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neopronouns · 7 months ago
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flag id: six flags with 6 stripes. the top left flag's stripes are medium dark faded indigo, faded pink, soft orangish-red, cream, light red-pink, and red-pink. the top right flag's stripes are medium dark faded indigo, faded pink, soft orangish-red, cream, light sky blue, and sky blue. the middle left flag's stripes are medium dark faded sky blue, faded purple, light pink, cream, light red-pink, and red-pink. the middle right flag's stripes are medium dark faded sky blue, faded purple, light pink, cream, light sky blue, and sky blue. the bottom left flag's stripes are dark faded blue, medium dark dull teal, light brown, cream, light red-pink, and red-pink. the bottom right flag's stripes are dark faded blue, medium dark dull teal, light brown, cream, light sky blue, and sky blue. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
eclian woman | eclian man azlian woman | azlian man levian woman | levian man
anon asked for an eclian woman flag and i figured i'd do more flags in that vein! these are for eclian, azlian, and levian women/girls/etc. and men/boys/etc.
tags: @radiomogai, @fem-mogai | dni link
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redacted-coiner · 11 months ago
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Submate, Sisamate, Sidemate(link)
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System Transmasc(link), Discmate(link), System Transfem(link)
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Levian, Eclian, Azlian(link)
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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cyberneticloverboy · 3 months ago
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01. azrainel! (az-ray-nell)
[pt: azrainel, pronounced az-ray-nell]
an umbrella centred around yellowed book pages, iron-on patches, the colour tan, linguistics, and reading. it is generally non-xenine but can be considered xenine, mixed with xenine terms, or presented in a generally xenic way. based loosely on one of my OCs. can be used for anything, not just genders!
other themes that might fall under azrainel:
watching fireworks with your s/o
light academia (link)
polaroid pictures
gender non-conformity
azrinle - an azrainel person. azranity - the equivalent of femininity/masculinity/etc. azranine - the equivalent of feminine/masculine/etc. AZRIN - azrainel-in-nature. azarince - gender alignment. linazrai - an azrainel4azrainel (azrinle4azrinle) term for azrainel people attracted to other azrainel people. tranzrail - transitioning into azranity. azarine - a general azrainel gender. azirn - an azranine minor. azailn - an azranine adult.
symbol from here (link) coined by felix!
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taglist!!! @radiomogai @idwl @rwuffles @daybreakthing @boingogender
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the-rorster · 6 months ago
Doing my part in breaking the gender binary by just existing as myself Instead of trying to make it make sense to some people who will never be me. Im a guy. I'm azlian, I'm trisgender, both cis and trans. I'm a lesbian but I'd kiss a guy. I'm pansexual but only in a lesbian way. In a lesboy way sometimes. I love myself and I love the people around me and I don't care if that doesn't make any sense because at the end of the day I'm happy in my identity my attractions are for me
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revenant-coining · 9 months ago
azlimasc/eclimasc flags?
both queued!
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fudanshiatlas · 9 months ago
there’s azlian/azligender for cis system members who are technically trans due to the body!
oh thanks!
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Male Woman Pride Flag
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Some reasons for possibly identifying this way: using male for sex (wolfadic) and woman for gender identity (wifgender) [transsex cisgender or cissex transgender]; using both maleness/malehood and womanhood/womankind as gender self-identifiers (multigender, femache, androgyne, transandrogynous or gendervast) while not necessarily using female or man for oneself (pleonotic); being intersex/intergender; plurality of (sub)selves or (sub)personas/multiple headmates or alters/fragmented system (such as detragender (azligender/levigender/ecligender) or conuengender).
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mogaiboards · 2 years ago
so I have did and I've been frontstuck since maybe the age of 8. I'm 23 now and I found out recently that in the inner world, I'm amab, but the body is afab. Do you know a term for that? or would that just be trans? trans by virtue of did?
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seasidewanderers · 3 years ago
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moodboards I made for myself very poggers I think
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vesuvianoak · 6 years ago
what I should be doing: writing my Arcana Secret Santa fic
what I want to be doing: writing my Julian x Ąžuolas The Little Mermaid AU fic
what I'm ACTUALLY doing: listening to the 2017 Beauty and the Beast soundtrack and fantasizing about a Julian x Ąžuolas version ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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imoga-pride · 2 years ago
is it possible to be cis and demigender? and if so how would that work?
demicis is a form of being demigender and cisgender, it means identifying partially as cis/or when your gender partly "matches" your AGAB.
someone can also identify as "cis demigirl", in the same way someone can identify as a "trans demigirl".
other ways: self-assigning, being intersex (intergender, ipsogender), plural/median/system (afficgender, eclian/ecligender, azligender/azlian, levigender/levian), multigender (being a "AMAB demigirl man", bigender of "demiboy" and "cis woman", etc.), reclaiming cis, being citergender, cusper/evenic, cissex transgender.
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“I lose everything if I lose you”
— Takeshi Nakamura to Maho Nishizumi – ‘The guy on the Panzer’ fan-fic by Azlian
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mogaiboards · 3 years ago
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did these for myself!
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starblazerm31 · 5 years ago
Azlian (Azalea x Julian)
Azcio (Azalea x Lucio)
Asmalia (Asra x Imalia)
Hey arcana friends
Tell me what the ship name would be for your mc and their Li!!
Mine’s Asrri!
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Cisfeminine Transmasculine Pride Flag
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[transcript: 5 horizontal stripes of hot pink, cyan, white, cyan, and hot pink. End ID.]
Cisfem Transmasc: an individual who experiences gender masculinity as part of their transness and gender femininity as part of their cisness; a femasc multigender or mascfem centrigender who was assigned female at birth; an intersex or otherwise sex nonconforming person who experiences masculine transsexness and feminine cissexness; a cistrans/transcis (trisgender) femmasc folk; a varsexgender experience (such as cistransen/cissex transgender or transcisen/cisgender transsex); a GNC/PNC folk who transitioned or is crossnominal; or members from a plural system (such as detragender (azlian/levian/eclian) or utrinquegender/fulgurmasc/lapisfem).
Someone can use the combination of both terms for reasons other than I listed here (such as being a cisfeminine trans man and/or a transmasculine cis woman).
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Cismasculine Transfeminine Pride Flag
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[transcript: 5 horizontal stripes of royal blue, pink, white, pink, and royal blue. end ID.]
Cismasc Transfem: an individual who experiences gender masculinity as part of their cisness and gender femininity as part of their transness; a femasc multigender or mascfem centrigender who was assigned male at birth; an intersex or otherwise sex nonconforming person who experiences masculine cissexness and feminine transsexness; a cistrans/transcis (trisgender) femmasc folk; a varsexgender experience (such as cistransen/cissex transgender or transcisen/cisgender transsex); a GNC/PNC folk who transitioned or is crossnominal; or members from a plural system (such as detragender (azlian/levian/eclian) or utrinquegender/fulgurmasc/lapisfem).
Someone can use the combination of both terms for reasons other than I listed here (such as being a cismasculine trans woman and/or a transfeminine cis man).
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