cisplus · 3 hours
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When people say "ter" instead of "terf".
Radical feminism is bad. Trans exclusionary, trans inclusive, whatever - it's all bad.
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cisplus · 6 hours
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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cisplus · 6 hours
I just want queer safety and queer happiness
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cisplus · 6 hours
if you're fictionkin, there is a very, very high chance you have a little metaphorical devil on your shoulder that constantly yells at you to downplay and minimize your identity for everyone else. and I am here to tell you that you must grab that little devil and dropkick it into an industrial shredder.
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cisplus · 6 hours
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cisplus · 9 hours
Blah, I'm still massively depressed even though the stressor is over and I found out I likely don't have cancer.
I mean, I still do likely need genital surgery, and that's a terrifying thought. But I'm most likely not going to die.
It's annoying as hell because I was happy before I started thinking I had cancer, and now I'm such a mess even though there's no reason to be a mess anymore. Why??
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cisplus · 9 hours
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cisplus · 9 hours
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cisplus · 9 hours
entering this great new phase of my life where, when someone treats me like shit, instead of going "oh man I guess I'm a piece of shit" I can whole-heartedly go "christ alive, what is wrong with you? you can't treat people like that" and it may sound simple but it took a long time to get here and there's no fucking way I'm going back
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cisplus · 9 hours
If you're transgender and like to fuck you should take my survey!
Hi guys I am making a zine about trans sexuality as a midterm project for one of my courses and I would be so eternally grateful if you would take the time to tell me a little bit about your relationship to sex and sexuality and how that connects to your gender identity. The survey is 100% anonymous and no identifying information will be included in the final product. The questions are very open-ended and general. I'm interested in whatever you're willing to share with me!
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cisplus · 9 hours
your scent processing being so close to memory in your brain is insane sometimes you step outside and take a whiff and go "ah, it smells like playing pokemon emerald in my third grade afterschool program in the crisp september of 2006"
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cisplus · 9 hours
cats know keyboard shortcuts even microsoft doesnt know about
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cisplus · 9 hours
We have got to get sluttier clothing for straight guys. The standard for sexy straight dude clothes is literally sweat pants. Straight women are starving to death!!! We need to save them!
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cisplus · 9 hours
Gender is entirely made-up and I don't understand why some people are so fixated on it being "true" in the sense of like...are trans women women? Of course they are, insofar as "a woman" can be said to exist in the first place. But people have gotten obsessed with proving objectively that a trans woman is a woman, when the actual core of trans liberation is that anyone forcing their preferred gender on you is fascist. It's missing the forest for the trees. When all you do is play the "I am [x] really truly deep down just like everyone else" game you're meeting the transphobes on their level and accepting their premise that "man" and "woman" are distinct, tangible things.
To be clear, it's not that you CAN'T feel gender is a kinna spiritual force within you, or something to that effect. I think we all do on at least some level. But my point is that trying to rip that spiritual force out of our bodies to dissect it and prove all the haters wrong because look it was here all along is just a waste of time and effort.
The truth of the matter is that the goal is not to get people to see trans women as women, it's to get them to stop feeling like clothes and pronouns and names and locker rooms should be dictated by what some asshole wrote down on your birth certificate.
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cisplus · 9 hours
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cisplus · 9 hours
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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cisplus · 11 hours
I am her doll, and I understand that I'm a pretty one.
I'm like the rows of stiff porcelain dolls that line the shelves of my room, given to me each year on my birthday by a family friend, one-by-one.
Like me, these dolls aren't meant to be played with. These dolls don't move. They stand in one place in their lacy dresses, skin whiter than white, sickly, ghostly, eyes blank and staring.
My mother likes to dress me up. On holidays, she dresses me in garments I hate, all frilly lace and burgundy velvet. The rest of the time, she dresses me in things that she would wear if she were my age -- cutesy polka-dotted shirts and striped leggings. I hate this.
But every morning, when it's time to get dressed, I lift my hands over my head, docile, so she can pull whatever clothing she likes over my head.
I'm such a good child, she says. I don't talk back. I barely talk at all.
I can't. I'm just a doll.
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