#because owen already likes noah
tdnoco · 2 years
Noco and Me
noco scratches a particular itch in my brain see, when i was in higschool i had a gay crush on my straight best friend. and even though we had been friends for Years, because of my crush, i would never hug her. it felt like i’d be... imposing myself on her. i was always worried i’d make her uncomfortable. that it’d be predatory or smth. i was so worried about being rejected and also so sure that i was stupid for even having these feelings for someone who was Straight, and yet also desperately hoping that i’d be wrong, and she Wasn’t straight after all. and that’s a big reason i like noco. if we look at that sleeping kiss scene, yes it’s a joke, but it was also one of my worst nightmares. that i’d accidentally let myself go, that i’d do something horrid and unconsensual. (i never did, and i also don’t believe that noah had any longing for cody before that scene.) but still, the scene represents that fear. A gay accident that feels like being Outed, that affects somebody “Straight.” i still can’t watch that scene without skipping it, without cringing, without feeling embarassed. but if you look at what happened to noah afterwards - he wasn’t punished. Cody didn’t treat him with fear or anger or anything. In fact, Cody doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t bring it up, he doesn’t demand apologies (though it would be in his right too). It seems like he genuinely doesn’t mind, that he understood it was an accident. He holds no ill will...and i don’t know. To me that feels so... kind. Maybe this betrays my lack of standards, but for this guy to just effortly brush off noah’s gay mistake and not be mean about it... feels so generous.  Noah is not barred from hanging out with Cody, he’s not ostracized. Nothing happens. In fact, Cody minds so little about this incident, that he falls asleep near/with Noah again. Like Cody just cares so little. Like - Noah isn’t uninvited from the sleepover even after the incident. And that just feels so welcoming. I don’t know - noco just really assauges my gay fears. Also because Cody like... looks/feels straight, I can project my own conflicted feelings of pining for someone I can’t have onto Noah. (who is just very easy to project onto in general)
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, after the 'London Adventure' and the truth being revealed, Chris then decides to make this a reward challenge... The reward is that EVERYONE gets to be in First Class, with NOAH... Chris and Noah are curious to see, who will be brave enough to actually enter First Class, after learning about Noah's insanity... How would Courtney + Gwen + Duncan reacts to seeing the video of Noah's insane side showing? 😈 Would Alejandro and Noah still be friends? 😈
Listen, as much as this idea is so fucking funny to me, I really don't think it'd work from a storytelling perspective.
Though (not to push any agendas here, but-) if Chris were to hypothetically have the remaining contestants go against Noah in an enclosed space, in a sort of predator-vs-prey scenario, it'd probably play out something like The Beast chapter in Slay The Princess... without the "eating them alive" aspect, of course.
(Heavy Content Warning for that link, by the way. There's a lot of violence/gore/body horror, among other stuff, by virtue of it being a horror game.)
Maybe he'd lock everyone in the First Class cabin and turn off all of the room's electronics, so the only source of light in the cabin would be the wavering moonlight from whatever tiny windows are dotted around. Noah would use the cover of darkness to his advantage and toy with his competitors in a similar vein to how the Ripper had in their challenge that day, darting silently through the shadows to 'capture' his castmates, picking them off one by one.
It'd be a fun game of cat-and-mouse for Noah. For the others? It'd be a living nightmare. They wouldn't have the luxury of knowing that Noah wouldn't really hurt them, and the bloodlust they'd seen on that screen would be terrifying to watch but downright petrifying to experience first hand. They would be genuinely fearing for their lives, in a way that Chris hadn't been able to prompt since the early days of Island, and the host would love it.
Not that he would do that. And not that Noah would actually attack anyone either. (Without reason to, of course.)
But you are right about one thing; if this AU were to become a fully-fledged story, the London challenge would have to be a reward, just to keep Noah in the competition. Because he literally snapped Zeke's arms like chopsticks- his team would vote him out in a heartbeat just by virtue of him being so dangerous.
Which means the whole of Team Chris (plus Duncan) would be sharing a poorly-lit, structurally unsound cabin with someone they're terrified of.
...Owen notwithstanding, since Owen's a sweetheart and he knows Noah.
But the others would be immediately on guard around him. Noah, knowing there's no reason to keep up his ruse of sarcastic apathy, would probably relish in their fear- he enjoys tormenting people, after all, especially when that torment is purely psychological. So he'd carry on playing the 'unhinged, bloodthirsty sociopath' just to watch the others squirm.
He'd probably make a huge show of still having the Ripper's knife, tucked safely in the sleeve of his white undershirt, and comment that he and Duncan could be 'knife buddies' or something. If only to see how the punk's pierced face would drain of all colour at the prospect of Noah having a sharp object. (Duncan would absently rub at the puncture scars on his hand, to Noah's delight.)
But it'd eventually get boring, I imagine, so Noah would do something to reassure his teammates that he's not some ethics-devoid monster hellbent on destruction. Because having your teammates be in a state of constant paranoia around you would get annoying after a while, and it'd impact their performance in the competition (which Noah isn't really all that concerned with, but Owen is, so Noah doesn't want to do anything to jeopardise their chances of winning challenges).
So he'd drop the exaggeration of his more violent traits, and intentionally show off the unharmful aspects of himself- namely by koala-clinging to Owen and acting 'normally' like they'd done before the London challenge, and/or by approaching Tyler to ask how he was feeling after being stretched on the rack and sheepishly apologise for leaving him behind (showing empathy and remorse, to humanise himself n front of his teammates).
He's insane, not heartless.
As for Alejandro...? I have no idea. Would he even want to risk approaching Noah to find out if their shared comradery was all a ruse? Would whatever tentative trust he had in Noah be completely shattered by the reveal? Or would he be so engulfed by his need to win the competition that he only views this new development as a boon, since now Noah can be more of a physical asset for their team?
It'd probably be a mix of all of these. Alejandro would be left off-footed by the reveal of p!Noah's 'true self' (however much of his 'true self' he's willing to show to others) but I imagine he'd be quick to ally himself with the guy who can break bones like they're chalk and deceive a whole cast of people for two and a half seasons, regardless of any personal misgivings.
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frogskelton · 1 month
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So I’ve replaced Sierra with Noah, because she did nothing and her story didn’t rlly have anywhere to go (mainly cuz she was a one dimensional character, nothing wrong w that but not for a second season). Anyway it was choice between Cody or Noah and I went for Noah.
For Noah, he initially signed up w Owen, but Owen got injured before the season, but Noah was still contractually obligated to go. Since is in the time period where they r doing a bunch of reality tv shows together. (Owen is fine, it’s just like a broken leg, he will be okay)
Seems like a weird choice i know, but Noah plays the role of the antagonist, though mostly accidentally on his part. So, it starts off with stuff like he knows his team has already lost and he would be an easy first boot (since the other times he was his teams first boot), so will trip up another contestant or just close the door on someone and slip by so he isn’t the boot. He is also able to avoid accusations or have people dismiss them since he is perceived as a hero (ish). E.g, Alejandro might respond with like “Noah, you mean mister he’s like an eel dipped in grease, after I saved our team from elimination, is gonna go and be a hypocrite.” Furthermore, most of his victims r people w already bad reputations n he is gradually increasing in his sabotage justifying more and more to himself.
He makes it very far, even getting revenge on Alejandro for getting him booted last season. Though Noah becoming more and more a villain is kinda do with how he perceives others people as looking down on them through being pretty judgmental (not too overly). Like how in season one, he was shocked he got the boot instead of Lindsay since he just perceived her as the “dumb blonde,” and got so much in his own head.
He starts out very bummed and thinks of how he wants to win for Owen (who is still healing in hospital) and uses that to justify this actions, and assumes that everyone else has less altruistic reasons, so therefore it’s fine.
Also no more villain Mal, because it’s pretty gross perpetuating the vilification of people with multiple personality disorder. He can just he a silly emo boy.
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assistant-of-drama · 2 months
Assistant Noah's World Tour!
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After Japan...
"I saw what you did with Harold." Noah said as he drank his coffee.
Alejandro smirks. "And I see that's your 3rd cup of coffee today. You really should drink that stuff less, amigo. It's not healthy for you."
"Caffeine is the only reason why I survived working for Chris this long."
"I thought it was because you're smarter than the other interns."
"Well, that too… So, now that Harold's gone, are you gonna flirt with Leshawna even more or eliminate her as well? Or is it a bit of both?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Seriously? That cliche? Fine then. But I'm not gonna tell anyone about your plans, if that's what you're worried about."
"I'm not gonna tell anybody because one, they won't believe me cause of how likable you are. Two, you make the show somewhat interesting. Three, none of the people on this show are exactly innocent angels either, so if the guys are dumb enough to fall for your tricks and the girls let themselves be swooned by you despite having boyfriends, then they deserve to lose."
Alejandro blinks quite a few times at Noah's words. Then his smug smirk returns. "Well, well, well… someone has a dark side."
Noah looks away, trying to play it cool. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're repeating what I said." Alejandro's smile turns playfully cheeky.
Noah glares right at him. "I will splash coffee on your face again."
"Why do that, when your clever words already burn people enough?" Alejandro asks with a wink.
Noah rolls his eyes, drinks his coffee again and says, "Whatever. I'm gonna be in first class. With the comfy, plush chairs."
Alejandro's eye angrily twitches at Noah clearly mocking him.
Owen happily waves a hand to Noah. "Hey Noah, you think you can get me a cookie from first class, little buddy?"
Noah sighs. "If I must."
"Oh! Can I have a cookie too, Noah?" Izzy asks excitingly.
"And me too!" chimes Tyler.
"Me three!" Ezekiel also chimes.
Noah sighs louder. "Fine."
"Can you give Al a cookie too? Since he's our team leader and all?" Owen asks with puppy eyes.
Noah turns to see Alejandro somehow looking even more arrogant, with his hands behind his head.
The Cassanova really has everyone wrapped around his finger, doesn't he?
It makes Noah's own eye twitch slightly, as he looks back at Owen. "… Do I have to?"
"Please?" The big guy's eyes get even bigger.
Noah facepalms and drags his hand down. "… Okay, fine. If there are any left for him."
"Gracias, amigo." Alejandro then kisses Noah's hand like before.
Noah was tempted to splash his coffee in the Charmer's stupid face again.
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kookidough · 4 months
i know world tour rewrites are probably overdone by now but i wanna see an alenoah world tour rewrite where pretty much everything is the same but (predictably) it changes at/around i see london
so in this rewrite, pre-london, similarly to canon alejandro is flirting with other teams to get them off their game and eliminate them (cough cough bridgette, leshawna, etc) but he thinks it’d be a good idea to flirt with someone on his own team- not to throw them off their game, but to get a closer bond with them and hopefully a steady alliance once merge rolls around. after all, it’s easier to get closer to a team member than an enemy right now.
he’s weighing up his options and he Hates owen, izzy is Insane, and tyler serves no use to him, which leaves noah.. alejandro thinks he’ll be a good choice since while noah is weak he does somewhat try in challenges and he is very smart, so having him as an ally will benefit alejandro, also he genuinely enjoys noah company, viewing him as being on the same level as him in levels of wit/intelligence/humour, so boom it’s settled, noah will be his ally post-merge
anyway back to i see london, the episode goes the same up until the elimination ceremony, alejandro yaps in the confessional about it being unfair that chris let team amazon win since his team were the ones that actually caught the ripper-type guy. he also knows that since he was caught before the challenge even started, he’s probably going home !! so he needs to figure out a way to gaslight gatekeep girlboss everyone and stay in the game
he, like in canon, is of course irritated at noah for talking about him behind his back and thinks about eliminating him, despite previously thinking he’d be a good ally. this is where i diverge fully from canon and say he can’t really risk losing an ally here and maybe, without noah having the influence of anyone else, he’ll be able to turn things around with him. izzy is already gone so if alejandro eliminates owen, then noah will have no other allies and most likely be searching for one, so this is where alejandro can swoop back in and continue to ally with him (while definitely planning to use him for his intelligence and double cross him later as revenge for gossiping about him, and also because alejandro wants to win)
so with 2 votes for ale and 3 votes for owen, the big guy is sent packing and things are playing out the way alejandro wants them to. when he approaches noah for an alliance he’s surprised at how little convincing it takes, and he thinks this plan will be easier than he thought
hoooowever noah is also planning to double cross him and he approaches heather, despite disliking her, because he knows shes currently the only other one that can see through alejandro. he may not like heather but he knows she’s smart and a very capable player and hey, if things go south then it can’t be that hard to get her eliminated, because she’s literally heather
so just . AUFHHR i need this dynamic of noah and alejandro thinking they’re one step ahead of each other and they’ve got each other all figured out but they’re actually both just playing each other’s game and they have all the stupid flirty rival banter while they tango around their feelings for each other it’s great
and they dont even have to be final 2 !!! maybe their plans crumble and they end up voted off and get into some tense aftermath segment and have a very chaotic game of “truth or volcanic eruption” !!
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So, a thought: what if, in a different scenario, Alejandro's way of getting revenge on Noah for his eel coment earlier would be to vote of Owen, Noah's best friend, instead of Noah himself? He could be petty enough for a move like that.
It would be a risk of course since Noah is on to him already, but it would be an interesting change to maybe write in fanfiction. Alejandro already doesn't like Owen, so he'd probably jump at the chance to get him out.
And if making it alenoah / alenoah-ish, then maybe part of that decision would be because he's a bit jealous of the Owen-Noah friendship.
If anyone is interested in/willing to write something like this, please do and please tell me so I can check it out!
And please tell me if there are sny fics out there with this concept already as well! 🙏
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psychic-refugee · 9 days
My original theory for S2 and the Stalker has completely been obliterated, and honestly from all the new big names attached to it, and the smaller names, it’s a lot to fit in only 8 episodes.
The cast is very crowded for an 8-episode season. With limited time and “space” in the story, I feel like with Wednesday the only common thread and obviously will be in every episode, and Ortega herself saying each episode will feel like its own movie, I feel like most of the actors will actually only get one episode.
There’s also some indication that some of the students have already wrapped up their filming (specifically Joy Sunday via IG posts who is a top billed star), which is very short to me if true and insinuates to me that only one or two episode will be at the school. Which also supports the other rumours that the Addams estate will be heavily featured.
I would like it if some of the students got a significant B plot to explore their characters more throughout the season, but I don’t have confidence in the writers to explore anyone but Wednesday. So far, every other character is just a prop for her.
My new theory is that the season will start at the Addams estate. Maybe a funeral to intro many new Addamses. Then each subsequent episode will have her deal with different Addamses and the family lore.
She’s also supposed to be on a break, so starting at the Addams estate makes sense to me.
In no particular order, but what I think will be included in episodes:
1: We see Wednesday’s home life and more interaction and possible backstory to her friction with Morticia. This will include Morticia, Gomez, Pugsly, and Grandmama. I don’t think Pubert exists in this universe.
2: Uncle Fester centered episode which will also serve as a backdoor pilot to his spinoff.
3-6: She visits with various Addamses, really expanding the Wednesday universe, each with their own issues she has to figure out. So, each episode is more or less a procedural, horror mystery/ “Outcast of the week” This will include Noah Taylor, Billie Piper, Christopher Lloyd, Francis O’Connor, Haley Joel Osmet, Heather Matarazzo, Joonas Suotamo.
Besides just having something to do over break, perhaps Wednesday visits family to test the stalker’s reach, who is still sending her proof of being stalked. When back at Nevermore, she finally figures out who the stalker is because she has eliminated who it couldn’t be based on how they’re able to stalk her from family member to family member and then back to Nevermore.
7-8: Break is over and they’re back at Nevermore. Enid will heavily be featured to talk about her status as a transformed wolf within her pack. Maybe talk about some issues with Ajax because he’s not a werewolf and now she has more options within the Werewolf community. We’ll also see what happened to Tyler and Sheriff Galpin. And it’ll introduce the new faculty at Nevermore.
Maybe Tyler confronts his dad about what he knew about his wife being a Hyde, if anything, and what it means to have a half-outcast child. Galpin will talk his son into accepting his responsibility in what happened, and Tyler voluntarily turns himself in and Thandiwe Newton is his new therapist, perhaps at the same insane asylum his mother.
Wednesday visits him before he’s on a long absence to get his powers and mental health in order. They make peace.
New students Evie Templeton and Owen Painter will feature. I wonder if Owen will be Enid’s triangle love interest, as he has dark, pale features like Ajax. Perhaps she has a type. lol
Xavier, Divina, Kent, and Yoko’s absence will be explained that their families feel that Nevermore has gone downhill and they are pulled from the school to attend an alternative Outcast school.
Steve Buscemi as the new Headmaster will do something to spring into the 3rd season and we’re left with a question about something. lol
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knightsickness · 10 months
total drama cast ranked by how much i want to smoke with them
would feel actively bad making this guy smoke
24 alejandro already weird about food and his body in a not eating preservatives or dyes way i do not think he would smoke or drink. he would do cocaine but that’s not what we’re asking. wouldn’t participate and would have a bad time if he did. would be number one if the question was which total drama character do i want to talk to about orthorexia. also wayyy too much of a dick to be a good trip sitter he’d start trying to hypnotise me or some shit
23 trent i cannot imagine weed would make his paranoia less debilitating which sucks because i feel like all his friends smoke. cool guy not a stoner would hang out with him sober unless he brought his guitar
nightmare blunt rotation
22 cody brags a lot about how much he smokes and how much of a total nonevent this is for him takes one drag and coughs so hard he throws up. bad time for everyone
21 duncan keeps mentioning that he did ket before he came because he knew your shit was going to be weak as if you didn’t hear him (he doesn’t think you reacted enough the first time). just kind of an asshole
20 justin opposite to alejandro in one important way which is that i think he absolutely smokes. however i think weed would make him even more intolerable i think he’d be a buzzkill and kind of mean
19 izzy keeps describing the crazy horrific ‘hallucinations’ she’s having to try to freak everyone out and successfully convinces owen he can also see them. may or may not actually be high. only not in nightmare because i think if she did smoke she’d be relatively mellow
18 beth trying too hard to be funny acting way more out of it than she is. would annoy me i think
17 katie and 16 sadie would be whispering to each other the whole time and not really mixing with the rest of the group. they’d giggle until they had an incomprehensible falling out. they would still leave together
15 owen on paper ideal he’s chill he’s put more thought into the snacks than he has the weed. however i know he’d be farting constantly and apologising but still doing it and it would piss me off so bad i’d have to leave 
14 sierra would be very giggly and her infodumping would be plagiarised from a video essay i watched last week. i would not call her out on it
13 noah ‘this is garbage i don’t feel anything’ -> catatonic
12 ezekiel not allowed to smoke weed but if he did it would change absolutely nothing about his behavior. this one’s just whether i would hang out with ezekiel and honestly i would
11 heather would get a headache and get snippy but i think she both has smoked before and would be pretty mellow. total middle of the road she’s fine
10 gwen would be cool if i could talk to her about her art and bugs and dali but if she got one text from duncan or courtney or trent i think she would enter a paranoia death spiral. i would have to hide her phone
9 eva i think she’d be quiet but chill. inoffensive i think it would do her good
8 tyler would have a good time i think he’d be funny but would manage to grievously injure himself and then we’d be stoned in the emergency room and he’d panic
7 geoff cool guy definitely knows a guy but i think he’d be too much. i’d be greening out and he’d be crossfaded stood on the table. would be willing to put up with him for bridgette’s sake
6 courtney would tell me several times about how letting loose on one day actually allows her to be sharper and more productive for the rest of the week before going nonverbal. that’d be cool with me i know she needs it
5 leshawna she’s cool i want to talk to her about what she’s got going on. would stay relatively level-headed though i think she’d be annoyed by anyone acting up
dream blunt rotation
4 lindsay honestly can’t see a downside here. she would have a sparkly pink bong i would definitely smoke with lindsay
3 dj don’t think he smokes much but would socially. just a cool guy probably homemade food for the sesh. ideal
2 harold i want to watch star wars with harold stoned soooo bad. i’d let him infodump about the medieval summer camp he went to last year
1 bridgette chill into crystals and spirituality objective best choice. all her snacks are vegan she would smoke on the beach. nice and funny also only contestant i think was actually stoned on the show
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dorayakichan · 9 months
you’re one of the first wb writers that write for the girls & im so glad 😭 they deserve sm 🫶 may I req dating hcs w kaneshiro, shelly & noah? thank you!
Windbreaker characters: Dating headcanon
Pairing: Kaneshiro, Shelly and Noah x gn!reader
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First of you should go and start thanking the Heavens up above for giving you the possibility to date such a goddess. Like have you seen that girl? She is a hell of a fine woman, too fine like I want to be the ground she steps on, kind of fine. (excuse my inability to control my inner simp from showing. I can’t bear keeping my love for her to myself. Let us continue then….)
Kaneshiro might appear as cold and unapproachable to most, but that is not the case for you, her lover. She is always soft, maybe even way too soft with you. No matter what you do, say, or act she is always going to give in to you. Maybe because she finds you cute. But I mean that was the whole reason this woman even decided to give you the time of day in the first place because you are cute. So that is to be expected. 
She is gentle and mature but extremely harsh, having been through so many hardships all of those years it is obvious it has made her that way. Although she is extremely kind only to you when needed, there are moments when she will bluntly tell you if what you are doing, thinking, or saying is in her opinion wrong. But that is also what you like about her. Her bluntness. Her way of speaking the truth when it needs to be said.
Despite her calm exterior, you can notice how her pupils expand a little when her eyes fall on your smiling face or how her fingers linger a little longer on your face after sharing a kiss. 
You can see a shift in her energy everytime you both go on dates, the excitement that only you can notice. How she adores it the most when you take her to a theme park, although there are no words spoken you notice everything, the rides she likes, the ones she doesn’t, when she wants to eat, and when she doesn’t. 
These gestures of yours are never left unnoticed by her. She appreciates and loves it so much and that is also why she never mentions it, hoping you don’t understand that she has already caught you and that you won’t stop acting that way. 
When it comes to your intimate moments well this woman is the leader inside and outside the bedroom and well you are fine with that. The way she kisses and holds you is so sweet and warm that you can notice how much she cares and wants you by her side. 
There are times when her hugs are stronger and more profound than usual, that’s because she feels afraid, afraid to lose another important person in her life. If only you could reassure her that you will never leave her side and nothing bad will happen to you. So instead you kiss her and tell her that it will be fine. Hoping that fate is on the same page as you.
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Well if you are dating Shelly good luck surviving through Owen's constant interruptions of every date or time alone you have together, her father’s constant death threats, and her grandfather’s glaring stares every time you cross paths. 
Yes, you will be having a hard time dating this woman. But let’s accept it she had a hard time chasing you too. It was her persistence and care that made you fall so hard for her. Now it’s time for you to work hard and get her family to accept your relationship. 
Shelly can comfort and help you like no other. She listens, understands, and knows just the right words to say so she can help you go through even the darkest of times. She is always there, reaching her hand out to you while smiling brightly, making you able to see that there is more to this world than just hardships and sadness. Her love and care for you is unconditional. 
That doesn’t mean that she is strong and doesn’t need someone to be there for her too. So as much as she cares and gives to you, you should try your best to give back to her. 
Shelly is the jealous type. And she will admit it, maybe not in an overbearing kind of way but in more of a calm one in the beginning. She will act in ways to make you see that she is jealous and if you don’t notice she will ask you about the other person and what you think of them. 
She knows you love her and care for her but she will have her moments of insecurity where she will feel like you don’t care anymore about her and in those moments you will need to reassure her that you only love her and that she is the only one for you.
Shelly will be the one suggesting to go on dates and even deciding where and when. As she knows your food preferences, sometimes she will try to adjust to that so you can also enjoy your favorite kind of food. Because she loves you so much, if you ask her to try it even if she hates it she will try it for you.
One thing you need to know is that she is extremely affectionate and her love language is touch, so don’t be surprised when she holds your hand out of nowhere or when she grabs onto your arm putting her head on your shoulder while telling you how much she wants to go somewhere only with you where you both can enjoy some time together in each-others presence away from everything.
Shelly although she doesn’t seem like it, she is shy about kissing you, but that changes only if you are shyer than her. Then she knows she has to take the lead so she leans to kiss you first whenever the chance arises. 
If you are the one to kiss her first, that will make this girl's whole day. You initiating any kind of intimate contact will make her brain and heart explode from happiness, surprise, and excitement. Yep, she is starved for your love as she is always the one to show it first so you better do justice to our girl Shelly and shower her with your love and affection.
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Dating Noah feels like dating a kid with tantrums and an extremely colorful vocabulary. Let’s accept it though you find it funny and are always trying to keep your laugh when she is in that kind of mood. You know that it’s all an act to keep her true kind hearted self from showing. 
She doesn’t want to seem weak even in a relationship with you so although less than with other people she still acts tough. Yet you wish she wouldn’t try so hard to hide her true self from you. You came to terms with the fact that that’s how she feels the most comfortable so you just accept it now. There are times when you also purposely tease her, just to see her throwing those cute tantrums of hers. 
By the way, you are the only one who thinks her angry temper is cute no one else does, and once when you mentioned this to Harry and Owen they looked at you as if you had gone mad. Yep, no one gets it. Because you are the one dating her, and that means that even if very slightly she won’t be as mean and angry at you as she is to other people.
You are also the only person who can stop her from throwing tantrums and that is whenever you kiss her, hug her, say something sweet and unexpected to her, or cook food for her. Then when you do one of these things she will not only quiet down but she will be more affectionate towards you. That’s right you are the only one who knows how to handle Noah and the only one allowed to act with her like that.
Deep down Noah has a fragile heart and you know that more than anyone else as you have seen her break down once after you both fought and you suggested breaking up. After that day you have been more careful with your words, and you’re kinder and even calmer because now you know.
Noah loves it when you take her on dates, especially dates that involve food. Despite the fact that she doesn’t say it, she loves how sometimes you share your food with her, how you go and buy a bunch of all the things she likes, and how you even feed her when she is too immersed in her phone. 
She, like Shelly, is also extremely shy about kissing and intimate moments. A great opportunity for you to tease her to your heart's content, which you never miss. Seeing her blushy state and then getting a cute glare from her makes you want to kiss her even more and well we know how it all ends up after that…..
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fraudulent-cheese · 6 months
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Im counting this as an ask - you've picked... The Team Escope TDWT AU!
This is 100% based on both another AU idea i had in my head (Hbombs vs Alenoah TDWT final four) and a take on @/real-total-drama-takes about Eva being on TDWT.
The main gist is instead of Tyler and Sierra getting on Team Chris, Eva and Izzy do, and the team is instead called "Team Escope". Alejandro's already a bit thrown by his team's general chaos and by Noah's presence (since he was Chris's assistant during the taping of Total Drama Dirtbags, a show Chris briefly tried filming that got cancelled before the mid season.), but he starts warming up to them while he tries to work on getting the other teams eliminated.
However, things don't turn out how he'd hoped since Team Victory, lead by the surprisingly competent duo of Lindsay and Harold, isn't failing nearly as badly as Alejandro expected. In fact, Harold makes it to the merge, and we get a final 7 of Alejandro, Noah, Eva, Harold, Heather, Gwen and Courtney (Heather was eliminated previously, got back during Niagra Brawls).
Gwen and Courtney get the double elimination, Noah and Alejandro aren't on amazing terms currently, Harold and Heather are seriously teaming up and seem to actually be friends, and Eva mostly just hopes she's still got a chance to win. After African Lying Safari where Alejandro and the Hbombs got immunity, Eva gets the boot; Harold and Heather want Eva out since out of the two she's the better player, Alejandro voted Eva because he wants to kiss be in an alliance with Noah, and Noah and Eva voted for Noah (Noah because he lowkey wants out and thinks he's going out anyways, Eva because she still wants to win and knows Noah would probably understand).
After Drumheller, Harold gets blown up and is booted instead of Alejandro (who had gotten the most votes. Even Noah voted for him.). Heather's trying extra hard to get in the Final 2 now, especially since she's motivated by the power of friendship now and Alejandro and Noah are still dancing around eachother (in a way similar to what happends in Slippery Slopes) Until they all reach Hawaii and Heather and Alejandro are both participating in the Tie-breaker for their last shot at competing in the final challenge. Alejandro wins the tie-breaker, they do the final challenge, kiss at the top of the volcano and Noah wins the season.
I think in general Eva being in TDWT would cause interesting changes in the dynamics of Team Escope since she's much less trusting than Tyler and even stronger than him, although she does have a weakness for pretty boys (bisexual moment). I think Alejandro in this AU has to rely on his team's strengths wayyy more than in canon, and in turn actually befriends most of these weirdos. keyword is most (he's still not a fan of Owen).
-Tyler straight up does not compete
-Obviously Harold making it to the merge with her mad skills
-Trans Harold is real, she comes out mid season lol
-DJ, Lindsay and Harold are the team Victory trio for a couple of episodes
-Cody gets eliminated in episode 3 instead of Harold
-Owen gets the boot in episode 10
-Heather gets booted in I See London
-Sierra and Duncan both get eliminated earlier, both pre merge :
Sierra gets the boot instead of Tyler in canon maybe? Gwourtney happends in this AU so they don't vote for eachother and instead for her.
Duncan just does NOT mesh well with Team Escope's entire dynamic. Eva doesn't like him because of course she wouldn't, Noah doesn't like him because he's a dick in general and Alejandro doesn't like him because his borderline obsession with bullying Harold is costing them challenges + he's friends with Courtney in this AU too so that's an additional reason to dislike him.
-i uh, i haven't thought about when Izzy gets out? maybe she's the last out before the merge? but she does have to kiss Eva before that happends soooo (i AM inserting Evzy in this and you can't stop me)
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Total Drama World Tour Assistant Noah AU…
Where Assistant Noah warns Owen before the London Challenge, but Alejandro had heard him…
Alejandro: So, you think that I’m like an eel dipped in grease?
Assistant Noah: Yes, I do. What are you gonna do about it, pretty boy? I’m not a contestant, you have no power over me, Eel!
Alejandro: Maybe so, but I can still use my charms to mess with you, while you’re working.
Assistant Noah: Don’t you dare! >=O
Alejandro: (Smirks and blows Noah a flirty kiss!) ;)
Wasn't it already a pre-established fact that Alejandro was actively flirting with assistant Noah before London? Why would him upping the ante make any difference here?
If anything, have Alejandro seethe over the fact that, despite his best efforts to seem as suave and charming as possible, Noah sees him as an "eel dipped in grease". He's consistantly pulled out all the stops to get a reaction out of Noah - the same tactics that worked flawlessly on the rest of the competition - and yet his best efforts are rewarded with the one person he's trying to get to like him, actively disliking him.
It's a massive blow to his ego and his confidance. But one he can learn from.
Have Alejandro condeed defeat to himself; if he hadn't won Noah over by now, there's little chance he ever would (at least, that's his justification for giving up). Have him stop flirting with Noah - stop interacting with the assistant completely, since he's so obviously disliked by Noah.
And then. Then, you have Noah notice the emptiness in his day-to-day.
You have the both of them turn to make snide comments or backhanded remarks about the goings on in the competition, only to be met with silence and a blank space at their side. You have the both of them cycle through active denial that the miss each other, until the weight of their loneliness crushes their combined stubbornness.
Have Noah sheepishly apologise to Alejandro in the (relative) privacy of the cargo hold, trying to explain that his distrust of Alejandro doesn't necessarily translate into dislike. And have Alejandro forgive him. Not entirely, but enough for the two of them to settle back into a sense of normalcy.
That is, Alejandro habitually trying to flirt with Noah once more, only to be completely blindsided when the other laughs at his attempts instead of brushing him off.
Because that's a sign of progress, right?
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yippeeapples · 2 months
alenoah ramble
starting off strong I keep seeing those head cannons of alejandro being a jealous person, like this man would purposely one up you just because someone found you impressive in some sort of way. Honestly I could see alejandro being jealous of owen and needing to one up him in some sort of way to feel validated by the one person on their team who is barely impressed with anything he does. aka. noah, in which alejandro would definitely get pissed over owen actually getting noah to laugh and be on friendlier terms with noah then him. If you think about that one time I believe in Paris where alejandro traded a snarky remark with noah about lindsay it could have been an attempt to feel validated/ gaining noahs approval like owen had most of the season. This could either have been because he wanted noah to be on good terms with him and secure he wasn't onto his facade or to also prove he wasn't always this charismatic dude to make his act possibly seem more real or like I said previously he was simply jealous of the approval owen was getting considering how much alejandro hated owen already. To be fair I feel like noah would have been more fond of alejandro if he wasn't such a hater to owen all the time. I genuinely don't know if noah even cared that much about alejandros strategy but rather about owens well being and trying to warn him not to be naive and be aware of alejandros plans. Of course that didn't work out the best for him sadly. But continuing on the topic of noahs elimination why did alejandro get so pissed about noahs insult? I get that he was a possible threat but he NEVER got that upset with heather. He genuinely seemed mad over it,and maybe betrayed even since before hand they seemed on at least neutral terms. Honestly their dynamic is so fascinating and I wish we got more of them. They could have soloed not gonna lie. #couple goals!
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assistant-of-drama · 1 month
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What if Alejandro realizes that Noah doesn't care what the slippery, greasy eel does to the others (Noah only cares about Owen) and decides to keep Noah around, because Alejandro is both interested and amused...
When Noah learned that Alejandro heard him warn Owen that the Charmer was an eel, he thought that he was going home that night. What he didn't expect was for Duncan to leave instead. Noah's jaw is stilled dropped as he turned to face a smugly smirking Alejandro, sitting right behind him.
Noah was so confused and honestly, a little nervous. He went to the confessional bathroom to be alone. He didn't say anything to the camera, just simply stared out of the window and thinking to himself for 10 minutes.
Then he heard footsteps outside and the door opening. The lock had stopped working. Isn't that lovely?
He already knew who it was, before he even turned his head to the entrance. An arrogant Alejandro stood in the doorway. Noah takes a deep breath and then sighs.
"Why didn't you vote me off?" Noah asked calmly, despite his heart racing. "I know who you are. I told Owen. The others saw the video. Yet you got rid of Duncan instead. You can't trick me into being your puppet, if that's what you want."
Alejandro chuckles and gets closer. "Oh, Noah, most of the others clearly don't believe you. And you misunderstand. I don't want you to be my puppet. I want to work with you. Together, we can survive this game. You're smart, Noah. And I'm not talking about book smart. You're clever, you're cunning. And you're not afraid to say what's on your mind. I respect that. And I want you on my side."
Noah raises an eyebrow, unamused. "Didn't you see the video of me saying that I don't trust you? Do you still think your charming lying can work on me? You're just gonna ditch me when it's convenient."
Alejandro smirks evilly and shrugs. "Fair enough. But it would increase your chances of at least making it to the merge."
"Well, at least you're being honest now." Noah shrugs back.
Alejandro thinks for a moment. "…What if I promise to be nicer to Owen? Would that convince you to work with me?"
"Wow… If you're willing to be nice to your least favorite person on the plane, either you must really want me as a puppet or you can't stand that I'm immune to your tricks and you're going to try charming me throughout this alliance." Noah says, crossing his arms.
Alejandro smiles, with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Trust me Noah, Owen isn't the first person that I pretended to like, and he won't be the last… So, do we have a deal?"
Noah sighs loudly.
"Fine… I'll join you… But I'm only doing this for Owen… and because I kinda enjoy the chance to travel the world… when Chris isn't putting us through those stupid, life-threatening challenges that is…"
Alejandro grins manically and gives Noah a kiss on the hand.
Noah simply rolls his eyes, not even blushing.
Alejandro then holds Noah close and whispers a seductive promise into Noah's ear. "If you help me win the million dollars, I might kiss you on the lips."
This time, Noah blushes lightly at this. The thought of making out with Alejandro was not that bad, to be honest. But he's not about to show that he's actually interested.
Noah rests his head on Alejandro's chest, enjoying the heartbeat of the charming eel. "What if I or Heather win the million? Would you still want to kiss me?"
"… Maybe I do." Alejandro then kisses Noah's head.
Noah's blush changes from a light pink to a deep red, much to his horrified embarrassment. "What do you hope to gain by hugging and kissing me?"
"Perhaps, I want you to like me. Or maybe, I'm just a very affectionate eel. Or maybe, I want to keep you as my personal prize." Alejandro purrs, holding Noah close.
Noah can't believe that he actually enjoys the sound of that.
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kookidough · 5 months
AGRGAGRGAV i always ponder how alenoah reunion would go because like . it could go So many different ways
like how do they feel about each other now?? i always feel like after world tour is over, noah’s irritation would fizzle out and he’d be back to winning the idgaf war, accepting that in the end it was just a game and alejandro ended up playing better than him
alejandro’s feelings on the subject feel more complex to me like. does he accept the fact that, while noah’s words were harsh, they held some truth?? i view his reaction to noah talking behind his back as very telling of how close they were (despite the relatively short amount of time they spent together)
personally i think that pre-london they were close friends because they could match each other’s humour/wit, like how they laugh at tyler on the runway and when alejandro tells a mean-spirited joke regarding lindsay’s intelligence he tells it to noah, and Cmon guys, i know it was a team challenge but they still spent like 18 hours traversing the amazon together i just know they bonded during that!!! i wont even get into the fact that they’re always standing next to each other / hanging out in the background because i will be a pigeon pecking at crumbs and ive already gone off topic from the original reunion idea
anyway i think alejandro was mad because he thought he could consider noah a friend but he can see noah maybe doesnt feel the same way + hes a threat anyway soooo bye bye noah, question is would he hold a grudge over it and if yes then how long for
and what r they doing in their lives now when they meet again?? is alejandro still with heather or did that doomed relationship crash and burn (again)? is noah with emma or did things not work out after the race? and of course this differs depending on which world tour ending you’re going for, because is alejandro finally a winner or does his family still view him as the runner up they’ve always seen him as, second place silver in a robot suit, never quite good enough for gold (had to go off topic again, burromuerto family angst Gets Me)
would they miss the brief friendship they had? does noah ever meet a contestant on another one of him and owen’s reality shows and get a fleeting reminder of alejandro when they flirt or flash him a smile? does he get tired of no one else being on his wavelength and cast his mind back to that one boy that was? does alejandro ever turn on the tv and spot noah on one of those dumb shows?? and if he does what does he think?
ough i got off topic so many times i love thinking abt them in the future, they dont even have to reunite i also enjoy the bittersweet angst of right people wrong time/place… i think things would’ve been better for them if a million dollars wasn’t on the line
also i am not reading all this before i post it so if there are mistakes or it doesnt make sense then . pretend u didnt see it ^_^
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canonically47 · 4 months
aletyler posting (the day has come!) inspired by this
i am so mad they didn't give alejandro an actual friend. he deserved to have an actual friend to warm the ice around his cold heart. we all love to hc team chris as his friends, but he doesn't care for either of them, and even dislikes some. he ditches owen first chance he gets, he gets rid of noah immediately, he betrays duncan as fast as possible. and yes he has heather, but that's his love interest, never a friend, they just jump from enemy to lovers status
so you know who would have been GREAT as his friend? TYLER.
tyler, that pure of heart, dumb of ass, home of sexual guy. imagine they just let him stay for a bit longer. (first of all you need to imagine total drama is good so like, already getting ahead of ourselves, but imagine he stayed for longer, like he deserved.) he gets an actual character arc. with his sweet, caring nature, that is less annoying than owen's, he gets to alejandro. he becomes his greatest ally. and alejandro keeps insisting he's only using him to get further in the game, every confessional he just says tyler is an asset, he isn't anything else to him -
- and maybe tyler even hears this, and knows this. but he really sees the best in alejandro, and really trusts him despite this. because he hasn't gotten rid of him this far, why would he now?
so they become friends. they carry each other further than tyler ever hoped he'd get. and the best part? absolutely no betrayal needed. tyler can just have a medical/double elimination when he ties with someone, and alejandro wouldn't have voted for him; his plans would just have been foiled.
i just think they were such a missed opportunity as a duo. alejandro is the brains and the brawn, tyler is a bit of brawn but mostly just the emotional support. and eventually alejandro warms up to him, and comes to really like him.
sighs.. i love them
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tdinyomomma · 10 months
The Big Sleep- TDI x Reader story (ch:three)
If you haven’t read: Two
An air horn goes off and Leshawna shoots up, hitting her head. "Ow! It's 7:00 in the morning. Do I look like a farmer to you?" She shouts out the window. I tiredly laugh, yawning. We all get dressed making our way outside.
"Morning! Hope you slept well!" Chris greets us. "Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather feeds into his already major ego, fluffing him up. "I know." He winks, snapping at her. "Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris taps his wrist. "Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen speaks up, clearly in distress about it. "Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake." He announces, pointing to the body of water in front of us.
"Oh, so you're funny now?" Eva raises a brow. "You know what I think would be funny-" Geoff and Duncan hold her back from getting at the host of the show who's completely unbothered. "Eva, try to control your temper." Courtney whispers but gets ignored, "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She raises a fist. "A little." Chris admits.
"You have 30 seconds." He taunts, pointing at his watch. I just start walking to the lake, Cody jogs after me. "What?" I ask and he just grins. "Okay... then..."
We get into a line. "Okay, runners! On your mark, get set, go!" Chris yells, I start off with a slight jog, not completely pushing myself here. Cody of course keeps up with me. "You're good at this." He compliments and at this point I just feel like I'm good at everything with how many compliments I'm getting and I do not need to feed into my ego. "So are you, Cory was it?" i know his name but I like messing with people. "Cody, but you can call me Cory. You can call me anything you'd like." Hey says and I mentally curse then run faster. "Hey, wait up!" He calls.
"Pick it up people! If you're not back in time, you don't eat!" Chris yells into a mega phone just like he did on the cliff. Only this time he's driving past us on a moped.
I roll my eyes, running past plenty of others with a bored expression. I was on my school's track team, this is nothing.
Cody and I make it into the lodge with DJ, we all sit together, catching our breaths and cooling down. All of us sat silently to calm down. I throw my head down, waiting for everyone to fill in the lodge. "Clear the table stat!" Owen bursts through the door, holding a knocked out Noah. "Oh, we made it." Leshawna crawls in as Owen is doing compressions on Noah.
"What took you so long?" Courtney snaps at Harold who's gripping onto his chest trying to breathe in and out. "I think I'm having heart palpitations."
"Hey, wait a minute. If they lost that means we won the challenge!" Gwen says, everyone stops what they're doing to cheer, even Noah wakes up from whatever he was in. "Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris says.
"What did he just say?" Gwen squinted her eyes, but disappointment was cut short when curtains I didn't even see were there open to a whole buffet table. "Who's hungry?"
"After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet." Gwen admits.
"And then I saw it, the buffet table. It was beautiful. There was Turkey and Nanaimo bars and baked beans in maple syrup. Could I have a minute?" He then pretends to cry, holding his head.
Everyone ended up stuffing themselves. I got disgusted by all the chewing. I ended up only eating a tiny bit before leaving the lodge. I sat outside until I heard Chris talk about how it's a two part challenge. Some awake-a-thon and being the last one standing wins invincibility.
We're all sat out by the fire and I just feel bored, not even tired. Maybe because I didn't eat as much as everyone else did.
12 hours in, Owen went on about being up but not even seconds later passed out. I laugh, taking out my MP3 Player and earbuds to listen to music but it was really just to eavesdrop or be peaceful.
"The awake-a-thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen tiredly tells the camera.
"This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen says.
"So my strategy is to get two campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three. The only question is, who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?" Heather shares her idea.
Lindsay's now doing a handstand and one of my earbuds is now out of my ear. Because even seeing this I do not understand what this blonde is doing right now. "What are you doing?" Gwen asks her, I thank her mentally because I didn't want to be the one to ask. "Trying to get the blood to rush to my head. I think it's working." She says simply. "Can I try?" Beth excitedly questions. "Sure."
I turn to Leshawna. "I wonder how they're gonna go out." I chuckle and she snorts. "Heather will definitely take care of that." We both quietly laugh.
Cody looks up at me and waves, I do a peace sign back causing him to tiredly grin. "What's going on between you two?" Leshawna giggles, nudging me and I try not my best not to laugh. "He has some stupid crush on me. It'll pass." I wave it off as nothing.
"I know like 4 people that got some stupid crush on that girl. Wouldn't say I'm surprised though. Did you see the way she effortlessly ran today? Amazing." She perks up but then catches what she's saying and then stammers. "I mean... like she literally ran that without breaking a sweat it seemed. That's crazy."
Eva gets up to go to the bathroom. I turn back to Leshawna. "Do you have your eye on anyone?" I play with the string of my ear buds.
"Nah, we ain't here for all that." She was lying. I could tell by the way she holds herself. I raise my eyebrows and she nervously laughs. "I'm serious." I put my hands up in defense. "Okay, okay." I whisper. "What about you?" She brings it back to me, which I should've known was going to happen. I catch myself glancing over to Gwen then over to Heather but I shake my head. "There's definitely some attractive people here but I don't know about crushing." I hum, leaning back on the wood.
Now hitting the 24 hour mark I sat with Gwen, 9 of us awake and 7 of the Killer Bass. Courtney's running in place.
Tyler screams, jolting a few people up. "Congratulations campers. You've made it to the 24 hour mark. Time to take it up a notch." He uncovers a pile of books as Chef was wearing a pink lamb costume and holding a lyre? "Fairy tales."
"Oh he's not serious." Gen says. "I think he is." I roll my eyes and Chris clears his throat, opening a book. "Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom... a boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy village, filled with very boring children who did very boring things..." Next was Chef spreading glitter in a tu-tu dancing ballet.
Dj tied himself straight onto a tree but knocked it down after instantly falling asleep. "Timber!" Gwen yawned.
Now at the 40 hour mark, 4 Killer bass and 7 of us remained. I'm not lying in front of Gwen. My limbs sprawled out. We're five now as Beth and Lindsay pass out.
"Okay, favorite song?" Gwen asks me, and I think for a minute. "Breaking dishes." I stretched then sat up. "Favorite color?" I ask. "Midnight blue, yours?"
"The rainbow, I couldn't pick any color then the others would be left out." I rant a little bit and Gwen awes at my answer right before yawning. I sprung into slight action, getting onto my knees and ankles shaking her jokingly. "Don't fall asleep. Okay, quick. Favorite movie moment?" I question her.
"You're gonna think it's cheesy." She says and I chuckle. "I might but hey mine's probably stupid." I assure her... kind of. "You might?" She laughs, "I gotta be honest." I smile as we both calm our laughter. "But seriously, no judgment here." I put my pinky up and she links hers with mine. "Okay, the kiss at the end of that road-trip movie. You know the one with the guy and the three girls?" My jaw drops. "Really? I love that movie." I gasp, grabbing onto one of her hands. "No way, people always call that movie stupid." And as I went to say something in response a naked, sleepwalking Owen walked in front of us.
Our eyes widen sharply before following over to see his clothes laid out on the ground.
"Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk." He awkwardly informs the audience.
Gwen was now laying on her stomach as I stayed sitting up. "Wow, they sleep together too." I laugh and she tiredly smiles. "Even though this is to go all the way to just one person I hope we make it to the end together." Gwen yawns, I stare up at the sky humming in agreement. But if I'm being truly honest I know I can't get too attached to anyone. At the end of the day this is 100,000 dollars on the line.
Now we're both watching the stars, laying flat on the ground, her pinky linked with mine. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah, it's weird but I think I'm so tired that I'm not tired anymore. Does that make sense?" She explains, I yawn once again causing her to yawn too. "Definitely, but we can get through this. Think of how good not being eliminated will feel." I remind her. "True."
We then look for constellations again and really I'm just listening to her talk. It was quite soothing but as I'm listening I look around at the others. I notice Heather alone and staring at me. Since she's so tired her reflexes were slow so I caught it before she looked away. I smile to myself. "You still there, [Name]?" Gwen wiggles her pinky and I chuckle. "I'm right here." I assure her.
At 51 hours Gwen and I are now standing and watching Justin not moving, in some weird pose. "Look at him, he's like a statue. He hasn't moved in over 50 hours." Gwen points out and we both yell at him, making random noises but he doesn't even falter. "Amazing, look at the concentration." She compliments but I stare at him closely, rubbing the back of my neck once I realize his eyes are painted. "Aren't his eyes blue? Like menacingly blue?" I quiz, waving a hand in his face but Gwen actually pokes him in the cheek. His head shakes and his real eyes open. We both gasp. "
"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva calls. "Shut up! Oh, I've got to see this." Chris laughs, sprinting to Justin who smiles nervously, knowing he's just been caught. "That is so freaking cool," Chris admits. "But you're still out, dude." He walks away, the model slumps sadly.
Hours pass, hitting 84 and I don't even understand how we're making it this far. It's all worth it though to see Noah spooning Cody, kissing his ear. The two wake up screaming.
Now it's up to Gwen, Heather, Trent and I. "i'd kill for a coffee right now." Gwen tells us, I nod bringing my knees to my chest. I sat in front of Heather, besides Gwen. "What is the matter with you people?" Chris comes up to us with a coffee in hand, sipping it quite loudly. "Come on, fall asleep already," He whines.
Gwen crawls to his knees. "You gotta hook me up man. I'll even eat the grinds." She pleads with the annoying host. "All right, you six stay with me. The rest of you go and get a shower, for heaven's sake you stink!" He orders the losers and I sigh wishing I was them right about now.
"I didn't want it to come to this. I said that to Chef Hatchet last night. I said, "Chef, I don't want it to come to this." But darn it, these campers are tough. And so I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I can find." Chris announces to the camera or the audience- whatever. I'm too tired to think.
"Oh, Come on. What now? Okay, you know what? Bring it on." Gwen places her hands on her hips.
"The history of Canada." The red covered book pops open. "A pop up book." It was a beaver. "Chapter on: The Beaver, national symbol and a "dam" fine hat." He reads, we all groan but I can feel my sleepiness really kick in. Eva fell asleep and so did Heather.
Trent starts to fall back, Gwen and I try to save him but it is too late. "Damn." I shake my head.
"Time for a bathroom break. Any takers?" He asks us three.
"I've held it this long, Mouse and Sweetheart." I wince as he holds himself. "I can go all day." He tells us. "Yeah but can you hold it for ten more chapters?" Gwen Crosses her arms. That gets him to get up and make his way to the bathroom. "You've got 5 minutes." Chris tells the bad teen. "Long as you don't mind a little company." Chris adds the last part. "Fine but stay out of the stall." Duncan snaps at the camera man who nods his head.
Gwen and I sit down and she sighs. "I don't know how much longer I can do this." She groans. "Keep it up, Gwenny. You got this." I rub her arm and her face turns pink. "You too."
A cameraman gives Chris a paper. "We have news! It looks like Duncan's taken a dive on the can, which means the official winners of the awake-a-thon are Gwen-" She goes to fall face first to the ground but I catch her, bringing her up into my arms. "And [Name]!"
"The Screaming Gophers win!" Chris holds up our weak hands.
I stand up, throwing Gwen over my shoulder and carrying her to our cabin with as much strength as I can muster. Gripping onto the railing to steady myself up the stairs as she's knocked out cold. I whimper up the final stair, bursting in through the door and lying her down on her bunk before I end up collapsing on the ground, instantly falling asleep on the hardwood floor. 
Link to all chapters
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