#baltic demon
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antikristvs · 6 months ago
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I got the old goat fixed up at last! 🤘🏻⛧ He's healing now of course.
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antikristvs · 1 year ago
Thank you @misfit-among-the-angels !
I'm going to assume, you really do love norse mythology.
Mine are:
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I'll tag @lady-of-glass-and-bone @nebulousghosts @xmortyx @angels-holocaust @bizzyfish @darthnihilvs @the---storyteller @musical-tomb aka the first mutuals in my notes
Making a tag game cause I can
Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters
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No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3
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spaceinvadeeer · 14 days ago
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happy bday to the severed blorbo
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makwandis · 2 years ago
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Prussia and the being who claims to be Teutonic Order, with their true selves shown
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estoned-png · 2 months ago
the baltics are the holy trinity of sleepers
-lithuania sleep talks A LOT like bro is jus yapping about god knows what, he also tosses and turns ALOT
-estonia gets sleep paralysis. at some point bro isn't even scared, he just mentally rolls his eyes and tries to go to sleep bc sleep paralysis demon can't catch him if he closes his eyes lol also HOGS THE BLANKET BIG TIME
-latvia is a sleep walker like he opens doors and walks down halls without waking up it's wild, he's definitely scared the crap out of estonia and lithuania before. he falls off the bed more than the average person too lol
needless to say, they hated sharing a room when they lived with russia
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antikristvs · 2 years ago
I am putting this on my main because I needed to unfollow a bunch of folk. People, it's not even funny, you need the psychiatrist. Yesterday. The things I see here are as healthy of an interest as me drinking three bottles of whiskey every day.
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How has this picture not been made into a meme yet? If it has, I haven't seen it. But it captures the feeling perfectly.
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irishmammonagenda · 1 year ago
-yk who 😞
i do know who😈😈‼️‼️‼️
i love writing michael sm heehee anyway thanks for the ask pooks 🫶🫶🫶
grma <3
Unsane Uncles-An Obey Me x Reader
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Summary: Michael realises some shocking news, has a crisis, as per usual, chaos ensues. Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: nothing I don't think, for anyone that doesnt know, i headcannon michael as lucifers twin, this was written with my 'Death is a Debatable Thing' Au in mind, but it can be read as a stand alone <3
post dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The café was quaint, quiet and out of the way. It had been ages since you'd last visited the Human Realm. The soft sounds of chatter and cutlery clinking created a calm atmosphere. Well calm for the most part.
Michael sat on the chair opposite to yours looking quite frazzled. His white button down rolled up to just above the elbows and a few of the topmost buttons undone. His long golden curls done up in a messy plait, nonconforming strands coiling around his unusually antsy face. Long dexterous fingers wrap around his coffee mug, he brings it to his lips and takes a sip before setting it down with a little too much force. You watch the scene amusedly.
“I just- I don’t know what to do!” he runs a hand through his hair, looking up at you with stressed, ruby red eyes. "I mean?- Is it too late to give my congratulations?!...Or a push present?!"
You bite your tongue to keep from laughing, the Archangel notices. "This is serious MC! I am the worst uncle ever!"
You tilt your head, "Did you not think it was strange when the brothers first fell that Satan just kind of poofed into existence?"
Michael gives a thoughtful look, before making a 'meh' face and shrugging his shoulders. "I kind of just thought Satan was a low ranking angel that fell with the actual memorable ones, and that I had just... never cared to learn his name before he fell."
"You didn't ask?" You take a sip of your warm drink, revelling in how satisfying the hot liquid felt when it hit the back of your throat and warmed you up from the inside, especially as it was fucking baltic outside.
"Yes." Michael smiles sarcastically, "Because taking a trip down to the Devildom straight after the Celestial War to ask about the demon who kept biting people and snarling would've gone great for me."
"Touché." You grin. Michael's expression falls back from sarcastic to strained, his gorgeous features bathed in stress.
"But seriously MC! I've missed out on centuries as an uncle! That's so many birthdays! Luke must think I'm a deadbeat! I already act like I'm a divorced dad with visitation rights because I can't visit very often!"
You snort. "I don't think Luke knows."
Michael sinks into his seat, "Oh thank Father."
He stays there for a moment, the soft golden glow of the café lights on his dark skin so similar to the aureate ambiance of the Celestial Realm that you almost forget that you're back in the human world. He flutters his eyes closed, a hand over his brow in what can only be described as a himbo-ified imitation of a sickly Victorian woman saying something along the lines of 'Woe is I!" after finding out poor people actually have feelings. What a fucking drama king. You hold back a snort. Michael groans before swinging back up like a jack-in-the-box, his usual cheerful yet cheeky smile on his handsome face, he joins his hands together as he rests his arms on the wooden table, as if completely oblivious to the complete 180 he had turned. "So! MC, have I ever told you about the time Lucifer ran into a glass door in the Celestial Realm?"
You shake your head, grinning mischieviously, "I don't think you have!"
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Hours Later, down in the Devildom, in RAD's royal library, Satan sneezed. He paused for a moment more before folding his handkerchief up and putting it back in his pocket, making a mental note to wash it when he got back to the House of Lamentation.
He groans, arching his back and stretching his arms out in an attempt to weave out any knots in his muscles. He'd been in the library since school had ended. Still unable to shake the feeling something was going to happen, Satan got up off of his chair, packed his books away, and made the journey home.
Walking alone through the cobbled streets of the Realm was calming and peaceful. Halfway through his siúl suaimneach, he comes face to face with a gathering of the stray cats he'd normally feed.
The Avatar of Wrath coos at them, hunkering down and reaching into his bag for some of the cat treats he'd normally kept in there. "Aww..." He mutters, speaking in a baby voice to the cats, scratching an old tabby's fur. "You've gotten so big, Purrsephone!" He scritches underneath the young cats chin, smiling as she purrs and remembering fondly when the cat was just a small kitten trailing behind her mother like a second, small adorable shadow.
As he pulls out the bag of treats onehanded, the symphony of meowing reaches a polyphonic crescendo, cats and kittens of all shapes, colours and sizes scramble towards Satan with more purpose now, all meowing for food. He chuckles, indulging the felines, petting them as they nibble and chew on the kitty treats.
Unbeknownst to the Avatar of Wrath, a good quarter of a mile away from where he congregated with the cats, a certain Archangel and his accomplice stood hiding in an alleyway.
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In the shadows of the alleyway, Michael was clumsily putting on his batman mask. He already had a matching batman suit and cape on, you however were much more serious, and were dressed up as Robin.
"Michael." You hiss exasperatedly. "You seriously can't think that sneaking up on the Avatar of Wrath is a good idea!"
Michael merely waved you off with one hand, his other carrying his 'surprise for his most favouritest nephew in the three realms' as he'd deemed it. "Besides MC is worst comes to worst, you can just pop out!"
You nod. "Good point. "You face breaks into a grin matching Michael's, "This is going to be fun to watch."
Michael goes to say something before you both hear footsteps, your eyes widen. "Oh shit...he's coming..."
Quickly you dart behind the dumpsters, Michael moves to the wall of the alleyway. Holding his breath as he listens to the footsteps of a certain green-eyed demon.
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After having petted the cats, Satan got up and begrudgingly left them in order to continue his journey home.
Lost in his thoughts, he can't help but feel as if something is watching him, thinking its just his imagination, he walks on. Who would be stupid enough to sneak up on the Avatar of Wrath?
An idiot in a batman costume apparently.
Satan jumped as the lunatic hopped out from the alleyway, hands behind his back.
"Psst! Kid!" The stranger in the batman costume says, ruby red eyes that reminded him of Lucifer staring at him. "I have a surprise for you!"
Satan's tail whips around his legs, on the defensive. "I'm not a kid." He says coldly. "And what surprise?"
"Heeheehee." The strange man giggles, before taking his hands away from where they were behind his back and revealling a small tiny little kitten, fur as dark as night, with an emerald green bow wrapped loosely around its little neck, having been jostled, the tiny creature meows in protest, big green eyes blinking sleepily. Satan's harsh, mistrusting glare softens as he looks at the kitten, moving to take it out of the strangers hands before his eyes narrow.
"What's the catch?"
"The catch?" 'Batman' says indignantly, as if Satan had gravely offended him. "The catch? How dare you! There is no catch! Can't an uncle give his nephew a present to make up for millennia upon millennia of missed birthdays?!"
Satan blinks. "It's March. It's nowhere near my birthday. And Uncle?" Green eyes narrow again. "I don't have any uncles."
The stranger sticks his tongue out. "Blah blah blah. You are just like your father. Take the fucking cat or I'm telling everyone that you're secretly Lucifer's son."
A vein pops on Satan's head. "Excuse me?!"
The stranger chuckles nervously upon sensing Satan's wrath bubble like magma beneath the surface of his skin, ready to boil over and erupt. When Satan's eyes flashed dangerously the stranger spluttered out. "Oh shit....! Uhhh....Cat Attack!!!" That was the only warning Satan got before the tiny kitten was shoved gently but firmly into his hands, his eyes immedietely softened, the rage slowed down from a boil as he looked into the soft innocent eyes of the kittykat.
He looked up at the stranger, who in his frenzy, had lost his batman mask. Ruby red eyes and golden curls tied in french plaits and tucked into the rest of the suit greeted him. Unholy fuck. Was that Archangel Michael.
The Archangel grins at him, "Enjoy your gift! Tell Lucikins I said hi! Oh and also the cats a girl, you can name her! Come visit your favourite uncle soon! Byebye!" Michael shouts to him, before he turns around, and fucking books it, sprinting away from the Avatar of Wrath at a speed that could rival Mammon running from Lucifer.
Satan stood shellshocked by the whole ordeal having acquired a tiny kitten and an uncle who needed to be institutionalised.
He grinned down at the kitten, "I'm gonna call you Dorcha."
Judging by the small creatures tiny meow, he'd gamble that she liked that name.
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A/N: im so sorry this is so short, ive been busy w irl stuff, but this was a fun ask <3
also dorcha is sort of pronounced 'door-ah-ha' but you sort of say the 'ch' with your throat, idk how to explain it, but it means 'dark' 💗💗
siúl suaimhneach (shoe-el soo-ehve-neyak, except dont pronounce the 'ch' as a 'keh' and pronounce it liek gutturally!!!) it means 'peaceful walk' but suaimhneach can also mean tranquil or quiet
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lewinthelighton · 5 months ago
@fangoffenrir replied to [X]:
"My name is Fang Skye, I'm a former member of the Demon Eater Corps from the Order in the Baltic… Guess I'm like a 'concerned citizen', now?"
"Ohh," Lewin hums with curiosity. "Demon Eater Corps? I'm guessing you're not referring to True Order's Baltic branch, 'cause there ain't no Demon Eaters there."
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sethsclearwater · 2 years ago
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request: “could you write something where seth, paul, and reader are hanging out with the pack and reader is playing a board game or something with a few of them and she gets super competitive/raging and seth and paul think its so funny and just watch her? could you also include some of the dynamics between reader and rest of pack? thank you!! love all your posts btw:)”
warnings: none
word count: 1.22k
this whole situation started because embry wanted you to play monopoly with him, jared, quil, and jacob. paul and seth had playfully warned them about your competitive nature but they just laughed it off and invited you anyway.
sure enough, within about an hour you were getting your shit rocked by embry who had hotels on nearly an entire side of the board which resulted in you nearly going bankrupt each time you rolled the stupid dice. paul and seth were also in the kitchen, both keeping a watchful eye on you as they helped emily cook dinner for everyone. 
“oh for fuck’s sake embry-” you started as you landed on his park avenue property which you knew was going to just about bankrupt you.
“pay up princess!” he exclaimed and you let out a loud huff, throwing 4 hundreds at him as everyone laughed at your dismay.
quil, who was sitting next to you and also getting his shit rocked by embry, nudged your shoulder, catching your attention, “wanna team up?” he asked softly and you nodded just as the rest of the boys went up in arms about quil’s proposition.
“god you little demon!” jared exclaimed when he saw the smile on your face that had you giggling, “that is so against the rules!” he added, all the other boys nodding in agreement but you and quil were ignoring them, already merging your (very limited) money together and deciding which piece to keep on the board. 
paul and seth’s laughter is what caught your attention and you looked up to see them smiling at you, “good idea.” seth mouthed as paul gave you a thumbs up and you giggled, shaking your head as you looked back over at quil who was also laughing.
“okay so we have like $200.” quil explained as he finished counting up your shared money, causing both of you to burst into a fit of laughter at how broke you were, “we’re about to pass go through so should be $400 in a minute.” he added and you nodded, giggling as you looked up at embry, jacob, and jared who were all looking quite disgruntled by yours and quil’s scheming.
“it’s you guys’ turn again.” embry explained and you groaned, already knowing this would probably be it for the two of you.
“blow on the dice for good luck, yea?” quil suggested, eliciting another round of laughs from everyone as you blew on the dice before he shook them and rolled them onto the board.
in some twisted form of fate, the two of you ended up landing on none other than jared cameron’s shitty baltic avenue property that had about 5 hotels on it, “oh fuck me-” you whined, both you and quil letting out loud groans as you two tried to figure out how to pay this debt without getting eliminated from the game.
you looked up to see seth and paul mouthing something to you but you couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. from what you could see, seth was pushing two fingers in his mouth and paul was nodding his head in agreement.
you and quil exchanged mutual looks of confusion before a (very dull) lightbulb clicked in your head and before you could even think about how stupid what you were about to suggest was, you blurted out, “quil’ll give you a blowjob if you let it slide!” 
quil made an awful choking sound as the rest of the boys burst into laughter at your stupid proposition. seth and paul quickly came over to you, laughing as you realized just how horribly you’d misinterpreted whatever they were trying to get you to understand, “princess,” paul laughed, lifting you up so he could sit down with you in his lap at the table while seth crouched down next to you, “we were most definitely not suggesting that.” he explained, both men laughing as you blushed, giggling as you buried your face in his shoulder.
seth ran his hand up your back, “we were saying to offer him food pretty girl,” seth laughed, pressing a small kiss to your hip bone as another round of laughs passed through the table. 
quil’s voice drew your attention, “listen, i stand with pretty girl’s idea.” he started, hardly able to contain his laughter as he continued, “i will not hesitate to give you a blowjob if that means princess and i get a free pass.” he added with the best straight face he could, quickly failing though as all of you burst into laughter again.
“okay boys,” emily’s teasing voice called as she stepped over to rest her hands on embry and jared’s shoulders, “can we wrap this up for dinner, yea? then you two can go back to kicking pretty girl and quil’s ass later tonight, yea?” she suggested and everyone nodded, breathy laughs as you guys all quickly packed up the pieces and got the table cleared off for dinner. 
you leaned over to quil, cupping your hand around his ear, “if anyone asks, we had $1200.” you murmured to quil who smirked, nodding. paul and seth just teasingly rolled their eyes as they heard what you were saying to him. 
unfortunately for you, jared had the best hearing in the pack after seth and quickly picked up on what you and quil were up to, “quil i am so sorry that sore loser diva dragged you down to her level.” he said, tone laced with teasing that had you gasping while everyone else laughed. 
“i am not a sore loser!” you exclaimed, moving to get up to argue with him but paul and seth’s hands on your hips stopped you from moving. both boys let out breathy chuckles, murmuring for you to calm down and let it go.
“yea you should listen to your imprinters you diva!” jared called back teasingly and you gasped, looking over to paul and seth who shrugged, seeming to contemplate whether or not they should let you up before deciding against it.
“i’ll deal with him later princess,” paul reassured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and you rolled your eyes, huffing as you leaned back into his chest and glared at jared who was laughing at your expression. 
“c’mon let’s go sit at the counter and eat, yea? you need some food in you.” seth suggested as he got up, taking your hands and helping you up from paul’s lap as he pulled you over to the kitchen island and helped you up onto one of the barstools so you could talk with emily while he got you a bowl of whatever it was emily made.
while seth got you some food, paul came to stand behind you, gently rubbing your shoulders as the rest of the boys strategized a new game plan for your next game of monopoly.
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antiquewhim · 2 years ago
I want to make information on Lithuanian folklore in English more public so I am uploading the threads that until now were only on my Twitter. I present to you a comprehensive thread on aitvarai, the ancient Lithuanian deities of the skies
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(art credits: Neringa Meškauskaitė, Agroshka )
Aitvarai (etymologically "ones to appease" or "irrepressible force") are domestic creatures associated with all 4 elements: a comet of fire which harnesses wind for chaos, helping Earth and its people while being chased and punished by Perkūnas for stealing water.
Most commonly a black rooster, they can appear as a variety of creatures: different kinds of black birds, grass snakes, whirlwinds, comets and even men if they fall in love with a woman that they want to marry.
Though very powerful ancient beings, Aitvarai choose to associate themselves with people, with villagers being able to either hatch them from an egg of a 7 year old rooster or attract them by leaving out hot, untouched meals like porridge and scrambled eggs.
When part of a household, the duties of an aitvaras were to bring riches to his caretakers, either as money (money carrying aitvarai were golden, deep red or silver in coloration) or as wheat (grey and black colors). Note that aitvarai only served the poor, tricking the wealthy people who tried to use them.
Aitvarai were both a blessing and a curse: while they did bring wealth, they did it by stealing from the neighbors of their master, making them most hated in the local village. They were also clingy and dangerous to keep, burning down the houses of those who mishandled them by feeding them manure, tampering with their meals or disobeying the rules they set for the person.
It is said however that their thieving, evil nature was a characteristic given to them by the Catholic church, which wanted to demonize every pagan creature in Baltic mythology.
In fact, aitvarai were considered genuine problems by those who believed that they would steal from them: from warding off statuettes in granaries to court cases from 1700's accusing people of harboring an aitvaras (I found only one source claiming this, so take it with a grain of salt).
However, the desire to have an aitvaras was apparent as well, shown by modifications peasants would make to their homes: holes in the doors of granaries would be made so an aitvaras could enter the home easily.
Some rituals for stealing back from a flying aitvaras exist as well, ranging from simply showing it your bottom, to cutting oneself with a rusty knife, pinning the corner of your jacket to the ground, ripping or otherwise ruining clothing.
Even if the reaction of people to them was mixed, aitvarai were considered pests by the gods due to their tendency to drink/hoard water, for which they were struck dead by Perkūnas, exploding into sparks that caused forest fires, the thunder god's lightning forming ponds, holes and swamps, terraforming the earth.
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antikristvs · 3 months ago
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The Devil hides behind a halo 💖
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girlactionfigure · 4 months ago
🔵Ongoing Updates from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Moadim l’Simcha from Israel - wishes for a happy Succot intermediate holy days.
( VIDEO - interception of suicide drone from Iraq coming towards Eilat. Notice the interceptor diving low, the drones fly low to make radar detection difficult. )
⭕OVERNIGHT SUICIDE DRONES FROM IRAQ.. 1-2 intercepted coming at Eilat, one struck an open area in the Golan.  The Iran-backed Islamic Resistance in Iraq takes responsibility.
⭕OVERNIGHT SUICIDE DRONE(S) FROM SYRIA.. intercepted over the southern Golan.
⭕ONGOING WAVES OF ROCKET BARRAGES at the Meron-Safed area, Golan Heights towns, Krayot-Haifa area, Nahariya and Acre areas.  Frequently. And relatively constant attacks at all the small towns and villages across the northern border region.
♦️LEBANON - Israeli fighter jets struck this morning a command center belonging to Hezbollah's intelligence division and an underground weapons manufacturing site in Beirut.  “Before the strike, the IDF issued evacuation warnings to civilians in the area.”  (( That’s only fair considering all the evacuation warnings Israeli civilians have received - - oh wait, NONE. ))
♦️LEBANON - targeted airstrikes: killed three prominent Hezbollah terrorists, including one responsible for weapons manufacturing.
♦️GAZA - IDF captures the Indonesian hospital area, capturing and sorting through dozens of Gazans for Hamas terrorists.
♦️GAZA - Hundreds of Hamas terrorists began surrendering to the IDF in the northern Gaza Strip, after the IDF issued an ultimatum: surrender or death.
♦️AIR POWER - During the last day, the Air Force attacked about 175 terrorist targets in Gaza and Lebanon. Among the targets attacked: weapons warehouses, launch shafts, military buildings and terrorist infrastructures of Hamas and Hezbollah.
🔹IRAN SAYS.. The Iranian embassy in the UN has officially announced that it denies any connection to the drone that Hezbollah launched at Netanyahu's house in Caesarea.
▪️TIKTOK CHANNEL WRITER WHO SPREAD FALSE HOSTAGE RELEASE INFO.. found and detained for investigation by the Cyber ​​Unit in Lahav 433.  At the end of the investigation of several hours: the suspect of spreading the false statements about the release of hostages was released to house arrest for five days. He apologized for his words, and claimed to the cyber investigators that he received the information from an acquaintance of his.  Prosecutor to decide whether to indict.
.. Tiktok blocked the channel 24 hours later by Israeli govt. request.
▪️DEMONIZING.. Nat. Sec. Minister MK Ben Gvir waswidely reported to have ascended to the Temple Mount for prayers today - which has caused friction in the past.  Subsequent reports are he DID NOT, and photos place him at the Kotel (Western Wall) in the large intermediate-holiday prayer crowd.  We like his esrog, spotted in the photo (not shared here).
▪️US ELECTION.. A protester yelled at the Democratic US presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, that "Israel is committing genocide in Gaza" and she replied: "It's real, I respect his voice."
▪️AIR TRAVEL.. Polish airline Lot postpones the return to Israel until November 12.  Air Baltic cancels flights to Israel until November 30.
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jocia92 · 6 months ago
“The Ritual,” the upcoming exorcism horror in which Al Pacino and Dan Stevens play troubled priests, has sold out for most international territories by XYZ Films.
From director David Midell, the film was written by Midell and Enrico Natale, and produced by Andrew Stevens, Mitchell Welch and Natale. Ashley Greene and Abigail Cowen round out the cast.
XYZ, which has been quietly growing its own releasing arm on top of its sales operations, is planning a U.S. theatrical release in 2025.
Based on a true story, “The Ritual” follows two priests — one questioning his faith (Stevens) and one reckoning with a troubled past (Pacino) — who must put aside their differences to save a possessed young woman through a difficult and dangerous series of exorcisms. The film is an authentic portrayal of Emma Schmidt, an American woman whose demonic possession culminated in harrowing exorcisms. Her case remains the most thoroughly documented exorcism in American history.
International sales include Umbrella for Australia/New Zealand, PremiereTV for Benelux, KMBO for France, Leonine for Germany/Austria/Switzerland, TFG for Greece, Plaion for Italy, NOS for Portugal, Inopia for Spain, Altitude for U.K./Ireland, Pro Rom for Eastern Europe, Volga for CIS Baltics, Falcon for Middle East, Siyah Beyaz for Turkey, IDC for Latin America, PVR for India, PT Prima for Indonesia, Antenna for Malaysia, Filmbridge for Mongolia, Pioneer for Philippines, Shaw for Singapore and JNC for South Korea and Vietnam.
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luminescenc1e · 2 years ago
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In South Slavic folklore, a vampire was believed to pass through several distinct stages in its development. The first 40 days were considered decisive for the making of a vampire; it started as an invisible shadow and then gradually gained strength from the lifeblood of the living, forming a (typically invisible) jelly-like, boneless mass, and eventually building up a human-like body nearly identical to the one the person had had in life. This development allowed the creature to ultimately leave its grave and begin a new life as a human.
The vampire, who was usually male, was also sexually active and could have children, either with his widow or a new wife. These could become vampires themselves, but could also have a special ability to see and kill vampires, allowing them to become vampire hunters.
In Southern Slavic folklore, Serbia is considered the birthplace of vampires. Not many Serbian words have become internationally recognized, but the one that has made quite an impact, as we all know the word “vampire” (Serbian vampir). During the 18th century, Austrian officials noted that the Slavic population in the northern country’s region of Vojvodina (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire), was digging out and re-murdering cadavers, calling them “vampires.”
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The Bulgarian Bogomil Magi (upper clergy) produced apocrypha during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and these documents do give us some insight into the Bogomils' beliefs. God represents the Force of Creation, which is opposed by the equally powerful Force of Destruction.
Man avoids the forces of darkness through restoration through utilizing the four elements: bathing and washing; air (ventilation of the house and living outside); greeting the sun in the morning; and recognizing the celestial creations in the evening; and, of course, through the sermons of the church;
Burial of the dead takes place outside of the town and is done only during the evening after sunset or during the predawn hours;
It is forbidden to bring dead bodies into a church, because dead bodies belong to the Force of Destruction. (Perkowski)
Entrenched in the Bogomil belief system are the seeds for what eventually becomes modern vampire lore. Primarily that the early Slavs believed that the body (as matter) is evil and representative of Satan while the soul is holy and deserving of reincarnation. It is easy to see how Bogomilistic views on demonology combined with the dualistic natures of the Force of Destruction and its need to destroy the Force of Creation birthed the vampire. The continual battle between Destruction and Good can be encapsulated by a demon's ability to animate a corpse that sucks the blood (i.e. life force) from a living person.
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Pre-Christian practices on the Baltic coast are described by Helmold in his Chronicle of the Slavs (1164-1168):
"... after the victim is felled the priest drinks of its blood in order to render himself more potent in the receiving of oracles. For it is the opinion of many that demons are very easily conjured with blood ... The Slavs too, have a strange delusion. At their feasts and carousals they pass about a bowl over which they utter words ... in the name of the gods ... of the good one, as well as the bad one--professing that all propitious fortune is arranged by the good god, adversity by the bad god.
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If we take the association of corpses with evil forces (i.e. the Force of Destruction) and combine it with demons, which hound men and women in order to deplete them of their life force, we can easily see how mundane illnesses can be attributed to vampires. The killing of the vampire is also rooted in Bogomilistic beliefs. Since most medieval philosophies held that the head and the heart were the repositories for a person's emotions and desires, it made perfect sense to pierce both the head and heart in order to curb the violent desire for destruction exhibited by the vampire. Cremation occurs in order to execute the "ultimate separation of elements belonging to the force of good and those belonging to the force of evil" 
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review-anon · 2 months ago
Noooo you didnt deserve that AT ALL!!!
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Mikan...I won't deny what you did was wrong, but let's face you aren't alone...and you aren't the only person who committed evil acts in the name of some fashion bitch who's name I cannot say otherwise a important machine might blow up or something.
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We have ALL committed those same terrible acts.
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Novoselic is no more...I ran my kingdom to the ground after trying to conquer all of the Baltic States and then the Russians ended up deploying nuclear weapons on the country, reducing it to a irradiated wasteland.
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I might be part of the underworld...but even yazukas have standards and few we did have I disregarded as I organised huge trafficking rings to harvest as many organs as possible, and selling people into slavery. It was a very profitable business but the human suffering involved...
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I just beat people to death and ate them alive. I got addicated to the taste of human flesh to the point I couldn't eat anything else...I starved myself of days just to feast on it.
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I often helped Akane on her "food runs" though I would never eat people. Instead I stole any good hearts they had and with your help, got myself a better heart. Well sometimes they broke down but you would always replace it with another heart. And another. And another.
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I took the most gross and disturbing pictures possible and had them shown on social media to the point several sites had to be shut down due to how traumatising they were. I also hacked into TV stations to show these images to drive people to despair. My pictures inspired sorrow and dread, not the smiles I cared for so much.
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I mostly helped out with the Towa City crisis but when I wasn't doing that I was using my powers to siphon good luck from others and had their situations go even worse. Sure it didn't work on anyone with Divine Luck...but those guys were rare.
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Don't you see Mikan? You aren't alone. And when you feel down...you have us to help you out. You didn't deserve those horrible nightmares, that wasn't your mind telling you were a terrible person.
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This was the work of a sentient poison that was feeding off your inner demons and wanted you to stay miserable because that's how it keeps itself fed. And if it could use your own past misdeeds against you...well that's what it would do.
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We are here for you Mikan. Take all the time you need to recover from this.
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trickofthelight-snow · 4 months ago
//junichiro fic wip :3
i am not motivated to write this atm.... so here we go, ch 2 wip! its kny x bsd but i feel like junichiro's emotions here towards the agency so far can be applicable to a just bsd fic i'd write
below the cut
The pit of dread that had previously formed in Junichiro's stomach had only deepened as he leant against the unfamiliar tree, disoriented.
It took him multiple fast paced blinks to regain his vision, for the darkness and the lingering red hue to fade away. Once he regained one sense, the others were quick to follow.
His ears were ringing, blood dripping onto his shoulder from one of his now-irritated piercings.
The pain came soon after, his ear inflicted with an annoying sting; and his face felt as if it had been burned.
And it could have been, for all he knew.
But what plagued him more than the pain was the temperature. It was baltic; and if you asked Junichiro, he'd say that the temperatures were sub zero and he was about to contract frostbite.
His sense of taste returned next; he noticed the prominent metallic tang of blood from a split lip. 
His hearing was the final sense to return, and the eerie silence of the forest did nothing to ease his nerves. He only heard his own laboured breathing and the rustling of leaves in the wind.
Where was he? What did that ability do to him? It definitely sent him somewhere that wasn’t Yokohama; Yokohama didn’t have any forests like this as far as he knew. Maybe there was some forestry on the city’s outskirts he wasn’t aware of. And he was just sent a few kilometres in that direction. Hopefully.
Junichiro scanned the area around him, in an attempt to see if any of his belongings had come on the journey with him. He was disheartened when there was nothing to be found but shrubbery for as far as the eye could see. But when he looked down at his hands in his lap; he noticed the bag strap running down his torso. He was almost embarrassed that he didn’t check for anything on his person in the first place. 
His bag was mostly intact, though it was quite dirty with a tear here and there. His pins fortunately managed to survive the unusual journey, and his eyes landed on the pin Naomi made him in her school’s library a few weeks ago. It was a small, not the best quality, pixelated image of the Agency. You would only be able to tell who was who if you knew them well.
Junichiro had only been away from home for five minutes, and he already felt extremely lonely.
His loneliness only increased as he continued to stare at the image of his found family. The President, who took him in when he had nowhere else to go. Kunikida, who took him under his wing and taught him what he knew. And Dazai, the polar opposite of Kunikida, who cared for his partner, despite all the bickering. And Ranpo, who bullied him with kind undertones, Yosano with motherly advice. Atsushi, his best friend. Kyouka and Kenji who he’s always viewed as his younger siblings. And Naomi; despite the Agency’s belief that they’re related, Junichiro cares for her like his sister, despite the lack of blood ties.
Oh, he would die for any one of them.
He would kill for any one of them.
And he was nothing without them.
Junichiro took a deep breath before making an attempt to stand up, but he had to ease himself back down. The nausea was too much for him.
He sat there for five more minutes, wallowing in despair. His thoughts were racing at a million kilometres a second
anddddd (i have more written on paper) he comes across a demon and almost dies!
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