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goodeevilgirlintentions · 2 years ago
Te vreau... te vreau cu fiecare fibră din corpul meu. Vreau să mă vrei... Vreau să îți simt răsuflarea pe gâtul meu.
Haide să te duc puțin prin gândurile mele perverse "Imaginează-ți o cameră.. Orice cameră, cu orice mobilier. Imaginează-ți o fereastră imensă, care arată o grădină imensă și frumoasă, plină de culori. Apoi pe mine, goală, în dreptul ferestrei. Tocmai ce m-ai dat de toți pereții cu câteva orgasme bune, acum câteva ore și m-ai lăsat dormind ca un bebe lângă tine. Se aude de pe telefonul meu o piesa indecentă, Back to sleep de la Chris Brown si Usher. Şi mă vezi zâmbind cand zice unul dintre ei "fuck me back to sleep".. Tocmai ce ai făcut asta.
Te apropii uşor. Eu nu te simt. Sunt încă în lumea mea, în lumea perversităților. Amândurora ne place ce facem, jocul nostru tăcut. Am părul prins, niște zgârieturi pe spate şi urma palmei tale care mi-a înroşit fundul. Zâmbești. Te apropii și mai mult. Eşti tare din nou. Mă vrei din nou. Vrei să mă posezi din nou. Mă iei în brațe, lipindu-te de mine. Răsuflarea mi se taie. "Bună dimineața, soare!" îți zic și zâmbesc mai larg, încercând să mă întorc. Nu mă laşi, vrei să vezi dacă poți să mă iei pe la spate, lipită de geam. "Mneata.. Aş fi vrut să ne bem cafeau, dar acum am poftă de tine din nou! " spui și observi cum mă înfior când îți aud vocea lângă urechea mea. Îmi sufli uşor pe gât. Simți cum mă las pe tine din cauza genunchilor de gelatina. Râzi și mă înfior din nou. Mă săruți în același loc în care ai suflat.
"Eşti ca un drog nou... De când m-ai sarutat, mi-ai provocat dependență" îți spun. Râzi iar.."Chiar aşa?" mă întrebi, în timp ce mâna ta îmi cuprinde un sân. Ne uitam amândoi în jos la mâna ta mare, cuprizându-mi sanul. Oftez... Respirația îmi devine sacadată când îmi încercuieşști sfârcul. Atât de ușr. Încă îmi aduc aminte de senzație. E ca un fulg usor care mă pune pe jar. Cealaltă mână a coborât între picioare. Un genunchi mi-a îndepărtat picioarele ca să poți avea loc. " Pune-ți mâinile pe geam și îndoaie-te". Vreau să te iau lipită de geam!" îmi spui. "Dar poate trece oricine să ne vada!". "Daca nu voiai sa fii văzută, nu ai fi stat goală în fața geamului".
Mă uit la tine peste umăr și îți trag un zâmbet perves. Măa săruți. Îți răspund. Se încinge treaba. Iți mușc uşor buza aia plină, o ling. Îmi împing fundul în tine. Te simt cât ești de tare și respirația devine iar sacadată, când îmi aduc aminte cât de bine te potrivești în mine, că îți vin ca mănușă. Mă mişc, arătându-ți astfel unde vreau să fii, adică în mine. Degetele tale nu au stat deloc până acum. Ai văzut că sunt super udă... atât de udă încât dacă mai continuăm jocul ăsta, s-ar putea sa îmi curga pe picior lichiorul.
Un deget îmi găsește intrarea si intră lent. Oftez și îți spun că vreau mai mult. Simt nevoia de mai mult. Simt nevoia de tine în mine, de mine aici, în brațele tale și eu înfiptă în tine. Jocul tău cu degetul vezi că nu mai merge și știi că trebuie să-l înlocuiești repede fiindcă simti nevoia urgentă de pula ta. Mă ghidezi în poziția pe care o vrei neapărat. Aplecată, cu mâinile lipită de geam, cu fundul in aer, păsărică la vedere. Intri uşor, lent în mine. Ştii că mă omori astfel..
Iți place să mă chinui asa cum te torturezi şi tu. Simți nevoia să mă posezi cât mai tare și cât mai repede, dar ți-ai propus să mă faci să te implor să mi-o tragi mai repede, mai tare, mai tu.. Şi nici nu durează mult când mă auzi cum spun că te vreau așa cum mă vrei tu. Mă simți cât de strâmtă sunt.. O mănuşă fină de catifea te strânge atât de tare, parcă te soarbe și te trage cât mai adânc în mine. Simt cât de adânc esti, cât de dureros ești. Mă mișc o dată cu ritmul impus de tine. Sunetele noastre, răsuflările noastre, zgomotele scoase de pielea noastra care face contact umple camera liniştită. Știi că dacă nu termin repede o sa te termini tu înaintea mea. Aşa că ma oprești şi ieşi din mine. Oftez de uşurare, dar și de chin, fiindcă eram atât de aproape. Mă întorci și mă lipești cu spatele de geam.
Mă simți cum tresar la contactul cu geamul. Da e rece, dar îmi place. E un contrast mişto. Îmi prinzi părul în mâinile tale făcute pumn și mă săruți sălbatic, plin de dorințe și promisiuni perverse.. Genul ăla de sarut care ți-o face mai tare decât era, mai dureroasă decat era. Îți place să mă vezi cum mă arcuiesc şi cum mă ridic pe degetele de la picioare ca să ajung să te sărut și eu.
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yourmomisgayashell · 3 years ago
Read this please
hey, hello. I have a idea I wanna submit to Netflix, but before I do,
I want your guys opinion.
'Alan Decker, is a scientist who works on creating unique and enhanced flavors. He has already worked a miracle on a small cafe right down his street, by giving them one of his recipe's. Only because it was the only cafe near him and the only one that had good potential. But one day, as he was going to get his regular coffee, he saw an eviction note. he asks why they were getting evicted, and Turns out, they were drug dealers who haven't been paying their rent for months now. Irritated, He decides to help out the new cafe just beside his house(lab??). He goes back home and get some stuff before entering the cafe, where he was greeted by -probably- the only employee there. He sat down, and to the surprise of the waiter, He ordered every pastry and beverage in the menu. Surprisingly, the waiter took only a few minutes to ready 20 Drinks and 35 Pastries. He ate every single one and to no one's surprise, it all taste like shit, he wants to help the poor cafe to get it up and running, so, he asks to speak to the manager. the waiter looked down and asked 'is it that bad?' this was probably the first time Alan felt bad for an employee, but he decided to be straight forward with him, 'yes.' He walks to where the waiter was pointing, and saw a man sitting holding his head, the manager and the landlord, he grabs the attention of the man and asks him he could buy the land off him, the man looked bewildered and came to his knees' 'please! I'm sorry for what I've done this time! I have a husband and child to take care of' he rolled his eyes and told him to stand up, 'no, that's not the reason why I wanna buy the land,' he went on explaining to him that he wanted to help out in ways. The man agreed, seeing that this could help him and the person working there. The waiter introduced himself as Theodore, and the manager as Javier. and so, Alan , Theo, And Javier, work together to make the best cafe. after a few weeks', the cafe finally got some attention, and in some months', the cafe was filled to the brim every day. one night, Theodore, offered to pull an all nighter to clean and watch Javier's, child(a cat) and both agreed, as Javier, had a date to go to, and Alan, wanted to sleep. Alan's phone is connected to the security system of the cafe, and so if any alarms get triggered, his phone will blare in a unusual way. he woke up to the blaring and checked the camera's first, and to his surprise, he saw a bunch of people making molotov cocktails'. He grabbed his coat and ran to the cafe,(I know his house is right beside the cafe, but he sleeps underground,) once he arrived, he saw the place in flames, he then saw Javier, and told him to call 911 and the fire department, he took of his coat and slippers then went it. he ran down the stairs to get to the underground floor, and when he got down, the first thing he saw was Theo on the ground hugging the cat to his chest, he saw Javier, beside him, so he told him to grab the important papers', and with that done, they ran back up stairs. when they arrived back up to the surface, the doctors took Theo, and the firemen took out the fire, Alan, told the police who did it and showed them the proof. now that the people who did this are in jail, and Chris is recovering, Alan, felt relief. He was worried about Theo, a bit to much honestly, a few days later, Theo, was discharged from the hospital, all well and fully recovered. and when everything was getting better, the people who had caused the fire escaped from jail, they decide to hide out in Alan's mother's attic for a while(a week) during the days staying there, some kind of tension was building around Theo, and Alan, soft brushing of hands and learning new things about each other, turns out, Theo, is really good at drawing and he has a sketch book filled with doodles,(I think you know who). a week passed by really fast, and now there back standing in front of the burnt cafe. They decided to rebuild the cafe together, better and bigger than before.
During the attic stay and the rebuilding, Javier, noticed the change of relationship between the two boys, and thought that either they were dating, or they both have an oblivious crush on each other. I think its obvious which choice it is. He decides to pull Alan to the side and ask him how he feels about Theo, which to his surprise, Alan was all open to how he feels and told him everything, and now, He has a famous scientist who has a HUGE crush on the person he has always thought of as a son, and all of the sudden he made it his life priority to make his son happy.
eventually, the cafe was finished and as they said, it was bigger and better than before, and the tension between Alan and Theo? it hasn't lessened that much actually, it more likely gained, The tension gained attention from a bunch of high school girls, who kept on recording the two. With all the mindless flirting and the unresolved sexual tension between the two, he decided enough is enough, (its Javier btw) after six months, he finally decides to make Alan do the first move, Alan was scared, but he agreed knowing, even if he was rejected, he would be able to finally get rid of the heavy lump on his chest. and on a winter night, he asks Theodore out, and to his surprise, he agrees, he set up the time and place and is filled with relief that he agreed.
They meet in front of the café and its snowing around them, Alan hid the Bouquet behind his back and looked at Theo, He opens his mouth to speak, but when nothing came out he closed it. he cleared his throat and revealed the Bouquet, Theodore looked bewildered and asked 'for me?' he just nods as Theo took the flowers, he finally confessed 'Theo, I like you a lot, like, a lot, a lot. I like you for your determination and your... face?, I uhm.. Like you for taking care of me even though you were the one who needed taking care of, thank you for your never ending patience and kindness, and thank you for putting up with my attitude, but all I really want to say is, that... I love you' He closed his eyes and was ready to get yelled at, but when he felt a warm tingle against his lips, he re-opened his eyes to see Theodore leaning on him, He leaned in too and finally felt something worth living for.
THIS TOOK ME WAY TO LONG TO WRITE, anyways, I hope you guys like it, and for visual think of Theo as Jamie campbell bower, Alan as Joseph Quinn, And Javier as Oscar isaac, But thats only my visual so get wild with your visual on them;)
If this gets enough likes (atleast 1k or above) im gonna send this idea to netflix.( as a joke, but please like this)
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sometimes-its-family · 3 years ago
Lucifer walked in and furrowed his brow with a hint of curiosity as he sat himself down on a nearby chair, eyeing Eclipse from nearby. "I imagine this place gets a lot of interesting customers? Have you had any as of recent, if I may ask?", he slides some coins across the table. He is here for an interesting story, perhaps.
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"So, there's this book girl, her name is Kaui. She is a book author, and she thinks a bit high of herself. When she came, well... "
"Let's say, she wanted more than a discount"
A week ago.....
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"And now, her and I are kind of flirtatious friends."
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btssmutficslovingfan01 · 4 years ago
Friendly Encounters
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Summary: A friend challenges you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to one of the cute boys at the café. However, after attempting to flirt with one of them, they reveal that they are in a relationship with each other. It’s fine, though, because you’re all friends now!
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Jimin x Reader x Yoongi
Welcome to the masterlist where you can read to your heart’s content.
Chapter One ⇄ The Meeting
Chapter Two ⇄ The Discovery
Chapter Three ⇄ The Proposal
Chapter Four ⇄ The Start
Chapter Five ⇄ Spicy
Chapter Six ⇄ Hope
Chapter Seven ⇄ Spring Break
Chapter Eight ⇄ The Doubt
Chapter Nine ⇄ The Pretend Boyfriend
Chapter Ten ⇄ The Reveal
Chapter Eleven ⇄  The Rumors
Chapter Twelve ⇄ The Breakup
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ruthiefalkonobi · 4 years ago
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The first part is kind of scary, but don't worry, it gets better from here! XD Ngghhh, I don't love how some of this turned out ... BUT IT WAS REALLY HARD, GUYS. AND THIS IS ONLY PART ONE.
Ack, sorry for the bad formatting, btw, I designed the comic to be in scrolling-mode so I would get more comfortable with the format. Turns out it's not so handy when it comes to posting on social media, though ... ANYWEE, more to come in this au, since ... this lil snippet didn't really give ya much at all ..!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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majycka · 5 years ago
After having his scholarship rescinded, Katou Haru is at risk on being a college broke student and increases the risk upon meeting the bothersome Kambe Daisuke who looks for a fraternity.
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porcelain-cats1 · 6 years ago
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Be careful not to say something bad when the person handling your food can hear you.
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yuikita · 5 years ago
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Like things can’t be more weirder, here, a cafe moth worker
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morteesigarette · 6 years ago
It was a particularly quiet afternoon. The baristas all made the necessary preparations for the merenda crowd to come in around 3pm for a well-deserved midday espresso and croissant. La Squadra, as the cafe has been named, was a small hole in the wall, out of the way establishment that was a kept a secret among the locals, a dying art form among those who live in the bustling city of Venice where more tourist-friendly shops have begun to reign supreme. Of course, there was always a lost tourist who wanders into the cafe and stays for what it has to offer.
Prosciutto usually ran the front or the bar. He’s been told he has an intense demeanor, but his handsome features often were seen as an incentive for patrons to approach the shop. At least, it was Risotto’s reasoning, and he was good at his craft so he did not complain.
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The lull of the cafe was broken by the sound of a new customer letting the door close behind him, Prosciutto greeting him with a friendly enough “Ciao.” He continued to clean the counter with a rag, ignoring the Asian man who walked in. He learned that directly staring at others who seem to be grappling with the menu was an intimidating experience. “Let me know if you want me to explain something.” he offered in clear but accented English.
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ck113 · 4 years ago
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strangerose · 7 years ago
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because I had to this is for that cafe au I had, which still makes me smile this was also a big excuse to practice coloring and to get use to my cintique
* I made Kiba super pretty in the last pic   (* ̄∀ ̄)
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sometimes-its-family · 3 years ago
(@ask-team-searchlights) Gen: "U-uh...what do you serve h-here?"
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"This is our current selection! Plus, we have a special section of dishes! So far, it's only one dish, but surely, it'll grow in the future!"
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Recipe Encyclopedia have been unlocked!
You got the Heart Coffee
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btssmutficslovingfan01 · 4 years ago
Friendly Encounters- Chapter One
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: A friend challenges you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to one of the cute boys at the café. However, after attempting to flirt with one of them, they reveal that they are in a relationship with each other. It’s fine, though, because you’re all friends now!
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance
𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: Fluff
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Domestic Yoonmin, fluff, Jimin is literally too good for this world, barista boys, swearing, mild language, lots of character development, realistic insecurities, Jungkook makes a bad decision.
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 6k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈): Jimin x Yoongi x Reader
Author Note: This story is available on my archiveofourown as well so go check it out!
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“Do it.” Your friend pushes you towards the incredibly adorable busboy as he passes by your table.
“No, it’s stupid.”
“Y/N, I dared you. Now you have to do it.” You roll your eyes.
“That’s not even how dares work.” You lay back in your chair, eyes drifting over to the two handsome men who now stand talking at the cash register.
“Okay, fine, if you can’t have a conversation, at least get his number! I’ll go for that cute barista over there with the sleepy eyes.” How can eyes be sleepy? You shrug as she confidently strides to the counter to order another drink. Jasmine has always been the type of girl to tell people what she’s feeling in the heat of the moment. You had no idea where she got her confidence from, it just happened one fine summer day in sixth grade. 
You’ve been best friends ever since you moved into the house across the street, along with Jaehyun and Jungkook. They are the non-identical twins that go to your school and the four of you were a group all through middle school. Things changed after highschool, Jae started hanging out with the wrong crowd and he moved out after saving up some drug money. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, is still a sweetheart, protecting you and Jasmine as if you were his sisters. Sometimes you wonder how you even became friends with this meth-head of a girl, but then you realize you’re the same, you both are crackheads and that’s why you’re best friends. You sometimes doubt your friendship when she tries to push you out of your comfort zone. You hate opening up to people, and Jasmine knows it. 
Yet, she still tries pushing you towards trying new things and being more extroverted. Your mind is already buzzing with a million different ways this can go wrong, but you’re surprised when the waiter approaches you with a smile on his face. I wonder if he’s truly happy or putting on a fake smile for the customers. You think to yourself. Sometimes you like to look at people and try putting together a life story for them. It helps your creative juices flow, as an amateur writer. 
“Can I get you anything else?” He asks with a refreshingly soft voice for a man. You’re a bit taken aback by his melodic tone, and how freaking adorable he sounds with his Korean accent. You can’t tell what dialect it is, because his English flows very well.
“Actually…” You look over at Jasmine, who gives you a thumbs up as she sips her Pink Drink. “Can I have your number?” The man’s eyes widen momentarily and his gaze flickers up to the barista at the counter.
“Oh...Miss I’m very flattered but...see that man over there?” You turn around and face the barista who is busy on his phone at the moment.
“The sleepy-eyed one?” You ask, knowing full well where this is going.
“Yeah, him. Um, that’s my boyfriend.” Your smile falters for a moment but you feel a sudden sense of relief. You were afraid he would actually flirt back and possibly be a douchebag but he is exactly what you hoped he would be. A decent person who won’t cheat on his partner.
“Oh, thank goodness,” Your reaction makes him raise his eyebrows. Normally girls would sigh or be sad that he’s taken/gay, but you’re the first one who’s ever reacted like that. “I mean, sorry. My friend just forced me to ask for your number because she wants me to make friends and step out of my comfort zone, and now I’m...sorry just nevermind.” You trail off, cutting off your pointless rambling as the busboy wipes your table slightly.
“Hm, you’re interesting. You know what, just for that attempt, I am going to give you my number.” He winks at you, sliding you a piece of paper. Did he always have that paper with him? You laugh as he walks away and Jasmine bolts back to your table, excited to hear the juicy details.
“You did it!” She screeches, making half of the people whip their heads around to stare at you. You blush and sink in your seat when you see the adorable busboy speaking to his boyfriend. Just when you’re about to tell Jasmine what happened, you see the sleepy-eyed man look at you with a glare. You bite your teeth and suck in your cheeks as Jasmine starts talking about her encounter. 
“Too bad, though. The sleepy dude just waved me away saying he already has a boyfriend.” She folds her arms. You stretch your legs, yawning a bit as you listen to your friend. “What? Am I boring you? Anyways, tell me what happened with the cute blue haired dude!” You giggle to yourself as your friend expected something more out of the interaction.
“Jasmine, he’s gay. And they’re-” You gesture to the two men talking behind the counter. “Together.” Jasmine sighs. You simply shake your head, flipping your hair to one side.
“Well, I guess my luck with men hasn’t changed. But at least they’re cute.” You giggle as your best friend sighs dramatically and then you move onto discussing other topics, like school. 
Just as you’re about to exit the café, you realize that you didn’t ask the cute busboy for his name. During the whole five minutes that you talked to him, you didn’t even introduce yourself?! Great job, Y/N. You turn around, reaching for the piece of paper in your pocket to find that he indeed did write his name down for you. Jimin. What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. 
As you climb into the jeep that Jasmine’s parents bought for her 16th birthday, her phone rings, and she turns to you, puffing out her chest. You wiggle your eyebrows at her and then you both laugh after the awkward moment.
“It’s Jungkook.” She throws her phone at you, switching back to her “serious” persona.
“Whoa, what happened between you two for you to act this way?” You give Jasmine the stink eye as she caves under your pressure. She’s acting weird—weirder than usual. 
“Nothing, just...ugh.” She clicks her seatbelt in and starts backing out of the parking lot. 
“Jasmine, if you don’t tell me I’m gonna jump out the window. And we both know I’m not bluffing because I’m actually really short and this window is huge.” Her eyes widen in panic and her hands start shaking on the steering wheel.
“You see…..um ....Jungkook and I may or may not have gone all the way after a deep conversation about relationships.” I gawk at her, unable to process her words. 
Sure JK is a flirt, but he never would’ve moved past touching, seeing how he’s practically scared of girls. There was even a point in your middle school lives where Jasmine believed he was gay and started calling him her “gbf.” Yeah, that wasn’t greatly received by your homophobic class of 2020.
“Bitch, you did not.” You slap the dashboard, shaking your head in disbelief. You can see guilt written all over her face but what’s worse is the fact that you had a crush on him for the longest time and she had no clue about it. 
It’s not her fault, but sex can change a lot of things for different people. And you know despite whatever bullshit Jasmine tells you about it being a ‘one-time thing no feelings involved’ type deal, you know things are going to change between you, Jasmine, and Jungkook. 
You don’t know how anyone will react, since you’ve never been in this situation before. You just know that your best friend, without even knowing it, broke your heart in two. Including Jungkook’s, who is probably crying by himself at the moment.
Your silence is enough to shut her up, as she stops talking mid-sentence and plays an EXO song on her phone, hooked up to the lavish quality stereo system which is connected to her fancy Jeep Wrangler, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine but you assume that’s from your gut, twisting in disgust planning for revenge with Jasmine. She has no regard for feelings when it comes to sex, and you’re more worried about your other best friend at the moment.
“Drop me off at JK’s place.” Your command makes her flinch, and then her eyes widen when she digests what you said.
“You aren’t going to tell him that I told you, are you?” 
“Of course I’m gonna talk to him about it! While you’re over here thinking about how to end your friendship, that boy is probably breaking down in tears right now, or worse, binge eating and watching soapy K-dramas all alone!” 
You slam her car door shut, stepping out with your red converse basking in the sunlight. It’s so bright out today, a little bit chilly but otherwise nice. Too bad Jungkook’s having a rainy day. You knock on his door, and his brother opens the door.
“Hey baby. Wanna join me and my buddie-”
“Yeah, nice to see you too Jaehyun, is Jungkook home?” You ask, pushing past him and his stoner pals on the couch.
“He’s upstairs.” There’s not much that needs to be said when you walk into his room.
As expected, he’s lying in his bed, blankets wrapped around his entire body, forming a cocoon of some sort as he distracts himself from the real world, again. It’s like every breakup ever, as you have seen him do all sorts of crazy shit while being heartbroken. He’s dated so many people, but none of them were his close friends. This time, it’s different, and you can tell he’s hurting more.
“Did you see Jasmine?” Is the first thing he asks when he sees you.
“I was with her earlier and she told me some stuff happened between you guys. And now I’m here for you. Tell me what you need.” Jungkook slowly rises, and you can see his hair standing straight up from the static, and his normally bright eyes are colored red from crying, his cheeks are red and puffy, and he looks exhausted. Drained, in fact.
“I made a mistake. I started kissing her first, it was like the time after my breakup with Madi-” He cuts himself off. You shiver, beginning to remember his touch. You hadn’t slept with him, not in a sexual context, anyway. He only kissed you, and his hands slid down the small of your back, tracing circles with his thumbs. You can feel the strange sensation creeping up on you, and then it hits you like a wave. 
Jungkook is no longer the little boy that you once knew. He’s a grown man, and he can take care of you if you let him. But, you’re not that type of person. You would never take advantage of him, especially when he’s so vulnerable. “I promised myself I wouldn’t let it get in the way of our friendship, but after that night I knew we could never be just friends.” You take his clammy hands in your soft ones, kissing his fingers gently as tears threaten to spill from his eyes again.
“It’s okay, let it out.” You spend a good chunk of your time cuddling with him, and for a moment you imagine what life would be like if you actually started dating, but alas, he is too in love with your best friend. That’s how life is for you, you’ll always be a side character in a love story, and when it comes to love, guys always pick Jasmine. Guys talk to you because they see that you are friends with Jasmine. Girls invite you to sleepovers to ask you what you know about Jasmine, and worst of all, she stole multiple crushes from under your nose. But they were never truly yours to begin with. 
After arriving at your house after a long day spent consoling Jungkook, youlop down on your bed, scrolling through some texts. 
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                   ༻• The Next Day, at Your Local Highschool •༺
“Jungkookie, are you feeling any better?” You make your way to your best friend but then you overhear him speaking to some people.
“Oh yeah, she was the best in bed, don’t let her tough smart-girl act fool you, she was amazing, so submissive for me.” You hoped they were talking about someone else, but when you stick your head past the lockers, checking for a split second, you see that it was none other than your sensitive friend who was speaking to a group of younger males.
“Wow, you’re so cool, Hyung. I thought Y/N was the hardest girl to pin down.” Wait, what?! You resist the urge to storm out, eavesdropping a bit longer to see if you misheard things.
“Yeah boys, she came to me while I was playing Overwatch in my room and then she offered. Just straight up asked if I could fuck her.” You slam your fist against a locker and then you clench your teeth, about to confront him when the bell rings. 
It’s 5th period. You don’t have a class because you have a release period. You instinctively check your phone, making sure you didn’t miss any important texts or calls before running out. You don’t know who to trust, or who to go to, as you lost your two best friends within the span of less than 24 hours. People suck.
Then you get a text, as you park your car in front of the coffee shop.
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You don’t text back, hoping to surprise him. You forgot to ask him about his work hours but you assumed he worked part-time everyday or something. As you walk up to the counter, you see him standing there, with a bright smile on his lips and crescent-shaped eyes.
“Ah, what a surprise! Hello, valued customer.” His playful attitude is enough to light up your day. 
“Hey Jimin. Sorry for dropping in but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go, c-can we talk?” You stutter, not realizing you were slurring your words together. Jimin nods, obviously worried about his new friend.
“What happened yesterday?” He takes you to the back of the café, an area where there are less people and you have more privacy. 
“You know the friend that was here with me yesterday?” He nods, allowing you to grip his hand and squeeze it for comfort. He’s a really kind person, letting you open up to him without judgement. “She slept with another good friend of mine and ghosted him. And yesterday I went to his house and we talked about it and he cried on my shoulder, but today…” 
You feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “...He was talking about what a good lay I was, lying about sleeping with me to a group of underclassmen.” 
Your breathing is uneven as Jimin stares directly at you, keeping his gaze strictly on you. You feel naked, exposed, and vulnerable. But his reassuring smile makes you feel a little bit better. Just a little bit.
“Hey, break’s over, get out there.” You see the same man from yesterday, the guy who Jimin claimed was his boyfriend. He looks like the polar opposite of your mellow friend, with a darker aura radiating from him. 
You feel like a deer under a lion’s gaze, as he closes in on you, backing you into your corner, making you feel even more vulnerable than before.
You only hoped he wouldn’t try to chase you away, as yesterday he gave you a very uncouth glare, displaying his annoyance with your friendship with Jimin.
You hope with time he will be able to accept you and possibly become a friend of yours as well, but for now, you can only run with your tail tucked between your legs. Just as you’d been running away from your so-called best friends in school. 
You were even considering running to Jaehyun and trying one of his edibles, since he had offered a generous amount of times; it would only be courteous of you to finally accept and try it, as you’d been hearing “don’t try it, don’t try it,” your whole life. 
You don’t care anymore, and hopefully under Jimin’s wing you will be able to learn about true friendship. 
“Aren’t you the girl who asked for Jimin’s number yesterday?” His surprisingly solemn tone catches you off guard, as his eyes tell another story. Maybe that’s just the way he is, physically a very intimidating person but on the inside he might be a fluffy kitten! Okay, maybe not a total kitten, but still squishy. Why else would Jimin date him? He has to be a decent person, unlike all the people you called your friends.
“I am, thanks for noticing. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?” You try to sound as non-threatening as possible, holding your breath, waiting for an answer. You hoped Yoongi didn’t see you as a boyfriend-stealer, nor a generally annoying person.
“No, just wanted to ask you if you need anything else, an iced coffee, some tea...pink lemonade?” His lame attempt at cheering you up makes you crack a smile after a while. 
“Maybe some water? I’m a little bit thirsty.” 
“Coming right up,” After filling up a glass with water, he slides into the seat across from you, whipping out his phone and humming a tune of a familiar song you recognized from the radio. “I’m on break. This time of the day, things get a bit slow.” You nod in understanding, respectfully keeping your legs crossed and your arms folded in your lap, not wanting to show any sign of weakness.
“What song are you listening to?” You ask, hoping to make some small talk.
“Uncomfortable by Chase Atlantic. It’s my go-to after a stressful day.” You shift in your seat when you hear that name. You absolutely adore that band, and the lead singer’s vocals are absolutely heavenly. You could go on for hours, but you don’t want him to know that yet.
“Oh, that’s...cool I guess.” You try not to jump
up and down in joy as that’s a lesser known band and not very many people know about them.
“Do you know this song?” He leans forward, sliding you his phone and showing you the cover of an old album, one you recognize to be “Don’t Try This,” and the song is GREENGREENGREEN. Their song titles are a bit questionable, but they are true works of art, so you can let it pass.
“I suppose I’ve heard it once or twice…” You trail off, watching how the curve of his smooth lips turn upwards, and carefully, you watch how he mouths the words.
“All I see is green yuh
Moving on your seat yuh yuh yuh
All I see is green, All I see is green, All I see is green.” You smirk, slowly singing the next part.
“It's green where the grass grows
Let the cash flow
You can keep your head high, keep that ass low,” You laugh, the man across from you grinning at how weirdly you sang the lyrics.
You and Yoongi continue listening to Chase Atlantic songs together late into the evening hours. It’s around seven in the evening and the air is cool and humid.
“You have amazing taste in music, I’ve never met anyone else who listens to Chase Atlantic with such passion! Jimin’s an Alec Benjamin person but I always tell him they have similar music styles…” He trails off suddenly, worrying you with the pace of his cutoff. “Listen, I had a lot of fun talking to you. And at first I really didn’t get why Jimin wanted to get to know you better but now I see what he saw. You’re cool, Y/N.” You’re more surprised he remembered your name.
“Thanks Yoongi.” You share a moment of silence, just smiling at each other as Jimin makes his way back to your table.
“It’s time for me to clock out, we’re closing soon.” He slides into the seat across from you, next to Yoongi, and you watch as Yoongi expertly sneaks his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder, and you feel small fireworks bursting in your heart. It’s not a weird feeling of jealousy, per say, but rather you feel mellow. You like seeing them together. You like this. 
“Feels like just yesterday I walked in here and you gave me black coffee instead of an iced vanilla mocha because you were distracted by my sexiness.” Jimin girlishly flips his hair, and the three of you share a laugh before the lights start flickering. 
“What’s going on?”
“Looks like there’s something wrong with the power. Jin!!! Did you mess with the electrical again?!” Yoongi runs back inside the kitchen, making sure everything is fine.
“We’re good, just a minor fix,” you hear the voice of another man from inside. You and Jimin exchange worried looks as the lights stay on for a total of 1.032342352 seconds and then they just turn off completely.
“Dammit, stupid thunderstorm outside caused a power outage through town.” You heard Yoongi cursing from the kitchen before he opened the door and stumbled outside back to you.
“Well, when are the lights gonna come back on?” You ask, clutching onto the table as you sink back on the wooden surface.
“News reports say power lines are under service and will be back in function in an hour.” Jimin shows you the article, making you shiver from the thought of spending the night at the café. You most probably won’t have to do that, since your car is right outside and you can just drive home. But do you really want to face your neighbors after a really tough day of school? No. Your bets are that they will probably try to infiltrate your home, failing are trying to “make it up to you.” You’ve lost any trust you had in them before, Jungkook and Jasmine really screwed up this time.
“It’s cold, isn’t it?” Jimin sounds steady, but you can faintly see the outline of his striped shirt and how his muscles contract as he shivers right in front of you. You admire him for putting up the dauntless act, but it doesn’t help as the sound of his teeth clashing give it all away.
“Here, take my jacket. I’m not that cold.” You offer him your coat and he hesitantly slips it over his shoulders. He doesn’t wear it, afraid of stretching out the expensive material and risking threat or wearing it out. 
“Hey guys, can you come in here please? We need help with the door.” You and Jimin carefully make your way to the pantry, which is at a door at the end of the kitchen. You’d never been inside one in a restaurant, but you assumed it was the same as your school. The kitchen was the darkest room, but thanks to the dim lighting from Jimin’s phone, you safely arrived at the end of the path.
“What are you doing now?” You see a second man, taller than Yoongi and Jimin combined, holding a large box.
“We’re just taking this inside. This stuff is smelly, so we make sure they stay sealed in the pantry until we need them,” The older man has a charming smile, and you can already tell he is a gentleman. He looks a little bit older than you, but you can tell by his mannerisms that he’s a bit older. “And hi, I’m Jin.” He introduces himself, winking at you as he walks past, with Yoongi rolling his eyes at the lame flirting attempt. You thought it was cute.
“Coming through! Move over babe.” Yoongi warns Jimin, who holds the door open while you watch over his shoulder, making sure he doesn’t fall back. Not that you will be of any help.
“Oh crap, I think I forgot something in the kitchen!” You and Jimin make your way into the pantry, shrugging at the way Jin quickly left his post.
“So...what’s exactly in the box?” Your curiosity seems to know no limits as you keep asking questions, over and over again. Yoongi and Jimin, however, find it amusing.
“Vinaigrette. All the same type, same brand.” Yoongi dusts his hands and walks back to the closed door, wrapping his fingers around the cool metal knob before turning it….to find that it doesn’t open. 
“What’s wrong, hyung?” Jimin asks, wrapping your jacket around him more tightly. You sigh at his adorable pout. But of course, you try to ignore their moment, focusing on your phone instead. Your battery is at 8% already, and you need to save as much power as you can. However, you also need to distract yourself.
“It won’t open.” You stand up. You’ve hated small spaces since you were a little girl and you refuse to get stuck in a food pantry with two insanely attractive men. What if you run out of oxygen? It’s not them, it’s you.
“Whoa, are you okay?” Yoongi notices your mini panic attack, as you pant heavily, now looking for some sort of opening to crawl through. You need to escape.
“I need to get out!” You shudder as the dim lighting of your phone suddenly disappears. Your phone just died. What the fuck are you going to do now?!
“We’re fine, we just need to call Jin,” Yoongi knocks on the door, and you all stay quiet to hear any feedback. What you didn’t know was that Jin had gone out to run errands and he wouldn’t be back until much later.
“Let me text him.” Luckily, Jimin’s phone has enough power to send one text. Jin replies quickly, telling Jimin that he’ll be back in half an hour, maybe even later because of the horrible weather.
“Looks like we’ll be stuck here for awhile.” Yoongi sits down on the floor first, making himself comfortable between two flour bags. You and Jimin make yourselves comfortable on the floor, shrugging as you snuggle into some things but the lights are off so you have no idea where you’re sitting. Your eyes are adjusted to the darkness, so you can see the faint outlines in the pitch darkness. 
Then you think of all the things that happened today. How you overheard Jungkook telling people lies, and how heartlessly Jasmine let go of him (even though he partially deserved it), and all of the lies and betrayal. Jasmine has cheated on a lot of her past boyfriends, but for some reason you thought she would treat Jungkook differently. And Jungkook just cares about fitting in. You wish you could forget it all and go back to being friends, but you are just so, so sad. They broke your heart. You don’t know if you can trust anyone else ever again. You silently sob, hoping they wouldn’t notice.
But your stupid sniffles give you away. 
“Are you..crying?” Jimin asks after a long silence.
“No…” You wipe your tears and turn to his voice.
“Tell us what’s wrong.” Yoongi’s warmth creates an almost suffocating feeling in the air as your breathing falters and you feel very disconnected from your environment. You can’t even tell if your eyes are open or not because of how long you’ve been trapped. It’s driving you mad. The only thing keeping you sane are the two men sitting in front of you...or behind you. You can’t tell anymore.
“I just want my friends back. And I want to believe that everything will be alright but lately...everything’s been horrible! Life just keeps throwing one obstacle after another and I just want to believe that everything will be okay but it isn’t! My best friend slept with my other best friend and now everything’s weird between the three of us, and my other friend decided to tell everyone that we’re screwing. I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING! Everything is spiraling out of control and I can’t do shit,” You breathe heavily and silence follows, as the boys allow you to catch your breath, not inputting anything just yet. “Thanks for letting me rant. I just needed to let that out, I guess.” You bite your bottom lip, and you can smell the anticipation in the air as the boys wait for their turn to speak.
Oh wow, now you’ve robbed them of their words. Aren’t you the best friend ever.
“Can I say something?” Jimin waits for a moment before dictating his thoughts, “It sounds like you were just thrown into a random mess that had nothing to do with you directly.” He says, earning a cough from Yoongi. Luckily, the sleepy-eyed man is kind enough to cough in his sleeve (ugh corona) and he says, “I agree with Jimin. And that guy sounds like a bitch boy. I’m pretty sure he’s one of those coconut headed e-boy wannabes. Or just a plain fuckboy.” You scrunch your nose. “Jungkook isn’t like that.” 
“Oh, with a name like that he’s bound to have a talent. Maybe he dances really well? Lemme guess, he’s a really good singer but is as shy as a goat.” You didn’t know goats were shy. Yoongi seems knowledgeable, so you don’t question him.
“He’s a good singer, alright, but he wants to be a progamer when he graduates.” You reveal it to them, all of a sudden going off on a tangent about your childhood crush and best friend.
“It sounds like you guys are close,” Jimin whispers in a hushed voice, so quietly that you almost miss him. “And from what I can tell, he’s insecure and wants people to think he’s cool. So he used you, as stupid as it was, I think he’s worth fighting for.” You feel a sudden lightness in your chest, like you just confessed something you felt guilty about. It’s as if he’s in your head, and he understands exactly what you’re going through.
“Jimin and I actually got together because of a misunderstanding in the first place, if he hadn’t fought for us, who knows where he might’ve ended up?” You can’t see what Jimin does exactly, but you assume that his face is scrunched up into a cute cringe of sorts, anything that man does is adorable.
“My parents would’ve forced me to become a pastor. They aren’t exactly the most open-minded people...coming out to them was the hardest thing I ever did. And luckily, Yoongi was with me all through the process after they disowned me and threw me out of the house. I guess I lost my biological family but I ended up with something even better.” You feel your lips turn upward, the first feeling you’ve experienced since sadness. You feel hopeful, and happy that the two men can freely be together without judgement from those around them. 
You feel slightly jealous as well, since their relationship worked out and yours with Jungkook are in shambles. Maybe it’s not too late to fix this, but seeing as he hadn’t even sent you as much as a “Good morning” text, you decided it was better to leave him alone for now. The darkness is not only making you blind; it’s making you unempathetic. You do feel a bit of fear though, as the sense of not knowing what else might be in here with you is overwhelming and you literally want to curl into a ball and cry. “Your breathing is heavy again...are you okay?” Yoongi’s voice soothes you as you slowly recover from the mini-panic attack. You don’t know if you can take it anymore.
“Sorry, I’m just a little claustrophobic.” You hear some shifting as Yoongi makes himself more comfortable.
“Oh shit, I forgot about Jin,” Jimin pulls out his phone, as it vibrates with a text. Your vision is blurry, but you can see his face with the help of the dim light from his device. “Jin said he’s running late in traffic. We might be stuck for a little longer.” You snap, reaching for the closest thing to you, standing up on your two wobbly legs.
“I can’t do this! I’m going crazy, I need to get out! Anything...away….can’t breathe!” You start taking deep breaths, slightly embarrassed at showing the two boys you barely know your weak side. Of course, they are absolute sweethearts about it.
“Honja jjujeo anja
Saenggag man keojyeoga
Eonjebuteo neon nal apeuge haessdeonga
Neo jochado moreujanha,” He slowly makes his way behind you, snaking his arms around your shoulders in a very intimate manner.
“Neodo apeujanha 'cause you’re mine
I just want to blow your mind
Ireohge neon tto meoleojyeo man ganeunde,” You close your eyes and sink into his embrace, swaying in a movement that could only be described as heaven. His voice is heaven. 
“I want you to be your light, baby
You should be your light
Deoneun apeuji anhge
Nega useul su issge
I want you to be your night, baby
You could be your night
Ibami neoege soljighal su issge…” He trails off, leaving you feeling speechless from listening to his honey-like voice. The song is also new, something you’ve never heard. You clap, astounded by his vocals.
“That was amazing!!! Thank you so much for doing that.” You can almost picture the cute blush on his cheeks as you praise him, but you aren’t going to let him know that.
“No problem.” As you both share a moment, Yoongi finds a supposed way out.
“Look, there’s a duct back here. Should one of us go through and see if they can let the others out?” You and Jimin share a look of suspicion but you volunteer anyways. 
“I guess I’ll do it. Seems logical.” You get to your hands and feet, and Jimin gives you his phone, tenderly. There’s a gentleness in his eyes and through the blinding light of the flashlight on his phone, you could see his pupils dilate slightly. For a moment, it’s just you and him, as the rest of the world fades to black. You snap out of your daze when Yoongi coughs into his arm again, and you prepare to crawl into a dusty duct that’s been closed for decades.
You eventually find an exit, and you’re surprised at how long Jimin’s battery life was. It was only at 49%, despite him using his phone for half the time you were together. He must’ve charged it to the full 100%. You find a screw loose on another duct, opening it with ease and slipping into the kitchen. And then when you shine your flashlight, you realize your location. 
You quickly run to the locked door and find that opening it from the outside is a piece of cake. The two men are thankful, but they still complain about the power. Jimin texts Jin that all of you got out, and he just tells you to go home.
The time is about 9:41, 2 hours later than you’d hoped to go home. Nonetheless, you had fun spilling your heart to these two wonderful men. You’ve never felt so close with a pair of strangers, but you can tell these two will become an important part of your life very soon.
                                     ༻• At your House •༺
“Where were you?” Your mother yells as you walk through the door, and you put your bag on the floor, flopping face down on the couch.
“I was at a café but then there was a power outage and I got stuck in a food pantry.” You nonchalantly tilt your head upwards at your mom, as her look of anger changes into one of worry.
“How did you get out?” She asks, bringing you a cheese sandwich. You plug in your phone upside down, but it’s okay because you can see the logo pop up after a minute.
“I crawled through a duct. It was fun but dusty. Oh, sorry for not texting you. My phone died.” She raises an eyebrow.
“Y/N...is there something you’re not telling me?” You fold your arms, whining like a baby. “Was there someone else with you?” You nod, not wanting to tell your mom in detail. “Okay, I’m not gonna ask any more questions. But earlier Jungkook came by, he wanted to talk to you in person. After he left, Jasmine dropped by an hour ago, saying she wanted to see you too. Did something happen between the three of you?” You sigh, turning right-side up on the couch, resting your head on your mother’s shoulder.
“Mom, can I please just go to bed? I don’t feel so good.” Instead of pestering you to tell her, she complies with your wishes, leaving you alone to go into the kitchen.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I started renting the top floor of our house to two nice young men. They’ll stay with us, and we can get money.” You raise your eyebrows at her, not believing her fully. Your mom was never the type of person to do that. You had suggested it in the past, but she had never fully gone through with plans before. Especially big ones.
“And why did you agree to it?”
“Because they are so charming, Y/N, when I put the ad up, they immediately responded, saying that they’d do all the housework and help cook, and take care of the house as if it was theirs, even though they are paying to stay in one room.” You grab your backpack and make your way upstairs. After finishing your nighttime routine, you tuck yourself in and retire for the night.
You wake up with the sudden urge to pee. So, you run to the bathroom only to find a very unexpected sight. The same man with the crescent shaped eyes when he smiles is standing in your bathroom, brushing his teeth.
“J-Jimin?” He turns his head, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” 
“I live here!”
“Me too!” Dear God, what has your mother done?
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ruthiefalkonobi · 4 years ago
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Part 2 ... is done. It took quicker than part 1, I think, because I ... sort of knew what I was doing this time around .. eheh ... let's hope. Wow, it still took a long time, though. XD
Part 3 and 4 may be a little longer in coming, but I thank you for your patience!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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hikcups · 8 years ago
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Twitter doodle compilation
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mrskeletondarkness · 5 years ago
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‘“It’s such a hassle.” The man (boy? He looked younger up close) said. “Just give it to an alley cat.”
“Isn’t it simpler if you just take it?”
A hand came out of a pocket and fiddled with a couple strands of hair before yet another sigh escaped. “What does simple have to do with any of this?”
“Well I made them for you.” Mahiru said. “So it stands to reason that you should take them.”’
Made an illustration for the first chapter of my friend’s fanfic “Common Duality.”
What started off as just a silly “Cafe AU” birthday present for little ol’ me, has expanded and spiraled off into a full-blown thriller-romance novel.
Anyways here’s a link. Please read. Thanks.
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