Fnaf Ideas
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randfnafideas · 2 months ago
Been a bit since I did any posts on this blog and I just wanna say: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO FNAF?!
I remember what it used to be like up till fnaf 6, even up to the security breach game it was still nice to keep up with the lore but holy shit, I go into any theory area and people are talking about books as if the books are 1 to 1 with the game lore, weren’t the books supposed to be taking place in a fnaf universe but not **THE** fnaf universe we follow in the games?!
People keep talking about specific people from the books and applying them 1 to 1 with the games, like I’ve seen people talking about Micheal not being the character in fnaf 3, was that retconned or something?! Wtf?!
Anywho, if you come here for lore leave now, this is basically gonna be an au idea or fnaf based random thought blog for whenever I get ideas
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randfnafideas · 5 months ago
Do we have any ideas about how/ why Cassie goes to the mall?
Like I know she goes to find Gregory (who was the mimic) but do we have any clues/theories about how the mimic convinced her to come/ even managed to contact her? I doubt it was via a walkie-talkie like in the game cause she probably would have brought it to keep contact instead of finding one when she gets there. So did she like get an email from the mimic or something?
Actually how did Cassie get to the mall in the first place? Did she walk through town alone to get there?
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randfnafideas · 8 months ago
So I’ve been thinking of something for a long time about Michael and his implications
Michael is the only fundamentally unique character in the franchise, everyone else is possessing a robot or some form or humanoid object (even springtrap as William is possessing the suit not his body) but Micheal is possessing his empty skin. The closest thing we see to being different is golden freddy in which an empty suit is being possessed and they have the most paranormal things associated with them: teleportation and changing into a solo giant floating head.
He is literally possessing himself!
What if this made him have some odd quirks? Like he has no bones but is capable of movement obviously but is he capable of doing more than walking? Can he also teleport? Would burning even set him free? We saw burning works for animatronics but he at most maybe has a few wires he couldn’t get out from ennard but is otherwise metal free. Can he actually see? Like he more than likely has no actual skull much less eyes so how would he see? Does he need to breathe or eat? Can he even speak? He would likely have no jaw or teeth or tongue so can he speak or did he have to learn sign language?
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randfnafideas · 10 months ago
Ok so I saw a “timeloop” au for a insert character and the daycare attendants and that’s got me thinking about the idea of a timeloop au for the security breach games where Gregory is experiencing the main night over and over
Like maybe the game we play is his first night and whenever he dies or escapes (and an ending occurs) he wakes up in the pizzaplex a few hours before Freddy glitches out so he tries so many things to stop the loop from destroying all the bots, burning the building, not harming any bots, to more… desperate options…
*Ahem* back on track but just imagine how a comic or full fanfic of this could go, maybe in one loop he tries to leave before the show that Freddy glitches in the middle out and ends up immediately waking back up inside. Maybe in another loop he just waits somewhere, maybe in another he has learned enough about the bots to hack into one and get them to help him instead of Freddy (or with Freddy) etc etc
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randfnafideas · 1 year ago
I need to see an au of Gregory getting hurt by one of the animatronics before getting to the daycare and still managing to turn off the lights and moon glitches out because on one side the virus is telling him to be aggressive and his messed up default programming is telling him to be protective and caring to an injured child and the result is a still dangerous but protective and slightly possessive moon stalking him at almost all times trying to prevent further harm to him
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randfnafideas · 1 year ago
So I’ve seen a lot of afton family AU’s and stuff but surprisingly I haven’t seen one where the “bite” goes differently, like imagine if Micheal got so pissed at Evan’s fear of the animatronics he put his own head in freadbears mouth while his friends held Evan forcing him to watch to “prove” that the animatronics are harmless but fredbear still bites down and does what it does to Evan in cannon to Micheal. Maybe Micheal could end up possessing Fredbear/ golden Freddy and Evan grows up to somehow end up working for Freddie’s and Micheal tried to reach out to him somehow
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randfnafideas · 2 years ago
What if the majority of the main cast of robots in sb are mimics?
So I won’t be touching on the blob(amalgamation whatever you wanna call them) and burntrap due to the current theory’s and ideas covering them better than I can. Also I probably won’t tap into sun/moon because 1 how unique their endo/body is and 2 how unique their code has to be from the others for the two separate “personality’s” to be so unique
If I remember correctly the current idea was that when the first mimic was found by the company it was taken and used to make more correct? What’s to say that they took the newer ones and put restrictions on them instead of destroying them? It’s fazbear entertainment we’re talking about they like pinching pennies.
Onto the main idea the main four animatronics all seem to have personalities specific to them and what seems more likely for the company: making entirely new code for the animatronics with personality traits (from scratch or from scanned parts) or them taking the mimic code (or full body) and tweaking the code to put limitations on what kind of traits each can mimic and add to their “personality”? If it’s the second option it could explain things about their behaviors that the staff don’t like/ keep having trouble with and behaviors we see ourselves.
Freddy: he was likely given a kind gentle protective settings so he would be a good firstly impression on parents which would have likely have limited his learning to “kind, caring, and protecting” and what do we see him do? He’s first of all his character is really sweet and kind(nothin yet) and he seems to be breaking rule to keep Greg safe: if he does have the mimic code this could be explained by maybe he saw a dad break the mall rules to help/save his son or something, we see him do things that he states are against the rules and has Greg do things to make work arounds to bend the rules where he can’t directly break them
Monty: he was likely given a rough and tough rebel settings for his personality to appeal to boys since they’d see the “cool tough rockstar alligator, soooo cool!” which could realistically end up with him being more aggressive due to boys (especially older ones) rough housing before being reprimanded by the staff, boys like rough housing so he does that too etc etc then when Gregory is there after hours and add together that that’s against the rules and the extra incentive from the boss (whether you think that’s the blob or the burntrap) I could see his aggression going far enough to actually hurt Gregory
Chica: she’s likely the one meant to appeal to the girls more so she’s probably been given something similar to Monty but more girl oriented but more importantly for this she was probably also given food based learning because why would they change what Chica is known for? She’s known for loving fazbear pizza and promoting the food (and likely not wasting food) so give that to a learning ai what do you get? A robot that would try to “eat” leftovers to prevent waste (also if you think about it the best way to take leftovers to the kitchen to reuse it like we have evidence that the place does from the “recycled pizza” note? Chica the pizza loving chicken, maybe she has a storage area for it instead of a stomach hatch like Freddy) so she ends up eating trash
Roxy: she has the raceway (and maybe she’d patrol the arcade to interact with kids, that’d make sense right?) and she’d probably have been given a competitive personality settings to incite kids to try to win and what to kids and people in general do when they’re being competitive? They trash talk and hype themselves up, maybe the talk bad about themselves when they lose, hell there’s a reason there’s a stereotype of “rage gamers” who get really angry when they lose so maybe that’s where her aggression comes from
While a rough idea what do you lot think?
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randfnafideas · 2 years ago
So idk if anyone who draws/writes fnaf fanfics will ever see this but I need this in my life somehow, anyways here’s my idea
Gregory shows back up at the repaired pizzaplex after being homeless for 2 weeks(or more) and is both malnourished and sleep deprived, Freddy freaks out and tries to take care of him himself while filling a father role for Gregory and hiding him from the others and succeeds for a week till Gregory suddenly gets very ill.
Now before saying anything else for that let’s get to the other animatronics they all have been repaired and have only fractured memories of the whole thing(for how they felt during the event would be described as completely aware but somehow compelled to do what they were doing with no feeling of it being unusual for them to think/act that way) they’ll all take it in slightly different ways
The daycare attendant(using that to refer to both sides) since they would only need their code repaired(maybe more depending on the ending they decide to go from) is partially wiped to get rid of the virus and since sun just needed a few adjustments they remember the whole thing leading to moon being internally scared every time he interacts with kids that he might hurt them like he almost did with Gregory, I see them as the first to become aware of Gregory being back due to Freddy having Gregory get in his chest cavity and rushing to them at night since they have more medical knowledge and experience with kids due to their role, they’d eventually become the crazy uncle with the other being the chill uncle
Chica will have most her memory’s intact due most of her head/body repairs being either separate modules from her essentials so just a full virus check was needed and a replacement jaw, shell and joints, onto her trauma from it: she doesn’t fully remember being crushed she does remember trying to talk and the inability to feel if her jaw was connected(I feel like while they probably can’t feel pain specifically, they probably have the ability to “feel” pressure to ensure they don’t hurt a kid while interacting with them) so she doesn’t talk as much, when she eventually learns of Gregory she’ll probably be that one aunt that’ll ensure that he gets some healthier food because we all know that till that happens he’ll probably been living off of left over pizza and she’d probably go off on Freddy for a bit about how he’s still growing and needs more nutrients
Roxanne wolf would probably have her self worth issues and such(this will come into the story in a sec) she probably has the least recovered memories from that time(I mean she was hit full force by a speeding cart) but she definitely remembers the blackness of being blind and while she doesn’t remember what happened specifically she probably remembers the “pain” of so many components being ripped/broken at once, I can’t think of what she’d contribute to the story but I do know how she could end up meeting Gregory: she might go to Freddy to try to talk to him about her problems(either remembering the incident and before or for her self worth issues) and ends up walking into Freddy and Gregory(and whoever else has met Gregory by then)
So what do ya think? (Also in case anyone sees this and also see this on a different account by the name Yukurie that is also my account I just wanted to make a new blog cause I think imma make more of these and have this be the one for that and have the other be a all rounder for reblogs)
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