#bc this is my post i feel like i can complain
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kokoskingdom · 3 days ago
kill yourself before you become an adult and a pedophile <3 no one likes you just become a statistic
ur so weird like 😭 like you niggas are so odd telling random 15yos online to kill themselves
if you believe im so weird and that im a pedophile go ahead and report me to the police.. see what they say
Because god forbid i mess around with fiction for funsies oh no no thats terrible
and by your logic, horror fans should kill themselves before they become an adult and a murderer
now your logic sounds retarded right? cuz what sense does that make. you niggas be on about absolutely NOTHING fr 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️
fnaf fans should kill themselves before they become an adult and murder kids yeah??? yeah?????? thats your logic btw
this is the same shit as "I don't understand your reason for this and therefore I hate it and hope you die"
you see how stupid that sounds? thats what you sound like yn. 💀
pack it up buddy! you're too shy and scared to use your REAL account to send in asks, so you use the anonymous feature in order to not embarrass yourself. what are you gonna do if i turn that off, hm? what r u gonna do? shit ur pants and cry?? man up and send in an ask with your real account..
like i js know you're saying bullshit off the top of ur head. "no one likes you just become a statistic" a statistic of what..? suicide rates? 😭 you wanna be boosting teenager suicide rates?
like u sound downright idiotic tryna be in the right 😞 why r u telling real life people who have feelings to hurt themselves bcs they decided to post in their own little circle about some little drawings of fictional things that dont feel and arent real?? do u ever reread your text and take a moment to think about this bs🤦🏿‍♂️
this is deadass the equivalent of walking far and wide to find some ants and then complaining that there's ants😭😭 ur so odd
and im not even like upset over this i just wanna make sure you know what ur talking about cuz in all seriousness you could be in court if i actually killed myself 💀 u do realize this DOES count as suicide influence. that's a thing and it can get yew in troubleee.. ^_^''
anyways guys i'm working on some art right now.. it's shadowvanilla and i'm gunna TRY to make it high quality..? i've been working on ts for about 3 days now but the issue is im using magma and while its rlly good for a website it sucks for a general art program
I'd switch to like medibang or something but my laptop killed itself and i have to get it fixed so for now we are drawing on the. school chromebook 🙁💔💔
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starsofjewels · 2 days ago
Cersei Lannister x Autistic! Lannister! Reader
Part 4 (?) of the autistic Lannister daughter reader.
CONTENT: Autistic!Reader, usual Westerosi mental health shenanigans, vauge mentions of Joanna's death, potential spoilies for the show (but it came out a decade ago so is it really?).
Lannister warnings
Feat. The High Sparrow, Mace Tyrell and Jaime's need for family therapy.
2.5k (ish)
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Reposted from 10 minutes ago bc of a mutual who wouldn't stop fecking around in the replies (you know who you are).
This was originally a request but I altered what they asked for so much I didn't feel I could attach it to post.
Thank you for your patience as we deal with my procrastination issues and also the fact I have 0 spare time for fanfic atm.
I'll be back in 7 weeks with the next offering, stay safe kids.
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Cersei Lannister is utterly delighted when, at the grand age of thirteen, she is handed a squirming, complaining lump of pink flesh wrapped up in fine blankets. She knows what it is immediately, a baby sister, her baby sister. As much as she loves Jaime, and tolerates Tyrion, there is something appealing about a little girl. To dress up, to play with, to have all to herself- How wonderful it is, to be a sister and a prince’s betrothed. 
She is very lucky, all her friends, and the low noble girls who will be her handmaidens, tell her so. Cersei is beautiful, virtuous and perfect, and you will be too. Your father calls you the angel, and with those wisps of blonde hair around your tiny, pink face and big, impossibly big, eyes, it is hard not to believe.
When Tyrion was born, he was large and bloody, misshaped like a thing made of clay, not a baby. Cersei couldn’t remember the last time she had seen a real baby, like in the paintings of herself and Jaime wrapped in their mother’s embrace, or of illustrations she can’t quite believe are her father and uncles. She goes to Tywin, Septa behind, insisting you must have come from the Gods, not quite understanding the knowing smiles of the adults around her. And life with this new, precious, thing- For that is really what you are as an infant- Is perfect. For a few days, at least.
Joanna dies four days after your birth. Cersei is not fully old enough to understand why, or what exactly has occurred, but she remembers her mother’s pale face, a hand around Tywin’s shoulder. Sometimes, when she recalls it, she thinks she can hear soft harp, even though the room is silent. You take pride of place, of course, in your mother’s arms, Father’s free arm cradling your head. If it weren’t for that lingering smell of rot, and the ever-growing whiteness of your mother’s face, it might be a pleasant scene.
The maester appears, and Cersei is ushered out of the room, new baby sister in tow. She will not see Tywin smile truly for another many years. At least, not without a very little lady accompanying him.
When you go from a lump of flesh to a truly formed person (if very small, and quite plump), Cersei begins to realise just how wonderful it is to have a much younger sister. She is fifteen, and you are an excellent pawn to get Prince Rhaegar to notice her. Rhaegar is soft and gentle, less like a dragon and more like a dog, and he simply adores infants. He has one coming himself, from his new wife, the Dornish princess, but no-one seems to care much about poor Elia, hidden away upstairs. 
One of your earliest memories is sitting by the fountain in the courtyard as Cersei plaits flowers into your hair, Rhaegar coming by to offer her more, and sitting with your tiny self as you attempt to poke the fish. Cersei remembers you wailing every time the dragon prince took your hand to prevent a fish massacre. Your earliest memory, funnily enough, is Tywin taking you line fishing at no older than three or four.
You, as it transpires, turn out to be an excellent bonding point between herself and Rhaegar. Viserys is just about your age, if slightly older, and so it becomes not an uncommon sight to see the older boy taking you places, wandering about with the Hand’s daughter no differently than the common children. Everyone seems to love you; you are good, obedient, quiet. Glances turn to Tyrion, four years your senior. Loud, and brash and already with a decent-sized collection of swear words. It is no wonder you are everyone’s favourite. 
Of course, women in Westeros do not tend to have a very good lot in life. Women are virtuous, women are prizes, and what is a better prize than Tywin Lannister’s eldest daughter? Cersei stays in the Red Keep when Arryn becomes Hand, when she is married off to a man who would rather spend his nights in foreign beds and wrestle hogs than he would with her. Her gaze falls to Jaime, her babes come Lannister-blond, and she wonders what may have become of you under your father’s influence. 
And like most ideas Cersei has, this one falls apart just the same. There is no little blonde maiden, dressed in Lannister colours and paying more attention to her dolls than the court. She expects a lion, and what arrives is little more than a cat.
The next time Cersei properly sees you, you are at least twenty. Her son, her single pride and joy, rules as a tyrant, even she can admit that. Ned Stark is dead, Renly Baratheon is dead, and the idea that you might have grown up into a proper young lady is gone. 
You, a woman of twenty, are attached to your father like an infant. Cersei remembers you as a young child, and cannot honestly find a difference, aside from the obvious developments of womanhood. You are very pretty, but you are not a Lannister: your hair has darkened, your eyes shift, wide and frightened. 
“Go, child,” She doesn’t quite think she’s ever heard Tywin’s voice so plain, so sweet, “go and see your sister, there is work to do.”
So you do, you sit awkwardly between herself and one of her more favourable maidens. Cersei does not speak to you, only occasionally passing you something or half-explaining an inside joke. Something is wrong with you, she can feel it from even a passing glance, but she cannot quite tell what. 
But you are her sister, so it doesn’t really matter what she wants or thinks. Cersei is, for all intents and purposes, as much under the control of Tywin as she was before her marriage, before he abandoned her in the capital; she will never admit it, but she’d do anything he asked. 
Days become months, and months become the better part of years, she hardly speaks to you. Together, at Tywin’s funeral, she watches you recite all of your prayers, leave him coins and jewels on his person, and she realises that the last time the two of you spoke was Joffrey’s wedding day, if she even wants to remember such a tragedy,
“He always liked you better,” She says, motioning to your father. By now, the Septon has already finished his prayers, and Tywin is well and truly moved to the next place, “Never one conversation didn’t have your little name on the end: how sweet you were, how intelligent you were-” Cersei’s tone takes an edge, even if she doesn’t mean it to, “There was nothing any of us could ever do to win his favour- But you? No-one could tear him away from a princess like you.”
And you sit there, letting her say anything that needs to be. Your eyes just as wide, just as still as ever, and it infuriates her. Perhaps she wants you to fight, or to sob and insist you knew nothing of your father’s favouritism, but you say nothing.
“Do you even speak?” Cersei asks eventually, “Or did Father take your tongue with him?”
She wants some retribution, and she gets none. So she slaps you across the face. There is no Tywin to protect you in this instance, but there is Jaime. He marches over, golden hand glistening in the firelight, and takes her by the wrist, gently, into a side room. Mace Tyrell bumbles over to you. You’ll speak to him, apparently, but not to your own sister.
“What was that for?”
Bitter tears come. The very ones that worked so well against any man other than her brother. He has, and always will, see past it. Hands cup her cheeks, and she almost jumps at the cool metal of a prosthetic she still isn’t quite used to.
“She’s not like us-” Jaime says eventually, “It isn’t her fault she’s different.”
This is not the Jaime she remembers. The Jaime with two hands, who would defend her in an instant. Cersei isn’t quite sure where this has come from, what he’s done, or heard. She assumes Tywin spoke to him, in his usual way, some time before his death,
“Father said-”
“Father said-” He has never argued against her before. Not once, not truly, “That she is our responsibility. What else would you do, Cersei? Ship her down to Dorne with Myrcella? Lose the only remnants of Father we have left? Tyrion is gone, Father is dead. I will not let her go anywhere - Besides, Father would haunt us.”
It is too soon to make such jokes. She falls into his arms, much like a princess would in one of her mother’s old fairy stories. For the first time in years, Cersei wants her mother…
Tommen’s ascension to the throne is marked by religion. The High Sparrow (as he insists upon calling himself) creeps from the outskirts of King’s Landing and places himself, quite comfortably, right within the royal family. Cersei feels her son’s following slipping from her control into the world of religion, and she wonders if this is how her father felt when Joffrey began to stray from command.
But Tommen is not her worry, not really. He is her son, but he is too dense to truly be manipulated. A sweet boy, a good boy, but far too young to have any real sense of coercion.  No, her worry is not Tommen, it is you. 
Quiet, obedient little girls, as it turns out, are essentially gold dust to this new group of robins, or sparrows, or whatever idiotic bird-themed name they’ve given to themselves. Especially a quiet, noble girl. She finds you frequently with Cousin Lancel, applying salve to the hideous star carved into his forehead. She imagines you kissing it as well, that you fulfill a mother’s role for him. Not that she’d be surprised. 
It is one of those strange days that she doesn’t quite remember fully. She hasn’t slept well, not that she has been, and she notices her handmaidens are depleting in numbers. To be married, or to become septas, or whatever it is they do with their lives; she isn’t entirely sure. But it is getting colder, definitely, Winter is coming again. 
“But then it turned out he was scared of them-”
It is your voice, definitely, talking about dogs. She has never heard you so utterly in your element, and nor has she heard the burst of laughter that follows. A man’s, an older man’s. For the first time in her life, Cersei hides herself in the shadows, and you walk past on the High Sparrow’s arm. You seem confident, almost at ease, entirely different from the little girl she’s grown to know, and something like jealousy blooms to see you with a strange, old man, rather than her.
“Which I don’t understand, because it was only a little dog-”
“It was well past your waist, and it had a bird in its mouth- His bird.”
Your laugh is something your father would treasure, her father would treasure. But there is something about this interaction that spurs a rage within her. She doesn’t understand how you, the lady who would not speak a word to her own sister, could be so friendly to that old Sparrow. The two of you go down the corridor, and an hour later you are summoned to the Council rooms. 
“He’s nice to me,” She hears you say, brushing one of the king’s cats. What a childish response. “He wants me to become a septa.”
“And- Do you want to be a septa?”
It is Uncle Kevan who speaks, and Cersei is thankful for that. She isn’t sure she has the correct words to voice exactly how she’s feeling. You look up with big, sweet eyes and tilt your head.
“I suppose it’d be nice to wear the same thing every day, I wouldn’t have to worry about laundering.”
The queen beside you scoffs and rolls her eyes, it is a response she has grown used to from you, your dependence on order. It comes from Tywin, he was exactly the same with money and accounts. At least he had a dresser. 
She does not worry about you personally, particularly, and she knows she ought to. She worries that you’re sleeping with that old zealot, and it’ll look bad on the family’s name. It isn’t entirely implausible, not with how the two of you behave with each other; less like a teacher and his mentor, and slightly more like a young couple in love.
You are devastated when Tyrion arrives with half of his new Valyrian army to take you away to some land beyond. She watches you try to convince your new friend to come with you, but he has his mission, and you yours. A High Sparrow does not belong outside of his nest, he says, and Cersei wonders where he thinks a lioness is supposed to go- Not that you could ever be classified as a lioness. 
And that High Sparrow, your friend as you insist, turns on her as soon as you are out of the picture. She is stripped and lashed and shamed, to such an extent she feels her father roll in his grave on particularly quiet nights. Any other woman might understand that this is how you have felt your whole life; alone, afraid, latching onto any connection you manage to pull from the wreckage. But Cersei is not any other woman, and she unleashes fury like no other. Your High Sparrow crashes to the ground in spectacular, green, fashion, and she doubts you will ever find out.
When Cersei is queen in her own right, before she is killed as a tyrant like her son before her, the last she hears of you is a life of adventure on the Iron Islands, chasing about the now-broken Theon Greyjoy under the watch of his uncle: The pious one, not Euron, who is barred from coming anywhere near you, she discovers. And the three of you have, apparently, formed an odd little family, overseen by Balon and monitored by Yara, or Asha, or whatever the girl’s name is.
She never did understand you, but with the family in tatters, she is relieved you are safe. As one less burden on her shoulders, and not out of love, she assures herself. Perhaps one day you will marry Theon and Balon will stop pissing around. Or, more likely, you’ll stay on that bundle of wet rocks, playing about like a child. Less a lion, and more of a leopard seal. 
At least you have a happy ending, even if she is not there to see it.
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khaoala · 7 months ago
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girlfriends who date.
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ganondoodle · 19 days ago
(oh hey, we didnt have a long rant in a while, this wasnt supposed to be so long, as per usual with me ... i looked up some refs of the botw sonau ruins since i wanted to see how to combine its design to my sonau design in my totk rewrite- and this happened ... in case this sounds too angry or aggressive, its not meant like that, im not imploding about it, its just frustrating and annoying to me)
i have a problem with pretty much every inch of totk, and theres lots of big problems, and lots of things i find absolutely bafflingly stupid decisions-
one bafflingly weird and stupid decision to me, though there are way more important ones, is the nigh complete seperation from botw sonau (zonai) design aesthetic and totk sonau design aesthetic- its so .. weird and utterly unecessary it will never stop bothering me, its one that has relatively little impact in development but huge impact on the believability of the world
you have these ancient ruins of long gone people (that imo should have stayed a mystery, since that sense of lost history you cannot grasp makes both the world more believable and real feeling and will never let you stop thinking about, if you care about that kind of stuff at least- but i talked about that in length before im sure), but whats left leaves you still with a pretty clear design aesthetic, at least in the buildings that remain (the armor less so bc it really doesnt look like anythign ancient and just doesnt really fit together)
and then you make a game around them- but ... completely redesign their aesthetic .... in a rather big contrast too, for literally NO reason, there is not a single reason to do that, not even the excuse of trying to seperate the two games in their core aesthetic (like in the case of the shiekah- though that too is stupid bc ITS A DIRECT SEQUEL- IF YOU DONT WANT TO MAKE MORE OF THAT DESIGN THEME or leave it in for that matter THATS CORE TO THE PREVIOUS GAME DONT MAKE IT A DIRECT SEQUEL YOU DUM-) can do any work here, the botw sonau ruins werent many, it was background stuff, it wasnt a main theme and it didnt carry any importance in the game itself
like, botw sonau architecture was dark stone with red highlights (a color that usually fades rather quickly, imagine how strong it had to be once, maybe it was even more colorful at some point), bird, boar and dragon carvings, torches in bird shape, alot of swirls and round patterns among the blockier rough shapes, its was pretty detailed with patterns and pictures all over it --
totk sonau? blendingly white stone, all blocky shapes like unfinished blender models, not a swirl to be found, green hologram lights (or cold white light, i dont think there are any totk sonau torches, just those weird candle things- most light sources are lamps in impeccable shape all giving off that cold white light) and gold blocky script, theres rarely alot of detail on them, the pattern most often present beign a scale pattern ... one which i dont remember appearing anywhere on the botw sonau ruins in that way/that often, the only animal motif is a dragon head every now and then and it honestly feels tacked on, like they scrambled to try and connect the two in any way shape or form, white gold and green, theres nothing red anywhere, they neither connect to the botw sonau architecture nor to the one armor set- or its description, totk sonau have nothing to do with the phirone (faron) region (aside from that one quest that could have been placed anywhere), they are weirdly modern and techy, theres nothing "barbaric", not even their clothes are in any way connected (im so sick of all that gold tbh) even their magic isnt really .. magical, it all feels like science fiction type tech stuff (even though they said they wanted it to feel magical, couldnt be further from that tbh) the design of their magic symbols dont line up with their own building aesthetic or anyone elses even, its so messy
if you do the quest to get the fith sage its even more apparent- its the direct contrast between botw and totk sonau, its like a cut into a mod, theres no overlap, you cant argue that its bc the botw ruins where exposed to the elements and thats why the color differs- the totk sonau ruins left to rot both in the underground and in the literal sky are all just as if not more exposed, yet they all remain in rather good shape, all keeping the white and often completely colorless look, most damage being just some clumps of mold (?) or something having fallen over, and if they were protected so their color didnt change? wheres the red? the colors all should be in pristine shape then but its not bc there is no color
their excuse of "uuuh the hylians build those things in honor of the sonau!!" they tried to give doesnt work, like all other excuses, if they did why the hell does it look so different? sonau stuff was all over the place, you have the blueprints right there, WHY even build it? in those regions nonetheless that were of pretty little importance as far as we know, if this were the case they should be on the forgotten plateau or around hyrule castle but they are not- ALSO if the hylians built them for them .. so after they died out .. why then is there some weird mechanism with their actual aesthetic there in the ones in phirone? if they built it while they were still there ... why make it look so different?? ADDITIONALLY hyrules style of architecture is closer to the totk sonau one than the botw sonau so you cant even say it was influenced by their own style bc botws sonau is more different than both of them
it also adds to the .. feeling of something being off about the entire game (like it felt to me even shortly after starting to play), while i dont want to touch on the stupidness of how they handled totk shrines since thats another long rant i already did before, the sudden appearance of totk sonau style stuff literally everywhere (and the disappearance of anything not plot relevant shiekah bc it just went poof according to interviews and neither that nonsensical excuse nor anything in the game making sense- bc in the end they just wanted it gone and didnt care) would seem LESS weird if it was in the style of botw sonau, you know that style, its been here the whole time and more of it appearing would seem much less jarring, even if it doing so in completely non sensical ways- it would at least lessen that weirdness
i do not get why you would do that, did your designers have nothing to do so you made them make an entirely new aesthetic? did you not want your holy perfectly goodest god king to be anything but the most clean and kingly looking so you didnt even go for the barbaric idea from botw?(which i am not a fan of either) bc of course someone supposed to fill the role of perfect example of how to be good king of holy hyrule to zelda couldnt look "primitive"? was that given to the ancient hylians instead? with their designs going, to me, rather close to a mix of native american and ancient greek aesthetic (uh oh)- to contrast them to your superior alien that brought the idiots on earth technology since we didnt have enough tired tropes in here already? thought that design theme was more sellable? simply didnt care? (tbh, most likely in my eyes given the carelesness of the game to connect in any way to botw, much less in a meaningful one)
(those where written like questions but i dont expect anyone to answers for, it just sounds better)
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non-un-topo · 2 months ago
More cishet observations from the past month at work:
- They really fucking buzz off of the TERF wizard book series
- Their favourite place on Earth is Florida (why???)
- If you tell them you're an artist, they will ask you if you've ever "tried out AI"
- They will joke about OCD a lot
- They absolutely hate their bodies and will take any opportunity to talk about food in a toxic way (bonus points if they compare their body/food to yours)
- They hate their spouses and think that this is funny
- They. Do not. Have interests. (Besides the TERF wizard book series)
- They don't watch movies or TV??
- If they have kids, the way they talk about them makes it sound like it was genuinely the worst decision they ever made
- If they don't have kids, they will still fucking talk about having them
- They don't like cats??
In other weird news, I'm gendered correctly at work and I pass to the point that cishets actually talk to me like I'm a cishet guy.
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months ago
so i'm leaning toward briala-celene [ugh] or public truce*. but i wanted to know ...
*I've been reading posts/articles that state that public truce isn't best long run ... but it isn't like the inquisitor would KNOW that.
#dai spoilers#for my mooties that wanna play but havent yet#dragon age#grapecase plays dai#wicked eyes and wicked hearts#aka wicked headache and wicked annoyance#grapecase polls#dai poll#grapecase complains#lmao#i feel these posts dont give briala enough credit#unless im missing something#idk that working with gaspard would long run [or even short term] be better for her and the elves than working for/with celene#[i feel it would be with but a lot of people seem to believe it will be for]#yes celene is dismissive when you show her the [REDACTED] but she KEPT it#the dismissiveness matters sure - bc the type of masks matter - but the fact that she secured it matters as much if not more#and what celene did was heinous but let's not act like gaspard wouldnt be as bad if not worse#i feel briala would be smart with both [but with celene i feel she wouldnt let sentimentaility get her as much as people think she would]#and off chance she did - doubting it - her people would be smarter. i feel they'd be on higher alert with celene#now it is a matter of what power they could milk#and okay i do think immediately she could probably twist gaspard's arms harder bc of the blackmail and celene is still worried of coming of#too soft maybe?#but i think celene is smarter - or should be at keepiing balances. like she owes briala more than a debt. and i can see briala carefully mi#king that. i can see both of them slowly building things right under the nobles noses#idk maybe im being idealistic#i do think celene would try and do better in general and for the elves alone#but idk i nee dto finish to play and see#im mostly measuring this off vibes
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moe-broey · 6 months ago
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Back to what I do best (bare minimum Putting My Guys In Situations shitposts) 😌
Inspo under cut!!!
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#fire emblem#feh#got so mad at my other thing i finished this one out of spite.#this shitpost is also what spurred on my recent fairy posts! really really funny and unironically cool#how shitpost redraws can just. help you get a better feel for a chara and/or their dynamics w other charas#or in this case makes you REALLY think about them like!!! yeah haha funny plumeria hatemail#but like how am i gonna draw her actually? how am i gonna portray her? i need to figure these things out as i go#which led to my redesign and oops! uh oh! she's in my brain now. she's taking on a life of her own.#i def needed the break/detour though... if i ever want to get to my fairy lore i have to. develop the fairy lore.#also kind of fucked up and evil i think i finally hit a point where i was tired of drawing alfonse. insane.#to be fair... that other project i've been working on.... has hands.#again just a much needed break/shifting of gears. it was a lot of fun!!!!!#this was a rush job though i will admit that. again. finished out of Spite.#okay okay now that i'm done complaining. about the piece itself i feel like i have to say#THE CHARACTERIZATION... IS SO PEAK SILLY HERE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. ESPPP SHARENA#sharena just being a yes man to moe. bc they're besties she HAS to be in its corner and defend its good name!!! 😤😤😤#moe just. being oppositional just for the sake of it. guy who loves to just Say Things so long as it gets a good reaction.#(CAN GO. SO POORLY FOR IT.)#alfonse.#i just loooove... putting guys in situations... it's soooooo fun#fe plumeria#sharena#fe alfonse#moe tag#summoner oc#my art#my comics
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ianthesmells · 4 months ago
the fandomization of mouthwashing really watering it down tbh LOL seeing a game that focuses on like, rape culture and how women are dismissed, and then seeing people drawing chibi jimmy, anya/curly uwu fluff, or like random crossovers with characters in the mouthwashing scenario just to put a guy in bandages and forget that the story is about a rape… and then the added psychic damage of the constant rape discussions because of the US election being followed by Hot Anime Boy Curly on my feed… its rough out here yall
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stinkrascal · 6 months ago
i have no problem answering wcifs but if you're gonna send me mean msgs in my ask box bc im taking too long to answer your wcif wherein you ask for the links of 18 separate outfits, thats not gonna make me "work faster" or whatever. i will simply not answer your wcif at all <3 i hope this helps!!
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jeanralphiosbf · 2 months ago
should i make a tag list ,, would anyone care ,,
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eddiemunsonsmum · 5 months ago
Just saw this comment on a story posted a month ago.
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*cries in Eddie Munson Solo Series no one wanted to read, interact with or request for*
No shade to the person that commented this on their own fic if you recognize it. It's not their fault. I'm not mad at them. More crying in the tags.
#and no I didn't tag the solo series like I normally would because it's not about THAT. It's not about trying to get people to read it#It was just really ouchie to see the same concept I wrote 2 years ago get triple the notes in ONE MONTH.#and double the notes of my solo series masterlist in general in one month vs 2 years of my stories sitting there rotting#Then I see people saying they need more solo Eddie and I'm just here like my dudes I begged for requests. BEGGED. But bc I wasn't#/have never been a popular writer people don't want it from ME. It's like omg we want THIS but not like that. Not from you.#Can't help but let it get you down when nothing has changed in 2 years. It's not like I worked my way up and have the interaction now#that every other blog I used to commiserate with back in the day is getting currently. Fandom isn't a competition but it's not fair either#and I really struggle with that a lot of the time#Also yes I will concede I should be happy with the notes on the solo series because they are the highest of all the work on my page but#they're still nothing compared to what some people have just hours after posting a new story.#I saw someone complaining the other day that there are less new stories in the fandom than ever 1. That's simply not true. 2. Even if it wa#can you blame writers for giving up when readers are checking the same popular blogs over again or reading the same 5 tropes the same#2 pairings over and over. The same series? Over and over. Ignoring everything else and then complaining that their faves don't post enough?#That the popular writer with the incredible series (that rightfully deserves interaction) hasn't posted a new dad!eddie or rockstar!eddie#drabble in ages meanwhile there are writes out there pouring their souls into dad!eddie and no one reads it. There is so much rockstar Eddi#smut out there that it could sustain a brand new reader for an entire year before they needed a new fic#Idk man. I'm just feeling so defeated. I write for fun now. But there was a point in time where I desperately tried to build a platform by#offering requests and writing a lot of things I would not otherwise write to try and gain traction on my page and every time I see another#food fucking fic get hundreds of notes I get so sad that I wrote that stupid Melon fic because I had people in my life that told me#they would be excited to read it and for what? One of them still talks to me. The others moved on so fast. Most didn't even reblog it.#Some of them have since written their own food fucking fics that got triple the notes of my OG. Again. No shade to them. I don't own the#concept. It's just disheartening and fucking sad above all else. How hard I tried to get people to LIKE me and my stories. 😂#Just sad hours in general tonight my guys. Going to go and pour the bad feelings into Aftermath and then maybe make a bad life choice and#pour all my savings into an ipad#YES I KNOW first world problems. I know. That's why I try not to talk about it bc it seems so petty considering the state of the world#But you can't help what gets you down#EMMs Journal#EMM's Journal
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frostbite-the-bat · 10 months ago
talked w/ a friend about this and wanted to post something similar yesterday after a convo i saw also
about people criticizing ttcc / ttcc fans for just... being cog fans? being cog centric? usually coming from people who only like the toons.
and everyone likes what they like! it's okay! but saying that people who like the cogs are horrible and support the bad things they do, is just blatantly wrong. i thought we knew that enjoying villainous and morally Bad / grey characters is... okay? it doesn't mean you support what they do. it's interesting to explore these topics.
i've seen many people just... paint anyone who likes the cogs as horrible because they're "apologists of x and y" and... i dunno. rubs me the wrong way! you do have a point and recognize the cogs do bad things, but liking them as characters means nothing about who you are as a person.
and this is not to say that people who are in toontown for the toons are bad. hell! they are right this IS toontown. i may be on the cog liker side but i like the toons! maybe ocs more than the npcs - mostly because i like my friends and the sheer creativity the toons can bring out!!
SO what i wanna say... i dunno. let's not point fingers...? let's have fun in a goofy cartoon game together??? also complaining about people liking VILLAIN ROBOTS on TUMBLR is kind of funny to me. do you realize where you are. but then again a lot of this i see on discord and in-game as well since i avoid things on tumblr... i am a sensitive little fella i avoid misty fight bc of One Really mean "Critic" guy i saw there and i have been shivering in my bootsies since. so you get me
but like yes ttcc is more cog centric but... that's okay? things could be written better and i still wanna speak on it, and i do thing the toons deserve attention and better writing... but the fact it focuses on the cogs isn't... bad? if you don't like how con centric it is you can go play ttr...? god forbid people have fun and explore the villain's side of things...? i'm not saying either toontown server is better or worse than the other... and everyone can like their own things!!
but like... people will just like the cogs and that's okay and it doesn't make you bad. let's all be friends okay? both sides may be going at each other's necks in-game and the cogs in fact do horrible things - but it's what makes them fun, and it gives the toons things to do in the game!! but we don't gotta !!!!!!!! i may be really sarcastic and sometimes mean in private but like that's me just privately sassing, deep down i think people should just... y'know..? enjoy things.
so yea that's the guzma / cathal thought of today. toon people cog people both people are all awesome as fuck and you keep doing what you're doing i love you toontown isn't toontown without you
#anyways omg god forbid ppl are cog kissers on the robot kissing website /silly#but like!! tt/r may not be for everyone and tt/cc may not be for everyone and THATS OK!! ur not gonna like everything!!#like i accepted tt/r isnt for me but its mostly bc they dont show cog health specifically and i struggle with these things but !! i#heard they are updating that so i might be able to play without getting bored / frustrated again ^^ i havent played properly in yeaaaars#i will still prefer clash bc fixation and?? i LIKE ROBOBTS....!#but tewtow is tewtow its all swag. the least toony thing u can do is bully someone for Liking Robobt. be niceys#like ya i admit im not perfect i also dont like people andhave so much one sided beef and i am sensitive to so many things and i complain#in private but at the end of the day its to make myself feel better and i KNOW to not engage and look away and work on feeling better#bc this stuff does Heehoo upset me bc Mental Health Probulem. but i know everyone should and can do their own thing and have fun#i may complain about (redacted ship) all the time and i dont get it at all but...? bro... just have fun... be free. im not here to stop you#im just not gonna interact as i should. good for both of us! joyous world! happy that ur happy!!!!#why complain abt ppl just Enjoying Cogs like that though................................................ do you not like fun#this is not at anyone specific#my friend did show me tags of a post anonymously#and i vague a person whos name i dont know ingame like A YEAR AGO#and a convo what happened in a server a while back. but its not anyone specific i just wanted to like. speak my thoughts#lets be frense... and if not thats okay lets not argue either then we all stay in our lanes
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dukeofthomas · 5 months ago
BTAS Batman feels like a normal human who's really trained and skilled and manages to pull off amazing feats
Comics Batman just feels like a superpowered human
#my dc posting#btas#batman#the moment 2 big guys with weapons stop being actual threats is the moment he's no longer realistically human to me#like it doesn't matter how skilled or trained you are. a guy w a weapon is always a threat!!#yes it's fiction this isn't an actual complaint#but the point is when BTAS batman succeeds and does something impressive i go wow! amazing! just a regular human w lots of training#doing cool fucking shit!#but when i see any otherbatman do anything ever i just go -_- bc he's not actually limited in any way or grounded in real human capabilitie#this is why i enjoy the action of BTAS so much bc it actually makes me ROOT for the hero#bc he CAN fail and get captured and all that and it doesn't feel unrealistic and when he gets out of it i actually feel#excited abt it yknow??#is it a crime to wanna watch something that actually manages to make you root for the hero instead of just sitting there like this -_- cus#y'know he's gonna succeed anyway and whatever Amazing Super Cool Shit he pulls off doesn't actually feel all that#...kinda reminds me of doctor who when it's done right#like idc how much i get told abt Wow he's just a non-powered human pulling off all these amazing things! he's just so strong and smart!#when there's nothing abt him that makes me actually believe these are normal non-powered human things#like i'm not gonna cheer when a superpowered guy can fly. they have superpowers. and batman FEELS like that no matter what i'm told by word#idk honestly i'm just complaining at this point. but i like doing that especially abt something so low-stakes as this so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lillotte17 · 7 months ago
#not gonna make a real post but i gotta vent a little#there was that one poll abt which DA man has the most annoying fans#which i did not vote in bc as someone who values my own sanity i don't hang out in tags of characters that get on my nerves#but i'm just dumb enough to have looked in the notes and apparently solas was sweeping i guess#which by itself is whatever#but then the tags were just dozens of ppl complaining that solas fans were annoying bc they *checks notes*#post about solas a lot???#and 'flood the lavellan tag'? you know...the only character you can romance him with w/o a mod???#and they hate that we're 'acting like DA4 is going to only be abt him'...you know. the game originally called 'dreadwolf'#idk my guys i get that if someone jumps on your post and makes it abt a character u hate that's annoying#but it sure sounds like ur just bitching abt ppl having fun in their own fandom space#this sounds very much like a YOU issue#like i remember someone literally made a post like 'UGH why do Solavellans even like him?!' that ended up on my dash#and I answered in good faith not feeling like i was being mean or aggressive#and i promptly got yelled at for 'not staying in my lane'#my brother in Christ YOU asked MY part of the fandom a question#Not saying there aren't Solas fans w/ Rancid Takes but i swear half the complaints i see are people just mad that we're having a good time#curate your own online experience guys it's not that hard#i waited 10 years for closure with this dumpster fire man#and no one is going to spoil my fun about it#block me to the moon and back idc
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svnflowermoon · 10 months ago
why can i literally not function at school like i swear i'm trying i just can't focus????
#luc posts#like i take notes but then i get bored and the doodle on the side of my page thst was meant to take 5 seconds took 10 minutes :(#and then im lost and bc im lost i get all fidgety and i keep doodling and then jts just a cycle#if i work for 20 minutes i feel like ive ran a marathon and i have to take a 40 minutes drawing/staring into the distance break#and im gonna fail maths but theres literally nothing i can do no matter what i do I can't focus for over 20 minutes at a time#and then its the end of class and i feel guilty bc oh i didnt do any work :( like i feel bad and i want to fix it but idk whats wrong so ho#can i fix it if i dont know whats wrong with meeeee#ugh#it literally makes me want to cry am i just lazy is that what it is am i literally useless why cant i work#like i was so ahead kf the average grades and i never learnt to study and now ugh i dont know how to function so i just dont#and it doesn't help that my friends are all geniuses#like they complain about their one mark away from full marks and im just like OH MY GOD if i could just focus then i coukd do so well#likr ok i guess i wont mention tjst i failed that test bc yall sre complaining about getting one mark off fukl makrs#likr fuckkkk okay i have so mucb potential why di i waste jt :(((((#i hate school so mucb#i genuinely consider dropping out sometimes like I CANT DO THIS hiw do these peiole di ut how hiw how someone tell me how to function#like these peiole getting top marks withiut eben truijgn and i tyr and i cant fishcis so i fail snd then ufh i want to die#bc its so embarassing i eas like top 10% of the class a few years ago and now i just cant function like how do these peiple do itso#someone explain ot me how oieolem focus and dony get distracted and ginish things kike ugh
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cassynite · 1 year ago
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