#autistic wilson
halfsizehellboy · 10 months
i love when autistics date each other and have nearly opposite sensory/support needs because it's hilarious. House does not recognize emotions well and struggles with connection, but obviously feels deeply and easily despite adamantly denying it. Wilson is, get this, hypoempathetic like house but sensory-seeks the empathetic feelings; which is why he's good at breaking news. he enjoys playing emotion!! he likes acting!! and i think acts of service and gift-giving is just love language, and he just doesn't differentiate platonic and romantic attraction easily (multiple ex-wives yet devoted to house, and love languages are extended to patients and especially ones he's friends with).
wilson likes old movies, and many of the things house does, but unlike house he's not shown to listen to loud music constantly; he doesn't like or need the auditory stimulation. he doesn't stim as much as house, but that could be also that he doesn't stim the way house does. he doesn't need that much external processing, while house plays with toys and rubber bands and his cane. i think wilson just moves a lot, wiggling his fingers or the like. personally i think he'd bite things a lot but he's spent a long time coasting through as normal and he has a reputation to uphold. House is never safe, though. something something sensory needs and distraction pain are the perfect excuse.
wilson needs just his long self-care routine to not change, and a couple other constants like house and his office. i think he likes to be efficient. house thrives on the consistency of a created chaos, mainly i think he's au-dhd and thats why, he cant have things the exact same too long without going bonkers. his office and his apartment are controlled spaces that stay the same, and other things can be wild for stimulation. They have enrichment time in their enclosure(s) with their bets and manipulation games. wilsons office is a better darkroom for quiet time. i cant stop thinking about this
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sarcasstic-jpmvr · 26 days
How often do y‘all think House told showed Wilson he loved him during their last five months?
I love you, as they are putting on their helmets to go on a drive.
I love you, as they sit across each other and House steals his fries.
I love you, as they both drunkenly stumble into a shitty single motel-room with a couch, a TV and double-bed with nightstands on each side.
I love you, as he finds a Monster Truck rally on the small TV and watches Wilson‘s eyes get a little brighter when remembering the time before.
I love you, as he watches Wilson‘s head slowly come to rest on his shoulder and suggest getting some sleep on the bed because his leg can‘t handle nights on the couch anymore, Wilson.
I love you, as he slings an arm across Wilson‘s thorax and feels his ribs through the thin shirt he‘s wearing, making House hold him a little tighter.
I love you, as he makes Macademia Nut Pancakes with corn syrup and sets a plate in front of Wilson.
I love you, as he brushes Wilson‘s sweaty hair from his forehead after the coughing made him throw up the little breakfast he had.
I love you, as he gently brushes a hand up his back to lend support when the tightness in Wilson‘s chest leaves him breathless.
I love you, as he holds both of Wilson‘s hands and does some breathing exercises with him while Wilson is gasping for a breath that just won‘t fill his lungs.
I love you, as he makes up excuses to stop more frequently because he sees Wilson swerve slightly on the road behind him.
I love you, as he brushes a small kiss on Wilson‘s forehead, before leaving for the nearest clinic.
I love you, as he steals enough morphine for the both of them.
I love you, as he looks at his Wilson and sees the slight smile of relief before the light in his eyes dims and he hears the final exhale.
I love you, as he enters the syringe in his own vein and pushes the plunger in with no hesitation, closing his eyes and welcoming the darkness with open arms.
I love you, he says, when they‘re reunited and hold each other tightly for the rest of their eternity.
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mossysoupfrog · 2 months
Your honor that man is stimming
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hilsonmybeloved · 2 years
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House md season 5 episode 17 is the best episode i have watched so far for the autistic Wilson headcanon.
we get plenty of parallels to house and the patient about not doing the social cues dance and just saying what you feel, but the way that Wilson says he values his friendship with house basically saying to him that he doesn't want to do the social niceties thing all the time. Wilson uses his time with house to unmask. he says that the acting he has to constantly do with other people is exhausting, he tells house not to change.
also he flapped his fingers about while standing up
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Please Hold Me Close| Autistic House/Wilson|1|
Sometimes Wilson wonders if he could not see House, in all of the older man’s glory. Last night, when he saw House in his sweatshirt, he couldn’t bring himself to ask the older man to take it off. It seemed right when he saw House in the grey McGill shirt, a piece of him on the person he cared about so much more than he realized.
But, let’s not say House is blind, because he’s not, not when it comes to Wilson, never when it comes to Wilson. He notices how Wilson steals his Mint and Wood cologne whenever he’s out of his own. He knows Wilson gets a lot of money for simply being a person who tells other people they have cancer cells slowly eating away at them, so he has enough to get more. He notices how Wilson smiles whenever House says something rude to push people out as if he was reeling Wilson in instead.
Now, House was lying on his carpet, aware of Wilson’s shuffling in the shared office. Wilson mutters something, or at least House believes it something irrelavent for his job.Wilson gets up and sits next to House on the floor. “I know you know House,” Wilson wasn’t looking at his ‘friend’. House sighs and gives a smile. “Yep, your pining is clear as daylight” He responds, no malice in his tone at all which made Wilson turn to him. His breath hitches “How long have you known?” House freezes when he saw the two clear drops in Wilson’s eyes. 
House stares, he should lie right? Say he didn’t know, act like he was confused, but he couldn’t. “Two Years,” House states, honestly. Wilson doesn’t say anything but he should’ve known House would’ve found out. House watches Wilson’s brown eyes and sighs. “It’s not something I w-was expecting, but I should have known you’d find out” Wilson looked so vulnerable, his brown eyes were so much more capable of emotion then House’s icy blue ones.
“You're an idiot,” House said, repeating the same thing Wilson had once said to him. Wilson looked down, “I know, I’m a shame to humanity” Wilson was obviously feeling like he was the only one in love with a man who didn’t care about people’s feelings, but even House was able to love “Your, my shame to humanity,” House pauses, “You should see what I see, James,” House shuffles closer to Wilson, putting his head in Wilson’s lap.
“What do you see?” Wilson asks, putting a shaky hand in House’s hair, House jumps at the sudden warmth, it had been a while since someone had touched him like this, and he cuddled into the warm hand. “A brilliant oncologist, with creamy-brown hair and eyes the color of my favorite chocolate, your kind, and so god-damn dumb happiness,” House closes his eyes “Your odd power to be able to read me like a book,” House sighs, “Y-your really special Wilson,” House’s breath hitched “I love you” Wilson moved his head to kiss House’s forehead, “I love you too House,” Wilson sighs “We better get to work, let’s go out to dinner later, huh?” House smirks, “Yep, see you then honey” House gets up, with Wilson’s gentle help. 
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dick-chugger · 8 months
Seriously why are the people on this sub kind of funny sometimes
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
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I was so confused as to why wilson's big stupid puppy dog eyes looked familiar. and then it finally hit me
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he got two for the price of one lol
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pop-squeak · 10 months
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incredibly neurotypical thing to say
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halfsizehellboy · 10 months
oh man okay. more thinking
hot shit do i feel enlightened bc audhd House makes so much sense to me!!! he surrounds himself with chaos and novelty and stimulation but still adheres to things that don't change-- his apartment, when he lives in it, it always set up the same way. it's mentioned he's had the same guitar for many years, as well as numerous medical texts. He uses his same red mug all the time at the hospital (he has a designated hospital mug. it lives at the hospital and he only uses it at the hospital). he is very adamant about his office space-- it only changes drastically for him in season 8. just before he leaves. he and Wilson have a fun schedule-- bowling nights, poker nights, etc-- and he does spontaneous stuff all the time, but he orchestrates it. he enacts enrichment time for his fellows and Wilson. he canonically spaces out during/stops processing conversations all the time because he's thinking. he will forget to do basic things while on cases, and there's that one episode where he stays up all night because he's cooking something. he is the king of "shit i forgot to eat. i forgot to shower and pee. i forgot--"
while im thinking of eating!! he has that bad hunger recognition. he will forgo eating for days for cases, fixations, pain levels. he usually eats off of wilson's plate anyways, and i think wilson mainly eats because he's made it part of routine, and that if he forgets to eat house definitely forgets to eat, and that usually ends badly. i dont think house has any specific avoidances but he does usually go for pizza, or anything wilson's made. he likes fries.
the adhd bit makes him more prone to addiction (it's a real thing) and he does show those behaviors (vicodin, alcohol). he has to have either the puzzles or the substances, taking him off both fucked with him a lot (mayfield and afterwards). in prison he got managed doses of vicodin, and he was getting antsy and desperate for the challenge of a good case towards the end of that arc. he all but jumps on that heat allergy guy, risking his chances of parole multiple times to try and get close. side note, did y'all see his equation scribblings on the wall by his bunk? hes so silly
ive also been thinking like. we see very large-scale self destructive behaviors from nearly everyone in the show but we don't see a lot of self-regulation outside of house's stimming so that means i get to make up my own and project onto wilson.
wilson spends a lot of time masking at work so we don't see him fully let loose and i think that he is a fan of full body movement. he's jumping up and down. he's pacing the apartment and swingin his arms. he sways and rocks in place. at the hospital and places that aren't safe he keeps the stim energy to his hands/fingers, or taps his foot/bounces his leg-- things easy enough for neurotypicals to pass off as nervous energy. he loves to click pens but he only does it when he's alone or with house because he knows that other people find it annoying (house doesn't care, he starts clicking/tapping too and it's like they're drumming together). he and house learned morse code and annoy the ducklings and cuddy with it all the time.
bad times wilson scratches a lot (this is me projecting btw). at his scalp, at his arms, anywhere he can get to; and usually he's self conscious enough to do it where he can hide it under his clothes (house is unaffected and can tell anyways)(usually because he's there trying to help wilson stop scratching)(but if he's not he can still tell and wilson doesn't wanna know how). he also presses/rubs his face a lot (in general and not just bad times wilson), and bad times wilson gets abrasions on his eyelids/cheeks from his sweatshirt when he has a meltdown. i've seen another person talk about this, but i think he absolutely tears his cuticles up. he's managed to stop biting/tearing his nails down to nothing but between vigorous scrubbing for the OR and not liking lotion (sensory bad. i need it for my arms and the backs of my hands sometimes and i always wipe it off of my palms and fingers) his hands are so dry. house makes fun of him but he does carry around a nail file because he's trying to stop picking at his fingers regularly, and limit it to a bad times emergency regulatory behavior.
house fights meltdowns to the death. he hates having them, he hates having to be vulnerable like that (and that's a canonical trauma response). he has held one off through sheer will for an entire week before wilson called out sick for him and made him take a day off. they ended up taking a long weekend to recover. on the occasion they're both melting down at the same time, it's a multiple days affair. wilson will recognize what's happening and try to make sure everything in the apartment is low effort and accessible from the floor because house's meltdowns are more often than not pain response and that means that house stays on the floor. and when wilson is melting /neg he doesn't want to leave house. on a sillier(?) note they have a tally/competition for shortest meltdown (wilson), longest meltdown (house), fastest to meltdown (house), longest amount of time spent holding off a meltdown (house), most efficient meltdown (wilson), and most meltdowns located in the hospital (wilson).
man i'm gonna have to make a fic for this, it's getting wild just on posts
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housethemd · 3 months
Once again thinking about House + food issues
House grew up in a household where “if you were two minutes late for dinner, you didn’t eat.” It follows there would have been other rules surrounding food, likely things like “this is what’s for dinner, eat it or you don’t eat” and “you have to finish what’s on your plate.”
I feel like this would be a possible explanation for why he steals Wilson’s food so often.
House is conditioned to eat whatever is on his plate and finish it. House is smart guy though, and would likely find work arounds to his own issues/behaviours, ie: if it’s not on HIS plate the rules don’t apply.
It would explain why House sometimes eats off Wilson’s plate and sometimes gets his own. If House likes what’s available in the cafeteria and feels he can finish a portion of it he makes Wilson buy him lunch.
However, if he is unsure if he likes what’s available he’ll eat off Wilson’s plate and if he doesn’t like it it’s okay because it isn’t his meal, there is no pressure to eat more.
Same goes for if House isn’t particularly hungry but recognizes he should eat something (could be lots of reasons for this but gotta throw in my personal headcanon of autistic House having poor interoception so he doesn’t always feel hunger, thirst etc but will sometimes go “I haven’t eaten in a while, I probably should.”) and so he tries a bite of Wilson’s food and if he likes it, he steals half. The small portion is more manageable when he is experiencing low appetite and is less stressful to need to finish.
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sarcasstic-jpmvr · 19 days
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egonkula · 6 months
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my beloved losers
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buckysoldatbarnes · 5 months
Not only does House being autistic and queer make sense, it thematically and emotionally fulfills the heart of the show. Firstly, almost every aspect of House's character makes more sense through the lens of him being on the spectrum, and the fact that they literally pointed this out in the autism episode but refused to commit to confirming it is emblematic to a misunderstanding and disrespect to what autism is (the show thinking oh house has autistic traits but he has to be his own unique thing, or that an autistic character couldn't be as complex as him). But we knew that.
The thesis of House MD is, what happens when someone refuses to follow societal rules? When someone is brutally honest, goes against authority, has no filter, and does everything their own way? House tests this in every episode- when the stakes are high, will he still push the boundaries? Will he self destruct? Will he get away with it? and also in every episode, the PATIENT is also outside social norms in some way. They have an unusual lifestyle, career, personality, or sexuality, and usually their "difference" is making them sick, or they have an underlying medical condition that is causing it. It usually destroys their personal lives, but ultimately the "thing" they commit to is what makes them happy.
This is the medical, or "main plot" core of the show. The emotional "B Plot" answers the question- When someone (House) refuses to follow societal rules and can never be "normal" (his addiction and disability), can he still have a lasting relationship? Can he still be happy? Every single season tries to answer this question. For a while Cuddy is the answer, until the show disproves this. But from the first episode to the last, Wilson is there, always emotionally pushing house to be vulnerable, to improve his life. Every season tests their relationship, but wilson always comes back. Just like House, he's not normal.
Being queer and autistic explains much House's  difficulties with conventional norms and conventional (heteronormative) relationships. When we do see House have sex, it's a weighty moment of emotional vulnerability, because most of the time sex is a mechanical act for him. He rarely has a girlfriend, never dates. We barely ever even see him have sex, but he makes a big deal out of hiring hookers for companionship (and comphet) because he cant form a meaningful lasting relationship with anyone but wilson.  The thesis question of the show is "Can House be happy?". Wilson is the answer.
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Please Hold Me Close|Autistic House/Wilson|2|
House sighs as he looks at Cuddy, “What are you hiding House” House looks at her and smirks, “I hide my porn under a board on my floor” He barks, he and Wilson had been in a relationship for a year now, yet they still act like they ‘use’ each other, there is using but the ‘using’ is desired by both of them, both the touch starved men knew to hide their love towards the other in the office, and in their shared home, they felt safe enough to show their love.
“That’s not what I meant,” she crosses her arms, “I meant with you and Wilson, your both acting like you're in a relationship,” she states, as she says this an unknowing Wilson walks in with House’s favorite chocolates “Hey Gregory have you seen my blue tie?” House’s eyes snap to Wilson “No, maybe it’s in your-” Wilson is wearing that Mcgill sweatshirt, Cuddy completely forgotten by House , he smirks at Wilson “Hey James, look up darling”
 Wilson looks up to see his tie tied to a mistletoe, ( I love this concept okay?) Wilson’s face curls in a smile, his face red hot. “House!” Wilson pulls House into him and kisses him. Cuddy stares at the two “Mhem” House and Wilson look up, “Shit,” House looks at her and then at Wilson. “Can I get the clorofoam?” Wilson doesn’t say anything but he looks at Cuddy with wide eyes, “Lisa, it’s- Exactly what it looks like- me and House- Are-n't- in a relationship-” House interrupts and kisses Wilson more with love, "House!” Wilson laughs.
"So this is what you've been hiding?" House brings Wilson closer to him. "Yep," He cuddles into Wilson “I love him,” House states since it was obvious there was no way of getting out of this.
Wilson swallows. “Yeah, w-w-we’ve been i-in a rela-ationship for a while now,” House pulls Wilson even closer into his chest, the smaller man only whimpered “Hey, I got you,” Wilson then bite into House’s hand and tried to get on Wilson’s head, “Shit,” House whispered, “Hey bud, you're with me, Greg remember?” James only bit harder, “Wilson, you're going to pierce through,” House completely didn’t care about his hand, “Blood doesn’t taste good, Jimmy,” House smiles as Wilson lets go, a clear teardrop sliding down. “I’m sorry,” Wilson whispers.
House knew it was going to hurt later, but he didn’t care, right now all he cared about was Wilson, the small autistic man was checking House’s hand for serious damage, Wilson had a strong bite. “I’m sorry,” He said again. “Wilson we’ve talked about this, your autism is nothing to be sorry for,” House doesn’t care if Wilson bites him, not if it means his mildly younger lover is in pain or else.
“B-but I ke-keep hurting you” Wilson states, wincing when he saw the blood, “Yes and I don’t fight back,” House says with a smile, but it fades when he sees Wilson start to hit his thighs in anger, "Wilson!?" House grabs Wilson’s arms with haste, Wilson wails in anger “You shouldn’t have to put up with me!” Wilson yells anger flaring in his eyes. “Wilson?” Damn it
Ducklings! Wilson looked at them and started crying, “No know, not supposed to know!” He cries. House gently puts his hands around, and pulls Wilson close to his chest, “I’m sorry Wilson, this is my fault,”  House loops his arms around Wilson’s waist. 
“What’s going on here?” Foreman asks, “Is he autistic?” Chase questions being the idiot he sometimes is. “Yes,” House looks at Wilson and kisses the chocolate-eyed man. “Don’t let me go,” Wilson whispers “I might fall into another meltdown.” House sighs, it had been a surprise when Wilson said he was autistic, that he’d been hiding it, but House had agreed to love him no matter what and there was no changing that.
“Wilson, Wilson?” Wilson’s soft snores didn’t surprise House, after Autistic Meltdowns Wilson was exhausted, not that he had many when he was with House, House was careful, he really cared about Wilson. “Okay, bud.” He whispers bringing Wilson to the couch, Wilson was as smart as the older autistic man, he was able to rub two cells together and hide his ‘problem’ just like House could yet Wilson’s autism is chronic, he was still able to be ‘human’.
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