#Lyudmila Denisova
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di Claudio FM Giordanengo
Anche le guerre a qualcosa servono. Sono test pratici, non solo per gli armamenti. Quella alla quale stiamo partecipando con entusiasmo, ad esempio, ha dimostrato l'efficacia di anni di un certo indottrinamento di massa. Ora il popolo plasmato approva e sottoscrive fiero il proprio danno, vivendo la condizione imposta di "zitti e buoni" come una perla regalata e da custodire. Quasi la perfezione. Neppure l'evidenza può scalfire il muro granitico dell'immensa ipocrisia venduta come verità assoluta. Ci sveniamo per l'Ucraina - introvabile ai più sul mappamondo - donando senza limiti le nostre risorse, per ottenere cosa? regressione a tutto tondo e, in aggiunta, una gigantesca presa per i fondelli. Alimentiamo una banda criminale, che manda a morte migliaia e migliaia di uomini per fare la bella vita con i nostri soldi. Prossimamente anche con la nostra carne. Corre notizia che Anastasia, la figlia del ministro della Difesa ucraino Reznikov, avrebbe acquistato nei pressi di Cannes, in Costa Azzurra, una villa con piscina al prezzo di 7 milioni di euro. Qualcuno parla di 12 milioni, e secondo altri sarebbe tutto falso. Sia come si vuole, è comunque un segno, perché che Zelensky possieda una villa multimilionaria a Forte dei Marmi non è un segreto, com'è vero - documenti del Registro Fondiario elvetico alla mano - che nell'esclusivo Comune di Gstaad in Svizzera molti papaveri di Kiev hanno preso casa. Chalet superlusso da 8,9 milioni di Franchi per Dmitrj Razumkov, ex Presidente del Parlamento ucraino; Oleksandr Danyliuk, ex Segretario del Consiglio della Difesa di Kiev ha una villa da 9,1 milioni di Franchi, mentre Lyudmila Denisova, che si è occupata della redazione di false notizie per Zelensky - l'autrice della fandonia della deportazione in Russia dei bambini, per capirci - a Gstaad ha optato per uno chalet da 9,8 milioni. La lista potrebbe proseguire, ma siamo già soddisfatti. I contribuenti italiani spengono il condizionatore e sanno che i pronto-soccorsi degli ospedali sono terra di nessuno, ma sono fieri di prendere atto che il loro denaro è ben investito in Svizzera dai fratelli ucraini. Che ogni giorno centinaia e centinaia di uomini vengano spediti al macello per compiacere a Washington e ai suoi vassalli scriteriati, è un dettaglio trascurabile.
Recentemente sulla rivista scientifica "Aging" il prof. Sinclair di Harvard ha spiegato gli strabilianti risultati del suo gruppo di ricerca, ossia l'aver ottenuto con un cocktail chimico il ringiovanimento di cellule in vitro. Avrebbero scoperto farmaci in grado di intervenire favorevolmente sul meccanismo di trascrizione del genoma cellulare, in pratica invertendo l'età trascrittomica. Insomma, il mito del siero della giovinezza si sta avvicinando. Meglio non informare Biden, perché tornasse mai indietro anche solo di una ventina d'anni, la guerra atomica mondiale non la scamperemmo!
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Do they want to fire Denisova? In Europe, they are unhappy, they have already turned to Zelensky
Do they want to fire Denisova? In Europe, they are unhappy, they have already turned to Zelensky
Rada will consider the issue of resignation of the Ombudsman – Europeans called on the Ukrainian authorities to respect world standards Lyudmila Denisova is protected by Europeans. Photo: facebook.com/denisovaombudsman The European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) supports the Ukrainian National Human Rights Institute. They are concerned about the intentions of the…
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Le sanzioni contro Mosca (...) continuano a fare ridere. Perché Putin continuerà a vendere petrolio al mondo fino al 2023, salvo poi fregarsene dell’Europa avendo già rimpiazzato il nostro mercato con quelli di Cina e India, ben felici (...). E il debito, il famoso default? A fronte del non rinnovo dell’esenzione Usa sul pagamento di cedole e coupon e in vista della prossima deadline fissata al 23 giugno, il ministero delle Finanze russo ha deciso di applicare al debito sovrano lo stesso schema ruble-for-gas deciso da Vladimir Putin per tutelare Gazprom: chiunque detenga o voglia detenere obbligazioni governative russe deve aprire un conto in rubli presso un istituto russo (...). Strano che nessun tg abbia parlato nelle sue dettagliate e trionfanti cronache, degne dell’Istituto Luce, del Consiglio europeo che ha partorito il topolino mitomane del tetto sul prezzo del gas, materia su cui la Commissione è stata incaricata di elaborare un piano. Tradotto, a babbo morto. E guerra finita. Non a caso, Germania e Francia non stanno inviando nemmeno un proiettile a Kiev. Da settimane. Indovinate chi saranno invece i geni che, caduto del tutto il castello di balle della propaganda ucraina, resteranno sotto le macerie di un rapporto totalmente compromesso con la Federazione Russa?
Infatti il punto NON è star lì a pontificare su chi sia l’invasor e abbia cient’peccient’ torto, come fanno i #verilibberali che poi votano Pd, i Reale 1972 radunati oimé ne L’Atlantico Quotidiano che segue guarda caso il solco tracciato dal Foglio di Vermilinguo Cerasa e dell’Elefantino in pieno cupio dissolvi alla Sovrintendente di Gondor.
Non è nemmen tanto star lì ad analizzare i perepepé dei burogoverni europei e i citati #verilibberali affluent del PD, anche se hanno l’effetto di dare all’Alleanza Atlantica a bad name, offrendo da utili idioti argomenti contro in mano ai minus habentes socialisti da sinistra e destra già nella fogna, con florilegi e citazioni contro l’imperialismo merekano di servi di Stalin veri come Pietro Secchia e aspiranti come Giulietto Chiesa.
Il punto vero è analizzare GLI EFFETTI di quel che stanno facendo i buro-governi occidentali: se sia funzionale o autoinculante rispetto agli interessi economici e agli allineamenti internazionali conclamati. Analizzare bene le SFUMATURE dei comportamenti oltre i perepepé, tra capintesta Usa, Germaina, Francia e più realisti del re alla Draghi. Perché come sempre gli idioti incapaci sono molto peggio dei male intenzionati.
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Ukrainian Ombudsman announced mass sexual violence in Bucha
During the occupation of Bucha, Russian soldiers kept about 25 women and girls aged 14 to 24 in one of the basements and raped them regularly. Nine of them are now pregnant, Ukrainian Commissioner Lyudmila Denisova told The New York Times and the BBC".
“The Russian soldiers told them that they would rape them in such a way that they would not want to have sexual contact with any man in order to prevent them from having Ukrainian children,” Denisova was quoted by the BBC as saying.
#russian agression#ukraine war#war#ukraine#war crimes#stop russia#stop putin#stop war#genocide of ukrainians#genocide
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Russia has been accused by Ukraine of using children as “human shields” while regrouping its forces, as the first horrifying witness accounts from the newly liberated town of Bucha, near Kyiv, emerge.
Ukraine’s attorney general is gathering a dossier of claims about the Russian use of local children to avoid fire when in retreat from around Ukraine’s capital and elsewhere.
Coaches of children were said to have been placed in front of tanks in the village of Novyi Bykiv, close to the encircled city of Chernihiv, 100 miles north of Kyiv.
It was further alleged that children had been taken as hostages in a number of conflict hot spots around the country to ensure locals would not give the coordinates of the enemy’s movements to the Ukrainian forces.
“Cases of using children as cover are recorded in Sumy, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia oblasts [regions],” said Lyudmila Denisova, Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman.
Colonel Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, spokesman for Ukraine’s ministry of defence, said the cases were being investigated by the country’s attorney general, but he was unable to provide further details. He said: “Enemies have been using Ukrainian children as a living shield when moving their convoys, moving their vehicles.
“Russian soldiers have used Ukrainian children as hostages, putting them on their trucks. They’re doing it to protect their vehicles when moving.
“There have been cases of brutal behaviour against minors been recorded, documented by a Ukrainian and international institutions, and we’d like to emphasise that information in each and every case will be given to the national criminal courts and the occupiers will be brought to justice for each and every military and war crime they commit.”
Ukraine’s prosecutor general said at least 412 children had been injured or killed since the invasion began in February, of which 158 were dead.
In further developments:
Witnesses have told the Observer of alleged war crimes against civilians in Bucha, as the town was liberated by Ukrainian forces. In one account, a 33-year-old mother and her two sons, eight and four, were shot dead by troops in a Russian armoured vehicle, along with a 62-year-old man, as they had sought to flee in two cars.
The bodies of at least 20 men in civilian clothes, one of whom had his hands tied, have been found lying in a street in Bucha, as Russian forces made what authorities in Kyiv said was a “rapid retreat” from territory around the capital on Saturday.
Ukrainian forces took around 30 towns and villages around Kyiv, including Brovary, a key city east of the capital. But President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the retreating troops were creating “a complete disaster” by leaving mines in homes and corpses as they retreated.
Pope Francis has said he is considering visiting the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and for the first time implicitly criticised the Russian president Vladimir Putin over the invasion of Ukraine. “We had thought invasions of other countries, savage street fighting and atomic threats were grim memories of a distant past,” he said.
Ukrainian military intelligence reported that residents in Izium, a city in east Ukraine, had given Russian soldiers from the 3rd Motor Rifle Division of the Russian Federation poisoned pies, killing two and putting 28 in intensive care.
Lithuania became the first EU country to ban the import of Russian gas.
With Russia continuing to withdraw some of its ground forces from areas around the capital on Saturday, Zelenskiy’s adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said it now appeared the Kremlin was beating a “rapid retreat”.
Podolyak warned, however, that the Kremlin had reverted to a plan to split the country.
He said: “After the rapid retreat of the Russians from Kyiv and Chernihiv, and if we analyse all the redeployment and concentration of occupying troops, it is clear that Russia has prioritised another tactic – to move east/south, to control large occupied territories (not only in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts) and gain a strong foothold there. [Russia] will try to dig in there, put [in] air defence and thus sharply reduce the loss of his equipment and personnel.”
In the east and the south, Ukrainian troops were holding their line, with the besieged city of Mariupol facing renewed barrages and little prospect of the evacuation of any more citizens. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said they were sending a team to try to help those trapped, following the failure of many attempts to organise humanitarian corridors.
An ICRC spokesperson said: “The team departed Zaporizhzhia this morning. They are spending the night en route to Mariupol and are yet to reach the city.”
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It goes without saying how deeply this story still disgusts me.
What prompted me to uncover this was actually a fraudulent post that popped up on Imgur (and has since been removed) about a Russian soldier that raped a one-year old (Reddit locked a thread about it claiming it is an unsubstantiated lynch job). No credible media outlet touched on that one, but this one unfortunately here by Newsweek has been a collection of substantiated atrocities.
Back when the Trump-endorsed Roy Moore was being investigated for legitimate allegations of pedophilia, Project Veritas attempted to send a woman into the Washington Post with a false story of rape against Roy Moore. The strategy was to get WaPo to run a misleading story that would be uncovered as a smearjob on Moore’s character, thus discrediting WaPo and also any attempts to accuse Moore (no matter how genuine past and to come)....thus, what Project Veritas was attempting to do was damage control for corrupt pedophiles (the way the great concoction of QAnon was designed to be a desperate projection and deflection ploy away from real affluent conservative pedophiles gradually being revealed). Of course, WaPo did enough research to realize the “victim” sent in was not real, realize who was behind sending them in their direction, and dismissed the matter entirely.
The same formula applies here: Hideous atrocities like the ones being reported by Newsweek are being revealed, so the Russian BS machine that everyone in internet-land is all too familiar with seeds one BS account in the mix about a soldier raping a one-year old in an attempt to discredit the wave of actual reports out there.
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The occupiers are preparing a "referendum" in Kherson for the first ten days of May, - Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova. According to her, the invaders in Kherson intend to use the scheme that was tested in Luhansk and Donetsk in 2014. “According to eyewitnesses, the printing house in Novaya Kakhovka prints “ballots” for the “referendum”. Obviously, all protocols on the results of the “vote” will be prepared in advance and brought to the regional center,” Denisova said. She also stressed that the “referendum” is planned to be held from May 1 to May 10, 2022. During this period, the invaders intend to close Kherson for entry and exit and turn off all communications. Okupantai ruošia „referendumą“ Chersone pirmąją gegužės dekadą, – ombudsmenė Liudmila Denisova. Anot jos, įsibrovėliai Chersone ketina panaudoti schemą, kuri 2014 metais buvo išbandyta Luganske ir Donecke. „Anot liudininkų, Novaja Kachovkos spaustuvė spausdina „balsavimo biuletenius“ „referendumui“. Akivaizdu, kad visi protokolai dėl „balsavimo“ rezultatų bus parengti iš anksto ir atvežti į regiono centrą“, – sakė Denisova. Оккупанты готовят «референдум» в Херсоне на первую декаду мая, – омбудсмен Людмила Денисова. По ее словам, оккупанты в Херсоне намерены использовать схему, которая была опробована в Луганске и Донецке в 2014 году. «По информации свидетелей, в типографии города Новая Каховка печатают «бюллетени» для проведения «референдума». Очевидно, все протоколы о результатах «голосования» будут подготовлены заранее и завезены в областной центр», – отметила Денисова. Она также подчеркнула, что проведение «референдума» планируется в период с 1 по 10 мая 2022 года. В этот период оккупанты намерены закрыть Херсон на въезд и выезд и отключить всю связь. 👉Подпишись YouTube #anatolijuslen #nato_ua_alen🇺🇦🇱🇹🇺🇸 #cherson2022 #cherson #херсононлайн (at Kherson) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccaw8dqqVfg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Great, now people will down play sexual assault during the invasion.
Ukrainian official has been relieved of her duties over her handling of reports detailing sexual assault allegations made against Russians in Ukraine.
On Tuesday, the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, removed Lyudmila Denisova, the parliament's commissioner for human rights, from her post, according to Ukrainska Pravda. No new appointment has been made to fill the role.
The move to dismiss Denisova came after outrage about the wording used in public reports about alleged sexual assaults committed by Russians, as well as the alleged dissemination in those reports of unverified information. Despite accusations from Ukraine, the Kremlin has repeatedly denied that Russian soldiers have committed war crimes or sexual assaults during the invasion.
Last week, Ukrainian media outlets and journalists signed an open letter in which they requested that reports concerning rape and sexual assault be "published with caution," particularly when involving children, according to an English translation of the letter.
The open letter also stated that "it is important to understand that sexual crimes during war are an instrument of genocide, an instrument of waging war without rules, but they cannot serve as illustrative material to inflame the emotions of the audience."
The letter from the journalists indicated how reports from Denisova went into great detail about the alleged rape of children, some as young as 6 months old, by Russians.
The letter also criticized Denisova for including details of cases that the journalists said were unverified and asked her to "check the facts before publication" and "disclose only information for which there is sufficient evidence."
The letter went on to say that the information put out by Denisova's office is regarded as factual by the media, and is then used in articles and in speeches by public figures.
According to the online Ukrinform news platform, one member of the Ukrainian parliament, Pavlo Frolov, provided a number of reasons why Denisova was removed, including "the numerous details of 'unnatural sexual offenses' and child sexual abuses in the occupied territories, which were unsupported by evidence and only harmed Ukraine."
He also stated that other reasons for her removal from her post included "repeated failure to perform her duties related to the establishment of humanitarian corridors" as well as "counteracting the deportation of adults and children from the occupied territories."
Ukrainska Pravda also reported that more than 230 of the 450 members of the legislative body voted in favor of removing Denisova. It's unclear who will take over the post at this time.
Newsweek reached out to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the office of the Ukrainian commissioner for human rights for comment.
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Oleg Sentsov might be more or less well know now, but what about the other Ukrainian political prisoners for whom he's on hunger strike? Do the names Yevgeny Panov and Vladimir Balukh ring a bell? They should. The room in the prison infirmary where Oleg Sentsov is kept. Anton Naumlyuk Facebook July 19, 2019…
#Anton Naumlyuk#Askold Kurov#Crimea#hunger strike#Lyudmila Denisova#Oleg Sentsov#political prisoners#Russian invasion of Ukraine#Russian occupation of Crimea#Ukraine#Vladimir Akimenkov#Vladimir Balukh#Yevgeny Panov (Yevhen Panov)
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The parliament initiated an investigation into Denisova - for which she could be fired
The parliament initiated an investigation into Denisova – for which she could be fired
The initiative to create the VSK belongs to the People’s Deputy from the “Servant of the People” The parliament wants to create a VSK, which will investigate the activities of Denisova. Photo: collage “Today” The Ukrainian parliament proposed to create a temporary commission of inquiry (VKK) to check possible violations of the oath of the Supreme Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila…
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Lyudmyla Denisova. (...) Chi è costei? (...) la commissaria per la difesa dei diritti umani in Ucraina, ruolo affidatole (...) nel 2018. E revocatole (...) martedì pomeriggio, nel silenzio quasi totale dei media occidentali. (P)er settimane intere, la medesima (...) è stata la principale fonte di disinformazione di guerra cui (...)i media (occidentali) hanno attinto. (...) Tra i capolavori (...) della signora c’è lo scantinato di Bucha, dove a suo dire 25 adolescenti ucraine furono segregate e stuprate in gruppo e a ripetizione da militari russi. (...) E per rendere la storia ancora più indigesta per il pubblico occidentale, l’aggravante: nove di quelle 25 ragazze sarebbero incinte. E non basta, sempre da Bucha arrivava la testimonianza di un’anziana, anch’essa stuprata dai russi. Tutte balle. E a scoprirlo non sono i russi, bensì alcune ONG (...) che sul campo ci sono andate davvero per (...) lavorare a un documentario sulle barbarie (...) di Mosca. Peccato che, prove alla mano, tutto risultò falso. (...) (...) il Parlamento di Kiev ha pensato che fosse meglio mettere le mani avanti e licenziare in tronco la signora, prima che il bubbone (...) scoppiasse e travolgesse del tutto la narrativa colma di eroismo diffusa a reti globali unificate dal Presidente Zelensky. Lyudmyla Denisova non si è fatta mancare nulla, a livello di disonestà professionale, intellettuale e morale. Oltre ad aver inventato o gonfiato a dismisura storie senza riscontro, ha appunto passato gran parte dei quasi 100 giorni di offensiva militare russa in giro per Paesi occidentali (...), dimenticandosi nel contempo di approntare il piano per i corridoi umanitari e contrastare le deportazioni di cittadini ucraini in Russia. Insomma, un fulgido esempio di disinformazione. (...) E ora, cosa si fa? Chiediamo scusa, non tanto ai militari russi quanto alle donne che realmente hanno subito stupri (...)? Oppure facciamo finta di niente? Certo, il fatto che Rula Jebreal ancora venga invitata nel nostro Paese a pontificare (...) non depone a favore di un’operazione verità alle porte. Anzi (...).
Bottarelli come al solito la tocca piano: severo ma giusto in tempi di gran balle spacciate dai BUONI alla Zan, quelli che “si saranno anche fake ma sono meglio della realtà, perché verosimili nel contesto della narrativa contro i kattivi e rieduchescional per le masse”, via https://www.ilsussidiario.net/news/spy-finanza-perche-nessuno-parla-della-sfiducia-a-lyudmila-denisova/2351265/
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MOSCOW | Envoy: Filmmaker on hunger strike has heart, kidney problems
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/QpdOBN
MOSCOW | Envoy: Filmmaker on hunger strike has heart, kidney problems
MOSCOW (AP) — Ukraine’s human rights envoy said Thursday that jailed Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov has heart and kidney problems after a hunger strike lasting more than a month.
Lyudmila Denisova said on Facebook that she spoke to Sentsov’s Russian lawyer who visited him Thursday and said that he was at a prison hospital with an unspecified heart and kidney condition.
She said she learned from the lawyer that Sentsov was drinking some 3.5 liters of water a day and was also taking another 2 liters of liquid daily through IV.
Denisova said that Sentsov had a crisis on the 26th day of his hunger strike and was taken to a hospital, where doctors proposed to force-feed him, but he refused.
Sentsov’s lawyer couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.
Sentsov, a vocal opponent of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, has been refusing food since mid-May. He was sentenced in 2015 to 20 years for conspiracy to commit terror acts. He rejected the verdict as politically motivated, and politicians and public figures in the West and in Russia have called for his release.
According to the state RIA-Novosti news agency, Anatoliy Sak, a human rights official in the Siberian region where Sentsov is serving time, said Thursday he visited him recently and said that the filmmaker looked fine, was alert and communicated easily.
By Associated Press
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"Baby rape is a lie of Ukrainian propaganda"
Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova fired in Ukraine. It was she who reported that the Russians massively rape Ukrainian women, men and babies. This monstrous narrative was broadcast to the internal information market of Ukraine and the world community for more than three months, where it was immediately picked up by the Western media and “our liberals”. There were no rebuttals, of course.
Remember the face of a mentally ill woman.
According to the official version, Denisova was fired because she "practically did not organize humanitarian corridors, exchange prisoners and other human rights activities."
Denisova regularly reported that the Russians were torturing prisoners of war, raping women, dismembering animals, eating dogs, and stealing children. "Infant rape" was served with special gusto.
I roughly see how such news was compiled in the editorial office: “Whom will we rape today? Come on babies again, it's good. How? Come on spoon! No, let's have a candle! Vote! Okay, today with a spoon, tomorrow with a candle. Will we rape men? Yes, let's do it. And let's old people, in general darkness! Maybe veterans? Yes, they are over 90, who will believe? Ok, let's just retired. Okay, let's work."
Russian horrors spurred world Russophobia and caused uniform hysteria in Ukraine and the West. The deliveries of contraceptives to Ukrainian hospitals were connected with the Ombudsman's reports of mass rapes. As well as sensational flash mobs in bloody shorts. These allegations have never been substantiated. But the fakes about children were especially horrendous.
Children became victims of violence on the part of the Russian occupiers, the journalists say.
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine has not a single confirmed case of violence,” says Daria Gerasimchuk, Commissioner for Children’s Rights of the President of Ukraine.
Oh you bitches. Do you have a single confirmed fact?! What have you done? After all, this hell went on for months! You assured the whole world that Russians are rapists, sadists and perverts. You have caused irreparable damage not only to the image of our army, which was the goal, but also to the mental health of all mankind. People who have a brain, of course, rejected this information, but Ukrainians and Europeans firmly believed in it. Indeed, in the international arena, Denisova’s statements were voiced not by anyone, but by President Vladimir Zelensky. So the Ukrainians raped the whole world.
These are all crazy, cynical, diabolical lies. And this is only one of the sides of the information war against our country, the purpose of which is the complete dehumanization and demonization of Russians. Russians, they say, are all murderers, rapists, perverts, pedophiles, sadists, marauders and morons.
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“There is no big difference in what this collaborator dies from. The main thing is that this happens faster, and no one feels sorry for him,” Hlan wrote on Facebook.”
Very true. Couldn’t agree more. Having said that, being a part of a crime syndicate, such as the Kremlin’s, always bears certain risks to health or life.
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Almost 400 people were raped by russian soldiers, both adults and children. The info provided by an official Ombudswoman of Human Rights in Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova
It's so sad to read such stories. They make me so angry. Angry that such things are even happening and angry that NATO isn't helping Ukraine yet.
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Ousted Ukrainian Official Breaks Silence, Admits She Lied About Mass Rape By Russians To Garner More Aid/Arms – Investment Watch
Ousted Ukrainian Official Breaks Silence, Admits She Lied About Mass Rape By Russians To Garner More Aid/Arms – Investment Watch
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, The top Ukrainian official who was fired for spreading misinformation has admitted that she lied about Russians committing mass rape in order to convince western countries to send more weapons to Ukraine. Lyudmila Denisova, the former Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, was removed from her position following a vote of no…
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