#athena lipsky
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flowery-laser-blasts · 10 months ago
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Drakken: Shego are you really, really sure that you don't want to come along with me to visit my mother for Mother's day? She loves you very much you know!
Shego: And take away your precious Mother-Drewbie bonding time? Don't think so Doc. Now be a good son and pamper your mommy today.
Drakken: Hng, fine... Guess I'll just tell her that you are too busy with taking care of our children.
Shego: Bluedoltsaywhatnow--AAARGH!!
Drakken: I reprogrammed them to be the most loving, doting, clingy kids you could ever wish for! Enjoy getting pampered today, byeeee!
Happy mother's day to those who celebrate it!
To those who lost their mothers, I hope this day is filled with love, good memories and support.
To those who haven't been fortunate with a good mother role due to circumstances, know that you deserve so much in life. You are loved and not all mothers deserve children but all children deserve a loving home.
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yoshimickster · 10 months ago
Kim Possible OCs: Apollo and Athena Go-Drakken/Go-Lipsky
Age: 5
Pronouns: Apollo(He/Him) Athena(She/Her)
Dr. Drakken and Shego are an unconventional couple, most people adopt after having biological children, they went in the opposite direction!
Apollo and Athena can often be considered an interesting mishmash of their parents traits, Athena has her father's plant abilities but her mother's tenacity, while Apollo has his mother's go green glow but his father's more childhood timid side. Athena is definitely the more brazen among the two, but deep down cares for her little twin brother and for the most part tries to get him to come out of his shell. Usually by creating some sort of insane science project that her (somehow) more responsible big sister Vim has to take care of.
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rosetyler42 · 9 months ago
I think the closest to this is James Wilde-Gru, Lily Lipsky, and Benny + Vixen. James Wilde-Gru has 3 adopted older sisters (Margo, Edith, and Agnes) and only 1 biological brother (Gru Jr.)
And Benny and Vixen were both adopted by Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. So even though they're different species: Benny's a red bunny and Vixen's a grey fox, they're basically siblings.
As for Lily: she's the biological child of the original version of Drakgo. In WIR-Verse especially, Shego and Drakken kinda adopt their Live Action's robotic daughter, Athena Lipsky-Possible. Technically, she also has a dead older synthodrone brother named Eric and a reprogrammed baby robot brother named Norbert. But Athena is the one Lily has actually interacted with and sees as a sister.
For Lucy and Simon: They have their half sister Mavis that basically is like a full sib to them (Maybe some half-sib jokes on Lucy's part.) Johnny, their Brother-in-law, is basically seen as like a big brother/uncle. And Dennis is technically their nephew, but thanks to dhampir aging they kinda interact with him like a big brother when their older. In another AU with @lovelylivelyv , there's also Bloo and Mac, who are unofficially adopted by Mavis and Johnny, and Bloo's girlfriend, Goo.
Does your OC have any siblings that aren’t related to them biologically, but are considered as such — either by your OC themselves or by their caretaker(s)? If so, why are they considered siblings? (e.g. adoption, step-families, childhood environment, long-term friendship, etc.)
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alicentsstark · 3 years ago
KP fic; Athena Centric WIP
New student comes to Middleton but Middleton High’s up and coming Star Quarterback remembers her from summers. Chaos ensues. AKA The fic that I’m currently working on which is somewhat close to the plot of HSM but not really??? You guys will have to see it once it comes out he he 😅
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Brick Flagg: High school football player for the Middleton High.
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Athena Mirabel Lipsky-Go: Only daughter of villains Dr. Drakken (Drew T. Lipsky) and Shego (Sheila R. Go) who joins forces with Kim and Ron. Yet she keeps her secret until it is exposed.
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benjimatorarts · 5 years ago
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“I’m glad to share this with you kid... it means a lot. Don’t you tell Dr.D about this you hear?”
“Dra! Da!”
This is kinda like another part of of the last baby drawing I did. This is like couple of weeks or more after Shego recover enough to head home. She still had to be bed rest for 2 weeks. In that time, Drakken still had to take care of the baby most of time and is very competent about it to her surprise. I mean, he hardly had any experience with children at all and even dislike the idea of taking care of a snotty brat. But right in front of her is her Husband feeding their baby with airplane noises and giggling at the little spit the baby makes. Ew.  At least, one of them knows what they’re doing.
Shego in the beginning is kinda distant with the baby. She doesn’t mean to be neglectful, not at all. She tries to calm the baby when Athena cries but whatever she does it only makes things worse. Until, her dada comes into the room and suddenly she stops crying as she reaches for her dad. Drakken assures Shego that the baby just getting use to Shego and she’ll warm up to her, eventually. But Shego doesn’t mind it, at least that’s what she’s trying to convince herself...  She not all about that motherly crap anyway. She’s fine that her baby sees her as if she’s the devil herself, she’s fine! 
(She honestly wants to be really good with her baby but she still gives herself a hard time for being mushy and soft. I mean, she’s already have her walls down for Drakken. But, she doesn’t want to be a soccer mom and loose her edge for some domesticated house wife. And jealous of Drakken for his close bond with Athena and she fears that somehow she’ll just ruin things with her baby)
One night, Athena has another of her 3am crying sessions. Drakken was about to get up to do his thing until Shego offer to take this one and she rather have her ears bleed to death from the cying than having Drakken pass out while carrying the baby. And he did not argue... or said anything because he just collapses back to his deep slumber.
Rocking, shushing, rocking, shushing, singing, humming, pats, rocking, rocking, and nothing but crying. Shego still persistent and tries to look for Athena’s favorite stuff elephant rattle in the dark. Couldn’t find a switches she use her glow to look around the room-wait... Athena stop crying and stare at her glow in such awe. Shego thought this was better.. Shego cautiously brings her glowing hand closer without burning her baby. Then suddenly Athena reaches Shego’s hand and held her fingers, to Shego’s shock the baby doesn’t seem to in any effect to heat at all. Maybe warmed her up a bit. Athena just smiles and held her mom’s hand tighter. For the next 30 mins it’s just Shego dancing flames around her hands and Athena watches as she cuddles up against her neck. Shego thinks about how innocent, sweet, and the spark in Athena’s eyes that makes her heart swell with ugh-l-love.
Notes: I don’t really like to think Shego being a domesticated house wife and really good with babies. Nope. I mean, she was around her baby siblings but I like to think it was Hego did most of help raising the kids. From an oldest child experience, I helped my parents a lot with my baby brothers while my other sisters were doing their own things. Sure they helped, but still not really much else than cleaning their diaper. Drakken in the beginning was parenting most of the time until Shego eventually found her place in the trio. Drakken is still Den Dad, though. Athena (later known as Johnathon later on) has the same tolerance as her mother with the glow power without getting burn at all. What else does this child have in store?
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multaes · 4 years ago
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       time  for  a  million  tag  drops.......  RIP
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rosetyler42 · 8 months ago
Simon and Lucy have a HUGE family. Not only are they siblings, but they have a mom, dad, half sister, brother (in-law), nephew, grandpa, great-great-grampa, their "other mother" Martha LuBov, "uncles" Frank, Wayne, Griffin, and Murray; "aunts" Eunice, Wanda, and Chrystal and even HUNDREDS of "cousins" like Winnie. In a crossover or WIR AU with @lovelylivelyv , Uncle Globgor, Auntie Eclipsa, Cousin Meteora, and nephews/uncles Bloo, Mac, and Bloo's GF Goo would be included.
Lizzie and Jaren have mom, dad, Auntie Trixie, Uncle Spud, Auntie Haley, Grampa Long, Grandma Long, and uncle Fu Dog. (And Great-Grandpa Long, if he survives to meet his great-grandkids.)
Aaron and Connie have Mom, Dad, Auntie Hana, Grandma and Grandpa Possible, Uncles Jim and Tim, Cousin Joss, Uncle Slim, Cousin Larry, Grandpa and Grandma Stoppable, Auntie Monique, Uncle Wade, Uncle Rufus, Aunt Kelly, and their brood of Mole rat pups. If they existed in WIR-Verse, Auntie Shego and Uncle Drakken and Cousins Lily and Athena would be included. (And possibly their Live Action mom and dad.) I also ship Aaron with Meg.
For Meg, aside from Aaron, we got Mom, Dad, Uncle Minion, her Terror Teddy Baby sitter, the Brainbots, Spider-Bot, and of course, Uncle Wayne Scott AKA "Music Man."
For the Stitch Angel Pups: Auntie Lilo, Mom, Dad, Nani, David, Jumba, Pleakley, Reuben, Gantu, Victoria, and of course the other 624 experiments.
Lily: Mom, Dad, Mama Lipsky, Cousin Eddie (much as she doesn't want to admit it), Uncles Hego, Mego, and the Wegos (again, as complicated as things are with them.) In a crossover/AU/WIR-Verse situation, I'd also include LA Mom, LA Dad, Kim, Ron, LA Ron, and Athena to this.
Does your OC have any loved ones?
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mindmend · 5 years ago
tags  001
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rosetyler42 · 5 years ago
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Big Sister Athena playing Peekaboo with her little sister Lily
@sweet-or-sarcastic @that-obsessed-gay-girl @aleego @midnightcaptions @3ducksandamoose @gothicthundra @stilldanytrash @thenerdynightprincess13 @arachne-gorgons-web
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ilikethequiet · 6 years ago
Fic: Not The Worst Thing Ever (Drakgo)
Another fic, so soon? Ally stop you’re crazy! This one is a prompt given to me by @disneyevilprincessblog so I hope they and everyone else gets a kick out of it! Feedback/likes are loved and appreciated.
Summary: Don’t leave your robot daughter to watch the lair, who knows who she’ll let in.
Broken and bruised from the day's battle with their arch nemesis, two supervillains stumbled back into their darkened lair.
"My bones ache," Shego whined. "I need a long bath and a vat of tequila."
Drakken smiled as he carefully made his way down the stairs, was he getting too old for this? Maybe. "After you with the bath." He could use a good soak as well.
Shego glanced back at him, a playful smirk on her lips. "Well it's a big tub, maybe we could..."
The voice made both villains stop in their tracks if there was one thing worse than Kim Possible it was her.
“Mother? What a wonderful surprise.” Drakken choked out in a strained voice, how did she even get in there? Hadn’t they…oh no. “Mother, I can explain!”
Shego wondered what he had done wrong when she heard Athena’s sing-song voice.
"Oh good, you guys are back." Athena grinned at her parental figures.
Mama Lipsky hugged the girl to her, a big smile on her face. "This precious angel. Why didn't you tell me you adopted her?"
Shego closed her eyes and sighed heavily, she was in hell.
"Adopted?" Yes, he supposed he had in a sense. Drakken shrugged and made his way over to take a seat, thankful to be able to rest after the day he had just had.  "Well mother, there was a probation period we had to go through before we could say she was ours, I didn't want to get your hopes up." Yes, that sounded slightly more believable than he built her in the middle of the night.
"We've been having a wonderful time, Gran has been telling me all about when you were a kid." Listening to the woman talk about Drewbie, it hardly seemed like the man she knew at all. If only she knew Shego’s family, then she would have the whole picture.
Drakken glared daggers at Athena, she was really enjoying this attention. Shego, however, was having none of this. "You know I'm hungry, Athena come help mommy get something to eat." She took the robot girl's hand and dragged her into the kitchen, she may have been tired, but she let the plasma blast from her hand spring to life. "Want to be a pile of molten metal on the floor? Because I can arrange that."
Athena was unsettled by how eager Shego seemed to want to hurt her at that moment, so she did her best to try and explain the situation. “She just showed up, I don’t even know how she found the place. I couldn’t turn her away.”
“Still, our daughter?”
Athena shrugged. “It’d be weird if I divulged my true purpose.”
Well, she had a point there but still, Shego was annoyed. Maybe if they told the old bag that Athena needed to go to bed early she would take the hit and leave?
She went to the fridge and quickly made up a cheese platter then eyed Athena. "Drinks, ours better be alcoholic." She instructed as she made her way back to her boss, goodness knows what Drakken was telling his mother. She crept back in and overheard their conversation. 
"But honey, you have a child now don't you think it's time for you two to settle down and get married?" The child needed a sense of stability, globetrotting wasn't good for her.
Drakken shrugged. "Shego and I, we aren’t those kinds of people mother." Gosh if they were, he’d be an accountant or something, and Shego a teacher. The very idea made him shiver.
Shego silently snorted in agreement, yeah that wasn’t her. She put on a smile and came back, putting the cheese platter down on the table. "Here we are, cheese galore." She took a handful and sat down next to Drakken, his mother being here was making him look sicker than usual. He gave her knee a comforting pat which on any other day would result in him losing his hand, but she decided to let it slide because Shego knew she would be just as shell-shocked if her own parents were to pay her a visit.
"Shego dear, what is your real name?" Mrs. Lipsky asked as she picked up some of the food that was on offer, in her mind she was making mental wedding invitations to her extended family but Drew and Shego? That just wouldn't do.
Shego wondered, would Drakken be mad if she killed his mother? Probably right? Instead, she sighed and decided to go along with the conversation. "Sheila, ma'am."
"Drew and Sheila? How darling!" Mrs. Lipsky smiled when Athena returned and patted the seat for the girl to join her. "What about you dear, don't you want your parents to get married?"
Athena put the drinks down and smiled at her caregivers who she could tell were plotting ways to dismantle her but that would be hard now that Mrs. Lipsky knew she existed. She nodded. "I would love that, Gran, make everything official."
The woman seemed very pleased with her new granddaughter's reply. "Excellent, we'll go shopping, you could use some new clothes and we can window shop for flowers and Eddie will provide the cars and we'll need to invite your family, dear."
"Mother." Drakken interrupted tiredly, this was getting out of hand. "Mother, why don't you take Athena with you? You two have a lot of quality time to catch up on. Shego and I will rest, and we'll look at this fresh in the morning."
"Really? Thank you, thank you!" Athena hugged both excitedly then went to join Mrs. Lipsky.
"Come along dear, we need to get to know each other. Lunch tomorrow don't be late! And pay your electricity bills, it’s too dark in here!" Mrs. Lipsky pulled Athena outside, the robot giving them a wave as they exited.
Drakken and Shego sat quietly trying to comprehend what on earth had just taken place after a few minutes Shego caught him smiling at her. "Sheila?"
Her hand lit up as a warning. "Don't. Even." Shego leaned back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling.  "She's not really expecting us to get married, is she? I didn't even get proposed to." Not that she wanted to be but still.
"Would it be that bad?" Drakken asked casually, they cared about each other though they never said it out loud, they made a good team and truthfully, they would be lost without each other.
Shego met his gaze and was surprised when she realized that a blush had risen to her cheeks. "There are probably worst things." But as he had said before, they weren't those kinds of people.
Drakken cleared his throat. "Well as I see it we have two options, either we go through with this farce or we make a run for it."
Well, they were used to running but the fact that they would be ditching his mother and their accomplice just made it seem evil. "I like it! Nice one Dr. D!" She leaned over and gave Drakken a light peck on the lips, neither of them had been expecting it which made the make-out session that followed seem crazy, yet both were willing participants.
Shego broke the kiss first, not quite sure what to say. They would have to talk about it, right? She really didn’t want to talk about it. Maybe a quick subject change would do the trick? "So, running?"
Drakken shrugged. "Or we could have that bath first?"
Shego had been teasing when she first said it, but the idea seemed kind of appealing now. "Okay, but then, running."
Drakken smiled and stood, taking her hand. "Of course."
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months ago
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Drakken: Going on a trip again? One would think that you got the balance of worktime and days-off confused.
Shego: Hmhm, yup, I'm out of here before they wake up.
Drakken: Hn? What do you mean, they?
Shego: Oh nooo... You forgot, didn't you?
Drakken: What did I forget, Shego? More importantly: who are they?
Shego: Well... Since today's father's day, I thought: "Why not boot up 'the kids' so they can have some fun with their..." dad.
Drakken: You did WHAT!?
Shego: Yeah, yeah, you know; Stuffing your beloved children in a temporary storage unit until you need 'spare parts' isn't very kidfriendly... Makes them a teensy bit tempremental. Learned that in colleg-- Oh yeah, you never got in.
Shego: Oooo, gotta go! My mudscrub is waiting. Have fun with 'our little angels'.
Happy father's day to those who celebrate it!
To those who lost their fathers, I hope this day is filled with love, good memories and support.
To those who haven't been fortunate with a good father role due to circumstances, know that you deserve so much in life. You are loved and not all fathers deserve children but all children deserve a loving home.
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yoshimickster · 10 months ago
Global Justice Junior Academy PT 7
Vim: *PANT* *PANT* OH HEY Apollo, how are YOU? Apollo: I am doing splendid, I'm reading a book a bout snails! Did you know they have osscilating teeth? Vim: I did NOT, but onto other things, do you know where Athena i- *BOOM* Athena: SING MY BEAST! SING! Audles: OH I'M A MEAN GREEN MOTHER, FROM OUTER SPACE AND I'M BAD! Vim: UGH I should've known showing a florokinetic that movie was a bad idea, but I just love MUSICALS! Apollo: Would you like me to blast it? Vim: GRAH you are a good boy, but no I'll figure this out. Athena: Just so you know she's FULLY sentient, so you'd be a MURDERER if you destroyed her! Vim: Oh I'll SHOW YOU a murderer you little gremlin! Han: Its times like this I'm glad I don't have little siblings. Ken: Ditto. Audles: FEED ME SEYMOUR!
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sharperthewriter · 3 years ago
Chapter 10 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
Chapter 10 - The Second of the Three Spirits - Part III
FFnet link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/10/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol
(AN: Special thanks to @gothicthundra for letting me to use her Drakgo kids (and pet velociraptor) and also for some chaotic ideas as well!)
The next place that Bonnie fixed her teal eyes on was a more upper-middle class house that cost around $800,000. It had five bathrooms, six baths, a wet bar, a swimming pool, and a guesthouse on the premises.
Bonnie and the Spirit Brick were standing on the driveway.
"Spirit, whose house is this?" Bonnie asked.
"I think your answer is on that mailbox, Bonnie!" the Spirit Brick replied, pointing to the snow-covered mailbox.
Bonnie dusted off the cover of the mailbox, and the name of it was revealed to her.
The Possible-Stoppables
She recoiled in fear.
"Spirit...should we move to another house?" Bonnie asked, "I don't think we should legally be on here!"
"Bonnie, do you want to be redeemed or not?" the Spirit Brick boomed his voice.
"Yes...but Kim has a restraining order against me!" Bonnie exclaimed, "I could get arrested again and I don't wanna spend time at Club Fed!"
"Bonnie, which part of we-can-see-them-but-they-can't-see-us don't you get?" the Spirit Brick asked.
"I guess the order doesn't affect ghosts, so lead away, Spirit!" Bonnie insisted, knowing of a loophole in the legal system.
Bonnie and the Spirit Brick came up to the light in the window of their den.
They saw the Possible-Stoppable kids along with the Lipsky kids as well. Justin was now eight years old, followed by Alexa, whom was five. The next to come from downstairs were the Lipsky children. Both Valerie and Athena were 11 years old while Drake was eight. And in the middle of the den was Spike, the Lipsky's pet velociraptor, being decorated with tinsel and ornaments.
"Hey, Athena, can you help me out throwing some more tinsel?" Val asked Athena.
"Sure can, sis!" Athena replied, tossing some tinsel around Spike.
"And can you put that ornament on his tail?" Val also suggested, pointing to Spike's tail.
"I don't see why not!" Athena said with a smile, putting a blue-and-green ornament on Spike's tail. Alexa also put on a couple more lights around Spike as well as well as some tree shreddings on his body. Rufus then appeared as an angel on the top of Spike's head.
In the meantime, Justin and Drake were both playing Chutes and Ladders in which any time the opponent moved down, they would receive a mild shock.
"Drake, can't you play a normal game without applying a little electricity to it?" Sheila chided.
"Aww...Mom! I wanna play with Justin!" Drake complained.
Spike, after Alexa put the lights on him, began to walk around the living room, whipping his tail along the den, even knocking over the tree.
Bonnie looked at this with mild amusement, even chuckling a little.
"Those kids are crazy like that sometimes!" she laughed. "When do Possible and Stoppable come on down?"
"Just watch..." the Spirit Brick insisted.
Kim and Ron came downstairs and Drew came from the kitchen. The Possible-Stoppable parents were still in warmups and t-shirts. Kim's hairs were in curlers.
"Drew, can you take Spike outside so that he can do his business?" Kim asked.
"I can certainly try the front without the neighbors trying to give me funny looks." Drew said as he grabbed Spike's leash. He led Spike, decorations and all, to the front door. Spike had to duck under to avoid hitting the door frame.
Ron lifted up the Christmas tree and asked, "So when do you think your 'rents will be here, KPS?"
"They should be here sometime at 6pm! So we need to get ready in an hour!" Kim exclaimed. "I'll get my black faux leather overalls ready!"
"And um...uhhh...I'll try to put something together!" Ron replied.
They then went upstairs to the master bedroom.
"Just don't wear the Christmas suit that you wore last year, Ron." Kim countered, "You nearly showed off your yule log and chestnuts when you went down the stairs."
"That was a mistake that the delivery man made in mistaking my size...and I forgot my underpants." Ron chuckled a little.
"I'll have to get my jewelry!" Kim said, "Oh...and I am going to do something a little different this year for Christmas, Ron."
"What do ya mean, KPS?" Ron asked with a smile on his face. "We do some of the traditional stuff we've carried on from your fam from the eggnog to the Possible-Stoppable Christmas Skit to singing carols. Me and Rufus even wrapped up your presents and stuffed your stocking on the fireplace."
"Yes, that is well and good but I was thinking of something a little less...materialistic." Kim replied as she sat on the master bed. "For this Christmas, 2020, I want to...forgive Bonnie..."
These two words took Ron and Rufus by surprise.
"You...you mean...?" Ron questioned.
"Yes, Ron. More than any gift I can get!" Kim replied, "The greatest gift I want for Christmas this year is to bury the hatchet with Bonnie."
"Wow...umm..." Ron stammered, struggling to find the words to respond to his wife's statement.
"How did you come up with this decision?"
"The reason is that it has been inside of me since the time me and Bonnie were stuck to Dementor with that Bondo-Ball of his..." Kim said, recalling of the incident in junior year.
"Yeah, I remember me and Barkin being stuck like that for that for four days." Ron muttered, "I still cannot get the grass stains out of my mouth from him playing rugby."
But Kim continued, "The point is that I have held that memory in for so long that it had to come out sooner or later."
"Even after all the horrible things she had done over the years in trying to humiliate the both of us, you want to forgive her?" Ron questioned.
Kim took a deep breath and nodded her head.
"The reason why she has been like this over the years was that she did not have a good family life." she explained, "Especially from her two unsupportive sisters that destroyed her fam in the end, Connie and Lonnie. I really did wish I would've welcomed her into my home instead of rejecting and laughing at her at Senior Prom when her $7,000 dress got covered in dark red sticky slime and black ink when that prank backfired on her. It was all due to pressure from her sisters, plus the divorce was very messy and ugly as well on her..."
"Frankly..." Kim continued, "...I did like that good side to her. I just want for her to return the same feelings to the both of us as well for this Christmas."
"KPS, the odds of that happening are approximately 3,720 to 1!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron..." Kim muttered, raising her eyebrow.
Ron quickly recovered from a one-way-trip to the couch and said, "But as your husband, significant other, and best friend all rolled into one, I support your decision in trying to reach out to Bon-Bon."
"Thank you for that quick recovery, Ron!" Kim smirked. "And can you please use Bonnie's name from now on? That joke has outworn its welcome!"
"And truth be told, Kim...I'm feeling the same way as well." Ron added, coming to the same realization of his wife from deep down in his heart. "I believe that deep down, I too am ready to forgive Bonnie for all the mean things she has said and done to me. Since, you know, it's the Christmas season and all. We're both willing to break bread with her if we can give her a chance."
"That's what I would like to hear from your mouth!" Kim replied, combing her hand through Ron's hair. "I'll call the judge right now to remove the restraining order for Bonnie."
Bonnie witnessed all of this with the Spirit Brick. She had tears in her eyes upon hearing what Kim said.
"Spirit...I wish if I had been nicer to Kim and not faking it in middle school with all that BS about cheerleaders..." she whimpered, wiping away her eyes with the sleeves of her pajamas. "I just want my old mean Queen B self to die..."
"See, Bonnie, Kim and Ron are willing to open the doors to their house to you." the Spirit Brick replied.'
"Yeah...I just wanna be a better human being and not treat people like shit..." Bonnie sighed, sniffling away as she saw her own reflection on a sheet of ice, "...just like what I did with Tara..."
"And you are discovering something...on the inside!" the Spirit Brick added, pointing to Bonnie's heart.
"If you don't mind, Spirit, can you take me to another house?" Bonnie asked for a request.
"Of course, Bonnie! Grab my robe again!" the Spirit Brick said, accepting the request.
Bonnie grabbed the Spirit Brick's robe again and they were transported.
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bcbdrums · 5 years ago
Here, have an absurdly fluffy Drakgo drabble...  This is part of my headcanon for these two adorkable villains! 
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13577191/1/The-Little-Ones <--- Catch-all for my mini-fics including this one!
And consider this drabble a...pre-apology for the angsty longfic I hope to finish soon.  No, this drabble has no connection to that fic at all.  *ahem* Enjoy!
Shego cuddled closer to Drakken as they sat up in bed.  Her knees were drawn up across his lap and he balanced a small book atop them with both hands.  She had one arm around his back and her hand massaged his neck, while her other hand rested on her very pregnant belly.
"What about...'Valerie'?" Drakken asked.  "Is it better than 'Athena'?"
Shego chuckled as she set her head on his shoulder.  "I already told you, I like every girl name you've suggested."
Drakken looked mildly hurt.  "A name is important, Shego.  The baby will have it for their entire life!  We need to make sure...it's the right one."
She chuckled again.  "Okay.  Well, we have more than enough great choices for girl names... What if the baby is a boy?"
Drakken grinned and flipped to the second half of the name book.
"If I have a son..." Shego felt her heart race in excitement at the giddy look on his face.  It was obvious which he was hoping they would have.  "His name should be something...strong. And powerful.  A name that will strike fear into the hearts of everyone he meets!  Just like his father!" Drakken said, raising a fist and grinning evilly.
Shego's response was just to snuggle closer to him.  She grabbed his hand and set it on the swell of her abdomen and laced her fingers between his.
"Okay.  How about 'Drew Jr.'?"
Drakken's lips parted in a silent gasp as he looked at her.  His face began to flush as a smile came to his lips, but his eyes grew sad as he quickly looked away again.
"What's wrong?" Shego asked, shifting upward and leaning forward to see his face.
He glanced back at her and after a long moment, he sighed.  "Drew Lipsky...never intimidated anyone.  He was weak... He was never anything more than...a failure..."
Shego pursed her lips to keep from smirking as she brought her arm out from behind his neck and lightly tugged under his jaw to make him face her.  She shook her head slightly in disagreement.
"He's never failed me."
Drakken's lower lip started trembling as he looked at her sincere face.  She brought her hand up higher to cup his cheek gently.
"If you want the best name for a handsome...brilliant...and powerful man... Then I think we can stop at ‘Drew Jr.’"
A tiny cry escaped Drakken's throat and tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at her in a mixture of joy and disbelief.  She slid her hand behind his head and wove her fingers into his hair just before tilting her face up to meet his.  His hand on her belly held hers tighter as his hot tears fell and hit her cheeks, and she softly kissed his trembling lips.
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alicentsstark · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Kim Possible (2019), Kim Possible (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Athena & Dr. Drakken & Shego (Kim Possible), Athena & Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable, Athena & Kim Possible, Athena & Team Go, Athena & Monique, Shego & Team Go (Kim Possible), Monique & Kim Possible, Monique & Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable, Athena & Monique & Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable, Dr. Drakken/Shego (Kim Possible), Athena/Monique (Kim Possible) Characters: Athena (Kim Possible), Kim Possible, Monique (Kim Possible), Ron Stoppable, Shego (Kim Possible), Dr. Drakken (Kim Possible), Bonnie Rockwaller, Team Go (Kim Possible), Hego (Kim Possible), Mego (Kim Possible), Wego (Kim Possible), Brick Flagg Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Villainstafam, Athena is a mini Shego and Drakken Summary:
An AU of the LA Movie: Her name is Athena Lipsky-Go. When Athena moves to Middleton she befriends Kim Possible. She gets on the soccer team. Easy right? Not if she's the daughter of Dr. Drakken and Shego. Nothing is ever that easy in her life.
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freshlyjuicedbeetles · 6 years ago
Wisdom - Drakgo Fic
Shego needs her wisdom teeth removed and Drakken takes care of her.
Very minor lime content. 
TAG LIST (based on who interacted with my tag list post. If you were added by mistake or not added at all, please let me know!)
@sweet-or-sarcastic // @anavrp // @sophiecooper18 // @random-emerald-thoughts // @benjimators // @marvelousavengfulslytherin // @littlevirago // @evielovesfood // @dianenguyenbjh // @brianaisontheinterwebs // @saultnpeppah // @poisonivy123
Shego was used to pain. Growing up with brothers usually meant roughhousing. After the comet hit, her pain tolerance only increased. She fought an entire battle with Kim Possible with a broken clavicle and shoulder before she noticed, or rather, Drakken noticed how her arm didn’t look right. She has fallen from great heights, been electrocuted, punched, kicked and stabbed more times than she could count. Yet, she stands.
Luckily, again thanks to the comet, she heals quickly, requiring very minor medical intervention. Usually, she’s back at it in a day or so. All her shoulder and clavicle needed was to be set properly and it was healed by the end of the week.
So, when the back of her gums began to hurt, she ignored it.
For many people, Shego can be mysterious and aloof. After many years of knowing her, Drakken began to see the minor tells she gave away. If she’s upset, she can be found curled up reading the same book, The Awakening by Kate Chopin. He’s probably seen her read it five times, she must have it memorized. When she’s angry and not wanting to express it, the radio in her car would be turned to deafening levels. When she was thinking about her father, she listened to Fleetwood Mac. Shego is a meat and potatoes kind of girl, so when Drakken saw his wife avoiding certain foods, including her very favorite and very dark chocolate bars, he knew something was up.
“Steph, when was the last time you saw a dentist?” Drakken asked as Shego struggled with a bowl of cereal and fruit.
“Last year.” She countered proudly, knowing she had him. You weren’t much of a superhero/villain sidekick/whatever the heck her job description was now if you didn’t take care of yourself.
“Great, then you’re due for a checkup!” Drakken beamed.
“Wait, what? Oh, damnit!” She yelled, banging her fist on the table, the dinnerware clattering. She didn’t have him.
“Make yourself an appointment,” Drakken said kissing her temple.
Shego put it off for a more days before the pain in her gums became just shy of unbearable. Begrudgingly, she scheduled an appointment with her dentist/orthodontist that she had been seeing for years.
Drakken was in his lab typing up a proposal for GJ to let him build a Hadron Collider, (did he think he would get one? Probably not, but a man can dream) when his phone rang.
“Yello!” He answered, leaning back in his chair.
“Do you have a couple of days you can take off?” It was Shego and she sounded defeated.
Drakken looked over his shoulder at his latest project. He resurrected a Spinosaurus he named Paul and they did not get along. Paul was curled up on a dog bed meant for a Great Dane and happily chewing on what was a shark thirty minutes ago.
“I’ve got some free days. What’s wrong?” Concern laced his voice.
“It’s my wisdom teeth. All four need to be removed. Tomorrow morning. They’re impacted or something. I need someone to take care of me.” Shego struggled with that last bit. She never enjoyed asking for help.
“Of course, you don’t even have to ask.”
“Thanks,” Shego said before she hung up. Drakken wasn’t surprised. It wasn’t often he got the full, ‘love you, bye’ call, especially when she was upset.
That night, as Shego sat at the dining room table, she read her instructions aloud as Drakken prepared dinner.
“‘For the sedation, you need to be fasting.” She read, “Nothing past midnight before your surgery. You are prescribed half of a fast-acting anti-anxiety pill to keep your nerves down prior to surgery.” She held the nearly empty bottle in her hand, “Take it before you leave home with as little water as possible. Plan to be on bed rest for a few days. No driving until you know how the painkillers effect you. No hard, sticky or crunchy foods, no straws’, blah blah blah. This sounds horrible.” Shego ranted, wanting to burn the papers.
Drakken chuckled, “No one said it would be fun,” he said as he served her.
“I know that you idiot.” She scowled.
“Eat up. You have to fast.” Drakken grinned, pushing her plate a bit closer.
The next morning, Shego came down the stairs in comfy clothes, no makeup and her black hair pulled back. She brushed, rinsed and flossed her teeth as best she could, per her dentist’s instructions. She wasn’t looking forward to the no brushing rule for the next few days to prevent dislodging the blood clots at the surgical sites.
Drakken felt butterflies in his stomach when he saw that she was wearing one of his sweaters. It engulfed her svelte frame, but oh, it did things to him.
He got her a glass of water with barely any in it for her pre-surgery medicine.
“Bottoms up,” Shego said as she placed the pill on her tongue and swallowed it without the water.
Damn, he thought, she’s still so cool. Cooler than he could ever be.
“Let’s go!” Drakken said cheerfully, hoping to ease any nerves she may have. Shego only smirked as she grabbed her purse headed out the door.
Drakken got into the driver’s seat. “Seatbelt.” He chided Shego.
Shego rolled her eyes and put her seatbelt on. She knew he wouldn’t drive off if she didn’t.
The effects of the medication hit her quickly. She fought to stay awake on the way to her appointment.
Drakken noticed but didn’t think much of it until they arrived.
“Drew…” Shego called as he got out of the Jeep.
He came around to the passenger side and found her hanging onto the door, her legs useless. “I can’t walk.”
Drakken threw her arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist, helping her into the office.
“I must be a lightweight,” Shego said, her voice soft with drowsiness.
“You’ve never done anything?” Drakken asked skeptically, “Even I have smoked pot.”
“No!” Shego slurred, “I was a teen superhero and my dad would have killed me!”
After struggling to open the door to the clinic and keeping Shego secure, Drakken sat her in a chair in the waiting room and checked her in. Shego promptly curled up in the chair and went to sleep.
Drakken sat down next to her, drumming his hands on his knees.
A dental assistant in mint colored scrubs called her name a short time afterward, “Stephanie Lipsky.”
“Right here!” Drakken called, helping Shego up and towards the assistant.
“She’s a bit out of it,” Drakken said, as they were ushered out of the waiting room.
“It’s completely normal. I’m Angela, I’ll be assisting Dr. Morgan today.” She was sure to speak to Drakken and Shego both, even if the latter was somewhere between asleep and awake. “Follow me and we’ll get her comfortable.”
Drakken dutifully followed her into the exam room and helped Shego into the chair, never letting go of her hand. Angela placed a finger monitor on one of Shego’s fingers. As her vitals came up on the monitor, Drakken noticed they were as strong and healthy as ever.
“Good morning!” A tall and cheerful bald man said as he entered the room, “I’m Dr. Bryan Wells, I’m the anesthetist charged with keeping Stephanie comfortable and asleep with the procedure.” He shook Drakken’s hand.
“Did you have any questions or did Stephanie?” Dr. Wells asked.
“No, thank you,” Drakken replied.
“I’ll walk you back to the waiting room,” Angela said to Drakken as Dr. Wells began prepping for IV. Drakken kissed Shego’s cheek before he was ushered out.
Drakken returned to his seat and waited. He scrolled mindlessly through Villainstagram but his mind kept drifting back to Shego, hoping she was doing okay. He squirmed in his chair, trying to get comfortable, the other patients and family members staring at him.
What if she woke up before the doctor was done?
What if she stopped breathing?
Her veins never responded well to IVs, how many times did they have to poke and prod her? Drakken idly scratched his neck. The scar-like veins he now had, came from a failed experiment to make veins more visible, temporarily of course. You weren’t a good scientist if you weren’t willing to be the first volunteer.
He would jump every time he heard drills and other instruments being used, comparing it all to medieval torture.
‘Pull yourself together you idiot. What are you going to do when she has your kid?’ Drakken thought. He froze.
They have discussed having kids, but it was a future prospect. Honestly, he was surprised it hadn’t happened sooner. Sure, they had Athena at one point, but a flesh and blood child was totally different. If Drakken couldn’t handle the thought of his wife going through a routine dental surgery, how would he react to seeing Shego in pain from labor? He’d faint; out cold on the floor with the labor and delivery team stepping over his lame body, and probably one of his brothers-in-law turning him to a meme, that’s how.
Knowing that he had to calm down, Drakken settled himself as much as he could and waited.
He got a text from one of his lab assistants saying that Paul was a female and had destroyed the server room.
‘The name stays. Rebuild the servers.’ He replied. Normally such destruction would send him into a manic frenzy, but he had more important matters to tend to.
“Mr. Lipsky.” Angela called sometime later, startling Drakken, “Your wife is out of surgery, you can come back.”
Drakken jumped out of his seat.
She led the scientist to the recovery room. Shego was reclined back a comfy recliner with a blanket, asleep. Drakken was surprised that she looked okay. He had imagined the worst in the waiting room. She was a bit swollen and her mouth was packed, but no black eyes, no oozing blood. He sat down next to her and gently moved a stray hair from her eyes.
“We’ll keep an eye on her for about thirty minutes or so just to make sure she’s doing okay.”
Drakken nodded, more focused on Shego.
The doctor came in. “Mr. Lipsky, a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Dr. Morgan said, shaking Drakken’s hand “It was a textbook operation. Since she is older than most removal patients, we needed to perform a bone graft also.”
“Bone graft?!” Drakken echoed.
The doctor smiled, “It’s not nearly as scary as it sounds. We simply took donor material and grafted it into her jaw to give her second molars the stability that the wisdom teeth once provided. She responded well to the anesthesia, all her vitals are strong and remained as such throughout the procedure. She had no dry sockets. The teeth had yet to fully erupt, which is a good thing. It would have messed up all the dental work she had done in the past. I did have to cut her gums to remove the teeth, but after she heals, she won’t have any more problems.”
He gave Drakken her aftercare instructions which the scientist carefully read over until Shego was discharged.
“Stephanie, sweetie, it’s time to wake up,” Angela cooed.
If Shego would have been fully conscious, she would not have let anyone call her sweetie, but she stirred, slightly.
Angela gently took the blanket off her to which Shego opened her eyes. She looked around the room for a moment. “Is it over?” She asked, her voice muffled by gauze.
“All over!” Angela confirmed.
Shego stretched in the chair.
“What are you looking at?” She said to Drakken, who was relieved that she was okay. She went to take the gauze out of her mouth.
“No, no, no!” Angela said, but Drakken grabbed Shego’s hand before she could.
“You need to keep those until this afternoon at least,” Angela instructed.
“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Drakken assured. Shego gave him the stink eye.
“She’s all ready to go. I’ll get her a wheelchair and her medication.”
She was prescribed strong painkillers, an antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory. Drakken was suspicious as to why the bottles were only half full but remember that Shego had been seeing Dr. Morgan for years and he likely knew that she healed at an accelerated rate.
“Off like a herd of turtles,” Drakken said, more to himself as he wheeled Shego back to their car.
“I can’t suck anything for a few days. Sorry” Shego lamented.
It took Drakken a second to understand what she meant. Oh. That.
“I’m sure we’ll both get through it fine.” He blushed.
He gently placed Shego, who had already fallen back asleep, in the passenger’s seat and buckled her seatbelt. He resisted the urge to keep the wheelchair for joyrides and returned it.
As they made their way home, Shego’s head dropped and she began to drool bloody saliva.
“Steph…” Drakken prompted, trying to wake her up.
“Stephanie.” He tried again, louder, trying to focus on the road and his wife.
She was snoring.
His eyes darting from the road to Shego, he gently tipped her head to the side to avoid a mess. Even drooling, Shego looked intimidating.
When he made it home, Drakken picked her up bridal style and carried her to bed. He dabbed her mouth of any blood with a damp paper towel.
All he had to do now was wait until she woke up.
Hours later Shego woke up tucked into bed, her head elevated to a comfortable level. A heating pack was secured to her jaw, and a cool, damp cloth on her forehead, a glass of water and everything she could want or need on were at arm’s reach on her bedside table.
Okay, he was a keeper.
Even Commodore Puddles came to check on her, sleep at the foot of the bed. Shego wouldn’t be surprised if he was just attracted to the scent of blood.
Drakken was asleep in an armchair by the window, his legs and bare feet kicked up on the bed.
Shego kicked his feet a little harder than she meant to.
Drakken was instantly awake, ready to help his bride however she needed. “How are you feeling?” He asked as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.
Shego spat out fairly clean gauze which made her wonder if Drakken had changed it while she was asleep.
“Sleepy. Kinda weird.”
“Any pain?”
“You should probably take something. Are you hungry? Everything needs to be on a full stomach.”
Shego shrugged. “Whatever is fine.”
He came back up with two bowls of mashed potatoes with cheddar and sour cream on a breakfast tray and two glasses of juice. Shego was a fiend for Diet Coke, but carbonated beverages were off the menu for a few days.
Drakken sat down on his side of the bed, fluffed his pillows as Shego scrolled through Netflix. They watched a silly movie that they had both long since memorized and ate their dinner. Drakken wasn’t about to scarf down a burger until Shego was able to.
After they were finished, Drakken took the plates back downstairs as Shego gently rinsed her mouth.
Still sleepy from the sedation, Shego curled up against her husband as they returned to bed. She didn’t make it more than five minutes. Carefully, he turned the TV off and laid down beside her. He fell asleep, ready to care for her for the next few days.
 Was this weird? I think it was weird. If anything seems that way, it’s likely because I’m basing a lot of it on my own wisdom teeth experience. It wasn’t a good one in retrospect. He wound up on national news for his terrible practices. He didn’t run his clinic like he should have to say the least. Now I feel weird that I brought that up. Oh well.
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