#axis amplifier
itscnc · 2 years
Glentek DC Slot Chassis & Power Supply, AMP-0022
Fadal Machine Amplifiers are electronic devices or circuits used to increase the magnitude of the signal applied to their input. The brand offers good quality amplifiers with easy fault detection features.
Order Fadal Glentek DC 4 Slot Chassis Power Supply used for AMP-0022 online. New Glentek AC brushless amplifiers for Fadal machines are featured with 5000  and 8192 Line Encoder. These are designed in a linear way and rotate in 10 amps continuous and 20 amps peak.  Fadal Machine Amplifiers are designed to drive a 6-pole motor with a 5000 line encoder. 
Call us for more info about our fadal amplifier and repair services 800-324-3475
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dark-corner-cunning · 2 months
The Virtues of Sacred Woods: Embracing the Magick of Trees
Note To Reader: As we find ourselves in the heart of summer, journeying along the southern road of the crossroads here in Appalachia, we embrace the virtue of earth and the magick of Old Mother Green Cap. This post is woven from the threads of traditional witchcraft, physical witchcraft, and my own path. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Feel free to make up or create your own correspondences and virtues as you see fit.
What is a virtue? In our witchy world, a virtue is a beneficial quality or power of something, a word whispered from the metaphysical lips of existence. It's the hidden essence, the subtle energy, the magick that pulses through the veins of the natural world. When we speak of virtues, we're invoking the spirit and energy that dwells within every tree, every branch, every tool crafted from nature's gifts.
Among the myriad stick-formed tools in the Traditional Craft of Cunning, two stand as pillars in our practice: the Wand and the Stang (or Staff). While their virtues are distinct, their roots intertwine deeply with the ancient woods from which they were born. Let us briefly explore these sacred tools, for within their grain lies the power to shape our craft and connect us to the hidden currents of the world.
-The Wand: Conduit of Power-
The wand, slender and elegant, is a faithful companion to the cunning practitioner. Its primary virtue lies in its ability to direct power and energy, much like a conductor's baton orchestrating the unseen forces around us. Wands are used to banish unwanted influences and spirits, sweep away negativity, and conjure helpful entities from the ether. When we cast a working circle, the wand traces the boundary, marking a sacred space or container where magick can unfold.
Each wand, depending on the wood it is crafted from, carries its own unique virtue. A wand of oak might offer a fiery virtue of strength, wisdom, power, protection, or aid to solar rites and magick… while one of willow could provide a watery virtue of emotional healing, strengthening love, divination, enchantment, enlightenment, or aid to rites and workings of the Moon. The wood whispers its secrets to us, guiding our hand and amplifying our intent. Thus, the wand becomes an extension of our will, a bridge between the mundane and the magickal.
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My "Red Serpent" Wand: This wand is directly linked to the serpent energy of the land. It is made from Oak and has a Dragon Blood Stone, Snake rib, and Blood embedded into it. I use it as an extension of my own willpower and life force. I usually bury it under a Full moon to charge when "Sprowl" is at its peak.
-The Stang: Pillar of the Worlds-
The stang, often fashioned from a forked staff, holds a different yet equally potent virtue. It can stand as a representation of the Horned One, the dualities of nature, and the power that flows from earth to sky. In its form, we see the concept of the World Tree, a sacred axis that grants access to the virtues of both the upper and lower worlds and those that lie at the crossroads.
In ritual workings, the stang is a steadfast companion. Its presence anchors us, grounding our energy and connecting us to the land. When we walk the paths of the wild, the stang serves as a tool to gather and store land energy, the elusive "sprowl" that breathes life into our craft. It becomes a beacon, drawing the virtues of the earth and sky into our rites and rituals, where they can be harnessed and directed.
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My Stang that I have been slowly working on for a few years now. It is made from Oak and the forked ends have Clear Quartz in each end. It has the Web of Wyrd Rune on the front and the symbols for each element on the back. I mainly use my Stang during laying and conjuring the crossroads for rituals.
-The Dance of Wood and Witch-
In the dance of wood and witch, we find our path illuminated by the virtues of our tools. The wand and the stang, though different in form and function, both serve as conduits of the ancient energies that flow through the natural world. They are not mere objects, but living entities that resonate with the heartbeat of the land.
Some practitioners favor keeping several wands, each made from different kinds of wood to suit various purposes. Yet, many find solace in the singular presence of one main stang or staff, a trusty ally that carries their spirit and intention.
As we continue to explore the virtues of the different woods, let us remember that our connection to these tools is a sacred bond. Through them, we touch the spirit of the trees, the whispers of the wind, and the silent strength of the earth. They are our guides, our protectors, and our allies in the timeless craft of cunning.
-The Virtues of Woods-
Note: This list is but a glimpse, for the world is rich with countless species of trees. Here, I focus on trees that dwell in my own corner of the world and the ones I know. These are mainly just the virtues of the wood and bark (not the leaves, flowers, seeds, or fruit). I highly recommend you embark on a journey to discover and list the trees within your local area, letting their virtues reveal themselves to you. Also, please take caution of any poisonous trees.
Alder: Defensive Magick, Strength, Leadership, Bravery, Divination, Healing, and Wind & Weather Magick
Apple: Love, Healing, Friendship, Divination, Garden Magick, and Harmony
Ash: Healing & Regeneration Magick, Sea Magick, Communication, Knowledge, Wisdom, Travel, Aids workings of Spirit, Passage Between Worlds, and is often the wood chosen for a Stang.
Beech: Wisdom, Knowledge, Focus, Meditation, Wishes
Birch: Purification, Creativity, Willpower, Initiation of Inception, Birth & Fertility.
Blackthorn: Baneful, Associated with Bucca Dhu/The Devil, Blasting, Defensive Magick, Setting Boundaries, Toad Magick, and Rites of The Dark Moon.
Cedar: Cleansing, Protection, Wards, Divination, Summoning, Consecration, Prosperity
Chestnut: Clarity, Focus, Justice, Encourage Longevity
Crepe Myrtle: Glamour Magick, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money
Dogwood: Wishes, Protection, Health, Wisdom
Elder: Protection, Exorcising Illness, Spirit Conjuration, Blessing
Elm: Protection, Divine Feminine, Healing, Fae Magick
Gorse: Purification, Conjuration of Fair Weather, Discovering, Protection, Fertility & Love
Hawthorn: Associated with Bucca Gwidder/The Green Man, Dealings with Spirit Folk, Fertility, Enchantment, Wards, Charm, Spirituality, and Fishing Magick. Folklore suggests not using Hawthorn as a staff as it may employ ill luck upon walking journeys.
Hazel: Wisdom, Luck, Fertility, Wishes, Divination, Dowsing Wands, Inspiration & Visions
Hickory: Legal Matters, Protection, Protection, Wisdom, Leadership, Acquisition, Power, Wholeness
Holly: Aids Rites of Death/Rebirth, Exorcism, Defensive Magick, Potency, Logic, Power Transfer, Protection
Linden: Creativity, Enchantment, Enlightenment, Truth, Healing
Locust: Enforcing Boundaries, Binding, Defensive Magick, Enchantments, Wood and Thorns used to make pins for Baneful Magick, Appalachian Association with European Blackthorn Virtues.
Magnolia: Fidelity, Love, Hair Growth Magick, Marital Happiness
Maple: Love, Luck, Longevity, Money, Travel, Cleansing, Communication
Oak: Strength, Power, Protection, Wisdom, Longevity, Endurance, Doorways between Realms, Solar Magick, Potency, Associated with The Red Serpent.
Palm: Fertility, Focus, Potency, Divination, Purification, Protection
Pine: Strength, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Exorcism, Wisdom, Increase of Power
Poplar: Spirituality, Change, Rebirth, Summoning, Wealth, Willpower, Witch Flight
Rowan: Protection, Guarding, Defensive Magick, Warding, Necromancy, Quickening, Conjuring Visions, Lifting Curses, A staff of Rowan protects while journeying.
Sumac: Cleansing, Healing, Creativity, Focus
Sweet Gum: Healing, Spirituality, Enchantment, Leadership
Sycamore: Ancestral Wisdom, Divination, Prosperity, Strength, Endurance
Walnut: Cleansing, Healing, Focus, Insight
Willow: Moon Rites & Workings, Emotion Healing, Love, Fertility, Divination, Change, Wishes, Enchantment, Spirituality, Wards
Witch Hazel: Chastity, Protection, Emotional Healing
Yew: Death Mysteries, Ancestral Wisdom, Transformation, Change, Renewal, Baneful, Necromancy
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seafoamreadings · 6 days
week of september 15th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: it's eclipse week! most of that will happen without too much effort from you or even conscious awareness of it, which is probably going to suit you just fine. what you may be more aware of is the mars-nodal square around the same time. consider getting out of the house a bit, going somewhere for a change of scenery but without feeling too out of your element; the house of a close friend, a favorite place in nature, etc.
taurus: romantic dalliances may turn tumultuous if not actually sour this week, especially if not all has been above board. friendships can also get a little bit, let's say, interesting. use your good will as a defense; a little good karma never hurts. do your best not to act with malicious intent in any matter.
gemini: something puts you in the public eye with this eclipse, or at least under the scrutiny of a supervisor or someone in a similar role. this brings about changes, which hopefully are for the best! if all your action has been in alignment with your best self and highest goals, this goes well. otherwise, perhaps not.
cancerians: any eclipse is a big deal for you as the lunar creature you are. the full moon ones perhaps even more so. this one is in watery pisces, and can have you reconsidering or being forced to change academic pursuits, philosophies, and even deeply held spiritual beliefs. above all, don't try to hide or deny truths. be flexible as new information arises or events occur.
leo: i've said it before and i'll say it again, leos feel eclipses every bit as much as cancerians. you don't get a free pass by not being lunar, because you are the epitome of solar and the eclipse doesn't happen without the sun! this eclipse focuses on your resources, the ones you've shored up for yourself or were born with as well as the ones inherited, married into, or otherwise shared.
virgo: relationships are often a core theme for you due to neptune and saturn both long in your sign. this week it's all amplified and brought to a head by the lunar eclipse in pisces - which of course requires input from the sun in your sign. you don't have to be scared of eclipses, but don't expect things to still be the same after this week.
libra: although the eclipse is not directly involving your sign, the nodes of the moon are along the aries-libra axis. and mars is squaring them from your fellow cardinal sign of cancer. you do not have to act on the urge to Do Something, but you do need to heed it, take note of what it is telling you and how much comes from yourself vs what comes from expectations or fears. actions can come later; this week focus on stillness, patience, and collecting information. the eclipse will churn up plenty of it.
scorpio: as a fixed sign, chaos and volatility may not be your favorite vibe. but mars is in a position such that you can actually manipulate the situation in your favor. for one thing, while most people are uneasy about the unknown because it is scary, it also is full of hope - things might go horribly awry but... they also might go better than you ever dreamed of.
sagittarius: current high mutability is a blessing and a curse. you're so mutable yourself that in many ways it fits. on the other hand, anything you try to make stable and sturdy this time is likely to refuse to cooperate. just be as flexible and flowing as you can.
capricorn: mars in cancer is making many aspects all week, amidst a powerful lunar eclipse period. this creates a tense environment for you and yet that tension can certainly lead to a constructive decision or act (or several). take action, but avoid impulsivity.
aquarius: prominently featured this week are your resources, money, inheritances, and the taboo. this is an important time to see the sacred in the mundane, and even in the profane! be open to positive change even if it seems that things are sort of in shambles. and don't spend any more money, time, or energy than you absolutely critically need to. this is not a time to be doing excessive favors.
pisces: a lunar eclipse in your sign is of course the first order of business. this occurs over your self/others axis, so relationships and your self image and self concept are in the spotlight. or it might feel more like being an ant under a magnifying glass? at any rate, this is not all there is. so get your rest where you can get it. don't skimp on sleep, nutrition, or self care.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
“I should’ve bought you flowers…”
plot- you run into Leon, your ex boyfriend CLICK ME
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A bitterly crisp autumn breeze whistled down the empty cobblestone streets of the sleepy rural marketplace, rustling scarlet and amber leaves scuttling across Leon's boots.
He dug both leather-clad hands deeper into his jacket pockets while hunching further into the insulated collar turned up against the biting chill as he strode purposefully onwards.
Mid-afternoon foot traffic always remained relatively scant throughout town - most of the local shops and farmstands having already packed up for the day once their fresh harvests sold through.
All except for the lone family grocer tucked away on the far corner where Leon typically grabbed essentials for the upcoming week.
Just the way he preferred it - in and out quickly with minimal interactions beyond terse polite nods at the shopkeep ringing up his basket.
Today, however...
The distinct figure standing alone beside the open-air produce section instantly seized Leon's attention like an icy fist clenching vice-tight around his ribcage.
That unmistakable silhouette he'd know from a thousand lonely city blocks away no matter how many endless nights of haunted insomnia blurred his vision.
Even from behind, every perfectly etched line of those slender shoulders and the elegant slope of that elegant neck remained scorched into his memory as if branded by a white-hot iron fresh from the forge.
Despite the crystalline sunlight glinting off your silken hair spilling in luxurious waves, Leon's pulse roared thunderously in his ears until all else fell abruptly silent.
As if the earth itself ground to a screeching halt on its axis to better amplify the way his heart stuttered at the mere sight of you for the first time in over a year.
Leon's first instinct was to pivot on his heel and retreat - retracing his steps back the way he came before you'd sensed his presence.
But something deep and inexplicable within kept rooting him to that frostbitten cobblestone, feet feeling as though they'd taken sudden root.
He watched through the hazy blur as you stepped minutely closer to the vendor's stall, slender fingers curling pensively around the handle of your tote as your head swiveled ever so slowly.
Until those wide soulful eyes he knew better than any remembered prayer swiveled to lock with his for one breathless moment suspended in amber streaks of morning light.
Your lips parted on a shocked inhale while recognition washed across those beloved features with the force of a tidal wave.
Leon remained frozen to the spot - a poor reconstruction of the suave federal agent and hardened hunter of biohazard evils crumbling away to expose the hollowed out shell he'd become in your absence.
All those tightly regimented walls built up over the past year came crashing down to lay the tattered remnants of his heart exposed as an open wound once more.
One side of his lips tugged upwards in a weak facsimile of a smile that never reached the enduring anguish flickering behind those shadowed steel-blue irises.
With supreme effort, Leon forced air into his lungs enough to grit out two words scorching like acid across his tongue:
It was all the unraveling threads of his frayed composure could muster without shattering completely.
He swallowed thickly while pivoting on his heel, boots scuffing against the cobblestone as he made to continue onwards.
Away from here...away from you. Before any deeper glimpses of vulnerability managed to slip through and reveal his soul's innermost hemorrhaging.
Leon only managed to make it a few paces before your tremulous voice calling out finally fractured what remained of his crumbling resolve.
He halted obediently while squeezing his eyes shut against the ghostly caress of your honeyed syllables washing over him for the first time in far too long.
Drawing a harsh, shuddering inhale, Leon gradually turned back just enough to chance a sidelong glance over his shoulder without meeting your pleading gaze head-on.
It was all the restraint he could cling to not to fully whirl around and stare...to greedily drink you in after being denied that forbidden oasis for what felt like an eternity.
"I..." Your speech briefly faltered- words clearly failing to manifest the roiling ocean of emotions swirling across your expression before you visibly steadied yourself.
"What you said one year ago, about not being...enough...That's not true at all. You were always more than enough for me."
A bitter, mirthless chuckle rasped past Leon's lips - barely even audible over the keening winds.
"Yeah...and it took you one entire year to say it ? Why didn’t you said it back then, before disappearing ?"
Both of you recoiled in unison at the harsh self-loathing barb like physical blows.
Your dismayed features twisted immediately into anguished denial only to falter helplessly as he shook his head firmly, making an abortive motion as if to physically halt the reassurance already forming on your lips.
"Look, I'm...sorry. That wasn't fair of me."
Leon dragged his palm down the exhausted lines of his face while fixing that stormy azure gaze straight ahead.
Away from the irresistible temptation of your wounded eyes he knew would unravel the few stray threads of his composure still wound tight.
"I counted every minutes, every seconds…damn, y/n."
His adam's apple bobbed in a pronounced swallow against the tightening pressure rapidly constricting his throat.
"I missed you, but over the months I realized it was a mistake...Now, wherever the road led you from here after we parted ways, well..."
Leon swept one final glance over his shoulder then to convey everything his faltering speech couldn't accurately translate.
"I really do hope wherever it takes you next makes you happier than I ever could."
With one final rueful quirk of his lips, the former RPD survivor pivoted on his heel once again and simply walked away without looking back.
Only once those ramrod shoulders had disappeared entirely around the winding village path did Leon allow himself to sag boneless against the nearest building's stucco exterior.
He scrubbed both palms across his face to muffle the wrecked keen ripping itself from his very marrow as endless rivulets of searing pain left twin trails streaking each chiseled cheekbone...
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astrocafecoffee · 4 months
✨"Short notes about being spiritual" ✨
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💙For entertainment purposes only, enjoy, don't forget to check my other observations too💙
Leshh go!
✨ Note : it's all in natal chart.
🌀 Neptune in conjunction with personal planets or important angles(ascendent or midheaven).
🌀 Pluto aspects to personal planets or angles.
🌀 The ascendant and descendant axis represents the self and the other, respectively. Planets or point conjunct this angles especially Neptune or moon can suggest a focus on spiritual growth.
🌀 planet conjunct North node or nodal axis can indicate karmic lessons and opportunities for spiritual evolution in this lifetime.
🌀 The 4th, 8th and 12th houses are traditionally associated with spiritual matters. Planet or significant points ( like ruler of the 4th or 12th house) in this houses can signify deep inner journey, spiritual insights and connection to divine.
🌀 Chiron aspects to personal planets.
🌀 Harmonious aspects between moon and other planets.
🌀 Jupiter in 9th house can amplify one's interest in spiritual and philosophical matters.
🌀 Neptune in 12th house
🌀 Neptune in water signs or Pisces.
🌀 Vesta in 6th or 12th house.
🌀 Vesta in aspect to the nodes.
🌀 12th house stellium.
That's it, hope you enjoyed 💙
- Piko ✨
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🌟 Massive Fame in Astrology 🌟
I decided to compile in a short note information concerning fame on a massive scale per KRS Youtube channel observations.
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Key points: Rahu and Venus
Where? 5th/7th/10th Houses
Just in D1? Nope, also in D9 (Navamsa) and D10 (Dasamsa)
Venus specifically in Magha Nakshatra which is in Leo and/or in 5th house are big fame indicators, and even more so for those interested or working in the entertainment world.
Any of these two planets in the 7th or 10th will amplify your control over the masses. Venus does it through charm and grace, whereas Rahu does it through being cunning and innovative.
Arudha Lagna (AL) has also been mentioned by him in other fame related videos. This point shows your social status, how you appear to others, possibility of fame, illusory perception of the self from others.
He mentioned that if AL has any planet present in its 1st, 7th from itself or possibly even 10th from itself, then during the MD/AD period of any of those planets (emphasis on 1st/7th axis planets in AL chart) it will “explode” the fame of the native. You will become known for whatever the trait of those planets have even after death. This could be for good or for bad depending on the strength of the planet (by sign or aspects).
AL conjunct Moon, so basically your AL sign matching your Moon sign also signifies popularity as well! Affliction from 7H could impact it but it will be there nonetheless.
If you’d like to know the details for every planet, click here and view the main video of these notes from KRS.
You can calculate your AL in here 🌟 Also, please keep in mind that there are some exceptions to how it is calculated. AL cannot fall 1st or 7th from itself, so if it does, you must count again the same amount of placed your ASC lord is sitting from ASC. Read further online for further details and explanations!
If you’d like to know how likely massive fame could be for you and to learn further about the type of fame or reputation you could acquire through life, request a reading via DM!
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astrofutureguy · 5 months
Aspects are angles that planets make in relation to: a) one another, b) the ascendant-descendant axis, midheaven-nadir, or c) other points of astrological interest.
Traditional major/Ptolemaic/basic aspects are the ones that evenly divide the 360° circle, and are also divisible by 10.
Conjunction (☌/0°): This aspect creates a union of planets involved. The energy creates a collectively new nature of planets. All planets involved are dependent on one another, all the time. When the conjunction between two planets is exact, it is called a "partile" aspect.
The term "exact" conjunction refers to a conjunction in which the two planets are at exactly the same degree and minute of the zodiac. Because it suggests a very powerful merging of those two planets' energies, potentially amplifying their combined influence in a native's chart, a partile is thought of as very potent!
Sextile (⚹/60°): This aspect's nature is hard to crack but is helpful. It shows there is some benefit coming from the planets involved, but it might be too vague, concealed, repressed, or already taken for granted. This aspect manifests itself as guides and signals.
Square (□/90°): This is a rough aspect that shows disagreement between the planets involved. They are always in conflict, but after some time, a mutual agreement can be put forth. This aspect of conflict is always obvious and can be solved by the native, after some serious articulation. This aspect can come forward as barriers in life.
Trine (△/120°): This is the most beneficial of all aspects. It offers mutual agreement between the planets involved on a very strong level. This aspect often manifests itself as luck and fortune in native's life. The planets involved are working for the same goal and help each other constructively. Following this aspect can offer you the luckiest path in your life.
Opposition (☍/180°): This is the most difficult of all aspects. the disagreement between the planets involved is so polar, that the energy it tries to communicate can easily be repressed or compartmentalised. This aspect stays with the native almost all of their life, and can come forward in ways one can not control. Native always has to let one of the sides win, and has to pay for the other; since both are independent.
*book with me on calendly.com/astrofutureguy
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gael-garcia · 11 months
Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG) is an ad hoc coalition committed to solidarity and the horizon of liberation for the Palestinian people. Drawing together writers, editors, and other culture workers, WAWOG hopes to provide ongoing infrastructure for cultural organizing in response to the war. This project is modeled on American Writers Against the War in Vietnam, an organization founded in 1965.
Statement of Solidarity
October 26, 2023
Israel’s war against Gaza is an attempt to conduct genocide against the Palestinian people. This war did not begin on October 7th. However, in the last 19 days, the Israeli military has killed over 6,500 Palestinians, including more than 2,500 children, and wounded over 17,000. Gaza is the world’s largest open-air prison: its 2 million residents—a majority of whom are refugees, descendants of those whose land was stolen in 1948—have been deprived of basic human rights since the blockade in 2006. We share the assertions of human rights groups, scholars, and, above all, everyday Palestinians: Israel is an apartheid state, designed to privilege Jewish citizens at the expense of Palestinians, heedless of the many Jewish people, both in Israel and across the diaspora, who oppose their own conscription in an ethno-nationalist project. 
We come together as writers, journalists, academics, artists, and other culture workers to express our solidarity with the people of Palestine. We stand with their anticolonial struggle for freedom and for self-determination, and with their right to resist occupation. We stand firmly by Gaza’s people, victims of a genocidal war the United States government continues to fund and arm with military aid—a crisis compounded by the illegal settlement and dispossession of the West Bank and the subjugation of Palestinians within the state of Israel.
We stand in opposition to the silencing of dissent and to racist and revisionist media cycles, further perpetuated by Israel’s attempts to bar reporting in Gaza, where journalists have been both denied entry and targeted by Israeli forces. At least 24 journalists in Gaza have now been killed. Internationally, writers and cultural workers have faced severe harassment, workplace retribution, and job loss for expressing solidarity with Palestine, whether by stating facts about their continued occupation, or for amplifying the voices of others. These are instances that mark severe incursions against supposed speech protections. Specious charges of antisemitism are leveled against Zionism’s critics; political repression has been particularly aggressive against the free speech of Muslim, Arab, and Black people living in the US and across the globe. As was the case following the September 11th attacks, Islamophobic political fervor and the widespread circulation of unsubstantiated claims has galvanized a US-led coalition of military support for a brutal campaign of violence.
What can we do to intervene against Israel’s eliminationist assault on the Palestinian people? Words alone cannot stop the onslaught of devastation of Palestinian homes and lives, backed shamelessly and without hesitation by the entire axis of Western power. At the same time, we must reckon with the role words and images play in the war on Gaza and the ferocious support they have engendered: Israel’s defense minister announced the siege as a fight against “human animals”; even as we learned that Israel had rained bombs down on densely populated urban neighborhoods and deployed white phosphorus in Gaza City, the New York Times editorial board wrote that “what Israel is fighting to defend is a society that values human life and the rule of law”; establishment media outlets continue to describe Hamas’s attack on Israel as “unprovoked.” Writers Against the War on Gaza rejects this perversion of meaning, wherein a nuclear state can declare itself a victim in perpetuity while openly enacting genocide. We condemn those in our industries who continue to enable apartheid and genocide. We cannot write a free Palestine into existence, buttogether we must do all we possibly can to reject narratives that soothe Western complicity in ethnic cleansing. 
We act alongside other writers, scholars, and artists who have expressed solidarity with the Palestinian cause, drawing inspiration from the Palestinian spirit of sumud, steadfastness, and resistance. Since 2004, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has advocated for organizations to join a boycott of institutions representing the Israeli state or cultural institutions complicit with its apartheid regime. We call on all our colleagues working in cultural institutions to endorse that boycott. And we invite writers, editors, journalists, scholars, artists, musicians, actors, and anyone in creative and academic work to sign this statement. Join us in building a new cultural front for a free Palestine.  
WAWOG Interim Organizing Committee
Hannah Black
Ari Brostoff (Senior Editor, Jewish Currents)
Elena Comay del Junco
Kyle Dacuyan (Executive Director, Poetry Project)
Kay Gabriel (Editorial Director, Poetry Project)
Kaleem Hawa
E. Tammy Kim
Shiv Kotecha
Wendy Lotterman (Associate Editor, Parapraxis)
Muna Mire
Perwana Nazif
Brendan O'Connor
Alex Press (Staff Writer, Jacobin)
Sarah Nicole Prickett
Dylan Saba
Zoé Samudzi (Associate Editor, Parapraxis)
Jasmine Sanders
Claire Schwartz (Culture Editor, Jewish Currents)
Janique Vigier
Harron Walker
Chloe Watlington
Gabriel Winant (Department of History, University of Chicago)
Audrey Wollen
Hannah Zeavin (Founding Editor, Parapraxis)
Signed, In Solidarity
Fatimah Warner (Noname)
Saul Williams
Susan Sarandon
Janeane Garofalo
Gael García Bernal
Danez Smith
Ocean Vuong
Aria Aber
Saidiya Hartman
China Miéville
+ full list here
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merbear25 · 2 months
Hi, I've been having the biggest Hetalia brainrot ever...
Sooo, even if you aren't taking uh.. Recommendations or things, I just wanna swoosh this idea into your mind just incase you feel like writing Hetalia content...
Just a warning that this is like a reader x Hetalia post, so, just be warned.
The Allies or Axis are getting frisky with the reader.. And suddenly the reader like pushes them away and says 'We can't, I didn't shave.'
You get it? My brainrot? Yeah...
You don't have to write this I'm embarrassed to even request it it's stupid I know
Hello! No need to be embarrassed about sending this in. I don't mind in the slightest. I think we've all had these types of what ifs. I decided to put them on a scale since I personally can't see any of them really caring about extra hair. I hope you like what I've written for you. 💜💜
CW: highly suggestive, gn!reader, fluff, headcanons/scenarios
Remains confident
France: Whether or not you shaved wouldn’t make a difference to him. He adored you either way. Showering you with compliments and affection was a given, but it was amplified when you lacked confidence. Besides, this could lead to a more intimate setting. If you let him, he’d like to do it for you.
Italy: He wasn’t sure what the big deal was. The two of you had already seen each other’s bodies, so how would a bit of extra hair change anything? He reassured you, telling you how beautiful you were and laid soft kisses on you to help ease your embarrassment.
Russia: A twinge of protectiveness came over him when he saw your flushed cheeks. Smiling at you sweetly, he went to hold you. He whispered how lovely you were and that such trivial things wouldn’t change how he saw you. Light touches and soft kisses accompanied his kind words.
America: Blinking at you, he kind of cocked his head. He wondered where this shyness was coming from but didn’t want to rock the boat by asking about it. There was a lot of reassurance that he didn’t care and that you were desirable either way.
China: Not having realized something like that would make you so cautious to proceed, he was kind of taken aback. He didn’t see a reason to be put off by something as natural as body hair, but your reluctance made him feel oddly nervous. Explaining to you how none of that should matter was all he could really think of to help ease your worries.
Germany: He couldn’t care less about you not having shaved. There were countless times when he wasn’t exactly trimmed and “ready” for you, but your embarrassment was making it hard to convince you and had him second guessing himself.
England: He was easy to fluster and when he felt like he was the one to have brought on this discomfort, he felt just a bit ashamed of himself. Wanting to soothe your worries, he gently rubbed your leg and called you pet names as he tried his hardest to make you feel better.
Canada: A hue spread across his face and he hesitated. There was a soft apology for having accidentally embarrassed you. He wanted to be close to you though, so he cuddled you and told you how lovely you were in hopes of easing your self-conscious woes.
Japan: Your flushed expression made him recoil and immediately apologize. He didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Even if he didn’t mind the extra hair, your discomfort spread to him, meaning he was more inclined to wait patiently until you decided you were ready for him..
Your embarrassment wears off on them
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lets-talk-gundam · 12 days
The PMX-003 The-O
With the Titans gaining power and influence in Earth-sphere through the 0080s, they began seeking out individuals of renown to fill their ranks. One of the most notable of these figures was known by the moniker "The Man from Jupiter". This man, Paptimus Sirocco, was a gifted strategist, pilot, and mobile suit designer.
His development of the PMX-000 Messala caught the attention of Admiral Jamitov Hymen, who insisted that he be recruited into the organization.
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Working under the Titans, Sirocco personally developed a number of mobile suits, the third of which would be used as his personal unit, and the machine for which he is most well known for designing.
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The-O is a large, heavily armed and armored machine, standing at an oppressive 28.4 meters in height. Its bulky appearance is deceptive, however, as it is covered in maneuvering thrusters. Having been personally designed by Paptimus Sirocco for his own use, it is specialized to take advantage of his precognitive abilities. Due to this, it is nearly impossible for anyone else to pilot.
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The unit also had a number of unconventional features, including a pair of sub-arms hidden in the front skirt armor and a Biosensor system. A development of the Psycommu system, the Biosensor condensed and amplified this technology, allowing for use of mind-guided weaponry, and enhancing the mobile suit's capabilities.
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Seeing deployment toward the end of the Gryps conflict, Sirocco was able to stand toe-to-toe with Axis Zeon's Qubeley, as well as the AEUG's Zeta Gundam, along with destroying a number of mass-produced units over the course of the battle. The-O was only disabled with the death of its pilot at the hands of AEUG ace pilot Kamille Bidan.
The-O was also built with a sister unit, the PMX-004 Titania. The Titania was intended to be used by the woman who Sirocco would install as Earth-sphere's Queen following the completion of his coup d'état. A candidate was never selected.
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Paptimus Sirocco also designed the AGX-11 Over.on, based closely on The-O. The machine was only completed after his death, and was piloted by Mashiro Oaks. The machine featured removable "chobham" armor that closely resembles the original machine.
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Casval rem Deikun's Neo Zeon movement made use of several machines based on The-O, as former Zeon scientists who worked on the design joined the faction as it grew to prominence. These machines were the PMX-003 The-O II, the PMX-005 Breda, and the PMS-007 Jaguar.
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The-O was originally designed by Makoto Kobayashi and Kazumi Fujita for the 1985 anime Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The unit has seen several alternate interpretations over the years.
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This unit was a request from a friend! Requests are always welcome!
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itscnc · 19 days
Upgrades, Fadal Machine - Replacement Parts for Fadal
Upgrade your Fadal CNC machine with high-quality replacement parts designed to enhance performance and reliability. Whether you're looking to boost precision or extend the lifespan of your equipment, our selection of Fadal replacement parts, including amplifiers, motors, and controllers, offers the perfect solution. Optimize your CNC machine's efficiency with parts that meet or exceed OEM standards, ensuring seamless integration and minimal downtime. Trust our expertise to keep your CNC machine running at its best with top-notch upgrades tailored to your specific needs.
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Catco suddenly feels like a labyrinth as Kara touches down; sharp corners that lead down darkened corridors to empty cubicles, all bathed in an otherworldly crimson that vaguely reminds Kara of a home that is no longer hers.
An icy feeling sinks deep in her stomach, because she is acutely aware that this doesn’t feel like home either. Each version Mxy has sent her to has felt tilted on its axis, however subtle, but here, Kara feels the uncanniness of it; how truly off it all feels, as though reality is bending at, waning at the seams. It all feels so terribly abstract; mismatched pieces of reality being forced together into something coherent.
“Lena? It’s me. It’s Supergirl,” Kara says, trying to tamp down the quiver in her voice, “It’s Kara.”
She can hear the creak of a chair turning, and as she comes into the open bullpen, she can see Lena, silhouetted in red light from the computer screen behind her.
“Who’s Kara?”
“Just a friend,” Kara says as Lena stands. “You don’t know me. Not really, but you and I want the same thing, to do no harm.”
Lena’s eyes are predatory and Kara slows her steps, giving Lena, this Lena a wide berth. She doesn’t feel as though she is being seen, but instead, being stalked. Kara can feel beads of sweat begin to gather along her hairline, and her stomach twists, a wave of nausea roiling over inside of her.
“Supergirl wants a world without harm. That’s rich.” Lena’s eyes are wide and unblinking as they coldly bore into Kara. “Where were you when my brother blew my helicopter out of the sky? When my mother dragged my broken body to a laboratory and experimented on me instead of fixing me? Where were you when this world was ripped apart at the seams? Where were you ?”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there when it mattered,” Kara says quietly, but resolutely. 
And god, she is sorry. To this Lena and every version of her across this goddamn multiverse. And Kara knows her contrition will win out; her need to lie down and let Lena fill her days with ruin if that is what she needs; to seek penitence in her shadow for all of her remaining days. Kara will do what it takes. Whatever it takes to have Lena back in her orbit and nestled against her heart, safe within the cage of her ribs where she will be protected and loved.
‘Whatever it takes’
Lena’s eyes flutter, and she blinks slowly, keeping the tears glassing over her eyes at bay. “So am I.”
The nausea in Kara’s stomach builds into a tidal wave as Lena’s hand moves to the lapel of her coat and pulls it open, exposing the sickly green of her kryptonite heart and a guttural scream erupts from the back of Kara’s throat as a concentrated beam hits her, sending her into a crumpled heap on the ground. Lena steps forward, and the surge from the kryptonite beam intensifies, lifting Kara and sending her hurtling through the air and through the glass pane at the back of the bullpen. Shards of glass rip through her suit, cutting deeply at her back and arms, embedding into her skin and leaving the coppery smell of blood caught in the back of her throat between desperate gasps for air.
“You don’t know the first thing about pain,” Lena says cooly, kneeling down beside Kara. “But I do. I can show you; make you feel what I feel.”
Kara pushes a hand into the ground, mustering what little energy she has left to slide her arm beneath her and hoist herself up. Glass cuts and grinds in her palm, and the pain in her body amplifies; searing and hot as Lena's proximity becomes dangerously close.
“I won’t fight you, Lena.”
“Then you’ll die screaming.”
The comm in Kara’s ear crackles to life and she can hear her sister's voice as Lena reaches out and pulls it free, the sticky sound of it coming loose echoing in Kara’s head.
“Supergirl, Reign and Brainy have escaped with Mxy. We nee-”
“Pathetic,” Lena snarls as she stands, crushing the comm in her hand as the reactor in her chest flickers, charging up to deliver another punishing blow. “There won’t be anything left when they come looking for you, Supergirl. Just ash.”
“Reign. Brainy. They have the imp,” Kara chokes out, the muscles straining in her neck as wave after wave of pain crashes through her body, white hot in her veins. “Take me, too.”
And for a fleeting moment, hesitation flickers across Lena’s features. “And why would I do that?”
“Because, I can give you what you want,” Kara says in a shaky voice, the edges of her vision beginning to blur. Her strength begins to waver, and the arm beneath her slips, sending Kara to the floor. The collision causes blood to erupt in her mouth. She can feel it, slick and warm as it wets her lips and seeps in between her teeth. Coppery, like rolling a penny over her tongue.
“And what could the girl of steel possibly give me?” Lena asks cooly as she kneels down again and grabs a fistful of blonde hair, pulling Kara’s head back with a violent tug.
Blackness swarms behind Kara’s eyelids as they droop, falling shut, and somewhere between consciousness, she coughs out the words through a mouthful of blood.
“The world."
My contribution to the @supercorpbb this year. Continue reading on ao3 and please check out the spicy art work that @lesbad-unicorn made for this fic!!
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of march 24th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the week starts with a lunar eclipse featuring you and any form of partnership you are in. it ends with a nodal square by ceres. everything is fated and powerful. take nothing for granted.
taurus: your ruling planet sextiles uranus in your sign from pisces. you overflow with charm and charisma, even in unexpected situations. especially socially. meanwhile the eclipse this week is a push to make the mundane sacred.
gemini: this kind of energy is honestly ripe for "situationships" or weird relationship events involving your circle of acquaintances, perhaps in competition with an existing closer partner. you don't have to follow conventional wisdom when it comes to dealing with those situations, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant.
cancerians: it's time for a cardinal lunar eclipse. your public and private lives may want to merge, or separate. there is not necessarily a lot you can do except go with it, and accept that even upheaval can have positive results.
leo: this week's full moon eclipse is a big deal for you, but not as big as some other eclipses might be as your ruler the sun is in a strong position. whatever volatility occurs, you bend it to your own will.
virgo: a square between the lunar nodes and virgo-affiliated ceres can overwhelm even the effects of this week's eclipse. all eclipses are volatile, but at this time it seems that the slightest disruption causes chaos in your bodily systems. go the extra mile for your health - YOUR health, not what is pushed to the masses as "healthy".
libra: this week sees an eclipse across the axis you share with aries. it highlights the relationship between yourself and the people you are in relationships with - close partnerships, best friends, etc. you cannot expect it to go smoothly, but you can expect the truth, even if the other person resists it. just don't rely on words alone.
scorpio: if you were a computer this week would have you popping up all kinds of error messages about the routines you're trying to force. you are not a computer, but your body will still alert you. listen closely! correct accordingly.
sagittarius: your usual social groups are not the place this week for you to find love or even a simple good time. it's not that you have to stay home, it's just that expectations will cause you some heartache. have none.
capricorn: whatever your natal capricorn placements, they are likely to get tense vibes from this eclipse. it's not like anyone has an easy breezy eclipse season, but yours is supposed to push and pull you and make you a little uncomfortable, in order to show you where to go and what to do next.
aquarius: libran eclipses such as the lunar eclipse this week affect your academic life, long-distance travel and affairs, even your spirituality. aries involvement due to the sun's location is also going to affect you in your local community, short-distance travel, and communication - regardless of whatever mercury is doing, even if that means amplifying it.
pisces: it may seem that everyone has advice on what you should do with your time and money, and/or other resources. but you're the one who gets to decide. my advice is simply to live within your personal integrity and keep yourself safe and healthy.
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ftmtftm · 1 year
as a straight trans man I'd like to add to the discussion surrounding sexuality and being "accepted" as trans - straight trans men such as myself do still get painted as predatory. we're subjected to the ideas of the "predatory lesbian" trope, and then amplified by the fact that we're "just straight men preying on innocent women". the transandrophobia presents differently, but is definitely still there - and it fucking sucks to see other trans guys perpetuate homophobia and take out their internalized transphobia on gay trans dudes. especially if you're non-passing or take pride in your trans identity: we get shunned from both queer communities ("you're just a straight man trying to take up queer resources") or ("at least if you were bi I'd feel safer around you"), but in cishet society we face large amounts of lesbophobic assumptions about our sexuality and gender presentation, as well as the garden variety transandrophobia. transhet men also, even by the most accepting queer people, are often pressured toward heteronormativity in our relationships and into being queer in an "acceptable" way even though they do not apply those standards to other queer people. please do not fall into the trap of thinking that gay trans men are the ones who suffer most from transandrophobia, as I've seen just as many gay trans men as straight try to deny its existence. while I know you mean no harm by it, please don't create the same sort of binary axis of "we have it worse" while trying to destroy that same sort of binary wrt transandrophobia and transmisogyny. we're on the same side here. this post isn't meant to shame you or be a callout of some sort, just a friendly reminder :)
Oh absolutely!!!! I'm sorry my post missed the nuances of your experiences, my goal with it was more to say "I understand why people might see the flawed logic for that argument with straight trans guys, but it's completely not applicable when you try to interact with it outside of heterosexuality and I can speak to that directly"! It was definitely not to say that straight trans men aren't also often treated as predatory or in transandrophobic ways if that makes sense? Basically I was just acknowledging the line of logic and saying "This is flawed and here's one of the way I directly know it is flawed"!
I apologize for not being clear enough with that!! I definitely don't think gay trans guys suffer the most though, we're brothers in this, we've gotta be there for each other!
Thank you for sharing your experiences though! They're vitally important to talk about and good for everyone to remember! Especially because y'all really do experience brunt of lesbophobic transandrophobia and also a lot of ostricization from the broader queer community!! I don't think people realize that even though (false) safety can be found in straight trans men's assimilation, that doesn't mean they necessarily want it or even truly benefit from it because of the lack of community it can provide.
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flonkertn · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : jj maybank x reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : brain rotting fluff
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 700~
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : meeting jj for a late-night walk on the beach
𝐚/𝐧 : working on a request and chapter 2 of ivy but i really wanted to publish some jj fluff 🫶 also why the hell is grateful spelt like that i hate it
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The sound of waves crashing against the soft sand had always brought you peace, filling your body with such a strong sense of tranquility and easing any anxiety you felt building in your chest throughout the day. So as you stood with your feet dipped in the water, eyes closed and arms limp by your sides, you knew there was nowhere else you wanted to be more than right here.
Pale moonlight reflected on the deep blue water, providing light that wouldn’t be found without it, especially with the power outage on the Cut. The stars glistened on the surface of the ocean and shoals of fish danced along the shore, flashing their silver bellies as the light reflected against their monochromatic scales.
“There you are, sweetheart.”
JJ’s voice pulled you from your trance, twisting your body round on it’s axis and plastering a wide grin across your face, the soft yellow glow that seeped off of him lit up your eyes, removing all need for the moon.
“J..” His name fell from your mouth much quieter than you intended, but you knew he had heard you despite, his smirk morphing into a smitten grin as a rose blush grew on his cheeks. You stepped to meet one another, feet moving in unison as your hands immediately making contact as though it was second nature, an instinct developed through the distance between the two of you over the past few weeks.
Hiding your relationship was necessary, and provided a thrill you didn’t initially think you’d enjoy, but the difficult part was the distance. Most of the time, you both lacked sleep, having to sneak out once the sun had sunk behind the trees and the lights were switched off, but the moments you savoured and shared were so worth it, like a single drop of water in the desert.
“This beach is too big, been walking for ages and I only jus’ found you.” One hand came up to tuck some loose strands of hair behind your ear, fingers lingering there as he thumbed at your skin, gaze glued to your lips, burning through the distance between you and setting ablaze on your face.
“Shut up.” Was all you could muster, your smile present in your tone and ruining you pronunciation, but you didn’t care, as long as JJ knew how happy you were because of him, you were more than okay, even if it meant you’d never speak again.
He winked down at you, pressing his mouth against yours before you had the chance to react, and moving his hand down to graze against your bare thigh, tongue brushing against your lips.
“Come on.” He rasped, not bothering to pull his head away from you, forcing you to move away first.
Your fingers intertwined with his and squeezed his hand, before beginning to walk along the coastline, updating one another with your lives and running through the past few weeks in explicit detail, painting a picture so vividly whilst the other listened intently.
After ten minutes of aimlessly wandering, you settled beneath a rock formation, the tide pushing forward and brushing against your feet as you lie on the beach. JJ’s legs were propped up against the ground and you were wedged between them.
“Your hair is so soft.” He mumbled against your scalp, kissing the top of your head repeatedly and twirling loose strands of your hair between his index finger and thumb. His other hand rested on your stomach, rubbing your skin just to massage his touch into your body and amplify the heat that it brings forth.
Every so often, his voice fills your ears with a soft comment, a sweet compliment or an observation of the way the waves creep closer to your figures. You hum in response each time, tracing his knuckles and smiling so widely, even if JJ couldn’t see it.
Hours went by just sitting there, becoming eternally grateful that you found him, that he found you. Even if you had to hide from all of Carolina, you’d hide for a million years if it meant you could keep this one night together.
His touch filling your body with such a strong sense of tranquility and easing any anxiety you felt building in your chest throughout the day, and you knew there was nowhere else you wanted to be more than right here.
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Asking ab storyshift here, I think it’s such a cool idea and you seem to have visualized the settings very well!!! Do you have any specific ideas for the designs of the characters, or even just things that you would/wouldn’t keep from their original designs?
Thanks for the ask! I do indeed have character visual changes in mind! (Also, don't wanna be that guy, but the AU is called SequenceShift).
When it comes to the Empress herself, she wears a black mourning Kimono, which she's had on since Kanako's passing. She did wear a lot more colorful outfits before that, however, and she did wear her signature red and white yukata in more casual settings.
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During her boss fight (she's fought on all three routes), she trades it out for a set of Samurai-style armor (Undyne and the rest of the Honor Guard wear similar outfits, albeit not as fancy as the Empress's)
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Along with that, she weilds a naginata, which I thought would be a good balance between her canonical staff and Asgore's trident.
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Chujin is roughly the same when out in the Remnants, wearing his trademark green kimono. At home, he's got the whole divorce fit. Bathrobe, PJ pants, slippers, ect. He's taking care of himself, of course, he's just not super active these days. During his fight, he wears a gauntlet-based device (yes, based off of the Ben 10 Omnitrix) that amplifies his lightning attacks.
Starlo (and the Feisty Five in general)
When it comes to the Royal Rangers, I was thinking of having them wear something along the lines of the NCR Veteran Ranger armor from New Vegas, the coat over armor kinda thing.
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While they are a bit more uniform in Sequence Shift, they all wear custom elements with their armor sets. For example, Starlo still wears his poncho, Ed ripped off the sleeves of his outfit, Ace and Mooch still have their scarves, all of 'em keep their canon hats, ect.
They also all have different outfits which they wear off-duty (and during their reunion), but we only got Moray so far: they wear a zipperless hoodie (with the hood up) and jeans. My BF really wanted to see Moray in a hoodie so there, hehe. Also, Mooch dual wields a dagger and sawed-off shotgun in this AU (you'll only see the later on a Vengeance run tho).
I don't have any photos of it, but since Martlet's more of a hand-on engineering scientist, she wears more of a mechanic outfit than. Something sturdy and protect, since we all know this girl failure is very much prone to hurting herself and that isn't any different in SS. And goggles, those are important, too. Also, since I am very much a fan of the amputee Martlet headcanon, she's one here, too. She's got a set of fancy metal prosthetic legs that she built with the help of Chujin.
Axis's base form is pretty identical to how he is in canon. His EX form is where it gets a bit different. My boyfriend being the robot nerd he is, took a bit of Gundam inspiration, as well as somewhat basing it off of Mic Sounders from “king of the braves gao gai gar” (transforming from a cutesy robot into a more proper humanoid robot).
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His NEO form (which may or may not be a proper boss fight) is gonna be based off a high-end Gundam or Armored Core, but we don't have any specific inspiration just yet.
Kanako doesn't have any changes at first. While she does have some major differences as Iris (her Flowey Form) we're still working on that. However, we do have ideas for her Pacifist route encounter, where she emerges as the Liberator of Monsterkind (her version of Asriel's God of Hyperdeath). She pulls up in a Tokusatsu-style superhero form, with a purposefully overdesigned and cluttered look that only a child absolutely would think is awesome.
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And that's it for the main cast. I don't think Clover needs an outfit change, but I might add a few knick-knacks and accessories that they pick up along their journey. I don't think Dalv needs any major changes either. If there's any other characters you wanna know about, do lemme know! Also, I'm not an artist, but if anyone wants to take a crack at some SS designs, feel free to hit me up!
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