#a rockwaller christmas carol
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Chapter 11 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
FFNet Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/11/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol
Chapter 11 - The Second of the Three Spirits - Part IV
The Spirit Brick took Bonnie to another part of Middleton.
"Spirit...where did you take me to this time?" Bonnie asked, looking at the houses around here. "These houses seem to be...old."
"Exactly!" the Spirit Brick replied, "We're in the Garden District area! These houses were built between the era of the Great Depression and the Second World War."
Bonnie observed the architecture of the houses.
"Yep...they look old alright..." she replied.
"I want you to focus on one house in particular." the Spirit Brick replied. He pointed to a house that had white siding on it and it looked weathered.
"When was this house built?" Bonnie asked about the house the Spirit Brick pointed to.
"That house was built in 1937." came the Spirit Brick's reply, "That is the house of one of your overworked and underpaid workers at the tabloids, Emily Cratchit."
It was indeed a 1,450 square foot two-story house with four bedrooms and two baths.
Bonnie and the Sprit Brick peered through their house, looking at the kitchen.
"Her husband, Bob, just came back from his job at Smarty-Mart after a 12-hour shift, since all Smarty-Marts are closed for Christmas." the Spirit Brick explained, "And there are three of their four kids."
Bob was wearing khakis and a white button-down shirt with the famed orange Smarty-Mart vest and his manager nametag on it. Emily, in the meantime, changed from her pantsuit to a pair of baggy Blue Star overalls over her white oversized Oh-Boyz t-shirt and worn sneakers. The left buckle on the bib was bent so it moved up and down against the button.
Bonnie also saw three children, one male and two female. The eldest brother was wearing a blue T-shirt with the Nakasumi Toys video game logo on it with blue jeans. The elder sister was wearing a white t-shirt with worn jeans with holes in the kneecaps and the younger sister was wearing a pink t-shirt with warmups.
"Peter is the oldest at 17 being a senior at Middleton High, followed by Martha at 13 years as an 7th grader at Middleton Junior High and Belinda is a 11-year old 5th grader at Middleton Upper Elementary." the Spirit Brick explained the ages and which school in the MUSS to Bonnie.
"What is taking your dad so long to take the Christmas turkey out the oven?" Emily asked.
Peter interjected, "Surely he's trying to put on the 11 secret herbs and spices on the bird. Martha was the one who was supposed to keep an eye on the turkey last year and it got burned."
"Where is Tim, by the way?" Martha asked.
"He should be heading downstairs." Bob replied as he applied the herbs and spices to the turkey. "Just give him a few minutes."
And then, coming down the stairs was the smallest of the four Cratchit kids. He was struggling to get down the stairs due to an infection in his leg, having to use a small metal crutch.
"That is Tiny Tim, the youngest of the four kids." the Spirit Brick said, "He is a six-year old first grader at Middleton Lower Elementary School. But the Cratchits had to pull him out and homeschool him."
"Peter, can you and Emily grab the turkey? Bob's gonna hold him." Emily suggested.
Peter and Emily grabbed the turkey from the kitchen as Bob held Tiny Tim, all up his shoulder while holding his small metal crutch. Bob was muscular as he could lift 50-pound boxes with ease so holding his youngest son upon his shoulder was easy for him.
"How did little Tim behave today?" asked Emily. Bob then put down Tim and hugged both his daughters.
"As good as gold!" replied Bob. They all heard Tim's metal crutch on the linoleum floor before Tim himself sat down on his chair. Emily then set the ceramic plates on the table and as she did so, the left overall strap slipped off the button and the bib curled forward. Emily decided to simply let the strap fall behind her back.
The Christmas turkey was itself sufficient enough to feed a family of six with apple sauce and mashed potato mix, all from Smarty-Mart. After about 25 minutes, they managed to consume about 75% of the turkey with the remaining leftovers going into the fridge. In terms of drink, they all had primarily Smarty-Mart brand sodas.
They then had chocolate pudding afterwards with imitation whipped cream for dessert, again from Smarty-Mart because their competition, the M-Mart, was too expensive.
Bob proposed with "A Merry Christmas to all, my dears. God bless us!" All of the Cratchit family re-echoed what their father said.
"God bless us everyone!" said Tiny Tim, last of them all. He sat very close to his father's side upon his little stool. Bob held his hand to his son's withered hand, as if he deeply loved the child and wanted to keep him by his side.
"Why did they pull him out of school?" Bonnie asked, looking at Tiny Tim in particular.
"It is because the disease in his leg is progressing." the Spirit Brick replied. "There is only one type of medicine that can get rid of the disease. The major downside to it is that it cost ten thousand dollars."
"And how much were the Cratchits able to raise for their kid?" Bonnie questioned.
"Only $1,400 to be exact because they are barely able to scrape by with what they have." the Spirit Brick answered.
"Spirit..." said Bonnie, with an interest she had never felt before, "...tell me if Tiny Tim will live!"
"I see a vacant seat..." replied the Spirit Brick, "...in the poor chimney corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If the Cratchits are unable to raise the remaining $8,600 for the treatment and if these shadows remain unaltered by the future, the child will die."
"No, no!" Bonnie exclaimed with tears in her eyes, "Oh no, kind Spirit! Say he will be spared!"
"If these events are unchanged, none of my ghostly friends will find the child here." the Spirit Brick said, "If the poor die off in the cold winter, they'd better do it and decrease the surplus population of this damn planet!"
Bonnie hung her head to hear her own words quoted by the Spirit Brick and was overcome with penitence and grief.
"Bonnie, will you decide, in your wicked heart, which people should live and die? It may be, in the sight of the Man Upstairs, that you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like Mr. Cratchit's kid." the Spirit Brick continued.
Bonnie bent before the Ghost's rebuke, and cast her eyes on the ground. But she raised them speedily upon hearing her own name.
"Miss Rockwaller!" Elizabeth exclaimed, "I'll give you Miss Rockwaller, the founder of the feast!"
"The founder of the feast indeed," Bob cried with his cheeks reddening, "I wish I had her here. I'd give her a piece of my mind and I hope she likes its aftertaste."
"Bob, you do know that Christmas is tomorrow, right?" Elizabeth asked.
"It should be Christmas Day, I'm sure!" Bob replied, "on which one drinks to the health on an unfeeling bitter woman like Miss Rockwaller. You know how she is, Elizabeth, since you work for her in the tabloids. A long life to her! A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"
After the Cratchit parents drank their sodas from the plastic cups, the kids drink it next with Tiny Tim being the last one. Bonnie was the ogre of the family. The mention of her name cast a dark shadow on the part, which was not dispelled for 5 minutes.
Then, the Cratchits were merry again, despite the fact that they were lower-middle class. Of course the Cratchit kids had to go through the MUSD. They could not afford the two private schools that were in the city: Middleton Prep School or St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School because of the high tuition rates.
They were happy, grateful, and pleased with one another and contented with the time.
Bonnie had her teal eyes on them, especially on Tiny Tim until the family faded from his view.
"I should definitely give my workers a much better Christmas bonus than in years past..." she muttered "...and especially Emily. She needs the money more than I do..."
By this time, it was getting dark and snowing pretty heavily. Bonnie and the Sprit Brick went along the streets, the brightness of the roaring fires in the kitchens, dens and living rooms were wonderful.
"Spirit..." Bonnie mustered the courage to ask, "...is there any other house we should stop at?"
"We're gonna stop at one more house." replied the Spirit Brick. "Again, Bonnie, touch my robe!"
Bonnie touched the Spirit Brick's robe again and they both disappeared.
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Chapter 10 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
Chapter 10 - The Second of the Three Spirits - Part III
FFnet link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/10/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol
(AN: Special thanks to @gothicthundra for letting me to use her Drakgo kids (and pet velociraptor) and also for some chaotic ideas as well!)
The next place that Bonnie fixed her teal eyes on was a more upper-middle class house that cost around $800,000. It had five bathrooms, six baths, a wet bar, a swimming pool, and a guesthouse on the premises.
Bonnie and the Spirit Brick were standing on the driveway.
"Spirit, whose house is this?" Bonnie asked.
"I think your answer is on that mailbox, Bonnie!" the Spirit Brick replied, pointing to the snow-covered mailbox.
Bonnie dusted off the cover of the mailbox, and the name of it was revealed to her.
The Possible-Stoppables
She recoiled in fear.
"Spirit...should we move to another house?" Bonnie asked, "I don't think we should legally be on here!"
"Bonnie, do you want to be redeemed or not?" the Spirit Brick boomed his voice.
"Yes...but Kim has a restraining order against me!" Bonnie exclaimed, "I could get arrested again and I don't wanna spend time at Club Fed!"
"Bonnie, which part of we-can-see-them-but-they-can't-see-us don't you get?" the Spirit Brick asked.
"I guess the order doesn't affect ghosts, so lead away, Spirit!" Bonnie insisted, knowing of a loophole in the legal system.
Bonnie and the Spirit Brick came up to the light in the window of their den.
They saw the Possible-Stoppable kids along with the Lipsky kids as well. Justin was now eight years old, followed by Alexa, whom was five. The next to come from downstairs were the Lipsky children. Both Valerie and Athena were 11 years old while Drake was eight. And in the middle of the den was Spike, the Lipsky's pet velociraptor, being decorated with tinsel and ornaments.
"Hey, Athena, can you help me out throwing some more tinsel?" Val asked Athena.
"Sure can, sis!" Athena replied, tossing some tinsel around Spike.
"And can you put that ornament on his tail?" Val also suggested, pointing to Spike's tail.
"I don't see why not!" Athena said with a smile, putting a blue-and-green ornament on Spike's tail. Alexa also put on a couple more lights around Spike as well as well as some tree shreddings on his body. Rufus then appeared as an angel on the top of Spike's head.
In the meantime, Justin and Drake were both playing Chutes and Ladders in which any time the opponent moved down, they would receive a mild shock.
"Drake, can't you play a normal game without applying a little electricity to it?" Sheila chided.
"Aww...Mom! I wanna play with Justin!" Drake complained.
Spike, after Alexa put the lights on him, began to walk around the living room, whipping his tail along the den, even knocking over the tree.
Bonnie looked at this with mild amusement, even chuckling a little.
"Those kids are crazy like that sometimes!" she laughed. "When do Possible and Stoppable come on down?"
"Just watch..." the Spirit Brick insisted.
Kim and Ron came downstairs and Drew came from the kitchen. The Possible-Stoppable parents were still in warmups and t-shirts. Kim's hairs were in curlers.
"Drew, can you take Spike outside so that he can do his business?" Kim asked.
"I can certainly try the front without the neighbors trying to give me funny looks." Drew said as he grabbed Spike's leash. He led Spike, decorations and all, to the front door. Spike had to duck under to avoid hitting the door frame.
Ron lifted up the Christmas tree and asked, "So when do you think your 'rents will be here, KPS?"
"They should be here sometime at 6pm! So we need to get ready in an hour!" Kim exclaimed. "I'll get my black faux leather overalls ready!"
"And um...uhhh...I'll try to put something together!" Ron replied.
They then went upstairs to the master bedroom.
"Just don't wear the Christmas suit that you wore last year, Ron." Kim countered, "You nearly showed off your yule log and chestnuts when you went down the stairs."
"That was a mistake that the delivery man made in mistaking my size...and I forgot my underpants." Ron chuckled a little.
"I'll have to get my jewelry!" Kim said, "Oh...and I am going to do something a little different this year for Christmas, Ron."
"What do ya mean, KPS?" Ron asked with a smile on his face. "We do some of the traditional stuff we've carried on from your fam from the eggnog to the Possible-Stoppable Christmas Skit to singing carols. Me and Rufus even wrapped up your presents and stuffed your stocking on the fireplace."
"Yes, that is well and good but I was thinking of something a little less...materialistic." Kim replied as she sat on the master bed. "For this Christmas, 2020, I want to...forgive Bonnie..."
These two words took Ron and Rufus by surprise.
"You...you mean...?" Ron questioned.
"Yes, Ron. More than any gift I can get!" Kim replied, "The greatest gift I want for Christmas this year is to bury the hatchet with Bonnie."
"Wow...umm..." Ron stammered, struggling to find the words to respond to his wife's statement.
"How did you come up with this decision?"
"The reason is that it has been inside of me since the time me and Bonnie were stuck to Dementor with that Bondo-Ball of his..." Kim said, recalling of the incident in junior year.
"Yeah, I remember me and Barkin being stuck like that for that for four days." Ron muttered, "I still cannot get the grass stains out of my mouth from him playing rugby."
But Kim continued, "The point is that I have held that memory in for so long that it had to come out sooner or later."
"Even after all the horrible things she had done over the years in trying to humiliate the both of us, you want to forgive her?" Ron questioned.
Kim took a deep breath and nodded her head.
"The reason why she has been like this over the years was that she did not have a good family life." she explained, "Especially from her two unsupportive sisters that destroyed her fam in the end, Connie and Lonnie. I really did wish I would've welcomed her into my home instead of rejecting and laughing at her at Senior Prom when her $7,000 dress got covered in dark red sticky slime and black ink when that prank backfired on her. It was all due to pressure from her sisters, plus the divorce was very messy and ugly as well on her..."
"Frankly..." Kim continued, "...I did like that good side to her. I just want for her to return the same feelings to the both of us as well for this Christmas."
"KPS, the odds of that happening are approximately 3,720 to 1!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron..." Kim muttered, raising her eyebrow.
Ron quickly recovered from a one-way-trip to the couch and said, "But as your husband, significant other, and best friend all rolled into one, I support your decision in trying to reach out to Bon-Bon."
"Thank you for that quick recovery, Ron!" Kim smirked. "And can you please use Bonnie's name from now on? That joke has outworn its welcome!"
"And truth be told, Kim...I'm feeling the same way as well." Ron added, coming to the same realization of his wife from deep down in his heart. "I believe that deep down, I too am ready to forgive Bonnie for all the mean things she has said and done to me. Since, you know, it's the Christmas season and all. We're both willing to break bread with her if we can give her a chance."
"That's what I would like to hear from your mouth!" Kim replied, combing her hand through Ron's hair. "I'll call the judge right now to remove the restraining order for Bonnie."
Bonnie witnessed all of this with the Spirit Brick. She had tears in her eyes upon hearing what Kim said.
"Spirit...I wish if I had been nicer to Kim and not faking it in middle school with all that BS about cheerleaders..." she whimpered, wiping away her eyes with the sleeves of her pajamas. "I just want my old mean Queen B self to die..."
"See, Bonnie, Kim and Ron are willing to open the doors to their house to you." the Spirit Brick replied.'
"Yeah...I just wanna be a better human being and not treat people like shit..." Bonnie sighed, sniffling away as she saw her own reflection on a sheet of ice, "...just like what I did with Tara..."
"And you are discovering something...on the inside!" the Spirit Brick added, pointing to Bonnie's heart.
"If you don't mind, Spirit, can you take me to another house?" Bonnie asked for a request.
"Of course, Bonnie! Grab my robe again!" the Spirit Brick said, accepting the request.
Bonnie grabbed the Spirit Brick's robe again and they were transported.
#kim possible#bonnie rockwaller#fanfiction#ron stoppable#kim x ron#a rockwaller christmas carol#1555 words#drakken#shego#drakken x shego#drakgo#drakgo kids
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Chapter 9 - The Second of the Three Spirits - Part II The feast disappeared from her in an instant, as did the walk-in-closet, the fire and the glow.
They both stood in the city streets of Middleton on Christmas Eve, a mere few hours ago. Bonnie saw people with shovels clearing snow off the driveway. The house fronts looked black enough and the windows blacker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs and upon the vehicles as well. The sky was gloomy and there were a few chimneys puffing smoke in the neighborhood. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate or the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavored to diffuse in vain.
For the people who were shovelling away on the driveways were jovial and full of glee, calling out to one another from over the picket fences. The younger kids were enjoying massive snowball battle royales in the front yards. The smells of the food were definitely there, especially the Christmas gooses and turkeys to be cooked.
And, in the downtown area of Middleton, there were two bakeries in the Town Square, as well as five others scattered around the city, including the one located inside Smarty-Mart. By city law, those bakeries, as well as the liquor stores and automobile dealerships, had to be closed on Sundays.
So, Bonnie and the Spirit Brick landed in the Town Square area of Middleton. "So are we in the present-present or...." Bonnie asked.
"We're actually in the evening hours of December 24th, to be more exact." the Spirit Brick replied, "So it's actually around 7-10 hours ago, somewhere in that arena."
He saw the store of Jason's Bakery and headed there. A couple of people, whom Bonnie recognized as Ned and Rob Reeger, arguing over the updates to the latest installment of Everlot and the size of their dinners. The sight of these poor revellers appeared to interest the Spirit very much, for he stood with Bonnie beside her in the doorway of the bakery. The Spirit Brink then sprinkled incense on their dinners from his torch. And it was a very uncommon kind of torch, for once or twice when there were angry words between Ned and Rob who had jostled with each other over the Everlot updates, but once the incense was sprinkled, their good faith was restored.
"Is there a peculiar flavor in which you sprinkle from your torch?" asked Bonnie.
"There is, Bonnie. My own!"
"Would it apply to any kind of dinner on this day?" Bonnie questioned.
"Oh yes! I do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year." said the Spirit Brick. "Especially the poor and homeless!"
"Why to those groups the most?" Bonnie inquired.
"Because they obviously need it the most." answered the Spriit Brick.
"Spirit..." Bonnie said after a moment's thought, "I wonder you, of all the beings in the many worlds about us, shoud desire to cramp these people's opportunites of innocent enjoyment."
"I!" cried the Sprit Brick.
"You would deprive them of their means of dining every Sunday, often the only day on which they can be said to dine at all," Bonnie said, "Wouldn't you?"
"I" cried the Spirit Brick again.
"You seek to close these places on Sundays?" Bonnie added, "And it comes to the same thing."
"I seek!" exclaimed the Spirt Brick.
"Forgive me if I am wrong. If has been done in your name, or at least in that of your fam." Bonnie said.
"There are some upon this Earth, primarily your City Council..." returned the Spirit Brick, "..who claim to know us and who do these laws out of passion, city pride, ill-hil- hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strange to us as if they have never lived. Remember that they placed these old arcane rules on themselves, and not us. Promise me that you, with such influence, would get rid of that ridiculous law from Middleton's lawbooks once and for all."
Bonnie promised that she would.
Big words for a guy who had been in high school for seven years.
They went on, as was the case with the Spirit Monique, invisible in the city. It was remarkable that the Spirit Brick, notwithstanding his gigantic size, he could accomodate himself to any place with ease.
"Spirit, where is the first house we are going to?" Bonnie asked.
"I'll show you!" the Spirit Brick added, "Touch my robe again!"
Bonnie did as she commanded in touching his robe. They appeared at the Levitwood neighborhood again.
"Sprit....this is the same house I spent my early childhood years in!" Bonnie exclaimed, pointing to the familiar house she was in, with the 50s ranch style and all.
"Yes, but the house is now occupied by Tara and Jason Morgan, alongside with their two kids." the Spirit Brick explained, pointing to the window.
Bonnie peered through the kitchen window and it seemed like a lot has changed within the house, with the exception of the late 50s oven and stove range. The entire house was decorated with stockings hung in a row. The Morgan Christmas tree was up as well. Tara came into the living room , dressed in a denim jumpsuit with high heeled brown boots. She had heavy makeup, blush and eyeshadow as well as giant silver hoop earrings. Her blonde hair was much shorter than what it was during high school.
Jason was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater over his button-down shirt and brown khakis plus dress shoes. Then their two kids, a son and daughter came up.
"Wow! Tara and Jason are still together after all these years!" Bonnie grinned.
"That's right. You and Tara did become friends again back in 2010 after a three-year hiatus." the Spirit Brick acknowledged.
"I apologized to her for calling her a bitch in high school shortly after Jason proposed to her...." Bonnie recalled, "She made me her MOH at her wedding!"
"That was one of a handful of good things you did." the Spirit Brick said, "Now tell me, what do you see in the window?"
Bonnie peered again in the window. "I see....their daughter first!"
And indeed she did. It was Natalie Morgan, the older of the two kids. She was eight years old at the time and in the third grade at Middleton Intermediate Elementary. The other one was Jerry Morgan, whom was six years old and in the first grade at Middleton Lower Elementary. He played one of the shepherds.
She was dressed as the Virgin Mary for the Christmas Pageant to be held at a local church in the town.
"Mommy! Can you help me with the cloth?" Natalie asked.
"I sure can, sweetie!" Tara smiled. Tara grabbed the cloth and tucked it in to Natalie's costume.
"There! How does it look?" the former blonde cheerleader asked.
"It's totally swell, Mommy!" Natalie beamed with pride.
Tara gave a warm smile to her daughter before exclaiming, "Jason, do you have your tie on yet?"
"I do, Honey! Just lemme tie it on..." Jason exclaimed from the master bedroom.
"Hold on...lemme help you with your tie...again!" Tara exclaimed to the master bedroom.
"So, Tara seems to be doing well on her end." Bonnie said. "Where to next, Spirit." "Somewhere a bit more...difficult, Bonnie!" the Spirit Brick replied. "Hold on to my robe!"
Bonnie again held on to the Spirit Brick's robe as they transported to yet another place. ________________________________________________________________________
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Chapter 6 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
Chapter 6 - The First of the Three Spirits - Part IV
The Spirit Monique again snapped her fingers and the auditorium flashed right before her eyes.
The two then reappeared at Middleton High.
"We're in the same place, Spirit." Bonnie remarked.
"Yep, but now, it's 2005, girl! Your junior year!" the Spirit Monique said. "A couple of weeks before Christmas to be exact. "Let us go to the cheerleading locker room."
They both were teleported to the locker room where the room was decorated with Christmas lights, decorations, and a small Christmas tree with the Middleton Mad Dog ornaments on it. Food was laid out on three folding tables to the right side of the room.
All of the MHS cheerleaders were there. Liz, Hope, Marcella, and Crystal were there in baggy carpenter jeans with long-sleeved croptops. Liz and Hope were wearing green croptops and Marcella and Crystal were in red. Tara and Jessica came in sporting white and red sweater croptops, respectively, with the Club Banana baggy denim overalls. Tara had both straps of her overalls hooked while Jessica had the left strap up and the right strap off. There were some sophomores and a couple freshmen there, along with six seniors on the team.
"Spirit...I remember this!" Bonnie gasped, "It was the annual MHS Cheerleader Christmas Party! Every year, according to Mad Dog tradition, the cheer squad usually hosts it in the locker room and decorate it!"
The young Bonnie and Kim were the next to come into the locker room, followed by Ron. Like Tara and Jessica, Bonnie and Kim were in the CB baggy overalls. Kim had both straps hooked and, Bonnie being Bonnie, the brunette went with the both straps undone look held up by a belt through the beltloops. Ron was in his usual outfit with Rufus.
Kim tapped a glass cup three times with a metal fork to get the attention of the other cheerleaders.
"Okay, girls, and Ron, we're here for the 30th Annual MHS Cheerleader Christmas Party!" Kim exclaimed. "As is the tradition, before we begin to dive in on the food, I think we should give out the gifts first. The seniors are the one who will go first."
"Boo-yah, KP!" Ron exclaimed, "I can't wait to show you your gift!"
Kim giggled, "I know it'll be something nice, Ron!"
The young Bonnie muttered, "Don't get amped up for it, K. You know that he's only going to get you something lame-o from Smarty-Mart!"
"Can you even explain the undone overall straps thing, girl?" the Spirit Monique asked, "It looks like you'll poke somebody's eye out with the straps swingin' like that!"
The older Bonnie looked at the Spirit Monique and said, "I remember watching a MC Honey video in my junior year and the female backup dancers were were wearing them. I kinda incorporated it and it just became my thing, you know?"
The Spirit Monique muttered, "Let's just FF about 40 minutes..." She fast-forwarded through most of the gift-giving.
"You gave almost everyone a gift...key word being almost..."
Ron gave Kim a nice $99 necklace and, to Bonnie's surprise, it did NOT come from Smarty-Mart. He bought it from the Middleton Mall.
Kim gasped and put it around her neck.
"Thanks, Ron! I really love it a lot!"
"Anything I can do for a friend!" came Ron's sweet reply from his mouth.
The gift shocked Bonnie!
"What?! How did he...? Why did he...?"
"Because he is my best friend, Bonnie!" Kim explained, "He can buy any good Christmas gift for me, be it from Smarty-Mart or not."
"The mascot can barely tie his own shoelaces plus he is at the very bottom of the MHS Food Chain and yet he buys you this?" the young Bonnie bitterly complained.
"And Bonnie, I did give you a present from Club Banana." Kim countered, "A pair of new shoes!"
"Yeah, I always wanted them." Bonnie said.
"Now...where's my gift...and Ron's?" Kim demanded.
Bonnie nervously giggled and replied, "Don't worry, Possible! I have them...in my car!"
She rushed
"And you never came back to that party." the Spirit Monique added.
The older Bonnie was shocked, "Possible...actually bought gifts for me?"
"But you never bought any for Kim or Ron in return..." the Spirit Monique mentioned, "Not once did you give any gift for them from freshman to senior year. You were so caught up in the rivalry with Kim so much that you forgot to set aside the only day of the year when you can put away those petty differences and embrace your fellow person."
"Spirit, this isn't a Snowman Hank special!" the older Bonnie growled, but then looked at herself in her younger self's little mirror on her open locker room door.
"But is it true?" she also added, "Have I become THAT cold and bitchy to Possible and Stoppable? All for the sake of the MHS Food Chain!"
"In all brutal honesty, Bonnie, I would take that as a yes." the Spirit Monique replied. "Not only did you act that way to them all the time, but you also acted that way towards Jessica and Tara as well, girl! It got so bad that Tara cut you off for a few years! You even called her a fugly slut and she slapped you on the face! And you know the MHS food chain ain't worth nothin' once high school was over!"
"Unfortunately, yes." Bonnie sighed, as if she was admitting "I wanted to maintain my image of being the 'Queen B' of Middleton High so bad..."
The Spirit Monique interrupted her again, "...that it totally destroyed your family and it is almost currently destroying you, had it not been your teaming up with Kim."
Bonnie "What? Oh right, that time we got stuck to each other and got captured by the Demented guy!"
"Dementor!" the Spirit Monique groaned, "Geez, girl, you're really bad at remembering names today!"
"Whatever his name in!" Bonnie dismissed with a wave of her hand. "Point is, I did the 'save the world' thing with her that one time."
"Other than that, with the power base you had with your dad being chief of police and your mom being on the MUSD school board, you played practical jokes on Kim and Ron and anyone you saw as lower-class in Middleton High's ecosystem." the Spirit Monique explained.
"Yeah, the small pranks were...doable...but I wanted to aim big..." Bonnie sighed, "I wanted to humiliate Possible and Stoppable in the most epic pranks imaginable."
"Ahhh...that would explain the two most infamous pranks you tried to pull on Kim and Ron in high school." the Spirit Monique said, folding her arms. "The AddressBook Prank of October 2006 and the Senior Prom prank of May 2007."
"I would have gotten away with those pranks...had it not been for my own damn pride and ego..." Bonnie muttered and cursed "And for those two wicked sisters not causing a damn mess with Mom and Dad."
"Speaking of which, I think this calls for a little scene change...let's FF four more years later!"
The scene changed around Bonnie and the Spirit Monique.
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Chapter 5 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
Chapter 5 - The First of the Three Spirits - Part III
The Spirit Monique waved her hand. The Rockwaller house changed right before the brunette's very eyes to the more modern house that was built in the early 1980s. The sports car that the Spirit Monique came in was still parked on the curb, and the Rockwaller's cars, which consist of Donald's police car, the Rockwaller minivan, and Veronica' 4-door sedan remained the same.
"Spirit..." Bonnie asked, "...what year are we in?"
"Girl, I'm gonna give you a hint and party like it's 1999!" the Spirit Monique shouted.
The Rockwaller family came out of the front door. Veronica and Donald were both 38 years of age. Connie was now 15, Lonnie 14, Johnnie 6, and Bonnie 10.
Bonnie was in a white dress with a baby blue sash across it. Her brunette hair was tied back ina blue bow. She had ballet flats on and a mink coat to keep herself warm. She also had what appeared to be a toy soldier with a red hat and an oversized jaw.
"Hurry, Daddy! We don't wanna be late!" Bonnie exclaimed "As Clara, I have to be on stage early!"
"Don't worry, my little princess!" Donald, wearing his police jacket over his police uniform and confidently explained to his youngest daughter. "We'll make sure that we will get there on time!"
Bonnie and the Spirit Monique were witnessing this from a nearby tree.
"Spirit, I remember this scene!" the billionaire heiress exclaimed, "I was doing ballet at the time! Right before I joined the cheer squad!"
She had trouble, though, on one particular aspect of that memory.
"Ugh...I can't seem to remember the name of the play! Must've been done by some Russian dude."
"Girl, you're looking for The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky." the Spirit Monique scoffed, "It's usually played around Christmastime."
"Ahhh...now it's coming back!" Bonnie replied, "That was at the Middleton High auditorium! We've practiced for three weeks on it!"
Veronica came out of the house next with Connie, Lonnie, and Johnnie in tow. Veronica was wearing a big poofy pink parka over her baggy Blue Star overalls.
Bonnie could tell her mom was wearing the overalls through one of the side buttons showing and the back pockets sticking out like a sore thumb over the parka. They were tucked into her snow boots.
"Donnie, don't forget that I am in charge of the refreshments!" Veronica added while getting the drinks. "I gotta provide some for the thirsty people during the intermission."
"I won't worry about a thing at all, Ronnie!" Donald chuckled, kissing his wife on the cheek. "They'll get their drinks."
"Yay! I'm going to be the star of the show!" Bonnie exclaimed as she climbed aboard the minivan.
Connie and Lonnie, however, looked at their sister coldly as they got onto the second row.
Bonnie then asked, "Spirit, how are we going to get to the auditorium?"
"Chill, girl! We'll be there in a snap!" the Spirit Monique replied.
With a snap of the Spirit Monique's fingers, the scene changed from that of the Rockwaller house to that of Middleton High in front of the auditorium. It was in the middle of Act I of The Nutcracker when Clara, played by the young Bonnie, and Fritz, played by Rob Reeger, was presented with the nutcracker toy.
The auditorium itself was about 60% full with parents of the dancers and the general audience.
Bonnie and the Spirit Monique propped open the doors.
"Oh yes...this place! I remember this part of the ballet." Bonnie exclaimed, "That's where the toy was broken by Rob and it was rebuilt by Drosselmeyer, played by that nerd who's still the manager of our local Bueno Nacho!"
"And, girl, you had your biggest moment on the stage that night!" the Spirit Monique added, "You threw your shoe at the Mouse King, played by Alan Platt, and the Nutcracker 'stabs' him with his sword."
"Yeah, cheapest part of the outfit." Bonnie muttered, "Can we get to the end of the play, Spirit, so that I can show you something?"
"Sure can!" the Spirit Monique replied as she snapped her fingers. The play fastforwarded to the very end where the audience was giving a standing ovation to the performers, clapping their hands.
Bonnie commanded, "Spirit, I would like for you to notice Section B, Row G, seats 31 and 32!"
The Spirit Monique took Bonnie's hand and whisked her to that area of the auditorium.
"My mom, dad and brother were cheering for me." Bonnie continued "Connie and Lonnie, on the other hand..."
"Yes, those two ditched you so that Connie and Lonnie would loiter in the hallways, lookin' for trouble." the Spirit Monique replied.
"Spirit, I appreciate you showing me the happier Christmases I had with my fam." Bonnie said, sighing, "But can you show me where it ended up going south?"
"If you insist..." the Spirit Monique said, obliging. "Let us fast forward a few more years later."
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Chapter 4 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/4/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol (FFnet link)
Chapter 4 - The First of the Three Spirits - Part II
The Spirit Monique vehicle reappeared from the time-stream in the city of Middleton and went onto a well-lit street. The first thing that Bonnie noticed outside the car window that was a bit different were the street lamps, street signs, and the houses. From the way they looked, they screamed 1958, judging from the one-story ranch style homes. Some of them were brick veneer, some were a mixture of frame and veneer.
"Uhh...Spirit? I think we may have gone a wee bit too far in time!" Bonnie nervously exclaimed.
"Not exactly!" replied the Spirit Monique, "Take a look at their rides!"
Bonnie looked again outside the car and she saw that the vehicles were obviously 90s sedans and minivans galore.
"Spirit...where are we in Middleton?" Bonnie asked, "When are we in Middleton?"
"We are in the Levitwood subdivision of Middleton...in Christmas Eve, 1997!" the Spirit Monique replied, pointing the digital clock that said 19:97.
Bonnie looked at her smartphone and it said NO SERVICE in red letters.
"Oh yeah, we're in the prehistoric times!" she muttered.
"Hey, Bonnie, your lip is trembling!" the Spirit Monique said, "And what is that on your cheek, girl?"
"Must be a little food or something." Bonnie muttered, wiping off her lips with her robe.
"You remember the way to your place?" the Spirit Monique asked.
"Remember it?" Bonnie replied with a slight laugh, "I can walk through it blindfolded!"
"So tell me, girl, which street are we currently on?" the Spirit Monique questioned, testing Bonnie.
"If I remember correctly, we're on Henicare Street. If we go down Trojan Avenue, two streets up should be Fenton Street. We'll take a right" Bonnie replied. "Seven houses to the left should be my first house! It's the one with the 'Home of the Rockwallers' sign on it"
"Let us go on then!" the Spirit Monique insisted. She drove her car down Trojan Ave. and got to Fenton Street. Following Bonnie's directions, the sports car drove to the Rockwaller house where, indeed, there stood a small black metal sign that said "Welcome to the Rockwallers". The driveway was filled with the cars of relatives. It was so crowded that the Spirit Monique had to park her car on the side.
The house itself, built in 1959, was about 1,950 square feet big. It had four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, front porch, patio, and a two-car garage.
"That's the place!" Bonnie exclaimed "My God! I remember now! This used to be the very first house I lived in from the time I was born until I turned 9!"
"And there's the front porch!" she continued with joy, "I remember that my dad used to give me his police bullhorn to boss around my sisters while they were doing their chores!"
"What about Christmases, though?" the Spirit Monique questioned.
"If memory serves me right, this was one of the happiest Christmases I had." Bonnie recalled,
She then recalled the ages of her siblings "Around that time in '97, Connie would've been 13, Lonnie would've been 12, I was 8, and Johnnie was 4."
"Also, if I can identify the vehicles correctly, it was mainly Mom's side of the family that attended our Family Christmases. Dad was cut out of the very large Rockwaller family inheritance and, thus, his relatives never even remotely came to our neighborhood. Mom had six other siblings judging from the number of cars present in the driveway: three brothers and three sisters."
"Then let's have a look!" the Spirit Monique insisted.
"But won't that interfere with the timestream or whatevs?" Bonnie asked, "I'm not a big fan of sci-fi so you'll have to fill me in on this part."
"It is very simple, sister!" the Spirit Monique replied, "We can see them but they cannot see us. And we cannot interact with them and vice versa."
"Ah, now that's much more simple." Bonnie replied.
"Let's peer through the windows! See what you see!" the Spirit Monique said. She and Bonnie looked through the window that looked to the living room. The living room was filled with the regular Rockwaller family plus 25 other people that were Veronica's brothers and sisters, plus their significant others, and their offspring. In the center of the living room was the roaring fireplace with the stockings of the Rockwaller family all hung with care over the mantle. They were arranged, from left to right, Donnie, Ronnie, Connie, Lonnie, Bonnie and Johnnie.
"Oh yes...I remember this..." Bonnie said from the window. "The Rockwaller Family Christmas Photo!"
"Hey everybody!" Donnie exclaimed, "It's time for the Rockwaller Family Christmas Photo!"
As was the tradition, the Rockwaller children and cousins all sat on the yellow couch. They were arranged, from left to right, oldest to the youngest. The Rockwaller siblings ranged from 20 years of age to about 10 months old.
Donald and Veronica, wearing ugly Christmas Sweaters overwere next to a film camera mounted on a tripod.
"Okay, everyone! Say Rockwaller!" Donald insisted.
"ROCKWALLER!" the children shouted at the same time as the picture was taken.
"That is definitely going in the photo album!" Veronica remarked, hugging her husband.
"I remember this part!" Bonnie gasped, seeing the Rockwaller family. She saw her 8-year old self in a blue dress on the floor opening presents, "We usually opened up presents around the tree on Christmas Eve, but not the ones under the tree until Christmas Day. It was a Rockwaller Family Tradition!"
"I got a dollhouse!" the young Bonnie exclaimed, opening up one of her presents, revealing it to be a pink dollhouse with Malibu Stacy dolls. She then held up her stuffed doll monkey, Cassie, "Isn't this fun, Cassie?"
"Cassie..." Bonnie gasped, "I remember her! I used to have her from the time I was two years old to when I was 10. I don't know what became of her though. As for that dollhouse, I kept it for three years. Got good mileage out of it...until my sisters decided to give it away in a garage sale..."
"Man...that's gotta be tough on you, sister!" the Spirit Monique replied. "Let us see another Christmas...or a date that is close enough to it!"
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Chapter 3 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/3/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol (FFnet Link)
Chapter 3 - The First of the Three Spirits - Part I When Bonnie awoke, it was so dark that she could barely make out the pink within her own bedroom. She got out her smartphone to listen for the hour. The tiny bell sound it made went from six to seven to eight and regularly up to 12. Bonnie couldn't believe this. It must've been some glitch in the network that she was on.
"Ugh...stupid phone. You play $3,000 for the latest flip phone with a screen on it!" she muttered. "It's not possible that I slept the entire day and far into another night....unless the sun went out of orbit but that would be stupid!"
Bonnie put away her smartphone into her pajama pants pocket and scrambled out of bed and went to one of her grand windows. She was obliged to rub the frost off the sleeve of her expensive cashmere pajamas. She opened it and it was still extremely foggy and extremely cold and all she could make out were a scattering of headlights and tail lights off Interstate 70.
Bonnie went to bed again, replaying the same message over and over and over in her head and could make nothing more of it. The more she thought, the more perplexed she was. Every time she thought it was all a dream, her mind flew back again asking that same question. "Was it a dream or not?" Bonnie continued to lay in this state until she realized that the Ghost of Elsa told her that the first Sprit would be present at 1am. She resolved to lie awake until the hour passed and considering this, she wished she could go to sleep and be done with it. At last, her smartphone chimed. "Ding dong!"
"Quarter past..." Bonnie said counting. "Ding dong!"
"Half past" "Ding dong!"
"Quarter to it" "Ding Dong!" "The hour itself!" Bonnie smirked triumphantly, "And nothing else!" She spoke this before the hour bell sounded on her smartphone, which it now did with a solo bell. A bright light flashed up the room and the curtains to the right side of Bonnie's bed were drawn.
There appeared before her a girl around 18 years of age and, from the color of her skin, she was African-American. She was wearing baggy oversized dark denim Club Banana overalls over her white button-down shirt with both straps hooked to the bib. Complementing the outfit was a brown vest required by Club Banana employees that barely covered the hooked buckles of the overalls. The vest had a couple nametags on it. A pair of gold earrings, a silver CB necklace, and white sneakers completed the ensemble. The strangest thing was that there was a visible jet of light on the top of her head.
From the hair and fashion sense, Bonnie knew who it was.
"Monique? What are you doing here?" the former cheerleader asked quizzically. "Aren't you supposed to be married with Jamarcus and have two kids?"
"Sister, I'm here to guide you to the light!" Monique replied. "And no, I'm not to that point yet!"
"Are you the Spirit who was mentioned earlier by Elsa?" Bonnie then asked.
"MDFS!" Monique said.
"Ummm...can you translate that for me?" Bonnie questioned, "I don't do Monique-speak!"
"Most definitely, for sure!" Monique said for the translation.
"What are you, by the way?" Bonnie demanded.
"I am the Ghost of Christmas Past!" came Monique's reply.
"You mean from decades past?" Bonnie inquired.
"No, girl! Your past!" Monique replied, pointing at the brunette.
"What proof do you have to claim this?" Bonnie sneered while grabbing her reading glasses.
Monique then pointed her hand at her brown vest and under her Club Banana nametag was a second nametag that said, "LOS Official Ghost of Christmas Past."
"LOS?" Bonnie asked, wondering if it was another Monique-speak term.
"League of Spirits!" Monique replied, "We're like an organization of ghosts for holidays, and I'm one of the official ones for Christmas!"
"Looks legit to me! So you're an official Ghost of Christmas Past!" Bonnie replied, "But where shall we go to get to my past?"
"Girl, I brought a ride here!" Monique laughed, pointing to a blue sports car that was parked in the driveway.
Bonnie was caught speechless that the Spirit brought a car here.
"But how are we supposed to get down?" Bonnie asked, "My bedroom is on the third floor, the doors are locked and it is currently 17 F outside!"
"I have my ways, girl!" the Spirit Monique grinned.
Bonnie then added, "Speaking of which...give me a minute!"
Going to her very large three-story walk-in closet, she gathered up her earmuffs, scarf, her pink robe with the initials BR sewn in gold lettering, her expensive CCB fur boots, and her smartphone.
"I'm all ready, Spirit!" Bonnie insisted, "Let's get a ride!" "One...two...three!!!" the Spirit Monique exclaimed.
The Spirit Monique held Bonnie's hands tightly and in an instant, they disappeared from the brunette's bedroom and then reappeared outside in front of the vehicle. It was snowing outside, but lightly. And it was still dark for not a single window of Bonnie's mansion was it.
"Aren't you gonna unlock the vehicle?" Bonnie asked, shivering in the cold.
"Ahh...I almost forgot about that!" the Spirit Monique replied as she unlocked the vehicle to her car. Both she and Bonnie got in!
"Much better!" Bonnie grinned, feeling warm. The Spirit Monique started the vehicle up and it drove off from the driveway.
"Now the bigger question is that how are we going to get back to my past?" Bonnie then inquired.
The Spirit Monique grinned and replied, "Put on your safety belt, girl! This car's gonna fly!"
Bonnie immediately put on her safety belt, not knowing if they were going to drive all crazy.
She pressed the emergency brake button on the vehicle and it transformed into a flying car with a couple of booster rockets in the back.
"To Middleton we go!!" the Spirit Monique exclaimed as the vehicle teleported back into the timestream.
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Chapter 2 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/2/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol (FFnet link)
Chapter 2 - Elsa's Warning
(December 24th, 2020: 10:50pm)
Bonnie made sure to send off most of the servants and butlers, along with all the other employees that were within the grounds of her mansion to leave her for the next day, with the exception of Tightlips, plus a gathering of 10 of her servants and butlers to guide her to her Christmas presents, since that was going to be the extent of her Christmas.
She was all alone in her expensive bedroom, complete with the finest of amenities money has to offer. Her bedroom was completely pink with pink walls, pink carpets, pink chandeliers, and a three-story walk-in closet to store all her clothes. She had also locked the doors for maximum privacy. The room itself was completely dark, save for the roaring fire of the fireplace.
Bonnie herself was in pink cashmere pajama crop top and bottoms from Country Club Banana. The pajama bottoms, like she always preferred, showed off the rim of her yellow CCB boxers.
She knew that all she needed was to be shown of her gifts for Christmas, and that would be all.
She sat in her great chair next to the fireplace, sipping on a glass of red wine.
"Ugh...those damn wretches in the world!" Bonnie muttered to herself bitterly. "I tried to humiliate Possible for years, and she's STILL with the blonde-haired doofus and the two hellspawns that they both have! Damn it!"
The brunette sighed and took another sip of wine before she heard bells at her door.
"You can't come in!" Bonnie scowled, putting away her wineglass, "The door is locked!"
But then, she heard the rattling of chains, even though the walls were a foot thick. She was startled by the noise.
The name sounded again!
"Bonnie Rockwaller!"
Bonnie looked in fear, her left hand nearing the red button to issue the help of Tightlips.
"What the hell is this?!" she exclaimed, standing up from her expensive hair and staring at the door.
And there stood the ghostly figure of a woman in her mid 40s, weighed down by chains, walking through the locked door without any effort. Her formerly black hair was now a ghostly white. She was in a tattered purple dress up to her kneecap. The chains were wrapped around her body and they were connected to various camera parts dragging along the ground.
Bonnie could not believe what she was seeing. The thing that struck her the most was the folded kerchief bound on her head and chin, which wrapper she had not observed before. She was still incredulous, and fought against her senses.
"What the Hell now?" Bonnie said, cold as ever, "What the Hell do you want with me?!"
"Much!" came the voice of the ghost.
"Who are you?" Bonnie asked to the spirit.
"Ask me who I was!" the ghost replied.
"Who were you then?" Bonnie then asked. "You're particular...for a shade."
The ghost identified herself. "In life, I was the partner who help found the tabloids and popularized the KimStyle around the globe...for two weeks...Elsa Clique!"
"Can you...can you sit down?" Bonnie asked, looking doubtfully at her.
"I can." Elsa replied.
"Do it then!" Bonnie commanded.
Bonnie asked the question because she didn't know whether a ghost so transparent might find herself to take a seat in a chair, and felt that it was impossible to do so. But the ghost Elsa sat down on the chair at the opposite end of the fireplace with no issue.
"You don't believe in me?" the ghostly Elsa observed.
"I don't..." Bonnie replied.
"What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your senses?" Elsa then asked.
"I don't...know..." Bonnie said.
"Why do you doubt your senses?"
Bonnie replied "It could've been the alcohol that I have had today! I had two glasses of red wine!"
Bonnie was not in the habit of cracking any jokes. The truth of the matter is that she tried to be smart and keeping down her terror and her reluctance to call in Tightlips for the ghost Elsa's voice trembled the marrow in her bones. There was something very awful, too, in the specter being provided with an infernal atmosphere of its own. The Elsa ghost stat perfectly still.
Bonnie then took a hundred dollar bill from her wallet.
"You see this Benjamin?" Bonnie asked. She wanted to take charge, even if only for a second, to divert Elsa's gaze from herself.
"I do!" Elsa replied.
"You are not looking at it!" Bonnie exclaimed, still holding the $100 bill.
"But I see it!" Elsa said, "Notwithstanding!"
"Well..." Bonnie replied, "I'll have to return this to my wallet and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a legion of freako losers! All my own creation! Humbug, I tell you! Humbug!"
At this, Elsa raised a frightful cry and shook her chains with such a dismal and appalling noise. Bonnie held on tight to her chair to save herself. But to her greater horror, Elsa removed her bandage from her head, her lower jaw dropped.
Bonnie fell upon her knees and clasped her hands before her face.
"Mercy!" the brunette pleaded, "Dreadful apparition who used to be my founding partner in a multi-million dollar supermarket tabloid business! Why do you trouble me?"
"I'll say this once but I will not say it again!" the ghost of Elsa replied, "Do you believe in me or not!"
"I do!" Bonnie cried, "I must. But why do spirits walk the Earth and why do they come to me?"
"Duh! It's required for every person on this planet!" the ghost of Elsa explained, "The spirit should walk with them and travel far and wide. If that spirit does not go forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness!"
Again, Elsa raised a cry, and shook her chains of heavy VHS camera and paparazzi camera parts, and wrung her shadowy hands.
"You are fettered!" Bonnie said trembling, "Tell me why?"
"I wear the chains of all the celebrities we humiliated together!" Elsa replied, "I made it link by link and yard by yard! I made it on my own free will and I have to wear it on my free will? Is its patterns strange to you, Miss Rockwaller?"
Bonnie trembled more and more.
"Or would you know..." Elsa pursued "...the weight and length of the strong chains you bear yourself? It was full as heavy and as long as this, seven Christmas Eves ago when I plowed into that 18-wheeler! You have labored on it since, especially when you have a rap sheet yourself, i.e. the felony tax evasion that you spent 21 months in the federal pen! "
Bonnie glanced on her pink carpet with the expectation that her chains would be at least 300 feet long, but she could see nothing!
"Elsa!" she exclaimed imploringly, "Good Elsa Clique, tell me more! Speak comfort to me, Elsa!"
"I have none to give!" Elsa replied, "It comes from other places, Bonnie Rockwaller! And I can't tell you that I would. Only a sliver more is all that is I am allowed to give. I cannot rest! I cannot stay! I cannot linger anywhere! My spirit never walked beyond the four walls of your multi-million dollar mansion. Even though I traveled around the globe, it was always here that we both contrived ideas to catch celebrities in their most embarrassing moments!"
One of the habits Bonnie had was that whenever she had a thought, she would put her hands in her pockets of whatever pants she was wearing, most notably her bib-down overalls.
Pondering on what Elsa had said, she did the above habit now, but without lifting her teal eyes or getting off her knees.
"You must have been very slow about it, Elsa!" Bonnie observed.
"Slow!" Elsa repeated.
"Seven years dead since you decided to text and drive while going 85 miles an hour on Interstate 70!" Bonnie added.
"While trying to put on makeup for that meeting, if I might add, before ramming into that tractor trailer." Elsa sighed.
"And you travelled all the time?" Bonnie asked.
"The whole time in this place." Elsa said, "No rest, no peace. Incessant torture of remorse."
"You travel that fast over my mansion?" Bonnie asked again.
"On the wings of wind." Elsa repled.
"You must've covered a great quantity of ground of my entire estate over those seven years!" Bonnie exclaimed.
Elsa, on hearing this, cried even louder and clanked her chain so hideously in the dead silence of night that Bonnie covered her ears.
"Elsa, can you keep it down?" Bonnie seethed, "People are trying to sleep in this place!"
"Oh! Captive, bound, and double-ironed," cried Elsa. "Not to know, that ages of incessant labor by immortal creatures, for this earth must pass into eternity before the good of which it is susceptible is all developed. Not to know that no space of regret can make amends for one life's opportunities misused! Yet such was I! Oh! such was I!"
"But, Elsa, you were a good woman of business!" Bonnie exclaimed, "We set up the supermarket tabloid business together.
"Business!" cried Elsa, wringing her hands, "Humiliating celebrities for money was my business. The moment where a celebrity goes to rehab, gets arrested, or has a stormy divorce were all my business! Do you not recall the first tabloid we published together, back in 2010?"
"I remember that one!" Bonnie recalled, "Britina had that meltdown shaving her head and then showed off her lady parts all in the same night! She was placed on conservatorship the next day!"
"Oh yeah!" the brunette laughed, "That issue made us millions!"
But Elsa wasn't laughing. She held up her chain at arm's length, as if that were the cause of all her unavailing grief, and flung it heavily upon the ground again.
"It may be a laugh then, but it was Britina who had the last laugh! Her conservatorship just ended a week ago and her career has taken off again!" Elsa bemoaned. "At this time of the year, I suffer the most! Why do I always walk through crowds with no homes to welcome me in!"
Bonnie was dismayed to see Elsa go on at this rate and began to quake in her body.
"Hear me!" Elsa exclaimed, "My time is nearly gone!"
"I will," Bonnie replied. "But don't be hard upon me, Elsa!"
Elsa replied, "How it is that I appear before you in a shape that you can see, I may not tell. I have sat invisible beside you day after day, even in those boring-ass board meetings!"
It was not an agreeable idea. Bonnie shivered, and wiped the perspiration from her brow.
"It's the least detestable part of my penance," Elsa replied, "I am here tonight to warn you, that you have a slight chance and hope of escaping my fate. A chance and hope of my procuring, Bonnie!"
"You were always a good friend to me, even though we've known each other only for four years prior to your car crash!" Bonnie replied, "Thank you!"
"You will be haunted..." Elsa resumed, "...by three spirits!"
Bonnie's countenance fell almost as low as the Ghost's had done.
"Is that the chance and hope you mentioned, Elsa?" she demanded, in a faltering voice.
"It is!" came Elsa reply.
"I...I think I'd rather not." Bonnie said
"Without their visits..." Elsa said, "...you cannot hope to shun the path I read. Expect the first tomorrow, when the bell tolls one!"
Bonnie got out her smartphone from her cashmere pajama pants pocket.
"Couldn't they all appear to me at once and get it over with, Elsa?" hinted Bonnie.
Elsa ignored Bonnie's plea and continued. "Expect the second on the next night at the same hour. The third upon the next night when the last stroke of 12 has ceased to vibrate. Look to see me no more and look that, for your own sake, you remember what has passed between us!"
When she had said these words, the ghost took her wrapper from the table and bound it around her head as before. Bonnie knew this by the smart sound its teeth made when the jaws were brought together by the bandage.
The ghost of Elsa walked backward from her and at every step it took, the window raised itself a little so that when the ghost reached it, it was wide open. She beckoned Bonnie to approach, which she did.
When they were five feet of each other, the ghost of Elsa raised her hand, warning her to come no nearer. Bonnie stopped.
Not so much in obedience, as in surprise and fear: for on the raising of the hand, she became sensible of confused noises in the air; incoherent sounds of lamentation and regret; wailings inexpressibly sorrowful and self-accusatory. The ghost of Elsa floated out of the window into the dark and bleak night.
Bonnie followed to the large window, curious to see on what the sounds were all about.
The cold Colorado air was filled with ghosts, wandering everywhere and moaning as they went. Every one wore chains like with Elsa. Whether these created faded into mist, she couldn't tell. But they and their spirit voices faded together.
Bonnie closed the window and remarked to herself, "I gotta stop drinking at night!"
She examined the bedroom to her door and it was double-locked and the bolts were undisturbed.
Without saying another word, Bonnie went straight to bed and fell asleep.
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Chapter 13 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
FFNet Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/13/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol
Chapter 13 - The Last of the Spirits - Part I
The Phantom slowly and silently approached her. When it came near her, Bonnie bent down on her left knee. The very air around which this Spirit moved it seem to emit despair and mystery.
It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face with the exception of two brown eyes, its form, and left nothing of it visible except for one outstretched hand. From this, though, it would be difficult to differentiate it from the dark Colorado night.
She felt that it was tall when it came to her right side and that its mere presence filled her with dread. She knew no more than that for the Phantom neither spoke nor moved. It just stood there like a statue.
"O-O-O-Okay..." Bonnie nervously stuttered before the Spirit, "I-I-I take it that you are the Ghost of Christmas Future?"
The Spirit nodded its folds through its hood, affirming a yes to Bonnie, and then pointed with its dark and ghastly hand.
"I guess you're here to show me the shadows of things that are not currently happening but will happen in the years to come?" Bonnie asked the Phantom.
Again, the Spirit nodded its folds, and blinked its eyes twice.
Although she was used to the company of spirits by now, Bonnie feared the silent Phantom so much that her legs were beginning to tremble. It filled her with sheer terror that the eyes were fixed on Bonnie and nobody else.
"Spirit of the Future!" Bonnie exclaimed, "I fear you more than any ghost I've seen tonight. But, as with the other two Spirits, I know your purpose is to convince me to turn over a new leaf as I will become a new woman while the old one with poison and malice in me and pom-poms in my hands will die. I am prepared to learn everything from you and accept your company with a thankful heart."
The Spirit again stood there, motionless.
"But can you not even say a peep to me?"
It gave her no reply. That outstretched hand pointed straight onwards.
"Lead on, Spirit!" Bonnie replied, "The night is starting to get short and I don't wanna waste precious time!"
The Phantom moved away from the sight of Bonnie as she followed it in the shadow of its robes.
They entered into the city of Denver on a rainy Christmas Eve. Groups of people were going about their daily business.
"Man...I wish if I carried an umbrella..." Bonnie muttered. Her fancy baggy and saggy pajamas were getting wet and she had to hold up her pajama bottoms
The Spirit and Bonnie stopped for a moment.
"I take it you are about to show me something?"
The Spirit simply pointed with its outstretched finger towards a group of four gossiping women. Bonnie didn't see their fashion sense because they were in raincoats and holding umbrellas over their heads.
"I don't know much about it." one woman said, "I only know that she's dead!"
"When did she die?" a second woman inquired.
The first woman replied, "Last night, I believe. Caught it on the news. It only lasted for about 30 seconds though."
"What was the matter with her?" asked a third woman.
"Should I even give you a laundry list?" the first woman scoffed. "One failed marriage after another..."
"Eight by the very end." intervened the second woman.
The first woman continued, "...drug problems, alcoholism, frivolous lawsuits, and spending it on stupid things like a ghost detector, a gold-plated private jet, her own cruise ship that burst into flames, her own island that thankfully got damaged by a hurricane, a solid gold bathtub, a Mongolian dinosaur skull..."
"No wonder why she went bankrupt in the end!" laughed the fourth woman.
"It's likely going to be a very cheap funeral." the first woman said, "Suppose we all go as a party?"
"Feh, I don't mind going if there is going to be any food!" the second woman replied.
"I'll be the least interested going to this lousy funeral." the first woman said, "I wasn't her most particular friend. All she would usually give me is a cold glare."
The group of women went away and mixed with other people in the rain. Bonnie knew the women and looked to the Spirit for some sort of an explanation, but she received none.
The Phantom glided into a nearby street and pointed with that finger to two men conversing.
Bonnie recognized them as the DA for Arapahoe County and a celebrity agent from Hollywood.
"How are you today?" the DA asked.
"How are you?" returned the agent.
"Well?" the DA said, "Old Scratch has got her own at last. Died of a drug overdose of an ungodly amount of concoctions."
"So I've been told!" the agent replied, "I represented that lousy bitch for 15 years and she just would not stop spending!"
"The IRS is going to have a field day with all her assets." the DA added.
"Good day to you!" the agent said.
"And good day to you, sir!" the DA replied as both men headed in different directions.
Bonnie was confused that the Phantom would attach importance to those two trivial conversations. She felt that there was some hidden purpose to them, but the main question was what. It couldn't have been Elisa Cleeg, for she had been dead since 2013 and this Phantom's purpose was the future. She also thought it could be some Hollywood starlet who blew her money on extravagant items and died penniless of a drug OD. Nor could she attach it to anyone else connected within her own immediate family. Bonnie knew her dad passed away from lung cancer due to a smoking addiction back in 2015. But again, it was past and this was the future. Still, she resolved to absorb every word and especially to find any clues she missed and to solve some of these riddles.
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Chapter 12 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
FFNet Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/12/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol
Chapter 12 - The Second of the Three Spirits - Part V
Bonnie and the Spirit Brick now appeared at another upper-middle class house. It was in the same neighborhood as Kim's and had five bedrooms and four baths.
"Spirit, whose house are we at now?" she asked.
"You should be able to recognize it by the owner's laugh right about...now!" the Spirit Brick said.
And as per his words, the figure in the house began to laugh.
Bonnie gasped.
"I recognize that laugh!" she exclaimed, now realizing whose house it is.
"It's my brother's!"
Bonnie and the Spirit walked up to the living room window of the house. And from there, they both could see Johnnie laughing with his wife of 18 months, Susan. Both Johnnie and and Susan were the same age and they have yet to have any kids, but were thinking of starting a family.
Johnnie had a laugh that was familiar to his sister. He would usually hold his sides and roll his head and his laugh would be very loud. His wife would pretty much be the same way as well when she would be laughing.
Bonnie knew it because she had seen them laughing before at a comedy club.
"She said that Christmas was a humbug!" cried Johnnie, "She believed it too!"
"More shame for her, Johnnie!" chuckled Susan. She had brown hair and blue eyes and, like Johnnie, she was in her pajamas.
"She's a riot!" added Johnnie inbetween chortles. "That's the truth! However, her offenses carry their own punishment and I have nothing to say against my sis!"
"I'm sure she is very rich!" Susan hinted, "At least you always tell me so!"
"Duh, she is barely on top on the Power World 500's richest women in the world with Miss Rebecca Starlet clicking at ther heels!" Johnnie replied, holding the Power World December issue displaying the wealthiest women in the world.
"But it doesn't matter! Her wealth is of no use to her!" he continued, scoffing, "She doesn't do any good with it! Hell, she recently bought a $35 million jet that she hardly even uses except for rare trips outside the US!"
"I just simply have no patience for her." Susan replied, "Did you see what she did to those poor carolers outside her mansion last year? They got pelted with eggs and tomatoes!"
"Oh, I have!" Johnnie replied, "I'm sorry for my sis. I couldn't be angry with her if I tried. I tell you, Bonnie is just not good at family gatherings. She just simply won't come and dine with us. She just doesn't lose much of a dinner anyways since shes got a horde of chefs to cook something for her."
"In my opinion, I think she's going to lose a very good dinner." Susan interrupted.
"Well, I'm very glad to hear it." Johnnie said. "Hey, can you come into the room? You're missing out on the fun here!"
"Don't worry, Johnnie! I'm coming with my hubby!"
Another figure then came into the living room. Bonnie, from the window, gasped at who it was and whose voice that said it.
It was her old high school friend, Amelia. Bonnie recognized her from her brown hair which had gotten shorter. Amelia was wearing a denim jumpsuit that was a size too big for her. She comboed it with a white t-shirt and unbuttoned two of the top buttons and oversized boots. Giant gold hoop earrings, a giant gold necklace, and the wedding band finished off her Christmas look. Her husband, Chad, came into the room as well. He was in a ugly Christmas Sweater and slacks. Chad was a linebacker on the Mad Dog football team. The two of them have been together since their senior year in high school.
"Johnnie, I know your sister." Amelia said, putting her hands in her pockets, "She was like the top gossiper in high school!"
"Yeah, but are you still on speaking terms with her?" Johnnie asked.
"She replies every now and then to my messages on AddressBook." Amelia said. "But we haven't spoken much over the last couple years. We kinda drifted apart."
"I was only going to say..." Johnnie said, "...that the consequence of her taking a dislike to the merriment of us is that she loses a lot of good moments. Why, I always call Mom at least once a week and I have always wished her a Merry Christmas. Bonnie just sits in her bedroom all alone every December 25th with the same servants always presenting her the same boring rich gifts from the same boring rich-ass stores."
"I got a good question." Chad asked, "Have you ever invited your mom to a Christmas dinner?"
"I believe I have done so before, Chad, but was unable to last year because Mom had a fever." Johnnie replied, "But she is in good health now since she has been out of that disgusting dump of a condemned trailer park ten years ago."
"Then call her up!" Chad suggested, "I'm sure she'll say yes to your invite!"
"Yeah, she would, unlike sis." Johnnie replied, "Both she and Mom have not spoke to each other since The Argument."
"Still, it would be nice for your mom to come." Amelia agreed, "I'm sure both you and her will get to enjoy good memories with each other."
"Yes, Amelia, it would definitely be nice!"Johnnie agreed as she sent Veronica a text on his smartphone.
Bonnie and the Spirit Brick appeared in the living room when they overheard the conversation Johnnie had with Amelia, Chad and Susan.
After this, they decided to play Charades in which Johnnie entertained his guests with.
"Spirit! I remember this game!" Bonnie exclaimed, "I used to play this all the time during the Rockwaller Family Christmases! Johnnie was really good at this game!"
It was Charades in which people had to guess what action people are taking. Bonnie guessed multiple times correctly in which actions the guests were partaking in. She was having a very good time and begged the Spirit to stay until the guests departed.
"Sorry, Bonnie! No can do!" replied the Spirit Brick.
For one of the Charades, Johnnie imitated his sister, right down to her infamous smirk.
"I have found out who it is!" Susan exclaimed,
"What is it, my dear?" Johnnie asked.
"It's your sister, B-o-o-o-nnie!"
The whole crowd in the house exploded with laughter.
"She's given us plenty of merriment, I'm sure!" Johnnie said, "And I would be a very ungrateful bastard to not to drink to her health. Here is a glass of Merlot and I say 'Bonnie Rockwaller'!"
Johnnie picked up his wineglass of red Merlot.
"Bonnie Rockwaller!" they all cried out, raising their wineglasses.
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my sis, wherever she is!" Johnnie replied.
"Spirit, I got a good question." Bonnie thought on what Johnnie said earlier about her relationship with Veronica.
"Do you think I will be on speaking terms again with Mom...even after what had happened with The Argument and me cutting off all means of communication with her?"
"My answer to that is, yes, but it is going to be a challenge. This is the last house that we're stopping at before I depart from the Earth." replied the Spirit Brick before he clapped his hands twice. It momentarily took the both of them from Johnnie's large-sized house to a medium-sized 3 bed/2 bath 1,700 square foot house.
"Where are we at now, Spirit?" Bonnie questioned, observing the simplistic nature of the inside of the home.
"We're actually at your mom's new house." the Spirit Brick replied.
"I do admit that it's a step up for her from the crappy mobile home that she was trapped in." Bonnie admitted, "But who helped her built the house and all?"
"Your brother." the Spirit replied, "The only familial link you have helped your mom out of that trailer park shortly before it was condemned and demolished. Through your wealth, he gave your mom a new car and a new house. Your mom eventually got a job at working at a local bank."
"Whoa...I didn't know all of this before until now!" Bonnie gasped, "That my brother help my mom out of that dump and...gave her a life...something I-I-I was unable to do. Me being blinded by my own greed, ambition, and...m-m-meanness!"
Bonnie gave a large wail and began to cry into the Spirit Brick's robe.
The Spirit made a handkerchief appear and gave it to Bonnie.
"Here ya go. Something for those eyes!" the Spirit Brick replied.
Bonnie dabbed her eyes with the handkerchief.
"Now, prepare for the waterworks, Bonnie." the Spirit Brick insisted.
Veronica, now approaching 60, sat solemnly at the fireplace in her rocking chair, holding Bonnie's stuffed monkey doll.
"C-C-C-Cassie..." Bonnie stammered, recognizing the stuffed animal. Tears again welled in her eyes.
Veronica felt the fabric of the stuffed doll and held it tight.
"Bon-Bon...I miss you so much..."
Bonnie cried into the handkerchief.
"You see..." the Spirit Brick said, "...even after you've cut off all lines of communication with her, she still loves you very deeply. You need to return the favor to her!"
"Eleven Christmases without her. She's the only living parent I have since Dad passed away in 2015 due to lung cancer." Bonnie sighed, drying the tears. "Spirit, can you help me reunite with her?"
"I'm sorry, Bonnie." the Spirit Brick replied as he began to fade from view, "You will have to figure that on your own!"
As the last stroke on her smartphone ceased to vibrate, she remembered the prediction of Elsa Cleeg. Lifting her eyes, she saw a solemn Phantom, draped and hooded, coming towards her.
It felt like the cold temperatures outside dropped 20 more degrees when the Phantom approached her.
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Chapter 17 of Rockwaller Christmas Carol
Chapter 17 - Christmas Day 2020, Part 2
(December 25, 2020 – 8:45am)
Bonnie immediately got two of her limousines together and, with Tightlips and 10 of her servants, headed out of her mansion. Following them was a truck that carried the five surplus turkeys.
Their first stop on the new Bonnie tour was Kim and Ron's house.
Bonnie was wearing her Club Banana dark denim overalls that she wore in her senior year of high school with a red and green cropped sweater from Country CB that she bought many years ago on one of her shopping excursions with Junior. She combined this with a couple gold necklaces and a couple of gold bracelets as well, followed with her with her fancy gold watch from Country CB. She completed the outfit with brown boots as well as a long pink trenchcoat to keep Bonnie warm.
The other servants were keeping warm as well through their coats and gloves.
To Bonnie's own surprise, the overalls were in very good condition and that they were still quite roomy for her. But the thing that astonished the servants even more was that she was wearing the overalls...with both hooks fastened to the buttons on the bib. In her senior year of high school, she normally wore them like the others with both straps unfasted with a belt to hold them up to prevent any Stoppable incidents.
"But, Your Majesty, why did you choose that pair?" Tightlips asked. "You always tended to go for the ones with the buckles even 'accidentally' showed off your thong underwear during an interview and got fined $200,000 by the FCC a couple weeks ago! "
"Duh, Tightlips. This was the only pair out of 20 that did not have the buckles manipulated." Bonnie replied, "And trust me, I do not want an indecent exposure charge ito add to my rap sheet!"
"Point taken." Tightlips admitted before looking out the limo window.
"Hey, I think I see some people!" he exclaimed.
Bonnie also looked out the window.
"I recognize those people!" she shouted, "They're the carolers in those old-timey clothes! Chauffeur, and open the sunroof! I'm going to get the bullhorn"
The chauffeur obeyed and opened the sun roof.
There were indeed two of the 20 carolers that came to the Rockwaller mansion a couple of years ago that were pelted by produce and fruit. Their SUV was stranded on the exit interchange to the Rockwaller Mansion of Interstate 70 because they ran out of gas. Both of the stranded carolers were female.
"If you would've stopped at the Dinoco 15 minutes earlier, this would not have happened!" the first caroler argued.
"Says the person who decided to waste gas by nearly getting us lost in the eastern part of Colorado and nearly getting us killed at Sketchville!" the second caroler retorted.
Then they saw the familiar pink limousines coming up the on-ramp.
"Oh goody, look who it is!" the first caroler snarked.
"If it isn't Bonnie Rockwaller coming to torment us!" the second caroler growled. "Maybe she got her German shepherds to use our clothes as their chew toys!"
Bonnie took a police bullhorn, and got through the sunroof.
"Hey, you two!" she called through the bullhorn.
"What's it to you, Rockwaller? Are you going to have your servants throw snowballs at us?" the first caroler taunted.
"Or have your army of German Shepherds strip us to our undergarments?" the second caroler chimed in.
"Actually, do you two need any help?" Bonnie asked politely. "It is the spirit of the season affter all!"
The two carolers weren't certain.
"Are you serious about this, Rockwaller?" the first caroler asked.
All Bonnie had to do was quote a famed Stoppable.
"Note serious face!" Bonnie replied with determination, "Tightlips, do you have any emergency gas canisters?"
"We have two in the truck!" Tightlips called from the limo.
"Give one of them to the carolers." Bonnie ordered before turning back to the carolers. "There should be a Dinoco about three miles over at the next interchange!"
"But how can we pay for the gas?" the first caroler asked.
"We maxed out on both of our credit cards on Christmas Eve !" the second caroler added. "Spent around $7,000 apiece."
"I'll give ya $100 for the gas...and will deposit $10,000...no...$50,000 of my own money, and not a penny more, to your account at the bank so that you can pay it off!" Bonnie exclaimed.
The two carolers saw the look on Bonnie's face and realized that she was not kidding at all. She had indeed changed from the cold woman that pelted them with rotten eggs a few years ago at her mansion.
"Why...why thank you!" the second caroler exclaimed. "And a Merry Christmas to you too, Bonnie!"
"And Merry Christmas to you too!" Bonnie responded in kind to the carolers.
"So what do we do now?" the first caroler asked, convinced that Bonnie had turned over a new leaf.
"Once you fill your vehicle with gas, follow me to the Possible-Stoppable house!" Bonnie insisted.
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Chapter 16 of Rockwaller Christmas Carol
Chapter 16 - Christmas Day, 2020 - Part 1
(December 25, 2020 - 7am)
Bonnie finally managed to wake up as the image of the Spirit Barkin faded into that of a pillow...her own pillow. She gazed her teal eyes around her familiar surroundings with all th pink and purple. Even better news for her was that the time for her was her own, to make amends to the people she had impacted the most on.
"I will live in the past, present, and future!" she exclaimed "The spirits of all three shall live inside of me! Yes! I feel sooo much alive! I say it on my knees, Elsa!"
Her face was wet with tears for joy when she saw something familiar in her conflict with the Spirt Barkin.
"They aren't torn down!" Bonnie cried while folding one of the bedcurtains in her arms. "They are still here, rings and all! I am still here! The shadows of what would've been the dark future are gone!"
"WOO-HOOO!" she shouted loudly, dancing around the bedroom.
"There's the door where Elsa's ghost entered..." cried Bonnie, going around the bedroom and pointing to various places in the room. "There's the walk-in closet where the Ghost of Christmas Present sat at! There's the window where I saw all the Spirits! It's all true! It all happened! HA-HA!"
"I don't know what day of the month it is!" she exclaimed "I don't know know how long I've been with the Spirits! I don't know where my smartphone is! But I don't care! Woo-hoo!'
Rushing towards one of the windows, the middle one, she flung it wide open and peered off the balcony. Despite the fact that it was 26 degrees outside and that the snow was still on the ground, there was golden sunlight.
She then saw one of the groundskeeper's sons in his usual Rockwaller uniform.
"Hey, kid! Can you tell me what today is?" cried Bonnie to the boy.
The son crossed his arms and got down on one knee as this was the usual sign of reverence towards Bonnie within the grounds of her mansion.
"O Glorious Bonnie! O Glorious Most Exulted..."
"Yeah, yeah. Can you cut the titles and get to what today is?" Bonnie asked, a little impatient.
"Why, today is December 25th, Your Majesty! Christmas Day!"
All Bonnie could do was scream for joy.
She then heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Bonnie chimed.
The muscular servant Tightlips came in, followed by 40 servants and butlers bowing before her.
"Good morning, O Glorious Most Exulted Holy, Perfect, Immaculate Bonnie!" Tightlips decreed, "Today is Christmas Day, not that you care about the nature of the holiday! As is your tradition, me and your servants and butlers shall present you your gifts and deem the holiday as nothing more than pure garbage and bullshit."
Bonnie smirked, "I hate to break it to you, Tightlips..."
Then she uttered six words that turned the faithful Rockwaller servants' worlds upside-down.
"Christmas is not garbage and bullshit!"
Tightlips and the horde of servants gasped at what the richest woman on the planet was saying, considering how she ordered the pelting of eggs and tomatoes at a group of Christmas carolers a year ago.
"But...you said yesterday...but...how..." Tightlips stammered, for he was at a loss of words, "W-w-why? W-w-where...?"
"Tightlips, I had a change of heart!" Bonnie exclaimed, "I saw the true meaning of Christmas with my own eyes and with my own soul!"
Tightlips just stood there dumbfounded, unable to come up with words to say to his employer.
Finally, he had the courage to speak up.
"So...umm...what do you want us to do?"
"We are going to Middleton around town and have the best Christmas ever!" Bonnie insisted.
"But how? About all of the stores are closed today!" Tightlips wondered, still not believing a word Bonnie was saying.
"We're gonna go to certain houses throughout town and spread Christmas cheer!" Bonnie exclaimed, "And I know which house to start with first...the Possible-Stoppable house!"
"Your Majesty!" Tightlips exclaimed in shock, "The Possible-Stoppables have put a restraining order against you nine months ago, ordering that you cannot go within 500 feet of the family or their house and has blocked any and all means of communication between you and her."
Bonnie, though, gave a smile.
"Correction, Tightlips...had! Possible called up the judge to tear up the order! I can go on her property without being tackled and tasered by the cops!"
Tightlips, still puzzled at Bonnie acting this way, decided to play along.
"Understood, Your Majesty. What shall we do for you today on this...glorious...Christmas Day?"
Bonnie gave her command, "I want you and your servants to gather five of the surplus turkeys that we have stored in the large fridge."
"You mean the turkeys that the servants usually eat on Christmas Day?" Tightlips questioned
"Yes!" Bonnie ordered. "Put them in the truck."
"Yes, Your Majesty!" Tightlips obeyed. He snapped his fingers for 10 of the servants to go to the kitchen to gather the turkeys.
"How many limousines do you want to take to the Possible-Stoppable house?" Tightlips asked.
"We're gonna take two, Tightlips!"
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Chapter 14 of A Rockwaller Christmas Carol
(AN: At the beginning of the story, I mentioned earlier that my fic was T-rated for some strong language and for some suggestive themes. Well, this is the chapter where the suggestive themes come in. The Ghost of Christmas Future, whose identity will be revealed in the next chapter, and Bonnie go to a rough area of Denver and there is a red-light district there with sex shops, strip clubs, and porn theaters, but they do not go in the said adult establishments. Instead, they go to a pawn shop. If you are offended by the presence of the adult establishments, please go ahead and read some of my other T-rated and below stories. For those of y’all that have enjoyed RCC so far, y’all can continue reading the chapter right below the cut.)
Chapter 14 - The Last of the Spirits - Part II
They left the busy downtown Denver scene. The Spirit and Bonnie transported to another suburb of Denver which was the Boars Hills area, the northeastern portion of the city. Bonnie recognized its bad situation and repute that this was the most dangerous area of the city where there were roaming gangs, loose dogs around, outlaw motorcycle clubs, and gang graffiti. The homeless pushing their shopping carts and heroin addicts were everywhere among the dilapidated and vacant houses in the area. It also boasted the most sex shops, strip clubs, porn theaters, and sex shows of anywhere within the entire state, for it was the red light district of Denver. It was also the only legal area for prostitution within the entire state of Colorado.
And within the red-light district of Denver, there was a pawn shop named Old Joe's Pawn Shop And Goods squeezed in between a sex shop and a strip club. Both Bonnie and the Spirit materialized through the walls of the shop. Bonnie discovered that there were rusty keys, nails, chains, files, weights and refuse iron of all kinds. And sitting at the cash register was an old man with gray hair approaching 70 years of age. He was also smoking a pipe as well, city ordinances be damned. His name was simply Old Joe.
Bonnie and the Phantom can into the presence of the man. A homeless woman with a heavy bundle then entered into the shop. A hotel maid of one of the nearby hotel chains then entered as well with a similar bundle. A man, who owned one of the adult theaters, then entered into the shop. The two women were less started by the sight of the man. After a short time, the three shoppers and Old Joe all bursted out laughing.
The homeless woman said, "I should go first, followed by this hotel maid here and then the guy who owns the peep show films! Old Joe, here' s your chance to ask why you called us here!"
"You couldn't have met in a better place!" Old Joe grinned, removing the pipe from his mouth, "Come to the rear of the store!"
Old Joe went to the rear of the store as did the other three occupants. The old man raked the fire in the stove with an old stir rod and put the smoking pipe back in his mouth.
"What are the odds, Miss Dilber?" the homeless woman said, "Every person has a right to take care of themselves. She always did."
"That's true..." replied Miss Dilber, the hotel maid, "No woman more so! Used to own an expensive perfume and makeup line before she went belly-up in money."
"Why then, don't just stand there!" countered the homeless woman, "We're not going to pick holes in each other's bags, are we?"
Miss Diber and the porno theater owner agreed "Nope, we won't!"
"Very well then!" cried the homeless woman, "Who's the worst for the loss of a few things like these? Not for a dead woman, I suppose?"
"No, indeed!" replied Miss Dilber, giving a light laugh.
"If she wanted to keep them after she was dead," the homeless woman said, "If she had been, she'd have have somebody to look after him when she was struck with Death, instead of lying on her bed, dying from a drug concoction while drinking a whole bottle of vodka and ODing on cocaine, meth, ecstasy, and heroin."
"True words can not be more spoken." Miss Dilber replied, "It's a judgment on her."
"Wish if I could give her a heavier one." the homeless woman muttered before turning to Old Joe. "Open the bundle, Old Joe, and lemme know the value of it!"
Old Joe opened the contents of the bundle of the porno theater owner first. It was revealed to be an old belt buckle, a rusted comb, a pair of buttons and an empty wine bottle."
Old Joe charged up for the value of the items.
"Ehhh...$50. If it weren't for the wine bottle, it would only be worth $10." Joe replied to the porno theater owner.
The porno theater owner grinned as Joe handed him the cash before looking at his smartphone, "Thanks, Joe. Now, if you don't mind, I gotta start the midnight showing of Stacey Does LA !"
The owner then left the store.
Miss Dilber was next. Sheets and towels, two teaspoons, and a few high-end boot were in her stash.
"Ahh...very nice!" Joe replied, "These are genuine Club Banana boots! Onyx, if I observe correctly! I always give a bit much to the women that come to the store, including the prostitutes. Still, with these boots, I'll give you $150 for it."
Joe gave the $150 to Miss Dilber.
"Nice!" Miss Dilber exclaimed, putting the cash in her purse.
"And now undo my bundle, Joe!" the homeless woman exclaimed.
Joe went down to his knees to open her bundle. What he found was a large and heavy roll of dark stuff.
"What is this thing?" asked Joe.
"Bedcurtains, to be more exact." the homeless woman replied.
"You don't mean that you took them down, rings and all, with her lying there?" Joe asked.
"Yes, I did!" replied the homeless woman, "Why not?"
"That mansion has almost been abandoned for months and was condemned by the CHFA (AN: Colorado Housing and Finance Authority) as unlivable!" Joe said, "The woman was unable to make payments on the house. It was foreclosed upon. The east wing of it caught on fire and was burned to the ground. It was set to be demolished two weeks from now."
"Yeah, I snuck in at night. Large hole in the fence was easy enough for me to get through and rip it just as she was already dead." the homeless woman countered, "I was not very fond of her company. These sheets are very well preserved, not a single hole in sight. The CHFA authorities would've wasted it, if it hadn't been for me."
"What dd you mean by wasting it?" Joe asked.
"Putting it on her to be buried in, to be sure," the homeless woman replied with a laugh. "She can't look uglier than when she died on that bed!"
#kim possible#fanfiction#bonnie rockwaller#1069 words#rockwaller christmas carol#tw: suggestive themes
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A Rockwaller Christmas Carol - Chapter 1
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005722/1/A-Rockwaller-Christmas-Carol (FFnet link)
From the Desk of Sharper
Good evening, everyone. I have decided to do a KP Version of the famous Charles Dickens story 'A Christmas Carol' with Bonnie taking on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge as well as other well-known KP Characters taking on the roles of the other characters of Dickens' famed story.
Can Bonnie, the multi-billionaire heiress that has been an annoying thorn in Kim's side for the past twenty years, finally change her ways, or will she end up as a lost soul forever?
Unlike the other holiday-related story I am doing (Proposal From The Deep), this is not going to be a part of Whitem's Holiday Fic contest. This is something that is connected with my Rockwaller Universe. It will be on the timeline where the pandemic for the KP verse begins in 2021.
The fanfic is rated T for language including a couple uses of an obscene gesture, a few crude/sexual references and dialogue, a scary image, and for some alcohol/tobacco use.
Kim Possible, characters and settings, are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney.
Val, Athena and Drake are characters in Gothicthundra's universe and all credit is given to her.
Any other OC I create is my own.
"A Rockwaller Christmas Carol"
Chapter 1 - Christmas Eve, 2020 (December 24, 2020) All throughout the city of Middleton and a majority of its 45,651 residents are in the midst of the Christmas Season, shopping and bustling along and preparing for the holiday.
However, there was one resident living 60 miles to the east of the Denver area that was not happy whenever Christmas came around.
That person was the 31-year old multi-billionaire tycoon known as Bonnie Rockwaller.
She looked at the door that once housed Elsa Clique, the co-founder of the RockwalClique tabloid that was super popular at supermarkets everywhere for celebrity gossip, especially at Smarty-Mart. She had been dead for seven years. She was about as dead as a door nail.
Bonnie was the only one that attended Elsa's funeral. She was her sole executor, her sole administrator, her sole assign, her sole residuary legatee, her sole friend, and sole mourner.
______________________________________________________________________________ To many people in Middleton, and for the most part around the globe, it should not come as a surprise to anyone how much Bonnie loved the holiday solely for the gifts but hated the holiday for everything else. First off, she could not stand the caroling during the season, especially when the carolers, complete in their came to her luxurious, and very large, Rockwaller mansion. The very large $400 million 150-bedroom, 250-bathroom, 580,000 square feet mansion that was outside the Denver area (and had its very own exit off the interstate) looked very inviting to the carolers because it was well-decorated for the holidays. flashback
(December 2019) The doorbell began to ring as Bonnie got out her robe, covering her pajamas. "Ugh...what is it now..." the brunette muttered. She snapped her fingers to one of her butlers.
"Open the door!" she commanded the butler. The butler did as he was told and it revealed to be a group of 20 carolers, dressed in traditional late 19th century clothes and jackets to protect themselves from the bitter cold.
"Ughh....it's those group of losers again! Did you get those stupid rags from the bargain bin at Smarty-Mart, buttheads?"
They ignored her insult began to sing Deck The Halls, but were only halfway into the second verse before Bonnie snapped her fingers. It activated a series of cannons that constantly bombarded the carolers with eggs and tomatoes. The carolers fled and screamed in terror while Bonnie smirked and folded her arms. They ran as fast as their tomato-and-egged 19th century caroler costumes would allow them and 10 German Shepherds and five pit bulls that served as her attack dog brigade chased them out of the gate. One of the German Shepherds even ripped the back pants of a male caroler, showing off his heart underwear.
The male caroler muttered, "She's a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!!"
Bonnie dusted off her hands and said with an evil smile, "That takes care of those annoying caroling losers!"
Secondly, she depised giving any bit of her money to charity. Up until this point in her life. she saw charities who want to leach on her extreme wealth. She had also made very disparaging comments about orphans and widows in the past. (December 13, 2014) Bonnie was at the Rockwaller Family Enterprise headquarters in New York when she heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it this time?" Bonnie demanded to know.
"It's the National Charity of Salvation, Miss Rockwaller." one of her interns said. Bonnie sighed, "Send them in.!" (A few minutes later)
"And as you can see, Miss Rockwaller..." the director of the NCS said when he was pointing to a flow chart, "...we should have about 1,500 charities set up around the country."
"And this is supposed to make me money....how?" Bonnie muttered, slouching in her golden throne in the conference room.
"Well...uh...um....uhh....." the director said at a loss of words.
"Feh...not interested!" Bonnie dismissed him, "Security, escort these losers out of my sight!"
"But...the poor and homeless..." the director pleaded as he, his council, and his charts were taken away by security. "If the poor die off in the cold winter, they'd better do it and decrease the surplus population of this damn planet." Bonnie said coldly at the man. "Bah...humbug!!" She looked at the large portrait of herself on the wall on the left...and a large portrait of Elisa Clique on the right, whom had set up Bonnie's multi-million dollar tabloid company, producing a lot of the tabloids at grocery stores, specially Smarty-Mart. The latter had died in 2013 as a result of a car accident.
Of course, Bonnie does celebrate Christmas, but her peculiar tradition is that she would rather stay in her mansion and wait while only a handful of servants both give and show her presents to her....and only her. The most expensive gift she has received when she became a billionaire was a private jet worth $35 million that she hardly uses.
(back to Dec. 24, 2020) And so, Bonnie stood in her house on the outskirts of Denver in the cold winter. She stared at the frozen outbanks of snow facing Interstate 70 from her window in the large conference room where business meetings were held. The only other people present in the room were Tightlips, the head of all her servants and Johnnie Rockwaller, the director of the maids and her only biological connection that remained to her original family as she had cut off all communication with her father, mother, and two sisters. Johnnie, around that time, was 27 years of age, for he was born four years after Bonnie.
"Ughhhh...the stupid dumb losers!" she muttered! "I would rather celebrate Christmas by myself!"
"If you so do mind, sis..." Johnnie asked, "...I was wondering if you could join me and my lovely family for Christmas dinner?"
Bonnie muttered, "Johnnie, I love you as my brother, but you know damn well that I do not do well with family gatherings! We agreed never to discuss such things, remember?"
Johnnie sighed, "Understood...guess it's just me, my wife, and my daughter...but have a merry Christmas to you! God save you!"
"Bah....humbug!" Bonne exclaimed.
"But Christmas is not a humbug, sis!" Johnnie countered. "You don't mean that, I am sure."
"What right or even reason do you even have to be merry?" Bonnie taunted,
"You're only upper-middle class compared to me!"
"What right have you to be dismal? " Johnnie questioned, "You're the richest woman in the world! Plus you do get Christmas gifts every year!"
"I only get them for myself!" Bonnie sneered, "Everyone in this mansion, even you, knows this!! Everything else about Christmas to me is garbage!!"
The trio then heard a buzzer over the intercom.
"Now who comes to my mansion this time?" Bonnie growled.
"It is one of your employees from the tabloid sector, Emily Cratchit!" Tightlips said, pointing to the security cameras. "Security guards gave her prior clearance since she works at your tabloid business as a reporter."
Bonnie sighed, "Send her in!" _____________________________________________________________________________ Emily Cratchit came in the conference room. She was in her late 30s and had blonde hair with hazel eyes. She was dressed in a black pants suit and was quite nervous about approaching Bonnie. Emily had been working at the RFE for about two years, but she had not received any advancement to her regular salary.
Bonnie and three of her servants marched into the conference room.
"Miss Rockwaller, thank you for coming along!" Emily said to her.
"You'd better make this quick, Mrs. Cratchit. I do not have time for you to bullshit around!" Bonnie snarled.
Emily took a deep breath and said, "I would like to have tomorrow off, Miss Rockwaller, if it is convenient for you. You do allow your employees to take the 25th off!."
"It's not convenient!" Bonnie snarled. "And it's not fair! Everyone knows that the tabloid cycle goes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!"
Emily smiled faintly.
"And yet..." Bonnie added, "...you don't think me as being as a stumbling block to the tabloid cycle to pay a day's wages for no work or photos of the latest celeb gossip."
Emily said, "It's only once a year. Even Smarty-Mart employees, including my husband who's the manager of the Middleton location, get the whole day of Christmas off."
"A poor excuse to pick a person's pocket every December 25th...but since no one's gonna work on that day, I'll give you that." Bonnie admitted.
But she warned her, "But I want your ass to be in your seat in your cubicle on the 26th at 8am sharp or you are going to be docked in pay."
"You won't be disappointed, Miss Rockwaller!" Emily exclaimed with that faint smile on her face.
"Now...get out of my sight!" Bonnie snarled.
Emily quickly went out of the conference room, escorted by two of Bonnie's security guards.
Bonnie ordered the closing of the gates to her mansion after Johnnie left, not wishing to be disturbed any further.
#kim possible#fanfiction#bonnie rockwaller#ocs#ron stoppable#drakken#shego#sharper's fanfics#chapter 1#1711 words
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How the Rockwaller Stole Christmas (2/2)
(PART VI) The bad guys all slithered and snuck with vile smiles most unpleasant
Around the entire den and living room, they took all the Possible presents
Ann's jewelry set and new brain surgeon tools, Kim's new Kimmunicator The Tweebs' drone with a flamethrower nicknamed "The Incinerator" James' rocket set, Joss's mechanical horse went amiss And his latest version of "Fortress"! She even took Larry's Bernalus Senator action doll as seen To her, it would look even better soaked in gasoline But that's not all, no.... For she had more gifts to steal, though. Bonnie wanted to inflict more damage to them. To that point, she had Junior steal Ron's PSX720 and "Zombie Mayhem"!
Once the den was taken care of, there was the next phase of the plan. The kitchen was the next victim room, if one can understand. Junior and the henchmen seemed invincible like the Terminator They then began to raid the refrigerator They took the Possible's feast This included Nana's lemon-squares and even the Roast Turkey Beast. They cleaned out the fridge quickly like The Flash They even took the last can of Slim Possible's Montana potato hash.
They took all the toys and food out the open door, not too far. To the 'borrowed' trailer hitched on Cruella's 'borrowed' car Bonnie giggled with glee "Now..." the Queen grinned, "Junior, take the tree!"
Just as Junior did so, she almost made a fatal mistake One of the members heard the sound, turned on the light, suddenly awake Bonnie gasped and quickly instructed the henchmen to hide. Leaving only Junior without a hiding place inside. She feared that this would be Kim Whom would not be afraid to use all 16 styles of Kung Fu against her and him. To her amazement, she saw that it wasn't a Possible who got out of bed. But it was a STOPPABLE instead.
(PART VII) Hana Stoppable had heard the sound and came to. She, at time, was no more than two.
She was adopted by the Stoppable parents, not a few months sooner Ron once even called her "The Intruder"
But her big brother loves her so much If one enemy harmed a hair on her, they would DEFINITELY regret that touch
Coming out of bed Hana stared at Junior and said: Santy Claus? Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why?
Junior, learning from his lessons with Shego Knew a perfect lie It was to boost his ego And to keep their plan alive
"Why, my sweet dear..." the fake Santa fibbed "There's a burnt-out light on the tree..if you can see.. Bonnie smiled, for she taught him to ad-lib For it is so Junior gave out a big Ho-Ho-Ho "I'm taking it back to my workshop up the North Pole My elves will work on the tree that also has a huge trunk hole."
Hana did indeed observe the hole in the trunk He instructed one of his 'elves' to put the tree in a very large sack. "Don't worry, I'll bring the tree right back."
The fib easily fooled the child And Junior patted her head. He gave her a warm glass of milk And sent her to bed.
Once Hana left the living room space The henchmen, and Bonnie, came out of their hiding place She exclaimed "That was extremely close. Now let's finish up the job, you dog
Take the last thing in their house! The yule log!"
Junior took the Possible's log for their fire. The HenchCo henchmen left nothing but hooks and bare wire.
(PART VIII) It was now quarter to 6. Bonnie and Junior were doing their final tricks. They had stuffed every last bag and tied it with ties. Bonnie gasped, looking at the sunrise. "Junior, start the car! "We have to make sure the Possible's Christmas will not go far!
And to his intuition Junior went into the car, followed by Bonnie, and started the ignition The DeVille vehicle sped off from sight From the theft of the Possible house that occurred during the night. The henchmen's HenchCo automobiles followed as well To make sure that everything Possible-related burns in the flames of Hell
About 4,000 feet up outside the city limits of Middleton The car came to a stop at such precision. Bonnie asked "Junior, do you have the two tanks of gasoline?" Junior took out the tanks from the trunk, so that they could be seen "They are right here, my love, for it will be brighter Once we set the gifts and food on fire." The henchmen also got out of the cars too To unload the trailer filled with the gifts and food They moved the trailer from the DeVil car 1500 feet away So that no fatalities or injuries would result that day.
"Wait..." Bonnie paused, stopped and stared, "The Britinia CD! That is the only gift to be spared If the disc doesn't skip or hinder."
"But the rest of it? Burn it to a single cinder!"
One of the henchmen gave her the gift she wanted the most. They have now received their instructions to reduce everything to toast.
"Before you can do that, I must hear... ...The sound that the Possibles most fear" Bonnie insisted with, again, her sexy grin "I want to relish my victory, my triumph, my win!"
She was constantly humming
"As we speak, the Possibles are finding out now Including Kim, the big, fat redheaded pig-cow Their Christmas is not coming. That will definitely make up for me being sad For all the crappy Christmases I had!"
Junior added, "They're waking up, and their mouth with drop for a minute or two. Then the Possibles in the Possible will cry boo-hoo!"
"This is a glorious noise...." grinned Bonnie, "....that we simply must hear. Both Bonnie and Junior paused and put a hand to her pierced ear.
The evil couple did hear a sound rising over that heavy snow. It indeed started low, then....it started to grow!
To the Evil Couple's shock, the sound from the Possibles wasn't sad. This sound was more in the area of....glad!
Every Possible down in the Possible-house The tall and the small Was singing their carols without any presents at all.
The Queen hadn't stopped the Possible Christmas from arriving, it came. Somehow, in the mystery of life, it came all the same. And the Queen and Junior, with her boots cold stuck in the snow, stood puzzling Puzzling and wondering and mustering How could it be so?
It came without her mother's jewelry case! It came without the wannabe's Kimmunicator! It came wihout her dad's rocket set! It came without the Tweeb's Drone Incinerator!
Junior suddenly thought of something his tiny mind hadn't before. "Maybe the Possible Christmas....means a little bit....more!"
Bonnie gasped. She hadn't thought of this. Of Junior having a change of heart on her evil list. "Junior, what the Hell have you been smoking?"
"You really must be truly joking!" But Junior gave Bonnie a treasonous reply. With a bit of a small sigh
"No, my beautiful brunette! It's the Possible family coming together that is the primary reason To celebrate their Christmas season." Bonnie growled. She didn't know what to do at this junction. Her family, with all of its gossip and intrigue, erred on the side off dysfunction. What happened then?
Through the TRUE meaning of Christmas, Junior's heart grew three sizes that day. In a sort of a miraculous way. But then, from the city, came a loud holler The Queen gasped in horror after recognizing that voice: BONNIE MARIE ROCKWALLER!!
This left her no choice.
(PART X) Bonnie sneered, thinking for herself, "If you don't have the gumption To do a lot of destruction. Then I will do the evil deed myself."
She swiped the gas cans away from Junior's hands And was about to accomplish her own dastardly evil plans. Bonnie gave an evil cackle What she didn't expect was a hard-charging tackle From the 'redheaded pig-cow' she had called Kim moments ago The gasoline went onto the DeVille car to and fro. "Now, Tweebs!" the world-saver yelled, tackling her rival in the attack Both Jim and Tim freed the drone from its prison sack. With the flamethrower as its primary weapon, it's target in sight. It breathed fire on the gas-covered DeVille car, ready to ignite. The DeVille Car blew up in a blaze of glory Of twisted Detroit (actually UK) metal and steel (and thankfully, things that are not gory) The HenchCo henchmen, seeing this destruction Tried to get out of here, wishing they had jobs in construction. But almost all of their vans stalled out and didn't move, to their dismay. Ron and Rufus has loosened their air from their tires, and Rufus said OK!
"Bonnie....you should know better than that in this sitch!"
"Of all the evil things you have done, this is the most wrongsick of all, you evil witch!" Growled Kim, wresting with the brunette. "K, it's no fair of what you and your fam are doing.
Living next door to me, and enjoying Christmas while I stare out of the window, losing!" Kim then replied, "Then why don't you move out?
Before I force you on me my puppy-dog pout!" And she did make the PDP
Bonnie covered her eyes, not wanting to see.
Not literally, Kim gave Bonnie a black eye. Thankfully, Hana told Ron about Junior's flat-faced lie. As if the Christmas Day started off worse on Bonnie, for sure She then tripped and fell into a pigsty filled with manure.
What Bonnie didn't know was that Junior, finding the meaning of Christmas came through. He now has the strength of 50 henchmen, plus two. With his heart hadn't felt quite so tight. Junior, Ron, and Rufus. up the only active HenchCo van in the morning light. The one minivan whose tires were not slashed Bonnie screamed as Kim cuffed her rival behind her back, the former's reputation now gashed.
Junior descended down toward Middleton eating crumpets And Ron blew out a charging tune on the top of the van from his ramhorn trumpet.
Everyone went back into Middleton And went back to the Possible abode and released the toys. To Joss, Cousin Larry, and the Twin Possible Boys Junior brought back Ann's jewelry box and Kim's new model Kimmunicator. The drone carried its toys to the den with its' now-closed incinerator. Larry was especially delighted a lot When he received his versions of Fortress and Everlot He even jumped through the hall on a football That Junior gave him back both his Bernalus Senator action doll
Everyone, except for Bonnie, brought everything back, including the food and feast. And to the youngest Rockwaller's shock and disgrace Adding a banana-cream pie to her face. Junior even....carved the Christmas Turkey Beast.
Though Kim interrupted the festivities and said, "You know, Junior, both you and Bonnie will be serving time in prison instead."
"The police are going to arrest you for the robbery that you two performed last night And of course, they are going to read you the Miranda Right You still did the crime You still are going to have to do the time. As for Bon-Bon, the School Board will decide your fate, you stupid clod And also for your position on the MHS Cheer Squad.
So, Bonnie and Junior were led away in the wagon, facing their stupid decision Of doing this crime that would definitely lead them to prison "Now..." the driver said in a familiar voice. "...you two have done well as so You especially, Miss Rockwaller, have obeyed "The Villain Code" Both Junior and Bonnie smiled with delight, for they recognized his evil demeanor The driver took off his mask, revealing to be Senor Senior Senior
For Bonnie's relationship with Junior, everything was forgiven. When Junior gave her a wad of $500,000 rolled up in fresh crisp Benjamins "You have chosen your mate wisely, young lady, Except for the fact that my son suffered a good gaffe But no matter, when the weather is sunny or shady We shall all practice our evil laughs!"
And they all laughed in the wagon for sport While Senior took them on helicopter to the island from the airport.
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How the Rockwaller Stole Christmas (1/2)
"How the Rockwaller Stole Christmas" For the first of the two winter poems That you're reading away or at your home Just to let everyone know, the entire selection (including the intro) is in rhyme This is to save everyone, especially Whitem, a whole lot of time It is for his 10th Winter Writing Contest, so it'll be brief I promise that I won't take any Fannies awards for this, or else I'd be a thief It features Bonnie in such a grumpy Grinchy feeling But Junior gives her an idea that is worth...how should I say...stealing Let's see how it goes Will they get away scot-free or get caught? Who knows. The poem is rated T As you can see For some minor swear words (but including a gesture that is obscene) So it is why is it suitable for those over the age of 13. And humor that is crude And for the snark in Bonnie's 'Queen B' attitude Kim Possible is created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney This is to (hopefully) prevent the Mouse's lawyers from getting all in a suing tizzy. And as for the Seuss Estate, there will be no feelings of ill will or resentment. For this very poem is parody and satire, and fair use, covered by the First Amendment. So without further ado, Here is this treat of a poem, especially for the reader...which is you.
"How the Rockwaller Stole Christmas" (PART I)
This is the time of year A time of happiness and joy Where there is the spreading of good and cheer For almost every Middletonian girl and boy
As stated before, almost every young citizen Down in Middleton Liked Christmas a lot. But Bonnie Rockwaller, who lived just next door to the Possibles, did NOT!!
She hated how the Possibles celebrated Christmas in their house Giving a low growl that would even frighten a small mouse Every single day of the accursed Christmas season. If you are wondering to try To ask the question of why She does have her reasons.
And no, it wasn't because her head wasn't screwed on right Or that her Country Club Banana boots were too tight Or that a probable main reason of all Could be that her heart was three sizes too small
No, all she had to do was go back years past Of how past Christmases at the Rockwallers sucked when she was a young lass. From the hand-me-downs of her sisters to the infamous photo of her crying in Santa's lap Those winter "memories", she knew, would be crap The only bright spot of her Christmases, if it even would bother Would be the gifts given to her from Donald Rockwaller aka her father But, alas, this year, her dad's gift would be proven fruitless, of course For the Rockwallers are (currently) going through a very tough divorce.
And then there was the part where, a few years ago if one can gleam Bonnie starred as an angel in a Nativity scene They sang songs such as "Silent Night", "Joy to the World" and similar sounds Only problem was that said Nativity scene was played on courthouse grounds Some politically-correct people in the audience pointed out, if they can relate, That this was a blatant violation of the separation of church and state. The Queen, who had enjoyed this, flew in a rage On the Nativity scene stage She shocked the audience, her parents, and her fellow singers, By giving the politically-correct people two middle fingers
So she stared there on Christmas Eve from her bedroom window, Hating the Possibles all the while Middleton was covered in record-setting snow. From the lighted windows of their house, Kim was hanging a mistletoe wreath, Just in case Ron came, she can kiss him from beneath.
Bonnie couldn't believe That today was indeed Christmas Eve She continued to growl, her fingers continued drumming "I MUST find a way to prevent the Possible Christmas from coming!" She stood there, brooding and stewed
For tomorrow, she knew... (PART II) All the Possible girls and boys Yes, this includes Ron and Rufus They would all rush for their gadgets and toys. Including, as Bonnie called him, the blonde-haired doofus. She would be rattled and awakened by all the NOISE, NOISE, NOISE!!! All the NOISE!!! NOISE!!! NOISE!!! That was one thing she hated while trying to sleep in her bed On every single Christmas Day The continuing screaming sounds of video games being played repeatedly in her head Unfortunately for her, it had always been this way.
She'll (that being Kim) call and beep Wade on the new Kimmunicator The Tweebs would fly around with their drone, armed with an incinerator Joss would buck around with her large mechanical horse, making bucking sounds Cousin Larry would do roleplay while playing the latest version of Everlot, a quest to be found Kim will also blare the rare $50 Britina CD on her CD player as if she captured the Holy Grail Bonnie had been demanding said CD from her mother all month long...but to no avail. And as of Ron and Rufus, he will play noisy games to get that high score. Like the latest installment of the M-rated gorefest known as Zombie Mayhem IV. Oh...the Queen hated that that noise a plenty When Ron plays it for hours on end on his PSX720.
To her, this was no fair. The comparison of gifts really almost made her tear out her brunette hair. She even tried to get her dad, whom was the chief of police, to stop the squeaks and squeals While the Possibles raced around on ATVs with 4 wheels. Alas, it was no use for her to stop this noise torture from Hell. Bonnie felt as if her house was one big jail cell.
As if this were another reason for her to hate on the Possible's holiday moods, to be quite frank There was Ron turning up the volume, watching "The Six Tasks of Snowman Hank" Oh, if only the Queen had earplugs A type that would drown out the warm clink of Possible cocoa-moo mugs
And then the Possibles, young and old Will then all sit down to a feast And they all feast, feast, FEAST!!! The food from their cabinets and fridge flowed like never-ending gold They devour a large Christmas turkey, which was about as big as a 10-pound Beast Oh, a Christmas Turkey Beast is a feast Bonnie couldn't stand in the very least. In the sweets department, there were the famous lemon squares by her Nana But all Bonnie got was after the Rockwaller Xmas Dinner was a rotten banana.
And then, the Possibles do something that the Queen hated most of all Every Possible in the Possible house, the tall and small. Will stand close hand in hand With Christmas Bells on their phone apps constantly ringing And the Possibles, standing on their property land... ...they start SINGING!!! And they'll SING, SING, SING!!!!!! That is what will make her the most feral When the Possibles sing their Christmas carols.
And the more Bonnie thought of the Possible-Christmas sing.... ...The more the Queen thought!
She must stop this whole entire thing. "Why, for five years, I've put up with it now!"
"I HAVE to stop the Possible's Christmas from coming....but how?"
(PART III) As she continued to stare outside Bonnie then heard two taps on her door The figure came from the hallway, not making an attempt to hide It was only her rich boyfriend, Senor Senior Junior, nothing more. Junior had come to his first Rockwaller Christmas, being that he was in town This was an attempt by Veronica to try to turn her daughter's frown upside-down Like Bonnie, his heart was three sizes too small. But it was his brain that was tiny, most of all.
"Oh hey, my rich hottie. Wonder why you're doing here in my place!"
Bonnie said with a slight smile on her face. She waited on what her dim BF was trying to say "Hey, my love." Junior replied, "I came here for the food and any games that you usually play."
Bonnie scoffed, "Junior, I know that this is your first time, and you're trying But I suspect that you may be a be a bit...lying.
And I like that," she continued with a salacious grin. For she knew Junior was loaded, a fact she knew he was an instant win. Junior said, "My love, I can bring you anything this year, a fact that my father had taught I can even buy you a multi-million-dollar yacht."
Bonnie sighed, fading away from her smile "Junior, that is all well and good, and I can see..." She continued to stare outside the window for a little while "...but I got issues with the Possibles' Christmas continuing to mock me."
"Today is Christmas Eve, in case if you're wondering Come tumi, I will constantly be irritated by their noises, and that wannabe, I am still trying to think on what to do...in this case...pondering... I guarantee you, Junior, that she will flaunt her gifts for all the world to see."
Junior then suggested something vile "Why not have me dressed as Santa? Like with the coat and hat" Replied the oft-complaining man-child "I can guarantee you that you can steal their Christmas in a snap."
Then the Queen got an idea. An awful idea. The Queen got a wonderful, awful idea. (PART IV)
"Junior, I think I know a way."
Bonnie replied with the salacious grin "Hear me out on what I have to say!" She knew her plan would be as dirty as sin.
"A month ago, my dad arrested a drunk Santa at a mall He confiscated the belt, fake beard, hat, boots and all." She laughed in her throat. But Junior asked "Did he also get the coat?" "Oh yes, he did get that well..." Bonnie remembered. For she saw that incident in late-November.
Junior still questioned "But where can we get that suit in such short time?" "And will it fit this sexy booty of mine?" Bonnie said with a wide grin, "Junior, the suit's a perfect fit for you. It's in the basement by the way under boxes of old shoes."
"But I don't wanna go down the basement!" Junior whined for a while. That was the least of his problems for the overgrown man-child. Unlike his dad, he wasn't used to doing a life of crime Bonnie scoffed at him, "I'll go first and you'll follow behind." Junior whimpered "I hope that I don't look fat in that coat at all."
While his girlfriend held on to her baggy bib-down overall.
So about 30 minutes later, the evil couple found the Santa clothes Junior took a deep breath and said, "Let's see how this goes." To his amazement, they fit perfectly. Right down to the coat, which covered up his muscular belly. Bonnie grinned, "What a great and vile trick.
With this coat, fake beard, and hat, you look exactly like St. Nick.
Junior rightly pointed out. "Now that I am dressed as a Santa and that's all glad, ..." "...how can we destroy Kim Possible's Christmas so that we can make her sad."
"The solution to that problem is simple." Bonnie said, tenting her fingers "We are going to steal them in the middle of the night, and let nothing linger." "Contractor style trash bags and sacks are the best method to use "They are perfect to take on any trashy weight of abuse. "Once we steal all of the Possibles' gifts "We're going to jam them into a car, 'borrowed' from Cruella De Vil, for a lift."
"And then once we get outside the city limits where the elevation is higher. "We will then burn all their gifts and food in one great big fire."
Junior gasped at the audacity of this crime It would put their relationship to the test If they got caught by Team Possible, it surely would result in their arrest. Then again, he has some added muscle from HenchCo so he had one less thing to whine
"My love, I am ready to do the stealing with you, In case we win, I even reserved a romantic spot on the island for two! Just say the word and I can call upon some strong henchmen It would make our job easier, with me and you times ten."
"Now all I need to complete the look of fear Is that of a reindeer."
Bonnie looked outside her house for any of them, if that is so Unfortunately, a reindeer's habitat did not include Colorado Just as it so happens, her Pit Bull, Queenie, made his way down the stairs He began to drool everywhere His look was so fierce and full of hate Why the Queen named a male dog a female name, shouldn't be for debate But did this stop her? Not at all. She also stared at one of the bucks her father killed, mounted on the basement wall Bonnie simply said, "If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead!"
She instructed Junior to take a saw, duct tape, and some strong thread And tied a couple of big horns to Queenie's head. Junior asked "So when would be the stealing? What would be a perfect time to enter the Possible's main den?" Bonnie replied "I got a feeling..."
....That we will strike at ten!" "I know of a back alleyway That connects to their house But we have to be quiet, nothing more to say Nothing above the squeak of a mouse.
Agreeing to the plan set, Junior and Bonnie called up HenchCo To send in their stealthiest henchmen for at least ten in tow.
__________________________________________________________________________ (PART V) It was now 10pm as Bonnie, Junior and the henchmen started down Toward the Possible house, whose inhabitants lay snoring within town.
Despite the fact that they were sleeping, they thought they were protected By an exquisite alarm system that would blare a loud sound When an intruder would be found And he/or she would be detected
Their windows were also dark and the doors were locked They made sure an intruder's way out would be blocked All the Possibles, especially Kim, were dreaming without a single care When the villains came to their house on Middleton Square
The whole evil team snuck to the den at exactly 10 o'clock In order to undergo their villainous vice Ooooh....stealing Christmas from the Possibles will be quite nice.... ....That is, if they can get through the lock.
"We need to get through this door without causing the plan any harm... ...If we go in, it would surely set off that alarm. "Miss Rockwaller..." the lead henchman said, "...if it may say to suffice"
"This looks like a job for the HenchCo Automatic Disarming Alarm Device!"
The HADAD did it job It cracked the code for the alarm, rendering it useless But now came the issue of the door, still locked at its knob. "Lucky for me, I brought out my hairpin! Surely, it would let us in."
Unfortunately for her, the pin broke as a makeshift key Grunting, but not deterred, the Queen has a plan B She took out Junior's solid-gold limitless credit card Junior then whispered, as if he were doing a Sonnet from the Immortal Bard "Be careful, my love! That is my rarest card of all It's supposed to be used for the World's Richest Mall!"
This time, though, the hack card did work (Oh, if she only could invent the dance known as the twerk) The villainous team entered quietly into the room To begin Operation Villainous Christmas of Doom Bonnie gave a wide open smirk, so evil and so blatant That it rivaled that of the Prince of Darkness, Satan. She then saw all of the Possible stockings hung in a row. "Their stockings..." she grinned, "...are the first things to go!"
She instructed her dim BF to use a magnet for her first method of attack It loosened the nails and the stockings immediately fell in the sack
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