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missinglinksblog · 1 year ago
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Igor Sychev (b.1967) Nadym, Russia.
"Inner devastation", 2023.
color pencil and pastel on paper.
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mostly-tame · 1 year ago
Bulka of Katharinenberg is out of Chum and Kudi. Both appear on Dinah's sires side of her pedigree as well. Below is Kudi
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Kudi is out of Volchek, who I have no photos of, nor photos of his parents; and Yona, pictured below
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Yona is out of Nadym (above) and Nora (below)
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Also out of Yona and Volchek are Kudiyar-Cobolek and another dog named Shnyrka
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Kudiyar-Sobolek above and Shnyrka below
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Photos found on lzsfoto, Kudi's link below
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thenuclearmallard · 2 years ago
GLOBAL INDIGENOUS: Indigenous Russians, children and high fashion
MAR 1, 2023
Children of the Indigenous Russian Nenets people attend the Reindeer Herder's Day holiday on Sunday, March 15, 2015, in the city of Nadym, about 1,500 miles northeast of Moscow. Indigenous people in Russia in 2023 are being hit hard by the war in Ukraine through Western sanctions, mobilization to fight and loss of resources. (AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky/FILE)
Coverage around the world on Indigenous issues for the week ending Feb. 26, 2023
Deusdedit Ruhangariyo
Special to ICT
Around the world: Indigenous people in Russia are suffering from Putin’s war, a debate in Finland over Indigenous identity turns ugly, a Cree designer breaks through on a New York runway, and Australia’s Parliament is considering new protections for Indigenous children
RUSSIA: Putin's war hurts Indigenous Russians
Many of the consequences of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is falling on Russia’s Indigenous population, who were already facing a steady decline in population, WorldCrunch.com reported on Feb. 7.
Indigenous communities are more prone to being mobilized and experiencing the effects of Western sanctions, according to WorldCrunch.com. They are also suffering from a loss of state benefits, with those funds now being redirected to the war effort.
Russia is home to 47 indigenous groups, some with populations as small as a few dozen people. The 2021 All-Russian Population Census revealed a significant decline in their numbers over the past decade, WorldCrunch.com reported.
Russia’s Indigenous people include the Kereks in Chukotka, the smallest Indigenous group with just 23 members reported in the 2021 census, to the Nenets of Russia’s Arctic region, the largest indigenous group with just under 50,000 individuals recorded in 2021.
The accuracy of the census data is questionable, however, since the government can manipulate the numbers, according to Dmitry Berezhkov, editor of the Indigenous Peoples website of Russia and a representative of the Itelmens, an Indigenous ethnic group of the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The Nenets, for example, could be even larger, but under Russian law, groups with more than 50,000 members are not considered Indigenous. The government may have chosen to reduce the reported numbers since the Nenets are heavily involved in traditional economic activities, such as reindeer herding and nature management, Berezhkov said.
"Removing them would affect the government’s framing of Indigenous people,” he said, according to WorldCrunch.com.
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jay69-420eugene · 1 year ago
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I think I've found a new hobby. I really like to blow bubbles on the balcony and have them fly all over the street.
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hlas-slobody · 12 days ago
Sibír: Byť či nebyť? | #6 Scenár: Scenár 1. Jednofázová erupcia sibírskeho plumu. Parametre erupcie
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Dobrovoľník ALLATRA odhaľuje budúcnosť celého ľudstva...
Porovnanie sopiek
Musíme teda konštatovať, že v prípade erupcie Sibírskeho plumu budú tri smrtiace polomery.
Prvý rádius: kaldera s polomerom 93 míľ (150 km). Jej približný stred sa bude nachádzať v severozápadnej časti Putoranskej planiny. V rámci tohto polomeru sa nachádzajú mestá Norilsk, Dudinka a Talnah v Krasnojarskom kraji. Všetci v tomto okruhu okamžite zahynú v prvých sekundách explózie Sibírskeho dymovodu.
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Umiestnenie na mape
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Druhý polomer: Približne 950 míľ (1 500 kilometrov): šírenie lávy a vyvrhovanie ťažkých pyroklastických frakcií. Táto oblasť zahŕňa veľkú časť severnej Sibíri a zahŕňa územia ako Jamalsko-nenecký autonómny okruh, polostrov Tajmir, časti Chanty-Mansijského autonómneho okruhu, severnú časť Krasnojarského kraja, západnú časť Jakutska a severovýchodnú európsku časť Ruska. Medzi hlavné mestá v tomto okruhu patria Igarka, Nový Urengoj, Nadym, Salekhard, Vorkuta, Narjan-Mar, Mirnyj, Kogalym, Lesosibirsk, Surgut, Krasnojarsk, Chanty-Mansijsk, Tomsk a Nižnevartovsk. V tomto okruhu láva a pyroklastické prúdy spopolnia všetky živé bytosti a pochovajú územie, mestá a prírodné zdroje v priebehu prvých hodín po erupcii. Očakáva sa, že zmes horúcich plynov, popola a lávy sa bude pohybovať rýchlosťou až 450 km/h.
Pozrite sa na mapu: všetko v oranžovom kruhu bude pohltené spaľujúcou lávou a pyroklastikami v prvej hodine a pol po výbuchu slivovice.
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Tretí polomer: Vymrštenie jemného pyroklastického materiálu a smrtiaceho popola približne do vzdialenosti 5600 míľ (9000 kilometrov). Tento polomer zahŕňa polovicu povrchu Zeme, čo predstavuje 50 % jej plochy. Obyvateľstvo Ruska, Ázie, Európy, Arabského polostrova, severnej Afriky a Severnej Ameriky bude v prvých dňoch po erupcii ako prvé zahynúť v dôsledku spádu popola. Do týždňa však smrtiaci oblak popola zasiahne Austráliu, Južnú Ameriku a dokonca aj Antarktídu. Hoci respirátory môžu poskytnúť dočasné riešenie, neberú sa do úvahy ďalšie kritické faktory, ktoré treba tiež zohľadniť.
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Rázová vlna
Medzi tieto ďalšie faktory patrí rázová vlna, sekundárne zemetrasenia s magnitúdou 10, cunami a aktivácia supervulkánov na celom svete. Výbuch s takou silou, akú spôsobil sibírsky výbuch, nevyhnutne vyvolá reťazovú reakciu, sekundárne zemetrasenia a erupcie v celom vulkanickom systéme. Tento záver vychádza z nasledujúcich matematických výpočtov:
Odhaduje sa, že potenciálny výbuch Yellowstonu by uvoľnil takmer 900 000 megaton energie (podľa Science Focus), čo by spôsobilo zemetrasenie s magnitúdou približne 11,2. Keďže Richterova stupnica je logaritmická, každé zvýšenie magnitúdy zodpovedá približne 32-krát väčšej energii. Preto vzhľadom na to, že explózia sibírskej výduti by mala byť 1 000-krát silnejšia ako 900 000 megaton TNT, vyvolala by zemetrasenie s magnitúdou približne 13,2. To je viac ako 350 000-krát silnejšie ako najsilnejšie zemetrasenie, aké bolo kedy zaznamenané - Veľké čilské zemetrasenie v roku 1960, ktoré malo magnitúdu 9,5. Udalosť s magnitúdou 13,2 by bola porovnateľná s dopadom pomerne mohutného asteroidu na Zem.
Sibír: Byť či nebyť? | #6
Scenár: Scenár 1. Jednofázová erupcia sibírskeho plumu. Parametre erupcie
Výbuch takejto veľkosti, ktorý spôsobila sibírska puma, zodpovedá uvoľneniu približne 10²⁴ joulov energie. Vytvoril by obrovskú tlakovú vlnu s ničivými účinkami globálneho rozsahu. Tlak v epicentre výbuchu by bol taký obrovský, že by spôsobil okamžité odparenie horniny a jej vymrštenie do stratosféry. V tesnej blízkosti epicentra by sa všetko okamžite zničilo. Rázová vlna by sa šírila Zemou aj vzduchom.
Rázová vlna by vo vzduchu dosahovala nadzvukovú rýchlosť a v priebehu niekoľkých minút by spôsobila rozsiahlu deštrukciu, rozbíjanie okien, vyvracanie stromov a demoláciu budov vo vzdialenosti tisícov kilometrov. Sibírske lesy by boli zdecimované, pretože účinok by bol podobný ako pri Tunguzskej udalosti, ale miliónkrát silnejší.
Okrem toho by explózia sibírskeho dymovodu vyvolala požiare, ktoré by spustošili rozsiahle oblasti tajgy. Kroviny stromov, iná vegetácia a pôda by boli zničené a zanechali by po sebe spálenú pustatinu. Spad sopečného popola by pochoval obrovské ruské územia pod niekoľkometrovými vrstvami sopečných usadenín. Extrémne teplo by v priebehu jedného dňa roztopilo večne zamrznutú pôdu v okruhu niekoľkých tisíc kilometrov, čo by dramaticky zmenilo krajinu a vyvolalo kaskádovité uvoľňovanie skleníkových plynov.
Sibír: Byť či nebyť? | #6
Scenár: Scenár 1. Jednofázová erupcia sibírskeho plumu. Parametre erupcie
Rázová vlna by tiež vyvolala masívne zrútenie krajiny, aktiváciu zlomových línií a potenciálne aj posun celých tektonických blokov. Najsilnejšie seizmické vlny by sa rozšírili po celej planéte a vyvolali by sekundárne zemetrasenia s magnitúdou vyššou ako 10.
V oceánoch by rázová vlna vyvolala mohutné vlny cunami vysoké stovky metrov, ktoré by zaplavili pobrežné oblasti. Tieto cunami by zasiahli Severný ľadový oceán a rozšírili by sa smerom k ruským arktickým ostrovom, kanadskému pobrežiu, Grónsku a Nórsku. Sekundárne zemetrasenia s magnitúdou 10 by spôsobili sériu smrtiacich cunami v Indonézii, Japonsku, Austrálii a pozdĺž západného pobrežia Severnej a Južnej Ameriky.
Masívne uvoľnenie prachu a popola do atmosféry by vytvorilo silnú tlakovú vlnu, ktorá by niekoľkokrát obtočila planétu a vytvorila chaotické atmosférické víry, čím by vznikli megahurikány a búrky.
pozrite si celé video Sibír: Byť alebo nebyť? | #6 na kanáli Hlas slobody na kanáli Dušan Valeček.
klimatická správa O PROGRESIJI
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voiceoffreedom24 · 12 days ago
Siberia: To Be or Not to Be? | #6 Scenario: Scenario 1. One-stage eruption of the Siberian plume. Eruption parameters
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ALLATRA volunteer reveals the future of all humanity…
Comparison of Volcanoes
Thus, we have to state that in the event of an eruption of the Siberian Plume, there will be three deadly radii.
The first radius: a caldera with a radius of 93 miles (150 km). Its approximate center will be located in the northwestern part of the Putorana Plateau. Within this radius are the cities of Norilsk, Dudinka, and Talnakh in Krasnoyarskiy Krai. Everyone within this radius will perish instantly in the first seconds of the Siberian Plume explosion.
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map location
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The second radius: The spread of lava and the ejection of heavy pyroclastic fractions, reaching approximately 950 miles (1,500 kilometers). This area includes a large part of northern Siberia, encompassing territories such as the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Taymyr Peninsula, parts of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the northern Krasnoyarskiy Krai, the western part of Yakutia, and the northeastern European part of Russia. Major cities within this radius include Igarka, Novy Urengoy, Nadym, Salekhard, Vorkuta, Naryan-Mar, Mirny, Kogalym, Lesosibirsk, Surgut, Krasnoyarsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tomsk, and Nizhnevartovsk. Within this radius, lava and pyroclastic flows will incinerate all living beings and bury the territory, cities, and natural resources within the first few hours of the eruption. A mixture of hot gases, ash, and lava is expected to move at speeds of up to 450 mph.
Look at the map: everything within the orange circle will be consumed by scorching lava and pyroclastics in the first hour and a half after the plume explosion.
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The third radius: The ejection of fine pyroclastic material and deadly ash approximately to 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometers). The radius encompasses half of the Earth’s surface, accounting for 50% of its area. Populations of Russia, Asia, Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and North America will be the first to perish from the ash fallout in the initial days following the eruption. However, within a week, the deadly ash cloud will reach Australia, South America, and even Antarctica. While respirators might provide a temporary solution, this doesn’t take into account additional critical factors that must also be considered.
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These additional factors include the shockwave, secondary magnitude 10 earthquakes, tsunamis, and the activation of supervolcanoes worldwide. An explosion of the magnitude produced by the Siberian Plume will inevitably trigger a chain reaction, secondary earthquakes, and eruptions across volcanic systems. This conclusion is based on the following mathematical calculations:
The potential explosion of Yellowstone is estimated to release nearly 900,000 megatons of energy (according to Science Focus), which would cause an earthquake with a magnitude of approximately 11.2. Since the Richter scale is logarithmic, each increase in magnitude corresponds to roughly 32 times more energy. Therefore, given that the Siberian Plume’s explosion is expected to be 1,000 times more powerful than 900,000 megatons of TNT, it would trigger an earthquake with a magnitude of approximately 13.2. This is over 350,000 times more powerful than the strongest earthquake ever recorded—the 1960 Great Chilean Earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.5. A magnitude 13.2 event would be comparable to the impact of a quite massive asteroid striking the Earth.
Siberia: To Be or Not to Be? | #6
Scenario: Scenario 1. One-stage eruption of the Siberian plume. Eruption parameters
An explosion of this magnitude, produced by the Siberian Plume, is equivalent to the release of around 10²⁴ joules of energy. It would create an enormous shockwave with global-scale destructive effects. The pressure at the explosion's epicenter would be so immense that it would cause instant vaporization of rock and propel it into the stratosphere. In close proximity to the epicenter, everything would be annihilated immediately. The shockwave would propagate both through the Earth and through the air.
The shockwave's speed in the air would be supersonic, causing widespread destruction, shattering windows, uprooting trees, and demolishing buildings at distances of thousands of miles away within just a few minutes. Siberian forests would be decimated as the effect would be similar to the Tunguska event, but millions of times more powerful. Additionally, the Siberian Plume explosion would ignite firestorms that would ravage vast stretches of taiga. Tree canopies, other vegetation, and soil would be annihilated, leaving behind a scorched wasteland. The volcanic ash fallout would bury enormous Russian territories under layers of volcanic sediment several feet thick. Extreme heat would melt permafrost across a radius of several thousand miles within a day, dramatically altering landscapes and triggering a cascading release of greenhouse gases.
Siberia: To Be or Not to Be? | #6
Scenario: Scenario 1. One-stage eruption of the Siberian plume. Eruption parameters
The shockwave would also trigger massive landscape collapses, the activation of fault lines, and potentially even the displacement of entire tectonic blocks. The most powerful seismic waves would spread across the planet, triggering secondary earthquakes exceeding magnitude 10.
In the oceans, the shockwave would generate massive tsunamis waves, hundreds of feet high, inundating coastal areas. Those tsunamis would strike the Arctic Ocean, spreading towards Russia's Arctic islands, Canadian coastlines, Greenland, and Norway. Secondary magnitude 10 earthquakes would cause a series of deadly tsunamis in Indonesia, Japan, Australia, and along the western coasts of North and South America.
A massive release of dust and ash into the atmosphere would create a powerful blast wave that would circle the planet several times, creating chaotic atmospheric vortices, thus generating mega-hurricanes and storms.
More about Alexander Dvorkin in the video:Siberia: To Be or Not to Be? | #6 on canal Voice of freedom
climate report 'On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences).
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world-cam-ru · 1 year ago
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Пешеходный переход на Ленинградском проспекте. Веб-камеры Надыма
Веб-камера Над��ма с видом на пешеходный переход на Ленинградском проспекте. Объектив охватывает дорожную развязку и примыкающие тротуары. Благодаря трансляции в режиме реального времени, можно отслеживать актуальную обстановку на дороге.
Подробнее на https://world-cam.ru/cams/webcams-nadym-watch-online/peshekhodnyy-perekhod-na-leningradskom-prospekte-veb-kamery-nadyma/
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elecru · 2 years ago
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На ПС «Надым» установлено оборудование ЗЭТО
Узловым центром питания Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа является ПС «Надым». На объекте проведена широкая реконструкция, где применено современное элегазовое оборудование производства «ЗЭТО». Завод поставил более 50-ти единиц оборудования — выключателей и трансформаторов тока на напряжение 110-220 кВ. https://www.elec.ru/news/2023/02/08/na-ps-nadym-ustanovleno-oborudovanie-zeto.html
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sovtime · 2 years ago
Building a Nadym city. 1977. By E. Gavrilkevich.
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Надым строится. 1977. Гаврилкевич Е.
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fuckyeahplattenbau · 5 years ago
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Nadym, SIberia by innakzbn
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anna-lukovka · 5 years ago
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arctic-russia-travel-blog · 6 years ago
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Three chums (#reindeer-fur tepees) at an encampment of nomadic #Nenets reindeer herders in #Nadym District of the #Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, #Arctic #Siberia. These herders have migration routes of up to 2000km per year and are usually camped in the treeless tundra of the Yamal Peninsula. However, twice a year they do a 60 - 100km migration across the frozen Gulf of Ob, a bay of the Arctic Ocean, to spend January - March in the forest tundra of Nadym District. (at Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrwyoTilYWf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=106ukfj4heb0e
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444names · 2 years ago
swiss cities + ukrainian forenames
Aargdorisa Aarne Albineuzna Aldena Alikaig Alina Aliyl Alwil Anach Anamen Andra Andrana Anjeldelgg Anthey Anthutia Antorgen Appet Arkon Arson Arteina Artel Artenz Artrestäfa Artry Astallya Aufeitei Aveyro Avheingena Avhel Avhen Avhenz Avhurina Baarus Bachayi Bachline Berginessa Berij Biermana Bieslav Bikton Binge Bingen Binswilia Birschwil Bohda Bohdarii Bohdau Bohliya Borisia Boystyna Brandrau Brosoliya Bruntia Bucern Burgen Chrysla Copfina Copfinna Cossna Cotentya Cromyanne Croslaylon Cudmyta Cudorg Culina Cullimen Dankiv Darija Denna Dianna Dimile Dmilio Dmilo Dübenburg Düberij Düberiya Ebikolosyi Eduarans Eduaria Ekarigen Elémofikon Emille Ersemgary Erylo Evgen Evgenst Fayiasca Fayiz Fedeln Fedig Fedija Galastuhl Galeksyi Galen Galia Ganaubov Gench Georsen Glavra Gostina Gremmelda Gresyp Greuvetti Grugg Grütigen Haliyana Haltdor Hanayis Handriy Hanne Heifen Heingen Henbern Henti Hofin Horiya Hryskon Hurnevko Ihoryia Ineuhlen Ineuk Iryslavyd Irysta Isainfen Italyj Ivanda Ivarbov Izollen Katal Katalyz Katangen Katinasta Katofen Katofika Katonach Katoss Katten Khrya Khryhorf Khrytror Killya Klach Klana Klion Kliyakiv Kosoix Kossa Kossandiya Kostasta Kregliariy Kriyaksyi Ksennayer Kyromana Kyryhofiya Könia Köniy Küsna Küssa Landana Larburg Larden Larudmiy Larva Larygorija Laryn Larzhey Lastäfa Lavana Lavdiya Lavolon Leklisiya Lessa Levhen Liliy Lillo Lingen Lingena Lioug Liuda Liudmian Ljudmyl Ljudor Lodym Lotein Lubor Luboudmyl Luchwyz Luganaya Lutre Luttel Malen Mandrii Marana Maranz Marati Margy Marii Mariswien Marnisa Maromar Marten Marwalar Marwaliya Maxymyana Meinamen Meita Menda Mihachwyz Mihalis Mihaya Mofen Moriy Mougg Murika Mutia Muttiy Mychau Mychausia Mychâten Mykhamana Mykon Mykytal Mykytrya Myriya Myromyl Münia Münsburge Naden Nadignyana Nadym Nastona Natan Naten Natia Natiesanid Naton Nattwil Nianuy Niktorn Ningiya Nyach Nyangenia Nyonikon Nyurii Odange Ofszel Oksiez2 Olavlo Oleck Oleksana Olencher Olenes Olenna Olensee Olentos Oleriana Olerij Oleuvennex Olexanayi Olhafiktos Olhaisen Olhayi Oniandr Oriktorg Orygoris Orytalliya Oxanayi Paldens Paliaruyid Palingen Palyna Paylys Petas Plaustya Prauboman Pullield Pylav Pylon Rayingena Regenzburg Regostan Remga Riess Rocaryst Rochalynay Roglaufen Roksau Roksij Roliestaly Romail Romainna Romana Roningene Roslanya Rossoia Rostei Rosya Rouda Rougen Rouriy Rozach Rudorylo Rütia Sakiv Samel Sariya Sarun Schena Schenina Schesia Schka Scopfikton Semga Seriya Seromünste Sersfeliy Sersiouriy Serstya Serys Siano Siasina Sièreina Spier Spierlano Splügens Stalen Stallia Stard Steina Steinna Stingen Storg Styna Stättenst Svila Svisianuyi Tamita Tariach Tarika Taris Tarys Tataliy Tatepana Tatia Teklia Tetia Tetina Tetja Tetterg Tetya Tetyn Thuntria Thusen Uliya Ulyil Untruga Uzlia Uzlistäfa Uzwilavyd Uzwina Vadija Vadiy Vadiya Valetya Valiandra Valiy Valtdorb Valwina Valyj Valyna Vannexanna Varynay Vasia Vasin Vasten Verhyi Verij Verremylo Versemeln Vetana Vetruyi Vevana Victorb Vikolo Viktolion Vioriss Vioudana Viranyl Vitalen Vitaryina Vitazij Viten Vitromaia Vitrorf Vitryna Volketta Vollschlex Walatstäfa Walenhorch Walina Waltst Walys Warva Warylo Wetrossen Wettwilio Wiedens Wilern Worgdorf Woricharg Wäden Wädeorre Wädera Yakirheriy Yaksa Yaksiy Yanas Yandrina Yankira Yegentorg Yegey Yeglenti Yevano Yevey Yevgens Yevhentens Yevkon Yoslan Yoslancy Yoslau Yukhal Yulikont Yullingen Yullo Yullschl Yuria Yurina Zofszel Zorchaya Zorieniana Zorierhen Zorneun Zugannins Zuria
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vovansupertv2019 · 5 years ago
Транспондерні новини на 8 квітня
Транспондерні новини на 8 квітня
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5E) Hosanna відключили на 12682.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 24 PID: 804/1060 Англійська). News 18 Tamil Nadu (Індія) передача без коду (4034.00MHz, pol.V SR: 21600 FEC: 5/6 SID: 961 PID: 962 [MPEG-4] / 963 Тамільська). Yamal 402, 55 ° E Кубань HD фид з'явився на 12639 V 3750 Сочі-Кубань РТРС з'явився на 12714 V 10260 3/4 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 T2-MI, (сигнал є слабким) Ярославський РТРС з'явився на 12724 V 5120 3/4 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 T2-MI, (сигнал є слабким) Express-AM6 @ 53 ° East RTRS Krasnodarskij package пішов з 12577 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 T2-MI RTRS package пішов з 12667 H DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 T2-MI Kuban 24 пішов з 12632 H DVB-S / MPEG-4 Gubernia TV немає мовлення на 10974 H 4850 Fec- транспондер викл. Kentron TV Int. немає мовлення на 11002 V 1200 Fec-3/4 транспондер викл. Vestnik Nadyma (TRK Nadym) немає мовлення на 11161 V 2222 Fec-2/3 транспондер викл. AzerSpace 1 / Africasat-1A @ 46 ° East KTRK, 7 Kanal (Jalal-Abad) HD, Azia TV HD, Region TV HD, New TV HD, Next TV HD, NBT, TNV Planeta HD, Next FM з'явилися на 11104 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 13000 3 / 4, відкрито Türksat 4A, 42 ° E TE 60 TV, Mercan TV, Vuslat TV, ERT Şah TV пішли з 12265.00MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 Турецький. Dominion City Global TV з'явився на 12588 V 22500 DVB-S / MPEG-2 3/4, відкрито Dominion City Global TV з'явився на 18668 L 22500 DVB-S / MPEG-2 3/4, відкрито Hellas Sat 3 (39E) Нова передача почалася DVB-S Відкритий: Radio Itsy Bitsy на 12524.00MHz, pol.V SR: 30000 FEC: 7/8 SID: 500 APID: 258 Англійська. FM Radio Test 1 відключений на 12524.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 500 APID: 258 Англійська) Експрес АМУ1, 36.0Е Телеканал Точка відриву прописався на 12380 L 30000 5/6 DVB-S2 / 8PSK HEVC DRE-Crypt Astra 3B (23.5E) TV Rebel 2 пішов з 12,090 GHz V 29900 FEC: 2/3 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 Eutelsat 16A, 16 ° E На 11593 V 30000 з'явився FASHION ONE 4K відкрито HEVC Hot Bird 13C (13E) т / к EU: EFI-BYU TV Global HD пішов з 12577 H 27500 Fec-3/4 DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 / HD Sid-1618 Pid-6181/6182 Eutelsat 8 West B @ 8 ° West Falaksat, Afrihealth TV, Al Wifaq, Libya Al Ahrar SD пішли з 11096 H DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8 D Cinema, Dolly Mosalsalat пішли з 11179 H DVB-S / MPEG-2 27500 7/8 SMN, Afri Health, Al Qamar, al Hashimy з'явилися на 11595 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8, відкрито NTV Lebanon немає мовлення на 11555 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8 Assenna TV, NRT Education HD з'явилися на 11636 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 27500 5/6, відкрито Maranatha TV, Prayer TV пішли з 11636 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 MPEG-4 27500 5/6 SMN-ETH пішов з 12521 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8 Dijlah TV, Saudi 24 Political з'явилися на 12604 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8, відкрито Saudi 24 Tourath, Sama Almousel promo пішли з 12604 V DVB-S / MPEG-2 DVB-S / MPEG-4 27500 7/8 Eutelsat 7 West A, 7 ° W Нова передача почалася DVB-S Відкритий: UTV Iraq (Ірак) на 10727.37MHz, pol.H SR: 27500 FEC: 5/6 SID: 4750 PID: 4752/4753 Арабська. Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Відкритий: UTV Iraq HD (Ірак) на 11353.51MHz, pol.V SR: 27500 FEC: 3/4 SID: 1002 PID: 202 [MPEG-4] / 203 Арабська. Gulfsat відключений на 10727.37MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 4740 PID: 4742 /) Gulfsat відключений на 10727.37MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 5080 PID: 5082 /) Al Quds Al Yawm відключили на 10872.62MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID: 8009 PID: 1609/2609 Арабська). Eutelsat 5 West A, 5 ° West D! CI TV пішов з 11054 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-2 29950 3/4 Nouvelle Aquitaine пішов з 11679 V DVB-S2 / 8PSK MPEG-4 HEVC 29950 3/4
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phkdigest · 7 years ago
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#Repost @fkirkorov ・・・ 16.02.18. Наше Первое представление и Первая гастроль в 2018 году ШОУ «Я», в г. НАДЫМ ( Ямало-Ненецкий округ), на краю Географии, несмотря на адский холод- зрители были просто потрясающе горячими!!! Спасиьо за этот чудесный концерт, и начало тура по суровому Северному Краю нашей Родины!!! И ещё раз, всех с Прощённым Воскресеньем! А уже сегодня, НОВЫЙ УРЕНГОЙ!!!🙏✌️ Photo by @rr_photo Video by @phot.on Look by @philippplein78 #kirkorov #philipkirkorov #philippkirkorov #showя #nadym #киркоров #филиппкиркоров #надым #шоуя (at Nadym)
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savo89 · 8 years ago
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Новые локации #СЕВЕР #МояВесна #ВеснаСавы #ПознатьСевер #ЧемБогаты #Надым #ПрыгСкокИзБлокаВблок #SavoНаДвиже #НоуФильтр #SkyPorn89 #НебоДрочер #Russia #YaNAO #Yamal #TheNorth #ToLernTheNorth #ThenTheRich #Nadym
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