#bc tiktok had me convinced that he was an actual character. and that he was in mw
glossysoap · 5 months
ngl whenever you boo and throw tomatoes at König, i am filled with an embarrassing amount of joy😂🍅
KELSI <3333
heheheeh someone’s gotta do it! thank god i have an unlimited supply of tomatoes 😈
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necrotic-nephilim · 17 days
in the tags of that one fab five poly post you mentioned that you are a core four enthusiast and I’d love to hear if you have any Kon headcanons or just any yj headcanons in general, I love those little guys
!!! i love Kon so much, he's one of my fave guys. i actually got into the 90s era of comics to read his solo run, YJ(98), and then i just spiralled from there. i've got lots of headcanons about both Kon and YJ
for Kon specifically, i'm really attached to the headcanon of him and Power Girl being friends. i think the idea of them bonding over imposter syndrome over feeling like Kryptonians who don't neatly fit into the Superfam would be very crunchy. it's my Kara Zor-L stan showing, but i've got a lot of fic ideas where they end up close. similarly: i also think a friendship between Kon and Bizarro could be fun, both being clones of Superman made by Lex.
for a YJ headcanon: i hold FIRMLY to the belief that Bart knew TIm's secret identity before YJ even formed he just. never mentioned it bc no one asked him. the way they meet in Robin Plus Impulse, i see no world where Bart doesn't figure it out. i think it makes for a hilarious concept that Tim's identity real is a big deal and he uses the whole fake name Alvin Draper and Bart just blurts out that he's Tim Drake. i know we all love TimKon, but I'm a bit of a TimBart truther and i think it could be a fun little moment for them.
back to Kon: this is less of a headcanon and more of just a thought: but i wish we had more content about the Ravers, Kon's team before YJ. i won't everytime i think about Superboy & the Ravers i have to look it up to convince myself i didn't hallucinate that entire comic. but it was so fun. there was a road trip arc. a canon queer character who's arc was handled shockingly well for the 90s. (and the homophobic character was the one who got the unhappy ending while the gay man got to be happy with a bf?? revolutionary.) i personally believe Hero Cruz was Kon's gay awakening. i won't elaborate on this. anyway i wish we saw more of Kon thinking about this team after YJ formed and maybe missing some of his old party friend losers.
also on the note of Kon, i love any exploration of his canon experiences with being groomed by just about every woman he "dated" in the 90s. i'm such a fan of when a character becomes hypersexual to cope with their trauma that they haven't realized even is trauma. and i think Kon fits that bar perfectly. the first real attention he got outside of being attached to Superman's legacy was sexual attention from women, so of course he would lean into that and not realize how fucked up it was until years later. i love when it shapes his relationships in fanfiction, especially if he doesn't realize it. whether it's Tana Moon or Knockout or just about any other woman, there's a lot of material to explore.
Kon is one of the few characters i will venture out of pre-Flashpoint for because i think his complex over Jon Kent has the potential to be really complex and fun. i think everyone misunderstands Kon and Clark's relationship (i blame the Young Justice cartoon. i've had arguments you wouldn't believe over Kon on TikTok-) as father/son and that Clark is constantly pushing Kon away in favor of Jon, and that's just not true. the issue is that Kon was *forgotten* by the timeline shifting without him bc he was off on Gemworld. and to me, that's more interesting than making Clark some kind of absent father to him. it's an issue of the world he remembers not existing anymore and most of the world not remembering him either, and now there's a new Superboy replacing him. idk man that's fun. i have a lot of thoughts about the feelings Kon would have about Jon, wondering if the timeline shift was meant to "correct" Superboy to make a version of Superboy that was meant to exist and Kon wasn't. this very much ties into my thoughts on how he and Power Girl would have a lot to bond over, feeling displaced in a world that doesn't need them. that's where Kon's identity issues stem from. that said, i always prefer a Kon who actually gets along pretty well with the Superfam, including Clark and Jon. most of his conflict is internal, not external. it's what makes him crunchy.
more YJ headcanon: i think the shift from the Teen Titans to YJ from the perspective of the mentors is fascinating. YJ got a lot more freedom and less supervision, it's like how parents don't try as hard when they have more kids. so i love the headcanon that half the time the League has no damn clue what YJ is up to. they played baseball to save the universe? yeah they never mentioned it to their mentors. no one asked. the lack of supervision, sans a robot, makes them incredibly creative with how they solve problems. they don't approach anything traditionally because no one is properly guiding them. since they're a new generation of sidekicks, most of them holding a mantle that was passed down to them (or at the very least they're a new generation of a superhero family) it holds a bit of imposter syndrome. all of them are internally panicking 90% of the time while trying to appear collected around each other. they're actively a collective disaster because of it.
personally, i view the Core Four as more of a queerplatonic polycule than a romantic one? like i think it's fun to explore polycule dynamics where it's not actually everyone dating everyone, but far more complex of some people dating, some people are familial, some people are fucking, and we don't even know what those two have going on. it's complicated, you know? messy and codependent. i don't see them as a neat polycule whatsoever. it's like an on and off again relationship but with four people that also occasionally includes others. i'm personally a fan of the potential of the Young Justice (2019) team being a polycule except none of them have any clue who's dating who. every single one of them *will* give you a different answer. half of them aren't even aware of the other's sexualities. Jinny has come out as a lesbian like four times to her own polycule. i'm a big fan of this team and i wish there was more fan content for it.
random smaller headcanon: i do think Kon can cook and i think no one believes him when he tells them. bc the issue isn't he can't cook, it's that he never has food in his fridge or pantry to cook with. that boy was raised with Ma and Pa Kent, he can make a *mean* hotdish with whatever he finds. just don't expect him to ever repeat a recipe bc he will never have that exact combination of ingredients in his kitchen again. he is however, horrible at baking bc cooking is an art and baking is a science and you will never catch him following a recipe in his life.
i think Kon regularly uses his TTK to save his teammates during fights and just. never mentions it. like in small ways, such as slightly moving flying debris that's about to hit them, making a villain's punch have more resistance so it doesn't hit as hard, slightly pulling them out of the way. no one knows for like. *years*. i'm very obsessed with pushing TTK to the limits and exploring how it makes Kon hyperaware of his surroundings. it's a literal sixth sense and i think he's passively always aware of everything, even when he's relaxing. no one realizes just how much control he exerts over a fight. which means he's holding himself back most of the time, and in my opinion for the reasons of being afraid of himself, and afraid of the Luthor parts of him. so he just. balances a fight in little, unnoticeable ways.
it's one of my headcanons that if Kon started openly dating Tim Drake, Lex would immediately try to get closer to Kon bc not only would he approve of Kon dating someone from high society, but he'd want to try to use Tim's power within his family's company and Bruce's company as leverage. of course it wouldn't work, but it'd be a fun mind game if Lex vs Tim with Kon just stuck in the middle. i have a vague fanfic idea for this I'll probably never write.
this is a cursed headcanon: but i believe Kon has an incest kink. the number of times he's canonically expressed incestual feelings (both on purpose and on accident) is not on purpose in the text, but the fact it keeps happening means i'm personally just going to run with it. i think KonJayTim is fun bc even if Tim and Jason don't see each other as siblings, Kon would make it a kink anyway. i will leave you on that cursed note.
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eerna · 3 months
How is the hate watching going? Love your rants 😭
Dhshshsh thank youuu~~
I finished the show, but I was so weak from how dumb the ending was that I forgot to blog about it. God. God what is this show. I will sum up my opinions here.
This isn't an adaptation, it's a totally different alt history with a fantasy twist story. There isn't a single plot point that happens the same way in both the book and the show, including the actual historical guidelines. I don't even think I noticed any book quotes (aside from a few remixed ones, like Jane inventing the "you come here often?" line). Idk why they didn't just call it something else, it's not like MLJ has a big fandom they could mooch off of.
I already whined about this but I need to re-establish it. All the changes made were to make the story into tiktok romantasy brainrot. The book was already super sweet and silly with the horniness appropriate for a YA romance, but these guys went full "booktok authors advertising their romantasy works" with it. It has tropes just for the sake of tropes a la Bridgerton, where it doesn't take its time to relish in any bc it has to sprint to the next one to check the box. How you mess up an arranged marriage plotline is beyond me, I think that Jane and Guildford called each other "wife" and "husband" like??? Twice???? Bc they were too busy holding each other at knife point or looking at each other's showering butts or whatever. They didn't even TRY to include the shared curse, apparently that was too boring and vanilla for them once they wrote in that Ethians keep their clothes on when transforming.
The plot is simply wack. The pacing is off because they stretched the first half of the story across 8 eps 50 minutes each, so a lot of the time everyone is pointlessly meandering waiting for the next plot point/reveal so everyone can move on. And this usually happens in the form of sex scenes. It is actually hilarious how many plot relevant sex scenes there are, at LEAST one per ep, where characters are discussing the plot and/or convincing each other to reveal their secrets. Do the writers know there are other situations that allow characters to talk to each other??? Even Jane and Guildford have sex and she goes "So about your dead mother"
The writers keep forgetring previously established stuff. Edward and Henry can imprison/execute anyone without trial, but Jane has to "find evidence" that these guys are trying to kill her. It is established Ethians absorb their clothes and any items they are holding into their animal form, but then Guildford is running around with a shackle around his neck claiming it will break his spine if he turns into a horse while it is on him, BUT THEN later he gets out of thick ropes that couldn't be cut by turning into a horse??????? Did they forget their own rules of magic??????
The dialogue isn't as bad as something you'd see on CW, but it still isn't good. I hate it when you can tell a show is trying to be edgy by constantly swearing and saying and doing shocking things, it feels unnatural and dumb. Mary in particular is the worst case of this, I don't think she has a single character trait there that isn't there for humor edgyness. She keeps licking and chewing random things, doesn't bathe, keeps getting turned on when her father and brother are mentioned, and has meltdowns like a spoiled child (at one point this is a plot point, as in "Jane gets her to get upset in public so she loses her political credibility", but there are 0 consequences and Mary keeps acting like a child in front of the entire court and NO ONE does anything and she is STILL QUEEN when credits roll on ep 8). This is the MAIN VILLAIN why is ANYONE afraid of her is beyond me. Also the cursing, murderous, racist, genocidal 10-year-old was so annoying and I kept imaging her parents and all of the writers getting sent to the salt mines for putting that little actress through that.
The lead actors are stuck in this mess. Jane and Guildford had good chemistry, in a "these actors clearly know what they are doing even if no one else in the production does" way. It went a step further and Jane had strange charged chemistry with others too, to the point where I was like "... Did she ever smash Susannah???" and "Are we adding Archer into the mix????". Lady Frances and Lord Dudley also made me think "I wish you were in a better show".
Around the midpoint of the show when I realized Jane is not yet gonna be deposed I was like "Oh no, are they splitting it into two seasons???" But then Edward finished up his portion of the story to join the finale and Archer joined Jane so I was like "Oh, they are just changing the culmination to happen during the execution". But THEN the show ends with a cliffhanger and a promise to dethrone Mary. S2 will look even less like the book, but maybe that's a blessing.
The soundtrack sounded so cheap and digital. Amazon do not lie to me and say you couldn't get an orchestra to record it. The tracks were on loop you literally needed like a few days tops to record it.
All in all. This show sucks man I am so annoyed at it
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bi-lullaby · 8 months
So I really loved the PJO show. I wish we get a second season, and a fourth and so on all the way through heroes of olympus because it’s just so good. If you feel like reading my (NOT spoiler free) rambles:
- Percy’s loyalty and dedication to his mom is just so integral to his character and they RESPECT THAT.
- I really like what I’ve seen mentioned about how both casting wise and storyline changes wise there have been some adaptations that were less “lol lets change it” and more to connect better with today’s audience and cultural paradigm. Like Annabeth being blonde because of the stereotype of “the dumb blonde” that was so prevalent in the era the books were released versus her being Black showcasing the extreme undermining Black women go through instead, or Luke being less 00s/10s boyband boy looking and more tiktok softboy looking now, but also Sally being less 100% perfect and more active in the story and upbringing of Percy as both a hero and a demigod and Luke being less cool and detached and more… Sweet? Emotional?
- I did feel pretty meh about a few changes: Zeus immediately accepting that Kronos is scheming and is a threat (Ik they couldn’t know if they’ll get that far but it cuts the stakes of the third book by a lot if there’s no pressing time limit to get Artemis back to Olympus to convince the Gods into action if they’ve been Doing Stuff for two years now, and even the second book loses a little in regards to the behind-the-scenes political climate that leas to it being what it was). Luke going to every length not to kill Percy is such a 180° from the books it was a little jarring and I feel it cuts out how much of a Menace he was and how bitter/jealous he was of Percy. Like we could have seen their bonding and even Luke trying to recruit him but I’d still have liked to see the scorpion scene so the betrayal and anger and wariness Percy feels is that much deeper and bitter and personal like in the books.
- I’m of two minds about the entire Gabe arch. Like on one hand I do understand toning him down (including his demise) for the public’s intended audience, I even think it kinda goes along the adapting to new times by showing that the useless, insensitive, disrespectful aspect of a bad husband is harmful just as the “darker”, more explicitly abusive/exploitative and mean drunk book version, but on the other I feel like he had such an impact on Percy in the books (he’s literally the Oracle’s “mirage” for his prophecy, he thinks of his smell in tartarus), and I really had loved the line “you’ll fail to save what matters most in the end” coming true because Sally saves herself - although the post I’ve seen about his fate showcasing how his lack of respect was his doom did make me appreciate it a little more.
- The only castings (or maybe it was the directing and styling of them more so) that I can’t really get behind are Hades and Hephaestus. Hades felt like they were going for the Disney’s Hercules comedic relief one in a slightly toned down costume. None of the gravitas and intimidation, he didn’t feel like a god at any point. And Hephaestus was just… So different. He’s supposed to be a deeply secluded, antisocial, gruffy mechanic who’s self sequestered by his inventions and forges. The show version looked like an eccentric professor more than anything imo. Which I feel could be one modern retelling of Hephaestus in another series, but isn’t the one we had and, imo, doesn’t go as well with the rest of the vibe. Which is a shame bc I do feel like Timothy could have been used in a way that would work fantastically for those vibes.
- Lin Manuel Miranda’s, acting actually shocked me. I never really had a Hamilton phase but I am on tumblr so I was expecting something cringe and honestly, I thought it was good (and to bring it back to Hades: Hermes in sweats and a hoodie actually gave me the feeling of “this is merely a cover to a deep well of power” than Hades in his suit and dark colors ever did)
- Meanwhile, perfect Ares casting. Yes this man is beefing with (and losing to) 12yos but he’s also an ancient force that revels in bloodshed and carnage.
- Annabeth from the show encapsulates the character so well while also bringing her own notes to it. Like as time went on back in my peak pjo days I felt she got “Hermionified” by the fandom too much? And I lost sight of how fond I was of her but the show (and having reread the books) really rekindled that and made me remember why she is a force to be reckoned with and also someone that must be protected at all costs. I cannot express enough how much my fondness was reignited.
- Like I feel this could be a whole post but basically I feel the books showcase the “ideal” characteristics the gods and their kids could have versus how they wind up twisted into something else (Percy’s sea-like indomitable spirit vs several of his brethren’s ruthlessness and disregard for what’s good) and Annabeth feels like, beyond amassing knowledge for it’s sake… She wants to actually Learn, and in the show maybe even to a deeper degree than in the books and it is endearing and very enthralling.
- On that note, Leah, Walker… This is supposed to be a SLOWburn goddamit. Like in the books you can see where it’s headed but in the show they have such silly crushes I can barelyy stand it. My children.
- Speaking of Walker that kid IS Percy like you cannot convince me otherwise. Disney farmed him for this role.
- I actually really loved Poseidon having a british accent? Idk, something about england and nautical exploration and it feeling older and more… Powerful? Like the ocean
- And Zeus had all the “I’m the god amongst kings and king amongst gods” that I’d have expected from him. He was crackling with power and that was beautiful to see. What a tragic loss.
- Grover is my precious child (although I do wish we had gotten the silly, goat like details of him like eating cans and making the bleating noises). And since the last book I finished rereading was the Battle of the Labyrinth (where I cried like a baby at Pan’s death) watching this sweetheart getting all excited with his literal flower searches license? Made me wanna weep.
- Overall most of my criticisms that came to mind besides the alterations I cited came from being hushed because of too few eps and those being too short. Really really hope the next season (fingers crossed) we’ll get like, 15+ eps (and/or at least longer eps) so we can really sink into the meat and potatoes of it all.
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codemonki · 8 months
Ok so I have a in progress owl house AU with the bat family. Now they don't really easily paste into the existing roles so there has to be a bit of editing and small changes. Here is the current role swap list.
Luz: Duke Thomas
Gus: Cass?? Maybe?? May give her a more dramatic backstory that Gus and that she left the "Emperors Coven" a while ago???? And she'd be older making Steph the younger one of the 2.
Willow: Steph??? Bc of the relationship between Willow and Amity?? Not quite accurate to Tim and Steph but drama?? Maybe?? Post breakup??
Hooty: Alfred...? Posh hooty....
Hunter: Damian
Golden Guard: Jason Todd
Ok so that needs some explaining, I kinda had to split that character into two because Jason could "die" and then come back as the crimson guard, but Damian fulfills the role of having been related to the Emperor. It'll be weird but kinda work?? I think??
I'm also not sure if I'll make Damian a grimwalker. I may be able to make him one that Talia may have raised?? In replacement of her old child she had with Bruce before they split??
Raine: Talia?? This could be so cool actually (Talia fits better in this role but It would be fun to have superbat. Unlikely though)
Eda: Bruce Wayne
Lilith: Kate Kane
Ed: Dick Grayson
Em: Barbara Gordon
The Emperor: Ras Al Ghul (dont know his situation! Talia may be a half elf in this)
They aren't aren't related but I feel like they got the vibes. Also idk if Dickbabs will be a thing here. I think it may have been a childhood relationship but they're almost outta school and Dicks with Kory.
if anyone has suggestions for who King may be lmk or how some changes in this could work??
Robin is a palisman that transfers around, Dick Grayson had it first, it being a palisman of one of his parents before they passed. When Jason started to hang around him and Bruce at the bathouse it eventually transfered over to him, and then transferred to Tim afterwards.
Dick Grayson did get a new palisman eventually though!! And it's reminiscent of Nightwing.
Jason does die and gets brought over to the Emperor and becomes the Crimson Knight and is stationed with Damian a lot. So missions Damian goes on, he is there as back up (As per request of Talia). He's a lot like the Young Justice Redhood at this point and my design is also reminiscent of that.
Tim's got the mid parents, may lean into the way Amity's parents are. He also doesn't have older siblings there to help out until Duke shows up and convinces him to go stay at bathouse permanently or something. (Dick and Babs do have a friendship with him though at school and try to get him to go to Dicks house more often but he doesn't)
Haven't thought about Stephs situation enough so if anyone has any ideas!!
As for covens, (I haven't thought about them enough RIP, will be added to as I get my act together)
Dick: Illusionist (Bruce doesn't have as bad of a relationship with the school as Eda did, though it did get worse after Dick started going!!"
My thought process was Illusionist is a very performative coven and he is a performer at heart <3
Jason: Bard Coven
I wanted to draw him with a guitar. Sue me. (It was a tiktok lmao I can't remember if I had any real reasoning)
Kory: Construction Coven
Because I could see her wanting to make things and she's strong
Duke Thomas: light glyphs so many light glyphs
He's gonna go through the Luz route and found the Bad Bat Coven (tm)
Bruce: Head of Bad Bat Coven
If anyone has any ideas for what covens other people will be I'd like to know 🥺.
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pokeythegreat123 · 1 year
Season 3 wasn’t so bad actually.
I mean, I don’t like that Tim died, but it wasn’t a surprise. Daisy was certainly interesting, so it’s sad to see her go too.
bUT THEY KILLED MICHAEL! AND GERRY! TWICE EACH!!! and the other Michael. And ALMOST Jon, but he’s thankfully not dead.
I’m really glad we got a full grasp of what entities there are, and why, that just makes me happy lol. The more I listen to this the more convinced I am that I wouldn’t mind this job TOO too much. I probably wouldn’t, y’know, SURVIVE, but I think I’d be good at the rest of it. I also really liked getting to see all the different characters, like Trevor, Julia, Gerard Keay (r.i.p. v_v), and Helen once she became the Distortion. I can’t believe she literally asked Jon for help and he was just like “gEt OuT”, like SIR. STOP PICKING FIGHTS WITH ENTITIES THAT DON’T WANT TO KILL YOU!
I gained some healthy respect and admiration for Elias this season but while I appreciate how absolutely killer the man is, hE MADE MELANIE AND MARTIN ***CRY*** AND THAT IS **NOT** OKAY WITH ME!!! I loathe that he was like “well, if I had more time I’d tell you about how your crush despises you and break your heart THAT way, buuuuuuut since I’m a very busy man I’ll just go with shattering your entire sense of self-worth instead. :)”Watching Martin snap at people is probably one of my favourite things though because yes bby, stand up for yourself! Stop taking shit from people! You have a right to be angry and optimism is not a bad thing!
Oh my gosh though, when Jon was in Georgie’s house and all the lights went out and Nikola came in and talked to him I almost died. My sister had showed me TikToks and YouTube Shorts that she liked, usually cosplayers, using the audio of “You don’t sound Russian??” “How can I sound ANYTHING, silly? I’m Plastic! :D I don’t even have a vOiCe BoX, I had to bOrrOw this one!” And she’d literally shown me one like, THE DAY BEFORE, and I have no idea how I didn’t pick up on Jon’s voice, but once the scene was playing on the episode and then hit that part I was like OH MY GODS NO WAY ITS FROM MAGNUS ARCHIVES NO HEKKING WAY!! I played it for her and she got the exact same look on her face, though since I started the scene earlier than most audios do (for context) she already had the look because she recognized the voice lol.
But yeah, pretty good season overall. Listening to Basira and Melanie go “oh my god nobody has ever had a bigger crush than Martin has on Jon” was absolutely brilliant, I couldn’t stop grinning for a solid minute. Then Elias made her CRY but that’s not the point here. I also love that they invited Martin out for drinks, and that Jon is a Cat Person(tm).
I’m excited to see what season 4 does with Jon’s essentially-a-coma-but-he-has-no-actual-vitals and dreams, and whatever the ritual for the eye is, since that was supposed to come after the Unknowing. I can’t remember what Gertrude called it, but I know it had to do with crowns.
Anyways, thank you for listening to my rambles, luv you so much, and enjoy the beginning of yet another school year! :D <3
AHHHHHH season 3 my beloved. Also you may judge me but one of my favourite scenes is Elias making Martin cry because the two things I love in this world are Elias Bouchard and angst. Season 3 is so much fun bc u get to meet so many cool people. I love Daisy sm, she’s such a cool character. I’m very excited I think you’ll love season 4. Anyways have fun I’ll probably see you tmrw <3
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elveny · 2 years
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#also the reason why ppl like david tennant and patrick stewart or ian mckellen have the charisma and presence they do
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ethan Hawke on creativity:
"Most people don't think about poetry, right? They have a life to live, and they're not really that concerned - until their father dies, they go to a funeral, you lose a child. Somebody breaks your heart, they don't love you anymore. And all of a sudden, you're desperate for making sense out of this life, and 'Has anybody ever felt this bad before?'
Or the inverse! Something great. You meet somebody and your heart explodes. You love them so much you can't even see straight. You know, you're dizzy! 'Did anybody feel like this before? What is happening to me?'
And that's when art is not a luxury, it's actually sustenance."
47 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
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Excuse me, I am still reeling from how perfectly @schoute captured my Adriene and Estinien, I love it so so so so much and cannot asddksaaskussdwedf!!!!😭😭😭😍😍😍
59 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Emet-Selch is canonically a character that used to be very close to the WoL (or rather their former incarnation). Someone that CANONICALLY complained but always came to help. Someone who cared so much he, over 12 millenia, tried to bring back millions of people.
Was he a villain in the end? Sure! But he TELLS you why. He tells you that he feels, loves, grieves. Even after he managed to convince himself that nobody around him is even "alive" and can thus be killed without remorse, DESPITE THAT, he wants to hope that there's another way.
That YOU, the WoL, as the reincarnation of someone he cared deeply for, can make the difference. He could've killed you so, so often. He doesn't. Because he *cares*, he wants you to understand, so he explains and works with you and shows you what happened and the why.
This is all told and shown in the game, btw, that's not fanon.
Emet-Selch is an excellent continuation of Hades - saying one thing and doing another. He cares for Azem and WoL, deeply. Does it excuse his actions? No. But it explains them. He doesn't kill because he wants to and because he relishes power. He kills to restore his WORLD.
If you were told you had to trample down thirteen ant hills to save the world, your family, your loved ones, everyone you know, to make those insignificant ants the people they used to be - you would, too.
82 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
If the latest episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi shows anything then it’s the pure horror, terror and soul-ripping despair Darth Vader brings to the galaxy.
And I don’t mean the scene where he drags Obi-Wan into the fire, bc that’s, like… yeah sure, he’s petty and vengeful and so full of hatred and anger, but that’s personal. That’s him and Obi-Wan, of course he’s vengeful and cruel there.
But that scene before.
Where he walks through the village, killing people when he passes them for no reason other than… killing. Trying to get a reaction of the man he assumes is there. The father he rips through the window and chokes in the air, the child rushing to try and help his dad whose neck he snaps. The woman he drags face-down through the sand while she flails. Holy fuck. Imagine you’re living in the galaxy and one day, the Empire comes and takes over. And the Force-sensitive people they have are broken and cruel and they maim and threaten and are horrible enough. And then comes Darth Vader. And you just know that NOTHING is safe. Nothing will ever be safe again. You can be a loyalist and still be dead the next second just because… no because. For no reason. Nothing is safe.
85 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I can't get over how GOOD Andor is. They are not making "episodes", they are making a STORY and dividing this into episodes. And it's so, so good. The characterization is amazing, the Empire is really and truly BAD and fascist and horrible, and the rebellion is ... not heroic clean awesomeness. It's dirty and doing what needs to be done and it's not easy. Or always morally good. It's "oppression breeds rebellion" and using that. Holy shit.
And yes, I know the whole thing of "Disney is actually bad etc blabla" and YES, there is a problem, but we're operating within a system of capitalism and rising fascism, and I truly believe that the message of Andor is important.
106 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
hii! i'm anon with the two prompts (& the croissant).
(from tiktok) eddie and robin fake dating to avoid suspicion. steve falls for it (bcs neither of them are out to him) and is trying to tell himself he's jealous of eddie for "dating" robin, but he's actually jealous of robin bcs he's crushing on eddie.
(soft nsfw) steve and eddie wedding night and they're having alone time after the reception. they're all over each other and saying stuff like "my husband". it's all very romantic and lovey-dovey because it's their first time as a married couple.
( have another croissant 🥐 )
ooooh more croissants, yum! and as to your prompts - love them!
the first one would be so funny because i think robin and eddie would be so chaotic as a fake couple, definitely exaggerating everything to present their relationship as convincing (like overdoing it with the pet names and stuff). though, this had to be set pre/during s3 or as an AU tho bc the steve and robin bond post-s3 is too strong for steve not to see straight (ha!) through the charade imo.
and the second one.... ohhh boy, i'm eating that up, every. single. time. i love lovey-dovey mushy steddie to bits (within character obviously) and i definitely hc that they'd be showing each other off constantly ("we, me and my husband, were thinking of going there!" and things like that, god they're idiots in love). it's giving me the alternate pride & prejudice 2005 'mrs darcy' ending and yaaaasss
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eeveedel · 2 years
giiiiirl i havent seen it yet and i thougt for so long that it would be sooo bad or weird, but ive seen all the spoilers on tiktok and it actually looks so interesting and fun, anything in particular you wanna highlight?
here are my rapid fire thoughts, no spoilers:
I enjoyed it! It's a fun popcorn thriller. I liked just chilling and turning my brain off watching it
I think the way this movie was marketed as mistake after mistake. Not just the drama, but the general way they did it. I don't think this should have hit the film festival circuit. I think the value of the movie was in casual viewers and emphasis on it being a fun theater experience. More late night talk shows for the older crowd, youtube shows (WHERE is harry on hot ones) for the younger crowd.
Also. I absolutely do not think sex should have been a selling point for this movie, because it's just..not a good selling point? There are only two sex scenes and one of them is extremely uncomfortable and not hot at all as a result. If you wanted to market the movie on female empowerment, there is PLENTY from the source material to pull from
I think Harry's acting is very contentious. I thought it was just fine and the only scene that took me out of it because I didn't think he was very good and just the longer it went on the more he fell apart for me. i went with Alex though and they said Alex sold it well. Another one of my friends went (a straight dude who is very much not a harry fan) and said Harry was a wooden and not convincing. Either way, they put him against some incredible performers
On that note, Florence was incredible ofc but Chris Pine was show stopping. every scene was wonderful for him.
They really gave Gemma Chan crumbs, and it made a final twist with her character a bit hollow bc we knew nothing about that. Also...
I think the way they treated women of color in this movie was. not great. The one black woman in this movie had many scenes cut in post and Gemma was barely in it. I've heard rumors on why this was the case and it's making me side eye it.
The more I think about it, the more questions I have. it's a very surface level movie, it kind of falls apart the more questions you have. Harry was fine, I found his comedic scenes to be the best. I think Harry is very naturally funny and honestly should look into comedies more. i do think he was in over his head with the more dramatic scenes. but. if you want to see harry and want a fun afternoon, it delivers on those things.
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xxmarzimoonxx · 2 years
it’s funny because the more i look at twitter and tiktok and just think about what we were given in regard to byler this season, the more it kinda seems right? don’t get me wrong, we were definitely queerbaited to an extent, and that’s completely disappointing, and using will’s sexuality to further mileven was just terrible, but i actually feel kinda hopeful for season 5? anyways heres some mixed thoughts on byler that i don’t feel like adding to my pinned post and some will stuff too bc he’s my main guy <3
since the writers revealed that the jopper kiss was planned day of by winona and david, i sincerely believe that finn and noah could convince the writers to allow for smth between their characters, especially considering the way they have their characters act around each other (lip glances, longing looks, etc)
the lighting in the cabin scene? the stick figure drawing and the way it was framed? the dead flowers? these are not coincidences!!
almost every scene w mike and el has will standing in the background. again, definitely not a coincidence.
i also think that, in regard to season 4, completely fixing mike and wills relationship over the course of two packed finale episodes would have been forced. they have an entire season to work out their relationship now, and i truly believe byler will happen between the hints/parallels in s4, as well as everything finn and Mike have said (keep in mind they’ve seen parts of the script for season 5, and most likely already know how their characters are going to end up!) i have strong hopes, like noah said, i really feel that they’re building it up. we really need to see a post s4 interview w either finn, noah, or both of them. this way we can see how they react in regard to byler.
since filming for season 5 began early and the actors have already seen versions of the scripts and know where their characters are going, i truly believe what noah has said in interviews about byler being “built up” and stuff. it would explain finns behavior during interviews too if he knows smth will happen between them next season.
adding onto this, i feel pretty certain at this point that a lot of the actors be getting confused w what happens in each season 😭. like this would explain why it seems like a lot of them lied abt what would happen in season 4, and why a lot of leaks and hints as to what would happen didn’t. filming two seasons pretty much around the same time has to have had a lot of them confused, because im not sure why else all that would’ve happened…
bro im hyped for main character will next season. i don’t care if he’s a villain. i don’t care if he’s a hero. he can be whatever tf he wants as long as he’s not dead and is the main character (and main character he will be!!!)
my guess is that will gets vecnaed at the start of the season before they do that weird time skip thing. considering noah was in his s4 clothes in the pic w the harness (and that pic was posted around the same time david had said they started shooting early, so it makes sense that it’s for season 5).
im super curious tho as to how they’re gonna handle the time skip? i don’t know how they’re going to make it make sense, and i am worried it’s going to take away a lot from the characters (and no, not just mike and will, literally every character), so maybe they’ll do some sort of two part thing where the first part kicks off where we left off and the second jumps forward? kinda like the season 4 volumes but more evenly distributed.
everyone on twitter saying will might get killed off next season, SHUSH. as much as they like to hurt mr byers, imagine the backlash they would face after killing off one of two queer characters.
i saw someone on twitter say that like the point of wills arc this season was to highlight his emotional struggle and detachment from the group (his friends, johnathan, etc) to lead into his plot for next season. and yeah. that makes sense! and it’s also giving villain vibes 😍
it’ll also be really cool to see everything start with will and end with will. especially if he’s a villain. he would be helping the one thing (vecna/henry) that ruined his life, maybe even finding comfort in him. something about that is kinda cool, and im all down for a will byers villain arc. like imagine him showing mike memories of each time mike hurt him (verbally ofc) or smth like that and be like “look! it’s every time you broke my heart! now ill break yours 🤪💅🏻”. he wouldn’t kill him tho. we still want byler to happen. it would just be very slay of will. OKAY ILL SHUSH NOW.
i might add to this haha but it’s just some thoughts on will in season 5. if more byler stuff comes up in the coming interviews i might add it here rather than my pinned post because it’s just kinda easier. smh for not doing bullet points on that one.
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aloev3rathings · 2 years
ive got more headcanons and fic ideas for the owl house, prepare ye selves:
1. post escaping to the human realm, Hunter grows soft. as in, he starts gaining some weight bc I refuse to believe that this boy had a good diet in the isles, bc one, since he’s already part human as a grimwalker and it’s already in canon that Luz can’t consume everything in the boiling isles, he hasn’t been able to eat everything. two, this boy clearly lives on snack foods bc it’s readily available and quick if he’s working all the time and I don’t think he’s had home cooking. Camila automatically wants to feed this boy, and he eats all of her cooking, puritan spice intolerance be damned or whatever. he is gonna get all the food and he is gonna like it. so yeah he starts gaining a bit of weight, so he’s a bit more solid and he has more energy and he might be a little bit convinced that Camila is magic bc her food is so good. he says this to her while helping her in the kitchen once and she has to turn away bc she’s so moved she starts tearing up.
2. Amity gets into legos. Like really into legos. Luz has some old sets from her childhood and when Amity finds them she is absolutely sold that this is the best toy ever. Since she can’t really create abominations in the human realm bc suspicious, she turns to the Lego sets to get some of her more restless energy out. It gives her something to focus on, and she likes to create really elaborate scenes from the boiling isles; Luz is absolutely sold on getting her a large deluxe set at some point.
3. Gus becomes tiktok famous. No really. As a joke, Luz lends him her phone and teaches him about social media and he starts a series of “Reacting to Human Tech”. followers obvs think it’s a skit and he’s playing a character of course, but his endless enthusiasm and boundless energy earn him a nice decent sized following and starts earning money channeled into Luz’s account into Gus’s hands. people are so charmed by this 13 year old screaming at a toaster when bread pops out. it becomes a popular meme.
4. Willow throws herself into gardening and working out. She loves that the weather is much less dangerous to plans in the human realm, and Camila gave her lots of room to experiment. Once Luz shows her the gardening center and gardening section at the library, it’s all over. Willow successfully cross-breeds a Carolina reaper with cinnamon, dont ask me how she did it, but she did. Hunter tries the cinna-reaper hybrid and Gus got his video trending and a ton of new followers so. Thank you Willow and Hunter.
5. post-series finale **starts crying**, Luz has a portable portal that she uses to travel back and forth the human realm and the demon realm. She actually takes Camila there to give a tour of the world she loves, and doesn’t hold back on the less savory stuff. Initially Camila was super hesitant, but she has never seen her daughter so happy and vibrant, and sees the love Eda and King clearly have for Luz. she agrees to Luz traveling back and forth, and Eda and Camila are so proud of how far Luz has come. Eda visits a lot the human realm a lot too, and she and Camila bond over telenovelas. Luz loves her two moms very much.
6. Hunter becomes Eda’s apprentice in palisman carving, also receiving tutelage from her father Dell. i feel like this is a pretty popular headcanon bc family bonding and also shows growth from how he regretted trying to get those palisman for Belos to actually help create new ones as part of his new life away from the EC.
7. after much needed therapy and plenty of support, Vee is able to make a trip back to the boiling isles. granted she is still in disguise bc basilisks are still considered dangerous by most of the populace, but she’s able to get her magic restored a lot easier now. the rest of the basilisks are freed to be integrated back into the boiling isles, and she guides them towards consuming magic from other sources and not witches.
8. back to Willow working out in the human realm, she goes absolute beast mode at the local gym. my personal headcanon is that witches are just sturdier and denser than humans bc of the environment they live in, so when Willow starts pumping iron, she attracts a lot of attention at the gym. Willow has a lot of gym bros, and I can’t get the image of these big buff dudes circling around a short Willow in awe and asking her about her technique and routine. nobody messes with Willow at the gym bc jerks will fear the gym bros. oh no dude, the one who absolutely have to fear is this 5’3” flower child with a sunshine smile who can and will absolutely thrash you if you disturb anyone else working out. Willow has a lot of admirers. Also there’s that weird blond gremlin guy who she walks home with like an angry chihuahua. dude has red eyes. he’s awful too.
9. Alador and Darius rekindle their friendship from school, which slowly grows into them dating. granted, Darius will still rib Alador, calling him a hack, which makes strangers think that he hates him, but no, that’s his partner. that’s how they show affection.
10. Luz becomes a pretty accomplished illustrator/artist for young adult fantasy novels. nobody knows where she gets her inspirations from, but she paints landscapes of the boiling isles ALL THE TIME.
that’s all I got for now!
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taumoeba · 4 years
why the percy jackson movies are good, actually:
1) they just are lol
okay but seriously before i get into this let me address the valid criticisms the movies get.
grover is a racist caricature. it was unnecessary and they destroyed his character to make him comic relief. also NO ONE asked for the weird persephone x grover thing in the first film 🤢
very weird unresolved tension between percy and annabeth... “i definitely have feelings for you, i just cant tell if theyre negative or positive” is top 5 worst lines in cinema. they had no business aging up the characters just to “sex-ify” the film. like we didnt need a gritty/dark version of what is supposed to be a children’s story
they made clarisse skinny 😐
as an adaptation, if you were looking for faithfulness, you didnt find it in the movies. (the musical is a much better adaptation!) like not even the notion of artistic license can excuse chris columbus for changing all that he did. thor freudenthal tried to fix it but by then it was too late. i understand the hatred for the movies based on this. (but at the same time, the sheer level of hate is unwarranted. ill explain later)
genuinely cant think of any other reasons they’re bad. i think those cover the main concerns. anyways, HERE IS WHY THE PERCY JACKSON MOVIES ARE GOOD, ACTUALLY:
logan lerman acting king!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i tell you that man EMBODIED the character of percy jackson. i know his legacy has been forever tarnished by the bad reputation of these movies but i also know that everyone praises his work in it bc it is truly one of the best things about the films. like he is genuinely talented! THAT BEING SAID. i dont want to see him as poseidon in the percy jackson disney show. i just know that man is tired of being associated to greek mythology fanfiction. support him by watching his other movies instead please
jake abel, acting king number 2. ive said this before but he was ACTUALLY the perfect luke. the expressions. the delivery of his corny lines. this video. literally iconic behavior!
honestly the cast in general. alexandra daddario, nathan fillion hermes, stanley tucci dionysus, UMA THURMAN MEDUSA???!!!
the soundtrack... need i say more? (i don’t, but i will anyways. first movie featured highway to hell, pokerface, tiktok - not the app. the ke$ha song- among others. second movie featured fall out boy. like they didn’t have to go that hard with the songs but they DID). also they made luke listen to classical music while playing chess in his giant cruise ship’s captain’s quarters... perfect characterization!
rick riordan hates the movies and im sick and tired of that man so by default i love the movies. okay but seriously. i understand feeling insulted by a poorly done adaptation of your life’s greatest work, and i understand not wanting to watch something that is based on your writing. but he has made this grudge so excessive that out of spite im about to start unironically endorsing the films over his books. hes written whole essays griping about his hatred for the movies. which at the same time, is just FURTHER ASSOCIATING YOURSELF TO THE MOVIES! a part of me is convinced that as soon as the disney x fox merger happened, he ran to disney headquarters and started begging them for a tv show just so he could direct his anger towards the movies into something productive. like man WE GET IT! YOU DONT LIKE THE MOVIES!!!
they are.... SO funny???????? im pretty sure even if you havent seen the movies youve heard someone quote it? here are some notable ones:
“this is like high school without the musical”
“this is a pen. THIS IS A PEN!!”
“you can’t kill the janitors! those are working class citizens!”
“you’re burning money? we’re in a recession! that’s treason!!”
“tell me those aren’t sharks.” “....those aren’t sharks.”
that scene where tyson is like... olympus!!!! and percy is like... no...we’re in washington dc.....
“hey! what are you doing? don’t walk on my roof.”
“[starts singing It’s A Small World]”
the visual effects are objectively, pretty good
despite it not being a faithful adaptation, the movies have a decent plot. or at least i was still enthralled while watching them? like disconnect them from the books and its still a (mostly) solid story.
or if you dont want to think about the plot at all, just admit that they’re FUN and ICONIC and DEFINED THE 2010s.
you guys are just haters. the percy jackson movies are good and we deserved the titans curse adaptation. end of discussion
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realcube · 4 years
waking up the hq boys at midnight to get ice-cream hcs🍦
characters: tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, ushijima, sugawara,  oikawa,  kageyama 
note: yes, this was very much inspired by that one tiktok sound where the girl wakes up her bf to get ice-cream- 
also, i use midnight as like..the middle of the night- not actaully 12AM lol
tw// fluff, sangwoo- 
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Tsukishima Kei
you did not need to wake him up at 1AM to get ice-cream
man was already up, having just came off his phone and laying like this 😐 in bed as he either waited for himself to fall asleep or was thinking about an awkward interaction he had earlier that day 
anyway, as soon as you turned to him like ‘tsukki, do you wanna come with me to get ice-cream?’
he was suddenly 😴 fast asleep, fake snores and all
you were stubborn though, so you hopped out of bed up to go get ice-cream by yourself if he was just going to ignore you 
although, once you threw your coat on, tsukishima decided to start questioning your unusual behaviour, ‘why do you want ice-cream? it’s night; can’t you just sleep like a normal person and have ice-cream in the morning?’ 
honestly, tsukishima probably finds your nightly antics more endearing and cute rather than annoying 
he’d never admit it though- 
if you talk to him after midnight, on the outside he always looks displeased but really, he loves talking to you period
whether it is at 5PM or 1AM
you shrugged, without an explanation for your craving, ‘i don’t need to reason my midnight urges to you.’
with that, you turned on your heels to head out the door with the full intention of going to get ice-cream - this wasn’t a game 
tsukishima groaned as he finally deduced that you were being dead serious and not just doing this to irritate him
‘ugh, wait.’ he scoffed, forcing himself out of bed to follow you, ‘we have ice-cream downstairs, dumb-ass. don’t bother going out.’ 
you didn’t spare him a glance, continuing to venture to the front door, ‘yeah, but we don’t have strawberry.’ 
tsukishima glared at you, realising that persuasion would not work in this situation so he’d have to resort to brute force and trickery
‘ah, alright.’ he let out a sigh of defeat, ‘at least give us a hug before you go then.’
you paid no mind to how he referred to himself as plural, which is something he only does when he is lying or guilty as he is talking on behalf of his two faces 
also, you should’ve realised something was up when he actually asked for a hug instead of just expecting you to give him one
obliging, you wrapped him in a hug; allowing him to scoop you up into his arms, throw you over his shoulder and carry you to the kitchen
‘let me go, you whore!’  you squealed, lightly slapping his back as if that’d make him let you go 
tsukishima snickered at how childish you were being, ‘you can’t go out in the middle of the night to get ice-cream. you’ll die.’ 
‘i won’t die!’
‘you definitely will.’
anyway, he ends up making you both a bowl of ice-cream and eating it with you at the kitchen table while watching Spirited Away
and despite the fact he had some too, he’ll tease you about this for..the rest of your life 
like sometimes he’ll just wake you up in the middle of the night (during holidays ofc - he respects your sleep schedule) and whisper in your ear, ‘(y/n), do you wanna come get ice-cream with me?’
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Tanaka Ryūnosuke
ik most ppl would think he’d just go with you without a second thought or that he’d be the one asking you to go out for ice-cream but- no- 
well, yes; he wants to 
but when you wake him at 1AM 
(which he doesn’t mind btw bc  sometimes he accidentally wakes you up at like 3AM bc he’s ragin’ on Battlefield oop-)
and you’re all like ‘ryū, wanna go get ice-cream?’ *puppy eyes*
he’s like ‘sure!- but i ain’t got money so- no ❤’ 
then he goes back to sleep 
however, if you say that you’ll pay..he’s already standing with your bags by the door
so you’re definitely gonna have to fork up some cash for that good quality pistachio gelato for him if you want his presence 😌
but tbh, if you said that you were just gonna pay for yourself, he’d come anyway-
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Nishinoya Yū
y’all go out at midnight for ice-cream at least once a week-
and it literally began bc you were watching ASMRs and Mukbangs together at 1AM during a sleepover 
and one person was having some lemon gelato and it looked 👌✨ immaculate
in that moment, you both looked at each other and neither of you had to utter a single word for you both to know that there was a mutual goal in mind; to get ice-cream, ASAP
so yeah ig you didn’t have to wake him up but you did need to awake the desire for ice-cream inside him
needless to say, y’all ran to the nearest ice-cream place 
and you made a race out of it 
(you won, ofc)
and y’know the trope where you have food on the corner of your lip/chin etc and the person kisses you to get rid of it? 
yeah he tried to do that with the trope in mind but he deadass LICKED you IWFBVBBFRI
he was like ‘omg (y/n), lemme get that for you’ 😋👅
honestly, ig it depends if you are into that kinda stuff but ik some ppl would leave fast af ( ゚д゚)つ Bye
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
sorry i might have a bit of favouritism going on but i feel like ushijima would be a bigger bitch about it than tsukishima (at first)
but it’s like- solely bc you woke him up y’know?
‘ushijima, wanna go get ice-cream?’
he’s just laying there with his bed-head like :/
silently livid bc you messed up his potential 9 hours of sleep
pester all you want but that is the best you’re getting out of him that night
HOWEVER, the following afternoon (after practise ofc), he took you out for ice-cream 😊
and unlike some would believe (by ‘some’, i mean myself 2 secs ago.) i don’t think he’d be all ‘ice-cream is horrible for your health, (y/n)’ or ‘i can’t believe you’re eating that filth. your body is a temple.’
but that rather he’d just happily eat gelato with you; everything in moderation ig :)
‘(y/n), do you want a bite of mine?’ and give you a spoonful to try like the romance king he is  
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Oikawa Tōru
you wouldn’t wake him up bc mf needs his beauty sleep
plus, it was during a sleepover at your house so ofc you didn’t want to wake up your guest 
but he’s a light sleeper so when you’re shuffling through your stuff at 1AM, sneaking around the house to find a jacket (trying to be as quiet as possible so you don’t wake him up); his eyes are open and he’s speculating that sangwoo is near
until he turns around to notice that you’re not laying next to him and he is in fact being spooned by a large pillow (probably a sangwoo body pillow smh)
after that, he hops to his feet and storms through the house in search of you so he can yell at you for ruining his sleep grr
however, once he finds you and realises that you look ready to head out, he feels inclined to firstly ask, ‘where are you going? you know it’s 2AM, right?’ 
you replied by explaining your plan to sneak out for ice-cream and he just stared at you, absolutely bewildered for a few moments
he stood like a statue with that stupid expression on his face for ages so you asked him if he was alright, to which he responded, ‘that’s such a stupid idea.’
‘so, you’re not coming with?’
‘of course i am.’
so you both ended up sitting with your ice-cream cones, in your pyjamas, on a park bench somewhere, admiring the moonlit sky along with the stars adorning it
oh, and that was actually the first time he said ‘i love you.’
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Sugawara Kōshi
if feel like suga would be exactly like the guy in the sound/video: confused, tired and extremely reluctant but ofc inevitably he ends up standing outside of a dessert place, hand-in-hand with you
he’d wake up, weary from fatigue and he barely has the strength to argue with you during the day - so how exactly was he supposed to do it in the middle of the night? 
thus, he lugged himself out of bed and threw on a coat but as soon as the cold winter air bit at his nose, he was flooded with the energy and will-power to try convince you stay in with him
(It’s his parental senses) 
‘you’ll catch a cold, darling!’ (yes, he does call you that.) ‘and it’s night too, there’s probably a bunch of creeps out and around!’
at that point, it was just a battle of will
bc you both had each other’s wishes at heart
you wanted him to have peace of mind and he wanted you to have ice-cream
(and he was kinda craving some himself tbh)
so you both decided to stay in, tucking into the half-eaten tubs of Ben & Jerry’s in the fridge 
and after that, neither of you got any sleep bc you both stayed up watching movies and cuddling 🥺
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Kageyama Tobio
he was wide awake at 2AM, laying beside you on the bed, practising sets 
so ofc the time wasn’t an issue
but kageyama wasn’t big on sweet treats so when you suggested that y’all should go out for ice-cream, you were shocked - to say the least - when he simply replied 
like why would he oppose? he was already awake. plus, he was kinda craving something sweet tbh
also, he could tell it’d make you happy and he’s whipped tbh
so you took advantage of this indifferency by immediately jolting up and dragging him to your favourite dessert place
the whole time, he acted as usual - it was as if he was just on a regular walk to school
when you got there, you both shared a sundae and he paid; what a king (❤´艸`❤)
(it was bc you had forgotten your wallet/purse at home- but still a kind gesture 💕)
you both just sat in a booth, pecking away at the sundae while talking about anything and everything that came to mind as the low, distant R&B music from the shop’s speakers played in the background
 ‘it is flat. have you ever been on a plane before, (y/n)? did you see a single curve? no.’
you rolled your eyes, finding it physically painful how stupid kagyeama could be sometimes, ‘it’s science, kags. the earth is round! the curves are just very subtle.’
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unkwn0s · 3 years
Thoughts about some of my favorite romcom male leads. PART 1.
Disclaimer: this is pure shitpost and me having a lot of time on my hands plus being bored since no one of the dramas in my lists are convincing enough for me to watch rn (and it WILL contain spoilers about some dramas)
Decided to write this after my tiktok fyp basically harassing me w thoughts of my favorite characters in the genre. Might do more posts as i remember other dramas (should've made a list from the start, now i only remember if i watched a drama or not if i see some eps lmao).
Let's start w my supreme king: Ahn Minhyuk from Strong Woman Do Bong Soon played by another king himself Park Hyungsik.
Now i have seen a lot of mixed opinions from this drama, some people love it, some think it's absurd and i have to say even tho he's my favorite romcom male lead there's sumn things i really didn't like about the writing of the drama while watching it, so i shall start with that before of going on how much i love minhyuk: first the whole "let's keep her believing he's gay so he looks more trustworthy" i HATE the directors going on this path cause they showed it themselves all they had to do for bong soon to accept the job was the paycheck, also the only actual (confirmed cause i had serious doubts about his secretary) gay character being extremely annoying, yes, annoying cause i know his parts were supposed to be the comedy and it was most of it but u see the portrayal of non heterosexual characters is always quirky or mean spiritted on kdramas and that pisses me off.
Now onto why i love him so much: RESPECTFUL. He was madly in love w her even before he knew she was the girl from the bus from years ago (another kdrama cliché these mfs always know each other from their childhoods), but even tho they had kind of bickering relationship he never forced/manipulated his feelings upon her, even tho he knew she had feelings for that ogre of a second lead. He waited for her until she was ready to give back the feelings, HE LITERALLY GAVE HER A JOB AND KEPT PROMOTING HER JUST SO THEY COULD SPEND TIME TOGETHER WTF.
To not make this a gigantic post i'll be resuming some of my favorite scenes from him in the drama:
"I'll make you a real life Xena", when he learned about her powers he didn't get freaked out at all????? my man was down bad for her he decided to train her so she could make the best use of her strenght.
"Let's do this without anyone knowing, just the two of us" One of the most heart fluttering scenes in the drama, he plays off by saying he meant "training" when he knows damn well if she whistles he will dance to the sound she makes.
"To become lovers from friends is simple. One person has to take a step closer. And that one step changes their relationship." I CRY AND I CRY. His emotions pouring out his eyes and actions like that was his first confession, only an airhead wouldn't catch that, he was so fucking adorable.
"I care a lot about her, you can trust my word on that". He went to visit her dad's shop and her father told him to take care of her (like she needed but you get it). Her father being the first one to actually realize what was going on and secretly cheering for them, very cute to me, very pleasing.
"Can you please like me?". Pleek, he wouldn't need to ask me twice. This was after his confession when she asked some time to sort out her feelings (as if) and then minhyuk shows up after gook du stood up on her again (he had a good reason but i don't like him so whatever) and the following scene when she sees stars anda cute ass song plays in the bgm EXACTLY how i would be feeling towards minhyuk.
The kiss scene is quite obvious, i loved that corny cheesy cliché shit so much you wouldnt believe.
"Please look at me, please love me. You're peanut sized so i can carry you around in my heart but i don't think i'm in yours". THIS SCENE. Absolutely my fave from the whole drama. She had lost her powers and he was upset bc she didn't tell him what she was up to. He sounded SO fragile and worried but above all he was so honest. My sister shouldve said: THERES NO WAY ANYONE WOULDNT BE IN LOVE W YOU MY KING. Hyungsik was handcrafted for that role and specially for this scene. HIS EYES my god i cried a whole river.
Lastly, also one of my fave scenes: when she was trapped w the b*mb and tells him to leave and save himself and he says "i'm not leaving you don't be scared". MANS LITERALLY WILLING TO DIE BY HER SIDE. there's nothing left for me to say he was so in love and so cute and perfect and adorable also the reason i can't find anyone interesting cause no one is ahn minhyuk.
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smuttyanimeslut · 4 years
Dirty Text TicTok Trend
Honestly the tik tok trend where you text your significant other something dirty during a gathering of people has been living in my head rent free for the past couple of days so here’s this.
Pairing : Sakusa x gn!reader, Tsukishima x gn!reader, Kuroo x gn!reader, Tendo x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, mentions of sexual activity, dirty text
Characters aged up 🥰
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Alright so Sakusa is across from you while the whole team is playing a card game. He isn’t actually playing as much as he is drinking but that is besides the point.
That is when the idea struck you. You’ve been seeing people do the tik tok trend with their S.O. quiet a lot recently and you wanted to give it a shot. Now was the perfect time.
You waited until after your turn to begin typing the message. You wrote every fantasy you could think of that you wanted to do to or with this man and let me tell you, ya nasty but me to I stg.
Your message was so steam your OWN cheeks got red. This didn’t go unnoticed, let’s be honest every one is drinking and they’re all to the point where they have no filter.
Bokuto points it out first but you convince him that it’s the alcohol making you hot. Ya dirty lair.
You send the message and automatically grab the sanitizer out of your bag.
Let me tell you when I say his face went red underneath his mask I mean baby boy didn’t have enough blood circulating around his body his toes went numb.
By the time he looked up at you, you were already lathering the sanitizer into your skin.
That did it for him honestly he knew you mean BUISNESS.
literally this man got up from his seat, walked around the table to you very calmly, grabbed your hand and started PuLlInG you from the room.
You hardly had time to shout a goodbye to the group before y’all were out into the hall.
Trust me when I say he did everything on your list babes. And I mean EvErYtHiNg.
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I would just like to start off by saying I SIMP
Let’s just start off with the obvious here. Our baby Tsukki doesn’t like to go out with your guys friends to aften. They are a lot. So when Hinita mentioned a movie night you practically had to force him to join you.
Why you thought doing this trend on Tsukki would be a good idea is beyond me. Baby boy does not do well with embarrassment.
After the first movie ended, which you practically had to make Tsukki cuddle with you during (poor boy is not about PDA even in front of your close friends) everyone headed to the kitchen to refill on snacks.
That is when you decided to make your move. You know that Tsukishima likes to be the dom but you also know that he may or may not have quietly stated that he may or may not want you to take control sometimes.
That’s how you got his cheeks burning. You telling him exactly how you were going to dominate him drove him insane.
When his eyes bet yours over the kitchen island you could tell you were in trouble.
Honestly the part that shocked everyone is when he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered into your ear. Willingly doing PDA? Unheard of.
“Is that what you want then brat.” He whispered, “then show me.”
Y’all left soon after and I stg his cocky attitude is how he ended up with your underwear in his mouth. Can’t talk now 😇
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I wish I could draw I wish I could draw I wish I could draw
Anyways it was after practice. Kuroo had invited you to come watch him before you guys went to your study date. School is hard man.
And he didn’t mean to be ignoring you while he talked to his team but he totally was, dummy brained boy.
That’s when the idea hit you, and you knew it was trouble, but every bodies reaction on TikTok had been golden so you figured his would be to.
Wrong, this boy lives on TikTok don’t even fight me on this. For everyone video you saw, he saw 5. Not to say it prepared him for the dirty message you sent him, bc he stopped breathing for a full 20 seconds before a smirk made its way on to his face.
“Kitten if you wanted to do that you just had to ask.” He started, “there is a storage closet right there we can go to if you want.”
We hate this man I stg. You couldn’t help the blush on your cheeks as the entire team stared at you. He knew what he was doing, and he knew the team would know what he meant by his words.
Evil man.
So what did you do? You turned on your heels and left. What else were you supposedly do, you are litterally dying on the inside.
Kuroo, knowing he embarrassed the fuck out of you, quickly followed behind and wrapped his arms around your waist promising you all the snacks in the world if you wouldn’t be mad at him.
How could you be though, you had tried to embarrass him and he’s just do much better at turning that shit around on you it isn’t funny.
That’s okay though because after you studied for 10 minutes he gave you a different type of lesson.
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The absolute disrespect on this mans name I stg. Why is there no tendo content? I love him so much
Tendo knew what you were gonna do before you were going to do it. Actually he just knew something was up when you kept trying to text where he wouldn’t see it.
This man, no matter where you are, always has to be touching you. Y’all at a cafe? He sat beside you and your thighs are touching. You’re doing a study date? He has his head in your lap so you can’t study. Handing out with the team? You are between his legs and his head is rested on your shoulder. When I say he is always touching you, I mean it.
It’s his love language what can I say.
The day in question isn’t any different. All of the guys decided that while they had off of volley ball they would do a gaming contest. (I mean ALL the guys. The competition between these school lives on and off the court smh)
So with half the guys playing in one room and the other half in another, there wasn’t much room. Tv wires and gaming consoles took up most of the floor leaving little room to sit.
With all the couch spots taken it wasn’t surprising when Tendo plopped on the ground in front of the coffee table. He pulled you down between his thighs and wrapped his arms around you.
That is how the two of you stayed while he played his game.
While he was preoccupied you made your move.
Honestly it took him a while to check his phone. He forgot it had vibrated three matches ago, and had stumbled across the text when checking the time.
You felt his whole body tense up before it relaxed again except for the now hard member pressed into your back.
You could feel his hot breath on your ear.
You knew he was smiling, he always smiled.
“Is that so?” He questioned placing a kiss to your neck. “Does that mean it’s time to go or should we be quick in the bathroom?”
Honestly friend you decide my simp ass would let him do whatever the fuck he wanted to.
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myworldisfictional · 3 years
Eek I’m so excited for this episode and like Asher aaahhh. Here we go. Episode 9 thoughts and reactions:
Aaahhhh happiness with Gina!!!!
This camera and green screen quality is way too good for an actual zoom meeting
Awe milky white. I bet you he name it after the cow in into the woods
EJ IN A TANK TOP! god help me
Ahahah “not it”
What question?
Peep asher in the background of Gina’s confessional
Is he doing tiktok dances?
Yup he definitely is
Awe poor Ricky
Ew go away Lynn
Idk where this relationship is going
Is this gonna be like a romantic thing?
Maybe she’ll talk to him about EJ and he’ll convince her to confess her feelings?!?! Or maybe that’s just me reaching bc I ship Portwell
That would be me if I tried to write a song
Awe she finally took it off 😢
Oh so she does have a sibling
I knew it
And then EJ is going to be looking for it and call her back and see that she’s wearing it (maybe?)
Yeah everyone thinks that sucks
F you Lynn
But the show wasn’t the right place for them to meet
Oop more seblos tension
EJ is adorable
Omg this song is such a vibe
This video is so cute
Is EJ going to pick her up?!?!!!
Josh has a beautiful voice
Awwwwee these lyrics
My heart
Called it
Okay so I actually kinda loved that episode. There was much less drama which was a nice break. Seb and Carlos had a bit of drama but by the looks of the sneak peek for next episode they’ll deal with that more then. (And I’m assuming that’s when Carlos is going to get ricky’s help and write the song for Seb).
I actually really liked Jack. He was so sweet and if Portwell hadn’t been developing this season and he was going to be a reoccurring character I’d probably want them to get together. It made sense they didn’t though and they had some really sweet scenes together. Also GINA WAS WEARING THE DUKE SWEATER!!! AND EJ SHOWED UP TO PICK HER UP!!! AND HE BROUGHT HER A GRANOLA BAR!!! Literally if these two don’t get together I will riot
The state of ricky this episode was totally valid given the situation. I really loved the song though. The lyrics were both beautiful and heartbreaking and they feel true to his character. I’ve mentioned before that ricky has been acting off character, at least from how his character was developed in season 1, but this song did seem true to that original character. I also loved the video they made to clap back at north high. Not my favourite song of the season but I love the vibes. Overall a really good episode
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