#tbh Walter would just go yeah I would’ve used that to all the motives
danganronpa96 · 1 year
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Oh, this is a unique one for sure 🤔 I’ll try to answer this one as best as I can lol
Motive 1 - First Blood Perk
As the first motive, I feel like a lot of them would still disagree with using such a thing. Even if there would be no trial, someone would still need to die. Yuri would make that sentiment very clear. Ironically enough, Hiroshi and Walter would both probably find some interest within it, wondering how they could’ve utilised it if they had it themselves.
Motive 2 - Granted Wish for Murder
If anyone were to have used this motive, most others would’ve called them out as being materialistic or selfish. However, Bojack might think about if it would be possible to wish for some sort of redemption in his life. And Walter, once again, might think about how to use an overpowered idea to his advantage.
Motive 3 - Swapped Secrets
Having no idea what secret of yours has been thrown into the pot, and who has even been given it, would put some on edge. I mean, Retsuko would definitely assume it’s her karaoke affiliation, but the others would assure her that it’s not a bad secret at all, and support her through her doubts. I’d like to think Mai decides they should all spill one secret so they all feel less on edge about it, but most get antsy about it (even though you’re all dead already? Jeeze guys what do you have to loose lmao). Kaidou just yells “I’M THE JET BLACK WINGS!” and Mai simply says “We know, sweetie.”
Motive 4 - Swapped Motive Videos
They would find it similar to their letter motive. Although, just seeing that person’s face rather then their words might have pushed a few over the edge. Especially if it got too manipulative like DR1’s motive videos showing the “aftermath” of things. Knowing who your video was swapped it however would change things again. It would be difficult to not want to ask the person to see your video, even if it did lead to very bad things for some (aka Sans/Peter).
Motive 5 - The Gun
Now this one’s definitely going to be a shocker for them. Sure, the Americans like Walter and Bojack are used to it, but the others will be a lot more cautious over the weapon. Hell, I don’t even know if Ena knows what a gun is (please do not give Ena a gun for their and our safety). They are just all glad they are all on the other side of the screen watching from the comfort of the theatre. Yuri gives it a 4/10 because it wasn’t a knife /j
Motive 1 - Letters from a Close Person
This would remind them all of the motive video (well the ones who were actually alive during that motive). Curious, I imagine Fluttershy would ask Sans what he would’ve done differently if Papyrus had instead written to him. Sans guesses it would’ve be nicer to have a personally addressed letter, maybe would’ve given him some better closure rather than Papyrus being forced to film a video against his will. Dedede can only imagine his would be from Escargoon, or else a letter from Kirby would be as intelligible as scrap paper dunked in a fish tank (affectionate).
Motive 2 - No Sleep
Sans proceeds to leave the theatre (/jjj). Teto wonders if 2D could get away with it with his ‘void eyes’. 2D moves a seat away. Ashley would think it’s a weak motive, but as she watches what goes down, she gets a bit quieter. Cue Fluttershy sobbing over what happens next. Peter has probably already fallen asleep halfway through anyway (bozo).
Motive 3 - Handcuffed to a Partner
Some would think it would be a nice way to get along with others (like Fluttershy and Mr. Krabs) while others would just know they would be plotting murder the minute they get paired with someone undesirable (cough cough Peter). In that case, Brian hopes he can take on the responsibility himself. Although, he wonders that if he was paired with Parappa, what the other would’ve done about his nihilistic state much earlier on.
Motive 4 - Hallucinations
“Remember the time I started seeing dead people—” Peter is thrown out of the theatre. Miku, probably sat somewhere near the back, simply smiles, enjoying what’s happening on screen. How their feeble minds can be broken so simply just by seeing someone they’ve lost. Grief is a powerful narrative tool, is it not?
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