#because everyone knows that I Am the Bad Employee and no one wants to hire me
robinsnest2111 · 3 months
great. nightmares about my fuck up as soon as i close my eyes 👍
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grimrester · 5 months
i am really so sorry to continue harping on about the watcher entertainment streaming service. but this kind of stuff (internet content as a business & marketing it as such) is truly my obsession, and i think i will implode if i don't talk about some of the takes i'm seeing.
i'd like to emphasize again i don't have strong feelings about watcher either way. i like ghost files, i watch mystery files sometimes, i watched worth it back in the buzzfeed days. i don't watch any of their shows religiously.
anyway, here's the main things i keep seeing crop up and my thoughts on each:
"watcher has 25 employees they have to pay, and employing people in this economy is good, so we should be banding together to pay them."
employing people is good if you currently have the capacity to pay them. i checked watcher's linkedin page, and many of their employees were hired within the last year or two. if they hired people they cannot pay with the business model they had before, something is seriously wrong with their internal bookkeeping/decision making. it means they either didn't know they couldn't pay these people long term, or they did know and were content with risking newly hired employees' livelihoods on a huge content pivot in the next year.
of note is that none of their employees' titles have anything to do with managing the finances of the company. they are the size of a small business but have no one aside from the figureheads of the company in charge of their finances.
this is the kind of company decision making that leads to downsizing and layoffs, which can be devastating. but you know what's worse than laying off a portion of your staff? laying off everyone because your business is going under.
"not everyone can afford the subscription, but those who can should pay it to support the watcher team."
no. $6/month for a couple hours of content (depending on what shows you actively watch and the natural fluctuation of their release schedule) is a fundamentally bad value. i can pay that much for a few movies on amazon. i can pay that much for dropout, if i want to support a smaller business instead.
and to be totally frank, even if people do sign up, i don't think they'd get enough to compete with the amount they get through patreon/sponsorships. and the fact that they didn't know how many of their subscribers would realistically sign up is a bad sign.
a pretty good conversion rate of free to paid subscribers of a service or content is 3% (usually accomplished through a free trial). given the very poor reception of the announcement, let's say about 1% of their 3 mil youtube subs pay for their service. that's 30k people paying for their new platform. that's $180k a month in their pocket.
(they currently only have 12k subs on patreon so we are being generous here.)
a sponsorship deal (based on my googling, i have less direct experience with this) is anywhere from $10-50 per 1000 views. they've gotten about 1 mil views on their last few videos. 3 mil subs is nothing to shake a stick at, but let's say they're on the lower end of the payscale at $25 per 1000 views. that's $25k a video, $100k a month if they release 1 video a week. their lowest patreon tier is 5 bucks, so even if all their subs are at that tier, that's another $60k, so $160k total. it's entirely likely they're bringing in much more than that when you factor in merch, adsence, etc.
did anyone on their team crunch numbers on how many people would need to sub to make the switch worth it? did anyone do market research on how many people they could convert to paid users? because if not, if they really didn't have a game plan for this, the subscription service was always doomed to fail.
"this was their only option to continue making the content they want to make, with the production value they want."
i watched their announcement video. a key point in that video is that they have done sponsored videos and that's what used to pay for their content, but they did not like the amount of creative control the sponsor had over the content.
look, i get that's no fun. we'd all love creatives to be able to make whatever they want. but when you are a small business with a team of employees relying on you, you have to think about making money, sometimes at the cost of creative liberties.
and they had so many other options to make money for the projects they want to make without jumping to a subscription platform.
they could have started actually promoting their patreon, and maybe done some restructuring of the tiers. why not a highly produced, special series just for patreon members? or a special high-budget episode of each series, while the main series is lower budget?
bite the bullet and continue taking sponsorship deals on some less-produced shows, while axing sponsorships from the ones the crew feels more passionate about.
schedule larger, blowout-production shows only when they can be afforded. this is what Notorious Amongus Guy streamer jerma does. he saves up for big productions like his baseball or dollhouse streams, so he can really get creative with them.
they had other options and they've tried very little, especially when you compare them to other content house business at similar scales. try guys and good mythical morning both put out significant content with significant staff, and have had to diversify their income streams with auxiliary products, shows with widely varied levels of production, etc. but it seems to be working for them. watcher has merch and that's about it, and seems to only want to increase the production quality of ALL their shows.
really, all this just boils down to a terrible business decision. it's hard to say if the watcher team is working with a consultant or anyone outside of their team, but they certainly don't have anyone internally who is experienced with running a business like this. to me, it seems very much like they got in a room together and did some extremely optimistic income ballparking with no research behind it.
and that might have been fine for three dudes running a channel alone, but if they're a business, they have to start making decisions like one.
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sunderwight · 5 months
SV AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates into a dragon.
It's not so bad, at first. He's an extremely magical sort of dragon so he can easily take on a humanoid shape, and he has dominion over an entire mountain, with a magical gate that leads to his palace. Said palace has a fully stocked treasury, a library, garden, etc, with the only real downsides being that the place is kind of huge and very difficult for a neet with limited housekeeping or landscaping skills to keep up with. The original dragon had enslaved a bunch of fairy spirits to do it for him, but since Shen Yuan has moral objections to that, he'd let them all go and they'd run off before he could even think to offer to hire any of them as paid employees instead. Not that he can blame them for being in a hurry to get gone.
He does his best, and generally enjoys being a dragon lazing on his mountain, or wandering the beauty of his palace and investigating the books and scrolls kept there. He doesn't actually seem to need to eat or drink, so that's not really an issue, and nobody looks keen to bother him. But after a few months the dust starts to really pile up, and trying to figure out how to do his own laundry without modern equipment leads to several disasters, and even though he doesn't need to eat he's starting to think it would be quite nice to have a fancy sit-down dinner and enjoy it for its own sake anyway. He has an enchanted larder but his food prep skills aren't up to much.
So, Shen Yuan ventures away from his mountain. He keeps to his human disguise when he's not traveling, and at first tries to hire on some help from a nearby city. But when he explains that he lives on the mountain, he realizes the difficulty, because everyone in the area knows that only the dragon lives there. So they all think he's either a liar or a fraud, or some servant of a nefarious supernatural creature angling to trick and possibly devour them.
Shen Yuan tries approaching another town in his dragon form, to see if anyone will actually deal with him if he's being upfront and honest about the situation, but the townspeople just panic. He returns to his mountain to rethink his strategies, and in the meanwhile the alarmed locals hire a swordsman to go after him. The guy gives him a few very painful cuts before Shen Yuan mostly-accidentally sends him careening into a boulder. One broken arm later the swordsman is gently persuaded that the pay he was offered isn't worth the effort on this job, and leaves.
Discouraged, Shen Yuan decides he's gonna give this one last try. He picks the second closest city, flies up, and is like yes hello, yes I am indeed a dragon, no I'm not trying to burn down your walls, yes it would be excellent if you stopped shooting arrows at me, look they don't even get past the scales? It's kind of silly? Okay, yes, thank you very much. Good. Now, the thing is, I'm looking for some people. I want to take them back to my mountain with me, to my incredibly nice palace, and -- what was that? A princess? No no I don't want a princess, what would I even do with one? If anything I'm looking for the complete opposite of a princess!
Anyway, the locals take this to mean that the dragon is demanding a sacrifice in the form of a pretty boy of no particular pedigree, and Shen Yuan takes this to mean that he's finally made his case clear and they're going to dig up someone who is willing to overlook his being a dragon in exchange for free room and board and fair wages out of his massive treasury.
SY's a bit disheartened when the entire city could only apparently turn up one such person -- an underfed teenage boy who looks at Shen Yuan like, despite the situation, he is still expecting to be eaten at any moment. Poor thing! But at least having one servant means he can potentially get more, especially if it all goes well. The lad can tell others that working for a dragon isn't so bad! Well, provided that he doesn't give up in alarm at the state of the mountain palace.
For his part, Luo Binghe at first thinks he's definitely going to get eaten, and then that this dragon is weirdly nice about planning to eat him, and then that maybe the dragon has other (even less savory!) plans for him, until finally he sees the state of the dragon's laundry and the foot-thick layer of dust in the corners, and gets completely distracted. Mortal terror forgotten, those floors should not be that filthy, Lord Dragon respectfully that isn't how anyone should prepare rice either, but oh Binghe has never seen a kitchen so nice before in his life...!
Anyway, needless to say, it works out just fine.
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luminiamore · 2 months
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synopsis: in a world where vampires run powerful corporations, satoru gojo is a high-ranking ceo and a highly respected vampire. you, working for his rival corporation, are sent to infiltrate satoru's company and steal valuable secrets. it didn’t take long for him for to catch you, and he’s not gonna let you go so easily.
warnings: vampire satoru x black reader, enemies to lovers kinda? vampires use compulsion, wall sex, office sex, eater toru
“You want me to what?”
You manage to break the demeaning silence in your boss’s dimly lit office with your sharp voice. Your breath was erratic, almost enraged by the words that had just come out of his mouth. The fucking audacity to even ask this of you.
He groans, shaking his head as he buries his hands in them, “Spy on Kisetsu no Bi.”
Oh. So, you weren’t hearing things. He really expects you to do this- spy on the rival company. Isn’t that a crime somewhere? This is illegal, right? I mean, what kind of boss even asks this of their highest-paid employee? No. No way.
“If this wasn’t important, I wouldn’t have asked- especially because I know how much effort you put in-”
You scoff, “So, this is the thanks I get? A crazy request to do something illegal? I’m not a fucking-”
“This isn’t a request, ( ♥︎ ). It’s either you do it, or you’re out of a job; that’s final.” His voice gets lower in pitch, and you don’t even flinch when he slams his hands on the table, baring his fangs at you in a chilling hiss.
You stay in your spot by the door and allow the silence to simmer. He should know better than to raise his voice at you, even if he were your boss. His heavy breathing was all that could be heard. When he saw the furious expression on your face, he quickly sat back in his chair. Realizing this was not the right approach, he attempted to find another angle.
He clears his throat, “My bad, that was rude. I deeply respect you ( ♥︎ ), and you’re among the few people I trust. That’s why I’m asking for your help with this, for this company.”
You still don’t say a word, but at least a thousand thoughts are circling in your pretty head. Even so, you move slowly towards the chair in front of his table and sit down, crossing one of your brown legs over the other. You adjust your white blouse, covering the accidental peak of your black bra. A slight shift of your head lets him know that you are listening.
He grumbles, eyes trying to stay focused on your face and not your plump body, “You know our rival company is owned by a man named Satoru Gojo. We have always been second to that arrogant bastard, but if we—”
“By which you mean me.”
You watch Toji roll his eyes, “If you could find something, anything that could ruin him, it’ll finally put us on top.”
It sounds reasonable- to a large extent, but could you even get away with this? What if you get caught? What if the media covers this? Could it ruin you?. It’ll plummet this company to the ground. Though Toji may be second right now, he’s still highly respected, even overseas. Almost on the level Satoru is.
“Why don’t you hire a professional? Someone who actually knows how to do this might work better in your favor.” You mutter out.
At this point, you’ll create any excuse to get out of this.
“Everyone knows who I am, you can’t trust anyone to not spread it to the media- no matter how much you pay them.”
“Won’t he know who I am? I mean, I’ve worked here for like 4 years.”
A tired smile graces his face, “You work from home, sweetheart. You only come in once every month, 3 weeks if I’m lucky.”
“What if I get caught? Respectfully, this is insane, Mr. Fushiguro.” Your face twists into an exasperated expression. You didn’t sign up to be no damn spy.
A loud groan breaks you out of your thoughts, “Christ, I’ll triple your pay. Whether you get the job done or fail, you’ll be compensated for it.” There it is. Suddenly, doing this job didn’t sound too horrible. You try to fight the smile on glossed lips, but your boss can see right through you.
“Yeah? I should’ve started with that.” He chuckles.
This time, you roll your eyes, “Whatever. Quadruple it for raising your grown man voice at me.”
“Sure. You’re obviously going under a different name. I have your documents right here, and they contain everything you’ll need.” You watch him pull out a thick folder from under his desk.
When he hands it to you, you’re more than surprised at how much he put into this. There’s a fat document that explains your entire new persona. …Kami Smith? Really? There’s a fake Id, he even went got you a fucking passport. How long did he plan to drag this out? “Maybe change your hair a little bit, you never know if someone might recognize you anyway.”
“I change my hair every week, Mr. Fushiguro. How am I even gonna get a job there?”
He hums, pretending to ponder over your question, “You’re a pretty girl. Don’t get pissed, but apart from how smart you are, it’s the reason you got a job here.”
You narrow your eyes, and he winces, noticing immediately, “I said not to get pissed.”
“Is that all, boss?” You rise from your seat, ignoring his words. With another roll of your eyes, the yellow folder is clutched tightly in your left hand.
Though you want to pretend you’re thinking this over, you know you have no choice but to go through with this. At least you’ll be getting paid, and you don’t have much of a social life to worry about being on the media anyway. You just really hope you don’t go to court over this.
“That’s all, ( ♥︎ ). Be careful, yeah?” Toji jerks his head over to you, though subtle, genuine concern covering his features. It makes you smile, feel giddy even. Sue you for thinking your boss is hot.
You give him a pretty smile and a nod. Toji listens as your kitten heels clack on his tile floors, his eyes never once leaving your frame in that tight pencil skirt. He hates to see you go, but he loves to watch you leave.
He snaps his head up when your voice calls out once more, “Have a good night, Mr. Fushiguro.”
And with the soft click of his door, he’s alone in his office again. He huffs out a breath, spewing curses under his breath, when he accidentally nicks his lower lip on his sharp fang. “Damn.”
It turns out your boss was right. You are a pretty girl. Therefore, it didn’t take long for you to get an interview at his rival company, 2 days to be exact. You were rather impressionable, too, so much so that Satoru wanted to interview you himself.
Nervous was an understatement. Could you really pull this off? You never had a liking for Satoru. He was arrogant, self-centered, and a womanizer if the headlines weren��t so obsessed with him. You never met him, but you’ve seen enough online interviews for you to absolutely hate his personality.
His best friend and partner company is more tolerable, though. Even though he looks aloof and nonchalant, you could tell he’s just as arrogant - maybe even more than his white-haired companion. You pretended not to notice his piercing gaze the entire time you walked past him to the elevator, the one leading straight to the top of the skyscraper.
Your outfit was nothing short of professional— a tight dark grey skirt encompassing your wide hips and your burgundy Hermes Porosus bag hanging on the shoulder of your cream silk blouse. Your rouge heels clack on the tile floor with each step you take to the large white office, which the receptionist told you was at the end of the hall.
You lift your soft hands into a fist, and right before you’re about to knock, the door swings open. And lo and behold, there he is.
Satoru Gojo, in all his glory.
The top two buttons of his dress shirt are loose, and you have to fight for your eyes not to waver down to sneak a glance at his porcelain chest. He was attractive, you’re not stupid enough to try and deny that. His eyes had a pretty crystalline glow. They were penetrating- you felt like he knew everything about you with just one look. His hair was frosty, and it looked so... soft.
It was quick, a heated vision of your fingers running through them, tugging and—
“Enjoying the view, angel?”
You blink quickly, snapping your eyes away from his face when you cause a smirking dancing across his lips. Great, he caught you staring. “No. I’m here for our interview, for the job?”
His grin widens, and with a snicker, you hear, “You sure? Could’ve sworn you were drooling a bit there.”
“I was not.” You snap.
Satoru hums, obviously unconvinced, “You’re Kami, hm?”
Your loose curls shake as you nod. It was impossible not to notice- or overanalyze- the way he spoke. Almost like he was doubtful or suspicious of you even. Maybe you’re just overthinking it. There’s no way he already suspects you. Part of you thinks you’re also nodding to convince yourself of your inner turmoil.
He opens the door a little to let you in. An electric surge flows through your body when your arms graze his shoulder because he simply won’t budge until you completely come inside. He leads you to a soft couch with a swift grasp of your hand. As his fingers rub back and forth on your muscles, you can’t help but wonder if he does this to every new potential hire.
The room suddenly feels hot, and you find yourself slightly grateful when he breaks the silence as he’s rounding his own chair, “Where ya from, angel?”
You ignore the tingling in your stomach at the nickname “New York.”
Your answer is immediate. You and your best friend spent an entire day going over the document until you memorized everything. You covered all grounds. You're sure you can answer any question he throws at you about your background.
Another low hum as you watch him click away on his computer, “So, why are you looking for a job in Tokyo?”
“I decided to take my business degree oversees, I needed a new change of scenery.”
If you were pressed on the actual reason for your visit to Japan years ago, you would not be capable of giving an answer. Your memory has a gap between before and after you came. All you really remember is waking up in a Japanese penthouse with at least a million yen in your bank account.
Satoru abruptly stops his typing and leans back in his chair, his attention now and utterly focused on you. “You know, getting an interview here is not easy.”
Internally, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “Yes, Mr. Gojo. Which is why I’m very grateful for this opportunity.”
The silence following your sentence is so loud you could hear a pin drop. It makes you shift your position on the couch, and Satoru doesn’t grant you the mercy of not noticing. His low eyes actually don’t leave your frame once. They move from your thighs to your lips, to the fat of your supple breasts, and finally to your neck. It goes straight to your core, and you can’t stand it.
You clear your throat, “I can explain my-”
“You’re hired.”
You blink, once. Twice.
“I-uh- what?” A sputter in your words makes him stifle a chuckle at your perplexed state. You’re too cute.
With a shrug of his shoulders, he repeats, “The position you wanted? It’s yours, angel.”
There’s that pet name again. “Just like that? You haven’t even asked me five questions.”
Was it that simple? His tone and quickness make you question whether there are cameras in this place. Too many red flags go off in your head, but you don’t seem to notice that brewing gut feeling in your stomach.
Satoru nodded, his smile almost blinding with how wide it was, “Don’t need to. You’re gonna be working in the office next to mine.”
This is convenient. It’s way too convenient.
“Next to yours?” You whisper as if trying to make sense of this, and the tall man in front of you finds heavy amusement in your reactions.
“Next to mine, angel. That won’t be a problem, yes?”
He’s toying with you. He has to be. A fake smile graces your face, “Of course not. When do I start, Mr. Gojo?”
Satoru had no idea how much he had missed you until he saw you again. Changing your hair, growing into your body, or getting a few more piercings were irrelevant to him. He would always recognize you. How is it that you’re even more beautiful? Even more delectable. He hates himself for leaving you and protecting you in the worst way possible. You don’t even remember him— how could you? He compelled you to forget him.
He doesn’t know where you’ve been, who you’ve been seeing, or what you’ve been doing. But he saw you, overseeing the admissions director when they pulled up your application. He couldn’t help but think, is this fate?
“Today. Let me give you a tour, angel.” Satoru isn’t letting you go a second time. He lost you once, and he’d be a fool to do it again after this opportunity presented itself to him. How I missed you, my love.
Two weeks. That’s how long it took you to actually start your task in the first place. That’s because the owner of this company won’t leave you alone for a damn minute. Everywhere you go, he’s right behind you. Every time you try and get a minute to yourself, he’s there— pestering you.
The workplace was crowded, but one of the perks of being next to Satoru’s office was being away from the crowd. You tried observing when he leaves for lunch, but whenever he does, he demands that you take your lunch with him. He’s a busy man; you anticipate that he takes as many meetings as Toji does in a day, maybe even more. But for each one, you were requested to accompany him.
At this point, you’re starting to think he’s obsessed with you.
Today, you have a chance. Satoru hasn’t been in the office since this morning, and amid the daily gossip, you caught word that he won’t be in the office all day. This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for; you just have to wait until everyone leaves by five.
4:55 P.M.
Your door creaks slightly after two soft knocks, “Hey, Kami! I’m leaving for tonight. Since you’re the only person in the office, you mind locking up?”
Shoko was always a kind person. She was one of the few people you spoke to every day when Satoru wasn’t corning you. You stop typing and glance at the gorgeous girl with a grin, “Not at all, you can just leave the keys on the door. Night, Shoko!”
The final ding of the elevator is what you wait for to get up from your seat. Even though you’re the only person here, you still try to make your movements as quiet as possible. You don’t question why Satoru doesn’t have a security code or why it’s open at all, but you are thankful for it.
His office is more.. organized than the last time you were in here. There are storage cabinets stacked on both the wall and his desk, as well as a bookshelf. You’re fast at getting to work. Starting near his wall, you open the first cabinet and shuffle through each folder. Blood supply contracts... NDAs.. employee files.. property deeds.
Nothing of importance is there, so your heels lightly clack on the way to his wooden desk. When you open it, the first thing you notice is a folder called The Red Files. Here it is, exactly what you were searching for. This file is stuffed with everything that could put him out of business permanently— money laundering, the files of all the individuals who were bribed and corrupted by this company, and even embezzlement.
You can hear a buzzing going off on your phone, and you’re confused when you read that it’s Toji calling you. He could have been phoning to check on your progress, but regardless, you decline and continue reading. The more you scan, the more you find illegal activities on top of illegal activities.
What the fuck kind of company is this—
“Find anything interesting in there, angel?”
You gasp, shoving the papers into his desk shelf instinctively as you stand up from your position on the floor. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You’re so fucked.
You try to stammer out a response, but it’s honestly embarrassing how you’re tripping over your words, “M-Mr. Gojo? I— what?”
His slim body rests on his open door, his gaze unwavering at your slightly quivering frame. He’s wearing a white dress shirt again, but when you look a little closer, you notice that more buttons are popped open. His skin is so smooth, it’s easy to tell where his abs start. Why did he have to be so fine?
He doesn’t seem upset if you’re going by the smile on his smooth face. He seems amused, rather. His voice is slow when he speaks to you, taunting sensual even, “Well? Did you, ( ♥︎ )?”
Your eyes widen slightly, and you’re certain that your breath has been taken away. Well, now you’re double fucked. You didn’t hear him, how did he even get here? Then you roll your eyes again at your ignorance. Vampire. Right.
“..I don’t know who that is, Mr. Gojo. My name is Kami.” Your voice is tense, awkward because… what could you even say? You’ll deny this as much as you can before you inevitably give in.
Satoru rolls his eyes, “Wrong. Your name is ( ♥︎ ) ( ♥︎ ), and you work for that idiot, Fushiguro.”
Now you’re sputtering as you respond, “That’s not-”
“You woke up in Japan a few years ago, too, didn’t you? No clue how it happened, but you had a pretty hefty amount in that bank account of yours.”
Silence. You believe you’re too stunned to speak. How does he know that? He could see the expression on your face, and it made him laugh at your expense. Satoru began walking towards you, and with every step he took forward, you took a step backward. Right up until your back hit the wall, and you had nowhere to go.
His proximity resulted in the scent of his cologne hitting your nose. He appeared more.. bigger in front of you, and you’re almost facing his almost bare chest. Those piercing eyes stare down at you intensely, with so much passion. You’re internally cursing yourself for how you seem to only have these reactions when he’s near you.
You breathe, “I- I have to leave.”
He ignores you and instead presses closer to you. As he leans down, his hair brushes against your cheek, and you hear him breathe deeply. The hotness of his breath when he breathes out is a pleasant sensation for you.
He has to remind himself that you don’t remember him, but he sounds so broken when he says, “You spying on me? Really, angel?”
Your thoughts are confusing, and with how many of them there are, it’s making your head hurt. Why is he saying it like that? Like he knows you? Like you really hurt him. This is your first time seeing this man, but he’s acting like he’s in love with you.
“Mr. Gojo-”
His fang grazes your neck, descending right down to your collarbone, “Satoru. Call me Satoru, angel.”
You’re gasping when his fingers grip your top, pulling and popping one button off. Why aren’t you stopping him? Why are you letting this happen? Your breath is shaky when you speak, “Will I get in trouble for this?”
“In trouble? You’re asking if I’ll take this to the media? Course not, Angel.”
Satoru quickly savored your blood flowing onto his tongue after a small peck to your throat and another one on your chest. You taste so fucking sweet, just like you did the first time.
He continues, “But I won’t let you off so easy. Let’s teach you a lesson, hm?”
Your back is arching in an uncomfortable position on your boss’s desk while your chest heaves from the sheer pleasure running through your entire body. On his knees, the white-haired man holds your thighs in a tight grip while his tongue slides up and down your gushing mound. You’re not sure what lesson you thought Satoru had in mind for you, but it definitely wasn’t this.
The same hair you’ve been fantasizing about running your fingers through is shaking from in between your trembling legs. There aren’t any coherent thoughts in your brain besides ‘Satoru’ or ‘more.’ You can’t hold back your sounds even if you try, and Satoru finds that he wants to hear more of your tunes.
He slurps, his long tongue easily slipping inside you and devouring everything you have to offer. “God, you still taste so good.”
You’re babbling when you respond, you don’t even register his words, “Oh! Yesss- Right there, Toru.”
You’re bucking your hips into his awaiting mouth, it’s so messy and wet. Each time you spasm and try to run away from his onslaught, it just makes him go harder- go faster. His tongue slipped out of you, but the pressure never went away because he quickly slid in two long, slender fingers and began pumping.
You choked, tears brimming in your eyes as he easily nudged your g-spot, “Always so messy, f’me.”
Always? A pitiful sob is the response you give to a sharp pressure on the side of your inner thigh, just where your fat lips meet. You tighten your grip on him when his tongue wraps around your twitching clit. As you’re huffing, tears begin to fall, and burning pressure builds in your core.
The way your hips are grinding against his hand and your arousal is making obscene noises in the quiet of the office are uncontrollable. He curls them, arching them at an angle to penetrate the deepest parts of you. And damn him for knowing how to eat it like this.
There’s a pulsing shock flowing through you with every squelching pump. Your body was filled with euphoria, and Satoru’s eyes were tightly closed, immersing himself in your essence- it was giving you sensory overload. The only thing keeping you grounded in reality at this moment is your harsh grip on his hair.
Satoru needed only three more strokes of his fingers to have your sweet cream covering him. You’re even messier when you cum, even louder, too- he always loved that about you.
“Such a pretty girl. You want more, angel? Want Toru to give you more?” He abruptly withdraws and slaps your dripping lips violently, causing you to scream and cry in his grasp. Instead of giving you an answer, Satoru presses his lips on yours in a furious manner, sucking up the air you breathe and eating every sigh that passes through your lips.
Your soft ass makes it easy for the desperate man to lift you up from the wooden desk with both hands. Your skirt is long gone, and your blouse is completely torn apart when you are pressed tightly against the wall.
Satoru grips your chin and puts your attention on him, “Look at me, angel.”
And with hazy eyes, you do. You experience a plethora of memories as your mind spins. Memories of you and Satoru on a silk bed, on a private plane. Memories of him lying on you and memories of his cock filling you up over and over again start coming back to haunt you when he utters the word ‘Remember.’
You blink rapidly, your mouth opening into a wanton moan when you feel Satoru’s thick tip slide past your entrance. Jesus, huge doesn’t even begin to describe him. Your hands are immediately pressing against his stomach, trying to push him back because it was entirely too much. He grips them both with one hand and effortlessly presses them above your head.
You’re almost distracted by the fact that you’re face-to-face with Satoru. Your Satoru. Your words are a mix of a dragged-out moan and a curious tone, “Toru?”
He is quick when he answers you, almost reassuring you that he’s here. With you, “Yeah, angel. S’me.”
His next words come out in a pained groan, “Come on, take some more f’me. You remember how to, right?”
You’re nodding before he can even finish his sentence, your trembling arms holding on for dear life around his neck as he presses his face into your chest. He’s pushing deeper inside you, and you find it hard to remember how to breathe when he slaps his hips against yours in one go. You’re wailing, breath heaving when you feel your arousal dripping down your thighs.
You’re so full, filled to the brim with 8 inches of fat dick. Satoru was a fucking problem; he doesn’t wait for you to tell him to move— pulls his cock at a slow, agonizing pace before he slaps against you once more. Your pretty pussy is on fire, and you swear you can feel him in your throat.
Satoru is stabbing your womb with each thrust, and he is so proud of you when you start pushing your pussy out. Yeah, you remember how to take him.
He’s panting against your mouth when you tremble out, “Missed you- missed you s’much, Toru.”
He groans, pressing his lips against you for another quick, sloppy kiss, “Oh, I missed you so much more, angel.”
The man above you was quick and precise with his movements. He was punching that spongy spot in you so good if you looked down, you’d be sure to see the creamy paste that started forming at the base of his cock. He just wouldn’t stop talking, “You take it so well, fuck. I’m in your stomach, baby. You feel me?”
His unoccupied hand moves down to your tummy, right where he was poking with every harsh thrust he fed you, “Feel me right there?”
Your eyes roll in the back of your head when Satoru kisses the ankle dangling by his head, and you try to gargle out an answer, “I-I feel you! So deep- so good.”
There was an itch inside you that only Satoru could ever scratch. He always treated your pussy so well, and you’re so far gone on the feel of him every time he slammed into you. Your boobs bounce with every forceful stroke, and when Satoru looks down at you, the only thoughts running through his brain are how good you look.
He can tell you’re close. Your screams are getting breathy, and your body is shaking more frantically under him. There’s no better feeling than this, he finds. No better feeling than your perfect cunt wrapped tightly around him as he fucks all coherence out of you. You didn’t look away from his eyes, from his face— he just looked so pretty when he was flushed and rutting into you like his life depended on it.
He breathes, his fangs poking right near your throat, “Looks like you’re gonna make a mess, angel. Gonna squirt all over me?”
“Y-Yess. Yes. M’gonna cum so-”
A groan in your ear makes you clench down harder on him, “Tell me you love it. Tell me you love how good I make you feel.”
You feel unapologetic when you desperately scream out, “Love it! L-Love the way you fuck me, I love you!”
“I love you, angel. Be a good girl and make a mess for Toru, yeah?”
You are being fucked out of your own soul as he goes even deeper than you imagined. When he bites harshly into your neck, your legs shake, and you can only gush all over him. He holds you like you weigh nothing as he holds the same pace, letting you ride out your entire orgasm.
Fuck, there's so much that it’s leaking on the floor, and that’s what does it for him. That’s all he needed for his balls to churn and for his breath to stutter as he dumps his thick cum inside your perfect haven. Your mind is so gone you don’t hear Satoru’s mindless whispers of how perfect you are.
You watch him as much as you can, as much as your orgasm allows you. You watch his perfect reaction, his brows furrowing, and the words getting stuck in his throat every time he twitches inside you from overstimulation.
Had it not been for the way he carried you and sat down in his chair, you would have assumed it was finished, but he ignored the juices leaking from you every time he moved. He’s still hard, painfully so— you didn’t have time to be worn out before he started slowly bouncing you on his erection again. Everything was messy, your fluids mixing and dripping beneath you two, and the blood from your neck dripping slightly onto your chest. You cried out on his shoulder.
You were aware that there would be a lot to discuss within the next few hours. How Satoru compelled you and forced you to forget him, and how you still legally worked for Toji. You had no idea what you would even say to him, but with each steady bounce on Satoru’s heavy cock, you just don’t find yourself caring at all.
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check out my store :D
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roseygurl · 7 months
jobs i think the marauders & friends would have
james potter
- works at a sporting goods store
- he’s very knowledgeable and great at his job
- will definitely persuade you into buying something you don’t want or need
- “sir these nike airs will make you jump so incredibly high”
- always chewing gum and always getting yelled at for it by his boss
- hates working register, you’ll find him in the shoes section reading a magazine
- made the store playlist, he’s always on aux
- all his coworkers are really old but he still manages to get along really well with them
- has definitely grabbed a beer with the 50 year old cashier
sirius black
- movie theatre employee
- he hates his job so much. so much
- but he loves saying he works at a movie theatre because it sounds cool
- applied because he loves films and the smell of theatre popcorn
- works at the concession stand and steals extra large slushees (his go-to flavors are cherry and coke)
- he’s really bad at customer service but he’s naturally charming so it’s okay
- always has one airpod in
- coworkers love him because remus brings him food on his break that he shares with everyone
- never ever wears the hat that comes with his uniform because it’s ugly and makes his hair look bad
- definitely cries in the bathroom
remus lupin
- waiter at a nice restaurant downtown
- he’s actually quite rude but his dry humor and nice cheekbones charms people for some reason
- (gets horrible tips)
- has to wear a fully black outfit with a silly black bow tie, sirius thinks he looks handsome
- really good at bussing tables and rolling silverware
- steals fries from the kitchen
- sometimes they ask him to bartend and he really enjoys that
- the hostess girl adores him (sirius despises her)
- smokes near the dumpster on his break and then sits on the floor in the walk-in for a few minutes
- “can i speak to the manager?!”
- “ma’am i am the manager” (he’s lying)
peter pettigrew
- works at a gas station
- constantly forgets to check for ID
- free vape pods for his friends!!!!!!
- actually likes stocking shelves because he doesn’t have to talk to anyone
- always scared the store is gonna get robbed at gunpoint
- sees people steal but never says anything about it
- he literally never sees his boss around, where is that man???
- usually closing shift, he hates it
- reads comic books up front all the time, sometimes he’ll have really long conversations with customers about x-men
regulus black
- works drive-thru at a burger joint
- customer service is on point but after 8pm he turns into the biggest bitch on the face of the earth
- he just wants to go home
- sirius and james always drive by to troll him and order shakes
- sirius is really good at doing the karen voice and has actually fooled him almost every single time
- big brother behavior
- his uniform is rancid and smells like burger grease
- always having one sided competitions with other coworkers that nobody is in on except for him
- he loves oreo milkshakes
- ends up having to train the new hires but he’s so terrible at it
- “idk i think this is how you do it but im not sure”
- bad at counting change on the spot, he’ll start tearing up if you give him coins
lily evans
- second-hand bookstore employee
- started out as a volunteer but they actually ended up hiring her
- she doesn’t get enough hours
- works next to a coffee shop so she always grabs a cappuccino for james after her morning shifts
- gets to wear cute outfits but has to wear an ugly gray apron
- decorates it with pins
- remus always comes to visit her and they bitch about rude customers together
- he ends up helping her move heavy boxes
- her boss is this sweet weird hippie woman who somehow knows everyone personally
- the dusty books give her terrible allergies
- that girl is always sneezing and sniffling
- will talk your ear off about jane austen
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tuliptiger · 5 months
Hello again! House/life update.
I am in a much better place mentally but really rather the same financially. I am currently laid off for a month seasonally since I'm still not a permanent employee. I have something in the works I'm hoping plays out so that I have a permanent position and worst case scenario I go back to work May 6th as a temp for 6 more months. I have side jobs and unemployment lined up in the mean time.
Anyway though! On to the house. Disappointing news but honest news in terms of the first contractor we hired. We still haven't gotten money back from him.
Recap: my mom and I fired him because he lied to us, charged tools on our account we up front said not to do, built a shoddy excuse of a foundation and frame for my house that we eventually had to pay our current contractor to demolish because it was so bad. It was for all definitions a different house the original contractor built. He used the wrong framing type for the blueprint and didn't even use framing nails to the city code. He wasn't even on site for 90% of the build and seemingly subcontracted it out which we didn't know.
In addition my mom is...not the best person to work with and makes a lot of mistakes. She's not a critical thinker on a lot of things. I made the mistake of asking her to help me buy land and build a house in the pursuit of escaping my generational poverty. I made the second mistake of asking her to take on individual responsibilities and not step in when the red flags started coming up.
I left her in charge of getting the money back from the OG contractor since she had all contact with him and she was originally the one who found him. That went as well as anyone could guess and she's, in summary, procrastinated doing any proper paperwork for attorneys or the contract board. I keep pushing her and she always says she'll get to it this day or that day or hits a dead end and then it goes nowhere.
This would not be a big issue but we're talking more than $20,000 he did in damages and $1,000 he directly stole from us like straight up $1,000 we handed him to do work he never did. The donations everyone has been sending in slowly are very much appreciated and remind me to keep fighting for this.
At this point I just want to get the house done so I can be done with the contractors and done with my mother. I don't want to be in this situation anymore and it's been dragged out for 3 years now. I've added pictures of where the house is at now and most of it having been done in January and February.
As the electric was finished and passed inspection I'm waiting in the HVAC and plumbing as the last things professionals must do before I can finish the house. I've started putting in flooring and the wood stove was just delivered so things are still moving.
The donations haven't covered anything large from the build but it has covered smaller things (I've used it for nails, locks for the doors, etc.) and given me strength to continue. Motivation from strangers, acquaintances and friends to not just walk away and to keep my head in the right space. I've emotionally and mentally been in a better place since I initially made the gofundme which has helped.
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Anyway I've been meaning to make this for awhile and I'm sorry for the delay. I've been working my full time job before I was laid off, my side gigs, working on the house, still living out of my car and trying to work with my mother. I appreciate everyone who's been invested in this, shared it and donated. More updates will come in the future and thank you all again.
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Heya guys!
Sadly, no post tomorrow.
I will have the pleasure (no) of spending the day with France Travail tomorrow, which is basically the structure helping me find a job, except they're extremely bad at doing that, and it takes all of my energy when I have to argue with them.
I'm trying to get them to pay for a training course to work in administration as there are some skills I don't have, and basically because apparently thinking about it for two months is not enough, I have to go to a useless working group for 3 months for them to actually think if either they want to pay for the training course or no x-x Which means I'm going to do their stupid 3 months of training on random things that I don't need and already know, and without even being sure I actually will be able to do my training course in the end because they're complaining when we do nothing, but they're also complaining when they need to give us money to do things.
Welcome to France.
I graduated from college two years ago but I can't do anything with my graduation :D Because I don't have enough xp to work on what I want to do... But also no one wants to hire me so how the hell am I supposed to make xp. Magically? And added to that, ironically, I have also too much xp for casual jobs because I studied too many years so no one wants to hire me \o/
I heard every excuse so far: that I don't have a car (for a job I can go to by WALKING 10 MINUTES), that my CV is too good for them (????), that I should go to Paris but when I go to Paris they tell me I should look in small cities, that my skills are too precise, that the other employees would be jealous of me for some reason. And I don't even talk about the even more bullshit ones refusing me because "we only want normal people", referencing my ADHD, or because I said something feminist on Twitter lmao and apparently they're misogynistic, I don't know??? So yeah, it's big fun.
Added to that, I'm a bit of a mess morally right now because my insomnia got even worse, and I'm seeing a psychiatrist on Monday to talk about a possible autism diagnosis, which is stressing me out because I already have ADHD and I'm not sure how the hell I'm going to do with both x-x I know a lot of people think ADHD is cool for the creativity boost it gives, but there's also a hell lot of bad sides with it, starting by the impossibility to do basic tasks without preparing several hours ahead, the constant tiredness, the thoughts that never ever shut up, the frustrating paralysis when you can't do anything because you have an appointment later in the day, the lack of organization, ... I'm struggling enough with this and my social anxiety, I don't know what to do if my buddy autism shows up on my door. The brain's full already ;w; But we'll manage :')
Sorry for the loooong rant, I needed to evacuate a bit.
Anyway, have a lovely night everyone, I'll see you on Friday <3
And not everything is bad. My sister's dog is coming on Sunday for two weeks and I missed having a doggo at home so so much, so I'm so happy!
See you on Friday <3
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By: Adam B. Coleman
Published: May 24, 2024
Am I not good enough to compete? Am I being hired because I'm Black and fulfill some quota, or do I stand out from the crowd because of my competency?
These are the questions Black people like me are forced to consider in this new corporate environment that overtly wants to elevate people based on the complexion of their skin.
It's a policy philosophy that creates doubt not only within the minds of the minorities who are trying to navigate successfully in corporate America, but their colleagues as well who aren't sure if the person standing beside them is there for the same reasons as them.
I understand the motivation for wanting to help people that some feel are disadvantaged by ensuring a fairer environment for everyone, no matter their ethnicity, sex, or sexuality. But the problem with DEI is that in practice, it is inconsistent with the message that discrimination is bad because it engages in discriminating against some to elevate others. And in so doing, they aren't setting an equal playing field for all but skewing the field to create an ideologically satisfying outcome. And no one likes it when there are favorites in a competitive market, including the people who didn't ask to be anointed.
As a Black man who has worked in the IT field for well over a decade, I never once questioned why I was being hired for a position prior to the popularization of DEI. There was a solid chemistry in the room during the interviews that resulted in job offers. But after the death of George Floyd, I routinely began to wonder if the job I was hired for was given to me out of some kind of racial motivation instead of thanks to my capabilities as a professional. And for a moment, I questioned if the other Black men in my work environment were also beneficiaries of a diversity agenda.
Yes—I, a Black man, fell into that trap progressives like to pretend is racism and wondered if my Black coworkers were diversity hires. And I am not the only one.
Over time, of course, I realized that like me, the other Black men I work with are highly capable, intelligent, and competent, and it would be unfair for me to presume any of us didn't deserve to be standing where we were. But this is one of the many fundamental problems with DEI: It creates paranoia even among the people who theoretically benefit the most from it.
I know that DEI is not about equality because equal hiring practices and treatment in the workplace are already part of the law, and there would be ramifications for violating them. As a matter of fact, DEI praxis actually violates the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) regulations, which stipulate that "your employer cannot make job decisions because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) national origin, disability, or genetic information."
DEI does not act as a repetitive entity that competes with Human Resources in many corporations; it instead supersedes Human Resources' employer-to-employee relationship with a stronger ideological position and purpose dedicated to manipulating outcomes and interactions.
I am a self-respecting Black American man, and I would never want to be treated differently because of something I didn't earn, like having more melanin in my skin than someone else. To me, DEI in corporate America was implemented in the hopes of limiting liability against claims of discrimination, to massage the egos of faux-guilt-riddled white Leftist savior types in leadership, and to give the perception that ruthless capitalists can also be socially conscious.
It was created for everyone but the people it directly impacts and now we are unfairly blamed as a group when there are white people being discriminated against for opportunities and advancement.
I don't need artificial opportunities: I just want equal treatment.
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theemporium · 9 months
hi cece, how are you??🩵 i hope you’re doing well and getting enough sleep!!☀️
i’m coming in with a maxiel au that i can’t stop thinking about🙈 okay so the reader and max are this rich power couple, max is a ceo of some company and gives off very confident vibes when it comes to professional stuff but then he’s a bit uncertain when it comes to his sexuality because he feels that something is lacking in the bed for him… that being a dick to be precise, so he and the reader decide to hire a male escort to spice things up and see if max will be satisfied that way. that escort is none other than daniel, who is annoyed at first because he thinks max is just another rich guy who hides his homosexuality and cheats on his wife and will treat daniel like shit. but max is nothing like that, he’s very shy and new to this and daniel is instantly smitten by those innocent blue eyes. you (the reader) are just watching at first, being close to max for reassurance and letting him discover this new dynamic on his own so he’s not overwhelmed. and daniel, who is used to being sub for older men, sees that max needs guidance and switches to his true nature of a soft dom. he explains everything to max, constantly asking for consent and if everything feels good and is just very gentle with max who is on cloud nine. later on, the reader joins in and these meetings become more frequent while everyone begins to catch feelings, max and the reader for daniel and vice versa. just for entertainment, i think there needs to be some angst, for example that both the sides think that a relationship between all three of them is something forbidden because they were paying daniel to have sex with them and so on, but eventually, they confess their feelings to one another and daniel quits his job and becomes a trophy husband for max.
sorry that this is super long, i just needed to get this out of my head and i share it with someone because this idea makes me dizzy😵‍💫
CHRISTINE MY BELOVED!! hello, hello🫶🏽I am good (probably not getting enough sleep but good!!) how are you???
because there’s also this added level of angst where daniel feels himself falling and knows he has feelings for you both, but he knows this place and he’s just being paid for a job. and he thinks yous view him just as that—an employee
whereas, you and max deal with this angst that you don’t think daniel would want yous like that. yous think that he only keeps entertaining the dynamic for as long as you pay him before he moves on to the next job, and it hurts when yous two are blindly falling for him
BUT ALSO THE DYNAMIC? like it starts of with daniel dominating and guiding max because he needs that extra reassurance. but then it moves onto you too. and maybe there was never really any fitted roles or dynamics between you and max, so this is new to you too but daniel is so sweet and doting
AND THEN THE ADDED DRAMA AFTER??? people mocking daniel’s profession or trying to use it against max to undermine him??? daniel would feel so bad but max doesn’t give a shit😭he would chew those guys out and spit them off to the side before he lets them insult the loves of his life
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heybabybird · 7 months
i absolutely can not post this anywhere else because my brother follows me on twt and ig but the ao3 writer curse finally descended on me but i just needed to tell somebody before i start going crazy lmao
if you are reading this there's 5 points you should be aware off:
the men in this family and extended family doesn't do shit
mother is single handedly raising 2.5 household
i can't move out i have been assigned the pseudo-caretaker role
i'm sick, i haven't been getting help, i don't have time
i'm fine
honestly i don't even know where to start except my home life is a MESS but anyway my uncle's(who i never really know but is my mom's few remaining relatives) on his death bed and even though it's lunar new year the whole week have just been funeral planning. it's depressing. also we just pre-bought an urn i didn't know they're /that/ expensive what the heck
i alsooo maybe perhaps have the only daughter in an asian household forced to be the pseudo-caretaker curse! yay! anyway i am guilted to not being able to move out or go very far because i'm always needed on 'stand by' in case anything happens. i work a business(two actually; family's food business, my own business and some times odd jobs here and there. i'm tired) and my salary?
"oh don't spend it, the family's in a Situation, you better have money on hand just in case(we need to pay for anything)! :("
my uncle have no one(mom and her siblings are adopted, majority passed away during covid) so we are the ones paying his hospital and funeral bills. mom is frantic and visiting him daily while waking up at 4-5am to start the business(we have NO employees, just me and mom. she doesn't want to hire anyone)
my mom's tired. i'm tired. for very different reason.
also last year? found out i have a rare blood disease! :) i'm sick too, very! but i can not afford the time to get checked up! i've been missing my appointments since year June :( i also haven't taken my antidepressants since April :(
that aside, i 100% understand why my mom is Like That, but it's very mentally exhausting for me, a grown adult teenager, to be obligated to throw away my entire life just because I have to take care of family that i barely know. i barely have any hobbies or life goals anymore! i wanted to move out so bad! but my mom would overwork herself if i'm away.
my thoughts are all over the place i'm aware i sound like an asshole but please please keep in mind while my heart aches with loosing family i'm also going crazy and i barely know this uncle(he just... pops up suddenly, but i UNDERSTAND, he's important to my mom)
also my dad's verbally abusive and controlling and downright exploding with anger issues @ mom sigh he throws tantrums a lot
i'm doing my best but i'm so tired. i missed hanging out with my mom. i haven't since i was 15. since dad stopped working and she throw away her life to raise us. now i'm earning and i can't even spend it on her and it makes me so depressed. she barely have any personal belongings because she doesn't spend on herself! and it's lunar new year(still is). but we haven't celebrated in so so long. every year i do the cooking and it's the one time of the year everyone's home and i put my entire heart into making a meal but... you know, it doesn't matter i am going to lie down for a bit thank you for reading if you got this far sdfsgdfg
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mariana-oconnor · 11 months
Thor Bridge pt 2
The Gold King has come to hire Holmes to prove his mistress (?) did not kill his wife.
That is a very strange statement.
"My love faded. If hers had faded also it might have been easier. But you know the wonderful way of women! Do what I might, nothing could turn her from me. If I have been harsh to her, even brutal as some have said, it has been because I knew that if I could kill her love, or if it turned to hate, it would be easier for both of us."
Are you... trying to excuse abusing your wife by explaining that you did it to make her hate you?
I don't think that argument is as sympathetic as you think it is.
"Then came Miss Grace Dunbar. [...] The whole world has proclaimed that she also is a very beautiful woman. Now, I make no pretence to be more moral than my neighbours, and I will admit to you that I could not live under the same roof with such a woman and in daily contact with her without feeling a passionate regard for her. Do you blame me, Mr. Holmes?"
"I do not blame you for feeling it. I should blame you if you expressed it, since this young lady was in a sense under your protection."
Holmes understanding the innate consent issues of employer/employee power dynamic relationships here and restoring my faith in the human species.
"I'm not pretending to be any better than I am. I guess all my life I've been a man that reached out his hand for what he wanted, and I never wanted anything more than the love and possession of that woman."
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You know that it doesn't make it better if you say 'I accept who I am and who I am is a piece of shit,' right? You can't just brush things under the rug by acknowledging that they're bad. You've missed out the whole step where you try to be a better person. That's an important step. If you acknowledge that you're a piece of shit and then choose to remain being a piece of shit, that's actually kind of worse than if you hadn't acknowledged it in the first place.
And 'possession'? Please someone save that poor woman. He'll get bored of her in a few years as well and try to convince her to hate him by abusing her.
"I said to her that if I could marry her I would, but that it was out of my power. I said that money was no object and that all I could do to make her happy and comfortable would be done." "Very generous, I am sure," said Holmes with a sneer.
Holmes is best boy right here. I am living for this sneer. He is not letting this fucker pretend that he's a reasonable human being.
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"When I had sworn—as I did—that she should never be molested again, she consented to remain."
So you had previously been molesting her? Is what you're saying. If I'm reading this right. The word has no doubt shifted in meaning since this story was written, but I'm still willing to bet it wasn't anything good.
"She knew the influence she had over me, and that it was stronger than any other influence in the world. She wanted to use it for good."
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She really said 'here is an abusive, would-be adulterer who sexually harassed me and uses his power and influence to control and hurt people' and then went
✨I can fix him!✨
Oh, sweetie, no.
(Well, at least this is the story according to him)
"She believed and said that a fortune for one man that was more than he needed should not be built on ten thousand ruined men who were left without the means of life."
Well, she's not wrong about that.
...we had the address of Sergeant Coventry, of the local police, who had first examined into the affair. He was a tall, thin, cadaverous man, with a secretive and mysterious manner...
'Cadaverous'? Really? Must you go out of your way to insult everyone at every turn, Watson? You couldn't even think of an animal to compare this poor man to, you just went to 'yeah, he looks like a corpse'?
And your friend, Dr. Watson, can be trusted, I know.
You wouldn't be so sure of that if you knew how he was going to describe you.
"Don't you think there might be a case against Mr. Neil Gibson himself?"
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I really hope so.
A path led us through the pheasant preserves...
I have never read a more 'landed gentry' phrase in my life.
"I will be at Thor Bridge at nine o'clock. G. DUNBAR."
I do note that the note is not addressed to anyone in particular. Which seems like it might be important.
And Holmes agrees with me that not hiding the murder weapon is a dumb thing to do and therefore it's more likely to have been planted.
So far the only suspects we have other than the woman already in jail are the husband and Mr Bates who seems to really enjoy talking about how terrible his employer is.
The husband doesn't seem to fit, alas, unless this is a very elaborate double bluff, and we only had one of them the other day. Mr Bates doesn't appear to have a motive, but that doesn't mean he doesnt have one. He does seem determined to discredit the guy who wants Miss Dunbar set free.
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dollopheadedmerlin · 2 months
I'm so frustrated with my job rn. I'm technically a temporary employee but most people are able to become permanent once the seasonal exhibit ends. In a meeting, they said that they are trying to get better at letting people know if they can stay earlier than previous years . . .
But a BUNCH of people had started getting either official or unofficial 'yes's from our managers, and I haven't? I've made it very clear that I want to be permanent from the start; my interview, every meeting, emails, and yet they haven't given me a straight answer.
And I've asked around and most of the people who work in my position are college students who live with their parents. There's only 3 people that manage to pay rent with this paycheck. Two of them are permanent. The other one is me.
And the more times goes on and I don't get a response, I'm scared that it's going to be 'no'? But I don't understand WHY they wouldn't keep me, because I have zero points against me in their discipline system, I'm always there early every day, I'm good at the job . . . AND I know it's not just a matter of not being able to keep everyone because they just hired FOUR new people. And I'm just constantly anxious at work now, which makes me even more anxious because I think it's going to be obvious and make them think I'm bad at the job. And I am job hunting but you know how it is. No one is hiring ever. And I'm just scared that I wont know how I'm paying rent next month. If they keep me, everything is fine, but if they don't I'm screwed. And the point person for availability keeps getting on my nerves and I'm just so at a loss for why they wouldn't approve me to stay. Like am I just that annoying of a person?? I thought my coworkers liked me? I thought I've been doing a pretty good job being friends with everyone. Idk why they might not let me stay.
And even if they do let me stay, I don't understand why they're waiting so long to tell me. And if they don't, I'm just as mad for them making me job hunt without knowing how important the outcome is. Like should I take a job with a lower pay rate because I'm about to be unemployed? Or should I be picky because I have a job? Also I don't qualify for unemployment so I'm literally the person in rhe worst position to not keep this job rn imo so I'm just angry and frustrated and sad and want to feel stable
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tacos-and-doodles · 1 year
So a while ago I made an IEYTD Phoenix oc but so far I've been OBSESSING over my reverse oc. Were Phoenix is the villain.
So here's some headcanons ig (idk what to call them)
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When Phoenix became a big deal and was FINALLY able to become top with ZOR, she immediately got annoyed. For example Zor has a “world’s most evil boss” mug and they gave her a “World’s most evil boss Jr.” mug. Everything that she got from being top with Zor was always “Jr. this” and “Jr. that”. It really pissed her off since she was being treated like a low rank villain from a cartoon or something. Eventually after proving her talent to them, she ended up getting things like “World’s most evil female boss” and things like that. It was definitely better than being called the world’s most evil boss JR.
In the main world where phoenix is an agent, her and The fabricator are like enemies. By that I mean they roast each other like “I wouldn’t be caught dead in that stupid hat” or “Imagine looking like a gremlin? Couldn’t be me.” and weird insults like that. But where phoenix is a villain, her and The Fabricator are like major besties. Everyone working at Zoraxis, including Zor, obviously knows that Phoenix prefers Fabricator over anyone else. Fabricator needs funding for her own project? Phoenix got her back big time. Sometimes when they have nothing to do they will get coffee(or some ✨fance✨wine)  together and they will gossip about the other employees. If their feeling frisky, they will both secretly talk about Zor.
When Phoenix became the big bad with Zor, she was lazy so she sent 2 females to go get her clothes. She told them EXACTLY what she wanted. The girls she hired were slacking off so they got hivemind and professor X-Ray to go and get her the clothes, and they didn’t tell them what she wanted. When hivemind and professor X-Ray got to her office and gave her the clothes.. Well Phoenix wasn’t too thrilled. She ended up killing the 2 female employees. Now she does ALL of her shopping. 
Phoenix has gone to quite a lot of Juniper’s plays, but insists that they were all trash. When Zor mentioned blackmailing Juniper, she was ‘eh’ on the idea but it grew on her and she agreed to the idea at some point. When Juniper and Phoenix met face-to-face for the first time, Phoenix was like “Oh my god is this really happening right now??” So for like a second or two it was like an awkward silent hand-shake and it was forever documented as a cringe moment in her head forever. 
When Zor was planning on killing Juniper either way, Phoenix said that she was fine with it but she ended up binge watching everything that Juniper was in, in his memory. At this point, no one can tell whether she hates or loves John Juniper.
In this world, some of the Zoraxis operatives also have telekinesis powers because Phoenix, secretly, was able to steal Dr. Prism’s tech. But both she and Zor agreed that only some of the operatives should be given the powers (Cough, cough, Favorites, cough). So people like Hivemind and Fabricator got the telekinesis powers. 
When Phoenix stole some of her tech, Dr. Prism was super mad, but the other half of her was like "Damn I have some mad respect for her now" But since they were on opposite sides, Prism never really showed her respect for Phoenix
Headcanon: Every morning, Phoenix has EVERY single Zoraxis employee stand in two straight lines, one against each wall. She walks from the start to the end. She does this because every now and then (Almost every day) The agency and other people or organizations, will place a spy there. And Phoenix can spot them from a mile. So its kinda like spotting the difference and eliminating the difference. And if your not there at 7:30 AM SHARP? Well she’ll just oof you. 
Unlike Zor, Phoenix can remember every single operative. First and last name. Whether old or new, SHE REMEMBERS.
Thank you for coming to my talk.
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catspinach · 1 year
ive been meaning to vent on here about work for a long time now so here
i was hired in as a shift supervisor at a brand new starbucks with all brand new employees aside from another supervisor, Mylah, who is a 4yr partner(remember her), and maybe 2 others or so. none of us knew what we were doing. i was barista trained separately from the rest, followed by supervisor training, and then a week off. I came back and had no idea what the hell i was doing, and everyone was mad that i didnt know what to do??
Mylah trained me, and it was brutal. She would critique everything i did, and I always defended myself, saying "why do i need to do it that way if this way gets the same results?" and she did Not like that lmao and the entire training was incredibly tense.
Months pass, and she is worse than ever. she's had several lectures about her behavior but not a single writeup. Nothing has changed. She trained a new supervisor a few weeks ago, and she treated her the same way as she did with me. At some point she slammed a freezer and started shouting, making her cry, and Everyone in lobby turned their heads. i felt awful and wanted to say smth, but I'm genuinely scared of her. Everyone is. Several people have admitted to me that they call off when they see Mylah on the schedule.
The other day, the lobby was empty, and we were free to talk about all the harassment we've faced with her. I cant even remember all of it there's so much but uh here's a list of stuff i remember:
My manager gave Jenn some extra hours, and when they came in, Mylah cornered them, asking why they stole all her hours?? Jenn was comfused because they were literally just added to the schedule so that they would have enough bodies on the floor. Apparently Mylah was pissy at them for the entire rest of their shift, which sucks bc they were already working 12hrs that day:'(
I became friends with a barista named Diana, who is hispanic, and Mylah (white) would always say rude things that made her uncomfortable, saying its okay because her bf is mexican ._. It became a problem and eventually Mylah started looking through all her stuff to get her fired, and succeeded. Diana told me that Mylah would joke with the other baristas about how im stupid and bad at my job, and she said she always stood up for me which definitely did not help her with this whole situation but I greatly appreciate her for it, and we still talk!
Anna said Mylah was talking to her about me and how i do my job wrong. she said i don't face the bills the same way in the deposit bag, and that I dont fill in the money order right so I'm the reason we have so many goddamn nickles, and she said I don't double count the drawers and that's why there's so many mistakes with the deposit. the funny thing is, i DO face the bills the same way, I have never even DONE a money order because that's morning's job, I TRIPLE count the drawers bc i have anxiety, and nobody has EVER said anything to me about the deposit being off.
At some point someone said ret*rded, and Mylah is autistic and was rightfully mad, and brought her to the back to yell at her. not sure what she said but when she came back she went up to me, and only me, and apologized. so like that really hurted but okay whatever ill just go kill myself ig
Mylah was opening one day and told Morgan that since I was closing that it would probably take longer than usual to close? I asked Morgan how Mylah was with closing, and she said that nothing gets done until the absolute last minute, and it takes at least half an hour to finish closing. My record is 2 minutes past close.
Jenn and Taylor told me that I'm their favorite out of all of the shifts, because I make sure to get everything done, I am fast, efficient, and if they have a question I will do my best to figure out a solution for them. Apparently, when they ask Mylah a question, she answers with, "I dont know man, I just work here" and walks away. which like. mood. but she's getting paid 20/hr compared to the baristas at 15/hr, and there is absolutely no reason that the baristas should have to pick up her slack.
Anna used to be friends with Mylah, and they went to get piercings together, and Mylah thought it would be super funny to snapchat Anna having a panic attack about the needle! outside of work, but still fucked up
theres more idk
Mylah got it in my head that I'm the worst of all of the supervisors, and when I found out I was almost all the baristas' favorite, I started visibly shaking with relief! Ive been trying so so hard to make up for how "bad" i am at my job in fear that everyone will hate me otherwise, and now I gind this out and I don't know how to handle this information jdgdheb
I asked them if they would like to talk to the manager as a group, hoping that will show her just how serious the situation is. I don't usually pray for someone to get fired, but I want her ass permanently out of my sight asap
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the-trans-dragon · 2 years
“People wouldn’t work if they didn’t need the money to live” is absolutely false for me (and many other people), I literally have to look at the floor when I’m walking around on my breaks at work because if I look up I will see something that needs to be done and I will do it, I love organizing things and managing things, but I will be scolded for doing work outside of my specific job description.
Stocking shelves with shiny things is absolutely delightful, it is so fun to focus on Placing Things Neatly and Stashing Extra Things Nearby Neatly—and perfecting the fastest way to do that so I don’t waste a second of time—and my autism just fucking loves stocking shelves. I want to work so bad, I just want to have an iota of control over what meaningless tasks I spent all day doing.
Some personal venting:
They won’t let me though, they scold me whenever I do anything besides cashier work. I went to the occupational injury doctor and management responded by never letting me work my old job duties ever again (I had a shoulder injury because we are chronically understaffed and I was working shifts alone that should have had 5+ people, so of course my body got worn down).
Capitalism isn’t there to help anyone besides a handful of oligarchs. They make cookie-cutter jobs and hire people to fill them because it’s easiest on management, who either is too lazy to try to design jobs around the employee’s personal skill set, or because they’re also trying to do the jobs of 5 people at once and don’t have the time or energy to prioritize their employees over profits.
I don’t like my job. I perform my duties as best as I can because I care about that sort of thing despite my best efforts to stop caring, but I do want to care less. I want to slack off, I want to take slightly longer breaks to steal a few minutes of my life back, I wish I could lower my efforts and spend more time resting or doing non-work stuff.
I’d literally work 16 hour shifts happily if they’d just let me loose to do what I am best at. I’d seek out criticism at every turn, happy to hone a skill set, regardless of how it is mundane, of how it’s a useless and meaningless job. I’d be happy to toil away all day, organizing, cleaning, breaking down cardboard for recycling, moving things around, stocking shelves, doing little routine maintenance tasks on broken doors or clogged machines.
“We’re understaffed because everyone is living off their Covid checks and they’re too lazy to get a job” first of all most people used their insultingly small check to pay bills and immediately used it all; secondly I am literally mourning that I am not allowed to do my previous job duties because I want to work so badly, and you refuse to let me be anything more than a sentient Self-Checkout (which I am bad at! My autism hates it! I’m not good with small talk, or being in close proximity to strangers, or using a computer screen all day when I’m not allowed to turn down the blue light) because I got hurt when you refused to analyze why all the new hires quit within two weeks (many of the new hires were very vocal about why they quit, such as “there isn’t adequate training” and “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing”).
I spent so many lunch breaks thinking about my job. I would study the merchandise to sell it better. I would take my lunches in the warehouse to stay up-to-date on where everything was.
I spent so much time designing a specific training schedule for new hires, constantly modifying it based on what new hires were complaining about (“I don’t have to clock out for my 10 minute breaks? No one told me that. This specific machine part needs to be cleaned daily? I think someone told me that on my first day but I’m not sure… This computer has a program that can tell me if we have something in stock, so I don’t have to go wander the warehouse for 10 minutes???? Seriously?”),
I had a whole system, starting with easiest and most helpful training for the first couple of days (how to clock in/out, where to park, who to ask if you have questions, where the bathrooms are, listening for pages over the intercom so you can hear if someone is paging for you) leading to more specialized skills over the first two weeks (noting the general content of each isle on the floor and in the warehouse, where to look on the floor for understock/backstock before going to the warehouse for more product, basic introductions to the chores everyone rotates).
Now I’m not allowed to show a customer where they can find a product, because “you’re a cashier now, let the floor associates do their job.” Despite us having so few floor associates that they’ve been pulling other cashiers from their register to help, and despite the fact that those cashiers are new hires who haven’t been trained to check the computers or find things in the warehouse.
Aldjksfsk I’m just tired lol.
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ebook-2 · 1 year
Reasons For Leaving Religions Part 2 https://ebook-2.com/ https://downloads.ebook-2.com/ Reasons for leaving religion PART2. An in-depth look at the Islamic religion written by. Ehab Bakr. Researcher in the comparison of religions. 2022. Introduction. This book is a personal vision and conviction that I reached after reading many, many books, and I do not want to impose this conviction on anyone and I do not want anyone to be convinced or follow it, but it is only a gateway to another world, a gateway that every sane person who wants to pass must pass through. To know the answer to the riddle of life. I am not an atheist, and I know very well that there is a powerful and capable entity outside space and time that has made the universe and created beings, but I did not find this entity in all the Abrahamic religions. This entity may have (made and left), or it (made and watched) as it happens in laboratory experiments, or it (made, watched, and will be held accountable) or will be selected. The assumptions are many and endless, and every hypothesis needs study and analysis. All of these assumptions we will not be able to confirm or test because the information does not exist, and since life in all of our eyes is a place for testing and evaluation for people and knowing the good and the bad, it is more correct that this test be without any cheating or discrimination, in the sense that the presence of religions in our lives is a facilitation This test is for some people, who were born and found themselves on these religions. For example, if we assume that the religion (Jewish, Christian, Islamic) is the truth and that whoever adheres to the teachings of this religion is the winner, you will find that there is discrimination for the owners of these religions, because they were simply born and found themselves condemning these religions, but whoever was born finds his family, society and country worshiping idols , and thus was indoctrinated from a young age to worship idols, is in fact wronged. Example: If you want to take an exam for a group of students to find out who are honest among them, so that you can rely on them and give them trust or reward them. Will you say to them (I will test you in honesty, and whoever lies is a loser)? Or will you test them and watch them from afar so that you can judge them rightly and know (the truthful and the false). The natural thing in this test or any other test to judge character and morals is that it is a (secret) test, and the examinees do not know that they are required to show the moral side of their personalities, because if their character is bad and their morals are lacking, all that is required is representation and claim during the examination period that they are People to create, and the result is that they will all succeed. Is this considered an exam? In the past, if I wanted to test one of the employees in a company to find out his honesty and whether he could steal if he met the conditions, or if he was an honest person. In this old test, I used to put some money in a place where this person passed, and if he found the money and then took it without announcing it, I would fire him from work, but if he left this money or announced its existence, I would hire him because he is an honest person. But this test has become very old and known to everyone, and if you now repeat such a test, everyone will succeed even if they are all thieves because of their knowledge of this trick. What I mean here is that knowing the type of test in some tests definitely affects the result, because some tests, especially those that test (character and morals), must be confidential and complex, and the examinee must not know that he is in an exam until the result is real and fair. Therefore, if the world is truly a place of testing, then I believe that God should not announce himself, nor send us messengers with religions and teachings that will make a part of the people who have reached these teachings succeed while they do not deserve success. I also believe that a God who is wise, capable, powerful, and creator will not need anyone who praises Him, prays to Him, worships Him, and humiliates Him, because He does not need all of this. That we are in an exam, or that we are a scientific experiment in a laboratory for higher and better beings, or that there is a Creator who performed this miracle and then got busy with something else, all of this does not matter and we cannot be sure of it, but the important thing is that we live in this world during our short life with love and affection And tolerance and morals, so that the earth is a safe place for life, and life is happy, like the paradise over which religions fight. Make the earth a paradise during your short life and coexist with love and tolerance. #religion #leavingreligion #leavingyourreligion #9benefitsofleavingyourreligion #leavingareligiouscult #exreligion
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