#being totally honest its been 10 or so years since my actual last playthru
jemandthesingalongs · 2 months
#4 for the DAV ask game
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
ooo a fun one thank you! <3
Origins: My girl Alivah Tabris! She's a duel-wielding warrior with the reaver/berserker/spirit warrior specializations and romances Leliana. <3
Outside the standard fair of worldstates, she doesn't deviate too much from it (it saving mages, befriending everyone, etc.) OTHER than killing Connor herself (she's...got her reasons and is haunted by it forever), POSSIBLY keeping the Anvil (will need to actually playthru again to get a better grasp on that), and POSSIBLY drunk Alistair if only because in-character can't see her hardening him, but I am really attached to bitter ex-besties not over their fight from 10+ years ago with King Alistair since sparing Loghain as a Tabris is also non-standard it seems? She also doesn't defile the Ashes I'm just a weenie but love dragon stuff so insert fanon reason here she's a reaver I'll come up with eventually. Also in my reality god isn't cruel she herself does the Dark Ritual with Morrigan and is Kieran's other mom (trans rights babey) and everyone involved feels some kind of way about it.
DA2: My poor wet cat of a champion, Astrid Hawke. She's a one-handed warrior with the Templar specialization and romances Isabela.
She's...not doing great dslfkdsf. I'd say typical worldstate up until the mid/later part of Act 2 where after Isabela betrays her twice, losing Leandra to a mage, and having Bethany in the Circle as a bargaining chip, she goes pretty much pro-Templar in an attempt to have some sort of control over everything going wrong. I'm unsure if I can pull it off in-game but she does rival Anders and does the Templar ending to keep him around, and does everything Meredith asks up until killing Bethany and she refuses. Though that doesn't really break the illusion until she's betrayed again by Meredith herself and it's somehow still going downhill for her. Love her though.
DAI: My lil Hope spirit Hissera Adaar! She's a mage with the necromancer specialization that romances Josephine.
Even though I've only played DAI once, I vaguely recall the big choices so she's another standard fair worldstate. BUT I do want to play with the moral ambiguity of a spirit, so she will certainly keep Cole a spirit, and might even make some mages Tranquil. Astrid Hawke is left in The Fade, possibly, it really depends if there's any payoff in DA4 for it since between her and Loghain, they both got a lot to atone for. I hate that choice so much regardless lmao. Her moral compass/choices do eventually boil down to "whatever Josephine wants" so it's a good thing Josephine has some solid morals lskdfdsf. This is why she opts to stop Solas by any means since tearing down The Veil will kill/hurt Josephine and that is simply not allowed. I haven't decided if she'll keep or disband the Inq, because while that would help in stopping Solas and supporting Vivienne as Divine, she is also operating on Leliana's desire to be with Alivah from their very first conversation in Haven, and she takes things very literally. So no more Inq means Leliana can leave. This is also why she simply doesn't support her as Divine, despite the everything.
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