#bagginshield playlist
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conkers-thecosy · 10 months ago
Fun fact! All of my fics are named for songs I like, and I made a playlist of them here!
(ignore the last one though, I haven't written it yet)
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whispers-soundtrack-project · 3 months ago
Fanmix - Part One
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Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post Note: This fanmix was originally posted here, but I am currently in the process of restructuring and reposting all of my playlists!
All This Time (OneRepublic) Take all the time lost * All the days that I cost * Take what I took and * Give it back to you
Keeper Of The Stars (Tracy Byrd) I know I don’t deserve a treasure like you * There really are no words * To show my gratitude
Everything (Lifehouse) You calm the storms * And you give me rest * You hold me in your hands * You won’t let me fall
Taking Chances (Celine Dion) I just wanna start again * And maybe you could show me how to try * Maybe you could take me in * Somewhere underneath your skin
Can’t Pretend (Tom Odell) Feel, my skin is rough, * But it can be cleansed, * It can be cleansed * And my arms are tough, * But they can be bent, * They can be bent
The Reason (Hoobastank) I’m sorry that I hurt you * It’s something I must live with everyday * And all the pain I put you through * I wish that I could take it all away
Harbor (Vienna Teng) You’ve got a journey to make * There’s your horizon to chase * So go far beyond where we stand * No matter the distance * I’m holding your hand
The Wolves and the Ravens (Rogue Valley) I wasn’t yours and you weren’t mine * Though I’ve wished from time to time * We had found a common ground * Your voice was such a welcome sound
In This Life (Collin Raye) For all I’ve been blessed with in this life * There was an emptiness in me * I was imprisoned by the power of gold * With one honest touch, you set me free
Keeping Your Head Up (Birdy) Times that I’ve seen you lose your way * You’re not in control and you won’t be told * All I can do to keep you safe is hold you close * Hold you close till you can breathe on your own
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anunexpectedbaggins · 1 year ago
It’s been a while since I posted it and I have some new followers so here’s my (mostly) Bagginshield playlist (with some songs that remind me of lotr sprinkled in)
lol some aus I made up, some headcanons, some ‘canon’ compliant
If anyone wants the reason for any of my song picks just ask it’s one of my favourite things overall about 👀
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sebbys-mama · 2 months ago
In case anyone's interested, I made a Bagginshield playlist on Spotify:
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velvet4510 · 1 year ago
I guess I’m one of those weirdos who so deeply feels the essence of an instrumental leitmotif from a film score associated with a particular character or couple, that I start associating said leitmotifs in my head with ANOTHER character from an entirely different film/book/series. And I’ve built up a whole library of leitmotifs for LOTR characters even though I ADORE Howard Shore’s original score for the trilogy. I consider these leitmotifs to be add-ons, NOT replacements.
Nor do I intend to completely disassociate all of these themes from their intended films/characters; some of them are perfect fits for the films they were written for. It’s just my mind going wild like usual. (But I admit, in some cases, the pieces are from films I dislike, and thus I would rather see these great songs associated with something of LOTR quality rather than what they were actually stuck with, especially when the lack of lyrics gives you the freedom to let the melody take you wherever it takes you, personally.)
In the case of Silmarillion characters and relationships, well, it’s a different story - it really is my attempt to cobble together what could be a hypothetical score, if it were brought to the screen. Obviously it’d never be this exactly, but I would hope a composer for a potential screen adaptation of The Silmarillion might be inspired by themes like these.
In some cases, the characters these themes were originally written for don’t resemble the corresponding LOTR characters very much, or at all. Also some of them have titles that by themselves could not be more different from and unfitting for Tolkien’s world. It’s just the melodies on their own, without context or even name, performed by these gorgeous orchestras, that have come to remind me of particular Tolkien figure(s).
I also have found lots of “love themes”, both romantic and platonic, for character relationships, as you’ll see. I’ve included romantic themes for canonical couples, as well as for pairings that I personally ship. I know Shore already gave Aragorn and Arwen a theme, but as I said, these are all extra additions and not replacements.
And yes I have a lot of Star Wars stuff in here, because I love Star Wars…but I love Tolkien more.
For the heck of it I’ll share some of these, with links to each song on YT. It’s hard to explain why I made these choices/associations, but maybe you’ll get it if you listen to some of them.
The Valar = “Guardians of the Whills Suite” by Michael Giacchino
Lúthien Tinúviel = “Once Upon a Time in the West” by Ennio Morricone
Túrin Turambar = “Anakin’s Theme” by John Williams
Nienor Níniel = “Helena’s Theme” by John Williams
Frodo Baggins = “Romeo” by Nino Rota
Sam Gamgee = “Rey’s Theme” by John Williams
Aragorn = “The John Dunbar Theme” by John Barry
Gandalf = “Yoda’s Theme” by John Williams
Legolas = “Rose Tico” by John Williams
Éowyn = “Marion’s Theme” by John Williams
The Undying Lands = “Out of Africa” by John Barry
Frodo x Sam = “Love Theme from Ben-Hur” by Miklos Rozsa
Beren x Lúthien = “Love Theme from The Godfather” by Nino Rota
Faramir x Éowyn = “Han Solo and the Princess” by John Williams
Aragorn x Arwen = “Love Theme from Cinema Paradiso” by Ennio Morricone
Sam x Rosie = “Love Theme from Dances with Wolves” by John Barry
Bilbo x Thorin = “Andante Cantabile” by Bernard Herrmann
Thingol x Melian = “Indecent Proposal” by John Barry
Fingon x Maedhros = “Wuthering Heights” by Alfred Newman
Galadriel x Celeborn = “Central Park” by James Newton Howard
Finrod x Bëor = “Somewhere in Time” by John Barry
Aegnor x Andreth = “Love Theme from The Scarlet Letter” by John Barry
Finduilas x Gwindor = “Deborah’s Theme” by Ennio Morricone
Túrin x Beleg = “Midnight Cowboy” by John Barry
Mablung x Nienor = “Wanda and Vision” by Christophe Beck
Tuor x Idril = “Conversation Piece” by Bernard Herrmann
Eärendil x Elwing = “Tennessee” by Hans Zimmer
Elrond x Celebrían = “And Then I Kissed Him” by Hans Zimmer
Pippin x Diamond = “Love Theme from East of Eden” by Leonard Rosenman
Merry x Estella = “Love Theme from Rebel Without a Cause” by Leonard Rosenman
Elanor x Fastred = “Theme from A Summer Place” by Max Steiner (arranged by Percy Faith)
Elrond & Elros = “Brothers” by Hans Zimmer
Merry & Pippin = “Flying” by John Williams
Legolas & Gimli = “Rain Man” by Hans Zimmer
Boromir & Faramir = “Luke and Leia” by John Williams
Bilbo & Frodo* = “The Mother’s Love” by Miklos Rozsa
Sam & Elanor = “The Ludlows” by James Horner
I may add to this as I think of more, or even replace certain songs entirely if I come across a better match. Always return to the pinned post here to see the most recently updated list.
* Bilbo & Frodo’s melody is heard in the first minute of the linked track, 0:00–1:01, and again at 1:48. Also, the love theme I associate with Frodo & Sam starts playing at 1:03, making this whole thing fit all the hobbits even better.
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tondw0o · 11 months ago
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pilkypills · 8 months ago
What’s on your hobbit character/ship playlists?
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I am not sure if I will post Chapter 4 of TWICTB today, so here is a thilbo playlist I made some days ago on Spotify.
I am also thinking about making a playlist specifically for The Way It Comes To Be.
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Enjoy :)
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moonlightandpalmtrees · 3 months ago
Genuinely curious to those of you who make fandom playlists. What’s the most out there, “you really have to squint and turn your head to see it” or slightly embarrassing songs on one of your playlists
I’ll go first. On the “you really have to have brainrot to see it” side, I have Guilty as Sin by Taylor Swift on a Holmes/Watson playlist. Also, Tounges and Teeth by The Crane Wives on a Bagginshield playlist.
On the slightly funny or embarrassing side, Criminal by Britney and E.T by Katy Perry on a Garak/Bashir playlist. Im not at all ashamed.
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kierancaz · 2 years ago
My heart is buried in Erebor
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verkomy · 2 years ago
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oh this? just some songs from my bagginshield playlist that make me want to lay on the floor and cry
the gold / saturn / in case you don't live forever / flowers in my hair / bonus: francesca / home
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My Playlist & Fanmix Masterlist
NOTE: This list is not currently up to date, due to the fact that only 100 links are allowed on any given post. I will soon be restructuring my fammixes and playlists, as well as this list!
Spotify links to the fanmixes and playlists are located at the bottom of each post. If a part is listed but there is no link, that means it is coming soon!
The Hobbit / LOTR
Bagginshield - Part One * Part Two
Bagginshield: Collapse (fanfic adjacent) - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four
Fili - Part One
Hobbit Housecleaning Party - Part One
The Shire Life - Part One
The Last Of Us
Bill x Frank - Part One * Part Two
General - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four * Part Five * Part Six * Part Seven
Bucky Barnes - Part One
Loki - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four * Part Five
Loki x Mobius - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four
Steve x Natasha - Part One
Valkyrie - Part One
Star Trek
Star Trek Prodigy - Part One
Star Trek: Voyager (Janeway x Chakotay) - Part One
Star Wars
The Bad Batch - Part One * Part Two * Part Three
Cobb Vanth - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Part One * Part Two
The Mandalorian - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four * Part Five * Part Six
The Batman
The Batman - Part One * Part Two
Bruce x Selina - Part One * Part Two
Donatello - Part One
Leonardo - Part One
Michelangelo - Part One
Raphael - Part One
Mike x Oyuki - Part One * Part Two
ROTTMNT The Movie - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four
Same As It Never Was - Part One * Part Two * Part Three
Splinter & Sons - Part One * Part Two
TMNT: 2nd Time Around (fanfic adjacent) - Part One
TMNT: Passage (fanfic adjacent) - Part One
TMNT: Something Wicked (fanfic adjacent) - Part One * Part Two * Part Three
TMNT Mutant Mayhem - Part One * Part Two
Other Fandom
Ballad Of Songbirds & Snakes (Lucy x Coriolanus) - Part One
Barbie - Part One * Part Two
Goncharov - Part One * Part Two * Part Three
Sherlock (Sherlock x Molly) - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four
Supernatural (Dean x Castiel) - Part One
The Sandman - Part One
Twilight (Bella x Edward) - Part One
Under The Vines (Griff x Gus) - Part One * Part Two
Misc. Non-Fandom
A Slight Apocalypse - Part One * Part Two * Part Three * Part Four * Part Five * Part Six
Not Ready To Say Goodbye - Part One
The Spooky Season - Part One * Part Two * Part Three
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mithrilhearts · 11 months ago
drop the playlist for the pirate au
Ask and you shall receive! There is a lot on here, and I'm just...so happy with the vibes each fic playlist brings lolol
As The Tide Turns
The lost treasure of Durin the Deathless has been sought by many and found by none, but to Bilbo Baggins, it’s merely another riddle just waiting to be solved. The self-proclaimed “Deathless” expert finds himself whisked away aboard The Ravenheart, led by the infamous Captain Oakenshield, and the two embark on an unexpected journey to solve one of history’s biggest mysteries.
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shire-enjoyer · 1 year ago
I made a bagginshield playlist! Give it a listen if you’d like.
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velvet4510 · 10 months ago
This is the love theme that I have chosen for Bilbo & Thorin.
When you have 3 minutes to spare, you can start thinking about these two and listen to “their” theme here.
This was really tough for me to search through my library of instrumental pieces from film scores to find something that fit our favorite dwarf/hobbit pairing. I’m sure not everyone will agree with my choice.
This piece is from the great 1947 film The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (highly recommended), composed by the genius Bernard Herrmann.
I know the gentle and slow melody doesn’t fit the fiery tempers of either character. But I picked this as a leitmotif for their relationship, and the main reason is the amount of yearning and unfulfillment in it. It captures that sense of a slow burn doomed by tragedy to never fully blossom.
Mostly, it brings two images to my mind:
(1) Bilbo and Thorin in Lake-town the night before they head for Erebor, looking out and up at the mountain and talking about Thorin’s history there and his dreams for its future.
(2) Bilbo sitting in Bag End, remembering the dwarf he loved and all the things they said with their eyes but never with their words, and telling young Frodo about him.
Hope y’all enjoy. :)
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a-boar-named-barry · 1 year ago
I’m proud to announce that I participated in this year’s THAUC event, hosted by @fellowshipofthefics! It was such an honor to work with @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book who made this wonderful playlist to accompany this fic: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6QWlLCF5FaJlgtLHjrStxo?si=3473efc4127f442e&nd=1&dlsi=5235dc90f3c14055
I hope you all enjoy it and I’m excited about all the things I want to write in the future!
Chapters: 7/7
Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins, Balin (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien) Additional Tags: thauc23, Friends to Lovers, Smut, Misunderstandings, Fluff, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Come Swallowing, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Kinks, Hair-pulling Summary:
Thorin's recovery from the Battle of the Five Armies was a long and arduous one, but there was one little thing that made up for it: a hobbit. While Thorin recovered, he and Bilbo spent a lot of time together, which only solidified the feelings each one had for the other. Once Thorin does heal, both get wrapped up in other things, leading to less time for communication and more time for miscommunication. Will this stubborn pair finally tell each other how they feel, or will their assumptions get the best of them?
Prompts: 1. Bilbo and Thorin are roommates. [Either] comes home to a candlelit dinner thinking [the other] has a date. They had no idea the date was for them. 2. Thorin is forced to choose between a future with Bilbo and the future his people seemingly demand of him.
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