jt1674 · 11 days
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dvcomm · 2 years
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dvcomm-in · 2 years
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designedandplated · 1 month
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Fancy Dress Costume, circa 1890s.
Avocate | Lawyer
Robe princesse devant, une couture au milieu du devant du corsage et une seule pince de chaque côté; le dos du corsage à taille ronde, ajusté à la jupe par de gros plis laissant l'ampleur de 2m50 à la jupe. Corsage décolleté devant et derrière avec épaulettes, broderie contournant le haut du corsage devant et derrière. Corsage lacé sous le bras et rattaché à l'épaulette. Bande droite plissée sur l'épaule et tombant naturellement. Cravate de dentelle. Balance de la justice brodée en soie sur le devant de la jupe; papier timbré, etc., en satin blanc cousu sur la jupe. Toque d'avocat, gants longs. Bas de soie, souliers Louis XV. Tissu à employer: Satin ou velours noir, 7 mètres sur 0m60.
Princess line dress, one seam down the centre front of the bodice and a single dart on each side; the back of the bodice has a round waist, adjusted to the skirt with large pleats leaving the skirt 2m50 wide. Bodice neckline and shoulders, have embroidery going around the top of the bodice front and back. Bodice laced under the arm and attached to the shoulder sleeve. Straight pleated fabric strip on the shoulder and falling naturally. Lace necktie. Scales of justice embroidered in silk on the front of the skirt; stamp paper, etc., in white satin sewn onto the skirt. Lawyer's hat, long gloves. Silk stockings, Louis XV shoes. Fabric to use: Black satin or velvet, 7 metres by 0m60.
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If you have a negative view on Spider I am going to assume two things:
You didn't read the comic and/or you have a puritanical view on characters and assume that there is no gray area.
He saved Quaritch for a multitude of reasons but one of the most heartbreaking is that he was kind to him. Quartich was kind to him where Jake Sully, his foster parent was not.
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euniveve · 9 months
The Euniverse squad wishes you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, and Happy Holidays!
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ladyinrosso · 2 years
Manifesting for Mengoni bringing Elodie with him to Liverpool as his + 1 in the Italian delegation to avenge what italian televote did to her
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judgingskeletons · 2 years
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Pls judge my bones 🥰✨🙈
I mean this in a very positive and "I think that's cool" way, that first one of your spine reminds me of a centipede, and now i want to make a centipede out of bones. Love these x-rays! Love the bones, love the organ shadows, love that I'm not 100% sure if I know whether that's a front or back view of the pelvis (I'm only mostly sure it's the front)!
Love your bones! Thanks for sharing them <3
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eliteprepsat · 5 months
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martyrbat · 1 year
ok now everybody vote talia tomorrow
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sendmyresignation · 11 months
the have you heard this band polls are truly getting to me. first of all this website is tasteless. not in the usual sense but a correlation of lack of taste equivocal to a dicklessness. anyway but i didn't need polls to tell me that. instead im just constantly low-level frustrated at both the presentation (whatever. none of these bands or artists are connected by any meaningful metric.) as well as slightly sad it's not being treated as an opportunity for possible discovery. idk. who cares (i just wrote a paragraph about it) there is so much all of us do not know and that should be exciting and beautiful
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writerystuff · 1 year
“Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.”
– Gloria Steinem
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year
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L’entreprise biopharmaceutique BioNTech est attaquée en justice suite aux effets secondaires causés par son vaccin, la plainte a été déposée par une médecin allemande à Hambourg.
L’identité de la plaignante est restée confidentielle en vertu de la loi sur la protection de la vie privée en vigueur en Allemagne.
Selon Reuters, elle demande au moins 150.000 euros de dommages et intérêts pour avoir subi les effets secondaires lourds du vaccin contre le Covid à ARNm Cominarty (Pfffaillezeur).
Cette action en justice est la première d'une série de centaines d'actions potentielles dans le pays.
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ambientbroth · 2 years
Me: I know what they are saying!
Also me: *repeats basic instructions over and over again until the person has to physically demonstrate or move me because I can’t comprehend at the speed of fucking light*
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"people dont own you kindness" yes they fucking do. Its part of the social contrat I read the book I know
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topshelf2112-blog · 1 year
I want to write about books somehow, but that means trusting myself and believing in myself enough to try. And having something to say…
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