#because it is ambiguous enough
lover-of-mine · 2 months
do you think it’s a bad thing that 911onabc deleted that 💋 comment? i’m almost 100% we are gonna get buddie canon this season but that kinda stressed me out?
Honestly, it's a comment. Yesterday they fueled the fire a LOT, there's a chance that the media team just decided that was too much too soon because it does give the impression that they are confirming they are in fact fueling the fire using ryliver and after sitting on it for a while they might've realized it was too much and decided to backtrack. It's more about promotion strategy and fear of crossing a line while confirming something more than anything, in my opinion. Especially because the comment they replied to was "you know what you are doing and I love you for it".
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excali8ur · 2 years
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
i think a lot about how early-series, demigods are referred to pretty equally as "demigods," "half-bloods," and "godlings," - the last used particularly by gods at demigods - but after that "godlings" is almost exclusively used to refer to minor gods.
something something i am literally always chewing on the concept of the line between immortals/demigods/monsters/etc being thinner than it appears
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askblueandviolet · 17 days
I need to see the spider demons please 😭🙏
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canonkiller · 8 months
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do you consider your self made?
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idlesuperstar · 9 months
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Freddie Fox as Edward Bellingham in Lot No. 249 [A Ghost Story for Christmas, d: Mark Gatiss, 2023]
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circuscountdowns · 2 months
Whoa what made lamb so angry?? Narinder what did you do!
😬he revealed some information to them in not the most sensitive way....
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Do you know these Jewish characters?
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raifuujin · 4 months
It's been more than 20 years and for some reason I feel that Gosho hasn't given Kaiao any development, how can more than 20 years pass and Aoko dynamics, relationship and feelings remain the same? At this point I feel like Gosho is just going to make them date because "they already liked each other" they remain in the same status quo
Hey, if we go by DC romance progress, they've been going too fast. We've already had suspicion of identity chapters, and that didn't happen until more than 400 chapters in DC. /j
Since heists have taken over any character development recently, I don't even know if Kaito and Aoko will even get any romantic progress. Maybe the actual identity confrontation will happen down the line, since that's thief drama, but atm, it really wouldn't surprise me if they only ask each other on a real date at the very end of the manga.
Like. I'm sure Gosho would love to make MK a love drama as well, but he writes MK so rarely, and usually as hype for something Kid related in other media. So the MK stories tend to be heavy on drama that can only take place at Kid heists. (To the point that the new chapters just. Use Kid as the plot device to show off a new character. Even Hakuba's never gotten so much 'look at this character being a detective' treatment in MK.)
-sighs- I just feel bad for MK as a series at this point. I like the characters, I like the general story idea, but. It's been going down a very steep hill with Gosho wanting things exciting, but not wanting any real progress in. Anything. But unlike old MK, the new stories aren't even nice standalone setpieces of story, they're... mundane. They could be high stakes, if you purely look at the scenarios on paper, but. We all know nothing's gonna happen to Kid. Nothing even happens to him when the actual bad guys show up, much less one-time antagonists.
We need actual character focus and development, not heist drama. Badly. Not even romance, though that'd be a nice change. Just any character expansion of our limited cast of characters. Gosho wants big, all the time, meaningless big stuff, when small would be so nice.
#And also he probably won't care to expand on KaiAo when he knows it's already canon#Like; not in the same way that ShinRan is canon endgame and he just needed to write it out#But in a 'I said these two were dating in another manga; they will exist even if I haven't written it'#And his story atm does feel like it could be left off with an ambiguous note on if they're together or not#And then just leave them dating in Yaiba for people who care about confirmation#MK is not in a stable enough state; I really don't know what he's planning with anything#And it's been so. -gestures to all the 'meaningless big stuff'- lately#I don't know if it'll ever get any shift in focus in the future#We barely get anything; all we have now is a new character people are divided about#And the tiniest continuity of Aoko thinking to herself that Kid is teasing her by reminding her of Kaito#Like; part of the problem is continuity as well; at least if Gosho wants to stick with DC-ish MK#MK has all the potential for callbacks or returning characters that could be interesting#But none of the potential that fans enjoy is ever /used/#We got all our KaiAo up front. We have suspicion arcs where it's barely mentioned that Kaito's proven his innocence in the past#They could go back to the amusement park and Aoko could mention the movie and Kaito can be sweating#Because he never saw the movie; that's then he peaced out to go heisting#There's so much. Gosho's good at adding potential to his story#But everything he comes up with to make canon ends up disappointing because he never fully uses any of it#He just adds more and more elements that go nowhere#MK is a mess that gets more and more fun to play around in; but the actual chapters are. Bad#Which might be for a reason similar to DC of we wait so long and get something extremely meh#Except instead of the months between DC cases; it's years for MK; and DC fans complain the entire time#So when MK fans are fed crumbs of... anything. It's just not as enjoyable as new content should be#(I got rambly in tags; sorry ;._. )
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atreefullofstars · 2 years
Boy I sure do love unfollowing people for ice-cold takes about transandrophobia. Anyway here’s your periodic reminder that the oppression olympics is a shitty game that benefits only the oppressors, and it takes nothing away from trans women if trans men are allowed to acknowledge the unique form of transphobia they face and create a word for it, but it sure takes something away from trans men if they AREN’T allowed the language to describe their experiences.
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teamsasukes · 1 year
listen i get where people are coming from when they say that nobody should have expected a radical overhaul of the shinobi system considering the series very squarely set up its main theme as not abandoning friends. that certainly was the setup. but i also think it would be inaccurate to say that the story as it evolved affirmed that refusing to abandon one's friends was the be-all and end-all fix for everything. i cannot emphasize this enough: it's not as though the prior generations we saw lacked devotion to their teammates. the problem was that the larger sociopolitical circumstances obstructed their ability to connect in one way or another. even naruto acknowledges at the land of iron that his and sasuke's positions made it impossible for them to reconcile. so for the series to do a 180 and assert that actually friendship was the solution all along (even though there have been no meaningful systemic changes, even though the source of these intergenerational conflicts has not been addressed) rings hollow. it's especially glaring that being violently beaten in a fight makes sasuke desert his quest for justice without any reservation -- therefore no ideological or political separation was bridged, sasuke was just made to forget what motivated him for the entire series' run. naruto and team 7 succeeding where their predecessors failed was not a function of anything they did differently, but mere narrative convenience.
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brittlebutch · 6 days
one thing i have been thinking about is whether the kind of paranoia i deal with would be better classified as “mild delusions” or “severe ocd”
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I uh. Finished the first chapter draft for Ouroboros. Little sneak peaks below the cut I suppose.
“Deep down, you know that something has changed. You can’t quite put your finger on it yet.
That’s what it is. You’re alive.
Death does not always mean an end. It is simply a pit stop on a very long highway. You still have many miles to travel.
It is best if you get back in your car and begin to drive again.
How long can you take it? The way you have a mouth but no voice to speak through.
Can you take it?
You realize you are being rebuilt. It is uncomfortable and itchy knowledge. You feel it in the prickling numbness at the tips of your fingers, the eternal ache in your temples, and most of all, you fear.
Your aches and pains are all fear.
You are no longer human.”
#the ouroboros cycle#oh god. here we go#I like this sequence a lot for a few reasons#it’s just ambiguous enough that there’s some wiggle room for interpretation#lines can be twisted in one way by one person or another by a different one#I like when writing does that quite a bit#definitely gonna be editing this but here’s something out of the rough draft as a treat#since a lot of the plot is set out already in my other post I’m just gonna have to figure out how I want to shape the narrative effectively#kepler is a very layered character to me and he’s even more compelling because we still don’t know anything important about his past#which leaves the community to whip up whatever interpretation makes sense to us on a personal level#we’re given so much to work with for Kepler yet so little at once#we know his surface level traits and flaws already but we don’t know HOW he got to that point#ugh warren kepler#throwing bricks at him#probably should’ve asked this earlier in the tags but would you folk prefer fic updates on here or ao3#or both#oh and before I forget#a lot of the story revolves around some pretty deep mental health struggles for a while#such as a disorder similar to dehumanization (not fully classifying it as such because there are some nuances that stray away from ->#some of the typical aspects of dehumanization disorder)#that’s one of the big ones but there will be others#which I’ll make note of before any content that contains anything of the sort (along with other tags that are featured)#I think that’s all for now#wolf 359#w359#warren kepler#daniel jacobi#isabel lovelace#renee minkowski#kepcobi
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tjerra14 · 1 year
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Joining the hunt
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Gustadolph, Thalas, and Erika Concept Art
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Concept/reference art for Gustadolph, Erika, and Thalas! Translation notes and image id under the cut.
Translation notes:
"Will you kindly keep your illegitmate hands off of me?!" was probably more directly translated like, "You're a bastard, stop existing in my vicinity." But it was a question and also used some polite language, so I changed the wording around a little to suit that.
"Hair tufts, eyes, and lips are all in the same place" was one I felt pretty uncertain about and ended up going a lot off of context. It definitely seemed to be saying something about hair, and was probably saying something about lips and eyes, but there might have been something about eyebrows or something else in there too.
"Wham" was a mimetic word that meant something more like "violent; holding nothing back."
Image ID:
[id: The first two out of the five images are the full Japanese pages of concept art for Gustadolph, Thalas, and Erika. The first page has their official canon portraits. In the third image, which is a translation of the notes on the first, there is an illustrator's note that reads, "Gustadolph is a beautiful yet terrifying man with long, silver hair. Personally, I find that his design puts me at ease since he has more of a restrained royal look instead of the typical stylish villain look. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" and another illustrator's note that reads, "I remember thinking the three Aesfrost siblings were spot on from the first rough draft. Erika has a cat-like quality to her. (Yasuaki Arai)"
The fourth and fifth image are translations of the second page. The top half of the page is titled "Commander of Country B" and has several images of Gustadolph. One has a caption pointing to his ruff collar that says, "bird feathers." Another two notes next to his face read, "He's beautiful but rather cold…" and "He's overflowing with dangerous charisma." The second half of the page has pictures of Thalas and Erika. It's titled "Commander of Country B's Younger Sister and Brother". There is a drawing of Erika having thrown Frederica to the floor. Erika's dialogue reads, "Will you kindly get your illegitimate hands off of me?!" and there is a note next to Frederica that reads, "Liberty gets hit and falls down." In another drawing Thalas is holding a sword, both he and the sword spattered with blood. His dialogue reads, "I suppose even the lowly masses have some red blood in their veins…" There is a note between the two of them that reads, "The character sheet said they were an unlikely duo, but since I had already done 'Consortium Merchants' and 'C1 and C2 House Heads,' I decided to draw them as twins." Another note between mirroring portraits of Thalas and Erika's reads, "Hair tufts, eyes, and lips are all in the same place." There are also some small copies of the word "whisper" between them. There is an illustrator's note at the bottom that reads, "Erika and Thalas's setting and plotline never changed much, and even in the trial version they had a nice, simple bully feel to them that made them easy to design. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" /end id]
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yume-fanfare · 11 months
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many things to unpack here
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