes and mouths “help me” to eddie, when he smiles, pleased and shy, and eddie thinks he’s the only one who notices —
his pager buzzes. it’s wanjeri, he sees, when he checks it — CALL ME, all caps, nothing else — and he thinks about ignoring her for a moment. but wanjeri doesn’t page unless she truly needs to, and it’s getting close to her due date, so maybe she needs him to smack around alejandro for a bit. 
he excuses himself to the hallway to use the phone there. he begins to dial, says “hey it’s me what’s up,” when she picks up. 
from outside, he can hear nancy hysterically laughing while robin is shouting, also laughing, “am i a fucking liar, nancy? am i? they’re two halves of the same idiot,” which frankly could be about anyone, and enzo and murray are arguing in russian from the office while hopper and wayne giggle like little kids. 
it’s midnight in seattle, and wanjeri has to repeat herself three times before eddie realizes what she’s saying, “mia zapata was murdered.”
the next five minutes pass in a blur — mia’s dead, don’t know who did it, funeral arrangements, wanjeri crying and alejandro’s soothing voice taking up the phone, telling eddie to take care, they’ll see him soon — and then eddie is somehow in the second floor guest bath, his back rammed up against the bathtub, his hands tangled in his hair. in the back of his mind, he can hear bones snapping. he wants to scream. he thinks he might be having a heart attack.
the door opens and closes and eddie looks up through blurry eyes to see steve crouched in front of him, his pretty face creased in concern. what, he wants to snap, what.
“hey,” he says. “eddie, i think you’re having a panic attack. but i’m right here, okay. do you think you could try to match my breathing for a bit?”
he watches through a haze as steve breathes slowly in and out, and eventually eddie is, in fact, breathing with him. steve smiles gently, says, “that’s great, man, great job. do you need anything? can i get you anything?”
“i just wanna sit here for a sec,” eddie says. his voice is hoarse, like he’s been screaming. shit, he hopes he hasn’t been screaming.
“cool,” steve is saying. he moves so he’s next to eddie, backs against the tub. he listens to his even breathing, still modeling for him to match, and after forever, steve asks, “wanna talk about it?”
“not really.”
eddie’s eyes burn, so he squeezes them shut. still, he can feel tears start to roll down his cheeks. steve’s hand presses up against his and eddie says, “a friend of mine was murdered.”
“shit, man.”
“yeah.” eddie scrubs the hand not touching steve’s across his face. “wanjeri knew her better. we just — we ran in the same circles, the same crowd. we opened for her band once, back when we first got started. she was nice. but i can’t remember the last time i actually talked to her and — does it make me a bad person if — if —“
“if what?”
“the whole time wanjeri was telling me, i couldn’t even picture mia’s face. i only saw chrissy.” steve’s fingers intertwine with his and eddie whispers, “i only ever see chrissy.”
eddie starts sobbing, quietly, and steve just holds his hand through it, doesn’t say a word. 
but eventually he cries himself out until the only sound in the bathroom is his uneven breaths. steve still hasn’t let go of his hand and eddie tells him, “wanjeri says they’re gonna bury her back home in kentucky next weekend.”
“do you want me to come with you?” asks steve.
“what?” asks eddie.
“do you want me to come with you?” he asks again. “to kentucky. i could drive you?”
“steve,” he says. he wants to cry again.
“you shouldn’t have to be alone,” steve says. there’s a part of eddie — tiny, beaten down and locked away — that wants to think he means something else entirely, but he can’t — he can’t.
“that’s okay,” eddie says. “wanjeri will be there, and the guys.”
he can feel steve’s eyes on the side of his face, searching, so he adds, “do you mind if we just sit here for a little bit longer?”
“no man,” he says. “i don’t mind at all.”
they watch the sun rise from the bathroom, and when robin comes knocking with a vicious hangover at eight am, they’re still holding hands. they never talk about it.
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parkersroses · 4 years
sunflowers. | harry styles.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader (dad!harry, husband!harry)
summary: harry is very much in love with his little family.
word count: 2724 words
warning(s): a sprinkle of sexual mentions and a whole lot of fluff
disclaimer: gif is not mine. 
author’s note: hey there. been a while. i missed writing here and the reason i haven’t been doing that is because i was focused on finishing school. of course now, i still am busy with school, having to start my degree. but i miss writing so i thought i’d make this little piece here. it’s my first harry styles fic! quite exciting and nerve-wrecking for me. but as always, leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed this, also constructive comments do help me to improve my writing and i do want to be better at it. and reblog (!) it really helps writers out in creating content for you so pls do so if you like it. all the love x
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She pushes her cart down the aisle as she browses through the shelves of delicious snacks. She already has picked out a bunch of biscuits and juice boxes when her phone rings, making her jump a bit. She takes out her phone and smiles as the screen showcases the contact name ‘lovie’ with a picture of her husband. She accepts the call as she continues to stroll down the aisle. 
“Hi, lovie!” she answers happily. “Hello, darling. Hope everything’s alright there,” Harry answers back. She giggles as she stops by the fruits and vegetables section. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that since you’re the one that’s looking after the house?” She questions about Harry’s intention of calling her. He chuckles through the phone. “Pfft, don’t be silly, love. I got everything under control here,” He says. She imagines how he is probably pouting a bit on the other side of the phone as she playfully rolls her eyes. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, hun. Now, what do you need?” She asks, figuring that Harry has some last minute additions to the grocery. Harry hums and thinks as Y/N picks out some fresh salads. “Could maybe buy more bread for us?” He asks, which confuses Y/N as she thought she has already bought bread for them.
“Harry, didn’t I already buy those, like, two those days ago?” She questions as she starts picking out some fruits. She picks out two packets of strawberries and grapes each and one honeydew melon. She feels as though Harry is hesitating to answer back through the phone. “Yeah, but.. I got hungry so I finished most of them,” He says as though he is embarrassed by admitting this to his wife. Y/N only giggles at this information. 
“You and your bread. Any kind that you fancy this time?” She asks as she makes her way to the wet area of the supermarket. “Just the usual ones. Oh, and the whole wheat bread if there’s any,” He requests. Y/N hears the sound of cutleries clanking in the background, though she brushes it off, thinking it is just Harry cleaning the kitchen. “Alright. I’ll see you guys at home, yeah? I’m nearly done here,”
“Of course, darling. Bubs and I will be waiting,” he says, and Y/N smiles at the thought of her little family at home. The couple say their goodbyes and hang up. Y/N makes a note to herself to get some bread after picking out some salmon before checking herself out of the supermarket. 
After over a year of marriage, the both of them decided to start a family of their own. It excited her to think about Harry with their own child, knowing very well how good he is with children in general. They were both overjoyed by the news that they will be expecting a baby girl, more so of Harry than herself. He was ecstatic to be a father throughout the pregnancy journey. Even on the occasional dates they would go on, he would always make sure they picked some of the most private areas, paparazzi and fans-free. It was an important time for them and they wanted to keep things on the low most times. 
Now, their baby girl Rosie is six months old and is just the purest ball of sunshine and happiness. Harry and Y/N swore that their hearts grew ten times bigger upon first laying their eyes on her baby. Of course after she was born, it was tiring enough for them to handle a baby as they were new to being parents. Though, they managed to get the hang of it after some sleepless nights and cleaning up baby vomit. 
All of that which leads up to this moment where Y/N is buying some groceries for the family. Harry suggested they should take little Rosie out for a picnic. Although it was rather difficult to go outside without them getting papped and stalked, they luckily had a backyard that was big enough to have their little picnic together. It was all fenced up with a couple of flowers planted. It was ideally the perfect place to relax and have some family gatherings. 
Y/N quickly gets home in time for dinner, not before buying some Chinese food for her and Harry. She unlocks the door and quickly rushes by the living room and into the kitchen to put the heavy bags of groceries down. Harry, who had been folding the laundry and entertaining his daughter, notices his wife and calls out to her. “Hi, honey!” Baby Rosie, who has been laying on a plush little blanket, perks her head up and excitedly babbles after her father’s voice. “Hey, lovie! Give me a minute to put these away!” Y/N yells back at him.
Harry hums and puts away the last of the clean laundry in a basket before laying on his side next to Rosie. He lets his baby grab a hold of his large hand. He watches as Rosie puts his tiny little hand on the center of his palms, smiling widely as she looks at him and babbles about in baby language. It’s not long until Y/N comes in with a bag of Chinese food and some baby food. “C’mon, let’s eat, my loves,” She gently says as she sets the food down on the coffee table. Rosie holds out her arms to her mother; much to her delight, Y/N carries her up and sets her down on her lap. 
Y/N multitasks eating her dinner and feeding Rosie throughout dinner time. The faint sounds of a Fleetwood Mac album playing on the vinyl player filling the background. “So, what’s on the menu for tomorrow’s picnic?” He says as takes a bite off his spring roll. Y/N shrugs and wipes the excess baby food off Rosie’s mouth. “Don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll make those smoked salmon sandwiches that you like.”  
Harry playfully moans in delight. “You mean, those sandwiches you make are award-winning, darling,” he says, which makes Y/N giggles at her silly husband. “Well, I hope they are, Mr. Styles. Would be shameful if the salmon I bought just went to waste.” Little Rosie eventually finishes her food and decides to play around with her mother’s hair. She stares and strokes on Y/N’s hair, gently tucking it at times. The couple smiles widely at the sight of their daughter. “You doing alright, bubs?” Rosie merely stares at her parents with her big green eyes, not understanding their question. It still amazes Y/N how much of Harry’s features Rosie inherited. “Surely you weren’t a handful with your daddy this evening, were you?” Y/N playfully questions. 
Harry chuckles and takes Rosie out of Y/N’s arms. “No, she wasn’t. However, she wasn’t helpful in helping daddy with the laundry, were you princess?” He says as he lifts his baby girl above both of the couple’s heads, eliciting the sweetest laugh from Rosie. He does this a few more times until he stops since he didn’t want her to get dizzy and throw up. 
It was a very domestic moment for them. Just the three of them, having dinner, smiles and laughter all around. It is moments like this where Harry prefers the simplicity of life, in the comfort of his little family. “Think it’s time for someone to go to dreamland, don’t ya think?” Y/N says as she caresses Rosie’s soft cheeks with her finger, Rosie obviously showing her tiredness with her droopy eyes. Harry nods in agreement, already packing up to empty food boxes to throw away. 
“You wanna go up first, love? Nurse Rosie a bit. I’ll clean this up quickly.” Y/N insists on helping out Harry after he’s taken care of the house while she went to buy groceries. Though, Harry insists back on helping to clean, saying it’s no big deal. Without much of an argument, Y/N lifts up Rosie from his arms and heads up, not before giving Harry a loving kiss of appreciation. 
After nursing her, Rosie quickly falls asleep in her mother’s arms, lulling to the faint sounds of her heartbeat as she rests her little head on her chest. Harry soon joins in the room and he stops to admire the sight he has become all too familiar with. Just the sight of the woman he loves, carrying and rocking their baby daughter to sleep, a feeling of warmth and peace fills his entire heart. Sometimes, he can’t believe how lucky he was to have ended up in this position and he always thanks the universe for blessing him a family that he loves with his entire soul. 
Rosie gets tucked in her cot, a soft purple blanket covering her. Harry and Y/N go back into their room soon after. Harry lays on his bed with his eyes closed, humming a random tune while Y/N picks out her nightwear, which turns out to only be one of Harry’s T-shirts and underwear. “Can you believe she’s six months old now?” Harry asks out of the blue. Y/N turns around and stands between his legs. He sits up and gently pulls Y/N in by the waist. She runs her hands through his curls, he sighs in delight of the feeling. “Time flies, huh?” 
“Soon she’s gonna start walkin’, runnin’, she’ll become quite the troublemaker,” he jokes and pouts at Y/N. She chuckles at his silliness. “It’s nothing we can’t handle, right?” She smiles at him lovingly as she strokes his cheeks. Harry smiles back and puts his head on her stomach, giving it a light kiss through the dress she’s wearing. 
“Thank you. I feel like I haven’t said that enough,” he mumbles against her stomach. She looks down at him with a confused expression. “You carried her for a whole nine months and went through so much to deliver her to us. So, thank you. And I love you, darling. I’m so lucky.”
Y/N feels her breath hitched at his confession and she smiles at him. She leans down and kisses him hard. Sometimes, she thinks that she is the lucky one. She managed to find someone who loves and support her unconditionally, even through the late night snacks she had while pregnant with little Rosie. Harry doesn’t hesitate to kiss back and pulls her closer to him. She feels his tongue swipe across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. And who is she to deny making out with her incredibly talented and beautiful husband as she opens her mouth, making the kiss more passionate. Harry hears a soft moan from her and swears he feels shivers running up his spine.
They break away after feeling the oxygen running out of their lungs and lay their foreheads against each other’s, breathing heavily. “I love you, too,” she breathes out. They both smile widely at each other, feeling like teenagers in love. She pecks his lips one last time before pulling away from him. She starts undressing as she makes her way to the ensuite bathroom, Harry watching her every move as his mouth gapes open slightly. 
God, my wife is so fucking beautiful, he thinks to himself. He continues to admire Y/N as she undresses until she’s fully nude. He gulps as he feels the blood rushing towards his lower region.
Harry’s cut out from his thoughts as a piece of fabric flungs to his face. He grabs it from his face and he chokes on his saliva upon seeing Y/N laced lavender-coloured underwear. He looks up to his wife leaning against the bathroom door, every inch of her on display for him and him only.
“Mind joining me for a shower, baby?” she smirks as she quickly heads in the shower. 
When he hears the shower turn on, Harry jumps up from the bed and quickly takes off his clothes, tripping on his sweatpants on his way to join his wife in the shower.
Rosie giggles loudly and she reaches out for the blue butterfly in front of her. Y/N smiles at this soft moment and holds up her digital camera to take a picture. The sky was a nice shade of blue and clouds looked like cotton candy hanging above. The flowers in the garden were blooming and Harry managed to pick out two sunflowers for his sunflowers. It seemed like the perfect day.
Harry comes out with a bowl of freshly washed strawberries and grapes. He sits down next Y/N on the blanket they laid out, giving a soft kiss on her forehead, before looking over at his daughter. “What’s that, bub?” he asks Rosie in a seemingly excited voice. Rosie squeals and babbles to her father as she points out to the blue butterfly fluttering in front of her. 
“That’s right, bubs! That's a butterfly!” Harry picks her up and puts her on his lap. Y/N is already munching away on the strawberries. Harry opens his mouth to her, implying that he wants to be fed with the red fruits, Y/N rolls her eyes at his silliness but complies as she puts it in his mouth, plucking out the stem. As she does this, little Rosie looks at the exchange and opens her mouth wide, copying Harry. The couple merely laughed at the little girl’s behaviour. 
“You want a strawberry, Rosie?” Y/N smiles as picks one out, she bites lightly on the tip of it so Rosie could have the smallest bite of the fruit. Rosie whines and reaches out for the tiny piece. “Calm down, you bugger. Might wanna say ‘please’ to mommy first, yea?” Harry says to her gently as he rubs her back.
Of course, Rosie wouldn’t know how to say any words at all yet, so she babbles in her baby language and whines to be fed. “Think that might be ‘please’, love,” he says jokingly to his Y/N. 
“Well, who am I to say no to the cutest girl ever?” She jokes back and puts the tiny piece of strawberry in Rosie’s mouth, her mouth slightly stained from the juices. Harry wipes it off with a napkin and leans back on his arms, admiring the beautiful day outside. He takes in the clean summer air as he listens to his daughter babbling about to her mother, Y/N merely nods back as if she understands and talks in the most gentle voice to her. 
Harry sees Rosie picking up the large sunflower he picked out, her little fingers brushing against the yellow petals. He takes a look at Y/N and as he sees her smile, he thinks back about how lucky he is to have them two. There is not a day where Harry was never in awe of the love and passion Y/N gives to the family and he thinks of how he couldn’t possibly love his Rosie more every day. 
He breaks off the other sunflower from its stem and tucks it behind Y/N’s ear. She looks up and blushes at the gesture.  “You okay, H?” she asks. 
Harry nods and smiles at her. “I just really love you,” he says as he cups Y/N’s cheek, stroking it gently. 
Y/N feels the heat rising up to her cheeks. There is not a day where she’ll ever stop being in love with the man in front of her. She holds the hand that’s resting on her cheek and kisses it softly. “I really love you too,”
She leans forward and gives him a kiss or two. They both smile widely at each other, radiating the same amount of love, if not more, that they have for each other. Rosie squeals and claps her chubby hands together as she watches the sweet exchange between her parents. They both laugh at her cuteness. “And we love you too, my little love!” Y/N exclaims to her as she cups her cheeks and plants many kisses all over her face, making Rosie squeal in delight. Harry laughs and smiles at the sight. 
Life certainly feels good to him. Surrounded by the loves of his life, there’s no place or moment Harry would exchange this beautiful day with them. 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 14 June ‘21
Louis Tomlinson Cooks is here!! Yeah it’s 100% for sure as delightful to watch Louis make himself a sandwich as you might have hoped, but how was his cooking? Well I’ll let Louis rate himself-- “I’m not gonna lie not that appetizing is it, I mean look at it,” he says when it comes time to taste his creation, plus, “chopping peeling slicing not great to be fair- everything else I’m all right” (he’s… not wrong, even aside from the peeler issues has this man ever held a knife??) but- “it probably tastes nice though as I said it’s not about presentation for me… [munches cutely]... it’s actually pretty banging, that’s actually quite nice!” Success! Maybe it’s cause he knows the secret to faking good cooking- “as you can see I don’t have a lot of cooking ability so the more butter the better,” I mean the experts can tell you, that’s advanced stuff right there! #Louis-aChild! Substituting mustard and ketchup for coleslaw is a bit of a bold move, but in a belated attempt to convince the kiddos to eat some healthy veg even though he won’t he does bravely try the cucumber strips despite being “not really a man for cucumber” and makes a pained attempt to be positive- “bit of crunch.” Oh and speaking of crunch I’m relieved to have learned that the waffle is NOT a waffle, it’s a crispy waffle shaped bit of potato; a much more reasonable fish sandwich addition than the American version of a potato waffle! Full Time Meals polled to see what people think of Louis cooking; the two choices are “it was amazing” and “the best,” THEY GET IT. My kind of Louis poll! Helen Seamons rated him a “10/10 for effort and entertainment”, Masterchef acknowledged Louis as one of their own, and Marcus Rashford keeps it simple- “my guy” with a lil heart. YEAH, SAME.
Harry showed up in Italy, where he was papped in Venice being driven around (with PA Luis) on a boat (as you do, in Venice). He’s in a cool embroidered Bode shirt and shades and fancy hair, looking good. He’s seen carrying his suitcase, taking photos, and resting his head on his arms looking like a model. One might think, since we just saw the My Policeman cast and crew on set celebrating the wrap of the shoot, that they were done filming and Harry was off to do something different, but nope, he’s there to film! The book has key scenes in Venice that folks had been wondering about the filming of, and David Dawson is also being boated around Venice for the paps, so, it seems that was just for the wrap of the *UK* filming, which makes sense I guess since it would mostly be different crew I imagine, and perhaps some of the main cast are done as well.
Liam’s NFT sale is happening tomorrow! If you’re confused and want more info, I’M NOT GONNA HELP THAT MUCH… uh but I mean you can check out Liam’s youtube video explaining though I would guess that won’t help much (even Liam thinks so; “there’s probably websites that explain a lot better than me” he admits). There is a roundup now posted of what’s on offer for the buyers of the NFTs but I’m gonna be really honest with you, I’m more confused now than I was before. It’s clear that there are only SIX LONELY BUG NFTs right? They for sure said that I believe. But the packages for each different piece (token bundles) seem to me like they’re available to multiple buyers? Like maybe you don’t get the NFT but multiple top bidders on each get the extras? Like they can’t be selling multiple copies of the NFT... can they?! Isn’t the WHOLE POINT that only one person gets to own it? I DON’T FUCKING KNOW I AM SORRY. What I think I understand to be true: the six NFT buyers get to go to “a once-in-a-lifetime immersive dining experience at Resorts World Las Vegas” (this is the dinner with Liam and “a selection of crypto leaders from around the world” which takes place on display inside a giant glass box) and also “a bespoke commemorative presentation box containing the world’s leading holographic display... with audio... and a custom made Lonely Bug commemorative coin,” and “a unique QR code directing the owner to a special ‘Director’s Cut’ edit of the short digital film ‘Making Of Lonely Bug Collection’ which features unreleased footage from the day of the drop showing the creators' reactions when the winning bids came in” (I mean YEAH I would think it’s unreleased it literally hasn’t happened?) But then there are really a lot of other extras including tickets with Meet & Greet access to any Liam Payne headline show around the world, admission to pool and cinema parties in Vegas with Liam, signed art, non-Liam extras (I will literally bid to NOT have 20 minute phone calls with those crypto entrepreneurs PLEASE… but that’s just me), and access to an online party hosted by Liam; I really get the impression many of these, especially the last one, are just crypto tokens that are for sale that aren’t linked to the main Lonely Bug NFTs and many more than 6 people can buy them but a lot of the extras I’m not clear on which it is. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll understand better WE WILL SEE.
Liam also dropped by the discord last night to say some hellos (after a “long long day”) and that he “bought a piece of NFT art of myself tonight I’m going to give it as a prize Monday night so someone can own a piece of art that was owned by me” (an even less tangible bragging point than simply owning an NFT wow that’s an achievement) and the most important update- “I want a French Bulldog”! Oh and he said “that’s like one I did myself” in his fanart channel to a pic of a tiny crocheted illustration of Louis and Harry holding up a rainbow flag. Didya Liam?? (...Liam is crocheting??) Anyway I recognize who it’s supposed to be because it’s based on a familiar piece of fanart, but Liam definitely might NOT realize it’s meant to be someone specific, and tbh I’m more <eyeballs> at him saying that at the rainbow flag crocheted thing than at it being shippy.
Our Song acoustic version is out this Friday!! And Niall talked about NH3 some in an interview today; “I’m in the studio most days, it feels really good. I’m kinda in the latter stages of it and then I’ll go get a band together and go in and record the whole thing. I’ve just kind of been writing for the past 9 or 10 months and really enjoying it” and “It sounds like a complete album. God knows when it’s coming out because I’d like to be able to get around the world to see all the fans as well” and “It’s different. It sounds a lot more grown up. I’m 27 so it’s about time. I really wanted to kinda cement a sound. The singles I’ve released previously have all been kinda different sounds. I would like to have my ballad sound & like a cemented uptempo sound.” He and Anne Marie also talked about one of the other songs they wrote together saying, “It’s kind of like a, how do you describe it- guitar driven meets Tom Petty meets Katy Perry meets…” but say “We haven’t really decided if we are putting it out yet, the conversations are kinda happening... but it’s completely different (from Our Song).”
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bananaofswifts · 3 years
Taylor Swift Turns on a Facsimile Machine for the Ingenious Recreations of ‘Fearless (Taylor’s Version)’: Album Review
Swift recreates her entire 2008 album literally down to the last note, then gives herself room for stylistic latitude on six never-before-recorded "vault" tracks.
By Chris Willman
Swift recreates her entire 2008 album literally down to the last note, then gives herself room for stylistic latitude on six never-before-recorded "vault" tracks.
There is no “best actress” award at the Grammys, perhaps for obvious reasons, but maybe there should be this coming year. And the Grammy would go to… Taylor Swift, for so persuasively playing her 18-year-old self in “Fearless (Taylor’s Version),” her beyond-meticulous recreation of the 2008 recording that did win her her first album of the year trophy back in the day. It’s impossible to overstate just how thoroughly the new version is intended as an exact replica of the old — all the way down to her startling ability to recapture an untrained teen singing voice she’s long matured and moved on from. It’s a stunt, to be sure, but a stunt for the ages — mastering the guile it takes to go back to sounding this guileless.
There are two different, very solid reasons to pick up or stream “Taylor’s Version,” regardless of whether you share her ire for the Big Machine label, whose loose ways with her nine-figure catalog precipitated this, the first in a six-album series of remakes where she’ll be turning on the facsimile machine. One is to marvel at her gift for self-mimicry on the album’s original tracks, where she sounds as possessed by her younger self as Regan ever was by Pazuzu. The other reason is, of course, to check out the six “vault” numbers that Swift wrote during that time frame but has never released before in any form, which dispenses with stylistic fealty to the late 2000s and frames her “Fearless”-era discards in production and arrangements closer to “Folklore.” Those half-dozen (kind of) new tracks really do sound like modern Taylor Swift covering her old stuff.
But those original lucky 13? It’s the same damn record… which is kind of hilarious and marvelous and the kind of meta-ness that will inspire a thousand more think-pieces than it already has, along with possibly efforts at forensic analysis to figure out how she did it.
It would not be surprising if, as we speak, Big Machine was putting a combined team of scientists and lawyers on the case of the new album’s waveform readouts, to make sure it’s not just the original album, remixed. Honestly, it’s that close. The timings of the songs are all within a few seconds of the original tracks, if not coming in at exactly the same length. The duplication effort doesn’t allow any detours. If “Forever and Always” had a cold open then, it’s going to have a cold open now. If the 2008 “That’s the Way I Love You” had slamming rock guitars with an almost subliminal banjo being plucked beneath the racket, so will the 2021 “That’s the Way I Loved You.” A drum roll to end the old “Change”? A drum roll to end its body-snatcher doppelganger. And if she chuckled before the final chorus of “Hey Stephen” 13 years ago, so will that moment be cause for a delighted giggle now.
Of course, much analysis will be put into whether the new laugh is a more knowing-sounding laugh. And that will be part of the fun for a certain segment of audiophile Swifties who will go looking for the slightest change as evidence of something meaningful. When “Love Story (Taylor’s Version)” first came out weeks back to preview the album, there were reviews written that swore she’d subtly changed up her phrasing to put a contemporary spin on the song. And maybe they were right, but, having done a fair amount of A/B testing of the two versions of the album, I found myself feeling like I do when vinyl buffs insist there are significant sonic differences between the first stamper version of an LP and one that was pressed a year later. If you can spot those very, very, very modest tweaks, go for it.
But my suspicion is that if Swift has decided to turn a phrase a little differently here or there on this album, or done anything too differently aside from brighten the sound, she’s doing it more as an Easter egg, for the people who are on that kind of hunt, than anything really designed as reinterpretation. Because the last thing Swift wants most of her fans doing is A/B-ing the two versions, the way I did. The whole point is to have folks retire the OG “Fearless” from their Spotify playlists, right? The Swift faithful were already threatening to rain down damnation on anyone caught sneaking an audio peek at the old version after midnight. What she intended was to come up with a rendering so faithful that you would never have a need to spin the vintage album again. In that, she has succeeded beyond what could have been imagined even in the dreams of the few self-forgers who’ve tried this before, like a Jeff Lynne.
Is there any reason to find value in the new versions if you couldn’t care less about the issues of masters and contracts and respect in business deals that made all this strangely possible? Yes, with the first one being that the new album just sounds like a terrific remastering of the old — the same notes, and you’d swear the same performances, but sounding brighter and punchier just on a surface level. But on a more philosophical one, it’s not just a case of Swift playing with her back catalog like Andy Warhol played with his soup can. It’s really a triumph of self-knowledge and self-awareness, in the way that Swift is so hyper-conscious of the ways she’s matured that she has the ability to un-mature before our very ears. With her vocals, it’s virtuosic, in a way, how she’s made herself return to her unvirtuosic upstart self.
On Swift’s earliest albums and in those seminal live shows — at the time when she was famously being told she “can’t sing,” to quote a song from the follow-up album — there was a slight shrillness around the edges of her voice that, if you lacked faith, you might’ve imaged would be there forever. It wasn’t. That was partly youth, and partly just the sheer earnestness with which she wanted to convey the honesty of the songs. She’s advanced so much since then — into one of pop’s most gifted modern singers, really — that the woman of “Folklore” and “Evermore” seems like a completely different human being than the one who made the self-titled debut and “Fearless,” never mind just a woman versus girl. It wouldn’t have seemed possible that she could go back to her old way of singing at the accomplished age of 31, but she found and recreated that nervous, sincere, pleading voice of yesteryear. And maybe it was just a technical feat, of temporarily unlearning what she’s learned since then, but you can sense that maybe she had to go there internally, too, to the place where she was counseling other girls to guard their sexual virtue in “Fifteen,” or wondering whether to believe the fairy tale of “Love Story” or the wakeup call of “White Horse,” or proving with “Forever & Always” that writing a song telling off Joe Jonas for his 27-second breakup call was better than revenge.
If at first you’re not inclined to notice that Swift has re-adopted a completely different singing voice for the “Fearless” remakes, the realization may kick in when those “vault” tracks start appearing in the later stretch of this hour-and-50-minute album. The writing on the six songs that have been pulled up from the 2008 cutting room floor seems primitive, even a little bit by the standards of the “Fearless” album; there are great lines and couplets throughout the rescued tracks, but you can see why she left them as works-in-progress. But she doesn’t use her youthful voice on these resurrections, nor does she employ the actual style of “Fearless” very strictly. Of course, she feels more freedom on these, because there are no predecessors in the Big Machine catalog she’s asking you to leave behind. Her current collaborators of choice, Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, divided the co-producing work on these fresher songs, as they did for the two all-new albums she released in the last year. (The “Fearless” recreations are co-produced by Swift with Christopher Rowe, someone who worked on remixes for Swift back in that era.) They co-produce the vault songs in a style that sounds somewhere between “Fearless” and Folklore”… a more spectral brand of country-pop, with flutes and synths and ringing 12-string guitars and a modicum of drum programming replacing some (but not all) of the acoustic stringed instruments you’d expect to be carried over from “Fearless” proper.
Of the previously unheard tracks, Swift was right — she’s always been her own best self-editor — in putting out “You All Over Me” first, in advance of the album. With its imagery of half-muddy stones being upturned on the road, this song has advanced lyrical conceits more of a piece with the level of writing she’s doing now than some of the slightly less precocious songs that follow. Still, there’s something to be said for the sheer zippiness with which Swift conveys teen heartbreak in “Mr. Perfectly Fine,” which has a lyric that shows Swift had long since absorbed the lessons Nashville had to offer about how to come up with a high-concept song — the concept, in this case, being just to stick the word “mister” in front of a lot of phrases relating to her shallow ex, as if they were honorary titles to be conferred for being a shit, while she employs the “miss” for herself more sparingly.
Some of the remaining outtake songs go back more toward the sedate side of “Fearless”-style material; she didn’t leave any real bangers in the can. “We Were Happy,” the first of two successive tracks to bring in Keith Urban (but only for backgrounds on this one), employs fake strings and real cello as Swift waxes nostalgic for a time when “you threw your arms around my neck, back when I deserved it.” It’s funny, in a good way, to hear Swift at 31 recreating a song she wrote at 17 or 18 that pined for long-past better times. The next song, “That’s When,” brings Urban in for a proper duet where he gets a whole second verse and featured status on half a chorus, and it’s lovely to hear them together. But, as a make-up song, it doesn’t feel as real or lived-in as the more personal things she was writing at the time — and the fact that its chords are pretty close to a slightly more balladic version of the superior “You Belong With Me” was probably a pretty good reason for dropping it at the time.
the 18-year-old Taylor Swift is a great place to visit, but “Folklore” and “Evermore” are the place you’ll want to return to and live, unless you have an especially strong sentimental attachment to “Fearless”… which, sure, half of young America does. It’s not irreconcilable to say that the two albums she issued in the last year represent a daring pinnacle of her career, but that “Fearless” deserved to win album of the year in 2008. Has there been a greater pop single in the 20th century than “You Belong With Me”? Probably not. Did the album also have lesser moments you probably haven’t thought about in a while, like the just-okay “Breathe”? Yes. (I looked up to see whether Swift had ever played that little remarked upon number in concert, and according to setlists.fm, she did, exactly once… in 2018. Because she’s Taylor Swift, and of course she did.) It’s not certain that her duet with Colbie Caillat really needed to be resurrected, except it’s fun, because hey, she even roped former duet partners back into her time warp. But there are so many number that have stood the test of time, like “The Way I Love You,” an early song that really got at the complicated feelings about passion and fidelity that she would come to explore more as she grew into her 20s… and just kind of a headbanger, too, on an album that does love its fiddles and mandolins.
It doesn’t take much to wonder why Swift put up “Fearless” first in this six-album exercise; it’s one of her two biggest albums, along with “1989,” and it’s 13 years old, which does mean something superstitious in the Taylor-verse. In a way, it’ll be more interesting to see what happens when she gets to more complicated productions, like “1989” or “Reputation.” But maybe “Fearless” did present the opportunity for the grandest experiment out of the gate: to recreate something that pure and heartfelt, with all the meticulousness a studio master like Swift can put to that process now, without having it seem like she’s faking sincerity. Let the think-pieces proceed — because this is about six hundred different shades of meta. But, all craftiness and calculation aside, there’s a sweetness to the regression that’s not inconsequential. It harks back to a time when she only wondered if she could be fearless, before she learned it the harder way for sure. What they say about actors “disappearing into the role”? That really applies to Taylor Swift, playing herself.
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Deaf MC vs Devildom
A HUGE thanks to @jaywalk-on-me for reaching out to me about this subject. I really hope I have given this it some justice.
Also, to avoid some of the controversies inside the Deaf Culture: I will not be referencing cochlear implants.
And a note for my fellow hearing people, there is definetelly not much difference between us and deaf/hard of hearing people, in fact, after reading about it, I can hardly consider it a disability seeing it can actually allow them to percieve the world in a much different way from ours and would not have any problems in their life if only us, hearing peers, were cooperative and understanding. Everything we need to do is literally minor details and does not hinder our own lifes in the slightest, in fact, it can even help us too! An example is captioning, there is literally nothing to lose, and honestly, even I put captioning on movies of my mother lenguage because sometimes I just can't understand what is being said and captions really help me with that and enjoy whatever I am watching to the fullest! So let's be more understanding. We are all humans, and can all learn from each other's perspective.
And as always
Warning: Uncensored swearing lol, and reference to lesson 16
Ah, yes, he knew about it, was in your files, nailed it, he learned your local sign lenguage, all good.
Except his expressions are so damn stiff.
He signs a 'Welcome to The Devildom' and I kid you not, you will not be able to tell if he is trying to be welcomingly polite (and failing miserably) or threatening you.
It was definetelly both
He gets better at it-
Perks if you like classic music though, because you will be able to give him a whole different way of enjoying it.
He won't force you to speak if you choose not to, but he sure will never stop being delighted to hear your voice if you do.
It still baffles him how observant you are, may start trusting you to find details he missed on certain things.
He definetelly forgot everything he learned on sign lenguage the moment he stepped out of the tutoring Lucifer made him and all his brothers, except for Levi and Satan, go through.
Yes he will mistake around 5 signs per day on the first week of your arrival in the Devildom.
And he will often forget that you most likelly cannot hear him (if his voice frequency doesn't match your hearing that is) and go off blabbing without signing and then just go "oi why ya ignoring me" and he definetelly is this close 👌to being wacked with the closest thing at range.
Again, he gets better too.
In fact, once he warms up to you (and that's like, real fucking fast) he will make so much effort to get things right, and he always pays attention to have captions in movie nights even without you asking??
He tries lip reading once when you told him it's not easy and, I will let it to your imagination what on hell he managed to lip read.
As mentioned above, he didn't need the tutoring. Why? Guess what, he already knew at least a few sign lenguages, all because of the many animes, games and shows he has watched portray it, even though the ammount of representation is small.(btw I recomend DARK, there is a deaf&mute character and oh boi she's awesome, it's on netflix)
So he definetelly had no problem communicating with you, in fact, he was almost relieved.
He doesn't need to speak verbally?? He basically would rather spoon his eyes out than talk on the phone so on drug levels texting instead is like heroin????
And oh lord you NEED to invite him to the music festivals on the human world catered towards deaf and hard of hearing people, be will LOVE it.
A little bit of downside though, some of his expression changes are very subtle, but as he spends more time with you, he will start incorporating character voices into expressions and body lenguage instead, and you bet he enjoys doing it.
He will definetelly make music just for you. You only hear high frequencies? Or maybe only low frequencies? Or just nothing at all but you enjoy the rythmic vibrations? He definetelly has spend an entire night making a full fucking album just for you.
Seriously, he knows so many sign lenguages it actually made his way of signing pretty unique!
Another fake ass who will give you gentlemany smiles at first. He may be a way lot more smoother than Lucifer but you bet his fake ass is not passing your vibe check, not with the way his eyes just feel a little bit not right.
Another one who gets better though.
It's kind of nice how he grows so used to signing while speaking that his hands often give off a sign or two even when he is speaking to hearing people.
He will definetelly roast quite a few half assed interpreters.
Also he may or may not have gotten a new obssession after you two watched a few silent movies together??
Oh boy this one needs to chill out a bit.
If you can't interpret signs when done too fast then good luck because his hands will literally be able to spell a full fucking paragraph in 20 seconds.
And oh how he explores your other senses.
Definetelly goes to you first to judge how he looks.
Also he is the best option to keep yourself informed?? I mean, it's also something he can relate with, it doesn't matter if someone killed somebody or just broke their nail, he needs to know about it.
He may be a bit disappointed if you don't speak but he gets over it quickly.
Will ruin many people's carreer if they so much as refuse to attent to you just because you're deaf. There's just nothing wrong with it??? Stop being so petty!
He is now your biggest distraction in mid class and you will definetelly end each day carrying at least 10 paper notes in which he will try to speak with you. They definetelly smell like whatever he smells like at the time. And are definetelly written in colored pen. With glitter. And there are hearts. And possibly a kiss mark-
Big boy definetelly has two types of sign lenguage he uses, and if literally depends if he is eating and what he is eating.
Normally he is just, normal lol. Since he is pretty much quite a bit of an amateur at it he will make use of speech filters a lot when he needs to remember certain signs.
If he's holding something big like a sandwich he will either just gulf it all in to have both hands free or try to make a simplified version with one hand. I'll admit the first scenario is quite amusing.
Yes some of the first questions he asks is how to spells certain foods.
And yes you bet you won't be able to know all of them because Devildom food is definetelly something.
Oh and get ready for a bit of chaos if anyone refuses your order because you're deaf.
Please tell him to flap his wings and proceed lay on him or hug him. The vibrations will be very much close to one of those massage chairs.
Oh boy.
First off, he did NOT know about you being deaf because thanks Lucifer.
You guys definetelly spoke in a lot of exchanged notes under his attic door.
He keeps them all hidden somewhere but he will never admit it.
If you're willing to teach him at least how to say 'hi', 'good night' or things like that, he will appear to not be very interested but once the entire lesson 16 fiasco happens they're definetelly the only signs he knows about for some reason when he finally gets tutored.
Still texts you instead.
Even in the same room.
That's what you get from the avatar of sloth I guess-
He does sign a few remarks at you per example commenting on how the new hairstyle Asmo decided to make made his bangs look like a poop behind his back.
Also this:
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(The picture above actually happened and was translated to english from my mother lenguage)
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evarcana · 4 years
Courtiers + Christmas
Sorry, dear anon, it took me ages 😓 well at least I did it before xmas, right?
To avoid the whole discourse about why the bunch of demons and one morally corrupted human are celebrating Christmas, I should say that this is based on the MC inviting the courtiers to celebrate together.
Not like they usually pay attention to silly human holidays. But if it is you inviting... “how delightful” - of course Valdemar is coming. The problem is that in their millennia of existence being busy with their research they sort of missed out on what Christmas was about. “MC, don’t give me that look, this is all fairly new”, you don’t even want to what is old for them. But it’s Valdemar so they lock themselves in dungeons and put all their inhuman determination into researching Christmas.
Valdemar’s research is ...advanced. After they excitingly start telling you whether you knew that red in decorations symbolises blood, you decide it’s time to intervene, hand Valdemar list of gifts to buy and encourage them to return to their usual work (who would believe you would ever say it).
They turn to the party/dinner dressed as Santa (or whatever equivalent). Are you shocked? Erm yes... But why are other guests loving it ?! Well they did become sort of xmas expert in less than a week so you guess it’s okay. Expects lots of stories on how Christmas celebrations developed over the last centuries.
Charms your grandma or elderly auntie by being the only person capable of listening about their chronical conditions and actually engaging on the topic. Your little niece/neighbour’s kid loves them too - they expertly removed all those bits of turkey leg they don’t like to eat in less than 5 seconds. Everybody loves them. But Valdemar still spends most of the time telling what a fascinating specimen you are.
When it comes to gift exchange part, you are glad that they only added a few medical books, plague masks and antiseptics to the list, could be worse.., but where is yours present? “You, my little silly duckling, are on the naughty list this year” with this Valdemar gently throws you in their sack grabs you and excuses you both from the party. You try to protest but they only say that they played along for long enough and now it’s their turn to play little game with you. Oh well you can leave early one year, it promises to be worth it.
Valerius 🎁🍷
Every year Valerius receives plenty of invitations to winter holidays parties arranged by the nobles but this is the first time he got invitation to something that personal. Tells you that he needs to check his diary and finally reluctantly agrees only because “there was a rather unfortunate cancellation”. But really in his head he is like “Omg does it mean that I am part of the family now? Cancel all plans NOW.”
Then he learns that you plan to have Christmas dinner/party at your place. The consul of Vesuvia to go to that ...shack?? That’s unthinkable: The party will be in his estate, yes he knows that it’s incredibly generous of him to offer and no you cannot refuse.
And this is when things are getting extra. You know that crazy neighbours competitions whose Christmas lights are brighter and decorations are better? That’s Valerius, although he has nobody to compete with really. The massive xmas tree got delivered from who-knows-where and who-knows-how in 2 days, and there is no red, golden or green decoration item left in stock in entire Vesuvia, oh and some the palace’s best cooks suddenly took a sick leave for a week (no it was Valerius promising them triple wages).
You ask Valerius not to get any expensive presents, otherwise you will feel bad, he did indeed agree that it was reasonable suugestion. Everybody gets presents more expensive than life. The guests surpringly find Valerius a very good host, this might have something to do with those gifts which were definitely extra or with the fact that everybody got merry in like 20 min thanks to all the fancy wine. Valerius is gossip central, argues about politics with your annoying uncle and plays board games with children.
Insists that it would be better if you stay overnight and not travel home late. Falls asleep in chair with drink in hand like an old man. Later that chair somehow migrates to the hallway by the guest bedroom, under the strategically placed mistletoe. Wait, where did red silky robes come from? All planned. Let’s hope that the unfortunate relative of yours is not staying in the same guestwing.
Vlastomil 🎅🏻 🪱
It’s lovely of you to invite him but he is a busy worm man and cannot really leave his children alone. Maybe he can just stop by? “No, MC! Don’t get offended!!”
Then he learns that Christmas is usually about family, does it mean that his children can come as well?? Ugh while you are mumbling something about that worms may not be very comfortable at your place, Vlastomil decides that the Christmas party will be held in his garden so the worms everybody can enjoy it.
Prepare to have a ...thematic Christmas. There is white xmas tree decorated with the shimmery worms and candy canes which have worms wrapped around them. Okay, even you are not the biggest fan of worms you have to admit that the ice sculptures of worms are quite impressive. He even has little nativity scene but with the worms.
Everybody receives crystal tree decoration baubles with live worms inside. Everybody is shocked. Vlastomil explains that it’s only stocking fillers and there are more gifts. (Also crystal baublesare only for transportation, the worms need to be free range, how dare you). The actual gifts are... amazing. Somebody got a scarf that they liked but didn’t have enough money to buy on that day, another person got a album of pin up pictures of snake women even if it was supposed to be a secret interest of theirs and you got that sparkly princess teara you cried for your parents to buy at age 5 but they never did (cmon, x years later, you still like it).
Some little child says that Vlastomil is like Santa with how you he magically read people’s wishes (there there, little one, it’s just the power of gossip), but Vlastomil is vibing: wiggler gets elf outfit from somewhere and you get lots of invitations to “come to sit on Santa’s lap”. Yes you can stay there after all the guests leave (and yes you can keep your sparkly teara on).
Volta 🍪🥛
Was secretly dreaming to be invited since at least October. But is still genuinely surprised when you ask her to come. She asks tonnes of questions: who else is coming, are you sure they would like Volta, what are you going to do, will there be food?
Volta wants to help you with all the preparations. Not like she is super useful but she did dig out from the piles of stuff in her estate and bring you lots of old tree decorations and some nice tableware. She basically spends all your time with you in the build up to Christmas: you decorate the house together, make gingerbread houses (well more like you made one house from the 1000s attempt, they all got eaten before they were actually completed) and pack gifts for everybody.
You warned all the guests that there going to be lots of food this year, and no you finally don’t need to worry about what to do with the leftovers and crying “end me, I am sick of having xmas food for 10 days in a row” because they are not going to be any leftovers. But you didn’t expect Volta to turn up with even more food. “Volta does not want anybody to starve on Christmas!”. She surely eats lots but she is also looking after other people lots, passing them plates with food (just imagine her holding it with both of her tiny hands) and topping up their drinks, she wants everybody to enjoy the dinner.
Everybody at the table is talking of how adorable Volta is, and nobody can even hide tears when Volta presents little hand made gifts that she prepared herself. But Volta humming Christmas carols? How does she even know Christmas carols? This is illegal level of cuteness.
Volta wants to stay to help you to clean up when the dinner is over. It’s quite and it’s only two of you. Oh you might still have some sweet things in the cupboard.
At first super excited to be invited but the next second they ask what is Christmas about and what does it involve. You decorate, eat, chat to people and exchange gifts? That sounds awfully boring to Vulgora. Can they at least smash the tree in the end? What do you mean - NO?!?!
Eager to help too. They need to use their energy somewhere. You are not sure whether it’s the type of help you wanted. You asked them to carry the xmas tree from the market? There are 5 trees in front of the house, one of which is like is almost 10’ tall. You asked them to chop some wood for the fire? Well, there is enough to have a bonfire in the towncentre. But on the positive side, your house is lavishly decorated this year, Vulgora likes the red and golden theme.
Lots of battle stories at the dinner, some of which ...lack xmas spirit a bit. All the gifts are...war themed. Then Vulgora gets bored and wants to fight for the right to cut the turkey/ vegan nut roast, whatever you are having. Oh no. But they can smash nuts with their gauntlets - the guests are impressed and suddenly want more battle stories. On the positive side, it’s definitely not boring this year, Vulgora is load and energetic.
But then suddenly Vulgora suggests you all go outside, when you question them, they say it’s a surprise. It’s hard to believe what you see: they prepared fireworks and sparkle fountains !!! You cannot help but smile watching vulgora excitingly running around setting them all off (but hopefully not setting your house on fire).
You watch firework lighting up the sky with Vulgora hugging you from behind and then..they rugby tackle you to the ground?! Well whether there is snow or not, they want to have a fight. Luckily the fireworks are over and the guests can just...leave you two to it.
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
Okay, so I can’t stop thinking about the AU where Jaskier somehow ends up working in a Geek Squad-esque department and has to deal with these witchers who bring in mangled/otherwise destroyed phones and the whatnot AU?
Like, the witchers aren’t completely technologically impaired right because the thing about living through who knows how many innovations and whatnot over the years but they really don’t make stuff the way they used to.
(Jaskier maybe sit through a semi-rant on the subject a time or two while processing whatnot for the witchers who have brought him yet another mangled bit of tech orth a fair bit of money and did he know they used to make them of sturdier stuff???)
Geralt is Geralt, all hm’s and hm’s and usually :( although there have been moments of >:( and an especially rare :| which is the closest to the teeny tiny smile Jaskier gets on a good day or when he says something that amuses Geralt enough to visibly show it. (An actual :) is something to be treasured for days afterward and gets Jaskier gentle ribbing from his co-workers because his relationship with the witchers and Geralt in particular is high entertainment for them, but yes.)
Lambert is a delightful asshole who came in all >:(((((((((( after Geralt mentioned there was a new face in the Geek Squad-esque group, one who got him a new phone in spite of the most recently mangled one being out of warranty and suchlike. Didn’t even ask why it smelled of swamp water and may or may not have had bits of swamp...gunk in its insides and anyway.
Jaskier clearly made an impression on Geralt and he’s like but why, though, and comes in intending to be That Customer - and indeed is through the entire ordeal.
Makes Jaskier go over the fine print in the warranty and whatnot when he brings in some horribly mangled bit of shiny tech - a tablet or some such that clearly cannot be saved and is just barely under warranty. A day later and he’d be out of luck, right?
And while it’s covered by the warranty it’s also just old enough the store doesn’t carry it anymore - been discontinued or whatever - which should be fine, right? Jaskier can set Lambert up with the newest model or other equivalent and everything should be fine, but no, no.
Lambert gets this glint in his eye and is like, oh, I’m not going to make things that easy for you, buddy, and goes off on this...whatever about how he liked the version he had - doesn’t want or need the added features on the new one even though they actually are pretty nice, just because he can.
And of course he came in on one of the days Jaskier’s usual supervisor is off and the one who’s had it out for Jaskier since day one is working. Positive Jaskier has done nothing to deserve being moved from overnight stocker to Geek Squad-esque team member and looking for the smallest reason to get him fired. (Or at least kicked back to overnight stocker and then fired for some other reason no one can call them on.)
This supervisor who is hovering, just waiting for Jaskier’s Retail Voice and whatnot to slip so they can pounce and Lambert might not know the details about it all, but it’s pretty damn obvious the supervisor doesn’t like Jaskier.
So he’s like, “Okay, but...” whenever Jaskier brings up a new avenue of convincing the asshole to just say he’ll take the new tablet and gtfo already, pls you asshole, pleasant smile on his face and gritting his teeth the whole time.
Just as the supervisor has had enough of watching Jaskier dealing with this stubborn customer and clearly failing to meet their needs, Lambert is like “Well, I really did like my old tablet, but I suppose this one you’ve been trying to sell me on for nearly half an hour will be adequate, probably,” like Jaskier’s got him at gunpoint or something.
Jaskier is like oh, excellent, sir, what a wonderful choice sir, you are totally my favorite customer sir!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD while also being like >:(((((((((((((((((( to Lamert’s clear amusement and whatnot.
After the deal is done and the bastard’s on his way out, Jaskier is like !!! when he sees Lambert stop in front of the assole!supervisor sure he’s going to complain about Jaskier. To his surprise though, Lambert’s just, all “Oh, he was so helpful! Answered all my questions!” and so on and both Jaskier and the asshole!supervisor are taken aback because that was not what they were expecting?
And then Lambert’s like “I only want to deal with him when I come in here,” to which Jaskier is ah, okay because he gets Lambert’s game now, and the supervisor is just okay, well, I have no control over that unless you come in on days he’s working, but you can bet I’mm make sure it happens if you do, haha.
Which more or less seals Jaskier’s fate on that angle, and absolutely what Lambert intended, and anyway, asshole.
Later on, after they’ve had enough such encounters that Lambert isn’t suspicious of this oddly helpful person at the store where they buy most of their consumer electronics he’s like, >:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD when he comes in nd Jaskier’s like >:(((((((((((((((((((( if you really wanted to help me out here with the asshole!supervisor you’d buy an extended warranty or whatever and Lambert rolls his eyes and scoffs because those are scams and he’s not an idiot, and anyway, he knows Jaskier doesn’ really want to shank him out back behind the store with a rusty knife the way he threatened one time because Lambert is a delight, okay, an utter delight.
Jaskier side-eyes him so hard for that and is like, oh????? So then Lambert won’t mind meeting him out back on his break? Asking for a friend, you know, no other reason. Strangely, Lambert does not.
(Mostly because of that time Geralt fondly told the others about Jaskier shanking a monster out back by the store’s loading dock when Geralt was a little bit bleeding out and in a bad spot and anyway, yeah, no, thanks, Lambert wasn’t born yesterday okay.)
But you know who is an actual delight that Jaskier loves to see come into the store?
Aside from Geralt???
The man is sweet and polite and holds actual conversations (not a slight against Geralt by any means, it’s just. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone at work who isn’t a coworker or a horrible customer and so on) and otherwise doesn’t give Jaskier headaches.
(Though there was the one night after closing and rare time when the store would be clsoed the next day for a holiday or whatever so no night crew coming in. Jaskier was trying to get his car to start when Eskel showed up all bloody and half-dead and Jaskier was closest. Also his phone was broken and no way to contact Geralt or anyone else and how was Jaskier at first aid, asking for a friend and all.)
Jaskier’s favorite encounter with Eskel at work is when he calls Jaskier asking if he can help with a tech issue. Mangled laptop and files he wants to get off the harddrive you know, but ~sensitive file that have to do with the witchers and their work.
They all pretend Jaskier knows absolutely nothing about any of it, even though he’s patched all of them up at some point or they’ve saved his life from some monster or other and there really shouldn’t be any pretense about it all?
It’s one of those days where work is slow and the other Geek Squad-esque people are out on house calls and won’t be back for a few hours or called out sick or whatever.
And this, okay, this is something Jaskier convinced one of them to teach him or he taught himself through Google and YouTube and anyway, he can do the file transfer magic stuff for Eskel, no problem.
Tells him as such and to come by before anyone gets back from the calls so he can handle it himself without anyone looking on and all, so he does, right?
Jaskier lets Eskel in the back room with him while he works, and they have a nice little chat and catch up on what’s new in their lives and all that.
Jaskier is like oh, ew, gross because some of the files he salvages for Eskel are photo documentations of past hunts - for science!!1! - but also ooh, what was that hunt like???
(Accidentally clicks on some or some other reason for him seeing what the files are or just file names and anyway, shhhh, let me have this.)
Because curiosity and also songs and Geralt enjoys being difficult on purpose and Jaskier’s never sure how much Lambert tells him is complete bullshit, and anyway. Eskel’s the nice one. Usually.
Also, though, also.
There are so many photos of Geralt and Lambert, Vesemir and Ciri and certain sorceresses and suchlike, and it’s adorable and sweet and wholly expected?
To Jaskier’s forever joy and delight there are at least two entire album’s worth of freaking goat pictures.
(Well, okay, goat and horse and whatever other animals these withcers have in their lives and so on.)
It’s adorable as hell and Jaskier makes these little squeaky noises of pure awww at the sight of them, okay, because Lil Bleater and whatever little terrors Eskel has known and clearly adores.
He’s like staring straight ahead and all everything’s fine and normal and whatnot while Jaskier is like omg and she’s so cute and omg Eskel, omg.)
Withcers may not be able to blush or whatever, but you can sure as hell bet he would have been blushing up a damned storm if he could and Jaskier also knows that and is just.
Charmed, okay, he is utterly charmed by this big soft dork and swears he won’t tell anyone even though the people who matter obviously know as well, and anyway, anyway, he gets this soft little smile for it and his heart is like oh, oh no, because Jaskier’s kind of gone on these idiot witchers okay.
(After the discovery of the goat pictures Eskel starts sending new ones to Jaskier who always gets that look people get when presented with adorable pictures of animals and this warm squishy feeling because oh, oh no, indeed and anyway, yes, because idk what pairings/ships i even want this to be anymore but just soft feelings all over the place even with Lambert, the bastard. XD)
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
| jersey | Karasuno
alternative title | The boys are flustered at seeing you in their old jerseys 
pairing | Karasuno x Reader (My fave Karasuno boys) 
warning | *slight* mention of NSFW, proceed at own risk :3 
author’s note | My first Haikyuu!! headcanon :3 I bought a Fukurodani no.5 sweater two weeks ago and it arrived today,,, It is huge and on second thought I should not have gotten XL but oh well,,, Just let me pretend it’s my non-existent boyfriend’s sweater :3
Sawamura Daichi 
You were cleaning out the closet and going through a bunch of old boxes that neither you nor Daichi bothered to unpack after moving in together because you’re ✨married✨
Sometime in the middle you found the box where Daichi stuffed all the things from high school that he wanted to keep when moving out of his parents’ 
You cooed as you went over some photo albums and the other memoirs of his high school life until you finally got to the shirt that was resting quietly at the bottom of the box 
It was his jersey 
Of course you put it on immediately, who wouldn’t- 
It was larger than you’d expected, because Daichi already had a rather wide shoulder frame in high school 
The jersey drooped off your shoulders but it was comfortable so you kept it on and continued to clean 
Two more hours later, you heard the door open and you yelled that you were in the bedroom 
He was not prepared to see you dressed in his former jersey, like his jaw would just unhinge itself completely and he’d just stare for five whole seconds without moving 
He’s pretty sure he’s been blessed 
Would just pick you up and carry you in to the shower to do- Um- Stuff (You’re stuff)- The water bill is going to soar through the ceiling- 
Sugawara Koushi 
He was at work, completely unsuspecting 
The next thing he knows, his phone is vibrating and he opens his text messages to see you smiling at the camera, dressed in only his old jersey for as far as he can tell 
I firmly believe that Suga has the worst pokerface ever- 
The kids (He works at the kindergarten) would just be like “Suga-senpai, your face is all red!” 
And Suga would just scream internally because he just wants to go home and jskjskjs pick you up and throw you on the bed or something and then cuddle you for two hours without moving 
He would laugh and try to shake it off, distracting the kids with something until they were occupied, then he would look at your message 
‘Cleaning out our closet, look what I found :p’ you texted him 
Suga would explode again after looking at the picture for a second time, he just can’t handle everything going through his mind at the same time 
Rest assured that once he gets home he’d immediately throw you on the bed, but he’d keep the jersey on though ;) 
Tsukishima Kei 
He doesn’t admit it, but something inside him always feels warm when he sees you in his shirts because they are so long and you are so tiny in them- 
Blonde beanpole would never admit it out loud even though the two of you have been married for a while 
(Of course, you know that you do things to him, you’re not blind) 
You took a day off to sort out the boxes that the two of you never had the time to unpack after moving in 
Because Kei can be private about his things sometimes, you had asked him if it was okay if you sorted his old things or if he wanted you to leave his boxes alone 
He said it’s okay :) 
So you took a day off, made a pot of warm green tea and got comfortable (Is there anyone else who finds sorting things satisfying? I do) 
After a while, you opened a box that contained some things he didn’t throw out after high school- His old Somy headphones that didn’t work anymore- A few books- And his old uniform 
You were delighted to find that all three of his jerseys (First year, second year, and third year) were inside the box 
Knowing that he secretly liked seeing you in his clothes, you put on his third year jersey, the shirt being so long you could wear it as a dress 
You didn’t hear him get home because you were too busy blasting music while cleaning and sorting, so he walked into your room seeing you wiggle around weirdly to the beat of the music while dressed in his old jersey 
Boom! kEI IS NOW A TOMATO (This line belongs to @owlywrites lol)
You jumped in shock when you heard the door slam close because Kei is overloading, I repeat Kei is overloading- 
Like, he’s seen you in his Sendai Frogs jersey before, you always wear it when you support him during his games- But seeing you in his high school jersey just hits different 
He would be really tsundere for the next half an hour but you know that’s because he’s trying to fix his brain, which has just shortcircuited and undergone system failure- 
If you tease him enough he’d just push you back onto the couch or whatever surface you’re near and- You know- ;) 
@hikari-writes (I’m not sure if it’s okay to tag you in this??? It’s a bit NSFW but Idk?) @whootwhoot Here you go, have some ✨Tsukki content✨ @owlywrites
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Friendly Encounters- Chapter Eight
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: A friend challenges you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to one of the cute boys at the café. However, after attempting to flirt with one of them, they reveal that they are in a relationship with each other. It’s fine, though, because you’re all friends now!
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance
𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: Smut, Angst
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Racism, Yoongi and Jimin are angels, Graphic depictions of sex, really angsty
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 4.9k
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jimin x Reader x Yoongi
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“I’m gonna cum, I’m close!” Yoongi’s entire body shakes and shudders underneath you as you voraciously fuck him with all your strength. You aren’t going easy on him at all, using the lube and your hands to simultaneously jerk him off as well. The sounds he makes are delicious, absolutely delightful as your mouth waters at his small, high-pitched whines. Thank God you have pillows, but unfortunately you still had to keep the noise level to a minimum.
As Yoongi cries under you and shudders once more, you lower yourself slowly, spreading his cheeks with your hands. You both were sweaty, horny, and so very exhausted. Yet with the feeling of your strap applying pressure to Yoongi’s boy-pussy, he knows that he doesn’t want it to end so soon. Him and Jimin had spent hours together, playing in bed. Why couldn’t you have the same? Even if you had sex in the cabin and you spent a lot of time together anyways.
There was always something lacking, and that was the sexual intimacy between you and Yoongi. You knew it was a matter of time before you found a dynamic that worked for you.
“Go ahead, baby. Cum on my fingers, I want you to feel good too.” You start acting like you have a dick too, as Yoongi moans loudly into the pillow once more, his release building up as you shift again, your pussy drenched completely from seeing him all vulnerable like this.
“I want you to cum too,” He’s puddy in your hands, as you stroke his arms and press the softest kisses to his shoulders. “Cum with me kit-AH Y/N!” He’s writhing in pleasure as you pump his cock between your hands, and with him hunched over on the bed it makes it even easier for you to lean forward and brush your dildo across his throbbing hole. Despite removing it earlier, his puckered hole is still wide, and so ready for penetration.
You tested him first with a finger before taking your vibrator and bringing it down to the base of his cock.
“Damn, I think you’d cum right now if you saw your ass. So fucking perfect, round and squishy. No wonder Jimin moans so much with you.” You both groan as you decide to stop playing around and actually fuck him again, this time, tightening your belt before rolling your hips against his soft cheeks.
“You’re so sexy, and wonderful. I love you, Y/N.” You softly kiss his lips before pulling out and surrendering to sleep. You need a lot of rest, after that intense workout.
“Love you too, Yoongles. Also, Jimmy’s gonna kill us tomorrow but that’s fine because you looked so hot submissive like that and I had fun. I never thought a fake cock could make me feel so powerful.” His giggles are like music to your ears. You were starting to get used to the sound.
“Yeah, that’s exactly why I play dom most of the time. It’s a hell of a lot more fun when I get to play with you two and I get to use my cock as death.” It’s your turn to laugh, as he makes it sound like a weapon or power move of some sort.
“I hope you aren’t in too much pain, I got a little carried away.” You sigh, rubbing your thighs together anxiously.
“What? Nah, I’m fine. Maybe I’ll be a little sore tomorrow, but I think I’ll be able to sit. Let’s just say, if I can’t sit, it’ll be considered a win for you.” Your blond boyfriend gives you a wink as you reply with an, “Okay, I’ll take that. As long as we get to do this again, and maybe I can even fuck you in the tub!” Yoongi cringes at your words.
“Let’s not get too ambitious. On three let’s say it together, 1,2,3: Let’s not get too ambitious.” You both giggle the rest of the night away, concentrating more on each other than cleaning up your mess made of dildos, lube, and straps. You were too lazy to get out of bed, and Yoongi was keeping you busy, so you didn’t really have a reason to, other than cleaning up.
“Oh, aren’t you guys going back to work tomorrow?” You ask, as Yoongi pulls you in for a tight hug.
“Sweetie, we used up pretty much all of our vacation days with you. It doesn’t mean we won’t ever get time off from work again, but officially, we’re back on full-time duty.” You had forgotten how much older your boyfriends had been than you. You were so close with them that the age difference slipped your mind.
It wasn’t like they were in their mid-thirties, you could understand their problems, since they had no other way of making money. Plus, they were dating their landlord’s daughter, they didn’t want to feel indebted because of you.
As easy as they make the relationship seem, you still feel uncertain at times. Actions speak louder than words, you were thinking of doing a large gesture for them. Something to let your boyfriends know you appreciate them.
“I know you like working at the café, but wouldn’t you like to be a music producer, Yoongi?” Your boyfriend wraps a towel around you before throwing his boxers back on and checking if the hallway is clear first before pulling you towards the bathroom.
“I already sold one of my songs. It gave me quite a bit of money, so I think I’ll keep doing it.” Your heart fell at that statement. You were really hoping your boyfriend was making his own profits from releasing his own albums on spotify, but it seems that he did the opposite, not even getting credit for his own tracks.
“That’s not right. Those people won’t even credit you, now that you sold the rights of that song to some heavily produced company. It’s like some crappy teen drama, where everything is forced instead of being introduced and built on. You can’t just sell your music and expect it to resonate with them.”
“Slow down, I don’t recall telling you who I sold the music to. Don’t jump to conclusions without learning all the facts first.” Yoongi snaps at you before folding his arms together, as you check the water in the shower to make sure it’s warm enough for you to step in.
This wasn’t your first time showering together, you already had that experience back in the mountains, during your first and only romantic getaway with your boyfriends. You felt comfortable being naked in his presence now, enough to trust him to retain a little bit of self-control when he’s in the same position.
“Fine, I see your point. Who did you sell your music to?” You turn around, making sure your hair gets wet too. Yoongi had some shower gel in his hands so he was currently lathering your arms and shoulders. He was saving your more sensitive areas for last, since he saw your nipples harden when you stepped into the water.
“J-Hope. I actually made the beats for Outro: Ego.” Your eyes widened at this new bit of information. Yoongi never bragged about it, or bought it up. Even that time you were actually at that concert, listening to that same song. How did he fail to let you in on something so important? Did he think that telling you was a waste of time?
“Yoongi, that’s amazing. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have supported you regardless.” He sighs, looking elsewhere to take his mind off his thoughts of work. Music was a hobby of his, one that he was good at. He just wanted to make a profit without worrying you. 
He knew if he told you about the side projects he was working on, you would get very worried and then go way over your head before having the entire thing explode in your face. You weren’t the most graceful girl in the world, you were clumsy and that’s why Yoongi fell for you.
Your “I can do it,” attitude had its setbacks, as you often got too serious about simple things and overcomplicated in your head, he knew you were currently doing just that. Your perseverance was admirable, though.
“I’m gonna tell you this just once, kitten. You might have not noticed it but you have a bad habit of meddling, and when you do that, it makes trouble for others. Please understand that I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to stick your head in it. It’s my music, and I know what I want to do with it.”
You weren’t offended. Your first thoughts were, ‘Oh, he’s telling me to drop the subject. I can do that,’ but as time progressed, you found yourself growing anxious. You knew Yoongi deeply cared for his songs, and the little free time he spent with you was taking away from his hobby. You wanted him to focus on his career, and become a better artist.
So, you decided to get Yoongi a whole setup using your birthday money. You were saving up to buy something big, but it seems that Yoongi needs your help more than ever.
You go to amazon, adding foam panels and lots of tech equipment to your cart. You spent exactly $228 after everything and you still had about $300 remaining in your birthday cash. You got $500 from your Grandma.
You yawn before crawling into bed for some sleep. Since you spent your day focused on Yoongi, you failed to remember that you hadn’t seen one of your boyfriends the entire day.
                ༻• Thursday, At School •༺
School took a toll on your mental health. You needed a break, even though you just started. The public education system was seriously messed up, making you work double of what you had to do over break. The only thing that made it bearable was your group chat with your boyfriends.
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You lock your phone, uneasiness washing over you like an ocean wave. You wish you could go to the beach. Spring seemed neverending and all you could think of was fucking your boyfriends like a bunny in heat.
School passes by slowly, and just as you’re on your way to the café, Jaehyun stops you.
“Jae, hey what’s up?” He looks bruised and battered. You can tell something is horribly wrong.
“The cops arrested my buddies, it was horrible. If you know me, you know I’m not a bad kid. Those guys weren’t either, they were just chilling in my living room, vaping, when a cop busted my door down and arrested like six of my friends. They were all 14, 15, and 16. Not even legal adults, what the fuck is wrong with the justice system?”
“Do you know where they are?” You don’t ask many questions, immediately getting your phone out to text your boyfriends and mom about the situation, since they all knew your daily schedule. Jaehyun was an old friend of yours, too, you couldn’t just leave him.
“They were taken down to the local police station on 95th street. Oh, it was terrible Y/N. They beat me up and I was actually just asking them what my friends did wrong. After that, my parents kicked me out for good. So now I’m homeless.”
“I thought you said you moved out a long time ago?” You help lower him to sit on a bench so he can calm down.
“I-I did, but then those guys were dealing drugs. I didn’t want to be friends with them anymore. So I moved back home.” He starts crying, tears flowing down his cheeks. You had never seen Jaehyun so sensitive in such a long time, that was probably because you made the wrong assumptions about him. 
“Alright, I’ve texted my mom and two other roommates of mine to let them know the situation. Yoongi and Jimin should be here any minute.” You continue comforting your crying friend as your boyfriends pull up to you and Jaehyun. You help him into the car as Jaehyun looks at Jimin with confusion written all over his face.
“Hey, aren’t you the pervert who tried coming onto my girlfriend?” Yoongi mistakes him for Jungkook, as he gets a bad view of him from the front seat.
“No...and what do you mean your girlfriend? You’re dating that guy, right?” He points at Jimin, confusion apparent on his face.
“We’ll explain later. For now, just tell them what you told me. Jimin, full speed ahead to the police station on 95th street.” 
You arrive at the local police station in ten minutes, despite the traffic being horrid. Jimin stepped on the pedal and managed to reach where you needed to go.
“Officer, where are the three young men you arrested from his house?” Yoongi asks, as soon as you reach the police station.
“Oh, those thugs? Yeah, they vandalized private property so we had to jail em. Bail is $200. You can go see ‘em over there.” Jaehyun runs ahead of you to the temporary holding cell in the back of the room.
“Oh my god, guys. Thank goodness you’re okay. I hope they didn’t beat you up too bad?” A tall dark male with some visible tattoos and jet black hair stands up, putting his hand through the cell to hold his friend’s fingers through the bars. You could tell from the grim expression in his eyes that he was used to this. The horrible treatment from the authorities because they assume they’re bad guys. It’s no coincidence that they’re targets because of their dark skin color. Fuck racists, these guys deserve better.
“Nah, we’re fine. We’ve been through worse, right boys?” 
“But still, this is wrong. It’s illegal! They can’t just-”
“Move aside. We’re setting you free, since your brother who’s a district attorney has connections. Just don’t repeat it, okay?” The boys don’t even make a sound as the police officer lets them out of their holding cell and they walk out with their hands behind their heads.
“Are you really used to it? Getting arrested just because some cop thinks you’re dealing drugs or something?” Yoongi’s curiosity gets the best of him, as he asks the boy who spoke to Jaehyun earlier.
“Yep. It happens all the time. Like Marc here was playing basketball out in the driveway once when he was 10 and before we knew it this cop had him pinned down on the ground with his hands over his head. He said the ball looked like a weapon and gave a half-assed apology to us after our neighbor who saw the commotion came outside and told the cop to let go of him. It was really awful, but he got tougher from the experience.” 
You couldn’t imagine a young boy at the age of ten going through something so dramatic and traumatizing in a quaint little town. Even now, the boy standing before you was just a teenager. He had torn jeans and a stylish leather jacket, but you could tell he was a little younger than the rest of the boys in the group.
“That shit ain’t right.” Jimin shakes his head as another boy smacks his arm in agreement.
“You can say that again. We’ve been through some things but it’s not mentally scarring or anything. You can’t beat those racists, huh?!” You bite your lip. You hated bringing up the topic of racism because it is the root of all evil. You hated how parents taught it to their children and it became engraved in humans. Skin color doesn’t determine a person’s worth.
“I guess you’re right. I was the only asian kid in my class in the fifth grade. No one else in that town had a fleck of gold on their skin, they were all pasty white kids. I didn’t know it at the time, but apparently their parents fed them lies and I was never invited to pool parties because they thought my skin was “dirty.” Racism starts at home, man. It doesn’t just appear out of thin air.”
That was the first time you’ve ever heard your boyfriend recite a story from his past so passionately. You had no idea Jimin experienced such shit, especially after going through everything with Jaehyun and his buddies. You’ve never seen high school students look so calm even in the presence of police officers. It’s obviously because they knew they were innocent from the get-go.
“Well, this is where we part ways. I gotta take this uber to my house, catch you later!” You wave as the guy named Marc hops into a taxi and disappears off into the freeway.
“What about you?” Jaehyun gives his friend a puppy-eyed stare as you can tell he wants him to go with him. 
“I’ve gotta go too, bud. It was nice seeing all of you, thanks again for driving down to the station even though we didn’t need your help.”
“Wait!” You stop him before he can get in the waiting taxi. “What’s your name? I’m Y/N, an old friend of Jaehyun’s.” He gives you a small smile before winking at you.
“I’m Duval. Nice to meet you.” 
                                   ༻• Thursday, At Home •༺
You were back to freaking about your graduation again. Your entire life in school was a waste since you were single, you never hung out with friends, and you spent all your free time doing homework. You wish you could go back and rewind time but you would gladly go through it all again if it means you could meet Jimin and Yoongi again.
You’re so in love with them that you might just marry them. You were at least hoping you could have a commitment ceremony so that you didn’t have to worry about being legally bound to one man when you could be equally committed to both. The problem is, your wallet is more empty than your belly when you aren’t shoving food down your throat.
You dedicated all your time to school that you forgot about the outside world. And now you want to spend it on your boyfriends. Ah, when will the pain end? You needed to start working fast before anything else. There was only two weeks left till your graduation, and your anniversary with the boys was coming up as well.
The very much less anticipated arrival of your father was approaching as well, and you were trying to figure out a way to tell him that you were in love with two boys who you also thought of so fondly that you were ready to give your life to them in exchange of a future of happiness and the fact that you weren’t keen on dating or marrying any of the men your father picked out with wealthy backgrounds.
“Babe, will you stop pacing? It’s making me dizzy.” Jimin sinks in your swivel chair as you walk back and forth in the little space between your bed and the table. Thanks to Jimin’s comment, you were even more antsy, biting your nails out of habit until Yoongi bursts into your room with good news.
“Hoseok said he had a singer friend who heard one of my songs and he loved it!”
“That’s great news, now why don’t you come sit and talk to us so we can get our kitten’s mind off school?” You grimace at Jimin’s attempt to switch topics so nonchalantly as Yoongi excitedly makes his way towards you, cornering you into your own bed as he informs you of his day’s events.
“He said he wants me to go over and play a demo for another song since he’s gonna be in town for a couple more days. Hobi said he got lucky because the guy happened to be in town for his own concert and he was on tour so he would only be here until Sunday evening. It’s a three-day concert.” 
This was great! All the pieces were in place and now all that was left to do was wait for Yoongi’s little surprise to arrive. You were keeping an eye on the online package, since you ordered quite a few items.
“Great, so I’m guessing you’re gonna head on over there after work tomorrow?” You ask, unaware of their current situation.
“Actually, since we took all our time off during your spring break, Jin decided to be extra mean and make us work a double shift on Friday. There’s no way I’d be able to leave in between, even if Jimin covers for me. That’s the only day we can meet, since he planned this on such short notice too.” You stand up, banging the palm of your hand flat against the soft cushion on the swivel chair, Jimin’s head just inches away from your arm.
“I’ll do it!” Your boyfriends stare at you as if you’ve grown a second head.
“No, are you crazy?”
“My grades are fine, plus this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. You should go, Yoongi. I’ll take your place in work. How long is a double shift anyways?” You want to so desperately express your love for your neglected boyfriend that you’re willing to go through such lengths. That, and you’d be killing two birds with one stone since you could also spend more time with Jimin. Work is work but mixing a little love won’t hurt anyone.
“If you’re sure. A double shift is 14 hours. You’d have to work 6 hours after school, you think you can handle that?” Right on cue, you get a text from your mom. She’s doing the night shift so she probably wouldn’t notice your absence. You’re a good daughter, though, so you text her to make sure she knows what your plan is. She knew about the little setup you were planning for Yoongi, and she supported you in virtually everything you did. Except for your sex life, she definitely had no clue that you had actually gone further than second base, that’s for sure.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine. Plus, I’ll have you too.” Jimin gives you an endearing smile before pulling you down to his lap. You snuggle into his warm chest, breathing in his sweet scent. You loved your boyfriend with all your heart. The mochi hits differently.
“I’m just gonna...go back to my room.” Yoongi awkwardly makes an exit as Jimin continues nuzzling your neck affectionately. You couldn’t help but feeling a bit guilty, since your other boyfriend seemed a bit troubled and you were sitting here, fooling around with Jimin like some teenage slut.
“He’s more awkward than usual today, you wanna go ask him what’s wrong?” He seems to already know what you’re thinking, as you shift around in his lap and you stay silent for an abnormally long time.
“Normally, I would just give him space but he seems to have a lot on his mind. I hope he isn’t too stressed. The opportunity presented itself and I feel like I forced him to do it.”
“No, baby, what are you saying? Yoongi never does something because someone told him to. He really wanted that deal, you know how long he’s been producing as a hobby? So many people have taken advantage of him in the past but this is the real deal.” You didn’t want to ask Jimin to elaborate, as he shifts in his seat and you feel his body heat rising. He’s sweating as well, so you decide to climb off his lap and onto the bed once again, sitting with your legs and arms crossed when you do.
“I know, that’s why I told him I’d work his shift. He can go visit this producer guy on Saturday and blow the hats off those guys while I flaunt my temporary barista skills.” 
“Honey, if you think I’m letting you anywhere near a coffee machine, you’re dead wrong.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Yours and Jimin’s playful banter carries throughout the walls and onto the next room, where Yoongi hears every little exchange between the two of you. To be honest, he’s never felt more insignificant in his life than he does now. With his partners laughing and having fun without him...he felt so self-conscious.
He loved you and Jimin dearly, but sometimes his self-doubts would get in the way of his love for you. He couldn’t trust you because he couldn't completely believe himself. He knew he was in love with Jimin fully, but was he really in love with you? He remembers that very first day when you walked into the coffee shop and openly flirted with his boyfriend. That “friendly” exchange led to something more, something unexpected. 
He never thought he would be the one to initiate the first sexual encounter, but it seemed his fingers had a mind of their own. He developed a little crush on you shortly after you became friends with Jimin, but then his body betrayed him once again when he found out you were living in the same house as him.
He jerked off to the thought of you every day after that, to be honest. He felt dirty, but it felt right. He started getting confused only after you all started dating. You and Jimin were closer than him and Jimin, and him and you. Out of all the combinations, yours was the weakest. 
Sure, you had music in common, but did that really mean anything? Physically, you were more compatible than a glove with a hand, but emotionally, you were distant. He wanted you to follow him out of the room and climb over his back, he truthfully wanted Jimin to kiss his worries away like he always does, and when you were finished, he wanted to be the one to wake you up in the morning just in time for school. He was bad at social interactions, so any dreams of affection were just imaginative unless you took the initiative, or if you were at the right place at the right time.
“Yoongz, I know you better than I know myself. What’s going on in that handsome brain of yours?” His boyfriend is always spot-on when it comes to his emotions. Unlike Yoongi, Jimin excelled at expressing himself and interacting with the world around him. He was like Yoongi’s mouth, at some point. Yoongi had gotten arguably better at expressing himself, though, after meeting you he always put himself out there, just talking to you about whatever was bothering him directly. Of course, Jimin knew this happened only 60% of the time. It’s still a huge improvement for him, Jimin was happy either way. He knows it’s only a matter of time before Yoongi opens up to you completely. A full 100%.
“What if my love for Y/N is just an illusion and my body is addicted to her but my mind is not attracted to her?”
What the fu-
“Think about what you just said. Think about it again, long and hard, imagine her body this time.” Yoongi does exactly as Jimin instructs, feeling his worry melt away instantaneously just by thinking of you. He feels more at ease and a little bit floaty as well.
When he opens his eyes, Jimin is staring at his crotch deep in thought, probably pondering what he just said. Yoongi honestly has no clue anymore. He’s gotta be in love with you, he just knows.
“Just as I thought. You’re craving her again. Go ahead and get her, you dog.” Jimin lets out a short howl before spanking his boyfriend’s ass. Yoongi tries to protest but Jimin simply shoves him towards the direction of your room.
“She’s not some food item, you know? You can’t just say I’m “craving” someone and just walk away.” Yoongi rolls his eyes before knocking on your door.
“Oh, hey Yoongi, you want me to suck you off?” Well, that was easy.
“Really?” You stare up at your boyfriend, looking up from your phone in a bored manner.
“I finished my homework early so I think I deserve a reward, plus I’ve been craving that dick ever since I fucked you. Oh gosh, did you even mention it to Jimin? I don’t think I told him yet.”
“Tell me what?” You and Yoongi both jump back in surprise. Your blue-haired boyfriend is directly behind Yoongi, smiling at you with those half-moon eyes. You love the way Jimin’s face looks when he smiles, it’s simply adorable.
“I threw on a strap and I fucked Yoongi. I’m not joking, I really did.” Jimin’s eyes darken with lust as he stares between the two of you.
“Can you do it again and let me watch this time?” 
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rocknrollarticles · 4 years
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Chris Simmonds interviews Jon Lord for Beat International Magazine, December 1975
(article transcription continues below the cut)
Lord of The Deep
“I don’t think rock could exist and roll exist without solos — it’s a vital form of musical expression.”
Jon Lord of Deep Purple is undoubtedly a rarity. He combines the most pleasing qualities, rarely found among others enjoying a similar position on the Rock and Roll roundabout. We have man who has been making successful records for over seven years, and who remains both verbally and musically articulate with out ever resorting to the more flamboyant pretensions exhibited by so many of his contemporaries. He is a star, to be sure, but never to the point of camouflaging the musician.
With the reformed Purple off to the States until Christmas, we were delighted when Jon agreed to meet us at the airport before take-off to talk about Purple, new and old, and in general his particular role as keyboard player. The time was apt as we had just heard enough of the tapes of the band’s new album (Come Taste The Band) to suggest that it would totally eclipse the rather disappointing Stormbringer.
Jon, notorious for his late plane catching, arrived early this time, and cast his mind back to the days of Deep Purple Mark 1. The In Rock album was certainly the first major step towards worldwide acceptance, and we asked how this style change had been linked with the departure of original members Rod Evans and Nicky Simper, vocals and bass. 
“Christ, that far back. My memory isn’t all that good. Basically, it was that three people in the band wanted two to leave, and In Rock shows exactly what we wanted to get into. In fact, we had already been playing the In Rock style on stage, but we had never done it on an album. With lan Gillan and Roger Glover in the band, we had two rock and rollers, much more so than the others.
“It might just have been the climate of the times, but we did feel that the previous albums had rambled a bit. This attitude almost went against us, because we were so concise with In Rock that it became very hard to follow. This move was in fact largely motivated by Ritchie, and the general agreement by the majority of the band was that this was what we should do.
“I went down at the time as saying that I totally agreed with the policy but thought it should have been little more relaxed, and as a result of that Ritchie and I had a few arguments. These resolved themselves and resulted in Machine Head which, apart from the new one, was to my mind our best album.
If there were the odd moments of apathy from Ritchie, I certainly never shared them, apart from Who Do We Think Are which I disliked intensely. It was done in a mood of total fed-upness. lan left shortly afterwards, because by then he and Ritchie were having head-on collisions, so that probably caused the bad moods of that time.
“However, most of the albums were a great joy to make. Although Fireball got slagged a bit, you must remember that it followed a smash success album, and that’s always difficult. It still gave me great satisfaction.” During this period a very prominent feature of the Purple music was a never ending rash of frantic solos. How far did Jon feel that they were an integral part of the songs?
“So long as it fits the song, I’m delighted to have them. We have reached the point now that even when I am playing the part of a backing musician I have much greater freedom. The song structure with Glenn (Hughes) and Tommy (Bolin) isn’t set any more. We are trying to loosen the whole thing up, and cut out the ‘this happens in that bar and that happens there’ attitude.
“The days of the really long solos have gone, and I am talking about the twenty five minute jobs. Everyone will still have their solo slot, because basically that is what Deep Purple is all about. We have always prided ourselves on our individual abilities, and we like to show it. Quite frankly, we sometimes went much too far in the past, and some of the others’ solos bored me.”
Given Jon’s feelings about solos, did he have any special preference about playing the more direct songs like Speed King and Highway Star or the more protracted tracks like The Mule?
“I’m quite happy with either role, so long as I am happy with the song in the first place. I don’t mind sitting back behind the guitar because that is just as creative as leading the song. Actually, that’s a tricky question, because the Hammond doesn’t really sit all that well in rock and roll as a backing instrument. It took me a long time and a lot of hard work to find an acceptable way of incorporating the instrument… Where was I? Oh yes, at the same time I have to solo — every musician does.
I don’t think rock and roll could exist without solos — it’s a vital form of musical expression. It’s a way of stretching out, but of course how much you do so is up to you, or the band. A musician should solo as long as he feels he is feeding off the audience, but I feel that it is unforgivable to bore an audience.”
With the new members, what possibilities did Jon see as far as his own instrument was concerned? “I really see many. Ritchie was a very demanding player in that he really enjoyed the limelight. I mean, we all did obviously, but I suppose he was so extrovert on stage to balance the introvert he was offstage. It’s hard to speak objectively as he was my friend for seven years. One of the nice things about having an American in the band is the more quote laid back unquote atmosphere. I enjoyed Tommy’s solo album.” And Ritchie’s album?
“There was certainly a Purple sound, but thought it was second rate Purple, and you can print that. I was surprised to say the least, because he said he wanted to go right back to the raw roots he felt we were abandoning. At the same time I suspect that his next album will be a bitch.”
On the subject of these recent albums, Jon went on to compare Stormbringer and Come Taste The Band. “I liked the Stormbringer album. It was certainly a little different. There was a certain apathy on Ritchie’s part — he was already thinking of leaving — and perhaps it shows. We should have attacked it more as Deep Purple rather than approaching it in that dispirited way. I’m really not trying to make Ritchie a whipping boy — I really don’t want to — but you mentioned the word apathy and I think I would have to go along with that. But if the album didn’t quite come off, it didn’t sell as well as the others had, so there’s justice there.”
Jon is well known for his classical inclinations, and we wondered if they might reemerge more strongly within the new band framework?
“I’m really two musicians, and they meet somewhere in the middle. The outer edges can never get together, and that’s why I make solo albums, just to get things out of my head and out of my system. Look — I’m not carrying a cross for classical music — I’m a rock and roller and I have been for ten years. There just happens to be more, that’s all.”
What did he feel that the future held for the keyboard? “I think now that it has arrived with a vengeance, it will stay. Keyboard players are having to get more versatile in respect of the number of instruments they are having to play. The organ sound as just an organ sound is already overused, and I personally use synthesizers, a clavinet and a Fender Rhodes besides the Hammond.
“I have countered this dilemma of 'old hat’ sound by having my set up built specially for me. I have four Leslies which have been totally ripped out and replaced with better components, Crown amps, and all the keyboards, about six, go through the Leslies. The organ has also been messed around with, so it’s not a straight Hammond sound — it’s a particular sound that I feel fits our kind of music.”
Jon was also glad to offer tips to the embryonic keyboard wizard. “Well, even though it’s 'just’ rock and roll, I think it’s invaluable to acquire a technique of some sort. By all means absorb from other people, and try find out how they do it, but then you mus try to branch off and perfect your own style. Things like scales and arpeggios, although very boring, are bloody well worth while. If you are soloing, and your fingers won’t do what is in your head, it’s the most frustrating thing in the world. I have never regretted the hours and hours of practising that I have put in. I try to listen as much as I can to what else is going on in the rock world — I think it is important to be aware of what your peers are doing.
“I was talking to lan Gillan the other night on just this subject, and he said he never used to listen to anyone but Deep Purple and Elvis Presley. He admitted that he was totally wrong. He said that since he had been off the road he had been listening to everything that he could, and he realised how much he had missed. You don’t listen to others to copy — just to judge the feel of the business. Anyway, it’s a relaxation to me.”
The hidden speakers in the roof of the lounge was announcing the departure of the Purple flight. “I feel as if I could go on for another twenty years,” said Jon jumping up. “Thanks a lot for talking to me.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Forget Me Not ~ YJG [Request]
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➵➵➵Word count: 2,500
➵➵➵Genre: ermmm thriller??? mystery??? FLUFF
➵➵➵Pairing: Yang Jeongin x reader
➵➵➵A/N: This is my first time writing something with this kind of genre, I hope I did it justice enough for you as I was unsure of how to make it work. I hope it's okay though if not feel free to message me and I will rewrite the entire thing or write you something new. Love You.
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The music you produced was like angels singing to Jeongin he adored everything you ever released and spent most of his free time listening to your music or looking up information on your fandom. The Stray Kids vacation was coming up and so was one of your concerts so he was planning on going to watch you live but as he delved deeper into your life and the fandom that surrounded it things started to feel weird. He noticed that the fans, named H.E.A.R.T.S after your stage name H.E.A.R.T seemed to be a little bit off, there was something there that didn't seem quite right. Normally fans were there to support the artist in everything you did but yours seemed to want to stop you from growing, making sure your music stopped at certain limits, stopping certain people from seeing interviews or photographs, everything was under lock and key with you and the company you worked for. Your real name was always hidden from the media and no one saw you unless the company allowed it, you weren't spotted out by paparazzi ever, and you were never seen except for live performances and interviews.
"What are you doing?" Chan asked when he walked in on the youngest member going through something on his laptop, I.N was trying to figure out more information on you but every website he seemed to go onto was blocked without proper passwords or hacking being needed. 
"Ah, you're looking for H.E.A.R.T?" Jeongin looked up at the leader nodded and looked back down to the laptop, it was so weird that things around you were the way they were and he wanted to figure out why. 
"No one knows the passwords unless they've been given them," Chan stated taking the laptop away and shutting it, 
"No one knows who she is though...What's her name? Her age? Where does she come from?!" Jeongin was really interested in finding out everything and anything he could about you, and maybe that was the point in your fandom being so secretive, so that it would drawer more and more people into the investigation that was your life but all he knew was he wanted to know more.
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Jeongin had tracked down the company you worked for using JYP's accounts thinking it would work better than a normal email, another company looking to collab with H.E.A.R.T is what he was posing as. Trying to discover anything he could, 
Dear Mr J.Y. Park, 
We would be delighted to let your singing Mr Yang Jeongin work with our artist H.E.A.R.T as we believe it would be a fantastic opportunity for them both to widen their fanbase however, H.E.A.R.T. is under a very strict time-consuming contract and we would have to have them record things separately, only meeting for one performance. We will arrange a conference call between H.E.A.R.T and Jeongin when the time is right for you, please let us know ASAP what your thoughts on this will be. What kind of song he will want to produce and we will get back to you. 
Sync Industries
Seoul, South Korea 
That was a start, at least now he knew you were located in Seoul somewhere and he could work from there, he felt like one of the detectives he'd always seen on the TV or in mangas. He began replying the email and then going on to do his best to figure out more about you now he knew where you were and the company name that represented you. 
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He paced back and forth in the hallway of the apartment building he was standing in, he'd managed to find out where your family were living, your last name and he'd been fighting to go and see them for the last three days debating with himself if he would seem like a crazy stalker but there was nothing crazy compared to your fandom. He needed answers and he needed them now. He didn't tell anyone where he was going or what he was doing, he knew Chan would disapprove of this whole thing but he had to know what was going on. Taking a deep breath he walked up to the door and knocked on it, waiting patiently until a small elderly lady came to the door and looked at him, 
"Hello," She greeted and he smiled at her, greeting her back. 
"Hello, I just came to see if your granddaughter was home?" She ushered him into the house with a sad smile on her face, she sat him on a sofa and went to make tea without saying another word to him and he wondered if he'd gotten the right address.
"Miss Y/l/n?" She looked up at him as she brought a tray of tea into the room pouring him a cup and sitting opposite him on the other sofa.
"You mean our young Y/n? Y/l/n?" That name, he remembered that name as if he knew it but he'd never even heard of you until your music, and he didn't remember you from anything else except that. 
"Yes, Y/n." He said your name as if he was trying to memorise it and she sighed getting up from the sofa and going over to a photo album, she brought it back to him and showed him photos of you dating back from your birth until recent ones, but the more he flicked through the more he noticed that you were fading in recent photographs, 
"She's fading away." He frowned not understanding what she was trying to tell him, then she pulled out a small box with notes inside. 
Don't forget me x Was written in red ink on a piece of screw up paper, more notes with the same words scribbled across them were in the box, some with drawings on and other just plain pieces of paper. Jeongin felt his heart lunge whenever he saw the handwriting on the paper, his heart was racing whenever he turned over another note seeing the same message over and over again getting more and more distressed with each note.
"Will you put those old things away!" Another voice called out, Jeongin looked up from the book to see a woman the spitting image of you only a little older walking into the apartment carrying bags, he rushed up to help her and she thanked him. 
"Is she showing you those? She always does this, we didn't have a daughter!" She yelled at the old lady who grumbled something and started packing everything away into boxes yet again.
"She likes to tell people we had a daughter, but I didn't. I can't have children you see," He carried the bags through to the kitchen for the women he thought was your mum but was unsure now she was telling him she'd never had a child before.
"I hope she didn't bore you too much." He laughed it off and collected his things to leave again, he was almost out of the building when the elderly woman came down the stairs clutching in her hands. 
"Jeongin!" She called out which shocked him because he hadn't told her his name, she pushed something into his hands and walked back into the building. He waited until he was in the car to see what she'd given him, in his hand was a photo of himself standing next to you but you were fading quickly in the photo. Written across the back was 
Jeongin remember me 
He took the photo back to the dorms and studied it, trying to remember you. There was something in the back of his mind that he couldn't access through, as if something was blocking him from getting to the memory.
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After explaining everything to Chan, Han and Changbin in explicit detail and showing them the photo they agreed to help him get to the bottom of everything that was surrounding you and H.E.A.R.T promising the youngest they would figure it out together which lead to them standing in the middle of Sync's building disguised as janitors.
"We don't even know where she is?! Is this going to work?" Changbin asked as they pushed a cart around the neverending building,
"We don't even know if she's in the building," Han added earning glares from both Jeongin and Chan as they got into another elevator. 
"I'll take the top floor, Chanbin will take the lower levels, Han the middle and I.N. can take all the others." They agreed and spread out going to find you. It was midnight so the place was empty except for cleaners and a few guards that were roaming around the halls. 
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I.N was about to take out his phone and call Han defeated when he heard singing coming from a room, he put his phone down and walked down the hall in the direction of the studio door. He knocked but the singing stopped and the room fell into a dead silence. 
"Y/n?" Your headshot up as someone said your name instead of your stage name and you felt your heart begin to pick up at the mere thought of someone knowing you were there. 
"Hello!?" You yelled out banging on the table for them to open the door, it was never locked because no one ever bothered to come and see you anymore. The door opened slowly and stood there was your childhood friend Jeongin. 
"I.N!" He jumped back a little as he took in your appearance, you were chained up to a desk by your ankle, you were wearing nothing but an old looking hoodie and some leggings. 
"Y/n?!" He rushed over to you pulling at the chain to try and see how tight it was but you whimpered as he did so. You'd been trying to get out of them for years it was no use without the keys. 
"How did you find me?!" You whispered looking at him and he stared at you, as soon as you stared into his eyes you felt your heart drop. 
"You don't remember me do you?" You felt your heart shatter once he shook his head no at you, 
"But I'm starting to remember small things, how long have you been here?" You looked at the calendar on your wall and then at him, 
"Three years." You whispered knowing there was no way out of here,
"You need to leave before my manager comes and finds you," You whispered looking at him and then over at the door standing there were three boys you'd never seen before. 
"We're your rescue team." One of them said in a thick Australian accent holding up a pair of bolt cutters, 
"How did you know we'd need those?" The shortest one asked looking at the one with the Australian accent, 
"I just assumed we'd need lots of stuff," He opened a bag to reveal a bunch of spy-like equipment, he walked over to you with the bolt cutters and looked at the chain around your ankle. 
"Is it attached to anything? Like an alarm?" You shrugged your shoulders, you had no idea what it was attached you. All you knew was there was no way out of them without a key or in this case bolt cutters, 
"Changbin, car. Go." Chan said throwing him the keys, 
"Text me when it's out front," Jeongin ordered and Changbin ran off down the hall leaving the other one there, 
"I'm Han by the way and he's Chan...The leader of your breakout crew."
A giant alarm went off throughout the building as soon as the chain was broken and you were sprinting down a flight of stairs holding Jeongin's hand as you headed for the main exit of the building,
"Faster!" Han yelled pulling you all in the direction of the doors, a shutter was starting to come down but you were out just in time and into the car, Changbin sped off down the high way in the direction of the JYP Building hoping you weren't being followed by whoever it was that had taken you in the first place. 
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Over the next few weeks, you'd explained in detail what happened to you. How you signed a simple contract without reading the small print and piece by piece your life was being taken away from you until the point that not even your mum remembered who you were,
"I still don't understand how I couldn't remember you," I.N said as he stared at the photography which was fully restored to you both sitting in front of a bonfire with smiles on your face, 
"We were close." You whispered looking at the photo and then back up at Jeongin who looked pained that he'd forgotten you, you'd told him a million times that week it was fine and that you were fine now but it still didn't seem to settle his mind about it. 
"Jeongin, everyone forgot not just you." You nudged him as you sat on the balcony of his dorm together, he stared at you as you looked out at the view of Seoul. You'd wanted to sit outside all day every day for as long as you could, it had been so long since you'd had fresh air. There was an investigation going down with the police looking into the contract between you and Sync but there were still things that weren't adding up for you,
"It was like a signed my soul away." You mumbled looking at the photograph. Jeongin had gone into extreme detail about the way it looked before, you were hardly there just an outline of your body and facial features. 
"Whatever it was, you're safe now." His hands linked with yours and you stared down at them with a small smile across your face. 
"Thanks to you." You whispered leaning across and giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
"I have no idea how I can ever thank you enough, but I'll do my best every day to remind you just how thankful I am." Your hands stayed locked together, it just felt right for the both of you to stay just like that right there, together with no other distractions except for the sound of traffic and people in the middle of Seoul you could have stayed there your whole life if time would let you. 
"I promise to never let anything happen to you again." He whispered to you, rubbing his thumb along your knuckles and then bringing your hand up to his face to kiss it gently. 
"I promise." He repeated before looking up at you, you stared back at him before he slowly leaned up to your face and pressed his lips against yours. Pulling away a couple of seconds later to check you were okay, when you kissed him back he was relieved he hadn't just creeped you out to the point where you didn't want to be around him anymore and that you wanted to kiss him again instead of pushing him away for good.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​
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mlqcconfessions · 5 years
MLQC Headcanons - Growing old with the 4 boys
Warning: Very minor spoilers? But other than that, just diabetic fluff
All for the idea of reaching the end of time (haha pun intended) together
Never thought retirement would be leading to such sweet moments
Plans elaborate parties to celebrate your anniversaries
You have to stop him from renting an island for your 50th
Soon understands that memorable does not mean expensive 
When your granddaughter is born, he’s ecstatic (of course, doesn’t show it though)
Stops time so you can take the perfect shot for your photo albums of the kids
Doesn’t tell you he occasionally stops your time, too (he secretly pecks a kiss on your cheek)
Buys you the best creams and treatments after he notices you worrying about your wrinkles
Doesn’t understand why because you’re still beautiful in his eyes
Often exaggerates his words to see you blush (your grandchildren point it out)
Literally goes ALL OUT making pudding for the kids
But always maintains a healthy amount, so as to prevent cavities
His favorite past time is listening to you talk about your family.
“OUR family”.
His voice is still angelic even well after prime years
Uses age + weakened joints as an excuse to hold you more
But carries your grandchildren on his shoulders
Like how he did with your children
Much to you and your sons’ dismay (”Dear/Dad, the doctors are gonna yell at you again!”)
Has frequent hide-and-seek sessions with the little ones
The game slowly changed to “Find Grandpa”
Charms all the neighborhood kids (he can’t help it)
Leads to your grandchildren proudly showing off their former superstar grandpa
Winds down the day with a short serenade to you
You love how his singing is so relaxing
Almost feels like you’re lying down in the warm sunshine
He kisses the top of your head as you snooze into the cushion
Takes a bunch of pictures because you’re just so cute
He sets it as his lock screen
Quietly laughs as he thinks about how he has to handle your pouty face afterwards
The children ABSOLUTELY LOVE their grandpa
Exclusive tours around the lab
Is surprisingly really good at telling stories?
He loves sharing the years you two lived together
The kids listen intensively while you take note of his beautiful profile
Aged like fine wine and cheese
Wears glasses more often now because of his eyesight
Still looks dangerously hot
Often out late because he needs to mentor his assistants
But always returns home just in time for dinner
You two adopt a hobby of creating artworks together
He does the line work, you finish with the coloring
Personally named the grandchildren himself
Used Iridescent to sign the papers (let’s pretend Chapter 13 never happened)
Enjoys taking strolls at the local park with you
Of course, he prefers if it was just you (ends up taking the whole family instead, due to the kids’ constant whines)
Intentionally walks slowly so the two of you are in the back of the group
Kisses you when no one’s looking
Ignores your fervent blushes as he chuckles in delight
Gosh you’re just so adorable
Just because he’s in his 70s doesn’t mean his evol is weaker
If anything, it’s stronger now (Birdcop never missed a day of training, even after retirement)
He uses wind to push the swings your grandchildren are on
Always makes sure not to raise them too high
He learned his mistakes last time (a topic both of you wish to avoid)
Spends most of your days together snuggling
A habit that never really changed
He loves how your small figure still fits perfectly inside his embrace
Loves your grandchildren to bits
They always find a way to make him smile the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen (and you’ve seen plenty of them)
He was so scared with your daughter when she was born
How do I hold her? What if I squish her? 
Now he knows that children aren’t that easily broken
Lets them sit on Sparky, but knows better than to take them for a ride
Somehow wraps his arms around you when everyone’s asleep
You can feel the wind as it gently rocks the crib of the youngest grandchild
You fall asleep on the terrace together as his fingers intertwine with yours
Not sure how well I did, but here’s my first imagines post for MLQC! Thanks for reading, and please send all the requests you’d like! 
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