#bad boy name generator
whatbio · 1 year
Bad Boy Names For Instagram | Bad Boy Names For Instagram 2023 (Copy and Paste) | इंस्टाग्राम के लिए बैड बॉय नाम
Bad Boy Names For Instagram | Bad Boy Names For Instagram 2023 (Copy and Paste) | इंस्टाग्राम के लिए बैड बॉय नाम. It’s all about images. Before a person who is not a follower visits your page, they can see your profile name. Being the cool guy you’re, you should have good names that are a bit sexy for Instagram to improve your profile’s popularity. A memorable name will attract followers and draw…
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
actually i'm still thinking about the moral orel finale.
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he has a cross on his wall. do you know how much i think about that bc it's a lot.
a lot of stories ((auto)biographical or fictional) centering escape from abusive/fundamentalist christianity result in the lead characters leaving behind christianity entirely. and that makes complete sense! people often grow disillusioned with the associated systems and beliefs, and when it was something used to hurt them or something so inseparable from their abuse that they can't engage with it without hurting, it makes total sense that they would disengage entirely. and sometimes they just figure out that they don't really believe in god/a christian god/etc. a healthy deconstruction process can sometimes look like becoming an atheist or converting to another religion. it's all case by case. (note: i'm sure this happens with other religions as well, i'm just most familiar with christian versions of this phenomenon).
but in orel's case, his faith was one of the few things that actually brought him comfort and joy. he loved god, y'know? genuinely. and he felt loved by god and supported by him when he had no one else. and the abuses he faced were in how the people in his life twisted religion to control others, to run away from themselves, to shield them from others, etc. and often, orel's conflicts with how they acted out christianity come as a direct result of his purer understanding of god/jesus/whatever ("aren't we supposed to be like this/do that?" met with an adult's excuse for their own behavior or the fastest way they could think of to get orel to leave them alone (i.e. orel saying i thought we weren't supposed to lie? and clay saying uhhh it doesn't count if you're lying to yourself)). the little guy played catch with god instead of his dad, like.. his faith was real, and his love was real. and i think it's a good choice to have orel maintain something that was so important to him and such a grounding, comforting force in the midst of. All That Stuff Moralton Was Up To/Put Him Through. being all about jesus was not the problem, in orel's case.
and i know i'm mostly assuming that orel ended up in a healthier, less rigid version of christianity, but i feel like that's something that was hinted at a lot through the series, that that's the direction he'd go. when he meditates during the prayer bee and accepts stephanie's different way to communicate, incorporating elements of buddhism into his faith; when he has his I AM A CHURCH breakdown (removing himself from the institution and realizing he can be like,, the center of his own faith? taking a more individualistic approach? but Truly Going Through It at the same time), his acceptance (...sometimes) of those who are different from him and condemned by the adults of moralton (stephanie (lesbian icon stephanie my beloved), christina (who's like. just a slightly different form of fundie protestant from him), dr chosenberg (the jewish doctor from otherton in holy visage)). his track record on this isn't perfect, but it gets better as orel starts maturing and picking up on what an absolute shitfest moralton is. it's all ways of questioning the things he's been taught, and it makes sense that it would lead to a bigger questioning as he puts those pieces together more. anyway i think part of his growth is weeding out all the lost commandments of his upbringing and focusing on what faith means to him, and what he thinks it should mean. how he wants to see the world and how he wants to treat people and what he thinks is okay and right, and looking to religion for guidance in that, not as like. a way to justify hurting those he's afraid or resentful of, as his role models did.
he's coming to his own conclusions rather than obediently, unquestioningly taking in what others say. but he's still listening to pick out the parts that make sense to him. (edit/note: and it's his compassion and his faith that are the primary motivations for this questioning and revisal process, both of individual cases and, eventually, the final boss that is christianity.) it makes perfect sense as the conclusion to his character arc and it fits the overall approach of the show far better. it's good is what i'm saying.
and i think it's important to show that kind of ending, because that's a pretty common and equally valid result of deconstruction. and i think it cements the show's treatment of christianity as something that's often (and maybe even easily) exploited, but not something inherently bad. something that can be very positive, even. guys he even has a dog he's not afraid of loving anymore. he's not afraid of loving anyone more than jesus and i don't think it's because he loves this dog less than bartholomew (though he was probably far more desperate for healthy affection and companionship when he was younger). i think it's because he figures god would want him to love that dog. he's choosing to believe that god would want him to love and to be happy and to be kind. he's not afraid of loving in the wrong way do you know how cool that is he's taking back control he's taking back something he loves from his abusers im so normal
#i had a really big fundie snark phase a year or two ago so that's part of like. this. but im still not used to actually talking about#religious stuff so if it reads kinda awkwardly uhh forgive me orz idk#maybe it sounds dumb but i like that the message isn't 'religion is evil'. it easily could have been. but i think the show's points about#how fundie wasp culture in particular treats christianity and itself and others would be less poignant if they were like. and jesus sucks#btw >:] like. this feels more nuanced to me. i guess there's probably a way to maintain that nuance with an ultimately anti-christian#piece of media but i think it'd be like. wayy harder and it's difficult for me to imagine that bc i think a lot of it would bleed out into#the tone. + why focus on only These christians when They're All also bad? so you'd get jokes about them in general#and i think that's kinda less funny than orel and doughy screaming and running from catholics lsdkjfldksj#i think the specificity makes it more unique and compelling as comedy and as commentary. but that's just me#like moralton represents a very particular kind of christian community (namely a middle class fundie wasp nest)#you're not gonna be able to get in the weeds as much if you're laughing at/criticizing all christians. but they accomplish it so thoroughly#and WELL in morel and i think that's because it chose a smaller target it can get to dissect more intimately. anyway#moral orel#orel puppington#(OH also when i say wasp here i mean WASP the acronym. as in white anglo-saxon protestsant. in case the term's new to anyone <3)#maybe it's also relevant to say that i'm kindaaaaaaaa loosely vaguely nonspecifically christian. so there's my bias revealed#i was never raised like orel but i like to think i get some of what's going on in there y'know. in that big autistic head of his#but it's not like i can't handle anti-christian/anti-religious media/takes. i'm a big boy and also i v much get why it's out there yknow#christianity in specific has a lot of blood on its hands from its own members and from outsiders and people have a right to hate it for tha#but religion in all its forms can be positive and i appreciate the nuance. like i've said around 20 times. yeah :) <3#(<- fighting for my life to explain things even though my one job is to be the explainer)
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anbaisai · 25 days
Also to those who've sent in an ask about Mayu based on that Twst OC ask game, I received it and I'm just taking my time to write up the responses +/- small doodles where I have inspiration!
Sorry for being so slow but I really appreciate that you guys are interested in her 🥹
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thehappiestgolucky · 3 months
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she’s a whole mum she’s qualified to know what counts as baby
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also surprise secret 4th sibling! It’s Gore the original older brother but relegated to second eldest in this au. Made him a Medusa (Gorgon? Is Medusa the species name for them in DD? Hmm) experiment who can’t petrify because he’s still got his premature scaling over his eyes. Blind can’t see shit. Dw Fe’gahl will accept his bro he’s just naturally yknow. wary about his lil sisters being turned to stone
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incorrectneverland · 10 months
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sporco-filth · 2 months
Episode 1 - The Finale
This is the 'pilot' of that sitcom about slobs I described before.
The finale of Tom’s favourite anime is airing, but a black out in the apartment complex risks ruining his plans. Kyle and Felix go to fix the problem but get locked in the basement. In order to watch his show (and save his friends) Tom must face his greatest nightmare: doing something.
[Kyle opens his door and sees Felix walking up the stairs, carrying a toolbox]
Kyle: Hey, Felix! Just the guy I wanted to see.
Felix: Yeah?
Kyle: You hungry? Fed and I are going out to grab a bite.
Felix: Sorry, Jess called. She has a leaky pipe that needs fixing.
Kyle: Boo. You’re no fun.
[He’s about to leave when an idea comes to mind]
Kyle: Actually… I have a bit of a plumbing job you could help with.
Felix: Really?
Kyle: Yeah. I need my pipes cleared. You think you can come round later tonight?
[Kyle gives a suggestive look. Felix scratches his chin]
Felix: I guess I could. What exactly is stuck in it?
Kyle: Cream.
Felix: OK? You can’t just flush it out yourself?
Kyle: I guess I could, but it’s really, really hard. And I don’t want to do it alone.
Felix: Can’t Fed help?
Kyle: I was thinking we could do it together.
Felix: Really? I’m sure it’d be an easy one man job.
[Kyle sighs]
Kyle: Boo. You’re no fun.
[He walks back inside and closes the door]
Felix: Huh? What do you mean?
[No response. Felix goes back to climbing the stairs.]
Felix (to himself): Clearing his pipes…? Oh…
[Realisation hits]
Felix: Heh that is kinda funny.
~Opening Credits~
[Kyle’s outside Tom’s door and knocks]
Kyle: Hey, Tommy! Open up!
Tom: It’s open.
[Kyle enters. We see Tom’s apartment. It’s dark, lit up only by the massive TV screen. Tom’s lying on the couch snacking on a bag of chips.]
Tom: [without looking up] What?
Kyle: Fed and I are going out for dinner. You wanna come?
Tom: Can’t. Got plans.
[He eats a chip and stares blankly at the TV.]
Kyle: What plans?
Tom: I’m watching Magical Siren Boy Tsugiharu.
Kyle: Isn’t that that dumb anime about the mermaid guy who has like weird singing powers?
Tom: It’s not dumb! It’s a masterfully crafted show that explores themes of love and purpose while skillfully blending epic battle sequences with stunning musical numbers. The show’s been going on for 13 years, with 338 episodes, five feature-length films and a spin-off series. The final episode airs tonight at ten thirty and I refuse to miss a second.
Kyle: But it’s only seven. You can come to dinner and get back before it starts.
Tom: Yeah, but they’re also showing a marathon of all the fan-favourite episodes before it and I want to watch that too.
Kyle: Suit yourself.
[Kyle leaves and heads across the hall to his place. Fed’s in the kitchen snacking.]
Kyle: Tom’s not coming.
Fed: Why not?
Kyle: Some stupid anime thing.
Fed: Oh! I completely forgot! Magical Siren Boy Tsugiharu has its finale tonight. It’s the end of an era…
[Kyle rolls his eyes, then notices Fed eating.]
Kyle: Aren’t you going to ruin your appetite?
[Kyle scratches his bum.]
Fed: No, I’m warming up. I need to get my stomach ready to eat by starting with something light before it can digest a full meal. [He eats another handful and talks with his mouth full.] Did you ask Felix?
Fed: Yeah, but he said he’s got some dumb plumbing thing to do. I guess it’s just us.
[We cut to Felix who does something, the building completely blacks out.]
Kyle: What was that?
Fed: It’s a blackout!
[A loud fumbling is heard and a crash.]
Tom: Oww…
[Kyle and Fed open the door. They shine a torch from their phone and find Tom lying on the floor.]
Fed: You OK?
Tom: I’m fine. I tripped running out the door.
Kyle: You? Running? This is serious.
Tom: Of course it is! Life without electricity isn’t worth living! Everything I love needs electricity: internet, video games, microwaved food, TV. And I’ll miss Magical Siren Boy Tsugiharu! Wait, maybe I can livestream it from my phone…
[He opens his phone.]
Tom: OK, the wifi’s out, but I’ve got data still…
[The light from his phone goes black.]
Kyle: What happened?
Tom: It ran out of power.
Fed: That quickly?
Tom: Well, I meant to charge it this morning… but I couldn’t be arsed...
Kyle: That sounds more like our Tommy.
[Felix comes down the stairs using his phone as a torch.]
Felix: Hey, sorry about that guys…
Kyle: What do you mean?
Felix: I think it might’ve been my fault: Jess asked me to fix a leaky pipe and uh… well some water got on her hairdryer and there was a lot of scary sparks and stuff then it all went black.
Tom: What?! So it’s your fault I’ll miss the last ep of MSBT?
Felix: MS-what?
Fed: Magical Siren Boy Tsugiharu.
Felix: That’s tonight? Wow, I thought that show would never end.
Kyle: Am I the only one who doesn’t watch anime here?
Tom: Yes. [He turns to Felix] You have to fix this now! I can’t miss the finale.
Felix: All right, all right. I said I was sorry and I’ll make it up to you, don’t worry. The lights’ll be back on in no time.
Kyle: We better go talk to Bob. He should know what to do. Hopefully we can get it done quickly; I’d hate to see what Fed’ll do if the food in the fridge goes off.
Fed: Wait… the fridge!
[Fed runs back inside.]
Kyle: Me and my big mouth… [He turns to Felix and Tom] Well, you guys coming?
Felix: It was my fault after all; the least I can do is help fix things.
Tom: I’m too tired from trying to run before, you two go on without me.
[Tom slumps onto the ground.]
Kyle: I guess it’s just us two then. Let’s go.
[The scene changes to outside Bob’s room. Kyle knocks on the door.]
Kyle: Hey! Bob! Open up!
[A lot of rumbling is heard. The door eventually opens to show Bob, looking grumpy.]
Bob: Don’t tell me: you two are responsible for the blackout.
Kyle: No… just Felix.
Bob: I’ve had it up to here with you guys running to me whenever something goes bust here. It’s your mess, you clean it up this time.
Kyle: Bob, you know as well as I do that Felix doesn’t clean up anything, let alone his own messes.
Felix: Hey! I… yeah, that’s actually not wrong…
Bob: Here [he pulls out a ring of keys]: go down to the basement and you can find the circuit breaker. It’s probably just a matter of flicking a switch or something.
Felix: Which switch?
[Bob slams the door.]
Kyle: (Sigh). Let’s get this over with. Tom’s probably having a fit by now.
[Scene shifts back to the hallway. Tom’s fallen asleep on the ground.]
[Back in Fed’s kitchen, Fed opens the fridge.]
Fed: All right. Operation Save Food From Spoiling is go. I guess we’ll start with the cold meats…
[He grabs a pack of prosciutto and dangles a slice down into his gullet.]
[Outside the basement door, Felix is trying out the keys. Finally he gets the one that works.]
Felix: Got it!
[He opens the door to reveal the basement, which is filled with broken appliances and old boxes.]
Felix: Now, where’s this circuit breaker…
[They shine their torches around… maybe some funny quips happen.]
Kyle: Found it!
[The guys go over to it.]
Felix: It’s locked. I bet the key’s with the others.
[The door slams shut.]
Felix: Ah, Kyle.
Kyle: Yeah?
Felix: Have you got the keyring?
Kyle: No, I thought you had it.
Felix: Well I don’t.
[Felix goes to open the door but it’s locked.]
Kyle: Ok… This isn’t good.
Felix: Don’t worry, we can call Fed.
[He pulls out his phone.]
Kyle: It’s not just the door. It’s not good because I can feel a fart coming.
[Felix’s face falls.]
Felix: Oh no… please Kyle I beg you, hold on!
Kyle: You’ve got like a minute.
[He rings Fed.]
[The scene returns to the kitchen, Fed is now eating the last slice of a cheesecake. His phone rings and he picks it up.]
Fed: Yeah?
Felix (through the phone): Fed! You’ve got to come downstairs to the basement. We got ourselves locked in.
Kyle (through the phone, yelling): YOU got us locked in!
Felix: Yeah, anyway. We need you to open the door; the keys are in the lock. Please hurry! Kyle’s holding back a lot of gas.
Fed: I’ll be right there!
[He hangs up and tries to stand, but clutches his belly, flopping back down.]
Fed: Ooh… I’m not feeling too good…
[His stomach gurgles loudly.]
Maybe I can get Tom to go…
[He drags himself to the door, which is still open, and yells out.]
Fed: Tom! Tom!
[Tom snores. Fed throws the slice of cheesecake at him that he was still holding. Tom wakes up with a start.]
Tom: Huh? What was that for?
Fed: Felix and Kyle got locked in the basement and I’m not in any state to be climbing stairs. I need you to go down and open the door for them.
Tom: I ain’t going down there. Not without the elevator. Do you know how many steps that is?
Fed: You have to! Kyle’s got a massive fart brewing. Felix hasn’t built up a tolerance to Kyle’s gas like I have; he’ll suffocate!
Tom: I don’t care. Let him suffocate. I’m not walking down those stairs. I already ran today.
Fed: You ran like ten steps.
Tom: That’s ten more than I’ve run in the past five years.
[Fed tries to move closer, but his stomach gurgles and he stops, clutching it in pain.]
Fed: Please… if you don’t go… then you won’t be able to watch MSBT.
[Tom sits up straight.]
Tom: Argh, you’re right… For Tsugihara, I shall do it.
[Felix hands him his phone.]
Fed: It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.
[Tom stands up and wields the phone above his head, the torch light on.]
Tom: With the power of the Seven Seas flowing through me, I shall banish the darkness!
[Tom slowly walks down the stairs.]
Fed: You could go a little faster…
[Back in the basement. Kyle is straining.]
Felix: Please, hold it in!
Kyle: I don’t know if I can do it (grunt). This one feels pretty strong.
Felix: You must!
[Tom on the stairs, slowly going down. He pauses to catch his breath.]
Tom: Whew… I don’t know if I can do it… it’s so many steps.
Fed (from upstairs): You’ve only gone down half a floor.
Tom: I could do without the running commentary, thank you!
[In the basement. Kyle is sweating.]
Kyle: I’m sorry Felix… Ahhhhh…
[He relaxes and farts. It’s long and loud. Felix covers his mouth with his top.]
[The door opens and Tom appears. He immediately covers his mouth.]
Tom: Ugh! I come all this way to save you and this is how you repay me?
Felix: Tom! My saviour!
[He grabs Tom into a hug. Tom pushes him off.]
Tom: OK, OK. That’s enough. I did this for Tsugihara, not you. Here: I believe you lost these?
[He hands out the keys. Kyle takes them.]
Kyle: I’ll take it from here. You guys should head up to get some fresh air.
Felix: I’m not sure my nose will recover from this…
[Tom and Felix leave the room. Kyle goes to the circuit breaker and opens it.]
Kyle: Let’s see…
[He flicks a switch and, after a bit of a sluggish start, the lights flicker back on.]
[Back upstairs, Fed, still eating, sees the lights turn on.]
Fed: They did it! Yes!
[He jumps up but immediately regrets it and clutches his stomach.]
Fed: Oooh…
[Soon after, the guys enter the room.]
Felix: I’m sorry again for all the trouble I caused, but I guess it’s all fixed now.
Tom: And not a moment too soon. I’ve got a finale to watch, see ya.
[Tom leaves. Kyle notices Fed’s discomfort.]
Kyle: You alright there?
Fed (not alright): Yep. Just a bit of a stomach ache… I ate too much too fast… And it’s like the UN down there: I don’t think that leftover Chinese is getting along with the Indian curry.
[His stomach gurgles ominously.]
Fed: Uh oh…
[All of a sudden, Fed releases a loud fart.]
Felix: No! Not again! Ack-urgh!
[He runs out of the room.]
Fed: Sorry Kyle…
Kyle: Heh, no stress. I’ll love you no matter how bad you stink. After all, you have to put up with my stenches, now it’s my turn to deal with the smell.
Fed: Aww, you’re so sweet.
Kyle: And anyway, [he gently rubs Fed’s gut while savouring the smell]  you know that it kinda turns me on. How about we cancel dinner and have some fun at home?
Fed: I think that sounds wonderful. Also, I may have just eaten everything in the fridge…
[In Tom’s room, he’s now settled back on the couch and ready to watch TV.]
Tom: Ah, at long last…
[The MSBT theme music plays. Suddenly it stops.]
News host: We interrupt this broadcast for a breaking news bulletin.
Tom: No! Don’t interrupt!
News host: His Excellency the Honourable Sir Arthur Vandeleigh, former Governor-General of Australia, has died peacefully in his sleep.
Tom: Come on, come on…
TV host: We have a three-hour obituary scheduled in honour of this great man who valiantly served his country.
Narrator: Though he may have inhabited the role for only three months, Arthur Vandeleigh’s tenure as Governor-General was…
~End Credits~
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proximacalamity · 1 year
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silly old thing I made because I want sarada to have a sister and I wanted to fuck around with her outfit.
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traggalicious · 8 months
Talked to my parents abt my name,,, my dad? Interesting, but nm abt it. Seemed inwardly disappointed. My mum? Doesn’t like it, wouldn’t go with it. If i go by another name she’d like it to be linked to my Name. Which. Mrm. And i just. I know it’s stupid. I didn’t think about if I ‘looked like a Sirius’. I don’t have a body and if I did it wouldn’t matter. What does my appearance mean to a name? Names dont look like anything but the letters used to write them. My headache has worsened and my throat is tight. On the verge of tears. My Name just has Shit attached to it, every time I hear it in any context I think im in trouble. I feel detached from it. My names? Tragedy, Sirius? Those ones feel more like me. Stupid puns and shit on those bitches don’t even remove the joy! But my Name is just. *shrug*. And idk I just feel really. Sad? I guess? That if I made such a decision my parents wouldn’t,,,, like it? And. I dunno. I dunno
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ozymoron · 6 months
dude its always "be yourself" till youre trans and now suddenly oh i get to nitpick every little thing about you oh that gesture was very feminine made you look like a girl oh youre wearing a shirt thats cream coloured? seems a little feminine to me oh you paint your nails? so youre a girl after all like ???? youre giving me mixed messages here am i meant to be myself or am i meant to conform to your idea of what a man is in order to be accepted as one by you
#⚠️#one time after i came out my mum saw me lounging around in a black t shirt and she was like oh it made you look like a man thinking it was#compliment but dude i got so mad i was like for fuck sake is that seriously what i have to do to be considered a man is lounge around in a#black t shirt??? lounging around is masculine???? what????????#i was also just a very angry person in general but still that really confuses me#had a psychiatrist note down shit about my appearance saying whether they thought it was feminine or masculine (they thought it was all#feminine) which was fucking crazy cause i went in for an adhd diagnosis#people just find out youre trans and suddenly start acting like experts on whats feminine and whats masculine and what makes you either#gender like shut the fuck up#can also come from people who they themselves accept some cis men are feminine and some cis women are masculine but suddenly as soon as you#try to transition now you have to be masculine or be feminine or youre not valid in their eyes#its fucking crazy#like if i showed them a dude with long hair theyd be like thats a dude with long hair but as soon as i have my hair long im told to cut it#i can show them a dude in a skirt and theyd probably laugh thinking its funny or some bullshit but theyd still think its a dude in a skirt#but if i wear a skirt suddenly im a girl#i know at the root of all this they truly believe people cant switch genders cause in their minds sex and gender is the same but still its#so annoying especially when they pretend to be accepting or think theyre being accepting and when you challenge them on their transphobia#they get all mad at you and act like youre being rude for criticizing them for doing the bare minimum whilst also just continuing to be#transphobic#like yeah you use my correct name but when im not around you use she/her for me and you say i **want** to be a boy instead of i am a boy bu#when i talk to you about this suddenly im the bad guy like its my fault youre using language for me thats transphobic#like ok man. whatever.#sorry for asking you to be a decent fucking human being toward me and treat me with respect#its like people just treat trans peoples gender like something they can just dismiss like its nothing liek we're just playing pretend or#something#like god its frustrating. i need to cut my mum out of my life fr
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undermostcorgi · 7 months
the media which consumes your entire soul at age 12 will forever be a part of you. this is an unavoidable consequence of living and you have to accept this fact. no matter how old you get, no matter how long it has been since you last saw its smug face peeking out from the bushes as it follows you, no matter if you think you have outrun it for good and that you're finally finally safe and you hardly even remember it exists anymore and your brain knows a few brief moments of true peace, it WILL catch up to you in your moment of weakness. and listen you don't want to hear this but sometimes this is necessary for your mental health. you will on instinct want to reject it and run away again but sometimes. sometimes you just need to watch that old show or listen to that silly song or read that weird book again as an adult and it will hurt you a little bit in various little ways but it will also heal you a little bit. you can call it nostalgia you can call it connecting with your inner child or whatever you want but just listen to me it WILL HAPPEN TO YOU TOO AT SOME POINT AND YOU HAVE TO BE PREPARED FOR THIS (i am forcibly dragged off the stage by security)
#heed my warning boy#it seems i am not well today#recently made the reluctant decision to revisit what was probably my VERY FIRST real hyperfixation#something that i don't necessarily want to mention by name right now because. well#its pretty objectively bad LOL like i dont think i know of ANYONE still posting about it or really proud of having liked it back in the day#i dont think it is as well known to the general public so it wont get me hunted down for sport even if i did name it probably hopefully#but for those who know its. probably not the best thing to be revisiting lmao (even though i think it might still be being made?? wtf)#but i felt i had to because i was about to start my period and was going crazy insane like you do you know how it is#and i randomly remembered a fanfic i loved and then remembered my fav character and how much i loved him#my actual first ever blorbo oh my GOD he was everything to me#so i reluctantly decided to rewatch “just the first few episodes” just to see how much i remembered and also to prove to myself it sucks#but surprise surprise: nostalgia and hormones are making me actually kind of enjoy it#and now i am suffering from fucking Catholic-like Guilt for not hating it which i think is pretty silly lmao#so im kind of posting this in an attempt to convince myself that its like. FINE and cringe is dead and all that#and that sometimes i gotta be nice to my little mentally ill brain and give it the junk food (bad media) it craves#ESPECIALLY when im on my period LMAO#anyway completely unrelated: why the FUCK do i still remember almost every single fucking word to the delicious tomato song SDHJFKSAJF#i hope no one actually reads this far in the tags bc i know that reveal will probably deal psychological damage to some of you LMAO SORRYYY#ok yeah posting this and then immediately going to bed so that the Haters cant reach me LOL SEE YA
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tecchan · 8 months
Damn why is Shiki's "good" end worse than the bad ones?
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viscerast · 11 months
you’re not supposed to say w*****o
from what i was taught, generally you're allowed to write/type the name but not say it out loud. personally to me it feels more respectful to type it then censor it or use some substitute name
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pebblezone · 2 years
this Tylenol ain’t shit w
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#talkingcore#emotions. man.#there’s so much music that I just haven’t listened to in a bit and it’s making me feel things it’s not even like sad things I’m like damn#how long has it been since I’ve listened to beautiful stranger by Madonna as featured in Austin powers international man of mystery#but also something in my brain feels like it needs to cry like I don’t feel like I physically can but something needs to be released#so do I go pet sounds? smile? falsettos? I feel like I need to be in a sleeping bag and Contemplate#fun fact! Kendra Morris has an absolutely stunning cover of don’t talk (put your head on my shoulders)#I’m pretty neutral on beach boys covers tbh I’m never crazy about them since like they really never measure up#how many mid covers of god only knows can I take? not many. but like she & him have their little Brian Wilson tribute I like that.#the covers are a lot better when they don’t try to perfectly replicate whatever the fuck Brian Wilson was doing they aren’t him#brain wants to go melancholy mode but I’ve no clue over what. girl just tell me what I’m supposed to be sad over I’ll commit to the bit#need to keep listening to new stuff but also need old stuff Maybe that’s it maybe I just need old stuff again? like routine?? shit idk#also like at 5 am I woke up and remembered how in choir people kept comparing me to the director they had the year before me#and the thing is she had the same name as someone else in choir that was student teaching my first semester so I kept thinking they were#referring to her Id be in my choir fit my silly suit my proud butch uniform and they’d be like oh this is so ‘insert name’!#and it kept throwing me off because the student teacher was like. not like me at all so I was like fuck#what kind of girl core energies am I accidentally emitting this is Bad. so anyway 5 am I’m like fuck it I need to research this person#I search. find her. she’s butch. I’m blessed. they weren’t lying like man we do such a good job at being generic! yay!#butch And in choir! love to see it! keep thinking how I am destined to be like in my 40s doing mundane tasks#I’m gonna be soooooo good at watering plants and putting salt on the sidewalk before it snows and cleaning drains#need to be a dad mom so fucking bad you don’t get it I need to drive carpool and take off work for dentist trips and watch hgtv#AHHHH i think that got rid of some of the sad lfg💥💥💥💥this must be super long god damn sorry
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inkykeiji · 1 year
me rereading my old dragon king bakugou fic that i wrote for my best friend in 2020 like dang this is actually really good!!!!!
like slow burn stockholm syndrome enemies to lovers + a deadly disease + a pregnancy + a love triangle (a Clari Classic, naturally)!? goddamn clari you couldn’t have been any more deliciously trashy!!!!!!
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pantestudines · 10 months
having a "former gifted kid" type mental spiral
#i say this because the spiral is actually about how much i hate the word and the general culture around giftedness#mostly because its incredibly inconsistent between schools so people often mean different things when they say it#but also because in my specific case its certainly not a gift but like. what am i supposed to call it.#its literally a neurodivergence in my case that has had many effect postive and negative on my life. but its also a school club.#and its also nothing! before the advent of like modern standardized public education i wouldve just been a curious kid#Without modern public education im not sure i wouldve even been different from other kids. maybe a little socially awkward still but idk#and like. Am i really different from other kids? am I now as an adult different from my peers? Occasionally i will get told as such#how the fuck am i suppose to talk about how much being seperated from my peers and held to higher standards sucked#when the name of the reason why this happened might as well be 'gods specialist little boy'#none of the things that make people think im smarter are really all that useful day to day. and most non-gifted people are like. still smar#i happen to be good at memorizing the kind of facts schools test you on as children#but is that just because i was told as a kid to be good at school and so i tried hard to do that?#even if I am uniquely good at that#does that really make me more intelligent than the high school dropouts who can fix cars like its nothing?#in fact i would say they are at least wiser than me for picking something practical to be smart at#at my school being gifted usually implied you were a little neurodivergent and bad at socializing#often our gifted kids were actually failing classes because they were smart enough to realize they didnt matter#(not me but still)#but at some schools being gifted just means you were an avid reader or were pressured by your parents to maintain perfect As at all times#so if i say. wanted to talk about how being 'gifted' has often made some aspects of academia like hating emails and having time blindness#and not having a good friend network and having many unadressed issues around not really knowing how to make friends#if i wanted to talk about that. and i say 'I was gifted growing up and this sucked'#the person on the other end might hear 'oh woe is me im so smart and this makes my life so hard'#AND FURTHER STILL#on tumblr especially 'former gifted kid' has kindve become parlance for 'guy whining about nothing'#or even 'person who they were told was smart but is actually kinda dumb'#which... yeah! theres a reason many former gifted kids are like that! thats kindve my issue with the program in the first place!#it takes otherwise relatively normal if well achieving kids and tells them they are gods specialist little children.#THIS CANNOT BE HELPFUL TO ANYONE? like whatever chance the kids had at seeming normal has been stripped away#and they now also think they are the smartest person in the room in every situation
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anothermonikan · 11 months
I wish Suzume was considered Makoto's masterpiece and not whatever Your Name was.
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