#baked eggplant
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fattributes · 1 month ago
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Eggplant Parmesan
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vegan-nom-noms · 2 months ago
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Malabar Eggplant / Crispy Eggplant With Spiced Coconut Sauce (Gluten Free)
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Briami / Greek Vegetable Bake (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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sassytreeruins · 11 months ago
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Yummy 🤤😋
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mohammadalli · 8 months ago
Tomato and Eggplant Vegetable Bake Recipe | Italian Style @eatcolor
Tomato and eggplant, layered with fresh basil, thyme, parsley, and garlic is one of the best Italian recipes to cook at home. It cooks in the oven making it a perfect side dish for a weeknight dinner or holiday feast!  Tomato and eggplant are common favorite vegetables used in many authentic Italian recipes. In this recipe, pressing garlic and basil into each eggplant slice guarantees the flavors will spread evenly across the dish.  It’s very easy to make and the fresh herbs provide vibrant flavors, color, and essential nutrients making it a delicious healthy cooking recipe. A dash of lemon juice, olive oil, and sprinkled parmesan cheese between vegetable layers, adds a special touch to the savory flavors of this mouthwatering side dish. 
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lacefuneral · 1 month ago
w. why
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supercantaloupe · 6 months ago
eating. pork nuggets and eggplant fries. which is like chicken nuggets and potato fries except i had pork chops and eggplant in my fridge
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justforbooks · 1 year ago
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The Greek way (Outrageously Delicious Baked Stuffed Eggplant).
Greece is widely known for its mouth watering food and one of its most popular dishes is Papoutsakia.
Papoutsakia is stuffed eggplants that are first baked until soft and then filled with a tomato-based mince sauce, topped with bechamel sauce and cheese, and baked again until they are beautifully golden.
The dish is called papoutsakia (little shoes) because its shape resembles little shoes.
Due to its ingredients, the dish tastes a lot like Moussaka, however with a host of health benefits, being made with eggplants.
Eggplants are a nutrient-dense food, meaning they contain a good amount of vitamins, minerals and fibre in few calories.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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monoarabegum · 8 months ago
Tomato and Eggplant Vegetable Bake Recipe | Italian Style @eatcolor
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mdrajabali · 8 months ago
Tomato and Eggplant Vegetable Bake Recipe | Italian Style Tomato and eggplant, layered with fresh basil, thyme, parsley, and garlic is one of the best Italian recipes to cook at home. It cooks in the oven making it a perfect side dish for a weeknight dinner or holiday feast! Tomato and eggplant are common favorite vegetables used in many authentic Italian recipes. In this recipe, pressing garlic and basil into each eggplant slice guarantees the flavors will spread evenly across the dish. It’s very easy to make and the fresh herbs provide vibrant flavors, color, and essential nutrients making it a delicious healthy cooking recipe. A dash of lemon juice, olive oil, and sprinkled parmesan cheese between vegetable layers, adds a special touch to the savory flavors of this mouthwatering side dish.
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Eat Color with Claudia Cooking channel is about cooking healthy and colorful meals! I'll also show you how to cook authentic Italian dishes, make things from scratch, and adjust ingredients to keep dishes low in preservatives!
#Tomato_and_Eggplant_Vegetable_Bake_Recipe #tomato_and_eggplant_recipe #how_to_cook_eggplant #healthy_eggplant_recipes #Italian_food_recipes #food #recipe #italianfood #EggplantRecipe #italiansausage #sausage #delicious #cooking #how_to_cook_eggplant #healthy_recipes #cat_color #claudia #Cooking_videos #Italian_recipes #eggplant_parmigiana_recipe #shorts_cooking_videos #cooking_at_home #cooking_tips #tasty_food #cooki #making #easy_dinner #cook #tasty_recipes #simple #easyrecipe #eatcolor #Easydinnerideas #tomatorecipes
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forhadahamed · 8 months ago
Tomato and Eggplant Vegetable Bake Recipe | Italian Style @eatcolor
Tomato and eggplant, layered with fresh basil, thyme, parsley and garlic is one of the best Italian recipes to cook at home. It cooks in the oven making it a perfect side dish for a weeknight dinner or holiday feast! Tomato and eggplant are common favorite vegetables used in many authentic Italian recipes. In this recipe, pressing garlic and basil into each eggplant slice, guarantees the flavors will spread evenly across the dish. It’s very easy to make and the fresh herbs provide vibrant flavors, color, and essential nutrients making it a delicious healthy cooking recipe. A dash of lemon juice, olive oil and sprinkled parmesan cheese between vegetable layers, adds a special touch to the savory flavors of this mouthwatering side dish.
Make sure you have the bell turned on, so you won’t miss any videos!
 Eat Color with Claudia Cooking channel is about cooking healthy and colorful meals! I'll also show you how to cook authentic Italian dishes, make things from scratch and adjust ingredients to keep dishes low in preservatives! Ingredients: 2-3 eggplants cut into ½” slices (total 16 slices) Coarse salt 4 large ripe tomatoes cut into ½” slices (total 16 slices) 2 large cloves of garlic, peeled and cut into slivers 2 bunches (3 cups) fresh basil (stems discarded) ½ cup olive oil Coarse ground black pepper 1 lemon for juice ½ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves or 4 teaspoons dried thyme ¼ cup coarsely chopped parsley Recipe: Remove stems and cut eggplant into slices. Sprinkle with salt and let rest on a paper towel for 30 minutes to release moisture. Pat dry. Cut tomatoes in ½ inch slices. Sprinkle with salt and let rest on a paper towel for 30 minutes to release moisture. Pat dry. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Make a 2” cross on one side of each eggplant slice. Into the slits, insert garlic slivers and a basil leaf, pushing it in well. In a baking sheet with sides, lightly brush the bottom with olive oil. Place the prepared eggplants, slit side down, on to the baking sheet. Drizzle the tops with olive oil and sprinkle evenly with black pepper. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove eggplants from oven and reduce heat to 350 degrees. Lightly oil the bottom of a 10” x 8” x 3” casserole pan, Pyrex dish or Dutch oven. Place ½ the eggplant slices on the bottom of the pan. Place half the tomato slices on top of the eggplant slices. Drizzle juice from half the lemon on to the tops of the tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Cover evenly with ¼ cup parmesan cheese and half the thyme. Cover completely with a layer of whole basil leaves. Drizzle the tops with olive oil. Repeat another complete layer beginning with the eggplant. When the second layer is complete, sprinkle the top with 2 tablespoons parsley. Cover dish lightly with aluminum foil and bake for 1 hour. Remove foil and bake an additional 10 minutes, until eggplants and tomatoes are very tender. Garnish with additional chopped parsley and parmesan cheese. Serve hot or at room temperature. #Tomato_and_Eggplant_Vegetable_Bake_Recipe #tomato_and_eggplant_recipe #how_to_cook_eggplant #healthy_eggplant_recipes #Italian_food_recipes #food #recipe #italianfood #EggplantRecipe #italiansausage #sausage #delicious #cooking #how_to_cook_eggplant #healthy_recipes #cat_color #claudia #Cooking_videos #Italian_recipes #eggplant_parmigiana_recipe #shorts_cooking_videos #cooking_at_home #cooking_tips #tasty_food #cooki #making #easy_dinner #cook #tasty_recipes #simple #easyrecipe #eatcolor #Easydinnerideas #tomatorecipeshttps://youtu.be/heP86qLzwgY?si=ARxwJz6lBsnetR_I
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fattributes · 3 months ago
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Roasted Baby Eggplants with Garlic Yogurt Dipping Sauce
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magazynkulinarny · 11 months ago
Pieczony bakłażan z ziołowo-czosnkowymi pomidorami i burratą na opiekanym chlebie
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Ostatnie niedzielne śniadanie zaliczam do najlepszych jakie jadłam od miesięcy! Już samo wymyślanie go było przyjemne, przygotowywanie komponentów sprawiało - jak kiedyś - radość, ale konsumpcja przebiła wszystko inne!
Pieczony bakłażan rozpływał się w ustach, pomidory wolno gotowane z czosnkiem, cebulą i suszonymi ziołami pięknie się z nim połączyły na zasadzie kontrastu - on delikatny i nieinwazyjny, one kwaskowate, lekko ostre i bardzo aromatyczne - zaś burrata dodała im kremowo-śmietankowego wykończenia. Całość ułożyłam na chrupiącym, opieczonym na maśle pieczywie. Taka powierzchownie niepozorna, ale po bliższym poznaniu wyjątkowa rodzinka.
Są takie familie. Nie nadają się do Instagramów, Pinterestów, ani na okładki magazynów. Nie błyszczą amerykańskim uśmiechem z klawiaturą wybielonych zębów, nie czarują opalenizną z egzotycznych podróży, ani markowymi ubraniami, nie wożą się w drogich autach, nie jadają w ekskluzywnych restauracjach. Wiodą zwykłe, proste życie.
Dopiero po pierwszym kęsie można odkryć pełnię ich smaków, natomiast kolejne wywołują zaskoczenie, że przecież lepiej być już nie może, a jednak jest. Współgrają harmonijnie, jakby zostali dla siebie stworzeni. Dopełniają się i chętnie czule przytulają.
Lubię takie jedzenie i lubię takich ludzi.
spory bakłażan burrata 3 duże pomidory (lub puszka pomidorów w sosie) 2-3 ząbki czosnku 1/2 cebuli po łyżeczce: suszonej bazylii, naci pietruszki, oregano (można zastąpić świeżymi) 2 łyżki przecieru pomidorowego łyżeczka miodu sól i czarny pieprz do smaku 4-6 kromek chleba (u mnie sycylijski z pomidorami)
Nastawić piekarnik na 190ºC.
Opłukanego bakłażana rozciąć wzdłuż na pół i w każdej części zrobić kratkowane nacięcia ostrym nożem. Połówki ułożyć na folii aluminiowej, oprószyć pieprzem, skropić oliwą z oliwek i zawinąć luźno. Wstawić w blaszce do pieca na 45 minut.
W tym czasie obrać cebulę i czosnek. Cebulę pokroić w małą kosteczkę, a czosnek rozgnieść płaską stroną noża i maksymalnie rozdrobnić. Opłukać pomidory, pokroić w dużą kostkę, usunąć twardą końcówkę.
W niedużym garnuszku podgrzać niewielką ilość oliwy z oliwek e.v., wrzucić cebulę, smażyć minutę, a następnie dorzucić czosnek. Smażyć do zeszklenia się cebuli. Dodać pomidory i dusić razem, aż puszczą sok. Dołożyć resztę składników: przecier pomidorowy, miód i zioła. Wymieszać i jeszcze trochę gotować, aż sos zgęstnieje. Dosmakować solą i pieprzem.
Kromki chleba posmarować z obu stron masłem i usmażyć na patelni na rumiano.
Na każdą kromkę wykładać miąższ bakłażana, rozgnieść widelcem. Na to pomidory z sosem, a na wierzch porwaną burratę. Oprószyć pieprzem.
Jeść, jak kanapki (ale wtedy bez serwetek się nie obędzie) lub nożem i widelcem.
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Grilled Cauliflower with Eggplant Jam and Tahini Sauce (Vegan)
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archiesfagfantasy · 1 year ago
stuffed bell pepper
sauté a couple sprigs of spring onion and a handful of halved cherry tomatoes
add the flesh of a single plum (the taste carries very well)
meanwhile: soften quartered eggplant by boiling
transfer pan contents and eggplant flesh to bowl, mix in a couple spoonfuls of ricotta and 5-6 squares of feta
place into 2-4 gutted capsicum and bake until soft and browned
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e-ziara · 2 years ago
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Just made a quick veggie pesto for these baked brie eggplants 💚🌿
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