#I am very tired and very stupid so please take that into account. This probably makes 0 sense.
total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
Total Drama World Tour Assistant Noah AU…
Where Assistant Noah warns Owen before the London Challenge, but Alejandro had heard him…
Alejandro: So, you think that I’m like an eel dipped in grease?
Assistant Noah: Yes, I do. What are you gonna do about it, pretty boy? I’m not a contestant, you have no power over me, Eel!
Alejandro: Maybe so, but I can still use my charms to mess with you, while you’re working.
Assistant Noah: Don’t you dare! >=O
Alejandro: (Smirks and blows Noah a flirty kiss!) ;)
Wasn't it already a pre-established fact that Alejandro was actively flirting with assistant Noah before London? Why would him upping the ante make any difference here?
If anything, have Alejandro seethe over the fact that, despite his best efforts to seem as suave and charming as possible, Noah sees him as an "eel dipped in grease". He's consistantly pulled out all the stops to get a reaction out of Noah - the same tactics that worked flawlessly on the rest of the competition - and yet his best efforts are rewarded with the one person he's trying to get to like him, actively disliking him.
It's a massive blow to his ego and his confidance. But one he can learn from.
Have Alejandro condeed defeat to himself; if he hadn't won Noah over by now, there's little chance he ever would (at least, that's his justification for giving up). Have him stop flirting with Noah - stop interacting with the assistant completely, since he's so obviously disliked by Noah.
And then. Then, you have Noah notice the emptiness in his day-to-day.
You have the both of them turn to make snide comments or backhanded remarks about the goings on in the competition, only to be met with silence and a blank space at their side. You have the both of them cycle through active denial that the miss each other, until the weight of their loneliness crushes their combined stubbornness.
Have Noah sheepishly apologise to Alejandro in the (relative) privacy of the cargo hold, trying to explain that his distrust of Alejandro doesn't necessarily translate into dislike. And have Alejandro forgive him. Not entirely, but enough for the two of them to settle back into a sense of normalcy.
That is, Alejandro habitually trying to flirt with Noah once more, only to be completely blindsided when the other laughs at his attempts instead of brushing him off.
Because that's a sign of progress, right?
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drdemonprince · 5 months
The article regarding about annoying queer people sparked a by now long forgotten memory.
When I went to my first pride I snuck out secretly and thus was there after the parade. Most people were already some form of drunk or high(didn't know that at the time, I was 15 and naive beyond hope)
That was also the first time I saw puppies ever. In retrospect I must have stared and seemed like one of those annoying "no kink at pride" puriteens. They probably just wanted to allow themselves a small joke but what happened in praxis was, that a grown, white man in only puppy mask and boxers crawled up to me, stood up, started sniffing my breasts and when I started panicking and running away he run after me and everyone else watched and laughed. I think I screamed for help or cryed to please leave me be and was ignored but I can't remember much past the fear.
To them it was probably a small joke but to me it set me back for years. I didn't go to pride in that city ever again and took years to move past "no kink at pride" opinions, an opinion I didn't even have before that.
I felt incredibly isolated and wearing a small rainbow bracelet and cutting my hair took so much bravery. And it earned a lot of backlash too?
So often I see coloured hair and pins as this cutesy cringe thing of no consequence, but for me it resulted in hours upon of arguments and insults. It was worth it, because it helped me built my own identity apart from my families bigotry, but it sure wasn't fun or cutesy. Ultimately it led me to becoming brave enough to actually discover who I am and start making connections with the wider queer community.
Thankfully I had no social media accounts or I would have had some truly stupid arguments.
What I'm saying is, yes young queers can be annoying and it can be tiring to deal with them but being an asshole and vilifying them isn't the solution.
Making fun of teenagers doesn't make yourself more valid and doesn't give you the status of being an old experienced queer.
I'm saying teenagers here but the fun thing about queer people is that we can discover ourselves at any point in time. So it's less teenagers and more people newly discovering themselves as queer.
I get how annoying they can be very well now, doing voluntary work at pride does that.
Do many of those we consider annoying queers hold some harmful opinions? Yeah sure. (The amount of white queers, teens or adults, not dealing with systemic oppression beyond their own is staggering and they more than deserve to be called out. Just to be very clear, when I talk about annoying behaviour I do NOT mean microagressions or discrimination in any way)
But annoying behaviour is not synonymous to that and maybe we should all just start being less mean in public spaces? I get how satisfying it can be to get a hit tweet via a bitchy twitter reply now, but quite honestly I am more ashamed of that now than when I was running around in hoodies and short hair being painfully naive.
Because then I wasn't being mean to anyone. I had some stupid takes sure but no outlet. On twitter I was making fun of people to validate my own queer-ness. (Personally I think I was covering up for the fact that I was afraid the queer people I worked so hard to be part of wouldn't consider me one of their own. So I worked hard to show how I'm not one of "those queers".)
Either way, thanks for reading all this and thank you for sharing the article because it is something I strongly agree with. Just let people be annoying without making fun of them for it. It doesn't need to be a big deal.
Thank you for this wonderful, vulnerable, honest message about your slow path to self-acceptance in the face of a lot of barriers, anon. I'm glad that despite everything you've found your way.
Yeah, I think queer people have many reasons to feel terrified at the rising "no kink at pride" discourse, but sometimes when we lash out at puriteens we sound a bit like the childfree people who say that they hate kids?? Like, we're blaming literal children for an ideology of protecting "The Family" that has been foisted upon us.
I'm guilty of it. I was HAUNTED by the social pressure to get married and pregnant and raise a bunch of kids. It caused me massive dysphoria and didn't jibe with my queer identity. But I rebelled against it for far too long by saying that I hated kids.
It was not the kids' fault! It was the ideological specter of The Family as an institution that isolates and attacks all nonconformity and 'deviant' sexuality! Me being an asshole to children was not gonna set me free, kids were even more disinfranchised than I was!! I don't think I was ever overtly cruel to children, just kind of aloof and freaked out by them, but I definitely *did* say some numbskulled shit to my friends with kids a few times. Completely missing how disempowered mothers (and it was usually mothers) are in society BECAUSE of these same forces .
And I think something similar is going on here. Queer people are tired of having "Family Friendliness" shoved down our throats by corporations and conservatives, and so then we lash out... at young queer people. it's fine to have 18+ areas and events; It's very, very important to me that spaces like Furfest have them. But that's not the same thing as claiming young people have no space in our community as a whole. And I do think we need to erode the barriers between the adult and child worlds in a whole lot of ways, and reorient our attitudes toward nudity, sexuality, roleplaying, etc in public life. but that also doesn't mean a pup should run you out of a pride parade actually fucking sexually harassing you.
It feels great to be able to talk about this stuff! Thanks for your message.
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projectbluearcadia · 5 months
[P1] My Love, I Am Drinking PLeNTy of WAteR
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Lucifer x F!MC
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ]
I can't believe I haven't gotten to drunk Luci. He's so cute when he's tipsy.
[ Story Premise: Lucifer gets wasted on demonus on account of Diavolo (drink responsibly please) and comes home late looking for his favorite human. Lucifer being Lucifer, he manages to get sappy and horny at the same time.
**Part 1 is SFW; Part 2 is NSFW. ]
Wordcount - 955
For once, it’s a quiet night in the House of Lamentation. Mammon had been knocked out on the floor. Leviathan was right next to him, his arm laying over Mammon’s face with his hand still firmly grasped around a controller. You had spread a blanket over them both, being the kind, lovely soul you were. Belphegor sleeps in fetal position hugging his favorite pillow in the corner, his twin awkwardly sitting against the couch with his drooling head slumped against the cushions. Satan snoozes on top of said couch, a book laying over his face, while Asmodeus lays front and center within a nest of pillows, his head resting on Mammon’s blanketed stomach. Evidently, he had moved his head there in the time it had taken you to get a book for yourself. 
You check the time and find yourself yawning. 1:31 A.M. It’s about time that you should get some relaxation, although that isn’t entirely possible when you know Lucifer is still out, probably staying up into the wee hours of the night. This was, if he was even planning on sleeping tonight. His habit of getting very little sleep during the workweek was getting worse, to the point where you had to use your pact to make him go to bed. 
Stupid stressed idiot. It annoys you just thinking about it. It’s bad enough that he was leaving you to handle his brothers when they got out of control (even if you were more capable of handling them than their tired older brother). Now he’s taking on some new project or something, and he was relapsing into his old habits despite how much you scolded him for it. It was a process, but it was just… Diavolo, why couldn’t he think ahead and realize you needed quality time with him?! 
Jingle-jingle. Jangle… Rustle, rustle. Click-click scrape scrape…
“Mmmn? Why won’t it go in?” Speak of the devil. 
You lay your book down before you even brought yourself to open it, making your way to the door to greet your idiot. You open the (unlocked) door for him to see the drunk leaning on the doorframe with a silly smile, Barbatos quietly bowing from behind him and leaving. 
“Hey there, Beautiful,” he says with a cute little hiccup, and you sigh as you grab him by the arm and drag him inside. “Hehe… Easy, easy, I’ll follow you wherever you want me t’go.” 
“Exactly how much did you drink tonight?” you ask, doubting that you’ll get an accurate answer. 
“Mmmnn…” he hums before he counts on his fingers and grins at you. “This mush.” 
“Lucifer, you can’t drink that much,” you groan as you drag him to the kitchen. 
“But Diavolo said it’d be a nice game. I’m fine, sweetie-honey…”
“Nevermind,” you sigh, grabbing a cup and filling it to the brim with water, Lucifer’s jaw resting heavily on your shoulder while he hums an adorable little song. “You’re going to drink this, and you’re going to go to bed.” 
“Do I re’lly need t’drink any water?” he complains, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I’ve got everything I need right here.” He rubs his face affectionately against your shoulder. 
“Yes, you need to drink water, Lucifer,” you reply, peeling his hands off to turn towards him and hand him the full glass. He pouts at you. 
“I don’t want to.” He sticks out his tongue just past his lips, and you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Are… Are you trying to be a brat?” 
“‘M not a brat, you’re a brat,” he says petulantly. 
“Drink,” you insist. 
“Hm… I’ll drink if you give me a kiss.” 
“Fine.” You kiss Lucifer on the cheek, only for Lucifer to scoop you up and kiss you on the mouth, spilling the cup of water everywhere, including on both of you. “Now look what you did…” 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, kissing all over your face before he comes back to your lips. “Missed you… Did you miss me?” It’s amazing how, despite the fact that Lucifer is clearly wasted, he’s dependably holding up your thighs like you don’t weigh more than a paperweight. Demon privilege… you internally grumble. 
“Yes, Lucifer, I missed you, but you’re drunk, and we can cuddle after you’re in bed.” 
“Haha… MC missed me,” he giggles to himself, rubbing his flushed cheeks against yours. 
“Okay, I’ll cut you a deal. You go to your room while I… use the bathroom,” you say eventually, and Lucifer obligingly lets you back down and kisses you on the forehead. 
“Didn’ mean to make you hold it in,” he replies. “But I’ll come looking in ten minutes if you’re not around. I want my cuddles.” You can’t help but chuckle at Lucifer as he spins around and starts swaying in the direction of his bedroom, leaving you with the puddle on the floor and the empty plastic cup rolling around on the floor. Thank Diavolo you had been cautious enough not to use one of the glass ones. 
You pick it up, wash it and put it back before you pick out Lucifer’s travel mug and fill it with water so you could avoid him spilling it again. That, and he drank out of the thing like it was compulsory since he perpetually had it filled with coffee. 
You make your way upstairs, up towards Lucifer’s room, opening the door to find him picking at his buttons, the top of his chest exposed. He looks up at you and gives you a sweet, welcoming smile. 
“There you are. You’re a big liar.” 
“Er…” You didn’t think he’d be able to tell you were lying when he was toasted.
“It’s so hot in here,” he complains, still picking at his buttons and undoing them all out of order. It would help if you didn’t keep your fireplace lit all the time, you think as you help him take his vest off. “Mmm… aren’tchu hot too?” 
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basofy · 9 months
pinned post just because i dont have one and others do
hi im miguel and im a guy
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especifically a bi trans guy from venezuela, i live there, i speak spanish and english
i am 22 years old
i have a total of 11 CATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like drawing messy stuff and experiment a lot and somuch of the stuff i draw comes from the heart even the embarrassing stuff. i like drawing silly stuff and a lot of vent art and stupid stuff and gay sex but you dont get to see that
my art tag is #my stuff
sometimes i like to make crafts too like plushies and clay figures but im no proffesional with it, the tag i tend to use is #my plushies . i also have some plushies that ive bought or been gifted and i take them everywhere and post about them ocasionally :)
i ocasionally sell commissions so i guess i'll edit this when i do but rn i'm busy and tired
be nice to me because i overthink a lot i might be mentally ill probably, trying to go to therapy soon but getting appointments is hard ¯\(ツ)/¯
i ALWAYSSSSSSSS read tags !!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!! as long as tumblr notifies me so keep this in mind please
i tend to like media thats colorful and cartoony and stupid and with fucked up people and with messages of love cuz im cheesy
stuff im currently interested on most is the lisa the painful games, kaiba 2008, chainsaw man, oneshot, yume nikki and its fangames, the mother series, undertale/deltarune, but i like other stuff too and sometimes i might reblog or draw for it, you can always ask me if ive drawn art of something
sometimeeeeeeeeeeeees i do requests but if you send one i might draw it 5 months later
i ocasionally have bad tastes in characters and media i do that, also i enjoy overanalyzing
please do keep in mind that there is fanart of both children's stories and adult's stories in this account. would like if you didn't follow if you're under 16.
another disclaimer: i tend to make art of harsh topics sometimes, all of it coming from own personal feelings, and i take it very seriously. also if you see me make fanart of characters who are family/are an adult and a kid/a victim and their abuser, these are not meant to be seen as ship material and i wish nobody sees my art like that.
i don't post alllllllllllll of my art here because managing accounts is tiring but i have a twitter and an insta
i have a silly strawpage you can send me stuff there or look at the million characters and gifs i put in it, this thing is sensory to me
someone asked me the brushes i use so here they are if you want them
also i have a kofi in case you ever feel like donating to me :) i'm always in need of money lol
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
please what happens a year after pickings with shiggy and dabi? do you ever see them again and did we end up pregnant? congrats on one year!!
thank you!! it's on the day, today!! :0 even though i am dead tired, i simply have to answer this one for this special day!! thanks for playing 💖
one-year anniversary mini-event
tw.f!reader, noncon aftermath, and everything it might entail, not to spoil anything! read on your own risk! mentions vomit, some yandere elements
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While I was truly trying to leave it up to interpretation, I think you did get pregnant. I tried to hint at it with all the puking you do in the fic - in the end, your oral contraceptive fails and you, in a horrible twist of events, get knocked up. You never really regain the memories from that night - you know something happened (you aren't stupid), you know something is off, but you honest-to-god, you don't even know where to start. You don't know where to report to, what to report, how- not to mention that you have the hangover of your life on the morning after. Have you ever been so hungover that even moving makes the vomit creep up, that you can't really move because everything is too much? It's ghastly and probably borders on alcohol poisoning, but it genuinely paralyzes you for a day or even two. So you let it slide, banking on your usual pill. You don't even remember their faces, hell, you probably don't even remember that it was two people with you. You remember fleeting words, touches, little scenes - and maybe you see the three glasses but that means so little, you know how it goes when you're drunk - all in all, it shakes you to the core, but you can barely make out left from right. Getting blackout drunk is no joke, and this experience takes any fun away from drinking for the rest of your academic career. Now, the father of the child? Dabi? It'll be a miracle if you see him again, wherever you are. That man has a knack for being elusive, sees you across any room before you can spot him, seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing that one of his former conquests are near. Even if he hears about you getting pregnant, for some reason? He won't care. Get rid of it, then. He'll seem so cold about it, but deep down he revels in it - he marked you, true and well. Tomura is a wild card, though. Somewhere between absolute disgust at your obvious party-girl life and some traces of empathy, coupled with the fact that he has very few sexual encounters - if any - he will seek you out again. Not in the way he fantasized about when he fucked your face, not to scare you - just out of curiosity. He may have had some dark, nasty thoughts when he fucked you, but once his head is clear and he returns back to his own boring, little life it's more like it's burning at the back of his mind, he simply has to know. He lingers close to your dorm, finds all your social media accounts and watches out for you - he doesn't necessarily want you to see him but he has to check if it took, if you even remember. You become an interesting little obsession to him - other people check their favorite influencers daily, that man checks on you. Maximizes potential contact with you, is all over your public pics. But I don't think he tries to talk to you, to really show himself. (But sure, he still sometimes jerks off to the memories of that night and its very real, very obvious consequences - he's still a nasty little creeper, deep down). Once the child is there? You'll have to move out of the dorm (and well before your due date, mind you), so who knows where you will be - but he'll know. Will he stick around for much longer? I don't think so, no. But god, that man really, really wants to see that child. Wants to see how they look like, how much they resemble Dabi - there is a certain giddiness to finally, truly have something palpable. Amazing how one night of bad decisions could start a whole new life, huh? When he thinks too long about it, his head will get a little dizzy. A whole new life, a whole new fate, created just like... Could make a man feel like a god, almost.
And ultimately, your academic career? It wouldn't be the worst for mine, it'd be doable to pick it back up, but I do not know about yours - and this is why I truly leave that part up to your interpretation. All in all, it's not a pretty fate. Very bleak, very traumatizing. But I believe in the reader of this fic. She'll get through life and love the kid but I don't think Dabi will ever be a part of that little family.
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atomicsuperrobot · 3 months
For anybody wondering if I ever get tired of being bitter and angry all the time: yeah, actually! It's pretty damn exhausting, in fact, on top of everything else in my life that's exhausting- which, shocker!! Is Everything!!!
But at the same time, I cannot seem to stop being so miserable all the time. I'm kind of stuck, you see; living in a fairly bad situation and being unable to do anything about it, bc the reason the situation is so bad in the first place is a lack of finances- finances that I cannot actually obtain in any fashion, but would need in order to be able to obtain. One of Those sorts of situations, yes? The problem sort of feeds into itself.
Not to mention I have a habit of neglecting myself, bc for some reason doing even the slightest bit of self-maintenance is very hard for me. I don't understand why, and am quite weary of this situation by now...
But, I've also always kind of been a brat, and constant unfettered access to the internet has not helped this problem. But I do not have anything better to do, quite literally; and it is because of the lack of finances situation that I just mentioned. I would love to be able to do more, but going out and doing things, aside from being quite dangerous in this day and age due to the literal fucking plague, takes quite a lot of money- money that I've never had, and likely never will have. Even acquiring materials for hobbies is extremely expensive; not to mention there's a space issue in my current home, which I've been stuck in for the past 25+ years.
So yeah, aside from my own failings in personality, I've got several contributing factors that are decidedly Not Helping, At All. Not that it excuses my actions; but I do go out of my way to mostly try to keep my complaining to myself. It's just that people find my complaining, and then see fit to complain to me about my complaining, no matter how valid my complaints might be in the moment (which plenty of them are, tho certainly not all of them). Someone once even got mad at me for complaining on my own blog, and complained to me about it. On anon. Real upstanding citizen, right there. Pretty sure I just blocked that one outright, like I wish I had with the fuckin pr0sh1pper that found me bc I made the monumentally stupid mistake of posting a complaint about people like them in the related fandom tag. They also somehow also thought it was about them specifically, tho idek who tf they were bc they were on anon, and I had apparently probably already blocked them from my main (Tumblr please add cross-blog/account-bound blocking features I beg of you). Vain-ass mfer. I should have blocked them off the bat, rather than trying to explain to them that they were Wrong, Actually, About Everything, bc it never works with those people, anyways. Eugh. Anyways. Lost the plot a bit, there...
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glorfindels-archive · 3 years
hi :] i'll make a proper announcement if/when i decide to go through with it, this is more of a heads up and me thinking out loud but i'm considering leaving my main account and with it my half a dozen sideblogs including this one that go with it and remaking them all as one merged multifandom colour blog. i'll definitely be keeping the url, tracking the same tag etc etc and i'll still be posting tons of tolkien and occasionally making original content, the only difference is that you're going to have to put up with other fandom content as well and my tagging system is probably going to be a little less thorough.
i'll probably make the switch sometime during this week or the next, until then i'll obviously still be around on here and try and catch up on tag games, messages etc, i don't want to leave anything 'unfinished' and after that... see you on the other side!! thanks for understanding 💚
#i didn't want to make the post too long so i'll just explain in more detains in the tags#in case anyone is interested#basically i just feel like my presence on all my accounts but especially on here and my main are incredibly performative and the#persona i've created is very very different from who i actually am and obviously that's always going to be true to a certain extent#on all social media but like with having a tolkien only blog and my main blog being b&w i don't end up rbing a lot of the stuff i like but#instead i focus on catering to other people and rbing stuff i think 'belongs' on my account so like since there isn't tons of b&w content#i'll probably rb things i'm not that into just for the sake of it but it's just not at all representative of who i am and i've grown tired#of that and i want a fresh start and to be able to do whatever the hell i want on my blog without any restrictions and to be able to#connect with people properly instead of either pretending i'm someone i'm not or being like haha yeah actually the things i post about#and the aesthetic i have going isn't even really me but just ignore that i promise i'm a cool person once you get to know me :)))#not that there's anything wrong with the b&w thing i'll probably keep my main as a sideblog because it's fun and really soothing#to scroll through lmao but i just can't express myself though it if that makes sense#and i feel like i put too much effort into appearances instead of my friendships and that's also something i want to change#i keep falling into this cycle of feeling uncomfortable/fake on here → not opening my notifications → not talking to anyone#and i end up feeling so frustrated and lonely AND FOR WHAT why do i feel like i have to please the general public before doing#stuff or talking to the people i actually care about i'm so stupid but hopefully i can get over this and do better next time#ANYWAYS i make it sound bad but i've actually loved being on here and i'll be sorry to lose my followers (not that i have that#many i'm still stuck at a little over 1k) and i'll be sure to follow everyone back straight away from my new blog i love you all 🥰🥰#angie.txt#ps. yes i'm fully aware i take this whole thing way too seriously shut up <3
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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oopsimbug · 3 years
in which... y/n is just trying to put on eyeliner and harry is bored pt. two
a/n: when she’s back from a six month hiatus after making only ONE fic. wow, do i suck. for anyone who cares, school has been pretty rough. i’m actually procrastinating studying for an exam to finally upload this. it’s been pretty hard to balance both school and writing but oh well. anywho, here it finally is. it took so long to write because i wasn’t feeling very inspired by this. a lot of people asked for a part two and even though i kinda wanted to leave it on a sad note, i am a sucker for giving the people what they want, so sorry if this is a bit shit- i definitely don’t like this one myself. i guess i’m not one for fluffy endings. well, at least for this one i wasn’t. i really hope you enjoy it! more stuff to come, if school doesn’t mind fucking off for a little while (or maybe just forever?) xox -(a) bug
pairing: best friend! harry styles x reader
summary: Harry is worried about Y/n. Y/n is worried about Harry. Harry is solving it by thinking of ways to check on her, while Y/n uses cheesy pasta and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air as an excuse to not think. But what will happen when someone is at her door, and it’s not her delivery man?
warnings: angst, swearing, y/n and harry being idiotos, fluffy end, kissing
word count: 5.3k
It had been a week.
One gruelling, painfully long week.
Harry was biting his nails, staring up at the ceiling as he laid in his bed, worrying about her.
About how he fucked up.
He didn’t think that she would be upset for this long. He thought she would scream at him and then text him the following day, wanting to hang out- a silent “I forgive you”, he supposed.
But after two days of radio silence on her end, he decided to call her. The only problem was that her last words to him were “leave”. She wanted space. She needed to think things through- what things? Harry had no clue. But he had to respect her and her choice to not want him around. So with that, he put down the phone.
But a small part of him (okay fine, a big part of him), wanted her to just show up at his house so they could cuddle again, talking about the stupidest of things while they made cupcakes in his kitchen. They would be listening to groovy music and now and then, they’d stop mixing bowls and sifting flour to dance- well, they were horrible dancers, so more so just wave their hands, hips and shoulders around. It would be fun and would always end up with them laughing at one another. He would lick the batter and she would berate him, telling him that “one of these days, you are going to get salmonella and I’ll just laugh at your stupid ass” and he would retort with something witty and a bit flirty like “don’t worry darling, we both know you would be right at my side if I got sick. I know you can’t stand being apart from me” with a wink and a cheeky smirk. He just wants to see her in her oversized Space Jam hoodie and little basketball shorts. Or her short flower shirt and his sweatpants that she has to cuff at the bottoms because they’re too long. Or even-
He’s gotta stop thinking about her, or his brain will soon explode. But he just can’t stop. He tries to think of the happier moments, like her showing him a tour of her very healthy houseplants that she prides herself in, but every time he closes his eyes, all he can see is her teary face telling him to leave. So no, if he was given the choice to think of her flailing her arms around in his kitchen to dancehall tunes while making sweet treats or crying at something that he provoked, you bet your ass he’d choose the former.
But after the seventh day, he knew that something wasn’t right. This was too much “thinking time”. For all he knew, she could be fine, but she could also be positively bawling. She could be living for this free time, but she also could be waiting for him to make the first move. She could be wanting Harry out of her life for her benefit forever, but she also could be feeling lonely and counting the seconds for their makeup, just like he was.
That was it. He had to go see her and make sure his best friend was okay.
He practised what he was going to say to her in his car on the way to her apartment. “Y/n, I’m so sorry for how I acted. I didn’t stop to think about how you were feeling and didn’t take your emotions into account which was unbelievably wrong of me. I’m truly sorry. It’s just that I really care about you and you’re my best friend and I can’t see you choose a tinder fuck over me and if I saw him in the street I would knock his lights out and I just want to kiss you, can I kiss you, oh god please let me kiss you I just want to-“
Fuck, what was wrong with him? Why was he so upset? He had been on plenty of dates with other celebrities and models and she was always on the sidelines, cheering him on. So why was he getting so touchy-feely about a single tinder date? Maybe he was just in desperate need of attention. He hadn’t had a girlfriend for almost one year and casual fuck arounds also stopped about four months ago, so maybe he just needed to fuck someone quick. That would explain why he sees his best friend’s kindness and natural flirty nature as something more romantic. Every laugh at his jokes, every look in her eyes, every graze of her hand on his thighs as she leans over him to get her drink on the side table next to him, he becomes more switched on and awake. She leaves him feeling giddy and excited at every conversation. “This can’t just be because I’m horny right?” he cannot believe he would ever be that horny. What the hell was he going to do?
This is pathetic she thought.
I’m pathetic.
She let out a huge sigh before shoving another forkful of cheesy pasta into her mouth.
What am I doing?
The answer?
Eating carbs upon carbs upon carbs, lounging on her comfy sofa in the most comfortable, yet daggiest pair of pyjamas ever while watching reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air for the fiftieth time, actively avoiding all commitments, housework and jobs that involve moving further than to the kitchen, which even then was an embarrassingly burdening trek on its own.
But she let it slide. How could she not? She was upset and this was how she coped. That’s what she kept reminding herself as she boiled more and more pasta watching the days pass her by without realisation, but now, she’s beginning to question if this was the best idea. Pushing all thoughts of him out of her mind by not looking at her phone just in case he called or texted. But she was beginning to struggle.
It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know what inner turmoil she was facing. He seemed genuinely hurt when she snapped at him. He truly didn’t understand why she took so much offence to the playground ribbing, it seemed. And she had to go be a dick and ignore him. He was probably worried sick. How many times would he have called to check up on her? 10? 15? The more she thought about it, the more she wanted this stupid feud to be over and just be in his arms again, even if it’s just as a friend. So she caved. Turned on her phone, expecting there to be at least a call or a text asking if she was still alive or not. And although she did receive a message of that likeness, it wasn’t from Harry, no. It was from her daily water tracking app, pleading her to fill in her daily intake of water so as to not die of dehydration after she was suspected to have not drunk any for the entire week when in reality, she was just too in her head to open her stupid phone and log her water.
Wow, she thought.
Now not only has Harry chosen to not speak to you, but you also look like a huge idiot right now. Of course, he wouldn’t want to talk to you! You got pissed at him for absolutely no reason and now he hates you. He’s gonna ask for his cardigan and track pants that he keeps at your house in case he wanted to sleepover. He’s going to take back all of his little knick-knacks that he leaves over, like the cute diffuser that he leaves because he knows you need it for your constant hay-fever that blocks your nose and then he’s going to declare that you aren’t friends anymore and then you will never get the chance to tell him how you feel and then-
Her panicky brooding is interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Who the hell could that be?”, she thinks. It was too late for it to be the postman with her package containing her entire Amazon wish list that she bought on the third day of mourning to make herself feel better. But it couldn’t be Mrs Xiao asking her if she had any holes in her shirts that needed stitching. The sweet old lady fell asleep at 8:37 pm sharp after her medicine that she’d take at 8:30 pm would kick in (which she learnt after spending nights over at her apartment where her niece, Mei, took care of her. Y/n would learn traditional recipes like baozi and watch movies with her two friends all the time). It couldn’t be Mei either, she was always in online uni lectures from 8:30-10:30 pm, locked away in her little study, so as to not bother or be bothered. So now, a little panicked, Y/n wondered who was truly at her door?
Another two knocks come, echoing off the walls of her little apartment as she turns down the volume of the program she was watching. She stares at the door from her couch, debating whether she should risk getting stabbed by a possible murderer or not, before ultimately deciding that life was too short. She was also getting sick and tired of the knocks that kept arriving in threes. She swings her legs off the couch and onto the floor, pushing them into her slippers so that her feet wouldn’t touch the cold floor, waddling her way to the door before shyly opening it, peeking at who it could be through the tiny crack in the opening, hoping whoever it was wouldn’t mind her current state: belly filled with pasta, hair knotty, giant shirt with sweatpants on and Harry’s patchwork cardigan hanging off her shoulders- which she had been wearing all day, cherishing the pretty piece of clothing and his scent imbedded in it, taking it all in just in case he asks for it back. She peeps at the torso of this mystery person, realising that Harry owns the jumper worn by them, before looking up and locking eyes with a worn out and tired eyed Harry, one hand in the pocket of the familiar hoodie and another extended out near the door, ready to knock again before freezing when it opens up all the way to show herself to her best friend. He doesn’t eye her up and down cheekily like he normally does when she is wearing pyjamas, wolf-whistling at her relaxed state, claiming that “You look runway-ready, my love! Do a twirl for the crowd, will you?”. Instead, he stares her right in the eyes with what looks like almost relief, before smiling a weak and broken smile.
One of them needed to break the silence or both would have just stared at each other in her doorway until the world exploded. So she starts.
“Hi.” her voice hovers a tinge above a whisper, almost as though if she dared to speak louder, this probable illusion of the one she loves would fade away. He lights up a little bit, probably relieved that she started the conversation.
“Hey,” his soft voice matched her volume and tone as if he too didn’t want this to be a dream. “May I come in?” The words sound awkward to her coming out of his mouth. Harry never had to ask for permission to be invited in- he usually just strolled in without so much as a holler to indicate he was present, finding amusement in scaring her instead while she was doing whatever she was doing, whether that be reading, watching a movie, cooking or napping. They were the best of friends and never had to inquire about entry to each other’s domains, along with other small things like if they had anything in their kitchens to eat or if they could sit somewhere, so hearing it was a little disheartening and provoked Y/n to think about how serious this situation was.
“Okay”, she replied after the pause of contemplation, opening the door fully so that the lanky boy could follow along behind her, like a little puppy. She didn’t like how awkward the situation was. She just wanted things to go back to what they were.
But then you wouldn’t be able to tell him you love him... her inner voice argued. And she agreed. She knew that yes, this will be awkward, but it’s an opportunity for him to listen to her and know that she isn’t joking.
“Would you like some tea?” She enquires. They’ll need to handle this like proper grown-ups (which in all honesty, isn’t their dynamic- it’s more like first-year uni students who are mature enough to have deep conversations but still laugh at dad jokes and anything remotely serious, like a painting with boobs), and from what she knows, or has seen in movies when the characters are being serious, is that you need tea or a drink of that sort and a sit down on the couch where you talk stuff out. So that’s exactly what she does.
“Yes please,” Harry’s soft voice replies as he toes off his boots that most definitely cost more than her apartment. Y/n nods and heads to the small kitchenette and flips the switch on the electric kettle before going into her cupboard that housed the mugs. Harry stood awkwardly near the sofas, and to save him the embarrassment of waiting while standing, Y/n invites him to sit with a small, “You can take a seat,” and a quick glance at him before returning her gaze to the mugs to make herself look busy. She didn’t want to look him in the eyes for more than three seconds in fear of bursting into tears and the worn out and tired sight of him. She shakes the thought out of her head and begins to prepare the mugs.
Y/n put two teabags in her mug while putting one in Harry’s. She was raised in a household of avid tea drinkers and she inherited her strong tea quirk from her father who would always keep two teabags with only a dash of milk, and the only difference between her tea and her fathers was that Y/n wasn’t strong enough to take her tea without sugar, unlike her father, who thought that drinking unbelievably concentrated leaf juice with milk was a fun and relaxing time. On the other hand, Harry liked to keep one tea bag in his mug while he drank it, but just like her father, he too took little to no sugar with his cup, being the health freak he was. And early in their friendship, when she mentioned it to him, Harry chuckled and chirped, “Your father is a smart man. He has to be for raising amazing and talented people like your siblings. I’m not sure what went wrong with you though...” while booping her nose as they laid together under a tree for a little picnic. And though she rolled her eyes at him and punched his shoulder for the sly dig at her, she was practically beaming at the fact that he thought her family was smart. Harry had no idea how much that meant to her. Y/n loved her entire family, and she was unbelievably close to them, so it made her entire week to know that Harry, someone she respected and loved so much, recognised how talented and smart each of her family members were. Don’t get her wrong, she didn’t need the validation to know that her family was amazing, but she felt so special knowing he took the time to notice. He did that a lot though. Doing things that meant a lot to her without batting an eye. Saying things that only a person as observant as he could notice, like complimenting her eye colour in the light and asking her to read for him because he constantly mentions how much he loves her voice.
Y/n looked over to the same sweet guy she fell head over heels for, who was sitting on her couch, fidgety as ever, and wondered if they would ever be the same after the very next moments to come. She didn’t want things to change between them, but she was dying inside knowing that he wasn’t hers. And getting over him was not in the question, after the fiasco that happened last week. She just wished she could get inside his head to sate her painful curiosity.
What is he thinking about?
What is she thinking about?
It’s the million-dollar question running through his mind. What was she pondering over as she made them tea? Did she want to talk to him? Was she mad that it took him so long to find the balls to face her? Was she as nervous as he was? Was she worried that they would never be the same again like he was?
He was going into panic mode, questioning everything, while probably looking stupid as ever. As much as he regretted how awkward things were now, and the fact that he instigated her to lash out at him a week ago, he was realising that he was not regretting the fact that he did it. He didn’t want her to go out with someone else, and she didn’t. And yes, of course, he feels bad-beyond bad, in fact- for making her cry, and wishes he could take it all back, he also sees this as an opportunity to tell her how he feels about her. He could finally tell her that he thinks about her all the time. About her soft smile, her bright eyes, her melodic laugh, her speaking voice that brings butterflies to his stomach. He could tell her about how he loses himself at work, the grocery store, fuck- even at events- thinking about what she was doing at her house. Was she under her blankets on her couch, watching some corny tv show? Was she baking her signature choc chip cookies that taste like the gods blessed every single biscuit on the tray before they were put in the oven? Was she knitting her cat, Chesnut, another rug to plonk herself down on, with her feet up on the ottoman as she listened to the 7 o’clock news on the radio? Was she writing a paper for another deadline? Something so sophisticated, like the exploration of white and male privilege and how it is ingrained in our society? Something that Harry tried to understand and research so that he could stay in the loop with his smart girl’s interests, but he always struggled with.
It was a huge insecurity of his. Not that his best friend was smarter than he was, no way. He treasured the fact that she could and would whip his ass at a debate on things like the state of the world, or human rights. She could school him on global politics, languages, maths, science, history and literally anything else, and he would be cheering her on. What he was insecure about was her realising that he was probably slowing her down in life. Y/n was well within her rights to kick him out of her life for being nothing but a freeloader and stopping her from reaching her full potential, what with him constantly stopping her from her own life to help him go through shit happening in his. Whenever he was sad, or confused, or upset, Y/n was the first person he would talk to and he feared that she would realise that he was probably taking advantage of her and stop talking to him. And that scared him. It scared him because he knew that she didn't need him at all, but he needed her to do anything in life. Every major and minor decision in his life has been approved by Y/n first, and not because she was a controlling friend who didn’t trust him with his own life, but because Harry needed her validation. Harry Styles, a world-famous superstar, had girls, guys and non-binaries at his feet, following his every beck and call. Harry Styles, who was on the cover of every magazine, known by every celebrity, dated only the most perfect of women, required validation from Y/n, a psychology major at a small university. Y/n, who liked to plan her day out on a to-do list, end up not doing anything on that to-do list and cry about it afterwards. Y/n, who breaks it down to “Murder She Wrote” by Chaka Demus & Pliers like it’s her last 4 minutes and 5 seconds alive on this Earth while making pancakes. Y/n, who cries more when she’s laughing while watching Tik Toks than she does during sad movies.
To celebrities, Y/n was nothing but a regular. But to Harry, she was all. She was the warmth of a sweater that you toss in the dryer for a few minutes to make it extra toasty. She was the pad of butter that you spread onto your pumpkin sourdough toast and it ends up being exactly the amount you wanted. She was the feeling when you are driving home from a long day of interviews and premiers, and you’re on the freeway and the windows down and you just… exist. She is the feeling you get when you watch Pride and Prejudice, and the relief of when you find the perfect word to end a lyric. She is when your shoes fit perfectly, and when you finish a book so utterly fulfilling that you lie there in a trance, looking up at your ceiling at 3 am, wondering how you could have been so lucky to be able to be blessed with an ending like the one you just read. Y/n was all those things and more.
And that’s why he had to tell her he loved her. No matter how scared he was.
The electric kettle is finished boiling the tea all too quickly as the bubbling comes to an end and the distinct click of the switch turning back off echoes around the silent apartment. Y/n had poured the scalding hot water into the two cups she had prepared stared into them.
It was time. She had tried to avoid this for as long as possible, but now it was the moment to face the music. She picked up the two mugs of tea and brought them to her lounge where Harry was sitting on her worn in green sofa, staring at her coffee table, eyebrows scrunched, pouted lips, deep in thought, before looking up at her with wide green eyes, and followed her to where she stood in front of him. She passed his mug to him before sitting on the comfy chair a few feet away from the sofa and from him, putting some distance in between them for her sake, so that she wouldn’t try to hug him and say sorry without saying what she needed to say first. Which she needed to start talking about now, so as not to sit in the awkward silence created by the two.
Say something!!
Jesus fuck…. was that all you could think of? Wow. I am going to lose my best friend.
Y/n was choking.
“I am so sorry,” Harry’s voice intercepts, raspy from the lack of use, looking up from the coffee table he seemed so interested in. “I am so fucking sorry Y/n. I have no excuse as to why I was making fun of you that day. I pushed too far and I am a shit friend for not noticing that you were already on edge. It was so wrong of me and I am so sorry.” He stopped himself before he started to ramble, looking at her with eyes filled with an emotion she couldn’t decipher.
Y/n felt… unsatisfied. Why did she feel this way? He apologised, right? So why does she feel unfulfilled? Why does she want him to say more? He hit all of the points he had to for a standard apology, so why did she think he hadn’t done enough? Was it that little optimist in her brain hoping he would maybe reveal a slight attraction to her? Maybe tell her that he loves her, and has loved her forever and ever? Confess that she has bewitched him, body and soul so that she didn’t have to? God, was she an idiot. But a lovestruck idiot at that. She bites her tongue and replies.
“Harry, I forgive you. Although you were annoying as ever,” She rolls her eyes and smirks, while he lets out a breathy, half-assed chuckle, showing his acknowledgement at her attempt to ease the lowered yet still prevalent tension. She continues. “ I understand that you were just trying to have fun. I guess I was the one who irrationally lashed out . I am always okay with you poking fun at me, but I was just frustrated and tired and I took it out on you. I’m sorry for the improper communication and I’m sorry for pushing you away when we should’ve just talked…”
“I forgive you too. I think this was just miscommunication on both parts.” He stared into her eyes, almost as if he could sense the discontent in her, but chose to ignore it.
“I guess so.” She halfheartedly answered, not really knowing where to take the conversation next. They had both apologised, but evidently still had things to say. Well, Y/n had things to say, that’s for sure, but she was pretty sure that Harry wanted to say something too. He had that look on his face where he wanted to say something but was forcing himself not to.
What does he want to say? Why can’t he say it to my face? I mean, sure, I’m also hiding shit I wanna say, but I have an excuse. This could ruin our friendship. What does he have to say?
“Great,” Harry replies, trying to fill the awkward pauses and conversation that is being held. He still looked like he had something to say, but seemed like he was not budging.
Well, if he’s not saying anything, I’m not either. Why do I have to confess my feelings and put our friendship on the line if he isn’t even going to say what’s on his mind?
“So, are we good?”
“I don’t know. Are we? I mean, I forgive you and you forgive me, right?”
“Right… No yeah, we’re alright. We’re completely fine!” Y/n replies quickly. Why the fuck would you say that? You’re not fine.
There is a pregnant pause and Y/n has half a better mind to just get up, walk to the bathroom again with her head down and lock herself in there till he leaves again, because she cannot take this awkward conversation. Not with him. She shifts, ready to stand up to get some water, when Harry looks at her, confusion and slight panic setting into his face.
“Wait. I don’t think I’m fine…” She looks up at the boy sitting in front of her, reading the words from her mind like they were scribed on a piece of paper in the blackest of ink, permanent and bold. Her heart stuttered. What else did he want?
“Is everything okay, H?” she tentatively asks. He loses eye contact with her, gaze lowering towards the table in front of him
“I-” he pauses, trying to collect his thoughts while simultaneously trying to explain to her why he wasn’t okay. “I just- fuck” his head falls down, his face inches away from the hot tea in his hands, the humid steam billowing out of the mug and warming his elegant face as he takes a deep breath and tries once more to convey his thoughts. “I don’t want us to be friends again.”
Her heart stops. This could go one of two ways. He could either be confessing his hatred or his adoration for her, and either one would probably end with her imploding. She tries to take a neutral tone when she replies.
“What does that mean, H?”
He looks at her once more. “It’s not enough, Y/n... “
“What?” She is confused. Her friendship isn’t enough? How is she supposed to reply to that?
“I want more. I don’t want us to just be friends. I want to be more with you. I want to do more with you. I want to do things that friends… they shouldn’t do together…”
Is he trying to confess he likes her? Why, in all the ways you could speak, would he choose to speak like that?! She has had enough of him dawdling around his feelings. “Harry, stop being cryptic and fucking tell me what’s going on?!”
“I love you, Y/n! I fucking love you, Y/n. So much. And it is eating me from the inside out. I hate that we can’t be normal anymore, and I hate that you don’t love me the way I love you, but I cannot sit here and pretend everything is fine, because I love you.”
Y/n is stunned. Frozen in her spot. Can’t move, can’t speak, can’t breathe. Stuck in space, and stuck in time.
Holy fucking shit… he loves me…
While Y/n processes the life changing knowledge that her best friend loves her, her best friend conveniently sits next to her, wishing that he was dead for the letdown he was about to receive.
“Say something… please, for the love of God, say something!”
She looks up at Harry. Not Harry Styles, playboy, whore, singer, millionaire, but instead; Harry, her best friend of five years, reddened face out of embarrassment. She sees the mortality in his eyes. Feels his presence so heavily in the moment. She is in awe. True awe of him, and his ability to love her. And with that awe- and that stupid look on her face, she reaches up and cradles his face in her hands, brushing her thumbs softly over his plush pink lips. He stands just as still as her, barely breathing, as if it would shatter the fantasy to stardust and he would wake up in his bed, cold shivers running down his spine, as has happened previously whenever he thought of this moment, staring up at his ceiling at 3:40AM wondering why he thought of his best friend in such a way. She creeped closer to his face before stopping a breath away from him, and whispered.
“Is this okay?”
She looked into his eyes, and he looked into hers, both never feeling so alive before. He wishes to tell her that she needn’t ask for his permission, and that he wants to kiss her forever. Eternally locked in an embrace that holds their souls together. But all he can muster is a weak and broken whisper back.
She can hold it for no longer, and leans in the rest of the way, their lips moulding together, for the very first time, eyes fluttering close, as his hands reach to grab her by the hips to straddle him, deepening the kiss even further. And when they part for breath, panting for air with slightly moist lips, they touch foreheads, eyes still closed. Words needn’t be exchanged- everything that yearned to be said was useless, as it could never describe how they truly felt for each other. So hopelessly besotted with one another, that all they could do was breathe together before kissing once more, hoping that their actions could provide even an iota of an idea of how much they love one another.
Two best friends, turned lovers forevermore.
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hhhecates · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Second Years Headcanons
• Inumaki can either binge watch YouTube or an entire anime for the entire night and run on 10 minutes of sleep, one carton of strawberry milk and be ready to challenge God on a pokèmon match, or need his 8 hours of beauty sleep and if someone dares to wake him before 10, they're just not coming back alive, sorry;
• On this account, the rest of the second years play rock, paper, scissors every day to decide who's gonna be the victim the one waking inumaki up;
• Side note, the first time it happened, Maki was 100% done already and thought they were just being stupid, she made the grave mistake of just barging into inumaki's room unannounced and girl came back traumatized. From that day on, rock, paper, scissors moments are taken very seriously;
• They all collectively share one braincell, they are super reliable on their own, but put even two of them together and see the braincell disappear. It's also twice as bad if inumaki is involved. Man can turn reliable senpai okkotsu into a menace (and it's megumi's biggest nightmare tbh);
• However, it's three times as bad if it's yuuta and inumaki with maneater!reader, nobody knows how their sense of responsibility all completely vanishes, but it does, and then you get OP children roaming free, and they're not just ready to fight God, but to become him;
• Maki is probably the most responsible one of the bunch (arguably, it would actually be yuuta or reader, but man is too tired and most of the times too soft, and reader just doesn't give a fuck);
• However, the roles quickly reverse when maki isn't taking good care of herself (which is often, cause girl is just that stubborn and focused on training) and then she'll turn into the whiniest baby and yuuta and reader become literally her parents,,, example;
• "Maki, eat your veggies" "Not doing that, they taste like fucking grass, I'm not a cow" "... Alright then, good luck finding your junk food in the cabinet then" cue maki begrudgingly eating her veggies because she knows better than to try yuuta and reader;
• Also girl will literally forget to drink water and even when she does drink, it's always energy drinks or sodas, and it's an unspoken agreement between second years to switch out her water bottles (filled with soda) with one that actually contains water;
• We all know that Panda and Inumaki are a dangerous duo, but have you considered Panda and reader?? The two of them are unarguably the two smartest students at Jujutsu High, and you know what they also are? Completely merciless. They will play mind games on you for fun and laugh at you if you cry;
• Yuuta is reader's bestfriend, and inumaki is a close call too, but if asked reader will always say that maki is their bestfriend because it makes the other two sulk adorably. Maki will then proceed to say that her favourite though is Panda, which will make reader just look at her with the most betrayed and affronted pout on their face, and tbh it's a sight too rare to pass up. Really though, they're all each other's bestfriend, the second years are a super tight group and consider each other family;
• During their first year, reader was the tallest of the bunch (aside from Panda), but after Yuuta comes back from his year overseas, he grew to be almost as tall as Gojo and reader legitimately didn't speak to him for two days cause they were a n g r y. Please, inumaki had so much fun seeing reader so frustrated sksksks. But poor yuuta genuinely thought they were angry at him (don't worry though, they quickly made up, reader couldn't stay away from yuuta if they fucking tried to);
• Now though, reader always walks on their tip toes around him or wears platform shoes and yuuta finds it so fucking precious, but please don't tell reader or he'll get bOnKeD;
• Reader, Inumaki and Panda have anime nights together in toge's room (man has the biggest room out of everyone too) yuuta will come at 3 am to tell them to go to sleep but he ends up joining, maki yells at them but ends up joining too;
• Maki is the most obnoxious cuddler when sleepy or tired (she will deny it tho, so don't bring it up unless you wanna get smackedd) and she will cling onto reader like her life depends on it because reader gives her head scratches and plays with her hair (pliz, maki and reader are so soft for each other);
• Yuuta and reader unconsciously hold pinkies when they are out in a crowd because they both have social anxiety and find lots of comfort in each other;
• Inumaki and reader always go to the convenience store together to get snacks at like 1 am, most of the times they successfully drag along maki too with the promise of junk food, and then they get lost in the ailes having a competition about who finds the weirdest flavour of chips or smth;
• When yuuta is overseas, the rest of the second years videocall him every night (or every week, depending on how long his missions are) it's the most chaotic calls too and it makes yuuta laugh so hard.
I honestly have sooo many more of these,,, I just love the second years too much--
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maijobi · 3 years
back to you
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dabi x reader
summary: when things don’t go well in your relationship, you find it best to end it... 
a/n: it has a good ending I promise. I did kinda hurt myself writing this I don't even know why. but sad dabi really does make me feel things.
your hands were in your hair, doing your best to not pull every strand out of your scalp. your eyes were closed and you were doing your best to calm yourself down, counting down from ten.
“dabi, we have had this conversation for over a hundred times. you can’t control me. and why can’t you just trust me for once?”, you said, finally  opening your eyes and looking at dabi.
“fine”, he said clenching his jaw. “go. let all of those people see you. go. you know what, don’t come back tonight will you?”
“stop overreacting”, you said, breathing out heavily. “I'm sick and tired of you constantly telling me what to do. I'm your partner, not your child. I know my limits and I know what to look out for. and who are you to tell me to not come back tonight? this isn’t just your place. we live here with a bunch of losers, what makes you think you’re more special than them? what makes you think you overpower them? what makes you think you have more to say than us?”
he took a few steps closer to you and looked down at you with a wrinkled nose. “I just don’t like my partner going out where there are people that will look at them. I don’t like how you can’t keep your mouth shut around people and let them flirt with you. I can’t stand you going to places and not knowing your limit, when you claim you do.”
“just because I let people talk to me, doesn’t mean I'm letting them flirt with me?”, you confusedly said. “oh I apologize dabi. I apologize that I do not prefer to burn people to the ground when they give you a genuine smile. I apologize that I couldn’t become as great as you”, you sarcastically said while throwing your hands in the air and then dropping them. “do you hear how stupid you sound? we have this discussion almost every day, but I can’t seem to get some senses into you. I'm tired of this, dabi. I'm tired of having to explain myself every day when I know I'm not doing anything wrong. I can’t talk to anyone before I have you breathing against my neck telling me to stay away from that person.”
“sweetheart, dollface, sugar”, he said with gritted teeth, taking steps closer to you and holding on of your hand and placing it over his heart. “don’t make this harder for the both of us and just don’t go outside will you?”
you pulled your arm away from his grip. “not this time dabi. I'm sick of this. sick of you wanting to control everything I do. you wanting to have a dominant role in this relationship. why is that even needed? why can’t you treat me as an equal? can’t you for once just let me live? I'm tired, I'm tired of telling myself that you’ll change when you don’t”, you said, finally showing the frustration on your face. 
“and you think I'm having fun?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “you think I enjoy seeing you having fun with someone else? it hurts you just as much as it does me doll”, he said, raising his voice. “it’s also hard for me to see you flirting back with other people! know your fucking limits”, he said placing his hand on your chin and pulling it up slightly.
“don’t act like you are right here”, you sat, pulling your chin away from his grip and taking a step back. “for once. for fucking once accept that you can’t control everything I do and that you can’t overpower me. respect goes both ways, but I'm not seeing any on your accord.”
“now you’re just talking bullshit”, he said in a loud voice, laughing to shake off his frustration. “what does this even mean?! what is it that you’re trying to accomplish here? what is it that you so desperately want, huh? attention from someone else? if you’re not even gonna listen to my feelings, how am I supposed to take yours in account? you only do as you please and where does that bring us, huh?! where the fuck-!”
“that maybe perhaps we’re not meant for each other”, you interrupted him. “that maybe we’re just not fit for each other.”
his face dropped and you saw every emotion pass on his face. he was confused. he was confused as to the words you had just dared to speak, something he didn’t even think about once. to him this was normal, to him this was behavior that should be present in a relationship. to him, fighting everyday seemed normal. but his motives for this relationship seemed to be totally different from yours.
“you must be kidding no”, you said with a distressed smile. “h-how can you just easily say something like that?”
“because you made sure I did. if you just for once tried to understand me, perhaps this wouldn’t have happened.”
he walked closer to you and held your shouders. “you’re kidding right?”
“i’m not, dabi. I'm being very much serious right now. how can I continue this when my feelings are being invalidated on a daily basis? how am I supposed to respect you further when you literally treat me like your pet?”, you said a brushing off his grip on your shoulder. “I can’t do this when all of this only brings me anxiety and constant stress?”
he looked at you, lost in another world progressing what you had just said. it surely couldn’t have been true, you were joking right? but the expression on your face made him his eyes go larger and his mouth almost hung open. “y-you can’t be serious”, he said with a smile, but that soon dropped when he shook your head.
“i’m not”, you said turning around and walking to the door.
you didn’t turn around to look back at him, and he made no attempt to stop you. perhaps he hadn’t even believe that you actually left. or maybe he was just waiting for you to finally leave him. maybe this was for the better you thought, but for dabi this was a whole different experience. 
he was convinced you were coming back that night, he convinced himself that you would. so when you didn’t he totally lost it. the person that barely texted you had spammed you with messages and missed calls, leaving behind various emotions. he didn't know what he was feeling. this was all new to him.
dollface, you’re not serious right?
you’re coming back tonight right?
I'm sure you are...
you didn’t take me seriously, did you?
please come back.
please look at your messages.
it’s past midnight, please come back.
don’t scare me like this. just come back already. 
you looked at your phone, tapping the corners or your phone. you decided to not answer, but that left you in a weird state of mind. you didn’t know what you were feeling. were you happy? sad? relieved? more stressed? you didn’t even know. you felt numb. 
you found your way to an old friend, asking if you could stay over until you figured out what you would do to survive. you locked your phone and threw it next to you on the bed. you allowed yourself to fall with your back on the mattress. you’d feel better in the morning, is what you tried to convince yourself. but would you really?
you woke up with a heavy headache. it was hard to even sit upright. but when you opened your eyes it was still dark. there was heavy rain outside and falling back asleep seemed like an impossible thing right now. 
you tapped on your phone letting it light up. 
3 a.m.
you sighed. what were you gonna do now? you felt too stressed to even close an eye. you didn’t know what you were supposed to do. you loved him and he probably loved you too, but this couldn’t go on forever.
you looked at your screen again, not missing all the messages he had left behind.
please I know I fucked up, but please just come back.
you can’t be doing this.
and many more messages like that had filled your phone. you frustratingly brushed your hand through your hair and sighed loudly. it felt wrong. it felt wrong to have left like that in the middle of an argument. but at the same time this had happened so many times that you couldn’t just do nothing. 
you rose from your bed, still not answering any of his messages. your phone rung every five minutes, but you just didn’t pick it up. you walked to the kitchen and filled a glass with water only to leave it on the counter after seeing his new messages.
I really need you.
I don’t need anybody else.
just you. so please, please come back.
you blinked once, then twice and then many more times. dabi had really said he needed you. the independent guy, who would refuse help from anyone had said he needed you. you weren’t sure what to do. you paced around the kitchen, biting down on your nail. your phone made a sound again.
I just really... can’t live without you.
you sighed loudly and with a quick steps you walked to the door. you put on your shoes and ran out the door taking the keys with you. the rain splashed on your skin, clothes and hair, making you soaked in an instant as you ran down the street. but you didn’t care. the only thing that ran through your head was wanting to see dabi. wanting to see him share his feelings and wanting to see him need you. 
even the bad memories had a good ending for you. every time you fought, you’d fix it together. so why couldn’t that be done now? why did you have to act so selfishly again? you knew you were partially right, but at the same time you knew this wasn’t right. all your memories with him flooded in your mind and it made you run faster.
your feet dragged you to the place you had thought he was, because you knew he wouldn’t be at the residence. he would be at the place that caused his trauma, but at the same time was his most visited place. 
the forest were he had supposedly died. the forest where his dad had refused to come to. the forest with his last memories of home.
you stopped in track when you saw his figure. his back facing you and his head looking up. he was wearing a front zip hoodie with the cap over his head. allowing the droplets to hit his face. he had heard something so he turned around.
when he saw you standing there in the rain he took one step and reached out his hand, but stopped when you only stared at him. you were out of breath, breathing in and out heavily as your chest heaved. 
you looked at him, seeing the sad expression on his face. you shook your head and started walking, but before you knew it you were running to him. you ran and when you reached him, you threw yourself on him, holding him like you never did before.
he was in shock, not being able to do anything, just allowing you to slowly pull him down for the hug. when you pulled away you held his face and searched it, but before he could say anything you crashed your lips against his, tasting the rain on them. it was still pouring and this might have been the closest thing to an actual romantic scene the two of you had. 
your lips danced together and you melt in each others touch. he finally allowed himself to be embraced and snaked his arms around your back to deepen the kiss. he pushed you against him and moved his hands to your neck to pull you closer. your hands slid down and rested on his chest.
when he pulled away he looked you in your eyes. water droplets were falling on your face and he made an attempt to wipe them away though the rain hadn't stopped. you wanted to say something, but he shut you up by pulling you in once more and giving you a small, but soft kiss.
“i’m sorry”, he said, pulling you flush against him to hug you. “I'm sorry for always wanting to control you. I was just scared.”
you slid your arm around his waist and hugged him back. “scared of what?”
“of you leaving”, he whispered just loud enough to hear above the splashing raindrops. “I haven’t been open about my feelings. I just didn’t know how to. but I was raised with the thought of rejection and people leaving me behind. I wasn’t used to all of this. I wasn’t used to having all this affection, so I was scared you’d leave just like the rest.”
you tightened your grip on him. “I don’t have a reason to leave. I just need you to be open with me like just now. so we can work things out together”, you said, looking up so that you were facing him.
he looked down and a soft smile formed on his face. he kissed you again and again and again until completely devouring your lips on his, not giving you a chance to pull away. but that wasn’t needed. you had understood the whole situation and the both of you were able to figure it out together. many ways had opened for the two of you and the both of you have yet to learn so much about each other. but you were both willing to change yourself for each other. because even if things weren't always great, the two of you would find their ways back to each other. 
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Tinder Matches
Karmagisa Week 2021, day 1 prompt: Matching  wordcount: 1600
The fact that Nagisa had a tinder account wasn’t something he really shared with anyone. At the time, he’d created it as a joke, a way of amusing his friend’s stupid suggestion. According to Kayano, it truly could be the solution to his lack of experience in the love life department. Nagisa hadn’t been too sure about that. He was more than aware of the application’s status and, no, he wasn’t really interested in finding people to just have sex with. 
Yet, somehow, he still found himself swiping through people on the app one night. He was alone in his room, a little bored, and perhaps even a little too tired after a day’s worth of teaching. None of the people he came across really interested him much, although he had to admit that he’d probably give them a shot if he saw them in real life, just because he wanted to believe in the best in people. 
This app, however, gave little to no information on someone’s personality. Then again, some people were very clear about looking for someone rich to provide for them, which Nagisa guessed his teacher’s salary wasn’t exactly right for, and he supposed that also said something about their personality and what they were like in a relationship. Nothing Nagisa really wished to deal with. 
After swiping left on complete strangers in fear of one secretly being a stalker, murderer, or just having horrible table manners, he suddenly stopped when a familiar face popped up on his screen. the red hair, the golden eyes, that all too familiar smirk. Nagisa recognized exactly who he was seeing, yet somehow couldn't exactly process the idea. it just didn't seem entirely right. 
Someone like Karma wouldn't need to use tinder, right? 
He found himself staring at the title picture for a while before he realized he could scroll through and see more. it wasn't like he didn't know what karma looked like... but... he sure was curious about what karma was putting out there. 
It didn't appear to be all that special at first. A selfie in a casual outfit, a picture of him at a bar with people Nagisa didn't recognize, a traveling picture, but the last picture was something else. This picture appeared professionally taken, or at the very least it wasn't a selfie and the picture was set up. Karma was posing in it, after all. Posing in a suit, the jacket in his hand, thrown over his shoulder as he glanced at the camera with those devilish eyes. Nagisa was nothing but taken back by it. 
He shouldn't be staring, should he? This was his close friend and fellow assassin graduate, the staring was just weird. Yet, somehow, he couldn't look away from the picture and thought back to when he’d first met Karma, so many years ago now. He’d felt the same sense of awe back then. Karma was just so perfect, how couldn’t he. This picture, him as an adult looking like a literal model, was like a visual representation of everything Nagisa used to feel Karma was. 
The sudden noise of the train passing near his apartment woke him up from his state. suddenly turning very red, he frantically moved his hands and went to swipe left, except his phone nearly fell out of his hands in the process. He caught it, hands all over the screen and, through his own fingers, he could see Karma being swiped right. 
no. no nonono. please go back
Nagisa fumbled with his phone, hoping to undo his actions, but before he could do anything, a message popped up on the screen. He was surprised by it to say the least. 
‘you've got a match’
A match. He matched. but that meant... Karma had swiped right on him as well?! why would he- probably as a joke. he probably came across nagisa and thought it was funny, right? Nagisa had to assume that was the truth, although deep in his mind a thought echoed around saying the exact opposite. Maybe he wanted it to not be a joke.
After panicking for a hot minute, his phone made a ping sound, indicating he’d gotten a message. He was too scared to look. Somehow, before even opening the message, he could already sense who it was from. Sure enough, once he finally did gather the courage to check the notification, his fears were proven right. This was the worst situation. 
Karma: well well well, didnt take you as the tinder type
He considered ignoring it. What was that called again? Ghosting? Yes, he could ghost Karma. If he didn’t respond to the message, perhaps nothing else unfavourable would be happening. Well, Karma would probably mention it to him the next time they spoke in real life. That would probably be even worse. It wasn’t like he could ignore Karma for the rest of his life. It wasn’t like he wanted to. 
Nagisa: i'm not
Karma: yet here you are.
Karma: swiping right on me ;)
The cockiness almost oozed out of the message. Nagisa was left frowning at his phone. The main thought going through his mind was that Karma was probably enjoying this. He was a sadist like that. He was having fun while Nagisa wanted to bury himself as deep underground as possible. 
Nagisa: you swiped right first! 
Nagisa: mine was an accident
Nagisa: I was surprised to see you on here and my phone dropped
Karma: ah, so you wouldn't swipe right on me :( am I too ugly?
Nagisa felt his face grow hot. He probably shouldn't look at his reflection if he wanted to save himself from the image of his head being a tomato. He didn't think karma was ugly. quite the opposite, actually. Not that he could say that. That would be weird. So, he tried to find some middle ground answer, not calling karma ugly or the opposite of that. 
Nagisa: I never said that, I just didn't intend to swipe right on someone i'm already friends with. 
There, no way that could be taken wrong. He considered sending an additional message, clarifying just how dropping his phone led to the swiping right, but decided against it. It would sound just a little too defensive. 
Karma: well,its nice this gives us a chance to talk again anyways. appears youve been too busy to answrr my texts. 
An awkward laugh escaped Nagisa as he looked away from his phone, forgetting Karma couldn't actually see his reaction. There was no reason to avoid eye contact when there was no eye contact to begin with. Still, he shared the sentiment. He kind of had forgotten to keep contact with people lately. 
He blamed the new workplace. After finishing his days as a trainee, the new school he worked at was surprisingly more demanding. He always knew being a full time teacher was a lot of work, especially now that there was no one to keep an eye on him and remind him of certain teaching specifics of the school he taught at. Of course, the work was rewarding enough for him to barely think about his loss of contacts. He had a habit of treating those too loosely anyways. 
Nagisa: ive just been working
Karma: workaholic
Nagisa: you literally have more work hours than me
Karma: and somehow you still spend as much time working as me. 
The conversation went on like that for a bit, them going back and forth at each other. Overall, it wasn't a bad time. Nagisa kind of forgot about the actual use of the app, and the fact that he could just DM Karma on line whenever he wanted to, until Karma managed to bring back the conversation to it. 
Karma: you know, usually when people match, they try to meet up for a date
Of course Nagisa was aware that that's what the app was for, it was sort of the reason he’d gotten it as well. However, he didn't think anything would lead anywhere for him, let alone with karma. surely karma wasn't being serious. it would be weird to go on a date with your friend. 
and still, Nagisa endulged him, being so stupid as to ask further. 
Nagisa: where do people even go on tinder dates?
Karma: anywhere they want to, usually just for drinks, easy way to lead them home a little tipsy afterwards
Nagisa: okay that sounds creepy
Karma: if that's not your style I could always take you out for dinner. 
Karma: There's this new sushi restaurant near my place, looks like something you'd love. 
somehow, he actually considered it. On any other day, that would sound insane to nagisa. Since when would he consider dating karma? Wait, not dating, going on a date with Karma. There was a difference. Sushi did sound great, and so did Karma's company. He supposed he hadn't really been out like that in a while. date or not. 
Karma: i can even pick you up, very romantic 
The word hit Nagisa a little hard. Romantic. What would that entail? Would they sit opposite of each other, send cute glances, maybe even hold hands beside the table? He wanted his mind to hate the idea of that, doing those things with his friend, ruining the relationship they already had. But, he also wanted to give in, say yes, and see where things would lead. At the very least, he'd have a fun night with good food. 
Nagisa: you have a day in mind?
Karma: how's Saturday?
Nagisa: Saturday's fine
Karma: it's a date!
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itsthewritergal · 4 years
It’s all a mess -  F.W x reader
Y/N and Fred had been dating for a year, but they had been friends since the very first day, when Fred and George let her sit with them on the train. She had all been sorted into Gryffindor which just made their friendship grow stronger. Although recently Y/N and Fred had done nothing but argue. Constantly. George was growing tired of having to console the both of them, and their friends avoided both of them when they argued.
Y/N sat with her friend from Ravenclaw at dinner, she was currently avoiding Fred after their argument the night before. She was filling in her friends on the details,
“So I was in the library right, doing my essay because I wanted to go to the Quidditch game next week” She started after shovelling some food into her mouth “Fred comes in all high and mighty because I dared to speak to some Hufflepuff about my potions class. He starts accusing me in front of everyone about loyalty, when he was with Angelina all last week and barely even spoke to me” She snapped, groaning loudly “He then tells me that he doesn’t know why we are still together!”
“Maybe it’s not such a great idea you two being together” Her friend said with a sad smile
“She’s got a point you know” Luna mused from her place next to you “Perhaps you two just aren’t suited anymore” she hummed twirling her fork around on her plate
“But I love him” Y/N argued
“Yes we know that. But does he love you? From what you’ve been saying it doesn’t sound like it” Her friend said with a sympathetic smile
Y/N turned the conversation quickly onto her Charms homework, in an attempt to pull her friends away from the conversation. But their words played heavily on her mind. Fred had been acting distant and angrier than usual, but surely that wasn’t because he was falling out of love with her. With a huff she said goodbye to her friends and made her way back to the dorm.
Walking through the portrait hole, Y/N caught sight of Fred and Angelina giggling together, her fingers traced over his arm as his was wrapped around her shoulders. They looked happy together, just how Y/N and Fred had done a few months ago, with a sad smile Y/N knew exactly what she had to do. Taking a few steps towards them, George was the first one to notice that she had walked into the room. His eyes widened in shock as he kicked Fred to get his attention. Angelina was the next to notice Y/N and she quickly pinched Fred, who was yet to notice her presence.
“Don’t stop now” He laughed “I was just getting to enjoying that”
“No of course, don’t stop on my account” Y/N said sadly, “Seems you two are happy” She gave them a weak smile
“YN it isn’t what you think” Angelina said “We were just talking, and I”
“It’s fine, everyone knows me and Fred just aren’t quite working anymore” She said “I guess this is probably for the best” Y/N pulled off the bracelet that Fred had given her for their one year anniversary
“What are you doing?” He questioned standing up and pushing Angelina off of him. “Why are you giving me this?” He said suddenly feeling a wash of nerves fall over him
“i’m done Freddie, I’m done with all the fighting, never knowing what’s going to happen next. I’m done, we’re done” Y/N said solemnly “Take care of him for me” She laughed to Angelina, who was looking just as guilt ridden as Fred did.
“YN let’s talk about this” He pleaded
“I can’t. I’m sorry” She said making her way quickly out of the common room.
The halls were empty, apart from Y/N’s quiet footsteps as she made her way towards the Astronomy Tower. She knew that nobody would be stupid enough to look up there at this hour. Not that anyone would miss her. Sitting herself down on the cold floor, Y/N let herself cry. Her sobs echoed loudly, but she didn’t care, she wanted to scream. Everything they had together was gone just like that, everything that she had dreamed about was gone. She didn’t hear the footsteps, or George settling himself beside her.
“He’s an idiot you know” He commented, wrapping a blanket around her
“He got what he wanted, he’s had a crush on Angelina since second year” Y/N laughed bitterly, pushing thoughts of the other girl out of her head
“He doesn’t love her, I’ll admit I don't know what he was thinking in the common room but he doesn’t love her” George tried his hardest to make her feel a little better.
“Well it sure doesn’t look that way” She said resting her head on George’s shoulder “It’s all a mess George”
They sat up there for what felt like hours, reminiscing on their old adventures before everything took a turn for the worse.
“You’re still coming home for Christmas right?” George asked turning to look at her. He couldn’t remember a Christmas where she didn’t come to the burrow, it had become their tradition
“I don’t know George, I don’t think I will. I’ll go home, have a quiet one instead” She hummed, thinking back to her family who all hated Christmas.
“You can’t! It would break mum” He said in an attempt to make her feel a little better “And Ginny, she loves it when you come”
“I don’t think I can George, I don’t want to face him, I don’t even want to look at him” She said unsure if the feelings would go away by Christmas
“Lucky I’m the better looking one eh?” He laughed, grinning proudly as she smiled up at him.
“Come on then how was your Christmas?” Ginny said sitting herself down opposite Y/N
“It was nice” She lied easily “Mum made this massive roast and we all opened our presents all together, even went down to the park to ice skate” She said, hoping that Ginny didn’t catch on
“Wow, sounds pretty incredible” She smiled, “We missed you” she added quietly, with a small glance towards Fred “We all did”
“Don’t be daft, it must have been nice not to have me crashing it” She laughed
“Fred barely left his room” she said sadly “You know he’s really sorry”
“Can we please talk about something else” Y/N practically begged, she had managed to push all the thoughts of Fred to the back of her mind. Hearing that he missed her was something she knew she wouldn't be able to handle.
“Well here comes the post” Ginny said, grateful for the interruption .
A large parcel thumped down on Y/N’s lap. Wrapped in brown paper she pulled at the string carefully. A letter fell out, and a maroon knitted jumper was revealed.
Molly Weasley.
Feeling a few pairs of eyes on her as she pulled the jumper out of the paper, Y/N stood up and ran out of the Great Hall. She had tried her hardest to be strong, but she just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Making her way out into the courtyard she found a corner and sunk down onto a bench
“You okay?” George asked, following her
“Tell your mum thank you, but I can’t accept this” Y/N said
“Of course you can” George cut her off, sitting himself next to her “It’s Fred who messed up, not us”
“George, it hurts okay. It hurts to know that I’m not only loosing Fred, but i’m loosing you too. I can’t come between you two. I wont let myself”
“You’re not loosing me you muppet” He argued, only to be cut off  by her
“Yes I am. I couldn’t write to you this Christmas, because I didn’t know what I could say to you that I didn’t want to talk about with you and Fred. I couldn’t tell you I had an awful Christmas because I didn’t want to let Fred know that I wasn’t doing ok”
“You had a bad Christmas?” George said
“You know my family, they don’t do Christmas. But that isn’t the point” She said “The point is-”
“I messed up. That’s what the point is” Fred said making his way towards the bench
“I think you should go” Y/N said slowly look Fred up and down
“Just let me talk” he said calmly
“I’ll leave you two to it” George said giving Y/N a small sideways hug
“I can’t apologise because I know it wont help” Fred started “I was angry at you. I thought you were flirting with that Hufflepuff boy, I heard him talking to his friends about how fit you were and it annoyed me. I wanted to get back at you. I wasn’t thinking” He said
“Fred why would I look at anyone when I had you”
“Have” He corrected quickly “You’ve still got me, I know we aren’t together but there isn’t anyone else”
“Freddie” She sighed “All we do is argue” “Not any more, c’mon Y/N. We love each other, we can get through this” He promised, his tone was desperate, voice wavering slightly as though tears were about to fall
“I’ve been an idiot. Christmas was hell without you. Mum was miserable, and angry with me when I told her. Dad had to stop her from driving to your house to pick you up” He chuckled slightly “Ginny told me you had a pretty great Christmas”
“I lied to her, mum and dad didn’t even realise I was home. They went on some couples retreat” She laughed
“So you didn’t go ice skating?” She shook her head “And you didn’t have a massive Christmas dinner?” Once again shook her head “And you didn’t have loads of presents?” She shook her head again “I’m sorry Y/N”
“It’s fine, I did Christmas my own little way” She smiled.
They settled into a silence, neither one wanting to break the comfort that they had so desperately missed. Fred placed a tentative arm around her shoulders
“You know I love you right?” He said
“Fred don’t” She started
“I’m being serious Y/N” He brushed a strand of hair out of her face “I love you”
“I love you too but everything is just so much” She huffed sadly
“We love each other, that’s all that matters right?” He said grasping at any little hope that they might be okay
“Yeah, that’s all that matters” She said, wrapping her arms around him. Nestling her head into his neck.
“Are my favourite couple back tougher?” George shouted from the other side of the courtyard quickly making his way over
“How long have you been waiting there?” Y/N laughed
“Since I left” He grinned mischievously “So?”
“Yes we’re back together” Y/N grinned happily
“I’ll go write to mum! She’ll be expecting you at ours next holiday. Don’t tell the others but you’re her favourite” George winked as he skipped off
“Remind me again why I stick around with you two insufferable idiots” She shook her head laughing
“Well you’re stuck with us now” Fred grinned.
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Electricity chapter 4
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Summary: For the first time in her life, Melody Williams is moving out of her hometown to Minnesota where she got a job as a crime journalist for the Minnesota Daily. But this city does not only have a new job for her to offer. What will happen when she crosses paths with detective Walter Marshall? Heads up, a little electricity is involved ✨
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (Curvy OFC)
Warnings: mention of murder, a bit of fighting
Wordcount: 3.9k
A/N: don’t do anything reckless y’all. Let me know what you think of this chapter. 😘
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Somehow the universe was on my side for once. Once I got home, I noticed I had a new text message. I was surprised to see that it was from Walter. He asked if I got home safe. What a gentleman.
I figured he just wanted to make sure I got home safe, I didn’t think too much of it. If anything, I didn’t think we would end up texting each other for three days in a row. Did I wish that would happen? Yes. Did I actually believe it could happen? Definitely no. I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t believe it.
“Have you been texting with him again last night?” Gia asked when she saw me yawn and stretch my arms out above me. We were having a slow morning at work, and this was the third time she showed up at my desk.
“Maybe,” I smirked. Even though it started a little awkward, we were still texting. After I had texted him back that I got home safe, and he send a thumbs up emoji, it was silent for a moment. I had thought about what I could possibly text him next. I grabbed my phone to compose a text when a new message already popped up.
Walter: Still sure you want to live here?
A smile had formed on my face. He thinks he is funny huh. I was wondering what I could text back, and I thought to myself: what would I tell my friends to text back in a situation like this? Normally, I would never listen to my own flirting advice, but at that moment, I did.
Melody: Might stick around. Heard the detectives in town are quite something.
Since then, we had been texting constantly. Alright, maybe not constantly, we were both busy during the day, but we spend a good amount of the late evening texting. We got to know each other a little better. I told him about my family, and I shared a few awkward stories. For example, I told him about the time I was too stubborn to put on sunscreen during the summer, and I got sunburned to bad, I would never forget to apply it ever again. I still apply it every day, even in the winter.
In return he told me all about the shenanigans he pulled as a kid, and that he had a kid himself, Faye. At first, I was a little bit surprised, but then I figured we would have a babysitter once we would get children. Mel, get it together. You are not even dating him, you don’t even know if he likes you and you are already thinking about having children with him?! Our kids would look damn cute though..
“Earth to Mel! Stop daydreaming for once, and get some work done.” Carmen laughed and threw a pen at me, which I skilfully dodged, but it did wake me up from my little daydream.
“There is nothing to do! No development in the murder case and that’s all I am covering right now,” I said and spun around in my chair. “I am so bored right now, I don’t even know what to do.”
“Text your man, see if he has any new information?” Gia suggested.
“Hmm, he avoided talking about the case. Maybe they are having trouble getting a match with the murderer on that dating app.” I had told them about what happened the other day at the police station. I might have a hearing problem now because they had screamed so loud, I’m convinced the entire building heard them. It’s safe to say, they were very excited and convinced he liked me.
“Besides, he’s not my man!” I said while throwing the pen I picked up back at Carmen. “I mean, I wish, but he is so out of my league.”
“No one is out of your league, and I swear he’s into you. I saw the way he looked at you at the bar and at the crime scene. I have an eye for these things, trust me,” Carmen said and dodged the pen as well.
“Whatever,” I sighed. I spun around in my chair a few more times before an idea popped up in my head. “Guys, what if we set up an account on that dating app?”
“And then what? Meet with a creep? No thank you,” Gia said with a disgusting look on her face.
“I’m not a fan of that plan either. Please don’t do something like that Mel. Don’t do anything stupid. That could be very dangerous, and you know it,” Carmen agreed.
“It’s not like I’m actually going to meet him. I just want to see if I can figure out what profile he is using this time.” I stood up and looked out of the window. I oversaw the city, the sky was grey, and it was slightly raining. “Alright, fine. Can one of you give me something to do in that case? Otherwise I will make a dating profile.”
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Later that day I laid in bed, trying to sleep. It was 1am and I had been trying to sleep for two hours, but I was still wide awake. I felt restless and didn’t know what I could do to fall asleep. I had tried to drink some tea, didn’t help. I watched an episode of The Office, didn’t help either. It also didn’t help Walter hadn’t texted me back for hours now. I wondered if he was already getting tired of me.
You know, I could, maybe, possible, just make an account on that dating app and swipe for a while. Maybe I would come across someone that matches the profile that the murderer would use. Gia and Carmen will probably kill me though.
I grabbed my phone. I hesitated for a second, but I downloaded the dating app. After I made an account and uploaded some cute selfies, I finally got to do some swiping. The most guys that came up were pretty basic. They didn’t spike my interest at all. They were the typical white boy, all with the same haircut and they looked like they did not only skip legday, also arm- and chestday. Half of them also posed proudly with a fish they had caught. As if that’s something girls like. Too bad none of these men look a little like Walter.
I also came across a few good looking, decent guys. I knew that was not what the police were looking for, so I swiped them to the left. The next profile was of a guy who was way too good looking. He also only had one picture. It was obviously that this picture was stolen from a model. The bio creeped me out a little. He said he liked to hike in nature, and he enjoyed the silence. You enjoy the silence? Are you trying to creep me out on purpose or what? I swiped him to the right. It was weird but I felt like this could be the one the police were looking for.
I swiped for a little while longer. Swiping a few sketchy looking profiles to the right until I felt my eyelids drop. Yawning, I put my phone aside and finally fell asleep.
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The next morning my alarm woke me up. I stretched out after I turned the alarm off and grabbed my phone. There were a few messages, one of them was from Walter, but what spiked my interest was that I had a few matches on the dating app. I wanted to check it out, but I noticed I had to get out of bed and take a shower if I wanted to be at work on time.
After I had showered and got dressed, I grabbed my phone. The first message I opened was from Walter. He had texted me at 3am.
Walter: We were working late today, no breakthrough in the case. Missed texting with you, can I make it up by calling you tonight?
My heart skipped a few beats. He wanted to call? With me?! I stared at the message for a few seconds while I felt some butterflies flying around in my stomach. Okay, no need to freak out. He just wants to call, he is not proposing. Yet….
Melody: I missed texting with you too. And of course, you can call me tonight. I look forward to it.
Before I could overanalyse my response, I hit send. Take a deep breath Mel. No need to read into this too much. I checked my other messages and texted my mom and Gia back. My mom wanted to know how I was doing, and Gia needed an approval of her outfit of the day.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some milk and cereal. While I was eating my breakfast, I noticed the notifications from the dating app. There were a few new matches, and one of them had send a message. It was from the guy with the creepy profile. His name was John. Millions of people are named John, you could’ve at least been a bit more creative while choosing a name.
John: What do you say good looking? Let’s skip the talking stage and just meet up?
I shivered at the thought of meeting up with this guy, but he could be the one they’re looking for, right? I decided to just go to work and deal with it later.
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The workday was slow and boring. I finished a few articles but spend most of my time gossiping with Gia about our favourite celebrities which annoyed Carmen at first, because she wanted to get some work done, but eventually she joined us. I also told them about Walter’s text from that morning. If I weren’t sure I already had a hearing problem from their screams before, I sure as hell would have one now. Those girls made sounds so high, I’m surprised the windows didn’t crack.
The rest day went by slow, and before I knew it the clock showed me it was 3pm. I had decided to not tell Gia and Carmen about the fact I downloaded the dating app and was considering meeting with ‘John’. I mean, I would inform Walter about it. I wasn’t a complete idiot. No need to stress those girls out. Why would I?
My phone buzzed and I picked it up. Another message from ‘John’.
John: What’s it going to be beautiful?
I thought about it, and what could go wrong? I would inform the police, aka Walter. Besides that, I can put up a fight. It’s not like I am a damsel in distress. Plus, the upside of being a little bigger; I’m harder to kidnap, you got to be pretty strong to even lift me up. I shrugged my shoulders and texted him back.
Melody: Sure.
Short, but clear. I looked around the office, Gia and Carmen both sat at their desks typing on their computers. They had no idea what I was doing. They would probably kill me, right here right now. Before I could change my mind about not telling them, my phone buzzed again.
John: Tonight, 7pm? A new bar just opened up, we could get a drink there.
The rest of the message contained the address of the place. I googled it before I answered. The website of the place popped up, and as I suspected, it was clearly a fake website. Bingo. I texted him back, saying I agreed with his plan.
The rest of the hours I had to spend at the office went by surprisingly quick. Soon people were starting to leave, and so were Gia, Carmen and me. We parted ways in the entrance hall, and I drove home. Once I was home, I looked in the fridge, and I came to the conclusion I had forgotten to do groceries. Again.
I wasn’t in the mood to order take out, so I quickly drove to the supermarket. Unfortunately, unlike last time, I didn’t ran into Walter. Shit, I still have to text him about my meeting with ‘John’. I’ll do it once I get back home.
I drove back home and started making dinner. After I ate dinner, and did the dishes, I looked at the clock. It was already 6.30pm and I had to leave soon. Glaring down at my outfit, I decided I wanted to wear something more comfortable. I went to my bedroom and stood in front of my closet. I grabbed an old pair of jeans and a simple long-sleeved black tee. No way I’m going to dress pretty for this guy. Wait, what if he actually is the guy from the picture? Nah, not gonna happen. Shit, I still need to text Walter.
I needed to hurry up and put the tee on. While putting on the jeans, I suddenly heard a sound I didn’t like to hear. I look down and saw the jeans have ripped in the area between my thighs. Thick thighs save lives? They sure as hell don’t save jeans. I thought while throwing them across the room. Quickly I grabbed another, old, pair of jeans and put it on. I put my shoes on and fixed my hair.
I ran into the living room again and grabbed my jacket. With my car keys and phone in one hand, I locked the door behind me with the other one and made my way to my car. 6.45pm, right on time. I started the car and drove off.
While I stood in front of a red light, I remembered I hadn’t texted Walter. Shit. Contemplating what to do, I decided to call him. He didn’t answer. Shit. I left a voicemail instead. The red light turned green and I continued driving. Once I had to stop in front of another red light, I decided to text him as well. I noticed how the streets around me became emptier and emptier.
The street where I was supposed to meet ‘John’ was dark and pretty empty. The sun was settling down, making it even darker. I parked my car at a parking lot and checked my phone. No response from Walter. Not yet at least. I was alone in the parking lot and decided to wait for a few minutes.
Alright, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe this was pretty dumb. And why did I forgot to text Walter. Why couldn’t I have done that sooner?! You know what, I’m just gonna go. This was dumb. And reckless.
But before I could start my car, someone opened my door. A man stood there, he was tall but not very muscular and he did not look like the profile picture at all. He looked at me with a creepy grin that made me regret doing this.
“Hello there, nice to meet you. I’m John and you must be Melody. Why don’t you step out of the car?” he said. I didn’t knew what to say, so I nodded and wanted to step out, but he spoke again. “Why don’t you leave that phone of yours here, we don’t need it do we?”
I knew I had to play by his rules. So, I left my phone and stepped out. He took the keys out of my hands and locked my car. I tried to keep thinking straight. Walter should be here soon, right?
John kept talking to me in the meanwhile. He kept telling me how pretty I was and how glad he was to meet with me. I stopped listening when I heard my phone go off in the car. Walter. If that is not him but my mom, I will do something to her.
“Come on, let’s get away from that car, shall we? The bar is right around the corner,” he spoke. We were the only people in the parking lot. I noticed he had parked his car a few feet away from me. Something was definitely not right.
“You know, I’m actually good here. Could you give me my car keys back though?” I asked. I knew he wouldn’t, but I had to stall. I really hoped the police would show up anytime now.
“Ah please? Just one drink?” He took a step closer to me and grabbed my wrist. I quickly twisted my wrist, releasing it from his grip. He looked at me with an unpleased look, and I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Never sneak up on me you dumbass. I thought as I felt the presence got closer.
Once I felt someone was right behind me, I didn’t waste another second. I took a step to the right and shoved my elbow straight into the guy’s nose with full force. He grunted in pain and when I looked behind me, I saw he grabbed his bloody nose with both his hands.
“Creepy Greg from finance?!” I say surprised. “Could have seen that one coming.”
“You bitch!” the guy in front of me yelled. He raised his fist and threw it at my face. Well, he attempted it. I dodged it and slammed my fist into his face instead.
“Sorry, that might leave a mark,” I smiled.
Creepy Greg from finance was still standing behind me, crying, and telling me I broke his nose and that I would pay for it. Make me.
I looked back at the other guy, and he swung his arms at me again, trying to hit me. I ducked to the side a few times, avoiding being hit. Sadly, I couldn’t escape all his attempts to hit me. His fist met the left side of my face. I felt my blood boiling from anger. I took a deep breath and raised my fists. While I was about to throw a punch, I heard loud noises. Cars. Thank God, they’re here.
Before I could comprehend what was going on, policemen were already running towards us. One tackled creepy Greg and a familiar figure tackled the other guy and threw a hard punch in his face. This is not supposed to turn me on. At all.
Walter got up and handed the guy over to another cop. The guy looked at me in disgust, but I didn’t see it. My eyes were focussed on Walter. He closed the gap between us by taking two passes.
“First of all, that was insanely stupid and dangerous and very dumb. This was reckless behaviour! But we will discuss this later,” he said vigorously.
“Yeah, I figured,” I said. I opened my mouth to continue speaking, but he spoke first.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” he said with a concerned look in his blue eyes, and his hand caressed the cheek that had been hit. As his rough, calloused fingers touched my skin I felt a spark of electricity going down my spine. His other hand found its way to my waist, and he pulled me a little closer to him. His body radiated a welcoming warmth, and I smelled his familiar musky cologne.
“I’m fine, just got hit once. You should see creepy Greg’s nose,” I snickered.
“I did, and you sure know how to throw a punch,” he smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. And I’m glad you called and texted me. I’m sorry I missed the call. If I hadn’t missed it none of this would have happened.”
“No, don’t be sorry. This was a pretty stupid, reckless plan and I should have called sooner,” I quickly answered.
“It was indeed reckless and stupid,” he sighed. “Look, we need to take your statement. Why don’t I take you home after?”
“I’d like that, but my car is here,” I said while pointing at it. His hand left my cheek, but his other hand remained on my waist. He was so close to me, and I felt so comfortable despite what happened a few minutes prior.
“We’ll take care of that, don’t worry.” He grabbed my hand, interlaced his fingers with mine and guided me to one of his colleagues. My heart was racing and skipped a few beats at the same time. His hand felt warm and comforting. I never wanted to let go.
We reached his colleague and he started asking me questions and he squeezed my hand before letting go. He walked away to speak to some of his other colleagues and I immediately missed his hand, it felt like mine had fitted perfectly in his.
I told his colleague what happened, and I could see he thought it was really reckless, but I also saw in his eyes he was kind of impressed. He complimented me on how I stayed calm, but he did tell me to never do anything like this again.
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Once he dismissed me, I looked around for Walter. I noticed him already walking towards me, and he offered me a little smile.
“So, Liam is going to take your car down to the station and I will drive you home, alright?”
“Thank you,” I smiled at him. “Can I get something from my car? My phone and keys are still in there.”
After we got my stuff out of the car, he pointed at a big truck. We walked towards it in silence, and he placed his hand on my lower back. Oh god, please keep that hand there forever. Okay, I might be incredibly touch starved.
Unfortunately, we reached the car too soon and his hand left my back to open the door for me. I climbed in and he closed it. He walked around the truck, took place behind the drivers’ wheel, and started the car. While he drove into the street he asked for my address.
We sat in silence next to each other, the radio softly hummed a rock song. I looked out of the window, it was dark and suddenly I realized that what I had done tonight, could have ended badly. Really badly.
“Hey, are you okay?” Walter put his hand on my thigh but when I looked at him, his hand shot up to my cheek to wipe a falling tear away.
“Yeah, yeah. Just realizing that this maybe wasn’t a smart thing to do,” I offered him a small smile. His hand left my cheek and found its way back to my thigh. The warmth coming from it spread throughout my entire body and I didn’t think twice and placed my hand on top of his. He turned his hand around and interlaced his fingers with mine for the second time that night.
He smiled at me and focussed on the road again. We were near my home, but I did not want to be alone now. Heck, I wanted to be near him. I didn’t want him to go. It felt so good to just be around him. I have never felt so comfortable around someone so quickly.
He parked the truck in front of my apartment building, not letting go of my hand.
“So, we’re here,” I mumbled. He grunted in response. We sat in the truck in silence for a few more minutes until it started to rain. I knew it was now or never, he was not going to offer going inside with me. Not after what happened. Perhaps he thought I wanted to be alone.
I felt anxious, but I decided to just ask it.
“Could you stay with me for a while?” I avoided looking at him, but he squeezed my hand and his other hand gently grabbed my chin, making me look into his eyes.
“Sure thing doll.”
> chapter five
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae / @klaine-92 / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112 / @seriouslygoodlookinggents / @sillyrabbit81 / @pixie88 / @cynic-spirit / @rn7rocks / @daddys-littlewhitegirl / @little-brattyangel / @omgkatinka / @myloveforhenrycavill / @eldarwen333 / @kebabgirl67
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A/N: I’m actually doing Chris Evans fan-fic on this account now. So here you guys go. Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader Word count: 1,819 Warnings: Very, very lightly dark Ransom, if you even consider it dark. 
To Ransom, you were everything.
The two of you hadn't spoken more than a dozen words to each other, only having had a few interactions at these various events and galas the elite class had to attend. You would ignore him, mingling around everyone else. But most importantly, other men.
He eyed you like a vulture. He was discreet about it, making sure to memorize the patterns of when you would look around, clearly out of boredom, and diverting his eyes elsewhere or back to the meaningless conversations he participated in. He would swirl his vodka in his small cup, filled with ice in a race against time so it wouldn’t water down to distract himself from your figure that stood no more than 15 feet away from him.
He noticed exactly how your drinks went: you would start out with champagne, finishing it. You would move onto red wine, only drinking half. He knew it was out of sake for your sobriety. You were smart. Then you would move onto whisky. He saw you down one a few times, and smirked to himself. You could drink hard liquor, that said something about you as a woman.
You were nothing alike the girls he would bring home for a one night stand. No, he wanted to put a ring on you. He would buy other girls some Cartier bracelet or a Prada bag for their cheap endeavors with him, but since the day he first saw you he knew you were his.
He had spent an entire night looking you up on Google. Finding your occupation as an English professor at an Ivy League school, to your academic essays. And of course, he found your Pinterest board. Because he knew damn well every woman had a Pinterest board for their wedding.
He noticed what you had saved, multiple photos of huge diamond rings, emerald cut. Classy and glamorous, it fit you. The very next day he went out to Tiffany’s, and bought a ring just like it. He knew your ring size, just from eyeballing your sleek hand. He had bought meaningless rings for dozens of other women, he was a pro at this point.
And in his lower desk drawer in his personal office, sat the blue box that he one day hoped to drop on one knee and grant you with, an official bond between you two that as of right now, he could only dream of. But he would do everything in his power to make sure it happened.
He noticed how other men looked at you, sleazy eyed with the most disgusting intentions. Sure, he wanted to take you home. But he wanted to keep you there, with him. He wanted you to be his, and only his. Forever, and ever.
“Mr. Drysdale,” His thoughts drowned in wonderland were ripped from him, disrupted by one of the investors in his publishing company.
“Mr. Peterson.” He tightly smiled, holding out his free hand to shake with the other man. His insides were burning with a fire of annoyance at this man, having to put on a stupid, nice face for him. He wanted no more than to find you, and start a conversation with you. 
He continued to look over the older man’s shoulder, only for a few moments at a time, catching a few glances of your gorgeous smile, your elegant being. It was the only thing keeping him sane.
“I should probably introduce you to some of my colleagues, other investors.” Mr. Peterson mentioned, “Follow me, they’re right over here.” “Oh, there’s no need-” Ransom tried to reason, an attempt to get away the talkative man who was arguably a nobody compared to the various others who had invested more from their pocketbooks than he had in his entire bank account.
“No, I insist.” He waved Ransom on, to which the brunette tightly smiled again, and with great reluctance followed.
He guided his way through the crowds and groups of people talking, their expensive clothes and obnoxious laughs making Ransom more irritable by the second. He could feel his anger rise to a slow boil, his ability to contain himself slimming by the moment. Then he saw it.
He saw you, standing there in that form-shaping dress of an emerald green, with a kind smile on your face. You, too, were talking to these so-called investors. His temperature dropped immediately, an inaudible sigh escaping his lips as his once forced smile turned into a natural one. One by one he was introduced to the various men, dressed in stupidly expensive suits that didn’t even fit, until your name came around, “And Y/N Y/L/N.” Mr. Peterson smiled, “English professor at Cornell, and published author.” You smiled at him, holding out your hand to which he shook.
Oh, how soft your hands were. It was like a cloud, he felt your elegant fingers grasping in his, the various rings on your fingers felt cold against his warmed skin. “I believe we’ve met before, Mr. Drysdale.” You spoke up.
“I believe so, Ms. Y/L/N,” He smiled, “And please, Ransom is just fine.” You nodded in agreement.
The conversation began, investors talking about money and bets, traditional things, finally Ransom’s company came up. “You have a publishing company, correct, Mr. Drysdale?” Your boss, Mr. Hart spoke, to which he nodded.
“Yes, my grandfather’s publishing company, I inherited it.” He took a sip of his drink.
“It’s doing well, I see?” Another asked and he nodded.
“Very well, yes,” He replied.
“And you, too, are an author?” A third asked, the questions becoming annoying to him. He nodded.
“That was how I inherited the company,” He began, “I released my first book and it got some press, sold a few copies, Harlan saw that I could take over his company and gave it to me.” “What is this book called?” Mr. Peterson asked, his clueless mind elsewhere.
“A Wrath for One Another,” You spoke up, his head turning to you and eyes shooting open wide in shock, “It’s a phenomenal piece, truly.”
“Why thank you.” He smiled at you, his mind still in a state of complete shock over your knowledge of his work.
“Well, we may just have to include that in the curriculum,” Mr. Hart smirked, sliding his hand to the small of your back. You knew he was tipsy, he always tried to flirt with you, physically, when he was like this.
“Well,” You spoke up, “If you would have read my plan for the curriculum at the beginning of this last semester, you would have seen I included that very book in the plan.” Most of the men around you nearly choked on their drinks, Ransom chuckling under his breath with a smile at how easily you dominated the man and the entire conversation. “Now, if all of you will excuse me, I must excuse myself with Mr. Drysdale to talk with him further about his works.” You removed yourself from your boss’ grasp with grace, walking over to Ransom and glancing only once before walking past his frame, which was quite a lot larger than yours. He stopped for a moment, getting the memo before following you, yet still unsure about what to do.
The two of you found a nearly silent corner in one of the rooms of this mansion, gold rimmed with old furniture, only a few guests lingering about in quiet conversation. “So,” Ransom was the first to speak up, you leaning against the wall and taking a sip of your whisky, “You’ve read my book, huh?” “Of course I have,” You coyly smiled, “Anyone who is actually within the modern world of literature has.” He sighed very lightly.
“You’re right.” You nodded, a few seconds of silence lingering between the two of you.
“I apologize that I took you out of the conversation, I just had the feeling that you didn’t want to be there either.” “Am I really that easy to read?” He asked you with a slight smile. “Eh,” You smiled back, “A little.”
“Well,” He began, “You are quite the woman-” “If you’re trying to get me in bed my answer is a firm no.” You rolled your eyes knowing too much about the playboy, something he too knew.
“That was not necessarily the plan.” “Necessarily?” You asked, looking at him and squinting your eyes in confusion, “Then what, pray tell, was the plan?”
“Well, it was to ask you out to dinner, get to know you better, go on a few dates and see how things go.” He began.
“Hugh Drysdale taking a woman out on a date?” You scoffed, “Hilarious.” “I mean it.” He fought right back.
“I’m sure that’s what you tell all your girls.” “But I would never do that to a woman.” He began, looking you up and down, “I know you’re smart, smarter than me if we’re both being honest, but I also know you drive me insane whenever I see you at these completely pointless events.” “Oh?” You asked, this time downing your drink, “And how would I know you don’t say that to all your other girls?”
“Because I know you love dogs, you’ve had three of them in your lifetime. I know you love to cook, your favorite thing to make is homemade pasta carbonara, and I know your favorite author is Hemingway, specifically his short stories, something that tells me enough about you to know that you’re a smart minded woman who can think outside of the box but within reasonable perimeters.” He responded all in one breath, leaving you breathless. You stared up at him confused and dazed, like a deer in the headlights.
“How did you know all that?” You asked, turning to him, this time seriously, “Are you stalking me.” “Stalking is a strong word,” He stated, your face turning to more panic which he noticed, “Oh please, no, I’m not stalking you in any way. I just overhear your conversations, wanting to know more about you.” It wasn’t a complete lie. “So eavesdropping?” You reiterated with a sigh.
“If you would like to use that word, then I suppose.” You held the small glass cup loosely within your fingers as you rolled your eyes again.
“Fine.” You sighed out, “One date. That’s it. But, no touching unless I say so. I don’t want to hear you brag about yourself, it gets obnoxious to a point where I get waves of nausea,” He couldn’t help but scoff, “And no talking about work. I’m sick and tired of people thinking it’s my only personality trait.” “Deal.” He agreed with a nod.
“Now,” You sighed, taking his hand very lightly in yours, “Back to old men staring at my boobs.” He lightly chuckled with a smirk.
“You do have nice boobs,” He said, to which you whipped your head around and gave him a grimace, “Respectfully.”
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