#bc i played my canon timeline for dai then played dai once and it killed it for me for this decade lkdsfsdf
jemandthesingalongs · 2 months
#4 for the DAV ask game
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
ooo a fun one thank you! <3
Origins: My girl Alivah Tabris! She's a duel-wielding warrior with the reaver/berserker/spirit warrior specializations and romances Leliana. <3
Outside the standard fair of worldstates, she doesn't deviate too much from it (it saving mages, befriending everyone, etc.) OTHER than killing Connor herself (she's...got her reasons and is haunted by it forever), POSSIBLY keeping the Anvil (will need to actually playthru again to get a better grasp on that), and POSSIBLY drunk Alistair if only because in-character can't see her hardening him, but I am really attached to bitter ex-besties not over their fight from 10+ years ago with King Alistair since sparing Loghain as a Tabris is also non-standard it seems? She also doesn't defile the Ashes I'm just a weenie but love dragon stuff so insert fanon reason here she's a reaver I'll come up with eventually. Also in my reality god isn't cruel she herself does the Dark Ritual with Morrigan and is Kieran's other mom (trans rights babey) and everyone involved feels some kind of way about it.
DA2: My poor wet cat of a champion, Astrid Hawke. She's a one-handed warrior with the Templar specialization and romances Isabela.
She's...not doing great dslfkdsf. I'd say typical worldstate up until the mid/later part of Act 2 where after Isabela betrays her twice, losing Leandra to a mage, and having Bethany in the Circle as a bargaining chip, she goes pretty much pro-Templar in an attempt to have some sort of control over everything going wrong. I'm unsure if I can pull it off in-game but she does rival Anders and does the Templar ending to keep him around, and does everything Meredith asks up until killing Bethany and she refuses. Though that doesn't really break the illusion until she's betrayed again by Meredith herself and it's somehow still going downhill for her. Love her though.
DAI: My lil Hope spirit Hissera Adaar! She's a mage with the necromancer specialization that romances Josephine.
Even though I've only played DAI once, I vaguely recall the big choices so she's another standard fair worldstate. BUT I do want to play with the moral ambiguity of a spirit, so she will certainly keep Cole a spirit, and might even make some mages Tranquil. Astrid Hawke is left in The Fade, possibly, it really depends if there's any payoff in DA4 for it since between her and Loghain, they both got a lot to atone for. I hate that choice so much regardless lmao. Her moral compass/choices do eventually boil down to "whatever Josephine wants" so it's a good thing Josephine has some solid morals lskdfdsf. This is why she opts to stop Solas by any means since tearing down The Veil will kill/hurt Josephine and that is simply not allowed. I haven't decided if she'll keep or disband the Inq, because while that would help in stopping Solas and supporting Vivienne as Divine, she is also operating on Leliana's desire to be with Alivah from their very first conversation in Haven, and she takes things very literally. So no more Inq means Leliana can leave. This is also why she simply doesn't support her as Divine, despite the everything.
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Hey babygirls, poll is on hiatus because I just got back from italy and i am so so so so so so so so so so very very tired.
Instead, have a list of all my Undertale Aus!
Doki Doki Monster Club
If you don't know this one by now you have not been here long. Here's the link to the account:
So you know the early fanon version of undertale? Evil Chara, OP Sans, UWU Papyrus? Yeah, that's kind of what it is.
Basically, Sans (a genius scientist, ofc) and Frisk (a nineteen year old girl and his gf) decide to banish The Evil Chara (TEC) to another universe. They succeed, but TEC resets the timeline as they do it.
TEC ends up in the canon UT universe, where she (gender up to interpretation) is reduced to an angry narrator. Like that one "what do you want" "souls of the unliving" "a bagel" "nooo" meme. She is still convinced she's making you kill everyone, and even if you only kill a single Froggit she will remain convinced it's bc she's controlling you. At the end of the pacifst run, you get this dialogue:
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(Art by worst ut canon)
Meanwhile, Canon Chara was sent to the fanon universe. It is literally Hell. Their mother is hypersexualised, their brother is a tsundere, the child they follow around and narrate about how has boobs, and worst of all said child is convinced they're making her kill everyone!
Once Frisk gets to Snowdin (after killing everyone in the ruins) she warps off to Sans' house with the man himself, leaving Chara to explore the underground on their own. Strangely enough, the world seems to be... glitching out? Monsters will talk about how their heads feel foggy or how they don't even know why they hate Sans so much and then glitch into a loop of "I hate Sans I hate Sans I hate Sans"
Is it something to do with those garbage noises that seem to constantly be playing with the music? Hopefully Chara can find out... before it's too late.
Literally just a common or garden roleswap, nothing special. Swaps are as follows:
Toriel ~ Gaster (a white fire elemental here)
Asgore ~ Grillby
Sans ~ Napstablook
Papyrus ~ Alphys ~ Mad Mew Mew (three way swap)
Undyne ~ Mettaton
Frisk ~ Human from the first image in the prologue
Chara ~ That one alt design
Monster Kid ~ Heats Flamesman
Asriel ~ Fuku Fire
Burgerpants ~ So Sorry
All the Blooks are cat people and cousins.
Papyton real, is the date storyline.
Alphys was Timid Dummy, and then Rar Rar Scratchy Clawy, a violent anime dinosaur sk8er.
Metta is captain of the royal guard and has a ponytail. Maddy wants to join but he fears she will kill everyone accidentally due to her incredible violence.
Undyne has several violent tv shows and movies. You shoot her legs off first and she's like "who needs legs... with arms like these?!" and starts suplexing shit.
Napsta makes sick beats and has anxiety, but is great at pretending they don't. They are incredibly popular. They still live in constant fear.
Sans records stupid jokes and never lets people hear em. He and the other ghosts aren't related.
Speaking of that last point, Alphys and Undyne are exes. Undyne abandoned her and Sans for the Hollywood dream. They probably get back together post pacifist.
Heats Flamesman is a child. He likes Metta because everyone knows his name. He aspires to be like that some day.
Monster Kid wants you to believe in them. If you don't they will be traumatised. If you do, they will be so shocked you did, they will be traumatised anyway.
Doki Doki Monster Club
Co created with my good friends @sans-au-war-ii and @bestfictionaldivorce.
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The girls (™) are:
It's pretty damn obviously who's who. The only thing of relevance I can think of to mention is that Grillbyuri is obsessed with water (not knives) and instead of stabbing himself he pours water on himself. Instead of watching his corpse decay for three days, you watch him slowly evaporate over three days.
And everyone wears a skirt.
Art by sans au war!
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Epic Au where Frisk gets blasted by Toriel's fire magic and their soul's like "not today satan" and turns upside-down and Frisk becomes a fire monster.
Sansby real, and they adopt Frisk. They call them Dad and Also Dad. Fuku is their cousin now, and Heats Flamesman is their weird tiny uncle.
Anyway, worst ut canon wrote this oneshot for it read it right now pls
First off, Blankstablook is an oc of mine of sorts. They're the ghost possessing the ruins dummy and they live there to avoid the sheer chaos that comes from living in the same vicinity of its cousins.
Anyway, resets don't exist and the player is the opposite of an alpha gamer and gets wiped out by the first Froggit they encounter after Toriel skedaddles. Blanksta feels bad for them (and for Toriel, she'll only blame herself) and so decides to possess them.
It ties the soul around their neck with Frisk's bandages, and proceeds. They do an awful job at pretending to be an alive child. It floats two feet off the ground the whole time, while the soul flails around trying to kill.
They also just generally act like an eldrich abomination and freak the shit out of everyone. Except their cousins. Who are just like "man, classic Blanksta"
Oh yeah and being a ghost they can't take damage which makes fights both very interesting and incredibly hilarious.
Heres Blanksta!Frisk:
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(Art by me for once lol)
Yeah that's it really. Feel free to ask about any of the Aus in my askbox! Also I will take drawing prompts for them, as long as they're sfw :)
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ghost-town-story · 1 year
Hi hello it is time for the first of the lore dumps! Decided to do this as a lil worldbuilding wednesday series lol. So without further ado, it's time to talk about some Apocalypse Surivival :D
Have a cut to spare y’all’s dashes, and also because mild content warnings for mentions of human experimentation and all the fun jazz that comes with an apocalypse
(also hi @smol-feralgremlin since you wanted to be tagged <3)
Just so you know what you’re getting into, none of the Apocalypse Survival characters have names yet. I’m thriving :P
Anyhoot, time for premise/basic worldbuilding and then on into the detailed rambling
Apocalypse Survival is a dual timeline story, tentatively titled something along the lines of 6 Days because each timeline covers 6 days. It’s a vaguely futuristic setting where the government has been experimenting on children and bonding them to animals, causing both to develop superpowers. Both timelines follow [Squirrel], a girl bonded with a fox squirrel. The first timeline takes place pre-apocalypse, and the second is 6 years after the apocalypse happens.
There’s a couple other child experiment pairs who play some part in the story:
[Cobra], bonded with a Mozambique spitting cobra, who can breathe/spit poison
[Penguin], bonded with a Magellanic penguin, who can control ice
[Possum], bonded with a Virginia opossum, who causes things around them to decay (this one’s for Andi lol)
[Cat], bonded with a Bombay cat, who can control shadows
[Fox], bonded with a red fox, who can control fire
[Duck], bonded with a red-billed teal, who can control air
and my favorite boi, [Bear], who’s bonded with a grizzly bear and can manipulate earth
(and some real quick distinctions, i’mma add a -h if I’m talking about the human and a -a for the animal. so Cat-h is the human, Cat-a is the kitty)
Now if you’re looking at this and betting money on these kids being the cause of the apocalypse, congrats, you’d be right. Specifically, Fox and Duck are the catalysts of the apocalypse in a way.
Due to the people in charge of these kids having terminal cases of “not giving a shit”, Fox-h and Duck-a end up dying, which hella traumatizes their partners and eventually causes them to “go feral”. In this context, that means losing control of their powers and going hellbent on revenge against those responsible for their partners’ deaths (aka the scientists/government peeps in charge of them). And once the still-living partner goes feral, there’s no way to reverse it. Fox-a goes feral basically right away, and Duck-h goes feral very publicly, with a lot of collateral damage.
After that, due to the large amount of public, negative scrutiny they’re under, the director decides to shut down the project and dispose of (read: kill) the experiments. However, due to a miscommunication or three down the line, the people carrying out the “disposals” don’t know about the possibility of the kids or animals going feral.
So, several superpowered humans and animals going feral at nearly the exact same time + giving absolutely no fucks about the collateral damage they’re causing = apocalypse scenario *jazz hands*
Among the key players 6 years on when the second timeline starts are Cobra-h, Penguin-h, Possum-a, Cat-a, and Bear-h.
And then I got attached to Bear-h and got sad thinking about how he was doomed by the narrative so I made a fluffy AU where they all survive so! time for some rapid-fire fun facts taken from both canon and the fluffy AU, mostly centering around Squirrel-h and Bear-h bc I love them (all names from here on out referring to the humans unless otherwise stated bc I’m lazy lol)
There’s a couple of characters who got replaced/shoved into way minor roles because of pacing/dealing with their powers/arbitrary patterns that only I care about lol. But here they are!
[Hummingbird]: the initial fifth feral experiment. She got yeeted due to pacing, nearly brought back, then yeeted again bc of the arbitrary patterns lol. She has the power to create illusions, and she will get mentioned at the beginning of the apocalypse
[Otter] never went feral, and appears in a potential epilogue. She was going to have a slightly bigger role, but that got scrapped due to the arbitrary patterns. She’s bonded with a sea otter, and they can create pocket dimensions.
[Wolf] was the initial character created when I decided to add back the fifth feral experiment but not Hummingbird bc of patterns, but he ultimately got replaced by Cat because I couldn’t figure out a good way to deal with his powers. He’s a northwestern wolf, and he can yell real loud lol. Like Hummingbird, he’ll get mentioned at the beginning of the apocalypse
Speaking of Otter, a fact that’ll definitely never make it into the story proper: they avoided the “disposals” by putting Otter-h in a pocket dimension, while Otter-a escaped the labs through the vents
And the potential epilogue: Squirrel runs into Otter, says something like “Oh I like your skirt” Otter: “Thanks! And the best part is--” *pulls Otter-a out of a pocket dimension* “--it has pockets!!”
Squirrel has vitiligo, and Cobra has patches of hyperpigmentation
Squirrel is maybe 5′2″ as an adult and very wiry and thin. Which means next to Bear she looks absolutely tiny because Bear is well over 6′ and built like a tank lol
Along those lines, the only oversized clothing Squirrel likes to wear is Bear’s hoodies. In the summer this leads to situations like Some person: Are you even wearing pants? Squirrel: *lifts the hoodie until you can see her shorts* Person: ........ alright I guess
Since he’s bonded with a grizzly, Bear does hibernate. Since he’s still human though, he’ll periodically wake up through the winter to eat and take care of himself. Squirrel is the only person allowed to wake him up for anything other than food.
Squirrel is allergic to pineapples. She only figures this out by eating one and nearly dying.
Bear’s favorite food is blueberries. He will absolutely inhale everything blueberry in the vicinity if given the chance. In the fluffy AU, Squirrel always makes sure there’s blueberries around when he wakes up from hibernation. In canon, she leaves the first blueberries of the season by his den, and in their last scene together, she gives him a handful of them.
Squirrel and Penguin like to go ice sledding during the winter
Squirrel is bad at conceptualizing time. If somebody asks her questions like “how old are you?” or “how long since x?” she’ll look at Bear like “answer for me pls” because he actually knows his age, has an approximation of her age compared to him, and can keep track of time better.
Because of her powers (which I’m keeping a secret for now), Squirrel gets really bad nightmares. The moment he finds out about this, Bear insists that she wakes him up whenever she has one. This is how Squirrel gets her initial permission to wake Bear up when he’s hibernating
I made a couple picrews! First up: my duo that I love so much, Squirrel and Bear
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And, cuz they're the only other characters I currently have something of a mental picture of, have a Cobra and Penguin
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(Penguin is absolutely a dapper lil penguin in canon and wears a suit everywhere)
Bear realizes first just how much he cares about Squirrel. He’s spent his whole life being a good experiment, swallowing down complaints and whimpers and growls, thinking “this is fine, this is okay, this is how things are supposed to be.” But then he sees Squirrel going through the same things, biting back whimpers and tears and screams, and he absolutely hates it. He’d do anything to protect her, to make sure she never cries like that again. Some nights, he’s afraid of how far he’d go to that end.
It takes Squirrel a long time to realize why she likes spending so much time around Bear, why his room, his den, his side is the first place she goes whenever anything, good or bad, happens. Because whenever the world got chaotic and scary and overwhelming, he was a constant, reassuring presence at her side or just a short walk away. Because he's the one who comforted her through her nightmares, and the one who ran hand in hand with her to jump off the end of the dock that first summer. And because the first time she ever felt truly safe was falling asleep and waking up by his side.
One important requirement for being friends with Bear was to have a proper appreciation of naps. And this moment, with her head resting on Bear's chest and the sunlight filtering through the leaves to warm her face, was a perfect moment to consider a nap. Except for the fact that there had been a thought nagging at Squirrel, refusing to leave her alone like a particularly stubborn briar.
Squirrel sighed, then turned her head. “Hey Bear?”
“Mmmmmhm.” Bear yawned and opened his eyes. “You need something?”
“What do you want?”
Bear blinked slowly, once, twice. “Another muffin.”
Squirrel poked his cheek. “You ate most of the box yourself.”
“You asked,” Bear replied, turning his head in a half-hearted attempt to bite her fingers. “And I always want more blueberries.”
“Of course you do.” Squirrel poked his cheek again. “But that’s not what I meant.”
Bear’s chest rumbled with a questioning noise that Squirrel felt more than heard.
“I mean...” Squirrel fumbled over her words. “What do you want?” she repeated, hoping Bear would understand the emphasis this time.
Bear hummed softly, absentmindedly running his hand across Squirrel’s hair. “What do you want?” he asked instead. “Because I think my answer may depend on yours.”
“I--” Squirrel didn’t like this feeling, like she was perched on a branch that wouldn’t support her weight and she didn’t know which way to jump to safety. She took a breath, steeled herself, and jumped.
“No. What-do-you-want?” She punctuated each word with a poke to Bear’s chest. “Just you. Not worrying about me or anybody else.”
Bear hummed again. Squirrel tried not to fidget while waiting for his reply.
Squirrel started, a surprised and confused noise escaping her throat.
Bear waved his hand broadly, encompassing the leaves overhead and the sunlight dappling through and the world they were ignoring just past the boundary of the trees. “This,” he repeated. “Freedom. You right here. Waking up next to you in my den. If that’s what you want.” His hand fell back to the leaves by Squirrel's side, and when he looked at her, Squirrel felt like she was drowning in honey, warm and sweet. “So?” he asked, the unspoken what do you want? hanging in the air between them.
Squirrel slid her hand into Bear's, wrapping her fingers around his palm. “This,” she admitted. “I was just afraid you wouldn't, now that we actually have a choice.”
Bear's chest rumbled with a laugh. “I've always chosen you, even when I wasn't supposed to,” he said. “That much hasn't changed.”
“Good.” Squirrel squeezed his hand.
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kittyking445 · 3 years
Little Nightmares theories nd timeline dump <3 here y'all go
OKK SO!! First my personal timeline
For one I believe that the "girl in the yellow raincoat" (I'll just call her Raincoat) is the lady's daughter, nd I'd think very rebellious as she always kept her hair down, refused to wear a mask and wore a bright yellow raincoat a guest gave her when it was raining once. And unfortunately when she was feeling extra adventurous there just so happened to be a shipment of a hot air balloon that just came in
So Raincoat flew off in the balloon hoping to explore, but just crashed into The Mansion, a place the maw would usually get it's supplies from and where they'd send out supplies. The mansion is owned by a certain teacher that has to work away from home usually in the city, so she hired the Butler and the Craftsman to watch her daughter for her. Unfortunately she didn't know the fun hobbies her daughter got into either.
I also go by what is basically Canon that Six is the other little girl that takes the raincoat at the end. I still genuinely can't figure out how she loses it nd finds it again in the Pale City, I'm assuming maybe it could've gotten lost through the TVs? However she got it again, I wanna keep the VLN story bc it's important to later.
So ofc LN2 happens next, Six nd Mono go through the Hunters cabin nd then the Pale City, they kill a man or two, the usual/j, we get the big betrayal scene where Six drops Mono as they're both fleeing from the signal tower (which I'll talk Abt my theory why in a minute)
Nd THIS next part is why I wanted 2 keep the VLN story. The Lady's daughter had been missing 4 a few days now, the Lady was getting frantic, and then she hears that apparently her dear daughter was just found wandering around the Pale City, nd the Ferryman found her and he'll be returning her home. Everyones esthetic, her daughter is back, she'll just stay with uncle Roger until The Lady will b able to take her back up to her room again. But this isn't her daughter, this is Six, she just looks sm like her with the raincoat on. Six doesn't understand nor care at this point, so she still runs away from Roger and finds a nice little crawlspace to hide in. Then Six starts getting these dreams of the Lady, nc decides she'll go up to her herself
This is why Roger never actually hurts Six, when he catches her he most likely just takes her 2 bed. He and everyone else still just thinks this is the Lady's daughter being especially rebellious
Until she cuts off Rogers arms, and Lady is finally informed by the Butler who's body they found that fell off the cliff. Everyone then realizes this little girl isn't only a fake, but she's very dangerous. This is why next the Chefs nd even the Lady herself full on attack Six, they probably assume she killed the Lady's daughter herself.
Six still wins in the end though and defeats the Lady, killing her nd stealing her powers. Nd I have a theory 4 why exactly Six even did all this.
This theory is all mostly from my brother so credit to him, but we think that Six at the end of LN2 is not the same Six from at the start.
For one, Six has a lot of personality throughout the 2nd game. She jumps nd plays around, yells 4 Mono, and likes to act 4 herself (like her getting revenge on one of the bullies herself). But in the scenes after Mono saves her and in the first game, Six barely even emotes at all, and she has that consuming hunger throughout the first game. Me nd my brother think this is bc when Six was taken by the Thin Man, only her body was taken. Her soul was left behind- as "Shadow Six".
Not only does Shadow Six look a lot like the "glitches" we see near TVs throughout the game that seem 2 b lost souls of dead ppl, but she appears around Six specifically when she's eating something. We think Sixs soul was left behind, and when Mono went 2 save Six, all that was left was a husk with basic survival instincts, and wanting to feel whole again. She drops Mono bc she doesn't remember who he is and just wants to survive. Then when she sees the poster 4 the Maw, the one thing she thinks of is: food night b there, and food would make her feel less empty
Six isn't constantly hungry from, actually being hungry, but bc shes a husk who wants something like her soul back nd associates that w food. Its why we see Shadow Six appear every time Six eats, she's been following her body around hoping she could go back to normal but just has 2 watch herself succumb more nd more to this hunger untill she finally has 2 watch herself kill the Lady. This is also why Six gains the Lady's powers after killing her, she has no soul so the Lady's magic replaces it.
Okk idk what else 2 add 2 this these r all just my thoughts <3
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Uh, is there still an angst break? Ignore this ask until your ready if so 👉😎👉
What was the au where Jekylls pushed down the stairs and experiences a skull crackening again? Oh well but I've been thinking of a branch of that where Jekyll doesn't know hes dead like all day. I also cant remember if that was already discussed or not
The lodgers patch him up, he complains of a headache, and goes on his merry way! He's confused why all the lodgers are so nervous and being nice to him all of the sudden, why creature is looking at him with a stange mix of empathy and pity. He was told he fell down the stairs, fell unconscious, and obtained a bit of an injury. He cant fathom why Frankenstein is "The only doctor who can treat him" why he has to constantly go to her for checkups. Why Maijabi is suddenly following him practically everywhere.
Hyde squeezes back control for a moment and tries the potion but it doesn't work. Maybe a bit of pain but certainly no transformation. Jekyll assumes his injury or whatever medication they're giving him to treat it somehow negated the effects
Jekyll complains about "suddenly blacking out" the lodgers know its because his soul is slippery. They tell him it must just be a side effect of the injury and not to worry
How long can they keep it secret from him? When does he find out? Does he? Does it get to be years only for him to realize that he hasn't aged? That he still needs checkups from Frankenstein? Does he learn sooner? Does a lodger crack and say it? Does he rot? Does he notice how so very cold he is. How animals act around him? It's all very interesting,,
I actually did think a bit of Jekyll's kidnappers for the amnesia kidnapping au! When drawing that lil sketch of Henry and O'Leary meeting Robert I had considered making it so O'Leary was suspicious of Lanyon like "Oh theres no news anywhere of someone matching Thomas' description who's missing. But some random people walk up claiming to know him? Begging to take him back with them?" And he'd think they were the kidnappers. But ultimately I decided against it as I felt Lanyon and Rachel were pretty clearly, genuinely concerned for "Thomas" :p
I tried playing assassins creed once, the first(?) one. But the controls were confusing and everything was sorta thrown all at me at once, and I got bored of it quickly
But! I went to the store the other day and just so happened to notice Syndicate was being sold for 15 dollars 👀 So I bought it because funky Victorian assassins and your influence! It's a bit less confusing then the first ac game I tried but why is going down or dropping so hard bdksnks. I'm having quite a bit of fun! If you dont count my rage and annoyance-, the B button refuses to cooperate with me unless I'm looting corpses >:(
The b button being the bane of my existence aside, I AM having fun! I like the funky outfits and I want to play as the girl twin (evie?) forever because her clothes are good and shes better at attacking than jacob(?) For some reason. Probably the stun her weapon has? Oh well! I have not unlocked any new outfits yet, nonetheless I wish there were more.
Also! I was thimking, and my current quests are taking place at 1868? Did I get that right? And Jekyll is like 35 in 1885. So in game he'd be 18! An au like I believe you mentioned sounds very interesting 👀 but I must play more to know what's going on and daydream about it
That would be the resurrection au <3
But god, I really like that branch! Especially combined with the hc that he can't feel pain bc the HJ7 and the transformations made him immune. Frankenstein patched him up and made fleshweaver to heal the crack in his skull but it still has to be bandaged, he surely broke a few bones, yet all he has to do is to be careful because it doesn't even hurt. He doesn't even realize how severe the injuries are because it doesn't hurt, it very well might just have been that he accidentally slipped at the bottom of the staircase and accidentally hit his head on the railing during his fall, rather than getting physically pushed and flying down the stairs, shattering his skull upon impact with the marble floor. Y'know what would be extra fun? If he only starts getting a bit suspicious about how severe the injury was once he realizes his lungs stop breathing for minutes at a time when he gets distracted, or his heartbeat stops dead in his chest. I know that that's not how biology or even creature works but lets say the HJ7 is funky, Zombie Jekyll my beloved. Perhaps he would only fully grasp what had happened once he blacked out too much and 'passed out', but his soul slipped out enough to leave his body unconscious on the floor while his soul/ghost was just... Watching. And it's not until Maijabi (who, as you said, follows him everywhere) immediately calls for more Lodgers saying that Henry's soul is getting unstable and Frankenstein's lousy job is starting to shine through that he fully understands that it was not a mere hit to the head. Or maybe it is when days, weeks, maybe months has passed and the headache never goes away, he only feels how his body starts feeling so much more... Fragile and delicate, that the guilt has eaten Helsby up alive and he corners him and spills everything, knowing he is going directly against what the group agreed to but not being able to keep it a secret much longer-- or maybe Creature would tell him immediately, once Henry is, for once, alone perhaps days after the initial accident. He cannot see Henry struggle to understand what is going on when he already knows what's happening to Henry, his mind, and his body. He doesn't listen to the plan that Frankenstein and the Lodgers has set up and immediately tells Henry the first moment they are alone. That would certainly be horrifying, I can only imagine how the Lodgers would find Henry after that, once he actually knows and manages to process everything. He would be so mad, not only to have been killed in the first place, but also because he was robbed of an afterlife because the Lodgers were selfish and could not accept the consequences of their actions. He would be mad, he would be so pissed and I have no doubt he might actually be mad at Maijabi too for even agreeing to help Frankenstein and the rest of the Lodgers. That anger would not stay long, though. That anger would soon turn into misery and sadness and paranoia so even as Henry has tried to push Maijabi away, Henry still ends up on his doorstep begging him to help him make sure he is not rotting, because no matter what anyone says, he is sure he can see rotten spots and patches on his skin and he is just so scared and jdhfjsdfdsfsfs... <3
Ooooooohhh, I was actually daydreaming about this just this morning! Granted, I woke up at 5 and began to daydream to fall asleep quicker but I still like the thought of O'Leary being suspicious of Robert/Rachel/Jasper/the Lodgers bc he is protective of 'Thomas' and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him and especially with the idea that Henry still has hallucinations and they both think he was abandoned by his family, left to rot at a mental asylum. O'Leary might very well think that it might be Henry's friends and family that dumped him that Henry had 'escaped' the hospital and that's why they knew he was missing since the Asylum itself obviously wouldn't have posted the news... I really liked Jeks idea, okay? Like a lot, I absolutely love it <3
Oh, the oldest AC game I played was Unity bc it was free after the Notre Dame fire, and I can confirm, I played 15 min and could not get through it even if i would have wanted to, it absolutely sucks so i have no doubt the older games are just as frustrating <3
BUT!!!! I'M SO GLAD MY CORRUPTION IS SPREADING AND YOU BOUGHT AND PLAYED IT AND ARE ENJOYING IT SO FAR!!! Trust me, Syndicate truly is an absolutely amazing game and is definitely one of my top 3 games of all time. I sometimes play it w my friend watching me play and trust me, I know that rage of trying to do smt but the character does smt else... or you try to do smt but the game doesn't react and you miss your chance... Oh well, still a wonderful game <3
My friend loves to play as Evie as well but I'm definitely playing Jacob every chance I get and I honestly get a lil pissy when I have to play as Evie bc I always prefer to play male characters, plus, I just like Jacob better bc he is a sweetheart. He is also canonically bisexual as hell!!! Have you met Abberline yet? The police officer? Him and Jacob together is one of my fave ships for the game. I also bought the ultimate/golden/whatever name it was edition so I had a bunch of extra outfits, I love the sherlock holmes outfit for Jacob but my friend keeps bullying me for it </3
Honestly? The time difference is the bane of my entire idea for the au bc if it's during their time Henry hasn't even graduated yet, and definitely not well-known enough for them to actively meet for whatever reason, and if you use the timeline for the jack the ripper dlc (in 1888) a lot of... Less than pleasant things happen so it wouldn't really make a lot of sense for a crossover to happen at that point but maybe it's just bc im a pussy and refuse to play the dlc. Rn, while imagining the au, I just imagine the 1868 timeline to be the same as the TGS timeline. I like to imagine the Frye Twins hearing about Henry and the Society and promptly breaking into his office to ask him to make poison and stuff for them. I also have a feeling that Jacob would flirt wildly with Henry and that Henry would be less-than-amused. It would also be a very fun thing with the fact that there would be two Henrys, with TGS Henry Jekyll and AC Syndicate Henry Green, soo... XD
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mingmingfufu · 3 years
Can we just talk about the ending of KawoShin open discuss. *sort of spoilerish*
I feel like I’m the only one who’s like reallly disappointed LMFAO--ya’ll there’s so much “canon” alternative universe and merchandise for Kawoshin in Evangelion that it kind of makes me upset to realise this couple just went down the drain. Yeah, I can see how people were like, “Kaworu’s toxic” or “Kaworu has a hero complex for Shinji” to which I say are valid points. But the toxic thing I feel like can also be applied to pretty much everyone around Shinji tbh, except for Rei. I did NOT, like Asuka at all but I really love her character though, and I felt for her a lot throughout the series.
I did not ship them either because honestly, Shinji and Asuka seemed better off playing the sibling dynamic instead of trying to play bf/gf which honestly is kind of forced by their living situation. Also since they’re in a similar disposition non existent father and dead mother, you’d imagine they would rely on each other for emotional comfort. Though Asuka—her personality I feel like she can’t differentiate between familial love and romantic love and the affection she wants is a bit of both. But, her character tries to be “mature”; she wants romantic love more and does this through sexual means and romantic gestures e.g. like kissing. One of my friends told me that you can’t stay friends as a boy and a girl cause eventually you catch feelings. Which I say is kinda dumb cause I have a lot of male friends, and I definitely don’t harbour those feelings, but I guess it’s a common phenomena.
I think this is what happens in this case, of Asuka and Shinji. Even after rejection of instrumentality they actually are depicted as childhood friends. But knowing how they both were before to each other, it was not good tbh. Also to mention the choking like thrice— bro if anything, this showcases a really abusive relationship and I think this outstretches the idea of their character tropes. Which I firmly stand by saying they’re superficial to each other. AsuShin were never really there for each other and are using each other in a forced situation. However, you can’t deny that they didn’t at some point catch feels, also Shinji is pretty consistent how he still cares about everyone around him. Which I really like how they add that to his character because it reminiscent of Yui, because you see a duality of both his parents personality in Shinji throughout the series—it’s a really nice touch. But bruh, if we gonna talk about that coma scene—I’m out LOL.
Thoughhhh, she is a true definition of best girl I really like her arc, fighting drive, and her skills as an Eva pilot 😭💗--but bruh she’s still a toxic and sometimes annoying tsundere trope, but still she’s 14 what can you do. So I feel like Kensuke and Asuka are actually a pretty good combo, cause he’s always been pretty mature even without parents. Also Asuka was into older guys, so I guess this is a win win?? Also Rei and Shinji, I honestly cannot get my head around it cause that’s pretty much his mom—so in a way that’s like either his half-sister or mom-ish clone?? Idk but Yui is definitely the donor LOL.
Kaworu and Shinji I felt like brought a bunch of things out of each other. I don’t know which timeline begins first, but I’d like to think the manga, the anime (plus its movies), and then to the rebuild series. Because I think that order is kind of pivotal to observing Kaworu’s character development from being a person who’s trying to understand human feelings to then the kinder person we see in the final series. You can tell how he’s changed and he knows Shinji a lot more as well as being considerate to him e.g. giving him personal space or letting him work at his own pace. Also that “we’ll meet again.” Is an obvious nod to how he’s done this before.
His literal story in every timeline is always romantic LOL, like bruh I can’t remember which game it was but basically a bad ending of Kawoshin route is that you reject Kaworu and he starts the third impact 🤡. Also I don’t know why but I started to see a weird dynamic between those two, in the manga their interactions reminded me of Asuka and Shinji—which Shinji is the tsundere Asuka here. I don’t know if this is relevant but the older character relative to the character they’re with seems to play off a mature vs a childish person trope. Asuka is younger than Shinji and Shinji is actually younger than Kaworu. Then again I could be overseeing this but istg manga Kaworu and Shinji mirror the whole Asushin dynamic. Like he’s seriously agressive against Kaworu, then after killing him he admits liking him. 🤡 I don’t know which is funnier no homo Shinji, homophobe shinji, or just closet Shinji who needs to realise sexuality is a spectrum so he could’ve idk—come out as bisexual, but whatever manga Shinji lol that timeline is over.
Anyways the development of these two is real and I think the rebuild timeline shows them at their best bringing their own personage out from each other like how they both enjoy music together--WHICH I’M SO SAD WE NEVER GET TO SEE THAT CELLO AGAIN. Then there’s those feelings of humanity, love, kindness, etc. Which yeah an angel could represent those things, but Kaworu is still his own person, self-aware of a cycle and if you think about how he initially was there to USE Shinji, but ultimately turned on that plan set by SEELE because he loved Shinji (and a bunch of other things like him showing Kaworu humanity). I also can see the argument, how “ideal” Kaworu is to Shinji, but he’s more self aware of the time he has before he KNOWS he’ll die and knows how to act for himself in that duration to make the most of it. All with Shinji. At some point, I think he fell in love with Shinji tho I don’t know where it began tbh—considering that all those alternate universes do exist. Kaworu does romantically love Shinji--so, in some universe they both reciprocate their feelings to each other. 
In the last movie during that convo with Shinji. Like bREH it’s so emotionally moving because Kaworu remembers ALLLLL the timelines and how he’s been with Shinji and later Shinji himself recalls the events too. Where they show the scene from the manga and anime. Kaworu cries after being set free from the EVA cycle. Which, I definitely understood what he meant by him saying “it’ll be lonely” and how Shinji changed or that he’s actually different this time.
Either way, Shinji did right by him because it’s always Kaworu who has the purpose of “trying to save Shinji” but it always ends up the same. I thought that was really moving because Shinji tells Kaworu he’s gonna let him live a life for himself for once and he wants the same for everyone as well. Which was honestly so meaningful cause I think Kaworu’s character and like Rei too when they start to realise how to “live” like a person and not another puppet it’s truly liberating. Another thing I forgot, bruh Kaworu calls Gendo his father and ngl I feel like this is kind of a weird lore situation because I for sure don’t think he’s the donor. I think he calls him that as an insult because he knows Gendo’s whole doing and relative to Shinji—I kind of see it as a joke LOL. Like it’s equivalent to saying, “daddy chill”, or “hey look it’s daddy and his plans to end the world” also I kind of like to think of it as a father in law thing cause you know, Kawoshin *winks amirite*
The ending, I’m honestly hoping is just an open ending because it gives everything an actual start of their adult lives not being dictated by extraterrestrial forces. Though, I’m kind of wondering if the world doesn’t have EVAs does that still mean everyone else still has the same backstory, and do they remember? Maybe Mari really is just a coworker lmfao, and there’s still a chance for Kaworu and Shinji cause ngl, they did have a convo (presumably from the spoilers) about still remaining close afterwards and that stare at the ending seems very hopeful.
I call bs from Anno saying, “oh Shinji is based off him and Mari off of his wife”, like honestly any OCs made theres always some part of yourself made into that character. Which is probably why a lot of people relate to the characters in EVA because they’re based off real things (e.g. those war machines characters are named after and people around them). I think why Kaworu and Rei are together at the end, is bc they’re very much the same. They’re mass produced dolls—which oddly enough that’s the case for all the children except they don’t recall the loop. Kind of funny also how both Kaworu and Rei became farmers lmfao so ig it runs in the family (yes that’s right I like the idea that they’re siblings it was always noted that they’re like “the same”).
Another thing, i think why the rebuild really did well for Kawoshin and in my opinion canonised it—the convo with elder Ryoji Kaji (Misato’s baby daddy) that there was a time he felt incredibly lonely and depressed thinking Misato didn’t love him and so he started looking out for himself. So self love and found himself a hobby in farming which he suggests to Kaworu—basically saying he might feel like Shinji doesn’t love him but he’s gotta remember to take care of himself. if I go thru a breakup ill feel like it’s the end of the world but Kaji says y’a gotta self love broe and take care yo self gad dam fam 😭 💗.
Though, that look at the end from Shinji to Kaworu—I’d like to believe there is still hope that one day when they’re a bit stable in their adult lives, they’ll run into each other.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
The “Momma Sturmvoraus was Literally Satan” AU
As requested by @spazzbot​. This AU was initially brainstormed on the GG fanworks server almost a year ago. Specifically, on the first day of 2020.
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[ID: a truncated discord message by “Miss Nixy, Gay for RoboLadies” posted 01/01/2020. The message reads “I need to sleep but please for the moment consider:” and ends there.]
So. Let’s get to it.
Satan took a human form because why not see what's going on topside, live like a human, and “Oh shit is this pregnancy? This is pregnancy. Fuck, that's a tiny human. Which is now half demon. Am I supposed to take care it? Wonder if retconing this form into that Valois family was a bad idea. They do have SO much money though, I get to live like a queen. I suppose another child shouldn't hurt, it wasn't that bad. Oh, he's cute, this is actually making sense, why humans do all the sinning. Not counting dear Aaronev's murders, of course, those are just evil, but I did search out the worst of the humans to pair myself to...”
This is literally just "Tarvek and Anevka's mom was low-key Satan on a bored “let's be human for a decade or two to see what happens” jaunt, consequences happen because these kids are LITERALLY half-demon and arguably anti-Christs."
Also it's just Very Funny for Tarvek, ineffectual sexy lamp fashion twunk extraordinaire, to be an antichrist
Jeff thinks he’s pretty. Jeff keeps describing features that don’t entirely make sense. (Jeff’s canon name is Karl Thotep but they spent so long unnamed that the server collectively named them Jeff.)
This is not a crossover with anything, btw. Ambiguously Pop Culture Satan just got bored and went to have babies with a serial killer.
They’re just kids! That are vaguely demonic. So. Moreso than the rest of the Valois.
Sometimes "mom" comes back from the dead and visits Anevka and Tarvek to impart Wisdom and possibly magic lessons The rooms always smell faintly of sulfur after that...
They try to put Anevka in the machine but SHE isn't hurt and the MACHINE just melts
So that's the end of that.
It's very awkward for everyone, but the paperwork isn't too bad. It's very easy to write "incidental fire began during late-fugue experimentation, resulted in fire spreading through six rooms and several casualties, including Prince Aaronev Wilhelm Sturmvoraus."
As per @atagotiak​, “I feel like if we’re going in any way dimensional weirdness with thing, Tarvek got so good at exploring bc he could just clip through walls.”
With image provided by @thisarenotarealblog​:
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Tarvek in Paris: My dead mother keeps showing up in my dreams to tell me I need to seduce my way out of my problems and also she looks like Satan. Tarvek's Voltaire-Appointed Therapist: I still don't know what that means. Just like the last five times. Tarvek: I keep telling her that I can’t seduce Colette, if seduction is that important she should get Anevka to do it.
Like he probably wouldn’t say most of that in front of any Voltaire-approved individual, but still.
Tarvek is still very good at self control but there's a Special Edge to his rants.
(Derailed in the moment to me thinking about Anevka in a sfw-but-concerningly-deadly succubus getup, because... yeah.)
Aaronev dies and goes to hell and his dead wife is just there like "hi! Time to be tortured for eternity!" He wasn't a good husband so. He can't exactly sentimentalize his way out.
“In the sexy way?” “... not for you, no.”
Mostly I just want the BULLSHIT that is "Storm Mom was actually just Satan getting bored and going on vacation as a retconned Valois girl, the kids are half-demons and sometimes it Shows."
To clarify: the Satan bit isn't the retcon. Grandma used to have one daughter. Now there are two. (Seffie and Martellus's mother doesn't remember being an only child, but sometimes...)
Satan retconned a new daughter in, which included a Valid Valois Venusian Vestment, so the blood tests play out.
The subtle signs of wrongness would be fun too. Anevka tends to smile a bit too wide and sharp for a human face. Inexplicable uneasiness, here you can’t point at any specific thing that’s wrong but it’s uncomfortable. Uncanny valley prettiness, almost like the porcelain she became in other timelines. Skin isn’t supposed to be that smooth.
My brain's pre-nap contribution at that point was "Satan's pronouns when not pretending to Human are sin/sinself" which is! Certainly a thing.
Tarvek, at some nebulous future point: I mean, your ancestors were monsters, but my dad was a serial killer and my mom was literally Satan, instead of just figuratively like Lucrezia, so. I mean. I kind of get what you're going through.
Per @firebirdeternal: Tarvek and Anevka growing up with "you're allergic to holy water" and not questioning it until a little later because What.
And then they test it and it's like "yeah, no, there's a rash now. That stung. What the fuck."
It INFURIATES Gil in Paris when Tarvek tells him that's a thing, because there's nothing chemically different about Holy water and regular water. But no, this is somehow happening.
It gets logged in medical journals as a Valois genetic thing because, well, Mom was like that too, right?
One time they both go into a church for an Adventure and Gil is very annoyed to find that Tarvek is like. Faintly smoking. It smells like burnt hair in here.
Gil: What smells like burnt hairgel? Tarvek: [glares]
Gil decides that it must be something particular to the church, like a fungus or something in the stone, contaminating the air and water so it only LOOKS like the holiness is what's setting off reactions.
It is not.
Tarvek once got into an argument with someone and ate a slab of raw, completely uncooked meat as a power move.
SVV seems to work perfectly. Everyone is fine. We get the ‘you fight like ducks’ moment.
And then Tarvek bursts into flames, and everyone panics because no they fixed this what the fuck is he still infected with Hogfarb’s oh my god... and then everything settles down and he's perfectly fine. Not a scratch on him, no longer turning funny colors. Completely unharmed. He's in a nicely tailored suit and looks faintly stunned
"I just met my dead mom, who's apparently Satan. She told me that after I died the first time just now, I should be harder to kill later, especially with fire, because now there's more demon and less mortal and guys I think I'm going crazy." "Is that a martini?" Tarvek looks down. "Apparently."
Tarvek starts just. Randomly setting things on fire by glaring too hard and has to tone it down. Meanwhile, Agatha and Gil are having crises about how he's somehow getting PRETTIER.
Is he faintly glowing? Maybe!
Gil handles it by angrily sniping at Tarvek about how of COURSE he's an evil little rat with a background like that.
Tarvek just wants a nap and to forget this ever happened. Many people are sworn to secrecy. It's very awkward.
Still, SVV did something, for handwave-y reasons, and so they're linked now. Gil and Agatha both getting tiny flashes of the same shenanigans.
They get none of the powers. They just keep getting Weird Shit.
Other characters with divine influence are like "Did you.... did you make a pact with a demon?" "What no that's our boyfriend."
Tho tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if a Heterodyne did sign a contract with a demon at some point in exchange for like. Materials. A hundred souls sacrificed in exchange for some succubus blood. Thanks!
IDK where Anevka is during all this. I think she might have decided to go sleep her way through the courts of the Ice Tsars. Vacation, y'know?
Othar after he's decided to make Tarvek his new Heroic Apprentice: AH, my poor afflicted young friend, it's noble of you to go against the dark nature of your tragic heritage like this. Tarvek: I hate you. I wish I could hate you to death. But you have a point. I shouldn't let my father's blood limit what I strive for in life. Othar: I... I thought your mother was... Tarvek: I know what I said.
Tarvek: Also you can't tell ANYONE about that, I can't have them thinking I'm not actually in line for the Storm King's throne.
He does admittedly have to like. Explain things to Grandma.
Terabithia is Tarvek’s maternal grandmother so this is supremely awkward. That said...
Grandma fondly remembers her pregnancy cravings; bone marrow and sulfur.
"Yeah so, my mother, your daughter, was... maybe actually Satan? But retconned into your life?" "Tarvek, darling, please. I figured that out half a century ago."
I mean that honestly just Tracks about Tarvek anyways? But like moreso.
He just. Writes something up and there's things getting signed or shook on and then the person tries to break the contract and either suddenly catch fire or are deeply unlucky for a set amount of time.
And Tarvek's just standing there like "how in the FUCK did I do that?"
Severity of infernal punishment depends on the severity of the breach of contract.
Tarvek finds out that Anevka's been convincing rich people to sign their souls over to her. It's a fun challenge. She keeps them in jars.
They can still remotely pilot their bodies but like. They can't TELL anyone what happened.
Satan: I'm going to go make babies and now everyone else has to deal with the consequences.
Anevka's living up to that whole "princess of hell" vibe. Tarvek's just like "nope nope nope I want the storm throne, not the hell throne, BYE MOM."
Satan's just feeling sinself down in hell like "awwww look at my babies go, aren't they adorable?"
Tarvek: Anevka, what... first off, how did you figure it out? Anevka: Well, I temporarily died when father put me in the machine, and... I can't say that hell kicked me out because they were afraid I'd take over, but mother DID say she'd rather I play about with human governments instead of Hell's. Tarvek: Okay, cool cool cool. What after you planning to DO with all these souls? Anevka: They make for some lovely reading lamps, don't they?
(Anevka absolutely sets herself the goal of acquiring new titles that rival her old ones, or even surpass them. She just black widows her way through Europa.)
I just want someone (probably Snackleford) to ascend, take one look at Tarvek, and run SCREAMING.
Tarvek still needed to be anchored to Higgs, because Tarvek is Baby.
Gil is eventually in a relationship with an Eternal God Queen and the Literal Son of Satan.
Family dinners can include ALL the in-laws if you duck down to hell! - You borrow Bill from... probably heaven, maybe purgatory. - You have Lu and Aaronev and Satan already there, though the first two... well. Aaronev and Lu get invited to dinner but they have to eat by themselves at the kiddy table and nobody talks to them or acknowledges their presence. After all, this is hell, and what better punishment for Lu than to be completely ignored, and for Aaronev to see Lu at her worst and be reminded that he gave everything for this horrible, horrible person who isn't even pretending to care about him anymore. - Zanta and Klaus get invited via portal. - Anevka saunters in with a blood-soaked dress and a complaint about militant demon-hunters refusing to let her go shopping for a new pair of shoes. - Zeetha tagged along with the OT3. (She can't wait to see this situation explode.)
Oh God, Satan is actually second place as far as good parenting goes.
Well, actually, fourth. Because Adam and Lilith. But second as far as bio parents go. 1. Zanta 2. Satan 3. Klaus 4/5. Lu and Aaronev N/A. Bill
Someone (Anevka) decides to stir the pot and invites Von Pinn, Terabithia, Bang.
Bang is basically Gil’s older sister, right? Right.
This is Zanta meeting Bang for the first time! Zanta is just: "It's so nice to meet my husband's adopted daughter." Klaus freezes. Bang freezes. Gil is the only one who is just. "Yeah." Meanwhile Zeetha is crying with laughter off to the side because both of them deserve this. (Zanta would legit love Bang though.)
Agatha: Tarvek, I think DuPree is-- Tarvek: Hitting on my sister? I know. Agatha: On your mom, actually. Tarvek: NO!
Also I do love the idea of like. Nobody tells Bang they're inviting her. She just wakes up in Hell like. "Ah. Yes. Fair enough."
Satan: Oh no no no my dear, you're here as a guest. Besides as well as you'd fit you're not one of mine, you've got other things waiting for you. Bang: Okay, but I love the decor. And is that Cheesecake?
Bang’s family has their own evil god in the novels, but! Bang DID pick on Tarvek a lot in Paris. Satan cares more than Anevka does. Bang might get the sexy punishment.
I feel like the fact that no permanent damage was done and it taught Tarvek a lot of things means Satan isn't gonna be all that upset about it.
And let's be real, if there's a character in GG who could look the literal Christian devil in the eye and be like "Yeah I tortured your kid, what're you going to do about it?" it's Bang.
Even Satan doesn't know what to do or think about Othar.
He sure is here! As Anevka’s arm candy! Nobody knows what to do except Anevka herself, who just wants to be Smug.
(What's that scene from Phineas and Ferb that's the mad scientist trapping the platypus within the rules of polite dining at a fine restaurant? Like he can't make a scene because that would be rude?) (That. Othar would dearly love to start a fight, but it's a Family Dinner. You're only allowed to fight verbally at those.)
(Othar isn't even fighting Satan, he just wants to argue with Klaus.) (And maybe fanboy in Bill's direction a bit).
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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lilatreus · 4 years
im new to the ac fandom and i didnt know there were any books should i be reading them?? or are there certain ones that i absolutely need to read or would i be okay if i skip them?
Yeah it’s okay to skip them if you want! They’re mostly there to give some more insight on some of the characters. If you want to read them but you don’t have to money to buy the books, you can read them here. I actually have all the books already on paper copy so I would definitely recommend buying them if you really enjoy them.
There’s also some comics and graphic novels about them too which I have included in on the master list. They actually follow the modern storyline of you want to read up on that. If you want to read them just do readcomicsonline. They have them all, only watch out for ads.
Anyway here’s the master list, it’s pretty long won’t lie:
The books, in order of strictly historical events:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey by Gordon Doherty (2018)
Basically this books gives the canonical story to assassin’s creed odyssey following Kassandra around Greece. If you had the “best” or good ending from the story then you’re probably going to be upset with the book. I actually liked it and if you were ever confused about the game then this is definitely for you to read.
Assassin’s Creed Origins: Desert Oath by Oliver Bowden (2017)
This book takes place years before Origins. It follows Bayek who a teenager at the time. We learn how Bayek and Aya start their relationship and it kind of explains some of the side missions that talk about Bayek’s past. If you love Bayek and Aya’s relationship you will love this book.
[ insert for whenever an ac valhalla book is written ]
Assassin’s Creed: The Secret Crusade by Oliver Bowden (2011)
This book is the one I’m currently rereading, so it takes place with the father of Marco Polo talking about Altaïr’s life. It talks about his—Altaïr’s—dad within the first few chapters, events that happened in the game, and then what happens after. It gives more insight on what happened between the events of ac one and the little bits of scenes we see in ac revelations of Altaïr in game. If you want to know how Maria and Altaïr got together you’ll like this book it’s very sweet and I love how smitten Altaïr was. If you love Atlmal (Altaïr and Malik) you’ll also like this book but it will crush you.
Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance by Oliver Bowden (2009)
This follows Ezio through assassin’s creed two. Literally just the book version of the game. Does talk about how Ezio and Cristina got together and a few of the memories you get to play in Brotherhood are in this book. I like it. It pretty much follows the game exactly so if you want to skip it, you can but still a really good book that I recommend reading.
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood by Oliver Bowden (2010)
Follows the plot of the game. It’s pretty similar to it as opposed to a few differences. While I like this book, I will always say the game is better than this book entirely. Still, it’s pretty good and explains a lot of plot.
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations by Oliver Bowden (2011)
It explains why Ezio is doing what he does in the game. Why he’s there and what is reasoning is. You get a little small bit about Claudia but that’s it. Ezio does, in book, visit Leonardo on the last few days before the artist dies :( that’s pretty much it. Only some minor differences to the game. If you’re looking for something about Desmond, you won’t find it in this book.
Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag by Oliver Bowden (2013)
I’ll be honest I only read this book once so my memory is pretty poor on it but from what I can remember it’s about Edward and Caroline and how they got together. And then there’s something about Anne Boney and Edward towards the end I believe. Kind of explains his backstory from the little scenes we’re shown in the game I think? (Correct me if I’m wrong on this one but I’m certain that’s the gist of it).
Assassin’s Creed: Forsaken by Oliver Bowden (2012)
This one was the first assassin’s creed book I read. Now fair warning: if you do not like Haytham Kenway, I strongly advise you to not read this book. It is all about Haytham until the final few chapters and then Connor takes over the book once you’ve killed him in game. This book explains how he (Haytham) came to be apart of the Templars and how Edward dies. It talks about his relationship with Ziio and how he built the Templar order up during the seven years war. I’ll be honest it was okay when I first read it because I was like 11 and the only other thing I had read was like just percy jackson. Looking back on this book though, it’s not that great. I do not like Haytham at all so I, personally, would not recommend this book. I went in reading it expecting for it to be about Connor and I was very disappointed and upset that it wasn’t. So you can skip this book if you like because the only thing it does is give insight to a lot of what Haytham does.
Assassin’s Creed: Unity by Oliver Bowden (2014)
This is my favorite book. This is about Arno reading Elise’s diary after she passed. There’s little bits where Arno writes in here and there throughout the novel. It’s pretty sad I won’t lie. Explains how Elise grew up, what she did during the parts where we didn’t see her in game, and talks about how she felt during the parts where we did see her in game. Basically at the end of the book it’s Elise asking Arno to please help seek unity and stop the war between the Templars and Assassins.
Assassin’s Creed: Underworld by Oliver Bowden (2015)
This book follows Jayadeep Mir, also known to us as Henry Green. There’s two parts to this book. The first part takes place six years before the events of syndicate and you get to really learn about the twin’s father and then the second part takes place during the events of the game. It talks about Evie and Henry’s relationship during the second part and it’s pretty good!
There are no books about assassin’s creed chronicles (ac China, India, and Russia) if you’re wondering why they’re missing :(
The comics:
*most of these take place during the modern storyline I’ll try my best to explain when they come in and how it adds up to the new our modern storyline at the end
Assassin’s Creed the Fall
There’s three issues with this it’s just a graphic novel honestly. Takes place with the main character from AC Chronicles: Russia
Assassin’s Creed the Chain
Graphic Novel sequel to the Fall
Assassin’s Creed Brahman
Written by the same people who wrote The Fall and The Chain, however this focuses on Arbaaz Mir who is the main character from Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India.
Now from what I’ve seen, correct me if I’m wrong, but the templar and assassin comics pretty much take place around the same time.
Assassin’s Creed: Trial by Fire
Assassin’s Creed issue #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Assassin’s Creed Templars: Black Cross
Assassin’s Creed Templars issue #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Assassin’s Creed: Setting Sun
Assassin’s Creed issue #6, #7, #8, #9, #10
Assassin’s Creed Templars: Cross of War
Assassin’s Creed Templars issue issue #6, #7, #8, #9
Assassin’s Creed: Homecoming
Assassin’s Creed issue #11, #12, #13, #14
Assassin’s Creed: Uprising
Common Ground Vol 1: issue #1, #2, #3, #4
Infection Point Vol 2: issue #5, #6, #7, #8
Finale vol 3: #9, #10, #11, #12
Assassin’s Creed Reflections (pretty much a stand alone I would say, focuses entirely on past assassins but canon to the templar comics).
Reflections 1: modern story focuses on Otso Berg historical story focuses on Ezio where we learn Ezio is implied to have hooked up with the woman who in the Mona Lisa painting.
Reflections 2: same thing for modern story but now Otso is looking into Altaïr’s story. We get to see Maria, Altaïr, and their son Darim.
Reflections 3: Otso is now looking into Edward Kenway.
Reflections 4: Otso looks into Connor and we see him with his daughter. It’s super cute this issue is my favorite.
Last Descendants
The Last Descendants (Novel)
Locus: issues 1 - 4
The Last Descendants: Tomb of the Khan (novel)
The Last Descendants: Fate of the Gods (novel)
Assassin’s Creed: the French Books (these have all been translated into english and theyre all graphic novels).
These books I would say to skip. If you want to read it you can, however the modern storyline has been said to no longer be canon anymore. The historical storyline however is still canon but not actually necessary to the plot of anything.
Cycle 1
Assassin’s Creed 1: Desmond
Assassin's Creed 2: Aquilus
Assassin's Creed 3: Accipiter
Assassin's Creed 4: Hawk
Assassin's Creed 5: El Cakr
Assassin's Creed 6: Leila
Cycle 2
Assassin’s Creed: Conspiracies
This takes place during WW2
Vol 1: Die Glocke
Vol 2: Project Rainbow
Cycle 3
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodstone
This takes place during the Vietnam War. A follow up on Conspiracies.
Vol 1: book one
Vol 2: book two
The last two I have listed (Conspiracies and Bloodstone) are canon to the comics’ modern storyline as well as the historical. Cycle one is not. They’re both graphic novels. Also I want to say that I have not read these two yet so idk if I’ll be allowed to recommend them but they’re there. I have no idea where they’re placed in terms of modern storyline bc these two are very confusing seeing as they originally were canon then told they weren’t and now they are again.
Other comics that I really have no idea where to place but they do exist if you want to read them:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins (mini series)
Four issues for this comic takes place following Aya and her journey. You get to see what happens with Cleopatra. I personally really like this comic you get some lore on the Brotherhood and Aya so it’s good. Read this after the video game. (Pretty positive it takes place after the game events but before the DLC: hidden ones)
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla: Song of Glory (mini series)
There are three issues in this. Haven’t read this one yet, however it focuses on Eivor. Read this alongside the video game.
Okay so for canon timeline purposes here is the exact order of everything I’ve listed and where they fall in for strictly the modern storyline:
1 The Fall and the Chain (also called subject four which is just the two of the books into one)
2 Desmond’s story
3 Brahman
4 Assassin’s Creed: Trial by Fire 1 - 5
5 Assassin’s Creed Templars: Black Cross 1 - 5
6 Assassin’s Creed: Setting Sun 6 - 10
6 Assassin’s Creed Templars: Cross of War 6 - 9
7 Assassin’s Creed: Homecoming 11 - 14
Assassin’s Creed Reflections (stand alone don’t have to read if you don’t want to but if you do, read along side the templar stories.)
8 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate modern storyline takes place here
9 Assassin’s Creed: Uprising
10 Origins modern storyline starts here and continues for assassin’s creed odyssey and valhalla*
*If you’re confused as to why Juno isn’t in the game plot anymore the comics explains it. Ubisoft has completely moved her story to the comics entirely and in doing so completely finished the story.
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
list of variants/timelines i want to believe exist (and probably canonically do now)
this got long so i'm putting in a cut
a world where all of the events that happened in the Framework are real
bonus if the Framework world has their own version of the Framework that is like the real world in aos
Steve fell off the train, not Bucky. bc of the crap Zola did to Bucky, he survives in ice and well, and everything happens the same but Steve and Bucky's roles are reversed
Coulson doesn't bother to keep it a secret that he's alive, and the mcu is mainly just aos but with all the main characters as well (in other words, there's mainly good writing)
also in that world Steve and Bucky love Lola
Steve doesn't go back in time to live with Peggy
to all the people claiming aos isn't canon: Sylvie just made everything canon y'all. aos absolutely happened, and while i will argue that it happened in the main timeline, if you don't want to believe that it still happened in a timeline
Bucky didn't remember Steve soon enough, not until he killed Steve
Steve killed the Winter Soldier and didn't know who it was until he removed the mask
Hydra didn't hunt down Jiaying and by extent Daisy, so Daisy was raised by Jiaying and Cal who are not crazy bc they didn't have the same experiences they did in the main timeline
Thor never takes the others to Jotunheim, so Loki never learns he is Jotun
Fitz didn't survive almost drowning
Ward wasn't recruited by Garrett, but by literally any non-Hydra agent so he is a good guy
Coulson and May listened to the agent telling them to not send May in at Bahrain, heaven knows what happens there
the government gives the Avengers more than a week to go through the Accords, so they all get to the enhanced-people-have-to-wear-trackers, giant-underwater-prison, enhanced-operatives-can't-investigate-politicians, no-trial-for-enhanced, no-investigation-for-enhanced, etc sections so they all decide to not sign and just don't care what the government says
this is random, but i feel like Bucky as Ghost Rider would be a cool aesthetic.
the Avengers meet Robbie bc he keeps assassinating their targets bc they're targets of Ghost Rider's
Daisy dies instead of Lincoln
Daisy kills Lash before he can save her
Loki never "dies," so he is sent back to Asgardian prison after tdw
Radcliffe never reads the Darkhold, he just gave it to AIDA, so most of s4 doesn't happen
Dreykov comes after Natasha between Avengers and CACW, leading to the Avengers beating his *ss (like Yelena said, the god from space doesn't need an ibuprofen after a fight)
everything's the same but no Joss Whedon going on and on about Natasha not being able to have kids
whatever ship scenario you have is canon now
Loki gets all panicky after the Hulk beats him to a pulp, having now realized what he's done. Thor believes him, and this leads to Thanos being killed in 2012-13
Deadpool sits in the back of everything, shouting comments like "Yay! Superhero landing! But don't do that, it's bad for your knees!"
Peter Parker's parents never die
the Cavalry is an Avenger
Yondu brings Peter Quill to Ego, causing the universe's destruction
Gamora and Nebula get along their entire lives
Gamora and Nebula switch roles (Gamora becomes the cyborg, Nebula the guardian and Thanos's favorite daughter)
Heimdall actually bothers to look for Loki, seeing if they can find his body for a funeral, to find that he is being tortured by Thanos. Odin refuses to send anyone to save him, making Thor realize just how awful he is. Thor, Sif, and Warriors 3 go with the help of Heimdall to save Loki
Odin and Frigga are actually good parents, creating the most iconic trio ever
tw suicide for the next bullet point
Bucky commits suicide between TWS and CACW (Sebastian said in an interview once that Bucky was suicidal)
Loki keeps coming back as DB Cooper for fun or bc he keeps losing bets
the Eternals did interfere
the shrapnel kills Tony
this one thing i made about Mr Rogers adopting Loki
Robbie is part of the Avengers in 2012, but when he sees Loki he immediately says that Loki isn't the issue and goes off to fight Thanos single handedly (and wins)
for whatever reason Coulson and May do legally adopt all the Bus Kids
Hunter and Bobbi both go to break Fitz out of prison, and they stick around for the rest of the season
Fitz and Jemma never meet (saddest of sad days)
Loki for some reason is in FFH and he sees Mysterio's illusions and just laughs bc he's such an amateur
everything's the same, everyone's just obsessed with classical music and it's constantly playing so i get happy watching it
Asgardians are like the elves in LOTR (books, not the movies), so they're constantly singing and dancing and all
Loki is shown playing a Norse flute-like instrument (we know they exist, we've found them, they're different than your typical flute and we don't really know how they sound but i want Loki to be a flautist and no i'm not not projecting (note the double negative) and yes i headcanon Loki to be a flautist i don't care what anyone says)
everyone gets therapy
someone (Monica or Jimmy) hits Hayward on the head, knocking him out (the same way Gandalf knocked out Denethor in ROTK when Denethor told everyone to flee) and the rest of SWORD works with them because clearly Hayward has issues
Stephen commits to not texting and driving
somehow Luis becomes He Who Remains just for one timeline so the entire story is told like how he tells his flashbacks
Coulson doesn't help Fury and Carol escape
T'Challa does not survive and M'Baku becomes Black Panther
the suit in Iron Man 3 is not garbage the entire movie
Tony doesn't find a way to save himself in time
Ross dies in Incredible Hulk
Loki has a pet flerken he just always carries around
by the same logic, Bucky has a kitten he meets between TWS and CACW that he always carries around. said kitten attacks people when they attack Bucky
Bucky becomes Captain America instead of Sam
when Thor goes back to 2013 Asgard, he drags Loki with him back to 2023
Clint tests the time travel by going to Sokovia and drags Pietro back with him
Steve comes back an old man, but they use Bruce's attempt at time travel to turn him back into the 30 something Steve he was
literally anything happens other than Thanos killing Loki bc Loki only used knives when he isn't even tall enough to reach Thanos's neck
Sam and Bucky straight up kill Walker
Daisy never goes through terrigenesis
Loki somehow ends up a tutor for Daisy
Bucky joins the aos team after they find him on the run from Hydra
Bucky plays baritone saxophone bc bari saxes are awesome and it adds nothing to the plot but he spends at least half an hour in each movie playing bari sax
everything's the same but John Williams is the composer
S.H.I.E.L.D. uses GH-325 to revive a bunch of composers (Mozart, Dvorak, Beethoven, Bach, Bizet, Holst, y'know, all my guys) because they for whatever reason have their bodies because of some wack mission. and now they have a bunch of classical composers alive who insist on writing more music. and what are you going to do, tell Bach to stop composing?
by that same logic, someone working at the Guest House decides to steal Freddie Mercury's body so that they can revive him bc he just loves Queen that much
Thor realizes how awful Odin is and makes it his goal to get revenge for what Odin did to his little brother
Thor meets a bunch of Loki variants (most notably gator Loki) and just decides to stop questioning anything ever
Mobius teaches Loki how to ride a jet ski
Loki arrives at S.H.I.E.L.D. and informs everyone he wants to go to school and learn about politics and run for president and S.H.I.E.L.D. is like "okay whatever just don't tell anyone you're a literal god" but have no way to stop Loki from telling anyone
y'know the "shot heard 'round the world" thing from the Battle of Lexington (first battle in American revolution, if you don't know what it is, we have no clue who made the first shot & both sides were telling their troops to not fire. once that shot was fired the battle broke out)? yeah well that was Loki i'm pretty sure
Loki comes to Earth and becomes an Avenger and all but only ever introduces himself as DB Cooper. Thor doesn't ever come to Earth, so everyone just thinks DB Cooper found the secret to not age and just showed up to save people. he disappears for stretches of time & everyone stops being confused bc he was in hiding for decades of course no one's gonna find him (he is actually on Asgard)
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laikuh · 3 years
HEY! I was cruisin through your page and saw that post you made about JDM and wondering what John and Dean would be like if John had lived, and now it's just stuck in my mind what kind of chaos that would be. Like imagine if Dean still sold his soul for Sam, went to hell, Cas pulls him out, but John is still alive? How would blood junkie Sam play out? And imagine John and Dean trying to fall back into a relationship post hell? So many factors I can't even deal with it all. I can't kick the idea.
so i admit to being hung up on how john would still be alive, unless maybe in this verse john gets a year like dean? so like on top of the s2 stressors of sam's visions and abilities, there's also the ticking clock on john a la dean's ticking clock in s3. and honestly this begs other questions i haven't answered previously, like what are john and dean like relationship-wise after john goes on his hunting trip and dean feels compelled to go get sam.
i personally feel like there isn't enough time, like literally logistically, for dean and john to do much more than pine and be petty when they reconnect at the end of s1, and so i do wonder if once john makes a deal for dean's life (which im just gonna stick with in this thought experiment) and everyone is still alive, THAT'S when dean and john finally have a minute to awkwardly and bitterly and emotionally have their first conversation. i won't get into what i think that looks like now, bc you're asking about stuff further down the timeline, but like, for my own records lol, i want it known i think this is how the rekindling starts.
i think re: dean selling his soul for sam, even more interesting to me is john's reaction to that fact. john who has only days left before his deal is coming due, only days left to kill yellow eyes and break the contract, suddenly dealing with a) the death of his youngest son and b) the sacrifice of his oldest one (who he's also in an obsessive, consuming relationship with) like, the incredible blow out fight that dean and john would have (nowhere near as heartfelt, maybe is the word, as the one bobby has with dean in canon) but just the first real screaming match. john raging about how on earth dean could think this was the right choice, dean screaming I DID WHAT YOU DID. SAM IS WORTH IT. ughghghghghghghgh. and then they do manage to kill YED and get john out of his deal, and then once again things have to be dealt with.
god thinking about season 3 with john in the mix is making me want to...eat glass, get drunk, do cartwheels, like im losing it. bc if we think about the sam and dean dynamic of three, sam's terrible grief, the stressors of the demons let loose at the end of s2, worrying about lillith, plus dean spiralling, drinking, fucking, not caring. and then i imagine JOHN FUCKING WINCHESTER in the middle of this, in the middle of sam trying to save the most important person in his life and dean trying to deal with the fact the most important person in his life is maybe not happy at the choice dean made for him, and then john trying to manage two men who don't hold the same respect and fear that they used to (god "a very spn christmas" would probably be a much sadder episode). and then adding another layer of john and dean bitterly separated at this point. angry fucking, bordering on hate fucking, none of the tenderness john used to reserve for dean in these moments because they don't know how to talk about what's happening. john feels like he's watching dean die slowly, and so does sam, and them wanting to connect over that and share that grief while also still being themselves and therefore largely unable to authentically connect bc they have yet to heal the wounds of sam's childhood.
okay im spiraling on that, it hurts too good, so lets jump to the end of season 3, john having to watch with sam his oldest son, his longest-running lover, get ripped to shreds before his very eyes. and like after, i mean, i don't think there's any way sam and john stay together after losing dean, like. there's so much johndean content revolving around the pair of them losing sam, but how miserable and interesting to think about the pair of them after losing dean, without the sexual tension to lean into and watch explode. like no, sam would just leave. he'd find a way to make it john's fault (lets be clear: i wouldn't blame sam for doing that), and john would find a way to make it about sam, and they'd just have to go their own ways which would open the door for sam to go down the sam track with ruby and john to probably do fuck all. drink, fuck random people, generally self destruct.
okay, season 4 is a huge trip to think about bc the story gets so much bigger than just the three of them. i like the idea of dean coming out of hell and still going to bobby first, and then bobby taking dean to sam and then all of them waiting for john to come around to bobby's. this is like almost too much to think about so i have to take it piece by piece.
first of all, for whatever reason, this feels like the season when dean and john finally break through back to what they used to be before john ditched dean to hunt YED. and i think part of why i feel this way is that there'd be a natural alliance in their upset with sam over the blood drinking BUT i think as in canon dean would recover from this bc sam is the most important person in his life, so what would actually end up happening is that dean would fall back into moderator between john and sam's fights, with bobby backing him up.
i also think dean would come out of hell with a clearer idea of what's worth fighting over and what isn't, and i think after hell there COULD be a version of events where he decides sleeping with his father is hardly the worst thing he could do, and also when you've already been to hell, i would imagine it sort of levels out what's really hell-worthy. being in love with your father which ultimately hurts no one, would probably not feel like such a sin after literally being one of hell's best torturers.
i also think dean would be drawn back to john bc with the angel stuff, he'd want guidance from someone other than castiel, and his historically consistent leader is john, so that's who he'd be going to for advice, esp. since sam seems weirdly excited about angels where dean finds them sus af. and also i kind of think john might be a little softer about how he handles dean after hell, and could possibly turn into a more supportive figure EXCEPT for when it comes to his issues with sam that dean would have to mediate.
is this making sense? I feel like this isn't making sense, but my brain is whirring, and im just typing as i have a thought lol.
i think ultimately, a john in season 4 and 5 is a john with a reduced role who would be struggling to find his footing in such a massive production. he spent years with a mission: find and kill YED, and then immediately following that, find a way to get dean out of his deal. i think failing to do that and watching dean die as traumatically as mary (oh god, think of what watching dean die with sam in the room would bring up for john fuck fuck fuck) would do a fucking number on the senior winchester, and that his goal in s4 and s5 would be reconnecting with BOTH of his children, especially as they prepare to face such an enormous challenge as the apocalypse. i think this would be made difficult though, because for dean and john that would initially look (probably) like starting to have sex again, but with a completely different context. so whether that would help or hurt the relationship, idk.
and i think for sam...idk. i think sam would have to work through a lot of shit with learning he's the vessel for lucifer and feeling like he's exactly the disaster fuck up his father always thought he was, and with john RIGHT THERE it'd be even more of a thing. and it would be their goal to find a way through that.
omg this got so long im so sorry, ill stop here, but thank you for these brain worms and feel free to tell me im totally wrong and all that you think as well!!!
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cinematicnomad · 4 years
1, 7, 25 for the fanfic end of year ask :)
001. favorite fic you wrote this year i have a soft spot for take my hand (take my everything) which was the first fic i wrote this year! and kind of the first step back into writing creatively on something new that wasn’t the 7 year monster sterek fic. also my first foray into 9-1-1 fic and was just a lot of fun! 
007. longest completed fic you wrote this year the longest fic i wrote was my second for the year! so show me (family) wound up being around 16k+ for 9-1-1 which kind of burst out of me over the course of one 48 hour window unlike take my hand which took a few weeks to crank out. 
025. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read SO MANY FICS DUDE!!! i’m gonna rec a couple, some that i re-read this year and some that i discovered for the first time, all from a variety of fandoms. BUT heads up, you didn’t specify a fandom so it’s gonna be a little scattered. also someone else sent me this same question but specified 9-1-1, so i’m gonna reserve those recs for that ask. GET READY!!
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets (7/7 | 84k+ | M) destiel; AU: college/university; john winchester’s A+ parenting; angst with a happy ending
only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet jack allen is just kansas mechanic dean winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen.
until, that is, a string of coincidences leads dean to auditing a poetry course with one dr. castiel novak. the professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia’s foremost expert on the poetry of jack allen.
note: i discovered this fic back in the pre-pandemic times of feb 2020 and i’ve read this fic TWICE since, leaving a lengthy comment each time. the poetry in the fic itself is stunningly gorgeous and i have a habit of reading it out loud to myself while reading bc it begs to be heard. this fic is seriously beautiful and makes me want to read all the poet!dean au’s out there in the world. unfortunately there aren’t that many so i just keep coming back to this well. i don’t think i can express enough how much i love this fic. 
lost time by ARCurren (105/105 | 350k+ | T)  bransonxsybil; AU: canon divergent; outsider POVs; original characters; slow burn
the story of a free spirit who was asked to give up the man she loved for a system she didn’t believe in and what happened next. AU after 3.04. 
note: did i think, when i stumbled across this fic years ago, that it would wind up being one of my all time favorites that i return to time and again to re-read? never. did i re-read it for like the dozenth time this year?? 110%. this fic is everything i want from fanfiction—it’s beautifully written, expands on canon, and shows me all the hidden moments the cameras never did (not to mention it’s historically accurate and delves deep into irish politics of the time). the first third or so of this fic is all about tom and sybil’s slow burn romance at downton, but the fic really bursts into its own when we follow the two to dublin and get introduced to all of the author’s deliciously detailed oc’s. heads up warning: this fic was never officially completed, though the final chapter is a beautifully written summary of the final arc of the fic. even so, it’s fucking worth it. 
misfire by mothlights & unpossible (6/6 | 28k+ | T) sterek; time travel; angst with a happy ending; alive hale family; magic; alternating POV
“the debt must be repaid,” she says, and it has the weight of a vow. the words resonate through him, ringing through his ribcage and the bones of his jaw, and stiles loses his breath and maybe his grip on reality because she draws herself upright and where there had once stood a supermodel-level MILK now there is galadriel’s much hotter older sister, a presence of unmistakable power in their ordinary, smells-vaguely-of-thai-takeout hallway. 
“oh shit,” stiles says. 
note: this fic is the first in the misfire ‘verse and i need you to understand that it literally broke me when i binge read these fics a month or so ago. i am a sucker for a solid time travel fic especially bc there are such few good ones in fandom. but this gets at the heart of it all by exploring the idea of stiles getting the chance to save derek’s family and taking it...after he and derek are romantically together in his true timeline and then actually dealing with the ramifications of how that alters everything and how stiles survives in this new present where he and derek are virtual strangers. everyone should definitely read this, but you should also know that i fucking sobbed while reading the sequel (which also has a happy ending, but really digs deep into the nitty gritty angst of the repercussions). 
map of the world by seperis (11/11 | 154k+ | M)  destiel; end!verse; alternate universe; canon divergent; original characters; slow burn
the world’s already over and they’re already dead. all they’re doing now is marking time until the end. 
note: look, if you don’t know about down to agincourt by @seperis, what are you doing with your life?? the series is over 1M+ words so far, the fic author is on book 4 out of a planned 8, and it’s fucking phenomenal. i know i’ve tagged a couple of these recs as slow burn but...this is the slowest slow burn to ever burn. canon!dean travels back into the end!verse timeline just as lucifer kills dean and somehow cas made it out alive and has to keep dean safe while he learns to become his end!verse counterpoint. the world building in this series is intense and i cannot recommend it enough. i’m still in the midst of my re-read bc it’s SUCH an endeavor but i highly recommend it to everybody. 
invictus by ellanasan (116/116 | 355+ | M) hayffie; au: alive abernathy family; pre-hunger games; canon prostitution; slow burn
“so then, before i can even think about doing something stupid like trying to stab him with his fucking golden paperknife, he gives me a choice, see?” haymitch continued, almost detached. “either i play nice like all the other victors or he’ll kill my family. i could either become his puppet—greatest punishment he could give me, according to him—or i could become the example.”
AU in which haymitch’s family lives.
note: hello, have you ever wondered what the hunger games series would be like if haymitch’s family were alive? i fucking hadn’t until 2 years ago when i stumbled across this fic and fell head over heels in love with this ship. @ellanainthetardis is my go to hunger games fic writer for anything exploring canon and i’m obsessed with anything she writes about the OG victors pre-canon (finnick, joanna, chaff, etc). this fic is just 300k+ exploring that world and all the intricate details of how cruel the games could really be. HIGHLY recommend. i definitely re-read it this fall when i needed a pick me up.
don’t know what i’m supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurdererwall (1/1 | 30k+ | T) sterek; canon divergent; angst with a happy ending; ghosts; stiles POV
stiles sees dead people. yep. seriously.
(he’s got this. he’s totally got this. so what if one of them is derek’s mom?)
note: did you know that @crazyassmurdererwall is one of my all time favorite people? and that she’s wicked talented? and that in our spare time she’ll send me a billion fic ideas that are amazing and i get to hear all the intricate details of her plot bunnies? but i digress. this fic is one of my all time fave sterek fics i’ve re-read it sooo many times. there’s just something about the heartache and stiles’ insecurity and the way he tries to shoulder it all on his own. and then there’s alli’s brilliant writing, the way she weaves through a scene and paints a picture just so and manages to tug at your heart strings with her precise word choice. there’s some amazing world building in this fic as it explores this other facet of the supernatural that canon teen wolf never touched upon, and i’m so grateful for that bc alli is the only one who should be allowed to write about ghosts and teen wolf together. 
lagavulin and guinness by snarfle (10/10 | 163k+ | explicit) hartwin; slow burn; PTSD; suicidal thoughts; graphic depictions of violence; domestic abuse
plenty of people had looked down on eggsy throughout his life. he had gotten fairly used to it. didn’t mean it was fair, but he knew how these things worked. what really sucked was that the new arthur was worse than the old one.
“eggsy grimaced. he didn’t know how to explain to harry—who seemed like he hadn’t been discriminated against a day in his life—that the new arthur kept giving him what amounted to suicide missions, and that he was currently bleeding out in a warehouse because of the deliberately bad intel she had given him.”
also featuring: dean is harder to get rid of than eggsy thought, his mum is going off the deep end, there are way too many nefarious plots in play, and eggsy is really beginning to wish that harry would stop holding his hand and kiss him instead.
note: look, i know i recced this literally less than a week ago but i ALSO stayed up til 5AM re-reading this last night and it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. i was on a bit of a kingsman kick earlier this year, so i’ve actually re-read this fic TWICE so far in 2020. i will give you a serious warning in that this fic delves deep into domestic abuse through the lens of a variety of different relationships. it also explores the potential for abuse in hartwin, bc this fic is one of the few that actually commits to the fact that they’re literal spies who murder people. actively. a lot. but seriously, this fic is one of my fave in the fandom and i STRONGLY recommend it. 
waste of breath by bryrosea (1/1 | 22k+ | M) loganxveronica; canon compliant; missing scenes; navy; past child abuse
logan echolls, the nine years, and the navy.
note: bryrosea has an obscene number of amazing logan and veronica fics (her canon divergent series stay with me is another i re-read this year), but i’ve found myself returning to this fic a lot over the years. i’m a sucker for canon compliant fics that explore the missing scenes in between canon and this fic hits all the right buttons by diving deep into how logan echolls went from being a trash fire at hearst college at the end of s3 to being a decorated navy pilot by the movie. it explores logan seeking out therapy and making a life for himself that he can be proud of, all while pining after the girl who got away. and bc this author is amazing, she followed it up with a sequel from veronica’s point of view in the series done by only me. 
the law of equivalent exchange by awed_frog (8/8 | 60k+ | M) destiel; POV castiel; pre-canon; post-canon; canon compliant; immortality; reincarnation
“and what’s the point of it?”
“of love? there isn’t one. loving is its own purpose.” 
note: i mean??? i don’t really know what to say except that this is one of the truly most beautiful fics i have ever read. it follows castiel through time as he meets different reincarnations of sam and dean across history and falls ever more deeply in love. it is achingly tender and so ecstatically written that i die just thinking about it. and that summary? i mean. holy fuck break my heart why don’t you? i don’t know how i missed out on this fic for so long since it was published in 2015 but i only learned about it for the first time back in july and it was. life changing?? when the fic finally reaches the canon timeline and he meets THIS dean it’s peak yearning. 10/10 will read again.
ahead in the count by elisela (17/17 | 50k+ | E) sterek; AU: sports; pitcher!stiles; teacher!derek; long distance relationship; getting together
“yankee fan,” derek says, laughing when stiles makes a disgusted face. “the bronx bombers, stiles, you can’t be a new yorker and—”
“stop talking right now,” stiles sighs, shaking his head. “i can’t believe i still want to kiss you after that,” he says, pulling derek in by his coat. “this is making me rethink everything.” 
“i’ll never watch them again,” derek promises, and stiles laughs against his mouth. 
or: stiles is a starting pitcher for the NY mets when he meets and falls in love with derek. derek doesn’t know. 
note: i read SO MANY of @elisela’s 911 fics this summer, which i loved, and then she got into teen wolf and started writing sterek and i just about died. this fic is amazing, one of my fave sterek AU’s that i’ve read in years. it’s just the right amount of drama and angst and fluff filled with all the joys of miscommunication and character relationships that makes reading sterek such a joy. reading this fic and finding out eli needed fic recs pushed me to dive back in to reading sterek fics for a bit this fall so i can say with the utmost authority that this is one of the best i’ve read in a long time. 
i used to think one day we’d tell the story of us by notequitegucci (2/2 | 32k+ | M) gendrya; alternate universe—modern setting; outsider POV; friends to lovers; friends to lovers
9 times a stark encounters gendry + 1 time he meets the starks.
note: again, this is the first in a 2 part series titled love me like you do that explores arya and gendry’s dynamics together through the point of view of her family. game of thrones ended last year with a whimper but i keep returning to the gendrya tag on ao3 to seek out new, amazing content and also to re-read some old favorites. i can’t remember if i came across this for the first time last year or this one, but i’ve read it and re-read it more times than i can count since and i love it more than i can describe. i’m a total sucker for outsider POV fics and my biggest pet peeve in canon is the fact that none of the stark’s ever found out that arya and gendry had a history together. this modern au fic almost makes up for it by giving me a gendry encounter with every family member and then the big reveal. it’s peak content. 
theeeeeeese recs got a little away from me. i wasn’t originally intending on adding lengthy notes to each entry but ... oh well!! these are all amazing so please enjoy. 
fanfic end of the year asks
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
Hi! I’m the anon who asked about savages s/o and maul after his death and I’d love to hear your thoughts! Go for it!
I have...so many...
I really have no idea how I'm even going to organize all of them, but I'll try.
So, for this particular scenario I have a multitude of things I've thought about when it comes to Savage having a girlfriend. I've thought of integrating her in a canonical way (meaning she wouldn't be around for the events we see on-screen, or if she is it's inconspicuous and her existence doesn't alter the canon events that take place) and also the opposite in which she's there for everything and influences changes in the canon timeline, and what those changes are etc.
When I first go on a little daydream adventure about this, I decide what the overall goal is for the particular story I play through in my head: Do I just want Savage to have known some semblance of romantic love before he died? Do I want him to survive and live out the rest of his days with her on some backwater planet after casting away any connection to his old life? And if I want to go beyond Savage and integrate Maul into things... God, there's so many possibilities, and I guess it depends on who I want the s/o to be and what I want out of her connections with both of them. For this I'm going to focus on what can happen with her and Maul after Savage is killed.
Again, what goes down kinda depends on who this girl is and what she was to them. In my opinion, I think Maul would need a little more incentive than her just having been close with Savage to keep her around once he's gone, and there's so many routes to take with that. (I really don't think I'm even going to get to all of them, so I'll go with some general ones that can make for all sorts of scenarios.)
The consistent thing no matter the events that take place at this point is that Maul and Savage's s/o are somewhat involved in one another's lives, and that can either remain stagnant in it's most basic form or it can develop. Going off of the initial ask implying that she's already around and doesn't want to leave, I think we can establish that Maul tolerates having her near him. For storytelling reasons, I think we do need her to serve some sort of purpose (whether that be direct or implied, for fodder for potential character development) and as more incentive to Maul, bc let's be honest, he's initially a self-centered bastard man despite the fact they both loved and mourn the same person and that alone isn't going to cut it if she's gonna essentially be living with him.
So, what is this extra incentive? Overall, I believe there are two main enforcers here: Vengeance and Legacy. In any case, I think it starts with some resentment. What are the girl's thoughts here? How is she feeling about this? Personally, I think she holds Maul in contempt for indirectly causing Savage's death (which Maul is aware of himself as well, so this is extra ouchie if she's going to be reminding him of that). His recklessness attracted his former Master's attention, and now the one person the both of them loved is gone. They're both angry, and they're both hurt. So where do they go from here?
Arc 1: A plausible take is that they both have the same thing on their mind: revenge. Obviously, we already know Sidious killing Savage is what convinced Maul to recognise that Sidious had been his true enemy all along, so of course he's more than ready to seize an opportunity to take him down if it presents itself. Is the girl force-sensitive? If she's got midichlorians and a thirst for blood, I think they'll become reluctant partners in vengeance. Whether she becomes his new apprentice or not can be debated, but if she does, that fills in the legacy portion of this particular scenario. Also debatable is the potential of them ever actually becoming strong enough to enact their plan. (But deep down, we know that isn't the point, is it? This is their way of seeking comfort and coping with what happened together).
This formula has potential to develop of course, and if it does, they ultimately form an emotional bond in one way or another. Does it extend beyond mutuals with a common goal? To friendship? To found family? To lovers? Friendship, sure (which on its own is kinda sweet, we all know that all Maul ever wanted was a friend, and to gain one after the loss of his brother is poetic and fulfilling). Family? Possibly. I think it would take time, and a culmination of things that required them to be vulnerable with one another would have to happen first before that kind of closeness can be achieved, especially in the case of Maul. But, the potential is there. Lovers, however... That's tricky. I agree with what @fallenrepublick said in the first thing, I don't think Maul would try to get with her out of respect for Savage, even if those feelings were mutual. Like with the friendship thing, that same culmination of events would have to occur but on steroids. Their worlds would need to get shaken enough to the point that they'd try it, and even then - I don't think it would be healthy. It certainly wouldn't be romantic.
Personally, I don't think they'd be able to get past a kiss without the pain they've endured for so long preventing them from really coming together in the way their hearts need to heal and to love. If we're just talking sex, again, I don't think it would be healthy. It would come from that resentment, for each other and themselves, and from that anger and pain and desperation for a resolution that never comes, and ultimately they'll feel even worse than before. But maybe, just maybe, against all odds, they'll eventually be able to reach a place where they can say "I love you" genuinely, and be able to turn to each other for the love and support and guidance they've been starved of for so long.
(I was gonna add the arc 2 here and so on but this is already long, so I'll share even more thoughts in a separate post or even it's own thing if you want to hear about it!)
Dude, this is just the tip of the iceberg with all the thoughts I have here. Maul and Savage are *chefs kiss* my boys, and I'm not kidding when I say I could go on forever about this stuff, so I'm gonna stop here for now. Thanks for wanting to hear about it 😭 Lord knows I always want to talk about it.
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shadowtongued · 4 years
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long headcanon about the duality of love and the mahjarrat condition pertaining to it from his point of view. if you read all this babble i swear to god, i love you, i hope you have a good day. cw: sex addiction, child neglect, unhealthy coping, unrequited pains. reason for writing: hi i want to die bc of angst.
i think we all know even without playing medieval xp grind lore game, runescape, that sliske is old. very old. he tells us in endgame there's not much he hasn’t done with his life over thousands of years, even traveling to other planets and realms to just see what was out there and how far he could get. i’ve always projected his age as somewhere between more than 8,000 or even more than 10,000. we’re never given a timeline to how long the children of mah have lived. sliske has done a lot with his time; he’s killed a god, had quite a few elder relics in his grasp, SPOKEN to a elder god and managed not to die, mastered shadow magicks, has an excellent grasp on the shadow realm. he’s good with biology, chemistry, has a fair understanding of soul magic which is kind of a rare brand of knowledge, he’s tricked probably thousands into bad contracts to become wights in his army, understands the psychology and bad morals of people. he was a playwright, a high ranking officer, a spymaster. dude is just a determined polymath. you know what he hasn’t done? love. he’s never got to play with love.
mahjarrat are explained as having emotions, but dulled ones. they feel rage and pride apparently better than others. kharshai said after years of really believing he was a human, that when he came back to his true form he states “i  feel raw power coursing through my veins. i don't feel pain like i used to, and i'm sure my intellect has increased. but somehow there is something missing. a capacity for emotion that i can't quite put my finger on.” they aren’t equipped for the same range of positive emotions as others are. they feel it, but they don’t understand it fully, it has been said by developers. this whole bit is sadly funny considering in canon, sliske catches feelings. he doesn’t realize he’s attracted to the player character. it’s stated many times, in his journals, in dialogue, etc. he believes their fates are tangled no matter what. and the saddest bit is he probably doesn’t understand these feelings and it confuses him to the point of anger.  “ love! a mahjarrat in love? ... i almost wish that were true. it would certainly make the universe a more interesting place. ” “ so perhaps i have loved you. but that doesn’t mean i have to like you.”  sliske’s main goal started off as to take the players immortal, unable to be crushed by the divine, soul and give it to himself so he could live forever, as mahjarrats do not have afterlives, once they die they are done, evaporated into energy. but in endgame we learn something from him hidden in masks that refutes that;
“I love you for more than your soul.”
you STUPID fucker, you’re in love.
the remainder of this is a lot of NON-CANON, personal headcanon interpretation that pretty much only works on this blog. as a rough summary: sliske’s ol’ mum was not fond of her kids, half-brother wahisietel or sliske since she did not see them as powerful as herself and was disappointed that's what her legacy came out to. a short, beefy, average at magic son, she had another go and was still disappointed with this spidery, scrawny, gifted but absolutely annoying stick underweight child. his father, saw him once or twice in his life and that was it. dyeosuthua wanted nothing more than to make them disappear and try again until she got offspring she didn’t want to throw into a lava pit in secrecy, infanticide was against tribal law due to population issues. sliske’s mother’s neglect was so severe, ( by the absolute boundless joys of rp development and mutual heacanons ♥ ) that wahi and nabor had an attempt at raising him and keeping him from freezing to death. why is all this jargon important? because while all mahjarrats are raised by tough love, sliske’s attention deprivation from his mother was so severe, he grew up and still has a slew of reactive attachment, psychological, and social issues he still carries as an adult. several times she threatened to kill him and almost made good on it more than twice. when wahisietel had proven he was a survivor of the first ritual of rejuvenation, sliske became dyeosuthua’s  main target for abuse despite his gift for magic at a young age. nothing he did could impress her enough. and it left him constantly seeking approval and validation to an insecure mind.
the more he grew, the more confident he became mainly out of spite and to get attention. he’s loud, charming, makes you the only person in the room when he talks to you. he has an innate silver-tongued ability that persuades people to do just about anything. it was a front for his insecurities that he kept very very closed up. in the second age/senntisten capital, sliske had a pretty severe sex addiction as it was one of the few ways he felt validated and was able to get affection in a way he could digest. people with reactive attachment disorders often have sex addictions to fill the space of acceptance without having to commit.. easy, feel good intimacy without having to open up and let someone learn about your vulnerabilities and commit. it was pretty severe, considering mahjarrats find any kind of breeding or intimacies outside their ‘superior species’ as downright foul. sliske had always been the black sheep of the tribe and with his status as praefectus praetorio; head of secret police, really nothing put a damper on him trying to fill the void for affection he had. there wasn’t a species or individual he wouldn’t bed. he would easily take up propositions even for people who just wanted to fuck a mahjarrat because it was ‘exotic’ or because of his status as an officer, he now looks back on this and it bruises his insecurities even more that he allowed himself to do that. not out of pride for his species. but himself, being just a thing to be had because of rarity. azzanadra and his brother, wahisietel found out about it and while disgusted, partially understood what he was doing to negatively self soothe. at one point sliske and azzanadra, the champion of their god and head of the church, as well of one of the strongest living of their kin, had a lasting tryst for a few years and for awhile it made sliske feel very much self important in a way and alleviated his need to be needed so badly, this did not end well when sliske grew tired of their empire and wanted freedom. once childhood best friends and lovers had become absolute enemies once sliske became too unstable and azzanadra became too zealous. 
sliske gave up his sexcapades for a long time, thousands of years, his libido dropped when he became interested in other projects and self healing when he was hit with the idea that he hasd essentially allowed himself to be an exotic fling and still burned over becoming his god, zaros, scapegoat after all he had done for him. love was a weird concept to him and still is. despite being adamant love doesn’t exist for his kind, and his belief that he is flawed, unstable, and embraced the idea of ‘you want a monster? fine! i’ll be the monster!’. he expects no pity, not be forgiven to things he has done and even in game when you sycophantically try to cozy to him, he straight up calls out your text choice was awful considering some of the shitty things he might have done to you. to sliske, all attention to him is attention, whether you’re praising or insulting him. he’s on your mind, he exists, that’s all he wants.
backstory aside the real part of this headcanon is that sliske actually wants love. it’s the only thing aside from an immortal soul he hasn’t had. sliske actually has an attraction to humans because they are empathetic, curious, passionate, and determined. he has an easier time assimilating and being around them since he has ALWAYS had a better sense of humor, socializing, and happiness than his kin. he feels emotions a lot stronger than his fellow mahjarrats. it allows him to talk to and connect to humans and humanlike species better. others of his kind have told him there’s “something wrong” with him for that. he’s actually a romantic, even if he’s just mimicking romance stories, movies, and actions from others. he thinks the idea of settling with one person and loving them is both mortifying and interesting. opening yourself up to someone and giving them the hammer to smash your cherry-red painted porcelain heart and seeing if they do, to him might be the ultimate form of trust and biggest gamble of russian roulette. the stakes are so heavy he’s high on the idea. but it’s also horrifying. mahjarrat are prolific for not opening up, not allowing others in, vulnerability out in the open is a death sentence. they live in a kratocracy/meritocracy where they kill off the weakest link. it’s not pretty. being soft is a useless, unnecessary, weak gene to them. it dampers survival. 
but yet sliske keeps reading romance novels, writing his own confused poetry, and getting into unrequited one sided loves but practicing a backstabbing betrayal when one gets too close. i have to hurt them before they hurt me, betray and cut them down before they can do it to me. i think he wants to be loved. i think he kinda wants to be taught to love, for the emotions and the sake of knowledge. ( brb james newton howard’s ‘true love’s kiss’ from maleficent just came on spotify and i think i’m going to die bc i did not ask for background music thanks!!! ) he wouldn’t be the best at it, maybe a little too possessive with you, codependent, but very nurturing and fun loving. will sepnd a whole week spooning you.. people who hurt you past, present, and future may end up dead in mysterious ways or turned into a wight for you to beat the shit out of. but he’d try. he’s still got a broken child sitting behind his third rib. i think he would snarl the first few times someone genuinely got close to him, it would terrify him, being known on such a skinned, raw level. having gentle touches that are real and not a come hither to the bedroom. being known for something other than the confident, ego he has is death. he could be taught to be gentle for a crumb of consistent attention. might even cut down the murders and god killing down by 15%. love is not going to fix him, it’s not going to forgive the actual shitty things he’s done. it should never do that. but it will turn the lights on in a dark house.
love could really break him. i think so. i’d type more but this has gone on too long and i feel sad-happies. 
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
!!!! Piper finding out she's pregnant with Kyle's baby!!!!
okay no but see i’ve been thinking about an au where like we go like balls to the fall canon with piper and kyle still a slowburn obvi but. season six still remains pretty much intact expect for the fact that, while chris knows he’s piper’s son, he has no idea who his father is bc, in the dark future variant of the piper/kyle timeline kyle would definitely end up sacrificing himself to save piper fully not knowing that she was pregnant (odds are she didn’t even know) which would probably be a breaking point for piper okay let’s go into detail.
chris (khris? lmao? wait should i remain him after kyle’s dad? jon hamm? jack. shure we’ll call him jack to differentiate even tho u gotta admit. kyle!chris would basically be the same as canon!chris bc like. look at him. like he is very much Not like leo. but like. could ever easily be kyle’s son. but, to differentiate, here’s jack halliwell, the bastard of the charmed line.) bc wyatt is the son of a piper halliwell and leo wyatt this is a known fact especially because leo remains one of the last pillars of the elders in said dark future and everyone begs him to do some grand act to stop wyatt but he never does that’s his son that is his son he can’t he cannot kill him he still believes there’s some good in wyatt there has to be some good in wyatt we’ll say jack even had an opportunity to kill wyatt after killed piper and leo intervened and saved wyatt’s life which is why, if chris hates leo, it’s nothing compared to jack’s beef. and like. quite frankly. okay here me out this timeline is about to get real weird. leo becomes and elder at the end of s5, jack’s doing as he steps into his place as the charmed ones whitelighter, seeing as he’s still a witchlighter. kyle takes the place of sheridan in the sense that he enters the narrative in s6. jack, for the record, has no idea this is his father. kyle works kinda parallel to the story, jack is trying to find out exactly what’s going on with wyatt becoming evil to no avail, kyle’s like idk doing something they have interacted a couple times they don’t like each other. we push forward the avatars narrative, giving gideon pause. evil wyatt isn’t possible in utopia, the avatars would neutralize him before he became a threat. gideon actively advocates for the avatars. kyle becomes more integrated as the avatars become more relevant, jack continues his digging on the wyatt situation, somehow finds out that gideon was the one who turned wyatt evil by attempting to murder him, which immediately brings into question the avatars, since gideon is such a big fan of theirs. does a bit more digging, finds out that utopia comes at the cost of free will, anyone who isn’t perfect is eliminated. he’s about to blow the cover on the whole thing when either gideon or the avatars kill him. piper is devastated bc like we’ll say she still knew that was her son. like he’s been there a while phoebe’s a psychic and at some point he’s kinda gotta fess up as to how and why he knows so much about the family. and his death has been pinned on somebody else in a play to get piper’s support behind the avatars. kyle becomes more integral here as, up until this point, he’s assisted on a couple cases (i.e. a styx feet under situation, but his main focus has always been the avatars) but piper’s like listen they just killed my son i need everything in my arsenal to get revenge and i mean if there’s one language he speaks it’s revenge. kyle and piper together are actually amazing at deciphering jack’s notes because it like walks immediately down the middle road of how their brains works which for the record they literally never piece together the part where jack’s their son, but, in all fairness, jack didn’t know that either. issue being jack had multiple theories so there are a lot of one off demon adventures to further strengthen their bond and like. piper still doesn’t fully trust kyle. also jack was her son, so there’s a personal element here too, but the main reason piper has the most interaction with kyle is because she’s protecting her sisters from him because she still does not trust him for shit, and she wants to keep him distant from her family which is undeniably her vulnerabile spot. and like, kyle is 100% aware she’s doing this, but he doesn’t really care because, again, his primary motivation is stopping the avatars. everything he does is just to get him closer to that goal. he just has to get piper to trust him because he’s feeling like the power of three is crucial to that goal. catch-22 tho, because it is the feeling that he needs the power of three that makes piper so untrusting of him. the jack cases are their bonding era where they start to steer away from their previous mindsets. we see kyle do something entirely selfless, without ulterior motive. we knows he did this, piper does not. blah blah blah, they get to the meat of the matter with jack’s notes and find out the whole avatars/gideon thing just in time to stop utopia, kyle dies in the process. as he saved the world, they make him a whitelighter, and, as an act of good faith because after learning gideon’s plans for evil wyatt, piper is very very against the elder, and then also because the charmed ones have been without whitelighter since jack, they assign kyle as their new whitelighter. blah blah blah something something something again. slowburn. this time added, because piper has done the forbidden love thing once before and she’s not gonna do it again. and kyle’s like that’s my coworker. whatever respect i have for piper is professional. and paige and phoebe are also there like. like piper and kyle are drift compatible (in a sense, piper hates his moral compass and yells at him a lot, but they understand how the other thinks) phoebe thinks kyle is weird and paige thinks kyle has a major stick up his ass (which he does!!) also. fuck it. kyle keeps his job at the fbi like how are they gonna know he died. and sinces he’s a newly minted whitelighter it’s not like he’s got other charges. it’s just the charmed ones and then working at his job. so blah blah blah piper will bring cases to him he will bring cases to piper so on and so forth again. slowburn. he’s literally their whitelighter piper’s still like. don’t trust him. sometimes kyle says this is how you should do that and piper chews him out because like. fuck you!! and then maybe ends up doing it that way anyways which kyle will be really smug about he’ll never bring it up in conversation but again piper and kyle’s communication is unspoken so she knows when he’s invoking it and he knows that she knows. and phoebe and paige both have two insanely different views to their relationship piper and kyle are talking strategy while paige scrys (scries?) and piper’s brewing potion and her and kyle are like. they’re in disagreement meaning it’s a lot of silence a long of prolonged, bitter stares, stubbornness, speaking in low and controlled voices in an attempt to sound like the more rational one when it’s very obvious both of them wanna be yelling their points but they’re not it’s all in a very low register it ends with kyle yielding grabbing the final potion ingredient getting unnecessarily close to piper and saying i guess you know best dropping the ingredient in and orbing out in the puff of smoke from the potion and piper just keeping her gaze level even after he’s gone with just steel in her eyes like you’re goddamn right i do  like the energy doesn’t dissipate she’s still buzzing from it and paige just over in the corner of the attic like ...............................so um. have you guys fucked about it yet? and piper’s like have we what (yes.) and paige is like yeah there’s a lot of unresolved tension there it’s getting pretty weird to be in a room with the two of you so you should probably um. fuck about it. Versus. piper phoebe and kyle being all out on some excursion kinda akin to the things w the guardian angels where there’s press everywhere and they’ve saved the day and are trying to get the hell out of dodge and there are press cameras and kyle sees them first and immediately positions himself in between them and piper piper notices the cameras and tenses up kyle puts his hand on piper’s lower back to steer the two of them out of the maze of a media frenzy and phoebe’s like Oh. you two are In Love in love. which piper is absolutely against like absolutely not no and phoebe’s like oh come on you told him about your fear of the press after the prue thing i can tell the way he moved to get you out of that situation and piper’s like i’ve literally never told him that and phoebe like okay well. he knows regardless, which actually speaks volumes more than if you had told him. so congrats!! and piper’s like no. absolutely not. paige and phoebe compared notes after they find out they have bold made bold statements about piper and kyle and then realize that not only have they definitely slept together they are also definitely in love and Do Not Realize It
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less--beans · 4 years
lihn asks: 2, 9, 14, 19, 20, 22, 27, 28, 39, 40, 47
2. Fav scenes?
can i just say the whole musical? i really want to just say the whole musical. i’ll not mention any scenes with songs, bc that’s a whole other thing, but i’ll pick a few (i said a few but it’s a lot more than that, i’m very sorry) top scenes. i’m pretty sure most ppl answer this with like 3 scenes but i’ve never been very good at picking so here, have 10. i’m going to make a list bc if i just put it all in a paragraph it would be way too long. 
-i love sheila and susannah’s first actual conversation. it’s funny how nervous and awkward susannah is, and how many questions she asks and weird things she says. i love how sheila just rolls with it, answering her questions and ignoring the weirdness. francis’ little interludes are funny and it makes my heart melt when sheila goes ‘but in the good way,’ especially after seeing that susannah believes francis and everyone else when they tell her she’s weird in the bad way, and i can’t help but die when i remember that sheila is probably the first person who saw how weird susannah was and didn’t insult her or act like it was a bad thing but instead just rolled with it. 
-it’s a short scene but i love when they’re teaching susannah how to smoke and she visualizes francis being torn apart. it’s the funniest thing. so short and yet so good. 
-another short yet awesome scene is right before the other one, when sheila spends a solid 20-30 seconds just staring at susannah and listening to her write songs. very gay. also, in the same scene, sheila listing what she likes and then adding that susannah’s interests weren’t too bad either. her acting like she usually does and just kind of putting down the other person’s interests a little before letting her walls drop and acknowledging susannah as a person was amazing. again with the walls dropped thing is her respecting susannah’s boundaries and not demanding to know who the letter was from. we love character growth. 
-yet another short scene is right before oh well when sheila’s kind of teasing her about the morse code thing and being like ‘you’re obsessed.’ it was hilarious. and then it kind of clicked in their heads with the nonsense syllables and the secret code and it was like they were finally on the same wave length. it was very very sweet. 
- i loved the scene where sheila got taken to solitary. phenomenal acting. my heart broke. i’ve watched it so many times and i love looking at various reactions of the girls (judith being victorious, sheila being hurt and scared and angry, dorothy in shock and still trying to comfort others, ya-ya collasping, kitty being angry and disappointed, rat just watching concerned and scared from the sidelines) as it all goes down. it’s painful and it was such a different ending to act 1 than i thought would happen just two minutes prior, and it’s a majorly emotional scene. 
-in the beginning of act 2, she’s like ‘no, this is my fault!’ and all the girls just agree with her, and then judith tells the history of harriet. i did not see her backstory coming at all. that part made me physically sick and very horrified. i didn’t necessarily like that scene, but i respect it bc of the acting, and the effect it had on me is proof that it was good. also, when kitty comes from judith and reveals that sheila took out her eye? that was the second huge revelation in the same scene and i had to pause it to process. plus, that was a sick burn. go kitty.
-the scene with kitty and susannah before masochist!! powerful, emotional, had me in tears. I adore kitty so much. some real stuff was said there, and i, as someone who is part of the lgbtq+ community, was really affected by that scene. also masochist, but again, we’re not going into songs right now. that’s a whole other thing. 
-i died when the music was building up and susannah was on the steps and she was giving her whole rousing speech and she finally admitted that she loved sheila. the music stopped, susannah stopped, my heart stopped, and the girls gave a wonderfully funny fake gasp. the girls’ reactions in that scene were impeccable and so hilarious to me, and there’s of course the fact that susannah, after stumbling over her words and feelings the entire show, finally admitted out loud that she loved sheila. not only that, but she did it in front of everyone. very big character growth, plus the growth of my heart as it swelled and burst in my chest. i loved it. 
-the transition of judith being like ‘there’s no way she just thinks the plumbing sucks’ to sheila loudly complaining about her hatred of the sucky plumbing was perfect. also, i can’t watch sheila’s slow realization of what’s happening without laughing. she’s such an idiot and i love her. her slamming her head into the pillow and slowly raising it up again as it sinks in? comedic genius. just the parallels of susannah being like ‘she’ll figure it out soon’ at the exact same moment sheila figures it out is amazing. judith going ‘i will happily eat my own sh-’ and then being cut off by sheila knocking back was hilarious, and kitty’s ‘do you want fries with that judith?’ was so iconic. 
-them being like ‘how are we going to do this??’ in the middle of the song and everything going dark and quiet for a few seconds other than that sign of ‘four minutes and 38 seconds later’ before going ‘that’s a great plan’ was so freaking funny. we’re going to skip the moment where sheila and susannah reunite for now bc i’m probably going to make another post about it and this post is already so long. also, i love how they outlined the plan as they put it into action. it was poetic cinema. perfect execution of one of my fav tropes and i really enjoyed it. 
9. Fav lighting moments?
I love the beginning transition where the lights flash and show the silhouettes of the girls, it’s so powerful. I also love the emphasis the lighting gives when it changes in the pre-reprise of teenage delinquent and also in susannah’s song reprise (basically whenever everything stops and susannah has a gay moment). the lights shining through the smoke to give the illusion of fire? amazing. that was exactly what the scene needed to take it from incredible to literal perfection. on that note, i liked the ghostly feel the lights gave as they shone through the windows once the girls were outside. lastly, i loved the lights in the end of teenage delinquent. that was a very emotional moment and the lights just added to it. 
14. A major(s) character you love?
I love sheila a lot. she’s so tough and yet so sweet. i first met her and i was kind of worried about if she was going to be one of the stereotypical mean tough girls, but she managed to be strong and kind, and it’s amazing. i love how she’s a little aloof and yet totally willing to take down anyone who hurts the people she cares about. she fights asp, buzz, and even judith, all bc they hurt her family. plus, that girl’s been through a lot. i’ve made a few other posts just based on what i got from the three failed escape attempts but i really feel sad for her and all that she’s been through. 
19. Fav (pre)reprise?
So we obviously have the oh well reprise when susannah is delivering the esp to sheila and that’s such an amazing one that always gets me. i’ve cried a lot at that scene. sheila smiling and trying to hide it while half-heartedly trying to get susannah to stop playing by warning her that she would get in trouble... ugh. my heart. another one that i really like, however, is when sheila and susannah first met. the pre-reprise of teenage delinquent gets me almost as much as the oh well reprise does. it’s so short, only a few lines, but we see susannah immediately fall for her. it’s so sweet and it sets everything up so perfectly, and i especially love the percussion. in the last line the drums kick in and crescendo and it’s just a masterpiece. 
20. Headcanon(s) for what happens before the show?
i’m very sorry to announce that i forgot who the creator of this (if anyone knows please message me!) but some created this amazing timeline. it’s phenomenal. i’ve pretty much accepted everything on that list as canon. 
22. Headcanon(s) for what happens between Teenage Delinquent and Finale?
judith definitely became a chill therapist. 100%. she keeps in touch with ya-ya and they try to arrange meetings every now and then. sometimes they see certain plays together. ya-ya went to hollywood with dorothy. she made it big in special effects, and dorothy prefers to act in smaller gigs in underground places. ya-ya helps out with dorothy’s plays sometimes. they share an apartment together. sometimes dorothy sees rat in the audience of her shows. she doesn’t question how rat knew where she’d be performing and she doesn’t question the money and cigarettes that are pushed into her hands after. she also doesn’t question it if rat ever shows up in need to stay for a few days. it happens every few months, and dorothy just makes sure there’s good food in the house and slips some money into rat’s things when she’s sleeping. kitty keeps in touch with susannah, and she attends all of susannah’s performances she can. susannah goes on tour with her band, and she could’ve sworn in their tour in hollywood she saw three familiar faces in the crowd. she’ll never know for sure though. sheila stays in mexico for a while before deciding to go back to the states. she doesn’t know what happened to francis. at the border she told him he was lucky she didn’t kill him and left on his bike, never to see him again. she traveled around the us with that bike, eventually deciding to visit hollywood. she saw a familiar name in an underground club and immediately went to the next showing available, watching with barely held back tears as dorothy starred in a play. she saw rat in the audience and ya-ya’s name credited in special effects, and she had to leave at intermission to keep herself together. she wasn’t sure how to approach them or what she would do or say, so she took off that night to keep the temptation away. she went all the way across the country to nyc, figuring it was about time she visited some old friends from mexico. she walked into a record shop to ask for directions and caught a thief stealing from the store a few minutes later. she walked in to return the record.
27. Teenage Delinquent or Revolution Song?
how am i supposed to choose?? from the moment i heard teenage delinquent pre-reprise i loved both versions. it’s such a pretty tune, and it’s so meaningful, and the emotion in it is so powerful. it makes me cry every time, and the end... wow. they’re gay and in love and i get very emotional about it. i absolutely love teenage delinquent. revolution song, however, was one of the first ones i ever heard and probably the one that made me watch the show. it’s so energetic and so great, and i cannot listen to it without wanting to start my own rebellion and take down some terrible patriarchal system. it’s constantly in my head and it’s so catchy and fun. plus, i love watching it in the show, and the girls throwing things and burning down the building is one of my fav things. i love both of these songs so much and i physically can’t choose which one is my favorite. 
28. Something you like/have noticed about the show that you haven’t seen anyone else mention yet?
both of these things are only briefly mentioned in the show but i’ve still never seen anyone talk about them. this show takes place over the span of only 17 days (excluding the finale, obviously). in the beginning, when susannah had just arrived, asp got the call about the interview and she mentioned it being in 17 days. a lot happened in 17 days, especially since they were locked up for 8 of them. all of the events of act 1 took place over 9 days at most, and probably less, bc we know sheila didn’t respond right away in solitary and we’re not sure of how much time passed until she did. that feels like such a short time span to me. another thing is that they’re on the fifth floor. i don’t know why this stood out to me, but it’s probably something to do with the fire. they would have lit the fire and gotten out really quickly. i feel like imagining them on the first or second floor is different than imagining them on the fifth floor for some reason, and i just felt like pointing it out. 
39. What got you interested in LIHN?
I was bored in between classes and so i watched a random youtube video of musical clips. there were three clips of lihn in there, and they interested me enough that i watched the entire musical a few days later. i immediately fell in love and i’ve watched it almost every day since. 
40. What does LIHN mean to you?
love in hate nation means so much to me. i absolutely love this show. there’s so much to think about and so much to build on. musicals are amazing bc there’s choreography and lighting and lyrics and sets and so many things with hundreds of little hidden messages, and deciphering potential meanings for those messages is so fun. this show is no different. there’s so many things to analyse, and it’s such a good show that i want to analyse everything about it. i can’t put into words how much i love this show. just know it’s a lot.
47. A single wish for the future of the show?
it says a single wish, but i have three, so i’m going to list them all. if i could only have one it would for sure be the first one. first and foremost, i want a cast album. goodness gracious, i want a cast album. so bad. second, i really want this to get to broadway. more people need to know about this show. it’s so good and it’s worth everything. i want this to get big. third, i believe joe posted something about a potential proshoot? i could be wrong but that would be amazing to have.
my grammar is terrible and this is so much longer than it should’ve been, so i’m sorry about that. thank you so much for asking!! it was really fun to answer these. if anyone wants to ask more questions, the link to the asks is here
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