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cisplus · 13 hours ago
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sudden trent fanart
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cisplus · 15 hours ago
People get so caught up in the idea of what others jack it too "what if someone sees this and masturbates to it?" "What if someone is secretly getting a sexual thrill from this?" GIRL WHO CARES!!! If they're not making it your problem why are you???
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cisplus · 17 hours ago
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cisplus · 17 hours ago
The idea that "male socialization" makes someone 'aggressive', 'dangerous', or 'unemotional' is something a lot more queer people need to get out of their heads. Like fuck that shit. Same with people who believe testosterone (naturally produced or HRT) makes a person 'violent' or 'angry'. That's fucking TERF shit. Unlearn that immediately.
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cisplus · 17 hours ago
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cisplus · 18 hours ago
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Thank you so much. 💙 I was really disheartened when nobody answered this question.
This information is extremely helpful! I'll look into those articles and try to do more of my own research about this.
Note that tumblr doesn't let me reply to people's comments on my posts, so I had to screenshot this. Ignore the huge blue accessibility button that got in the way of the screenshots.
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cisplus · 18 hours ago
I'm thinking about making a sexual health sideblog where I could be a resource for people asking questions about vaginal issues. I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable about issues that vaginas can have, given that I've had so many of them.
I could also move all my posts about my genitals over there, so those of you who understandably don't want to see that wouldn't have to.
Would anyone be interested in something like that?
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cisplus · 2 days ago
I'm sitting here trying to eat spaghetti with a spoon. This is because after I told the partner I live with that I was suicidal, and they called 988 and my parents, they locked up every sharp object in the apartment, including the forks and butter knives.
This is obviously ridiculous. If I was desperate enough to try to kill myself with a fork, I'd be desperate enough to, you know, leave the apartment and find an easier way to do it.
I took this partner to my psychiatry appointment expecting my psychiatrist to tell them how ridiculous this is. Instead, she told me that this is what I get for "threatening" suicide -- that if I do that, people are going to take away my autonomy, and that's how it is.
I've always been a little anti-psych, but now suddenly I am a *lot* anti-psych. 😠
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cisplus · 2 days ago
why be radically exclusionary abt queerness when you could be radically inclusionary instead. let's inflate the numbers. let's become the majority. the sky's the limit
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cisplus · 2 days ago
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You shouldn’t have to be trans to get any sex characteristic-related surgery. It’s not a limited resource. Plenty of cis men get implants and cis women get breast reductions. From Colby Gordon today and Leslie Feinberg in Transgender Warriors (1996).
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cisplus · 2 days ago
Question for trans people, or anyone who's knowledgeable about testosterone (TMI warning):
I'm an intersex 2spirit girl who has a vagina and a clitoris. (I'm not sure if I was operated on at birth or not, which makes this harder.)
I was prescribed a cream that has both low-dose estrogen and testosterone in it to help with my genital pain. Will the estrogen cancel out the effects of the testosterone, or could this cream still give me bottom growth?
I want bottom growth without the other effects of testosterone. But given that I present as a girl, use she/her pronouns, and so on -- and that I live in USAmerica -- I highly doubt that my doctor will prescribe me T gel.
So I'm hoping this will work.
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cisplus · 2 days ago
I really think most people treat elderly people so badly because we have no idea what they're going through, and see them as annoyances rather than as human beings (just like how ageism functions against children too).
I realized recently that I used to be guilty of this until I moved into an apartment building where most of my neighbors were elderly. I made friends with a neighbor and now she doesn't remember who I am. I made friends with another neighbor and now she's terminally ill and I'm watching her struggle more and more every day. Another neighbor that I talk to is moving to a nursing home.
Older adults have to deal with the stress of everyone they care about (who's around their age) getting very sick and dying, not to mention the stress of going through all that themselves.
Living here has really opened my eyes to how awfully most people treat the elderly, and how hard life is for older adults. They're going through a lot, and meanwhile, everyone else is complaining about how slowly they walk or whatever else.
It's not okay. Most of us are going to become old too. We need to treat older adults better.
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cisplus · 2 days ago
I doubt this will get much traction but a Canadian company is trying to build a mine on lake superior in Michigan that could completely destroy and contaminate 21% of the worlds freshwater supply if their proposed dam breaks. Please sign this petition if you're in the US to stop the whole project.
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cisplus · 2 days ago
I still think it’s objectively fucked how the world is built for morning people and if you wake up later than everyone else you’re seen as a malicious aberration of some sort. I am that but it’s not because I wake up at 11 fuck yourself
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cisplus · 2 days ago
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Egon Schiele - Port of Trieste - 1907
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cisplus · 2 days ago
A weird thing that happened when ChatGPT and other LLMs blew up is that all the discussions of "neurodivergent people often have styles of speaking and writing that are comprehensible and explicable but sound strange to neurotypical people" dried up seemingly overnight, but now I see lots of discussion of "LLMs sound so unnatural in their phrasing and word choice that it would be virtually impossible for them to sound like a real person, or vice versa." Idk, as someone who has definitely been accused of sounding like GPT I feel like we took an unpleasant and unproductive left turn somewhere along the way.
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cisplus · 2 days ago
Oh, I just had a conversation the other day about what people in general seem to consider tomboys. Was scrolling thru games, along them a bunch of dating sims (and porn, ofc), a few of them with the main selling point being tomboy girls. And then you look at the picture of said tomboy girl and it's generic girl with huge badonkahonks, a fat ass, and big cute eyes. But!!! She was wearing pants. Which is about as masc as you're allowed to go before people lose their mind. Cut to the same gamer guys getting mad at the "manish woke freak woman" in some game (pictured: Woman without makeup) "Tomboy" 90% of the girls in all my classes were more masc than this. Ffs
On the bright side this conversation lead to my friend informing me of the existence of Dorio from cyberpunk edgerunners via a picture and i got so hard i passed out
now THAT'S a butch woman!!!!!
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