#be it for themselves or for someone else???? maybe lol 🤔🤔🤔
akkivee · 1 year
i was thinking about how samatoki’s gut was telling him rei isn’t a bad guy vs kuukou’s gut telling him to be wary around rei in arb and nothing’s changed about it lol
just i think i stated on here samatoki can sense they’re the same type of person who would do anything for their most important person but kuukou might be reacting to the sense that rei’s the type to leave someone behind if sees enough reason to 🤔
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adhesive-animations · 8 months
You know what I think would make an interesting episode in season two?
A episode where they have to confront the temptation of their “perfect life”
(Similar to the Supernatural episode: What Is And What Should Never Be where Djinn make you believe your greatest dream comes true)
Or more specifically, their assumed “perfect life”
Like Angel Dust and Husker would obviously want their souls back but what else could someone assume that they’d want?
For Husker to want to go back to the life of Overlord? Instead of everyone being at the hotel, they’re all at his casino? Charlie is in management, Vaggie is security, Niffty is a maid, Sir Pentious fixes things when they break. (Alastor probably wouldn’t be a part of the equation lol it’d be like the deal never took place). Angel is the top performer, helps swindle the guests out of more money, willingly acts as arm candy for Husk when he needs?
For Angel would it be assumed that he wants revenge on Valentino? Would he over throw him, take over the studio? Or would he start his own gang, maybe with Valentino’s other freed workers - we saw a glimpse of his brother, if he had a successful gang in hell would he “gain” the respect of his brother and father like he never had in life? Maybe he works with Husk to have a safe spot for him and his crew carved out in his casino which maybe houses the others like above?
If, for some reason he was back in hell, visiting maybe, Sir Pentious would probably get the experience of being an overlord, the others work with his eggs as members in his crew, he gets his chance with Cherri Bomb.
Cherri Bomb might run the drug trade or a really competent gang of thrives, has the black market under her thumb. Angel’s her right hand man. We haven’t see much of her interactions with the others (except for Sir Pentious - “RIP”) so I don’t know how they’d fit in. Sir Pentious wouldn’t be “dead” they’d get a chance to explore whatever was going on with them.
We don’t know a ton about Niffty other than some strong characteristics so maybe hers is something more similar to reality than the others. They’re all together she cleans after everyone, has someone who indulges her desires. She gets to kill more than she usually does and then cleans up after?
Charlie and Vaggie’s would be very similar if not the same. The hotel worked! Everyone’s redeemed, they’re all together in Heaven, the exterminations have been ended, everyone’s at peace. Charlie has her family back together, Vaggie maybe never fell but still somehow is connected to Charlie?
Alastor obviously would no longer be on his leash. He’s the most powerful overlord, maybe some of the others are also overlords, in an alliance with him, maybe in his perfect reality he has no connection to them at all, he’s all powerful and has his connections with Rosie and Mimzy (+ whoever else we’ll meet in the future that’s connected to him) and that’s enough. He doesn’t need the other hotel members, he doesn’t want them, he doesn’t want to be altruistic, after all.
Some of them are at a point where I think they’d feel empty without the others, ruining the “perfect” life if they’re not there- though some might be able to settle in without the others
At some point all, most, or some of them start to realize that it’s all a fantasy and have to both rip themselves away and then confront themselves on why they were given that as their “perfect life”
Idk, just think it could be interesting
I know there probably won’t be a episode like that but I think it would be a fun dive into their characters, the assumptions people have of them, and the contrasts of what they truly desire
Even though it’s not likely to be an episode, it’d still make a great fanfic
Might write it 🤔 would have to iron out the maybes lol
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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fen!!!! Hope you are doing weeeell 😇
The Aurryn thread had me in stitches omg. You created a problem... now take responsibility 👀
Also just completely ignoring the whole reaction you have to the luca questions..... hmmm... 🧐🤔
But back to my ask. It is my most favorite ask i alwaaaayyyyys ask and i neeed to ask. If no one else has. But i fucking love a jealous RO especially when they try to not be jealous or it's completely outrageous for them to be.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo: MC is at some ball thing and another noble is very much just trying to rizz the hell out of them. Like flirting their pants off (to hopefully flirt the MCs pants off too) and MC isn't uncomfortable but just enduring it because it's probably not something new. What do the ROs do/think about that 👀 📝
Also, I'm so glad the page is so lively, lol 💜
Hi again!! I’m doing well thank you! Hope you are good too. I see no problem with the aurynn situation 😏--in fact I have discovered I have the power to turn straight people gay with nothing more than a drawing so NONE of you are safe. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🔫🐛pew pew
Dunno what you are talking about with the Luca questions....there is nothing suspicious going on. :3
As for the jealousy question:
Kieran: pre-feelings, they won't really be very jealous and would probably only intervene bc they feel that someone flirting with their betrothed is going to be a bad look for them, you, and the noble. Post-feelings, they would start getting jealous but would have a hard time recognizing it as jealousy bc it is not a feeling they are familiar with. They'd probs spend a while just watching you from across the room with a troubled look and then find some excuse--if only to convince themselves they are doing this for a good reason--to cut in and dance with MC instead. They'd be in denial over feeling jealous.
Aurynn: pre-feelings, not going to care much so long as MC doesn't look uncomfortable. If MC does look uncomfortable or like they are so incredibly bored out of their skull, he'd step in but otherwise he is fine with letting MC handle it or if mc is flirting with others if they want to. He's a slut. He gets it. And he knows if MC really wants out of it they can just signal him with a look and he’ll come to the rescue but not without badgering the hell out of the noble first, if only just for the fun of it. Post-feelings, he's going to be struggling with why the hell he cares so much about seeing someone else rizzing mc up and might start getting petty about it. He wouldn't even care about rudely cutting in if it means he gets to monopolize your time and would probs overcompensate by being overly casual and talking too much so you can’t get a word in edgewise or question him bc he doesn’t quite know why he did that either.
Samira: Pre-feelings, so long as MC doesn't look uncomfortable, she would feel it would be rude to intrude even if she thinks it is a bad look for someone to be flirting with an engaged person so openly bc she is not nobility and feels a bit out of place cutting in between nobles but she would offer sympathetic looks if she can tell mc is just enduring it. Post-feelings, she might start to choose to interpret the noble's actions as overly brazen and mc as uncomfortable just to give herself an excuse to cut in. Would be staring daggers at the other noble even after they left despite herself.
Nihm: pre-feelings, would feel it would be bad for someone to be flirting with an engaged mc so openly and might leave it for Kieran to handle out of respect but if Kieran doesn’t notice then they might try to politely cut in so as not to cause a scene. post-feelings, they are going to have some internal suffering and maybe staring at mc longingly from across the ballroom as they try to figure out what they should do. Might cut in to avoid a bad situation and then feel really awkward afterwards bc they've cut in for selfish reasons and now don't know what to do about it. Might just leave out of embarrassment.
Lilith/Lucien: Petty about it either way. They might debate about stepping in at first and then very quickly lose that self-debate—if one even occurred at all—and scare away the noble, which wouldn't be hard considering L's reputation in Celestyl. They’d be pretty smug about having your undivided attention. They tend to pout if you choose someone else over them, depending on the situation.
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forcebookish · 1 month
What drew you to Burn Notice?
EXCELLENT QUESTION.................... i don't remember hahaha
nah ok iirc i caught it on tv when season 6 was airing and got hooked and i think i watched the whole thing up to that point in, like, a week. i don't remember what particularly caught me, but at the time, i was living with my friend and wasn't in school or working, so i didn't have a lot going on and found it strangely soothing. i still do! it's my go-to comfort show. something about michael's deep, steady voice, especially on the VOs, and all the whump and found family was (and is) really relaxing to me. and i like that they help people who no one else can help and that it's not afraid to be sentimental. you know, it's this perfect blend of comedy, action, tragedy, drama, mystery, and romance.
around the same time, i was also watching flashpoint, which is another series about veterans, snipers, and found family with a lot of whump lol for some reason, i'm really drawn to those kind of characters and stories. bucky is my fave in marvel; widowmaker and ana are my faves in overwatch; i'm one of six people who actually really like riley in btvs lol
maybe because it's people who are expected to be detached, emotionless, or not easily affected by their dire circumstances, but are in fact deeply affected and emotional despite their best efforts are really appealing to me. (ok, re: widowmaker, she is, by design, detached and emotionless, but only because she was brainwashed and even asked to be; plus, that just opens up great potential for emotion breakdowns in fanfiction! :D) (hm, i also apparently like brainwashing plots 🤔)
i also LOVVVVE mom characters, especially overly devoted and protective ones who have complicated or abusive relationships with their kids. maddie is tied with michael for my fave; mags is my fave in justified; cersei is one of my faves in asoiaf. basically, i like mama bears who are at risk of eating their cubs. again, i think it has to do with that dichotomy and contradictory nature. moms are expected to be protective of their kids, yes, but when it's to the detriment of the very kids they do all these shitty things for, that scratches a particular itch to me.
i tend to like characters who not only have layers, but have facets of their personalities that might not jive together or mesh well; they have sides of themselves that they have to fight or reconcile with. they're hard and soft. michael is an army ranger veteran, an ex-spy, a killer; he's also an abuse survivor, a lover, has a soft spot for kids. sam is a navy seal veteran, a forger, a killer; he's also a sugar baby, a booze hound, a goofball. fiona is an ex-IRA guerilla, a bomber, an arms dealer; she's also a lover, a grieving sister, someone with a fierce moral compass. jesse is a badass counter intelligence agent, a killer, a ball of rage; he's also a grieving son, a whiner, kind of a dork. i love their inner-conflicts and how those really do inform the way they interact with one another. i love that they have history and intense fights or issues, but always come back and forgive each other.
i also tend to like stories with major character death? i guess i just like high stakes! it really is the whole package for me! 😂😂
ANYWAY........................................................... thanks for popping in, obviously i love rambling about stuff i like <3333
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bagheerita · 2 months
finally finished DS9 and decided to post some thoughts in one big blob
I was honestly about to give up on season 7 and put the rest of this show to the side for a few months, but then Ezri and Worf have a 3 episode arc sorting out their relationship, only talking to each other because they're marooned/imprisoned, and I was so charmed by them being loud and messy that I managed to bull my way through to the end. I love the two of them as friends, they are adorable. 
I actually really like Damar and his arc, and it’s pretty rare I say that about a character who killed my favorite. 
I feel like the reason Section 31 exists, and they keep forcing episodes about it upon me, is because they wrote themselves into a corner with inventing the changeling disease to kneecap an unbeatable enemy and didn’t know how else to fix it/end the war except with secret secret spies. 
Ezri has this whole speech she gives to Worf about dismantling structures of power and I feel like they needed to end the show before anyone was like, hey the Federation kind of sucks and we should definitely do that. 
Garak’s mom showed up and everything was good in the world again.
Ezri and Julian are like “can’t deny the chemistry.” lol babes that's called being a young attractive allosexual. "Chemistry" is what Worf and O'Brien have in all the scenes where they're mocking you.
I’ve never felt the truth of the phrase “I support women’s wrongs” so intensely as I do with Kai Winn. I love her and I want to give her everything. I didn't love her getting assaulted by Dukat, but when she knows everything that's happening and chooses the pah-wraiths anyway, yes fuck it up. When she poisoned Dukat I was like, hot damn if this character dies as a footnote in someone else's quest for power I will forgive everything that this show has put me through because of him. But we can't have nice things. I did like that her last act was to choose to take their victory from them, and give Sisko the clue he needed to beat them.
I do love Martok but I feel like he’s going to be about as good a chancellor as Robert Baratheon was a king. 
Odo is The Last Unicorn, but with brain-melding: he’s going to share his experience of loving a mortal with the other immortals. I still don’t “get” him and Kira as a couple, their relationship literally went from -20 to 100% after a single all night conversation locked in Jadzia's bathroom and no actual onscreen development, but at least I believe that they believe they’re in love. 
Why the ever loving fuck is Julian so obsessed with the Alamo. Every time they bring it up I want to grab him and Miles and shake them. I get that it's supposed to be some sort of metaphor for fighting a hopeless war, but really? You want to go up to the fake room where you can do/be literally anything and you're going to repeatedly reenact a battle where you die to defend your right to have slaves and practice settler colonialism??? Even in the last episode they’ve won the real war and they’re still obsessed with reenacting this old battle. They also spend that one episode trying to figure out how to win the Alamo… babes, that actually happened: it’s called the Battle of San Jacinto- learn some actual fucking history, your side won the war. This isn’t about metaphors anymore, the metaphor has failed, now Julian just has a neurosis.
The Dominion War plot line goes on for way too long and there is so little internal emotional catharsis. (Maybe because for me the things that were supposed to be cathartic just induced more rage? 🤔) The ending was fine as far as character wrap ups but felt pretty rushed considering how long it took us to get to this point, and I really think they needed more time to handle the denouement. The overall pacing of the episodes/seasons is terrible: you wasted like a season and a half puttering around, with whole episodes where you forgot to mention the war; you added in mirror-verse episodes without bothering to use them for story or character development; Quark is one of my favorite characters but there are too many episodes about Ferengi shenanigans that do not impact the actual plot; there are whole scenes and arcs dedicated to a character who does not (within the internal logic of the show) exist. And then you slammed all the development into the last half of the last season. I'm not surprised now that I forgot this entire show after watching it while airing because it’s emotionally exhausting. I've compared DS9 to SGA in the past, but the Dominion remind me of the Ori: You've killed the enjoyment I found in this show and have made it a chore to watch.
I do like that what ends the war is Julian’s determination and Odo’s compassion. You've proven the Founders wrong, but this entire plot thread was so poorly handled that I don't know that anyone remembers one mention from four seasons ago about why this war even started and, honestly, standing on a planet where you just murdered millions of children it's kind of not enough. I like that they let Garak kill the last Weyoun, and I adore the scene where he lets Kira take the phaser, but honestly he deserved more. It wouldn't solve anything, and I think there's a nice parallel in Garak's fears inspiring him into attempting genocide being incredible grounded in reality and the Founder's similar fears being negated, but he deserves it, the head Founder deserves to be torn into tiny pieces by grieving Cardassians, and I deserve to watch it. (I also desperately want Garak to find out about Section 31 and the changeling disease just so he can be like, "Oh so when I try to commit genocide I get 6 months in jail, but when the Federation wants to commit genocide that's okay?")
I don’t know who on the production team is so invested in Mark Alaimo getting a paycheck, but by the end Dukat as a character has long outlived any interesting qualities he may have had at one point. The final battle shit with the pah-wraiths was pretty underwhelming; except for the deeper exploration of Winn's motives that this season has allowed for, "The Reckoning" was such a better structured episode. (At least at this point they've let Kira go off and be awesome without being forced into episodes with Dukat. The sheer amount of abusive old men sexually attracted to much younger women in this show is frankly unnecessary; I will never be able to unhear Curzon say he flunked Jadzia from the symbiont program because he wanted to bang her, and Dukat’s relentless pursuit of Kira especially/even after we learn he sexually assaulted her mother is disgusting.) 
I have mixed feelings about Sisko, and his character having a “white savior” role with the Bajorans. Like, I guess it’s a cool twist that he’s a black white savior, maybe that's the best the 90s can do, but also can we decide to not write stories where we give foreigners positions of power over recently subjugated peoples??  I was feeling pretty yikes about it especially after the beginning of this season and learning that he was basically genetically bred by the Prophets for the position, but… I dunno, I’m probably not someone who can or should have a deep opinion about this. I do like that arc for him as a character outside of what it means for the Bajorans, but his ending feels too open. I wish we got to know more about what he learns from hanging out with the Prophets, and I wish that the great "sorrow" he suffers from disregarding the visions felt more concrete. Kassidy is really the only one sad about this, Sisko seems excited to exist outside of time. (And I feel like a lot of the "yikes" of the character could have been fixed by making the character be Bajoran? You wouldn't need to invent a reason why he was chosen by the Prophets. He could even have been raised on Earth and still have those ties, and I think it would have made the pull between his duty as an officer and his duty as the Emissary more interesting. Also can you imagine if Jake and Ziyal were both half Bajoran and hanging out with each other??? But they don't pay me to write shows.)
Why do Miles and Julian have the gayest final montage? It's literally the first of the montages and they start it up over "The Way You Look Tonight" and I was just like... wtf did I accidentally put in a fan video? Miles is the only person in a relationship who has a montage without any mention of their significant other, though I guess Worf's does jump from his first meeting with Sisko straight to season 5 clips so they didn't mention Jadzia either. I love that Miles and Julian have such a deep friendship, and I feel like this show could use more interrogation of the concept of love and the fact that platonic love/friendship is just as important as romantic love, but the production has spent so much time "no homo"ing every relationship they can think of that it just comes off as bizarre. 
All the bts things I’ve read about this show pretty much amount to the production being like “we had no idea what we were doing with this character” which, when combined with the failure to manage season structure and some of the utterly bonkers episodes this show threw out there, leads me to believe that pretty much anything I enjoyed about this show comes from the actors. This is definitely a show I feel like I’m going to be “rewatching” through fanfiction and gif sets before I ever rewatch the entire show again. 
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danganronpa96 · 1 year
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Oh, this is a unique one for sure 🤔 I’ll try to answer this one as best as I can lol
Motive 1 - First Blood Perk
As the first motive, I feel like a lot of them would still disagree with using such a thing. Even if there would be no trial, someone would still need to die. Yuri would make that sentiment very clear. Ironically enough, Hiroshi and Walter would both probably find some interest within it, wondering how they could’ve utilised it if they had it themselves.
Motive 2 - Granted Wish for Murder
If anyone were to have used this motive, most others would’ve called them out as being materialistic or selfish. However, Bojack might think about if it would be possible to wish for some sort of redemption in his life. And Walter, once again, might think about how to use an overpowered idea to his advantage.
Motive 3 - Swapped Secrets
Having no idea what secret of yours has been thrown into the pot, and who has even been given it, would put some on edge. I mean, Retsuko would definitely assume it’s her karaoke affiliation, but the others would assure her that it’s not a bad secret at all, and support her through her doubts. I’d like to think Mai decides they should all spill one secret so they all feel less on edge about it, but most get antsy about it (even though you’re all dead already? Jeeze guys what do you have to loose lmao). Kaidou just yells “I’M THE JET BLACK WINGS!” and Mai simply says “We know, sweetie.”
Motive 4 - Swapped Motive Videos
They would find it similar to their letter motive. Although, just seeing that person’s face rather then their words might have pushed a few over the edge. Especially if it got too manipulative like DR1’s motive videos showing the “aftermath” of things. Knowing who your video was swapped it however would change things again. It would be difficult to not want to ask the person to see your video, even if it did lead to very bad things for some (aka Sans/Peter).
Motive 5 - The Gun
Now this one’s definitely going to be a shocker for them. Sure, the Americans like Walter and Bojack are used to it, but the others will be a lot more cautious over the weapon. Hell, I don’t even know if Ena knows what a gun is (please do not give Ena a gun for their and our safety). They are just all glad they are all on the other side of the screen watching from the comfort of the theatre. Yuri gives it a 4/10 because it wasn’t a knife /j
Motive 1 - Letters from a Close Person
This would remind them all of the motive video (well the ones who were actually alive during that motive). Curious, I imagine Fluttershy would ask Sans what he would’ve done differently if Papyrus had instead written to him. Sans guesses it would’ve be nicer to have a personally addressed letter, maybe would’ve given him some better closure rather than Papyrus being forced to film a video against his will. Dedede can only imagine his would be from Escargoon, or else a letter from Kirby would be as intelligible as scrap paper dunked in a fish tank (affectionate).
Motive 2 - No Sleep
Sans proceeds to leave the theatre (/jjj). Teto wonders if 2D could get away with it with his ‘void eyes’. 2D moves a seat away. Ashley would think it’s a weak motive, but as she watches what goes down, she gets a bit quieter. Cue Fluttershy sobbing over what happens next. Peter has probably already fallen asleep halfway through anyway (bozo).
Motive 3 - Handcuffed to a Partner
Some would think it would be a nice way to get along with others (like Fluttershy and Mr. Krabs) while others would just know they would be plotting murder the minute they get paired with someone undesirable (cough cough Peter). In that case, Brian hopes he can take on the responsibility himself. Although, he wonders that if he was paired with Parappa, what the other would’ve done about his nihilistic state much earlier on.
Motive 4 - Hallucinations
“Remember the time I started seeing dead people—” Peter is thrown out of the theatre. Miku, probably sat somewhere near the back, simply smiles, enjoying what’s happening on screen. How their feeble minds can be broken so simply just by seeing someone they’ve lost. Grief is a powerful narrative tool, is it not?
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
Timdayas don't have anyone but themselves to blame tbh. It's not as bad as the 2 leads of Queen Charolette (idk if you watched QC but the leads had great chemistry to the point where fans were getting really weird about them and the male lead has a gf. It got the point where the leads were standing like 5 ft apart during promo) but Z and Timmy were definitely making a point to not be too chummy with each other this go round.
Though, I never thought they were besties and were just playing it up during the first press tour. This go round, they didn't bother selling that story especially since Paul/Chani has been sufficiently established. I don't even know if they really ship Z and Tim or if they just want Z to be with someone "trendy" to fulfill whatever image they have of Z/her career.
Timdayas don't have anyone but themselves to blame tbh. It's not as bad as the 2 leads of Queen Charolette (idk if you watched QC but the leads had great chemistry to the point where fans were getting really weird about them and the male lead has a gf. It got the point where the leads were standing like 5 ft apart during promo) but Z and Timmy were definitely making a point to not be too chummy with each other this go round.
I agree Anon. They really have nobody to blame but themselves honestly. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: Queen Charlotte...
Are you talking about these two?
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I never saw this Bridgerton series, but I am familiar with them. I didn't realize ppl were shipping them in REAL life though. 🤦🏾‍♀️😵‍💫
That's gotta be awkward tbh....esp if you're in a rlshp with somebody else. Idk why fans can't separate acting from reality these days? 🫤
Anyway, I saw what they said in response to filming intimate scenes with each other (there goes that question again 🙄), and I thought their responses were VERY professional and insightful.
They had to film waaaay more intimate scenes than Timmy and Zendaya ever had to film for Dune, so that's saying smthg.
FF to Min. 2:32 where they talk about the "steamy scenes"
Idk why people think that love scenes are an "anything goes" type thing? 🥴 They are HEAVILY coordinated (JUST like fight scenes), and the two actors explain that in the video above, just like Timmy and Zendaya have been saying all along. It's just WORK. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: Timmy & Zendaya
I definitely think they're good friends. But that's basically it. I don't think it's as complicated as fans are making it out to be.... on either end.
I actually don't see this "awkwardness" btwn Timmy and Zendaya that some of you all are seeing on this press tour. 🤔 They've been laughing and joking with each other lol. I don't see them avoiding each other at all? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Z is the same way with just about ALL of her male costars imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️ She's different with Tom of course cuz he's actually her BOYFRIEND. That's just how Z is. Someone like Florence might be different. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Some ppl just approach things differently. Keep in mind, Z is a Virgo. Even she says herself that she is prone to overthinking things all the time lol. She plays things SAFE. Like, that's just her nature and personality.
Idk what Timdaya fans were thinking they were gonna get with this press tour, but these ppl are just doing their JOBS. They're working.
I still don't get the awkwardness some ppl are referring to honestly. She's been laughing at his jokes, she's acknowledged Timmy, etc. They just haven't been playing into the "Omg it was the best love story ever and I LOVED kissing him/her" fauxmanship that maybe SOME costars engage in lol 😆
To me, they're acting like any other normal cast on a press tour together. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Only Friends Ep. 9:
1. For this ep, I just want Sand to run as far away as possible from Ray (although based on previous ep's preview, I know that wouldn't happen) 😔
2. I don't know, it's too unrealistic for Top to change that fast. I do think that he is just not used to losing anything, which is why he is trying hard to win Mew back. As for Mew, I guess it is also the first time that he was wrong about someone (although, I pretty much doubt that) especially when he prides himself of "knowing how to accurately read" people (see episodes 1 and 2). I still see these two people trying to prove to themselves that their sense of self is not entirely wrong.
3. I'm beginning to think that Sand is either a hopeless romantic or an effing masochist. Wtf. He already knows Ray is toxic. He KNOWS RAY WILL CONTINUE TO HURT HIM (and himself). If he has any self-respect, he will walk away.
4. <on videoing Ray making out with Sand) There's the Top I know.
5. I still don't know Atom's angle in this scene. I mean from being in a cis relationship then jumping straight to gay s*x. With Boston, of all people. Why? I don't think he is fuelled with plain ole curiosity. He practically seduced Boston (although let's face it, it doesn't take much to get Boston h*rny)
6. I think I can recognise Pisaeng's (BMF) campervan lol. Hurray, for Team Second Option! Get an effing move on, gods dammit. Well, at least Sand is aware he is a masochist lol 😅
7. Yo and Mew. Really, don't start relationships that you actually don't want. The fvck. 😑
8. I love Khaotung, but Ray. Ray is trash. At this point, he is using his pain as excuse to be a manipulative, little sh*t to everyone. Also, I guess Mew's brain has been addled badly with drugs and alcohol to believe that Ray's "the word love makes most sense with you" is anything but a confession of Ray's toxic dependency on him.
9. Frankly, I don't think these kids should have romantic relationships. Especially Ray. Ray should just stop dragging everyone to his personal hell.
10. Atom is acting like a possessive bf. AFTER AN EXPERIMENTAL ONE-NIGHT STAND. I can't believe I am siding with Boston in this argument 😂😂😂😂 but fvck, here we are.
11. Maybe Sand and Nick could try it as a couple. I mean, they are both decent people. Maybe they can work it out. 😅 <after 5 seconds> ooof, Nick read my mind lol. Too bad, the kiss started nothing 😅😅😅😅
12. I just want the mums to smack some sense into Mew. Maybe, it would also get rid some of his self-righteousness and feelings of moral superiority 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
13. No, Nick. You left Sand to be fed to a smug, manipulative wolf.
14. Can I push Ray in to that lake? Right now, I have a strong urge to drown Ray and leave his dead body in that mountain top. I mean, Ray is making Top looked good IN MY EYES. Pretty sure the mums prefer Top at this point too. The fvck.
15. Is it just me, or Dan just feels creepy? This show is triggering all my paranoid senses lol 😅😅😅 Also, Nick is not known for his good judgement, he lets his hormones lead the way.
16. Oh, Nick. You poor, crazy sod. Why are you still following Boston??? Your need for closure is driving me nuts. 😑
17. Waiiit. Is Boston actually regretful? Really? Boston? Or is the sight of Nick smiling with somebody else triggering him too?
18. Is this a premonition? Will Ray die at the end of this series? 🤔🤔🤔 I mean, Ray is perpertually high, drunk, and destructive. Pretty sure he is heading to an early death at this rate.
19. Ah, Sand. You really should stop sticking your d*ck in crazy.
20. Ray, Mew looks okay even though you technically cheated on him. Should be your cue to understanding that only you thought you were boyfriends. Mew just needed a rebound.
21. Ngl, I was expecting Mixx in that elevator, not Mond! What is he doing here anyway? Is he another one of Top's exes???
We are almost at the finish line and I'm undecided who needs a sharp smack in the head the most lol. I guess, with Mew and Ray 'breaking up', there's a chance that Sand will not be a sad boy anymore. Although, I still have a strong urge to m*rder Ray after all was said and done.
I still don't know what Atom's deal is. It just seems so sudden that he is in "love" with Boston. Looks like Boston will do some self-reflection but why is Nick still there? I guess, the man just loves the hurt. Also, looks like Mond will play the ex, Boeing. I always thought it was gonna be Mixx.
Well, one thing's for sure — the show is about to get messier. I think Im'ma need to go to church now 😂😂😂😂
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mygwenchan · 8 months
So Captain and Keen are on speaking terms again? Did Keen already forgive Captain? If so, damn... that boy must be a bigger masochist than I thought lol
Anyway, sucks big time for Keen that he got thrown out of the team as well as uni. Those sex clips really ruined his future
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Just move in with Captain. At this point they all might as well live together in one big house. It will be utter chaos, but it will be entertaining :D
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I wonder who sent the clip 🤔 Don't think it was Puen. So maybe that bathroom grandpa or someone else from the rugby team
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Awww~ Look at Captain, so ready to admit he fell for Keen :3
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What a puppy, goddamn...
Someone please put a leash on this man, he'd look so good 😌
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Captain, you better take care of this one for the rest of your life! You're rich, you can pay for his apartment and everything else. It's the least you could do after all the drama
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Kudos to both of them for being able to cry on the spot (I could never). But damn, that was one wet kiss XD
While watching scenes like this one, I always wonder how the actors even bring themselves to kiss each other... I'd constantly worry about the tears and the snot and I would definitely not be able to smooch someone whose face is messed up like that lol
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purrmoon · 1 year
Any headcanons about alphas submitting to omegas out of need not want. Like omegas who are so fear induced it causes anger and they become dangerous. How would that go? In what way do you think an alpha would submit, how could they make themselves small enough for an omega to calm down to allowing them near?
sorry it took me so long to get to this nonny! it's been kinda hectic xD
hmm 🤔
first, speaking quietly, keeping their voice even and calm. slow movements. making sure the hands are visible, palms turned up so there's no worry about hidden weapons or claws. shoulders down; they don't necessarily have to bare their throat, especially if they're worried the omega might lunge, but trying to keep it covered could set the omega off as well.
some omegas would probably appreciate the alpha making themselves smaller, but that might make others more skittish (believing that the alpha is concealing something, or protecting something from someone else, or covering an injury). i think crouching / putting the omega on higher ground is probably universally appreciated, though?
removing any visible weapons, if that's a concern, lol.
advice on specifically making themselves smaller--crouching, hunching, curling in. maybe lying down? especially on their side, but going belly up, even if you can't curl up quite as much that way, is a very vulnerable position.
outside of that... offering up a jacket or blanket, something they can wrap up in, might be welcomed. (especially if there are a lot of scents nearby; having something to focus on might help a lot!) also: making whatever area they're in feel safer, giving them defenses or some nesting material---if they don't need to leave immediately, anyway.
some omegas may respond well to scents being uncovered, but others might actually appreciate them being blocked/muffled. (i read one fic where the omega didn't respond well to scents because their prior pack had used scent to manipulate them. and then in a lot of other fics u have omegas/other dynamics freaking out because without scent its harder to determine intention!)
a pack member could try Command---though that could also make things much, much worse
regardless of what methods are used, though, i imagine the process takes a bit. (except in rare exceptions, where maybe an omega might latch immediately onto a scent or voice?) it can go quicker if the alpha, or whoever is working with them, has been professionally trained, or if there's been trust built up between them/they're pack (though i assume it would have to be new pack? or pack had only just arrived on scene, for them not to latch on immediately). but! definitely a slow process that requires a lot of patience and calm and gentleness~
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melrosing · 2 years
How would you imagine a Ned that grows up at Casterly Rock (Ned/Jaime truther here) to turn out?
hmmm 🤔🤔🤔 keeping all other things the same…
so assuming he’s ward to Tywin, I think Ned would feel very uncomfortable to start with and dislike a lot of the customs and culture at the Rock. I think the Arryns can be kind of pretentious but they’ve got nothing on the Lannisters, and the Starks fancy themselves very straightforward people. also the Rock is fucking ugly and probably a somewhat depressing place to be sent to. ‘only a Lannister could love the Rock’ etc
but I think young Jaime sounds like a pretty open and pleasant kid who doesn’t struggle to make friends, so I think he would welcome Ned, and Ned would grow to like him after having a chance to warm up to the place a bit. I do think young Jam could also be a bit irritating (like when he’s intrigued by someone he’s kind of a circling pest like with Brynden, I picture him the same with Arthur lol) but ultimately likeable. and I think he likes personality types like Ned’s. and Ned warmed to Robert fine, I think he’d warm to young Jaime.
assume the thing between Jaime and Cersei is still going on. can see it being a source of awkwardness if Ned ever did find out (and maybe what Jaime and/or Cersei needed at that age was a trusted peer saying ‘excuse me but what the fuck’). cue them falling out over it and managing to make up at some point.
does Jaime still join the KG with Ned on the scene?? maybe, maybe not. I like to think they’re close enough that Ned could’ve counselled him otherwise, but maybe he still does and Ned’s just like ‘you’re a fool’ and is low-key sad for him
THEN. supposing things play out the same way with Rhaegar and Lyanna, this would make things v awkward between Ned and House Lannister. House Lannister are (supposedly) a staunch Targaryen ally, but Brandon would still join forces with Robert in this AU, and Ned would no doubt want to join him in defence of their sister. Tywin’s refusing to take a side would be a source of great friction though, and Jaime would be sworn to Aerys so: oh no they are on opposing sides of the war!!
come the point of Jaime becoming Kingslayer tho…. this would be the best part of the AU imo because now Ned knows Jaime enough to know he’s not a skeevy guy - but the Tywin’s underhandedness and Jaime joining the KG for Cersei rather than anything else would have him thinking perhaps Jam is just an opportunist and I didn’t really know him?? and ALSO. he knows Jaime was there at his father and brother’s death just watching the whole time and how does that make him feel!! like what did the guy THINK as he watched this happen!!!
AND! I think Jaime would feel enormous guilt about having watched Ned’s family be slaughtered and would struggle to speak to Ned subsequently, so Ned may still be free to assume the worst!!! oh god we’re back at Ned and Jam not understanding each other despite having many things in common just like in canon
so this could fester over many years and then things play out roughly the same as canon and they meet again in AGOT and ooh tension. or we could cut things short and they manage to speak shortly after the Kingslaying and if this were a JamNed fic they get together then. I don’t know choose your own adventure but there you go
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hi Rainbow!!!
Is it bad if we don’t love GGDD’s new dramas post-2021? I’ve watched all of their new works on paid platforms but haven’t really loved any of them… and it makes me feel like a bad fan lol. Wfs are always going off about how we only support cql and nothing else so I feel like I’m just proving what they are saying. But on the other hand, I watch “straight” cdramas all the time and some just have better plots than others. I was really excited for ygy but so far it’s not my cup of tea and I find myself hyped for other dramas currently airing instead.
Hi Anon!
If you've watched all their dramas on paid platforms, it's hard to say you're a bad fan. That is by far the best way to support their work - through views, subscriptions, etc. Whether you liked a project or not, at least you've supported it.
You are under no obligation to enjoy their other work, but I think it's unusual for someone to dislike every other show they've done. You really watched them all - every one of them - and didn't like any of them? You didn't like The Youth Memories? You didn't like Being a Hero?
It's understandable that you'd dislike a shallow, cringey offering like OOL, but The Youth Memories? Really? That show is so good, I can't understand how you could dislike it. Have you really, honestly watched them ALL? 🤔
I can see why some people are a bit disappointed with The Longest Promise. I think that drama has been SO overhyped for years, as people have been dying to see it, and maybe they got their expectations ratcheted up too high. But it's also only just begun airing. I think people need to be patient and give it a real chance. The story has only just begun.
If you find yourself repeatedly disappointed it might be worth taking a closer look at your expectations. When you set an expectation in your mind, it's going to always be a guess, and it's going to almost always be an incorrect guess, and you'll go into the experience from a comparison mindset rather than from an open-minded one.
I personally try to avoid making assumptions - positive or negative - about something I haven't yet seen, and I try to go into everything with an open mind.
I've observed a lot of turtles who have stratospheric expectations for The Longest Promise and are feeling disappointed, and a lot of turtles who've had negative expectations of The Youth Memories and have completely skipped it. Both are doing themselves a disservice.
My advice for people approaching GG and DD's projects (or really, ANYTHING we encounter in life) is to try to go in with an open mind. Don't ignore or skip something just because you assume it won't be up your alley. You can't possibly know that until you try it.
Don't assume you're going to absolutely love something, either, or create preconceptions in your mind about what it will be like. Take it for what it is, and maybe through that open-minded perspective you'll find something about it that appeals to you.
And if you do watch it and find you don't like it, well at least you supported their projects. There are a lot of other dramas and films out there for you to enjoy, and there will be much more to enjoy from GG and DD in the coming years.
Edit: Follow-up post here.
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derangedthots · 2 years
I'm really curious about your writing process and everything ctf, got a million questions but most of them you probably can't answer because spoilers 😅.
If that's OK, I wanted to ask some more general, behind-the-scenes things? (if not just ignore them)
Like, who out of the truly secondary (as in, they don't appear that much/aren't that central to the plot) characters you like/enjoy writing the most/least and why?, what scenes came easily vs which ones were a pain to get just right? , is there anything/anyone that's been flying under readers' radars but will be "a surprise tool for later"? , when it comes to reader reaction, is there anything in particular you didn't expect or that you thought may happen but didn't?
And finally, when writing about the Tullys (Kermit, Elmo, Oscar, Grover...), have you ever been overcome by the mental image and ensuing hilarity of everyone else as human and them as Muppets? (I had the realization midscene and got the giggles BAD 🤔😲😳🤭😂)
hi darling🥰💕
i'm always getting such fantastic questions from you guys and don't worry, i can actually answer all of these ones haha
out of the truly secondary characters, it's hard to choose a fav when it comes to writing them. it's good that you narrowed down which ones you meant by secondary bc i love almost all of my ocs but it just so happens a lot of them also reoccur and play important parts LOL. if i had to choose someone tho...maybe matilda? she just gives such matronly but no-nonsense vibes and i have nothing but respect for that personality type. not to mention, i feel like with any building/home/estate, the kitchens are always one of the places where everybody knows something. it's where the food gets made which already gives very "this is the heart of the place" vibes but also lots of ppl pass through there, which means there is always tea (both literally and metaphorically). matilda's fun to write bc she's aptly positioned to receive a lot of information, while also being highly responsible and respected for her job (srsly never EVER mess with the cooking staff anywhere), and idk i just like that abt her lol. i realize i haven't written much of her yet but hopefully that'll change soon. also who knows, my answer for fav secondary character to write might very well change as we go along (i did say this was a difficult choice haha)😅🤷🏻‍♀️
as for least favorite? bors. it's bors. no real spoilers but yeah, you'll find out why
what scenes came easily? is it bad if i say none😭 i think almost every scene i've written has been jam-packed with detail/characterization which means very little relaxation while writing for me lol. oh actually, on second thought, i think any scene with vermax? just bc he never actually says anything and his interactions with jace are all pretty straightforward. LMAO that's not a v interesting answer but it's the best one i have for you rn😂😂
as for what scenes were the hardest/took the most pains to get just right, i'd have to say the really emotional ones just bc whew - jace's emotions are really quite heavy and i want to convey how he processes (or doesn't process) them as authentically as possible. his scene with daemon in the dragonpit took me forever and i was constantly switching back and forth btwn writing that scene and other ones bc i needed the brain break
weirdly enough, i'd say any scenes between jacemond themselves are both easier and more difficult? they're in a weird liminal space. on one hand, they flow quickly bc i love writing them, they ARE our romantic leads after all lol, the origin and main impetus for why i'm writing the story (besides fixing what hotd broke), but also their scenes together are always charged so i have to do a lot of thinking while i'm working on them
my only advice for now regarding something that's been flying under the readers' radars but will become a special little mousekatool (god how american of me) for later in the story is:
just like jace, you should keep your eyes open and pay attention to the shadows👥
if we're going off what i've read in the comments/seen in my asks, i will admit i was surprised no one mentioned jace's relationship to rhaenys in terms of how he learned to braid from her. then again, i'm just very soft abt the idea of baby jace getting his little fingies caught in her hair and then jace practicing on his siblings+parents after they moved to dragonstone. but honestly i'm just endlessly thankful for all the responses and continued interest regardless🥹💕💕
the tullys tho. omg the tullys. i'm so glad you brought this up bc i absolutely had to hold back my laughter while writing their scenes i'm sorry but george is a comedian for naming them after muppets😭😭 i know he ran out of ideas for names but sir? the muppets? really? i'm over here trying to picture two charming young men with red hair for kermit and oscar and instead have to physically fight back images of a stuffed green frog puppet and a green whatever-oscar-is in a trashcan💀 little benjicott blackwood sparring with two muppets i'm wheezing babes😂😭
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deltaruminations · 1 year
geez louise ok i just need to get these thoughts out of my head lol. stream-of-consciousness rambling about Secret Boss "Someone" to follow
gaster or not, i think the idea of Someone being an "insider" to the dark worlds makes a little more intuitive sense than them being a Lightner (or shapeless fourth-dimensional entity, i guess). the simplest answer to "how were they contacting Darkners before the Fountains were open?" is, well, Someone themself was a Darkner. they already lived on that layer of reality.
beyond that, i think there's a certain clarity of motivation to be found if we take the stance that they're a Darkner rather than something else. consider the Someone’s M.O. — give these underdogs knowledge of what lies beyond, help them transcend their limitations, then leave them to take fate for themselves; this reads to me like an effort (however misguided) of liberation. why would Someone want to do this? maybe because they empathize with them -- and/or, maybe, they stumbled into some kind of eldritch knowledge themself, and were desperate to share it, to have someone else understand what they did.
if we do want to bring in gaster as a possibility for Someone… fuck it. let's say his "object" really is the font Wingdings. why, from a watsonian perspective, Font Darkners would manifest as skeletons is… unclear… but let's go with it for now. Wingdings is a digital dingbats font that sparked confusion, misunderstanding, and even conspiracy theories among users. It's always been a misfit among common typefaces, and over time its usefulness as an ideographic system has been challenged by easier and more available alternatives, including, of course, the implementation of Unicode emoji. contrast this with comic sans and papyrus, which, despite the chagrin of design literati, have historically been widely-used and beloved due to their availability, versatility, and ease of use. by this logic, wingdings fits the profile of a secret boss, designed for a purpose that left him underutilized and discarded.
no real ideas as to how he would have acquired The Knowledge or whatever, aside from ENTRY NUMBER 17 seeming to allude vaguely to opening a Neo Dark Fountain, a process that i guess could expose the planar nature of reality, like he figured if he can go down then maybe he can go up too, or something. listen i have no fucking clue ok. in any case he certainly seems like the type to go digging for it in the first place, Mad Scientist, etc., and maybe it's in his nature as a Darkner designed for communication to feel a need to share it. an obtuse, near-unintelligible font struggling to be understood. or something. lol
as to how gaster (and the brothers) would have "ascended" to the Light World… who knows lol. Magic Science Doors? there are still a ton of issues with this line of speculation and i'm not sure how much it really holds water beyond Being Interesting and proposing a couple of answers to things. but. still. it needles me
....................though. i mean. at the time we meet him, gasty guy does seem to be in possession of a human SOUL, and kris doesn't seem to have one otherwise….................................... nah jk that's silly LOL. unless...... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 no for real i'm kidding
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Idk about anyone else but I'm kinda excited for Alys to join hotd bc I just imagine myself as her lol like ik when she comes on screen I'm gonna be like omg yess that's me aemonds wife lol. Whenever I see people hate on her for no reason other than being mad aemond has a love interest that isnt themselves (not saying you're doing this just in general) I'm like why dont you just pretend you are her 🤷‍♀️ I feel like it helps to not get sad over certain characters bc I've definitely been there with other characters and it's not fun lol. Of course if she does use some sort of magic or manipulation to get aemond to love her I wouldn't see myself as her anymore and would just be sad for aemond lol. I just wanted to mention it bc I saw the post where you were sad about alys being casted and like I said I totally get it I've been really sad over characters love interests before and I feel like it kinda ruins characters for me in some ways you know 🤔 and for me its helped to completely take an actress out of a character and almost like insert myself if that makes sense lol, like YOU are alys rivers. so maybe it'll help but either way I hope you're not too sad over it 🥰
Worry not, dear anon. I do believe Alys is quite a compelling character, and I am all for the 'dark' couple (witch and kinslayer) that she and Aemond will be. I just hope the writers don't butcher their dynamic in the show, and actually make their storyline good (regardless of whether she manipulates him or not).
I don't dislike Alys x Aemond. My dry humour/sarcasm simply knows no bounds, and it's my way to cope with the jealousy, so please take my comments about them with a grain of salt. Cause who am I kidding, I've always loved the dark power couple/us against the world trope. Like, I must have watched this gorgeous edit a hundred times. The vibes are immaculate.
But that's definitely a good idea to imagine yourself as Alys. I know that I will legally change my name to Alys Rivers when the time comes. 😉😂
It's infuriating to me why I just can't be keen on shipping Aemond. I love Daemon too, but I'm fine with pairing him with someone else. This is truly a first for me - fictional husband wise. 🥲
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killyourrdarlingss · 2 years
now you do top 5 tropes
Cracks open AO3.
And also my own Google docs -
I like... Hurt/not a lot of comfort stories, or comfort used sparingly. I like reading characters who are haunted and the pain kind of sticks and makes them prickly to reciprocate right away. I like realism in my ships and whenever I see everyone so touchy feely it takes me out of it a bit.
Maybe because I as a person have only known to comfort whenever things have gotten unbearable? That grabbing someone mid breakdown is not a great idea. I think it's more rewarding especially in fics when someone BREAKS and you finally get that comfort of them consoling or reciprocating. I hope this makes sense 🤔
"been there, done that!" Finding love later in life, this one's kind of specific but I like when a character is genuinely like " no, I refuse to do this to myself - ah shit" and realizes they're head over heels, but just knows it's a bad idea? And it comes down to it where they're actually MAD they're into this mess, continuing to refuse to acknowledge it. It's always fun when they break and just end up kissing or hugging the other randomly because they're so frustrated and the other person is like : ????? , But is internally cheering .
Bonus if both characters are older men (perhaps one is divorced) and one is SUPER sunshiney and the other is trying SO hard not to give in and fold right there
3. "We only have eachother."
Unlikely friendships that have both characters relying on the other for lack of anyone else who cares, heavy emotional outbursts, dark confessions. Scenes where they both sit there crying through their issues and realizing they're the only two people who care about eachother enough to stick around.
Basically extreme slow burn that are shown through both perspectives and how each person is slowly coming closer to getting it, but is always just a tick too far.
I wanna read through characters sorting their lives out together and finally learning to be happy even if they only have eachother...
The love was there, besides everything, the love was there. // Stories where the love is pure, everything, but they can't be together how hard they try, be it tragedy or just that for the safety of their own lives, they have to break up for the better and hope one day they find themselves together again.
They try and be happy in new lives but they can't, the love never left. They're still holding out hope.
It's so satisfying when years down the line, older and tired, they find eachother, and that spark is just there, and it's like nothing's changed.
some of my favorite stories follow this and it works to kill me EVERY TIME.
1. "It's beautiful."
Oop is that Hannibal nbc I hear knocking at my door - oh it sure is !!
Anytime any story has tropes that align with Hannibal I just sigh wistfully and accept my fate. If you hand me devotion and longing as amazing as Hannibal I will eat it up.
Characters who know eachother so intimately with just a look, just such a mesmerizing type of love that it's dizzying to look at.
Devotion, infatuation, a sick love they both have that's not love but something much deeper, in their soul they need to be together,
Extremely fucked up soulmates - LOL
I hope this list made sense, I basically thought of plots and certain parts of stories I've read and gone "hm yeah whatever that means" so I hope it reads like ... Kind of okay?
Thanks for this ask, I love talking about tropes so much.♥️
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