#bastard three
morgana-ren · 1 year
Have you done like a kink list for what your AU are into? I'm very interested in their depravity!
For the public? Not quite. But back in the beginning when we first started setting it up, we did a sort of kink list for them to help get a handle on them when we wrote them. A lot of their kinks developed naturally as we wrote, but we needed a baseline to work with first.
Since half of the characters are ocs, and the other half are preexisting but warped to the point they might as well be new characters, it was a helpful way of getting a grasp on them.
It's important to note that these aren't necessarily our personal kinks, but more of a natural way of letting the character grow and develop on their own. Keep in mind, this is years and years running, so these are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head. It's a deeply intricate au with a lot going on, but this should give you a good idea.
Astarion's are much the same as HERE. He's the same Astarion with a vastly different way of being saved from Cazador, a different way of ascending, and three new idiot brothers who he loves more than the world. Therefore, he's sort of a different person in the end, but also... very much the same. He loves his knife, he loves brats and loves a struggle. He's the least likely to hurt you if you spit in his face, but not for any reason regarding kindness. It's because he's going to deliberately antagonize you to make you angrier and more likely to fight back just so he can subdue you. There's a playful edge to his cruelty. He has been elaborated on already, so I'll skip the lecture.
Nightmare is a prince, and you'd know it from the uppity way he acts. He pretends that sex is vulgar and a waste of time. But he's also a pirate and a private hedonist. Nightmare is the most likely to hurt you for no reason, if only to see you cry. He has the worst case of dacryphilia you've ever seen. Allergies and you're sniffling with watery eyes? Run. Death in the family and you're wailing? Run. He backhands you and your eyes begin to tear up? Run. Or, you know what? Don't. He enjoys a nice hunt, and there's no way you're getting away. He gets off on fear.
He likes clever, soft girls. He's going to stalk them, and that's a nice way of putting it. He's going to ruin your fucking life and leave you with nothing. And then he's going to swoop in, the golden knight in shining armor. He has a hero complex. He's going to personally orchestrate the most miserable days of your life so that he can 'save' you from it.
He is an absolute sucker for domesticity. Nothing gets him hotter than watching the object of his affection with an apron on, baking just for him, cleaning his house, basically acting the part of a pretty little housewife. Except nuns. He is not allowed around nuns. He goes absolutely feral for any kind of religious girl (he's a devil, what do you want from him? It's not quite a corruption kink and more the act of defiling.)
He likes gaslighting and confusing his girls. He will use magic to literally construct you an alternate reality only to slam you back into your present one to make you feel insane. He will create a whole isolated pocket in the feywild to kidnap and keep you. He is a Baneite, and thus, he has a huge thing for power (if he can best you, he has earned what he wants from you, and if you cannot stop him, then it's your fault) and needs to be the one in control, and more importantly, you need to know it. If you're truly his, he will enchant a collar and put it on your neck permanently and it will shock you if you try to remove it. If he feels like it, you get the leash too, just to remind you of your place. He's a little too into the less fun aspects of pet play, like forcing you to sleep on the floor because 'no pets on the furniture' and making you lick cum off the floor. Disobey him? You get the lightning whip. He loves flogging and pain and-- just all of it. He will tie you up on his bed in the most uncomfortable position imaginable and just.. leave you there to think about how you've behaved.
Nightmare is cruelty for cruelty's sake. He's going to hurt you. Badly. Both mentally and physically until you worship him, like he deserves-- and he is a master at it. He's perfectly capable of seducing but gets more glee out of forcing himself on you. The more you cry, the more you cry out, the more rabid he gets. He wants you to trust him with your life, and then to betray that trust and watch your face as you realize it. He's in it for the long game, and will spend months orchestrating the perfect way to break you, working his way in to become your best friend or whatever else have you to get you to depend on him and need him, and then completely betray you. He's the least likely to have a fling or a one-night stand. If he has his eye set on you, it's the long haul. He adores punishment and even if you do everything perfectly, he's going to find a reason to hurt you.
It's not an incest kink, and he'll call you vulgar if you accuse him of it, but oh-so secretly, he does like being called 'daddy' or 'big brother.' He'll tell you he prefers 'master', and he's only lying about the preference. It's an abuse of power thing. You must get him 'foaming at the mouth' feral for him to finally admit it.
He'll invade your dreams and violate you night after night until you think you've gone actually crazy. He has no problem abusing magic in his sexual conquests. He is very good at what he does and is the most likely to get very into it. He enjoys a good roleplay and will even dress up himself!-- and then take his role WAY too fucking seriously. Oh, you're a student and he's a headmaster? He will give you an actual written test. Yes. He will.
He's beautiful and knows it. He is all about decorum and propriety. He's prim and proper until you get him in the shadows. You'll never know he wants you until he's got a hand on your neck and is pushing inside. He will insult you and berate you and degrade you and make you bleed with his claws until you scream. Secretly, all he wants is a family and children of his own and a housewife that adores and worships him and pampers him-- and a kingdom at his feet. He usually gets it. His atrocious backstory does not make up for his behavior, but it's certainly understandable.
Reaver is the most openly depraved. He's the least likely to hurt you physically if you do as he asks but the most likely to ask you to do something that you'd rather die than do. He has a strange pseudo-incest kink where he likes to be referred to as 'Uncle' even in bed, so.. that's great. He's massive and has a huge size kink as well. He likes little things that are much smaller than him and easier to manhandle (and if you're a six-foot-tall girl, don't worry, you're still much smaller than he is, and you still fucking count.) He likes sex in general, but loves 'non-traditional' sex the most, eg anal (this is horrible because he is massive.) If you squirm or fight too much, he will put your little ass in a cage he keeps in his room or dungeon and just watch you with an eerie smile.
He's also into stereotypical guy shit, like lap-dances and general degradation. He has a massive closet full of various outfits and appendages for roleplay and cosplay. He's extravagant and loves showing off, and will spend absurd amounts of money on you, buy you a ridiculously priced dress, and throw a whole ball to celebrate. He loves the finer things, and will buy out the nicest restaurant, buy you the most expensive dinner, and then want to have sex on the table while the staff are still cleaning up. He likes public sex to a degree but is usually not allowed to indulge because Nightmare calls it crass. He also likes tattooing and piercing his girls, and often wants his symbol on their body somewhere, but again, is shot down by Nightmare (which funny enough, I got his symbol tattooed on me willingly.)
He's easily the most openly licentious, and when he doesn't have someone in particular to lavish affection on, he's partial to orgies and anonymous sex. He loves abuse of authority and can be seen harassing maids and staff that he wants to fuck. He gets off on having sex (be it willing or no, usually not) with people on the opposite end of the political spectrum, and I'll let you use your imagination to figure out what side he's on (hint, it's his own side.) He will hold incentives over your head to get you to comply (Think: I'll pay fair wages for a year if you blow me right now,) and to his credit, he will uphold his word.
Basically, he throws money at everything and has become a soulless libertine that gets off on the most depraved shit imaginable. He likes shock. He's going to make you sit on his lap and call you his niece in public because he loves the looks of disgust, but more than that, he loves the fact that no one would dare do anything about it because he's so powerful. He is genuinely disgusting to cover up his tragic backstory and any vulnerability he might have.
Ilya was also a prince, but a very different kind of prince. He's spoiled and bratty and arrogant, but deeply intelligent and ambitious and has been around for hundreds of years, just like the other three. He was a bit of a whore (he had concubines and harems galore,) and he is capable of having regular one-night stands, but when he finds someone(s) that he wants, he becomes... terrifying.
He will use his beauty to enrapture you. You'll see him as the kind, gentle, intelligent, and beautiful but lonely man who lives alone in a manor that's far too large for just him, and some part of you will ache to help him-- and he knows. He will ensnare you with artifacts from ancient Mongolia and the East and Russia and whatever else interests you and by the Gods, he plays his part well. In truth? He's almost worse than Reaver.
He will take advantage of your kindness, set circumstances up just right, and then strike. He's so good at it that when he does make his move, you will gaslight yourself into thinking you're imagining it. His hand will literally be moving up your skirt and your brain will go 'No, it's an accident--'
...And then he will crank it up a notch because he wants the panic and the fear. He wants you to beg him to stop only to smile condescendingly and say "No. And what are you going to do about it?" You'll be in such a whiplash from the two personalities that it'll make your head spin.
A true libertine and hedonist. He believes the point of life is pleasure, and that you must take it where you will. He is also obsessed with power, but is a sight-bit more playful about it than Nightmare. He will still chain you to his bed, but unlike Nightmare, he will use your own pleasure against you. You will hate him, seethe and sputter curses at him, and then he will make you see the face of God. He will leave you in a puddle, dumbfounded and horrified on his bed, hating yourself.
He's the one that encourages and coaxes the basest desires of the other three. The devil on the devil's shoulder. He and Nightmare will drive the other two nuts by speaking Russian and they get along quite well. If Nightmare hasn't made up his mind about wanting a girl, it is Ilya that inevitably puts the final nail in the coffin.
Ilya has all the kinks of the previous three combined. He lived a very indulgent lifestyle before he died, and is used to getting whatever he wants. He's gorgeous and educated, just like Nightmare, and when the two get together, it's a huge problem.
Ilya is the most recent addition to the group, and he's mine. I won't go more into detail unless someone asks cause it's usually the original three that people like.
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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ok gayboy
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"The Supreme Court on Thursday [June 13, 2024] unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S. last year, in the court’s first abortion decision since conservative justices overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago.
The nine justices ruled that abortion opponents lacked the legal right to sue over the federal Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the medication, mifepristone, and the FDA’s subsequent actions to ease access to it. The case had threatened to restrict access to mifepristone across the country, including in states where abortion remains legal.
Abortion is banned at all stages of pregnancy in 14 states, and after about six weeks of pregnancy in three others, often before women realize they’re pregnant.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was part of the majority to overturn Roe, wrote for the court on Thursday that “federal courts are the wrong forum for addressing the plaintiffs’ concerns about FDA’s actions.”
The opinion underscored the stakes of the 2024 election and the possibility that an FDA commissioner appointed by Republican Donald Trump, if he wins the White House, could consider tightening access to mifepristone, including prohibiting sending it through the mail...
Kavanaugh’s opinion managed to unite a court deeply divided over abortion and many other divisive social issues by employing a minimalist approach that focused solely on the technical legal issue of standing and reached no judgment about the FDA’s actions...
While praising the decision, President Joe Biden signaled Democrats will continue to campaign heavily on abortion ahead of the November elections. “It does not change the fact that the right for a woman to get the treatment she needs is imperiled if not impossible in many states,” Biden said in a statement...
About two-thirds of U.S. adults oppose banning the use of mifepristone, or medication abortion, nationwide, according to a KFF poll conducted in February. About one-third would support a nationwide ban...
More than 6 million people [in the U.S.] have used mifepristone since 2000. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone and primes the uterus to respond to the contraction-causing effect of a second drug, misoprostol. The two-drug regimen has been used to end a pregnancy through 10 weeks gestation...
Biden’s administration and drug manufacturers had warned that siding with abortion opponents in this case could [have] undermined the FDA’s drug approval process beyond the abortion context by inviting judges to second-guess the agency’s scientific judgments. The Democratic administration and New York-based Danco Laboratories, which makes mifepristone, argued that the drug is among the safest the FDA has ever approved."
-via AP, June 13, 2024
Note: A massive relief and a genuine victory - this will preserve access to the medication used in 2/3rds of abortions last year, for at least another 2 years. (Probably minimum time it will take Republicans to get their next attempt before the Supreme Court.)
Still, with this, a sword that has been hanging over our heads for the last two years is gone. There will be a new one soon, but we just bought ourselves probably at least 2 years. The fight isn't over, but this is absolutely worth celebrating.
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winterpower98 · 5 months
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These were originally meant for Valentine's day, but oh well
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
"I would like to know who is Luffy's mom-" you mean HER??????
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The Season 3 John Watson Look was quite something
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mariusroyale · 1 year
things raph does bc he’s an older sibling
- sometimes he locks them out of the lair while looking directly at them
- sometimes pushes their heads in their shells while walking
- bites them (they get grossed out and try get him back)
- gives the most annoying kisses on their head, like brings them in hugs and just SMOOOCH and they’re always like RAPH- RAPH STOP
- if they’ve done something to piss him off- he runs to chase them and does three specific things depending on which brother it is
- he corners mikey and laughs at him screaming when he moves from side to side really quick
- if it���s donnie he uses his ninpo and makes clones of himself to stop him
- if it’s leo he’s gonna shove whatever the slider’s hiding behind towards him to further corner him
- “im older so i’m right”
- “you always took the smaller pieces when we were tots, it was really sweet”
“actually raph had like several before i shared them w you guys”
“you what”
- takes the most atrocious bites of their food when he asks for a share- EVEN AFTER THEYVE TOLD HIM TO GET A LITTLE BIT
- leans on them randomly, fully knowing they’re gonna fall
- if u agree w the rest of the fandom w him having a long tail, he sometimes hits them w it and says it’s an accident
- holding shit out of their reach
- as an extension of the other thing, he also just puts things on higher shelves when he sees the others struggling to get something
- if they’re on the floor he knocks them over while passing by
- burping and directing it at one of them. does not matter who, they always get disgusted and it’s the funniest shit to him
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spinosacha · 3 months
Okay so I had heard that Hugo fucked but nothing could prepare me for actually reading up on it. THIS IS THE GUY WHO KEPT PRAISING CHASTITY???
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artandbrimstone · 6 months
hello there tumblr idk how many of you remember that silly little animatic ive been working on for uhhhhh four months but IT IS COMPLETE
here is the full thing but i would really appreciate it if you hyped it up on youtube as well!!
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batboyblog · 2 years
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Happy New Year!
Be Even Gayer in 2023!
Love, Victor (Hulu/Disney+) Heartstopper (Netflix) Heartbreak High (Netflix) Elite (Netflix) Fire Island (Hulu) Interview With the Vampire (AMC+) Chucky (Peacock) The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself (Netflix) Young Royals (Netflix) Three Months (Paramount+)
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rubbish78 · 2 years
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why does Gerard look so damn small compared to shortass Frank in this shot?
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undead-knick-knack · 7 months
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I'll wait 💅
Pic is from here, it's #16
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
Evidence that Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish is not what he seems-Lt. SR:
Soap smells like rain, it took a while to put it together because it's not Soap himself that emits the odor, it just follows him. It's less potent inside and when it's sunny outdoors but if you concentrate it's always there.
He has never been observed touching a gun or grenades without gloves. Almost every other explosive he handles with no regard for his own safety gloves.
HE EATS WEIRD SHIT. While he doesn't eat much of the food on offer from the cafe, he does eat consistently when outdoors, usually plants or flowers. Things he has eaten: dandelions(edible), garlic(edible), thistle(edible but he ate it with the thorns), foxglove(toxic, showed no adverse reaction), Several unidentified flowers and berries, grass(technically edible?) Etc.
Will sometimes refuse to enter a place before abruptly going in. The data is not consistent between different buildings or locations. Further research is required.
Sharp teeth.
Groups things in nonsensical ways. He will only fill a magazine with bullets that total a multiple of 7 or 3. The same for what weights he uses in the gym. When drawing or eating he sorts by 4s. He traded his room to get #13 (right next door, coincidence?).
Cameras will not focus on him, whether photo or video he is never in focus regardless of distance or conditions.
He has never once been in medical for more than half an hour, usually much less. Even though his hands have light burns on them almost constantly.
Dogs hate him. He seems ambivalent towards them and he's never been bit that Ive seen. Cats adore him as do birds.
John MacTavish does not blush. Not for lack of trying even when genuinely flustered or hot, his skin does not flush.
Ghost sets down the small notebook with a minute sound of frustration. The evidence is all there but looking at it, what does it really say? Other than that he's an obsessive creep. A series of quirks and coincidences compiled by a paranoid son of a bitch into a fucking stalker journal. But still, Simon can't help but feel like he's right and he'd be dead a million times over if he simply disregarded his intuition. Even if it is something batshit insane.
At this point however it seems that it'll drive him mad far before it yields any answers. After scouring what little resources were comprehensible on the internet he'd started growing out his hair, intent on tying it in knots to prevent charms. Leaving him with a problem he'd not encountered since he'd first donned the mask: unruly curls and balaclavas don't mix well at all. He'd also kept a piece of stale bread in his pocket for days as he'd read it was a repellent to- and he can't even believe he's considering it-fairies. It backfired, if anything Johnny had been more attached to him and even more touchy than usual. He'd left a small deli cup full of coffee creamer outside his door overnight and found it neatly placed upside down where he'd left it with not a drop left. Ghost chalked that up to some wise guy playing a joke or an exceptionally dextrous cat and firmly shut the door on any other possibilities in his mind. His next test had been a gift of clothing mixed with complements, he'd read that both were likely to drive away any Other. It hadn't been a very extravagant gift, a new pair of gloves and a gruff "well done Johnny" but at the time it had seemed to be the final nail in the coffin as Soap had gone white as a sheet(he can do that but he can't blush???) and scurried off. A quiet dread had filled his stomach the whole day until Soap turned up at dinner, a little quieter than usual but wearing his new gloves and eating more than usual(a scoop and a half of mashed potatoes with 4 packets of butter and 2 packets of sour cream as well as a cookie. The main course of spaghetti and meatballs went untouched though Gaz snapped it up before it could truly go to waste). Though when Ghost returned to his room late that night after trudging through hours of paperwork he found a pile of tiny, aromatic, pink flowers on the floor in front of his door and on top of them a shiny metal comb. Simon's tired brain hardly stopped to think of any of the dire warnings he'd found on forum posts and folklore sites alike, crouching and tenderly retrieving the piece from its bed of flora, careful not to crush any of the tiny blooms. Well... With all the knots in his hair-purposeful and otherwise-he's going to need a sturdy comb anyway.
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bookcub · 5 months
*in a series that has previously all been written by one person
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ricky-mortis · 6 months
I thought I was the only Mark Chasity fan on this webbed site ⁉️
anyway I love your art
Well you were sorely mistaken, my friend. I am constantly rotating this dork in one of the infinite corners of my brain.
Also- thank you so much! Have some more Mark Chasity:
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I'm only tangential to the House of the Dragon fandom but from what I can discern this entire conflict could have been avoided if Otto had just realized he could have Alicent seduce Rhaenyra instead of Viserys.
Yes, it would have created an entirely different conflict, but this conflict would have been avoided so my point still stands.
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