#authentic journalism
personnage-neutre · 1 year
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urloveangel · 9 months
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agoraphobe · 3 months
im gonna start an art journal :3
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
This is kinda random, but I’m actually noticing something very important happening in my life. I’m finding more courage to say ‘no’ to things I don’t actually want to fully say ‘yes’ to, or at least give myself the permission and flexibility to change my mind later. And maybe it’s just in my energy field now or something, but people are starting to do the same with me: having the courage to turn down a request and not always agreeing to something I suggest or say. It took time getting used to, not because I mind, but because I used to go along with everybody saying yes all the damn time, or vice versa. Now it’s so much more real. The people around me, including myself, can just say what’s truly on our minds rather than catering to one another all the time—because that’s just so exhausting and fake! Like, why not be real and happy when we can be true to ourselves with each other?
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"You're so strong"... Its Bullshit
You’re so strong is all you hear when you tell your story, but you don’t see it.
You don’t see It; you don’t see how you are “so strong.”
You survived and that left you with a lifetime worth of trauma to work through by yourself.
They don’t understand it and they don’t know what kind of toll it has put on you.
They don’t know that something as simple as a scent can send you back into a memory you might not have even known you had.
Something as little as watching the news and a trigger hits.
When a trigger hits all you want to do is take a shower and spend an hour scrubbing your skin raw
When you lay your head down to sleep that you fear what dream you will have
you stay up instead just staring at the ceiling wondering what you did to deserve this pain and when this pain will end.
You’re so strong though.
It sounds so simple and generic, almost cheap.
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beatheprincess · 3 months
Ever feel like being taken cared of ? Someone to help remind you of things or make decisions for you because ur too little to do it on your own??? >.< just me ..ok- 😫
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thelaineydayblog · 10 months
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techdriveplay · 25 days
How WhistlinDiesel Revolutionized Car Reviews
With automotive content, traditional car reviews have long followed a familiar formula: polished shots of vehicles, technical specifications, and reserved commentary on performance. However, with the rise of platforms like YouTube and social media, this formula has been challenged. One creator who stands out in this shift is WhistlinDiesel. Known for his unconventional and often extreme approach,…
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babbling-basil · 10 months
The Weight of Winter
Every winter I am overcome with grief.
A sudden shift in the gravity of my world, like snow collecting on the branches of my heart.
I find myself missing the sun, its touch warm and loving. Finding comfort in the blaze, despite the violence seen in the slap of a burn. 
I miss the romance of August.  The chance to read outdoors  under a tree or in the woods; An opportunity to seize.
Grieving the sticky sweat on my skin, a reminder I’m alive.
And the Scrapes on my knees, scars left by the harsh earth near a stream somewhere.
Now I am holed up within the confines of my apartment, stuck with roommates I don’t care for.  My living room, if you can call it that, is empty and frigid. 
At least the snowfall is beautiful. 
At least my soul is still being nourished by the love that I can give and receive.
And at least I can keep living and laughing, and learning, and crying.
I can keep growing throughout the winter  even if it takes me twice as long. 
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I was looking back at my old journal entries (by old, I mean earlier this year ahsgajsgjagss) and I thought this was kinda fun :)
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stormofsyren · 1 month
I am not stuck. I have looked at the paths in front of me and decided that I don't want any of them. I am going to make my own.
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dawntheduckrb · 7 months
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He's staring at me while I'm trying to read a journal
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wisterianwoman · 6 months
What is Shadow Work, and How Do I Do It?
What is Shadow Work, and how can it help you? Are you ready to confront your shadows and emerge into the light of authenticity and wholeness?
Within each of us, under the surface that we show to others, is a dark side, or a shadow self just beneath our skin. It sounds like a supervillain origin story when I put it that way, but I’m really just talking about the psychological concept of shadow work. What is Shadow Work? Within the shadow, we confront aspects of ourselves we’d rather keep concealed: our fears, insecurities, traumas,…
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anya-moon · 2 months
Your destiny is midnight sun
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I sense a lot of struggle in you now, your bitter craving for truth as you're disamored with exquisite lies, dancing on the edges of flower petals. No more.
Standing in front of the open door, looking into the strangely cool day of summer, realizing how illusions of you being so powerless, so lost for this world rising from the shadows,
your destiny is midnight sun above serene meadow, yet now you should go through the forest of harsh things you secretly told yourself were the only truth.
Your power to manifest, your nature, your vision, glory of the soul incarnated are here, buried under the mother mountain, behind the pale swords forged by fathers, patriarchs, your creeping fears.
And you can be furious now, in anger, in tears while imagining how many times you were left buried in misty mountains. Your hands are shaking, you're awaken so you're bitter and restless, rushing to answer every phone call from distant lands, healing old wounds with plasters bought in dimmy gasoline stations of nowhere. You know that there is only a way further, pushing, breaking through.
But your shadow is still laying down in the halls of the spirited away, transfixed with other people's dreams and desires, looking from the corner of her eye how life in the rhythms of the dark ocean, in waves is coming over her - a stone, a time capsule, a promise of journey back.
So one day you will see the garden, the path among trees crooked with the wind, someone waiting for you eternally, you will see the glimpses of far stars in everyday objects wrapped with the calmness of the island and you will know the truth of all this, the simplicity of no effort,
that will not be a dream but a vision your soul caught in the looking glass in the world of no beginning and came here to touch with her pearl hands.
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wellnoe · 11 months
hmm constantly feel as if i am trying to measure myself against a nonexistent standard, or else a standard that DOES exist but nobody will tell me the actual scope and criteria of.
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epicdogymoment · 4 months
the power of subversive imagery coming from its subversiveness, tabooness -> these properties arent inherent, they exist within and in opposition to a specific cultural "normal" that is constantly changing over time -> specific images which may or may not still be considered taboo ""in real life"" can in fact become trite and cliche in the context of tumblr/other online spaces
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