#.// hope perches in the soul (ooc)
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brassandblue · 7 months ago
Hello, all—
I think it’s time I admit that I may not be coming back, at least for a while.
I really miss rp and writing. The desire is there—it is very much alive and well—but you need more than the desire. You need the energy, the wellspring of creativity and substance, and the time. As my medical conditions worsen, and as I continue to seek stability in obtaining effective treatment, the energy just isn’t there, even if all else remains.
I feel terribly guilty for just consistently going, “I’ll be back!” And then… not. Granted, there are valid reasons, many of which were unforeseen circumstances. Nonetheless, that and how tired I’ve been have kept me away.
There are two solutions here: I scale back considerably with regard to muses, and just set the expectation that I am low activity. Or I just… bite the bullet and close up shop; but I am loathe to abandon something that is both important to me and a collaborative effort.
At the end of the day, I don’t want to keep stringing people along. I also think seeing it as an all-or-nothing thing has been, in part, contributing to my inactivity in the first place.
All that said, I’m open to feedback. Writing is a hobby I don’t want to give up on, but I want to not make attempts that frustrate and alienate my writing partners.
Hope y’all are well. x
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witchhaunts · 11 months ago
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WITCHHAUNTS  :  n.  (  wɪtʃ  ’  hɑːnts  )  you  are  an  amalgamation  of  all  the  faces  looking  back  at  you
independent  &.  selective fandomless dark fantasy  original  character.  low  activity  &.  mutuals  only.  oc  ,  canon  &.  multi  —  muse  friendly.  summoned  by  fey.
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A  STUDY  IN  :  the  hare  &.  the  hawk  ,  a  haunting  is  requited  ,  identity  &.  lack  thereof  &.  finding  it  ,  duty  vs.  desire  ,  mothers  &.  daughters  ,  pandora’s�� storm  ,  the  importance  &.  power  of  names  ,  eldest  daughter  syndrome  ,  reflections  of  yourself  &.  others  ,  finding  the  soft  epilogue
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                   WHAT  PART  OF  THIS  HAUNTED  HOUSE  ARE  YOU  ?                                                     THE  MIRROR.
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brassandblue · 1 year ago
okay but this is my fave addition to this post, esp because of the username:
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everyone always talks about how jopson is so loyal to crozier, but lest we forget he is a gossipy bitch first and foremost. and i quote, “you can ask jopson … he’ll offer anyone a drink if he can have one too.” like he didn’t have to air francis’ dirty laundry like that
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vxnuslogy · 1 year ago
🍿lights, camera, action .ᐟ
a modern/actor au | alastor x gn! reader
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summary: after the initial success of hazbin hotel’s first season, it was no surprise that season two would already be in production as we speak — now focused on heaven and how a soul is judged in purgatory. and luck you! you’ve landed the role of the main character “libra”.
as an angel, life in heaven was supposed to be fine and dandy — if you ignore your script and the potential angst your character holds. well, that is until, you get paired up with the infamous radio demon for an interview after adam decided to chicken out.
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warnings: swearing (lots of it) and use of foul language, crack, mentions of alcohol consumption, fast-burn-ish (?), the use of a friend's original character, ooc-ness, will be updated as the series continues
status: work in progress
writer's notes:
this will be my first series in this account so please bare with me
apologies in advance for any grammatical errors, english isn't my first language and i haven't written anything in a hot minute (and i find alastor a bit hard to write so please bare with me as i try to write him)
this series will serve as my gateway to writing again and starting anew on this account
im currently busy with school so updates will be irregular
taglist ━ open .ᐟ
if you'd like to be tagged, please don't be afraid to shoot me an ask or comment! if your user is in bold you might want to check your visibility settings.
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chapter 1 — red suit
preview: one can only wonder what alastor did to adam for him to suddenly thrust his responsibility of attending this interview to you. well, you aren't really mad, who were you to decline a chance to meet the ever so charming radio demon.
chapter 2 — hang on for deer life!
preview: “what in the seraphim’s names is radioscales?” you ask genuinely, eyes filled with confusion as azrail just laughed at your side. he’s been telling you how much you’ve been embracing your role as ‘libra’, so much that you’ve adopted their way of speech. rolling your eyes in mild-annoyance, you elbow the man beside you, nearly making him loose his hold on the coffee cup in his hand.
chapter 3 — drinkin’ time
preview: “and the nominees for the best actor and actress awards from hazbin hotel are…” everyone waited with bated breath as sera’s eyes glazed over everyone that’s been on the edge of their seat.
chapter 4 — let the good times roll!
preview: azrail laughed at his theatrics, and kept throwing you glances and elbowing you lightly. and being the ever so mature person that you are, you elbow him back — throwing a kick at his shin from under the table as a bonus before listening to the radio demon that was perched on the stage.
chapter 5 — get me with those brown eyes
preview: he paid no mind when the two overly enthusiastic children asked him to review this new cafe, and he agreed. what a big surprise (not) to see you at one of the seats waving at him with an amused smile on your lips.
chapter 6 — wife stealer
preview: you looked at alastor with wide eyes as he grinned down at you. azrail’s mouth hung open in both shock and excitement as alastor said with a smile, “i hope you don’t mind me stealing your wife.”
tba . . .
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© vxnuslogy 2024. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my knowledge or consent in other platforms or websites.
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the-whispers-of-death · 1 year ago
can you do Keegan x male reader who is just a tad bit dumb. Like he is terrible at math, dense, silly, easily distracted. OH and gets lost a lot bcs he likes to wander?
I'll admit that I've never watched a play through of Call of Duty: Ghosts (I say watch because I'm not a gamer but have watched the reboot versions of Modern Warfare 1 & 2), but I have read through the Wiki pages of Keegan P. Russ, just for this. That being said, he's probably OOC (but I mean, I write all of them as softies so let's just chalk this up to that).
Another thing of note is that this civilian male reader. Also, I think I made him to be a little on the autism spectrum with the way he doesn't understand certain idioms and phrases.
I hope you enjoy!
Keegan loved you, in his own quiet way. He wasn't much of a talker, preferred to let you lead the conversation as you talked on and on about anything and everything. He mostly spoke to ask you something about what you were speaking on, a subtle indication that he was listening.
He loved you in the way he so patiently waited for you to solve a simple math problem, like how much difference a 10% off sale would make if the original price was fifteen dollars. He knew math wasn't your strong suit, but he didn't care. You'd arrive to the answer eventually, he knew that.
He loved you in the way he had to explain certain idioms and phrases to you, uncaring how you didn't even know that being offered to go to someone's place for a cup of coffee in the middle of night was an offer of sex. You didn't understand things sometimes and he understood that. They were intentionally vague, he'd tell you when you got flustered at being corrected about your misassumptions.
He loved you in the way you kept wandering off when walking around anywhere with him, whether it was you two walking in the park or out in a shopping center. Your attention was easily caught and it made you wander over to a plant or animal or piece of merchandise. He'd simply trail after you, smiling as you pointed out to him whatever you were looking at.
"Look, Keegan! A butterfly," you murmured, pointing at a nearby butterfly which was perched onto a flower. Its wings were so breathtaking, you just had to have stopped to look at the beautiful creature.
Keegan looked over your shoulder to the butterfly you were pointing at, chuckling in gentle amusement. "It's beautiful," he said before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you. "But it's not as beautiful as my boyfriend."
Oh, how he relished the way you laughed and lit up in response. You loved when he called you his boyfriend, which you were. You had thought a military man—a Marine—like him would shy away from being out and proud about having a boyfriend, but he quickly proved you wrong.
His squad, the Ghosts, knew all about you. Keegan very happily told them about you, how your little quirks were so endearing. How you were the home he was fighting to go back to when he was on deployments. Oh they knew so well how much he loved you, how you were the sun and the moon and the stars of his universe.
You were everything to him and while he didn't say it often, he showed his love to you in so many ways.
How his hand reached for yours whenever you two were in a crowd so he didn't lose you if you wandered off. How he gave you the answers to a difficult math problem when you were clearly struggling to answer it. How he tried his best to word his sentences in a way that wasn't so vague so you didn't feel embarrassed about misinterpreting his words. How he drank in every word you said, relishing in the way your voice washed over him like a soothing balm to his soul.
Keegan loved you, though you were eccentric and loud where he was quiet and withdrawn. He never regretted being your boyfriend, not one single bit.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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thrpr0phetuseek · 2 months ago
ooc: holiday-related asks you say... I'm here to deliver! also, I hope you have loads of fun despite the business!! :D /gen
Holidays were always a fun part of the year for Odysseus; mostly due to the fact it meant extended time with family and friends. Often including extravagant meals and games at his palace.
While the past twenty years had events that made the holidays rather miserable the war, being stuck on an island, and getting into conflicts with the gods there was a few people Odysseus could still spend his time with.
The siren doesn't announce themselves as they approach the prophet's island, deciding to make their presence known at first by getting just close enough to brush his fingers against Tiresias' sides in a surprise tickle.
[ in the underworld, time can feel—and normally is—pretty irrelevant. It doesn’t get colder nor warmer, and there’s no signs for whenever the seasons change. Once dead, your sense of time and space begins to fade away, especially because there’s no need for it. Even still, Tiresias acutely aware that there were certain times more people were excited about one day or week than others, and it didn’t often take a genius to see when that time came around, much less a prophet ]
[ usually they sat closest to their willow tree, or at the highest peak of their isle, but through more visits, they have begun sitting down by the rocky shores more often. Particularly, they have found a perch for themselves on a rock not too far from the island, but not attached to it, either. It was a peaceful rock, and where they sat now, blindly zoning out and instead tuning in to the birds, and the whispers of the souls ]
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brassandblue · 1 year ago
I love that Tumblr is open on my computer, too.
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If anyone is wondering why @brassandblue takes ages to reply.. My dog is why. I swear Zelda is soliciting affection from the roommate for the explicit purpose of making me jealous.
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godblooded · 2 years ago
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@misereternal and i have just created disasters so unprofessional—
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magiaesabiduria · 4 years ago
i’m sitting here thinking about wanting to write a modern plot involving either john or dre (or both, lbr, john would submit to her in a second) living in an apartment complex with a private park/pond and they one day just notice that the person who lives in the apartment across the park/pond from them is super attractive and they’re always playing songs that the other enjoys so one day they just sort of hit it off and start visiting each other or having “totally platonic” meals together at the park on their days off then next thing they know “oh shit i think i love you” and yeah. gimme, thanks. 
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brassandblue · 1 year ago
Like for a starter/for me to send you memes!
Please specify for who, and if you have any particular AU wants/needs, say that too. For character info and ‘verse info, check my nav, it’s all laid out nicely.
Vocal muses are: Arthur, Jack, the Railroad Man
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brassandblue · 3 years ago
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fitzjames with a proper plumed corinthian helmet and a hoplite shield, as a britannia costume should include. this is what I study archaeology for, folks.
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witchhaunts · 4 months ago
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs - it's time to spread positivity ! 😚😚😚
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brassandblue · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Edward Little! - Dec. 14, 1811
(And also to Matthew Mcnulty)
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magiaesabiduria · 4 years ago
Do you have any plots you've wanted to do with your characters but haven't had the opportunity yet?
Yes and no? I have plenty of plots I don’t have current threads for but have done in the past that I would DIE for again so it’s not necessarily a lack of opportunity it’s just people move on, threads/muses get dropped, life happens. 
I’m a sucker for an escort / sugar baby AU
John and Draco would likely fit the paid party role in these.
Severus (vamp verse), Erebus, Margo would best fit the other role. 
Historical AUs; all of them. But specifically the arranged marriage angle or the forbidden relationship between royal and servant/plebe. I have a few muses with existing Historical verses but I am willing to drop just about any of my muses in those scenarios because YES. 
And on this note: slave / master in this setting bc YES
Childhood best friends, practically siblings who know everything about each other and can tell when the other is having relationship issues or when they are just having an all around shitty day. This would be mostly platonic ship but I suppose it can turn into one-sided love or even a full fledged ship. 
Professor / student / teaching aide plots because can never have enough. 
Enemy to lover, enemy to friend, enemy to reluctant partner, enemy to LOVE OF MY LIFE lmao. (: 
Prison plots (either partner in jail or ex-con and normie).
Honestly, I’m up for a lot of plots and a lot of different dynamics and it’s just a matter of finding muses who fit or picking which of my muses would be willing to do that specific plot. So, I guess, if you have a specific plot or ship dynamic you are interested in feel free to DM me (or anon ask if you’re a shy human like I am x.x) and I’ll answer to the best of my ability. 
<333333 thank you for ask, love. 
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brassandblue · 1 year ago
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Sketch dump of Arthur.
We’ve got uhh Tudor teen, 17thc teen sailor, 14thc baby teen, Tudor again, 18thc smug lad, the rest are 19thc to modern day mix.
Which is ur fave??
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witchhaunts · 7 months ago
raspberry, charcoal, lilac, sapphire.
Same all the way around bestie <3
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