#bad boy names for instagram in english
whatbio · 1 year
Bad Boy Names For Instagram | Bad Boy Names For Instagram 2023 (Copy and Paste) | इंस्टाग्राम के लिए बैड बॉय नाम
Bad Boy Names For Instagram | Bad Boy Names For Instagram 2023 (Copy and Paste) | इंस्टाग्राम के लिए बैड बॉय नाम. It’s all about images. Before a person who is not a follower visits your page, they can see your profile name. Being the cool guy you’re, you should have good names that are a bit sexy for Instagram to improve your profile’s popularity. A memorable name will attract followers and draw…
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iateyourparents · 11 months
who’s that? | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
summary: you decide to prank your boyfriend by calling him a different name on an instagram live.
warnings: kinda short, bad writing and grammar(sorry, english isn’t my first language)
pictures are from pinterest:)
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“Yeah Colby’s showering.” you answered one of the comments on your live.
Ever since you started dating Colby, his fans went crazy about you. Most of them loved you and absolutely loved that you were active on instagram so these lives were pretty often occurance.
“Actually today we have lazy day since boys just got back from England.” you answered another comment.
Then one specific comment attracted your attention, ‘you should prank colby by calling him some random name.’
You smiled mischievously and listened for sounds from the bathroom to make sure Colby wouldn’t hear anything because of running water and then you whispered to your phone “Okay, so I saw the comment about pranking Colby by calling him someone else’s name and I’m gonna do this but you guys have to write more random comments so he wouldn’t see the ones with this prank idea.”
You asked them because you could see more people starting ask for this prank.
You started answering other questions while waiting for your boyfriend to be done with showering.
“Oh he’s coming.” you smirked at your phone when you heard bathroom doors being opened.
“Okay baby do you wanna order something?” Colby asked and kissed your head when he was passing by you while going for his phone.
“Sure Colin, can we order McDonald’s? I would die for mcflurry.” you whined and in the corner of your eye you could see Colby frowning. He went to you and stood behind you still frowning and then turned around your chair so you were in front of him “Hm?” you furrowed your brows faking confusion.
“Who’s that?” he asked.
“Who’s who?” you tilted your head “What’s going on?”
“Who is Colin?” he crossed his arms on his naked chest. You already could imagine all the comennts about his appearance.
“I don’t know any Colin?”
“You called me Colin.” he accused pointing his finger at you with frown on his face but you could see that he was about to start pouting “Who’s Colin, baby?”
“I didn’t, I called you Colby.” you assured and he shook his head.
“You said Colin, babe.” he said “Who is Colin, I promise I won’t be jealous.” he pouted and you laughed.
“You’re too cute for your own good.” you sighed “I was pranking you, love. People wanted me to do it!” you defended yourself pointing at your phone where people were going absolutely crazy about Colby’s pouting and chest and most of comments were about him being cute.
He looked at your phone and laughed seeing some comments where people started saying sorry for giving you this idea and you also laughed at this.
“One more time guys and I will stop giving you haunted content.” he threatened viewers rolling his eyes.
You giggled and pulled him to peck his lips.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
omg you do song fics?😍 can i request a bi!soobin x male reader to “i do” by g-idle?
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pairing: bi!uni student!soobin x uni student!male!reader (referred to as a boy once) genre: fluff (??) a little angsty word count: 1.1k
includes: confession fic, uni au, ending is a little weird, reader cries, didn't want this to be too angsty, my greatest apologies if your name is mina lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i don't mind doing songfics at all :)) i hope you like it <33
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soobin lets out a soft sigh as he enters your shared apartment. his bag crumbles in a small heap on the floor beside his bed before he wanders over to you. he all but collapses onto your mattress beside you, making you softly chuckle. 
you set your phone aside; instagram feed long forgotten as you shift to lay down next to him. soobin buries his face into one of your pillows. his tense body relaxes slightly when you reach over to gently rub a hand against his back. 
“are you okay?” soobin simply hums in response, though the strangled noise is muffled by his arms and the pillows he’s laying against. “bad day?”
despite the pillow blocking his face, you can see him nod slightly. a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you pat his thigh. “come here, bin.”
the boy perks up immediately at your words. you chuckle as he wastes no time in making himself comfortable in your lap. his head rests against your thighs; the rest of his body curled up on your twin sized bed. he smiles to himself as you begin to play with his hair, twisting the soft strands between your fingers. 
you fall into a comfortable silence together for a few minutes before you notice soobin catch his bottom lip between his teeth. his jaw clenches the darker the thoughts clouding his brain become. he absentmindedly fidgets with his fingers as you continue raking your fingers through his dark locks.
“hey,” you whisper, catching soobin’s attention. he looks up at you through his dark fringe - your cue to continue. “what’s on your mind?”
a soft sigh escapes his lips. his gaze shifts up to stare at the ceiling. he studies the drywall adorning your dorm room as if an answer is hidden in the material. 
“someone gave me a love letter… earlier today,” he finally says. 
i don’t even know how to think
‘cause now she got your heart, so i feel stupid, foolish
you pause your movements almost instantaneously as the words leave his lips. they linger uncomfortably in the air like a thick fog that clouds your judgement. tension holds you both captive in the room. you feel like a caged animal - the chains of your own feelings tightly wrapped around your limbs and keeping you trapped exactly where you are. 
you can nearly feel your heart stop beating in your chest. your breath catches in the back of your throat. an unfamiliar feeling of heartbreak curls inside of your stomach. it slinks through your intestines - working it’s way upwards to press against your chest. 
“who was it from?” your voice trembles, though you hope soobin can’t hear the anxiety that drips from each word. 
you know mina from your english class. she had silently slipped into the room after getting lost on her way to the lecture hall. she has a bright smile and kind eyes. even you can admit her laugh is contagious. it lights up every room she’s in. she’s perfect. perfect for soobin.
‘fraid i’m losing everything i thought i couldn’t
my whole world is fallin’ apart
you swallow your grief, forcing it deep into your chest. “she’s nice,” you murmur. “pretty. i like her. she’d be good for you.” but i would be better.
soobin hums. his eyes meet yours momentarily before he stares up at the ceiling once again. “do you really think so?”
you remain silent for a few seconds. you refocus on playing with soobin’s hair, letting the methodical action calm your racing heartbeat. a shaky sigh leaves your lips before you speak again. “do you like her?”
“i don’t know.” he pauses, anxiously tugging his bottom lip between his teeth again - a nervous habit you had always found particularly attractive. “i think i like someone else.”
don’t you go fallin’ in love
trust me, she’s not the one
a small spark of hope ignites in your chest before you quickly stomp it out. you’re roommates. two university students who happened to be assigned to the same dorm room. you’re friendly because you’re both introverted and spend most of your time around each other. your skinship is simply two boys being friendly - nothing more. 
“soobin,” you murmur. tears sting at the corners of your eyes. they threaten to roll down your cheeks. you bite your tongue in an attempt to hold them back to little avail. 
soobin sits up from your lap, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. “what’s wrong?” he whispers. the warm hand he places against your knee does little to soothe your aching heart, though you appreciate the gesture nonetheless. 
you stare down at your hands, anxiously fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. soobin gently begins to rub small shapes against your leg in an attempt to calm you down. you twist the thin, cool metal against your skin as you mentally prepare yourself for rejection. anger. heartbreak.
“i’m in love with you.” 
she won’t ever love you like i do
hold you like i do, know you like i do
the words come out as little more than a broken whisper. soobin’s movements stop momentarily - though what was realistically a few seconds feels like an eternity of waiting. 
“y/n,” soobin finally whispers. his voice is soft. gentle. you bite down on your tongue harder. tears slowly begin to roll down your cheeks; at first in single drops before streams quickly begin falling from your eyes. 
you’re unable to prevent the choked sob that escapes when soobin cups your cheek. his touch feels far too intimate to be just from a roommate. an acquaintance. 
soobin brushes his thumb against your cheek, wiping away the tears as fast as they come. you go limp in his arms when he pulls you into a tight hug, keeping you tightly pressed against his chest. “i’m sorry,” you murmur into the crook of his neck. embarrassment mixes with your grief. your head aches at the sudden flood of emotion. “i don’t wanna lose you.”
“you won’t,” soobin whispers. he rubs a hand against your back. you let the feeling soothe you - at least momentarily. “you never will.” he gently coaxes you away from his neck so you’re looking into his dark eyes. “i love you too.”
you sniffle, hesitantly looking up at him once again. “really?”
“really.” soobin pulls you back into a hug, letting you cling to his body. he presses a kiss against your forehead as his arms snake around your waist. “i love you, y/n."
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oftenwantedafton · 1 month
So I originally saw this image by @utoarts on Instagram and didn’t really notice the caption about Charlie (too busy staring at Dave) but it instantly inspired me to write something about him working as a forest ranger at a lakeside campground and it somehow swiftly dissolved into pwp. I still may revisit this again and proceed with my original, more plot filled idea, but for now…
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the dark of the woods | dave miller x female reader
rating | explicit
words | 3.8k
cw | dubious consent, sexual content
ao3 link
From the moment your car passes the wooden sign bearing the name of the campsite, you have a feeling of unease.
Things are already off to a bad start, since you’re the odd one out, every one of your companions paired up. You know some of them better than others, but none very well. It has the strong feel of a pity invite, issued by the leader of this congregation. She had begun excitedly discussing and planning the weekend getaway during your college English Literature class once you’d been divided into groups to discuss the reading assignment. With you seated there, awkwardly silent on the sidelines, it had been almost mandatory to include you. Your classmate had been positively beaming afterwards, so proud because she had peformed such a good, merciful deed.
You won’t be stuck in a tent for the weekend, at least, and you’re grateful for that, because you have memories of what that had been like as a child—struggling to pitch it properly, fighting off insects, fumbling with the zipper in the dark, finding the evenings on the hard ground cold and unpleasant—so the prospect of staying in a cabin seems far more favorable.
Except the cabins seem a little run down. Older. Cracks on more than one pane of glass. Missing shutters. The nails pulling up from the squeaky porch steps leading inside. The single room space is small and sparsely furnished. A twin bed with one flat looking pillow and an olive green blanket tucked in military style placed along one wall. A shelf mounted midway on the opposite one, next to a lone closet. That was all. The bathrooms are shared, a line of them in a building nearby. Showers in yet another. You attempt to flip the lightswitch and realize the overhead lightbulb has burnt out. You can’t find a replacement. The closet is empty.
There’s already a fire going by the time you return outdoors after dropping off your overnight bag. Beers cracked and marshmallows and hotdogs toasting. Boys getting handsy, girls giggling and squealing in mock protest. You consider the fading daylight, your eyes shifting from the late afternoon beams filtering through the branches of the cluster of trees surrounding the cabins to the dark, smooth surface of the nearby lake. You’d driven past a guard shack on the way inside. Vacant at the time, but maybe they’d returned by now. Perhaps they’d be able to help you with your lighting situation.
You decide to walk the short distance. The dirt track is well worn from the treks of numerous vehicles over the years. A mosquito whines past your ear as you reach the small building that is barely large enough for someone to sit in.
There is a man occupying that cramped space now. He’s long and lean, wearing the typical forest ranger type of uniform in chestnut and khaki hues, the badge pinned to his chest declaring his name is Dave Miller. His dark hair looks greasy, the long strands clumped together in thick wedges, and the smile he offers, a slow, crooked sort of grin, makes your skin feel like something wet and slippery is dragging across it. You can’t escape the sensation that he’s undressing you with his eyes, those piercing pale gray fixtures underlined with bruised looking stains of sleep deprivation flicking up and down over your modest, unassuming outfit—jeans, tshirt, hoodie—and yet that leering gaze makes you feel as if you are wearing much, much less.
You rub your hands over your arms as if catching a sudden chill, watching one of the feet hooked on the rung of the stool he’s perched on ease down, settling onto the worn wooden floor. He raises an eyebrow at you expectantly, and you clear your throat, nearly choking on your own saliva as you struggle to speak.
“Hi. I’m sorry to bother you, but the overhead light is out in Cabin 12. I looked for a spare bulb, but I couldn’t find one. I don’t know who to ask to—”
“—I’ll take care of it,” he interrupts. His voice is fluid, melodic. Unexpected. You’d imagined it would be dry and coarse. Last autumn’s leaves crunching underfoot. Not lush and pleasant, this year’s bounty not quite ready to descend.
“Thank you.”
You turn to leave, but his voice halts you.
“You came here alone.”
“I saw when you drove in. No one else in the car. Bunking down by yourself?”
“Oh. Yes.”
He nods, one sharp drop and lift of his jutting chin completing the gesture. He’d be handsome, if his featured weren’t quite so severe; if the skin wasn’t stretched quite so tightly across the bone. If there was just a bit more color to that pale skin. Odd, that someone working outdoors should be so devoid of color.
“That’s brave of you,” he praises.
You frown. “Why brave?”
He smiles again, and that same damp, slimy sensation oozes over you. His teeth are large and sharp and seem to barely be contained behind the stretch of light pink lips. “Sometimes people like to hunt in these woods. Not all of their prey are animals. Don’t worry, though. I’ll make sure nothing harms you.” The spread of fingers curled around the door frame of the shack look nearly skeletal, long and slender and alabaster. Like spider’s legs, each bony knuckle raised, the nail beds blanched with the force he’s gripping the wood with. You take a step backward, nearly staggering when your heel catches on a divot in the dirt.
You feel his eyes burning your spine as you hurry back down the path.
You sit back from the center ring gathered around the campfire, occupying the end of a log that’s been worn down smooth by countless visitors, listening to the ghost stories that have begun circulating.
Each gets more and more wild as members of the group try to outdo one another. You munch on a s’more and your gaze wanders, studying the darkness beyond the circle of trees. It’s noisy out here. Owls. Forest creatures scurrying for cover. Others just coming out to hunt and explore. The continuous lapping of the lake’s edge by the shore, the evening breeze rippling the surface. The canoes and kayaks are put away for the season, stacked alongside one of the cabins. You might have liked to take one out, if it had been earlier in the day. Maybe you’d try tomorrow.
Dave appears then, coming from out of the shadows, and you jump and nearly drop the remains of the sticky treat clasped between your fingers, that ominous promise he’d issued earlier to protect you from whatever evil might lurk in the woods doing little to reassure you that he himself wasn’t one of the things you should be afraid of. You’d spent the remainder of the day on the outskirts of the group, unwilling to be by yourself after the ranger had spooked you.
Now he ignores you, striding right up to the fire, easily slotting between the couples gathered around it, and the various conversations instantly die down.
“You want to hear a real scary story? One that’s actually true?”
His voice isn’t loud, but it has a kind of hypnotic weight to it that instantly drags everyone’s attention. That slender figure silhouetted against the campfire has got them hanging on his every word already.
Taking silence for agreement, he continues on. “There were actually a series of murders that took place here. Not at this campground, but just across the lake, at a children’s restaurant.”
“At a children’s restaurant?” One person repeats doubtfully, but Dave’s head swivels and his eyes bore into your classmate’s face until he ducks his head and looks away.
“The owner took children one by one. Stolen away right from under their parent’s noses. He hid each of them in plain sight, one for each of the animatronic stage performers.”
“Like stuffed inside Chuck E. Cheese? How is that even possible?”
“No, not like Chuck E. Cheese,” he growls at the second interruption.
“Dude, shut up. You’re ruining the story.”
An empty beer can goes flying and lands near the guard’s feet. He kicks the debris aside, continuing. “These creations were far more advanced in technology. Combined with the spirits of the dead children inhabiting them, they were able to move around.”
“How come no one noticed the smell? The bodies must have been rotting away.”
“Young man, am I telling the story, or are you?” He sounds polite enough, but the older man’s eyes flash dangerously.
“You,” comes the mumbled reply.
“Anyway, the pizzeria has long since closed its doors, but people still break in to explore. Sometimes they make it back out to tell others what they’ve seen. Others…” His voice trails off ominously. One of the logs on the fire falls and a shower of sparks bursts upward, startling more than one person before a few laugh nervously at this unexpected conclusion to Dave’s wild account. It sounds absurd, and the forest ranger clearly has a flair for theatrics, but you wonder if there’s any truth to his claims.
“Creepy,” someone comments. “You wouldn’t catch me in there on a dare. Not even if it was still open. I hate those animatronic things.”
“I’d go,” another individual volunteers. “Closed or not. Bet it’s pretty gnarly inside.”
Dave smirks but doesn’t answer, leaning over to grab at the bag of marshmallows still sitting on the picnic table and fishes a few out of the bag. He turns away, his frightening tale apparently concluded, surrendering the spotlight, and his eyes immediately fall on you. “Your light’s been fixed,” he murmurs as he approaches, popping one of the white sugary cylinders into his mouth and chewing slowly. The conversations between your fellow campers have begun again, the older man already forgotten.
“Oh, thanks.”
“My pleasure. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to make your stay more enjoyable. I’m in Cabin 3.”
As if you’d be seeking the strange man out at this hour for anything else. Still, you suppose you should be polite. You nod and murmur another word of gratitude.
“You’ve got a bit of chocolate. Just there.” Instead of merely pointing the location out, he leans over, his thumb brushing near your bottom lip. Your breath hitches as he straightens. “Gone now. All taken care of.”
The grin is back. You can’t look away.
The bathroom is full of spiders.
You can’t say you’re surprised when you push open the door of the entrance, the hinges creaking as you step cautiously inside the public lavatories. There are three sinks lining the wall. A long wall mounted mirror with branching lines creeping along several corners. Graffiti is scratched into the wood on the first stall you open.
The toilet looks clean enough, at least. You curse yourself for not using the facilities before bed. Of course you’d woken up in the middle of the night, the waste products of the beer you’d imbibed earlier demanding release, forcing you out into the brisk nighttime air. The seat is cold and you nearly cry out when it touches your bare skin.
You hunch over to keep warm as you quickly void, then wipe and flush and go to the sink, finding the soap dispenser empty. Great. No paper towels, either. You drag your hands across the back of your sweatpants, wincing at the feel of the chilly water.
The entrance door opens before you can reach for the handle, and Dave steps inside.
You mean to brush past him, but he somehow blocks your passage and you end up backing away instead, retreating until your shoulder blades hit the side of the row of stalls.
“It’s, um. No soap. No paper towels, either. Just saying. Goodnight.” You try to sidestep but his palms slap across the wood against your back, pinning you between his arms.
“More complaints? In my day, this form of camping would have been considered luxurious. You have a roof over your head. A bed that’s not on the ground. Yet still you expect more.” There is no mirth on his features now. His eyes are dark charcoal, the pupils dilating to accommodate for the dimly lit space, black ink bleeding past the gray rings. You hear a winged insect colliding with one of the bulbs overhead, unable to resist the warmth and the light.
“I’m just…” You begin, then falter.
“You’re just…what?”
“I didn’t really want to come here,” you say, surprising yourself with this admission. You hadn’t meant to reveal this detail, but something about the older man trapping you, leaning over your body, his warm breath ghosting over your skin, makes you feel vulnerable. You want to confess everything. All secrets laid bare to this stranger, this strange creature.
“That much is obvious,” he replies drily.
“They’re not even my friends.”
“Yet here you are.”
You cannot quite bring yourself to admit you’d been invited out of sympathy, even to Dave. “I thought I would try something different.”
“Is that what you want? To try something different?” He purrs. He lets one hand drop, toying with the drawstring of your pants, his index finger catching on one of the draped loops before he abandons it and swiftly tugs on the dangling strings to undo the hasty bow you’d tied earlier.
You gasp and try to move but it’s impossible. He’s too close, too strong, leaning against you even as his hand dives beneath the elastic waistband of your sweatpants and begins teasing over the crotch of your panties. You grip his forearm but that limb is like iron, fixed in place, determined.
“There’s nothing like the dark of the woods. Pure. Endlessly deep. Hungry. It will swallow you, if you let it. You can feel it, can’t you?” His nails scratch along the fabric, stroking over your bundle of nerves and a little moan escapes you. Dave grins, the sharp point of his nose digging into your temple as he whispers to you. “So sensitive. How long has it been, hmm? Since you’ve touched. Been touched. I bet you’ll go off like a rocket. Just explode with the slightest little movements.” He shifts his hand and your own relaxes, merely clinging in surrender as he wedges his underneath your underwear, probing between your thighs to feel the slick, hot flesh, your stance involuntarily widening to make more room for him. He groans and you echo him. “It’s good, isn’t it? Answer me.”
“Yes,” you pant.
“I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you. It’s always the quiet ones,” he continues, drawing swift circles around your nub. “Always the quiet ones with the filthiest minds. The lewdest fantasies. Ones just like this,” he hisses, one of the slender fingers suddenly diving and plunging into you. Your head knocks back against the wood and you clutch your bottom lip with your teeth. “Letting a stranger touch you like this. An older man fucking you with his fingers while you spill around him, desperate to be filled with something else. Does that sound about right, darling?”
You remain silent until he adds a second finger and abruptly curls the pair inside of you, a sobbing moan of pleasure escaping you.
“Is it? Well? I expect an answer. That’s the trouble with today’s youth. No respect for authority. So entitled,” he sneers, the thumb wedged against your clit pressing down firmly, making your pelvis jolt.
“Yes,” you manage. “Sir,” you add for good measure.
“Now, now. You needn’t be that formal. Especially since we’re getting so intimately acquainted. Though I appreciate the gesture all the same. Maybe you are a good girl after all,” he muses, his lips close to your ear. “Are you a good girl? A good girl that’s going to cum for me?” His tongue strokes over the small cubic zirconia stud piercing your lobe and then he kisses the side of your throat, latching and sucking until you’re certain he’s left behind a bruise.
Your body seems to agree with the forest ranger’s assessment, grinding against those artful digits. You’re disgusted and yet so aroused by this, the wildness of letting him do this to you. When his lips finally meet yours you welcome them, inviting his tongue between your own. This, too, is skilled, caressing and probing, intensifying the sensation between your thighs. “Come undone for me,” he urges, panted against your lips, this uttered more gently, coaxing you towards release. You cry out against his shoulder, teeth sinking into the fabric of his work shirt, your body quaking over the fingers moving with dizzying speed over all of your most sensitive places. He smells like the forest, like old leaves and campfires and the crisp air that can never be found in the city. You sag against him after you’ve climaxed, feeling damp and wrung out, too dazed to do anything else at that moment.
The sound of the hinges on the entrance door creaking makes Dave jerk upright, hastily freeing his hand from your sweatpants and dragging you along with his other one into the nearest stall. He sits and lifts you onto his lap sideways, covering your mouth with his hand, silencing you. Your eyes meet his, watching the gentle curve of his own mouth while waiting for the other camper to finish, leaving the two of you alone once more.
Once the door bangs shut following another squealing protest he lets his fingers slide free of your lips, trailing down your chin and throat to rest near the dip at the base of it.
“Well, this isn’t exactly how I’d planned on continuing this. I was thinking more along the lines of bending you over one of the sinks. But now that you’re on my lap…” He bounces one knee playfully and you clutch his shoulders more tightly. “Relax. I’m not going to drop you.”
Before you’d found his smirk condescending. Now it seems almost charming. The color that had been absent from his features earlier is present now, the shadow smudged eyes fever bright. You’re still too bewildered to respond, allowing the man to guide you back to your feet while he unhooks his belt and unfastens his pants. You glance down with trepidation, your eyes widening when you see the size of what Dave is packing in his crotch. The crooked smile returns, the man all too aware of what he’s been gifted. He looks at you expectantly but you just stare, dumbfounded.
The dark haired man clucks his tongue in reprimand. “You can’t be cock dumb already, honey. You haven’t even tried it out yet. You’re going to have to pull your pants down. Panties too. Then have a seat.”
You struggle to comply, sensing his good humor might already be fading. You turn to face the door of the stall and shuffle back, feeling Dave’s hands settle on your hips to help steer you into position as you slowly begin easing down, his cock jabbing sooner than you’d anticipated, demanding entrance. He sucks in a sharp breath and you gasp as he jerks you down onto him, sheathing himself inside of you in one fell swoop.
“Fuck,” he curses. You’re still adjusting to the shock of that thick prick filling and stretching you when he issues more instructions for you to follow. “Feet up on my knees. I’ll help you. Christ, you’re so fucking tight. So wet,” he growls, his hands gripping you until you’re steady in this new position. You brace yourself with one hand against the side of the stall, the other reaching back to grab Dave’s shoulder while he now grips you underneath your buttocks, helping you rise and fall in short little bounces. It’s awkward at first, but eventually you find a rhythm, getting accustomed to how your body is placed, to the feel of being impaled on the man beneath you. He makes subtle adjustments as you continue raising and lowering yourself, supporting you when he feels you sliding off balance, one arm wrapped snugly around your midsection when he really begins lifting his hips to meet you in earnest, fucking up into your pussy with moist, meaty sounding thrusts.
You’re really hoping no one else interrupts this session for a late night piss, because you don’t think there’s any way to conceal what’s happening. Between your moans and the lewd noises of your joined bodies and the constant stream of curses and dirty talk spewing from Dave’s mouth it’s obvious what is occurring inside that bathroom stall.
“You’re so fucking hot. Such a good girl, taking me like this. Gonna fill you up so good. Pump you so full of cum you’ll be leaking until morning. That’s it, sweetheart. Just like that. Ride that big fucking cock. Feels so good. That sweet, tight, wet pussy trying to milk me dry. There you go, honey. Mmm-hmm. Fuck…”
You climax again, spasming around Dave’s cock. Seconds later he’s found his own release, spilling inside of you, his mouth pressed hotly along the side of your neck.
Your legs are quivering violently when he finally lets you rest, lifting you off of his dick before dropping you back onto his thighs sidesaddle like before. You lean against his chest, letting him smooth the hair back from your face, an oddly tender gesture.
“Feel better?”
“Yeah,” you manage, your eyes roaming over the graffiti scratched onto the stall door. A lot of expletives. Some phone numbers. A few couples’ names etched in hearts. You wonder if any of them are still together.
“Alright. Let’s go get cleaned up. I’m ready for bed now.” He stifles a yawn as you slide off of his lap and stand upright. Your tingling thighs ache as you pull your panties and sweatpants back up, a noticeable combination of slick from your own arousal and the campground guard’s seed sliding down between your wobbly legs.
Dave seems to have no such difficulty. He rises smoothly and tucks himself back into his briefs and refastens his pants and belt buckle, nodding for you to unlock the door. You emerge from the stall and the older man follows you, touching your elbow to halt you.
“Quick shower next door before bed? I’ll bring you a change of clothes.”
“Oh, yeah. They’re in my overnight bag.”
“Got it.”
You frown at his sudden change in attitude. Seeing the puzzled expression on your features, he leans close to your ear. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ve not gone soft on you. It’s just that it’s late, and I’m rather well sated. It’s making me a little more generous than usual. A little kinder. Don’t mistake it for anything else, though. You’ll need to get some rest, because I plan on fucking you even harder next time.” He plants a quick kiss on your cheek and smirks when he sees the startled expression on your face. “Meet you in the showers in five minutes.”
The door hinges screech and then that barrier slams shut, leaving you alone once more.
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worrabei · 1 year
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OKAY, hear me out before reading the text below: this blog of mine is just a place, where I can see my progress in many of things, and writing in english is one of them. the deal is - english is not my native language, and my way of writing can look very bad.
if you decide to read my little sketch, firstly - good luck; and secondly, if when you see some dumb mistakes - feel free to comment because learning stuff is fun!
(also I'm like probably need to do a disclaimer or something like this, but I don't know how :D)
well, it's just fluff (?), without any triggers and just something that was in my head for a while. also I'm using the real names on the dream team in this text. actually, all my thoughts slowly became a whole au (this is the right word for it, right?), so if I will be really confident, maybe I write something else....
UGH this is again a super long text, I'M SORRY.
imagine that you've been friends with «dream team» for an almost a three years.
originally you were an employee on a mr. beast team, something that others would call an errand boy (well, errand girl in your case). but despite your small position in a whole team, everyone was simply in love with you. you just were a little shining star, that everybody adored. and beside that, you knew how to do your job. and by one of these hard-working days, you've meet sapnap.
there were a small pause between shooting for a new challenge video, where nick was one of the judges, and it happend that you both had a chance to chat for a little bit. you two find in each other someone nice, almost like a soulmate. when you too start to speak about different topics, including hobbies and favorite things, something just clicked. after a shooting, y'all just spontaneously decided to go for a walk. you both just can't stop talking, and after a hour or so, you find yourself on a basketball court. the day slowly becoming an evening, there only a few people around, and you two with beer cans just lazily playing basketball.
and after that day your life just start change entirely.
after sapnap you've met sunshine with name karl, and then dream, george, even quackity. the boys was also amazed with your warm personality and you all pretty fast become great buddies. you start to show in theirs instagram photos, twitter posts, stories. you've slowly become an important member of their group. staying for a movie night, cook for them, give a ride on your car, making birthday presents, spending time in video games, and eventually joining the streams.
to be honest, chat was kinda aggressive by the first time and full of comments like "omg why are they even let this girl to join, she's just ruining all the fun" and bunch of other not-so-nice words. guys were super sorry that you have to deal with all this hate, but you honestly won't making a big deal out of that. you just continue to show up from time to time, and slowly but surely people realize that your "boring" side was actually a "super caring" side.
and only after this realization everybody understand how cool actually your character resonates with sometimes childish characters of the rest of the group. the memes start to full the internet, boys start jokingly addresses to you like "sweet mother of ours", and you were very audible and visible cringing at the name, but they're just unstoppable.
and after a two and a half years of your friendship, after george finally gets a visa and clay does a face reveal, four of you guys finally moved together.
and that simply become a golden era of your friendship.
you spend mornings with george, when you get ready for work and this man with no sleep schedule gives you company. at the moment that you start making a breakfast, this man just magically appears with his cute puppy eyes, and after the few times when your plate was getting empty for about a fifteen seconds, you just start to cook for you two. imagine: dark room with only one working lamp, you both eating some puffy pancakes, drinking something warm, chatting and silently giggling. it's a little foggy outside, and almost absolute silence. sounds really comforting, does it not? after you finished eating, you give george a small kiss on his head, maybe mess up with his hair and beg him to get some rest.
the days fly by really fast, when you making stuff with dream. join the stream for a moment? sure. what about the new idea for the video/song? tell me everything. maybe you want to go to the shopping together? get in my car, clay. you freely can go to his room when silence in your head gets too loud. often you just knock on his room door shyly, and ask if you can sit on the bed while dealing with work. and he never refuse. also you absolutely love to draw him in the moments when he really focused on something, maybe make him a few more knitted hats or something cute, but stupid. and he absolutely melts at every single touch. you just need to tell him that everything is okay, and he always can find a support in his friends. and he's so thankful for this.
and finally, you want the evenings to never end because you spend them with sapnap. he don't want to show it, but you just see it anyways - he cares about you. of course, that doesn't mean that other guys don't care, but sapnap do it in his own way and you really appreciate it. almost every evening he casually walks into your room, and if he sees how tired you look because of the work, all his appearance softens immediately. with his silent, raspy voice he asks how do you feel. and if your answer not satisfying enough, nick just casually says that he's going to wait you in the car. and that means - this evening going to be awesome. you both have no clue what are you going to do tonight, but that's just more fun, right? basketball court, just like in the old times? eating junk food in the car, while chatting and shouting the songs? skateboarding park, when nick trying to impress you, but just stupidly falls and now you need to bandage all his wounds, while you just can't stop from laughing? (he's trying to act offended, but inside he's all fluff, believe me).
but sometimes you decide to hang out in the house. sapnap picks up some random film, brings more pillows and blankets, you cook (or order) snaks, and you both just simply chilling together after a long day. and I don't need to tell that almost every time the rest of the group decide to join. maybe it's even spontaneously become a movie night? who knows. you can't even blink, and it's 3am already, the third movie silently playing on the back, all the boys sleeping and barely audibly snore. and only you stubbornly want to wait until the credits. and the movie finally ends, you trying to clean up a little, while you judge the main character in your mind. when you come back to the sleeping kingdom, you can't help but smile at the view of three big men just calmly sleeping, and unconsciously trying to hug something. you definitely take a few photos, and when you want to go to your room, suddenly dream wakes up and mid-sleep reach up to you, whispering that he want to cuddle. your heart was not ready for this, and you just can't say "no" to him.
and when you slowly falling into sleep, while warm big hands carefully hugs you, you just think to yourself - oh, how extremely lucky you are.
well, maybe you can skip the next day at work.
...you can't miss how nick and george all morning going to scream that they're absolutely-for a hundred percent-for sure-definitely didn't hug each other all night.
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supportingjatpcast · 10 months
Where to find the JATP Cast as of December 12, 2023
happy three years to this account! Time to do my thing and update yall on where you can find the cast now! this will be under a read more for those of you who want to scroll past! Have a good one!
Madison Reyes- Julie Molina (@themadisonreyes on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
The Bad Seed Returns
All Kinds of Love (available on all music streaming platforms)
Allie Mitchell Must Win (in preproduction)
Charlie Gillespie- Luke Patterson (@charles_gillespie on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
The Class
Love You Anyway
Chevel Shepard: Good Boy (music video)
The Rest of Us
Madison Park: better w/o you (music video)
Conséquences (six episodes)
I Am the Night (pilot episode)
Speed Kills
Charmed 2018 (Pilot and Episode 2)
Naomi Sequeira: Pastries (music video)
2nd Generation (episodes 1-6)
The Next Step (season 5, episode 17)
Degrassi: Next Class (season 4, episodes 8 and 10)
The Outlaw League
Totally Killer
The Get Back Girl (postproduction)
Debbie Gibson: Love Don't Care (music video)
Owen Patrick Joyner- Alex Mercer (@owenjoyner on Instagram and Twitter)
Julie and the Phantoms
Acapulco (season 2, episode 3)
Knight Squad
Henry Danger (season 5, episode 9)
Slime Cup (season 3, episodes 1-6)
The Thundermans (season 4, episode 15)
The Veil
It’s On
100 Things to Do Before High School
Nickelodeon’s Ho Ho Holiday Special
Something Here (postproduction)
Jeremy Shada- Reggie Peters (@jeremyshada on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
Interrupting Chicken (season 1, episode 3)
Dragons: The Nine Realms
Adventure Time: Distant Lands
Cookie Run Kingdom (English version)
Denton’s Death Date
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Adventure Time
Mr. Student Body President
Spiderman 2018 (season 2, episode 1)
Cheerleader Nightmare
Blooms Adventure Time TD
When Jeff Tried to Save the World
DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
Gloria Talks Funny
Cartoon Network Live
Surfs Up 2: WaveMania
Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations
Lego Dimensions
Badly Drawn Animals
Adventure Time: All’s Well That Rats Swell
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M
Adventure Time: Game Wizard
Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
Adventure Time: Card Wars
Aliens in the House
Adventure Time: Ski Safari
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know!
See Dad Run (season 2, episode 8)
Incredible Crew (season 1, episodes 1-18)
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d You Steal Our Garbage?!!
Adventure Time: The Wand
That’s What I Am
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (season 1, episode 18; season 2, episodes 6, 18, 19; season 3 episodes 1, 3)
Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey
Parenthood (season 1, episodes 4-5)
Healing Hands
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Chowder (season 2, episode 24)
Cold Case (season 5, episode 1)
The Loop (season 2, episode 4)
Lost (season 2, episode 12; season 3, episode 21)
Ghost Whisperer (season 2, episodes 21-22)
Shark (season 1, episode 16)
Southern Comfort
Nip/Tuck (season 4, episode 13)
Bambi 2: The Great Prince of the Forest
No Rules
ER (season 11, episode 6)
The Incredibles: When Danger Calls
Team America: World Police
Miracle Run
Good Girls Don’t… (season 1, episode 4)
My Neighbors the Yamadas
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake (season 1 episodes 2,3,5,7,10)
Vintage (available on all music streaming platforms)
Ballerina (available on all music streaming platforms)
Mad Love (available on all music streaming platforms)
Midnight Promises (available on all music streaming platforms)
Jadah Marie- Flynn Taylor (@thejadahmarie on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
Family Reunion (season 4, episodes 4-5)
Home Invasion (season 1, episodes 1-6)
Sarah Jeffery and Jadah Marie: Audrey’s Christmas Rewind
Descendants 3
Descendants 3: Good to Be Bad (music video)
Ready Player One
Mann and Wife
Blue Bloods (season 7, episode 8)
No Safe Place (preproduction)
Sacha Carlson- Nick (@sacha_carlson on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
9-1-1 l: Lone Star (season 3, episode 14)
American Housewife (season 3, episodes 6-7)
A Christmas Story Live!
Sacha Carlson & The Light (check out his band!)
Savannah Lee May- Carrie Wilson (@savannahleemay on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
A Cowgirl’s Song
The Secret Lives of Cheerleaders
Knight Squad
Cousins for Life (season 1, episode 12)
Bizaardvark (season 2, episode 20)
School of Rock (season 3, episode 6)
Keep Moving (postproduction)
Booboo Stewart- Willie (@booboostewart.art on Instagram)
(look, i adore booboo. i do. but this man has 113 acting credits on IMDB, and there is no way that i am typing all of them out and including exactly what episodes of shows he’s in. love you all, but i do actually have a life outside of stanning the jatp cast, so im just linking his imdb page here. happy searching babes!)
Carlos Ponce- Ray Molina (@poncecarlos1 on Instagram)
(Carlos has 52 acting credits, and many are in Spanish, a language that i do not speak. check out his IMDb page here.)
Sonny Bustamante- Carlos Molina
Julie and the Phantoms
7th & Union
Law & Order True Crime (season 1, episodes 3-5)
New Shoes
Heaven’s Flume
Cheyenne Jackson- Caleb Covington (@MrCheyenneJackson on Instagram)
(Cheyenne has 66 acting credits. I'm not typing all that out, because I doubt that you want to read all of that. Check him out here!)
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felmonth · 8 months
*eating a bag of chips*
Oh! Welcome to my blog, neighbor!
My name is Felmonth but call me Fel, I'm an artist or so I think, I'm from Chile, I don't write or speak English well but I'm learning, so if I make a mistake when writing something in English, correct me so I can learn much better. I dedicate myself to making small comics but just because they are small doesn't mean that they don't take time, it takes me forever to finish the drawings so give me patience with all the content that I have to bring here, it doesn't usually take more than a month, normally it's two weeks difference.
Anonymous Questions!
(It takes me a long time to answer since I usually draw to answer, give me patience with that too)
What I do?
-I draw "Welcome Home" mostly and some other alternative universe of this project.
-I draw small comics of my character interacting with fandom characters (the only fandom I'm in is Welcome Home)
-I draw whatever, mainly my characters (OCs) in such a situation with other characters but never +18 since it makes me uncomfortable (maybe some off-color comments but it doesn't go any further).
-I draw headcanons/scenarios through comics.
-I don't usually draw romantic things but above all it's always romance between boys (so if you don't like it you can leave with a cup of tea and cookies from me)
-If I draw horror I do it as soft as possible.
Social networks:
My Instagram / Tiktok
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About my art!
-It takes me forever to draw but I will do my best to bring content.
-Don't trace my drawings.
-I'm not good with my character designs but don't copy the designs I give them, I want to see your creativity not an exact copy.
-You can be inspired by my drawings but not make exact copies of those drawings.
-Yes, you can draw my Ocs with your oc (whether alone, ships, friends or neighbors)
-If you draw them in a romantic way, let them be of legal age since most of my characters are 24 or older.
-You can draw yourself with my character but don't think that by putting my character in a romantic situation, you and me, should be a couple…it's VERY uncomfortable…don't see it as automatically we should be a couple please.
-I clarify this because it has happened to me with some users who fought to the death in the chat for my character and me... and man… it's uncomfortable to see that so I ask you please… if you draw your character with mine. DON'T see it as a relationship between users….
-You can also draw reels or tiktoks, comics with my characters, I have no problem.
About me
-You can give me ideas to draw in the anonymous questions, no problem.
-Don't ask me if you can draw me something, just do it (But if you feel better asking, I have no problem answering).
-If I inspired you, give credits or a mention so I can see it.
-I will not tolerate homophobes looking at my drawings… we must respect everyone equally even if they are just drawings.
-Well… that's it, this blog will be edited over time to add more things. You can ask if you have questions about something.
About "Chats"
I didn't want to make this section about the chats but I am tired that there are people who get angry or sad either if I don't answer or I give them an answer that is not to their liking, I don't want to be a bad person but I want to clarify a few things:
-I can't be 100% chatting.
-I take a long time to respond to chats but that doesn't mean you have to insist with messages for me to respond quickly, if you're going to start with that, better not talk to me.
-Don't talk to me constantly:
-I mean by this, is that you talk to me all the time and every day of the week, do not do it...give me pauses and time to answer because I am not 100% on the phone, do not insist that I answer because it stresses me more not being able to answer, I try but I can't, I have other things to worry about and I'm not on the phone.... sorry.
-My response in chats: usually take days, weeks or even months, either by work, University, energy, mentally, etc..
-Delete messages: If you talk to me on any social network chat .... don't delete your messages...when they come to my phone by notification I read them but if I see that the message you sent me 35 min ago, I see it again 5 minutes later, it makes me feel very bad because you are not being patient with me when I am doing my best.
-Don't give me personal information about yourself and if you insist with chat messages of “why aren't you answering?”, I will not answer.
Byeeee UWU)/!!!!
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f3lix00 · 2 years
Lee Felix x afab!reader
Warnings: masturbation (f), semi-prev!felix
A/n: I promise I will start writing the other members as well but I suddenly got this idea. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
“Make sure to keep an eye on our Instagram today! There’s a surprise for you.” Felix said before he went off to practice with the boys.
And now you are laying there, in bed, waiting for him to come home and scrolling on Instagram.
“Strayki- oh there we go. Let’s see, JYP, Seungmin, Hyunjin- Oo Hyunjin’s new phone case looks great,” you mumble to yourself, scrolling through Stray kids’ Instagram.
“Holy shit.” You whisper as you see Felix’ new post:
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Your eyes are locked on his body. The way he shows his muscles off to the whole world, the way he is hot and he knows it. Your thoughts start running. Those hands, what they could do to you. Or, what they had done to you and will keep doing. The light making his toned abs stand out even more and how he knew you would get so flustered seeing this. You feel like the most lucky girl in the world. That is your boyfriend. No. He is your boyfriend.
Your hand traces down your bare stomach till you reach the rem of your shorts. You can’t help yourself, you might see Felix almost everyday and when it was too hot he would sleep without a shirt, but this? God.
You slide your hand in your underwear and let out a distant moan by how wet you already are. You tease your slit with your middle finger and rub your clit in circles with your thumb. You imagine Felix prepping you before slamming his cock into you making you scream. You switch to just drawing circles on your clit with your pointer finger as the knot in your stomach becomes tighter and tighter and just one last flick with your finger makes you reach your high.
You close your eyes for a moment trying to catch your breath. The door handle bops down and up and in walk your boyfriend, Lee Felix. You quickly turn off your phone and throw it down the mattress.
“Hey y/n love-! Oh. You’re masturbating?” Felix asks calmy.
“What? No.”
“Your legs are shaking, they always do that when you have an orgasm after masturbating.”
Felix throws his bag on the table and throws himself on the bed and grabs your phone. “What’re you masturbating to? Your normal to-go to porn?” He easily unlocks the phone and sees the picture on your phone. A smile appears on his face and you bury your face in your hands. He turns his head to look at you. “You couldn’t wait till I got home? You know I like to see you please yourself. How you wish your little hands were mine.”
“I- I can do it again, if I get my phone back.”
Felix smirks and hands you your phone. He gets up and sits in a chair facing the bed.
And there you found yourself once again. Fingering yourself and moaning out Felix’ name to a picture on Instagram. You hear a groan coming from Felix every time you moan a little louder than the last time. “Fuck Felix- I’m coming. Shit!” And so you do. You cum all over your fingers, and you hear Felix getting up from the chair he placed himself in before.
“You’re so beautiful y/n.”
“Even all fucked up?”
Felix puts his hands on your shaking legs. “Especially like this.” He laughs with a big smile. He crawls on top of you and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“Wanna make those dirty thoughts of yours come true?”
You laugh in response and give him a quick peck on the lips. “Pervert.”
“You’re the pervert! Admit you would’ve done it if I wasn’t your boyfriend?”
“You’re not just my boyfriend. You’re the love of my life-“
“That was not my question y/n.”
“Yeah I probably would. But you would du the same!”
“At least I’m not afraid to admit it.” Felix teases
“Oh really? What was the last of my pictures you ‘rubbed one out’ to?”
“Hmm. Probably that one at the beach. Your ass looked good in that picture.” He leans down to your neck leaving kisses down to your collarbone. “Now let your hands be mine.”
“You’re bad at pick up lines.”
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pliablehead · 1 year
I guess if I want to write a travelogue/write up post about my 4-stop journey following the first chunk of Everything Everything's 2023 US tour then I have to just... do it!! If this is of interest to anyone other than me then GREAT and if not then it's still special to me to try to write down and remember everything I can uwu
FIRST STOP WASHINGTO-- wait, no, actually, first stop, on my way out of town, the local donut shop in my neighborhood, a place that I absolutely adore and patronize all the time with staff who mostly know me by now/some of whom are my instagram friends/etc. i'd checked with the Pittsburgh venue ahead of time to see if it was okay to send in outside food as a gift to the band even though they have a cafe/bar in their own right, and whoever I corresponded with said it would be totally fine, so I talked to the donut shop manager and set up a delivery of a dozen for the lads for Saturday before their show here. advance paid for that, as well as getting my own breakfast and coffee hehe, and then hit the road. OKAY FOR REAL FIRST STOP WASHINGTON DC!!! This was the second-longest leg of my Car Driving and it was definitely a wee bit exhausting but I had a podcast or two and a ton of E E on shuffle to bolster me through and I made it to my mom's friends' house, where I was staying, with relative ease. The venue was within a not-too-unreasonable walking distance too so after a change of clothes (I had very distinct and deliberate Show Outfits for each night that were fully separate from my travelin' clothes) and a bunch of fussing with the bracelets™ I headed over!! stopped for empanadas and a smoothie on the way and then queued up!!
aaaaahh this was such a nice fun queue. I was maybe about a dozen-ish people back from the front, down about half a block, and once I finished scarfing down my food this was my first real experience with doling out the bracelets. so fun! I'm glad it was basically an instant hit! AND I even got a few trades in this queue--one person gave me a Man Alive / Tin / E E bracelet with teeny tiny beads, super fun, and one person with a SHITTON of kandi stuff gave me one that had the name of a flower genus on it?? i think they said it was?? I love the colors on this one! And one person traded me a Blow Pop. lmao. I should eat that before it sits in my fanny pack for too long. I also really enjoyed chatting with the two guys right in front of me (Nick and Alex?), who were from south-central PA and had a couple other fandom touchstones in common with me (mcelroys/dnd/BDG! I love this Venn diagram!!) as well as a big love for E E. We didn't really see much of each other beyond the point of getting inside but I liked y'all a lot!! Hope you had as great a time as I did!!
Black Cat is where I saw E E the first time I EVER SAW THEM, which was almost exactly six years ago from this gig, which is insaaaane. The space is kind of narrow so there's not a huge amount of stage barrier space right at the front, so Becky and I ended up pretty much at the front but almost aa-all the way stage left/Jeremy-side. coulda been worse hehehe. We kind of loitered and chatted with nearby folks, I think maybe becky checked out merch ahead of the show ? but I kind of just held down the fort, enjoying setup stuff, pete running around etc hehe. getting BLASTED by the AC, which was nice.
the ummmm the opener! our first experience with Pierre! I gotta say his general style is not for me, despite the fact that I do think he's very talented and good at the thing he's doing. this first night especially he was SO sweaty and I felt bad for him lmao, you could like see it dripping off him. i am so curious as to why/how he got paired with the boys for this tour, like, what aligned in such a way that this match was made, because my general vibe on the crowd/his audience/etc was that we the fans of the nerdy white english mathy rocker guys were not exactly his demo LOL. BUT i will say in DC I do think he had one little pocket of strong-contingency fans because I kept hearing big whoops and cheers coming from one specific audience spot and I loved that for him lmao. for some reason i cannot explain I actually almost found his backing/support musician guy (the guy who was basically his version of peter) more compelling. I wanna know THAT dude's story lol.
so when he finished up we had a little interlude aaaannndd the setlist appeared... hehe. I could def have peered up to look at it from where I was, but I was telling myself I wanted to be surprised, and was deliberately looking away........ until suddenly everyone around me was gasping and going HOLY SHIT and I was like, ugghhh okay, I will check JUST enough to figure out what that's all about, and what that was all about was immediately apparent because smack in the middle of the set were a Man Alive track (which we never get in the states bar MY KZ) and something that just said "New Song." AND LIKE, OKAY, THAT'S A JUSTIFIED HOLY SHIT. new song????? so now we had THAT to contend with coming up, and aaaaaaah. ahh. yeah holy shit indeed.
it's also while we're standing there that AG pops into view, (or maybe I first spotted him during Pierre's set? Chronology is irrelevant), back off behind Becky from me in the other direction, and we waved over at him to say hi and he says to us, "All four of them are bleached blond." And my gut instinct was to be like, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU, but also the truth in my heart was that there was absolutely no justification for not believing them, because of course they would, and sure enough these bozos roll out onto the stage and they are all four draco malfoy-ass bleach blond. God it looks a mess on Jeremy LOL and while the color/dye job wasn't bad on Alex, it was clear his finer hair wasn't holding up as well against the chemicals because it was just a fluffy riot mess. BUT GOD IT WAS REALLY SO INCREDIBLY STRIKING OF A VISUAL for them to be all be wearing all pure white/beige clothes and then to have this bleach-white hair and all of it catching and glowing under the stage lights... god... clearly the effect they were going for and it WORKED, IT REALLY DID. I think it looks so damn goofy (mostly on jez) out of context but it's ABSOLUTELY nailing the Everything Everything Gig Costumes energy/uniform thing that I felt like they'd drifted away from a little the past couple tour cycles, I'm so incredibly here for it
The set!!!! The gig!!!!!!! it wasn't a wildly different set from what we'd seen in CA last year, obviously RDF-heavy supplemented with a heaping helping of singles from the other albums too, but I remember thinking Leviathan and Pizza Boy were especially excellent aaaah. And Schoolin'! And the NEW SONG! The two pieces of it I IMMEDIATELY absorbed and retained were 'the image of a little yellow face to tell you that I'm sorry' and 'I love you like an atom bomb,' and I was spouting those two pieces back to anyone who wanted to talk to me about it for the rest of the night. I'm so lyrics-pilled/vocalist-biased. Which was.... Unfortunate, for this DC gig, because I do think the audio mix was pretty rough - at least from where we were standing so close to the front, I wonder if it was at least a tiny bit better further back into the crowd in the area the sound system was probably primarily calibrated for - and we were REALLY losing Jon in the mix, especially underneath how enthusiastically the crowd was singing along a lot of the time. We were on Jeremy's side of the stage and we were really just getting a LOT of Jeremy. (Which, the bass did sound absolutely fantastic, so hard to complain about that, at least, but still.) I was very thankful to be going to a few more gigs beyond this one so that this wasn't my only experience with it, especially New Song!!! Plus there were a bunch of other little tech difficulties too? Near the beginning of the new song, Jon's guitar strap came detached and wouldn't reconnect, and after struggling a bit with that he decided to just drift back and pass it off the stage to their tech guy--but he was still kind of singing/holding the mic, so as he moved on stage, the mic cable yanked the microphone stand straight over, too. Then the rest of the night that stand was pretty precarious and nearly fell two other times, only caught at the last minute by a true homie who was standing directly in front of it in the audience lmao. I think Becky yelled HIRE HIM! at one point. Annnnd also for like a whole verse of NOTLK jez's bass boards just kind of Gave Up. He tried switching to his other instrument but that wasn't working either, and then finally it all sort of came back online, so he played a little stretch with the wrong bass and then was able to switch back to the right bass when there was a lull in his part. SHAMBLES. lmfao. god it was a great gig though. SO FUCKING GOOD TO BE BACK I LOVE BAND UWAAAAAHH I WAS SO SWEATY AND HAPPY
afterrrr da gig, we needed very badly to drink water and so we managed to do that I believe, and we kind of loitered in the Merch Line Situation trying to figure out what was going on. I had kind of resolved not to buy merch until at least NY, part because I really didn't want to be lugging anything around with me for too much of my trip (esp on this night where I walked) and part because I'd read a post that Irving Plaza was among the venues who'd committed to not taking a cut of band merch sales and letting them keep it all, and I was like, well obvi that's where I want to spend my money. Plus it was cash only in DC and since I'd kind of told myself NY I didn't even have cash out, so it was nothing. BUT!!! homie Adrian whomst I had met at the DC Foals show last December had been there, a few people ahead of me in the queue and also rocking out yaayyy, and he was trying to get merch but the ATM inside the venue literally did not have any more cash left inside it to dispense because everyone was taking out so much of it to buy merch AAAH. so he reached out to me like 'you're going to more shows than just this one right?' and asked if I'd pick him up the stuff he wanted later and then mail it to him so he didn't have to contend with international shipping and I was like aaaah absolutely! yay gig comradeship!
so I think becky finally committed to getting in the merch line and I was mostly just waiting With Becky and there weren't a ton of people left because the venue was trying to clear out, but the handful of us who were still there, a wild Alex Robertshaw appeared up near the stage/bar. we vibed out whether he was receptive to Fan Bothering at this time but it seemed legit, so a bunch of us went over and socialized with him and took some pics, got some signatures, etc, woooo. We tried to vibe out from him also if the other guys were gonna be coming out, and when and where, but y'all know Alex is the awkwardest member of this band by a country mile and we didn't really have too coherent of a discourse at this point in time lmao. Not sure who talked to him about what at this point as I was just trying to hold down the fort and be Normal. I was able to give Alex the bracelet I'd made for him at this point (he was so cute studying on it and reading it ahaha - "rave-- kevin-- kevins rave KEVIN'S RAVE" and he smiled and I felt cool), and also meanwhile Pete was still running around stage doing roadietech type stuff and I sort of politely flagged him down like "do what you need to do if you need to do it but also: Hi lol" and I got to give him his bracelet as well! yay ♥. He complimented my shirt--I'd been getting a lot of compliments on it honestly, it's their Yellow Bird Project shirt that Jon designed some time ago, only I replaced the plain white sleeves of the original unisex tee with some sort of vermilion "girly fit" sleeves that are more comfy to me and kind of give the shirt a different look haha--and I sort of joked on that, said as much, oh, I swapped the sleeves out, "It's to cover up how sweaty I get." and Pete gave me a deadpan look and went "You don't even want to go there with me" and I was like "YEP I FEEL MUCH THE SAME" and I think we both enjoyed a moment of feeling very Seen about the sweatiness hehehehehe. I love Pete he is my heckin Friend With no additional merch purchases (merchases) (hm, no) the venue was finally for realsies ejecting us so we drifted back out into the streets and just like... okay... now what........ this was the point at which I think our Band Groupie-ing Crew became me, Becky, Danielle in the fox ears/tail, and a lanky youth named S.P. whom I'd talked to in line earlier while doling out bracelets (he had the good E E baseball cap; he asked for an Arc bracelet and I commended him for being an Arc fan, since I feel like they are a dwindling/rarer breed, and then I offered up my hot take that Violent Sun is just the second coming and second pass at Duet, which he thought was spicy, and then he asked for my most controversial E E take and I told him that I don't really like Tin very much and he told me he doesn't really like Shark Week very much and we agreed to disagree and have a good night LOL) (anyway I digress !). It was a warm enough night and none of us really had places to be so we didn't mind just loitering and trying to suss out some more Guys other than just Alex and Pete, but slowly but surely we became basically the only fans left sticking it out. so we stuck together! We split up to try to find if there was a rear stage door at the back and SP and I went one way (the long way RIP) and Becky and Danielle went the other way and it turns out the way that SP and I went was an alleyway just FULL of rats. Too many rats in DC!! People like to talk about rats in NYC but I saw WAY more in Washington just vibing out on the sidewalks and eating trash. I'm not anti-rat, they live there and deserve to live, but oh man it was just. I did not especially want a rat encounter LOL. The rat alley DID actually lead us to where the bus was though!!, but there was also a venue security guy there who was immediately like "Nope, back up, leave, bye" and we were like. understood have a nice day, and doubled around a different way to meet back up with the other two. wwwwelp.
We loitered a bunch more and eventually saw Alex and his homies like, AT LEAST two more times, but we ultimately never saw anyone else. They p much confirmed for us that because this was the first night of the tour, they had a really intense load-out, and everyone was jetlagged to all fuck, that they probably wouldn't ever make it out, even though at least once Alex had said something ambiguous/optimistic enough to imply that they might yet, but really it just got SO late that we couldn't justify still being there for nothing instead of being like. asleep. lol. SP and Danielle got rideshares, Becky and I walked back as far as her hotel together, and then I hiked the rest of my way back too and went the fuck to SLEEP!!! FIRST GIG IN THE BOOKS!! WHAT A LOVELY NIGHT GOD IT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL TO BE SEEING THEM AGAIN ngl I think the blond is really attractive on Mike with his darker brows/beard and I'm always a sl*t for jonathan so like. beautiful. finally some delicious fucking food
it was super nice of my mom's friend to let me stay with him!!! I was so delighted to see his cats again, I remembered them from the last time I was there like six or so years ago, they're sooooo floofy and beautiful aahh. he also provided me with a white noise fan without me even asking which was SO choice. zzzzz. My plan was to get up in the morning, get coffee someplace nearby at wherever he recommended, and then hit the road forrrr... Philadelphia!!! Night two!!!! I got some breakfast tacos at a hella legit place, messed up my coffee/milk/sugar ratio ever so slightly but not in an undrinkable way, and then frickin. autobot rolled out. This drive was not bad at ALL, I timed it pretty much exactly like I planned it to, which was to: get to my friend's place where I was crashing in philly with, ideally, enough time to take a small nap before I had to do anything else, because, god, despite being pretty exhausted and sleeping okay on the nice guest bed in DC, I had BARELY slept the night before I left just from Travel Antsiness and from both staying up way later and waking up way earlier than I meant to unintentionally, and a second little recharge zzz before I went and did it all over again really hit the spot.
It was soooo nice to see Mads again and to see Mr. Angus and also meet BENNY!! More host cats!! They are suuuch silly good little lads, Mads and I had a ton of Kitty Chat and just vibing out and talking about concerts and fandom and stuff, I was so thankful she let me stay with her and getting to hang out was icing on the cake of this trip! She pointed me toward the trolley I'd need to take to get to the venue, and after my baby snzzz and drinking a ton of water and suiting up in my Arc-inspired look (literally just a sweatshirt dress I bought specifically because it was color-blocked very very much like the jackets/outfits they toured Arc in, I saw it and bought it immediately lmfao) I journeyed into the city, hoping to just find a place to eat in the vicinity of the gig! I was way closer up in the queue this time, the people in front of me were really just like.... the usual suspects, Annika+squad and David+squad (incl. Becky, who'd apparently already been there when I got there but wasn't there when I arrived), and also a super-nice woman immediately in front of me named Robin who I MEGA hit it off with!!! Hanging out with her was such an awesome part of my experience at this gig!!! she's COMPLETELY Offline which is so powerful for her but I hope there's some capacity in which we can continue to be friends because she ruled.
There was a Dominican(? I think) place like one block down from the venue where a couple in front of me had gotten some stuff and so I ran down there to snag food too and holy shit this man gave me so much goddamn food. Just a HUGE pile of rice and beans and some pork ribs, and I got a pineapple fanta, and I just popped a squat on the sidewalk and ate as much of it as I could which was probably not even half of what he gave me but it wasn't even that expensive so god bless. Once I wasn't dealing with my food sitch any more I was freed up to pass out a bunch of bracelets again, and I even got a couple more trades, one that was just a bunch of black beads and a bunch of Xs and one that says 'BUSSY' which I am elated about, thank you so fucking much lmao. Also someone offered to trade me an ibuprofen LOL and I was like no that's fine the bracelet can be free... for now, but I will keep that in mind if I change my mind later LOL aaahhh i was just so excited to give the bracelets out it was such a good vector for socializing and making Friends and Gig Buddies. I did learn p quickly at Philly that I should have made way more Man Alive, GTH, and Raw Data feel bracelets because those were basically the first to go every night and then I got stuck with just sad unloved Re-Animators and AFDs :( I was trying to like! do equal amounts of everything to give everything the love because I love them all! but people got favorites out there damn lmao. I was happy to be able to give Robin the MY KZ one because she said that's the first song she ever heard by them and it's special to her because of that (and then also it's been in the touring set and she got to hear them perform it too yay!!! I don't remember if she said she'd seen them before but it had just been a very very long time, or what, idk, aaaah).
We were R I G H T on the stage at this venue, slightly more to Alex's side this time, and the lip/rise of the stage was not very high at ALL and it felt almost like... intimidating, or like it shouldn't have been ALLOWED, for us to be that close to the stage. :flushed emoji: jeez lmao. I didn't fuck w merch here either but some people around me did I think and I held their spots, and a nice kid from right behind me in the queue brought me a Liquid Death which was so incredibly sweet. Pierre's set passed much as it had in DC, lmao; his other musician guy had a sweet fit on, though, this like two-piece set that was a really really dark/muted camo, a blazer over a black top and then matching like athleisure-fit pants and black boots, it was a fuckin look. They had a song at the very end of Pierre's Philly set that I don't think they'd done in DC (and that I didn't get in PGH either, it turned out), and ironically that was actually probably far and away the song of his I enjoyed the most, so I got kind of into it there at the end! but MAN was I ready to see the boys instead. hnnnn.
LADS SO CLOSE TO ME. JUST RIGHT THERE AND SINGING AND ROCKING. the set was aaaalmost exactly the same as DC, but in Philly they shifted Bad Friday up out of the encore and back into the set proper, and then replaced it in the encore with Violent Sun, which I admit I'd been bummed to not see in DC because I think the Violent Sun/No Reptiles encore double whammy is so incredibly crucial to the vibe. Warmed me to have it back in. Obviously Pittsburgh had so many other contributing factors that put it over the edge, but if it weren't for all of those, I think Philly would've been my favorite/best experience of these four gigs. Jon was spicy (he sang so many of the Original Rejected naughty lyrics, this is where we got 'he's a vegetable now' for the first and only time and also the only gig of the four where he leaned into the 'Arch Jeremy' gag in Arch Enemy, hehehehe, plus also motherfuckin' distant past which is not uncommon), and we got way more of the New Song-- through the whisper network of Becky, AG, David, etc., etc., we'd pieced together enough info to know by now that apparently the title of the song was in the lyrics of the chorus, and so I think it was in Philly that we all pretty much determined/decided that this was Cold Reactor. I love you like an atom bomb and I've become a cold reactor. I wasn't diving as DEEP into SONG DECIPHERING as some other folks were, but I did like kind of working on it at my own pace and absorbing it into my heart and my understanding of the band and what they're about to start doing, and so this was really great, for me, here, beautiful, beautiful. I took almost NO pics and vids at this one because my phone was kind of dying but also mostly just because I was honestly having such an enormously great time and I didn't feel the need to try to do anything other than be present in my body at the gig and experience it live. you KNOW?? LIKE!! MUSIC. man. EDIT TO ADD: I forgot to mention a small tech flub that was actually so charming, where near the very end of Arch Enemy jon seemed to be having trouble with his guitar board in the front, and he spent so long in the outro squinting down at it and trying to resolve the issue that he didn't fully come in on the It's time to show your face! bit at the proper time, and he ended up just saying "It's time to show your face." right into the mic very unaffected and straight-up in his regular speaking voice at the very, very end when the song was basically over. lol. he is cute. everyone is cute.
(I WILL ALSO SAY I got the giggles SO BAD at david and amanda's gudetama they slipped onto the stage, oh my god--I was going to take a joke video just dramatically zooming in on it, as one does, except right when I went to do that it got caught up in jon's mic cable and just TUMBLED AND JOSTLED ALL OVER THE PLACE and that fucking GOT me and I was DYING and it was right at like. the serious, heartstring-tugging, fuck-yeah parts of No Reptiles where I'm supposed to be at CHURCH and instead I'm losing my shit into hysterics over this poor gudetama just rolling everywhere alksdhjglaksd, I had to bury my face in Becky's shoulder for a measure or more and try to recover, oh my godddd. EGGS!) -- (OH ALSO I LMAO I HAVE SEVERAL AUDIENCE MEMBER ~BITS THAT I AM DOING just like, clapping here or there, participating actively in certain parts of things, and one that I kept doing for some asshole clown reason was singing along with/lampshading Alex's quick backing vox on the second verse of Spring Sun Winter Dread-- Philly was probably the place where I was the most prominent/obvious/easy to see doing it, and it made both him and Jeremy REALLY snicker, ahahaha I'm sorryyyyyyy for being obnoxioussssss)
The merch/loitering sitch was sli-iiightly more locked down, in here; there was only so long Marty and I could pretend to be thinking about merch/hanging out with people who were actually in line but not actually being in line before they really truly wanted us to leave, and they were pretty pissed that I even left the venue with an empty/ice-only water cup, never mind any dreams of re-entry. The militant energy of the security at this venue compared to how relatively chill and normal DC had been (for two venues I would say of comparable size/seriousness) was def my least favorite part of the Philly experience. I was outside, finishing my water and chitchatting with some artsy youths who were also unimpressed with security, and Becky's messaging me like "they're in here!" and I'm like "well I'm not and I can't come back so you gotta tell them to come out here!" lmao. But they did!!! All the guys came out before too long and I very delightfully got to talk to everyone. I gave Mike and Jeremy the bracelets I'd made for them - THEY both apologized to ME outright for not coming out to chat the night before?? like hello you’re the band we’re the fans you don’t owe us anything - they kind of came toward my side of the door first, and talked and chatted some, vs Jon sort of peeling the other way to the other half of the loiterers - I honestly have lost track of the sequence of events here and what happened when, but it was largely unimportant hehe. (Gosh, but then I keep randomly remembering other unrelated details. Like, for example, Black Cat gave me their big ol' signature black cat hand stamp, and I'd been thinking, oh this will be fun to watch my four hand stamps stack from these four gigs, the way I got two together from The Altogether/Matt Duncan double feature back in July, and then Underground Arts put theirs on the INSIDE OF MY WRIST and not the back of my hand, and both Irving and T-Bird just did wristbands. BUMMER.) But mostly just Seeing Band, Talking To Band. This was when I overheard Alex definitely confirm to someone that the new song is called Cold Reactor, and he sort of half-seriously half-not said they just didn't call it that on the setlist in case there was another "New Song" they might want to decide to start playing there instead at the last minute, even though the longer this goes on the more confident we are that they're not going to do that and that Cold Reactor is gonna be a new single that probably drops once this tour is over <___< eyes emoji. Also, between Wednesday and Thursday we also knew that the bleach-blond hair is for Lore Reasons, which we assume are to do with Cold Reactor and the album it will be on, because of course it is. stupid. jonathan higgs I want to crawl inside your deranged pisces mind and meld with it vulcan style.
anyway, as far as my short term memory can be relied upon/will tell me is the truth, I think Jon was actually the last person I ended up in contact with on this night; I was drifting over toward him but someone else was still engaged in an active conversation with him, so I was like, well obviously I will wait my turn and let other people have jonathan time even though I'm the biggest jonathan girlie, I can just hang and go in when he frees up, and so I was turned slightly away from him listening in on other convos and talking to Becky and maybe Annika or a couple other people, and then suddenly there's a delicate hand on the back of my shoulder and Jon's right in my fucking ear ominously going "hello." askdjhgka. He was soooo cute and nice, I gave him the bracelet I made him as well (which was "I wanna be there" from Violent Sun and shades of re-animator orange) and he was immediately like Oh, of course you, are the bracelet distributor, and I was like hehehe yes, and he asked if I also had to do with the gudetama and I was like absolutely not I have no idea what is going on there lmfao. and I think amanda and david did take credit for it at that time of course so yes hehe. Ended up in a fun casual chitchat with Jon and Becky for most of the rest of the time here, with her trying to squeeze him for info about the new song and album and lore hehehe and him being his typical cryptic trolly cagey Jon, and it was all in incredibly good fun; he noticed her bracelet too, and she pointed it out like Yes I got the one that says This Is The Prophecy from big climb because it hearkens back to that bit they were doing on twitter from way before that song even came out so I gave her that one on purpose duh lol, and Jon says "Oooh yep I forgot about that. .. Album..." and mimed swiping his hair back like whoopsie lmao and it was such a silly little half-self-neg on Re-Animator lol, and so I said "WELP too bad! because the one I made from you is one of those too haha!" and he took another look at it as if to remind himself about it and then went "Well yeah that one's good" with a wryer wickeder laugh and I was like lmao tell us how you really feel. But like he's right violent sun is perfect and I actually labored so long over what I was going to have jon's say because he was the only person I didn't have a really solid concrete idea of what to make for and ALSO he was the only one I REALLY wanted to get PERFECT because it's important to me and yeah. so it was. reassuring for him to like the violent sun one. idk anyway.
The woman we'd seen running around doing a lot for them, including merch, who recognized us from DC the night before and was fun and glib about it, and who turns out to be: Tour Manager Sam, finally had enough of our fucking about and started very efficiently organizing us all into "everyone who wants a pic with themself + all four guys come get in Now and I'm gonna play photographer and then we all gotta go the fuck home" and I respected it SO much lmao, so we had sort of a rotating queue of group picture taking and then the guys all went back inside the venue (I kind of fingerguns'd Jon like "New York :D?" and he looked at me just SO Put Out and just deadpanned "Of course you're going to be there." of course!! lmfao) and we started talking amongst ourselves just out of reluctance to let the night end/social energy we still wanted to wallow in and that was cute and nice. I said goodbye to some folks who weren't going any further on the tour. I had such a wonderful night. Then, lo and behold, we turn around and Jeremy's up on the stoop of the venue, and he's like, I think I've locked myself out. I am locked out and I also don't have my phone on me. lmfao jez. he goes "I am going to blame jonathan" and we allowed him that. I was like, do you want me to TWEET AT SOMEONE LOL and he was like good god no they'll come back for me eventually, and then yes they did, and THEN we all left hahahaha. becky insisted on sticking with me part of the way to the trolley but I was like, it is coming in 14 minutes and it says it's gonna take me 12 minutes to get there I gotta GO!, and I freaking missed it anyway!!! and then I had to wait like OVER HALF AN HOUR MORE for the next one and i didn't even get ON the trolley till like 12:50 and it was soooo late before I was back at mads's place aiyaa. But, all in all, TRULY SUCH A GOOD NIGHT I JUST LOVE BEING IN AN ACTIVE BUZZY FANDOM SPACE AND MEETING FANS AND PARASOCIALING AND DANCING AND SINGING AND DOING ARTS N CRAFTS. you KNOW?? you know. you're on tumblr you get it.
The Philly to Jersey (pre-NYC) leg of my road tripping was set to be Thee shortest drive I had to make the whole time, so I let myself have time in the morning to keep snoozing and fucking about, even though I once again woke up way earlier than I'd hoped to and didn't ever make it back to sleep after that. But the tradeoff was still super nice and relaxing vibing with Madeline--I offered to buy her breakfast in exchange for the couch-crashin' and we got hella bagel sandwiches and cold brew from a place real close by her apartment, and scarfed 'em down while watching the most recent ep of Make Some Noise and just shooting the shit (again, largely about either fandom or kitty cats. We are simple folk). My sandwich contained salmon, a fried egg, and the most incredible sloppy caramelized onions, what a banger. The last truly good food I truly enjoyed before my mega super Travel Tummy set in and wrecked my whole shop metabolically speaking, rip. I took a little rinsy-rinse shower at her place too, and then finally made myself get up and Go to do the runaround silly business of driving to and parking in NJ, taking the ferry in to Manhattan, and then taking the subway to Allegra's place for NIGHT THREE IN NEW YORK CITY WOOOOO. I LOVE going to E E with Allegra!!!!! Once again I used her place primarily as a spot to change out of my car clothes and into my gig clothes (it's RDF night; I wore an oversized pale beige button-up shirt, actually left over from my Foals Antidotes costume from last halloween hahaha, gussied up with E E pins and jewelry) and to fuck about with bracelets. I made Allegra a special In Birdsong bracelet, the only one I did from that song :) because allegra is my special E E friend!! and she needs one of her special song!!! Fandom... is good. Allegra also had a kickass outfit. We stopped in at a tex-mex place she really wanted to try that was nearby the venue, and i got pretty nervous that it was gonna be a little late before doors for us to be hitting a sit-down dinner spot, but we rushed it along pretty well on the food and got our slice of dessert cake to go in a box and everything was A-OK. And I had time to hit a bodega for merch cash from the ATM and a pineapple soda for fortitude! let's GOOO irving plaza.
God, Irving was kind of a shitshow when it came to queuing and security though. There were a fair few people in line ahead of us, maybe just as many or slightly more than what I'd had in DC (definitely further back than Philly, although in line near us were the same also-eating-Dominican-food couple from the Philly gig, and I recognized them and was glad to see them again-- I FULLY DO NOT REMEMBER/DID NOT CATCH Y'ALL'S NAMES, AND I FEEL TERRIBLE BECAUSE WE HUNG OUT AND WORKED TOGETHER SO MUCH, i am so sorryyyyy), but then because it's not a sweet local friendly indie venue but is in fact Livenation As Hell, there's some person affiliated with the venue wandering up front offering some sort of VIP/fast pass line experience where you can just cough up some extra cash and get in your own special line and get to go in first regardless of how long other people have been queuing--you know the deal. Wack as hell. I think David and Amanda opted for this in some capacity, so I was happy for them about it, but a lot of the other people who ended up doing it had kind of rancid vibes of just like "concert-going" and not the very lovely communal sardine megafan energy everyone else had had thusfar. Also it put us where we were at in the queue standing in a place that just had a really terrible smell of sewage, which persisted almost the entire time we were there only to suddenly be replaced by a very powerful smell of bleach, as if whatever it was was suddenly being cleaned/sanitized. ICKY!! Annika was enough further ahead of us in line that I thought it might have only been over where we were but she said no she was definitely getting it too. new york city babey
Bracelet distribution got a little silly here, too, since the queue was wrapping SO far back and was being policed a little more stringently, but I had kind of figured I may need some kind of additional plan, especially since I'd decided not to wear my fanny pack (bum bag--fanny pack, says Jonathan Higgs in a derisive American accent, even as he's telling me he likes mine a lot, skdjshgalkj smh) since my shorts under my shirt had really capacious pockets and that just made for one less thing to worry about--I snagged a sheet of paper at Allegra's place, along with a gallon-size ziploc bag, and I put all the bracelets in there with a note that said to just take one if you wanted one and pass it back through the queue while we waited. It was kind of a crapshoot how effective I thought this was going to be, especially since I had to kind of wait to deploy it once there was a substantial queue BUT by the time there was a big queue it meant that I couldn't see exactly HOW big from where I was near-ish enough to the front, so I didn't know how far the bag was going to make it, if someone was going to end up stuck with my whole big bag at the back of the line (esp since I had a fair number of extra Philly bracelets left over that I lumped in with the NYC ones just because I still Had them).... whew...! BUT by the time Marty was there, he was further enough back from me that I asked him to kind of check up on it when it made it to him and keep passing it; and, by the time we were going inside, I could see zero sign of the bag itself but I DID catch a lot of people milling around me wearing bracelets, and one or two of them did stop me to thank me (since I'd indicated on my note in the bag that I was the person with green hair hahaha), and then I never saw 'em again, so I guess it was a relative success!! Yayyyyy!! WAY less conducive to making New Line Friends than the DC/Philly setup had been, but incredibly effective at making sure that all my bracelets found new homes rather than me having to take a huge handful home with me again and them just sitting in my house forever LOL. success! :)
tl;dr about the bracelets. not important compared to concert and band. WE GO INSIDE!! They have such dumb security/bag check. a gender-split process where the men get patted down by a dude guard and the women get patted down by a lady guard? In TYOOL 2023? you hate to see it. She felt the Sharpie in my back pocket and made me take it out and surrender it???? MY METALLIC BRONZE SHARPIE ? ? no sharpies in the venue I guess. Talked to at least one other person who got sharpie-confiscated too, but also at least two people who fully didn't and still had markers just fine. Absolute shenanigans. Allegra and I didn't quite get barrier due in part to fastpass line nonsense but we did end up right exactly behind Annika &co. with perfect sightlines, once again stage-left/Jeremy-ward-of-center. we don't hate it! my Philly pals to my left with David, Becky et al in front of them. Me fully surrounded by redheads. LOL.
this was the laaaatest show of my whole run, a whole lot of standing around just waiting for Band, and also definitely the energy of "trying to politely vibe to pierre kwenders's set because he can clearly see me and look straight at me even though I would much rather just skip to the bit I actually came for and don't necessarily need to see his set" just slowly increasing every night RIP lol. BUT WE MADE IT! ohhhh new york. EXACT same set as Philly but I couldn't even be mad about it because I was still so grateful to get a Man Alive song that wasn't just MY KZ (not that I don't love my kz obviously, but it HAS been in the set literally all eight times that I have seen E E live as of this Irving Plaza gig, and something else from that album is fun fresh delicious) (OH, SWEET THREEP OF FRIDAY EVENING, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW) and to be getting COLD REACTOR again, especially becaussseee by this point I knew just enough of the lyrics that I felt confident singing/mouthing along conspicuously with the parts that I Did know, aka I See You Sir I'm Doing The Thing Just Watch Me, god I wish I knew how to be not so fucking extra but then again no I don't. we did get saddled with some Rather Annoying audience members in our near vicinity--a couple I'd spotted in the fastpass line earlier wedged themselves hard between me and my tall redhead/mask-wearing homie from Philly, all like "ummm we're short :)" because they. were, but that didn't give them a right to be pushy and rude, and their vibes were kind of shit because the sense I got was they were mostly there because the girl really loved the band and the dude didn't know much about them at all, and also they were already drunk so early on in the set, and they were talking loudly with some other fans they'd just met and getting Lore™ explained to them and it was just a lot of. loud talking and shoving. in my vicinity. when I would have preferred for there to. not be. BUT Also materializing behind me was someone who said "I saw your bracelets on twitter do you still have any!!" and I had to be like UHHHH FUCK, NO, I turned them loose into the queue, did they not make it as far as you..?? and she sadly said no, and I was like, well the only one I have left is this one I just left on for tradesies/advertising purposes, and it says "akon in the butterfly house" so that's kind of a deep cut, if you're familiar-- and she went WAIT REALLY and seemed SUPER jazzed to get a Dave Sardine-ass bracelet and I was like OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT, GOOD, ACTUALLY, because I'd made four of these and I knew they were going to be the deepest cut/hardest sell and I was really really hoping that whoever ended up with them would actually get and appreciate them. so thank you, andrea, for being that person, and for appearing exactly when the bracelet needed it most. so glad to have hung with you this night. sorry that you too found yourself among the ranks of the sharpie-confiscatees.
ANYWAY, OTHER THAN THAT, THIS AUDIENCE WAS FIRE AND THIS GIG SLAPPED. We were finally in a space and an environment that REALLY lent itself to the crowd actually full on bouncing/dancing instead of just kind of wobbling and vibing and everyone in my immediate zone was really going hard. I LOVE this fucking BAND. I love every song by this band. I love when Jon just points the mic at the crowd and the entire crowd sings the whole song word for word and note for note. I love that Jon was still desperately trying to cram the name of the host city into the start of My Kz, despite the fact that "Washington" subs for "Lucifer" perfectly (he has done this both times I've seen them in DC lol) but "Philadelphia" is WAY too stupid long and "New York City," while a syllable shorter, scans metrically in an extremely busted way and you could have just said EN WHY CEE or. y'know. lucifer. but okay man you do you. Jon was just as rowdy as the rest of us lmfao. he was like, climbing up and down off Mike's riser, he was finding people who were taking photos/videos and staring directly into their cameras (me fucking included--I'm sorry, Jon, you can't make eye contact with me while singing the "When I saw you, I fell in love" part of Leviathan, I am pretty sure that is illegal and a crime against my humanity), and basically all the tracks from Get To Heaven (plus like, Cough Cough and NOTLK) blew the fucking roof off the place. I think he donked some My Kz lyrics hehehe he just skipped to the alt lyrics of the chorus too early without completing the standard chorus first at the end, and a little flubbo in NOTLK and a tiny stutter in No Reptiles too, everyone was just TOO ROWDY and he's THROWN LOOPY and man did we not care. I said multiple times to people on this tour that pretty much the closest things I've ever experienced to true Religion are a) being in an E E audience for No Reptiles and b) being in a Hedwig audience for Midnight Radio. they're the same spiritually in my heart and also like do people who love Jesus feel this way and is this why. insane. the cult leader imagery was Not Wrong!!!!!
I wanna MERCH! I got in the line not too long after the show wrapped, but true to reports I'd heard about the pre-show merch line, it was moving verrryy slowly, with just one guy manning it who was not exactly quick and a card reader that seemed pretty chuggy too (but hey, at least NY was taking card). I'd known I wanted the poster--it's got my favorite neon orange on it, it really really slaps, and I wanted something to get signed--but I let myself talk myself into a t-shirt too, mostly because I was REALLY excited to buy E E merch apparel that wasn't black or white. Yellow!! a really freaking good yellow!! I wish the yellow ones had actually had the tour dates on them like the black and white ones did but the yellow branding has been pretty exclusive to this leg of tour (i.e. vs the red branding of the west coast one last year) and it looks soooo good with my hair that I don't especially mind. I also knew that Adrian wanted a copy of Caps Lock On, but that he also wanted a shirt, but I hadn't heard back from him about which shirt or what size so I just got the book and my stuff and then bounced. Communique from outside was that Alex had surfaced but no one else, but that Alex had promised appearances by the rest of them, but that also Alex was already gone and unlikely to return by the time I made it outside. I posted up with all my friends from inside, god this was SUCH a good sardine squad this night, and it took some waiting but eventually the promises came true! All the other boys surfaced and we had some REALLY great fan chats and mingling this tiimmmmee. oh my gosh. A guy came with a Modern Bison CD that Jon and Jeremy were really truly overjoyed to see and to sign and take pictures with; I talked to Jeremy about the bracelets some more because he'd been wearing the one I gave him the WHOLE GIG IN NEW YORK SO LIKE THAT'S GONNA BE IN ANY PHOTOS THAT WERE TAKEN PROFESSIONALLY SPEAKING, oh my gosshhh, he was so nice about it and enjoyed that his Arch Jeremy matched my Arch Emily, the vibes were impeccable; and then I got everyone to sign my poster, but of course Alex was gone already, so Jon offers to forge Alex's signature and goes "look it's like this" and draws some loopy scribble on there and I'm like, lmao, sure.
thing was... I had absolutely heard Jeremy signing something for someone else the night before talking about how he was getting really good at forging Alex's signature for him, since I guess it's normal for him to be the one that disappears the sneakiest (god he really is just the Justin Craig of this band, it's 1:1, huh), and so when I told Jeremy this, he was like "I'll do it" and I was like "no Jon did already do it" and he was going to just leave it then, like, oh, well, okay, but then he saw the mess Jon had made and he was like "--that's quite dreadful actually-- the trick is to not overthink it--" and so now my poster has two forged Alex Robertshaw signatures and zero authentic ones. l m f a o. (To be fair, I do have other things they've all four signed, and Jeremy's fake Alex is at least passable, and Jon's fake Alex is Absolute Dogshit Nothing. I am obsessed.) I even got Peter to sign! He was talking with another fan about a gift she'd given them in the past that had sadly been part of what they lost in their studio fire, it was really heartbreaking to hear. He also thanked me again for his bracelet and told me he planned to give it to his daughter and that she would love it. We took a pic together! Pete the GOAT.
While I was making the rounds with the other boys and other fans, Allegra mostly in tow, swapping sharpies among those of us who still had them, Becky was back with Jon, taking a couple videos for people who weren't there in NY to talk about stuff that they were curious about--I think in the context of Maria, Becky said something like, she thinks the hair is crazy, and Jon said into the camera something like, "If you think it's crazy Now, give it like two or three more weeks, and you're really gonna think it's crazy." SIR WHAT. If the blond is a precursor to something else happening I'm gonna be so the opposite of normal about it, and if the bleach is a stepping stone toward the boys dyeing their hair Other colors I am going to be PROFOUNDLY NOT NORMAL ABOUT IT, AND IF ANY MEMBER OF THE MANCUNIAN ROCK BAND EVERYTHING EVERYTHING HAS THEIR HAIR DYED GREEN ANY TIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE I AM GOING TO BE ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY INSUFFERABLE. tyler the creator unfollow me right now etc. etc. etc. The more I've thought about it I don't THINK this is what's up--my sense is that any Cold Reactor music video is probably already filmed and ready to drop alongside the single pretty quick after the tour ends, rather than being something they're going to film/put together entirely post-tour, so they probably needed the bleachblond for some energy similar to how I felt about them when they first walked on stage in DC, but Oh man...... OH MAN............ I digress. anyway.
following up from that, Allegra (I think? Or maybe still Becky and allegra was just Present) addressed the notion of the hair being related to the Lore, and like, did that mean lore for the single/the upcoming album ? ? which was what we were assuming, and Jon said some demented and ominous and extremely exciting phrase like, "The lore for this one is.... b o t t o m l e s s" in his always-startling real deep Jon voice, and that was the fucking sound bite of the evening, folks. FOLKS. ALLEGRA AND I WENT ALL THE WAY BACK TO HER APARTMENT JUST CONTINUALLY SAYING "THE LORE IS BOTTOMLESS!" my body is so god damn ready.
We bid farewells to all our friends for whom NYC was their final stop on this tour!! SAD!!!!!! Going to miss all the homies T___T it's not fair that we're not just all going to every single stop on this tour I don't think? it should actually be illegal for us not to be present when the band is performing?? the hugest RIP. Hugs exchanged all around. Me trying to say bye to Jon but he's engaged with someone else so I think I just awkwardly said "See you tomorrow" twice and then we left. becky maaaybe trying to last minute scramble to also come to pgh now despite not really having accounted for it in her plans originally ? ? I was not certain what she intended here but I supported her. yes. me, annika and AG for sure being there at least. we ride. Back to allegra's where I did, unfortunately, sleep ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLY/BASICALLY NOT AT ALL due to being so hot and stuffy in my little nest on the floor that it was making me nauseated, I think I got maybe 2.5 hours tops, but I didn't really have a choice because if I wanted to be back home in time to do ANYTHING other than just rock straight over to the queue for Thunderbird then I knew I was going to have to leave so GOD DAMN early in the morning to haul ass back to where my car was and then drive the seven hours to pgh. But I did exactly that!!!! bitch!!!!! Other than some issues like, managing to make a timely pit stop for gas/potty/coffee, I endured the miserable long roadtrip despite myself, raging my way through the poconos, downing the largest cold brew Wawa would sell me, having a truly tragic car vs quesadilla incident, etc. My BFF Francis even got on the phone with me for the last hour or so and we chatted and I got to give them the whole update on the tour thus far, so fun! They MIGHT try to go to the Chicago stop next week!!! if they feel like they can swing it, and I was like ok no pressure but also it's been an extraordinary experience for me thusfar and I highly recommend. So if you see Francis at E E Chicago please holler at them kindly from me!!! :) But at the very least they said they did want a T-shirt and venmo'd me money to buy them one, since I was already still gonna have to get one for Adrian. woooooo
I got home with, yeah, basically exactly enough time to shower, get my outfit together, and regroup before heading to the venue !!! I JUST BARELY missed the bus that would've gotten me there the most promptly, largely due to not being able to find another fucking Sharpie since irving plaza took my first one lmfao, and it ended up being quicker to walk there than to wait the 36 minutes it would've been for another bus or whatever. I still had MEGA travel tummy so I just snagged an apple and scarfed it down on the walk over. Annika was already there queuing! so we hung out in line together and waited and drank the waters we had definitely brought in from outside the bar and just vibed lol. and she was like, I heard them checking two new songs that haven't been in the setlist yet, and I was like ha ha lol like what, and she said, kevin's car and leave the engine room.
and listen, I was optimistic. that my social media obnoxiousness and well-known, easily observable public desires might yet sway them, because come on it's my hometown and it's the last show i'm gonna see on this tour and I sent them donuts, and those were MEANT as a KINDNESS and an ENTHUSIASM FOR DONUTS and not as a bribe, but if anyone wanted to interpret them as a bribe anyway whomst was I to say no, but like. just because I want the band i like to do a thing absolutely does not mean that they have to fucking do it. I want to be crystal clear that i have never at any point EXPECTED them to do this. i just. hoped. yearned in my heart of hearts. and also had very sound rationale for how possible/likely it was. Here's How Engie Room Can Still Win. yfm. but the soundcheck all but confirmed it in my soul for me. and I was like... glad, that she'd been there and caught it and could tell me about it, because it gave me time to like, come to terms with the reality of it, emotionally. AAH. AAAAAHHH, OKAY. BITCH, PLIABLE HEAD, IT'S ALL HAPPENING.
we lingered and watched the queue form behind us-- I spotted a kid I'd seen at the Philly show, god bless. Everywhere we turn, repeat customers. I was telling my work friend today, I feel like the US fanbase for E E is significantly smaller than the UK audience, but we make up for it in that we go fucking hard. Every US fan is a superfan. there are no half-assed american sardines. and that has been so BEAUTIFUL and means the WORLD to me to be sharing it with the other ones of you. Bracelet sharing rocked at this gig!! I had exactly as many as I'd set aside for Pittsburgh and no more, since all my spares had evaporated up at Irving, A new person ALSO HAD BRACELETS!!! LIKE, for realsies Made For Trading At This Show Specifically bracelets, it was suuuuch a delight, so in addition to my eclectic collection from the previous gigs I now also have one that says RAW DATA FEEL with some truly choice glow in the dark bric-a-brac on there as well, and my heart was so warm aaaaaah. fwiendship :) Also spotted in the pre-doors queue were the Pizza Boy costumed guy and a woman I met at Foals in 2019?? who I guess automatically recognizes me because of the green hair, but just. omg. the community!!!! I'm dying!!!!!!
There was a slight will-call kerfuffle that nevertheless did not stop me from being dead center dead at the front right in front of where jonathan's mic was destined to be, and I was like. god. here we go. the home stretch. This was ABSOLUTELY the WORST place to be to be pretending to be interested in pierre's set, because he kept looking straight at me and dog I gotta admit four shows in I was feeling pretty tired. like, the energy of E E Itself was going to fully reinvigorate me, but nearly everything else on the planet was like totally disinteresting and I wasn't really up for it, especially when it's my semi-sex-repulsed ace-spectrum ass being just really put off by the suggestive gyrations of a performer that is not to my tastes. UM SORRY BYE HAHA. they didn't even play the one song I kind of liked. I managed to miss like two and a half songs of his set being still locked in the merch line at least lmao. literally WHILE I WAS STANDING IN THE MERCH LINE they sold out of the yellow shirt and I couldn't get me and francis matchies so I had to get them the black instead :( but thankfully they still had the one Adrian wanted because idk what I would have done if I had to scramble for a plan B with him on short notice haha. and I had EXACTLY enough cash for the two shirts left from the day before and I was paying Tour Manager Sam with it like oh my gosh I'm so sorry this is like my sweaty pocket cash from last night this is kinda gross and she was just like, No actually that's honestly exactly how I've been rolling as well and it is kind of gross so like agreed hahaha. She's the best. Idk how long she'll be tenured to them but I'd love to see her continue to exist in like their coterie moving forward. impeccable vibes.
also used merch waiting as a way to distribute more bracelets and get a drink of water! WOOHOO NOW I AM READY TO RECEIVE MY COMMUNION THANK YOU. they put the setlists down and there was a very small fraction of me that wanted to avert my eyes but like I. I had to know. and annika said yes there are new songs in the list. and I peered into the list and my song was there.
hey guys. hey guys? look, this was for me. I have to be honest with you. i manifested this. by being annoying on twitter. by being god's specialest costume-making donut-gifting bracelet-slinging weirdo. I'm owning it and it's mine. I was exactly EXACTLY right with "well, if they put Engine Room in they'll probably take Leviathan out, because they'd kind of fill the same role of slow moody song in the set, and then they'll probably swap in a different non-Man Alive song to compensate for Engine Room being there instead," and this is exactly what happened, and so then not only did I get Engine Room but I also got REGRET, WHICH IS ALSO AN EMILY THREEPWILLOW PLIABLE HEAD SONG, BECAUSE HERE THESE NERDLORD KINGSHIT BANDBOYS ARE IN MY GODDAMN BACK YARD, they're in my house and god it took me the whole fucking set up to then to just prepare, like I had to try not to think about it so I could enjoy what was right in front of me. God it was so fucking, fucking good. our position along the stage had Alex's stuff REALLY forward in the mix which was kind of new for me, but jon was just right there and every time I lifted my hands to dance and to yearn it was like, the only thing stopping me from touching you is my own sense of propriety and not any kind of physical barrier or distance, and the person immediately behind me was seeing the band for the first time and felt similarly about NOTLK as I did to Engine Room and those two songs were literally back to back in the set so we kind of screamed and cried and died together, I gave her a huge hug, and LOL SORRY NOT SORRY THAT I GOT MY KZ AND LEVIATHAN TAKEN OUT OF THE SETLIST FOR Y'ALL, PITTSBURGH, I DO FEEL KIND OF BAD BUT THIS WAS UMMM IMPORTANT TO ME, THANK YOU, goodbye. goodbye I left the planet. I thought I was going to cry and I nearly did but I didn't, but I did actually maybe start hyperventilating. like I'm glad I knew it was coming ahead of time because if it had been a full surprise I think whatever was happening to my lungs would have been exponentially worse and I may have even fainted.
(which, btw: jonathan. jon. when he came out on stage, he almost immediately got his mic cable caught on the edge of where his setlist was taped down, and in jerking it around, he whipped the setlist up off the floor and way upstage toward where Pete was; when he finally put it to rights and taped it back down, he just left it where it was at, far enough away from me that I definitely could not read it anymore; and like DID YOU DO THAT ON PURPOSE? TO MOVE IT OUT OF MY LINE OF SIGHT, TO MAYBE KEEP ME FROM READING IT? SURELY YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT I'D ALREADY SEEN IT LIKE 15 MINUTES AGO. NICE TRY BUT IT'S TOO LATE I SAW EVERYTHING. i love him. i'm in physical pain.)
knowing this was my final one, I went so, so, incredibly hard, I let myself dance and mosh and scream and take way more pics and videos than I had before, I leaned on the lip of the stage, I had an absolute fucking blast. When the set was over a few other people who were more strategically positioned (i.e. people who had not had their most easily accessible setlists unceremoniously yoinked several feet away) snatched up the closest ones way quick; there was a general tension in the crowd at being able to see jon's, but it being further away out of reach, and one ballsy-ass kid (the "Kevin" person who'd accompanied the pizza boy person) actually clambored up onto the stage and ninja'd over and took it for himself, which inspired two copycats to do the same for some discarded guitar picks (and all of which definitely provoked a very loud, unimpressed, authoritative barking of "HEY!!!" from some security somewhere, like, they definitely shouldn't have done that!! yikes!!!!). I, instead, very patiently waited for an opportune moment to get the attention of their short king guitar tech as he was running around doing teardown, and someone else flagged him first and got pete's setlist, and in my final moments I got him to get me mike's. Gang, I'm gonna be real with you, I was not leaving my Pittsburgh hometown show in which they played Leave The fucking Engine Room without a setlist. there would've been blood or at the very least tears. so like. thank god lmao. Satisfied, we got some water and then headed out!!!
It was a long, chilly wait for the boys outside--god, the chilliness was REFRESHING, though, it's October for crying out loud, and DC and Philly and NY had all been muggy sweaty hot with no need for even long pants, much less a jacket, but I was glad I'd had the forethought to wear my flannel around my waist to cover up the YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT printed around the ass of my shorts on my walk over to deter questions, lmfao. We easily identified the spot on the side of the venue where we assumed the guys were coming out, it was all just a matter of time. (AG and I getting some confusing-to-parse messages from Becky? Idk my phone was SUPER dying so I was trying to leave it on airplane as much as possible, I didn't even make it to the end of the night, RIP needing to use my map all day in the car and even with it plugged in spending more than I was juicing of the battery. Listen i needed PICS and VIDEOS!!) I saw Jon first, and he almost looked past me before spotting me there because I was pretty close to the corner of the block, and I just stared at him, and said, May I hug you. and he said, of course! and I hugged him so long and so hard just like, thank you, I was extremely emotional then and I'm also getting extremely emotional now just typing about it, and he was like omg haha what for? Coming to your town? and I was like coming to my town and playing my SONG!!! And then he said something with the tone of a snarky teasy joke but that was like flusteringly truthful underneath about them legitimately rearranging the set quite a lot for me, and I have not stopped screaming internally since then, and Jeremy joked that I'd just seen the exact same set three times and they felt they ought to give me at least something new ha ha ha but like it wasn't entirely a joke, and I just don't even know how to process this. i am perishèd in the soil. anyhow.
I wanted both my setlist and my Supernormal EP vinyl signed by all the boys, and I managed this with relatively little doing ("A deep cut!" jeremy remarks of the supernormal, haha), but I didn't want to be crowding them and getting in the way of other people getting lad time, so I kind of took a backseat and just talked when the time was right, but Jon did kind of keep wanting to talk to me. We talked about the new song, and we talked about the donuts I sent over--oh my GOD, because I was like, they're from that place over there, you can see the big neon donut sign from here! haha, and he was like dyou know what, I knew that's where they were from, because I went over there earlier in the day and got one for myself, I got a huckleberry one and I came back with it and everyone was like, what's that, they were very jealous, and then not too long after that this box of loads of them just shows up-- And like I am a donut fairy psychic wizard. Also everyone who is ever in Pittsburgh should go to Oliver's donuts and eat their fabulously good products. I will shill for them literally any day of the week. This is the second band I have given Oliver's to this year. I cannot be stopped. ANYWAY. i honestly almost could have written that prediction on an envelope and sealed it, that they'd end up wandering in there on their own only for me to send them some too. i was so tickled that jon got the huckleberry one because it's their signature flavor and it's SO PINK and allegra and I had just decided the night before that jon higgs is hot pink coded. like, in the universe where they are dyeing their hair multicolors for the lore. anyhow. it's good shit.
i had SO much fun after this show, even though it was so chilly and dark and we were scrungling around on a literal street corner outside a wine and spirits store, I was like holding people's things so they could get pics and signatures, I was showing off my supernormal booty shorts, I was talking to Jon about lore----- ohhh, my god, I had exactly two bracelets left when the night was over, literally the end of my stash, and it was one Final Form FIRST BODY LAST BODY that I said, y'know, I'm going to save this for my bestie francis when I send them the shirt, because that's the lyric I wanna get a tattoo of, and it'll match with my PLIABLE HEAD bracelet, and it'll be another sort of besties matching thing; and my one lone AKON IN THE BUTTERFLY HOUSE bracelet that remained, where I'd kind of said, well, if this one doesn't find the right home tonight, then at the end of the night I'm going to give it to Jon too. So I dug in my bag and passed it off, and he was like "what does this one say.... kon... Akon... Akon in the house--what is--OH AND THERE'S A LITTLE BUTTERFLY ON THERE, God--" and he was GRINNING and he was SO TICKLED BY IT and Jez chimed in with just like "The attention to detail--" and Jon was like "this is my favorite one actually," he LOVED IT AND I WAS SO CHARMED AND EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT, and then he offered me up something like "you kno-ow, this, the song, of this, there's actually a reference to it in something, something you've never heard-- and--that you never will," doing his cryptic Jon troll grin, "the one thing that didn't make it," with the implied end of that sentence being "onto the album," and 'album' in this case being implied to be Raw Data Feel, which they have very publicly said that for once was an album where they just put everything on and didn't cull any songs or reserve any bonus tracks to release later or whatever. So I said, "Oh, from the one that we've been told had no cuts...?" also not explicitly saying RDF, and his answer to that was vague/nondescript enough but was probably an affirmative, but then he did follow that up with "that's lore that's SO far down the line, WAY WAY out there," and god, just, how deep does this man's brain and nonsense even fucking go. how far into the future is there LORE. BOTTOMLESS!!! I am obsessed with him. i cannot stress enough how blorbo he is to me.
The shorts came back up in conversation too ("Sorry, let me just look quite closely at your ass for a moment--" "It's okay, the shorts are designed that way--") and him saying, yeah, we do talk about some of the costumes still, and then segueing into asking if I had plans for this year and what I was doing, and I said, maybe, I'm not sure if I want to tell you, and he said, Is it to do with us, and I said, Neither confirm nor deny, and he said, Well if it's not, then, I want to know, with kind of a 'duh' tone ahahaha because like true there would be no reason to be coy if it was nothing to do with E E at all, and I explained that like I kind of have to have two costumes ("of course you do."), WELL because y'know the E E ones don't really play to or land with the general populace (a very cheeky "No!") so I have, just, one that's for going to parties, and one that's for fucking around on the internet. He seemed to find that acceptable hahaha.
Anyway what I REALLY wanted with wearing the Supernormal shorts was a group pic of all five of us normal frontways, and then a group pic of all five of us facing backward/ass to the camera a la the picture of them outside the White House, where you could see the goof of my shorts but also all of their butts, but this was an ABSOLUTE DISASTER TO DO when it was so dark that phone cameras were taking everything long-exposure, and also they'd all had just enough beer to not really be following on what the bit was. Absolute shit results on the backwards pic because I couldn't, y'know, see to coordinate it, because I had my back turned. (Me yelling, "Not just MY butt, EVERYONE'S butts, come on!!" into the streets of Lawrenceville.) Utter failure. Didn't care. I love these fucking guys. The vibe was finally kind of winding down, closing-time energy, the guys still had to get on the bus to Boston right away even with tomorrow being their day off, it was a Boston day off and not a Pittsburgh day off where I could offer them free ice cream sadly, so they all sort of bowed sweetly out. Jon gave me his like, I Am Part Of The Band clearance ID badge from the venue, kind of out of nowhere, he was like "sorry this is all I have to give you, it's the least I could do," and I was like WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU'VE ALREADY GIVEN ME SO M-- YOU COULD DO WAY LESS ??? but I guess now I have that, too. I tried to give him the King Of Oil sign from my fatberg costume, which I'd initially brought because I thought it would be a fun photo taking prop but the photo situation was the aforementioned disaster so that never really came to any fruition at all, so I was just going to gift it to them, and he said "My suitcase is already so full of so much random shit-- that you've given us--" and then right as he was leaving he just said "Thank you for being such a weirdo" with a voice full of all the kindness and affection in the world and I just yelled "ANY TIME!!" and then oh so tragically the night had to be over.
it's been nice, though, because I'm so used to driving the long drive home at the end of an adventure and having that signify the end, of getting to the end of the car ride and having nothing beyond that but the rest of my regular life; and this time, I drove all the way home, but when I got there, the adventure was still happening, right in my neighborhood, right down the street, and all I had to do was walk back home alone in the dark and climb into my own bed at the end of a long and beautiful night. i can already tell that this is going to be one of my most special memories basically forever, and now every time I drive or ride the bus to and from work each day I will be passing by the place where Everything Everything performed Leave The Engine Room for me, and that's so profoundly special that I don't even have words to describe it. I love this band, I love the people in it and I love the people its gravity pulls in to orbit around it, I'm just so goddamn happy. I don't even know what to say or how to end this.
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lxstbxyz · 8 months
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✧.⠀⠀⸻ BASICS
✧ // Birth Name: Park Soomin 
✧ // Birthday: April 15, 1997
✧ // Zodiac Sign: Aries && Ox
✧ // MBTI Type: INFP
✧ // Nationality: Korean
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✧ // Face Claim: Kim Yugyeom
✧ // Height: 6’0’’
✧ // Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
✧ // Blood type: B-
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✧.⠀⠀⸻ CAREER
✧ // Company: Sky High Ent
✧ // Stage Name: Soomin
✧ // Occupation: Solo Artist ( former member of LACUNA )
✧ // Years Trained: 3 years
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✧.⠀⠀⸻ OTHER
✧ // Representative Number: 8 
✧ // Representative Emoji:  👹 // 🦨 // ☘️
✧ // SNS ACCOUNTS . . .
— insta : @park__soo
— twitter : @soominspeaks
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Park Soomin is known for his energetic and happy demeanor, earning him the nickname "The Beating Heart of Lacuna" among fans. Despite the challenges of the entertainment industry, Soomin maintains a positive outlook on life, and his optimistic nature often serves as a source of inspiration for both his fellow group members and fans alike. He is thoughtful and caring, always considering the feelings of those around him. Soomin is also recognized for his strong work ethic and dedication to his craft, often spending extra hours practicing to improve his skills. If the arts were a madness that couldn’t be cured, then he would choose to suffer it in every lifetime. 
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His favorite colors are green and blue.
Soomin opened his official public instagram account a few weeks after Lacuna’s debut, having it monitored by the older members until he turned 20.
The boy speaks 4 languages, of which are; Korean ( native ), English ( advanced ), Mandarin ( conversational ), and French ( conversational ). The latter two of which he learned from two of his former group members.
Soomin loves to share book recommendations with fans and even started a podcast // radio show called "Hanlon’s Razor". Where he discusses books, places to eat, and even occasionally takes live calls && questions from fans and offers advice. 
He has a younger sister, Park Myunghee ( '00 ).
Soomin has been vocal about mental health struggles, sharing his own experiences to break the stigma surrounding mental health in the entertainment industry. 
Known for his keen interest in fashion, often showcasing his unique style on his instagram and through events he attends.
According to the other members of Lacuna, Soomin gives the best hugs.
Soomin’s MBTI is INFP ( the mediator). It is said that mediators are a rare personality type that tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do. 
Soomin’s representative number is 8 because whenever he gives out his autograph the ‘S’ in his name becomes an 8.
Soomin became an SM trainee in 2013 when he was 15, ending up at SKY High through a mix up that landed him an audition. He likes to joke that Sky High has a bad habit of stealing SM's talents.
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whatbio · 1 year
Instagram Usernames For Boys | Instagram Usernames For Boys 2023 | Instagram Names For Boys
A good Instagram username is crucial. Instagram is an excellent tool for sharing photos, videos, stories, and reels. To create a good Instagram username, you must first decide what kind of user you are. Do you want to be a personal profile or a business? Which type of content are you posting? If you upload videos or pictures, you should also decide whether you post them for your or other people’s…
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mgarmagedon · 7 months
You made me ship Blurr x Sideswipe
(and i can't find any fics😭)
Glad to hear that i pushed you into a madness :)
But as a special treat for you my fellow anon, I wrote a very special Sideswipe x Blurr fanfiction :D
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BUT first, I need to make shout out for my other BFF who helped me with correcting it: cats_and_robots_enjoyer on instagram
You are the best dude!!!! Let's give her some love guys :D
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Blurr sat behind the wheel, feeling unusually nervous. He couldn't believe he felt the urge to slow down, just to avoid entering that place. It was Crown city, where another team of Autobots resided. Normally, this wouldn't bother him; he believed he could handle any challenge solo. But this time was different.
He blushed with shame at the thought of the reason for all this stress: the red Autobot named Sideswipe. After their last encounter in Griffin Rock, he couldn't get him out of his mind. In his thoughts, he praised Sideswipe, seeing him as the best racing partner he'd ever had.
He only sighed, accelerating to enter the outskirts of the city.
At the same time, at the junkyard, which served as a hideout for the Autobots, Sideswipe emerged from Alchemor, dragging his younger companion, Russell, whom he had to take to school.
Russell yawned as he loaded his backpack into Sideswipe's car. He seemed rather displeased with the whole ordeal. Sideswipe felt much the same way, considering waking up at 6 in the morning as a punishment rather than a duty.
"Sideswipe... do we really have to go there...?" Russell groaned, feeling dejected.
"Unfortunately, yes," Sideswipe sighed. "Because last time when Bee found out I took you on what he called 'playing hooky' instead of an educational trip, he confiscated my hair gel! I looked like some dirty emo for a week, it was... traumatic." He shuddered slightly at the memory of the bad hairstyle.
Russell merely sighed and sat in the passenger seat, dreading his day at school with a defeated expression. Behind him, Sideswipe settled into the driver's seat after opening the gate. As the sports car headed towards the suburbs.
It took them less than 15 minutes to reach the school and its entire campus. Sideswipe got out of the car and opened the door for Russell. The boy hopped out of the car and hurried towards the building, with Sideswipe watching him go.
Meanwhile, as Sideswipe was at St. John Paul II Elementary School No. VII, Blurr was getting lost in the city. He couldn't activate either the locator or the communicator with the Rescue Bots' base, nor could he locate the nearest Cybertronians due to interference on all channels. Frustrated, he turned into a small street to check the cause of this malfunction. He pulled over on the side of the road, which only led to a large human school and its entire campus. When he stopped, he sighed and was about to check if the locator was broken or stuck.
He nearly had a heart attack when he noticed Sideswipe standing in front of the car, using a human device - a phone with earphones. He started to retreat gently and slowly, praying that the redhead wouldn't notice him.
"Rust!" he muttered under his breath, seeing the boy turning towards him.
"He...?" he turned to the car, which was reversing, taking off his headphones. He squinted due to his poor eyesight and easily recognized the car and his newly made friend - Blurr. "Blurr?" he shouted to his friend in the car.
Blurr knew he was too deep in it and couldn't escape the situation now. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle, exuding confidence.
"Dude, I can't believe you're here!" He smiled and called out to Sideswipe. "What are you even doing here? I thought they don't accept halfwits like you here!" he joked with Sideswipe as he approached.
Sideswipe laughed out loud and hugged him, then gently patted him on the back. Blurr blushed.
"Relax, I'd never even step foot in there! I get chills just thinking about human school!" He released him from his embrace. "I had to drop off my partner here - Russel, he is still going to school, and because 'if you want Russell to be your partner, you have to take him to and pick him up from school, because in my day I had to do it and I didn't complain when I had to wake up at 6 am'." He tried to mimic Bumblebee, which amused Blurr. "And what are you doing here, dude, so far from Griffin Rock? Something happened? Do I need to show off my cat moves to some Decepticons?" he began to wave his arms around, pretending to be a wild cat.
"Not yet, dude, but I promise you'll be the first I'll call when it's time to beat someone up or show who's the fastest racer in Europe!" He grabbed Sideswipe and started ruffling his hair. "It's something much more important, dude. I got a secret mission from Heatwave to check something in this area, but unfortunately, none of the detectors or anything are working! Like, why did they even give it to me if it doesn't even want to work, right?" He laughed at Sideswipe, who was trying to fix his own hair.
"Oh, that's because we have our signal tracking blocked here," he began to explain. "Ever since that stupid ship crashed in that lake, even the human internet barely works! Can you imagine? We have to communicate through human radios like some war-time retirees?! I know it's normal for Bee because he's old, but for me, it's weird! Lately, he even told me to read books and stop watching let's plays. Seriously, he's got a stick up his butt." He sighed. "Literally just problems with that geezer…” for a second he forgot what he was talking about.”What was I talking about?”
“My mission…?”
“Ah right! Getting back to more important things, maybe you'll tell me what you're looking for, and I'll help you? I know this place pretty well, so you'll find it sooner rather than later."
"Hmm... Well, I don't know, dude, I shouldn't..." he scratched his neck.
"Oh, come on, nothing will happen if I help you, dude! Last time was wonderful in action, and with my help, it'll go even faster! Oh, please, please, please! If you don't take me, Bee will force me to clean up the entire base because Grimlock can't control his own tail." He made puppy eyes.
"Alright, fine! The sooner we deal with this, the sooner we can finally get back to racing, right?" He nudged him in the arm. "I'm looking for this one crook who stole spare parts from our base."
"40 kilos of energon."
"What? So I have to eat energon mixed with human food because we're running low on it, and this guy just took off with 40 kilos of energon." He scoffed. "Do you have a picture of him or something?"
"Well, actually yeah” he gave him a photo of a thief. "We also found him here through an energon signal, and after he entered the city, I lost his signal."
"Hmm..." Sideswipe began to think aloud, scratching his chin.
"I mean, you know, if you can't handle it, I can look for him myself..." Blurr tried to wriggle out of the situation.
"Sha! I've got it!" Sides continued, as Blurr looked at him. "I know! Last time when humans found Steeljaw and his crew's energon stash, they took it to... the port! To sell it as some expensive... glowing stuff!"
"Well then, lead the way, compadre." He looked into his eyes, enchanted, and gave him a slight bow, letting him go ahead.
Sideswipe hopped into his car, poking his head out of the window.
"Come on, let's go!"
Blurr quickly jumped into his own car and followed Sideswipe, leaving only dust behind them.
Suddenly, his heart began to beat faster, and hundreds of thoughts raced through his head. 
He started to think about the conversation he just had with Sideswipe and how foolish he had sounded. He felt ashamed of himself and how he had conducted the conversation, questioning why he hadn't invited him for a hangout or a private race, or even something more. Nevertheless, Blurr was happy that Sides wanted to spend time with him.
The two cars sped through the city with screeching tires, heading straight for their destination. After not too long, they arrived at the entrance to the port and hid their cars in the bushes. They quickly looked around before Blurr approached the gates and examined the vehicles parked within the premises.
"That's that guy" Blurr pointed with his finger, and Sideswipe immediately looked in the direction he indicated. "The same trailer he had attached to his car in the surveillance footage! But how do we get there... we can't just break in here! I have an idea, maybe I can distract-"
"Listen to me man, I've got a plan," Sides said, pulling Blurr along until they reached a hole, which Strongarm had made by tossing Sideswipe through it.
"Whoa... you really know everything about this place," Blurr remarked.
"Literally, I've scouted this area too many times with my own wonderful face to not know it by heart," Sideswipe replied, ushering Blurr through the hole in the fence. "You wouldn't believe how often criminals operate in this port. With this many Decepticons and human crooks around, I'm surprised the military isn't stationed here," he said, sounding outraged as he slipped in behind Blurr.
There was no one there except for them in this area, so Sideswipe started treating it like a walk in the park. He slowly led Blurr through the maze of metal containers ready for export from Crown City, which was a technological giant in this part of Europe.
As they walked, Sideswipe continued to recount his adventures in this place, telling Blurr about Steeljaw, about the Alchemor, about the spirit of Optimus Prime, and Blurr couldn't believe how much was happening here.
" - And you know, recently Windblade flew in to see us! It's like winning a million shanix, literally-"
"Hey, Sideswipe," Blurr interrupted his monologue.
"Yeah, dude?"
"I know that..." Blurr chuckled nervously. "It might sound a bit strange in these circumstances, but maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself? After all, this is only our second meeting." He kept laughing nervously, following Sideswipe.
"About myself, I could talk for hours, depending on what exactly you want to know," Sideswipe replied, glancing between the metal containers upon hearing the creaks. He then pulled out his weapon from his leather jacket. At this signal, Blurr himself prepared for action.
"For example, what do you like to drink or do?" Blurr whispered, stepping ahead of Sideswipe before ducking behind a corner and noticing two guards stationed by the containers in front of a moderately sized ship.
"Hmm... Let me think, because that's actually a tough question..." Sideswipe whispered back, overtaking Blurr and sprinting ahead.
Before the crew member noticed him, he was already lying on the ground, with Sideswipe's boot on his face. Blurr then jumped onto the next one, hitting his head against the rusty metal wall of the container, immediately knocking out  the middle-aged man.
"I particularly enjoy drinking energon mixed with Mountain Dew..." he whispered, scratching his chin. "And as for what I like to do, racing, painting myself up, I enjoy messing around with others sometimes, but there's always someone yelling at me for it. Especially Strongarm!" He crossed his arms and leaned against the container as Blurr bound the men's hands and feet with foam, still listening attentively."She's a real demon underneath that pretty face, really, I don't know how I haven't 'dumped' her yet. I guess I've grown too attached to that hairy gorilla," Sideswipe remarked as he headed towards the ship upon hearing that they were about to start sailing.
"Wait, you mean you have a girlfriend?" Blurr immediately ran after Sideswipe.
Blurr and Sideswipe quickly launched into the attack, moving with grace and speed. Their movements were synchronized and harmonious, as if executing a choreography in the midst of battle. Blurr deftly dodged enemy attacks, leaping from one opponent to another, striking accurately and swiftly. Meanwhile, Sideswipe employed strength and energy, barging into enemies and delivering blows that sent them flying through the air. They worked together like a well-oiled machine, surpassing their opponents with their skill and coordination. Despite the enemies' attempts to defend themselves, Blurr and Sideswipe did not slow down. Their attacks were swift and precise, hitting the opponents' weak points accurately. The boys' unwavering determination eventually broke through the enemy's defense, incapacitating anyone who stood in their way. Despite being outnumbered, Blurr and Sideswipe defeated them all, emerging victorious from the fierce battle.
They immobilized them both and left them in front of the ship. While Sideswipe called the police to report the capture of the thieves, Blurr pulled up in his car. He loaded his stolen goods onto the trailer he took from the thieves. Then, both of them quickly drove away through the entrance that Blurr had opened earlier.
"I hope they don't have cameras here!" Blurr remarked.
"Don't worry, there's nothing here. If they had cameras, I wouldn't have to keep coming back here all the time," Sideswipe said with a sour expression.
Sides jumped out of Blurr's car and got into his own, and they drove away, hearing only police sirens behind them.
A few kilometers further, they both stopped. Sideswipe got out of the car and stretched, then hissed in pain from the sensation in his left arm. Blurr was right behind him.
"That was some action, am I right dude?" Sides chuckled. "Quick, no-strings-attached fight!"
"Are you okay, though?" Blurr asked, concerned. He could tell something was bothering Sideswipe after the fight.
"Nah, I'm fine, just need to patch myself up—" Blurr pushed Sideswipe into his car. "Ah! What the fu-"
"Relax, I'll just patch you up. You don't look your best."
"I don't look my best...? What do you mean by that? Is it really bad?" He said worried.
Blurr chuckled softly as he removed Sideswipe's upper clothing, revealing his athletic yet delicate body. He blushed at the sight of the barely visible blond hairs on the skin and the gentle cuts oozing blood.
"What's wrong? Dazzled by my Greek god-like body?" Sideswipe joked charmingly.
"W-what? No!" Blurr stammered, embarrassed, and began to cleanse his wounds.
For a moment, they found themselves in an awkward silence. Blurr focused on tending to Sideswipe's wounds, while Sideswipe glanced alternately at the sky and at Blurr's first aid kit, which had better supplies than what Fixit used to extract a from Bumblebee's intimate area.
"We should do this more often, Blurr, just you and me, no one else! Especially not Strongarm..." He sighed, smiling and closing his eyes.
"She's your girlfriend...?" he asked in desperation.
"Not exactly, for now I think we're in a ‘situation ship’, although Drift says that doesn't exist," Sideswipe replied, glancing at Blurr. "I'm doing what I can to get her interested in me, but for now, she's keeping her distance, maybe because of her issues with her parents. I wish she'd care about me, even for just a moment..."
"So you're not together?" Blurr asked, feeling a bit of hope in his spark.
"In theory, no, but I already refer to her that way, so I can say 'I told you so' in the end," Sideswipe smiled, confident that it will happen that way.
"Ah, great! Wonderful!" Blurr exclaimed happily, finishing applying the bandages. 
"I knew you'd get me, buddy. It's only our second meeting, and we're already on the same wavelength," he added, patting him on the back with delight.
"Of course, man..!" Blurr swallowed nervously. "Hey, maybe you'd like to hang out with me next week? We have a festival in Griffin Rock, and you know, it would be cool, you know."
"Oh man, are you inviting me to go clubbing? Yes, absolutely, count me in!" Sideswipe exclaimed excitedly. “Nobody ever invited me to go clubbing.”
"Looks like I'm the lucky one," he sent back, flashing his charming smile, then received a playful nudge from Sideswipe.
Upon hearing those words from the red-haired guy, Blurr felt a rush of euphoria. He couldn't believe he had actually achieved this. He couldn't believe he was here now, so close to Sideswipe, who wanted to be his closest buddy, and maybe even something more someday—at least that's what Blurr wanted to believe in this moment. Even now, he felt like he couldn't wait for the next week.
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Blurr siedział za kierownicą, poddenerwowany, co mu się nigdy nie zdarzyło. Nie sądził, że kiedykolwiek będzie mieć ochotę aby trochę zwolnić, byle by nie dojechać do tego przeklętego miejsca. Owym miejscem jest Królewiec, gdzie przebywała inna drużyną autobotów. Fakt iż poza nim rezydowały w pobliżu inne boty mu nie przeszkadzało ani trochę, bo w swoim mniemaniu dałby sobie radę z każdym wyzwaniem, które ośmieliłoby się stanąć mu na drodze, lecz nie w tym tkwił problem..
Rumienił się ze wstydu na samą myśl powodu tego całego stresu, był czerwony autobot o imieniu Sideswipe. Po ostatnim spotkaniu w Griffin Rock nie mógł go wyrzucić z umysłu. Myśl o byciu komplementowanym, podziwianym przez tego czerwono włosego przystojniaka sprawiała, że serce młodzieńca przyspieszyło swoją pracę. Natomiast idea o potencjalnym wyścigu między nimi, jako dwójce idealnych przeciwników, sprawiła że jego policzki przybrały odcień szkarłatu.
Jednak to wszystko to były tylko płonne nadzieje…Młody mężczyzna jedynie westchnął i niechętnie przyspieszył by wjechać na przedmieścia miasta.
W tym samym czasie na wysypisku, będące kryjówka dla autobotów, Sideswipe wyszedł z Alchemoru ciągnąć za sobą swego młodszego kompana- Russella, którego miał odwieźć do  szkoły.
Brązowowłosy chłopiec ziewał ospale od czasu a jego oczy były na wpół przymknięte a na wpół otwarte, jakby nadal próbował się oswoić z świadomością tego, że od ponad 30 minut jest na nogach. Nastolatek burknął niezrozumiale pod nosem wkładając plecak do auta Sideswipa, wyglądając na dość niezadowolonego z całego procederu. Podobne odczucia miał Sideswipe, który uważał, że to iż musi wstawać o 6:00 nad ranem jest dla niego karą, a nie obowiązkiem.
"Sideswipe... naprawdę musimy tam jechać...?" ziewnął załamany Russell.
"Niestety tak." Westchnął niebieskooki. "Ponieważ jak ostatnio Bee się dowiedział, że wziąłem cię na jak to nazwał 'wagary', a nie edukacyjną wycieczkę, to zabrał mi żel do włosów! Wyglądałem jak jakiś brudny emos przez tydzień! To było... traumatyczne." Złapał się za ramiona i lekko zatrząsł przez powracające wspomnienia o złej fryzurze. 
Russell jedynie westchnął i usiadł na miejscu pasażera, z fatalną wizją swojego dnia w szkole i załamanym wyrazem twarzy. Zaraz po nim usiadł Sideswipe na miejscu kierowcy, silnik zamruczał głęboko rozgrzewając ciężkie mechanizmy. W momencie gdy brama od ich kryjówki ustąpiła im z drogi, samochód sportowy wyjechał z podjazdu wzburzając za sobą tony kurzu.
Dojechanie na miejsce docelowe zajęło im niecałe 15 minut zajęło. Sides wyszedł z pojazdu, chwycił w dłoń plecach Russella, otworzył mu drzwi, a następnie podał torbę z szkolnym ekwipunkiem. Chłopak wyskoczył z auta i ruszył do budynku machając mu na pożegnanie. Mimowolnie na ustach młodego mężczyzny zagościł delikatny uśmiech i obdarował chłopca identycznym gestem.
Kiedy Sides był pod podstawówką imienia Jarosława Pawła II nr. VII, Blurr błąkał się po mieście jak jakieś dziecko we mgle. Nie był w stanie włączyć ani lokalizatora ani komunikatora z bazą Rescue Botów, nawet nie był w stanie namierzyć najbliższych cybertrończyków. Wkurzony wjechał w małą uliczkę, aby sprawdzić przyczynę usterki. Stanął na poboczu drogi która jedynie prowadziła do dużej ludzkiej szkoły i jej całego kampusu. Kiedy się zatrzymał wyłączył silnik westchnął a poirytowaniem zastanawiając się czy lokalizator się zepsuł albo zaciął.
Prawie dostał zawału gdy zauważył Sideswipa stojące przy swoim mechanicznym wierzchowcu, używającego ludzkiego urządzenia- telefonu ze słuchawkami na uszach. Zaczął się stopniowo i powoli się wycofywać, modląc się do Primusa by czerwono włosy chłopak go nie zauważył.
"W rdzę!" Klnął pod nosem widząc jak niebieskooki młodzian odwraca się w jego stronę, zaintrygowany nagłym ruchem w bocznej alejce.
"He...?" Skierował głowę stronę auta, które się wycofywało, tym samym zdejmując słuchawki. Sides przymrużył oczy, przez swój słaby wzrok, rozpoznał z łatwością to auto i jego świeżo poznanego właściciela- Blurra. "Blurr?" Krzyknął do swojego przyjaciela w aucie.
Blurr już wiedział, że tkwi w tym za głęboko i nie może już uciec z zaistniałej sytuacji, wziął głęboki wdech po czym wyszedł z pojazdu, z pełną pewnością siebie.
"Stary, nie wierzę, że tutaj jesteś!" Uśmiechnął się i odkrzyknął do niego." Co ty tutaj w ogóle robisz, myślałem, że nie przyjmują takich półgłówków jak ty tutaj!" zażartował sobie z Sidesa, podchodząc do niego.
Sideswipe głośno się zaśmiał i przytulił do niego, po czym delikatnie poklepał go po plecach. Blurr się zarumienił.
"Spokojnie, nigdy bym tam nawet nie wszedł! Dostaje dreszczy na samą myśl o ludzkiej szkole!" Puścił go ze swoich objęć. "Musiałem odwieźć tutaj mojego partnera- Russella, nadal chodzi do podstawówki, a bo 'skoro chcesz by Russell był twoim partnerem musisz go odwodzić i odbierać ze szkoły, bo za moich czasów ja musiałem to robić i nie marudziłem kiedy wstawałem o 6 rano'." Starał się parodiować Bumblebee, co rozśmieszyło Blurra. "A co ty tutaj robisz, tak daleko od Griffin Rock? Coś się stało? Czy mam pokazać moje kocie ruchy jakimś decepticonom?" zaczął wymachiwać rękoma prezentując swe odruchy dzikiego, zaprawionego w bojach kota.
"Jeszcze nie, stary, ale obiecuję Ci, że będziesz pierwszym do którego zapukam, jak będzie trzeba kogoś pobić lub pokazać kto jest najszybszym rajdowcem w Europie!" Chwycił Sideswipa w zagłębienie swego ramienia i zaczął go czochrać."To coś znacznie ważniejszego, ziomuś, dostałem tajną misję od Heatwava, by sprawdzić coś na tym terenie, ale niestety żadne wykrywacze lub inne śmierci nie działają! Jakby po co mi to w ogóle dali, skoro to non-stop odmawia mi posłuszeństwa, co nie?" Zaśmiał się do Sideswipa, który starał się naprawić rozczochraną fryzurę.
“A no tak, wracając do rzeczy ważniejszych, może powiesz mi czego szukasz. Z chęcią Ci pomogę, znam to miejsce jak własną kieszeń, więc znajdziesz to szybciej niż myślisz."
"Oh, to dlatego, że mamy tutaj zablokowane namierzanie naszych sygnałów" zaczął mu tłumaczyć. “Od kiedy ten dupny statek się rozbił w tym jeziorze, nawet ludzki internet ledwo działa! I ty to sobie wyobrażasz, że musimy się komunikować przez ludzkie radio, jak jacyś emeryci podczas wojny?! Wiem, że to normalne dla Bee, bo jest stary ale dla mnie to dziwne! Ostatnio nawet kazał mi czytać książki i przestać oglądać let's playe, no serio on ma kija w dupie." Westchnął." Dosłownie same problemy z tym grzybem…”przez sekundę Sideswipe się zawiesił i zapomniał.” O czym ja w ogóle mówiłem?"
“O mojej misji…?”
Blurr mruknął cicho pod nosem, zastanawiając się nad propozycje pobratymca.
"Hmm... No nie wiem, stary, nie powinienem..." podrapał się po karku.
"No dawaj, przecież nic się nie stanie jak ci pomogę! Ostatnim razem byłeś cudowny w akcji, a z moją pomocą pójdzie to jeszcze szybciej! Oj proszę, proszę, proszę! Jak mnie nie weźmiesz, to Bee zmusi mnie do posprzątania całej bazy, bo Grimlock nie panuje nad własnym ogonem." zrobił maślane oczy w stronę Blurra, atakując go swą słodkością niczym kot w butach.
Słysząc solidne argumenty ‘za’, Blurr poczuł, że musi się ugiąć pod naporem Sideswipa.
"Niech ci będzie! Im szybciej się tym zajmiemy tym szybciej będziemy mogli się pościgach, co nie?" Dał mu kuksa w ramię."Szukam takiego jednego przestępcy, który ukradł z naszej bazy części zamienne."
"40 kilo energonu."
"Co? To ja muszę jeść energon wymieszany z ludzkim jedzeniem, bo nam go nie starcza, a ten człowiek sobie po prostu zabrał 40 kilo energonu." Oburzył się.
"Masz jakieś jego zdjęcie czy coś?"
"Właściwie to tak!” podał mu jego zdjęcie z monitoringu.
”Znaleźliśmy go tutaj przez sygnał energonu, a po tym jak wjechał do miasta, straciłem jego sygnał."
"Hm..." Sideswipe zaczął głośno myśleć drapiąc się po brodzie.
"Znaczy wiesz, jak nie dasz rady sam mogę go poszukać..." Blurr próbował się wywinąć z tej sytuacji.
"Sza! Ja myślę!" Sides kontynuował, kiedy Blurr patrzył na niego. "Już wiem! Ostatnim razem jak ludzie znaleźli zapas energonu Steeljawa i jego ekipy, wzięli to do… portu! Żeby sprzedać to jako jakieś drogie... świecące coś!"
"W takim razie prowadź compadre." Spojrzał mu w oczy zauroczony i lekko się ukłonił puszczając go przodem.
Sideswipe wskoczył do swojego pojazdu I wysunął głowę za okno.
"Dawaj, chodź!"
Blurr szybko wskoczył do swojego auta, i ruszył za Sideswipem zostawiając za sobą jedynie kusz. 
Serce Blurra zaczęło szybciej bić, a setki myśli napływały mu do głowy. Zaczął myśleć o rozmowie, którą właśnie przeprowadził z Sideswipem i na jakiego głupka on wyszedł. Czuł wstyd za siebie i jak przeprowadził ową wymianę zdań, pytał się samego siebie czemu go po prostu nie zaprosił na spotkanie lub prywatny wyścig albo nawet coś więcej. Aczkolwiek Blurr był szczęśliwy, że Sides sam chciał z nim spędzać czas.
Dwa auta jechały z piskiem opon po mieście w kierunku prostym. Po niezbyt długim czasie dotarli pod wjazd do portu, ukryli auta w buszu a następnie ruszyli żwawo przed siebie. Rozejrzeli się dookoła, po czym Blurr podszedł do bramy, patrząc na obraz przed nim zza krat.
“To ten koleś” Pokazał palcem Blurr, Sideswipe natychmiast spojrzał w pokazaną mu stronę.
Nikogo tam nie było oprócz nich, przez co Sideswipe traktował to jak spacer po łące. Powoli prowadził Blurra po labiryncie zrobionych z metalowych kontenerów gotowych do eksportu z Królewca, który jest gigantem technologicznym w tej części Europy.
”Tą samą przyczepę miał przy aucie na zdjęciach z monitoringu! Tylko jakby się tam dostać… nie możemy się tak po prostu tutaj włamać! Mam pomysł, może ja cię podstadzę-”
“Posłuchaj mnie stary, ja mam plan” Sides pociągnął za sobą Blurra, aż nie napotkali dziurę, która zrobiła Strongarm rzucając w nią Sideswipa.
“Wo… ty naprawdę wszystko wiesz o tym miejscu”
“Dosłownie, szorowałem ten teren własną cudowną twarzą zbyt wiele razy, żebym go teraz nie znał…” przepuścił Blurra przez dziurę w płocie.”Nawet się nie spodziewasz jak często przestępcy coś robią w tym porcie??? Z taką ilością decepticonów i ludzkich przestępców tutaj, ja się dziwie, że wojsko tutaj nie stacjonuje.”powiedział oburzony, wślizgując się za Blurrem.
Sideswipe opowiadał mu przy tym cały czas jego przygody w tym miejscu, mówił mu o Steeljaw, o Alchemorze, o duchu Optimusa, a Blurr nie mógł uwierzyć w to ile rzeczy tutaj się dzieje.
“Tak stary?”
“-I no jakby też ostatnio do nas przyleciała Windblade! Jakby stary to jak wygrać milion shanixów, dosłownie-"
“Ej Sideswipe.”przerwał mu jego monolog.
"Wiem, że…” zaśmiał się nerwowo.” Że to może brzmieć trochę dziwnie w takich okolicznościach, ale może opowiesz mi o sobie trochę? W końcu do tej pory to nasze 2 spotkanie dopiero." Zaśmiał się nerwowo, idąc za Sideswpiem.
"O sobie to ja mogę opowiadać godzinami, zależy co konkretnie chcesz wiedzieć." Rozejrzał się między metalowymi kontenerami po usłyszeniu trzasków, po czym wyciągnął swoją broń ze skórzanej kurtki. Na ten sygnał sam Blurr się przygotował.
"Na przykład co lubisz pić lub robić?" szepnął, wyprzedzając Sideswipa, po czym schował się za rogiem i zauważył, dwójka ludzi na straży przy kontenerach, stojących przed niezbyt dużym statkiem.
“Hm… Daj mi pomyśleć, bo to trudne pytanie w sumie…” wyprzedził Blurra i pobiegł do przodu. 
Zanim członek załogi go zauważył, już leżał na ziemi , z butem Sideswipa na jego twarzy. Na następnego wskoczył Blurr, po czym uderzył jego głową o metalową ścianę rdzewiejącego kontenera, co od razu z knock outowało mężczyznę w średnim wieku.
"Najbardziej to ja lubię pić energon wymieszany z Mountain Dew..." wyszeptał, po czym podrapał się po brodzie." A robić to się ścigać, malować się, lubię czasami sobie pożartować z innymi, ale zawsze ktoś musi się na mnie za to wydrzeć. Zwłaszcza Strongarm!” skrzyżował ręce i oparł się o kontener, kiedy Blurr sklejał ręce i nogi mężczyzn pianką, mimo wszystko uważnie go słuchał.” Ona jest prawdziwym demonem pod tą piękną twarzą, naprawdę, nie wiem jak ja jej jeszcze nie ‘rzuciłem’, widocznie zbyt się przywiązałem do tego włochatego goryla." Sideswipa ruszył w stronę statku kiedy usłyszał, że powoli będą odpływać.
"Czekaj, masz na myśli, że masz dziewczynę?" natychmiast pobiegł za Sidesem.
Blurr i Sideswipe szybko ruszyli do ataku, poruszając się z gracją i szybkością. Ich ruchy były zgrane i harmonijne, jakby wykonując choreografię w środku bitwy. Blurr unikał ataków przeciwników, skacząc z jednego do drugiego, atakując celnie i szybko. Sideswipe natomiast posługiwał się siłą i energią, wdzierając się we wrogów i zadając ciosy, które wyrzucały ich w powietrze. Współpracowali ze sobą jak dobrze naoliwiona maszyna, przewyższając przeciwników swoją umiejętnością i zgraniem. Mimo że przeciwnicy próbowali się bronić, Blurr i Sideswipe nie zwalniali tempa. Ich ataki były szybkie i celne, trafiając dokładnie w słabe punkty przeciwników. Niezłomna determinacja chłopców sprawiła, że w końcu przełamali obronę wroga, obezwładniając każdego, kto stanął im na drodze. Pomimo przewagi liczebnej przeciwników, oboje pokonali ich wszystkich, pozostając na końcu jako zwycięzcy tej zaciętej walki
Oboje ich unieruchomili  i zostawili przed statkiem. Kiedy Sideswipe dzwonił, aby zawiadomić policję o złapaniu złodziei, Blurr podjechał autem. Załadował na przyczepę, którą zabrał od złodzieje swoje skradzione dobra. Po czym szybko oboje obaj odjechali, przez wejście które Blurr wcześniej otworzył.
Sides wyskoczył z auta Blurra i przesiadł się na swoje, po czym ruszyli dalej słysząc za sobą jedynie syreny policyjne.
“Mam nadzieję, że tutaj nie mają kamer!” powiedział Blurr.
“Spokojnie nic tu nie ma, jakby mieli kamery, nie musiał bym tutaj notorycznie przyjeżdżać.” powiedział Sideswipe ze skwaszoną miną.
Około kilka kilometrów dalej oboje się zatrzymali. Wtedy Sideswipe wyszedł z auta i się przeciągnął, po czym syknął przez ból który poczuł w swoim lewym ramieniu. Blurr był zaraz za nim.
"To była akcja co nie stary?" Zaśmiał się Sides "Szybką niezobowiązująca walka!"
"Nic ci nie jest stary?" Zapytał zmartwiony Blurr. Widział, że boli coś Sideswipa po walce.
"Nah nic mi nie jest, opatrzę się-" Blurr wepchnął Sideswipa do swojego auta." Czy ciebie do końca po-"
"Spokojnie, tylko cię opatrzę. Nie wyglądasz najlepiej."
"Nie wyglądam najlepiej...? Co masz przez to na myśli? Jest bardzo źle?" Zmartwił się.
Blurr jedynie zachichotał, po czym ściągnął górną część odzieży Sideswipa. Zarumienił się na widok wysportowanego acz nadal bardzo delikatnego ciała chłopaka. Miał wręcz niewidoczne blond włoski na skórze. Delikatne rozcięcia na jego ciele sączyły krwią.
"No co? Onieśmielam cię swoim ciałem greckiego boga?" Zaśmiał się szarmancko.
"C-co? Nie!" Zawstydził się i zaczął oczyszczać jego rany.
Przez chwili utknęli w niezręcznej ciszy, Blurr skupił się na opatrywaniu Sideswipa, sam chłopak rzucał wzrok raz na niebo, a raz na apteczkę Blurra, która miała lepsza zawartość niż to czego używał Fixit by wyciągnąć kolec z okolic intymnych Bumblebee.
"Musimy tak częściej robić stary, tylko ty i ja, nikogo więcej! Tym bardziej nie Strongarm..." Westchnął uśmiechając się i przymykając oczy.
"Ona jest tą twoją dziewczyną...?" zapytał w desperacji.
"Nie do końca, póki co uważam, że jesteśmy w ‘situation ship’, chociaż Drift mówi że taki coś nie istnieje." Spojrzał na Blurra." Staram się jak mogę, żeby w końcu się mną zainteresowała, ale póki co warzywa się na mnie bo tatusiowie jej nie kochali. Chciał bym, żeby chociaż przez sekundę zależało jej na mnie..."
"Czyli nie jesteście razem?" Poczuł znowu nadzieję w jego sercu.
"Teoretycznie nie, ale mimo wszystko już tak o niej mówię, żebym mógł powiedzieć 'a nie mówiłem?' na koniec."Uśmiechnął się, będąc pewny, że tak na pewno będzie.
"Ah! Świetnie! Cudownie!"powiedział ucieszony kończąc nakładać plastry.
"Wiedziałem, że mnie poprzez stary. To nasze drugie spotkanie, a już na takich samych falach nadajemy." poklepał go po plecach ucieszony.
"Oczywiście, że tak stary!" przełknął ślinę w niepewności." A może stary chciałbyś się spotkać, ze mną tak za tydzień u mnie? Mamy festyn w Griffin Rock i wiesz, fajnie by było no wiesz."
"O Boże czy ty mnie zapraszasz na clubbing? Tak, oczywiście, że tak!” stwierdził ucieszony.” Nikt mnie jeszcze w życiu nie zaprosił na clubbing”
“Czyli jestem pierwszym szczęśliwcem.” wysłał mu swój szarmancki uśmiech, po czym dostał kuksa od Sideswipa w ramię.
Na te słowa czerwonowłosego chłopaka, Blurr poczuł przypływ euforii. Nie wierzył, że naprawdę udało mu się to dokonać. Nie mógł uwierzyć w sam fakt, że jest tutaj teraz tak blisko Sideswipa, który chce być jego najbliższym kumplem, a jak nawet może kiedyś kimś więcej, w to przynajmniej chciał wierzyć Blurr w tym momencie. Nawet teraz czuł, że nie może doczekać przyszłego tygodnia.
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16 notes · View notes
mwuaferrari · 2 years
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summary: aurora had a toxic relationship in which she was trapped for 5 years. when she believes that she will not be able to feel loved by anyone in her life, pierre gasly arrives.
pairing: pierre gasly x aurora (reader)
words: 3.4K
warning: some bad words. also, english is not my native language, so any spelling or writing error is the fault of the translator hehe.
notes: i didn't put the lyrics of the song as I had done with the previous chapters, but only wrote situations about some parts of the song. Anyway, you can listen to it while reading the chapter, however you like. In addition, this will be narrated in the first person by the protagonist (if you read "question...?" with Lando, you will be able to remember her ;) )
I wouldn't consider myself the biggest fan of Formula 1, but I have seen it for a while. One of the reasons I started following this motorsport was because of my best friend, Maia, who is an F1 journalist and was given the opportunity to start working with them a few years ago. So consequently, I was aware of everything that was constantly happening in that world, I knew all the names of the drivers, and I even followed some of them on Instagram.
—Come on Aurora, Lando is waiting for us downstairs.—My friend Maia had invited me to watch the race that week,so now we are at the hotel while she hurry me from outside my room and I desperately searched for my bag to get out.
—Here it is, here it is. I am sorry. Let's go. 
When we pull into the parking lot, I see Lando in his Mclaren uniform in his fancy car smiling at us.
—Good morning Aurora.— Lando says as he keeps looking at me with that weird smile in the rearview mirror.— Ready to meet the love of your life?
—What are you talking about? Weird.— I say confused as I put on lip gloss.
—You didn’t tell her?— Lando ask his girlfriend. 
—Why would I tell her our top secret plan, Lando, now it’s screwed it up.
—What are you talking about? 
—Maia and I are going to introduce you to someone in the paddock, you will fall in love with him and then we can have double dates... 
—Very delicate Lando… please stop.—Maia hits him on the arm.
—No, guys, I don't need to meet anyone. Not for now… 
Context: Exactly 8 months ago I had broken up with my boyfriend of almost 5 years. I was the one who decided to end it and honestly it took me a long time to make the decision, even though all my friends told me how toxic the relationship was and how bad he was doing to me. 
Since then, Lando and Maia had tried to convince me to meet other guys, but after I told them that I wasn't ready yet, they stopped insisting. Apparently now they had ignored my continuous denials. 
—Please, we both think he's perfect for you. We will only introduce him to you, just that. He doesn't know anything. And if you don't like him or just doesn't catch your attention, you leave it there. 
What could go wrong? What if it was time to leave the past behind and meet new guys?
—What does that silence mean?— Maia turns to look at me with a giant smile. 
—I'm just thinking, shut it.
—She's thinking about it!— She whispers to Lando excitedly as she shakes his arm. 
Finally I had accepted and now they are celebrating like never before, and to be honest, didn't really understand what all the excitement was about.
So now we were walking around the paddock looking for the guy. Suddenly I could see from afar the orange space that corresponded to Mclaren. 
—I'm nervous, I don't want to do it anymore.— I stop my pace abruptly and Maia took my arm trying to keep me walking. 
—Let's go! I swear to you that he is a good man, you will feel comfortable with him. Also, we will be with you.
I gave in to her body pulling mine to keep me walking. Lando was ahead leading us, opening the door for us. When we entered, there was a "hello" in unison and some smiles towards us. 
—Lando, boy, what are you doing here so early?
—Shut up Daniel.— Lando tells his teammate as they fist bump each other. 
And that's when I saw him. Not the man who had greeted Lando, but the blonde next to him. Pierre Gasly. I knew him, of course I knew him. Just as I also knew about the womanizing playboy side of him, and now I understand why all those girls immediately fall at his feet. He is gorgeous. And he had beautiful eyes…
—Maia, good morning. Who's with you today?— The Australian accent woke me up from my daydream. I hadn't really stopped looking at him. 
—Daniel, this is Aurora, my best friend. 
—A pleasure Aurora, I'm Daniel.— The brunette gets up from his seat to walk over to me and kiss me on the cheek.
—Hello, the pleasure is mine.— I tried not to look shy, I swear, but with the Frenchman in the same room with his eyes on me, my security vanished from my body. 
—Hello, I'm Pierre. Do you want some coffee?— He told me as he pointed the coffee machine behind him. 
—Shame on you, Gasly, this isn't even your place. —Maia bothered him while she took a seat and I still standing since there were no more chairs at that table, 
—What else do you want me to do, all of you are very unconcerned. She doesn't even have a chair for her. Come, sit here, I'll go get another one for myself.— Pierre got up and pulled the chair for me to sit down. 
I murmured a "thank you" and accepted the seat. 
I'm not sure if it was Pierre the man she wanted to introduce me to or it was Daniel, but I seemed to be more interested in the first one. Suddenly I look at Maia and I get it,  I see the look she has on her face. That look of "don't even think about it, my friend". 
But clearly I ignored her.
It had been 3 weeks since Pierre and I started talking. After the week of that race, he followed me on Instagram, replied to one of my stories, and from that point on we hadn't stopped talking. 
The day of the race was the last day we saw each other. Now we happened to be in the same city, so Pierre had the idea to get us together by asking me out on a date. 
@pierregasly pick you up at 13:30? I know a cool place we can go for lunch
@aurora_fasey It's fine for me :)
After that, we kept talking about random things until he says that it was too late and we should sleep. 
The next day I got up early and I was very anxious. Yes, I already knew him in person and had talked to him, but we were surrounded by people. Now we would be alone, on a date. 
These days it had been hot, so I decided to wear a white dress with white sandals too and my little green bag. A natural makeup, I curled my lashes, put on a little blush and lip gloss. 
I look at the time on my cell phone, 13:29. So I sit on the couch to watch some TV before Pierre comes for me, trying to calm my nerves. Just a few seconds after I take my seat, my cell phone vibrates. 
@pierregasly I think I'm outside your house 
I quickly get up and draw the curtains so I can look outside. Sure enough, I see a black Aston Martin DBS parked outside and Pierre sitting inside it.
I wave to him so he can see me and he smiles back. So I grab my bag and stand in front of the mirror to take one last look at myself. Taking a deep breath, I open the front door to leave. That's when I collide with a body, my face against his chest, his arms grabbing my shoulders to pull me away. We both laugh.
—Hey. I'm sorry.— Pierre says with his hands trailing from my shoulders down my arms and then give a little hug.— How are you?
—Hello Pierre. I´m good, what about you? And don't worry, it was my fault.— I give him an awkward smile. 
—No, it was my fault darling. Shall we go?— Now he put his hand on my waist guiding me to his car to get in 
At first we talked a bit, catching up. But the rest of the ride was silent. Neither of us said a word. But it wasn't embarrassing, it was a comfortable silence. 
—You look beautiful, by the way.— His voice made me jump a little.
I said nothing. I didn't know how to react. I just smiled at him and turned my gaze to the landscape that was seen through the window. It didn't take us long to get to the place. Pierre parked his car and mumbled "we're here" to which we both unfastened our seat belts. 
—Wait— he said when he saw that I was about to open the door. I watch him walk around the car to the passenger door and open it for me. I get out of the vehicle giving him an awkward but a grateful smile. 
We then entered the restaurant, where a waiter guided us to our table and served us immediately. 
—Are you okay?— He asks me when we're already eating. 
—Yeah, I'm just not used to it. 
—What are you talking about? Did you not like the place? We can go anywhere you want, just tell me...
—No, Pierre, the place is perfect. It's just, you know, I'm not used to being told nice things, opening the car door for me, picking me up at my house…my ex-boyfriend never…— I stopped my words abruptly. I looked down in shame. 
—Do you want to talk about it?— I look up and bite my lip nervously, not knowing what to say. I didn't want to sound rude and I didn't know if it was the right thing to tell him or to keep quiet. But I definitely didn't want to talk about my ex-boyfriend. Apparently Pierre read my face, or my mind, and quickly changed the subject. 
—So…how did you meet Maia?
Our third date was in a park. We were sitting in front of a beautiful lagoon and surrounded by grass, trees and flowers. Pierre had prepared a kind of picnic with lots of food and some drinks. 
—This park is beautiful, look at the little ducks!— I say to Pierre while I point excitedly at the animals that were in the lagoon. 
—Yes, it's beautiful.— I turn my head to look at him only to meet his eyes already on me, leaning on his elbow. 
—How about a toast?
 —A toast, yes.— I happily raise my glass of champagne.— Toast for the little ducks!
Pierre throw his head back laughing like a little kid. And I think it's strange that he think I'm funny 'cause he never did.
—A toast for the little ducks, then.— He raises his glass as well and clinks it against mine. We both take a sip as we gaze into each other's eyes. I didn't want to take my eyes off him, I felt like the air was going out of me, but it was addictive. 
Suddenly my cell phone starts ringing so I reluctantly look away. The contact “Maia<3” appears on the screen of my cell phone. "Uh-oh," I thought. I knew this could lead.
Every time I'd told Maia about some situation that made me happy about Pierre, she and Lando had given me endless talks about why I should stay away. So there came a time when I decided to stop talking to them about him, and when they asked me, I simply denied that I was still talking to the french man.
—Who is it?— Pierre asked, noticing my stunned state. 
—It's Maia, she wants to make a video call. 
—Fine, you can answer if you want, no problem. 
—It's just, she doesn't know I'm with you now... 
—That is a problem? 
—It´s not…well. I mean, don't get me wrong…It's not a problem for me at all, I love spending time with you. It's just that Maia doesn't like the idea of me spending time with you... 
—Uh, I get it… 
—I'm sorry, I really don't…
—No, don't worry, I really understand. So you don't want to answer her? 
—I want to, but she scares me. And anyway, she hung up the call… Oh, now Lando is calling me.— I look at my phone not knowing whether to answer or not. 
—Give me your phone.
I pass it to him immediately as if it burned me to have the device in my hands. He accepts the call and immediately on the other side of the screen is Lando's face in the foreground. 
—Aurora, why don't you answ….Pierre? Pierre!— Following that, the phone is seen to make a sudden movement until Maia's face appears.
—I know it, I fuckin know it!
—Hey guys, how are you?
 After that, they immediately cut off the call. And later that same day they called me again and gave me another talk. No matter how hard I tried to change their minds, they wouldn't budge. 
After spending 8 months with the thought that I could never trust someone again, after believing that love did not exist, he came and made me feel things that I had not felt in my entire life. Was I afraid? Yes, but the feeling of feeling loved outweighed the fear.
Because of his work as a driver in Formula 1, Pierre and I couldn't see each other that often, even so we talked to each other every day and made video calls from time to time. We met a couple of times, but the fourth time we saw each other was an important point in the relationship we were forming, plus it had been a long time since we had seen each other. 
One weekend of his vacation he came to my city and came to my house as a surprise with a giant bouquet of flowers. 
—Pierre…— I didn't know how to react. Having so little person-to-person time, we had not developed any type of physical contact. I didn't know whether to give him a little hug, kiss his cheek or throw myself into his arms. If I'm honest, I've been dying to do the last one.
—What are you doing here? 
—Can I pass?
—Sure, sorry, please come in.— I stepped aside so he could enter my house. I received the flowers and quickly put them in a vase. Then I turn around to face him. 
—It´s not that your presence bothers me at all, but may I know what you're doing here? How, why… — And seconds later I feel his strong arms wrapping around me. My face against his chest, I smell his perfume. Slowly relaxing, I wrap my arms around his waist. When I do this, Pierre squeezes me even tighter and lifts me off the floor a few inches. 
—I missed you… —He said against my head and then left a kiss there.— I just missed you so much, I took advantage of this weekend of my vacation and wanted to come see you. 
—I missed you too, Pierre.— I said, still hugging him.— I really appreciate you coming to see me. You would have told me to think of something to take advantage of the weekend… What do you want to do? If you want we can stay here and watch a movie. I have netflix, amazon prime, disneyplus... 
—Wouldn't you like to go out?
—Sure, go where. 
—It will be a surprise. 
—Don't you think that there are many surprises for today?— I finally said separating myself a little from him to be able to raise my head and look him in the eye. 
—You deserve all the surprises in the world, mon cherie. Now go get a jacket, it might get cold later.
Ever since we got in the car, we hadn't stopped talking. Even though we texted every day, we still had a million topics of conversation. 
—Hey, don't you want to put on some music? You can connect your phone to the car. 
—I don't think you like my music, if you want I'll connect yours and put some of your playlists…
—You'd be surprised… I'm a fan of many types of music, I don't think I dislike yours. 
—I don't know… 
—Come on, don't be shy.— He says as he prods my stomach to tickle me. I laugh a little and finally give in. 
As we sang, I suddenly stopped hearing his voice and turned my head only to see him already looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He turns his gaze back to the road as he bite his lip smiling. 
—What's wrong? 
—I just really want to kiss you.—I almost choked, but I try to hide it.
—It´s okay, I want to kiss you too.— I reach my hand to his knee shyly and squeeze it lightly. Then he puts his hand on top of mine and then takes it and brings it up to his mouth to leave a delicate kiss on it. His beard tickling me, but it didn't bother me at all.
—It's not long until we get there, can you put this on to cover your eyes?— Pierre hands me a bandana. I do what he tells me, nervous. Minutes later I feel how the car begins to slow down until it stops moving completely. —You're not cheating, are you?— Pierre tells me. 
—I swear I see absolutely nothing.
—I believed in you. Now wait for me, I'll go open the door and help you down.— Later I hear his door open and close. I inhale and exhale deeply before I hear the door open next to me.— Come here princess.— He takes my hands to help me down, I hear him close the door and lock the car.
—If you let me fall, I'll hit you Gasly. 
—I will not do it. Now walk with me.— We both walk at his pace, giving me some instructions like lifting my foot a little or being careful when going down. I start to smell the sea breeze, so before I open my eyes, I already have an idea of ​​where it brought me. 
When he removes the bandana from my eyes, it takes me a moment to get used to the light. When I manage to get used to it, I see in front of me a beautiful and calm beach, in the background a wonderful sunset with mixtures of purples and pinks. 
I stare at the place and feel Pierre hug me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. 
—The other day you told me that you wanted to see the sunset on a beach, so I thought it was necessary to bring you.— I feel his hoarse voice very close to my ear, which makes me shiver.— I have sushi in the car, but without shrimp because I know you don't like it. And also brought that strawberry juice they sell at walmart that you said…—In a deft move I turn in his arms and take his face in my hands to kiss his lips.
His bewilderment lasts a second, as he immediately follows me in the kiss, putting his hands on my waist. 
His lips, oh god his lips. They felt even better than I imagined. With soft and slow touches, full of affection. 
My hands settled on his chest and made fists on his white shirt. I felt how he smiled during the kiss when I did that. He raised one of his hands to the back of my neck. 
It was the lack of breathing that finally forced us to separate. I slowly opened my eyes to meet the sparkling blue gems of him. He pressed his forehead against mine before placing a small kiss on my nose.
—Aurora, I am so in love with you. I want to take care of you, kiss you and give you all the love you deserve.— He Intertwined his fingers with mine.— I understand that you want to go slow, we can go at the pace you want. 
I looked at him not knowing what to say, so I brought my lips back to his. Now my hands tugged a little on his hair making him moan a little. 
—I'm in love with you too, Pierre. Now we only have Lando and Maia to accept it.
@primadonnasdream @midnightricker
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loulooser · 7 months
Hi wife!!(ilysm mwah)(you are so handsome by the by)
Could you inform me bit more about this new TØP album perhaps???
Im genuinely going to explode.
1) the theme.
So, as always, the boys changed their hair. It happens every era and i love it. Now from some screenshots from the Super Bowl where they where wearing hats, the fan base figured that Josh went red again and Tyler shaved his hair. Now from Josh’s pfp on instagram, we can see that we were right:
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And I’m very happy about it.
Also, people have been calling it the ‘fire era’ or variants of that and I’m digging it icl it sounds AMAZING. The theme is- obviously- mostly red but I’m guessing its red+black. Funny thing is, there’s a few MASSIVE ties to their other album Trench (my favourite, which we will get into) and the trench theme was yellow+black. Yellow (in the lore so far) has always been a sign of the good guys or the banditos if you like to name them, and red has always been the bad guys (Dema, blurry face/nico, the bishops etc). The contrast is FABULOUS.
2) Release date.
So BBC radio 1 has leaked that they will be playing ‘the new hottest record’ from said album on the 29th of February 2024 at 6pm English time. Obviously this means that it will release the same day, being two days away from the making of this post (I am going FERAL.)
3) Details
Sadly I have no details along the lines of album title, song titles, how many songs are on it etc, but I think it’s only going to make the first listen better imo.
4) Trench links
There are a few main links, one of them being in the actual music as Paulmeany, who had a VERY big influence on the sound and contents of trench, posted a mildly cryptic photo on Instagram not too long ago.
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As we can see, the people’s eyes in the photo are covered up with red (tape) which has already been seen in the teasers leading up to release covering the eyes of those on the main album covers. This is an obvious hint that he’s come back to collaborate with TØP for this new album, and also that it may sound as if ‘returning to trench’. This is important for reasons in my next point.
Aside from the tape, the letters, and the social media changes, the big way we found out a new album was on the way was through the Instagram video. This video basically gave us a run down on all of the lore up until now, confirmed that Tyler is Clancy, and also mentions at the very end that Clancy (the main character of the lore) will be ‘returning to trench’. This is said in the last few seconds of the video where he states:
“I am a citizen. I am an escapee. I am an exception. I am returning to trench. I am Clancy.”
This. Is. MASSIVE. I’ll leave the link to the video at the end of the post so you can see why, but mostly it’s that this is likely to lead to a massive showdown/rebellion and a huge turning point in the lore. This could literally go any which way and I- like every other fan- am hyped beyond words. (Get it? The Hype is a song in Trench hehe)
That’s all I have to say at the moment, but as soon as I find out more you already KNOW I’ll be posting about it for days.
Instagram video:
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percytheturkey · 7 months
Intro post!! :) ☆彡
I’ve been on here for a while but have never done an intro whoopsies :]
•The hobbit (book & Triology)
• Dead Boy Detectives (Neil Gaiman characters & TV series)
•The Lord of the Rings (books & film triology)
• Good omens (TV Series & book by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman)
•IT (2017 & 2019) and IT (original Steven King)
•Shadow & Bone and Six of Crows (both book trilogies and Shadow & Bone series)
• Hazbin Hotel (2024 series)
•Doctor who :))
•Our Flag Means Death (HBO series)
• Labyrinth
• A lot of different Horror movies ehehehe :)
• Any Simon James green book :))
(I might make a separate one of these just for books Tehehe)
• Be more chill (Two river theatre production & Broadway production)
•The Rocky Horror Picture Show
• David Bowie
• And so so so many more Musicals and Musicians :))) I can’t list all of them tbh haha!
My likes and Interests
• Old cheesy movies
• 2000s British romcoms :)
• My boyfriend <3
•My amazing friends!! :))
• My two cats :) Lucy and Myrtle
• FESTIVE MOVIES!! My soft spot :))
• Really good music (ranging from literally 50s-now)
•fanfiction haha :)
•The movie Paddington and specifically when people tell me that I am Paddington tehe
•Forests!! And flowers and fields (I get such bad allergies tho sometimes)
• When people call me specific characters (Aziraphale, Paddington, Jeremy Heere, etc.)
•binging really good horrors
• Musical theatre!! I’m definitely a singer first haha :))
• Singing solo! I’ve been training since I was 5/6 <33
• Reading (my joy in life)
• writing ofcourse :) (usually fanfics hehe)
• playing bass! :)
• Sometimes I write music <3
• Any form of Literature or History!! :)
My name is Percy :) - He/him/his
I am very much on the neurodivergent spectrum :)) - ADHD and possibly autism
I’m very queer/bi/gay/whatevafloatsyaboat
I’m pretty openly trans :) I’ve been out for 4 years and am staring HRT soon!
I’m a Leo (16th august)
My favorite animals are penguins and cats <3
I speak two languages :) More fluently English but also German! :)
I’m really British. I’m English, welsh, and Czech :)
My favorite seasons are autumn and spring :)
Other accounts
My Instagram account (private)
My TikTok (private)
My AO3 :))
That’s basically it!! Feel free to Dm or ask to be moots!! I will start posting more <3 it will mainly be just stuff to do with fandoms I’m in but maybe other stuff too! :)
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pupphe-additions · 8 months
✬Evie’s Closest Idol Friends✬
a/n this is the final part of Evie's closest idol friends, sorry for having to make it literally 5 different posts, ya boy writes too much ig
Evie x Yunjin (Le Sserafim) 8/10
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Quote: “Making memories with you is my favorite thing to do.” Dynamic: Dumb and Dumber
Yunjin’s contact in Evie’s phone is “Partner in Crime”
These two are constantly gushing about their favorite anime to one another and talking about their favorite characters like it’s their profession.
These two are very dumb together, it’s like they don’t use their brains and just act out of instinct.
Evie and Yunjin watched Demon Slayer together which is one of Evie’s current favorite anime.
Evie was a fan of Yunjin when she was on Produce 48 and was very happy when they became friends.
They enjoy snacking a lot when they are together.
They prefer speaking English together.
Evie really enjoys eating and watching anime with Yunjin and wishes they could do it more often.
Yunjin and Evie can sometimes get loud when they are excited together.
Evie always praises Yunjin for her talent and hardwork.
Yunjin says Evie is a demon on stage but she’s actually more like a slightly chaotic angel or teddy bear off stage.
Yunjin and Evie’s selfies always have peace signs or their tongues sticking out.
They have matching pajamas and a matching necklace.
Evie will randomly dance to Antifragile to embarrass Yunjin.
Evie’s favorite thing to do is embarrass Yunjin, she likes to see Yunjin cringe as she thinks it’s funny.
Yunjin will also make Evie cringe as she also thinks it’s extremely funny.
Evie and Yunjin always laugh and have a really good time when they hang out.
Yunjin and Evie don’t really hug or show any sort of skinship.
Always giving each other dirty looks and then laughing immediately afterward because they can’t take each other seriously.
Literal definition of dumb and dumber best friends.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Evie x Johnny (NCT) 8/10
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Quote: “He’s the kind of boy that you can flirt with, and still talk to like he’s your best friend.” Dynamic: Shameless Flirts
Johnny’s contact name in Evie’s phone is “Big Sexy”
They first met briefly when Evie was a trainee under SM but they didn’t become friends or talk until after she debuted in 2019.
Johnny was extremely impressed by her debut stage and gave her a lot of praise for impressive visuals and killer stage presence. They became friends quickly after remeeting.
Evie initiated the first flirty talks between the two in 2020 and he kept it going, now they basically just flirt 24/7.
Evie admits that she finds Johnny kind of cute but she’s not sure she’d ever pursue him.
They love posting photos of them together, not caring about any rumors it may spark.
Everyone thinks they are lying when they say they aren’t dating because they have so much chemistry according to fans.
Johnny takes some of the photos Evie posts on Instagram and she always credits him. 
Johnny always calls Evie cute and squishes her cheeks when he does.
They enjoy getting coffee together on the rare occasion they can meet up.
Always telling bad jokes to one another but it makes them laugh so that’s all that matters.
Evie wants to cook for him sometime but hasn’t gotten the chance to yet.
Johnny is OBSESSED with Evie’s dogs and always asks for photos and videos of them.
Johnny and Evie recently (in 2023) got matching stuffed animals.
Johnny loves to make Evie look into his eyes and tilts his head when he has her do it because it makes her flustered and he chuckles when that happens.
He teases her constantly.
Evie prefers to send him cute selfies over serious ones.
Evie has posted a picture of them holding hands before and everyone has been trying to figure out who it is as they speculated that’s who she’s dating but Evie said she’d be open the next time she was in a relationship as long as it lasted at least six months privately so that died down rather quickly.
Outside of Stray Kids and Ateez, Johnny is her best male friend.
Johnny is always smiling whenever he sees Evie.
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