Fox Fan Account (they/them)
39 posts
On this blog we physically fight canon. The clones deserve the world and I’m going to give it to them so help me god. Check out my AO3
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fox-stan · 4 months ago
The clones have enhanced senses (due to being genetically modified super soldiers) which makes the normal world a sensory nightmare for them (I mean all that neon??). Send post.
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fox-stan · 8 months ago
@mamuzzy’s dark fox gave me brain rot too lol. Anyways here’s how I imagine fox gets to that point
Wolffe is already halfway out the door by the time Fox scrambles after him, barely catching his wrist to stop him leaving already.
“That’s not what I was trying to say Wolffe. I swear! It’s just, we need-“
“Shut up.” Wolffe snarls, snatching his arm out of Fox’s grip and spinning around. “I don’t want to hear it from you. I don’t care what you think you’ve been through, you know nothing about what it’s like to loose all the men under your command.”
“But-“ Fox isn’t allowed to finish his protest, isn’t allowed to beg even more for the help his men desperately need. Wolfe shoves him hard, Fox’s bad shoulder clipping the door frame causing his vision to gray out for a moment. By the time his vision returns to normal Wolffe is already gone.
Fox sinks to the ground and lets his head thunk back against the wall as tears start to well up in his eyes. He doesn’t need Wolffe, and he was foolish to think the Wolffe would be in a place to listen to Fox’s problems. Not with the Malevolent disaster so fresh. Still, he had to try. With how things are going he’s not sure how much longer the Guard can last without help.
The door slides open and Fox looks up hoping to see Wolffe, only for his stomach to drop when it’s Thorn who enters. He’s got his helmet clipped to his belt, so Fox can see the sympathetic look on his face as he sits down next to Fox.
“I heard the yelling, I’m guessing it didn’t go well?”
He’s kind enough not to say I told you so when Fox shakes his head. Fox knows that Stone will have less restraint when he finds out. Thorn doesn’t say anything, even when the tears Fox has been fighting spill over, running down his cheeks now that he’s got the comforting presence of his brother pressed into his side.
They sit there quietly as Fox mourns his once close relationship with his batch and despairs his helplessness to help his own men.
Fox’s comm rings out in the silence between them and he flinches when he opens it to find a summons from the Chancellor. Shit. Of course he doesn’t get even a few minutes to just sit and be miserable. The Guard doesn’t get nice things like that.
He knows better than to take too long so he quickly rubs away his tears and shoves on his helmet, only stopping to knock his shoulder against Thorn’s in a silent goodbye before heading towards the Chancellors office.
When he gets there he’s surprised to find a lack of Red Guards manning the door, leaving him a little unsure as he steps inside. Thankfully, the Chancellor waves him to stand at attention in his usual spot, standing just to the side of the ornate desk so that he can be forced to kneel at the Chancellor’s feet just as easily as he can be bent over it to receive lashings.
When the Chancellor gestures for him to remove his bucket he hesitates. He’s acutely aware of the appearance of his face right now. It will be impossible to hide that he was just crying, with how swollen and red his eyes are. But the Chancellor is not a patient man so after a brief moment Fox slides his helmet off and clips it to his belt.
They’re alone in the office Fox can’t help but notice, with unease building in his stomach. The feeling only grows worse when the Chancellor gives him a sympathetic smile. The Chancellor hasn’t bothered to use his mask around him in months, not since Fox discovered what he truly is.
“I saw your conversation with Commander Wolffe.”
Fox’s stomach drops, he doesn’t even bother asking how the Chancellor knows. Everything that happens in the senate building makes its way back to him eventually. Even most things outside of the building typically do.
Fox foolishly thought he wouldn’t be punished as long as he didn’t implicate the Chancellor to Wolffe. Clearly that belief was misplaced. Briefly he wonders if the Chancellor is simply going to kill him. Since there’s no Red Guard here to deliver a punishment that seems like the most likely course of action.
“I can offer you the support that the GAR refuses to.”
Fox is still processing the fact that he tried to reach out for help and instead got his hand bitten by the only people in the wretched universe that are supposed to care about him and the fact that the Chancellor seemingly knows about the whole thing. Given the circumstances he thinks he can be excused for his dumbfounded, “What?”
The Chancellor laughs. It’s not the cruel, twisted thing Fox is used to, but rather a truly amused little sound that Fox is unfamiliar with.
“I saw what happened when you tried to reach out for help from lesser beings. The evidence of how that went is all over your face.”
Self-consciously Fox scrubs a hand over his face but he knows that will do little to hide the evidence of his tears.
“They don’t have the resources to help you, even if they cared enough to try.” That stings and Fox can’t help his reflexive flinch but the Chancellor keeps talking. “I, however, have all the resources and power you could want.”
Fox wants to deny him, he’s loyal to the republic he would never knowingly work with a Sith. But. What has the republic done for him? All his loyalty has wrought him is dead little brothers and older brothers who apparently don’t care.
The Chancellor stands, ornate robes rasping across the floor as he move closer, clasping Fox’s shoulder. “I don’t make this offer lightly, and I will not make it again. So I urge you to consider what this could do for you. For your men.”
Fox tilts his chin up. “And if I wanted to kill Senators?”
The Chancellor laughs that strange new laugh again. “Senators are quite replaceable. In fact I think you’ll find my adversaries often find unfortunate ends.”
“Medical supplies?” He probes again, expecting more resistance this time when it’s something that could only help his brothers, not something that can be twisted to suit the Chancellor’s needs.
“My boy you’d have your pick of the Republic’s medical supplies.”
Fox swallows and thinks of holding Thorn down to keep him from thrashing while medics pulled shrapnel out of his stomach and hip. Thinks of the way he wished so desperately for painkillers while his younger brother screamed.
He knows his answer, the Chancellor must realize at the same time because a slow smile spreads across his face and his eyes seem to burn a molten gold.
“All I ask in return is your loyalty. And your willingness to do a few favors for me.”
Fox knows it won’t be that simple. But he thinks of Wolffe turning his back on him, of all his brothers in the GAR ignoring his pleas for help. He thinks of what this could do for the Guard, the ways this could make their lives better and he decides that whatever the price for dealing with a Sith is one he will happily pay.
And so he kneels and swears himself to Chancellor Palpatine.
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fox-stan · 9 months ago
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CC-if i give a fuck or the Bombastic-Side-eye Batch
This is a psa for the buckets working overtime to conceal the scathing looks that would be thrown in their absence.
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fox-stan · 11 months ago
I already have too many plot bunnies but now I want to write this lol
so anyway whipping boy au where the Guard earned their reputation as hardasses that never have fun and take great umbrage with people who try to get them to relax the rules
who hold themselves to absolute perfectionist standards and WILL turn on a GAR brother if they try to fuck with the Guard
and some shiny/GAR transplant who doesn't take the rules seriously and insults some senator and don't get why the rest of the Guard give them the cold shoulder and why the commanders look at them with distaste and anger and pity
but then they're summoned to the chancellor's office and they're stubbornly ready to face their punishment
except it's the chancellor and the senator and it's commander fox stripped down to the waist, kneeling on the ground with a blank expression that nevertheless curves in sad understanding when he sees them, when the red guards pin them in place and the smug asshole bastard senator picks up a whip
because when a Guard fucks up it isn't them that's punished
it's fox
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fox-stan · 11 months ago
The dynamic of my current Codywan wip goes like this
Cody: *huh, this whole having a natborn for a general isn’t too bad, he even lets us use our names*
Obi-Wan: *Is in love with Cody. Is in love with Cody. Is in love wi-*
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fox-stan · 11 months ago
Best post o66 Codywan angst dynamic is Obi-Wan who doesn’t know about the chips and Cody who does and assumes everyone else does too + some sort of forced proximity. Like Obi-Wan is bitter and jaded from being betrayed by the person he loves immediately followed by losing his entire family and being betrayed by the person he raised. Cody, freshly free for the first time ever and stewing in misplaced guilt for actions he literally had no control over.
Imagine they’re forced to go undercover on a mission (maybe throw in some fake dating??) and so when they’re out they have to pretend to like each other and it’s so close to what they could have had but then they get back to their shared tiny room, because budget reasons obvi, they barely talk. Obi-Wan keeps making cutting remarks about the perceived betrayal and Cody just assumes that Obi-Wan can’t forgive him for his actions despite them being done under the chip. After all Cody can hardly forgive himself why would the person he was forced to betray forgive him?
I like to imagine this misunderstanding is worked through by Cody having a nightmare and sobbing and begging Obi-Wan for forgiveness even though he knows he doesn’t deserve it and Obi-Wan realizing he’s been kind of an ass to Cody this whole time and they end up talking through everything in the morning.
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fox-stan · 11 months ago
wing whump for the wip game? wingfic is always such a fun concept and i love angst and whump so i figured i'd ask (((: (no pressure ofc)
I'm so sorry it's taken so long to reply to this, it's been a crazy couple months for me. I’m super excited about this one because I also love wingfics and whump and was like why not combine them.
Basically the Kaminoans spliced Jangos DNA with some sort of bird so they could have a flying army. I was thinking a lot about the ways this would affect clone culture and figured that main social things/ways to catch up and talk with each other would be flying together and preening each other’s wings.
Anyways, in this universe Palpatine makes Fox bind his wings so that he can’t use them because they’re unprofessional or some bs excuse like that. It’s really about control and suffering like it usually is of course. The result of always having his wings bound is that they’re too weak to hold his weight now.
His batchmates always invite him to go flying together whenever they’re on leave and he always makes excuses because he’s embarrassed that he can’t fly anymore and doesn’t want them to think he’s weak because he’s not on the front and his batchmates assume he thinks he’s too good to fly with them now.
Then his batchmates decide to surprise him and force him to fly with him only to discover what Palpatine has been doing to him and then there’s a bunch of comfort and maybe they murder Palpatine depending on my mood when I get there lol.
Little snippet under the cut
“It’s okay, Thire.” Fox mutters tiredly into his folded arms. Behind him, all the noise cuts off for a second, and Fox is tempted to look over his shoulder to see Thire’s face and get a better judge of his reaction, but then gentle hands are on his wings again, so he stays carefully still.
“It’s not okay, Fox. It’s-” Thire trails off even as his fingers begin to smooth over Fox’s rust colored feathers, arranging them back into a slightly more natural order as he tries to come up with words for the torture that the Chancellor subjects Fox to.
Fox knows what he means. The clones grew up soaring through the skies and helping each other maintain their wings in the barracks. To have to deny something so fundamental to their experience is unheard of, even on Kamino where individuality is crushed under the heel of obedience.
Fox sighs again. “I know. But look,” and this time Fox sits up and turns around, pulling his vod’ika’s forehead against his own, “if I deal with it, if I don’t complain, he won’t make it a regulation for the entire Guard. I’d have to do it either way, at least this way you guys don’t have to suffer too.” Thire lets out a small wounded sound. It’s so quiet Fox wouldn’t have heard it if they weren’t pressed together like this. “I would do far worse than this to protect you, and I’d do it with a smile on my face.”
“You shouldn’t have to.”
Fox just grimaces and stays silent, drinking in the feeling of Thire safe in his arms. He doesn’t regret his choices to protect his vod’ike.
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fox-stan · 1 year ago
O my goshhhhhh I need to know what you have been planning for accidental betrayal because that could go so many ways and yet never in my life would I think of betrayal as accidental 👀😩
Ooo I never thought about how that’s kind of an oxymoron. Accidental betrayal is a two chapters. They’re Cody’s POV as he finds Fox injured in the Senate dome during his shore leave. The Chancellor discovers them and convinces Cody that Fox was injured protecting him from an assassin and has Cody bring him to his private suite so his “doctors” can help Fox since the Chancellor feels responsible for Fox’s injuries.
Of course Cody doesn’t know the context that the Chancellor is the one who injured Fox in the first place and is going to continue hurting him when he leaves. And Fox is out of it so all he knows is his batcher returned him to his tormentor when he was almost safely to his medics. Hence Cody accidentally betrays Fox.
It’s hurt/comfort so the second chapter has Thorn confronting Cody about what he did and Cody apologizing for hurting Fox.
Little snippet from what I’ve got so far below the cut
Before Cody can decide on what to do, the Chancellor sweeps down the hallway, trailed as always by his red guards.
Cody jerks to attention, “Chancellor, sir.” Cody acknowledges with a sharp salute.
“At ease, Commander.” The Chancellor says. Cody settles into a parade rest, which he immediately breaks when Fox starts to struggle to his feet. He curses the karking dikut out in his head as he gently tries to keep Fox from hurting himself.
“CC-2224, stand down.” Fox mutters, shoving Cody’s hand away from himself even as he staggers when he takes his full weight onto his feet. Cody flinches at the use of his number but Fox is already turning his attention to the Chancellor.
“Your Excellency.” Fox says, voice more clear than it had been when they were talking earlier.
“Ah, Fox, just who I was looking for. I was concerned for you after your invaluable protection from those insurgents who tried to attack me.” The Chancellor says. Cody finds himself shocked by the real note of concern he can hear in his voice. The fact that the Chancellor of the entire Republic has gone out of his way to check on Fox makes Cody a little dizzy. Distantly he notices that Fox is still saluting, and his arm is starting to shake.
“Thank you for your consideration, your Excellency. I am returning to my medbay to receive treatment.” Fox assures.
“Treatment? Were you badly injured?” The Chancellor asks.
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fox-stan · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag! @commanderfoxdeservesbetter
I’ve pulled out just some of the many (ie almost 40 not including any of my not posted stories for whumptober 2022 which sits at kver 62,000 words… I might have a little bit of a problem lol). I honestly forgot a lot of these existed since I’ve been very focused on my first long fic.
1 truth serum
2 wing whump
3 Fox and Tookas
4 accidental betrayal
5 Cody Fox bodyswap
6 shiny reconned Fox
7 some fluff because my boys deserve it
8 lost in the static
9 he raised his fist before he spoke (long fic)
10 whumptober 22
11 dread drabble
12 Fox!fox drabble
Lol a lot of my document names are very literal to help me find the one I want quickly. These are all Fox focused I think. I don’t really have anyone to tag so I guess if any of my wonderful followers want to try please do and tag me to let me see!
Thank you for the tag @walls-actul-ly! RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. ---- 1. Attention to all troopers 2. BASSZÁTOK MEG BÁDOGEMBEREK 3. Buir 4. carameldansen 5. crosshair annyira mérges lesz ha meghal 6. deadmen don't eat 7. iliketrains 8. is it mad to pray for better hallucinations 9. kjkjkjkjkjk 10. merKasen 11. miafaszomazashibari 12. New canvas 13. rwerwerwerwerwerwer 14. When I peek into my scope I see this guy 15. Zetsubou 16. zuzuzuzu ---- Not all my wips but most... actually had to collect them in one folder because I like to organize things in folders... but not naming them properly apparently. It can be fanfic, it can be art, be brave and choose! :D Also, for fanfics, an english title doesn't indicate english text within, but I guess this will be a good exercise for me to attempt to translate them and share more of my written stuff. :))))) So some titles are in hungarian, if someone wants to translate them before asking. Now I can't tag as many people as my wips... but NPT: @ithillia @riinoaheartilly @nooneherebutusghosts @hurryupmerlin @marymunchkiin @battlekilt @commanderfoxdeservesbetter
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fox-stan · 1 year ago
Woah this is very aggressive for this early in the morning lol. The only one I see tearing down characters other people care about to make a point is you, why you felt the need to bring Fox in the Coruscant Guard into this at all I don’t know (Palpatine is manipulating the entire galaxy not just Anakin, my ability to care about him manipulating Fox has no standing on my ability to care about him manipulating other characters).
Anakin and Padme’s relationship is supposed to reflect how the dark twists even good motivations like love into evil. The way Anakin devolves into increasingly controlling behavior that ends with him choking his extremely pregnant wife into unconsciousness because he believes she’s acting against him is very much a key part of Anakin’s story, and I don’t think stating how he canonically acts is tearing down another ship.
The whole point of Anidala is a commentary on what attachment does to the Jedi, and how attachment can be twisted easily to make a Jedi fall. I feel that showing a romantic relationship with love that isn’t attachment is a better foil than the manipulative “mentor/mentee” relationship between Anakin and Palpatine.
If anything I think that Palpatine’s relationship with Anakin is supposed to be a foil to his relationship with Obi-Wan seeing as they both take on an almost familial role for Anakin.
I absolutely don’t doubt the love that both Obi-Wan and Padme had for Anakin I just thought it was interesting to point out that if Codywan was canon it would be a great way to explore another side to what attachment means to the Jedi.
I will say obviously anything I said in regards to Codywan’s behavior is just how I would see them acting if they were in a relationship since it’s not canon and we honestly don’t get to see much of them interacting in canon and it’s perfectly fine if you disagree with my characterization of them, but everything I said about Anidala comes from specific moments in the Clone Wars or the movies I feel I was fairly good faith to the characters actual actions.
Thinking about how, narratively, Codywan is such a good foil for Anakin and Padme.
Obi-Wan and Cody are such professionals. They’re masters of loving without the dangerous attachment. Obi-Wan will put the galaxy and the Order ahead of Cody and Cody will put duty and his vod’e ahead of Obi-Wan and neither of them would want it any other way because that would go against who their partner is fundamentally as a person.
Then of course, Anakin who would fall to the darkside for the possibility of protecting Padme and Padme who ignored her duties as a Senator to hide Anakin’s crimes.
Contrasting Anakin’s possessive and controlling nature with Obi-Wan and Cody giving each other space to do what needs to be done, and hoping for the other to return to them after.
They already have the symbolism of their lightsabers. Cody finding Obi-Wan’s and taking care of it until he’s able to return it vs Anakin giving his to Padme to prove his devotion to her only to left without it when he needs it.
Just. Thinking about them; two sides of the same coin.
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fox-stan · 1 year ago
Thinking about how, narratively, Codywan is such a good foil for Anakin and Padme.
Obi-Wan and Cody are such professionals. They’re masters of loving without the dangerous attachment. Obi-Wan will put the galaxy and the Order ahead of Cody and Cody will put duty and his vod’e ahead of Obi-Wan and neither of them would want it any other way because that would go against who their partner is fundamentally as a person.
Then of course, Anakin who would fall to the darkside for the possibility of protecting Padme and Padme who ignored her duties as a Senator to hide Anakin’s crimes.
Contrasting Anakin’s possessive and controlling nature with Obi-Wan and Cody giving each other space to do what needs to be done, and hoping for the other to return to them after.
They already have the symbolism of their lightsabers. Cody finding Obi-Wan’s and taking care of it until he’s able to return it vs Anakin giving his to Padme to prove his devotion to her only to left without it when he needs it.
Just. Thinking about them; two sides of the same coin.
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fox-stan · 2 years ago
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nose touches as a love language
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fox-stan · 2 years ago
Don’t think about how in bad batch Cody painted over his freedom orange in mourning grey. How he was trapped and forced to betray all the people he cares about. How the chip took away his hope for eventual freedom.
thinking about color symbolism in Star Wars…. thinking about beskar’gam colors…. how the 212th colors are called gold (vengeance) but are really visually more orange (freedom)… how to the jedi yellow/orange is traditionally the lightsaber color of sentinels, and may symbolize loyalty…..
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fox-stan · 2 years ago
characters who are absolutely convinced down to their bones that they are unlovable being subjected to the mortifying ideal of being wholly and unconditionally loved. that’s the good stuff. never get tired of it.
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fox-stan · 2 years ago
Preliminary Poll 28: Star Wars
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fox-stan · 2 years ago
I’ve been thinking about Fox and tookas recently. Fox would absolutely love them, they have so much in common. They’re both stubborn and independent bastards who reward people who treat them with respect and aren’t liked by those who don’t because they can be assholes when they want to be. Also I think he just gets their love language because he too bites people gently when he likes them, screams when he wants attention, and enjoys simply being in the same room as his loved ones while doing different tasks. He definitely steals massif treats to feed any stray tookas he sees much to Hounds dismay and on more than one occasion has snuck a tooka into the barracks.
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fox-stan · 2 years ago
If y’all don’t read this fic, it’s so mother effing good
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