#bc heirlooms carry stories
diandrarumi · 7 months
another headcanon, so i read that fic about harry giving ginny his mother's necklace and it was just so sweet....
so in my head ginny is not that big for jewels and accessories, like she obviously loves girly things but she also grew up poor so she probably knew that jewellry is a luxury indulgence that is not something she'd have the luck to have. So she never really bothered with any of them
but then she saw how harry cried when he went through his family's vault and saw lily and euphemia's jewelry box and how harry was so touched knowing that he had family heirlooms passed down from the women in his family
and like he shyly gave ginny his mother's necklace and proposed to her with his grandmother's ring and when they got married harry gave her the jewelry box and told her that he hoped they would grow old together and that he could watch her pass down these heirlooms to their daughter and daughter in laws if they have any
and since then you'd never see ginny potter out and about without bracelets, earrings and necklaces.
ginny even lent victoire the potter tiara when she married teddy
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rynnthefangirl · 2 months
do you have happy headcanons about aegon iii and viserys ii? or at least not that sad cause they already suffered enough in the canon
What a fun ask, I love having an excuse to gush about Aegon III and Viserys II! I’ll admit I’m usually drawn to angst, but some headcanons on the (somewhat) happier side of things:
Being a father did a lot to lighten Aegon III’s gloom (the broader realm/histories just didn’t observe this bc he was such a private person). This was especially the case with Daena. Daeron was always preoccupied with his martial training and Baelor with his faith, but Daena would spend long hours keeping her father company. She loved to hear stories about their family, and Aegon would tell her all about Rhaenyra and Daemon and his Velaryon brothers and childhood on Dragonstone. Aegon had spent so long trying to avoid those memories bc of his grief, but found telling his daughter about them therapeutic, and this helped him make some peace with his past in the last years of his life. He felt like he was doing right by his parents and brothers in passing down their memories. Daena would go on to tell many of those stories to her little sister Elaena and her son Daemon.
Aegon III got his three headed dragon necklace from Rhaenyra, and passed it down to Daena, who passed it down to Daemon. The necklace is still in the possession of Blackfyre descendents into the GOT era, and is considered a family heirloom.
Viserys used to climb into Aegon’s bed when he had a nightmare during their boyhood on Dragonstone. After their reunion, they would continue to share a bed on occasion, as they each felt most at peace in each others company, and this would help relieve some of Aegon’s insomnia. They did this most frequently in the years between Larra’s departure and Aegon consummating his marriage with Daenaera.
Aemon became Kingsguard in the last couple years of Aegon’s reign. Originally Viserys fervently argued against this, as he didn’t want his son swearing away the possibility of marriage and kids, but eventually Aemon convinced him that this was what he truly wanted. Gifting the white cloak to his nephew was one of Aegon’s proudest moments. When Aegon fell sick, Aemon was by his side helping care for him day and night, even beyond his duty as a Kingsguard.
Viserys didn’t tell Aegon he was going to name his son after him until after the babe was born. Aegon cried when he found out (stole this from another post).
Viserys didn’t call Aegon “Egg”, but Aegon did call his brother “Vis”.
It was Viserys who gifted Elaena her dragon egg. It wasn’t a cradle egg, but given to her when she was a few years old. Viserys hadn’t been able to convince Aegon to give eggs to his previous four children, but when Vis found an egg on Dragonstone that matched Elaena’s unique silver/gold hair, he took it as a sign. After much needling, Aegon finally relented, and from then on Elaena would carry around her dragons egg everywhere she went, just as her uncle had done years ago.
This one doesn’t count as happy, but I do think that one of the reasons why Viserys ascended the throne over Daena was because he believed that he was protecting her from sharing her brothers’ fates. I also think Daena proposed to unite their claims through marriage— citing Viserys' parents Daemon and Rhaenyra— but Viserys turned her offer down.
Aegon put off consummating his marriage with Daenaera largely because of his touch aversion, but also in part because he was just plain nervous. Cue Viserys “dad of three at 16” giving advice to his awkward 21 year old virgin brother. One night Aegon had resolved to finally bed Daenaera, only to hide himself away and not show up. Viserys dragged him to her chambers, and told him that if wasn’t ready to sleep with Daenaera that night he didn’t have to, but damn him if he is going to ditch his lovely sweet Queen after promising to spend the night with her. Aegon and Daenaera did not in fact consummate their marriage that night, but it did turn into a nice evening of getting to know each other better, and did much to ease both of their nervousness. Aegon thanked his brother later.
Aegon was never one for feasts and celebrations, but he would often make much more of an effort whenever Baela or Rhaena came to court (ofc under the condition that Morning either stay in Oldtown or be chained in the Dragon Pit). As such, Viserys would invite the twins to court whenever the found an excuse to do so, and they often celebrated their name day feast in Kings Landing. One time Rhaena even convinced Aegon to dance with her (albeit briefly) much to the delighted surprise of the court.
Viserys never remarried after Larra, but he did have a paramour in his later years that he was deeply fond of (got this one from a fanfic).
Viserys knew his brother didn’t have the best reputation in the Realm, and was very defensive of him. One day during Daeron’s rule one of the lords of the small council made the mistake of referring to Aegon as “the Dragonbane” where Viserys could hear. Viserys absolutely tore into him, threatening to ban the lord and his family from court for slandering their late king. Nobody made the mistake of using Aegon’s epithet in front of his brother again.
Viserys would often smile as he donned his Hand of the King pin during Aegon’s reign. He was beyond proud and honored to be his brothers right hand man. Aegon would sometimes refer to him as “my Lord Hand” because he loved how Viserys glowed at the title.
Many of these may be more bittersweet than "happy", but it's Aegon III and Viserys II so what's a girl to do🤷‍♀️
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I don’t know if this is ever actually discussed in the books, but what is Claudia’s actual last name? As a human, I mean. Do Lestat and Louis actually ever care to find out/ask her about it?
Canonically she does not have a last name, no.
In fact, even "Claudia" may be a given name by Lestat, as he calls her that when he takes her from the hospital for Louis. Given that she had been unconscious after Louis fed on her it is unlikely that she could have given him/them her name... (he might have picked it from her mind, maybe).
Claudia has among other things the meaning "enclosure", an apt description of what Lestat means for her to be in the book.
The show obviously took a different path here, as Claudia was more than able to say her own name when she crossed, and they took a different path with her origin story as well (I have theorized that this is an early setup for a parallel to Rose, as is the "Uncle Les").
As for her last name... Louis says they adopted her, though if he meant that literally or if it is just a phrase is left open to interpretation.
I am unsure what that means in legal aspects, if she would carry Louis' name?! If he adopted her legally then yes, she would be De Pointe Du Lac imho.
Personally I always headcanon her as "de Lioncourt" outside most of my fics because she is his by blood, after, and I believe Lestat would employ his lawyers to do the legal work, very much uncaring for any social restraints.
He does gift her family heirlooms, for example - he does see her as his daughter, and I believe he would wish to fix that legally as well.
PS: BC I just ran across that poll again - this isn't about whether she would have the right to choose her own name (she absolutely does)... but she HAD a name before she was turned. And then that was taken away by them. And became something else. And she probably loathed that, too.
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hungryhungryhalfling · 8 months
Character creation process
"Oh what if i made a tav that was my Main Tav and she was a halfling lesbian cleric of Yondalla who was raised by atheist scientists and wants to learn how to sword fight and prefers abjuration spells and doesn't really want a gf at this stage in her life and has a great friendship going with Gale (bc he reminds her of her dad) in spite of her SEVERE androphobia and is v awkward in social situations and eats enough to compete with Karlach even though it shouldn't be physically possible for her to consume as much food as she does and she adores art and wants to become a curator and once the adventure's over she ends up creating a Yondallan sanctuary/art gallery in Baldur's Gate (bc the nearest major Yondallan temple is all the way across the continent) where Small Folk (dwarves, halflings, and gnomes) can seek shelter but she'll make the occasional Big Folk exception and a major part of her personal quest (if she had one) would be finding a man who raped her when she was still a novice and stabbing the shit out of him and
what if i made a durge that was my Main Durge and she was a tiefling lesbian cleric of Kelemvor who doesn't want to hurt anyone and is terrified of herself and really wants to be a kinder person but if she think someone is Truly Awful (the goblins or the duergar) she will go apeshit on their asses and she keeps shutting down any possible lady romance bc she's scared she'll hurt them but has a great friendship going with Gale and she reflexively uses necromancy spells in combat even though she has mixed feelings about it due to her god and she did try to extend mercy to all of the Chosen bc she thought I Got a second chance Why shouldn’t They? but then the Chosen screw themselves over or say something shitty and she’s like Oh Well and she ADORES reading books and getting lost in stories and once the brain venture is over she goes and becomes a Kelemvorite librarian at a temple in another region (I'm thinking Calimport) to start anew yet again and
what if i made another tav that was a drow lesbian criminal bard who plays the violin like Lindsey Stirling and romances Lae'zel and while she's nice for the most part, but she's not above using intimidation and deception to get her way and she likes dying her hair purple and she murdered her family and is now the most wanted criminal in her homeland but she's on the surface bc she wanted to escape and
what if i made another tav that's a dwarf entertainer lesbian druid who likes to assume a cat form but really wants to learn how to turn into a Shetland pony and she prefers to use fire spells than plant spells and romances Shadowheart and she used to be a storyteller who told fables but she really wants to be a history scholar but she could never work up the money to attend any High Quality Academies and
what if I made another tav that's a halfling guild artisan bisexual monk who is romancing Astarion and whenever he makes Short comments she punches him in the dick stomach and she loves carpentry and will ramble for hours with Halsin about woodworking and she's from Rivington so she's streetsmart and she's journaling all of their adventures and plans to publish it all once the journey is over and
what if I made another tav that's a gnomish former noble bisexual paladin who used to be a princess of an island that no longer exists and now she travels Faerûn dispensing justice and healing folks and upholding an oath she swore to her family before they died and she loves using an heirloom glaive she's had since her younger days and she's romancing Gale and she didn't tell anyone about her upbringing bc she thought Why does it matter Everything I knew and Everyone I loved is gone It doesn't matter and Gale is trying so hard to convince her that it Does matter bc she carries their memories and remnants of their culture with her and
what if i made another tav that's a blue dragonborn bisexual ranger lady who grew up in extreme poverty and was almost kidnapped by someone for trafficking but escaped and found out that she loves living in the woods amongst animals and she's romancing Wyll but when she found out he was a Noble's Son she held him at arm's length for a while bc rich people usually spat on her in her homeland or tried to torment her for entertainment but Wyll continues to be sweet to her so she decides I can't Not fuck him and now he's talking about having children and she's wondering how the fuck did I get here and she's teaching him how to be a ranger now that he's the Blade of Avernus and she's his hunting partner and
what if i made another tav that's a lesbian half orc sorcerer that grew up as a deaconess among Selûnite worshippers but eventually left bc she decided she's agnostic and she's romancing Karlach and she's a FANTASTIC baker which the whole camp appreciates bc her mince pies are the bomb and she's trying so hard to be sweet even though people are put off by her being a half orc and
what if i made another tav that is just Me in the game and she's a lesbian human wizard who was yoinked out of our day and age while she was on her way to the office and suddenly now that she's in the Forgotten Realms she can learn magic and she is really excited to be in a world where she can DO FUCKING MAGIC and as she's learning more about the world she's trying to piece together connections between our world and the Forgotten Realms and also trying to explain our world to the companions and they are intrigued but also think What in the Fuck is That Place and she apprentices under Gale to try and learn history as well as magic and she's horrified by the amount of violence she now encounters on a daily basis and she is always desperate to take a nice hot shower bc hiking around for months not knowing when you can take a bath fucking sucks and she also has imposter syndrome bc she's wondering why tf it was her that got picked up by mind flayers bc she doesn't think she's all that worthy of actually being on a wondrous fantasy adventure and she partially thinks this is a dream she's going to wake up from and have to go to work again and live a boring non magic life and
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hobidreams · 2 years
so, the ring was an heirloom ring from his gma so we had to get it reset bc it was in a relatively old-fashioned setting. that was four weeks ish ago and they said it would take like 8+ weeks so i was eagerly waiting to see it. 
yesterday he asked me to go with him to this place near the garden where we had our first date to pick up something for a friend. he said it was big enough that 2 people had to carry it LOL so i went and suspected NOTHING. but then we were “early�� so i suggested we walk in the garden (like he planned hahaha). halfway through he was like “i have a confession to make... there is no [thing]” and then he got down on one knee!!! the whole ‘confession’ phrase is actually how he asked me out for the first time 🥺🥺🥺🥺 
I BUFFERED FOR A WHOLE MINUTE LMAO i was like WAIT WHAT ISNT OUR RING STILL IN THE SHOP ???? but turns out he paid $$$ for a rush order so he could surprise me on April 30th bc that’s our 2000th day anniversary (inside joke LOL) 😭😭😭
HE SURPRISED ME SO WELL LMAO i was literally saying as we walked up to the place like “omg do you remember our first date?” and he was like “no? we were here?” FADIJADSFJKFSAJD 🤡 hahaha but yeah thats the story hehehe 
here is the bling ✨✨✨
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she is beautiful and im obsessed w her :’) excuse the blurry car photo LOL the lighting sucks rn so i cant take another one hahah
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frosted-night · 3 years
Because I missed Krampusnacht(December 5th) and St Nicholas Day(December 6th) heres a late Krampus n North hc post 👉👉
Krampus does have a disguise form that makes him resemble a human, but the lack of horns makes that form fall out of favor with North. Krampus teases North on occassion about it but North knows what hes about.
North actually loves how many holidays take place in his season. He likes to check on North Pole citizens and see their differing holidays from their own religions. He's even helped repair a few family holiday heirlooms for them when it appeared they weren't going to last much longer. He's very respectful towards those holidays and even participated in some years ago.
North has also woven prayer rugs for citizens of muslim faith. Tooth helped him with making Hijabs and other head coverings.
Krampus regularly attends North's feast on December 6th. The citizens of the north pole have become accustomed to the sight of him and know he isn't there to harm anyone.
One of their favorite passtimes is sitting together n watching corny/bad horror movies. Krampus just enjoys the campiness and North laughs at the pathetic attempts at jumpscares.
North finds it adorable how Krampus has a soft spot for smaller children. He tends to try not to scare them despite it happening anyway. It can take the wind out of his sail before North comes to his rescue.
Krampus has a high resistance to the cold, since he lives in The Matterhorn, but still decides to wear clothes anyway. At most he can be seen wearing a robe similar to North's but in a darker shade of red. He's only started wearing it in the last hundred years or so and he gives a different answer everytime someone asks him why he wears it.
Krampus does in fact have a long tongue that traditional pieces depicted him with. North gets a little rosey faced if Krampus is sticking it out at him, nobody questions it or they just refuse to acknowledge it.
They take turns who is what spoon but nine times out of ten they wake up back to back or one on the cold floor bc too much body heat. The price of both partners having similar bear-esque body types.
Like North, Krampus can be very good at making hand crafted things. He doesn't make toys but rather little accessories for himself or his followers to wear such as rings, chains, costumes etc. He usually makes North's costumes for the Krampusnacht parades and in return North makes him new sacks to carry switches and fake children in.
Krampus is often North's impulse control or somehow the one on standby quietly filming just in case it makes for a funny memory. The guardians are thankful for that because North can be TOO extra sometimes and needs to be dialed back every now and then.
They do have pet names for each other. Its usually; "Nicky, Kholey, St.Klaus," and "Kram-Bam and Kramp." They are mostly used when they are by themselves or if they're around the other yule spirits.
If North is blasting xmas music, Krampus is the one who slowly keeps turning the volume down until its comoletely off. He can only take so many covers of Last Christmas and Mariah Carey before he's gonna break something.
Despite him slightly joking about how dadly North is, Krampus is not immune to adopting someone or becoming a father figure to someone. Jack can attest to it with a story how after their first year of knowing each other, Krampus made him a new pair of pants.
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extravalgant · 3 years
pls talk more about this switch-up AU you mentioned in the tags of ur one-eyed Jack post! ive got no idea what it is but i am intrigued!!
ITS SOMETHING IVE BEEN BREWING IN MY HEAD MAINLY...!! i just wanted to get that little piece out or else id (implodes)
basically the switch up au has the pirate and wizard switch places between their stories....!!
thats the most basic premise of it but it was meant to develop and explore both the way i characterize my versions of the pirate and the wizard
theres no specific place meant for them to switch bc the origins of this au was me thinking about how each mc would react during core and prominent moments in each story... (pirate marleybone with the wizard, having the wizards previous experience in mind; parts of arc 3 with the pirate - most notably how they handle a world ingrained with magic and having no crew, having to build it up from level 1)
IVE... EVEN GONE AS FAR AS TO MAKE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FOR IT bc if our wizard is so grossly overpowered in a world rife with pirates then it would offset the equilibrium...!! and my characters are meant to balance that for the time being by being like hey . ur going to destroy the order in the spiral so let me just (puts magic inhibitors on u)
im worried about how the pirate part may fair but i think our pirate excels in places our wizard often falls short of as well, so that way it doesnt feel like im favoring the wizard over the pirate
but . perhaps ill talk about them another day t_t...!!!
im gonna delve more into the jack and wiz stuff below though 💔 this post might get long bc im rotted
- ANYWAYS. part of my jack and wizard post was headcanon bc we don't even know jacks origins which makes it fun to play around with. in my own theory he came from wysteria and something happened that made him cut off ties from there and delve into a pirates life where his talents would be better suited than to stand guard at a school for rich kids
- he and the wizard get acquainted during the tournament (i say this loosely though - not sure how well the timelines would interact but its a nice starting point) to the point of friendship. then we all know the wizard wins the tournament and leaves, and the two part ways until the switch up au happens
- part of what i was planning on writing included a moment where the reunion happens at flotsam purely by accident when the wizard is looking for information the 'pirate' way when they reunite. there we get to see a different side of jack not presented in game where parts are revealed (this partly due to jacks wishes of wanting his private life to stay private for business and personal related reasons) about his past. nothing more past 'the wizard and i go quite a ways back' and 'jack helped me out when i was in a tight spot'
- my #tenderwritingvalmoment comes when the wizard returns a small heirloom to jack that he previously thought that he had lost. in my head it was a necklace with sentimental value but it could be anything LOL. anyways the wizard returns it and jack is surprised the wizard hadnt sold it given it was made of "pure valencian gold" (? dont know if valencian has gold but it was meant to showcase how expensive it would be LMFAO u can tell i only know bare minimum of pirate stuff)
- wizard replies all confused like "of course id return it to you. id think you would miss something like this" or something along the lines that implies that the wizard is sensitive to other people's emotions and is meant to showcase how expressive they can be compared to a seasoned and rugged pirate like jack whos probably only used to treachery
- the rest of the crew is also meant to compare the way the wizard and their captain carry themselves – while they know their captain to carry themselves with dignity and confidence, the wizards words are much more delicate and emotional. they let too much emotion show on their face, allow themselves to get tricked despite obvious signs, help people no matter what - and it makes them curious!
also makes them think the wizard is a bit of a fool but maybe thats a given.... the wizard cant help but wear their heart on their sleeve 💔
- also ill admit that this was also a way for both npcs and characters to interact with both mc's and gain new insight to the way they behave...
(and bc i want to see reactions hehe. heh)
- the wizard struggles to work in a group dynamic setting bc they are so used to working by themselves and shouldering everything... it puts an initial strain on their relationshipn with the pirate's crew bc they feel as if the wizard is underestimating their capabilities
- the pirate struggling on their own for the first time, shocked at how isolated wizards tend to be, surprising other people when they ask for help bc the wizard they knew didnt ask for help!
(the wizard they knew was also on the verge of a breakdown but i digress)
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captainadwen · 3 years
random thoughts from act 3 of 1.6
- kaeluc kaeluc kaeluc kaeluc kaeluc
- “albedo is good at evading uncomfortable situations” YEAH NO KIDDING LOL
- further confirmation that the portal/seelie/upside-down domain is part of mond that venti yeeted. fave theory i’ve seen on this regard is thousand winds temple. second fave is remnants of pilos peak
- i like how it seems to be implying that kaeya’s story quest wasn’t just random and he... might actually be related to the survivors of the island? if the theory that the first group of stranded people were from khaenri'ah is true, and it was a pirate crew that seemingly helped everyone escape....
- honestly an entire huge thread about kaeya/khaenri’ah-mond implications can be made. sure, half of it is grasping into thin strands because mhy won’t give us a direct answer until a decade from now probably but its still interesting (especially, imo, the stranded pirate(?)/sailor and the local who together found the way out. very enemies to lovers. kaeya’s grandparents maybe? great-grandparents? mhy give us answers)
- plus, someone had to leave an heirloom behind. everyone seems to be getting the berserker’s cup, but that might just be.... idk
- celestia still continues to be Not Visible
- i got co-op locked out of the whirlpool secret puzzle area (thanks, mhy) so i could never read those tablets but i think someone mentioned it was related to astronomy and seeing the stars?
- when the newcommers talk about the outside world, the only one that the natives comment on is liyue. now, this is probably just a sort of general baffledness about everything, but it would be very amusing if in the period of time the first people got stranded, liyue itself didn’t exist yet. the guili plains, on the other hand....
- this would also mean that the first iterations of mond and inazuma pre-date liyue harbor. unlikely, but still interesting nonetheless
- sayid’s mural timeline, iirc, was: 1. shipwreck, but natives already there, 2. later shipwreck, this time probably carrying the ‘general’ 3. escape which... idk where im going with this but i found it interesting. i still dont understand the last one with a star though
- in general i still think this has something to do with either khaenri’ah or very bored adepti/gods, but more on khaenri’ah just bc it makes a fair amount of sense. as usual, i love all the hints that mond was the closest nation to khaenri’ah...
- kaeluc kaeluc kaeluc kaeluc
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booperbeanv3 · 2 years
IDK IF I COUNT AS A MUTUAL BUT PLEASE INFORM ME ABT THE AU YOU SPEAK OF,,,,, I’m running out of writing ideas (lie)
basically it's a teen-sitcom-style modern au. title is a work in progress but i've been thinking of writing out myself bc i just think it would be really funny
tankoubon kinda thing with a backing plot [when will the gays get together] but it's mostly just banter: the novel
ages are. idk yet but susato is probably early to mid teens and kazuma/ryuunosuke are late teens [they're deaged bc the 7 year age difference would mean either susato is super young or asoryuus are too old for funnie teen shit]
protag/pov chara is susato bc i think it would be funny. the story starts at some sorta out-of-context asoryuu bit and the whole "freeze. let's rewind to the ACTUAL beginning" thing happens
[exposition below]
a few weeks ago kazuma came back from school after the speech competition he was preparing for for a while. he is absolutely livid. sorta at everything, mostly himself bc he flubbered up the last bit and "Will Forever Bear The Shame On His Shoulders" [basically normal canon]
he starts ranting about how his "guaranteed win" is now no longer guaranteed ["oh that's a shame you're very clear and reasonable about your opinions" "ik susato but let me finish"] and that instead of him some... guy ended up getting the lead instead
this. didn't make him mad actually. he just felt really intense during the whole thing
like yeah he had a good speech and the way he spoke was pleasing to listen to. he has a smooth way of speaking that goes really nicely over the ear. but seriously? he would've totally done better if he didn't fuck up
so then he's like "there is something about him that's sticking out to me and it bothers me because he is [quite literally] SO boring. he bothers me so much and every time i pass by him i have this urge"
"to what?"
"to... i don't know. i think i hate him"
cue susato internal facepalm. "maybe talk to him about it"
"yeah i'll give him a piece of my mind"
and cue next day after school where he does the stupid "why do you speak like that" and ryuu even stupider goes "it's a hobby. speaking fast" and they instantly gel and kazuma never brings ryuunosuke up to susato again until he suddenly comes to their house
to kazuma it's cool bc ryuunosuke wants to see his sword or w/e hey look susato SOMEONE thinks i'm not clinging onto old hopes
but susato is like. "isn't this the guy you wanted to maim and kill two weeks ago"
back to the present. that's all i have down that's clear
i imagine that susato and rei would have regular talks about random things. school, home, other friends, kazuma. eventually this distant fruitiness will ping into susato's head and she'll bring it up to rei
this starts a tumbling snowball where as asoryuus develop more and susahaos keep chitter chattering kazuma and susato realise they gave the gay to each other
they always had suspicions about the other but never themselves
kazuma probably figures it out first though and after that susato is like "shit maybe i do like rei" and then is like "but i'm not a pretty bishounen charmer! how will we ever be more than friends" and pov Susato Goes Masc [ryuutarou]
i literally have no idea what to do with ryuutarou but i'll figure it out
other funny things to include:
ryuunosuke has archery club outside of school on weekends and falls asleep with the guard on hence why he wears it all the time
karuma still exists and is old as balls. idk if kazuma still carries her around all the time bc i don't think you can wave big swords around school hallways [regardless on its family heirloom status] so it's probably in his room somewhere perfectly cared for and regularly used for training
this is 70% of the reason why he has no friends [he is feared or made fun of this is a 50/50 divide]
susato is still a devout fan of herlock sholmes, legendary british detective who is still alive bc yuujin is. there'll probably be a chapter where he comes to [country] and she's super excited and gets her books signed while ryuunosuke casually goes "oh yeah we're good friends he stumbled upon us when asougi passed out" and yuujin is super super casual with sholmes and yeah her dad fucked herlock sholmes
"were all those business trips to the UK because you were fornicating with mr. sholmes answer me honestly"
lastly i imagine asoryuus and susahaos share the same link about super Super gay best friends [ryuu and rei] and their oblivious partners [kazuma and susato]
that's all i have planned. susato would be a wingwoman but honestly kazuma seems fiery enough to stumble into this whole thing by accident and make a whole plan on how to maximise ryuunosuke time bc "the intense feeling hasn't gone away and i need to look through things further" and oh. ohhhhh it's because- pov relationship blossoms.
susahaos are a little more blurry but i want to make them important too it is GUARANTEED [literally susato is the protagonist]
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birdmanart · 4 years
Some more Naruto OC/Curious Counselor misc. art!
OC Post here.
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1. The Kitagawa family heirloom, the Sword of Nine Lights. Previously wielded by Kiki’s uncle Mizutaka, now it is theirs. I think I made the blade way too long, lol. (Before you @ me, two-bladed swords did exist in Japan at one point! I’m choosing to believe that this weapon was the result of perhaps one single person keeping them alive.) I don’t know if it can do anything special but it does have a story!
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2. Kiki’s storage seal tattoo. Again, I need to reiterate that literally everything about these characters and this universe is self-indulgent, so I allowed myself to p much go ham with the concepts. Since Kiki isn’t physically strong and also was obsessed with sealing as a kid, they made this self-sustaining seal in order to carry gear w/o extra weight. It’s on their left hand purely because I saw Syaoran pulling his sword out of his hand in TRC and promptly decided that was the absolute coolest shit ever.
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3. Kiki’s ANBU mask. They only actually have it in maybe one or two universes but I really wanted to design it! Their mask codename is Shrike, because small and bird-themed and stabs things!
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4. Ayano’s poison mask. I tend to use the wiki extensively for reference bc my memory is bad, and I saw a mention that Ame shinobi often use rebreathers bc of the constant rain & water. When designing Ayano, I thought it would be really cool if she had a rebreather that also let her breath poison. In reality the vials are probably in metal w/ less breakage risk, but I just can’t resist drawing colorful liquids in glass! The upper vent is for aerosolizing toxins, while the lower is for breathing. Ayano’s poisons are mixed, not any sort of bloodline, so the mask also protects her from herself.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
okay but if bianca was already like....5/6/7 before chris was even born, is that the age difference in the "evil world" canon? or is it a weird thing with phoenixes + aging?
i mean,, i can’t think of a reason it wouldn’t be bc like. at that point we are still very much on track for a dark future chris has not made the change necessary to save wyatt as evident by the fact that when bianca drags his ass back to the future it’s still the dark future. so like. if we were to eliminate futureboy!chris from this timeline right now the future would carry on into the dark future where this age gap would still be there, and then obviously it’s still then in the altered/changed/fixed timeline bc like that’s the timeline we’re following. we already saw kid bianca and we saw chris y’know be born and exist. i don’t really wanna tinker with aging for phoenixes bc like. i feel like it just gets difficult defining the rules and figuring out how they apply all that how she ages into the future like this that and the other and then if you’re doing that you also have to take into account how they mentally age bc it doesn’t matter if bianca physically ages slower than chris so like idk they’re both physically 18 at the same time, she’d still mentally have 5 years on him which i feel like the only reason to change the way bianca ages would be to make this age gap less weird and that doesn’t quite do that if anything i feel like it makes it weirder if i were to add anything to the lore with phoenixes & aging it would be something to do with what happens when they die y’know like some “phoenix rising from the ashes schtick” and if i were to do that it would be like okay so this is just the origin myth i have in my head blah blah blah we have our og phoenix who’s a witch in salem and she’s just a normal witch seeing all these witch trials and is like ruh roh and this is an au where they actually like burn witches in salem but also an au where witches actually exist so let’s start there and she’s seeing all these women burned at the stake and idk maybe they got her coven or maybe someone ratted her out she knows the end is nigh so she goes out to seek some mythic phoenix and something something something or other idk she completes three great tasks and earns a phoenix feather and she fuses herself with the phoenix magic (thus giving her the phoenix mark) and then the witch hunters find her and burn her at the stake and uhh that hurts like a motherfucker an she ends up extra crispy and they’re like okay that was fun and idk everyone goes to bed for the night in their little puritan village as our lovely og phoenix’s charred body starts to slowly try to heal itself and basically drags it’s charred skeletal ass into the woods and lays there for three days and three nights as her body slowly starts to reconstitute itself blah blah blah give it a week and she’s basically a full human again and she finds that while she retained basic magic she lost her active powers blah blah blah she swears to get vengeance on those who wronged her and idk stick to the shadows somewhere along the lines she finds she can obtain new powers when she has her daughter (not her first bc she first was burned in the witch trials rip) her daughter is born with the same phoenix mark and no active powers and blah blah blah she becomes really really old as you do when you age something or other she’d like on deaths door and let’s say idk her house is burning down or something so she goes in to save something idk an heirloom or like her great granddaughter and saves her but like dies in the fire but wait what’s this once again a charred skeleton is trying to pull itself back together it’s the original phoenix and she’s now the same age she was when she was first “reborn” from the fire and so the first phoenix i’d say lived for probs a couple centuries just you know self immolate on her deathbed & be born again until she finally like tapped out you know lived a full enough life that she’s like okay this has been fun goodbye fr now But i do not think all phoenixes have this power (which uhh can really only be learned the hard way) i think maybe like three people tops (including our original phoenix) have this rebirth gift the rest like if you burn to death u burn to death end of story but this also then gave the phoenix traditions of a) burning their dead and b) a firewalk to symbolize the final steps into adulthood. and i do think there are some like really extreme crazed phoenixes (is that really the plural? okay google says the plural is phoenix or phoenixes or phoenices which are all fun imo) who do like think they’ve been blessed with this gift but it’s like. it’s all or nothing. you have to actually die in a fire to find out. so like. is it worth it? some people have said yes, but the answer is actually No. Okay All That Being Said yes i’d give bianca this gift bc she is Chosen she’s Special also i love her and think it’s sick as fuck so it’s like. she could have died in a fire when she was like a toddler or something blah blah blah and then let’s say when she was like idk six i guess she was stabbed? for some reason? we’ll say a demon and her mother, knowing that she was born with this gift promptly uhh lit her daughter on fire and then out of the ashes got a lil toddler again then that would put her at the same biological age and relatively closer to the mental age of chris as i image lynn would have wiped bianca’s memory a wee bit after all that But that is like A Lot bianca dying as a kid so i don’t think i’d do All That i’m just keeping them with a slightly under 5 year age gap (bianca’s a sagittarius born in 1999) and just give them the journey of Not knowing each other’s ages to bianca learning she’s like Five Whole Years older than chris and proceeding to tease him for being like a tiny baby child despite chris being like what 21 when he knows her she’s like oh sorry shouldn’t you be like studying for your sat or something? or idk they’ll be watching some movie made in like 2008 and bianca will be like oh didn’t this come out the year you were born? can you even legally drive? (no, he can’t, he does not have a driver’s license) bc like. it’s weird. they bridge the century y’know i think it really freaks her out that he was 2004 bc mentally she’s like okay you should be like 15? 16? but again it’s like i really want they’re relationship to be this slow burn so while they might meet when he’s like freshly 21 and she’s 25 going on 26 they probably won’t start dating for idk like 3-4 years so then they’re like what 25 and 30 which like. idk i don’t think is that weird. it’s like how in university undergrads will date grad students and there’ll be like a four year split but it’s not incredibly weird bc they’re both relatively at the same states in their life but like an undergraduate dating a high schooler is a major red flag bc they are both in insanely different places in their life like bro if ur dropping them off at their parent’s house & then driving back to your apartment you share w three friends like reassess. please. but i think in regards to chris & bianca and their age gap, when they meet they’re both relatively in the same “era” in life (is there where i mention chris is a college drop out bc he is) and when they grow they grow together
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spearcast · 5 years
SO  i finally finished the Roz Rundown as i’ve been calling it, the general correct timeline and story lines of Roz as to where i’ve gotten here. i’m putting it under the cut. she LONG so if ya’ll read this i apologize
Born alongside her twin sister on Tatooine to mother Yvait Pabura. Roz is born with yellow eyes like her father. Both twins have their mother’s brown hair. Lyn, however, has regular brown eyes. Both have sharp canines.
THE DEFINING INCIDENT;  at the age of four, Roz kills a Zygerrian slaver with the Force in defense of her and her sister, and Force-chokes another in defense of her new adopted togruta mother, Roxxa Vela. Her birth mother killed the Zygerrian slaver with her slugthrower rifle and buried both of them in the sandy yard away from the farm.
When Roz turned eight, four years after said defining incident, Luke Skywalker showed up on their doorstep. Well- in reality, he had been showing up on the Pabura farm’s doorstep and talking with Yvait, and visiting the children. It was just that at eight, Yvait gave both Roz and Lyn the option to go with Luke and train at his Jedi temple on Dantooine. Lyn was unsure, and hesitant; ultimately, the “elder” twin declined and wished to stay with her mothers all year round. Roz, however, at the pushing of her best friend Jhoren and the encouragement from Luke himself, jumped at the chance to train with the legendary Skywalker.
Roz trains with Luke and the other padawans until she’s 12. Through these years she returns to Tatooine every other season so she can still keep close with her family. She’s transported by friends of the Harsh family (Yvait’s mother’s family), the Taaks- Nesota, T’seri, and their hybrid daughter Tabiit. This creates a bond between the Taaks and Roz, especially as Tabiit becomes sort of an older sister to the girl.
The year that Roz is 12 is the year Ben goes fucking crazy. “Canon” says he didn’t kill anyone, but in actuality he did. The transformation from Ben Organa-Solo into Kylo Ren is a bloody one, and Roz stumbles out of her hut to be greeted by the dead bodies of her fellow students, everything in flames, the Knights of Ren, the three or so remaining padawans at Ben’s side, and Ben- with his hands bloody and his lightsaber reddening, extending those bloody hands to her. He asks her to trust him and come with her, where she’ll be safe. And she almost takes his hand but after feeling the rush of cold come off of him and the others she turns and jumps into the ocean despite not knowing how to swim. She manages to survive despite being hurled against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff; she gets herself into an eroded alcove and only after she feels the lot of them leave, begins climbing the steep steps that lead her back up. Luke is distraught, sobbing, screaming at the bodies of all of the fallen- when he senses Roz, and goes to her, and the two embrace and cry and mourn and he promises her he’s going to get her to safety. He’s going to get her home. In his hidden escape ship he calls Leia and Han, he calls Yvait, he calls Nesota for back up just in case those who did this to his temple return.
They’re just leaving Dantooine’s atmosphere when his ship is attacked by Alrai Kal’eeb, Roz’s biological father, and his crew of pirates and slavers. The Order is offering big money to anyone who can find any force sensitive kids and bring them to Snoke (and his new pet). Luke will always define this as his final great failing- after failing all of the padawans at his temple, he feels he failed Roz by not saving her from her father’s clutches.
Alrai Kal’eeb being a stupid, ugly man doesn’t realize as he and his buds are jetting away from Luke’s damaged ship that the Amazon and the Taaks family are there to kick ass and take names. In the skirmish while the ships are connected, Tabiit finds Roz and rescues her and carries her back to the Amazon where they disconnect with Nesota and T’seri and flee to safety. (T’seri goes back for Luke in their personal ship and takes Luke to where Leia and Han are.) Roz, after going back to Tatooine to her family who is crying and so, so happy she’s safe, decides to fly with the Taaks for a little while and offer her service to them for saving her life. They agree, also because staying in one location would draw too much attention and they don’t want the Order to track her down. At fourteen, two years later, they return to Tatooine so Roz can go back to her family.
This is a mistake though! If only because that’s when Roz stumbles upon her farm under siege by the Order. Ren and Hux and Phasma are at the helm for the first times in their lives in the Order and they’ve got Roxxa and Yvait tied up and on their knees before Ren and Hux. Lyn is nowhere to be found. Hux ends up shooting both Roxxa and Yvait and Roz does the smart, terribly scarred thing to do and runs back to the Taaks.
Roz transforms. She is no longer Roz Nuun Pabura. She is now Roz Sunborne. The Taaks take care of her and Roz stays with Tabiit when she pairs up with an old friend, Corellian and Mandalorian bounty hunter and space pirate, Rhys Th’on. The trio bond and help each other. It’s within the next two years that Roz also is gifted the Taaks’ family heirloom connected to the Force- the lava crystal lightsaber belonging to their great grandmother Aremna Taaks, who was a Jedi but left the Order bc she wanted a FAMBILY. (Aremna Taaks may or may not be a technical sister or cousin of Ahsoka Tano.) The lightsaber calls to her and Roz /loves/ it. This is in addition to the one she built at Luke’s temple (the one with the krayt dragon pearl as the crystal which is a silvery-yellow color).
Roz needs a teacher! So she, Tabiit, and Rhys search out the vibes Roz is getting and they meet up with Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Roz has THREE teachers. Well, two technically, but Sabine loves her and teaches her what she can because fuck it. Fuck it. Roz gets to be trained by the coolest motherfuckers. Die mad about it if you’re mad about it. This info will most likely shift a little when the Ahsoka & Sabine Hunt Down Ezra show eventually comes out.
Roz is 17 when she starts hunting down Kylo. She’s still 17 when she decides to join the Order for a bit after dabbling with the Resistance also. She is technically a double agent via Leia’s orders but she still is doing it for selfish reasons.
It’s a stint of a year and a half with the Order before she gets hit with reality and accidentally kills Kosmik’s aunt and is only praised for it by Kylo. This disturbs her greatly! So deeply! It’s after this that the Siege of Quarzite happens and while at first Roz is like !!!! FUCK YEA it’s then revealed the Order wanted to essentially kidnap the Kage people because of their prowess as warriors and turn them into enslaved soldiers. Roz is like oh wow I fucked up!! In this time she starts getting really strong with the Force and almost rips some of the Knights of Ren apart during training the last time before she yeets out of the Order. Kylo is like… she’s just fucking mad it’s whatever. OG Ren Ren (aka original Ren?? I’ve only read a little about him but he seems interesting and weird I like him) is like… nah man she’s Different. (This would be the spot in the story where it’s starting to hint at Roz being the descendant of Revan.)
She kills her dad somewhere in that year and a half also. That story is really good and it’s when she’s found by Tabiit and Rhys before Kylo finds her and it’s. It’s good. Roz’s patricide is actually meaningful and not horrible and it’s a moving on point. It’s one of the reasons she starts becoming herself rather than living in Kylo’s shadow still. Baby’s growing up.
Roz leaves the Order! She’s so fucking lost! There’s a funny story in here somewhere where Hux actually assists in her escape because he a) hates her fucking guts and b) wants to see Ren suffer and c) is almost completely sure she has none of the Order’s information which is……. Wrong. But. She doesn’t have enough info to stop what happens in TLJ I guess. Might rewrite some stuff. But this is also where her story starts pulling away from the main line. Roz really doesn’t want to associate with Kylo ever again, she hates him a lot more than she could ever love him, and she just gets ANGRIER but she gets angrier with a PASSION and a FIRE and an UNDERSTANDING of how she feels. No more vague feelings and no more wanting to save him.
She’s like 19-20 when she gets a vision of her Aunt Cora (her dad’s sister, Kage warrior mama) and also of a woman who may or may not be Shmi Skywalker reminding her that Jhoren is on Tatooine and that he needs help breaking the slave trade once and for all. She calls in anyone she’s met within the past years- which, again, somewhere in there the Amazon gets her crew and is joined by Khorde Khell and his ships (the Tuskat Retribution, the Revenant Concordia, and the Zakkeg Bolide) as well as gathers the Teal Squadron and the like; somewhere in there she meets and loves up on Miss Badass Senator of Coruscant Lenore Baccre Moorheart and also somewhere in there dearest Lenore becomes a FORCE to be RECKONED WITH (Padme would be proud mama ILU so much).
The Crew Stage A Slave Revolt On Tatooine. They Kill A Lot Of Slavers. They Kill A Lot Of Hutts. Goodbye Hutts. Tatooine Belongs To The Sand People Now. And The Criminals. And The Slaves Most Of All Because They Are Not Slaves Anymore. Fuck You Star Wars Tatooine Has No More Slaves. There Was No Bargain Bitches!!!!!!
Uhhhh also Roz gets really fucked up when Luke dies. She feels it in her bones. She gets kinda confused when Kylo dies tho. She’s like…. Yay? But Also??? Screaming??
When Luke dies Roz has a meeting with his force ghost on Tatooine during a binary sunset because I’m emo. That’s Her Dad. Like Her Real Dad. Fuck that other guy. But also Roz is like wait have you blue hallucinations always been force ghosts??? And Luke is like ALWAYS?? Turns out Roz’s special connection to the Force is being able to talk really easily with the Force ghosts!! Fuck those 5 minutes Rey had with all of them- Roz even talks to ANAKIN even though she doesn’t realize who it is. She talks to him a lot, actually. (They’re very similar okay??? OKAY??? I know it’s super OP but let me live, she’s Special alright, she’s my Special Little Baby Who Talks To Ghosts And Kills Things)
So like… she helps the Resistance return the Kage to Quarzite where they create their own happy peaceful empire, she reunites with Lyn because Lyn doesn’t die in this one!! Haha retcon. We still kill their moms tho sadly. But like!! Yay the Galaxy is at Peace!! Oh ALSO Roz is the descendant of Ancient Sith Lord Darth Revan and Badass Bitch Bastila Shan. Roz is like IDK who those people are but cool cool I guess.
Then she returns to the Temple on Dantooine and discovers the ruins of the Jedi Enclave and finds a MASK and turns out Roz is haunted cause she gets fucked up by all of the Force Ghosts who tell her some SHIT is coming but she’s like ???? Why?????? Everything is PEACEFUL why can’t it STAY peaceful???
And then BAM Sith Lord Hyaljenasha “Yaljen” sith pureblood who has been frozen for thousands of years (was around when Revan was around, just not powerful then) and when he awakes he’s like….. That’s a Revanchist force signature singing if I’ve ever FELT one! And he’s like…. Obsessed with Roz a little but he wants to train her
He’s got novitiates which are like his apprentices but he’s so technically old (even tho physically he’s closer to Roz’s age, so like between 22 and 27) that he doesn’t believe in the rule of two lmfao. He’s got Nevtay Strake who’s an Umbaran force sensitive, she’s a snooty bitch who wants everything to burn. He’s got Johaale Garnak who’s Chiss and unfortunately not force sensitive, but they’re a boss ass motherfucker who knows how to fight with weapons especially a lightsaber. They’re cool. Like. Chaotic neutral. Not even evil wtf. He’s also got Carnhea Wellew, a twi’lek woman who is supposed to be a juxtaposition to Roz- they’re very similar, Carnhea has been through some shit and is angry because of it and she needed direction with her immense force abilities. Yaljen is that direction for all three of them! They Love Him a lot and are Way Too Attached to him and while he cares about them also he kinda becomes one-track-minded when Roz Revandescendant comes into play cause he’s like…. Whew…. Wipe me off the face of the GALAXY please. Lemme teach you. Please.
The reason they’ve gone undetected since Yaljen’s awakening is bc he was like…… WOW the force is fucked up now. It wasn’t this fucked up when I went under. We gotta lay low. Gotta literally keep the Force close to the chest here. So they fly under the radar! Amazingly enough!
This is where I’ve gotten. Roz and the crew are like….. HM….. Yaljen is very kinda scary and he has a hold on a lot of strings that we don’t know about but we can’t kill him outright bc he’s so powerful and has powerful darkside followers and also fuckin Johaale who’s a batshit talented motherfucker…
Roz is like. Teach? Him teach? I learn his secrets and destroy him? And everyone at first is like you just didn’t get to do that to Kylo so you want to do that to Yaljen but then they realize it’s probably for the best to wait it out until they can get like. HELP.
Roz has training stints with Yaljen. Yaljen sexy! Roz is like Hm. Yaljen adores Roz and is very patient with her and is very kind and reassuring and Roz is like HM.
Poe and Finn are also gay I’m making canon now. I say this because they appear sometimes! As the heads of the Resistance as it stands they interact quite a bit with all of the squad. Sometimes there are double dates with FinnPoe and Jhorhys (Rhys and Jhoren), sometimes triple dates including ChorZeebs. It’s cute!
IDK where to go from here so I’m just gonna…… leave this all here for now
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kewltie · 6 years
so i have this weird complicated canon bakudeku love story stewing in my head about how in the third year katsuki and izuku kinda dance around each other a lot. izuku made a promise to all might that after he graduated he would tour around the world with him (seeing diff heroes from diff areas and how they fight and to learn from them) and katsuki uh inadvertently confessed to him near the end of their third year even knowing that izuku is going to leave japan for like several years???? who knows when he’ll even back but katsuki doesn’t give a shit and confessed anyway bc this feeling is too large and heavy for him to carry alone.
katsuki is the one who is fully committed to building a romantic relationship with izuku and izuku (SURPRISED) is the one hesitant about it bc all might is dying and he’s trying to carry on the legacy of his hero and mentor and he doesn’t think he can be in love, let alone a relationship right now. so they made a deal to sort of ‘date’ for the last couple of months of their school year and during that time izuku starts to develop feelings for katsuki. can you make someone fall in love within three months? katsuki fucking sure he can do it bc it’s izuku and katsuki has never been surer of anything beside his place as the top hero and izuku by his side. he wants this, he wants this badly enough that he’s going to give it everything he got. so they awkwardly date the way ultra competitive teenagers who are obsessed with winning and their dreams to become top heroes do lol. so from their first date (all their handholdings and kisses bc apparently katsuki shamelessly loves them; “can i kiss you?” he would always ask bc he knows he can’t take izuku for granted and izuku swallows around the thrumming beat of his heart before he nods, always giving in to katsuki in the end) and to their last kiss on the day of their graduation. 
izuku knows this time he’s finally in love w/ katsuki (he had always love katsuki but izuku is made out of love and he loved katsuki in the same way like he loves his friends, mom, and all might and he just love them all but there’s never been anyone special to him and that’s the diff). so when he realizes how his love for katsuki had balloon into something different and unrecognizable now it scares him at first bc in the past three months that he ‘dated’ katsuki he learns in all the way katsuki had grown so far. how katsuki tried to be gentle and understanding with izuku and it doesn’t always work out bc katsuki get impatient and izuku is relunclant but he TRIES AND TRIES SO HARD ANYWAY. this katsuki’s anger and abrasiveness is tempered by the years at U.A., the struggles of learning to be a hero, and the friends they got around them. he is still the same prickly katsuki as always but now also much more bc he get also get to see what katsuki is like when he’s in love; all consuming, devoted, and obsessively like how he pursue his dream of being a top hero one day. he loves izuku with a certaintly that is unbending and unshakable and izuku doesn’t know how anyone can deny katsuki this when he gives his all to something it’s a beautiful and terrifying thing. BUT ofc izuku has always been the one exception in katsuki’s life lol :((( bc in order to keep his promise to all might he let their deal end, broke up with katsuki, as promised after graduation. izuku left with all might to seoul as their first stop on their world tour four days later.  
while the feeling is mutual on both front, izuku finds it hard to juggle the idea of relationship while trying to live with the mantle of all might’s heir bc all might dedicate his life to being a hero and fighting afo. izuku felt like he couldn’t live with himself if he doesn’t do as much as all might did to keep the world’s peace but it’s lonely at the top he realizes. izuku with all might travel across diff places all over the world to learn from all kind of heroes in all shape, form, and background that izuku never thought he had imagined: a hero that is a sworn pacifist (”how do you fight?” izuku asks, eyes wide. “with words,” he replies.), a hero from an inuit tribe who fight with wolves companion, a hero from brazil who lives in the amazon and uses the entire forest and its surrounding as his base of operation, a hero who fight and live in the desert of the sahara, etc. all these heroes who live in diff places and have diff culture and their way of fighting and using their quirks and how all of these reflect on who they are individually and shaped their own identity as a hero. izuku wouldn’t have known any of these ppl even existed if he had stay in japan bc they aren’t all mainstream heroes that appear on tv and made it big like the hero who lives in the mountain of the Himalayas and protect the small indigenous group there for generation after generations passing down the title like a family heirloom. 
he’s glad he went with all might to explore the world and see what he saw but there’s a quiet yearning that has him keep looking over his shoulder as though katsuki is right behind him. he wants to share his discoveries and new knowledge with katsuki but they’re separated by an ocean and are thousands of miles apart. izuku thinks he made the right decision to go with all might in the end but sometimes the right choice isn’t always the happiest. 
so while izuku is globetrotting with all might, katsuki made his debut as a rookie in the pro hero arena and quickly decimating the rookie ranking order. he got even more obsessed with his career: taking extra shifts & patrol, training himself harder, and focusing on being number one so it can drown out the longing he has for izuku. he even hasn’t open any of the emails izuku had sent to him for months now and tho they always come everytime w/o fail. he ignores them bc otherwise he’ll just be sucker into missing izuku all over again when he already told himself he’s going to kill this feeling for izuku. izuku had chosen to go with all might instead of staying in japan with katsuki and katsuki has no intention of hanging on to someone who chose to leave him but easier said than done. the more he refuse to think about izuku the more he sees and hear about izuku everywhere like how although izuku isn’t even in fucking japan anymore, the media is still hyperfocus on his adventure overseas and always reporting on his latest shenanigans and THEN THERE ARE THEIR FRIENDS who keep talking about izuku and his adventures (bc class a are an extremely close knit bunch who are all constantly up in each other bsn), the calls and texts and videochat etc he made to them while katsuki get technically radio silent. though the fact that katsuki is the only one to get like pages and pages of letter emailed to him weekly say something else, something that sits uncomfortably in katsuki’s chest. 
and then one day he is out fighting a villain with his agency, there’s a flower shop nearby that got caught in the wreckage and katsuki had helped protect the owner and flower shop. as a reward and thanks, the owner asked katsuki to pick any flower he wants and katsuki has absolutely no interest in it but then a small cactus flower caught his eyes. it’s ordinary, small, and so boring that it shouldn’t even register in katsuki’s radar yet katsuki couldn’t pull himself away from it and ask if he can have that out of everything in the shop. the thing is, the cactus reminds him of izuku. compare to all the beautiful and vibrant flowers in the shop, that cactus was incredibly dull and nothing noteworthy but cactus are resilient and strong and if you take good care of it, it will bloom. it’s stupid, he thinks, to continue to be obsessed over someone who left him behind but like everything he does in life he has never love anything lightly. 
incidentally, katsuki ends up taking up gardening bc lol it relaxes him and also bc of his new acquired plant that he had to learned how to care of bc apparently cactus are low maintenance but if you want it to truly FLOURISH AND BLOOM it need careful tending w/ the right temperature and watering. so he’d built a small home garden around his cactus flower that he had named deku bc fuck if it doesn’t remind him of every bit of izuku. slowly but surely katsuki is working through his heartbreak but ofc izuku continues to fuck him over even if he’s not even in japan anymore. more than half a year after izuku had left him, he get a framed calligraphy in chinese character sent to him from shanghai. that was the start of everything bc after that he get sent presents from all sort of places that izuku had travel to (pottery in chile and a wooden carving from kenya etc). it doesn’t come weekly like the emails that is still sitting unread in katsuki’s inbox but sporadically and unexpectedly. he said he doesn’t care for them but katsuki keep all those souvenirs in a box hidden away in his closet so he doesn’t htink about it. 
And then ONE DAY he got same day delivery (super expansive!!!!) of a potted sunflower and a single note, which izuku had never wrote before in any of his gifts so far: “i heard you have a garden now so when i saw this i thought of you bc to me you are like the sun.” and katsuki is FUCKED as soon as he read bc all the feelings that he had been quashing inside of come rushing out and he broke down holding on to izuku’s small note. he just fucking misses izuku so much like there’s a hole in his chest that he can’t fill. he loved Izuku then and still loves him now and will loves his dying breath bc he knows it’s never going away, it’s here to stay and katsuki doesn’t know how to not miss izuku everyday that he isn’t here. 
once he finally acknowledge the feelings that he’d been trying to bury, it unleashes a floodgate where katsuki finally read all those emails he had been avoiding since more than half a year ago starting from the very first email he got just after izuku had left japan. the email get sent to him once a week and in those email they are more like essay which are always more than ten pages long every fucking time. he talked about what he saw, who he met, and what he learn over there and he always end his letter with: “how are you?”, “what have you been up?”, “are you staying healthy?”, and finally, “thank you for reaching this far”. he always ask the same thing every single time and it takes a moment for katsuki to realize it’s bc katsuki refuse to answer any of his email so izuku keep asking and asking  in his letter even though it shouldn’t matter but izuku tries anyway bc he cares. 
katsuki has never been one to hesitate about anything in his life, not in pursue of his dream or love but izuku make him feel scare and hesitant which pisses katsuki off a lot lol. the bullshit that love is suppose to make you strong is so wrong, katsuki thinks, bc fuck if izuku doesn’t make him feel helpless and undone everytime but he keeps coming back bc in the end even when izuku makes him feel like his ribs are splayed out for him to dig through his heart, he knows izuku would gently and carefully hold his heart like it’s worth it weighs in gold. so katsuki, with wary trepidation, he took a picture of izuku’s sunflower next to his deku cactus and attached to an email with a single caption: “it’s you and me.” 
izuku’s next email couldnt arrive soon enough and it’s FULL OF EXCLAMATION AND EXCITEMENTS as it talked about what’s going on in kiev where he’s currently staying in ukraine but this time in izuku’s email it doesn’t end the same series of questions about katsuki. “i can’t believe kacchan thinks im a cactus :(((. im not prickly at all!!!” and katsuki laughs so hard he cries bc he just misses izuku so fucking much. 
so they finally start exchanging email that isn’t one sided anymore. izuku continues to write his enormous emails weekly while katsuki emails izuku nearly everyday but it usually just pictures and a caption or two about his home garden, his coworkers, his work, etc. katsuki may not say a lot but the fact that he’s keeping izuku loop into his life and willingly share it with izuku is him trying to include izuku in his life once more as though izuku had never left in the first place. they continue this for nearly 2 years, this back and forth as katsuki climbs the rank into top 20 pro heroes in japan now and izuku making his name known in the international stage. they’re both chasing the same dream but doing in diff path and katsuki hopes eventually they will arrive in the same place in time so he keeps waiting for izuku to come home. 
but of course this tentatively stability doesn’t last bc izuku keep on traveling and moving forward and doesn’t seem to ever mention about returning to japan and katsuki wonders when will izuku stand before him once more. he doesn’t even visit during summer breaks or holidays!!!! which frustrates katsuki very much but for izuku he knows he can’t go back to japan even to visit his friends, mom, and katsuki bc the moment he step back he knows it will be impossible for him to go back to traveling with all might not when he sees katsuki and all his love for katsuki spill forward and out and he won’t be able to leave anymore. theres so much he has to do, to see, and learn and he can’t commit to back to japan yet and he knows if he see even a second of katsuki all his hardwork would be undone so he doesn’t. he lives vicariously and hopelessly in katsuki’s photos and keep an intensive track of katsuki’s career and trajectories even all the way overseas. 
it’s katsuki third bday w/o izuku and just as midnight sets in he get an email RIGHT ON TIME (izuku had to calculate their timezone diffs and made sure he was free to be able to get to katsuki first). this letter is pages and pages of words again but near the end in large bold letters is a “happy birthday, kacchan!!!!!!” and it’s dumb SO INCREDIBLY DUMB but katsuki smiles bc he can actually see the excitement and voice of izuku in those blocky words. just before he goes out on his patrol and later his friends and coworkers dragging him out for his bday, he get another gift mailed to him just in time and this time it’s a metal ring from ireland where’s he staying. it’s intricately carved, with a heart and crown  and a note attached to said: “with all my heart, happy birthday kacchan!” katsuki is left speechless. 
he thinks maybe this is finally it that izuku is finally telling him he’s returning, he’s done and is coming back to katsuki. with fumbled hands, he writes a quick email to izuku with a pic of the silver ring and asked: “are you coming back this time?” he goes out with his friends later that night, the anxious energy still hums around him as he waits for izuku’s answer. izuku always answer several days later bc the places he go doesn’t always have internet connection but this time izuku managed to reply on the same day. 
“kacchan, i’m not coming back anytime soon. I still have a lot to learn and see left. I’m sorry.” 
and it fucking breaks katsuki bc he got his hope up for nothing. it’s like izuku playing w/ his fucking heart, sending him those loving letters and that fucking RING and it meant shit to izuku in the end bc he doesn’t even care enough to come back for katsuki. 
he’s so mad and hurt that even his friends notice how his mood is soured for his birthday. through a lot of prodding and begging from his friends, and also a lot of alcohol for katsuki to finally spill out his worries and insecurities that only izuku can wreck him like this. 
his friends, helpfully, points out that katsuki has never been passive, siting around waiting for the thing he want most come to him but katsuki got rejected once so he was burnt by it and didn’t want izuku to reject him twice. he doesn’t think he could take it if izuku didn’t chose him again. 
but izuku has BEEN CHOOSING KATSUKI EVERY DAMN TIME HE WROTE THOSE EMAILS AND SEND HIM THOSE GIFTS BC all the souvenirs and emails that izuku sent to him are SIGNS (the chinese calligraphy letters translate to, “ Yī rì sān qiū” which is proverb that said, “one day, three autumns” on how you miss someone so intensively that one day is like 3 years; the silver ring from ireland was a claddagh ring; and then there’s the sunflower itself which doesn’t just remind izuku of katsuki but it symbolise loyal and longevity bc izuku will forever and ever loves katsuki and only katsuki). they say what izuku couldn’t say over an ocean and thousands of miles apart: i miss you, i think of you constantly, i love you. 
katsuki has been trying so hard to be understanding and patience of izuku that he was missing the glaring SIGN THAT IZUKU HAS BEEN TRYING TO SAY TO HIM. his friends offer fresh prospective on this front that izuku isn’t asking katsuki to wait and katsuki should stop trying to be something that he is not when he has always chase after what he wants with gutso and fierce determination so why he is hesitating around izuku. GO. JUST GO. IF HE’S WORTH WAITING 3 YEARS FOR ISN’T HE WORTH TO CHASE AFTER TOO? katsuki’s friends are all too fucking good bc katsuki’s decision was already made for him the moment he realizes he was fucking in love with this idiot.  
on izuku’s front: ever since their argument, katsuki has been silence and haven’t return any of izuku’s emails. izuku is worry that he has finally done it, driving katsuki away and this is it for them. katsuki must be tired of waiting around for izuku, he thinks as heart nearly shattered. it been 3 weeks now and izuku has been listless even as he’s helping out the neighborhood and this area hero in arizona. but then just as he return from a day of hardwork, he sees all might outside of their temporary home that their hosted lend to them with a starkingly farmiliar figure; IT’S KATSUKI. 
it took katsuki several weeks to take care of all the bsn at home. quitting his agency, packing his stuff, and saying good bye to everyone  and then tracking izuku down but he here’s now. katsuki is in a diff country, that he doesn’t speak a lick of the native language there, and left behind his rising career and all their friends and his family to come chase after izuku right here this instance. THIS IS KATSUKI’S ANSWER. 
a looooooooong time ago right before izuku had left japan on his trip with all might, izuku wanted to ask if katsuki would join them but he had thought it was too selfish and greed to ask that of katsuki to give up everything and his dream of being number just so he can hop around the globe with izuku and all might. but katsuki is here now!!!! and izuku doesn’t want him to regret it, bc he doesn’t want katsuki to resent him for forcing katsuki’s hands. 
“i can get it all back. that number one spot is waiting for me, for us. it’s not going anywhere,” katsuki says determinedly, “but i couldn't wait for you anymore so i came to you instead.” 
it’s as much as an i love you in the same way izuku carefully wrote his emails every week for katsuki and in the same way he finds little gifts and trinkets that made him think of katsuki. IT’S I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH THAT I’M LEAVING EVERYTHING BEHIND TO GO WITH YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY BC I COULDN’T IMAGINE BREATHING ANOTHER SECOND W/O YOU. 
izuku cries A LOT bc katsuki is here and it’s all he had ever wanted for katsuki to join him!!! they’re finally reunited at last. and with all might, who happily welcome katsuki with open arms, they continue on their travel and izuku teaches katsuki the new languages and things he had learned and all the ppl that had help shaped his understanding of his powers and stance as a hero. they do that for two more years traveling to diff places and only came back to japan when all might’s health had grown so frail and he had died on a trip to bolivia. katsuki and izuku returns to japan to throw his ashes into the sea of his homeland :((((. finally they’re back home together this time and for good. now they both carry the legacy of all might as a duo w/ all the knowledge and understanding of all the things they had learned and the ppl they had met around the world. 
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annabcth · 6 years
tbh your blog sums up everything that is wrong in the sw fandom. if you didn't like tlj and if you don't get ben solo's character, just shut tf up.
If Rey had been a Skywalker or a Solo and either Luke’s daughter or Han and Leia’s daughter, that would’ve ruined these characters. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, then again, is a Skywalker, not Poe or Finn. And btw Solo is a good movie, not the best one but good. It’d be amazing if people like you would just delete their blogs bc you make the Star Wars fandom toxic and not fun to be part of.
Kylo has been emotionally and physically abused for his whole life and you’re telling us he’s evil and the bad guy and abuses rey and doesn’t deserve a thing and doesn’t deserve to be in a poster that portrays the skywalkers? Lol your precious Luke Skywalker wouldn’t approve.
i’m replying to those messages for two main reasons. one, i’ve been getting hate about my stance on tlj/rey*o since december, both in my askbox and under my edits, and while i don’t really care about it, i’m torn about not publishing those messages/replies/tags because the rey*o fandom is a riot and i feel guilty about deleting evidence of their harassment. two, this new discourse is actually extremely relevant, so here we are.
since you’re writing this on anon, i assume you know i’m not the problem here, you are. i keep my opinions to my blog, i don’t look for a fight, i always tag properly. i’m not even an active anti. tlj really hurt my star wars obsession, and i needed to vent for a while, which i did, but then i moved on, and my blog is discourse-free once again. i’m assuming those messages were prompted by my tags under a post criticizing the comic-con poster fiasco.
we obviously have different interpretations of tlj, and you’re bothered by mine. i find it very reasonable though, given that ky*o did recreate anakin’s decision from rotj, and then proceeded to almost destroy everything his grandpa’s great redemption accomplished (saving luke and the rebellion). thankfully, he didn’t succeed (yes, luke died, but it was framed as a defeat for ky*o), and the legacy lives on. through whom? well, luke tells us: “the rebellion is reborn today, the war is just beginning, and i will not be the last jedi”. the editing shows us who will carry out this fight for the light side. the movie ends ky*o’s arc with his promise to destroy the new heroes. so yeah, for that reason i think finn and poe belong in that poster right next to rey, since all three were branded as the new rightful heirs. i get that you’re reading the film differently, probably hoping for ky*o’s eventual redemption and a happily ever after with rey, and honestly, there is nothing i can do about your opinion, so i’m not gonna try to. neither of us decides which interpretation is canonically correct. in the end, it’s jj’s choice, which was probably made back when he was creating those characters.
taking all of this into account, i’m hoping you could suppot two men of color who are an important part of the sequel trilogy’s narrative, whether you agree with my opinions about tlj or not. they were given their own storylines and character development, and they’re tied to the main conflict as leaders of the anti-facist movement. they deserve to be recognized as crucial to this story, and they deserve a spot in the comic-con poster.
my ramblings in the tags mean nothing. you sending anon hate means nothing. neither of those things matters in shaping the narrative for episode ix. quarrels over a ship becoming canon don’t influence the final outcome of this trilogy. however, people defending and supporting two characters of color in a predominantly white franchise means a lot, and can change a lot, at least in the long run.
we have our own opinions, and that’s alright. i voiced mine on my blog, in the tags of a random post. you were lurking on my blog, and sent me hate. i’m not the one who’s toxic here. we’re in the same boat, really- you will absolutely hate it if ky*o dies/doesn’t get redeemed, i will hate it if your ship becomes canon. the answer to that anxiety you’re feeling is to find a different thing to fixate on, and let go for the time being. or just keep your opinions to your blog, and don’t harass people by telling them to delete their tumblrs.
to address other things you mentioned in your messages (they’re standard rey*o talking points, so it should be quick):-  there is no canonical proof that ky*o has been abused his whole life. a dark presence watching him as a fetus/baby doesn’t equal grooming or emotional/physical abuse. it’s defenitely what his relationship with snoke is when we meet up with them in tlj, but we have no idea how and when this partnership was formed. that being said, i admit it’s possible that some additional information about kylo’s fall will be revealed, and it could change my opinion about this character. however…- even if kylo was abused, it wouldn’t justify his actions. he kills his alleged abuser in tlj, and continues to be a major ass, so yeah, he’s the bad guy. (to be revealed) cool motive, still murder*. - yes, kylo’s relationship with rey is abusive, both physically (throwing her into a tree, restraining her) and emotionally (invading her mind, telling her she’s nothing, lying to and gaslighting her). they’ve known each other for a couple of days, had five/six conversations in total, and the amount of time she didn’t want him dead could be counted in hours, i think. she asked him to stop killing her friends, he refused. conceptually it’s such an awful groundwork for romance it’s almost funny. she literally closed the door on him, flying away with his mother on his father’s ship, gripping his uncle’s and grandpa’s lightsaber, the literally destroyed heirloom of the skywalker family. leia said to her “we have everything we need”, completing rey’s tlj!arc of realizing that she’s destined to become the new legend despite her humble beginnings, disillusionment, self-doubt and abandonment issues. this is probably the point where you jump in to say the symbolism of the final scene between leia and rey foreshadows rey mending the lightsaber/redeeming ky*o, but i have three problems with that. one, rey already tried that, it didn’t end well. two, i don’t think jj gives two shits about vague symbolism of tlj, given that rian didn’t bother to uphold basic continuity between his movie and tfa. three, it would be incredibly sexist if rey, instead of being the true heir to the chosen one legacy, was used as a tool for redemption of the failed heir that almost destroyed it. this legacy, along with the one of leadership and rebellion, no longer belong to the skywalkers**. luke’s aforementioned quote makes this clear.- i never said kylo doesn’t belong in the comic-con poster. i only said finn and poe should be there as well. if you feel like their presence in the story threatens your predictions for kylo’s arc, then maybe those hopes you have are not well-founded in canon and you need to distort it in order to make your ship seem more plausible. just maybe. also, luke wouldn’t be able to approve or disapprove this opinion of mine that i never had.
and you’re right, luke skywalker is very precious to me.
* there is a great post going around arguing that ky*o’s apparent lack of relateable reasons for turning to the dark side is a great metaphor for neo-facism and current alt-right movements, and it makes him an excellent and very relevant villain. i agree.
** of course, this plotpoint would change if rey/finn turned out to be a solo/skywalker. i have complicated feelings about this concept, and voicing them would make this already long reply even longer, so i’m not gonna do that.
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theangry-ace · 6 years
currently playing: Ken ga Kimi
update 5
time for our resident haraguro(?) boi, Sakyo. tbh I’m not looking forward for his route at all bc I am absolutely fucking scared of anything close to yan. my kokoro is not strong enough for them. but I do like Sakyo in the drama cds, especially the momoyo tsuzuri one. he’s like the most gentle boi with a tendency to tease Kayo or anyone else, whether or not that’s what he intended to do or not.
so our boi Sakyo has two kind of face; one, the ‘normal’, a bit formal and proper personality he showed to others. the other is the 100% enraged, I-will-kill-you-slowly-bc-I-wanna-enjoy-killing-you type of thing. he has a bit of an anger issue as well that he does exactly nothing to hide if ppl mentioned them. his purpose in life is only to exact the revenge of some oni who attacked and murdered his entire family. Sakyo mentioned in the common route that he didn’t trust (or don’t like) Enishi and Suzukake. I suppose he didn’t like ppl who didn’t seem to be dependable.
after the whole merry joyride to Sunpu, Sakyo went to some cave which was rumored to gather a heck load of oni trying to do... something? IDK. but they had already cleared the cave and was on the way to Edo. back in Edo, Kayo’s dad put up a banquet for the six samurai who had been protecting his precious baby girl but Sakyo didn’t manage to be present. he was instead busy in his pursuit for Zantetsu, one of the oni who killed entire family. but unfortunately, Sakyo walked right into a trap and was surrounded by oni and he got away with a terrible wound on his arm (I don’t remember which but he did say it’s no biggie bc he use his sword in another). it was night when Kayo saw Yanohiko, a neighboring kid, was wandering around saying he was getting some water for a wounded samurai. after Kayo realized it was Sakyo, she took him to her room and somehow managed to hide a whole person for a long time in her own fucking room without her dad even noticed!!! what the heck dad like i respect that u respect ur baby girl’s privacy but a wHOLE GROWN ASS PERSON!!! IN UR FUCKING HOUSE!!! FOR MANY DAYS!!!!
and so while living incognito in a girl’s room, Yanohiko came by as well to play with Sakyo. dude is actually not 24/7 angry or thinking about revenge. he is quite gentle with Yanohiko and taught the boy to write and play goma (spinning top?). there is one goddamn funny scene when Kayo’s dad suddenly wanna talk with her and there’s nowhere to hide Sakyo so she shoved him into her futon and get in with him with his goddamn face between her legs lol. STILL THE DAD DIDN’T FUCKING NOTICE???? welp. eventually Sakyo heard about Zantetsu going to enter the tourney that was going to take place and he took off without telling Kayo, leaving her having to lie to Yanohiko whenever the boy asked for him. she managed to find him later when he was trying to get his family’s treasured sword, Hotarumaru, to be fixed/sharpened by a famous fixer(?). he was refused, though, for obvious reason that Sakyo just wanted to kill with his sword.
Kayo shared this with Suzukake who had been supplying her with the medicine for Sakyo and my son said he, too, gonna join the tourney. so she and Suzukake went to the tourney together to see Sakyo. they heard about Zantetsu (lol Suzu called him ojisan) being a merciless opponent and got worried when later Sakyo was to fight him. Sakyo showed some... I think some kind of arrest warrant or written right for him to ask for a duel to the death, for killing his father, mother and elder sister?? or something?? but since Sakyo having his arm still injured and his sword not fixed, he lost the match terribly. Suzukake and Kayo wanna see him at the back room where he was taken but got refused bc Sakyo was ‘desecrating the holy tourney ground with his selfish need to exact his revenge’ or something. Sakyo was to be dumped into jail but Enishi came by and after some ‘talking’ (remember; he is actually some big shot in the Edo castle), he promised that he will make sure Sakyo will be taken care of and would not be in jail.
Kimi -nice end-
all thanks to strings pulled by Enishi, Sakyo is free from being jailed. he met Kayo to tell her everything about his tragic past. when he was a kid (8yo I think), he had a terrible fever and was bedridden. this coincidentally made him hidden from a murdering oni who came for the entire Sagihara family, who he explained was the descendant of those who forged the Five Heavenly Swords. I could not get why the Sagiharas were killed, but Sakyo survived thanks to his nurse maid and incidentally inherited his family’s heirloom, the Hotarumaru. from the age of 12, he strive to become a samurai and would eventually hunt every oni he could find, but because Sakyo was defeated by Zantetsu in the tourney, Sakyo didn’t feel like he is worthy of such pride of his family’s name. he left it in a cave and determined to carry on life no longer as a samurai. Kayo, after hearing all these, understands the whole dilemma the dude is in, but she told him it’s not reason enough to leave behind what was precious to the memory of his family. convinced by her words, Sakyo and Kayo made their way to the cave where he left Hotarumaru and retrieve it. when he unsheathe it then, glowing orbs of light filled the dark cave like a real firefly. Sakyo was so ashamed that he almost abandoned the sword there and from then vowed to always carry it with him as if he was carrying his family on his shoulders. Kayo later convinced the sword fixer/sharpener(?) person to fix Hotarumaru.
after getting his sword back, he told Kayo he couldn’t let Zantetsu’s sin towards his family to go free so he left her one night with a letter he told her to open if he never returned. while he went for his supposed one-on-one duel, Kayo just can’t sit still waiting for Sakyo to come back. she went to follow him but met Kei on the way of his patrol. buddy told her to stay home while he grab some of his pals to help Sakyo. those pals turned out to be the rest of them samurai who went to Sunpu the other day! thankfully for that, Sakyo was saved by an ambush planned by Zantetsu. Tsuzumi was there as well as he was threatened with Nanae’s life he didn’t cooperate. in the end, Zantetsu is finally dead and Sakyo could then rest easy the revenge he was living for has ended.
in the after story, Sakyo married Kayo with the five samurai buddies became her real bridal escort procession to Sakyo’s home country of Yamashiro.
Kimi -another nice end-
not that different than the previous ending, but Kayo was there with her naginata to help with Sakyo instead of staying home. fortunately, she arrived when Zantetsu got done dead. later there was news regarding Sakyo wanting to return back to his home country and probably will not coming back, and everyone knew about Kayo’s relationship with Sakyo. they all asked if she’s going with him, or why she’s unbothered about him going away, but baby girl really didn’t know how to react. sure, they’re lovers, but Sakyo never told her what he planned to do in the future, or whether or not that involved her at all.
Kayo held another feast for her samurai friends and also doubles as a farewell to Sakyo but the dude came late and has no idea why ppl giving him a farewell party. Kayo noticed him looking angry and restless seeing how close the other samurai dudes with her. Sakyo later couldn’t sit still anymore and pulled her to talk alone. there he told her he has no plan on going home aside from a short trip to visit his family’s grave, and that he planned to open up a free shrine school (kinda like a private but small informal school) for kids like Yanohiko who got orphaned and not privileged enough for a basic education. Sakyo and Kayo promised to marry each other soon.
Ken -too terrible what the heck end-
Kayo still tried to convince Sakyo from acting on his revenge against Zantetsu. Sakyo got annoyed and angry bc of this, that he assaulted Kayo to show how much of a terrible guy he is in actuality. he part ways with her and supposedly never to see her again, but he found himself led by a mysterious force to a cave where the whole shits of Asakura trying to reincarnate Tadanaga. there was nothing there but an ominous looking sword called the Muramasa. Sakyo took it after hearing a woman’s ghostly voice lamenting about her unborn child. he immediately thought the ghost to be his dead sister who had returned to the Sagihara family due to her getting pregnant and wanted to stay close to her parents during the whole pre-natal care.
however unknown to Sakyo, it was a malevolent evil spirit which was leading him to find Zantetsu to murder him. he got drunk with the pleasure to kill and didn’t stop at just one person. he managed to kill 10 ppl in one night at Yoshiwara alone, and he wasn’t stopping anytime soon. Kayo actually met with Sakyo before going on his murdering rampage and he told her he had thrown away his Hotarumaru in a lake bc the evil spirits in Muramasa told him to. there was no doubt that the madman who was killing people in the night was Sakyo, the man that she loved. she asked the help of her samurai friends to stop Sakyo but things got much worst when Yanohiko became his victim. the boy just wanted to show Sakyo his spinning top.
eventually they figured out about the evil sword and thought they’d better try to separate Sakyo from it or kill him entirely. they went to the lake where Kayo heard Sakyo said he dumped Hotarumaru, thinking if there’s any humanity left in him, he might want to reunited with his family’s heirloom. unfortunately, in his clouded mind, Sakyo heavily injured Kayo and she succumbed to the wound despite whatever Suzukake tried to do. Sakyo decided to kill himself in a cave with some kind of explosive.
they met in the afterlife and thought to cross the Sanzu river together to... Heaven? but the evil sword reminded Sakyo how much of a sin he had committed, and that he belongs to Hell. Kayo decided to fall to the endless abyss with Sakyo for eternity. this is a terrible ending I hate it.
Ken -just as terrible end-
Kayo managed to stop Sakyo from killing Yanohiko but the dude fled after realizing what he was trying to do. Kayo figured out that he needed to be reunited with Hotarumaru so she went to the lake where he dumped it. Sakyo was there, but he has already made up his mind that nothing he could do would ever atone his sins so he jumped into the lake. Kayo follow suit and they woke up in the afterlife. they tried to cross the Sanzu river but Sakyo stopped halfway saying there’s a lot of angry ppl on the other side, not gonna let him into Heaven. they were the innocent lives he had murdered before. Kayo, on the other hand, didn’t see the angry souls but instead heard some familiar voices calling for her. Sakyo guessed it must have been her loved ones in the living world. he told her to follow the voice and lived a happy life for his behalf. Kayo woke up again surrounded by her panicky dad and her friends. they told her she was floating by the lake, but Sakyo’s body was nowhere to be seen.
the epilogue has Kayo wanting to pay respect to Sakyo’s victim’s graves.
*inhale, exhale*
well at least I like that in Sakyo’s four routes, the roles of the other samurai dudes are quite prominent. it’s nice to see the whole stupid scene with Tsuzu and Suzu arguing about the other stealing the food, Enishi teasing Saneaki that he can’t drink, also Kei the tsukkomi lol that was a nice scene.
FINALLY!!! now I get to my baby son, Suzukake!!!! I’ve actually half cleared his route before but didn’t see the ending yet. I SURE AS FLYING FUCKERY SHIT WILL NOT BE READY FOR THE ROUTE WHICH MY SON DIE!!!! probably I would skip it....
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geneshaven · 8 years
Ever Evolving
Every once in a while, a show like Arrow comes along (and there are not many like it) that just settles in on me.  It has sailed along now for 5 ½ seasons, and I’ve become familiar with the characters and the story narrative. It takes me on a journey. Yes, occasionally it will throw me some curves, but over time, I see the rhythms and the speed of the pitch, and I learn how to recognize the dips and swerves of the ball and can swing at it and make a connection (sorry for the baseball analogy.)  Tonight, at times, those curves left me frozen at the plate. What was familiar and comfortable became unknown and unexpected. And I loved every minute of it.
There is a certain symmetry to storytelling. When it evolves, the characters and their motivations evolve with it. If everything just stayed the same in every episode, those characters become predictable and stagnant and uninteresting. The story feels flat and one-dimensional. The excitement is gone, and not having to think or speculate or invest myself in the tale---I am just left wanting to get up and change the channel. I am sure that I will probably not do justice adding my two cents to this episode, and I will more than likely omit some of the other elements that made it good. But these thoughts are first impressions and they are bursting to come out. So I apologize in advance.
Talia. Her training Yao Fei was out of the blue (and now I want to watch Season 1 again and try to recognize that training.) Her giving Oliver his first bow; it felt like she was passing on some kind of family heirloom. Her telling Oliver that when the monster inside of him becomes someone else, something else, then he will be free to become Oliver Queen. Felicity said essentially the same thing to him at the end of Season 3, just before they rode off into the sunset. I guess it didn’t take hold then. That somebody/something else turned out to be just another part of their fantasy together. The monster in him (fear and uncertainty) awoke when he lied to Felicity and started all of us down the road that led to where we are now---Oliver and Felicity devoured by said monster, (well, mostly Felicity was, but she has her own monster inside of her now.) I’m sure I am leaving out more about Talia, but this is what jumped out at me about her.
Tina was another breath of fresh air.  I agree with everyone who is saying she is going to be a fantastic Black Canary. Her attitude and toughness and skills definitely remind me of Sara. Even it Laurel hadn’t died, it would have taken her a few more years to come close to this version of BC. Tina just doesn’t hold back; case in point, killing that dude in cold blood. It was brutal and savage and really good stuff. She also is not going to take any shit from Oliver and the rest of the team. She is like Felicity in that way. Felicity is badass in her computer skills, (and last week she showed everybody that she is also badass throwing a straight right hand); it really isn’t her forte. Tina is skilled, temperamental at times, brash and tough as nails. She is also beautiful. I am curious if she and Wild Dog do have a background. If they do, maybe Tina can be the person (like Felicity is to Oliver) who can temper him and teach him how not to be so abrasive and grating and annoying. We’ll see. Anyway, I am looking forward to watching her evolve into this new version of BC.
I want to step out of my main narrative for a second here and just say that James Bamford and the whole stunt crew really made it happen in the action scenes. Just phenomenal.
OTA. I felt, finally for maybe the first time this season, the writers brought them together in a way not seen since it was just the three of them. Their dynamic, their love and trust and need to protect one another---their sense of family. Felicity putting herself out there to save John was a refreshing change of pace. Usually, it is John who is the protector and the strong shoulder to lean on. I know that this story arc is just beginning and Felicity is going to sink down into the darkness through grief (for Billy) revenge (Prometheus) anger, pain and deep lose (Oliver). I’m not sure what Helix is (it was a good show on SyFy Channel) but I think it is going to be the vehicle that carries her forward, and will give her character a new direction and motivation. The look in her eyes when she was looking at the information she got from her hacker disciple was haunting. It reminded me of the glare that Oliver displayed in Hong Kong after he tortured and killed that General. It was a seed, and it is going to sprout into those ‘morally questionable’ things she is supposed to involve herself in. But because Felicity is strong, made so by all that she has gone through all these years, that part of her is going to keep afloat, because she is subconsciously doing it out of love and the need to protect those she loves the most---namely Oliver and DIggle. I think it is going to be a treat to watch her, (and EBR as well.) Already, this is having payoffs. John is free. He found his own ‘another way’ by choosing to fight back, legally and morally. He was not going to give up this time. When he found out (and Oliver too) that he was going home, that moment was worth me having to wait for half a season.
And Oliver. He is just cruising towards the complete and flawed man and hero he is destined to become. And Felicity, I think, has acknowledged this, if not to him, to herself. Their banter with each other tonight was pretty special, even though the scenes were brief. I think they are becoming more familiar with each other’s rhythms again---one shoe size fits both of them. They still have a bit to go, but I can sense at the end of that journey, they will arrive together at their ultimate destination---happiness and endgame and a nursery full of babies.
Like I said at the beginning of this, I might have skipped over some things. But my ultimate point is---the show is evolving. And I am evolving with it, as fan and as someone who just appreciates a good story.
I can’t wait for the next chapter.
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