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- est. april 28, 2024.- practicing astrology as a creative expression.- instagram: astrofutureguy - click HERE to book with me!
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
Dear Astrology Community,
I am writing to inform you that I will be taking a temporary hiatus from my regular postings. Recent personal circumstances require my full attention, and I believe this break is necessary to maintain the quality of my content.
I deeply appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Rest assured, I am committed to returning with renewed energy and fresh insights.
Thank you for being a part of this community, and I look forward to reconnecting with you soon.
Warm regards,
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
Aries: Testing with their body and gaining strength and superiority.
Leo: Proving their value and showcasing their talents.
Sagittarius: Improving and expanding their individuality.
Taurus: Stabilizing life through wealth, sustenance, and security.
Virgo: Embellishing resources by sharing, helping, and exemplifying.
Capricorn: Creation of new resources through patience and productivity.
Gemini: Honing through information to get more of their desires fulfilled.
Libra: Initiating relationships to find more networks and opportunities that deliver satisfaction.
Aquarius: Making innovation and growth the key to offer a pleasant experience for the masses.
Cancer: Learning newer ways to express and affirm emotions without restraint.
Scorpio: Protecting vulnerability and regulating emotions to gain power and dominance.
Pisces: Understanding and beautifying the unexplored to transcend the mundane.
follow me on Instagram: @/astrofutureguy
Hire me as your astrology tutor for as low as €21 EUR per week. Inbox for more details!
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
Aries: you can win easily.
Taurus: you seem rich at first impression.
Gemini: you are never boring.
Cancer: you always have caretakers.
Leo: you make others jealous.
Virgo: you're the most trusted and reliable.
Libra: you attract a lot of commitments.
Scorpio: you have something others envy.
Sagittarius: you're an all-rounder.
Capricorn: you're treated as a daddy.
Aquarius: you always have a solution.
Pisces: you're a born guide.
follow me on instagram: @/astrofutureguy
i am always open for tip-based readings where you can ask me any two questions about your birth chart by donating any amount you'd like!
inbox me if you are interested! x
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
Sun in the 1st house: to lead others.
Sun in the 2nd house: to make survival easy.
Sun in the 3rd house: to be an inspiration.
Sun in the 4th house: to have the best comfort.
Sun in the 5th house: to be praised.
Sun in the 6th house: to have power.
Sun in the 7th house: to be devoted.
Sun in the 8th house: to be invincible.
Sun in the 9th house: to explore, always.
Sun in the 10th house: to be remembered.
Sun in the 11th house: to have acceptance.
Sun in the 12th house: to be free.
i am always open for tip-based readings where you can ask me any two questions about your birth chart by donating any amount you'd like!
inbox me if you are interested! x
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
In astrology, we all treat Moon as the significator of happiness which is not wrong on any basis, but I have another secret to offer that you may find helpful.
Moon represents comfort and convenience — the bed of roses — and hence, it results in happiness. Moon is resting and relaxing. However, Mars, on the other hand, represents struggle, gain, power, and triumph.
The entirety of philosophy and psychology is filled with this notion that happiness is not the highest pursuits of a good life, it is struggle and meaning. When you struggle for something, obviously it’s meaningful to you.
In order to stay satisfied your entire life, you have to have some power over something and a goal that demands bearable struggle; hence, you have to have your Mars functional.
Taking my point forward, to stay satisfied using a long-term strategy, Mars is your best friend. Moon can make you happy but too much and too easy happiness is always a boring factor. It makes us pathetic and weak, and leaves us of no use. Using the ideal heroic life according to higher studies like philosophy and psychology, Mars provides you with a struggle that is rewarded with a supreme prize in the end. That’s what we need to stay satisfied with life.
Now, the actual issue that arises while manifesting Mars is that it can be untamed and brusque. We, as a society, do not appreciate someone being aggressive in their desires and pursuits and trying to snatch things out of hands. That’s a Mars signification. It is not recommended. It will get you killed, leaving you with no life to live at all.
We want to stay alive and find the best way to move forward. I always say that Venus is the socially accepted form of Mars. Venus helps us gain power but in a really endearing way that others appreciate. If you want to have the last bite of cake (that’s gaining power over someone who doesn’t get to have that piece) and you use ‘please’ or ‘may I’, people will actually let you have one (and you shall gain power and feel satiated). That’s a way of Venus. Power is not a negative thing at all, it’s the basic need of a human being. You can never live without having power over at least something. It’s when it goes overboard that it annihilates everything. We’re gaining power over others all the time and it works because we’re socially intuned.
Let’s look at another analogy. Out of all the significations, love and partnerships are the primary ones for Venus.
Now as I said that it’s a socially accepted form of Mars (and Mars wants power), when you get into a relationship or a commitment with someone, you both actually have some power over each other. You can make your partner do things that they wouldn’t do otherwise and vice versa; and yet you both love it! We even say ‘I’m falling for you’ which sounds vulnerable and hands the power to the person it’s directed to. That’s how it works.
We have already established that Moon is not the best-case scenario to orient your life on, and Mars isn’t good in its raw form either; which leaves us with Venus.
To follow with an example, I personally have Venus in Sagittarius in my 6th house and Mars in Virgo in the 3rd. Mars is representing that I’m incredibly competitive and rigorous in terms of knowledge, skills, and moving forward. It also shows that I want to win using whatever it takes and be respected for my energy and hard work. On the other hand, Venus in Sagittarius in the 6th house is representing that I love serving people with wisdom and knowledge in a really creative manner. It also shows that I’m an optimistic guru-type personality who’s just nice and loving to everybody (not bragging but still come on).
So, using these interpretations, if I use my Mars only, it’ll be very healthy for me of course; but it can result in conflict and confrontation with my peers and can end me with a title like ‘narcissist’ or ‘rude bigot’. If I use my Venus solely, it’ll leave me with no skills and goals, and I shall end up being a hedonist. How to balance it out for a perfect outcome?
My conclusion here is that we don’t need Moon or Sun as the noble directors of our life pursuits (they are indeed the most significant planets in the chart, but they have different jobs in my opinion and that encircles the birth of a personality), instead, we should focus more on Mars and Venus when establishing the way of living because both of them combined and at ease can provide us the best we can have. Most benign way to use them is to take them together and balance them out. If you have a struggle with a reward (gaining power) in the end (Mars) and if you have pleasure and socially endorsed persona (Venus), you’re a deadly combination. Otherwise, if one topples the other down, people will not like you and you won’t be able to manoeuvre yourself and your desires in the society. Take my word for it and see how it goes for you.
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
1st house: for self growth & attraction.
2nd house: for beauty & luxuries.
3rd house: for attention & opportunity.
4th house: for comfort & dependence.
5th house: for fame & pleasure.
6th house: for reputation & trust.
7th house: for access & privilege.
8th house: for shortcuts & power.
9th house: for novelty & nobility.
10th house: for dominance & validation.
11th house: for endorsement & gratitude.
12th house: for freedom & fulfilment.
i am always open for tip-based readings where you can ask me any two questions about your birth chart by donating any amount you'd like!
inbox me if you are interested! x
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astrofutureguy · 11 months ago
Aspects are angles that planets make in relation to: a) one another, b) the ascendant-descendant axis, midheaven-nadir, or c) other points of astrological interest.
Traditional major/Ptolemaic/basic aspects are the ones that evenly divide the 360° circle, and are also divisible by 10.
Conjunction (☌/0°): This aspect creates a union of planets involved. The energy creates a collectively new nature of planets. All planets involved are dependent on one another, all the time. When the conjunction between two planets is exact, it is called a "partile" aspect.
The term "exact" conjunction refers to a conjunction in which the two planets are at exactly the same degree and minute of the zodiac. Because it suggests a very powerful merging of those two planets' energies, potentially amplifying their combined influence in a native's chart, a partile is thought of as very potent!
Sextile (⚹/60°): This aspect's nature is hard to crack but is helpful. It shows there is some benefit coming from the planets involved, but it might be too vague, concealed, repressed, or already taken for granted. This aspect manifests itself as guides and signals.
Square (□/90°): This is a rough aspect that shows disagreement between the planets involved. They are always in conflict, but after some time, a mutual agreement can be put forth. This aspect of conflict is always obvious and can be solved by the native, after some serious articulation. This aspect can come forward as barriers in life.
Trine (△/120°): This is the most beneficial of all aspects. It offers mutual agreement between the planets involved on a very strong level. This aspect often manifests itself as luck and fortune in native's life. The planets involved are working for the same goal and help each other constructively. Following this aspect can offer you the luckiest path in your life.
Opposition (☍/180°): This is the most difficult of all aspects. the disagreement between the planets involved is so polar, that the energy it tries to communicate can easily be repressed or compartmentalised. This aspect stays with the native almost all of their life, and can come forward in ways one can not control. Native always has to let one of the sides win, and has to pay for the other; since both are independent.
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