#its like if a bad omen weren’t cool as hell and instead quoth the raven ‘ur dead forever ur life is ruined’ yk
traggalicious · 8 months
Talked to my parents abt my name,,, my dad? Interesting, but nm abt it. Seemed inwardly disappointed. My mum? Doesn’t like it, wouldn’t go with it. If i go by another name she’d like it to be linked to my Name. Which. Mrm. And i just. I know it’s stupid. I didn’t think about if I ‘looked like a Sirius’. I don’t have a body and if I did it wouldn’t matter. What does my appearance mean to a name? Names dont look like anything but the letters used to write them. My headache has worsened and my throat is tight. On the verge of tears. My Name just has Shit attached to it, every time I hear it in any context I think im in trouble. I feel detached from it. My names? Tragedy, Sirius? Those ones feel more like me. Stupid puns and shit on those bitches don’t even remove the joy! But my Name is just. *shrug*. And idk I just feel really. Sad? I guess? That if I made such a decision my parents wouldn’t,,,, like it? And. I dunno. I dunno
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