#atonement scp
sculptorofcrimson · 6 months
Yandere! Valdor
Valdor, the most loyal, the greatest of the Custodes, a Primarch in all but name. Who else can obsess more than him, whose every function besides loyalty was beaten out? A/N: Playing “fucked up obsessive twinks” on easy mode here, aren’t I? I’m sorry, SCP-XXXX who requested this, but you told me Valdor was a twink, and evil twinks are the best kind of men, so therefore this is your fault! Full throttle ahead, let us be damned together! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Relationships: Valdor/Gn!Reader, mentioned Valdor/Emperor Mentions: @kit-williams would you like some food?
Valdor does not love. 
The Custodes simply can not love. Their love perished beneath treachery and fire, ten thousand years ago, and they simply cannot piece the remnants that was a heart back together again. 
The Emperor took away their ability to love any but Himself, and what else could be left but a hollow void, an immortality without substances, a heart that beats while it lacks its other half? 
There was simply nothing left of him to spare when the Emperor had brought down his claws. His love, his joy, his dreams, all gone, wiped away like sand upon the sea. Leaving behind nothing more than a hollow without sustenance, a phantom vestige of a dream crushed long ago, its corpse entombed within perfected flesh and bone and blood. 
He loves no one, not even himself. When the Emperor died ten thousand years ago, he lost his way. He lost his tether to life itself. And for ten thousand years he wandered for the corpse of his master. There was a poem once, a poem so long ago about the loyal dog that stood guard before his master’s bones, who licked the once-petting hand once, and laid down to die. 
Valdor’s loyalty is no weaker than that dog’s.
He loves no one, not even himself. But he loves the Emperor. He loves Him, so brokenly, so obsessively, so utterly insane in his adoration, the First Custodian would have let Him tear him apart if He wished. 
He loved the Emperor. 
And that is why he loves you. He thinks you to be his Emperor. If not Him, then at least a shard.
He doesn’t care who you were, he doesn’t care whether you were once a captain, a Chapter Master, a Thunder Warrior even. He thinks you to be his master, back from the dead, one of His shards caught in life and flesh. 
He thinks you’re Him. Or, if not Him, at least a fragment of His former glory.
Valdor calls you his Emperor, his shard, his beloved, he ignores any name you had once in favor of calling you his master. A name is only a word, after all, and you are nothing but his Emperor reborn, in his mind. A guardsman, an Astarte, a Thunder Warrior, you are all mortal beneath his eyes. He only smiles that cold, humorless smile of his when you attempt to correct him, when he brushes off your words with the same cold, humorless disinterest. 
Valdor thinks you to be his Emperor. And he doesn't care that you were once someone else, you were not always his beloved, you were not the master he imagined, that you are not the master he built from memories and bones. 
You were nothing before his master, he reasons, you will be nothing after his master, and you were his Emperor once upon a time. It is doubtful if he can even know love, if he had not projected his own delusions of his Emperor upon another. Valdor failed Him once and only now the fates have judged him fit enough to protect a shard of Him, one that is so frail compared to himself, so unspeakably mortal, his atonement for the master he failed so long ago. 
He failed the Emperor once, and watched Him die. He will not do so again.
Protection. You will never walk free again, never without his cold presence by your side, that effortless, confident stride as he accompanies his master. You will never know the taste of sunlight, the easy voice of another conversationalist before their words taper off into uncertainty, and then fear, beneath the jealous glare of your bodyguard. How their sentences trail off, how Valdor looms like some ancient, murderous harpy, his shadow constantly overcasting yours.
He knows nothing of love, of human emotion. But he knows protection. And he knows obsession. 
Valdor is not a passionate man. But he is neither a cruel one either. Of course, Valdor will never raise a spear nor blade against his adoration, to strike his master would certainly mean death, but he will slaughter your loved ones without even horror. He will whisper litanies of loyalty on his knees while his Custodes sink in the knives. He will speak ironclad promises and gilded oaths when they label your soldiers traitors and slaughter them upon the snowfields, when they hail for unity, and hear the blade fall. 
He seems to like walks in wintery fields. It reminds him of what he lost long ago, when the Emperor took him atop Ararat, and he enacted His first vengeance upon the Thunder Warriors. He sometimes brings you there, to altitudes higher than even what a Space Marine can withstand, and gathers you beneath his cloak, whispering memories that were never truly yours, asking for your orders, asking for your forgiveness, asking if you can remember what it felt like ten thousand years ago.
(Sometimes, you can nearly believe him when he says you’re a shard. It’s flattering, almost, to be under the eye of the captain-general.)
He can kill. There is nothing left of him if he could not. Nothing but the Emperor’s spear, a sharpened tool meant to kill and to serve, and to be cast away when its function is complete. You have nothing to fear from him, of course, he would rather end himself than raise a blade against his master. But he loves no other. He does not know how to love. And that makes him dangerous. You know it when you gaze into his eyes, you are sure you could imagine him covered in the blood of your loved ones, guardian spear flashing as he hacks through them without even the shadow of hesitation. He will take no fear, no regret, no relief, barely even satisfaction in the grim act, and yet that is somehow more profane than joy in slaughter. Not even a single hint of joy, wild and unfettered in the sheer cruelty, not even a single hint of an ambition for why he would lay such altars of blood before his master’s feet, only simply because He wanted it to be so, and simply because he loved Him. 
In his eyes, you are his Emperor. But he does not always obey you. He does not kneel as he would’ve knelt before his master. Because he knows, Valdor knows that to protect Him, to serve Him properly, sometimes he must smother Him for His own good. It’s the twisted rationale of a dog who has lost his master, whose death had rocked him so thoroughly he was willing to kill to save Him again. 
Valdor kneels, of course. He’ll kneel before you and speak his words of loyalty, he’ll give you his names one by one if you only ask. Valdor has never considered himself eloquent with words, but he’ll listen to you, he’ll even let you command him as the Emperor would have done. Rank be damned, he cares not if his Emperor had been reborn as a guardsman or an Astartes or even a Thunder Warrior. 
But he does not hide his obsession. To obsess is the only way he knows to love, after all. He’ll smother his beloved with his protection, with his adoration. He’ll hack his way to be their only protector, their only bulwark before the madness, the only man they can trust to defend them. Gaze upon his Emperor once, he’ll tear them apart. Love the Emperor more than him, and he’ll bury their bones beneath the snowfields. 
And be loved by the Emperor more than him….and he’ll betray them as he had betrayed the Thunder Warriors. He’ll sink in golden knives and golden spears in turned backs without even the hint of remorse, Valdor will remind his beloved that it is he who is the servant, it is he who serves to be praised for his duty. Valdor can take you from your family as the Emperor took him from his, he’ll so effortlessly ensure the utter protection of his new Emperor, all for himself. 
No one will protect you more than I, my liege. 
It is he who should be the favored servant.
No one can love you more than I, my Emperor.
He’ll croon those litanies of loyalty to you. He’ll whisper those promises of protection, of ambition, he’ll promise you an eternity while standing atop the frozen ashes of your loved ones. He’ll promise you a throne if you don’t cry, if you’ll love him as his master did. He’ll bring you a crown of gold, he’ll strangle the living storm for you, if only you promise to let him protect you, if you promise if you’ll be his Emperor. 
You died once. I will not let you do so again, my Emperor.
And his obsession would never be checked, and much less ended by the true power behind the Imperium.
You are his Emperor. In that mind He broke so thoroughly long ago, you are the Emperor, reborn. Heavy is the head that bears the laurel, bloodied is the hand that holds this mad dog’s leash.
It is Valdor who should be the favored servant. 
No one will protect you more than I, my liege. 
He will protect you. 
He will protect you, obsess over you, guard you with the hollow that is a heart. He’ll bring you a throne, a crown, an army, an eternity, if only you promise, if only you’ll be his Emperor. 
The Emperor died ten thousand years ago. And in turn, he casted you in His corpse.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
as a cbeeduoer at heart, under what circumstances would fault beeduo enter their canon toxic escapist situationship that is also a marriage?
Alas I personally have no experience with cbeeduo marriage. However, Tubbo will be trying to rescue Ranboo, and I can picture a scenario where like they somehow need to use Phil's godflame but whuwoe that would kill Ranboo! So Tubbo is like okay we can't be hurt by Phil's fire because we're his Collected, and we're Phil's vicarious Collected because Tommy Collected us, SOO if we just Collect Ranboo he'll be immune to fire! And that's somehow how the rescue plot shakes out.
And like a week later Ranboo is like....okay so are we staying married or-
Tubbo essentially explained it really badly so Ranboo thinks they're married, but it's dangerous to be in battle around Phil without being Collected and so trying to undo it would probably get them killed (unfortunate given how much effort went into saving Ranboo + Tubbos' staunch mission to not get anyone killed). So after 5 minutes of blue screening Tubbo bursts out, somewhat hysterically, with "Of course honey! Where would we possibly find a divorce lawyer (Rhodes shut up shut up shut up)!!!!"
Now, I don't imagine Ranboo would be healthy in the SLIGHTEST about Tubbo given they saved him after an entire life in the Foundation. Hero worship doesn't even scratch it. And now Tubbo is kinda saddled with teaching this husk what the outside world is like which definitely becomes escapism for Tubbo since they can paint it all wonderful and kind and Ranboo hangs on their every word and believes because Ranboo needs salvation from their years of torment. Plus since Ranboo can't safely look at anyone, we can sprinkle in that cute headcannon about scp Tubbo being their 'seeing eye' bees as the one source of sweet in this mess. But also deepening dependency.
As for Michael...my current nod to him comes in the form of Miguel, who is Tubbos' pipsqueak nephew, who would also at that point be amnestized to hell and back and even looking at Tubbo would cause pain. So like that's child abuse if they take him in but obviously Ranboo and Tubbo aren't really on the level ? Maybe Tubbo took Miguel hoping that Ranboo could fix the amnestics he caused. Which is also a Looooot to put on Ranboo, since it's essentially "you destroyed our life and our chance of redemption in the form of this small child. Fix this thing you had no control in (or else divorce that destroys your fantasy of freedom?)". And assuming that works I guess Tubbo is now desperately trying to use Miguel as atonement and last connection to their family, and both are crazy over protective of Miguel knowing the horrors of the Foundation while trying to create the illusion of a normal life.
There, is that toxic enough for you?
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develation · 1 year
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Eldritch/Cosmic Horror AU: Ink Inkwell
"The most merciful thing in the world, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far." - H.P. Lovecraft
Inkwell, originally Ink, was taken from his modern home by an eldritch beast known as ABERRATION, who turned the shy skeleton into a creature of rot and decay so he could have the strength to save its lost twin, ARCHANGEL. Although its intentions were of goodwill, the following downward spiral shows how much a simple dose of the wrong type of power can ruin a person.
"The Fragments of Reality" is a story of redemption first and foremost, the overall theme is one of atonement and finding oneself beneath a dark smog of gruesome actions.
(Outline is 98% complete, fic continuation soon)
Eldritch Creatures
ABERRATION: Eldritch "Nightmare"
ARCHANGEL: Eldritch "Dream" (deceased)
THE NEON GOD: World parasite
THE KING IN YELLOW: Bearer of madness and damnation, the possessor of the eight eldritch terrors
ALDARNOTH: Tunneler between worlds
TYTO: The night
YOG ELARBASTOTH: Bearer of death and finality
YOG RYNORATH: Bearer of primordial existence and apparition
CARNHOLT: Alchemist
DAGON: Lark of decay and rot
CARCOSA: Harbinger of fatality
(Place your bets on who cursed Inkwell)
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"I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and amount those who are still men." - H.P. Lovecraft
Inkwell himself goes through multiple character evolutions throughout his story. The references shown here are at the peak of his arc, showcasing his uncontrollable rot, creature companions, and the full effects of the curse.
Though being a multiverse hopper, he becomes unable to use all he's seen as warning for others, and instead a telling of the future. When common inhabitants approach him, all Inkwell can see is the dead and rotting face of what awaits the unfortunate soul.
There is no light at the end of his mission, no joy at the obtainment of ABERRATION's goal, only the nothingness of the infinite dark, and the creatures that lie beyond and between.
"I spent too long hearkening to the whispers that brushed against my skull, carving their call of purpose and fulfillment. Becking with black tendrils and seafoam eyes. I heed the call like some desperate dog with its leash loose and its tail broken.
Even now I still chase those whispers and phantoms, as useless as it may be. I have chased for so long that I have become one of them, a ghost, a creature of foreign realm, a bad omen to not be spoken of.
Do not be the dog Cross, do not chase the murmurs against your skull, do not heed to the blackened tendrils and ceaseless eye. Turn around. Before death and decay follow your every step." - Inkwell
(Ask and fanart are welcome)
(Inspired by SCP and H.P. Lovecraft)
(In collab with @sunlit-witch 's 50/50 au (Equiverse). Huge thanks to them, @phinix53 , and @pastelaspirations for letting me brainstorm and hash out ideas.)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 19: Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned
Priests [SCP 049 X GN!AfabReader] 
[Warnings: rough sex, slight degradation, on an altar, choking, creampie, MINORS DNI]
[AN:  might revisit this one outside of kinktober lol. 1219 words <3.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Kinktober Masterlist
Is this what angels sound like when they sing? 
You can’t help but let the thought run wild in your head as you spread your legs wide once more. You’re trembling. Your inner thighs are coated with your arousal. Your body is heated, nearly on fire as you lay on the cold marble of the altar. You let out a whimper at how his long, spindly fingers slowly pull from your aching cunt and smear the fluids on your heated flesh before he pops them up to the space underneath his mask. The abyss under his chin envelops his hand and swallows him whole. 
Is he even human?
“Father,” you breathe out softly as you hook your leg around his waist and dare to pull him closer. “Have I atoned for my sins?” You ask it innocently and widen your eyes to show the glisten in them. You’ve never seen a priest wear a mask such as his, but you assume that this branch of the church runs by its own rules. You feel his gloved hands run up and down your thighs before he moves to your waist and presses down on your lower abdomen. 
“Non,” he begins. “I have not blessed you yet. Would you like me to?” He coos, his French accented voice dipping slightly as the beak of his mask leans down to bore into you. He presses your lower abdomen once more, almost as if he’s disappointed nothing is gushing out of you as a result. “Are you really, genuinely sorry for your sins, mon ange?” His voice is smooth and condescending, a tsk that rolls off his tongue you’ve yet to see and feel. 
You nod fervently as the head of his cock presses against your entrance. “Yes, Father,” you breathe out. “I would do anything to cleanse myself of my human nature to err.” You bend your knee a bit harder against his lower back. “Please, Father. Make me clean.” 
He hums softly and rubs the head of his inky black cock against your entrance. His clawed fingers delicately trace your lower abdomen before they reach between your legs. His index and middle fingers, decorated in the finest of sharpened gold, carefully spread your puffy lips apart. “D’accord, d’accord,” he hums as he just barely presses the head of his cock into you. “Let my body cleanse yours. By the will of God, it will be done.” 
You cry out loudly when he swings his hips thickly against you, his cock slipping past your tight, swollen lips to split you right open. You can feel him pushing in deeper and deeper, and hear him grunt at just how tightly you wrap around him. You pant as your chest dramatically rises and falls. You’re gripping at the ornamental placement mats on the altar and send your praises to the heavens. His cock is so big, girthy - you’re certain you’ve never taken one as big before. 
“Father-!” You mewl as your eyes roll upwards. You can feel sweat bead and roll down your forehead. Your moans choke in your throat when you feel him hilt. “You’re so deep, so big-”
“Do not complain, mon ange,” he grunts through his pants. The beak of his mask pokes against your chest as he bends his head downwards. His hands plant down on either side of you and grip the marble tightly. “You wanted me to forgive you of your sins, yes?” He slowly brings his hips back, letting his cock drag deliciously against your walls. “I’m cleansing you as we speak.” He chuckles deeply as he thrusts back into you. If you could see his eyes, you’d take note that he was captured with an almost euphoric glee at how good you were taking him. 
You rolled your hips up slightly in a vain attempt to gain more pleasure. “Please, please,” you absentmindedly beg as his hips slam into you. 
He pauses for a moment before hilting against you once more, the head of his cock resting against your cervix. “None of that,” he scolds as if you were a small child. “You’re only allowed pleasure when I say you are.” His hand wraps tightly around your neck as he presses you harder into the marble altar. He watches as heat rises to your cheeks. So, you’re enjoying it, aren’t you? With a deep chuckle, he begins to fuck you into the altar, his breathing picking up slightly as he watches your body bounce in just the right ways. He laughs in a deep, mocking tone when he feels your hole tighten around his cock. 
“O-Oh Father,” you cry out as you arch your back. “Please, please, please-” you can’t really say anything but beg for him like a wanton fallen angel. It’s sinful, what the two of you are doing. Your half lidded eyes look up and just barely catch a glimpse of Christ on the cross and it makes the butterflies in your stomach go feral. “I want to cum on your cock so bad,” you plead. 
He rolls his hips strongly into you a few more times before shaking his head. “I never said anything about you cumming,” he murmurs. “This is your punishment, non?” He suddenly leans very, very close and gets in your face. He slams his hips forwards to hammer in the message and grips your throat. “Look at me.” 
Slowly, you peel your eyes open and let the lust swirl and bathe him in light like the vision of holiness you know him to be. 
“You’re a whore, nothing more. The fact that I am even entertaining the act of blessing you makes me a saint.” He leans his beaked head into the crook of your neck and let his thrusts grow sloppy. His balls press against your ass as he pushes deeper and deeper, getting closer to spilling. He doesn’t care if you cum or not, only that you receive his blessings. “Mon dieu,” he deeply groans as he finds himself lost in the heaven of your body. His clawed hand grips your throat tight in just the right way before he hilts deep inside of you and cums. He growls deeply and ruts his hips a few more times, filling you to the brim with his warmth. Rope after rope of hot, sticky cum paints your insides. 
You want to cum so badly but refrain from upsetting your priest. Instead, you pulse and flutter around his cock and attempt to work him back up. Your hips roll slowly against him, but you already feel so full from how much he’s unloaded inside of you. “Father,” you quietly state. 
He hums out a ‘yes?’ and walks his fingers sweetly up and down your neck as a silent apology for how tightly he held you. 
“Am I… Cleansed yet?” You watch with that same heat plastered on your cheeks as he glances downwards where the two of you are still connected. You can feel some of his cum leaking out, spreading down your thighs onto the altar and his cock. 
He shakes his head and tsks his tongue. “Non, not by a long shot. You’ve yet to say the Hail Mary,” he trails off as his gilded fingers ghost over your clit. He chuckles when he hears you choke. 
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datadoggieein · 2 months
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Greyscale Pallit
Fanart for Dafydd Utica Foolfellow's Proposal for SCP-001. This is sort of an alternative "good" version of her.
I thought it would be either a copy with a somewhat inverted personality (who would referred to as the original Pallit's sister), or Pallit after she was deposed as a goddess, is significantly more mature, is remorseful for what she did to her universe, but also realizes there's no conceivable way she can atone.
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dailyrandomscp · 1 year
Today's random SCP of the day is SCP-5719: Atone
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agnol117 · 1 year
001 Proposals, Part III
djkaktus’s Proposal - Ouroboros
Part One: The Children
By rights, I should probably hate this one. It’s a big scary thing, after all. But my god, this one is great.
This probably isn’t a shock to anyone who’s read this far, but I much prefer when there’s actual supplemental material to when there’s just a dry list of containment protocols and then a description of the item. That’s a good start, but I feel like the narrative (the tests, the recovery logs, all that fun stuff) is what really makes it come alive. And my god does this one deliver. It’s a fantastically told story. The idea of nine kids turned into a weapon really works for me. It’s just the right amount of amorality, because it explores another favorite trope of mine: you’ve got these things sitting around, why not use them? So they do, and predictably, the person using it goes a bit mad with power. Fantastic. Chef’s kiss. I love it.
Part Two: The Broken God
Once again, we have a big scary thing done in a way that I actually like. Hats off to the writers of this one for that (I still think I’d prefer SCP-001 to just be a random “first” item found, though). 
The Broken God is a fascinating concept. It manages to hit both my love of man-made skips and love of skips that are just sort of there mysteriously with no readily apparent origin. I also just like the idea of mechanical abominations, honestly. And the idea of attempting to put it back together is great. Combined with some good old fashioned lore connections to other SCPs, and you’ve got a proposal I genuinely enjoyed.
Part Three: Atonement
Meh. I don’t have a lot of thoughts on this one. It’s a person who worked for the foundation and hated SCPs, then got turned into one with the power to destroy them all, and talked the 05s into letting it do it. Or begin to do it, anyway. It’s not quite a big scary thing, though it comes close, but beyond that it just feels too…I dunno, human? It wants to destroy all the SCPs and everyone who’s ever interacted with them, probably in a sort of revenge for the fact that when it was human, his daughter was killed by an SCP. It’s well written, but it’s tonally weird.
Part Four: The Way It Ends
This one is a doozy, and will probably get its own, whole post at some point in the future. There’s just so much here, and a brief entry like this cannot do it justice. Watch for a follow up.
Kate McTiriss’s Proposal - A Record
I like this one more than I thought I would, actually. It inverts the big scary thing problem I dislike in 001 proposals so much. Sure, it’s still a big scary thing, but it’s a big scary thing that’s ultimately benevolent and wants to help the foundation. That’s a definite plus. Also, despite being meta, it’s not nearly as obnoxious about it as the Database.
Kalinin’s Proposal - Past and Future
Just straight up did not like this one. Big scary thing from outer space, wants to destroy humanity. Neat.
I’m also gonna take this opportunity to say that while I don’t mind reading tales and/or supplemental reports, when the front proposal page contains no real info but instead links to several other pages, my interest drops kinda quickly.
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#anyway i have been up since dawn yesterday apart from a very short nap when i could get my brain off the trauma treadmill
My Top Posts in 2022:
Today’s Mood
I want to put him in a jar and shake him violently 
15 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Prince Renathal looking at the Maw Walker ""ah, he's/she's wonderful. I will eat all his/her flaws"
17 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
The Revendreth headcanon of the day is just a quote today.
Denathrius: Hangovers are the natural atonement for failing to know one's limits.
19 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
The implication the Elias schedules his sex life. 
Is amazing.
It’s that most in-character thing I have ever seen. It’s so HIM.
props to @orderforbrian for that one! 
20 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It is just unfair that I can’t giggle like Michael Distortion
122 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shiny-teeth · 3 years
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“A way out.”
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bitsinakaleidoscope · 4 years
So I’ve been playing around with this idea for around half a day by now [because it literally came to me right as I was trying to fucking go to sleep]. Basically it’s me shifting the CotBG sects further towards Transhumanist Machine Cult than Doomsday Machine Cult. There’s also gonna be some stuff about the Foundation at the end, and I SWEAR it’s not because I’m completely used to O5verthinking’s O5-1 “Founder” [/lh you’re great, Rosencrantz].
Putting this under a read more because I have chronic Write An Entire Academic Paper syndrome.
To kick this off, I need to explain what’s going to change with the Mekhanites before I say why. Each sect basically gets their own brand of transhumanism from each other. The Broken Church is metaphorical and boring, at least in the sense of what they do with their bodies. I can imagine that exploring the thoughts of a follower of the Broken Church would be really interesting. The Cogwork Orthodoxy, of course, is going full on transhumanism. They’re trying to build themselves in the likeness of MEKHANE, to an incredibly literal extent. The Maxwellists overall seem to be a more “mind over matter” sect. I don’t think they’re trying to revoke every single organic material there is on themselves. They’re more focused on augmentations, improvements, making it easier for their minds to make a machine out of their bodies, without actually making it all metal. If Orthodoxy people would replace their entire limbs with new metal ones, Maxwellists would be more likely to wear an exoskeleton. Of course, this is ignoring prosthesis, in which case I’d assume every sect has something for that. Overall, instead of going we have to reassemble MEKHANE Themself, they’re more like we need to build our likenesses to resemble MEKHANE Themself.
Now, the reason why I made this change is the potential conflict there could be with the concept of substitutionary atonement. A quick explanation of what substitutionary atonement is, for those who might not know, is basically the whole “Jesus died for your sins” thing. MEKHANE broke Herself in order to cage Yaldabaoth, and now everyone needs to work to evoke Her image the best they can themself. Of course, there are going to be people who object to this ideology, but still believe/follow MEKHANE. These people are the classic “Let’s find all the parts of the Broken God and put Him back together!” followers that I’m assuming the CotBG was created for in the first place. Their work towards transhumanism is meant so that they can aid in combating and defeating Yaldabaoth once and for all, after reassembling MEKHANE. If MEKHANE wants us to be whole, then MEKHANE should be whole as well.
Adjacent to them, there are the Nalkans who are basically just like “Imagine following a god who hands you your transhumanism on a silver platter” [then again, I could easily shorten that to “Imagine following a god”]. This also falls in line with Nalkan beliefs [at least the newer interpretations of them], where they work to elevate themselves. Or only themself, if they’re one of the goddamn filthy capitalists [/lh]. They don’t believe in the sacrifice of one to benefit all. They either believe in the cooperation of all to benefit all, or capitalism [goddamn it, Neo Nalkans]. They would scoff at the idea of following any entity and making themselves in that entity’s likeness. They’re gonna take their flesh and make it however they want it to be like, fuck any entity who tries to tell them otherwise.
And now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for, how does the Foundation fit in here. Well, I’d say they’re practically high on substitutionary atonement. Look no further than the phrase “We die in the dark, so you can live in the light.” Though this is on the level of an entire group, they’re willing to put themselves through constant suffering in order to keep the world from ending. They stretch themselves thin in order to keep the Construct afloat. Hell, D-Class are promised atonement if they aid in the containment of different SCPs, and survive. But this will never come, as they aren’t the ones who will be atoned. The Foundation is trying their hardest to keep humanity from being damned. And, surprisingly enough, so is the GOC.
In the Operative’s Handbook, there are two main headers: “You are expendable” and “You are not disposable.” The section labeled “You are expendable” explains how, out of the billions of people alive, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect them. For “You are not disposable,” they clarify that the person can’t just throw themself around, because they have limited resources. Overall, this is a similar attitude to what the Foundation feels, though for the Foundation, it’s less given through order in a handbook and more inherited from the culture surrounding the group. Both the Foundation and the GOC, though in opposition over what to do with dangerous anomalies, still follow the idea of substitutionary atonement. They’re both standing on the front lines of a threat that could destroy humanity, and they’re allowing themselves to bear that brunt.
And there really isn’t much opposition to those two doing that shit on site. Like, yeah, you’ll have the Foundation undermine the GOC, GOC undermine the Foundation, UIU might get something in against either one of them, but overall, nobody’s really complaining about the whole substitutionary atonement thing. I’m not counting the Serpent’s Hand or Chaos Insurgency in this, they’re both too disorganized to count. Though, having a cell of either one of those groups being opposed to the Foundation and/or GOC because of the reason that no group should have to condemn themselves to suffering would be an interesting thing to see.
Treading into the land of Personal Canon, the conflict within the Normalcy Org. gang arises when the Foundation expects other groups/people to throw themselves to the front lines “for the sake of the Veil/Construct.” The choice is simple to them, one or a few people’s lives or the Veil/Construct. And the answer is simple as well, a handful of people is nothing compared to reality as a whole, therefore they should be down to sacrifice themselves. The UNGOC, being the distant oversight group that they are, are totally down with this. Groups nearer to Normalcy, however, don’t agree with this. For them, a life, human or otherwise, is still just as precious as anything else. For them, even if it might risk the collapse of the Veil or destruction of the Construct, they want to find a way for everyone to get out alive.
Drawing from An Unconventional Tail, the UIU- and, in extent, JOVE- is better at minimizing injuries and casualties than the Foundation is, most likely because their first thought is “How can I solve this without harming anyone” instead of “How can I solve this with the least casualties.” They go in with the idea of no man left behind, the Foundation wouldn’t feel as bad if a handful died. In theory, the UNGOC would be closer towards the UIU but even site canon says they’re willing to discard “Protection” for the sake of “Survival.”
Now, I’m not saying any group is in the wrong here. Each group’s goals call for different mentalities and beliefs. However, that must be kept in mind when each of them are interacting with each other, and that’s when the problems arise. When there’s a failure to understand the, well, culture surrounding the other group, you’ll get conflict.
Moral of the story aside, that’s all I have for this so far. Expect to see this pop up in whatever stuff I write, if I ever end up posting that shit on here.
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ask-glados · 3 years
The SCP Foundation is an organization that contains and test anomalies to keep the world normal or to keep the whole planet from being destroyed
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“Sounds like what Black Mesa should be doing right now to atone for their mistakes.”
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dino--draws · 2 years
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Three character portraits done for session icons for the three D&D campaigns/TTRPGs that I am in!
The name of the first character is Athanataa, and she is from a pokemon campaign set in ancient Hoenn (called Hoenn Legends: The Epilsion Olympics). She’s an eonesse (worshipper of the eon duo) blacksmith who may or may not have commited some crimes and is now taking part in the tournament to unite the region to atone. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted art of her and her team before cause Hoenn Legends has been running since I believe January? Love her to pieces me and the DM decided “We can make her worse” recently and added more crimes to her list. 
The second is named Nobody and they are from an SCP campaign (called All for One). The DM jokes they’re the campaigns most wanted and there is a reason for that smh. They’re a whore. The campaign starts in exactly 10 days and I am so damn hyped for it. 
The third is Dimitri, and he’s from a Liminal Horror/Backrooms campaign (called Requiem for the Lost)! He has. commited what probably counts as actual warcrimes but it’s fiiiiiine. He’s just a goofy silly unhinged guy. We just had the first session of his campaign today and I love writing him already he’s great. 
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holdharmonysacred · 3 years
I more or less finished reading the text Let’s Play of Lobotomy Corporation and I feel like I just climbed a whole damn mountain, received divine wisdom from God, and returned to share what I gained with the world.
I have so much to say about this game once I process everything I just read. It’s about bootleg SCPs. It’s a late-stage capitalism simulator. It’s a New Weird Cyberpunk story. It’s about Girlbosses. It’s a game about fear. It’s a game about facing humanity’s worst nightmares, and learning how to manage those fears. It’s a game about Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism. It’s a game about suffering. It’s a game about grief and the loss of loved ones. It’s a game about helping people overcome their traumas. It’s a game about overcoming your own trauma. It’s a game about facing the worst parts of yourself - your worst flaws, your worst sins, the worst versions of you - and growing to be a better person in spite of (or perhaps because of) it all. It’s a game about digging deep into the depths of unending hell, and coming back around to the top again. It’s about a Modern Prometheus, and the Creation, that child of his, who brought his dreams crashing down. It’s about one little sin and a hundred good deeds. It’s about a hundred sins and one single good deed. It’s about a man, one who did so many horrible things, hurt so many people, caused so much misery and pain, and his quest to atone and make the world a better place. It’s about trees. It’s about embracing the past and breaking the cycle. It’s about facing the fear and building the future.
For the love of god, play Lobotomy Corporation. Read the Let’s Play thread of the game on Something Awful if you’re a weenie like me. I beg of you all, PLEASE experience this fucking game with me.
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zisurru · 5 years
What if I don't like SCP 076 and SCP 073 but still respect other's opinions of them? Personally, I don't like SCP 076 or 073 because while I do think the twist with Abel becoming the very thing he hated/was killed by the most is interesting; I just feel like it's kinda badly executed? Like, I feel like Abel doesn't really have a deeper motivation for killing people besides "Oh, he's pissed" or that hes supposed to be this warrior archetype? Cain, I just find disappointing and boring.
i never meant to make it seem like i’m judging people for liking or disliking a character or even being critical of them - the thing that gets under my skin is people being needlessly nasty about the fact that there are people who enjoy(ed) reading about them, a lot of whom are kids. i think there are times when criticism isn’t even intended to be constructive and is just ill-tempered venting of the spleen.
i 100% agree with you btw - cool concept, lackluster execution. what i like about these characters now (besides the nostalgia) is mostly down to what could have been. so we’ve got one of the most archetypal “victim and villain” narratives ever, except we’ve flipped it…maybe. there’s plenty that could be explored about culpability: if cain has done awful things but has worked hard to atone for his actions thousands of years ago and to improve the world around him, does that absolve him? if able is the way he is because of what happened to him, who is responsible for all the people he killed? at what point is a victim not a victim anymore through the choices they’ve made?
you could spin it into a narrative about the cycle of intergenerational violence, even!
as for able’s character…i think that some of the more recent interpretations are pretty good. he was written as “this is my oc hugedick mcswordsalot, he is very cool and cannot die”, but what he really is is a person who is selfish, childish, impulsive, arrogant, even vain. you’ve got a brat with big muscles who’s 10 millenia old. that’s fun!
but able is someone who has been stuck in the same place, mentally and emotionally, for so long that he’s lost all sight of there being anything else for him except repeating the same brutal, pointless cycle, over and over, forever. it doesn’t even feel like a choice anymore. there’s something slightly sad in that, i think. what a waste of a life.
tl;dr love my horrible garbage man.
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There's a lot of references in this piece that won't make any sense since I don't talk about Elnur much on here but whatever lmao.
Regardless, this is Elnur. He is leader of his own Group of Interest, Zenaida’s Order, created by myself and a friend. He is probably the most ethical character you will ever interact with. He cares about all personnel and anomalies he interacts with. He does his best to help them and make sure that their lives are at the highest quality they can be at, but even so, he feels a lot of guilt for the personnel he can't save and for the anomalies that will never experience true freedom.
I am in the middle of rewriting part of his story, but right now I have a concept based around 'stigmata'. I am not a religious person myself, but Elnur is, so I wanted to try and challenge myself by 1) having a religious character and 2) put a religious entity in an SCP setting and face those conflicts. He ends up dying for the people's sins to atone for his guilt and is reborn as somewhat of a prophet? I honestly don't really know yet. Anyways, dogs have a lot of symbolism for Elnur. One ripped out his throat and another is his service dog. Orange is the color of the ZO (and also might be my favorite color), hence the color palette. And yes, he used to be a combative earlier in his life, so he was in shape for quite some time. Now, not as much, as health and injuries have prevented him from working out, but he isn't in poor shape either
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brassandblue · 2 years
More drafts tomorrow.
But here, have some headcanons:
- Arthur did a sort of “12 step” program in the 1980s and early 1990s while getting clean of drugs, including going around and trying to make amends/atone for the bridges he’d burned in the last 200 years
- Modern Ben is kind of agnostic after his time in the Army
- Vampire!Goodsir is a passive vigilante in that he vigorously investigates wrongdoing as a doctor and later a pathologist. I’d pay to see a modern crime procedural about him solving cases with reincarnated members of the expedition crews.
- Night in the Museum!Goodsir is quite the explorer! His curiosity is seemingly insatiable and only limited by his tiny stature and the need to return to the exhibit before sunrise.
- Arthur has not willingly spoken to Charles (yes, that Charles) since Diana’s death. He will only communicate through the Queen or Camilla. There are only so many ways one can protest a system over which one has shockingly little control. (Charles is not the only royal Arthur refuses to interact with.)
- Jesse likes to hang out with Arish and listen to metal and play cards. She gets pretty competitive. Emily is banned from cards playing because they caught her counting but she still hangs around to cheer her wife—I mean Jesse on.
- The FBC has a portal to a variant of the SCP Foundation.
- Ben learned his meticulous hygiene skills from his mother but when in the wilds they fall out the window and he becomes a trash hobo in a waistcoat.
- Arthur is pansexual but the main things that he finds attractive are: Intelligence, confidence, sense of style, and level of empathy/self-reflection.
- Blanky is a straight-shooter but he isn’t a fool. He’s observant and methodical, enough to be an ice master and a capable sailor even at his age. Still, he’s more practical-minded, and thus without the patience to consider the politics of being a proper captain and rising in the ranks of the Royal Navy.
- Modern Blanky had a cast of his lost leg made and it’s mounted on his wall.
- Modern Blanky also has a dog named Sir Francis Roscoe Sebastian Blanky and he loves that damn dog.
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