#autonomous coding
ndsinfo123 · 8 months
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Step into the future of streamlined operations with NDS InfoTech's Autonomous Coding Services. Our cutting-edge technology leverages artificial intelligence to automate and optimize the coding process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in healthcare documentation. Trust NDS InfoTech to elevate your coding workflows, allowing healthcare providers to focus on delivering exceptional patient care while maximizing revenue potential.
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soullessjack · 1 year
not only should any autistic character who’s ever been infantilized by their fanbase kill and maim more people, but they should also fuck as nasty as possible too. as a treat
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anistarrose · 10 days
Trying to bully my brother out of using AI for math homework when there's at least, like, perfectly good online calculators that he could use instead if he wanted a cheap but reliable way out, but then I remembered he went to a career fair last year where he got told by A Person With A Job In The Industry that he should be using ChatGPT to write more code, so like. I think I might not be able to convince him on this one, and also might just stop trusting any technology designed since 2023 to do anything correctly or safely ever
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statementlou · 10 months
So I see folks pointing out that Louis' circle A tattoo is more likely an aesthetic choice than an announcement of a political commitment to anarchism, and saying basically that that maybe makes him a bit of a poser and I mean- I GUESS. But I don't like to look at things that way and I don't think it's useful. As I see it the subversive sexiness of the symbols of resistance have ALWAYS been gateways for people who are drawn to the struggle in vague ways and that's GOOD. Aligning yourself with those values is good no matter the reason, in my book, especially given the wretched options available out there, but also the journey doesn't necessarily stop there. Gatekeeping queerness victimizes people who are just trying things out and starting to discover that it may run deeper than just trying on a new look who should instead be welcomed and helped along their path, and I fail to see how gatekeeping political affiliations is any different (plus how counterproductive to actual movement building is that?)
ANYWAY. What I really want to say about Louis is that while I KNOW that Louis is probably not secretly a theory reading anti-state communalist anarchist, I think that actually Louis' optimism and idealism (and his unwavering commitment to allying himself with the working class and embracing those roots) are a perfect fit for the philosophy and always have been. I know that anarchism is mostly understood as being about throwing molotov cocktails and fighting the state (and the allure of its symbols are that they signify this, a terrific aesthetic for him to choose to sign on with in my book), but that's honestly largely cartoonish stereotyping that comes directly from anti-anarchist state propaganda. That resistance is necessary in this hellscape of oppression we live in and is super important, but in its heart anarchism is only about the state in that the state and capitalism currently stands in the way of its goals. The whole point of anarchism is that it's NOT about the state! It's about being able to imagine something better than a state, it's about how we live and about how we SHOULD live, it's about HOPE and picturing something utopian and something free of the ways capitalism pits us against one another! What could be more Louis than that?
"I need you and you need me and I love that" is as beautiful a way of talking about the cornerstone of anarchism that is mutual aid as any long winded essay I've read (even if what he meant was contextually different), and I think when he talks again and again about how special the space fans have made around him is he is expressing an intuitive understanding of the importance of autonomous zones, places and moments outside of the shitty life imposed on us by the system (also a huge part of anarchist thought). Maybe I'm just being an optimist but I think that Louis DOES understand that caring for people and wanting self-determination and freedom for all and allying himself with the working class involves a certain amount of resistance to and positioning yourself in opposition to the state. Thinking the symbols of smashing that state are cool isn't meaningless; it's a CHOICE. There are other cool symbols out there and I just happen to think that feeling a resonance with certain ones is something in and of itself, even if at this moment he does not choose to start a fight with the media about it all.
#long version of this part maybe later… (orrr maybe here and now oops lol):#I believe we are all born natural anarchists with a desire to live in mutually supportive ways and in freedom#it only gets beaten out of people by the trauma of the system and being forced to struggle to survive#Louis shares with many privileged people a certain immaturity of not understanding those struggles#but I think that 'immaturity' can include- in smart and good people- not having lost sight of that utopianism#because they are able to conceptualize it because they live the way we all should be able to#free of so many of the survival struggles#(I think that in some areas maturity is code for 'beaten down to a good capitalist')#anyway and that's why autonomous zones are important:#because you HAVE to have the experience of freedom sometimes to be able to move towards it#you have to experience wins to be able to keep fighting#it's the candy crush theory of organizing lol like: people will simply give up and lose hope if everything is struggle and despair#and nothing is hope and success#you don't have to win the whole fight to get glimpses but you have to have moments#anyway a song I love that is about that is Saturday Night by the Coup it's a BOP go check her out she feels like winning#boots is a commie but that's okay he Gets It :P#anyway#anarchism#blah blah blah#I love being a louis apologist I should add that to my header what can I say: I love him#also look how many WORDS I can churn out when there's no show😂gotta fil the time somehow#send me questions I beg you we've got a long couple months ahead#comrade louis
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jcmarchi · 3 months
The tenured engineers of 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-tenured-engineers-of-2024/
The tenured engineers of 2024
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In 2024, MIT granted tenure to 11 faculty members across the School of Engineering. This year’s tenured engineers hold appointments in the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS, which reports jointly to the School of Engineering and MIT Schwarzman College of Computing), Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Science and Engineering.
“My heartfelt congratulations to the 11 engineering faculty members on receiving tenure. These faculty have already made a lasting impact in the School of Engineering through both advances in their field and their dedication as educators and mentors,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, chief innovation and strategy officer, dean of engineering, and the Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
This year’s newly tenured engineering faculty include:
Adam Belay, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), works on operating systems, runtime systems, and distributed systems. He is particularly interested in developing practical methods for microsecond-scale computing and cloud resource management, with many applications relating to performance and computing efficiency within large data centers.
Irmgard Bischofberger, Class of 1942 Career Development Professor and associate professor of mechanical engineering, is an expert in the mechanisms of pattern formation and instabilities in complex fluids. Her research reveals new insights into classical understanding of instabilities and has wide relevance to physical systems and industrial processes. Further, she is dedicated to science communication and generates exquisite visualizations of complex fluidic phenomena from her research.
Matteo Bucci serves as the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor of nuclear science and engineering. His research group studies two-phase heat transfer mechanisms in nuclear reactors and space systems, develops high-resolution, nonintrusive diagnostics and surface engineering techniques to enhance two-phase heat transfer, and creates machine-learning tools to accelerate data analysis and conduct autonomous heat transfer experiments.
Luca Carlone, the Boeing Career Development Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics, is head of the Sensing, Perception, Autonomy, and Robot Kinetics Laboratory and principal investigator at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. His research focuses on the cutting edge of robotics and autonomous systems research, with a particular interest in designing certifiable perception algorithms for high-integrity autonomous systems and developing algorithms and systems for real-time 3D scene understanding on mobile robotics platforms operating in the real world.
Manya Ghobadi, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at CSAIL, builds efficient network infrastructures that optimize resource use, energy consumption, and availability of large-scale systems. She is a leading expert in networks with reconfigurable physical layers, and many of the ideas she has helped develop are part of real-world systems.
Zachary (Zach) Hartwig serves as the Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, with a co-appointment at MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center. His current research focuses on the development of high-field superconducting magnet technologies for fusion energy and accelerated irradiation methods for fusion materials using ion beams. He is a co-founder of Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a private company commercializing fusion energy.
Admir Masic, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, focuses on bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern material technologies. He applies his expertise in the fields of in situ and operando spectroscopic techniques to develop sustainable materials for construction, energy, and the environment.
Stefanie Mueller is the TIBCO Career Development Professor in the Department of EECS. Mueller has a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is a principal investigator at CSAIL. She develops novel hardware and software systems that give objects new capabilities. Among other applications, her lab creates health sensing devices and electronic sensing devices for curved surfaces; embedded sensors; fabrication techniques that enable objects to be trackable via invisible marker; and objects with reprogrammable and interactive appearances.
Koroush Shirvan serves as the Atlantic Richfield Career Development Professor in Energy Studies in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. He specializes in the development and assessment of advanced nuclear reactor technology. He is currently focused on accelerating innovations in nuclear fuels, reactor design, and small modular reactors to improve the sustainability of current and next-generation power plants. His approach combines multiple scales, physics and disciplines to realize innovative solutions in the highly regulated nuclear energy sector.
Julian Shun, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at CSAIL, focuses on the theory and practice of parallel and high-performance computing. He is interested in designing algorithms that are efficient in both theory and practice, as well as high-level frameworks that make it easier for programmers to write efficient parallel code. His research has focused on designing solutions for graphs, spatial data, and dynamic problems.
Zachary P. Smith, Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor and associate professor of chemical engineering, focuses on the molecular-level design, synthesis, and characterization of polymers and inorganic materials for applications in membrane-based separations, which is a promising aid for the energy industry and the environment, from dissolving olefins found in plastics or rubber, to capturing smokestack carbon dioxide emissions. He is a co-founder and chief scientist of Osmoses, a startup aiming to commercialize membrane technology for industrial gas separations.
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russianreader · 4 months
Punitive Psychiatry for a Dissident Janitor in Northern Russia: The Case of Igor Yakunichev
Igor Yakunichev Five criminal cases have been launched against Igor Yakunichev, a resident of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. In addition to three cases on charges of “disseminating fake news” about the Russian army and “condoning terrorism,” the security services added two more cases on the same charges. On 1 April, Yakunichev, who started the YouTube channel Infinity Is Not the Limit…
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scorpiotrait · 1 year
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Yukari got this cute sentiment about Neil 🥺
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thedevmaster-tdm · 9 days
STOP Using Fake Human Faces in AI
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amin-tech-blogs · 12 days
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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-->To Moonwood Mill! Yeah, I was thinking that I hadn’t been there for a while, and it might be nice to go and visit again and let Alice work on some werewolf stuff. :) They of course started their grand day out at the local library/gym, where they all grabbed a nice werewolf-related book to read for starters (and Coty got a little weak at the knees looking at Smiler. XD Apparently that high reputation is making them VERY attractive!). Having fulfilled THAT want, Victor then got sent out to the observatory to look at the sky for a little while; Smiler hopped on the computer to play games; and Alice –
-->Well, Alice just couldn’t seem to decide on what she wanted to read, as she kept grabbing new books, getting a few pages in, then putting them away and getting more. XD I’ve had days like that, girl. I managed to stop the vicious cycle and instead had her, Smiler, and Victor hit the gym for a while for a little working out – after all, Alice enjoys keeping fit, and it was a good opportunity to work on that skill too! She ran on the treadmill (taking a little spill when she tried to start a hill challenge a bit too soon) while Smiler did some boxing and some lifting, and Victor struggled his way through a session on the weight machine. I did my best to boost them up by adding the “Bracing Breezes” lot trait to the place (along with “Peace & Quiet” and “Study Spot” to reflect the fact that, well, it IS primarily a library), but I don't know how much difference it made this particular session. Victor and Smiler eventually got tired and wandered off to do other things – I let Victor rest with a good book while Smiler got put on “filling the local pet bowls” duty – and eventually I stopped Alice’s run as I could see she was getting hungry. The problem was, I could also see Victor was getting hungry – and while Alice could easily transform and hunt for food, Victor was kind of dependent on getting something someone had COOKED. I thus started looking around for a barbecue or something in the immediate area –
-->And then looked at the bar just across the street, went “you know what, those serve food”, and had them swap lots right after Alice had swapped into her beast form! *thumbs up* I sent her out to hunt while Victor and Smiler hit the bar (and I hit the lot traits in Build/Buy to add “Great Acoustics,” “Convivial,” and “Party Place” to give it the right vibes). Victor ended up ordering a Blue Steak and a Wrench, while Smiler got their typical Plasma Jane, and they ended up chatting with the other two Sims hanging out at the bar – Akshara and Camille. Everyone was having a very good time –
-->And then Camille pressed her fingers against her forehead and Victor ended up getting brain-zapped! Guess who is an alien in disguise! O.O And guess who did that autonomous “memory-erasing” thing I hate so much. >( Fortunately all it did was make Victor forget the little relationship he’d built up with her – if she’d affected Victor’s memories of his actual partners, I might have just killed her.
-->And then, right before Alice returned from her hunt, a completely naked J. Huntington III showed up. For no reason. And when I say “completely naked,” I mean that – he didn’t even have the censor on for some reason! I’m not sure what disabled it, but there was a lot of naked man-butt in front of the bar. The local Sims were appropriately “what the everloving fuck, dude.” XD Even Alice, who was a little distracted by the scent of freshly-"found" steak when she first arrived, found herself shocked by all the naked flesh on display after she'd eaten. Fortunately, Smiler managed to introduce themselves after a little confusion and get him to put on some cold-weather clothing. *shakehead* Sims, man. Dunno what to tell you.
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dbenjamin · 9 months
Discover the game-changing advantages of Autonomous Medical Coding in healthcare with our video on the "Top 5 Benefits." Explore how it streamlines automated medical claims processing, revolutionizes end-to-end RCM solutions, and optimizes revenue cycle management services. Witness how autonomous coding transforms healthcare efficiency, accuracy, and financial success, shaping the future of healthcare operations.
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ventique18 · 4 months
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"Ahh~ Only good things are happening lately~ As if we're in a dream~"
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"Eh. It's actually just a dream tho."
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"Hello everyone trapped in this empty world of dreams."
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"This is Idia Shroud."
"So today, I will explain the strategy to beat:
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"The magical domain that Malleus created is similar to a server running a huge MMORPG."
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"That means everyone's dreams are ran individually. Malleus and his clones are keeping an eye on the server."
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"In other words, Malleus is the server admin."
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"And his clones crack down on users who commit violations like in online games."
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"Malleus is the game master who has the authority to manage the entire server."
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"Under his control, we have no chance of winning..."
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"With the super geek hacker group STYX using ORTHO ATTACK, the server source code has been analyzed."
"So using this, we're building cheating tools [WARNING: DO NOT DO THIS IN ACTUAL GAMES]"
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"So using these cheating tools, the administrative rights to my dream can be transferred to me."
"Then I'll lure Malleus into my dream where I can get rid of that god damned invincibility!"
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"-- Well, it sounds like a perfect strategy but... The truth is there's just a few things about this cheating tool..."
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"The thing is, even though he's using autonomous clones to monitor each dream, it still shouldn't be easy to control the dreams of 20000 PEOPLE in Sage island."
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"If problems turn up everywhere, he'll have to deal with them all!"
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"While I'm developing the cheat tool, I want you all to distract Malleus!"
"I want you all to gather party members to defeat the Demon King!"
"Once everyone's awake, I'll send out invitations to my own dream."
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"Then I'll lure Malleus into my dream... THEN TURN ON THE CHEAT TOOL! As planned, Malleus' invincibility will disappear,"
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"Then everyone will accept the invitation and gather into my dream!"
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"Then Malleus will have to take down his magic AND EVERYONE WILL BE FREE!"
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"If you liked this 3-minute video, don't forget to leave a like!"
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priyaohia · 1 year
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hjones-1011 · 2 years
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JK Tech, a next-generation Digital, and IT services provider, offers end-to-end innovative technology solutions for the healthcare and life sciences organizations enabling them to leverage AI/ML, analytics, and automation. This allows them to boost productivity & patient experience and leads to saving of operational costs. With Data Transformation at the core, JK Tech’s healthcare and life sciences solution is aligned with modern technology to help achieve efficiency in administrative tasks. The solution portfolio includes- reduction in claim denials, simplified integration between different parties, and digitization of manual processes. It also regulates compliance adherence, improves data access for patients and stakeholders, and consolidates individual medical records.
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jcmarchi · 5 days
Walmart and Amazon drive retail transformation with AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/walmart-and-amazon-drive-retail-transformation-with-ai/
Walmart and Amazon drive retail transformation with AI
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Walmart and Amazon are harnessing AI to drive retail transformation with new consumer experiences and enhanced operational efficiency.
According to analytics firm GlobalData, Walmart is focusing on augmented reality and AI-enhanced store management. Amazon, meanwhile, is leading advancements in customer personalisation and autonomous systems.
Kiran Raj, Practice Head of Disruptive Tech at GlobalData, notes: “Walmart and Amazon are no longer competing for market share alone. Their AI strategies are reshaping the entire retail ecosystem—from Walmart’s blend of digital and physical shopping experiences to Amazon’s operational automation.”
GlobalData’s Disruptor Intelligence Center, utilising its Technology Foresights tool, has identified the strategic focus of these retail titans based on their patent filings.
Walmart has submitted over 3,000 AI-related patents, with 20% of these in the last three years, indicating a swift evolution in its AI capabilities. In contrast, Amazon boasts more than 9,000 patents; half of which were filed during the same timeframe, underpinning its leadership in AI-driven retail innovations.
AI-powered retail transformation
Walmart is deploying AI-driven solutions like in-store product recognition while making notable strides in AR applications, including virtual try-ons. The company’s progress in smart warehouses and image-based transactions denotes a shift towards fully automated retail, enhancing both speed and precision in customer service.
Amazon stands out with its extensive deployment of AI in customer personalisation and autonomous systems. By harnessing technologies such as Autonomous Network Virtualisation and Automated VNF Deployment, the company is advancing its operational infrastructure and aiming to set new standards in network efficiency and data management.
Walmart’s development of intelligent voice assistants and automated store surveillance emphasises its aim to provide a seamless and secure shopping experience. Concurrently, Amazon’s progress in AI for coding and surveillance is pushing the boundaries of enterprise AI applications and enhancing security capabilities.
“Walmart and Amazon’s aggressive innovation strategies not only strengthen their market positions but also set a blueprint for the future of the retail sector,” Raj explains.
“As these two giants continue to push the boundaries of retail AI, the broader industry can expect ripple effects in supply chain innovation, customer loyalty programmes, and operational scalability—setting the stage for a new era of consumer engagement.”
(Photo by Marques Thomas)
See also: Whitepaper dispels fears of AI-induced job losses
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
Tags: ai, Amazon, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, globaldata, research, retail, retail transformation, walmart
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