#Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
russianreader · 4 months
Punitive Psychiatry for a Dissident Janitor in Northern Russia: The Case of Igor Yakunichev
Igor Yakunichev Five criminal cases have been launched against Igor Yakunichev, a resident of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. In addition to three cases on charges of “disseminating fake news” about the Russian army and “condoning terrorism,” the security services added two more cases on the same charges. On 1 April, Yakunichev, who started the YouTube channel Infinity Is Not the Limit…
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henk-heijmans · 5 months
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Teddy bear, Tazovskiy peninsular, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district, 2020 - by Aleksandr Romanov, Russia
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kalevalaandothers · 9 days
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Khanty woman and child from village of Zeleny Yar, Priuralsky District of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 1977.
Photography by Anatoly Pashuk, from "Museum complex named after Ivan Yakovlevich Slovtsov" of the state autonomous cultural institution of the Tyumen Oblast "Tyumen Museum and Educational Association".
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mariacallous · 7 months
Alexei Navalny, the most formidable critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his corrupt circles, who survived a poisoning and endured brutal persecution for years, died in the “Polar Wolf” Arctic penal colony. The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District claimed that Navalny “felt unwell” after he went on a walk and “almost immediately lost consciousness.” Prison officials said that a resuscitation was unsuccessfully attempted.
Navalny has long been a thorn in Putin’s side and was relentlessly smeared by the Kremlin’s cheerleaders. Even after his demise, Russian propagandists couldn’t feign any dignity or humanity. Head of RT Margarita Simonyan posted on X (formerly Twitter) that the so-called “victims” of Navalny’s corruption investigations keep calling her, wishing for him not to rest in peace. She hypocritically claimed she couldn’t join them in those wishes, but only because she is observing an Armenian Lent.
In 2021, Simonyan described Navalny as “a traitor of the Motherland” and argued that like any traitor, he deserves to die. Referring to the Skripals and Litvinenko, Simonyan asserted that any method is acceptable when it comes to the people she deemed to be “traitors.”
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that “Russia needs to answer all the serious questions about the circumstances of his death." Simonyan sniped back, “Russia owes nothing to no one, let’s start with that.”
Since in Russia “death of natural causes” can mean many different things, especially with respect to the opposition leaders and journalists, Simonyan immediately started to stir up rumors of foul play—not by Putin, but his enemies. She wrote, “Everyone has long forgotten him, there was no point in killing him, especially before the elections, it would be beneficial to completely opposite forces.”
Simonyan shared a post from a Telegram channel “BP Online” that said, “This is the retaliation for the interview. Thankfully, it wasn’t [Tucker] Carlson.” Despite Putin’s displeasure with the way Carlson’s interview with him had unfolded, the former Fox News host is a darling of the Russian state media, where he is described as the only American they wouldn’t want to kill.
This feeling is clearly mutual. On Monday, while he was at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Carlson was asked by Egyptian journalist Emad El Din Adeeb why he never pressed Putin about the freedom of speech in Russia and why he “did not talk about Navalny, about assassinations, about restrictions on opposition in the coming elections.”
Carlson coldly replied, in part, “Every leader kills people. Some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people.” He openly endorsed the elimination of inconvenient opposition figures and journalists, falsely alleging that this kind of a domestic policy is common everywhere.
Other Russian propagandists also pushed the idea that Navalny’s death was somehow beneficial to the West, implying that foul play was involved. Writer Nikolai Starikov posted on Telegram, “Navalny departed from life at a very convenient time for the Western puppeteers” and argued that this may have been done to undermine the PR effect of Carlson’s interview and to prompt the U.S. Congress to approve the aid to Ukraine. Starikov claimed that Navalny’s wife Yulia is at the Munich Security Conference on the same day, which is “part of the plan.”
Despicably, Starikov claimed that Navalny’s widow “is barely holding back her smile.” His revolting post was boosted by Vladimir Solovyov, a notorious state TV host who for years maligned Navalny as a “traitor,” smeared his followers as “Satanists” and proclaimed that he deserved the death penalty. Now, in light of an untimely death of Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, Russian propagandists are both enjoying it and pretending that anyone but Putin is to blame.
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afaankhan · 7 months
Alexei Navalny, Russian politician who opposed Putin to the end, has died in prison
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MOSCOW — Alexei Navalny, Russia's most prominent political opposition figure, has died in a remote Russian prison at age 47.News of Navalny's death came Friday from the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, above the Arctic Circle.
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Munich, GermanyCNN — The what is known, but the how may never be clear. It is the why that is already the largest question, after the untimely death of Alexey Navalny. We don’t know whether the Kremlin had a hand in his death, but they certainly failed in their duty of care of their most famous prisoner.
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head-post · 7 months
Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny dies in jail
Prominent Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny collapsed and died today after a walk in the Polar Wolf Arctic colony where he was serving a long prison sentence, the Russian prison service said.
The Federal Penitentiary Service for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District said in a statement that Navalny felt unwell after a walk at the penal colony IK-3 in Kharp, about 1,900 kilometres northeast of Moscow into the Arctic Circle. He lost consciousness almost immediately, the report said. Adding that causes of death were being established, the prison service reported:
“All necessary resuscitation measures were carried out, which did not yield positive results.” 
Russian state television showed a press conference by the central bank governor when the news broke. Navalny’s spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh said she had no confirmation of his death.
Alexei Navalny was accused of creating an extremist community, financing extremist activities, public calls for extremism and rehabilitation of Nazism.
Read more HERE
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Siberian History (Part 1): Geography of Siberia
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Red: Siberian Federal District
Red & dark orange: Geographic Russian Siberia
Red & both oranges: North Asia (greatest extent of Siberia); Historical Siberia (and present Siberia in some usages)
The topography of Siberia can be divided into three main zones: 1) In the north is a great treeless tundra, extending along the whole Arctic coast; 2) the middle zone is a broad belt of forest, from the Ural Mountains to the Sea of Okhotsk; 3) the southern zone is arable land that gradually becomes semi-arid desert steppes, stretching from the southern Ural Mountains to beyond the Mongolian border.
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In a tundra environment, low temperatures and short growing seasons hinder tree growth.  The vegetation is mostly dwarf shrubs, sedges, grasses, mosses and lichens.  Scattered trees do grow in some regions.  There are three types of tundra (Arctic, alpine and Antarctic), and the Siberian tundra is mainly Arctic tundra.  (Alpine tundra grows on mountains all around the world, including in Siberia.)
The tundra is dry, inhospitable and desolate.  For most of the year, it is covered in trackless snow.  Tufts of coarse grass, and swards of moss & lichen, grow on it, but not much else.  Fierce Arctic gales called purgas force the snowy surface into long, hard, fluted waves (by drifting, packing and scoring it).
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Siberian tundra.
Beneath the surface is permafrost, a thick substratum of “geological ice”, very deep in places.  In summer, the surface thaws only to a shallow depth, and beneath that the ground is hard and impervious to water.  Evaporation is the only way water can escape, as it cannot drain downwards.
Melting snow saturates the topsoil, and therefore over time it has become covered with a dense layer of grey Arctic moss.  Moss grows out of decaying moss, year after year, and the whole tundra has become a huge spongy peat bog.
The boundary region between the tundra and the taiga zone is called the tree line or timberline.  Here, along the tundra's southernmost margins, some trees grow.  The soil is shallow and they tend to grow extremely sideways.  Many trees become gnarled and twisted from straining towards the meagre Arctic light.  Some twist in upon themselves.
In early summer, the meltwater collects into perfectly round lakes. Stones are squeezed to the surface, forming neat concentric circles, with the larger stones on the outside and the smaller ones inside.
The soil contracts from low temperatures, and becomes brittle enough to crack.  During spring, meltwater trickles into the cracks and frost fissures, and later freezes into ice wedges, breaking the soil into even-sided polygons.
The tundra wildlife is limited – reindeer, polar bears, Arctic foxes and lemmings.
A taiga environment (also called boreal/snow forest) is characterized by coniferous forests, mostly made up of pines, spruces and larches.  The Russian taiga has all three of these types of trees, but the eastern Siberia tundra is basically a huge larch forest.
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Dahurian larch trees in the Kolyma region of north-eastern Siberia.
The Siberian taiga begins about 320 – 640km inland from the northern coast.  First there are scattered larches, struggling to find patches of thawed ground.  Then, by degrees, there are denser stands of pine, fir, spruce, cedar and birch.  Their intertwining branches eventually form a thick canopy above the forest floor.  Even at noon, the heart of the taiga is bathed in twilight.
The wildlife of the taiga is very diverse – brown & black bears, wolves, wolverines, wild boar, badgers, lynxes, elks, polecats, stoats, squirrels, sables (a species of marten) and hares. There are hundreds of species of birds, including ducks and geese.
Eventually, the taiga becomes a mixed forest zone of poplars, elms, maples, aspens and limes.  This mixed forest zone then thins out towards the southern steppes, which are rich in arable land and pastureland.  In some places, the western Siberian steppe is as fertile as the black soil of Ukraine.
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Ukok Plateau, part of the mammoth steppe in Siberia and Mongolia.
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The steppe of south-western Siberia.
On its margins, it turns to sand.  For about 3,200km, southern Siberia skirts a “land of summer snow”, where thick salt deposits lie beneath the desert sun.
Temperature-wise, Siberia goes to extremes.  Winters are severe, but the brief summers can be extremely hot, even in the upper latitudes.
There are several great mountain ranges in Siberia – the Altai Mountains, Sayan Mountains, Yablonoi Mountains, Stanovoy Range, Verkhoyansk Range, and the volcanoes of Kamchatka Peninsula.
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The Altai Mountains are located in Central and East Asia, where the borders of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together. This is also where the Irtysh and Ob Rivers have their headwaters. The Altai Mountains merge with the Sayan Mountains in the north-east. In the south-east, they gradually become lower, and merge into the high plateau of the Gobi Desert.
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The Sayan Mountains are located in southern Siberia, Russia, and northern Mongolia.  They formed part of the border between Russia and Mongolia in the past.  This is where the tributaries begin that eventually merge to become the Yenisei River.
The Eastern Sayan Mountains stretch 1,000km from the Yenisei River to the south-west end of Lake Baikal.  The Western Sayan Mountains form the eastern continuation of the Altai Mountains.
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The Yablonoi Mountains begin in Mongolia and extend north-east into Siberia.  They pass just east of Lake Baikal, and are about 1,600km long.  These mountains form the divide between the rivers that empty into the Arctic and Pacific Oceans.  They can be considered a south-western extension of the Stanovoy Range.
These mountains are found in the Transbaikal, a mountainous region east of Lake Baikal.  They divide the Transbaikal into two great terraces of almost equal size.
The Stanovoy Range runs south-west to north-east for over 900km, stretching from the Olyokoma River to the Uchur River.  In the past, it served as the border between Russia and China; and it divides the watersheds of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans.  Many glaciers, the main source of the Lena River, can be found in these mountains.
The Verkhoyansk Range forms a huge arc between the Lena and Adan Rivers (to the west) and the Yana River (to the east).  It is parallel to the Lena River.
The Kamchatka Peninsula is divided by a spine of volcanic summits that form a nearly-continuous ridge.  The Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the tallest mountain in Siberia at 4,750m.
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Along the whole eastern coast of Siberia, various ranges break off into the sea in shattered headlands and cliffs.  In the past, they were broken off from mountain ranges on the Northwestern Pacific Coast of the USA, by cataclysms such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Between these two coasts are chains of volcanic islands with bare, steep coasts that appear similarly sundered and torn.
Siberia's three great rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean are the Ob, Yenisei and Lena Rivers.  They are formed in the mountains of Southern Siberia, the glaciers of the Altai Mountains, and the borderlands of Mongolia.  They give off many tributaries to the east & west, and flow northwards towards the Arctic.
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The Ob River is the westernmost of these three rivers, and it is the seventh-longest river in the world.  It forms where the Biya and Katun Rivers merge, in the Altai Mountains.
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The Yenisei River is the middle river, the fifth-longest river in the world.  It begins in Mongolia, and empties into the Yenisei Gulf in the Kara Sea (part of the Arctic Ocean).
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The Lena River is the easternmost river, the eleventh-longest river in the world.  It is the longest river that is entirely within Russia, and begins in the Baikal Mountains south of the Central Siberian Plateau.  It empties into the Laptev Sea (a marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean).
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Siberia's fourth great river is the Amur River.  It forms on the Mongolian Plateau south of Lake Baikal, and flows into the Pacific Ocean, between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.  The island of Sakhalin is located opposite the river mouth, and to the south & east of Sakhalin are the Kuril Islands.
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Novaya Zemlya is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, and the easternmost point of Europe.  It is made up of two islands – the Severny Island (north) and Yuzhny Island (south), separated by the Matochkin Strait.  To the west is the Barents Sea, and to the east is the Kara Sea, where the Yenisei River ends.
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The Yamal Peninsula is part of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in north-western Siberia.  It is surrounded by the Kara Sea, with the Baydaratskaya Bay to the west and the Gulf of Ob to the east.  At the northern end of the 700km-long peninsula is Bely Island, with the Malygina Strait separating them.  In the Nenets language, “Yamal” means “end of the land”.
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The Taymyr Peninsula is the northernmost extension of Eurasia.
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The New Siberian Islands are an archipelago in the Far North of Russia.  They are north of the East Siberian Coast, with the Laptev Sea to the west and the East Siberian Sea to the east.  The Lyakhovsky Islands are the southernmost group of the New Siberian Islands.
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Three chums (#reindeer-fur tepees) at an encampment of nomadic #Nenets reindeer herders in #Nadym District of the #Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, #Arctic #Siberia. These herders have migration routes of up to 2000km per year and are usually camped in the treeless tundra of the Yamal Peninsula. However, twice a year they do a 60 - 100km migration across the frozen Gulf of Ob, a bay of the Arctic Ocean, to spend January - March in the forest tundra of Nadym District. (at Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrwyoTilYWf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=106ukfj4heb0e
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stochasticplanet · 6 years
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65.567036°N, 64.514185°E Shuryshkarsky district, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrug, Russia photo by Ronald Vriesema — I have a similar expression when I step outside and it's under about sixty
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ruscatontheroof · 6 years
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The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
Ямало-Ненецкий АО
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blaze8403 · 5 years
I put Atroppa belladonna in cocaine that's a crackhead to you
Pump it Flood Every street with Codename Cotroppa
Pre-trial facilities<br /> Butyrka Prison, Moscow, Central District<br /> Matrosskaya Tishina, Moscow, Central District<br /> Kresty Prison, Saint Petersburg, Northwestern Federal District<br /> Biysk Prison, Biysk, Altai Krai<br /> Yekaterinburg Remand Prison, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast<br /> Makhachkala Prison, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russia<br /> Simferpol Prison, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea/Autonomous Republic of Crimea<br /> Cowsheds Remand Centre, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Oblast<br /> Former KGB pre-trial facilities<br /> Lubyanka Prison, Moscow, Central District<br /> Lefortovo Prison, Moscow, Central District<br /> Bolshoy Dom, Saint Petersburg, Northwestern Federal District<br /> Special Regime Penal Colonies and Prisons<br /> Pyatak Prison, Ognenny Ostrov, Vologda Oblast<br /> Vladimir Central Prison, Vladimir, Vladimir Oblast<br /> Samara Penitentiary, Samara, Samara Oblast<br /> Black Dolphin Prison, Sol-Iltesk, Orenburg Oblast<br /> White Swan, Solikamsk, Perm Krai<br /> Black Eagle Prison, Ivdel, Sverdlovsk Oblast<br /> Snowy Owl Prison, Kharp, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug<br /> Saransk Prison, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia<br /> Sosnovka Prison, Saratov, Saratov Oblast<br /> Petek Island Prison<br /> Mordovia Prison, Republic of Mordovia<br /> Minusinskaya Prison, Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai<br /> Tomsk Prison, Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast<br /> Volgograd Prison, Volgograd, Volgograd Oblast<br /> Kopeysk Prison, Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Oblast<br /> Ryazan Prison, Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast<br /> Krasnodar Prison, Krasnodar, Krasnodar Krai<br /> Petrosavodsk Prison, Petrosavodsk, Republic of Karelia<br /> Yekaterinburg Prison, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast<br /> Tula Prison, Shchyokino, Tula Oblast<br /> Priuralsky Prison, Piuralsky District
NO MALE OR FEMALE NOT XY OR XX RULES TO YALE SEX IS GENDER PEOPLE ARE SEX CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE — COLD CALCULATED AND NUMB WITH A SENSE OF LOVE HAWKINS TRANSLATED TO HAWKIN Message from Philosopher Professor Doctor Field General Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins jr HAWKINS UMBRELLA CORPORATION COATS ACTIVE IN CASE TERRY LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINS (via teremiah8403) WORDS WORDS poemswords - poemswords - sword and words YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ? 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- THEY DIDN’T GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9) [email protected] TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not Book Rank‎: ‎TEN ( CODE_LOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected]/TWITTER TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via blaze8403)Modus Operandi - GOD OVER MONEY THE LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN ABOVE MONEY - IN GOD WE TO TRUST - USDA * (MURDA)HONESTY / DISHONESTY - SIDNEY / DISNEY(MONEY-YENOM) (BECK OR BECH ?)—TERRY CHRISTIAN CHRISTEN ANGELOUS LEE KAUFFMAN HAWKINSWORD WORDS poemswords  poemswords -POME-OPME-(OPEM) YES=Y LIKE Y=YES ( N=NO OR NODACHI) (via blaze8403)YIN & YANG ?DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER GRAND MASTER GRAND MARTIAL MARSHAL FIELD DOCTOR GENERAL WAR OR WOR - RIGHT AND WRONG C=3 LIKE K=11=2 YAKAZA SOFT SEAT WAY WAR AND T IN TERRY AND H IN HAWKINS Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · TAO OF TRUE RELIGION CIRCLE — RavenDove - yin yin / yang - D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book.YORK PA - RESPONSIBLE RESPECTING EVERY SERIOUS PERSON ON NOW SERIOUS ISSUE BUT LISTEN ENTIRELY—OPERATIONS(TH OR AH) BOOP ( OOP=OO16=007 )—ENOCH PFL- COM04 TERRY HAWKINS - LEE ( RHEE )HIROHITO COULD SPELL BOOK AND BOOP - ER OR RE -KING MAGIC YEA A GOD KNOW MAGICK - MAGI ?—PKA-TERRY THE TERROR MO IN HOME LIKE HOME PLATE ATE MODUS OPERANDI Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with Philosopher Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigamI TER OR TERRY / - HAWKINS - LETTERS IN SPELLING DAI GENSUI TSU TERI MADOSIER -DAI GENSUMMASIER RANK NATO 50 STARS -DAI-GENSUIER Professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. - Signed Boop not BookRank‎: ‎TEN ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-16 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-15 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIER GENSUIER - AMONG R&R AND SECURITY DETAIL Rank‎: ‎NINE ( CODELOVE-AI)-star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-15 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-14 Next lower rank‎: DAI GENSUIA DAI GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Eight -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-14 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-13 Next lower rank‎: GENSUIA GENSUIA Rank‎: ‎Seven -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-13 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-12 Next lower rank‎: ‎ DAI GENSUi DAI GENSUI Rank‎: ‎SIX -star Non-NATO rank‎: ‎O-12 NATO rank‎: ‎OF-11 Next lower rank‎: ‎Gensui Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.— - THREE ELEVEN PISCES- OP IN OPERATIONS AND HOPKINS - ( OPP OR OSS - NO HOP OR POP - NOT SPOT STOP POST POTS - TOPS ?)—TERRY LEE HAWKINS - HOPKINS - AND JAPANESE HOKINSU -ME SIR NAMED A CHILD - DATE 10/29/30/2019 T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—T=20=2 E=5 R=18=9 R=18=9 Y=25=7 NOT G OR P—LI LEE LEI OR RHEE - NAME LEE AMEN OR AMAN ? - THEY DIDNT GET IT PHONETIC LETTER WARTERKEY SIX ( ROMAN 9)[email protected] TJ - TERRY JUNIOR BIRTHDAY MARCH 11 USS OR USA ?CORRECT SELECTION THE GOD DELUSION - CHAPTER 7 - 3 MORE—XERXES ( SEX=GENDER ) XIEXIE ( I AND E VOWELS LETTER 9 & 5)OOP = 16= 7 OO7 / 2600 OR 1600 - 0016 (ACTIVE) JANIST OR JANISM ?Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor Dai Gensuier Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigami HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Loki Aisuru Ikigami ShinigamI GOD NAME LOKI PROFESSIONAL HAWKINS ( KAUFFMAN) TERRY L(via teremiah8403)Source:teremiah8403
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russianreader · 6 years
Igor Yakovenko: "International pressure must be ratcheted up to a fundamentally different level than where it is currently. Putin must be made to feel that Sentsov's death would lead to unacceptable losses for him personally." General Moskalkova and Human Rights Igor Yakovenko's Blog June 29, 2018 Tatyana Moskalkova, Russia's human rights ombudsman and a retired police major general, visited Ukrainian prisoner of conscience…
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kalevalaandothers · 2 months
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Khanty woman in national costume from Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 1980s.
Photography by Ivan Sychev, from Yamalo-Nenets District Museum and Exhibition Complex named after I.S. Shemanovsky.
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mariacallous · 1 year
According to Ukraine’s National Information Bureau data, almost 20,000 Ukrainian children (including but not limited to orphans) have been forcibly taken to Russia and Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine during the invasion. Although the Ukrainian authorities are working on bringing them back, and have regularly reported successfully returning dozens of children to the country, most of them remain in Russia. The independent news outlet iStories has now discovered that, in 2022, Russia’s federal orphan database grew by 2,450 new records in excess of the average number of new files over the past six years. The journalists believe this reflects the Russian authorities’ efforts to place Ukrainian children forcibly removed from their home country for adoption and foster care in Russian families, and to integrate them irreversibly into Russian society.
Judging by Russia’s Education Ministry data, the number of children listed as orphans across 21 Russian regions abruptly increased in 2022. The federal orphan database contains the profiles of children who have either been orphaned or left without a guardian and are therefore available for adoption or foster care. The Russian publication iStories has calculated that, in 2022, the database grew by 2,450 new child dossiers in excess of its average annual number of new records in recent years. The greatest spikes in the number of new records were observed in the following regions: Rostov (with 573 new children in excess of the average), Moscow (up by 460 new child profiles over the average), and Nizhny Novgorod (up by 388).
This difference cannot be confidently attributed to the influx of children from Ukraine, iStories notes. Nevertheless, the publication was able to establish that two Russian regions, the Nizhny Novgorod oblast and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District in the Russian Arctic, have listed orphans from Ukraine in their adoption and foster care databases.
The system of forcibly removing Ukrainian children to Russia came into being as far back as 2014, says Xenia Hell, an International Criminal Court (ICC) analyst interviewed by iStories. At that time, Ukrainian children weren’t registered in the Russian federal database, she says, because social workers would promptly hand-pick foster parents and adoptive families for each child. According to the ICC staffer, this system broke down with the full-scale invasion. “Removing even 2,000 children is a massive task that requires well-oiled, well-organized infrastructure,” she says. “They’ve abducted more children than their system of guardianship, created back in 2014, could take in. The couples who used to adopt new children without any problems already had their hands full, and newcomers have nowhere to go.”
Among the Ukrainian children who surfaced in the Russian adoption database, journalists have identified nine-year-old Oleksandr Chizhkov and his younger sisters Valeria and Halina. Their files were added to the system no later than November 2022, when their photos were uploaded. Although journalists established that the siblings had been flown in from Donetsk together with other orphans, their profiles don’t mention this fact.
In Russia, Oleksandr and his sisters spent over a year at the Lastochka “child rehabilitation center” in Nizhny Novgorod. Last May, they were moved to an orphanage that’s known for regularly organizing “patriotic” activities for the children who live there. Last January, for example, the orphanage was visited by Russian servicemen who told the children about their combat experiences in Ukraine. In March, the institution held a craft workshop on weaving camouflage nets.
Social service officials in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District claim that Ukrainian orphans that came to their region didn’t go to orphanages at all, but straight to adoptive families and foster parents. The Druzhinin family from Solekhard appears to be a case in point. In 2022, they took in five new foster children from Ukraine. By that time, there already were 13 other children in the family. When speaking on local television, the foster mother Olga Druzhinina said that, “as a mother,” she was particularly happy with patriotic education in the region. “I’m very glad they will now have to raise the flag and sing the national anthem at the start of every week. I’m happy that kids will memorize the anthem. And the patriotic lectures — I had asked the administration for this myself, and I’m so happy.”
ICC staff member Xenia Hell believes this “patriotic” education is part of a concerted effort to integrate Ukrainian children in Russia, thus acquiring new Russian citizens. “They’re treating children as if they were expendable material: they’re plucked out of their home environment and forcibly moved to an environment where they’re bound to dissolve,” she says. According to Hell, the system has been deliberately organized in such a way that doesn’t foresee returning the children back to Ukraine:
This system doesn’t make provisions for returning children. [Russia’s Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria] Lvova-Belova is the immediate architect of this system. It was in her power to establish the mechanisms of possible return, of restoring the [child’s] original papers and tracking down family members in Ukraine. Judging by the testimonies available to the public and to the [ICC] prosecutor, she is the person who made the decision to make this system as soulless and criminal as it is.
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alightinthelantern · 6 years
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North Districts of Novy Urengoy City, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Siberia, Russia, in June 2016
Source: X
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Russia Is Building an Autonomous Arctic Base to Develop Futuristic Tech
Russia plans to build a carbon-zero outpost in the Arctic within the next few years in order to demonstrate autonomous renewable power and help remote polar communities adapt to rapid climate change.
Called “Snowflake,” the modular station will be constructed in the Land of Hope, a region that lies at the northern edge of the Ural mountain range and the base of Yamal Peninsula.
The project is spearheaded by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), but is intended to be a collaboration between many other Russian and international partners. The team is shooting to have at least the central module, a large domed structure, constructed by 2022, at an initial cost of about 12 million euros (13.3 million USD).
“We are witnessing climate change that is happening fast, and we do want to outpace it by making the most of our efforts at Snowflake,” said Yury Vasiliev, executive director of the MIPT Institute of Arctic Technologies, in an email.
“The station plays a role in this as a large-scale experiment that would demonstrate that we could go zero-carbon and power a major facility—even in the Arctic—without burning diesel or other fossil fuels,” he continued. Snowflake is designed to be “fully autonomous,” according to MIPT, which means that it will have its own onsite energy grid that runs on sources like wind, power, and hydrogen fuel.
Snowflake will be open to researchers in fields as diverse as telecommunication, biotech, clean agriculture, robotics, and artificial intelligence systems, but it may also host more informal guests like students, media, or dignitaries. The overarching goal is to bring interdisciplinary specialists together to develop technologies to support communities in the Arctic, which is warming faster than any other region on Earth.
“We expect the station to be a long-term project,” said Vasiliev. “As we build it and launch one stage after the other, new initiatives could emerge, and we could expand on top of what is now described as the complete facility.”
“We are hoping for fairly large groups of foreign and Russian guests,” he added.
It was no easy feat to select a location that balanced this need for visitor accessibility with immersion in “the real Arctic,” as Vasiliev described it. The team also had to steer clear of sites near hydrocarbon fields, even though their target district (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) produces the majority of Russia’s natural gas and much of its oil.
The Land of Hope fits those parameters, as it is sparsely populated and located hundreds of miles away from active extraction sites. The region is mainly known to the Nerkagi, Indigenous reindeer herders who assemble there during their annual nomadic treks.
“It is a hub of sorts, a trading post they pass through two times a year, as they take their herds northwards and then southwards,” Vasiliev explained. “That is where they get medical attention, where children go to school, and people exchange goods and socialize. It is the region’s hot spot.”
“For one thing, this means that besides testing and promoting modern technologies, the guests of Snowflake will experience the life of the people for whom those technologies are being developed,” he said.
Those emerging technologies include efforts to phase out the use of diesel fuel to power the Arctic, which Snowflake will accomplish by relying mainly on hydrogen fuel, a form of power that generates electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The Snowflake team is currently designing a microgrid in which each module would have its own energy storage system based on lithium-ion and thermal accumulators, Vasiliev said.
“It is apparent that the technologies needed for it are costly, and there is a kind of a vicious circle involved,” he noted. “The technologies are expensive because they are rarely used so far, and they are fairly complex. But at the same time, it takes considerable demand on the part of the market, in order to make them simpler and industrially scalable.”
Snowflake researchers want to develop and showcase those technologies in a real Arctic setting to boost that demand and stimulate investment in both the public and private spheres.
Given that nations like Russia, the United States, and Canada are all stakeholders in the Arctic—while also being major oil and gas producers—projects like Snowflake could help envision multilateral ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are destabilizing these fragile ecosystems and communities.
This goal is even embodied by “a symbolic meaning” in choosing the Land of Hope as the site, Vasiliev said, and not only because of its cheery name in English.
“The [Ural] mountains are often seen as dividing Europe and Asia,” he noted, “which makes it a fitting location for a facility that unites the nations in joint research.”
Russia Is Building an Autonomous Arctic Base to Develop Futuristic Tech syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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