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gorjee-art · 1 day ago
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probably my biggest commission for some time, a collection of unique fallout creature designs for @tristintumblarts
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yuriguild · 2 days ago
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uh,m. what
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spacekiku-blog · 3 days ago
My brainrot worsens with each day so there are my ramblings about Beasts and Shadow Milk Cookie
TW: Spoilers I guess??
Okay, Beasts. When I first saw this name for the new antagonists, I thought "lol fate series got even cookie run" and when they were finally released I was sucked in so hard.
I love the concept of corrupt gods or higher beings. Not just being controlled by something, corrupted or going crazy but specifically their ignorance of using powers or disappointment in how mortals perceive their domains. And while I won't say that the plot of Kingdom and Beasts is a complete mind-blowing thing and the most awesome scenario but compared to the previous plots of Devsisters, this is a big step-up and something that is interesting and well-developed.
Not only in terms of plot but the concepts themselves. Yes, the three Beasts that have come out are based on fairly common things (Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity). But man they did their homework as hard as they could.
And naturally, even though we already have three Beasts, a lot about them is shrouded in mystery. Especially Shadow Milk Cookie, since we were given absolutely no information about his backstory. The new costume that came out? Honestly, it looks like an AU written by him for shits and giggles. A sort of “What if?”. While it may shed some light on how he behaved as a Fount of Knowledge it says nothing about his past.
With White Flour Cookie and Burning Spice Cookie everything is relatively clear. We were given their plot and what caused their corruption on a silver plate. And, frankly speaking, I think that based on the change in the other two elements of the Beasts, it is relatively clear what most likely happened in their domain of rule that caused their corruption.
Eternal Sugar Cookie was initially “Happiness” – which represents, well, happiness, joy. It is quite possible that her task from the Witches was similar to White Flour Cookie in that she was meant to spread happiness and joy among the Cookies. Well, too much jollity can easily become boring and it also requires a huge amounts of energy which could lead her to Laziness.
At the same time Silent Salt Cookie had the element of “Solidarity” – which essentially means unification, community. It also often means support and mutual assistance. And as we know, if you support everyone around you then it will begin to be perceived as given and in return you get a whole nithing. And because of which he could correspondingly close himself off.
Of course I might be wrong about this predictions. We will see when they will come out.
The fate of the Beasts is tragic. They are Deities created by even Higher Beings with one specific purpose. To distribute/preserve the elements entrusted to them. They were given a huge responsibility reinforced by the expectations of mortal cookies. Give knowledge, grant wishes, monitor changes, spread joy and cultivate friendship. Were they allowed to do anything else? Most likely yes. Were they aware of this from the start? Most likely no.
We, as mortal individuals, often have a hard time breaking away from the expectations of our “creators” (parents) and society. So how can you immediately realize that you are allowed to be someone else, to do something else when you were created with a fixed personality and a certain purpose? So frankly it is not surprising that the Deities saw the one and only way to break the expectations of others and be "free". After all, from the descriptions of White Flour Cookie and Burning Spice Cookie, they could not even realize that there were other ways to release their frustrations.
White Flour Cookie went into depression and apathy as a defense mechanism. And the only way she saw was that if everything was purified (dead), then everyone would be happy. Including herself.
Burning Spice Cookie, feeling the first stimulation in centuries of monotone whatching and waiting, latched onto it, becoming obsessed with it. Addicted to it. He concentrated on this one feeling and forgot that he could find something else.
But Shadow Milk Cookie is a different story. You see, Knowledge is a very powerful thing. In my humble opinion, Shadow Milk is the strongest Beast and God among all if you put aside his personality and focus only on his powers. Unlike other Beasts, from whom Witches could keep some information that they simply do not need for their role - Shadow Milk Cookie knew everything from the very beginning. About what Cookies are grown for, how this world works, how personality develops and many, many other things.
Unlike other Beasts Shadow Milk Cookie knew there could be another way. And it's just such a rich soil for theories, headcanons and the reason I'm so obsessed with him.
Was he trying to save his brothers and sisters by trying to show them another way? How much knowledge did he share with them? How much did he keep back? And how much did he lie to them?
After all judging by the description of Shadow Milk Cookie knowledge consists of truth and lies. Lies appeared at the same time as Shadow Milk Cookie himself as a Fount of Knowledge. Which means he could have started lying from the very beginning. I like to think and headcanon that the first one to start "corrupting" was Shadow Milk Cookie. Or rather, that he was initially already corrupted by the knowledge he had access to.
This is what makes his personality so interesting to me - he knew everything. He saw everything. Not only the destruction of his domain of knowledge but the signs of destruction of other domains. How White Flour Cookie finds it increasingly difficult to fulfill wishes and not receive even a simple thank you in return. How Burning Spice Cookie became increasingly bored with the same cycle of history. And perhaps how Eternal Sugar Cookie gets tired of the eternal celebration and Silent Salt Cookie loses control over attempts to unite everyone.
How desperate was he about all this? Or was there a cold pragmatism deep inside him that said, “this is what has to happen”? Or was he fascinated by it? How were his Deity friends changing? Maybe he was egging them on because he, too, was bored with his knowledge?
Beasts are lonely. Deities are lonely. Even their own race can barely understand each other since their minds were created for specific purposes. And you don't want to lose face in front of equally powerful beings.
Only Shadow Milk Cookie could understand them all. And yet no one can understand him.
No one can carry as much knowledge as he does. No one can even come close to understanding his burden. To come close to him. I wonder becouse of this did he became a jester and a showman? After all, the truth of his existence is as bitter as sour milk.
I wonder if he was always a "jester"? Judging by his behavior in the new costume, there is still some "softening" in his actions, intonation, expressions. Not exactly condescension, but as if embellishment of his words, his "truth". In the end, information is best absorbed through play. Through associations. He playfully invites you to debate with him, he gestures while telling about something.
Is Shadow Milk that far removed from his past as a Fount of Knowledge?
Maybe he was always like this? Less cunning and selfish but just as playful, humorous, and perhaps even deceitful. It's just that when everyone finally became "monsters", Beasts, there was no longer a need to satisfy the needs of mortals and it was time to focus on his own.
Maybe he helped other Beasts become corrupted so that he himself could finally allow himself to "play" for himself and not for others?
I squeeze him like anti-stress toy. I don't know for what purpose this ramblings of mine but maybe you will able to take some interesting insights for yourself.
And I'm not even starting about his relationship with Pure Vanilla Cookie not even as a ship thing.
Man I need help
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wouas · 3 months ago
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Beasts - 19x15 cm paper, ballpoint pen
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illustratus · 11 months ago
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Andromeda by Arthur Rackham
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yuriguild · 23 hours ago
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yalnizyuregim · 5 months ago
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anime önerileri
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herpsandbirds · 2 months ago
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Hey y'all, it has come to my attention that many of you crave that mineral…
And even though this is specifically a blog for non-mammalian creatures, I feel as if I should meet your basic biological needs.
So, I got y'all some salt licks. Feel free to lick the screen.
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olivine-gal · 6 months ago
I love that one image of the African Forest Buffalo calf, but I want more people to be aware of the adults. Look at how gorgeous their colors are! And their ears!!
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sneefsnorf · 2 days ago
love ur interest but this is definitely a juvenile australian magpie. it was hanging around VERY closely to its parents who have the distinct magpie pattern and call. butcherbirds have a little sharp hook on the end of their beak which this guy didnt have. its also a little smaller than the adult magpies it was hanging around so again, it cant be a butcherbird. i didnt take any photos of it from the back/wings but i could see it losing its baby feathers and exchanging them for those distinctive black and white adult magpie feathers. this guy spent about half an hour with its parents hanging around the food court i was in so i had a long chance to observe it. its a fledgeling magpie
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here's one of its parents that was staying close by. definitely a magpie. note the similar colour of the beaks and the emerging similar feather colours on the back of the neck and the end of the wings
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heres a picture of an adult butcherbird (not mine). kind of similar plumage to the baby magpie, but it has that distinctive hook on the end of the beak that the magpies lack
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this is a picture (again not mine) of an adult and juvenile magpie. you can see the baby has those soft brown feathers, but is slowly losing them for the adult plumage. this little fella is definitely the same species as the one i met.
again, appreciate the interest but this is definitely a juvenile australian magpie :)
stop discoursing. look at the fledgeling magpie i met today
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spacelazarwolf · 2 months ago
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he is observing the mitzvah 🕎
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celebrimborium · 4 months ago
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the rings of power + creature design
// credit to: nick keller, simon lee, john howe, einar martinsen
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jackdawsfavorite · 1 year ago
Humans used recorded* whale calls to have a mutual conversation with a humpback whale! We aren’t totally sure what we were saying other than a greeting, but the whale approached, responded, and, “consistently matched the interval variations between each playback call,” for 20 minutes.
*and analyzed, they weren’t just firing off at complete random
All the investment seems to be oriented towards eventually having language analysis abilities that we can use to communicate with aliens —the team responsible is even called Whale-SETI— but my ass is like, “Who cares?? We don’t even know if there’s anyone within reach out there! The whales are right here!!”
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prokopetz · 2 years ago
Thesis: while strictly speaking a "beast" is any non-human animal, archetypally a "beast" is a large quadrupedal vertebrate, and the further an animal is from embodying that archetype, the funnier describing it as a "beast" becomes.
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breebird33 · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween to every witch and their demons 🎃✨
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