#baile total
bibibusinessman · 8 months
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tallochar · 3 months
Just got hit real hard by a drive-by idea where Flashpoint doesn't happen and Dick just takes a few months off to chill (read: Donna shows up and drags him off to have adventures now that Bruce is back in town and everything seems status quo again)
And when he comes back it initially looks like that set up so many fandom fics have where Tim has been isolating himself / been left to his own means and only works with the others out of politeness.
And the moment Dick clocks that that's what the others think is happening, he can straight up feel the grey hairs trying to show up, because while he had phone calls with Tim (who seemed to be coping better with everything that went wrong in his life) and Damian (with whom Dick did not talk about anyone outside of Damian and, occasionally, Bruce, which was already hard enough on Dick without bringing the others in) he had also thought that things had sort of started settling back into what Dick used to think as normal before Bruce "died" on them.
Except Damian and Jason don't know how to pick up on that sort of thing, Cass is still doing her Hong Kong / Journey of Self Discovery Thing as far as anyone seems to know / Bruce is CLEARLY (to Dick and Alfred and absolutely no one else) still communicating with Tim because he's on an even keel but also he must have done something to piss off Tim because Tim is doing the Politely Co-Workers Thing at Bruce (with Alfred's approval and support so Bruce must have fucked up REAL BAD) and it's stressing Bruce out so much that Dick can practically see the tension lines heading to a breaking point in the man why is no one else seeing the tension lines.
Plus Barbara and Dick were still on not-so-great terms when Dick split from Gotham, so he's not had much luck talking to her and some desire to call her but not enough to actually call her a lot, just some, which hasn't made Babs less pissed at him, so he's not getting information on that side and of course if Barbara is pissed at him and Tim is pissed at Bruce and Dick wasn't around for Tim to bitch about Bruce in person (and Tim would NEVER on a phone line, not even a secure one) then Dick is 1000% sure that Tim and Barbara have been having a shared and supportive bitch fest for however many weeks / months Dick was away that has just solidified them in a block of their own.
All of which means that Dick's little brother has been left unbothered, unnoogied and unsupervised for all the time Dick was away and like, sure, some people would think Dick would feel horrible for that and want to octopus-grab him and cuddle him but those people would be wrong because Dick is now honestly terrified to find out WHAT Tim has been up to without supervision and limits.
Between YJ, his civilian friends, his other friends in the superhero community, whatever new people Tim for sure rustled up, the lack of supervision on who Tim teams up with and for what, all the villain-frenemies he might have decided it was worth cooperating with, Tim being pissed at Bruce enough to keep a physical distance if not a communication distance...
And then, just as it is hitting Dick that, of course just keeping track on the phone was a bad idea to begin with why did he think that was a good idea and that what with Barbara and Tim in agreement and both Tim and Barbara at odds with Bruce and Alfred firmly entrenched in his usual If-Tim-Is-Handling-Master-Bruce-I-Will-Not-Hear-A-Thing-Against-The-Lad british politeness artillery position, this means that no one who would not enable him in the Wrong And Not Dick Approved Ways has been actually keeping as close track of Tim as he should have been kept track of (because *will smith hands memes* TIM!) ...
... Red Robin swings by, Azrael in tow, clearly going after Lynx.
And it's not that new Azrael that they had, which was still an Azrael but wasn't the Worst of the Azraels.
It's fucking Jean Paul Valley, who is supposed to be dead and clearly did not have the goddamn grace to decide to stay dead.
Dick, internally while outwardly having a BSOD moment: Tim. Tim you had just told Dick you were going to check out a couple of leads tonight. Tim why are you swinging from rooftops with JPV in tow. Tim why is JPV ALIVE. Why did you NOT tell Dick about it, TIM. TIM.
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astraeajackson · 6 days
leo, over the phone: hey, jason, can i borrow like five thousand dollars?
jason: yeah sure, but what for?
leo: *sweats nervously* umm... an-an escape room
jason: w-what kind of escape room costs five thousand dollars???
leo: oh, well, you know...
jason: *raises eyebrow*
leo: *sighs* ...jail
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turtleblogatlast · 11 months
I find it interesting that Leo tells Raph that Raph was Mikey’s age when he first went out alone because it’s fun to draw the conclusion that Donnie and Leo were not that age when they themselves first went outside.
Sure, they likely could have just ventured out at the same time as their brothers and Leo just chose to focus on Raph to make his point, but given Donnie and Leo’s respective personalities I can absolutely see them just leaving anyway at a much younger age.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Spork Leia's adventures I wonder how long before Padmé and Anakin find out their daughter was raised by the Organa's.
before they even realise she's their daughter bc despite having the chaos of her birth parents, she shows up and right off the bat is like HELLO I AM LEIA ORGANA DAUGHTER OF BAIL AND BREHA ORGANA, I HAVE TWO HANDS AND A KITCHEN UTENSIL I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE FOR GREAT VIOLENCE
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frnkiebby · 4 months
Idk if you know about Ghouls Day Out in LA but they’re opening up the church where they filmed Helena at and having vendors basically a little MCR fest. Anyways long story short it’s this weekend and my friend bailed on me last minute should I just go by myself I had an outfit and everything ready but idk now 😭😭😭😭😭
I DIDNT??????
tell your friend i’m grounding them for bailing on you and this mcr fest.
but yes. totally still go (if you are up to it) bc it’s still gonna be awesome and you have an outfit put together already. so definitely. go go go~🎃
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
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anghraine · 2 years
Maybe it's just because I'm sleepy and my brain is tired and irritable, but I do wish fandom in general weren't so absolutely intent on casting all familial or quasi-familial relationships into some near approximation of US nuclear family idealization.
Acting as a caretaker for a child doesn't automatically make someone their "real parent" or "adopted parent" or "any parent at all" if the child doesn't see them that way. These caretaking relationships can be messy, begrudging, or essentially coercive (in both fiction and IRL, and in life, forcing children into situations where "they'll be taken care of" is often coercive and/or predatory).
And sometimes a caretaker adult, whether a natural parent, adoptive parent, some kind of guardian, or more amorphous caretaker, is ... bad, actually. It's understandable for the children they take care of (whether literal children or now-adult people who experienced it previously) to have had negative experiences they have complicated feelings about, to have complicated feelings about their caretakers that may not distill down to "real parents", to be capable of harsh criticism of their former caretakers, even if they love them.
Sometimes it is the simpler scenario where a child is adopted and it looks very much like a conventional "nuclear" relationship (though even then, the child can have more complex and inconvenient feelings than they're often supposed to have). But—okay, I may be biased from coming from a family that was licensed for foster care, which saw a lot of children essentially forced into foster care with varying complicated feelings about it that didn't always equate to "this person who looks after me is my mother"—even after a long time, sometimes.
And there's frequently a nasty pressure on children placed in "care" to either reach out to their birth or adoptive parents, or to wholly turn their backs on them and accept their current caretakers as the only parents who matter. But usually things are messier than that. You can care about a caretaker, you can respect and love them, and still not feel like you're their child. Or maybe you do! It just depends.
This can happen with siblings as well, especially when there's a big age difference—yeah, one of the siblings may be functionally filling the shoes of their parents as well as they can, but it doesn't necessarily make them actual parents in the eyes of their younger siblings (or themselves). It can, but doesn't have to. Or maybe it's something messier, like when the relationship is almost parental, but not quite, and the exact nature of the dynamic is hard to pin down.
There's also the case where the relationship may have been parental at one point, but one of the parties (usually the caretaker) burned bridges so badly that the child (often an adult at this point) cuts ties and doesn't deny that the caretaker filled a parental role back then, but wholly rejects it as any kind of current reality. This can happen with biological family, but also with looser caretaker relationships as well (esp the cultier ones).
I'm thinking of a lot of fandom examples of these kinds of indeterminate caretaker-child (or former child) relationships, where either we know or have good reason to believe the child doesn't regard a former caretaker as exactly the same as a parent, or we just don't know what the nature of the relationship is, and fandom will be absolutely insistent that the only possible way to read it is parent-child.
And also, sometimes there's nothing wrong with the caretaker relationship, but it's still not parent-child. It simply doesn't map onto this parental mold that fandom tries to box all adult-child caretaking relationships into, because family is more complicated than a single, very simplistic model allows.
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vidawhump · 5 months
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@inkwell-and-dagger Made a lil thing for your lil dude :)
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agirlking · 2 months
Vampyr has become a bizarre comfort game of mine, I play it about once a year. I gotta say I adore it warts and all, but the endings never set right with me. They just feel so out of character?
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mildmayfoxe · 2 months
i was sitting upstairs being annoyed bc i was shadowing the new quiet kid again from last week & i have better things to do and eventually i was just like “hey i know this morning you said you wanted a shadow again today but [now that you’ve had a person up here with you for another five hours] what if i left you to fend for yourself how would you feel” and they were like “i would feel fine” and i basically jumped out the door. you got this buddy you just need to click buttons on an ipad. i believe in you
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hemali-smh · 11 months
its always where is zheng and never how is zheng. get that queen a therapy sesh i'm sure she has some stuff on her mind
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starship21zedna9 · 11 months
Lucius was really like 'it's probably too late to save everyone else. But, we'll remember them fondly, okay babe?'
And he was so real for that.
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fastfists · 5 months
I really got to work up the courage to send asks to my mutuals and such...
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brunetteaura · 1 year
alright something weird is going on. i sent my bestie 2 places i wanted to go to with her and she said that she will check her schedule and let me know when we can go. several days have passed and she said nothing so im assuming she doesnt want to go but doesnt have the balls to say so even though we have an incredibly honest relationship and have always been direct with each other. i think i should just go alone and not give a fuck
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su-angelvicioso · 1 year
@the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis I was thinking of your tags about María’s outfit in my art and thought I’d share the inspiration behind it.❤️
In case anyone else was wondering where I got the idea for the outfit I drew for María. It was inspired by the dresses commonly worn in Baile folklórico. María loves dance and she has definitely attended many of the “Ballet Folklórico de México” ensemble concerts.
Because I have the hc that she makes her own clothes, often using old techniques (she learned from the best lol) to stay grounded and close to her culture. I also hc that she made that outfit, inspired by the pretty dresses she’s seen in dance but she gives her outfits a more ‘modern’ twist and added her own sense of style to it. She’s a hot girl, would you expect anything less?
Here are some pics w/sources that visualize the idea:
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Source 4, 5, & 6
Source 7 & 8
Source 9
Source 10.
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