#lancelot bbc
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kairennart · 2 months ago
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Commission for the wonderful Isabelle!!
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year ago
Things Gwaine Would Freak About (Besides Magic):
Lancelot being a cage fighter
Lancelot committing forgery
Merlin helping him commit forgery
GWEN helping him commit forgery
Leon handing the crossbow to Merlin without question and laughing when Merlin spoke of treason
Arthur hiring a farmer to impersonate him so he could participate in the tournament
Arthur breaking the news of what Wilderons are more gently than he did to them to Merlin
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itswellya · 11 months ago
i love that when ppl ship merlin, its almost never with females
The fandom took one look at that twink and decided theres no way he's straight
(for ppl who ship him with females characters, thats why i said "almost never")
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demonmoonsupreme · 9 months ago
Ugh. I have to say it. I’ve been holding it back because I know how much fandom hates this plot point so much. And like maybe it’s because I enjoy angst, or because characters coming in a vacuum sealed ‘morally upstanding’ package is just not realistic or enjoyable to me.
But Gwen should not have been ‘bewitched’ to cheat on Arthur with Lancelot. For one, it just sets another horrible precedence of magic use within the narrative. And two: it’s boring as hell. Oh, and also apparently Gwen was only allowed screen time in later seasons when her autonomy was nowhere to be seen. So three. Three reasons why I find it dumb as hell. And one that last front? Yeah, I think she should have willingly had an affair with Lancelot. I know, I Know. Cheating bad. Cheating make evil wrong person. Or whatever twitterinas are saying.
But hear me out (or don’t). How did Gwen feel after Lancelot died after she made him promise to return Arthur to her alive? Did she feel that she had unwittingly sentenced him to death? Her first true love; the man she looked for in other men. (Maybe we’d know how she felt if the writers didn’t have her going off like a broken record and just keep repeating what a great king Artie would someday be). I wish we had seen her grief, I wish she had been given time to mourn (as we know she never is in a series that kills every family member she has). And then Lancelot returns. She realizes she stills loves him, she feels guilty and blames herself thinking she had a part in his death. She thinks she asked him to sacrifice himself. And she wonders if she made the right choice. Lancelot and Arthur are there before her, and her wedding is in two days, and it’s all so sudden and the window of opportunity is about to be closed for the rest of her life; and she wonders if she’s chosen the right man. Gwen wonders if she’s been given a second chance, can she amend her previous choices. Does she want to amend them. Yes, this storyline opens her up to all sorts of criticisms. Fandom would condemn her a slut, she would join the ranks of women who can’t just make up their damn mind. Someone would declare it’s anti-feminist, because women aren’t allowed to be portrayed with “bad” qualities and when they are it just sets us all back.
But…it would be so much more nuanced than the plot they gave us. It would give Gwen the opportunity to make the choice because in the past it had been robbed from her (Lancelot leaving when he realized that Arthur loved Gwen, and Lancelot dying the first time). It would grant her autonomy over her own sexuality and choice of partner(s). Unlike the male protagonists in this show, Gwen is never actually given a real chance to morally grapple with anything, especially her own actions. She just is a good person who never does anything wrong, can be a bad-ass if it’s required, and falls into the straight and narrow path of ideal womanhood when she gets a boyfriend in a position of extreme power.
I know I’m barely making sense, but she just could have been written so much better. She could have been treated like a real person in the writers room, but she wasn’t.
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theonceandfuture · 2 months ago
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morgana, gwen, and lancelot! (picrew)
part 1
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castial · 2 years ago
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gwaincelot 🥺🥺🥺 I really love this photo!!!!! so cute
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whenicarusflies · 2 years ago
leon: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Lancelot: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
leon: Death is a social construct.
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koalas-koalas-everywhere · 1 year ago
Rewatching Lancelot du Lac for research purposes and you can SEE in his eyes that he's not the real Lancelot, especially the second time Gwen goes to his tent. Not nearly enough adoration for her.
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themerlinrewrite · 2 years ago
i wanna explore lancelot’s backstory in more specifics - all we hear in the show is that he’s pretty much inigo montoya, which is great, but there’s an amazing opportunity for character development here. this is what i’ve come up with:
((note: my research is sketchy - it’s hard to find reliable information on pre-1100s stuff - so PLEASE correct me if i’m wrong.))
lancelot and his family are from spain, which, at the time, was home to a community of visigoths. (visigoths were an important group in rome’s times later years and are, i think, where the term ‘gothic’ comes from.) his mother and father were killed after the execution of king amalaric in 531, for his death led to the public rampaging and turning the town to battle. lancelot was driven from his hometown for a reason he (being younger) did not understand, running from violence that he could not explain.
if anyone has things to add or your own theories please share, i love talking about character backstories. lancelot for life 💪
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observaureium · 2 years ago
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coaticoyote · 2 years ago
Requesting Help!
I am looking for help on writing, editing, plotting, and doing research for a Merlin fanfiction! It’s called Sons of the Tribunal — I have the most things fleshed out but I need some help with the research and minute details! DM if you want more details to decide if you’d want to help! Thanks!!
Roles I need (You can fill in more than one if you want!!): - Beta Reader(s)
- Research Helper
- Plot + Details Helper
- Character Analyzer I’d be ECSTATIC if anybody was willing to work with me on this! You’d be given credit for all you did! I think it could be fun :D. Just pick what roll you want, DM me, and I’ll tell you about the roll you’d be taking up as well as other general information about the fan fiction!
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kairennart · 7 months ago
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what do you mean I'll love you for the rest of my life and you'll miss me for the rest of yours
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year ago
Want to share an excerpt from one of my wips for no reason Pt 5(?):
As he neared the place where the chirps were coming from, he heard someone else's voice too. 
"Back, you beast! I will not hesitate to run you through!"
With a furious roar, Merlin burst through the trees and used his magic to push the attacker back. 
The man flew through the air and landed in a bush. 
Merlin lowered his hand and turned to the dragon who was looking at him with curiosity. 
"'Thusa!" Merlin exclaimed delightedly. 
Aithusa shrieked and happily bounded over to him, bowing once before leaping on top of him and blowing smoke over his face. 
Merlim laughed, swatting away the smoke with his hand. "It's good to see you too, 'Thusa." Merlin struggled to sit up with Aithusa still on top of him, but managed. "Say, you haven't seen Lancelot anywhere, have you?"
With another happy chirp she skipped over to a pile of bushes and dragged out the man Merlin had thrown back with his magic before and blew smoke on his face too. 
Lancelot coughed as Aithusa helped him sit up. "Wha'?" He looked around dazedly.
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dimsilver · 2 years ago
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is this anything (I am in pain)
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And since Arthur couldn't have lancelot, he turned his attentions to Merlin, because that was the only piece of Lancelot he could have OMG
Here you go, I found it, haha. @nextstopparis​ @once-and-future-gay
[Gif] captions for the video: 
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redenne-moon · 14 days ago
Something I made that's better w/o context.
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