#bad hygiene
dustcrumbs · 2 months
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Erhh.. im not typing this all out again. My head canons hehe. Maybe the gang would help Horror shave or smth like that, probably just helps remind him once a while... Horror and Dust MUST have poor hygiene. Killer, maybe has a better schedule but its probably unstable.. on and off.. more random or when he feels like it. Cross has everything planned, maybe forgets to do his laundry while Nightmare just doesnt care. He looks the same if he does or doesnt have a schedule.
(Human AU hehe)
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(New day, new hyperfixation)
Literally Murdoc Niccal's: Has bad hygiene, Lazy and walks around in his underwear.
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viberevstudios · 2 years
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On the first date, what were some immediate red flags that made you not go on a second date? It's time to lighten the mood again with another random Yahoo!Life article. Buzzfeed presents "People Are Sharing Things Someone Did That Turned A First Date Into A Last Date, And I Definitely Understand" inspired by Reddit user u/Artistic_Pop_3323. The Last of the Nice Guys podcast now playing on your favorite podcasting app or listen here - https://last-of-the-nice-guys.castos.com/episodes/turning-a-first-date-into-the-last-last-of-the-nice-guys-podcast-episode-86
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lacquerheadd · 3 months
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say cheeeeeese!! ~
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
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Seriously I have a love/hate relationship with showers…
Funny ADHD ASD Memes
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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life is good
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hey shoutout to gross ppl. society fuckin hates us and we’re alienated in our own communities for not living up to other ppl’s standards of acceptability but we persist!! love my fellow gross ppl <3
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softle0 · 7 months
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it's the small things you have beside your bed
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furiousgoldfish · 8 months
normal parents: wash their kids when small, teach their kids independent personal hygiene when it's age appropriate and then watch that it's done until the kids get a sense of healthy washing habits. give them rewards for when they do well.
abusive parents: you stink and you're disgusting. nobody will ever love you. if you had any sense of shame you would have learned to wash yourself by now.
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areeionn · 3 months
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is the doctor's ethical code is just,,,,his genre? he cant Kill someone bc thats against his genre and he undoes himself (revokes his name) if he does bc he cant kill someone in the show bc thats not the genre so if he does he breaks the show that has its name am i making sense
it doesnt necessarily matter the why or the how or the means or the ends. it doesnt matter to do other ("worse" if you like, thats subjective, but) things to people bc it's not Murder. the hard line is on Murder, thats all. you cant do Murder. youre Doctor Who. right?
and if people die not bc of you but bc you failed to stop it. well. thats like. almost murder. too close for comfort. bc if you cant save them. then, again, your name is Doctor Who. your show falls apart if you do Murder, or if you cant save them A Bit Too Much. if you for sure cant save them. you will always in the end save them, or some of them at least, bc youre Doctor Who. if you cant, amy voice: what is the point of you. and doctor who kills himself if no one's watching
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adhderall · 17 days
no the "omg ur just a lesbian bc u can't get a man!!!1" thing is SO wild because it's incredibly easy to get a man meanwhile getting a woman (as a woman) is INSANELY difficult. despite what everyone says is2g ~wlw~ have higher standards (with women) than men do with women or women do with men
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spittyfishy · 9 months
I wonder how would RoD Kazuichi and Mikan would get along...
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Okay so this actually gave me quite a lot of thoughts lol, for starters I think they do mostly get along okay, at least for remnants. It helps that these two didn’t really have any predetermined relationships going in, like I don’t think they were too close in class or interacted all that much.
As remnants however it’s a whole other story. Because like, Kazuichi gets hurt a lot. Be it from the future foundation, another remnant, or his own inventions backfiring, there’s pretty much always something going wrong. And because Kazuichi was in charge of some pretty vital things like the killing game executions and the pollution machines, it’s important he stays in working condition, which means someone has to come and treat his wounds, and that of course is Mikan.
Mikan likes the visits because she loves taking care of everyone, especially as remnants because haha these super strong global terrorists still need her to come fix their boo boo's. Kazuichi isn’t as much of a fan since being healthy is for lame hope filled losers and like, pain is really really good for despair. But the check ups were ordered by Junko originally so he can’t do more than grumble about it lol.
I think they probably gossip about the others a lot, and maybe work of fun bio weapons together too lol. Lowkey they’ve got such potential as a remnant duo. I have thoughts for how they’d go together in a non despair setting but that’s another time lol
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michellezagenda · 4 months
TRAs are always like fuck terfs kill terfs punch terfs in the throat and it always reminds me of how weak and scary they are in real life…go to any tra about anything and i guarantee you they can’t even act like a normal human being….maybe it’s all the porn ??? idk something about them is absolutely fried …why would i find them intimidating 😭?
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gusujay · 11 months
Everyday goes a little something like this. I open tumblr and check the pathologic tag to find art because the vibe patho artists capture is exquisite.
I immediately see someone making fun of Daniil for having highly specific special interests that he likes talking about.
I ignore it and scroll further only to see another 5 posts calling him annoying for oh wait give me a second *rereads text posts making fun of Daniil* showing symptoms of autism.
I sigh like a depressed disappointed father. I close tumblr.
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batsplat · 14 days
breaking a blog policy of non-engagement with active discourse unless explicitly asked about it,, below the cut,, I intend this to be a one-off thing, look away
seen some snarking about this article on the race dot com about where marc fits into the current title fight, and specifically this paragraph:
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because ofc it's some kind of grievous sin to equate the current two title contenders with the two title contenders in 2015, one of whomst was well past his prime and the other who in many ways had a deeply untidy season. the argument might be that the current spec ducati has a bike advantage over marc, which. you'll never guess how the 2015 yamaha measured up against the 2015 honda. and yeah, it sure is embarrassing how the current title contenders chuck away bucket loads of points through sheer stupidity. after all, when racing in the wet in misano, it's unforgivable to pit at the wrong time and emerge with only one point - why not simply crash and emerge from that weekend with zero points instead? imagine finishing second behind marc in those conditions, when you could instead swap bikes far too late and finish a lowly fifth
it's worth putting that paragraph in context of what the piece was actually saying:
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all of this is categorically true. it doesn't mean marc might not still win this year's championship if both jorge and pecco make enough mistakes, but quite obviously those two are closer to the 2015 title contenders than 2017. in the former, marc could not bank on a consistent pace advantage, in the latter he could; this feels like quite a straightforward point to be making. dovi's phillip island stinker did kill his championship momentum - and given the sheer consistency of performances jorge and pecco have put in when it comes to their pace, it would be very surprising to see an equivalent from those two. don't even get me started on whatever the fuck maverick vinales was doing that year after like,, the first five races, which lack of a dominant bike is quite frankly not enough to excuse. the rest of the article assesses marc's chances entirely fairly, essentially expanding on the argument that you just wouldn't expect that kind of consistent performance edge that he would need to overturn the points deficit. (I personally think marc is a little more likely to be a title threat than the author of the article does, though I also don't fundamentally disagree with anything specific being said; mainly I just feel vibes-wise that sprint races have made title fights insanely volatile.) he could still win - but in terms of how he compares to the opposition, there is no argument whatsoever to be made that this is not closer to 2015 than 2017. even if you believe this is only due to bike difference, in which case I think you are possibly giving 2017 dovi and vinales a little too much credit, the points raised in the article still stand up to scrutiny
it is perhaps inevitable that people will deify the greats of the past - even more so if they dislike the top riders of the present and feel that they are undeserving of their current success. it does, however, seem to come along with a skewed understanding of the actual greats in question, of where they were strong and where they faltered. valentino and lorenzo had two title fights, both of which were error-strewn affairs and hardly their best seasons. sprints have helped further distort perceptions of how error-prone these current riders really are, because at the end of the day neither martin nor pecco are on course for a radically different error rate than the title contenders in 2009. lorenzo lost his head in jerez when he was the pre-race favourite and ended up crashing trying to overcompensate for his surprisingly poor pace, valentino had an absolute howler at le mans that makes misano this year from martin look like a paragon of good decision-making and composure under pressure, jorge practically handed the championship to valentino with back-to-back dnf's at donington and brno, valentino incidentally also crashed at donington and got extremely lucky to have a bike that was still rideable to fifth, then proceeded to just chuck it for absolutely no reason at indy with a mistake that was so obviously stupid and needless he showed up to misano with a donkey helmet. valentino followed up misano with a poor fourth in estoril because he got lost with the set-up that weekend - and buddy, if you think the gp24 bike advantage is bad, let me tell you a story about how yamaha/ducati/honda were doing back in the day compared to the field. fourth might as well have been last. (I don't love single manufacturer domination either, but let's not pretend like the gaps between bikes aren't way, way, way smaller than they were in '09.) then jorge, with momentum and opportunity on his side, gets so spooked by valentino's pace in practise he bins it on the very first lap of phillip island, essentially ending the championship fight then and there. neither of them deliver a particularly dignified performance in sepang. during this title fight, there were three instances of crashing out of the lead and one from a very close second. jorge martin and pecco bagnaia eat your hearts out
and 2015? the season that was actually being referenced in the championship? valentino was only in that championship fight due to his relentless consistency, a handful of starring performances and an ability to not completely fuck it when a few rain drops started falling. his pace was flat-out not good enough to be a title contender - if anything, on raw pace he was more competitive for a big chunk of 2016 than he had been the year before. he was qualifying abysmally in an era where the gaps between bikes were considerably larger, reflecting a far poorer performance than equivalent grid positions would nowadays, and certainly would have nothing to counter the consistency in qualifying the two title contenders this year have demonstrated. jorge had to work hard to come as close to losing that championship as he did, going through a bizarre and borderline embarrassing set of helmet visor issues early on in the season that he should never have allowed to happen. he was peak metronome that year, able to dominate and win from the front but otherwise rife with limitations, repeatedly performing poorly when he was put ever so slightly off-balance. in many ways, he got very lucky to not be penalised more for his horrendous silverstone performance. he was also helped by the gap between the factory yamahas and hondas to the field being so large, because otherwise some of his inconsistency would have cost him a hell of a lot more. both of their seasons had laughably obvious flaws that just about managed to offset each other's enough to make a title decider possible - but if you ever so slightly change the formula, if the qualifying format had still been different or the bike disparities larger or smaller or any of that, it would have probably tipped it quite strongly one way or the other. a battle of the titans it was not
none of this is to say that valentino or jorge are shit riders, or that marc is a fraud for letting himself be so thoroughly beaten by them in 2015 on what was ultimately still a competitive bike. at a certain point, however, you are comparing the current athletes with versions of the past greats who quite frankly did not exist 90% of the time. if you are sufficiently motivated, you can come up with pretty decent slander for anyone. it is also presenting an idealised version of the sport in the past that, again, did not exist. while the gp24's advantage over the field is substantial, if we are talking in terms of raw lap times, it is substantially less so than the gap the top few factory teams had in the past. the aliens did not dominate from 2007 to 2015 to the extent that they did because they were just so brilliant - they were performing at a high level, yes, but also nobody else really stood a chance. as hard as it may be to accept, when you have riders who so consistently have a pace advantage as pecco and martin do, including over the fellow riders on the same machinery, it is possible they may simply be doing an actual good job. and the more pecco adds to his resume, the more difficult it will become to not consider him in the same tier of rider as at least some of the aliens. yes, I am talking about lorenzo here - a man who incidentally did not convincingly pass the 'only good with one manufacturer' test that's already being dangled in front of pecco. if we really want to go into the weeds, it's worth pointing out that pecco's luck has also not been particularly fantastic this year, from mechanical gremlins at the le mans sprint to being wiped out by binder at the jerez sprint to the qualifying position at aragon working against him and losing out quite severely in what are at worst 60:40 racing incidents twice this season - sometimes, you do get punished a lot for relatively minor missteps. so yeah, if you want to compare the current trio of title contenders with anyone, then 2015 feels as good a place as any. sometimes the greats of the past did suck, idk what to tell you. they would be a hell of a lot more boring if they hadn't
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