#batman latino
xeavy · 5 months
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AI rendition of Dragon ball Z in Ghibli Studio Art style.
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oldmannapping · 1 year
HC: Everyone in Crime Alley knows who Red Hood is.
They don’t know he’s Jason Todd but
-Norma Marshall knows that the young man who sporadically stays in the apartment across the hall from her, who fixed the building’s heating for free, is the Red Hood. She’s heard him coming back at all hours. She leaves him care packages with homemade chutney and Bandaids because she doesn’t have much but she knows his work is dangerous. Some loud angry men were banging on his door one day and she hid behind her door throwing eggs at them until they left.
-Brent Taylor knows that the guy who installed the security system for the youth LGBTQIA+ safe space centre is the Red Hood. He just showed up one day after they’d had their fifth vandalised window in three weeks, and set it up for nothing. Called it a civic duty. That same night, known Red Hood crew members started loitering purposefully in the area, escorting kids to the centre if they were too shy or scared to come alone.
Brent saw the guy about a month later, leaving a grocery store and ducking into an apartment building nearby. He’s pretty sure he knows where the Red Hood lives, but he’s not saying a fucking word.
-Angela Walters knows that the man who donates to the homeless shelter twice a month is the Red Hood. She knows that the Hood has a connection to the streets and his donations are always thoughtful and practical - not the generic canned corn most people throw into a box. His donations started at the same time as the anti-homeless bus shelters were dismantled by the Red Hood gang and replaced with traditional long benches.
She’s had police sniffing around asking questions before. She sent them on a wild goose chase on the other side of the city and actually got a little bit of a thrill out of it.
-Carla Moreno (street name Liza) knows that Red Hood is a guy with a hard jaw and white streak in his hair. Hood had been running off a John who’d been rough with Miley and the guy had gotten a lucky shot at the helmet with a brick. The girls pulled a dazed Hood into a nearby alley while the John ran off, and he’d taken off the broken helmet.
It was dark and he was wearing a domino mask, but pair the hair with his build and it was a pretty distinctive look. Carla knows that if she tried, she could find him. She doesn’t; she just compliments him on his upgraded helmet when she sees him a few weeks later.
-Ernesto Reyes knows that he’s the Red Hood’s mechanic. The guy calls himself Jay, is chill, and chats to Ernesto in easy Spanish when he comes to pick up his bike, but come on. Everyone in Crime Alley knows that bike. Ernesto’s had to fix bullet holes. Jay’s bike helmet is fucking red. The guy’s either dumb as fuck, cocky as fuck, or a dramatic shithead but either way he pays well and Ernesto’s had worse customers. He’s not telling anybody anything.
Meanwhile Jason’s just like “DOOP DI DOO sure is good to be a super sneaky crime lord ha Ha I’m so much better than Batman”
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headlessdino · 3 months
head empty just latino jason todd. no i'm not saying this because of the poor drug latino stereotypes, i'm literally latino. i just can't stop picturing him as a chilean (or mexican) american solely because i love to project onto him. look me straight in the eye and tell me that he wouldn't know how to make some good fucking empanadas, cause i know damn well he would.
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 months
okay so, dick is canonnically romani and damian is canonnically arab (although dc has painful fear of ever touching upon their heritage or giving them melanin), and we can kind of hope for half-latino (mexican/colombian) jason (although with his background it may be better to just keep him white to avoid stereotyping), but i just also want asian (vietnamese) tim drake, is it too much? is it god?
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Resources for non-malicious Batfanon blogs that're genuinely confused on what to watch/read/play
Bruce:The Batman 2022
Dick:Teen Titans 1966,New Teen Titans,The Titans and Outsiders 2003
Tim:Lonely Place of Dying,Robin 1993,Young Justice 1998 and Red Robin
Cass:No Man's Land,Batgirl 2000 and Shadow of The Batgirl
Damian:Son of Batman 2015,Streets of Gotham,Supersons,Gotham Academy(only gueststars but features his 1st civillian friend),Robin 2021 and Batman and Robin 2023
And i made my own complete manual for Jason which includes reading lists for Duke and Stephanie by other users
Here is pre-Morrison Talia,aka the only Talia as Morrison is a raging islamophobe
And Selina by @pyrocortex who's as dedicated to her as i am Jason(platonically that is)
When i say 'non-malicious',i mean Batfam fans who've been lied to about canon to rope them into perpetuating the mass and inherent bigotry in Batfanon and placated into fence sitters by old whites that don't understand Batman lore any better than your average fake geek guy.Bruce has 6 canon kids and isn't a serial adopter but an adopter of abused or orphaned kids only,Dick has Eldest Daughter Syndrome but actually(as stated by me and a friend)and includes tgirl swag,Tim isn't a white male power fantasy and that includes not one for white racist gays either,Cass was invented specifically to DEFY easian woman stereotypes,Damian is only a monster if you hate brown people,Jason is quite literally the other way around of everything Batfanon says of him,Stephanie is audhd bpd-coded and should be black based on personality alone,Duke is a 2000s cartoon protagonist that only gets ignored because he's black and Talia and Selina are way more than your 'haha Bruce is gay' joke,trust
Oh also,'Batman and Robin are slang for gay' isn't a thing actual comics writers did.It was purely spectulation specifically on ADULT Batman fans' part and Devin Grayson who is frequently cited on why Batcest is canon and therefore good has apologized for her Nightwing runs and said it was a bad coping mechanism on her part.Worth noting the Batrobin rumors were created at a time when they had to take out Batcat from the Adam West Batman show due to recasting Selina as Eartha Kitt and the segregation laws that were a thing back then.So take that as you will in how it reflects the mentality at the time,including regarding children's rights as child abuse was even more extreme due to it being 'normal' and 'justifiable' due to 'history'.Holy decontextualization,Batfans!!!
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louzxv · 3 months
y’all don’t understand how much i love the latino jason headcanon. like i know for some ppl it can be problematic, and i totally understand why it could be a problem given jason's background and lore- but my latino ass can't help but love the idea!
where do you guys think he could be from?
i personally think he could be mixed ethnically and racially, maybe willis could be puertorican and catherine dominican, while sheila is still white.
he could still be racially ambiguous, as a lot of latinos can be racially ambiguous. and even tho i headcanon him to be 2nd gen i KNOW he would be fluid in spanish. AND he would try to stay connected to his culture, no matter what.
idk, i love jason sm i kinda want to see myself in him and i love the thought of sharing my culture w him lol
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mystrothedefender · 16 days
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Me watching any batman media.
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beautyconsumer · 3 months
For the prompt thing, what do you think Jason’s favourite food would be. Obviously he’s used to and will eat anything he’s given but what particularly do you think he’d like? Also, what do you think he’d like to cook?
For the song thing, I think the chain by fleetwood Mac is a very Jason Todd song.
I don’t have anything else, sorry. 👍
Jason is mostly shown to be eating fast food in what I've seen from canon. And the fandom, much to my delight, has decided that his obsessive and meticulous tendencies would be focused into his cooking as well.
And it makes so much sense to me because from going to cheap fast food one is used to from a busy poor family to be able to go all the way to prepare long process food... I love that for him.
For a specific meal I'm not sure but I think he'd be a total snob. If we're going with Latino!Jason and in this case I'm going with mexican cuisine because that's what I know— he'd be the type to buy expensive ass thick stakes, carne asada with salsa de molcajete, potatoes, guacamole, he's a all or nothing kind of guy.
On that note; I personally see Jason using food as a form of love, if preparing a meal that would take more than a few minutes is a from of self care for himself, I also see him doing it for the people he cares about. Romantic or otherwise.
Cooking for his family, his friends, the outlaws, people he has a crush on.
That's how he shows he cares, alright?
If even not going all the way to bake/cook them something I see him stopping at a convenience store or a fast food chain to get them something so their stomach isn't empty.
With a specific dynamic...
Jaygrant: I see Grant absolutely blown away by the care and love Jason pours into cooking. Grant's heart swelling and not knowing what to do with these emotions because wow he cares so much, he doesn't deserve this. But Grant is nothing but an opportunist he's not taking the horse in the mouth.
And also perceives the love when someone else feeds him. Hehe Hence why I think Bruce getting him food and taking care of him without showing much emotions or actual words meant so much back then. Which is also another way Jason perceives affection; actions speak louder than words. Bruce (or anyone) protecting him means a lot.
I was reminded of that one panel in Knight Terrors where he goes, "I just wanted someone—"
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Someone having his back means a lot, especially because of his long story of being betrayed and/alone.
And THAT SONG! That song is in my Jason Todd playlist, you're so right!!!!
"If you don't love me now, you will never love me again, I can still hear you saying you will never break the chain."
I see Under the Red Hood playing with that song. And it pours Jason's feelings so well. It just fits too well.
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vivictory-draws · 6 months
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I wish DC would let him be unhinged and kill people again 😔
Also not sure how I feel about his tattoo, it's supposted to represent the water of the lazarus pit (even if I actually prefer him being resurrected via superboy prime punching the wall of reality)
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transmasculinizing · 3 days
ik people dont see the appeal of letting bruce b anything but white bc "oh hes the product of rich white privilege" or whatever but listen. listen. the way he talks to his kids is so brown parent with undiagnosed autism level communication skills to me
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I spent the entirety of this week reading BatFam comics and it DID NOT help the brainrot go away. I’ll make an extended rambling post about it later, but for now that means it’s time for Robin #2! Have some Red Hood! No, I didn’t read any Red Hood stuff, I just have an order in my head for how I’m drawing these idiots!
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Initial traces with half-baked backdrop! Sooooo, Jason has two commonly used costumes, and I think it kinda just depends on the writer which one he gets (someone tell me if there is any rhyme or reason to which one is used). And sometimes they even mix and match like giving him the full helmet, but short sleeves and a vest. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better till I drew them a couple times, so you get both! On the one hand, I really like costume number #2, since it actually HAS a Red Hood and it allows for more expressiveness in his face. But, on the other hand I also really like the long sleeves and the biker jacket look, and it makes more sense practically to wear a full headed helmet.
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Make it a chibi! Here, I do any remaining stylization by using my trace as a reference for a free handed drawing. For my style, that means make them chibi and make them precious. I don’t care if he’s an angry murderer, he is also a cute baby because that’s just how I draw. This is also when I really got a feel for what it’s like to draw each costume. By the time I was done, I had made a decision.
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Characterization pose! Yup, I went with Biker Red Hood. I’m a real sucker for superhero costumes that are actually just really iconic plainclothes, so a really cool custom bike helmet, cargo pants, and a leather jacket are my vibe! I might still oscillate between the two in future drawings depending on what I need for that specific one, but anything with, like, a continuity will use this Red Hood. Like in the Nightwing post, the Red Hood text is traced.
A quick note about the scars: I know Jason got dumped in the Lazarus pit, but I think even before he accumulated a billion new scars by hanging out in the League of Assassins and then being a mob boss, it probably didn’t have enough time or juice to fix his old injuries. Too much power went to fixing his brain and all the injuries accrued from clawing out of his own grave and then bumming it on the streets of Gotham. I specifically included some head trauma from Crowbar and the Batarang scar from the incident in Under The Red Hood which still haven’t read and probably won’t get to for a while. I am also an advocate for the autopsy scar if I ever draw him with that much chest showing.
Finally, I mentioned in the tags for the last post that I colored Dick a little more brown because he is Romani, and that my Jason and my Damian are also not white. I head-cannon Jason as either half Latino or half Brazilian, and I tried to reflect that here.
Nightwing Edition Here!
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xeavy · 3 months
Excuse me coming through
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doraambrose · 7 months
So, I know there's a lot of discourse in the Fandom about whether jason is white or Hispanic or whatever and I wanted to give insight based solely on canonical evidence. This is not to shame anyone's headcannons or anything, I'm just giving my own opinion based on facts I've seen in comics (but I know DC flip flops things all the time)
1. Jason being Mexican or Hispanic
There is no evidence to support jason being Latino or Hispanic in any way. Canonically, he is described as a pale guy with dark hair and blue eyes. His biological mother is a blonde woman with blue eyes named Sheila haywood. His father, though probably not fully white, does not have any canonical evidence of any Latin heritage. The last name "Todd" is northern English and Scottish. "Haywood" comes from minor areas of old England. Jason has been seen a couple of times speaking Spanish or Portuguese. However, he's canonically a polygot from during his time in the league and has been seen speaking Russian just as much.
2. Jason is asian
While there's also no real evidence to support this in canon and his canonical description does discredit this headcannon, it does seem more logical than other headcannons. Willis Todd's appearance has been consistent with more asian like features (I'm not sure that sounds right, but I hope you understand what I mean) . Though, he does also appear with pale blue eyes.
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Though, with his last name, it's more likely that his mother was of a different race, but his father was white.
Another reason people use is lady Shiva in his contact book. Here's how I see it. When Jason and Bruce went to look for jasons biological mother, they weren't paying attention to appearance of the woken they sought out, they were going solely based on the s names in his dad's book. Why is lady Shiva in his book, idk.
3. Jason is afrolatino
No. Just no. See reasons above
4. Catherine Todd is Hispanic so jason was raised in a Latin household
Catherine todd does not have any canonical evidence of being Hispanic or Latina in any way. Her description states that she's a blonde/redhead pale lady with green eyes. Her maiden name is Johnson, which is middle English and Scottish. She has never been seen speaking any languages other than white and there have been no allusions to her heritage that suggest Hispanic heritage.
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In conclusion, canonically, it's safe to say Jason is probably you're standard white boy. The other possibility is slight percentage of Asian or indigenous heritage from his father's side, but his whole family is mainly white and possibly from England or Scotland.
And I know I said I wasn't going to shame anyone's personal preferences, but why is Jason the one that's so widely considered Latino? And why is he being made a different race to fawn over instead of giving actual Hispanic comic book characters the love they deserve? This is done alot too. Instead of acknowledging comic book POC comic book characters and their own stories, struggles, and badassness, people are turning white characters into poc characters and it doesnt make sense to me. I feel like there's some deep rooted racism there that the only robin from "the ghetto" is the robin who "can't possibly be white". And that point is backed up by the fact that there is no evidence to suggest that jason is Hispanic or Latino in any way, so I have no idea how this headcannon came to be.
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anymal28 · 3 months
Latino/latino-mix Jason Todd you shall always be dear to me <3
Something about lil Jason cursing out a criminal in spanish with his lil gothamite accent is so dear to me <3
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fnck-fac3 · 3 months
Me clapping at the ‘English is not my first language’ writers.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Duke:....I was never a real Robin.I've been with you guys way longer than i ever was with Bruce-
Jason:Yeah,no shit you're not Batman's Robin.You're The Outlaws' Robin-You're my Robin and you always have been and you always will be
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