#autistic adora
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popeyeotaku · 2 years ago
Adora like *struggles to figure out society's weird social rules they never explain and don't actually follow but every time she makes a stab at it they act like she's being weird* and *just wants some routine and expectations she can actually meet which would just simplify everything* and *tries to plan out difficult stressful social scenarios so she knows what to expect*
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
woag. why is black adora literally perfect holy shit. my skin is cleared. ive won the lottery
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courfaeriec · 3 months ago
adora from shera might not have been written w autism in mind and her behaviors are explained by her ptsd and INTERESTING upbringing but oh lordy i have never felt so autistically represented in media
i feel like people focus on entraptas autism and im so so happy to have entrapta there but also AUTISTIC ADORA i love her and her stimmy motions and her rigid thinking and her rubbish social skills and her tight planning and her clumsiness.
ty adora
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turtley-ausome · 8 days ago
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My She-Ra pop up folder in Proloquo2go! It a work in progress! The 2 grey buttons in bottom right corner have recorded audio of those lines from the show! I love adding special intrest pages to my AAC!
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sharrkbaiitcartoonz · 4 months ago
Hi so I recently (yesterday) finished She-Ra and I’ve decided to put all of my emotional energy into this cartoon that was popular in 2020 :) please expect to see a fuck ton of Catra x Adora bullshit because that is all I think about to fill the void 💕
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66kenobi66 · 5 months ago
Some of My Favorite Autistic Characters 🩵♾️
Because I feel like posting something positive today :D
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Peridot (SU) -- Canon/Implied
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Adora (SPOP) -- Headcanon
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Tech (SW: TBB) -- Canon/Implied
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Octavia (HB) -- Headcanon
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Twilight Sparkle (MLP) -- Implied
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Winter (WOF) -- Headcanon
Feel free to add your own faves!
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notfeelingthyaster · 2 years ago
*me, softly passing them a stim toy* this bad boy can fit so much fucking autism in it
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theunluckyvandalist · 7 months ago
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More churchill and adora content cuz I think they're neat
I think they should kiss
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i-am-the-myrmidon · 10 months ago
Ugggggh you are so right. I think about how adora lets her hand trail down catra’s chin in the heart when she’s trying to say good bye and about how she never had a language to communicate that want before but immediately she uses it and I want to scream.
I am NEVER getting over the scene where hologram Catra gently cups Adora's face and pulls her into a tender forehead touch LIKE BRO IT'S SO. It's So Soft And Gay And Heartbreaking :')
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sourb0i · 8 months ago
Done with Going Postal!
Really digging the intro. Love a good 'the protagonist is literally about to die' welcoming
Mr. Pump's introduction is my favorite thing ever
I love that there is at least One (1) undeniably autistic character in every book PTerry has written. Stanley I would die 4 u
I would also beg Adora Bell 'Killer' Dearheart to use me as her ash tray (although she probably wouldn't bc she has too much self respect)
There's no way Tump Tower isn't a direct callout to Trump Tower. Glad people were fed up with that orange fucker even before he was president
Ngl I did not expect to like Moist at first but he really grew on me
Reading the words "too big to fail" printed 4 years before the Great Recession kicked off was like seeing a big, dark shape in the water...going after someone else
The message of 'innovation is good, but corporate greed is bad' was really refreshing; so often these stories frame the technology itself as Wrong instead of how it's used/taken care of/its workers are treated
I think this is probably one of my favorite Discworld series I've read so far. Moist was a super compelling character (and I appreciated that there wasn't the usual twist of 'his friends find out he used to be a con man and turn on him'. I hate that trope). As i said, i didnt expect to like him, but the more he put effort into the Post Office and found himself caring, the more i liked him. The story itself was also very engaging- I was always on the edge of my seat to see how Moist would get out of the next situation. It was fairly straightforward compared to some of PTerry's other books, but imo that's actually a good thing; some, like Feet of Clay, I found a little hard to follow.
I will certainly be going back to read this one again, and I think it's one of his finest works. Good on you, sir.
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anghraine · 5 months ago
My housemates and I are watching S5 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which my bff J and I love, and Ash had never seen. She's been having a blast with it and it's been really cool to watch through her eyes.
I've seen some condemnations of how Entrapta is handled in S5 that I found, let's say, unpersuasive. Re-watching now, I'm not just fine with how she's handled, but have realized how much I really love it. It's still refreshing for me to see a narrative where an obviously autistic person—an adult, which is extra refreshing!—is treated as a moral agent without ignoring her actual handicaps.
Entrapta is capable of moral failure and has failed morally in the past, despite her basic good nature and personal kindness. She has lines she won't cross and where she'll stand her ground, and she hits that line before most everyone in the Horde but Adora, but her priorities were still very wrong. She's not just an avatar of Autism, and by S5 we see that she's grown and changed without any indication that she's less autistic now or more authentically Entrapta than she ever was. AND at the same time, it's clear that there is something rather cruel when other characters evaluate and judge her behavior without making any allowances for how Entrapta perceives and processes things around her. Sometimes they don't seem to even slightly consider how differently Entrapta experiences and understands the world.
The scene (in S5!) where she belatedly figures out that the others in the scene are angry at her, and everyone except Scorpia acts like she's stupid for not already realizing it, is incredibly familiar, honestly. It's one of those moments where I felt like it could seem forced or artificial in a "teaching moment for the kids" way, and yet it's one of the most relatable moments in the show for me.
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antispopausandstuff · 3 months ago
stans criticize antis for including the scene of Catra scarring Adora as a child in the cycle of abuse, going on about how she was just a kid, that a kid can't be abusive, etc., but here's the thing:
there's this kid i know and love. they're autistic, non-verbal // limited in speech, and are prone to emotional bursts. they always know more than people think, try to help you if you cry, and absolutely loves sharing food // treats with others and meeting new people.
but there are times i'm scared of them. hell, there's times i, admittedly, hate them.
i understand that they have little impulse control, that they're a child, a disabled one at that, and they don't understand the consequences of hurting someone or maybe even that they're hurting someone at all, but your "fight or flight", your anxiety, your fears, PTSD, etc. does not care who or what it is.
that and, honestly, i still resent my bullies. i know they were kids, too, but that doesn't take away from the pain and embarrassment i felt. for so long, i thought i was completely unlikable, and it was because of them. my ma tried to teach me the "ignore them", "kill them with kindness", "sympathy // empathy" lessons, but none of them worked.
bullying and abuse aren't that different, if they are at all. the victims always suffer, in one way or another, and bullying // abuse can lead to suicide, mental decline, physical decline, and overall ruin your entire fucking life for so long.
i understand that kids are little balls of energy and don't understand the consequences of their actions. my bullies likely thought what happened to me wasn't a big deal or was just a joke. maybe they didn't even have bad intentions in the first place. but that doesn't take away what i've gone through since then, because of them.
Catra was a child, yes, but so was Adora. why do you forget that? any child would be scared of someone, even their best friend in the whole world, if they just suddenly clawed them in the face just for asking "why did you do it?", any child. anyone, in fact.
there's exceptions, but generally speaking, we're afraid of what severely hurts us. Catra severely hurt Adora, just for asking a question that anyone else would've asked.
the cycle of abuse continued when Catra didn't care about Adora's health and safety, meanwhile Adora always cared.
now, after this, it's just speculation, but i had an interesting thought.
Catra punched Lonnie ( presumably, as there's no scar or implication that she clawed her, just that she hit her, and that typically means punching ), but clawed Adora. and hard enough to send her flying halfway across the room.
yeah, Catra was angry with Lonnie ( jealous ), but, ultimately, it's Adora who suffers the worst consequence. the writers obviously let Catra do what she likes, but i think this is just more evidence that she knew, even subconsciously, that Adora wouldn't fight back.
i originally thought that Catra only used her claws against Adora because of her hatred and knowing that Adora wouldn't do anything, but there's something else to consider.
she's clawed Octavia, disabling her, and almost did the same to Lonnie.
now, why would she do that to either of them, when neither have that much important to her, in comparison to Adora?
in the first scene, Catra did it just because she could. just because she thought Octavia was, more or less, ugly.
in the second scene, Catra did it because Lonnie pissed her off. but she's been pissed off before, many times, even to Lonnie, so why only try to claw her now?
to me, it reads as her using her claws on a person ( directly or indirectly ) when she knows the other is defenseless, in some way or form, or as a form of punishment. not necessarily because they have importance to her.
Adora just happened to be the one she wanted to punish the most.
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catras-breakup-song · 3 months ago
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i’m not gonna lie… i’m lost here. is this supposed to be an 4nt1/cr1t1c4l post? if so, i genuinely don’t understand the point being made.
is it that playful banter is a bad thing? is it that being too hands-on violates unspoken boundaries? the message is so unclear to my autistic ass…
oh, wait, OP provided tags:
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so aside from the fact that they are absolutely not sisters by default, least of all canonically (even if you do interpret them that way somehow), nor was it ever intended by nate stevenson, i’m still having trouble figuring out how this is problematic.
in which ways is lighthearted touch totally contradictory to passionate kissing/caressing? why can’t partners who are dating do both, especially in different cultural environments such as the horde where intimacy is discouraged and friendly sparring with familiar peers is a safe expression? if it’s so different, what are we as the audience supposed to interpret from their style of physical affection by the final season? side note, but aren’t we supposed to consider the latest version of anything in general as the most accurate?
now i have a question lol, did you take this moment literally at her word, and all the other times she repeated it?
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also, my friend just pointed out that this is the classic homophobic talking point of "they seem to just be very good friends! they were roommates!" lmao. i've never agreed with accusing anyone who cr1t1c1z3s catradora of lesbophobia, which i'm not doing necessarily, because that's simply not how it works, however i found this funny and partially true so i'm keeping it in.
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the lip bite was included unintentionally 👀
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anyway, as i’ve discussed on this blog before, i’m very arospec and it’s inseparably intwined with my identity itself; i also project that onto catra. something we often bring up in that community, is romance-favorability (as its own spectrum of range all the way to blatant repulsion btw) — which is a personal preference that’s defined as exactly as it sounds like and occasionally revolves around fictional depiction as separate from one's own reality — and arguably more importantly, amatonormativity — which is an arbitrary set of rules for romantic expectations set up by an alloromantic society. this is typically thought of as common denial of the idea that someone could actually want to separate themself from needing a life partner in marriage, but can very much be applied to an annoying list of what draws the line between romantic & platonic relationships. that line is very individualistic and is to be decided on such a level only, and it doesn’t even get into what queerplatonic means, a concept saved for another day!
my point is, the OP seems to be trying to claim that catradora objectively cannot be read as romantic because their dynamic growing up & early-on in the story doesn’t perfectly meet socially-constructed standards of what that should look like. i say we need to eradicate those standards altogether! it’s up to catradora to decide what they are, if anything specific at all, not us as the audience — assuming they could’ve had the words at their disposal to knowingly describe it. going back to my earlier paragraph above about how limited they were in the fright zone, i’ll borrow a quote from a comment i made on one of my recent reblogged posts (which is a great meta on how their mutual desire was uh... definitely not platonic):
"Catra and Adora’s desire for one another is shown in a variety of ways, mostly indirect. There are a lot of glances - until season 5, not the kind of open leering at one another that we’d seen between other characters. Mostly it’s fairly playful - wiggled or cocked eyebrows, glances at each other while smirking, that kind of thing, or really intense and somewhat angry glares when they’re fighting."
it's really bothering me that i can't recall where i read this from before, but someone analyzed before how, growing up, catra & adora didn't have a good sense of how to label their relationship with accurate terminology despite being subconsciously aware that they, whether they knew the other reciprocated or not, loved each other "like that." unfortunately, they couldn't further explore it because such love & affection was seen as a punishable weakness in the horde, so they resorted to the only safe option they seemed to have, which was subtle body language and play-fighting as [testudoaubrei-blog] described above.
also, since this screenshot is included in that post... i would be amused to read an explanation of how THIS LOOK from catra is "platonic with a capital P", because i'm not even sure if it's up for debate to be quite honest with you:
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ESPECIALLY with the "i always have!" line (which 4nt1s like to doubt, but i don't care, it's official!):
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syd-ships · 5 months ago
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pinned !!
ig i’ll finally introduce myself here haha.
i’m syd! 24, ace nby lesbian, she/they. autistic + disabled.
pfp art by @jacqsprince
s/i refs are here. lore to come.
f/o list below the cut :-]
patty bouvier (the simpsons) [non-sharing]
toothpick sally (regular show) [non-sharing]
gary (regular show) [depends]
stacy lovell + belle (the simpsons) [non-sharing] – seperate au from patty, but same s/i
wanda pierce (bojack horseman) [ok sharing]
melony (pokémon) [ok sharing]
marshmallow (bob’s burgers) [depends]
mort (bob’s burgers) [ok sharing]
quinn (animal crossing) [ok sharing]
goldie (animal crossing)
alfonso (animal crossing)
twilight sparkle (mlp:fim)
calypso (bluey)
piers (pokémon)
dobie and lionel (animal crossing) – grandpas
other faves (no shipping with these, i just think they’re neat)
celia (regular show)
hi five ghost (regular show)
starla (regular show)
gary (regular show)
milhouse van houten (the simpsons)
eda clawthorne (the owl house)
raine whispers (the owl house)
peggy hill (king of the hill)
adora (spop)
bow (spop)
starlight glimmer (mlp:fim)
maud pie (mlp:fim)
pinkie pie (mlp:fim)
cheese sandwich (mlp:fim)
cash piggott (heartbreak high)
quinni gallagher-jones (heartbreak high)
missy beckett (heartbreak high)
niko bellic (grand theft auto iv)
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 1 year ago
“it's just fiction.” exactly.
“it's not real.” EXACTLY.
“oh, it's just a story for kids.” EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY.
you keep making the point and then missing it.
it's fiction. that's exactly why people are concerned. it's because the writers made the conscious choice to romanticize an abusive relationship.
up until s4, they wrote a very convincing and realistic abuser who absolutely refused to take responsibility for her actions. they wrote adora finally realizing that she shouldn't waste her time on her abuser. they wrote an interesting and healthy relationship between adora and glimmer. they wrote a compelling arc for adora where she sets out to find her own identity.
and then they made the conscious decision to gloss over all of that and to not let catra learn anything. they made the conscious decision to act like adora was in the wrong for escaping the toxic environment she grew up in, and choosing to side with the innocent.
they also made the conscious decision to have an autistic character, a grown woman, be leashed by one of her “friends”. they made the conscious decision to portray a weak and innocent teen boy being bullied and borderline abused by his “friends”.
all of these were written by a group of adults who were supposedly professional screenwriters. all of these were targeted towards children and adolescents, which is a very impressionable age.
that's exactly why it's harmful. fiction impacts reality, we've all seen it over and over again. fiction is not only relevant when you want to praise it. fiction is important because it often shows the true ideals and perspective of the writer.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
since it looks like ur on a rb spree right now i just wanted to send in an spop ask!! i love the show, and would loveee to hear thoughts of yours. favourite characters, favourite ships, seasons you like or seasons you dont, self inserts, headcanons, this is your free yap button!!!!! feel free not to answer it if youre not feeling it though <33333
Oughhh tysm Marsy(i hope i can call you that,if not i never did),Spop was baby Summer's first self-discovered queer show!!
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I do have a s/i......His name is Twilight and he's Brightmoonian-Plumerian and childhood best friends with Bow and Glimmer!!He has plant powers but not to Perfuma's extent as he's not a Princess of Power and this makes him insecure and it's a big part of his arc!He's super bubbly,optimistic,a professional instigator,a huge yapper and snarker,a surprisingly effective subconcious flirt and thee earthy black biracial girl despite not even knowing earth exists!!So etheriany then /hj.He also ends up inventing solarpunk on Etheria as he powers up through the seasons and gains the nickname The Pocket Princess as he had to unlock his powers through First Ones Runes and collecting items,through that wasn't his intent as he's just a compulsive hoarder!He's also a war orphan raised by his grandparents and a pink lifestyle expert🩷✨️
My faves are the Best Friends Squad(ofc,i'm a part of it),Mermista,Seahawk,Entrapta and Hordak :] I loved all the seasons but my fave is season 4 and i'm a firm believer in afrolatina Adora,tmasc autistic afrolatino-dominican Bow,tfem Glimmer and Catra,white passing latina Perfuma,black/white mixed Entrapta,nigerian Hordak,t4t Entrapdak and baby transbian autistic Frosta!!I also think Seahawk is transfem as of today since Saph opened my eyes to it and Mermista is pakistani(and tradgoth)after my longtime big sis figure Anum!
And i agree the show had a lot of missed opportunites but not for absolutely any reason Spop Whitewashed Salt people say it is.So,my rewrite ft.Twilight expands on overlooked plot points such as way more focus on the supporting characters and in-depth development of the magic lore and everybody's platonic relathionships and Bow gets an epic arc with his archery,escalating from trying to improve it to opening up an archery class for Brightmoon kids to creating his own magic set that never runs out and provides never thought of before except by him in his early repressed childhood years equipement.His brothers all show up onscreen too and tease him over Twilight🙏🏼🤙🏼(maybe flirt with them a lil too)Spop in this is the same amount of seasons but with equal number episodes and DT dosen't exist since they're Not Good Rep.Twilight is the gender fuckery rep!!!(transmasc genderfluid and bigender demigirl)
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