#bbc merlin leon
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knightswaypoint · 1 month ago
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What if strong healing magic left behind visible filigree scars? (then everyone who saw it would know you had been healed by magic) + Figure Studies
{Text, thoughts, & individual pics under cut}
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A silly idea that I wanted to doodle, as the juxtaposition of an exceptionally pretty scar with how magic is perceved as so evil in Camelot was very enticing.
I stuck to more phyical blows that broke skin (or else Merlin would be covered in filigree from the Dorocha's touch in S4E1&2)
-Nimueh's Fireball from S1E13, the classic. Iirc, we don't see how he heals from this, so I'm assuming it was down to his own immortality. The filigree curls like the flames it healed. (but I headcanon it didn't heal the hair follicles, sorry Merlin).
-Crossbow Bolt from S5E10. We see him struggle with this one for so long in that episode, and it's eventually healed by Kilgarrah. The filigree mimics the shape of the head of the bolt at the entrywound.
-Serket Venom from S3E1&2.  Filigree swirls out from the small entry point of the stinger, but had a lot of damage to heal from the venom. Also healed by Kilgarrah.
-Questing Beast's wound from S1E13. Such a small mark that belies the damage it did. The filigree follows the lines of the veins near the surface. Healed by water from the Cup of Life.
-Wounds from fighting Cenred's Patrol in S3E12. He was near death when the druid's healed him via drinking directly from the Cup of Life. The filigree follows the many wounds we see in the episode. (And this one gives me the most feels, as imagine being Camelot's First Knight and having such a visible scar from healing magic and how the people might treat you differently for it. Yet it has also allowed you to live and keep serving your King and your people.)
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msphagime · 4 months ago
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Drawing shirtless men/merwaine/merleon in my lectures has blessed me with an aced midterm, I think
By god, I should draw Leon shirtless more often
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sprintingficcommentator · 7 months ago
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With these kind of friends who needs enemies 😂😂😂
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chiefblossom · 20 days ago
Me to the rare merlin fan that DIDNT get the ending spoiled for them
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Me personally it's cause I looked up tiktok edits
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justaz · 1 month ago
The knights love and hate Merlin coming to training. They love it because Merlin is their little cheerleader and they seem to perform better when Merlin is there to cheer them on. They hate it because he never cheers Arthur on and Arthur gets jealous and shows off to catch Merlin’s attention which means that Arthur performs better when Merlin is there which makes him a demon on the field. Which means the knights have to visit Gaius after training to get new bruise salves and that one time when Percival had to get his broken nose set because he ducked too late when Arthur was swinging the hilt of his sword down because he was exhausted from how hard Arthur was pushing them
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count-pudding · 16 days ago
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Knights and silly sketches
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runboybeneaththemoon · 4 months ago
Merlin: it's been over a hundred years since the fall of Camelot. Everyone I've ever known is dead
Merlin: except for this fucker
Leon: it is my duty to serve and protect Camelot. As you are still here, Camelot isn't completely gone, so neither am I
Merlin: No, I'm supposed to serve Camelot until its gone! Which it isn't cause you're still here! You're taking my job!!
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maddybthorne · 6 months ago
I want a BBC Merlin fanfic where Hunith visits Camelot as a surprise. Merlin doesn't know she's coming, only Gaius knows that she plans to visit. This is set in a time period where all the knights are alive (I'm looking at you Lancelot.) and Arthur is Prince, but running the Kingdom as Uther is unwell.
Hunith pulls up to Camelot and is walking towards the Castle through the citadel, burdened by her bags, when a cheerful voice rings out. "Do you need any help, miss?" It's one of the many Castle servants.
Hunith explains that she is heading to the Castle to visit her son who works there, the servant then offers to carry her bags.
"Oh I don't want to be a bother." Hunith replies
"It's no bother at all! Really, I was heading that way already." The servant insists and they both make their way to the castle, "What's your son's name by the way, I might know him if he works here."
"His name is Merlin." Hunith responds with a smile. The servant stops walking and looks at her. It's not only him that stops at this announcement.
"Y-you're Merlin's Mother?!?" A nearby servant who had been close enough to hear the conversation says in awe.
The courtyard that they're walking through gradually fills with hushed whispers as the news spreads. Everyone knows of Merlin. The Prince's manservant who had managed to not quit in the first week of serving him. Merlin, who changed the Prince from a spoiled brat into a good man whom the Kingdom was proud of and eagerly awaited the day he would be crowned King. Merlin, who had followed the Prince into battle time and time again to save Camelot.
I want a fanfiction where The Entire Of Camelot loves Merlin and is thankful for his role in making Arthur a good person. Where not only the Knights, but the Castle staff meet his mother and collectively decide that she is That Woman and treat her with Respect. Where they treat her like Royalty.
Ofc Gwaine loves her. That's his best friend's mom. Hunith looks at all the knights and adopts them on the Spot.
And Merlin is either really confused by this behavior or knows and just lets it happen.
Arthur has no idea what's going on or why but he treats her with reverence and love because that's his future Mother in Law and he's very much starved for parental affection which she gives him (and the knights) in spades.
But yes, I just want a fic of people meeting Hunith and being like "Thank you for giving birth to your son. I'd die for you both" and her being like "...please don't."
(Bonus if Leon meets her and is just like. "How did you survive being around that little shit (Merlin) for so long?" And she just laughs and gives him advice, which makes him cry because he's just so tired. #LetLeonRest2024 I will push this agenda till I die)
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aspentreeonahill · 1 month ago
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Again i have no clue what im doing but i made this
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incorrect-camelot · 1 month ago
merlin and arthur: (flirting)
leon: can i have twenty fucking seconds of peace please
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not even incorrect its literally just this gif
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akelafang · 9 months ago
Merlin and the knights playing never have I ever
At first, it's innocent stuff and Gwaine complains that it's all dull trivia and they need to start getting into the more interesting questions. Leon looks him dead in the eyes and says "Fine. Never have I ever been arrested" Literally everyone but Leon drinks.
From that point it becomes a challenge to see who's done the most outrageously criminal shit "Never have I ever been in a bar fight" "Never have I ever committed identity fraud" "Never have I ever broken someone out of the dungeons" "Never have I ever stolen from the royal vaults" "Never have I ever committed treason with the King still in the room" And Merlin. Just. Keeps. Drinking. Now it's about trying to find something Merlin hasn't done but one of the others has. The answer turns out to be "Never have I ever been banished from a kingdom"
Merlin passes out before he runs out of criminal things he's done. Magic is the only reason he's still alive the next morning after how high his blood alcohol level was.
After Merlin passes out the knight just look at each other wondering how Merlin hasn't been executed yet with all the shit he's done. Gwaine chuckles and shakes his head "Perks of being the king's mistress"
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msphagime · 5 months ago
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On this edition, I keep playing "spot Leon" every episode, and my way of drawing Merlin is inconsistent as ever.
Also... Freya... *starts sobbing inconsolably*
Season 1 part 1 || Season 1 part 2
Season 2 part 1 || Season 2 part 2
Season 3 part 1 || Season 3 part 2
Season 4 part 1 ||
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sprintingficcommentator · 7 months ago
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"Leon the Long-Suffering" is by far the best tag in the entire Merlin fandom, change my mind
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merlinmylove · 20 days ago
Arthur: Please don’t tell anyone, but I think i’m a little bit in love with Merlin
Leon: ??
Leon, who genuinely believed the two of them had been married for the past ten years
Leon: Oh
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fl0atingmoon1e · 26 days ago
Arthur: Merlin kissed me!
Leon: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Arthur: It was unbelievable!
Leon: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Gwaine: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Leon, get the wine and unplug the phone. Arthur, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Arthur: Oh, it ended very well.
Leon: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Gwaine: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Arthur: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Gwaine: Ohh... So, okay, was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back?
Arthur: First he started out on my waist and then they slid up and then he were in my hair.
Leon and Gwaine: Ohhh.
Merlin eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed him.
Morgana: Tongue?
Merlin: Yeah.
Gwen: Cool.
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count-pudding · 9 days ago
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Leon trying to get Merlin out and succeeding(at last!)
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Merlin complaining
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The inspiration meme
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