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Always Think WWAD: What Would Anybody Do? And Do The Opposite. The Exactly Opposite.
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So Merlin's the ultimate wizard and he cannot die, Leon has been immortal for some time (what's 2000 years?!), doesn't give a fuck and stays near Merlin cuz why not, and Gwaine, I have the headcanon, reincarnates every now and then and keeps coming back to Merlin's life because he can't get enough of him.
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Crying over this
Like, I love Merthur, but Merwaine is the ultimate unrequited love
Merlin was too into Arthur to see someone was like that for him (and it wasn't Arthur)
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And Merlin was shocked to discover that when Gwaine said "You're the only friend I've got", what he really meant was "I love you".
I love Merwaine, but I also sometimes enjoy an angtsy, unrequited love story. What if Gwaine's in love with Merlin but knows that Merlin is in love with Arthur?
What if Gwaine in this scene was trying to tell Merlin that he loves Merlin the way Merlin loves Arthur?
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Plague rats lol
Whenever arthur gets a new bethrothed
Merlin: Gaius she's evil
Gaius: you cant say that about every woman arthur tries to marry merlin, at this point you might as well marry him yourself if none of his suitors are to your standard
Merlin already making the plague rats sew together his wedding dress like cinderella: im prepared to make that sacrifice
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Easier would be to find a fanfic with no angst or hurt/comfort tags, or even one where Peter is not a fucking traitor bitch!!!
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no, no i don’t
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Merlin returning to Camelot after the diamond of the day
Gwen: Merlin! We were looking for you! Where's Arthur? We thought he'd be with you.
Merlin: He was.
Gwen: Where is he now?
Gwen: Merlin?
Gwen: Merlin, where's Arthur? Where's my husband?
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You know, I just saw a post about that scene where Merlin says Uther Arthur and him have a bond, and the look Uther gave Merlin was so intense but then he was so supportive of this "bond" Merlin confessed he and his son have, and you know how it sounds and it sounds as Merlin outing them to Uther
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And since Arthur couldn't have lancelot, he turned his attentions to Merlin, because that was the only piece of Lancelot he could have OMG
Here you go, I found it, haha. @nextstopparis​ @once-and-future-gay
[Gif] captions for the video: 
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"Do I know you?" is one of the first questions Arthur asks Merlin when he meets him, despite never having met before. Literally one of the first quotes Arthur gets. Like in every lifetime they met.
Arthur recognizes Merlin by his eyes alone, even when they are in a different body. How queer is that?
Every plan Arthur has for his future, even if they include running away from his inevitable fate, involves Merlin as a very important part of it.
Despite being just a servant, he treats him better than that, like a friend, like a brother, (or something more).
Merlin uses most of his magic to protect Arthur or help him, either directly or indirectly. Even in a coma he uses his magic to guide him and take care of him.
Merlin could never run away from Camelot, even in mortal danger, because it would hurt his soul to leave Arthur behind. Arthur can't let him go either. So strong is their connection that Arthur mentioned it in dreams, and was really disappointed that he didn't want to accompany him on a single (and last) campaign.
Merlin was born to serve Arthur until the end of his reign. There is no kingdom without Arthur and there is no Arthur without Merlin.
Merlin is an immortal being who was told by another immortal being to wait until Arthur returned from the dead.
Everybody calls them "two sides of a coin", "your destiny",
Your honor, they are soulmates.
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Me in a few lines
My Brain: Hey. Wanna to hyperfixate on every. single. thing that consumed your life for a collective 10 years?!?!
Me: Umm, No? I wanna be productive and have a routine and schedule.
My Brain: Oh haha *throws the Superwhomerlock back in my face like a brick*
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Gosh. The. Tags.
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Space jesus
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How I found out I was not just a lesbian
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That's how I discovered I was bisexual
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That's how I discovered I was bisexual
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"He says he's gonna change"
Literally him:
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They could make a Merlin movie today, in five or twenty years and I'm sure the Merlin Fandom would not give a shit about the actors age or even the quality of the cgi, since we are dying for new content and I would be happy even with the 2008 cgi effects.
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thinking about how Sirius Orion Black initials are S. O. B, which could be read either as the word sob or son of a bitch, which pretty much describes him and his upbringing help
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I can imagine Merlin finding out about Leon's immortality, flabbergasted and asking a million questions, while Leon is like whatever, let's go plan Albion's resurgence and then go for a happy meal it's that ok with you?
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