#baby first year
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My favourite FNAF animatronic: Funtime Miku!
Inspired by LOLBOTLOID’s post
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hinata-boke · 2 months
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1st year akaashi
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canisalbus · 8 months
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✦ Show and tell ✦
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dragonpyre · 4 months
Reverse Robin au but the ages aren't changed. Just adoption order.
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artharakka · 2 years
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“Äiti itki. Isä lähti huoneesta. Vivian istui nurkassa ja kuunteli vaiti. Kissamme Minni hyppäsi vuoteelle ja käpertyi jalkojeni päälle ja kehräsi, sillä kehräämällä parannetaan sairaita.” — Emmi Itäranta. Kuunpäivän kirjeet
“Mom cried. Dad left the room. Vivian sat in the corner and listened quietly. Our cat Minni jumped on the bed and curled up on my legs and purred, for through purring the sick are healed.” — Emmi Itäranta. The Moonday Letters. Quote tranlated by me (unofficial)
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6 Surprising Milestones Your Baby Will Reach in Their First Year,
Watch your baby grow
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As a new parent, you're probably eagerly anticipating the typical milestones your baby will reach in their first year. From their first word to their first steps, these developmental milestones are exciting and well-researched. But did you know that there are also surprising milestones that your baby might achieve, milestones you weren't expecting? In this post, we'll delve into six of these lesser-known milestones and how to support your baby's growth and development along the way. So buckle up, and get ready to discover the surprising milestones your baby will reach in their first year.,
Tracking with Their Eyes
When babies are born, they see the world in black and white. It's not until around three months of age that they begin to develop the ability to see color. But tracking objects and people with their eyes is a skill they are born with. As early as a few days old, babies begin to follow the movement of objects and people they see. You might notice this when you move your hand or a toy in front of their face, and they follow it with their eyes. This is an important milestone because it shows that your baby's eyes are working together and that their brain is able to process visual information.
As your baby's eyesight continues to develop, they will become better at tracking moving objects and people. By six months of age, they will be able to track objects moving across their field of vision and will be able to turn their head to follow someone walking across the room. You can help support this milestone by providing your baby with plenty of visual stimulation. Engage them in games such as peek-a-boo or by moving a toy back and forth in front of their face. These activities will not only help them develop their eye-tracking skills but also promote bonding and communication between you and your baby.
By the end of their first year, your baby's eye-tracking skills will have greatly improved, and they will be able to follow objects and people with ease. This is an important foundational skill that will support their development in many aspects of life, from reading and writing to sports and social interactions. Encourage your baby's eye-tracking development by continuing to provide them with plenty of visual stimulation and engaging in activities that promote eye-tracking skills.,
Sitting without Support
Around the six-month mark, your baby will have achieved a major milestone - sitting without support! Though your little one may have already been able to sit up with support, the feat of sitting independently is a game-changer. It opens up a whole new world of exploration and interaction with their surroundings.
As with all milestones, the age at which your baby is able to sit up unassisted may vary. However, you can encourage this development by giving them plenty of opportunities to practice sitting with support. Place them in a seated position on your lap or on a cushion, and offer toys or other objects to keep them engaged. You can also help strengthen their core muscles by doing tummy time regularly.
Once your baby is able to sit up independently, they will have greater control over their body and be able to interact with their environment in new ways. They can reach for objects within their grasp, play with toys on the ground, and even join in on family activities at the dinner table.
The ability to sit up without support sets the stage for the next milestone on the horizon - holding small objects. With their newfound control and dexterity, your baby will be able to explore and manipulate objects with greater finesse.,
Holding Small Objects
With the increased mobility and stability that comes with sitting up unassisted, your baby will soon start to hone their grasping skills. Holding small objects may seem like a minor achievement, but it's a significant step towards independent play and exploration. As your little one picks up and examines toys, they'll be engaging their senses and learning about cause and effect.
In preparation for the next milestone, pulling up to stand, your baby will also start using furniture to support their weight as they reach for toys or other items. Encourage their curiosity by providing safe, age-appropriate objects to play with, and keep a watchful eye on their explorations. Before you know it, they'll be cruising along furniture and taking their first steps.,
Pulling Up to Stand
In addition to sitting up unassisted, your baby will soon learn to pull themselves up to stand using furniture or other objects as support. This newfound ability opens up a whole new world of exploration and excitement for your little one. As they practice and gain confidence, they may even start "cruising" along furniture, taking small steps to move from one object to another.
As your baby stands and plays, they'll also begin to develop their language skills. Babbling in conversational tones, your little one will experiment with different sounds and rhythms, mimicking the cadence of real conversation. Encourage their efforts by talking to them and responding to their babbling as if it were real conversation. This will not only help them develop their communication skills but also foster a deeper connection between you and your baby.,
Babbling in Conversational Tones
As your baby continues to grow, they'll start to achieve new milestones that mark their development. In addition to sitting up unassisted and pulling themselves up to stand, they'll also start babbling in conversational tones. This is an exciting time for both you and your little one, as they start to experiment with different sounds and rhythms while mimicking the cadence of real conversation.
Encouraging your baby's efforts by talking to them and responding to their babbling as if it were real conversation can help them develop their communication skills and foster a deeper connection between you both. Soon enough, your baby will take their babbling to the next level and start understanding simple words.,
Understanding Simple Words
As your baby continues to grow and explore the world around them, they'll start to understand simple words. This is an exciting milestone for both you and your little one as they begin to recognize common words and phrases that you use every day.
At first, your baby may only understand a handful of words such as "mommy," "daddy," and "bye-bye." As they continue to develop their cognitive abilities, they'll start to understand more complex words and phrases. You may notice that your baby responds to certain words with excitement or anticipation, such as when they hear the word "playtime" or "bath time."
To encourage your baby's language development, it's important to continue talking to them regularly and using simple words and phrases. As your baby starts to understand more words, you can also start to introduce new vocabulary in a fun and playful way. For example, you could ask your baby to point to different objects in the room and name them.
As you work with your baby to develop their language skills, remember to be patient and encouraging. Every baby develops at their own pace, so don't worry if your little one isn't picking up new words as quickly as you had hoped. With time and practice, your baby will continue to grow and develop both their language skills and their overall cognitive abilities.,
As a new parent, it's easy to get caught up in traditional milestones like walking and talking. But, there are smaller and sometimes surprising milestones that are equally important. From tracking with their eyes to babbling in conversational tones, your baby's growth and development will amaze you. Remember to embrace every milestone, big or small, and provide a loving and nurturing environment to support your baby's growth. If you have any concerns, reach out to your pediatrician. As your baby navigates their first year, celebrate the small wins and keep cheering them on and don’t forget to celebrate their very first birthday!
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dandelion-roots · 4 months
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couldn't get it past your lips, could you? (aka the moment in the scene I knew pok was lying)
[ID: First image: a black and white digital drawing of pok gukgak sitting tied to a chair and bleeding from several wounds. we see him from the back. in front of him are two goblinoid but large demons saying, is there nothing you miss? do you regret dying? do you regret not seeing the life of your son? Second image: a sepia picture of a tiny riz sitting on pok's lap as seen from pok's perspective. pok is gently caressing riz's soft cheek with the back of his index finger. with his other hand, this one with a wedding ring on it, he's holding a big picture book that depicts a dog sherlock holmes. riz is grinning and excitedly pointing at the drawing with one hand while his other holds his dad's wrist to get his attention. outside the memory, pok is saying, i don't- i don't miss- and the words cut off. Third image: the drawing is again black and white. pok is back in the reality of being tied to a chair. he's staring forward with a blank expression, face battered, and saying, i don't know what to tell you. there are tears in the corners of his eyes. End ID]
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part one...!
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catmask · 6 months
for me at least, theres always been a really stark divide in the 'child character is the main antagonist' sort of stories.
on one hand. theres stories that rely on the shock factor of a child being evil, because we're supposed to believe that kids arent capable of that sort of thing. i guess its supposed to be frightening but the novelty always wears off really quickly for me.
i think 'a child is the villain' always lands most successfully for me when a kid is given power beyond their years (either by adults around them or otherwise supernatural/societal forces) and then everyone is floored when they arent exactly responsible with that power. and sometimes theyre even selfish! not because that kid is evil, but because theyre a kid.. acting like a kid would in their situation.
it means that any sort of story that follows requires a protagonist to reason with someone who may not even understand the harm theyre doing, or worse - not have the life lived to understand why they should care in the first place. and also, i think watching what happens when u have an destructive force seeking comforts that any child deserves doing whatever they can to have those things is (to me) much more interesting than 'child who is fucked up and evil for no reason but being born that way actually'
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moonlightperseus · 5 months
okay but i NEED fabian doing a full 180 once the baby is born and just being like. I Have To Be The Greatest Big Brother Ever
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ladylluan · 6 months
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I've been obsessed with the idea of Harry having a crush on Draco since the first year🥺🥺 (But of course, Harry doesn't know about this yet. For now, the little gentleman is just trying to impress Draco into becoming his friend💐✨)
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sage-nebula · 7 months
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Oh my god, they did it. The mad lads actually did it.
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New dad Astarion who is about to see his newborn child for the first time.
Of course, he expects his child to be the personification of serene beauty and divine grace. Them to have their father’s silken silvern locks, his immaculately chiselled features—the artwork perfected by Tav’s wonderful watercolour eyes…
And then he actually sees the child and—well—everybody assures him that, yes, Astarion, all babies look like that barely a half hour after birth…
He kind of has to take that at face value because he hasn’t seen an awful lot of newborns in his lifetime.
But it would’ve been nice if someone had told him that newborns happen to look like shrivelled potatoes, because he’s really, really trying to not let his bewilderment show. 
Astarion swallows. 
Tav’s beautiful eyes are watching him, waiting for a reaction—an enthusiastic one, no less. 
Maybe Tav will believe that he’s overcome with emotions at seeing his firstborn child? 
“Oh my, darling, I’m…speechless,” is all he can choke out, though, being rather proud that it’s at least not a lie. 
To his luck, Tav only nods dreamily, her full attention back on the odd little bundle in her arms.
“Isn’t she perfect?”
Yes, perfectly hideous. 
Astarion only hums in a way of reply.
That—his daughter, he supposes—is with no doubt one of the ugliest things he’s ever seen, but he has a feeling that his honesty wouldn’t be appreciated after Tav laboured for hours to give birth to this…potato-baby.
“Come, hold her, Astarion,” Tav says, then, bidding him to sit next to her on the bed.
The mattress shifts under Astarion’s weight and he obediently holds his arms out so that Tav can gently place the sleeping child against his chest.
Now that Astarion can take a better look, he can confirm that his daughter’s hair is of an indefinable colour and that her features are neither his nor Tav’s, plain as can be. Surely it won’t stay like that?
He and Tav are so ridiculously beautiful, their child can only be drop-dead gorgeous, right?
Astarion’s stomach drops indeed when, suddenly, something occurs to him. 
Oh dear, what if it’s his fault? He has no recollection of his family whatsoever; it’s very much possible that he and his immaculate looks are the exception in his lineage, and that he’s passed on only those mysterious less-than-perfect genes…Tav, as per usual, can’t be the issue!
Astarion is still catastrophizing when the bundle in his arms begins to stir.
All of a sudden, gold-speckled pale green eyes are looking up at him as if to ask what the fuck this weirdo’s problem might be. 
“Oh,” the weirdo in question exclaims at once. “Darling, look, she has your eyes!”
Tav, hugging him from behind, rests her chin on his shoulder, so she can watch as Astarion’s finger tenderly strokes their baby’s chubby cheek.
Their daughter also has, as it turns out, ten fingers and toes, a cute little nose and a hungry mouth—everything that’s supposed to be there is there, and it seems to be working fine, too—which is a huge relief. 
And aren’t those the tiniest pointy ears Astarion has ever seen? Let alone the unexpectedly strong fingers grasping at his!
Astarion, worries forgotten in a heartbeat, can’t help but smile at the baby in his arms. 
She is perfect, after all. 
Tav, face hidden in the crook of his neck, begins to tremble against his back. 
For a second, Astarion thinks she’s crying but then her laughter fills the chamber. It takes her a good moment to articulate whatever it is she finds so very funny.
“She'll grow out of it, you know?” Tav giggles in between her fits of laughter. 
Astarion stiffens. “Of what?”
“The turnip look. That’s what you’ve been worrying about the whole time, haven't you?”
“I was leaning more towards potatoes—but yes, I might’ve been a little worried about that,” Astarion admits sheepishly, although a grin is already tugging at his lips.  
Regaining her composure, Tav reaches over Astarion’s shoulder, her hand joining his as they get to know their child.
“Give it a couple of days and she will look like your proper little elf—beautiful just like her father.”
A content sigh leaves Astarion’s lips, right before he presses them against Tav’s temple.
“That’s the second best news I’ve heard today, my heart, truly.”
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 292
“Oh I am blaming all of this on you T,” one of the beings in the summoning circle groans, burying their corpse-pale head in clawed hands as their white hair flickered. 
“Me? Excuse me, I wasn’t the one to accept the summoning!” another being protested, hood hiding most of their face save for molten-gold eyes and glittering runes or code on dark blue skin. “I was trying to figure out how to convince PK to change our schedule to include more sleeping, so don’t look at me, look at S!” 
“Well I didn’t accept it,” the only girl-sounding one scoffed, her crown of thorns seeming to writhe and bloom in her black hair for a moment. She crossed her arms, narrowing green eyes just a few shades darker than the white-haired one. “Maybe talk to whoever decided to summon us?” 
All of the sudden the cultists and heroes were being peered down at by a trio of… honestly whatever they were, because they didn’t seem to be the “Infinite King” the cult had been attempting to summon. Actually, they kind-of-maybe looked like kids… Which probably meant their parents or caretakers wouldn’t be too pleased. 
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ryllen · 8 months
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" so promise me you'll be born & grow healthily in the future "
( sequel x before she got sent home to her time )
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loversmore · 9 months
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YERI ♡ season’s greetings behind
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