#basically everyday life leaving me tired
a-v-j · 2 months
averse Avery IS your kid, literally yours and Nyxy’s kid
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"Whoops, spoiler alert"
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Venus in houses and how you might create your music
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Hi again! Do you remember when I said that my previous post could be the last one? This was just a joke. Hahaha! Never mind, welcome to my second astrology observation about Venus! This time I'm going to write about how can you create your own music through Venus in houses from you natal charts. This observation might be great for someone who wants to be musician. This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I was working on something else and I was too tired later on. This observation can apply for both western and vedic astrology. Again, if you resonate with this observation, take it. If it doesn't, leave it, this might be for someone else then. But nonetheless, enjoy it!
Venus in the 1st house: I think that you guys with this placement can be inspired about your own life while creating music. Of course, it all depends on your Rising sign/Ascendant. The 1st house represents our personality, body, self and our life path, so you might make music that is related to your overall life or that is tied to your persona. You may create all of the music on your own, 'cause 1st house is associated with being independent too, but it doesn't have to be the case for all of you. It seems to me that you can basically live your music or you already live music in general. Your discography could be your autobiography, period.
Venus in the 2nd house: You may value music a lot and you may prefer to make music that is valuable, since the 2nd house does represent values. The 2nd house is also related to the business and money, so you might have this business mindset when it comes to creating music or you can make the type of music that gives you money. I think this is a great placement to monetize your artistic abilities in general. Since the 2nd house also represents the throat, which is related to singing voice, I feel that people with this placement prioritize their vocals over anything. It reminds me of singers who just come to the studio and record already made song/demo, written and produced by someone else and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.
Venus in the 3rd house: This house rules over the communication and self-expression, which means that you can express yourself through the music easily. Your mind is very creative with this placement. You may focus on writing skills while making your own music. Lyrics are first, and then there's ten blank spaces. You might write really beautiful songs about your life circumstances, but it depends in which sign your 3rd house is placed. The 3rd house is also associated with siblings and neighbors, which tells that you can create music with your brother or sister or just with people who are close to you. This placement can also indicate having multiple inspirations or ways to create music or write lyrics, because the 3rd house is being ruled by Gemini which is an air, mutable and dual sign like I just said in my previous post.
Venus in the 4th house: You can create music in your own house, since 4th house is related to home or a place which is familiar to us. When it comes to making you own music, you might work with your family member, especially with your mother who can help you and teach you how to make/write music. You may also have an innate talent from one of your parent or from both parents. Maybe you create music when you feel like it, because the 4th house represents emotions, so you don't force yourself doing anything related to music when you lack motivation or ideas. You may wait for idea to come to you first and then you start making stuff. This placement can indicate practicing traditional/old school ways of making music too.
Venus in the 5th house: My God, this is just a fun and creative placement! Seriously, you should practice any kind of art you want everyday if you have this placement in your natal chart. You might use music as a hobby or have a lot of ideas out of nowhere, because the 5th house is one of the most creative houses in astrology and is related to the entertainment. You can turn your hobbies into a career, especially if your Venus is your 10th house/MC ruler. But when it comes to creating your own music, your way of doing that could be a joyful experience and you can really have a lot of fun while making the music, 'cause you might see the music as a hobby. You can also make music with children, since the 5th house in associated with children if you like children as well.
Venus in the 6th house: This placement might not indicate a great talent of music or anything art related, 'cause the 6th house does represent our daily routines, 9-5 jobs and doing something that we don't like to do. But it doesn't mean there's no good side of this placement. You can be a type of musician who practice writing or production almost every day, which makes sense because this house basically represents something we do everyday. The good part is because you practice creating music/art everyday, you can become a better artist than someone who has a natural ability to create music. You may also make music about working class, 'cause that's what 6th house is all about. If you have this placement in your natal chart, I encourage you to do something creative everyday, 'cause there's a potential for you to become skilled in this field.
Venus in the 7th house: Venus is all about love, while the 7th house is about team work and partnerships, so they work well together. I feel that the best way to create you own music is working with others/collaborating and just being a team worker in general. I'm not saying that you can't do anything on your own, but if you struggle with making your music independently, then you should engage other people. Thank me later. You can make art with you partner or be inspired by your partners, because the 7th house represents our partners and how you interact with other people. It could also mean that your partner is artistic and pushes you to create music with him, her or them. Overall, I think working with others can fulfill you somehow.
Venus in the 8th house: You may create your music when you feel intense emotions, such as grieve, sorrow, sadness etc. The process of making music might be challenging for you and you'll likely have to deal with ups and downs while creating your music, because the 8th house is one of the hardest houses in astrology to deal with and is basically associated with challenges in our life. This placement can also tell me that you're someone who lock the room and make/record the music in silence or in places where there's no many people. The 8th house is a very mysterious house, so it makes sense.
Venus in the 9th house: This house is about religion, luck, happiness etc. You may be inspired by the experience with your religion or with your overall life. Making music could be an adventurous process where you can expand your horizons. The 9th house also represents foreign land and higher education, which may indicate you collaborating with people from abroad or being inspired by international music from foreign culture. It can indicate you studying some form of artistic major too and that's where the association of the 9th house with the higher education comes.
Venus in the 10th house: If you have this placement, I want to tell you that you may be blessed when it comes to your career path (it depends on your Venus sign and its aspects, of course). You can basically make the whole career based on music with this placement. Your co-workers might be artistic and they might push you to navigate your talents and gifts as much as they can. The creating process of yours could be very professional and you may take that seriously. I feel that you might make the certain type of music that the general public expects to hear, because the 10th house is associated with reputation and how people perceive you.
Venus in the 11th house: This is another placement that can indicate you making music with the bunch of other people, especially with your friends, 'cause this house is about friendships, connections and networking. If you want to be a musician while having this placement in your natal chart, please find someone who can work with and share your artistic vision, because I don't think you can do everything on your own. I'll also encourage you to post your songs on any internet platforms if you can, because the 11th house represents internet and social media too. It seems to me that you may follow the music trends or even start the new one while creating your music. The 11th house is also associated with your finances and how can you make money, so you can make money with you music as well. Lucky you!
Venus in the 12th house: You're likely someone who is naturally talented in music or in any kind of art, but you mostly hide this side of you or you just make music in private and do everything by yourself. It's so sad if you hide your talents and gifts from anyone else, because I feel that you're so creative musically and you could make a good piece of art if you acknowledged your talents. I can also sense that you might create your music when you're emotionally in tune with yourself or when you have an adequate vision about how should the particular song sound. Hope that makes sense, lol.
Well, that's it! I really hope that you all can resonate with this observation. This is basically the second part of my astrology observation about Venus and to be honest, I got a little bit tired of Venus planet. So, if this astrology observation flop, I will not be surprised, haha lol. Overall, I hope you enjoyed it.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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begginmonty · 11 months
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(move spoilers i guess if you havent seen it?? blood mentions)
instead of vanessa, you're the one at the end of afton's knife. you had watched as afton had gone to go attack mike and abby, you quickly remembered vanessa had given you her gun, so you shot. twice. and he turned to you, giving mike and abby a second to run or hide. afton had an evil grin on his face as he strode towards you, too quick for you to react, and pulled you in almost for like a hug. his knife plunging into your stomach, a pained gasp leaving your lips. your mouth wavered open, gripping the knife in your abdomen with trembling hands, tears in your eyes. afton looked you right in the eye, evil, pure evil.
you didn't remember too much. abby had alerted mike to what was happening, and mike looked over at you, creating an image that would permanently be etched into his brain. you looked so scared and so in pain, the blood dripping through your fingers was something he'd never forget. vanessa had managed to distract her dad just enough for abby to do her drawings and for the animatronics to turn against their captor. "y/n!" mike had yelled, running over to you, where you still stood shocked, unsure what do to. you moved your hand and the knife fell out. your breathing quickened, and you began to cry silently. you remembered looking at mike who's arms were around you as you nearly fell, a look of fear upon his features, unsure what to do to help. you passed out in mikes arms a few seconds later, both of you on the ground. "y/n? y/n??? no no no no, y/n" he had never panicked so much in his life, holding your head, "come on come on come on, please, y/n, y/n"
it took almost a week for you to wake up. but mike and abby visited you everyday, vanessa did too. drawings from abby covered the hospital bedside table, they were all drawings of you being a hero or you, her and mike altogether holding hands. mike had told you that he loved you for the first time, sitting next to you on a plastic chair, holding your hand, brushing the hair out of your face, as you were unconscious.
mike was away when he got the call you had woken up, he risked all the speeding tickets for you. despite everything you had endured, you still had a smile on your face when you saw a tired mike entering the room. he sat down next to you, and held your hand in an instant.
"the nurse told me you slept here a lot" and he blushed a little. he tried to apologise and you wouldn't let him, it wasn't his fault. you could see tears well in his eyes, you knew he was beating himself up. and the two of you sat and talked for a long time, and you stroked his face with your finger, happy to see him. he wiped the stray tear rolling from your eyes, moving your arms too much hurt you a lot and all you wanted to do was hug mike.
you were in the hospital for nearly a good month basically. mike made sure to come and see you everyday, you told him he didn't have to but he still did. abby visited a lot of the times too, sitting next to you on the bed, reading the cards she'd wrote you and she explained all her drawings to you. mike would stay with you until he was kicked out due to visiting hours over but you had a nice nurse who would accidentally forget mike was in the room and let him stay longer.
you were finally given the all clear. mike was helping you pack your stuff in the hospital room. "do you want to move in with me and abby?" it took you by surprise. the bright smile on your face answered his question.
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itz-amani · 10 months
ADOPT ME HUMAN [What if Sukuna was a cat part 2]
Cat Sukuna X reader [part 2] Imagines.(Photos are not mine) [Grammar error]
TW : blood
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Calling all JJK cat lovers your dessert has arrived..
-Basically Sukuna hates you giving orders towards him
-Like when he is laying on your laptop and you wanted to do your work, you ask him to get up,he ignored you so you ended up lifting him u
p put him on the floor.The fact that he was pissed.
-"How dare you lift me up.Such a foolish act "OHOHOHH you better becareful!
-After hours of working on your laptop you decided to spend the rest of the day with your "beloved" cat, Sukuna
-You saw him loafing beside the window of your apartment living room.You walked towards him calling "Kuna~Lets cuddle togeth-" Suddenly
-You saw him giving you the "Side eye" reaction , immediately scratch your hand in a blink of an eye.
-The scratch was very deep , causing your hand to bleed.A tear when down to your cheek you didn't realised and rushed towards the bathroom of your room for the first aid-kit ,as you lock the door leaving Sukuna alone.
-Sukuna felt so self satisfied"That what you get,Know your place fool" and proceeds to take a nap without a care
-But little did he know that the pride moment ended when he woke up you are not in the living room.
-At first he didn't care.A few minutes he started to get worried how long have you been in your room
-He assumed that after you heal the wound you go outside and apologised to him you didn't comeback.He started to get worried. (Imagine having a cat that worries its owner.I hope my cat does that everyday)
-Sukuna began to meow many times to make you respond at his calls It didn't worked at all.He thinks that you are already dead.He didn't even wanted to kill you he just wanted to make you kneel at him but it turned out worst.
-He began to scratch your bedroom door to make you hear the sound of the door knowing that he needs you.
-You are sleeping in your bedroom after you finished healing your wound.You don't want to bother Sukuma .That's why you decided to stay in your bedroom giving him some spaces and understanding that he is trying to "fit in " the new life.
-You woked up with the sound of scratching on your door assuming that is Sukuna
-You got up,opened the door revealing him in front of your bed room.You blinked with your tired puffy eyes,apologising about bothering him at the first and let him inside to your bedroom.
-Sukuna felt so asshamed.I know cats don't feel guilty when they scratch their owners but Sukuna has feelings.He is the one supposed to apologise.Sukuna walked inside , getting on your bed as you do it.
-Sukuna saw your healing woud that is already covered up with bandages.He felt so horrible he wanted to apologise to you.
-While you are trying to to sleep he keeps headbutting you on the forehead telling he is apologising "Forgive me human about my imprudent act".You give a tired smile forgiving his actions as you kiss his nose "I forgive you 'Kuna..But now I really need to go to sleep"
-Him crawling on to your chest laying as you fall into your slumber
"Maybe she isn't bad after all"
[Part 2] LIKE FOR PART 3
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
Messages From Your Mental Prison
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is about your mental health and the state of how you view the world and everything that is going on in your life. This could be about your depression, Anxiety, or even suicidal thoughts. Read with caution as this reading may have triggers.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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TW Ahead Read With Caution
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Pile l:
Messages From Your Mental Prison. Tarot: 8 of Pentacles (Reversed), 9 of Swords, 4 of Swords (reversed), 10 of Cups (reversed), Justice
This reminds me of the TikTok clip of the voice screaming "It's not fair. It's not fair." reminding me of how many people have probably told you that you handle stress and everyday life so well but little do they know your mental state is literally one inconvenience away from having a mental breakdown. Stress and anxiety practically camp out in your mind on a daily basis pile l. You can't seem to escape it, it's all you have known for quite a while and you're tired. There is a saying that "There is no sleep for the wicked" Well in your case "There is no sleep for the poor or those who lack the resources to pull themselves up in their life." All you want in life is enough to pay your bills and a little extra for savings and be able to do something with your life like try a new hobby without feeling guilty for spending money that isn't on "important" things like survival. You probably have been in survival mode for quite some time now and wondering when will you see a breakthrough. You're tired of being tired. You're tired of practically playing Russian roulette with your bills of which one can you not pay for this month. One thing I will say pile l is even though things may seem bleak please don't give up, I sense things will get better financially for you. Sometimes in life you just need to find your footing for things to take off.
Extra Messages: Tea Tree Leaf Oracle: Seek out information that will help you out, A Journey either physical or mental, unsettled times. Need to plan ahead, Announcement, Get back to the basics.
Pile l your extra message oracles make me believe that you feel lost, maybe even stuck for some of you with no clue in the world of how to better your situation or go about life. You have the get back to the basics card which sticks out to me like a sore thumb letting the game know that I sense you may be the type who always tries to do those get-rich-and-quick schemes like drop shipping or anything else you see that pops up on your social media feed and it never works out for whatever reason. You want to know why....it's because you aren't supposed to be doing that. That's not your path to riches. You have the 8 of Pentacles and 10 of Cups card but it's reversed meaning you are meant to have emotional and financial fulfillment you just need to stop and get back to the basics. What basics mystic? What is it that has been drawing or calling you in? What is something you keep putting off or not doing because you believe based on society and family it won't make you any money? For most of you, this is what you need to be doing. For others of you, you will be going on a journey where you need to find this out. Figure out what feeds your soul that you would do for free and do that but add tax. You are meant to freelance and be your own boss, not working for other people. Overall this is a journey process for you pile l. You will deal with more hard times as you figure this out but remember this journey is temporary to where you want to be, so keep pushing. An answer if it hasn't already will come to you.
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Pile ll:
Messages From Your Mental Prison. Tarot: The Hermit, Page of Swords (reversed), Queen of Cups, 10 of Wands, 10 of Swords (reversed)
When was the last time you nurtured yourself or spent time alone and really tried to heal and nurture yourself with positive thoughts pile ll. It's a never-ending cycle of you constantly bombarding yourself with cruel words that aren't true. This reminds me slightly of the reading I posted titled Mystery pt. ll. But overall this feeling of yours feels more so as if the world has its weight on your shoulders and you feel as if you are a burden to those around you. You may live at home, with roommates, or feel that you constantly are asking anyone and everyone around you for help as if you can't do anything for yourself and you're tired. You're ready to be able to be independent without having to rely on others. Maybe others have made you feel bad as well for asking for help when you are down on your luck to where you just feel crushed, stuck, unable to move in a direction because one way people will make you feel bad for your predicament and the other hand you will make yourself feel bad because you feel whatever this is you should be able to do by yourself but can't because life is tough right now. As I mentioned in pile l you need to get back to the basics. Get back to the basics of life and take things one step at a time. You are doing the best you can with what you have and don't let anyone make you feel bad about that.
Extra Messages: Tea Tree Leaf Oracle: Position of authority, August, Someone you know is undependable and insincere, Slowly but surely getting ahead. Pay attention to your work, Good Fortune.
As mentioned your life while it maybe chaotic at the moment everything is a journey and slowly but surely things will get better and you will get ahead eventually. With the Position of authority I am seeing this in two ways some of you should pay attention to your work as there may be a position available for you in management where you can make more money this may happen around or sometime in August. If not within the company you work maybe this is an invitation to be your own boss or look elsewhere for higher positions especially if you have more than enough qualifications. For others of you, this position of authority is letting you know that you are the boss of your own life and have complete control of what goes on and who is in it. Never let people who claim to be friends or family make you feel bad for being on hard times. They aren't who they say they are and you should move accordingly with that information. Overall Good Fortune is in your cards by the end of this rough patch. You just need to focus and hone in on ways you can do more within your life with the resources of which you have. Again this could be moving up in the company or going elsewhere, where advancement is an option.
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Pile lll:
Messages From Your Mental Prison. Tarot: The Star, The Sun, Ace of Pentacles (reversed), The Fool (reversed), Awakening
Pile lll, my babies, it's time to allow yourself to be seen by the world. It's time to stop hiding in the shadows allowing life to pass you by. You can't keep yourself in the mental prison of feelings of imposter syndrome, fear of judgment, etc. Life wants to give you financial blessings, especially with the Ace of Pentacles in Reversed but you are blocking them because you aren't doing what needs to be done. This could be you starting a YouTube channel, being a content creator on social media, writing a book or screenplay/ maybe even fanfiction for some of you, others this might just be you hiding from a promotion that you deeply desire but feel you lack experience, knowledge, etc. Whatever this is for you, you have to release the thoughts that plague your mind and go for the thing that puts you in front of everyone. Yes at first you may make mistakes or look cringe or whatever the issue may be but that's how everything is when you first jump deep into something. You make mistakes and people will talk...but you want to know something life moves on and the world doesn't end. Seriously do the thing, it's time. You will beat yourself up if others take the things that you want for yourself and you want to know something you have no one to blame but yourself because you decided to not do what needs to be done. Write the book. Film yourself. Apply for better jobs even if you think you are not qualified. Have you heard of the girl who applied to jobs she had no business doing and ended up getting hired making $100k a year...that could be you right now but you are stuck listening to self-doubt and the thoughts of what others will say. Storytime: I knew that I didn't want to continue working at whatever job I was working at back in 2015 so when my friend and I figured out that employers don't check a lot of your information we applied for positions that would pay us well and you want to know something the resume I lied on got me so far in life to where I was Assistant GM of hotels at one point. All because I believed I could do what others were doing in the hotel industry even without a lick of experience. Did I mess up in the beginning, yes. Did I care...no because I was doing more good than harm so no one really questioned if I lied or not. You have to take the jump. Do the thing.
Extra Messages: Tea Tree Leaf Oracle: Short Journey, Back to Basics, Work achievement & success, TIME TO ACT, Someone is extremely stubborn and unwilling to change, Protected from negative forces beyond your control, Solid foundation success with effort, waiting for news package or letter, A meeting with a strange could be important.
Pile lll do you see the amount of synchronicities in your oracle reading. Spirit is coming through loud and clear that you need to get out of your stubbornness and began acting on your dreams, goals, and desires. You are protected from anything that could try and take what this is away from you. Even with a solid foundation success with effort is telling you "Hey if you do the thing you will not fail because you are protected." Now this goes without saying that you won't deal with some challenges because that's life what it is saying is you will come out on top and the journey for you won't be a long one if you just do the effort that it takes. Spirit will do the rest if you just do what needs to be done.
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Pile lV:
Messages From Your Mental Prison. Tarot: The Empress, Queen of Pentacles, 5 of Swords (reversed), 8 of Swords (reversed), 6 of Wands
You are victorious pile lV your only problem is that you don't believe you are worth a pot to piss in a lot of the time. Even with the Empress and Queen of Pentacles card here letting me know how nurturing, giving, empathetic, and even resourceful you are you don't see any good things about yourself. You remind me of people who speak negatively about themselves not knowing that their actions speak the opposite. You can't say you don't care but your actions speak another language. You can't put yourself down but then be upset when life mirrors your thoughts. Deep down you know how amazing you are and the many great things that you can do, but for some strange reason you recently for some of you while others of you this has been going on for a while where you constantly hold yourself to such a low standard and critic everything that you do. Why is that? Where did it begin? How can you remove this person or thing that made you feel this way? For some of you, this may have been a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial) that made you feel self-critical of yourself because they felt something about themselves. You must remember that when people speak unkind things to you that it's a reflection of themselves and not you. You don't have to take what others think of you and run with it as if they are true because they are not. A scene that comes to mind is when the mom in Black Swan says "What happened to my little girl?" What happened to you that made you feel and think these thoughts to yourself and how can you get back to the Empress and Queen of Pentacle energy.
Extra Messages: Manifestation Oracle Cards: Wellbeing, Empowerment, Strength
How can you today give yourself the love that you deserve? Is it a DIY spa day? A trip to a therapist or talk with a trusted friend? How can you show up for yourself in ways that you haven't before that will make you see the person you are? Have the strength and courage to stand up to anyone who makes you feel any less than what and who you are. For a few of you, you may be a part of the LBGTQ+ community and others around you have made you feel different, a "freak" or whatever insecurity that you question your existence. There is a quote by Elenor Roosevelt that says "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Please don't let assholes who were raised by baboons let you lower yourself or feel anything less than amazing, beautiful, and authentically you. Regardless of how you feel about yourself find something in your life, day, or something as small as a freckle on your face that you love and keep bringing more of that energy in for you and keep your head up. This feeling is only temporary, things will get better.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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youronlydarlin · 5 months
I know this is like short notice and you basically just posted the loser!simon Drabble but omg I need more. I’ve so far never seen a fic that lets Simon relax while you ride him or something. I’ve seen similar, but if you wouldn’t mind could you make a fic following Simon being super tired, and when he gets home you were a horny mess and then you make him a horny mess but he doesn’t have the energy to jerk it so you help him out. Fem reader please!! I really want him to use the rest of his energy to like play with your tits and then lay down.
Also you’re the only person I tolerate for the !! For smutty stuff. Usually it makes me cringe because it feels so childish. But you do it in a hot way. I think. Idk. I like the energy you put in ur writing if ykwim
warnings: fem! afab! reader, kinda subby Simon??, bro's down bad for you and thinks you're a goddess, relaxed Si :)
Wjahskshsjjs jus' somewhat lazy sex with the good ol' big british man. He's sure comes home tired and late. He has been for the past few days. It hadn't really affect you in a way that disrupted your everyday routine. But lately there's been a craving, an issue brought by your brain to your heart that lately it's been feeling... neglected. It starts as a distant feeling, an untouched part of your body that longs to be noticed. It's like chaising after a mysterious high while blinded, no sense of direction, and no chance of ever finding it. Leaving you feeling lonely and trapped, cold and empty. So, to put it simply. You're pent up. All hot and bothered and way too eager to slip your hands in your pants. Lucky for you though, your night won't end with just self satisfaction, because barging in through the door is your saviour, all tired eyes and gruff groans. Fuck. It's like you've pavlov'd yourself into getting incredibly horny at just the sight of your Si.
He on the other hand, feels like shit. Being away from you is more than enough torture, but having you pounce on him the moment he enters through the door is another new story on itself. He's neglected his baby :( his pretty girl. All quiet whimpers when you kiss him all over the neck "missed you s' much Si". Shit, he's already half chubbing in his pants at just hearing your tone. It's not long before he goes cum brained as well. Thinking with the wrong head and dry humping you in the hallway. You're squealin' n moanin' and oh shit he's going to cum. he's going to cum. he's going to cum. he's going to– You pull away. Now if it was any other day he would've shot you a glare. Maybe even disappointedly shaking his head. "Careful, love, you're playin' with fire.." he would've said, but right now he's red in the face, sweaty and desperate. Rolling his hips into nothing, hoping to get it to rub into you. Simon looks weak and he knows, slightly enjoys the power imbalance between you two because now you've grabbed him by the collar like a dog and dragged him towards the couch.
On his lap not a second later and you two are back to humping at each other through your clothes. He's tired. Limbs so heavy, bones weighed down with fatigue and he feels like he's already dreaming. You're like a wet dream that's come to life. There's just something about the way you look at him that makes it impossible to lay his eyes on anything else. Like a goddess on a thrown. That's how he sees you. Mighty and malevolent, feeling so small in your gaze but drinking it all in like a man parched, nothing can bring you down. Despite this– the tiredness of his bones– he wills his arms to move. To help you take off your top. It's intimate and it has his breath catching in his throat. He's seen you shirtless countless times before, but the thrill, the electrifying sparks it sends up his spine, it always feels new. Panting like a mutt he hasn't even noticed that he's already been let out of his pants, too busy admiring your chest. Reaching his hand out to toy with the soft peak, letting out an accidental whimper at the sudden contact of your hands with his hard cock. You shush him, remind him to relax, you can handle this, you promise with a kiss to the tip of his nose. And just like that he's sinking into the couch. Eyes closed in bliss and a handful of your mounds in his hands.
Heaven on earth. Blooming flowers in the harsh winter. Rain after months of drought. This is peace. This is pleasure. Simon's convinced that there's no earthly power greater than your hands, or your soft kisses. The gentle timbres of your voice. The way your pussy feels so hot and welcoming. So occupied and drunk off of your divinity that he hasn't had the time to prepare himself for your hot walls enveloping all of him inside. It makes his eyes shoot open and his back arch. You don't move, leaning down to put your mouth against his, swallowing every moan and whimper, and rewarding him with a teasing grind. He lays pliant soon enough, groaning at the way you bring yourself up till the tip kisses your entrance, before snapping your hips down to get him back inside. You ride him like you can't live without it. Sweet girl with an equally sweet pussy. He thought you well.
a/n: PHEW, I'm rusty as shits forgive me, I've got other stuff cooking in my drafts I swear I'm not lazy. This was kinda bad, written in two hours cause I sneaked this in between doing my papers. Hope y'all liked this, remember to always drink water n take your meds!!
Yours, truly,
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flowerfreya · 19 days
Weaponized Incompetence
“Do you know how to clean”
Part 1
Pairing : John Price x Reader
John and you are going through a rough patch , one that may not be solvable
John is going to win his wife back. How? He doesn’t know but it will be done. He loves you with all his heart and he hasn’t been showing it in the best way. He put you on the back burning , a constant always in his life that he didn’t nurture or pet. Never stimulated. Didn’t think he needed too. Thinking paying the bills, having money, and not cheating was enough to be a good husband. (It wasn’t).
Price has been cleaning all day, trying to make things right. He brought flowers for the house. Vacuumed every room , mopped the kitchen and bathroom and started laundry.
He thought he had a great day, so he decided to take leave for the next three weeks. He hasn’t told you yet but he thinks that you will be excited.
That’s not the case.
When you step into the house, Price is standing at the door waiting for your reaction, if you have any at all.
Looking around and then seeing his face and looking likes he’s waiting for something, “What’s going on ?” , you say with a little chuckle.
“I cleaned up” , he says, lifting his arms up and turning his body in a look around motion.
“Oh…what did you clean up?” , you ask, starting to walk around the house.
“I vacuumed, mopped and started the laundry”.
“Did you put down carpet freshener?”
“What did you use to mop?”.
“Just water”.
“Did you separate the clothes by light and dark?”.
John looks up and sees you just exasperated and shaking your head.
“I honestly don’t know why I’m surprised”, you walk over to the washing machine and stop it, pulling out a light pink shirt that you know is for sure supposed to be white.
“John, you basically just pushed dirt around when you mop with just soap you know that right”, you start getting the mop bucket out with soap.
He thinks that’s found a solution , “maybe if you write me a l-”, he stops talking when you whip your neck and stare at him.
“Are you a child or an adult?”, you ask.
“An adult”, he answers.
“I’m not making you a list to clean, you're in the military, you should know how to clean…do you know how to clean?”, you turn off the water and turn your whole body towards him., “are you going to answer the question?”
John clears his throat,”yes, I know how to clean”, he doesn’t understand why you are so angry. He thinks that he did a lot for you today, shit almost everyday he does a lot for you and you being angry at him and not telling him why is starting to grate his nerves.
“What did I do to you”, he snaps, “because you are angry at me and I don’t understand why”
“I guess it’s because you act like a child and I’m tired of it”, you snap back.
“I heard what you said to your friend over the phone, do you actually feel like that?”, he ask, moving closer to you. He doesn’t want to argue with you. He wants to be better for you. He wants you to want him not because of convenience , but because you love him.
“Am I tired of cleaning of your shit, shit that I have AKSED you multiple times to clean up….?”, you answer him.
You start to cry, an angry frustrated cry , “I work too you know , I’m tired all the time, and when I get home from work and see nasty dip bottles on the floor I get frustrated.” , you start to mop , like you don’t want him to see you cry.
“I remember asking you to clean up the bottle, to not leave it just laying around, you said okay, do you remember that”, you look up at him with raised eyebrows. He nods his head because he does remember that, actually he remembers all the times you’ve asked to not leave the dip bottles everywhere.
“In my head, I told myself that this would be the last time I ask you to clean up after yourself, and the next week a fucking dip bottle sitting right along side the couch”, you let a self deprecating chuckle.
“I’m done”, you say with such finality. It scares him that he won’t be able to get you back.
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mysticmellowlove · 1 month
Yan x fem reader who just hates everyone. She wants to make the world a better place for humanity but at the same time just hates how everyone is at this point in time. I mean she just stays in her big ass house because every time she goes out she just gets drained from everyone’s energy. Except for him- she loves him he is her life she wants to see him everyday spend all her days and nights with him. She needs him to basically filter her air. She lowkey(highkey) fantasies about him asking her to not leave the house for long durations of time because she doesn’t really want to anyway lol
note; some nice little fluff as i sit down to tackle my inbox
warnings; fem reader, little risque towards the end lol
You sighed as you flicked through the channels on the television, your heel hanging onto your foot by a mere inch. It had been a long day of working hard and if you were being honest it was getting a little tiring. Sure you loved your job but there was something about the people you worked with. The constant fights for promotions, the snide chatter and the secretive plans to usurp others. It was exhausting.
The only reason you kept working to secure a good future was...
"I'm back!" A chipper voice called out from the door as it swung open without much struggle. A small and content smile rose to your face. He was home, your boyfriend since high school. He was like a ray of sunshine truly, always happy to see you and hang out.
"You want help or something?" You hummed as you peeked over the side of the couch. In his arms was a plethora of groceries, nearly eight bags at least.
"Of course not, you had a long day so just relax there while I get this sorted out." He said as he waddled his way to the kitchen. You couldn't help the small smile that rose to your face. He was always attentive, ready to lend an ear... or a hand.
He made quick work of the groceries and soon found him sitting next to you, his head in your lap as you played with the strands of his hair. He was soaking up the affection you provided him with, a content look on his face as he shut his eyes.
"You know, I think I like the whole working from home thing." He mused as he turned his head and lifted the end of your dressing gown. Slowly he pressed his lips to your skin, his breath hot as he trailed faint kisses up your leg.
"It gives me a bunch of time during the day to just relax you know." He continued as he bit gently into your firm thighs, a nearly imperceivable shiver racking through his body. You lightly wrapped his hair around your finger, tugging it just to hear that delicious little whimper leave him.
"Maybe I should take a couple of rest days here and there." You sighed as you relaxed into the cushions of the couch, he was trailing his head upwards towards your cunt, his hot breath puffing against your skin as if he was already drooling at the thought of getting to indulge in you.
His nose nudged your clit, a pleased sound leaving him in agreement at your choice to forgo underwear.
"I think I can make that happen." You could feel his grin as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your cunt as you let your head rest against the back of the couch. A small yet satisfied smile graced your lips, if only you knew...
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matchakuracat · 5 months
chronically ill/physically disabled people, how do you deal with doctors appointments? what do you say/do to advocate for yourself? im autistic and not diagnosed with a chronic illness yet and i really struggle to know what to say to get them to listen to me and understand so that i can get the help and care i need. even if i bring someone with me, they also need to know what to say and i don't know anyone who understands well enough to explain to the doctor for me, which means that i have to tell them what to say before going. but that's the problem since i just don't know.
i have chronic joint pain that ive had for years but has only gotten worse over time. i also have hypermobile knees which are the worse they've ever been right now. i'm chronically fatigued and barely have the energy to eat and do basic hygiene. i have a few friends that i talk to fairly regularly and im very thankful for them but i still struggle so much with maintaining a social life when i cant even maintain my own physical wellbeing. i only go outside when i absolutely have to/when my pain is low enough and i have enough energy. on average i probably leave my house about once or twice a week, usually to go to medical appointments, to an internship i have once a week or to go grocery shopping. i usually try to do both at the same time if i can (like going grocery shopping after my internship) but most of the time i have to ask my parents to get me groceries since i dont have enough energy to. all i want is to be able to go outside just to take short walks and enjoy nature and the fresh air but i can't do so without the right treatment/a mobility aid. everything im doing right now is bordering the line of too much. im constantly tired and overwhelmed and everything feels like a struggle, even the smallest tasks most people do everyday without thinking twice about it.
i have almost only had bad experiences with doctors and other medical professionals like physiotherapists, which has given me a lot of extra anxiety on top of my already pretty bad social anxiety. i really struggle to make appointments and even more so to go to them, and when i bring myself to do so i really struggle to express myself and explain how i feel and how i want them to help me. i almost always get shut down and offered no actual help with any of my problems. i just don't know what to do anymore.
if anyone has any advice i'd really appreciate it. i know that i can't give up because my life right now without accommodations is too miserable, but i also don't know how to move forward.
sorry if this was hard to understand. i really tried my best to explain but im having a bit of a hard time expressing myself right now due to feeling worse than usual.
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samkerrworshipper · 10 months
bad days | vivianne miedema x beth mead
based off of the recent article they did for the athletic that made my heart swell… basically viv has a bad anxiety day and beth is there for her
warnings: angst, anxiety, hurt/comfort, fluff
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Beth’s watching Myle run laps around the kitchen as she trundles around trying to make dinner.
It’s chicken pesto pasta, Viv’s favourite.
Myle somehow managed to get her toy stuck in the opening of a cupboard, tugging with the piece of rope tirelessly, trying to free it from the tight space it’s stuck in.
Beth spectates for a few seconds, before realising that the tiny puppy has absolutely no hope of freeing it, so she leans down and pulls it out of the cupboard door hinge.
The puppy, now with the toy hanging half out of its mouth because of how small her jaw is, continues running around, looping around Beth’s feet as she watches over the pots and pans that are cooking steadily on the stove.
It’s moments like these that make Beth so incredibly grateful for the life that Viv and her have built together, the little mundane domestic moments that are just a part of everyday life, but the routine has wormed its way into Beth’s heart and she couldn’t be happier about it.
Beth flips over the chicken and stirs the pasta, the food is only a few minutes from being done.
It’s as she begins to bring out the plates and cutlery that she realises Myle has disappeared into thin air.
If it was any other time of day, Beth wouldn’t really stress it, the puppy is always causing trouble around the house. But, Myle has very quickly discovered that whenever Beth is in the kitchen she’s making food, and the off chance that she might drop something for the puppy to collect normally means that the puppy doesn’t stray far from her feet, yet alone the kitchen.
Beth’s curious more than anything, a touch worried but not really. Normally when Myle gets stuck somewhere or in something you know about it fairly quickly, the puppy has lungs as strong as a big husky, sometimes she worries for their neighbours when Myle gets antsy in her crate in the middle of the night and starts crying like a newborn baby.
Anyone who says having a puppy is easy, is wrong, obviously Beth wouldn’t compare it to an actual child, but it’s pretty fucking tiring.
“Myle, pup?”
Normally the call of the dogs name would have her running, bounding around any corner or hallway that she was exploring, that’s why Beth’s tinge of worry grows a little bit when she’s not rewarded with the sound of pattering paws or tapping toes.
Beth glances over to the couch, where she’s fairly certain Viv was sitting, not a few minutes ago, looking for her lover and her worry only growing when she realises that the couch, the room she’s standing in is completely empty.
Beth, quicker than she’d care to admit turns off the stove, pouring the pasta into a strainer and moving the chicken onto a chopping board before leaving the kitchen and walking slowly down the hallway, peeking her head into each room.
“Vivi, bubba, where are you?”
Beth makes it past their bedroom, sticking her head into the room and not spotting anything out of the ordinary, the ensuite light is off so she assumes it’s empty.
She keeps moving, the spare room is just as empty as the master bedroom, and so is their office space.
“Viv, liefde, where are you?
Beth makes it past the bathroom, and her worry only seems to grow from it’s spot in the pit of her stomach when she realises it’s just as empty as the rest of the house. It’s as she’s making it to the very end of the hallway, approaching the laundry room that she recognises a little bit of light peeking out from under the door.
“Vivianne, lovey?”
As Beth approaches, she also realises that the door is slightly ajar, so she pokes her head around and instantly becomes a little bit more relaxed when she spots the hunched over form of her girlfriend, little Myle balanced in her arms, cuddled in her sweatshirt and chest.
“Vivi, love, you had me worried.”
Beth is a little bit exasperated, still letting her heart settle from the little spike of anxiety, so it takes her a few seconds of looking at her girlfriend to pick up on the fact that something seems amiss.
“Viv, honey?”
Viv peeks her head out of the shoulder of her hoodie, Myle almost immediately laying licks and kisses all over Viv’s face, Beth gets a good enough look at her though to recognise the tear tracks on her partner's face, and her wobbly lip.
Beth takes a deep breath, before fully stepping into the cramped laundry space, closing the door behind her and sitting down against it.
“Why are we in the laundry room, sweet girl?”
Beth has an inkling of an idea what Viv could be upset about or worked up about, but truthfully she’s in the dark mostly. So she starts with the easier questions, hoping that it’ll give her an idea about why Viv is upset.
“Washing machine, calms me.”
Viv’s words are thready, her laboured breathing and anguished tone an indicator to Beth that this isn’t any minor little breakdown.
“Silly me, I forgot about that. What do you need Vivi?”
Beth knows that this isn’t the time to try and ask Viv about whatever is happening up in her head, it’s a pointless battle, Viv can hardly piece together words, trying to get her to talk about her feelings would be impossible.
“J-just talk to me?”
Beth smiles at Viv, nodding in agreement immediately and leaving no room for Viv to find any doubt.
“Indulge my chatterbox? You know that I’m always happy to do that!”
Beth is peppy, Beth is happy, Beth is kind.
Beth is ready to be anything that Viv needs when she’s struggling.
“Vivi, do you want me to come sit with you? Or do you want some personal space?”
Vivi’s lip ends up in between her front teeth, her brain toying with either option.
Beth sees the doubt, the last thing Viv ever wants to be is needy, especially when she is suffering, so Beth decides to rephrase.
“Vivi, it’s your decision, but I can come sit with you, or you I can stay here, my voice carries.”
Beth keeps her voice light, welcoming, sunny.
She smiles when Viv nods a little bit, her head nodding down at the space beside her.
Beth scootches her ass against the tile floor, until she’s sitting beside Viv, leaning on the washing machine.
Without Beth even initiating contact, Viv’s head is sliding down to the seat of Beth’s thighs, the back of her head resting against Beth like a pillow.
Myle’s tucker under Viv’s hoodie, resting on her chest, the puppy’s little snout peeking out at the collar, fast asleep.
Beth’s hands fall down to Viv’s hair, untying the tight bun gently and beginning to card her fingers through Viv’s hair and scalp, massaging out any tensions or knots.
“Myle peed outside for the first time on command this morning, whilst you were on your walk, should have seen the zoomies that she did after I gave her the reward treat. I swear every single day that dog achieves a new level of energy. Leah and Lia came over for some puppy cuddles as well, I’m pretty sure Le’s on her way to convincing Lia to get them one of their own, I reckon give it a few weeks and Myle’s going to have a little playbuddy.”
Myle had been a rather rash decision, unsurprisingly Beth’s purchase.
Viv was dealing with a setback, whilst Beth was living out all her dreams on the field, and Beth knew that it was getting to her.
Not that Viv would ever be envious or jealous of Beth, never, she was so incredibly proud of her girlfriend and everything she was achieving.
Recovering from a major injury sucked though, and the recovery wasn’t linear or identical for anybody.
So, when an ad showed up for some puppies from the same breeder that her family had gotten Rona from, and Viv had been having a really hard week, Beth had decided to jump the gun and buy her.
Beth was fairly certain it had been one of the best decisions she could make, Viv’s attachment to the dog had been almost immediate, and her general mood had improved massively.
She still had her bad days, everyone did, but the puppy was something to be grateful for everyday, something that didn’t represent soccer, or any of the other things it felt like she kept failing at.
Viv’s breathing is thick and laboured, Beth takes notice but doesn’t bring it up, she decides that if it worsens any more she’ll intervene but otherwise it’s just a practice of making sure that it doesn’t go on for too long.
“Those packages with the new sheets came in, the comfy ones that we checked out in those windows in London. They’re divine, I swear they are the comfiest things I’ve ever felt, I’m sure you’ll love them. I’ve cooked chicken pesto for dinner, for whenever you're ready. It’s technically bath night and my knee is sore from training earlier so if you wanted we could have a bath, and use the special salts that we save for special occasions?”
Beth watches Viv’s face relax a little. When Viv's anxious or stressed she needs routine, she needs to know what’s happening, she needs to be aware of what’s happening around her.
Beth knows from experience, she's learnt how to denominate as much outside stress as possible, it makes it easier to get to the bottom of whatever is happening.
“Vivi, whenever your ready, how about we get off the floor, hmm? Your knee has to be sore sitting down here?”
If Beth could, she would sit on the floor with Viv for hours, just whispering sweet nothings into her ear, but her own knee is starting to get sore, and if Beth’s knee is getting sore, chances are Viv’s is as well.
When Viv’s anxious, she struggles to express her needs and struggles, it’s hard for Beth to know all of the time, but their knees are something they have in common.
“S-sorry, didn’t mean to cause you pain.”
Viv’s voice is quiet, her big deep breaths coming through between every word.
“Nothing to be sorry for my love, just looking out for you, so how about we get up, we can go wherever you’d like.”
It’s sort of a lie when Beth thinks about it, because they obviously can’t go wherever Viv would like, they have to be here, they’re stuck in this house, which sucks, but that’s just their lives.
“Couch and chicken pesto?”
Beth smiles and nods at Viv, a big wide smile, she’d hoped that Viv was feeling well enough to eat, whether the Dutch woman wanted to admit it or not, she got grumpy if she didn’t eat her three meals a day.
Beth stays on the floor with Viv for another minute, soaking up it all before gently pushing Viv’s head out of her lap and standing up, before Viv can object, Beth’s reaching down for her armpits and lifting Viv up and onto her hip.
It’s an awkward exchange between the two of them, Viv is so long and langy, and a lot larger than Beth is. The weight is nowhere near an issue, it’s just Viv’s stature, Beth’s just glad it’s only a 20 metre walk to the couch, where she very gently deposits Viv and Myle, right back to the spot she’d previously occupied.
It’s clear Viv is physically upset when Beth lets go of her, so Beth makes sure to reassure her.
“Viv liefje, I’ll be back in just a minute, just going to go grab our food, why don’t you put something on the tv, hmm?”
Viv just nods at Beth, so she walks back into the kitchen, making sure to keep an eye on Viv as she puts together their dinner in two bowls, putting on a little bit of the goats cheese that Viv loves and then balancing the two bowls in her arms like a waitress before walking back to the couch.
Viv’s already made a space for Beth, right beside her, Beth eases into the spot without any fight, hanging the bowls of food over to Viv so she can open her arms up to her partner.
Viv accepts the sentiment with ease, sliding her body directly into Beth’s.
Beth reaches for the remote, quickly turning on the tv and putting on whatever EPL game that’s on, it’s background noise, an attempt at reminding Viv exactly where she is, exactly how safe she is in the place that they’ve made home.
As soon as the scent of food hits Myle’s nose the dog is worming its way out of Viv’s sweater, dropping down into her lap and sniffing around the bowls.
The dog hasn’t yet found the confidence to take any food from the bowls yet, but Beth’s fairly certain that isn’t far around the corner, the pup is growing more confident as the days go by.
Beth watches Viv, watches as the woman she loves most in the world slowly begins to eat her food, there are moments though, little fractions of time every once in a while where Viv’s eyes wander, out the window into their dark backyard, when these moments come Beth notices Viv’s body tense up, her eyebrows and face going rigid for a few seconds until she snaps out of whatever trance she’s in and goes back to eating.
Beth keeps talking, whether it’s about the food or getting new furniture for their living room. It’s just random conversation, Viv listens attentively.
Viv will complain every single day that Beth talks too much, that she can never get her to shut up, and it’s true, Beth is always talking, but secretly it's one of Viv’s favourite things about Beth.
Because Beth, chatty Beth, happy Beth, can always manage to distract Viv from whatever deep thoughts that are plaguing her mind, the deep anxiety that sometimes feels like has embedded itself in Viv’s chest.
Beth was the first person to genuinely understand what Viv deals with everyday, sure, Lisa helped her, Lisa did whatever she could, but she didn’t fully understand the complete hatred Viv had begun to harbour for her growing career, for the constant pressure that fell on her shoulders.
Beth knew what a bad day looked like, what a bad day could feel like, she knew exactly how hard it was to free yourself from the mental cage that anxiety trapped you in.
“Vivi, honey, I’m going to take the dishes up to the sink, do you think you could take Myle out for me, if you feel up to it?”
Viv blinks a few times, her brain taking a little bit of extra time to process the question, but once she has she’s nodding easily and releasing Beth from their embrace, so her girlfriend is able to stand up and return to the kitchen.
Once Beth has trotted off with the bowls, Viv stands up and walks towards the back door, Myle trailing behind her.
Beth takes her time with the dishes, takes as much time is humanly possible, waiting for Viv to come in.
When she’s fairly certain its been at least five minutes she realises that the dishes are definitely done and that she’s just loitering.
So she moves down into the living room, tidying up any extra clutter and turning off the tv.
Another five minutes go by, and Beth can’t really distract herself anymore, so she slowly walks towards the backdoor, opening it up hesitantly.
She doesn’t spot anything amiss to start, until a second scan of the backyard she spotted who she was looking for, Viv, balled up in one of the patio chairs, staring up at the black nothingness.
“Vivi, liefje, it’s cold out here, can’t have you catching a cold.”
Viv doesn’t flinch, Beth’s voice falling on deaf ears.
“Vivianne, inside, let’s go.”
It’s Beth's slightly stricter and louder tone that seems to catch Viv’s attention, almost immediately Viv is jumping out of the seat, and hurrying towards Beth.
Beth pulls her inside the house, locking the door behind her and turning off the patio light before gently leading Viv down the hallway and into their bedroom.
“Viv, I’m going to go and run the bath, do you want to find some pyjamas for the both of us for when we’re done?”
Viv freezes up, which has Beth pausing.
“Vivi, do you still want a bath? Or do you just want some cuddles?”
Viv nods frantically at the second option and Beth smiles, a big broad smile.
“That’s fine honey, how about I go and get the pjs then and you put Myle down in his crate?”
Viv tenses again, and Beth’s left wondering.
“Can’t he sleep with us?”
Beth snorts, mostly at the hypocrisy Viv is displaying.
Because Viv was the one who had set down the law that before Myle was ever going to even be allowed anywhere near their bed, she had to be crate and bathroom trained.
Beth, originally had been the one to object, absolutely enamoured by the dog and just wanting to have it in her arms every hour of every day.
“Vivi, she’s not toilet trained yet, and I’m not getting dog piss all over new sheets. How about she can fall asleep with you in here, but once you're asleep, I’ll move her?”
Viv nods at the compromise, a little smile gracing her face that makes Beth immediately feel a little bit happier.
“Alright well, unless you want to get changed, how about you hope under the sheets whilst I get dressed?”
Viv nods, already sliding her long and gangly limbs under the covers and relaxing into her side of the bed.
Beth is fairly certain that she takes a maximum of a minute to get changed, throwing her day clothes in the hamper before picking out one of Viv’s old Netherlands hoodies and a pair of Arsenal shorts that could be either of theirs.
A minute, maximum.
Yet, when she does turn around and look back at their bed, she’s met with the sight of Viv, dead asleep, slumped against her pillow.
It’s an adorable sight, and it calms Beth’s anxiety durastically, because like this, with Myle cuddled under the sheets with her, and Viv looking so incredibly stress free, it makes Beth feel so much better, so much less clueless as to whatever is happening with Viv at the moment.
Sure, she knows that there is still other stuff going on in the background, stuff that she’ll try her very hardest to unveil tomorrow, but right now, with Vivi looking more at peace then she has all day, Beth takes the win.
She slips Myle out of Viv’s arms, the puppy just as fast asleep as it’s owner, gently putting the pup down in it’s crate before closing the door and turning back around.
She turns all the lights off in the room, closes the blinds and makes sure that the thermostat is running because Beth knows how easily Viv can get cold when she’s feeling vulnerable.
Then she slips into bed beside her lover, staring at the face of a woman who has endured so much pain and yet lived through every minute of it, flourished in ways that nobody could have ever imagined.
It’s with that in mind that Beth slowly drifts off to sleep, her arms snaking around Viv and Viv’s freezing feet coming up to rub against Beth’s warm legs, searching for warmth and comfort.
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
Heyyy! I wanted to say i rlly luv your fanfic and it would be great if you wrote a nanami kento one with prompt 6 🩵✨
There you go! Sorry this took me quite some, guess I'm too much of a hurt writer. But since 3 people requested prompt 6 with Nanami, I just couldn't let this one slide. Hope you like it though <3 I also added Promp 64 to this! 6. "I'm not crying. It's not worth crying." 64. "Don't be stupid, I'm not leaving you."
Beautiful mistake
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Pairing: Nanami Kento x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,8k
Synopsis: You are in a secret but healthy relationship with none other than Nanami Kento despite being the sunshine to his rain. Until one day, you accidentaly spoil your secret to Gojo Satoru.
Warning: None, slight language like always
Your heart is pounding against your ribcage. The sun has just set, which means he’ll be here any second. You nervously fumble on the hem of your sundress. Do you look good? Hopefully he likes your new dress.
It’s always weird to meet outside of Jujutsu High in everyday clothes. Of course you should be used to it by now, considering that it’s been like this for two years now. Nanami and you decided it is best to keep your relationship private, far away from work. Therefore no one knows about your meetings late at night or the fact that you basically live at Nanami’s place. And this is just fine, perfect the way it is.
“There you are, sweetheart. Is this dress new? It suits you very well.”
The sound of his voice alone sends shivers down your spine, you greet your boyfriend with a wide grin and a tight hug. As usual, he smells absolutely breathtaking good. You need to finally ask him about his perfume.
“Glad you came”, you reply, face buried in his suit.
You love the fact that he’s always wearing suits, it definitely does something to you.
“You know I would never miss spending an evening with you. Here, I just couldn’t show up empty-handed.”
He hands you a gorgeous bouquet of purple, white and rose flowers, perfectly arranged and coordinated. You smile to yourself, taking in the delicious scent of lavender that now hangs in the air. Words can’t express how much you love the man standing in front of you. Even if he acts aloof and uninterested, he has a heart of gold. Suddenly you feel overwhelmed by your feelings, tears water your eyes. Unlike Nanami, you are terrible at hiding your feelings.
“I’m not going to cry”, you whisper to yourself, fanning air into your face to stop the tears from running.
“It’s not worth crying, I bring you flowers almost every time. But I’m glad you like them.”
Strange how your frequent bursts of emotion don’t bother him at all while everyone else is getting on is nerves. You truly are something special for him, the sunshine that scared away his rain, the joy that helps him to overcome his numbness. You are a gift, a true sweetheart, loved by everyone who knows you. Maybe this is the reasons why no one seems to even notice the chemistry between you two when working together as jujutsu-sorcerers. You are an absolutely poor liar, bad at hiding your feelings and the blush that creeps up your cheeks whenever you look at him. Even an untrained eye would be able to see your affection towards him – everyone expect members of Jujutsu High, as it seems.
“How was your day? Did your mission go well?”
“Oh, not at all. I’m glad you weren’t assigned to accompany me”, he signs and takes off his glasses.
Your hand gently brushes through his thick blonde hair. You can tell by one look at his tired gaze that this day was rough.
“Maybe I would have been able to help you.”
He gifts you a small but gentle smile, hands wrapped around your waist.
“Sure, but I just can’t risk you getting hurt because of helping me.”
“You know that’s also my job, right?”, you tease him.
“And you know that your job sucks, right?”
You can’t help but giggle at his response, the warm feeling in your chest keeps growing and growing. How is it that one man can make your life feel so much better just by his sheer existence? You simply cannot imagine carrying on without Nanami anymore.
“And you know that I love you, right?”
Your hands gently cup his face while your body aches to close the minimal distance between your bodies. Oh, how much you’d love to stay in this position forever, for the sun to never go down this evening. But you know all too well that tomorrow will be an exhausting day with a meeting of all higher up jujutsu-sorcerers that you and Nanami have to attend. It would be foolish to stay here any longer. But still you want to let these delicious seconds of togetherness melt on your tongue.
“Well, considering you already told me 13 times today alone, I sure hope so”, he replies before pressing his soft lips against yours.
You simply can’t believe it. The man that is holding you is the love of your life, the one you want to marry someday, the only one who has the key to your heart. Even though you are the complete opposite of him, even though no one seems to even be aware of the fact that you are in a relationship, you are absolutely mesmerized and obsessed with him.
“I hate to say it, but I think it’s better to get home. After all, we have to be up early in the morning for that stupid meeting”, he growls against your lips, face twisted in annoyance.
“How much I hate it when you’re right”, you sign while taking in his delicious scent.
“But that happens quite often. Come on, I’ll cook us dinner tonight.”
-Next day-
“There you are, golden girl!”, Gojo cries out in excitement as soon as you enter the room.
You gift him a breathtaking smile. In some way, you and Satoru are pretty similar to each other. Almost always in a good mood while wearing a bright smile on your faces along with loving a good joke and the company of other people. But unlike him, you tend to be quiet in your own way, only opening up around people you know and love.
“Nice to see you again. How have you been Gojo?”
The sincerity that glitters in your striking eyes is always a blessing for everyone around. You are so real, tender and kind in this cruel world that it’s sometimes hard to believe that you are able to survive in it.
“I’m doing better since you came here, (y/n).”
You giggle at his light-hearted comment, very aware of the fact that he’s just trying to tease you. Although you know that Gojo is very easy on women, you never felt more than sympathy for him. After all, you laid your eyes on someone else this whole time…
Oh, where’s Kento?
He told you this morning that there’s something he has to take care of, but it’s very untypically for him to show up late. Worry lines appear on your effortless features. Did you miss something? Did he maybe tell you about a meeting?
“Why do you look so worried, (y/n)?”, Gojo questions.
“I’m just wondering about Nanami-san…Normally, he’s never late”, you mumble while racking your brain.
To be honest, you’re pretty forgetful, without your boyfriend you wouldn’t even be here right now. But something important like a reason for being late wouldn’t escape you, right?
“Who knows? He never tells anyone about his private life anyway.”
Lost in thoughts, you slowly but surely fall into panic mode. Something has to be wrong. This behavior doesn’t suit him at all.
“Hey, I’m sure he’s fine, (y/n). Nanami is a tough guy”, Gojo tries to calm your tingling nerves down.
But it doesn’t work. Frantically, you swipe over your phone, desperately trying to find an excuse in one of his text messages – nothing. You try to call him multiple times only to be greeted by his mailbox.
Oh no, this is bad. This is very very bad. Something must have happened, you just know it.
“I should now if he has something to do, I mean, I’m his girlfriend after all. It’s kinda my job to know these things-“
Gojo stares at you wide eyed, mind trying to process the information that just came out of your mouth. Did you really just call Nanami your boyfriend? This can’t be true…right?
“(y/n)”, he interrupts your babbling, your innocent eyes darting at him immediately.
“Did you just call Nanami your boyfriend?”
Your heart sinks to the floor, mind going completely blank. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were so lost in thoughts that you accidentally spoiled your secret relationship of two years to none other than Gojo Satoru.
“Gojo, please don’t freak out”, you beg.
“So it’s true? Oh god, I can’t believe it. That are some pretty fucked up new. How long?”
“How long what?”
Kento is going to hate you for this. From all the people you could have told about your secret, why on earth did it have to be Gojo Satoru? Your face goes pale just thinking about your boyfriend’s reaction.
What if…What if he doesn’t want to be with you anymore? Your thoughts are raising, eyes getting wetter and wetter the more you think about what you just did. This was your little secret, the only thing you had to do was keeping it to yourself. And you? You ruined everything by mindlessly telling Gojo about it.
“Sorry I’m late, the traffic-“
“Nanami, when did you plan on telling me about your relationship with (y/n)? You have to be kidding, right? How the hell did you pull her?”, Gojo blurts out immediately.
You are on the brink of tears, Kento's eyes darting towards you without emotion.
“None of this is of your business. Let me talk to (y/n) alone for a second, we’ll be with you soon”, he instructs the white-haired man with firm voice.
“Only if you promise that you’ll tell me every little dirty detail about this.”
“Leave. Now.”
“Urgh, what a bummer…”
You swallow hardly, your gaze glued to the floor while you try to blink away your hot tears.
“How did this happen?”, he questions, his well-polished shoes standing right in front of you.
“I-I…I was so w-worried about y-you that I panicked and…and then it j-just slipped out…”, you stutter.
“Huh, I understand.”
Your eyes dart up at him.
“Are you going to leave me now?”, you cry out, tears now running down your cheeks uncontrollably.
Kento tilts his head and steps forward, hand gently cupping your face.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not leaving you. Sooner or later, he would have found out anyway”, he responses.
You wrap your still trembling arms around him tightly, tears soaking into his fine suit.
“I’m really sorry”, you mutter into his chest.
It’s like a massive weight falls from your heart. For the split of a second, you really thought he’ll end things with you right here and now. You simply can’t afford to lose him, Kento is your ray of sunshine on rainy days, you love him with all of your heart and more.
“Please, don’t be. I should be sorry for you worrying about me. Be prepared for Gojo’s constant teasing though. These will be hard times.”
He brushes a soft kiss against your lips, a tender smile on his face. God, how much you feel for this man. More than any words could ever express.
“We’ll get through this together”, you reply.
“Yes. Like always.”
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ebeane · 6 months
Yandere Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!reader
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///TW/// Somnophilia, Non-con/ Dub-con, Kidnaped reader, Comfort at the end I guess,
Note: This is my first post sorry for bad writing :')
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Everything was fine at least you thought it was you lived a normal life nothing really special about you yet here you are kidnapped by a guy named Tomura Shigaraki, that has been watching you for over a month now.
You were heading home back from college until you heard a noise of a kid crying, you go see where it's coming from and then your vision is blocked by a cloth and your head hits the ground.
It's been 1 1/2 months with Tomura now, you don't do much but stay in his room chain by the bed frame. Sometimes he lets you out of your hand cuffs but most of the time he does it so he can have his way with you. For the first few weeks you tried to fight back but evidently you gave up and just followed his orders and behaved. You didn't fight back when he "made love with you" all you did was cry and say a few no's here and there but you gave up.
Now here you lay on the bed that was made perfectly well with new washed sheets that you had put on in the morning when Tomura was away. You're sleeping peacefully since you know he won't be back till late or heck even tomorrow. You're wearing a night gown he bought for you and asks you to wear to bed everyday. It's a silk white night gown that has a bow attaching the front part holding up your boobs. "Pretty for a princess" he calls it, other then that you're basically left naked with only your panties, then again they are way too small and revealing for your liking. Your breathing peacefully sleeping not knowing that a tired and exhausted Tomura had come home.
He opens the door to his bedroom to find it clean, you must have cleaned it as ordered. He takes off his headphones and puts it on his desk, he then tiredly headed to the bathroom to freshen up, he comes back and sits on his gaming chair and plays games for an hour, until he eventually gets bored and turns his attention to you.
The way your chest was begging to be touched and for that flimsy bow to be removed, your smooth legs and wavy hair. He could stare at you for hours. He gets up and heads to the bed and slowly climbs on top of you being held up by one arm. He touches your soft face and kisses your cheek. He starts going lower and kisses your neck leaving hickeys along the way. He starts to untie the bow on your nightgown trying to release the beauty underneath, and when he successfully does he kisses your nipples and breast so gently. He starts sucking on your boobs while touching you. You shuffle in your sleep starting to wake up. He slowly starts rubbing your thighs moving your night gown up exposing your white and pink panties. He rubs your sex in slow circles making you release a soft mewl. That sound made his dick go so hard it hurts. He starts rubbing your sex more and faster making you cum in your panties. You wake up surprised to find Tomura but as soon as you see him, you just lay back down tired. "Tomura not now..later I'm tired can't we just go to sleep, c'mon I'll cuddle with you." Lifting up your arms to gesture to him to cuddle. "No we can cuddle later right now I want you, I want to feel you and make you feel good" he says as he cuddles up to your neck. "Fine but I'm gonna continue sleeping." You shift so your back to being comfortable. "Whatever as long as I get to touch what's mine, not like you'll be able to sleep with how rough I'll be." He smirks.
Note: yeah uh making fan fics has been in the back of my head for a while I got some ideas of what I wanna write about sooo yeah.. if you guys like it and want me to continue tell me in the comments!!
PART 2!!
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Your answer is complete bullshit. What the dazai anon did is nowhere as serious as what you are doing. You want her personal life basically sabotaged, and all she did was send you a couple of cruel messages that made you have a bad day, guess what? That’s everyday for the dazai anon. She’s just fucking tired of the treatment her favorite character faces form this shitty fandom, even his own “stans” join in the hate against him but there seems to be some hypocrisy against chuuya or even the fucking pedophile mori.
All she did was send mean things out of frustration and anger, she deserves to feel that way. I don’t agree with death threats, but nothing about her behavior is “harassment” or “grooming minors” you’re all dumb fucking idiotic children and it shows seeing how you label petty internet fights as “crimes”, at the end of the day, did you lose your degree? did you lose your job? are you in constant fear and suicidal ideations because you’re scared you’re going to jail over THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CHUUYA NAKAHARA of all things???? No! You are completely fine and living your life with no fears or anxieties as she is. Your blog is also completely useless btw! No one is gonna make a case on this, your parents didn’t which is why they asked u to delete the previous blog. Follow their advice again and leave the Dazai anon the FUCK alone and have the balls to actually face her without holding legal threats over her head. You pieces of shits.
What she does is tell people to kill themselves and say that she hopes they die, that their pets die, that they fail their finals, that their mental health/life gets worse. All over fictional characters, and we are just documenting it. At most she might get a fine, or have her Tumblr/Twitter privileges removed. I'm not sure how that second one would play out but I know people have been banned from sites.
As for the. having a bad day bit. I've mentioned this to her before but I have several disorders that make everyday hard for me too, most notably that I've been either passively or actively suicidal for the last 6 years. How do you think her damn near constant hate and harassment of me and my friends affects my mental state? I say it doesn't get to me because it doesn't incapacitate me and I don't want my friends to worry. The shit builds up. I have blocked her, I have reported her, I have ignored her, I have asked her to leave me alone. None of that has worked.
I understand the frustration she goes through, that's the whole reason I don't interact with the pjo fandom anymore. I was taking everything personally, I couldn't play nice with others and I realized that I was problem so I stopped interacting with it. That is my oldest special interest that has kept me alive multiple times. I do not post about it. Because it is unreasonable for me to ask everyone else in the fandom to only see it my way.
She has become the problem here and needs to deal with that. It is not fair to everyone else here for her to decide that her way is the only right way and everyone who disagrees is against her specifically. She absolutely has every right to feel angry or frustrated but she does not have the right to take that out on everyone else, if she doesn't want to block people and respect people blocking her she needs to leave until she can play nice.
As for the legal action, she can stop harassing people right now and case will likely go nowhere. And I have tried to talk to her about the things she does without "threatening legal action" and she called me a cunt and stupid and jobless and a dickrider and a doormat. She isn't willing to talk things out and treat others with respect, so we have this blog. And we have gotten a few asks regarding legal action, we haven't answered them publicly because Kavya tends to harass anyone mentioned here.
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dietmountaindewb8by · 2 years
I have finally thought of something! Maybe. I don't know, it just occurred to me. So my idea is that the reader is human and considering how the fae like and enjoy belittling and degrading humans - Cardan included - it could reach a point where reader feels as though she can't do anything correctly. So she just kind of curls into herself and she just feels completely hopeless with everyday life. If it's set before Cardan is king and they're all still in school, then it could be a massive declining in her grades and when she has to eat lunch she just doesn't in fear of being judged for it. I guess Cardan will take advantage of that and make her completely dependant on him. So basically, he's the asshole for making her feel like that in the first place but then he "redeems" himself by claiming he'll look out for her and essentially just takes the reigns on her entire life. Hope you're alright!
warnings: i’m wicked tired so this might be incoherent; food; mentions of food; allusions to weight loss; bullying; cardan actually being cruel; controlling cardan; cardan kinda treating you like a baby in the end
It was no secret that you were intelligent. More than that. You could be considered a genius by faerie standards, never mind mortal ones. 
But it was no secret that your special quality had left you a long time ago, much like the light in your eyes and the love you held for yourself and the world. Everything had become so bleak with the vile words that dripped from his tongue so easily, every sentence branding itself into your head disturbingly.
At night it was all you could think of. And then, you realized, that he was right. Cardan was right, the disgusting boy who could never seem to leave you alone no matter how much you showed him that you were not worth his time. He only fought harder when he heard that.
You saw him less and less now that you had stopped trying. You hid somewhere in the back when you were in school; you no longer ate with the rest of your peers, instead moving somewhere else to mull over your failure. The death of all things good about you.
Every thought turned sour. Every day became rotten.
And it was all your fault.
It was no secret that you were his.
He had made it abundantly clear from the beginning. You did not respond well to it, turning him away with the smug look that always sat on your face, the righteousness that always hung around you like a cloak. It was addicting.
You were addicting.
You were lovely and smart and beautiful and you knew it, too. But the air of superiority that he wanted to crack, just slightly to worm his way into your heart, had shattered. His weak, weak human. So fragile, like a flower plucked from the ground.
You no longer ate with them. You no longer studied with them. You no longer smiled or laughed or even cried. He pushed you to your limit–even farther, for you had broken long before. It hurt him more than you would know.
Only when he saw how hollow your cheeks had grown, how dull your eyes had gotten had he realized what he had done, the transgressions he had so carelessly committed. He slammed his door when he had gotten into the castle. He had snapped pens over papers in which he had started letters to you, papers which he had just written your name hundreds upon hundreds of times.
“My sweet angel,” he whispered, tracing the familiar letters of your name over again with his finger, blackened with ink. “I will not allow you to languish. I will atone for my sins just as you have for yours. I swear.”
You did not expect to see Cardan Greenbriar sitting on your picnic blanket with a basket, free of his usual posse, but not free of a scowl. 
It was not a welcome sight.
“What are you doing?” you asked, looking down your nose at him, lying on his side, lounging in your sanctuary. While it was open, it was still yours. He would not take that too.
“What are you doing?”
“That–I’m sitting down. On my blanket. Yours is over there, Cardan.” Your eyebrows furrowed and your arms crossed defensively. He only smiled, ironically soft. You could not look angry if you tried. You were too tired, too weakened for a show of strength. You knew that better than anyone.
“Nicasia can keep it company. Have you eaten today, darling?” he asked, turning away from you, opening the basket. He put his hand inside, but turned to you before he could. He shrugged, his eyes widening comically. “Well? Sit down, won’t you? Lunch doesn’t last forever, dearest.”
You ignored the pet name, sitting down at his command. Ridiculous, you thought. It was your blanket.
“This is my blanket,” you said again. You mentally slapped yourself. Dumb. No wonder he thought you were dumb.
“I’m well aware of that. Now eat something, won’t you?”
“I’m not hungry.” You were. But you would not eat in front of him. You would not be compared to an animal again.
“I wasn’t asking.”
Cardan was suffocating. Once upon a time he had despised you. Now he was treating you like he would someone under his care.
At the beginning of the day, just before you left for school, he would be there, holding food and demanding you take his arm. Then, you two would share a blanket during your lessons. His arm would be around your waist and he would ask if you were too cold. Then you two would eat together. There would be more lessons, and then he’d walk you home. He’d leave you with a kiss on the forehead.
But he would not quite leave. Not really.
He would return later in the night. He would spend hours with you. He’d rub your back as you fell asleep. Sometimes, he’d even sleep with you, leaving you in the morning.
He was always there.
You had not known a moment without him. Not a moment without you being taken into his arms, being told that you were the most exquisite creature to roam the Earth, not a moment without his lips leaving your skin.
It needed to end.
“Cardan, why can’t you just hate me again! It’s suffocating! You despise me, what are you doing?!?”
The crown on his head was tilted, but it did not take away from the poise he oozed. He had given up drinking months before, becoming colder to the world. But he never seemed to not soften when you walked into the room, demanding you sit with him.
“No. I’m not your darling. You need to stop, King Cardan.”
“You are really referring to me as king when you are queen?” He had stolen the crown that sat atop his head. He had killed off his brothers when they had threatened you. His father died and he had stolen that bloody, jeweled crown. “Stop this nonsense, dear, and sit with me. It’s getting late, and you’re not thinking straight.” He got up from his throne, swiftly moving toward you. He gathered you up in his arms, pressing his lips to the top of your head. “Come on, darling, you must be tired.”
“I am thinking straight.” You struggled in his hold to no avail. “My head is more than clear. You hate me. Go back to hating me. There are far too many reasons for you to hate me rather than treat me like this.”
“You deserve everything I offer you, sweetness. You deserve every ounce of affection I give you and more. The world will be yours whether you want it or not.”
“I don’t want it. I want to go home. Cardan, please–”
“You are home.” You were swept off your feet. “Now come on. We should go to sleep. It’s been a long day.”
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
if possible could you do a G!P Natasha Romanoff x Fem Reader where reader is a mutant that is a prisoner of the avengers and is having a secret relationship with Natasha and during one of their "Meet ups" Natasha ends up getting reader pregnant and the team eventually finds out about the relationship and after reader gives birth they find out that the baby has inherited Readers powers
Babies with powers
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Pairings: g!p Natasha Romanoff x reader
I didn’t fully understand what a mutant was and still didn’t when I looked it up but I hope it’s fine that I just gave them powers!
Summary: Basically just the anons request
Word count: 2295
Warnings: smut, fluff, slight angst, sex, unprotected sex, blowjobs, nat has a dick, reader gets pregnant, mentions of vomiting and sickness, slight dirty talk
The clock wrote 11:04 PM as Nat started to get ready to leave her room, planning on going down to your cell. The Avengers were keeping you as they thought you may be a suspect in the new killings due to your similar powers to the killer. They all had a feeling it wasn’t you but they needed to make sure.
In the time of being locked up you met Nat. She was kind, smart, funny, and the most beautiful woman you’ve ever laid eyes on. The woman thought the same of you, she thought the world of you and wanted to show you just how much she admired you, so she did. Even if it had to be in secret she would spend the rest of her life loving and caring for you.
Walking towards your area she swiped her keycard and used her facial recognition to sign in. She saw you laying down sleeping when she entered the room, letting out a small chuckle she walked over to you and laid down behind you, wrapping her arms around your warm body. When you slightly stirred awake she worried that your sleep was interrupted by her, she’d hate to wake you when you’re so peaceful.
Your eyes fluttered open as you took in your surroundings, jumping a bit when you turn to see your girlfriend staring back at you. You let out a relieved sigh when you realized it was just her and not some random agent trying to take you away. Still a little tired you cuddled up into the warm arms of the redhead, using her breasts as a pillow. She ran her fingers through your hair as she gave a light kiss to the top of your head. You noticed she seemed a little down and tried to ask her what was wrong but only received a shrug in return. You decided to not push about the topic and let her talk when ready.
“I wish we didn’t have to hide all of the time.” Came her small cracked voice. You moved your head to look at her properly, frowning to yourself when you saw water in her eyes.
“Me neither, but you know we have to. I promise you the second they let me free we can scream out to the world just how much we love each other.” She smiled at that, hoping the day would come soon. Everyday she begged the team and Fury to release you, trying to prove that you were innocent, but they kept refusing and saying you were a possible killer and needed to be locked up. So for now you had to be her dirty little secret, only ever seeing each other where no one else could find you, only ever loving one another when there was no one around.
“Why can’t we just say it now? As much as I love to keep my personal business to myself I just want everyone to know that you’re mine and I’m yours. I want to be able to tell people that you’re my partner without the fear of losing my spot on the team.” “I know, I know. It’s not fair, but nothing in this world is, and we just have to live with it for now. Soon the day will come when you can tell everyone you know that I’m yours, and I can tell everyone that you’re mine. It may be awhile but I will be right by your side until that day, and after.” She nodded in understanding. She hoped the days would go by fast so she could do all the things lovers do with you instead of spending her nights in your cell. As much as she loved you she didn’t know if she could spend another night in these cells, she doesn’t know how you’ve been doing it for three months.
You both stared at one another lovingly until she leaned in to kiss you. It started off sweet, just a nice kiss between two people, until she used her tongue to make out with you. She slowly raked her hands up and down your back and stopped at your ass, giving it a light squeeze that pushed you forward. You got on top of her as you two were engrossed with each other's bodies. You slowly grinded on her clothed crotch while she started to move her hips upward to make contact with your core. You both broke from the passionate kiss and continued your movements, feeling yourself get wetter as she got harder. The small rhythm went on for another minute until Nat got needy and tore open your shirt, fondling your breasts as she admired the way they bounced along with your body. You started to get off of her so you could take off her pants along with your own, Nat tried to force you back onto her but realized what you were doing and let you take off her clothing without complaint.
When you sat back down on her your folds made contact with her hard cock, making you both let out a breathy moan. Grabbing her length in your hands you jerked her off, starting with a slow pace until you heard her whimpers and started to increase your speed. Feeling her throb in your hand you soon added your mouth, licking and sucking her pink tip.
“So good at taking my dick, you were made for this cock weren’t you baby?” You nodded as much as you could with your mouth full of her. You bobbed your head up and down as you took more of her, continuing to jerk off the rest of her that you couldn’t fit down your throat.
Nat felt like she would explode any minute with your experienced mouth. “Gonna breed your fucking throat! Wanna fill it up with my cum.”
You released her from your mouth to speak, “Please, need it so bad! Need to taste your cum.”
“You will princess, just keep doing that- Shit! Keep doing that!” She yelled out when you massaged her balls with one of your hands. Whimpers and whines spilled out of her as she could tell she was going to cum soon, your mouth and hands made her feel too good. Spurts of cum started to enter your mouth, swallowing them with a moan that vibrated across her length.
“Yes, take it all! Take all of me down that tight little throat!” You did exactly what she asked of you, taking all of her juices until you milked her dry.
Removing your mouth from her now soft cock you went up to her mouth, kissing her as she could taste herself. She pushed you to lay down on the small bed and rubbed her cock against you once again. “I need to fuck your pussy this time.”
It’s been exactly three weeks and two days since then, you and Nat have continued to meet up almost every night and the Avengers were able to prove that you are in fact innocent. Ever since then they’ve let you use a guest room, seeming as you have no home or place to stay. You were born in a facility and grew up in that exact place so friends weren't something you had. They continued to test you and figure out what caused the power you have, which was Invisibility and teleportation. You told them everything but it still wasn’t enough, they ran multiple tests a day and Nat was pissed. You weren’t some project they could work on yet they were treating you like one, Nat would scream and yell at them for it but they had to do what was best for you. During the past week you’ve been feeling sick, puking all day and night. You thought it was from the pills they had you take but the many side effects didn’t include vomiting.
When you told Nat she forced you to go see Dr. Cho, informing you that she was the best out there. When the lady had you sit down she immediately went to work on trying to figure out what the problem may be. Nat was pacing around worriedly as you were passed out on the bed, one of the side effects may not be puking but drowsiness was definitely on there. When the lady turned to Nat she stopped her previous actions and listened intently.
“Ms. Romanoff, were you informed that Ms. Y/L/N is with child?” Nat stared in shock as everything finally made sense, of course you were pregnant. All the times she’d fill you up with her load came running back into her mind, all the times she’d watch as her cum leaked out of your pussy without fearing you’d end up carrying her child.
“Uh no, no I didn’t know that.” She admitted honestly, feeling stupid that she didn’t realize sooner. “Well then congratulations, I wish you both the best of luck.” Nobody on the team knew that you guys were together, but you had to inform the lady for her to come up with a conclusion of what the situation at hand was.
Nat sat down on the chair next to the bed and waited for you to wake up. She imagined you two running around chasing the little one, the three happy faces that laughed as the redheaded baby was caught. Watching the little girl grow up and spending the rest of her life with you. She’d hoped it was a girl, there were enough men around that filled the air with testosterone, she didn’t need more of that. Taking your face in her hands she moved the little hairs out of your face, causing you to wake up and stare into the teary eyes of the other woman. You suddenly got deja vu from weeks ago when you both met up again, her sad face leaving an imprint in your mind.
“What’s wrong Natty?” She looked down with a smile on her face and shook her head before responding in a small, quiet voice. “You’re pregnant.”
“Oh.” She was confused by your response, she thought you would be more happy about this. “Oh?” She repeated, trying to understand why you weren’t jumping into her arms out of excitement and joy.
“Do you not want it?” “No of course I do, but, do you even want it? I know we’ve never talked about children before but I think I can see myself with some one day. And if you don’t want that I understand-” Nat cut off your thoughts before you started to doubt anything, she wanted you to know how truly happy she was about this.
“Relax sweetheart, you don’t need to worry about if I want one because trust me I want that more than anything. I want one with you, I want to start a family with you and grow old together as we watch them all grow up and go off to college where they’ll forget all about us.” You both let out a laugh and remained in a comfortable silence while she held you close.
“I think we should tell the team.” Came her fragile voice, scared of your reaction. You leaned back to look her in the eyes and nodded. “I think it’s time.”
Nine months later you gave birth to a baby boy and a baby girl, both healthy. Nat asked if you both could name the girl after her sister Yelena while you wanted to name the boy after the one man who has been the sweetest to you through everything, James Buchanan Barnes. You gave the baby the name James and watched as Bucky almost cried hearing the news. He refused to let himself hold the baby as he feared he’d hurt him with his metal arm but you and Nat insisted on it.
The little ones were now four years old, you and Nat wanted to go out for your anniversary so Yelena offered to babysit them, something she only did for a good fifty bucks. You were both in the middle of your dinner when you got a call from the woman, when you answered she spoke in a frantic tone.
“Y/N the-the baby, he’s gone! I can’t find him but I can hear him, and trust me I already looked in the walls!” You both stood up and ran to the car after placing a hundred dollar bill on the table. Nat sped to the house fast and you both barged in to find Lena teleporting to different spots while giggling and kept hearing James voice yelling ‘You can’t find me!’ Nat’s sister was running around trying to catch your baby and looking for the other one when she saw you both at the doorway. You two looked at each other as the realization that they’ve finally got their powers hit. You thought it would take a few more years but I guess they start young. Nat went to try and get Lena to stop while you were luckily able to convince James into stopping. You both were excited that the twins finally got your own powers but knew that also meant lots of difficult situations when they would want to goof around with them.
Yelena ran out after snatching her money, yelling out a ‘I’m never babysitting for you two ever again!’ making you all laugh.
That night you and your wife were heading to bed while your kids ran in to say goodnight, never once did they stop talking about their new found discovery. Nat only put her face in her hands and muttered under her breath, 'Great, now I have three children running around with powers while I have none.’
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year
You don't have to keep posting online even when you don't feel like or when it's too overwhleming. You don't owe anything to the people that read your blog. Ofc social media is a particular world: if you don't use your account constantly or don't choose the right hashtags, don't interact also with the right people or communities, it gets hard to keep your account interactions' rate high and even gain new followers. But your mental health comes first. And you can either schedule some posts for a few days in the future so that they can come up while you're taking a break or you can just be true and take a break openly: there's no need to be fake. Especially on some social medias we are shown perfect and beautiful lives where nothing's wrong but this is not real. Do not let yourself be fooled. Everyone goes through heavy periods, and everyone finds their escapes and ways to cope with them (and ofc to keep posting beautiful things and avoiding the negative completely may even be one), but assure yourself that you are shining a light over what's wrong at least irl: to pretend the negative doesn't exist isn't going to help you in the end. Toxic positivity is not gonna work. Take time for you and take care of you in any way you can.
This comes from someone who used to be some kind of a social media manager for a couple of associations on IG until few years ago: I had to work basically everyday (also on festivities/holidays), plan posts, find the best daytime to post and all. I liked it tbh, it felt nice also to come up with funny ideas and see the accounts grow. Ofc lukily I wasn't entirely alone, but kinda had to do most of the job alone especially towards the end... When a few heavy things suddenly happened in my life, at first I felt that this job was kinda helping me distracting myself, but after a while I realized that it was only adding more work and stress to my already busy and stressed life. So I looked at my priorities and decided to cut it off, in order to focus on what I couldn't give up and on resting too (a.k.a. distracting myself in a different way: doing non-mandatory things and freeing my mind from the need of reaching a certain result/any type of pressure, which I was already experiencing in other stuff daily... basically I diminished the amount of pressure put on myself in those days, by removing the one I had control and a choice over as it depended on me). Maybe the fact that I felt let down by some people (including a few collaborators: I kept interacting with them but ended up having to do most of the work alone anyway), added weight on my already tired and stressed mind and brought me to my final decision to leave for my best intentions. But I think it was a mixture of situations, and most of all, a self preservation mechanism.
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