#ahh yes a fellow December baby
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brassandblue · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Edward Little! - Dec. 14, 1811
(And also to Matthew Mcnulty)
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agathariostan · 7 years ago
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So it’s been awhile since I posted anything. Well my fellow earpers here’s a story for ya. Now most of you know I chill while my moms with her clients so before we left I checked the weather & the weather man ( YES YOU WEATHER MAN whose name I can’t remember! You asshole! 😂) said that today was suppose to be nice & “Sunny” Ahahahaha mutherfucker was wrong! It’s below freezing & it’s raining cold tits out (don’t know why I said that 😂) so I realized that my mom forgot to give me the keys to the car so to keep warm I’m running around. Jumping or rolling & Occasionally loud singing. When finally I get a phone call from my mom so I snap & told her to get that tiny ass of hers out the damn building and gimme those keys...little did I know she then tells me what the hell? The cars been unlocked but then laughed maniacally as she told me she beeped the car so now it’s locked and then hung up. So I’m furious & I ran into a puddle oh wait it gets better I’m barely wearing clothes 🤪 yeah a hoodie with shorts no socks & shoes now I’m trying not to die of hypothermia so my phone pings ( yes it’s a pic of my baby) nooope it’s a pic of my mom and the keys and her warm drink. I’m like woman!!! Gimme those keys!!! So she said to come and get them and I’m pretty much soaked to hell and the people told me to leave and I quote “we don’t got any money bum get outta here” lmao now normally I would laugh but I’m too cold to even respond to that and ms chuckles didn’t say I was her daughter I’m like if this woman doesn’t give me the keys I’m gonna piss on the floor! (Totally a joke 😉) so after all that I finally get the keys and when I return finally getting warmed up it’s now a pic of Dom! I’m like “Ahh my baby” but I’m too freaking wet and cold to appreciate my baby 😂🤪😭. Maybe when I’m not freezing to death I’ll go back and admire mah boo 🤪. P.S I miss Dominique Provost-Chalkley!!! But on a brighter note excited that they shoot in December so can’t wait for that.
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merdershewrote · 8 years ago
The Other Side - Episode 2: Shadows (Part 2)
Scene 6
Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. Owen paces up and down Bailey’s office, fretting.
BAILEY Were you going to say something, Hunt?
OWEN (sighing and sitting down at her desk) I need a helicopter.

I beg your pardon?!
OWEN Look, it’s an emergency
BAILEY Last time I checked, that’s for the paramedics to take care of?
OWEN No, it needs to be me…what I’m saying is…I need to go. It’s a..uh…organ retrieval. Brain dead guy…he’s a perfect match for one of my patients…critical condition…they will die without a liver
BAILEY From where?
OWEN L.A., California
BAILEY Couldn’t one of the general surgeons handle it? Grey?
She catches the earnest, desperate look in his eye…it HAS to be him. She understands and inhales as if to give an inaudible “OH!”. 
BAILEY (looking back at her computer screen, fumbling with the keyboard) Why does this plan seem to worry me so much?
OWEN Trust me on this. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need it.
BAILEY I’ll contact the HEMS team right away.
OWEN (clasping his hands together and trying to suppress a sigh of relief) Thank you! Thank god! Thank you so much!
He gets up and leaves her office immediately, half sprinting
BAILEY One thing, Owen!
OWEN (poking his head back around the door) Yep!
BAILEY (in the tone only Bailey can truly deliver)

If, for whatever reason, this helicopter crashes, please don’t try to sue the hospital. I have enough paperwork and earache as it is.
Scene 7
A play-park, somewhere in Los Angeles. The day is cold, crisp, sunny: perfect. Amelia pushes Henry on the swings. He is giddy with happiness as his legs dangle over the side of the seat, his dark hair going crazy in the wind.
HENRY Higher! Higher!

I can’t push you any harder Henry or you’ll go flying off the swing!
HENRY Wahoo!!!
Amelia feels her cell vibrate in her pocket. She pushes Henry absent-mindedly with one hand, whilst checking her messages with the other. To her surprise, Sheldon’s name appears, the text reads:
SHELDON Hey, are you free for coffee by chance tomorrow pm? It would be great to catch up properly. She fumbles with the phone for a second then types quickly, Yes, I’d love that! A Xxx Before erasing the text and replacing it with a simple: Yeah, awesome x
She looks around to see if Addison is almost there. Her phone clock reads 16:38 - she is late to pick up Henry.
HENRY (kicking his legs on the dusty asphalt to bring the swing to a stop) I’m going on the climbing frame now. Race you there!

 He takes off before Amelia has a chance to even put her cell away.

Wait up, lightning Henry!!
She jogs casually towards Henry, smiling at him as he ascends the ladder.
HENRY I’m the king of the castle and you’re the dirty rascal!!

Ahh I guess you beat me this time!
HENRY Come on!! Climb up here!
AMELIA Not possible, kiddo!

HENRY Oh…whyyy?!

Because I’m not a kiddo anymore, little one. This playpark is only for tiny humans.
She was taken aback at her use of this phrase, so unfamiliar to her own tongue. But somehow it had come out naturally, as if she was actually morphing into one of her closest partners in crime, Arizona Robbins. This whole scenario seemed to play out much more warmly in that persona as opposed to her own: a junkie and universal screw up. She had always envied how confident and smooth Arizona was with children. My god she missed her now.
HENRY Then what do grown-ups do to have fun? Being a grown-up must be sooo boring. He swung on the pole and slid down slowly.

Actually, grown ups do lots of fun things….like…talking to friends, like…going to the movies….going to parties…
In her head she carried on the list of what ‘normal’ adults did to amuse themselves, which luckily she filtered from this child’s impressionable mind: drinking…having sex…
HENRY (not really interested and distracted by the chimes of a nearby ice cream van) Can I get an ice-cweam Amewia??

Really, it’s December?! But maybe if you say the magic word….
HENRY Pweeeeeease!!!
AMELIA Race you to the van! Amelia then sprints ahead at full speed - her competitive trait had given her an edge in her surgical residency but was wholly inappropriate in this context considering her fellow Olympian was only four years old. She paused as Henry’s tiny legs struggled to make the distance and she was soon overcome by an intense deja vu sort of feeling. She pictured the scene: chasing her sisters and Derek through meadows of long grass - he deliberately slowing down to let her catch him since, as Amelia was the baby of the family, he didn’t want any tantrums to diffuse. But “no one remembers easy” she couldn’t help but think in her own voice in her own head.
Addison pulls Amelia out of her trance.
Hi, so so sorry I’m late. I was pulled into an emergency C section. Did Henry give you any trouble?

Not at all! He was great. We had lots of fun, didn’t we, Henry?
ADDISON (Picking up her toddler) Oh really?! What did you guys get up to?

HENRY (beaming and trying to catch his breath) We did cowouring and-and- we baked snowman cookies then I went on the swings and the castle! Awelia said I could have an ice-cweam. Can I have  an ice-cweam mommy? Can Awelia have an ice-cweam too?
ADDISON (sharing an aside laugh at Henry’s adorableness)

I think that can definitely be arranged!
(just to Amelia) You know I really do appreciate you covering for the nanny today. It’s not often that this happens and I want to thank you…you are so good with Henry and such a truly good person in his life. And I’m so sorry I was late…let me make it up to you.
She puts Henry down and he pretends to be a superhero, running around in circles and making sound effects. Addison reaches into her wallet and pulls out fifty dollars, placing the note in Amelia’s hand
The money sits limply on her palm.
AMELIA (confused)

Urghh…you know this is more than enough for the ice-creams?
ADDISON No, for today. Please, take it.
AMELIA Addison, no. (Laughing it off but visibly hurt) I’m not a babysitter. This isn’t my job. You need not pay me off for looking after my godchild?!
ADDISON I’m sorry I misread but…surely there’s many things you’d rather be doing today. You don’t have to— I mean…you’re right it’s not your job. It’s my job. I’m his mom.
AMELIA (bitter) Right. You’ve made that very clear. She begins to walk off
ADDISON (Calling after her) Oh Amelia! I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean it like that!
Amelia bites her lip and tries her hardest not to cry, but tears soon well up in her eyes. As she walks, it becomes harder and harder to fight the overwhelming pain, just as it was walking away from Owen’s trailer after he had been drinking, not too long ago.
HENRY (noticing and pausing his imaginary play)

Mommy, why is Awelia gone sad?
ADDISON (now smiling through her own tears) I’m not sure. Shall we get that ice-cream, honey?

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