#because also i feel like this is relevant too-
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afniel · 1 day ago
Someone kind of commented on this "why not both" and I wanted to go back and be more specific about why I do not think RSD is a useful categorization as-is. I'm not gonna name them because I don't want them to feel pointed out, and given the topic I think it's important to do that and also state specifically that I'm not mad! I just want to explain this in detail.
So, let's say I'm correct and RSD is just another name for complex PTSD (CPTSD). There's evidence for that, so I'm not making a huge leap on my own. It presents with the same symptoms and responds to the same treatment, even pharmaceutically. Why not call it what it is? Recognizing it as CPTSD removes some of the stigma. It's not just "funny neurodivergent brain makes you too sad when you're criticized disorder," which is a real problem that RSD faces in being accepted as a diagnosis. Having a name that separates it from what it is, a trauma reaction that can be cripplingly severe and highly disruptive to people's quality of life, does people who live with it no favors at all. If it's considered something that only happens to people with ADHD, this separates these people from resources that could help them. Nothing in the name Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria implies that this is related to trauma. Looking for help with RSD will not get you to help with CPTSD, even if that's what it is.
And yeah, neurodivergent people often have a harder time with emotional regulation. That isn't particularly relevant to the diagnosis of (C)PTSD. Trauma is a reaction to events, not the events themselves. Trauma is the reaction when one endures a stressor that exceeds their ability to process that stress, and that capacity is highly individual and dependent on a lot of external factors as well. An event that is traumatic to one person can be just another random occurrence to another person. The quantity and quality of any given stress correlates roughly to how likely it is to be traumatic, but even among neurotypical people, there is no way to predict exactly which stressors will be traumatic and which won't. Being neurodivergent is one factor among many that influences the likeliness to experience PTSD after a traumatic event, but there is no 'special' PTSD that only people of a specific neurotype can get, only more or less common routes to it. PTSD is a pretty universal experience.
Calling it something it isn't just diminishes it. If you took a random number of neurotypical people (do not actually do this by the way!) and had people routinely yell at them for mistakes they made that were out of their control, some number of them would be traumatized and react accordingly to thinking they made mistakes later on. The only difference here is that neurodivergent people have a lot more mistake-influencing factors that they can't control, so the odds of this treatment increase, and they may be primed to have a trauma reaction more easily. That doesn't make the reaction itself special or different.
Basically, tl;dr, calling it something else makes it sound like it's just a silly little ADHD thing, not the legitimate reaction to lifelong trauma that it almost definitely is. People deserve to have their trauma recognized and treated appropriately.
being neurodivergent is all fun and games until someone is slightly critical of you and you suddenly feel physically ill
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drdemonprince · 8 hours ago
A little positivity for your inbox :). I'm a queer, autistic generally gender-fucked individual and I wanted to share how much your posts ab building community and putting yourself out there have helped me. I moved to Chicago 9 months ago and felt like the most miserable version of myself. I had like 1 friend and felt too socially inept to pursue any other connections. My anxiety had me locked in a state of inaction. Seeing you post about the merit of just GOING to things, just putting yourself in spaces helped me feel like that was something I could do too? And so I did. I would go events (with my 1 friend) I never really knew what to do with myself I would just kind of...be there. And for a while it was really uncomfortable and I would freak out afterwards. Like every time. But it felt good to be doing SOMETHING to improve that part of my life. It was one of those things that sucked until it didn't I guess. Cut to present day and I'm a version of myself that I didn't know I could be? I go to parties where I know almost no one and I talk to people even when I'm a little scared to approach them. I have so much confidence?? I have to acknowledge that this was more attainable for me than some because I'm an autist who's able to mask. Even still, I was able to find people like me who I can unmask around by venturing out a little. It is possible. My friendship circle has grown into this beautiful collection of neurodivergent weirdo freaks who I never would have known had I kept to myself day in and day out like I wanted to. I'm also not someone whose body meets most standards of desirability, it made it harder but not impossible. Anyways, thanks for being loud and obstinate and also hopeful! You make people's lives better by doing these things. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the little bit of sunshine being thrown our way ♥️♥️♥️
Yay thank you. I most want to share this ask so that other people can see it and think about whether your experience could be relevant to their own lives. A WHOLE lot can happen just from showing up to things a bunch of times, getting a little *less* uncomfortable being there (even if you always feel kinda uncomfortable forever, i still do!), participating in what you can, becoming a familiar face, talking to people, and seeing who you vibe with. that's the work. that's everything. and you can do it being shy/anxious/awkward/having highly particular needs/being visibly othered/etc. It's HARD and not everyone is gonna be your people but it is possible. It's a lot of work but it's worth it.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 2 days ago
TMAGP 31 Thoughts: Extended Sounds of Brutal Crowbar Damage
And we're back again, after quite a wait, but it's a nice easy one to get back into the swing of things. Nothing explosive happened this episode really but a lot of foundation setting. However we've finally hit the part of the show that is now a sequel to The Magnus Archives. So, if any of you have somehow not listened to that and are interested to hear why things are so fucked, that would be how you go about it.
Spoilers for TMA, and TMP episode 31 below the cut.
I didn't cover it elsewhere so I'm going to start with Season 2's trailer. It's a nice, short, and sweet trailer so there isn't a whole lot to get into. There are a few bits in the transcript that are worth pointing out though. Firstly, it's referred to as the "London Exclusion Zone, Primeline" and "Primeline" doesn't appear anywhere else in this trailer nor episode one. That's likely a portmanteau of Prime and Timeline which I would take to mean this is the universe from Archives. Given the warden's worry about tapes and a few other notable bits of text from the premieres transcript I would say it's all but confirmed. The only other thing I think is worth mentioning here is that the scuttling creatures are described as having "too many legs". Which isn't incredibly relevant but does at least show they're supernatural in some sense.
Okay, onto the episode proper and now we can all say goodbye to the number 3 blorbo, Colin. I'll always remember the way he called me a gobshite because I sent him an email during the ARG, and the way he lost his mind because gays were in the computer. RIP, Colin, rest in processors.
There isn't really a load to say on this ep is general IMO. I think it's all pretty surface level but as with the trailer there are some interesting bits and pieces to pick out of it. In general though, I thought it was a very solid start to a season. Picks up right where things left off and lays a lot of groundwork for what's to come and isn't a load of info dumping.
So there are a couple of things to pick out from Colin's very messy and unearned death. During the long string of "Discard data"s there is one that reads "upload data" in the transcript which is for sulphur. Sulphur being one of the tria prima and an incredibly important element to alchemy. Now, the actual audio does say "discard data" and it might not be anything more than a mistake but it's an interesting coincidence if that's all it is. The elements listed are also in order of abundance in the human body.
hardware damage_crowbar/DPHW 4600
I believe this joke was written purely for me. No one can convince me otherwise. It's going in the masterdoc.
I don't think there is much to say on Gwen's, Alice's, or Celia's showing in the episode. They're all more or less doing "normal" stuff. The only thing I would point out is that Celia does do some lying in the episode without the usual distortions around those in the audio. At least not that I heard.
Sam is bringing the wet cat energy the Primeline was missing since TMA's finale. It's being met with mixed reception. Most of what goes on here is all pretty obvious I think. We meet yet another version of Georgie who is a little more rugged and generally done with everyone's shit. She's introduced in the text as "Georgie P" which I can only assume is Georgie Prime. This is further reinforced by Heidi's statement describing exactly what we saw of London post-Change. With the additional talks of domains and circuses I think it's fairly hard to argue this isn't TMA's universe post-season 5. Which has some fairly strong implications for exactly how that all went down and how much the world both remembers and has changed, but I feel like that might be bet to get into elsewhere. And likely by other people. Them naming a van after Gertrude is very sweet tho.
I think that's about all I've got to say on this one. Nothing to mindblowing and not a lot of crumbs to follow but it's a great start to a season.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 5555 sounds about right to me. It's not exceptionally spooky in any single sense but is pretty broad spectrum. Pretty standard stuff. Might as well mention that Hardware Damage (Crowbar) being at 4600 also lines up very well.
CAT# Theory: Our very first 123 which is something I've personally been waiting on. I've been very vocal about how I don't think the Person/Place/Object theory makes a lot of sense. However, this is one of the ones I wouldn't argue for there if you want to stretch it to Colin still being a person after "Integration", or you want to say that JMJ also count. Not that I buy the idea any more. Although it should be noted that Johnny says in the Q&A that the first few cases are wrong. Which means if it is P/P/O it should match up perfectly if you start from the bottom until you hit a point where the wrong ones end. I don't think it would from what I recall on my essay about why it's not P/P/O but it might. I was supposed to use the break to do some more work on CAT# but then I didn't. So I've got no real insights into this one.
R# Theory: B lines up pretty well. It would be confirmable that Colin is at least missing, but getting eaten by a server rack isn't particularly likely to be why.
Header talk: Integration (organic) -/- Computer (Hardware) is a fairly standard description IMO. I can't see much to really dig into there.
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mearchy · 2 months ago
I actually think I put my finger on the thing that most bothers me about the perpetual pro vs anti Jedi discourse, which is that everybody argues for their interpretation of the Jedi as though the Jedi were a monolith. As though there were not 10,000+ of them spread across multiple temples, from many different homeworlds, with unique paths and individual connections to the Force. It doesn’t seem right to me to assert absolutes about what the Jedi code Actually Meant and whether it was too dogmatic or applied correctly by the Order or whatever when I think we can see in canon that you would get different answers about its meaning and application from the Jedi themselves, even the ones that inhabited and learned in the same temple. I feel like that’s the point of a lot of what we get shown in the prequels and TCW.
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manesvoid · 8 hours ago
Drawing Breakdown!
I like to know how artists thinks and I figured other people might also like it! So let's try something new, a drawing breakdown! I will try to point out the most relevant choices I made when I drew this and explain why I made them!
Picture heavy so under the cut it goes
So the first thing that I wanted about this drawing is for the character to be suffering. They are not in a situation of power, we needed something oppressing. So the tendrils overlap the character and another way to showcase this is perspective. High angle view put the viewer above the character, it's good to make a character feel powerless.
(The reference hair was changed to accentuate this triangle shape, otherwise it would have gone too far up and distract from the face)
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And to make sure you read the misery on the face, I tried to make the action lines point to it! (in truth my eyes want to focus on the chest more than anything. I almost added an eye here but it would have distracted from the cracked line (explained further down)
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Second thing I wanted is for the character to not feel too masculine, this came in conflict with the perspective because to do so I wanted an 8 shape and very curvy lines of actions. There are some angles on the shoulder and the tendrils 'nose' to still show danger and power but I tried to make the rest as round as possible.
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Now for the fun part! The character lore has a strong link with a dofus (dragon egg), especially one specific fire dofus with a cracked design. The overall shape of the drawing is supposed to remind you of it! If there are weird shadows or shapes it's probably to make the cracked line/
I added the red outline because the egg shape wasn't clear enough. If you check the background and the tendril body aren't the same colors.
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And finally the lights. It comes from where the characters store the dofus, their belly:
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And that's it ! Let me know if this type of content is interesting.
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Request for @bitter-panacea , their OC Vanya!
I love Vanya
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endos are systems.
you are cool. YOU. ARE. A. SYSTEM.
#endo safe <3
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mistfallengw2 · 10 months ago
Feel free to be more specific in comments/notes if you want! If you want to elaborate further, how do you organize them? By role, species, age, alphabetical order, vibes or something else?
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napping-sapphic · 7 months ago
Breaking news!! Tomorrow’s forecast indicates that it would be a GREAT day for us to hold hands 👉👈
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anistarrose · 7 months ago
My current version, of my ever-evolving theory, on what constitutes "aromantic stories" is that first off, there's absolutely a wide spectrum between 1, "this is explicitly undeniably about aromanticism," and 2, "there sure is a noteworthy amount of aro subtext, but representing aros clearly wasn't the author's intent." But the spectrum is best completed not as a straight line, but as a triangle, where the 3rd point is "the story probably wasn't created with aromanticism at the forefront of anyone's mind, but was created with subverting particular expectations related to romantic relationships in mind." And in my experience, a lot of juicy aromanticism-related experiences that are underrepresented in their own right can lie in that third option, regardless of whether the characters are aro-spec or allo or kind of whatever you headcanon.
So, what does make a story on this spectrum "aromantic?" IDK, I wouldn't necessarily include all or most of the firm 2s (unintentional subtext) under the aromantic story mantle. But when you get into the gray areas that inch a little closer to 1 and 3, let alone the gray area between 1 and 3 where intent is ambiguous but ultimately may not matter, it makes sense that different people will have different takes.
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starlingfawn · 27 days ago
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the more you try to erease me
the more, the more, the more that i appear
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namelessprince · 5 months ago
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drew my ocs as riptide characters :3
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gobblinhours · 4 months ago
am i normal for not being able to sleep while my roommate plays warzone (no volume except for xbox controller clicking which sounds rlly loud for some reason) 10 feet away from my head until 3 am or am i a pwissy wittwe baby who can't handle a little bit of flashing lights and talking. leaning towards the latter
figured it out sleep on side with headphones to block noise they might break so that's ba but worth it
never mind talking now pillow on head not enough
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itspileofgoodthings · 3 months ago
#on Friday one of my students was like 'are you a swiftie' and i said yes#and this one boy was like i have never heard you mention her#and i gave myself a mental high five for my own restraint#i have really tried to tamp down on that this year because things just get out of hand too fast otherwise#then of course 6th period came around and my defenses were gone and it was Friday and several students were gone#so I spoke on her and what I believed her legacy would be lol#and then I felt really bad about that decision :((((( for some reason#the kids loved it. but that is no sign that it was the right call!#anyway still reflecting#i did love that the student didn't know#i really want to be restrained both in general but especially about Taylor in my professional setting#and just. not be opening myself up to needless barbs about her but also not alienating people?#i HATE alienating people i want to reach all of them and the less I have standing in my way the better#so kind of constantly diffusing what threatens to blow up out of proportion#is like. half of my job#another student asked me immediately afterwards if i liked Kanye and i said gently that i did not know Kanye's music so i couldn't tell him#but like. i'm not getting into it you know? i'm not getting into the Taylor Culture Wars or whatever. I will not fan the flames of that#with students especially. but also i do care about her she's such a real part of my heart and my outlook#that sometimes I feel compelled to speak!#and just let them know what's going on in my heart#but yeah. as with many feelings relating to Taylor i often feel bad or foolish immediately afterwards for being vulnerable#kind of no position more vulnerable than taking the side of a millionaire pop star that people love to hate on#kidding!!! but I mean it's not wholly untrue#i like to think i try to move the space of the conversation immediately into something both grounded and relevant#when I do bring her up. and hopefully away from the worst bits of the inflammatory nature of Taylor discussions.#i hope it's healing for somebody/does any good.#but i have no way of knowing#i'm just rambling. it's saturday night and i had half a very strong drink#so my mind's just mulling.
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milfbrainrot · 2 months ago
i feel like i type so much more than is reasonable when i do talk to people but i also don't get to socialize a ton so i just have soooo many words in me and if i'm like, tired or short on time, it is so much harder to restrain to the already-pushing-it point i can sometimes manage ;-;
#txt#i am used to posting long things that are essentially a conversation with myself because i either don't#want to bother others with certain topics or i just am used to anything i have to say really being... worth saying...#so i will sometimes go back and add more tags because i'm still thinking about it after the fact and the gap in time where someone#would have said something to prompt further thought is just. me continuing it with myself. bc i'm still thinking about it.#and then that translates into how i talk to other people where i sometimes feel like i either have too much to say without only#keeping what's of utmost relevant importance#(which is also due to me knowing if i don't say it Right Now Immediately i will forget if it does become relevant again)#so i am expecting people to read too much#and/or i then am not... listening to people? or i come off like im not listening to people?#even though i rly do try to be attentive i just forget sometimes to leave space for other people to talk because i am#used to only talking to myself so much lmaoo so i think i come off like i only want to Talk At people due to how Much i share#and sometimes i probably am not as attentive in convos as i would like to be but i try to be! i just dont know if the balance is there#but i also don't rly know how to be more concise bc of that mix of not wanting to forget and also not wanting to be misunderstood#and being so excited to get contribute etc#anyway there are also a lot of social things i HAVE been neglecting by accident i am so sorry if youve sent me an ask etc#and you've gotten silence i am getting to things slowly ;-;#i just mean moreover in active conversations the way that i act is like. i always worry i am doing something wrong all the time forever#and maybe i would worry less if i could put more of my thought dump energy into observing others more attentively#to get a better read on things lol#me coming back to this post as an example bc i had another thought:#i also type rly fast and my brain goes rly fast so while i do clean up what i say typically#others might find it more convenient to be more concise due to typing slower#whereas i don't think before i type i just type as i think one to one#i lose thoughts otherwise but Thinking Before I Speak is a lost art to me rip#but then if i am talking to people irl or on voice i am so much more reserved. i ramble a lot!!#but it's easier for me to fall back
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shadowglens · 4 months ago
ok i’m starting a second playthrough (which i may or may not actually follow through with), and making my alt inquisitor hugo is making me 😭
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bigcats-birds-and-books · 9 months ago
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Books of 2024: ORDINARY MONSTERS by J. M. Miro.
Swinging from a teeny tiny read (A SHINING) to this behemoth, which weighs in at 658 pages (that's like. uh. nine (9) SHININGs, never mind about the word density per page).
Did I know this is the first book in a trilogy? No. Did I know the trilogy is not yet complete?? Also no. Will that stop me from reading it now anyway??? Wow, you guessed it: No.
I'm always down books featuring corvids in the cover art and kids with mysterious powers, AND the "man made of smoke" that the jacket promises sounds Very Intriguing. All I know going into this book is what the jacket tells me, though, so I'm excited to be surprised!
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